1111 t ~ j >i ii— l !*? **' J El 15NR_ y?J-A raa Jan.80.i864. redaeaday. Edttor & PfOprhter. —j.: > >'• pfiMBIMI, ■ Douab J., &o paper dieooatlatid iw scmmiuila»ti«n(; if imß, ttanfipo- . ,«* ** „ trill b« ck**** *»? uUktTe'P^ 1 * Tab! efe 'll ii» e PITTSBURGH,; B; B. i' mm tji'VKtiSD ' :.| Beaver , :r*^s ‘iSOr-* •’■ - 11 . ; 8:&0 p. kJ ■«f '■* ■: :.o« . 7Vflin* ; 615 V.- Arri ; ■ pirrsHtfßO, SO 'WSfT— kurpTat follow : es'at 8earer,..:...7:45. A. K. »- ......4:26 P. X;. Rochester.l..} 3:00 P. ■ -. “ T ....;.3;lt)'a; m. . McCUBLOtJGjI, jJVftV. <7ch’| Tffi't Agtnt. . rA\i>'F. & CHICAGO,E. B. tatioh— Going East 1 :* es Ho oh eater 1 ’! Arr.atPilts. 5:40 a: a. M. . 7:10 a. K sf-40 i. M. '12:80 p. 2:85. p. r. 8:00 P. m! 4:60t: m. 5:15 P. M...... 7;QP F. *. . l;05 a. m...... 2:2Q a. *. 2:05 p, M...... 8:30 p. it 6:45 E. it,-..... 7:50 P. M, OINd W*3T— - ' Roche V'” , , tear Ist BHgh’n Accor: id BrijtVn “j t-1 Brigh’n ’* a.h Brighton " ai!.. ; M Eipr«’ ! < lEiprtis. ■i. ncia'uEiF- j. , e 9 plus. Arr. at Rochester. 2:15 P. St:..— 4:00 p. u. j A. M. iSl'oO A. M {1:82 P. M. 4:80 P. Mi .16:10 -P. 6:40 'p. 'm.7:20 P. sij 7 : i)0 a. A. M. ‘ ; 4:45-a. M....... 3:00 a. m. 1:44 P. M. 3:00 p; 3; BRADLEY, Supt.vE. O'. .i froartfie ■ .‘/A Brigh’B ♦“ vpii ! Mail -Ist jxprcs*.' 2d qipTeft. ~ it. - { ' —*i statement of Banlciof Lyer County; " BniciHTOSj M afi 4, 1868. r.naocpcEg. ,1 . '■'Quarterly ; - Bei '' ' .\‘i 1- , ve * tiro&.n going from Rudolph afreet ijtoriiig snow, ■■* jmomont [before ,rc- .- p; on the la. ;e in. 182.3. the iTreraout jllousie, as tinsgreatest peril, and bail-, W:IS « member lndiana gT* yjsrds. NoT Orvjy hpndredijfbf,. butled it! as an ttngel of • Intiire'ffdrrf lssotfjjAS3O and in t\ f i>4p|; j ... 1 thousands of people had "eofne parts!Some Of the menwilh hatchets, j KQ L in ! ...,1 ,of their, bodies, frozen. |{iufidrcd« ofj the top otVth'e car and i-^ryufor .several of tho’Fdnq ; Bd ' . • * citizens, husinc|s .menj, (who resioeij commenced culling awkvj,he portion \ pP^fis^iadopte.dJStfit^,.; f 7 og a mile dr so fro p their of busi-il on lire ; other - jneit. andSjthe brave ,y n ]34Q he was 9 ** \cs the electors oh ■ "'1 141 dhess, could not reach tlteir’■■places of; wonjifcn carried - Vnow and|\dashc:d it '. the Harrison; idehtial ticket— ■_L 4 ■ business Iron. r lhursllay, night to Sat- 1 front thtf .|nsido alhd from,lips oulBidci7jE , I . oni $218,925 urday moriiingj TI ic street; railways upon t b cfyburn : ng roof, iAI first •' were blocked, uji, |and -hands >rould not ji,e'oiacd l a|,;it all hopes were vain’- buy;- \r ; >nls •..farii- out for feor of fr,eoj»jng- to death., energied-picre not slackened or hearts i adjhst ■; I L About forty -- yen women and chil«] unridfv«d^. / " •.M' ■ / ' 1856 hat ■ dren who.•vere.rn atlendahcd upon the j'. The contest was briefhuf desperate, ticket; j Catholic ladies’ ■ but resulted flames.peing quell- f> o pnbh liHall, rpmained in the hnH’ kll night, ’ed.- The wind and enow came rush* In 1853 !; i. • r. 20 ii j Unable to reach Itheir horaesj. Shott-1 ing Srmt‘ the great apertpre in tbs 1 certify tiistUheabotc statement is true and jly- after daylig lit sleigh* And other-roof, and the oar was nolohgpr tena- there n cen-co! a'sorvJiilito the bretof .inyknoJTledga j.conveyahce# wpre proc'nred]; and. the'bio. All thp passengers' then tnui>; -fnterioi sadUvicf. ■ Fbwasd Hpom, CMfi - r.- Ih»lf-Rtarvod| aid half-frozen women j drew to tbc\ncxt one. Proper pee- re &itrht *i®vniyMVAut «'ih«cnoecl before me, this 6th ; aiu j,chlldreinwljre carried hemo in ae'l-caniions wtsrcTSksn agair.fetfa similar ed by itTrf ><*«“'’*'» A.i>.. j p . i 'ijbmfoctahleV WaJ' as on;disaster there. Bql the i ashes had Member, , ’ J that morning. >j ', r j j becJi, nnfortunately, entirely removed fa e held On Now Year's day not a street ear; from the stoye of this car,i and, when ! -'ved ’ —t of Al| 'ity.—! *»t»i d. '.Jl' iti. Vies find VilU discounted; acti fir.e. under prompt;. ■ : ltiO 00 f. ?, fj 2'* G percent. }“ S. 7 3-10 perWtit." treaa. nolcK. /4,£GO 00 Furniture and quiets fixture^..-...'..... ‘ Of» Due,from other jWnkfll ........... 17,076 56 and checks of otter backs and, V. S. Treasury notes... ... Ooin in TnnJf........A..... ijro’.eat eooountii ■'j I i X'ABIUTIT.i tlspUai block pkid in.,..:...’.? 95,-050 00 Not'es in cin’ul, ,* ion— 1,400 00 ijue depositors-112..8C7 20' lJnetHeC6nimoiiw#aldi....,.| ( -2,720 17; i’vo.fits? sud car lings i j -'-' TO* to d>;iViiiida-unpaid..'. 4520 76 rvK-TT OROeERY r\ ' ’ ' V ■ '.[•■_ AMS" ' 1 j • PRODUCE STORK. .f’pnE subscriber respectfully' ennounseVto |S the cUiiohs of Beaver and vicinity. that pe has opened a'CHOpERV f£ PRODUCE STORE in. roop ' formerly occupied by. pokes A Tellnn, 'and directly opposite the Arg-.t office, vrhero we will keep constantly on joarid and' for sal* a large assortmiont of Gci-corics, such as i ■■ i ' COFFEE]-- IUCE. ‘ rTEA. • MOEASSJER, • I .SUGAR, | - SYRUP; •; ■ . ■ jMso, fJour. pqta/fqes,' Xd si!.other articles uounlly R,cpt in ; a .• (Tlipcferj - 'morel ■i[ ■ ' ■/•’i.tiulrv |iroduc>e tiikdn inleXPhanp©- , 5< r (ton'd*. at.ih'a tusrNem market price : UMi 1 7T. T. -McKtBBIN.- f it - . 'i (' -. “ tyinipiT , iidtpl, ■BEAVER, PENNI’A. , v 7 * i ; (JLARK, Paopuifctoii' I adtlijiioa uV lE’s couTenienctß. of a ;£r,s fiass'iHotol, Uh’e I'ropriotof Las! filled up ip ih juse, in a, complete and aatiafact-or; inaa ■i'Ltr, to ■ j OYSTER SALOON. Kh»ri- tte best quality of Oysters ipay bo bb ? 'sincli during, their, season,, in any desired {'amilies can bo furnished witn Oyaters, >hi ‘i c ! clan or dozen/ The-talble is furnished i “'■•th allltheiiaxuTicsl the PITTSBURG MAR i SET caCjiffiM.; .. ■ ■. - . , ’ ■ ’ Thanliful for the.-liboral paQronage hereto- A fore hr- 1 -' -«*d, 9 a >*“*'■ th< * res: eci ■ Work’s Groatj War Song, Words and Music, in .January Number.. . wl s' i7 OOL MAGAZIE'E FREE'. ‘ r~ Br.Ate-'s ISchool Visitor.— VoU uioo'-viif, ;>• Thej . Publisher of, a 'this favorite spmlipy, in Cinder to rbach all schools* ■wj,U send llieVisixon, bho year t 9 onb par,son- (who w.ill act as .iVgent)| an post-office-i n th'e P( nited States/ 'fins is an uhjlarallelbd pffer.l ' Address.^willf fir* ceiita enclosed'* 1 forpanScolars, . • \- 1 ‘ .J w. DAUGIIADAYi ( ' ‘ii Publisher, ■ . 1308 iChaefitnut St'., -Fmla*, Pa " DR. GEO. CLEIS - DFPF,Es his professional aetricesUo the *it icon's of BE AYER AND SURRODND ‘MjVisages, .JV-. , v ' iijfce is-inPEilllpaburg for the present, w j e ' catl * be consulted at any time, cdn f scia ys excepted. ,whiefe days he can fee, *“.?» Ws feflfM in >Pittsburg, j'where fee hay' - } p rw U .? f or morc it an twenty .years. > m , ,?* ca^'B t * ie i attention/of the afflicted I : '. v-V, .~ win ß diseases:—Scrofula! Diseased •i i OnJiV ■ • Affections, Female. Chnmij Discasea'of lone standing 1, i ' w i>mh he treats with remarkable »uo /, ' . /'<;■ ; : i , ; ,dee23:4t ■ : 4 AIL-ROAD house, roHNgby’. pr(tr 'M ■' r EOOUB9TST, _ Vji f i ■-i - -I "i- 4' ' * *■•'l ’/ V ' ' » >-- _■ ;^b.|j4'^-.. ' V": r ‘f : .' ! ' ir: -' ~ : ': :: " 1818 4 ~m: tcfoftflK aftd IfrlaHMtfpud ; tfc»t S h« ha' ‘vrero fallen Witb Hrd, '<i •. Iffflllll ,i .. 1 lEEE ; y- I; •? - ;; U -fV El , • W ‘ V'»: « •`" ' - .1i r • • sitnatfomwaa so. : . \ baffli n :Tbv Its Cflfeota out West-Qreat Siif- over abuiartd faring among Railroad 1 Puse&* many of them being women .jane i para—Many Persons Frozen to’pden,withf)ut,» short wjpply ibfcys Deatft. ; VU f Death, under,any circumstane^- / „ r' - i. V w>; that Irom our Cb-ieagp exchanges wefKwtvwwt "ttofit x gather thofollbwing accounts of-the • they aro'inUs presence,' But when gi» edicts -of the. late* cold ifehm out i-men are compelled to sU- attd- watphl a su V vr t • • j t. ; its coming, tbe flight of each where .'s' f 'moment which bHrigsfils-ioy touon ■toyTtßrri "The great snow storm,' which bom- j ne arer}au3,nearer. there is something hopifthit mencod. in ; ibis I Vicinity jabout lij j n terrible jthjat,while fescue it fttK ; o’clock on Thursday morningf seems j the Mutest: berpof ofj averting corpse, tool,'!- to have extended over l a , itact. of jj t weakest aims are derived. With jftnd-agaiin it country second only to thst visited gj an t’i| and the fairitfest jld flitd,. : «f by i tie memorable s,lor.mj of • iiearts-with bravest resolution. One i mnbe, ice li The recent storm was not jacepmpa- i, one but into the blitzing storm' thjjr, ‘With tl jnjed, in any ‘locality, with] ijminenae 1 went p Vjae who were able,\|and-dig- The body of | falls of snow yrbich formed the great | gjpg down through the snbw drifts erect in a sr 'feature of the storm of 1855 j neither: w bicb! were piled over them, they Aren; in her { wai tbejtrajsfdf country visited by it toro Vp the fences near the |road ; and at tholhroas' jsd extensivy, yet ;i,t possessed] features tbroihrht them as fuel to the cars.-"-. Tndsoyeh which made it more Bnj’lHerc’i was something i which' would yeyedito pet occurred for years. 1 , j p rov ilie warmth until'they | could bej r the stage, m - The groat, fail of show sbems Jtd ! rescujsd from their perilous mention 1 decently inb have been; in Illinois, the bimßtUy i Thji boards were brokeij bp, land : 'i‘ ■rj grbduo% decreasing, uuUl at Clove- the .fast cooling stoves tioor.igave . outpDcatH of ; land, - ' in the east,! there was little, anil I J g tt j ie , roo! » heatJ The w|hd, ,as it! ' Xhe.-'Hoi |, at Oaiaha, Nebraska, in the ti'est, btt i a long„ direw tbeflamas npV oD <j hf tlu ■three inches. 'Here it 'was about : t brotigb the kindling pine, until sldve j Stales Core j eigh’t and a half inches.. .|.:. .. u j a , l( ] .J>ipe)jw,ere heilod red! Then at Ind’ I pp Friday the snow .eease i-falling, pciil-broke upon the passengers. Thb|_ was ; but tbo.atmoaphorc became ntensoly , roof ot’ the car took fire] from the^. 0 ‘ r( j;j a giy i Two thermometers :n’tlio'dit.| marked j heated pipe, ahd/iyi jtlio wind ■dUughtJ : l i mQ ot. his 1 22 degrees,, .below aero. ' J-Qf, the flames, they roared and crackclcd u p Boston,' The mercury was governed- the j and juried downjivarda tojwards the j QincinDati exposure.-We J heard i of.Oiiftjiwnicb 1 passengers, as if th ‘■mockery of their | s r x years marked 28, .wliioh was' probably the ; misery. ••v-vl; ' studies at : lowest in (ity.'rThoj yriiid andj, Inj^ibisr nibmei.t i>f peril f.b» women ; eompieted cold, continued itrrible all day Friday.! the mein i«‘ their j efforts for ; venuty. It-was dangerpu.i to travel 'any diai j thje common safety. , Mifrej; tliam one ; t j a nd •taßfe. One gentleman had ibis ’ .fairljiand no.w eagjerly gnisjjedthe-glit-!c.draraeiicec THE COLS TERM *24-48 was mo.ved jin any part o> city—-anticipating .llo danger, Even'hid the tracks .been in condition the] oar- took fire front- tho bottom off !to render movement possible, it could the stove'. It Was much easier ei-j - i not hat-fi been done; ■ Neither man j tinguiahed than I ' tho other,! but not 1 ” u ;_ et j nor boast cOuldi have endured the | without considerable labor, lor untH ul *^ jtemble cold—twenty . to' thirty de- large portion of the floor pad been c ’ n -f et _ greds beloyv iero, . . .:1 catjaway; and car ren« Tfie odds r :t9 with every olheif -man Visible oftsdered untenable also, tears in,its •ekvtf-’.ls In favor of the the streets New Year’s day presented The passengers of North.’?. Chkhollorvllte afidthe first a frozen nose; a paiif of frozen ears, were, now . h “<Mfrd th ® day -of. CAiifctaM'v* j&i no]m{. frozen cheeks, or corap’ained of frozen only 1 remain vlL^’-hi'th* ! hie reverses suslkined by piir arjbs/j toes. or. fingers.- Such-owes were Deary, while we cin puddly p4§rto tht slight, however, when compared with an(| there o ~. Pe .Xi, ihnbstnntial victories, of Jieitysbufg, some' bthprs. • Three abating or of | fvicksbur’g. Port Hudson and Chatla pieked tip by, the policephfrThursday ■ mg| them. A sense tbatfrrnble siif-j • - b - ,; : ‘night, whp,‘were-rapidly .freezing to : forrngs and a horrible depth awaited ■, (l T ;(fr,ricg t bf v the South ”it ‘ Ideatfi! One was found un the .public them in the hours of tdaAnpss, now 1W. : 1 square, wifii both feel so hpdly frozen j U|s’and so to spekk. of llje.t that; it Isfeaped they will have to be | among the ?“’ - North have secured [precious- coiUf amputated. Another had ; h iaj face, j one they sufferer themself to drift t rj,, : n a V s* a tionl of the MissMt tears and both' frimfr frozen badly— ‘ mfr-tlmt state of list css | c thowhblA'' The ibtrd was loss piously injured j -t ? * Mp £rtToWj A man was earned into -Parmloqa , are oalfnlt awaiting a fafr thej. cap- | ;and| lastly, toe! ;!bprh,,so-oadly frozen that it was ; not avert. p i gaining.df a foothold an the i^borosbfj ,'thought tie would die. One of the, • Sudoenb,.; hoiNhyei. tacy were iTexas ' With . the exienlion of &alJ jCarriers of the rPtit, wWfr.<frijv,eribg:;staj-tled into-mevy hope bytfv^^^^ eB ton, retain ai IhU papers on Friday morning,-beyond ; ofrp tram of the Michigan SoUi.nc.rn A,, the .- ea j.' Secession has continukllv- S’ tff ion Park, whs so badly frozen that riu roadl It slopped-at pho crossing , T nd’-without; red ami n g jank- i'n had to he carried mlhia house and of. the- two . roads, pnty some. ,fr«r i provided with mbdk-hl aid. cask;,hundred yards .distant, «nd its con-1 ,V‘ 4 . \ . ?'•!. ■•‘ - J<• Lsil) iwe learn.*?«'aoV dangerous’. ! i . *'' signified his readiness, to take (lots copfossion- ~s the more; sigpin-J !’ There, was a- reporl current- in tho ! the passengers of the Michigan C en *. ffonatbe fact that_ the iccufrier lioitv that 'six mon'had frozen' to death;; tral train into tip, city. Tho work of has- hocn smigmno .0 th| be fat Cartp Fry.-; Thepo .U no 'truth in j transferring, vyas ;pnmediatjely j M that the .South fit. There waS, iducbpsiiffering among i-coipmcnced, thej engine in the mean- • i the' men,iof. course;but no ! time .moving J-ho! train slowly back- Tliev ato now Comfortably: quartered.wards apdf forwards,; to .prevent the inear MetropolitaVi Nall.' ‘ J - .... front drifting around and under. ll'lt was reported tliat forty'prisQb--!fr f' ; ; ; j .!«? .-■ Ji-B were frozen to | death si Camp ] Thp distance between the two trains Douglas. The; number was- subsi!-l neirly fm.r imudrod yards was ■HHed quently reduced io eight. There are ‘ Wiih-a drift dearly ton fret in depth,, 'no reasons why jthis should bo tt de.— : anj-lp make the passage j from one to The prisoners are provided 'with other w«s : a work ofj gicat -labor racks which are cerUinly4uflicient to i difficulty. : The storni was-at Us prevent freezing. • ■ iWe should not j befftbl and the cold'; so that have been surprised if the guards had I thf faces pi tip wbmen and chtldrcu frozen, and tlfr suffering among them ! were frozen.almdst «« W as they must have " . - 1 ; in contact with 1 the wind-, The train Jon the Michigan Centr.l j ‘; u t nl 1 n « wl } ue 8210 -i'J hey railroad, Wmch was due here at half in .boding-;watw.- past lO oclocK on'Thursday evening; Scarcely kdy on*. mpde proceeded with great difficulty until 9*l? to tho othei without( being within about four hundred yards of baj y fi£t 'Ucn ,qmfr\ sens Abe Michigan Southern Crossing,; nA - y K ..|J. Wio seven miles; out. There, -at 6 ; Sipdai trying o’clock, oh Friday n.Ptnin’g, the train sc^ea ioccurrecboni other; roadsy. pluftgecl into an immense drift, whfcfi: The Tribune reports an »p^j lay directly jacioss itS-way., The palling idisastor in| the vicinity of] powerful locomotive pushed , ahead- p o int, near the Indiana'dine, riglit rdyaily at frrst, scattering the 1 b , hi h I3iani naihed %rut»r, the snow in ‘glittering clouds -upon - . , :., , ■ . 'each side, as fasily as a ship would! wfrh his wife and five children per part tho | Farther and stilltished* ; The oldest childwas a. bpy further into the drift, and slower and aged seven, the next aj boy- of five, still slbwer went .the engine. -It lad a dA three girls all of a iess age than bored and struggled as ifrloth to give tbe . b „ th 6 youngest but an infant, un the,contest, but fically Stopped. ™ - i...* ■ . - T > i> ■ ! The faithful engineer . then sosght. The' 2V(6uße says: . , y" . to back ; the locomotive. But-.the ‘The driver, of oofrh com- * * * ! '-W' Pdi ; ’ Tto '' powerful engine was in.tbe giahtl i in whose hands .its strength was hufc lhat. of a child; ! The wind '; eweptaroungth# train and brought it closer within f the chilling coil* of'the merciless drift: ,Tbe train,, far.from assistance, wasitnprisonod in the snow.*. The Whea 'th% pasßebgers realired the perils of th|ir ing frbm Grown! Point 110 Lake, via Centerville; found : that Krataer'? dwelling;'had been., burned to the ground, it ir,supposed the night pre viously', but hone ofthe family were ] to been Seen. -'-Abbot on,however,' jbe was hoMßeil jjWJffhdy the father, and two -to The boy• thf mhbr’e Important Union Meetlhg in i The Great Hog Raid • ; I r ,! fHnninnnti. L (■ -/A - , ‘"-r, .> '\T.' ■'■ liV-jiki : A private letter frpm Cbiptain ’ of'the most enthasiastio, and Hunting,dated at LpndonjKenta meeting eVbrhaidpo’j e t g;, w hU* jhe jw.M the P". Ohto.assembled last Thursday eve, j oo im6nt * t f Kn c)xr ; mag atiMozarli Hall, in Cincinnati.—* -A. .v It was preluded over by Gen. Roaa-l gives'* graphu> sketch ofithe fir Icraiufi ,and beside Trim wfere ; seated ’andvexpensa caused by lipngatij Gens.Nogley and'Gantt. ,TKo ye- j menanco; of/ Bfjrusidc. The w] marks tpade'by Goh. Gantt, who waS'.i lt ; s am:iz ihg tori Led ilia ex until quite recently,' a general In 'the i,.r f . rt „- .nil w*r ‘herb irabetf array. drew forth; the Hearty bp,-;;^ 08 ® ; 0n tl *3 J*. Jt- . ilproßitibri oJ'i tbp. audience. Jlc isiiow ; bipong the mountains, fU 8 * ; thoroughly loyal, a'nd in favor of the tills item,: ■ ' ' ■• ■ j > i total'abohtidr. of slavery. In'Ms let-.; thousand bogs >yere driven ' ,4er, declining to addressee' people pf: £ e ‘xingtou towards | Kndxville Cincinnati, "which- wa|s yoad, at (the (distant Two hundred imi.les, yneeunlg, lip, - declared' that in. ibur - were fat lipgs, driven ovT-kl' ihis'Te.m- ] months Arkansas 'would resume her ; b)e raudir|oaTi. . 'It I .was cxjpectedp'.jllai 1 relations with the National Govern.-gill co'ildlba got-nt, KboxyijleJ so "nientflintlbr a Oofistilirtion excluding i ihe bogs could'be kited |aud'packed • doreforinegro slavery-fmm her soil, as j tUere. 'j' having hhen the soured of all her suf- j j Beloro 1 they hiirived at; Kfioxv'lle, j fdrifigskhd and closing up j iprvgslrmlt.rnadeilh'U sudden'advance, j t!»o, path way' to Wealth, power and | mid invested the place, Theudjyance i - iprogross., .I 1 .* ! ’• ]of the .swinish iaultitudh-ihadj then -, !' i,'Ho implored tjiose present., and u.ll -Ireached a pointi;\vi,lhin fifteen, miles j /B. Squtitmen,iTor the sake of thy bleed*' df Knoxville. Tlih - rebels; made il Blood Smith, Hog and ijesolatedrSonth, fontho. sake ;|cavalry charge, and. /captured d^y f y j if: the \Unitedof restoring qui«jt add order to onvji.hpgs. which Uihjiriycr#, however. Ue-, ir‘ di- i distracted hounlriy, afid for tba sake i'captured by their well-known pall.- •»f week* He '.d? (preventing our noble National edi.-'l The order- carne to,turn Ifio hogs pack. SL aud - was, ac* I fice'breaking to latorhs, to, no , "Eight about wheel.. Tbe wor d was Jctb year'at .the 1 jolhfir • jvoril of pefice to hi# misguided | passed, along the inimtftiHp Itlroy was a natiyei Southern; friends, save that which fgrunted; "aye,” jbut being fat they as‘brought, tfi 'thunders from the mouth of every ■ wore able, only ito turn at an.angle (its: .when, odly!! danfion, or flashes frpui the point of and. retreat)'.to .another gap .in the tbminenedd his!-; bat-h gleaming sword. : ' rrionntains Butilbaek thfiy'c.ame, one' Ti College,- the reading df tlie letter ar.d bandrod anacightv-mrle^^er.^ :,Mia'ma;H,hi-i to cal,l» ;fot. f n< ?. mu^-! B>. Bf* ,r|’f-’- ,- A ‘ iitw fit pincitpia- \ fiinf he’mado some highly interesting , ln ' vin gf M °k e j v '?“ •'• r, Jr. 1 Indianfi; which helrihfly 'reierred. the adVan e novy J, W, io of.his;p.rbfea-1 to l|is cqnneclion with; the Southern | ie p° rcin ° traye er. , Five Deaths at a ■'J'iSie.—Aj-Frefriclij man resolved to get nd' of life, i'Ctii a little bbford high tide, to a .post *et by the seaside.’ Htfhad provided himl- Self >viLh a‘: ladder,, aj ropg, a pistol, fi bwidlo of matches and a. vial of poU son- ~.os am. lion-Sn[tto'tuturv uo - ... ... Ascending s thehladdetvlbc tied ous and prosperous! than | ever, belocq. one end ..to the post, andthe. other end ' . ' j ... - < JL-\ around iiis neck, than ho took the -V-l we! i gnkwn that Child, .the poison, sethis clothes on fire pul the 1 > n m,n!M!Am.T '• Kv-Adenied 'that muzzle of ;ihe pistoFto hi* -hind, and [-paSled rebelpldicrs at kicked aVaf theladder. In J°V“ e ’* en t to reinforce down be gapped b uV. unfortunately for tol -so that the ball, &^ Footer member and cut the rope-.-Jjyj which h<? was f]. in his charge suspended - he , fell jinto the Boa/lhus jiffl made on the Slh ext.nguiWg the flUes or bis clothes S iX d S and the sea watfer, .Which he involunA e ofPemberi tardy swallowed, tWWcd; bi* Bragg’s poison, and a ware fished hmdst-il he soldiers I as they iode by, shore, ;Uhn* in , splto of lions. ,h?>nained| unhanged, &k «« W-if W '^l’po>'pned j nhburnod, andnpdpsHted. j j ,i g tili »tj*6»|er evidence of Mr. ■-f . 1 7T '■ ■„ ’< V : Quid’s wftnt olfHruthfr.VidSs is found GaAßLEsto.s.—The usually the co^feVs io ns ?pf many prison^ «d correspobdent of £h<s*E pston Herald? at r the late ,battle. '‘t Chatta-pidj writing Irons' the.dect 01E CbaHestbn,: gai, that they \j-pr{e;pf th« palrolcd guy dated Doc. 23d; pays: of papers t£fthereds a ofjon. JsoBU?onts easiness pfteause'llic naviy berefis idle. a itVules of honor, i, •: ■] , 1 Let inO'SiyAf thVpeople pf'tjhe'.North'i'' J, 1 -■...L I V only knew the 1 reason whyiwe are 1 , r idle thsy! would atop grumbling. Jo v*®*A good.^Miwasppmetrpv l^ ' j>j dob Beaßob theyAvilt haye aTjchance to. .‘J.sijobol iprjsojtter ■capttured at-. • • ca J rejoice ojrer' thb doings!' of the navy inikuga. T|iC|rpbol was Jlooiiing-.it 01m before Charleston. To prdve that <f our guns and remarked tout ue this is no idle atatbm'ent, f«m-willing ‘ didn’t thftkdhat would to wager one hundred - dollars with u£4 thym big jnnßj much longer. . any Northern grumbler) th'uCvi/ cvtpy- hj'Wby nst £???'iiji thing: works according t 6 tke plant laid\ :|b»d. he,- J oaf. Ch&rlestoh wilf by *cy isgbltingso narrow tb»t *ou '1 the Union forces: lo sixty diyefroin i'ire clear oyent and hit yoay men oa date." V r,!-;;. f>.V ; ■.heother sidy.' -j,..!. • U' ■! i .' 1 I 1;! :i ji'•• / ■ ; | ■ j \■■ •’[ ’ ■ i | in the coach, its way. only short d;Br i« ! of the mo- children Standing' ;ith; tte t*Wl-[ anngesilicidgi lea |vrere: 4oti-'i j the driver of j ate they wele j /*?> nHul*! arniv, in the. slave ‘Statoitfl^W'sh 1 P acket *[ * to -*' BSi,t ntr l blitin k' .ta-thja ■Si* •feoiW and"- sVinpatbies - hog ; ' *? thought to hmthe. r ;i ineUskies, VI hat sbej tbole'amo£g whfin [bp had lived all^ 00 ' 1 e ®f ct 'J u ?ho siine ; '' Ui « ht !».,,4 &i:^£ r gi? r SSf toSSjh#* *¥*4*4 t -‘- ; •.?; * ‘ ■ ihoj must whin Goa- a. ar —Wdthiu ibe pa?ythree ! pioiuhs* tnr;• This proved not tq.'-be an- « aB y*[ -we-see-■ instated, firastu* las, 1 .:, and whilejtbe XankoOT. engaged y o rfc, !ink'i'P»»’»di£se<l• oly.rr J3.0,—.i( tbft attention of tbe rebel? the - qOO acres of dind in ‘Michigan. ThW ersfrclreachd ip reapeoUble h|gg«3h | p flirbft ,^ ,of‘pi. Jobnshi Si -y. John Wvf. order. r ■ ! Mv? ). M. of Bo?V! Now the principal evd arming ton i j J \t . ;F«ekersgill r of New r this great; mofenjicht .outlie pigs ,’ 9 '[York, 'and men . df‘that class, have not the 8100,00,0 expens? tp the Gov-,. at dibuuh ; ordment,. but .ttje,literal icatlng np 0* ] s(jpp'oo ahres,,ob>TaTiidn Uiasist4j»-.-N. •'.. all the corn the; connttjJ Only, think ; One'NevvTYprk' 1 company , has \vkhtij?N ■; of i 1 J&tj,l in t this £* almost - wilderness >«Winnwrd - ’ thirty miles' around Loudos >!■ few farmbrsbaW an.ear 01 ■ive a hbridid»dd it- ist still .{stance of t'erij miles cin| -eaei the rohdjn order to obtain ft When they cojild not. , i-bow long-he had been in the tobeh money they would pay in hogs. As j gervico.and on replying “three years.” _ ... |- . .■ 'll the isUniWl' wast asked hoyr, long the . war bad! ituf ••Liw.-Ji'! pretty hear cioanei out the byi | b i n progress! \sb|e« be holdmg States sought «ton i!theii . pf imprrpssmeoV, fron “ I “about fifteen .yekw 1". -Wlidnihskfedi' mpu of slavery, plnd;Wpen the, f r ; e „rt and|the ! foe;t)ie .moCrtiUin-l it ;j, p;wag „»i,t surd of-llmt, h’e H&id.l 1 ' | Boqght to it;tuey uoter- I willingly.traded-with pjg'Qrlyera; j kei>tfjno tally,■ | "?T e > d 1 S* vsd B “MP for/lfwgf"-■ f l ? e9 « 1 ldb Itnovy—Urtein .Wjop.havo.i s own. . When tbej w,ni jrphe out they ( _ oor p eo pL |ieretofoire ■Htbe&tf hangiu’ title 'darned iAb'lfsßhisu' flattered lbfA j ,w a ys|_rai|ed..enough, to eat of. their sight longer liiuer'nor'ibnu ■keep it ('cause then- kMp their ar-| Be | Ye9 ' D , o |v% ,tq' pay 82.25 a'j 1 raids. and tiqUligt , : bushel forlcorn or wove away... I t necessaries oiTTthiljyiiile thfc aorta). .-., • 1 - \ v£ ■■ ,i .- | thai no such .aijyfuita'ges, But the ;.V" _ : '■ ' ■ | prpclatioTi of eraddtipalipn cainc-out, 1 ? *r : G-,cnes At.jßcroßD. ; ’ami it was des,trpying .all their calcu! late Major General j Buford,, than ’laliions] j 1 ;| ■ i| wbdm jm>b.ahly dp coin nandpr was so , j . 'in'conclusion j ilhli'epeaketi'tiiquired-H 'jd'ctfOlMly laved by thoseiarouijd.hin,,; I w,h»t Is the; philosophy of ’ all-, this .w.-ts offered-a'iryjor;g^craracoiiim^.,, j Btluas seCii, ill i fhe.(re<dlS« now" sion jni-ffcd 'vbei ar.hy who'p pte was vn . • deVidonodl? jit ; isbh^.tinsw'ered, that U tab. 1 'He crus lie' 1 Jlih cbifrm.nni.eai- , Golf Almighty in’jeaclediUKht negro tion in; hishaijd and detdarhi) that he slijverv should hb : *|cHrpjtetlan<l !l;is would-1 live• atjd- dip _ ayderjf Jib- flag.o». belh<U,lfe«tvoyed. i Thisisidleinh coni- the Union. A levy hoyrs ( betoro his . '■Tittionio! a tre&nil jiyVrqiatd-'of .Rlaj-'. dualii, gnd uiijily frjiindelm j Ve|i ! r -who had ' feiit! la-1 fcbine ort opuni. Wroyndty scolded,; hiu'riogm ser.-, Wartimes figlrilidg iustahvit, but recqpring bim.selt| towprtn-., cdTtho (onthusiasmof the iaudienye.to ;jri!y be culled Who' negro to' iw bedside eel andlfchbered (again / .lye eonteSided (have, been scolding yji u.>. p Aid .not ; that this' was Ja - (great 1 struggle to . know wlua[l ,was. sayir)g._ l.o« have . 'thirds from; itself a'foreign eleinnpt,as i been a. hijiUif|il servant, Edward. j the Body in diserJse-tlirhws offi the. |The poor, hegro sat. dow d pn<y wept, irtipari ties of the 1 system.; : He.hid dp though \yf ddubt it wouldbsdjecsed,'and'lhQ ua- VV heu; Uyny_Buford receive]; his cpin f^n-initl«j v futu% bie inoid bomogenej* l.mis«Whlu| ;Msoi: jG^nwyal-Kifisti. a 1,2 w, : hoi)M Tk.of'bri-i:l:>ih lined, jvNow ii-wisu II coaid liiye.-’: i liis .lust intelligiblb wotfdsj uttered, 'during, an laUack oi'lclciipivm, were: ‘)l|n t guards 'on all tbcjr jals, and don't let Ihe.men' ; n;r. gack to HhW War.”'. ,TuU- was an of the ruling passFoaslrong .in trait inj Gent Buford’s .character! wbis more conspitjions than Ibis flis!ik|a.i J to see men'skhiking or hinging, on] the rear.- ( ’, : . Tiik Biqoest Yet.—A few weeks since we igavid an account of a mam nr.otli hog latlencd ;n x t!lus,c ty by Air Gundakei-.i-and which Weighed' when 1 cleaned,.So9 pounds, -oThere is ,one in New Yorkljust now, th At .be ate |l con ; siderably. j The hog in question was three yoais old last Apr i.raif ed.by John \V Cpporaan. in - Cayi *a; cdqnty ■and; i fattened \ biy‘i Jt. B. Bonham. ot Tom’* kins county.; New ,Yor k.- ’his hog in ilay,' l}S6ii. weighed 1,120 pounds.— 1 In September heiweighed 1,249 pounds, lln ()c tAber I,2Td pda rids In JDecom t berho w«i'gl l ieß r sßB40 I p.oatt<|i r 'and has i beeiigrpwing|lraydlyj since, and ' will jprobably; weigh !, 400, pduhds, to-day. Can. the' pdrkgfaisers of, county beat thisi,'— Lancaster Egress, 1 - " I 'l' " ~ ' .'V : relrW'nßrv <v»ni;|sts, ncconl-i' ; lug t6-tiici£r| btt«ml;regort»,ot 3-83 ’ officers, i Congressli cers, %ndi OT7 •e»m<9n, or,j j «.bont \yro' limmS: officsn to •▼•fy man. 1 ; . As IsbiDEsr.^— Dutinsj ' o I the Crreat saj»it»ry- F airat Cincinv, '; nati, r^cnjtiy,} U. P Caddii . :< • ihado an-eloquent;,speech, »nd> closed , his remarks aneloquont and , happy:tribute towomanandbec yy- Hi* cauSe-j ! . }■' i Thi-vrerrvarlc (talled , ' owns, |tbe tpeajjdbiiW Who | j very, ijitercbtjnx-. incident, of afemalo spvjwho caSifo.to hiahtadqaactera hiore-ibiitti Sk’ jfcdrld^di - dud she felt jit jVfeflid#ty ,tb'the chase ~. her- {•putvtry to i offer bdr ■.. penetrate the (jnes of the V:-; ; examine iti condition,•: etc.,. apd/ah# 1 : . i.porm{BiOn*to go [upon that CCT*nd|«.. ; >; After considerable, i «as allowed- ujfigo,'- and ‘-by Vlrttidfoif , being"an actress, she. succeeded, lul i though; 'generally ftpeaking,,aha yfas r , . ipot an actrossl H. - '" ‘‘ , r ' . : 'f 1 After i being ! gone ,a , considerable • ;\ , j length of tfihe! jto.be coni : . ‘ ! sideraWe anxiety; for return,>fedj .f ;j . i • ■ I and learn horl discoveries, she came’; , ' i not, VTLen ebe; federal army took 1 possession of ; Shelby ville, . ) found this.iwpmap in • ied to death as' si spy, and a wai ting •: V her eto like a pftriot ahd hero. ■ had been rescjaed ; just in tlnfo to Save/ 1 ■. I bef-f:om the cjoorn. .l Slia , wall immediately Isent lorN&sh,' r - ; i ville, whore;g|ieyras fyijng sjek/for a; , fi niimber of niqnlhs!^;‘‘Tibia '(Sjtondaj-) morning,’’ sural iGeffT Jioaejjriihs, “I .• received a.carjd'bcslnng herAiimi*. iuid , j I had, an .interview hejp.'’ •, hud :beoni washing hy Cincinnati for tyro weeks in oijde'r ' raise jneanaU), take her to'her'fri/ now of t£?ew- .York l T ed,ths n\eeting 'well—bowt’j Tilis .DuAji'i ix . Indiana.—lndTani w-fout.ot. the, woods’’ and,some ;- .dOdtJL over. ijl'le'UjmT qclisuueiitN foi - . iicw;V iregim’efcis’.i/ 8,275. ■Over‘*; | jOO -ipu-h’A were ruqijuited Tor old regiments, nfa.k; ' ing’Lbo enlistment* ahniit la.jJOOd. The ro eid-islments among ,tbo old he ghiieilis aTeadj - nrcertallied,, UitfJifdi .«napdHa- Jhuriio.l .says.,,make up.- ibi^. •balance required to filj the Indiana quota’ of .16.14’!, and some 2,006 ofer to_ apply-mi,the next call, should db other ever' bo {found necessary.; .The-; JlooderT will do on I ’ j| p E'issin*(? a 'Scsbeam.—A babe, ■ h ! pt old e'nougb';-td apeak or Walk,' waS • creeping pu.tue floor;. By and by a - bright raj 01. sunshine fell - upon ,tbe i carpet. tJabyiSaw.-jt. and,'Cr.*p't°' ward, the dazzling object. She looked af iti and, crept all arpiind it, with the i interest in her,[sweet-dace, and ithcn v ‘ puttingdo;wiv her little lips, she, 'kiss ed it. Kovr was ndt that beautiful Z * —’ li.ftdedr - ' ThcbrSg'i t- liUte miaboaru lightajHip Joy, in.bar ,baby heart, atiri' she,. *x;. * priWedthatjyy with anweet kiss. ;• A Financial A\>r. T?h,o war he ■ tween jthe S|atie j and .;National batiks iis jjrradnallyiripemng. iTlie.Anierfcan i Exchange Bank; 'of- New T-ork,diafJ j opened the pall and instructed its tel?' , lers to refusp thpX'irouMting notes, of, ithe-First Xatioii?.! Bank of Washing '“ton, .which Ibariji inade theiii t appear.- karco in ; B®>A law rebel Sonnt ficei for the ( veatf.', when ted'bv, 1 be-, or rejoo tod monel Engy in hopeful; talkiingt? | B®*Tlio v iis TTpitn: the liarjifi of A,. ,h am Lincoln atr (be head-of'itS Cf)h:runa v aa its candidate for Presidif it .in. ISfri. , a, .lira' ; - *®"‘ f-Bea fitful dreather "■ &a : {ti tfgPVr tloniarv hiaid.- wjjch 'he- chanced do 'peW it tender; of button , oit bit ijdaie one day at dinner., / , , ■i—— -VT iona’ti I kiii rtfiiiOiii'jfcV.'. , ’ 1 :,i : _j,- ■, ' l 'Has been passed p the eplHinit ibo- term of- tiU Dahinfet Ministers to two tiHisy may bero-noinina-, Prebident and con firmed byjtibe Senate. ,Tbe \rer je.cnnrnS-rrts on;, the bdl that are fiir from' resent advisors.' •; .... Harris, member :b* _ dfed > n B&P S rirdltat , ,•, i’ •“= ;rp) ’ I ■ ’ JU'. - jzn! ;ht / ■«] ' ■>. V '’VM f.CT EU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers