- • . I I=l e;:s3 Mrnmm*- 4. is _ •• NSW & Ig *tnum, is ABVAirciv otb* wfflbeeWrgea- ... . tore promptiattentloa. , '- • ■ -i! " -^^TOTOirfe s - ■ Biavta, Deo. 29th,1853 PnriMit tp. a call oAbA County Superintendent, a number of Teachers of Beaverxbunty conved at the Union School balding, in Beaver, for, tb* purpose of organizing an educational society, and organijteikby appointing J.-J. B«ed Chairman, and.?. iLßoyd Secretary pro tem l)r.. Breckenridge .was then called upon 'to lead the Insti tute in prayer. On a commit tee of .five was appointed to draft a constitution for the, government of the Institute to repbrti at thp afternoon aeapion. ( The chair appointed' Dr. Breckenridge,. C. Boggs,M; L. Knight, J; M. Boyd and it. d. Creswell said committee, ‘.On rh'afjon, the Ihstithte adjourned to «heot at If, - p. » j, \ Afternoon Session.—Society met ad-! cording to President in the chair.ji Minn forenoon session read and Approved. The l ohm mittpe appointed to draft a constitu tion and prepare business for the af ternoon were called upoh, and,! thro’ their chairman, offered the following preampleadd constitution ,'which was. read and adopted:' j .■ j; j. Whereas, It is our duty as rational apd accountable beings, to avail our selves of AM the facili ties which jProv idence affords us for the proper devel opment and improvement oiMojur men tal And moral facilities: Therefore, Ifesolved, That wo form ourselves m fpAn association for mental improve ment, to be - as “The j Beaver. ■ . --‘•'u~i County Educational Institute,’’ .and Quarterly. Statement of Bank 0 r that we adopt the following Cohstita <- Beaver County- ti.oh fpr our guidance: ' , ;<i ' . NEwlteiiiHxoK.jioT. 4, 186 S 1 Art.. Ist. The ohject,of khis.Asso , JbesoVuces. ] ; , ciation shall be the mutual improve fctuzni bills discoantcil. Botivs' $68,724 48 roent of its\ members in the 1 theory ins 'T * X.i. r s-10 per cent, irias. notes... 4.850 oA vaimemout oT education generally. furniture sad officer fixtures. 1.. t,958 9ii Art *nd. The OulCCl's of this Soci*- Dae from 0tJftrbank5.^J........17,075 5 ! ety shall bea President, Vice Prosi .Vcte" ar.'tqheok'sqf othtr baiu.i. (id dent, ~ iiecotding *ai)il Corrcspdlldirig froiMtsecant...; I'd Jf* OkjMTO ‘ ! * • ' - huuU be ti the CdrreepondmsfSdfci & ' 1 Beaver StatiohffGoiite Eabk. ' c&nrtnKS* "ifoerfay, 2?o» I®i S*ct&Station w/ouowMi ■ { molj- x. ArrlTe**t Pittsburgh, 10i0p i‘. *., .'.Sfc'*! •' •: 1 “rsfejf. : tE ».• *• •• ••••■'■■ *•<>*.*. ~ -v; ■ ooiko - ■ v,- ' . jvjhu I^WjW/sXMjfc. , itf *.«. l.i: *. t.nn s n. ’ ;U7vt k* M, , Boohester..;.; feOO p.n. '■ * - " .Jr.KlO 'Aj-n: 5 r jj. N. McOULLOCQH.vJWtX; .■’F. E. MTKRS. Qm%TttutSgm.w, |v • PirrSBCRO-; FT- WAYNE k itß. ’ r Booheater Station— Going East. ■ | leaves Rochester Art at Pitta. Ist BrUh’n Accom. 5:40 7:20 A. ti. i «s BriiV* *' 7:10,1. *. Jl. : id Brigh’a' »• «• ; :.i Brilbtoa “ 3:00 P. M....:. 4:50 P.K. ■•.ail' -V* *b\ 6 *• “—'4 |?°° * *• v utExprew/ r 1 : 2? *• *T"t a “* .; C.aofcVt %•- = m .*• ■- ■ ■ „-’i ■$ .' Goi*o Wist—* ~ >y, ■. ,; , ”•>!; . Leassi Pitta. Arr. at-Ejoehester. rroatflin Xeson- . 2:15 p. 4|oo >. -if. ]st Briah'aAcaoß. 8:16 i• M— 1. W. VSdßrigh’B - 12:00 1. liS2 p. *.- VfcJ ;•]« •“ .- 4:SO P. U.....V C:,10 p. j*. ' ;s}(,' ; ;<* “ ] s:4ft p. m:......, 7:20 p. k, Util.h’ y'- . 7:00 i. M | 8:20 */si ’lit Express, J-"is a. L 8:00 i. "k f7jJT|pr«M, W 4 r- 8:00 p. m ■ J. ’ AUd. BRADLEY, Bupt., TE. in ~respo. Jing jretary. Said officers shall be" elected annually in December, by ballot, and perform f the' duties’ usually 1 , assigned such of f fleers; v- „ ' .■•, . -J ■■ , Art! 3rd. A‘ny teacher, or person [d6|iroiiB of’ entering the profession, or jWhjP&ctivo friend of education* ihay ai member of this association, by Phyiiigap initiation fee of 25 bents, (laaiCa ejccepted) and subscribing to theJDonßtit,tttiQn. T * , , Art.. 4th. The regular m’eetingifccf this .-society shall bp held anniialy in December but special'meoti ntrs may •fan Sifpcriotendenl. >, s ' . Ij " ' ■V't, sth., ' 'JUiis Constitution! may be amended, or any of its provisions terripsrarily suspended, by a [vote of two thirds; pf. the members btePpnt, and ten members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the t;ana. action of business.. | ■. | 1 On motion, two critics, were a'ddcd Lo the list of Offices. *• - . , The committee then ..reported the following business fori t|m afternoon. Election' of offlceisi jand aijciissioa of the following!question: ‘‘Hot shall I this Institute 1 ; be'made interesting and j useful The election of officers for j the ensuing year,,being next in order, ! respited as toilowi: ! i 'l' ! Pjrcsidenl: J. I. E«ed, (Co So n’t.) ,Vjice President: ,S; H. Peirsbl.; Ecc. Sec’y: J. Whithara. ! i •Cor. Sec’y; Dr. Breckcnridgo.. ! = J , Executive Comlrilttee: Dk B'reck enridge,-J. I.jßeed, S.uM, Poirsol, C. Boggs, J. M.jßpydr! •; M.j Critics; Miss Kate Moorhead; M. li. Knight.,’ . .i, : I' , | jj. ■ On motion, ‘ tbedlfjmjssion ;of the question, “How shall this Institute bk made interesting and' useful ?’f was laid over until.the evening session,— The Executive Committee reported the following business for thp evening session. Ist; President’s mahgur&l address; Discussion! “Mow shall this institution bo made interesting and useful 3d, ,Lpcturo;*by Dr, Breck enridge— or 1 alpha betic writing/’J 1 . Oh motion, the Institute at journetl to meet at 6j o’clock, p. ra.?j J ~ -n —r ' Evening session -Society met ac| CLEISI j cording, toadjournhient, the president winnui * n the chair. ,Holl called and minutes fSIOQftI. QCfVICES trt tuO nP tUn a 'a i • • | |i j-' SR AND SURROUND- °* the afternoon tcssion read and ap- I, , i_ ,j .....I 1 proved. Ati inaugural address was psburg for the present, then delivered by tho Prosident, alter isilted at any timq, which followed adwcussionLoh the hvrenty yean. [• P ar i tlcl P. at ? d Ik by Messri I Paireol, (tent[io)yf theifflioted Roberts and others; at the clpse| .of P«:— ihisealsed which Dk Brockenridge delivered ah aticAffeaionß.’Tedale"'interesting lecture on “Alphabetic Wriufg-Y Toh'Ebiletr Astern, ! i ) e< * to jneet at 9 o clock, Wednesday - -rT.J -• mortSng. _r ! j- \ " Hotigf 95 ■ ' '. 'J W*hwSBDXy, Dec. 30; ;j ; ■■■■■ ; * Thi Society met according io ad- PENN*A.! ft .joarnrhent, the President ih’the chair. rr t, • • 1 prayer by , Dr. Breckenridhe.' l The [PhovniETpß • roll; Was then called,,and members an &&&&& ssfe** WPrUtXj,.*- ’* and satisfactory nun- mIUUt ? B , of forenopn session bead and ■ !j - approved. Keport of criticieJm#! was SALOON,; . then : hoard. J. M, Boyd .‘tpeh pre ef Oyeteiji may be qb- Beuted hisj method of teaching meUinz. ln thepdUcussioh' that; pnsUed, a^pr efl rheffi • urer ‘ manifested for thdwntMw i« Pittsnuno^mar. rrtet boM of teaching|tbat nsoful science. Mi, j The dlscnssihh bf thi qnustion,' “MjbW patronage bereto- ; shall this be made Interest ••nance iawe iej ing and useful J’< was opened pwSdpL Morrispfl.^oJ;.iho';; tiitngs which hi sald Vwi Mat teach- ffeel 1 that the,' Institute i» .. their' meeting; and eapE‘ ond shonld home: prepaid *od;diterni!ned ‘to oob- : trihuti Msi part toward nfakitijg* It .IZIT.H. ~ ■ r. ■ Cipitst gtMk piid in.y. .Xptfs in circuis'ion.... [hie depositors. .../.■••.... Hfno ft e Com m on weajl h; Wonts .ind earning* ...ij. 5 95,050 00 .1... .1,400 00 . 112.307 25, . .2.720 17 ■■c -(ateaDeiH Wtiii'e ■beatof my-knotvl; i W*bd lloofit. Cash 1 bel before me, this '(■. iSo’3. •, H. B. BEisjjt, J. COCBRY ;.i"‘ ■ ■w HiTl'Unds unpaid • I -c»r| i-fy that the nW ■eonect according W th ’ 4BA'ViU«t.. < El ‘•Afintwsi ahd-euhetf <I«7 of Kortaber, .1. 1 JPRpbyci . eubicriher resj i >/.' the'rcitUeiia'of Re v:* 1 ' W opened s BR in the ro&in | Siokts i Tsllon; and i-Bjj’j office’, where we* ■ 'lwl «ad - for gals I Sn-ifrieß, »uch *j ' COFFEE, 'i \ ' - . tea; •i. : •; , ■pectfuljp announces to sror and, vicinity, that OCERY' St PRODUCE | t'nnflerly occupied, bj directly oppositei the *j’-l kccp'eonstantly on *. large assortment of FLOUR, POTATOES, and; Mother articles' piual y kept in a ,, ro'\rr store. •• . j,. . . • _ . i ■ ods, a tlho,hii di os t market price | ' T. T. .JljcKlß-lilir. ’ J A thousand years, , Work's Great WaniiSorjfj, Words iind J • Music, in Jjanoary Number. ■> tenOOt)\\iaGAZlXE FREE'. •TiClakk’s Sc'aooi ' Visitor.— Voly i: »e VIII. |/ . • '( Publisher, of this favorite ' ’■ ’MM.'’* ft' order t ) reach all schools; lend, the Visitcii ono gar griitis , o tme’parson (who wiilacl aj Agent),, an.pos.:. o f^ oo in';,he United Slates. ‘‘j* >sj an unbaralh lod offer. , a Address, yyith fit e cunts enclosed t , ■ - "J. W. D OJGHADAY, sePublisbon t St., Pltila, Pa 'h' i ‘ , 1308 Cb ieatn .Da. 3EO ‘ l fV FF (RS hia profesi ■ ■ ; r^ i i ea,of BEAVE r'IIfUGES I ' , -'See ia ir Thiiiir r ,^ e »>e con Wonted, j J"‘ ** Pi* pSc jJh' pi - *:•"«<! for mo -cr lhari ~/• bleu calls W ill -ir! s!?**•*« &*ej£j Ksm. Rbouln, • •“IbemA. ChrCTiie Dij ~jj‘ 01 hj? treat; i b eav^r, ■ CLAR] . the o >be Prol ■ '•«, ai**’ ‘ft ,v ' :otn P , eti 1 ■ Tie. ' •s? L ?«^u«M»y ■ their %. :♦ , imUl *»c%nbci s°wa\ I S T . ’ TMueuHeg tb ■ ', inkful for tb* lib* : .lTr ed 4 con:^ —«fuhy to u cited ; j I Ifnp HTwnrß. ;^;' MI >.■ -j .i- \ 'rrt:']- •i M! i n % -STj . -W-JJLJ . . ■■ w. | - a.......... ,$• *y=i 2j»*?fojg> ■•sstf.TK* h,--cv-vaj n* ..,-■■/•} V . i__‘ -it*' fci ' ,'itSft *4>‘ .'.4~ m imeß - j - *-••!? L~* iTwbDdir i l. '.! i '' A': 1.111 , 'Y :..-j) i ....ir i c ~..Z I gal, Vibie .7 ' 4k.• ~ . 0:1 --00+ 1~’ : eiiie.fc -’6 81 sand ledge sstb STORE, J 1 RICE. „• | MOLASSES,!, SYRUP; f rf v - 73 . 11 ■*' r. ■ * ' * . : L... i: . - .. , 1 :' , .... - c!'.2 , :-." ,, ' *z f.1..',. '-.:.'-, ;i * - - i .. t ' - r USSL ! - th ■ . ■ , ■' ME gM MIMES pleasant theo fu'iil Bogga] BMe, cess lifted ' Inativv,. Missjelinie Calhoui* r her . ; iß<sttw %f' f&llifogfl-Jto*.. WHK fit' tiom subject, “Wastes of the •cheotApm,” was dismissed by.'3V yn»itban|P The OKfaAjoft '-vf ercises ‘ for /the ' aftcrr.obn was then! road. lOn tnetlbb, the tomeet' at 1 o'clock,p.'ik I •'*•< ’ i -Wodnesdar Ariel doom met agreeable - ton- adjournment, 'the Presidoht in ] the Chair.' ' 801 l ;cal|ed. minutes of r,tjho .forenoon read and approved. Bepgritjou criticisms wk* tfc en read, after Which J. Whitham presented his 1 of teaching! pern manship Dr Breckenridge delivered a very interesting! .l‘Morai’ Culture in-Scnobl.''|., was follow ed by some well-timed rornarksby J. I. Reed, urging teachers to'give spp-l dial attention; to the moral training of their pupils. ind thus [avoid consort . ing- SQueation whish should be a bios sing Intn'a cans.' Prof. jErantzjNotv of Castle, was then calledjupon [to give his method of teaching English Gram-; mefl Ho said ho had vurioua.methods the principal [of which waa/thd Ham mer and method. (Recess fif teen minitlobj)' iir ■; - Thd subject! of ( Wriilen Arithmetic was;thea taken dp and briefly Uiqcus . Bed by Mr. Boggs.; The was further remarked upon by Miss Jetnie Calhoun, Messrs. Boyd, Witbam Wil son and jDrj. Breckenridge. Supt. Morrison .then delivered a , very lute resting address on “flow to make tho'School rcofn interesting and at tractive.” .’t i - . * OEn motion the society adjogrued to meet at the Court House, at ‘' pV' - ' ■ *•-&'■! ('■ Evening Session.— : Sod' greoable to a|ijounimon f ., a. led tlo.order by thp Prpidi the [j roll way called and ■ the afternoori sjcssio'n rca* proved, the aud ieppo was. 1 tortained by p'veiy 'fitting dh /'[Tho.TeachcrjT full of ’ reflectionjpn exalted di the faithful educator, wh [ fail to be beneficial to the i whieh was followed by a Snptl Morrison'; JSubject, of the school: room,” in presented, a burn per of o; tices which sllould ba.cajrei ed against by teachbrL cpjisxi 6ftcq^minHlfls;tV. «ab|jact* dist* , “W. tutes| tho ol omenta of succfc. school ioom?’1 by 11. J . .well I in'a Very able maPr «r Fur ither remarks;;by MissJ'pnnio Calhoun Mcssrs.'Knight, W ilHon,Pierscl, Supt. ,Mdrrison, Prdf..Taylor and I>r, Breck enridge On| motion a. committee of three was applied to draft resold tious -expressive of the sense of the Institute The I Chair appointed, Messrs. Boggs, Knight and WhMhaiu said comrailtop. ‘ ' Onmotiouftho society' adjourifed to qaSet at 9,o’clock [Thursday ■ tnpduing. j ThursdaV, Dec. 3lsjt. £ . Society ;rr>et pursuant to adjoijirment' tbe presidehti.in tljie Chair'; prayer by lie. Breckentlidgs.l After calling tlrtT roIT and adoplingl the minulei of Ja«t evening’s session report on criti cisms, wiis . read, j A elass drill on Writ ;en Arithetlcl was thou conduct ed b|r S. Hi. Peirsol was ihen opened; by M.r. Todd- on “Sch ill Government,” followed by, Supt. Morrison,Prpf. Taj* lor, Dr Low ry, D l . Breckenridge, Mr. Peirsol and Mr. Crcswell. -, ' 1 - , On motion thejijocicty'adjourned to meet at l o’c oek p. m. ; ! . Th irsday Atterpoon .—Society met in the order of adjournment; roll cals 1 led, minutes approved and criticisms read, Supt. Beed then presented a programme pf daily ex6iciac3 in;,the i school and prged ,upon teachers the j neces lyof pursuing so.mp regular order[ of exofcises.il Dr. Breckenridge then enter alnbd' the Institute by; giving some exerciies inGymnaatics, and reconi mended teachers to intrjjtfucelT as a t aily exTßroiae in theitchopl room, whicl i was replied to fl. Pqin-' sol saying that exsreiso in thh 'open' air Wps preferable, 1 and also that pu-‘ pils_ib the rural-districts usually bare sufficient exerciaei to develop their physical powers. After an interest ing class drill in reading by Ur. Tay* lor, tbe comoiittee on resolutions, to portelllthaJflUowiiig; t Resolved, !thet it is the duty of teachers,having charge ofonr schools, to labor faithfully- for. their own im proveMcht', {that it hey tnay be better able io discharge the|r duties in the; •chool.raomr : --f | ; Resolved, That teachers who nexj fleet Itoattend bur 1 bounty and District nstitntea, are loosing . one of the! greatest me|ms of improvement.' Resolved; That ov« of the worjjc is one of the indispei sable requisites of suftcera. t '* :j. -f j ! jlßeiiolved,) That we tender tliecitia sens of Blearer our cordial thinks for their hospitality, so kindly extended to=; nal; that- for this *e shall’ hbld' thbmiin grateful mlamhfy. | J 1 : i flesolvedf. That] we tehdeh onl nks toßrof. Taylor for hiis highly interesting-f address delivered before the ! ' v HesbrVed| Thatfwe County Saperiiatendent,Mi\ J.' I [Reed, a. pleasant shdtiniable man.andre feiy way worthy of ahd well .bnalided to dfbubargb the dhtibs 1 of the high 17 aid !• • L . » . '''l ■ .:'.l V El lIMI ■ rtioi !*n<r servi Re«i -prescnjei ty^papdfi; Od mctloojs)o opted arid tflq dpi On mqtiph tb< At. L. Knigljt. J. Peirsol a do'*' s tl - acommi. .prepare and ai{-| range the proco of this insti tute-for >. , . I c On nioiion abcieljrAdiPn mod. i *-■ uJpEiy.Pre.’U J Jv W hit ham, Seigjfc , I Singular Incident. ; A Cincinnati pap?J,%*y s ihat some tbi-ee<fx-arB'ago'a nfamet>'j)d »■ the cf-j |,ty thrown into! commotion 6y r t he , '*L!dd’en disaopbar a'nce of.a.‘ years of| of ago. She was iiScJtcd tolhq ferry boat, but woethcr sbSftiad passed safe! ly over or bad been’drowned was not discovered., , ,and anxiopsj waiting brought no. Ildings of ber.-U 1 The frenzied and unhappy father, al though in . moderate' : circ'nmstancosi' sought the newspaper office*, and Ad vert i»edj a reward-AT one thousand j doilars-to whobvenjfcould restore hit ’ missing chi'd. iAllptVed unavailing! ]p ... ...... straining their jnyes to, gather into one I look the ir.ultilbdir.oaq objects which ; thifohg' th'e public iandihgl One, hoW bter, a young girl, budding into; wo lnp the outer rati and looked wistfully ever(be nailed shore of Covington tdHtefoj bid away tin* ifer a clninp of.jt??es,| was the cottage {of her childhood, hbpipg \n vain to j see the curling to Her' ;a warn welcome within. ' Qbickly I she pasted over the ferry, where long since ghe had disappeared.. No one looted or knew' her* and she wont ( without interruption to the door of her! father's bouse. ;,It answered not, her knock; weeds bad grown up rank and shoj'aad left flowers, and no s ; gns of human lifewore to bo found U>ere I . It VraS the turn now.of the wayward | child to weep, And when, by inquiry. ! shefound howfar and/almojt j ly shd was separated from her parc’nta, •he began to fcel dosolute. Piqued at [■'Ofoe chiding, or some punishment,of , by* mother, she* bad gone ‘ upon a | steamboat,' where a female passenger I hired her as a nurse. After a little while the war b'tokp pqt, 'stopping all | intercourse with the! South by .the [ river, and, though she soon found that untried; friends-but seldom! prove steadfast ih,trouble,and that the harsh _ness of. a parent is.melting kindness : beside that of a stranger,;yet she was; unable until lately to I’etarn: A kind' •iady ofj Covington, has givod to the "Wanderer until Ler r .yeturn is made known to her; parents.^— -Louitvdk Journal, j ■ t .i| i. ; . 1' Wlq tale: —A - comjgponident/'Nnx,’’ askb, “WBat Mlfeimo.(bfiWigfalir’ Hi* fferfofmance to our knowledges wai 7 waving l his ■white handkerchief 1 Anderaton on" tho day off tbs rcbelbombardment -of Sdmter, entering the fbrtJ-’ drinking aj glass 1 ' of liquid which, wuen he- had! entirely engulfed, the Burgeon-- of, the! {or 1 .,Palely, but inipuife jest,informed him was rank f poisJonjl tbdn e.n treat ing piteously to’ hare |lhe ;-Blornach pump applied, to which; fho : surgeon geneiobsfy assented. ;History takes leave of Wigfall at an Unprecedented rtomentin his icaroer)j—when* .some* thing was going oal ofl biai mouth in- 1 atead of in it. The appearance, per i formance, add disappearance of Wig. [fall upon the sceno of*public affairs ;m the country an all equally absurd. In the Senatp of the United States ho was a fierce, mduutebahkS Ip the rebel councils and\army fae made no mark* whatever.Kldke!| mahy of the other leaders of tfab\Ul starred and bloody [plot, such*ias Yancey, Prrofv Ployd; Wise,«pniU, Keil^and OlT.ho hisd>eeqpraetk;dlly oSlterated by itsdevelopment,, of • b statesmsn Wigfalib however may console themselves byrefleoting that J* e b V®*d e hjiifff, eviaftoraoon- wins' -I)°' /or, pul ■ J J!i tioas w«re»d 4»!pb»rged.; [■ tr appointed w ana S: ■ H. ;■ ■ i i'-: .r-u\ 1 m'.'i: *»,\r -i‘ v Ti' f l ; >ndjmV olftbi ik r -Y‘ \2Vi7Mi loUo.vring of some 'oils a.t Eichittoo4; where >w ;^ohffMdi, ; «ud iKo who have | chifrgo of "Libby. 1 fine} the description my &Sy. j i I wm an inmate oi that ’do of misery.< ■' •' l ,' the canal, aijd at the. cor« andTwentr-pretstpecta, ..a mile of jjMKboholta” horri<L Arisen. Tbe i 'tli ofthhhmldingon Cary ftj-eet i> about,lBs feet, with a depth °f- feet on Twenty-first street, jlt is divided into three, sec t|9n,8 r by 'btout brick wail anil is 6b tfaewde next loathe canal four atones, .while ob Cary is but three series in bfeightr— thei 'stories peing divided into rooms, ® . 45 , and 90 feet, On the ground floor this room .next'to Twenty-first streets [is apprcpnaled to" the rebel guard, the next to the Union officers, and the .third is ;the hospital. This is on the ;Cary, Street side, or front of j | the building; . Ob the canal aide, the i lower story, or grpund floor is the! i ,cook hduse and rtrepfico/ fpr the deqd\ I Until a sufficient nipnber have aceiimula -1 ted to make iticort hi while toremqvethem, I or until the stench becomes too great, for j the rebels themselves to bear.\ j On the second floor, in the two ’|j rooms next to T street,are i over four hundredVnioh soldiers, and II on the third room pm this floor may |] found oftbe remnant of some one hun *i dred Union citizens,' whoj. jbi r - wiioj. hash Wb •«., V— . . , ,jg severity. , •--)>TO 1 . jfy, mcareeratcd since the commencement| the man who, v'hon Col. Benedict was killed him with a common axo. - Hbjw. of the war. Some few of | those. pria-. j unable to leave his wretched bed,stood oiany were engaged'it is impossible iq oners were Quakers, werej releus over him with .1 revolver in Im band, wyjthat'they were, all banded together ■ ed on the payment of $5OO ( eaclp— jsnd swore that ‘s‘if he did not got up t 0 there is not the least doiibt. , It, epar floor he would kick him pjat of it j’ •• hrsurprihmg! whatobjoct they qouW: ♦ 1 Now.’thpn, for this remedy for thV ,vo ',*] ty*dS* they could (dii WcK V,inflows gfoss and diissTacejfal jabuses, theth- ’stated thoyi, U li^U'wirh'; a limi- human and -barolarbhstroatrabnt which with gucsj .vlL^W.the'.pW |25 feet, I liaiseso, feebl^jattempted ! tbj set forth. ?f o fy- f The record' now M that', wilh- ; mt|d of What should ke'aliation It fin aymit seven..Uni,or. qien fiavojhjen: ;.•? ,in (He ! is a harsh admit,'but a just ope; in this coantyi \ ; V:> : / i jtfed to anderahe pirou'mstanees. It only r«j- l\know al|~ about i ir. an in- quired ijidt it sliould- be Inyq.’k^aTwHbJi** o fi».°' f fhlqgs vvllicb have resulted in ? >r night, diserptioin. iwi are not 5 to .'auppos/fhiii in the barbarity \ V to bo will no contented a[nd happy w hlch permitted ,!men, 'rwoii&e«*: and i ’ There pt isotl anywhere,; hut no sucli com- children, for at lealst [twelve hours, to : I im the plaints art. heard from any place in » te P pverono d'esd body.aud let tJijeiri f j ilbrpak- the South, where h risoneys q{ war devour The two-, j most inj have be'en located, ds from Richmond, deserters iii "question, about W yeiteivl'! j I *toal j Ih trhthl fc more or 'less a S?j ***•«!«; fi mnederpns assaalt on ■ ’ It ef fhq cpnsidbAtlon iSlWhown to | prisoners, itbejm—-sti'_|wUi iv vt-halta butun Richmond'A prisoner ialoakeduzh lawiwtbqid-—thht JTbad dubs -■A-iV-i ! peas") Therefore, the remedy, is. dpt to visit anTpropaded to lay out ceitiuifiun;ocj%. j .e, treat the sips of Richmond ruffians jhpon >f I have only halt avbhance. '• ; ■ . , .-“P** aek, and.soldiers from cri,her-titateaj hat to-re- -1* will he highly instructive Tor thsi ; _ in S“T. - -‘ mK . quantities. .taiia/e socei/vpcn Virginia'soldiers. I£ n at,ion, rhembors of’ ij ®o much for the Ljbby\Prioon it* f Wjforsq. ib«n lippeal to ihb “ n d °fher leading men," that Ii go (o . a||. this the I Riqbmdni Authorities, [Winder or hw the root of the 'matter. Tlie-pariied-• treatment received by the iihfortanato sd^briJinnles; —they are insensible to hip whtc-h this deed wasj- ,! • #«*»./•. ■• i • ; X the .first emotions of kindness, pity jdone commences abbdl ajnUe ahd^- r | JBpdI«? Is.e (surely miscalled) is consideration, or fine chivalrous feel- half south of my house, but\tO soms-i in : the James Rixer. abpnL half they have }0 hearts, of[they'are degree around me; ; for, g inshot from fhel.iLibby. iin i right pr -stone-—cold,; callous, cras! We several of my neighbors rejoiced wibeh" , ■ .. opposite t.hax famied,lnstitution of the bave>seeif tbeiiri, and the'y beard [of (lie inufcrersi ond .isa^ii; ' Simny, South, [fti is n longj Ipw sand: work.s.’V Jletalbiion, then,Strict, stem •dalpi t bf Spence and Jacquat-d' 1 ' bank, tnd iwhen there is.a freshet in and wfjtihching, and that on' Virginia to Birq in hp|l. ■ . die, largo portion; ofjit f disap- rebels onlj,, is the true remedy tor th|s : to;! domoi lo th 6 poiiK lilic i hears beneath tha pithy \yatcrs of the monstrous disg the we live -great m*jority these ;pe6plc'>pW Jqtnes. It is- °ry tjjiva more sandspot I in'and to civilii atibn.! iX I ,©. a. religious, - »nd belong "to: yarioiis'i that bur poor shiverinffj ' -.-4-—--L-' I* ' 'churches. 1 Their 1 preachers, with 'Thio' > - --'w ' 's - - ■' ■’br'w r ' - Ilhion soldiers are ho held in, utter wretchedness,,naked and famishing, arid subject to all the dir;©! diseases eohscqaent OD exposure ,to jthe ele ments in such a locality. It |as ; nev er jbeeri occupied as| a dwelling place,, inll waSiOiilyevisited in the daytime! by!a few shad fishery who had a few rude hnt| there, until the |‘chivalry" foiled it'a convlenient place ItoT get Vid j ofi iho ‘ d——d Yankees!'' j,-' The relentlos-ly cruel treatment of! thel Union prisoners ip Kibhmcnd commenced ■ immediately after ihe prap halt.’© of Manassas when the prisoner* •were* confined inf'Ligon’s Tobacco Factory,? on' 1 Main and Twenty-sixth streets,',. and has con* tinued unabated :to tlie present » day. From fbe bOginning the prn»ohej» nave beenlhnder the ‘supreme control I of Goh.iWinder, but at that tiipo’ Capt! Gib Wand Lieut. Tbdwere hW dmajtes, who came in din set contact wjth (ho prisoners. Winder i i?a man of middle:hoigßt, |or, slightly t it, adyanced in years, : lather;‘stoii tlyJ built,! hair quitojwjhite, florid in! Wm-) plexipln. with a red noso jand jcpld, j crqel! gray eye j and his pc ;s f rom Ihe j first prove clearly that* he a precisely! wpatlthat eye indicates to the pbsor- Tlpr-Tpo'd, cruel; and vindictiva!] i The] last two mentioned 1 have jbo h, Wen killed, as l! aifi informed;! ar d |’hi ive I therefore gpno where they travel boon, “rewarded according to their works but I Way mentiph that jwaji. under the rAnmc of Winder, Gibbs and Tod, tr.e u Ligon •„ Prison iWi perforated with \ii\usket balls in at i <last twentff u&icW/ppd that Gleason. Ipf tjye/dFfire main of the E*i, regiment, and -spyevali WjrV' Vpre thotby the guards for/mer< ing out of the wlindpws j qi at this time so. ■perinittt»di in tb£ broad : ldpy bring' a. bmn j skull .jwiti passed through tpo eyes,, an it in Jf6ai of the pW>lic Btreet, shodtipg o|tl, | ’ Wrandished a bowie kni is .the last of ,onel-Wr— ' j Ihesbjare bnt a few.crf thi ties practicednndor the! ey> mien mWtionedaboTe ;the wh< All a gobd *ixed. i y.ol n ®ev these hatjegono to theia W Shall the third esoap*>‘tou: here? W! . v.:'- -|3[i“ .[: L ■ Oeff. !.|fhider. still ■ | retain* ■i■' V -J H.'-' ! :—L_ L .1 ■ I •s ■tel p!> j-.-i :sii)3 -pn-J j'v,Sl'i-s&.-lifj [ ; _ ' 'Ti 64-i ■ ■k :\ >■- .!. ■' i/ . ■ ~~ ■ id-.iin •». 4 , 4. . ' . if XSS /-v-* • » : w '.-: r Esta sprh maud,, thou j.h Capt. Turner ia the Tbis mail, thp,ugb lauded continually by the Richmond - press.fvi hi* kind tp. thfti prisoners, •& cruelty itself. Eyary petty-annoyance .that cart be invented is tried in order -that some eno may infri ngc even 'in- tbe.ileast degree some oflbis- rules, ao|, that iie may have the , satisfaction of .“buofe,* ■jog and:gagging,” or putiniron.s or bn bread and water, the,offender .(?).• I hove known bim to threaten to hang one individhalbeoauso he wo bid not get twelve i«aen sweep ,tbe : street -in front, of the prison, and be put lour » dark room, On broad Orly-eight house, be» Id clepn ‘out his >is disoription -in roy l: -• -i I'-'--. ntenant, in, the rebel id, Winchester, _Va. /j *ix months at West 7 : spare/ build, thirty years pld, about ,five in height; daik hair u*d or luduatanbe, gray xyerqUH look; « deep* lUliacrstifi; gait., .Unis ), coat and pants. - ’ ' nand to the abore ele lof th§ “F. F. V,s” is ant in the rebel army, f Baltimore, is fiijl six; jouttw en ty—[fi ve years ght hair, sjiffht moua lexion and blue eyes, blue cap, gray/ coat, with black stripe, and kith,steel scabbard,—. es out all "the odium c orders of his superi Anting sr H. men in ironain and ; water for ) causotheyiwoi j 6 table. -1 find I .diary aa follpvy .‘‘Turnar.Kjju belong! waa formerly' TpintjJaqj *ei to thirtyrfive ifeet nineinehe; jdoaa cut npbea eyes, baa ■ cad voice j and a pe< fortr.—gray ca] ■Next in jcomi gant specimen firaack, Lioutei He is a nalivpjt foet in height, a old, has abort, 1 tache, fafr coni] Uniform—rsky .light blue pant; wears la’ sword This man ejTrr and aboniinabli ors, with unreh tfoul »r. 1q aaos- • ’ r iLvU4 Mew icoun oncei 10m t; > was h tliifj lehii; )0, at .« org; -littir Cov i- days ag. gu it of the ipnrdbrs of i! and Jacquard, by«de<* bey attempted I to ai> j dpne on the 10th j in thip | counci liaised! a fund jd a company of, thir- Saniaed to hunt bring them to justice jlpotlhe military dr jop reaching the scene, Phillips, with a forcl, a apd ar jtdn of thosejwho con ihe murderoommitted. [many j as a ( hundred laski, and Alexander me on; and altogether amps in scacb pflthe. vain- Thdirnamcs id the settlement in 1 -tfeas 1 : done ( contain* I tue same hamefThe jt to. Bee wh3ltri.he mji- UT of ,4ho '4 iajstfl in' Cairo. | I many beforevtb’e rrested, as wejl ds n and yopcg folke, ilow*cg statement; d came toKelter’s Qg of the!9th. air ing. men, piid fill house-till morning.' irs told the deser* it seems they had ——. w, t them todro jthein h' 1 rould |iot do, bnjt laid; (the porch,- Spence >p them j bolhj had' when thq deserter* I,' and /beattbem till these-witnesses, apart,, and jpa they l fbarticnlar, it . won In t the- truth of is surprising that u. who confessed to Idly, look (on, and say, nor giro any deed to any one. ext day, the llth. i r,; when raho~ came jdnaia Hnspopch, fhro, where they * and the tii ra ne.ncod [ht or ; I*. saw | P. t Pal pad c.oji 0 «wi but irk rs.-ian 1 deed Hies pi fll war r\\ ire hp] guo«,they iff \ - i Ji- '.f, ■d: " 'i!|7 «.’ '?: ’i| ■**is s si ->;;.j-{ J-.y -I .v; : v'" ii :•; .••;■ ,vi ; I. A hf.l IMMIN % ■ >“■ f* I ■ T 1 hed 1818 ITS Of Ulinoi -An II »• a; ;.-i; | i; t ■if,. , • a -fNOTfoi? to MOVER M*«?1hbw»I«, V . ; ' tUfitgrp ■< ■ ’■ 8^ B owt. *<Wlti<jmt» «r v ;; : - -.tfbig-riitefc ... >‘..- ■/■<»■ •• "' .-' BUh&eSs'oinl*,. .76 oasis per jra»r» ■ •„-. towrlin* )h>U(i«il >-T' »nd other BotleM ar puhlio alttiM-flrcii. >’•■' *- ftaW bo ' Wus- matUereiri.' many r |rpin^£^!if askod them ibreß fofirltimcs vrbtre ' tier, hnsbfod #m t oul Lbiyt l not * word.. ~S tw as It «d [thpToi^.riso, but got : no royly ,'til l,‘ at: ijiUtjWgpl^, man tho:eiJ-J Ir\df»n- gqjiigiround shel fo^ricl'.jtifr ho’swiiwlj lyins/bjr' t;ie Divide one. v While a Htfm : fW« : Christian lanTi’- ahii ’tiV tU6' : IJOnoisJ-TttrS^re'JbnirdleniiV«btv -, rtk'd^foSaalt wba't par LeVtt»id,tho jeap,tofi'Siil' . -,:- V .. . -‘tL— , breast.wh ich_wen):tlirou gh WWitSack; clean, bis gone,' and they r.aok-handlj(jrctu6f > ; At . <: reported that be was so, I stated toyod^-biititb'ifc!R>ffi«afk. count is} irui, '>-1 »'•. • :;V-VC:7r-' - I '■ Oc. M • , eralcati , Vifhicb .aCeaVed. a hatchet jUe whs not WboliyVleM tiif . ’ [ bisj wUd caino,,who lives'in :J- Fromkhis! it'isafTpJjiih as the :i|kb( .- ■ of the sun tjjavthoW I noblowswithr guns could roakahsntdi y wounds. The truth probable A little after dark S p e n '6e piTd 'JicQtiM' left their at- a rnatfis. by- jitf*. ;■ name of Single. -According rp such, ob,e Went to jmeTtlop' . . andono, to another, ..so, as tßpro'ien': , escape? Jacquard wae nhnhlt'), c-nlar. wbejn tjia gang!,Jy-ingViniwkit,* set up op hiral The.night SWas. stormy; nrrJi dark. -Spence, on .going )round life houseto.ihebackdoor, met the:Jvii tains cbticealed the cornels, 'made 1 by>h.« * ieeting'ohirnne; w.Uenlhe vtery few'orceptions. are laboring; won, farmers, and'(he like, and ffenii ci jus fo^riho/' of the . State. rights is nbt bo firmly any part ; i of the.i SoiiUi, as hero is thetonn 4hat. slavery is a diyine instiiution. opdain-. * ~ ed of,Crodi ;and that iwhoeypKnd'yo; . ’ cates the freedpii 61 sliivcs'Ts nn ” wicked raan.ideaerwing of dcathdi and this ; doctrine always lias beorr ■! taughi by. the illiterate preachers.— r * Too will find , men the finost' quick, ' ; honest, indtistrioua and, thriftyi he-' lieying this, and .np argument Van touch them, j Th'iS. eVenJhen’ to their . minds, ia a hellish war—tho menvvere seducod into the army under thq pre tence df f restoring the Union, hut ~ rea|ly the negroes,, a-nd if is ’ right thafthey should desert. ’ . Most truly has the Chujfeli been' the ; “bulwark of American eld very’”,ait'l " ‘ tor her teaching* are 16’ . bo aspgiped* the most awful crimes |t'hftiwuiC«a(r. ,b«ig|iiilty of,; either orlto the angels, to arid tKCJod..;' ■ .a' Hasten the blessed dajvvyhpu of/this ten times accursed sysfeffi of Ar»6ih. cam slavery, ‘■there shall : not be -deft one stone upon tbit sha|i noU ■ ] ", bo.throwu down.''— Cot.- Tribune. •' KaRRIAOE Ot AN A RMl >sds HtßOi A low. days ago we mepjlpttVd* the ■ ‘ *. niftrfiage of thearmioSS coioi sergeant! ofa regiment, PJunkett, - r to;sp a 2diss. Njsllje liommerV. i. r +he wed'-. ding took place in TiTorcheater, though / • the jpafcties’belong in licicestcr'i We , haye now anjudditionnl fact of inter ■ est connpctejd with . the.ipeidont.—i; When he Teftfor the, war/ Plunkett, > ' I was engaged ip LorrimoK— - Upon his return he fin* i holgleis condition;’and>i offered' a . ro- . lease to j his betrothed, 1 which. was -,' voadily accepted.. . Her \ viator wail so .• ? indignant) at this, that she said lahe • wopld marry the brave man hpi'self ifc • f he was agLeeiblo. Hb wm, and "|i,3y / V ; #hpae authority werelato this atiecr * :\- dot 4, »ays that ‘ttbgpks'is to the gen* ■ ' erppity of ; board* of. 5 Boston and; New York,, and'of the people,;he has' met' since bis’ retum, Plqnkelt, thej h’erbfis in in'de'poudppt • 1 •' Noggs, «peuking:of a blind ', ,_U “ WhIU j ' . Wm<W”' J ‘ ■!■■■■" ’ ■;.! fr- ' `f'-~ .~~ . ``~ !■- ;,l 11E1 >'■ i:-iy CM iTISpHfc EMI . ,■ i X rfnr E El i 4 A " } i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers