■I'I ■ul - 47 R-• • .A.liitOriU . 13 • Wednesday, Jan.. 27,1864. jftriMg^l s * £dH< * & Proprietor. *jo--Ogw%»i andPirrr Oesw l9 ABTAMCi- Otherwise Two Cop- ffDl ehaigedi 'No paper discontinued • «i9a3 «»«*««•“P** 1 -- ,;' v V, ; „.;-, ~.• : and oVimmnnioationa, by maU, -^nUM. :-Up»Hl5 will bo Svl'l " t Publie. Yonine.iOn T.. JEJISPAY,. JAN L T ARV' 26m, 11304, =r.'i.„ M-emises, the fellowirtg de&tribell prop *% ’ ■Hnatca in township, Law * (.ountr, Ute the propertj.! of- David cv.ntaii.iig nbont , ’■ XtX-ETY-i'l f’E ACKES. l&'bt of William Padtjn on the north, }‘.<jd on the south'.'on which is'a.l 'vniforthoie dwelling'house;' with a well ff -.w-J war-'r ig i.he. kitchen, with a good ■.iie't'uinp'dii it: Abo n good;bank Barn? ua ■Ctvltl ofotone. upper pru t, frame—rind all ibt‘i-&it-hau :ijrcv necessary on a farm.— , ■ri r.' is' a «-• ta£ in' excellent water conveni vluo.'llic ho’.t/ia With a ,'good milk- house*— TlieviMUf .‘.h-ut 7acres iof cleared 'land, a i A f'\n' r.Liich Isis'eadovr: ,atl under a good ftaio.f.f cwti'vv.tira. ■ Thero'is' a good orchard fruit trete apple* dtetteUd* and cherries. ’ There iti-o fie ye in* o.' stone coal, one 2j feel, ’ «mi the f.-.ii'ir d ledt.., Tire property isiitua 'ted uitll:uc.ue .n-fu -.fib* Pittsburgh. and r ,:L - and three • Utiles .from ,tho Sew Ctivtle.fi.viT.er Vallcjr raihrohd. ’ There tii.-05.gh ii ■ s _ v- -.A '.'iglvcn-on the Ist ot April, ‘mSHVu raid sufficient deed will iTse tetins sale will be made ~f,'v; i !e by the subscribers, ;.,;-i,-.-d to sell, Said prop- V.X'flN I. EEEU.' . ..VNDKDW j: BOYD. =, Rochester Station— Going East-^ m • Leitves Rochester J Arr. at Pitth, Ist Brigh’n Accom. 5:40 a: m 7:20 a. Jt. 2d Brigh‘u[ 7:10 a. m...... '8:40 a. m. Bdßrigh"n 12:30 P. 2:35 P. M. [ 4ih Brighton ‘‘ 3:00 P. ..... 4:50 P. M. \!ail, h 6:15 p. si. .... 7:00 p. it. Ist’Express. \ 1:05';a; si. .... ,2:20 A. >f., 2'i Express; £:05 : p. si., . ~. 8:30 p. K. 0 .ncin'ti Exp, . 6:45 p. m. .... 7:50 r. M. ■ ' ' ' i : Goiso West —\ V • r‘” , - ! Pitta. Arr. (it Rochester. EEAW CO 'Jh - ST, i. ;,| i rostlinc Accoin. , 2:15 p. M.i.J... 4:00 p. h. OrvUv’ Coart in and for Beaver,; MBrigh’uAccom.; 9:J5 a; M.p...1V:00 A. si. cPstv. • t;,.;: Daniel Agnew. ;2d Brlgh’mj “ . 12:00 a. 1:32 P. *. drhl.arl.liVrv.-««•«. Judges of said Court; i 3,1 •• || 'y. ' 4:80 P. Sf.|iJ.’.. 6:10 P., -In the. Ksu<r u'c-e v'rtition of the real cs-; ...1 i/A . . 6.-40 p. ,si..i‘.L. 7:20 p. H, i Mtß'of'ytri< AyfHi. iv-.doc*d. -'The GomV; yi a ;E . / 7:op X. M.U... 8:20 lA. si. m<u«e.-dta if Pet*n>.*jrani*\: To Rdlim Ilun- Express, ' 1:4*5 a. 8:00 !a. m. Bearer .weary; -‘Ury. a inter-*; ej Express. * f ! 1:44’ p. 8:00 P. «. asp-fed p-Ttfs" j/a •(.•a Pm ter,- of Louis» ceuhty, V • '• j’ A'CO;- BRADLEY, Supt'i,, E. D. ' 10-reili a:.-'-:. i-Tsler. :u»«rrharri«d.-*:itli Thos . J • - " ■it 1: -- SSfc jvCtVi jlia.- s‘*r:.[ ul i' ■ count y, Ohio:; ’■'* jBGf&VdT COUDjfcy* I *in\ t }■: is:;*: - .- initnimrruMilo Brlid-.-! ’ J Bbjohton, bi’ov. 4, 1898. ,| *!fc~’ v o: .a.sister in-r ■ J* .9 ■ • I ,|* Henver ooii'a- ; apd bills discouiiie«i; icfirt $68,73.4 48 ‘if. —ah jv«- zi all others, ngnijie tinder,protest J.J..... 10(hCO ana, eAeh o: yau' aio hereby j v T .’|S. f>-20 couponb jnds.' 82,300 OQ fin’d jjo h( : ;r,n.{ H«i. Jmlg- I’C.Jp. t iS-10 per tent. Ireas.-botes.., .4,850 08' at in Orph'jm’Hl^»nr: 4 to be held i Furniture and office fixtures. .J * .1,058 96 p: I:qi!r‘;r. .in avA for'said c-f.nnfyy on che first ‘ Due,‘from biher bbnka.w.:..*J.i-;J..... 17,075 56 Mon Jay of M:i»*uh tonoceotov refuse the ' Sotcauudchecks of oilierbapks'and y>[ * ;« real iniftte! vi’iP&id'-de'pervied.' Hitimte in Ohio ? U. S. Treasury notes L*..i"l .t,.'... B5 tp v ::cav-i ■ county, Vyu.'iafi.thc appraisement: Coin in vanity... ...u..:. 08 put v.r-iui it hu ilitiy'rlxvai'dod by , protest account L ...J.V..: I* - 41 ffitV nb-urt, fffid roLiU’nftii by the to j , ScHclaber liiv’-T, tm-J iVuva to Contain |‘ as follows. Mn wit? pnrpari “A* ? fir>audioti) : ;0 Hill; latfvu cn :t- vN’bv' ar* •‘ 1 JVin.'.i t 17 X*ui--jtii*:. •*:. r^UO r i r - :: vf Jl oer ; ; Mr::. ■ I= ME! ' -r’-S *• *Vi :'* at iioavcr, liiia 1-Jrh ti/ v of ■ i i • $21f),925'f33 • ' ■ f certify thtt ihenbfWe rtaterf'ent is tree and j -, _ _ “ - 'correct according 16 thebent of my knowledge ruBiii€ SALE. : and belief. EoW*»olß>oi*», Cash’r. : *•[' . sth , a lcr-ir.-icA county. Tc.. Rf'.bimr.t' "r’.'J,. . ■ b : -' ’i V •-■■ ! •'■'< ■*' 1 leki,v:th T?>. !J\ v -.n/jp. . TV'---*- 2 ' ' a: g. m treakv. crk, * i CP r,'.l = ,r.:> iV-jra triio S. I' ! ’vVtlr-C- i:. ,T>rr ‘ I | Hi'NiKii-fy's fi-tv-Tinir.s Arm'/;. 1 . jt ''V-tli!.- y.tjr<v :.nj ur,',.. r i t.iir’v, t f -* vt 0 ’ 11 cr?: Ml V" S’lilJ'.j V<rir : . Tl5O i; =ZEE . r„.v r.j'cr, .b ,n ■;s a. frith*. by 1C "••"■-■tv,) • P'- !'« c;’l! r.n ;V. «r>. IlfT.r.ctj v. "V#»v’'• ■ . ■ : 11 ;, r u;p ui i,n»y.;'f.'v=v f -P- : c IvJi'iv;n u:i any of sm]o. i'Ui 1 - .wAira'wtl ' X ■ ; ?■■; ; ■ ,v _ - _ 1 :-':::''f. , - . .. '; - ; - 4 i'''i II.::: - • : !’ - r. •» ... ivj-r •](-, ( My, •; t -. PI T.' ~i L.-i .o.s. twin iViv. i:vi:i .%I'V* lOirn ' : ';N on Uuu?.:. i. - ■{ - •> zbc.ll £.**!•. -yijjf *nl i*'nil<?r the ■'■■■■'■ '■’■■■: if .■ ." ~ .-., i of ,3‘)o ; y'.-.nriljr osar.n;; iVii'.t i-i- 'jf I • • i ’ i-,f;: ; y »»iT« • of iu a 1 v v.i 'i J u.avket, nu.U n- •><) .if. -y as’ *o make 'iy.rj on tUo Ist bI CL ARKKI. Heaver, Fa.. ; I'i E ■; r “ 7 - --- i : j A| thousand years, S.A-I-iIKl,:; ;Work’s Greatvi/ai l Song,WordBand .and c* - r: ; ni d i-o; i st l ’.v o-st o ry ' i Music, in January Number. :fMn[ \ having. a full view of tLc!." — C>LARK s* ; ScUOOL VISITOR, yOl*j Pittsburg. ! tltflO, VIII. , l ; '• .Thorite stror-isV and iippoailc [icavcr ; Monthly ,1 H jOrdor to reach all schools, I' R. * It dpntair.s, 12 roams. I.wtll send tl»4 VISITOB. 0116 apartments. There is j] 0 one person ("who,will act as Agent), d-cr:ycrinvenle nt: an .ice-house;.! at an ‘ 09 t o(Rin th g Unitdl States. ■stir nniMing, containing a:,.,.. id i • • Vt i, i ‘ . , r nn. wool ami coni h^sfe. : luh an;'unparaUeled offer. . • _ "Kier-ofnvclneiicos; there isal.so a comnio.* WltD UVO- ’ C6,n18, OnCIOSCd, ,s! ' stable. carrisige-houso ► poultry- j for partionlars, •• \ - ; . • \ ■e aud yard; a £re;.t variety of fnril trees v‘ 1 j. w: dauguaday, br--. #U ci» na apple*, peaches, i- ju ,• j . ’ -Publisher, mum*; atul ail.kinds ofhemes, : i«ad nt Tu.;t« • d* ."-’. etc, The .aforesaid buil'dinga are well ‘ Chuestndt Bt :) -PJ-llR^,^Pa and well vodded in'dcfence i>f liijlit-; ■ " - ——' ■j' n«o>e to pur'chnae are invited -•’ l d ahu evnmlnc ' -1 i”; Cfvnaiiioiis*of nav ihnde easv. • \ <M - 754 1 * ’ HENRY BRIGGS. =MIMI Ml.ui i •V;iy:ic-K l",r r-i n. i **n.i ::ik n. v I; I’VU'V );;.!• 'MimV cIMJ)i r,, 1, J'he Howe Sewing Machine:— - i - ' ’ ' ■ ; ' ‘ : t *<•••) ■ to^PSffSß..*lS'lB46/1 J i 'he World’s Fair,'awarded a • f CM ® ol ' n [' Veoal ps the-beet. Sewing , tor r.U purpose* on exhibition; be ,r ’~li. ° Ur 'Medals for sv.pvrior \ tewing, «»ny exhibitors : Fateils, Machine. 2. •ixpil;.. ’“‘'bang. 3. TaUorirttp.aha Gai ■ ■ "*■ *’ 00t nn.d iShoe (heavy). • "6. •W.oi. i , r, ? 2: ?”fS'* l, d'vHarness Making* ;.£V“ ‘ c * The , Family Ma-, : • perfect work-equal* j ■ For E* 't'v^v^ 1 aUd eavie i l I Oft.. 7/1668 * Pa. > INI K;ncr I • •.' « - £ V"oT. 40 ~ CLEVELAND *; pjITTSRDRGH, R. JR. , / Beaver East. Cammincing; Monday', \ : jv 10, 1863.— Trains feave Braver Station as 1 Jcllmet : ' 8;.l0 a. M. Arrives at Pittsburgh, 10:00 A, M. 2:20 j*. K. - ! j “ ! ‘ • ; 3:50 p. u. 6:54 p. M. ■; i i ;,-j **i ■ . 8:50 P. M. 1 ( : Gqiso | : .. ' Trains ledvt Pittsburgh as follows : 0:15 a., m. : Arrives at 8eaver... ....7:45 A. a. •8:00 p.'-k.* 1 j : • j.....4:26 'K 1:45 p.'m. i . Rochester’/.... 3:00 p. ». 1:45 Ai m. f. ' ; • ..;..S:10 a. m. i J. N. McCtTLLOTIGH, Prts'l. P: R. MYERS, 1 Qen'i T,elect Agent. . \ PITTSBURG, FT,. WAYNE & CHICAGO R. R. «r&2« t"‘ r aercll Capita) Ptofcjc p«.i<l 1n.....|.i*5|55,-0.50 00 > ( n.r V -1 1:5 i.Notes i.T circulation;.,...,... 3,400 00 iri’i hi iLcVi’veljt ' ]; ;u , 11?.567 25 ' ' th? f I>{jf the Common vi;aUh..|.J..' ' .2*720 17 , - .’ •' PMih*'nn4 | 15 i. Dividends anpiud...v-j ' 4?620 75 BS ,V - i'?H . rrc-::T-c: :;vi k an., nmcc. 1-2 2 v:i n.T trc'f < ■. r-. * :i 1 i > •.: tr e Vl2 p c-''. i,i ’I i;?,!T'TAT‘k" 1 f rj’-ct rrjv. hi r?-.-i,;uiVeilVl3 I if r.tv v SSBS^ 5 ly # u; : % 1 j-, •;; ■ : ;; U[v A:-*|p# - * mb , ; :m.mm^^m^ i D Pi r\. V : Fi 11 i ; Ml:ifLIT I j '’’^vfe^-w4S^^li|" 3SToi 3. - /'■•]. uairy 27* 1864:. -' ; - V-• v; ? r i ' ■ ' V*. MIME : . , * v> ■ ■ i,,\. ■■ : Ifi $216,925 83 V' - • ' fk llw- GKOicERV f I ' ■ i 1!;. -A''' '■ : ■ V •PRODUCE STORE. if f-TpHE Bub«crih|er' announce?; to i 5 the citizentijof toeavor find vicinity. (hat j ho Ims j.npe?;ed;.ja /r|UOCEKJ :>T»'jnE : in ' the; irooiA fnrmtrly occupied! by,| .?toUes-& Tallon; 'arid : dire'clly opposite theV A “7Vo office, ‘where we will constantly baud and forjißalel a largo assoHinent of I .Groceries, guebrins- 1 • .j) ; -* | , < 'OFFEE,' ' i PACE. ■ - , . > ' TEA. L- ’• Mt>LASSES; . •L ffUGAR,. if i. ‘ . ■ I’ Alsol • FL<EjfUlip IJOTATOES, and j ■ ail 'other ai:t;ic-les; usually- Kept in aj ■Or wry j "1 ; | ■!._ , • i I CtiiinVry produce ip pxriianfre j for "oodr. a t'll he hiwhr.st'intirkct price j • : ilrct) ' ■ ■! T. T. McKIBMN'. -j Hotel, ”] _’ - BEAVER, PENN’A. : j I j A ('LA li;Ki i PiioTßikfoß ' ' i\!C addition tjj the convenijoneis of ' a: firs | class (Hot?!. the I’idprieiorilip.s futednpin , '.iij iuiiik.e, iu aA-oiapieie arid satistiiicforymi»n -: iVer/Jin] i i 6 i j '' ,-i •. -a ■ , ■ OYSTER SALOON-., A , J . where the of Oysjers, muy be ob tained during’tbcuv season. ,lin' buy desired' style. Irktmi'iicS tanb(i furnished with Oysters, 'bv tbe eiin or d'ozbn; ITbd table is ■ furnished witlrnlTthc XyiavUs the IfITTSCUKG MAJAk : KET can'afford. - ; -i ‘ . * > ‘Thankful fur |lhe liberal: pafrenage hereto fore bestowed a con inuapcc of the same fig {respectfully solicited. , dcc!7; i J I i - - • * I It:) RIQ TJS NEWS! Sot from the but from the Towv\ •I • o/ ■ ifejxver:_ ' '; ;■■" ■ _ New Shoe Store. '•!' J tf.IHE subscriber would respetfully inform the ciiixens'of Beaver Comity that, in ad dition to his well selected stock of CLOTHING, HATS,! CAPS and GENTLEMENS FURNJSH ’iKp OpODS, he has lately purebssed a well !-selected stock of BOOTS and SHOES of every '•kind apd variety. My jstock is the latgeit ever brought to the county, and I ■ ism.detenu l ined tie sell ‘.‘cheaper than the cheapest’’.— Mind'the eign of the “Big Hat.” geptl9,’6B. ' j |~; IS. ATKINg. SSTOBATt&S COBDIA ator, the genuine artS mg Store of ,|DBfc. P, CBITMtyS. i tSROF.'WOODS Bi i r >nd Blood Reno; it tbs pi f ooaJ ■ i . ~ terfrom the 100th Regiment. ■in") ■■ <• |--- • IBlains. Cross ~) ' Campmth Eeg’t, pJPTo/s., V I December 315tJ1863. y } ■ ' —j.y- i 3£e. Editor;—Grand re Hilary merit in the Department of. the. Ohio, have for the present,. cbrhc. ta astand still; and once riiore wo ire enjoying .thdj duil monotony of camp life.— Twb weeks ago,, wej tsought Gen. Lopgstreet had some no,ion dfgiving us Rattle in thisvnlley.jut he acted on the id age, “Prudenc i> is the-: bet ter j part; of valpr,” atild withdrew his forces from our , front, and rumor now’sayei they are making their .way oyer the smoky raon'nta ns/to North j Caitoiia, thus-giving,upcast Tennesseorj as lost to them, forever,. During Our late Campaigns—never* In the history of this war, have men endured the hardships and sufferings, that the' ar» my of the Ohio, has do 10. The , mas jor ty of tjjo tufin are aljnpst destitute ot clothing, many have marched , for days, and performed duly in the camp ana t upon - the battle-field without shoes, andihave lived upon leas, than half rations, and clften nothing ing but patched corn. StUl.not a mar mer escaped (he- lips- of thosp. brave mein, ail were,j “(Jay and happy still.’-' TEa'chope knew that' the Government iio j t‘ceased to care foij (hem, .tbcir .pmalious depeziued upon .the didieuiiyot gelling iibe supplies" to 'them.and lUpt iLiere (jyjis no blame up on the Gover r id ; —« oil lie- this Depurtuu tuiii ■ diasuiiati* tmtuy ui Umm uliwii; Ueliove. * r»‘ 1 viiaucje 'U qu, biullfS, tli'V! BCO waa-t. W liiuaicpad uo diig, Uj lijjli t I t'iku u'o- uiore. Jlue liWlbi' (mtieliucuv .w< cijgbl uioatW :ltt»iU, Kjr tLo .utortf. ,| A LLi .ay urtougUj soull Lre liii regiment,! per mitting ? ,cucb one' to ydait-bis loved b|ies at lib me..- .N’early all regiments iu.tbis Uepurlment that have atjrved over twbyeairj, are Allowing tne ex* ample Mel,-by ' iblc liuunUUeuUs.— \jvnen men, wlio -bayi aerved as , long, I anU.aud tougiit upoii^iwjmany btobuy' i tjelds, as til ttio Inti it. Ctywiii again j ijo-yiiiisL, in inejtiold, lor tub more, la ample proof tout lUe u:\ hot Hied ol Uie war. 'lilt trub, a ties ire peace* —butUiit peace must bo j without compromise wild' liaiiora.— I'be step now taken |iy" those old reg i tjmentf,, apeak iii tbdu|a"eriiig tones to Jjavis, and , niajloiiowera, Uial j. nothing abort of sub'biissioji and a re-, 'turn to tlieir allegiance, or ! lion awaits Idem. jlno- old soldiers ! who have oc.'n tfiocL, add nut found II t’ ’ ; Wauling, are out witting now to leave : the tieid 'of ' ijlury, • jail'd ailci.ily, be ' lookuig on,wbtid tnijtors ot ibe Soutii, laud their. allies oflbo .North, seek to ’Jtrail in Uie dust this emblem.of our ! ballon, , apd scorn ibis Ij'tiion. JS’o, i never,' will they, bo jlbund inactive.— I .But once again, tl|cy have rallied --round their flag, and never will they • put oil' tbeir armor, t’ aitor» Jay jdown their unns, aud peace once more . jreigus throughout out once happy J laud. j-.'. 4 I •\\ ‘t i i | Youtis-Kespclfull y, . ' j '•w['C.SUUiil I bcK, I Asst. Surg. IpbtbJ Keg. K:Vl ; 1 J d- ■ _s ! - f ... '. rv I;-, - I 1‘ ~ s 1 t# *,i Mb;.. Editor f—Wi asSn all'space fri you teptiontoa sailed citizen: male and fei |- . 1 ; « tereoted. i It cannol novice of any obs< pernnco is alarmit crease .among,ns. ; There was a time j when as -aujom munity we. bouted of pur ■ immunity from glaring vibes; when a man- udh der the infla|nce‘Ol strong drink wai a jvarity not soYnbw. With stealthy] but nohp the less rapid ad vane i, intemperance hasgrown to be | a gia at evil, thceptnn.ing.fhe prospects, and mining t|e happiness of many.— Id a refleptibg mi bn, this knowledge will awaken'ead thoughts andgloomy apprehensions..- estaldgne odUls r tliat|ipHbw |ts train,.patnra.lly present bod.> ion,'.blighted^prospiects. 1 and .wrecked souls, th e desolated homes, neglected interests, apd’ poverty strickso.sOr. ow crushed families. I ' , : • ■ I / = • '. / The object o the attcntioß matter. ' CsSnin to stay Almiras'. Into. There ai saved, {jf only ' intoresia of b dear id uS'demi brothers ;!ard i ( every day. TJ bat unless we get and a heal stimulated, th< Will hot aom takethe Linatl some means b be. reached,, accomplish sd. taken One pack duccd to return; safe may bek tiort. | . ■ Tim I following is dispriptioa of thc'jhoiTorai of a Htttleifield.! Ojnr readers will.' record jog jil as being from the pen of a. war oorr*pohdont for proas, j * <Wben a ! furoanceli .in] blast, the red lotfr.taTn. j sparkler like 'a' monntian sprlng, aM‘ wiie rpde sur roundings tpe’peak Of (be ron gh raftert. .with ratainge; beauty, Whed the jftre is pns’ahjd; jtha black and ragged fit iron 'lie dead upon the groui3£ w|ith a •dun b rind stubborn 1 reshiwepr jwhp would dream that they CTpr’;leaped with ’ light?: ■■ •' ■; V■; L ' A. battle and a: fu|p|jdee:;ai:.e alike ’ ■ wonderful, ho" .dfull 'vi i; the bat lie.” \ | |; u It-in days fares’oppM; lant life dashejd agaiust'Sl|ission -Kidpii anil swept up] and over it in surges days’ since i |tried to'toll you l\ow i; alllf|okcd;jsP/many, days that-'it jii cvon'.now-'ifidurating iulo {history,-am: yet I'feci ilijcie ’taking''up ', .jstoryi jmil, where I' 1 felt it on-] Wednesday night at sunset, when ontj flag'floppei like Eagles;'lyings, and the-. wtkbyry of tnuniph] quivered alonj; the nidun fain.' Standing on the edge oft' th; field-in tlio Inoonlight. caiivJ as “God’ki acre,” stretches Uig,roug(>‘vaU,ey that, but an, uonf before,', jarfed : with ih.yi ndb'arfd Syhirl 1 ofthe. batfle. .'Fron ■anxfjr beyond the ridge,t qtit to Clnekamaiiuga Static, ji, ■ -ho ■ droj - piiig! shot' frobv Sheridan's guns- faint + ly pUncUir.tiHlhe silence. ’but’ here,’lis ten as you will, you can Heat; r.oscun;] bill 'the click of ambulivnCn Wheel r s! i) wjl y. ra ttlihg- i n. w.i th 'tH ei'p, rri an g 1 ed baidens,' no'sigh. 'no. grpan, -ji’dlhing but'the b,oblong'.laps'e otitbc Tennes see. | I tan never-tell j’oii ;' v >th ;v>’hiil a warm heart I looked up and saw ’ll o Federal fire [ kindling like a. now- to ,1- steliation upon Miasidnj 1 Ridge; tht}’ were as welcome as daK'tiriUig'Vd'ij* o 'eyes I that have watchd lihjd night opt, The jold baleful glarofrotprebel can p nod signallight | was 'qhehched wi h someting thicket* thanf j Water] Chattanooga was at peace.] V It,'jis strange that a b’attlo'! almost always lick hjltwpbir 'twoj_ breadths- of slecp> the dreamless plhihber into Ivyliich- meb fail iipon ils.cjre; the'cal a -repose they sifiK.’inio at Its end,;— .Night fairly held its breath above t : damps; ihe iving of - silendo was’i ov them; all, Then came Thursday moi •mg, fbright|; and beautifpl.: . i out Ip the field; yon keep,; saying ovl and over, ’‘after life J battle—attpr tr battle.” Men prone upon their facpi in. dtalbla deep] abasement; hero 6m bis- hea'd pilldwed upon t bis fold se arms;- there blfe, biff cheek ’press kt upon (6 stone: as] was Jacob’alaT jße h eh yonder i one, I his fingbrs ! stiffen e< round bis musket. Now you. n:.e where a butternut and|a ttuio o r Shave gone downi together, the' arm < the one flung, oyer the other; whern you ng boy of fifteen lies face up wa • both hhnds cldKikid oyer 'the heart The sun, baa touched the frost’ tl whitened bis hattvasif he bad gro' ;e. jmra for - ilLyori allow itr. paper, to call at t in which imale is deeply in t have escaped the jrver, that - interne igly upon the in- .done fdttop Vd 'bfe TLe those anjd tali o n »-dnyi /dOfii lent >r*ow. ■.izena levies ipay ill be Vlmve iWJn io' are y ac- . -- r - - ■ -'I- r f -g» old inla night, and it ihangs like-tes* fresh .lallCbi npofi Ws J cheeks; where Lieutenant grasps'. as f if joe died vainly feeling fo’r it 1 iittle hold upon life, jwhero a stained trail leads you,to hehincji a rock, and. there a dead wiho had crept) away duVof and &1-. len' asloclp) 1 rebels and true i hearts lie jn short windrows.ptt if death biid begun the harvest, and had wearied'of the jvprk. : j. ; And so; through the valley and n; the ridge, tr.evjery attitude-lie the: it buried dead; lie just- aa jjtbey fell I i the otthe r (hattle. And; thse faces arojiot id-yo*jthlhk}hafdly■< >h distorted! with vrf passiM! almost ;a1 white" and Oalm ms Ben Adbea' draatn of peace; many* [brightened Rebel Prison - Desoribad ley & of the Post office Department. the com wtlil Bomethinglike ja smile; a. few > ' ! Rebel. jT. ’ I niandW of the post •. foines in ; and strangely beaulfal.’ Wonnded ; ' i ';]■/' > ' ■ screues binidrcmvniorUid ppnißhfiießt. '' lpe i tnodnl ght search A 'correspondent' of* the Raleigh Non© i/of these opened 7 Ikm.siWntiV v WaiUngj fN. C.) Standard ‘givesj th.e-folipwing were for traitors |or ;alien : inj^ v Without araurrrier oT|!compfnln t; account .of-, the lUannerj .la. which- the The bfihb prisoners i«! taken r. glad they were alive; not grieved they J military prison at Weldon is managed: fro mil hc m , andt h cV are notallowed take! —-Mr. Editor; I secspme one makes to have auy ; vvrijtfng as ; Sorfdgel” they thus: did the old | a enggestlou your paper ihbt i U aliened \ because thing’s he£p~ Idieriy- spirit of r>pe flash up. like an agent ths appointed'to visrt .militap written to Govcpor Vn^nco l ..Hotdeu, j. ab oxpiringcapdle.,arvd gOrPut right ry prisons and, pschrtEiin‘ the condn ! and^ pi hers. 7 ’; j; r r ./ , rthero on the field as ho he died tion [and treatment o;* theprisoreraj ;CjtiVeh9, deserters Yankees ore all | with the last‘Wdrds ibn hip lips, and (North Carolinians) there : con* hudtilexi togelher; evenncgroprisopK i XI op higher. u i; ;r’i fined, and report the same tothe Gdy* ers have been sent iu, but thef prison [!.[:! said somethiagoftaking thwack- ernor or*Logislatnre ; : £;c.' This is icei|* -era unanimously .determined not tp ®tep and ground tainlya most jiidicious, submit tpsuch amalgamution, and the } classic by a thousand deed.© of propria!e suggestion, and T hope will guard allowed thie ...t0 stay.out- : t * 8 a , k. beyond the narrow 1 aVpnco receive the proper atj/teption aide.' I?o pots, yokels. or convenient ofa.“writer oflctterS, but whilb frprh\tbe liegialature 1 'Probably 11. is ees are alio w cdy/j? T lie• prisb n CcS is not I abandoning it j<tp morel ambitious, impracticable for the to allowed t(t ga pi jsend lb theßroyosV |.haAd^*I 4 <mnhot donymyself the-priys- make any law portapiibg dis- ilaVshal or liege of recording ;tvrp ‘ three 11.61- cipline and ; of, iibont ’6ifc -‘case. I [Some of these, mea ; i dents, ; C6l. Wiley, jpf the 41*1 Ohio troops just n£y* but[U is*only"desired have rec«^t!\(^ibe^ii^Ttried i J by .Court, ' ■ feilitorrible Wpapdcd at the line that the law malting' power 'of. the' pfrifle pits, and Geh. Hasen rode up, State of'North Carolina look; into ordered nbr;pr6mb!ga'te^set^^^oar* : y jfkh the words j I T ybu notj the treatment of her^ditizens' ! ito lb 6 |y ail those. inen[Ere^i!S { orib j badly \vounded.j vou think weMLi ohd that justice* and ha, and [th^nv of make, it? 11 asked the Cmpnel. j.;“I do/’ the good of the waa- the r reply. “Thil/s enough/' ed - This bgjent should ;be who good soldiers asi 1 fwd-.lhe officer,'‘T.can* stand duly a jwholesomo and deserve;but little this!” and thorp he Jay bleeding and lawfblexerciso of amoiig These factsean he pyoyenbya /hiin* contont,and the tide of battle rolled bur tVdopediwVd ftlsd one who knows dred witnessed prUoner |' pb; ( | the rights of pfivile Boldieri, and \hemsclves the:‘ Resorve t |; A division General, turned abrupt- -vould; under all ciycumstrfnces, do y name giyeathe* • ‘.pjqlj 6a is[ j ’y to mo in thej course ora desultory everything - jpoasible jto give justice ‘vForwUn^bm/' 1 Tjiel jts" g*&r 1 mnvcrsation. with, l!f you write anything 4b° l it Wednesday's affair, as you : will," forget Col, - Miller, of the 86th Illinois—one of the [ifcosjt'.gallant little fellows that ey«?r drew a sword.” I did npi need tbit injunction, for Colonel Silas Miller rode through -the storm to the summit of the .Ridge at the head of his; regiment!'like a vete ran, inspiring his men iill the little '36th was a phalanx of ."heroes. . The Colonel used jp be adjutant of types and lead a column, how and then; in the office of the Chicago Journal, and true to bis old; love, hoj headed a col uran at Mission Ridge. Col. Frank T. Sherman;- of your city, who, ebhv iPanded Gen. Stcedman’s brigade, dis placed a cool courage clear jddg- 1 mcn't worthy the name and fame of i Illinois] Itt truth, all the Colonels on ■ that day wore fit tp ; be! named' with him <jf continental-memory, “the old fashioned Oplbneli,” who “galloped through the whifo inertial powder* cldSd." v ■ j- ' V ! Sp6ts : all along that pough and ter rible .; mountain.', route -are. waiting some; poet’s 1 brealh/:to blossom jlpwar»;immort«L. iHereyJby, this gtajr!] rock flag tlih sojdicr, one shoulder | ebatered likoja pi;:ce ojf ( potters clay, v aiid tbuß'urged’l*ro; comrades, wdifrj: hailed to bear him t|> t,be rear.— il “'Don't stopJoi* raa —l’m bt no account; forGod’S sake push right up.whthlh&t' boysl” And m ,th>y» want^Al>d#le/t 1 him in his bloody ; veslmfents.; ©o yo j talk of, your ;royal purple of Tyrian; «cs? Beside] that hero , -lying there, j oso lints grpwnlnll as gray Xovom I her. Hard by that little .oak;. Colonel: HarkeVj'crowdingiCip.the hill, saw two brothers, one wouji dedl.wttb death.the other bonding over hint, j r. The Colonel not seeing the fallen i man; ordered 1 he Other tb move, on - The poor s trick ;n follow on the ■ ground railed in ah instapt; “yes that's 1 right, George gc on. go bnl” .George turned a pilot us l.opkjiipan his 'dying .1 brother grasp nl his inpsketanil clant /j beied on ’ And : thinwayhis last faro |! well; fop,, the suih'ttut reached, kb bast- I,;! ened baek, and there beside.the'’little pi;oak] the soldier lay-in, thil sleep r j pul a dream. .Between the first and ’ j s'oi-on'd' ranges]ofl rebel yyoiks right in i the.flesh bftiie charge] a captain, fell, and two camd'^o:liis aid. : Don’t.wait | herehosaid fgb baejk; ■to.your cota i pahy; one ukeloss manlts ffitoughjddri’t ’• make it three.;’ ' Just; then a cbeer floated down the- niountain, as I they took tlic riflo”pit-p; - ; 1 i ‘Don’t you Kea I “march,” and aw a; incidents as these i from base ', i ■ instant; Ibsi, apd whirlwind; worth, j of a place in Itj-al I . a spirit as the Ajpii j cd, whoso bu rden, r Blilt|‘‘exbelsibr,”]w i t , Mission Ridge Vn 0 vombar . afternoon: 1 , r all, I seem to have 0 ed ear,and ( t<| trie, valley below;, jfranr ’ now whitei and V down the ridgo.jn “A voice'cornea Ij i/-' : , ■'h h-r i : ■*. J—Ljd. (8 , CpXSCIENqEi. Tb> c exchange, "paper •f' certain' village,' vt * scquain ted,, jba v inj sold to him, insei t paper tho tbllovrin i “I purchased; p i village a qhintit; i which I obtained and if the_raacal i tend to my addres goodangar, 'fecnpt be ■ satisfied;!!it not , On the follow!r povnd his residence friim dealers, each impp the jfcrion intepde ,?_P' J mJA. (jistinrtlsboa clergyman be- I lervicoa « with pr*yer,jbat in- B viloaf tc b »&*.*?« h& frrtaa ink' II themiaowing, h« aught whit hi* own i; jjo J-- id*, niiw vthing ■ poas,.. and a fUifaiid speedy trial to all, North} Carolina prisoners. The Leg ! islatuije should authorize this agoriti to , ‘-A Sfolppgaf'—A renowned el ascertain and reporflon the cases of[ man of Lincolnshire lately peac confined elsewhere [in 'the Cbnfed- weighed in the balance ana ejrncy. :t. I 1 i . waiting.” tbbX^pngrej ■ Mach i6f j the ] duty of. J^his. : agent had listened About an hour'spme would depend on'the, courtesy arid. ( 0 weary! and webt out, ; discretion of Confederate military au- 8( j I greatly to (ihonttea., . President Davis would, 1 _ • • . K VA t ithiuk, readily order alVthft uecessa-.' ance nuiiistcr. Anotljci ry facilities, and priyilsgea > Bor * stopped fine said :—j/ . . to this agent.; It would be! proper to-j; ‘•'fhat’3 right, gentlemen; t eontinnc-hiitt a-year or more, as may tas you are weighed passed out bo thought nceisapy., This measure I ■ He continued his sermon ah is. entirely practicable, and a, more j length after no one'd; wise", humane, and', necessary tSssion | cd him by lia.\dng. '■ | could hardly bo prOyided hy the Leg | , - _ >■! j islatnrc.v There- arc at this momeul j women as much la* Tl. over ,ont thousand!j’cftiaeffs “;P : 'thtt| can. This’ is ihe best; school. .T|>‘ ijState.cobfiued within the limits of the ia fjhe .wayt’o gaini -T'Sey [jStato, andej guard jatftl \Vithout trial wil| rally ‘ yW.on many ppiijts, apd, : Some of these; riieii Tknbw to have j'ashthey are- wdineii^,y'oulwilr‘notlbd' been thUsebufihed.henrly’favVmpnths, Nothing lis of.so : mbcb|im /» rand have never, had any tria/mpd do|p,ortance,an,d|ofsomueh|usetoa young / L [not know tho charges agaiuetHthom. J mah entering [life, as to.be well .earn/. [Some of these prisoners are Subjected ucizedbv women-.'Sit is imppss.ijdjljip ilo-the most cruel and .inhuman lrent»|getfid if batl habits ,%hich 1 Cwent by. tie, military cbmraaiidefmn] pit-1: :-up ljh|ylrdnd-.’dvithOnt^'^rid [tchar'go of'lpem. Lam nijn-o familiih:. 'pc-iwisjor;,,. ' L'^ibrUi^atdy, 1 you'- nay ' [with the management of no sisters. - Nylcr ha u;|lbrided!if s ' •[prison -at jVVelddujrubder^cirarge-6T|Vwbnj.ah rally eiiauii&age h(er« ! M,[W. Rgn£SjS|-''The mi lit a- i.Ct|;oxwive Viyi \vil£n -iy f-V:be, hfr saMi'm.'. try prison at Wcldcpii isjt log hut. six- -1 j : bdr ;a-.vsc\v;ir.iijebs. or i 11tlIj,r>[l ! tceij by ©ne smalldopr , ard iitfi-V tjaarn tSftjKearJ ' iis the only} the cracks I yvy.'' ■ [";- [ - I . | and- chincks-’ are stopped tight with ;. ease; has oceurrodl'in | elay[ and ithere is a [<|iimney at* due i end.-. .plado, forty tend fifty' | oriprinai nViiCUai-o'in sdiuu !iib'.!iu|;c.4>-., of j ag«ur, are-J A man a; [murder— a ..kept/ppusiantiy,- I' \vsry “ few *• have 1 living-lorv .* j bhvtlkcts, and ' not more , flian one -or i Sunday. Was; arrest >£iniday,-the : j 1 t wo' have! la change x>h clolhea: -All j inqiiest, /have to Mand iniido titis -but tho; ipdivXeii' on ’•. \VcU brojagnll! to I whole;tirad. '/■ ] ■ '/■' j TlTursii'ey,\j>jeadl*J guFiu-ind , { From morning t 1 (tight till mornin, j cramed.antl packq ; and filth, with npi i lie, and ihu 5 they li I anfl ufonths. . They I get jl j have auj - . Com mu! with the outside tempt to bo so, the j shoot thonij They j'tipnsf thati|is,.lialfi,i ]to trcripS ib the fii j ei;s' gpt one ■ hall j Qu.o fourth pound oj | and from four to se[ I This is ab|solutloy !«‘d to bavli, and| I j from buying or gel }to eat .wbatdvfeij. jed'Tthora iteeomeli and very often the [worms-, cobwebs, 11 1 of thesO men are'st: | ir.g'weak] jand leu hunger.TKey often eat up the mor sel allpwedl them] at one lime, and do without far two days—till next draw d -. ;• 1 j,-_ / ( • 1 .•. / . guard "arp ’snbjbctiAo seyerc penalties itjtbey allow tho-prisoners a mbuthfu|i,b eat, except what is drawn from thp These prison ers arepot allowed tb wash themselves or thpir elpthca, of get their clothes washed. dro not allowed ; to speak to alriy person outside under any circumstances,unless a peimit.be /giv en by the iPfoyost Marshal to visit ’the adirahonse.j Very fow.vare al lowedlto ylsitj the prisoners—hardly even the jcbunsol: employed in; theii case. : While on their way to the cburt-marltial room'in Welaon,. they must not speak to their; witness or frieofl, on) penality of being bayonet led or shot down on the sjot. They are not allowed tb vo.te' at the. State elections, I knd ‘are made to- da all Species of labor continually—to clobn [ arpupd the! streets and hotels , of. Wei dpn;!to buiid arid-clean 0 out the quar ter ,%nd rooms ; of officers;,to make, theiif fires And cut thoif wood', &c.’ • of these iraen are. very ,sick, a'nd bri reqtfesting an employee in.the Provost office; fqrj a doctor, were in formed that they mighV “die and go tir belli” I This sAme employee a vul gar [rs'nMpiad MarTlanaeri—took, all thelettei™ TaltbS'pVisonors ofbm.,the pOsttofficje land open them, aedfietain ed tbailarla&o, if to. ibopgbt proper, .witln&r [without bvilan. Whea bis I ooadoet yai krooght to tbf ptUntion l ...1-1 N- ■ ,v ' c '" , ilia.t r” ho .cried, r : i'uGy\went' ; 'Such strew . all the way happening in lan forgotten.- in..the every; on flictn, hearts. i e traveller breath- , 1)3 bo went, was üb'cari wonder that ii» carricd ir. a No i. 'AfliT. think, of it the poet’s quicken , Standing 4n thfe, i hundreds of lips Still, a voice flows accord:,. tikeje. faUing.stir > ■ ixoel ÜB. .—A.®; lays: A man in,a iith whom' we are [ Lad (sanded sagur jted in. the (•weekly g Notice; - 'vV f a grocery inThis y ot,jBugar|,' frbttf lonia pound or samf; who cheated mewill Js setbV pounds,of htfi .measure,) I will 1 sballjezpose him'” ig £ay/ nine sevph [ sugar were. left at as many different singbimself to be id.; ' . ' orally ki id** ! Bypass |iot judgment dn thy follow tillthon hast lieon in thlu, same predic ihentjf say'not-of matters that'- are in- CornproliensiW sf tbat tliou canat coni'- prebend ■ them ' neither say ”.whoa I bftall have leisiire ,11 will ijtudy,lest thoa rhay noyer have ill ; , .• 1 , ■ • S®*'CUo number; of political jouraia in pans' and l nM'htG;at'prW'4,-'' cht is three, hundred add 'eighteen; 1 d£„ unpolitical, ei;x thousand seven hun- V tired. V-.' ' .’.'l ■. ■ l®*Tbe young ppodigalj the Prince . pi .Wialoß, btis just - built a private j theatre for lm| wifeiand }jer friends to' afrijuse ip. ' " N J ■ ’--iS . CSrlrt Great, Brittain they diitic guisod a hoblepnan ,by:lhe sl^ridn--Lia breast ;l in this country, wb distin guish a policeman m the same way ’ aarlho day i 6 abort; tbelabonis Wu'lho vr6i|kn»cn are '.lffcyj, the,pay, ■nvtch; and 'the ma-dor of the-bou'so. uigent. ■, .f • ./ .■ t 4 I ■ • i i;i - j3t aad patriot Bobol* I ]- comes silently, like *|Kj - ‘.bo key-Lols-of; !lui’' BgfcJTo the af,'..repUlatio_ fairy through study.-, . J^Th^r^ BifesVandmost Noah's &rk waa ; aauTbo, Bleed dSbd. wine ot tWwSQP*oy ot’tbft' •Tit, d«atloj 7 g*nkißd. ; .: \) v ■' ' p donbl tho U,6U< 'robblesomo animal ia Jlnj.Sbem’-'baby, i jfc* : y : &* '■ I iBMCtiaO, ’’. tun* ' tom & ■ yo«r* tiuiui free/ | ME I srey- ued ' )U/ftrt:. ioand . ;ation r beganr otherar' ttmoy- [. per* • . ■bv .•■ loi Uiui v,\.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers