DEitVliiK ARGtTS. ■Wctlnesday, Ebv. 11, 1868. D.i L. IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. ■ Fop President in' 1864, " ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OF ILLINOIS, Union Men, Preserve Your Or •/. I--"' . ‘ ganizations- !ffc I. avo end favored i n (mV last, to show the great results of the last -election, and that the loyal- men of Pennsylvania sustained at the liallot box the great principles,for which we contend. VVe w'll now proceed to show as briefly as possible, the neces sity for a conti n uahee of,the organi r-zation of-the friends of the Govern ment, which produced this'grand and glorious result. _ ; That the .people did not want any change in those representing them i the National Governmoot, is perfect ly certain, from the 'hearty support which ali truly loyal men gave to the' measure anJ policy of (Joy. Curtin, whb, in lhi» Slate, represented the' friends of the Constitution and the j U overthrow,by force of arms, tiro. rebellion, and compel a submis sion to the laws,, -We believe that not only in tins’ State, but in every Slate in-.the Union, the! people are , ready to|respond to the decision made by Pennsylvania; Ohio and New Yort; that is, {faithfully to stand by the Golf. crnment.i We believe it will be as necessary and essentia! to the Nation al existence, to re-elect Abraham Lin coln President of the United 'States, in order to main in full loree and au thority the powers of the National Government, as it was .to re-elect An drew G. Curtin. Governor of Penn aylvania, in order to maintain the in her true attitude •of allegtant-e to the National Authori ty. and until yhat liuthoiity ,l>as been 3‘ F- v .fully vindicated, tlione who are now in its en farce mC|it,.. should ‘not bo changed tVvmako r room for un kn.iWirtimi untried .mepjiiKj.his groat •crt-ts.• The vimiUrv .certainly, nerds no change! only from Iwkr; to state of peace, ami that can bo mo-t cer- •thiiiiy secured hy, retaining in. power the uion who have Stdopted sueh moas' ,‘ures as will eventually,'crush robe! I lior. and thus.put ar.d eiid towar.' 'A '"change of rulers, whilst the war con t'inues, would invoke ,the dapger, !of di-aster to ihetrovoifijiitint. Thustfee people fully understand and are. pro ; pared to act aceordiiigly Tli»ri us the Inte .etoctinn r»«ult(jd ,»a jjl'iHon-ilv fir tl.ojca'isa of tho iib. " ; pii h'Ho, in’ this w nwh . mnro important ia it that'ttra-ahonid'he prc pared to Btiuid by and support the ■ ■ cfiu of ici vi! ■ a iitJTß'lijjirttw-Ji 1 the approaching great National con text. Ttie .pf N thw friends of ihe*\jnion w asa Ini o <tport\ci, a* «•»(< ptovied by Uvo result, of their ef fort*. It, becomes the Ju ty ; of cveryjldyal rhaVi. every friend of .the cau«e of hU country and of tin man libertyl to fkeep in; active opera tibn during the coming, winter ih’oir Union League* and fucli other coun ty and township organization* iis will be needed dur : ng the great contest of 1864.: Lei. thdm disseminate' useful information among the people—arouse them to .vigorous action, for the most momentous question which ever cane before any people is soon to bo de cided. Alread ■ \ ■ we find lh ij Jdi j 6 enemies of the Government preparing par ty machinery, for the purpose of over .tb,r»wiiig our free institutions, and to enable them to,give" iiuch aid and comfort' Co their'' Southern allies as will make the rebellion a success ; and how much more become every, loyal man ih the IjTurth to he ‘prepar : ed to meet them ahd detent them a-j gain most triumphantly, a* Wo have already done. ' i 1 • Soldiers’ Aid Society- Li-=t. ot contents of the boxes; sent from Soldiers';' Aid Society, District No. 2, Darlington tp., Bcavor Comity Pa: ' r T i I#/ Box. sent July IS.—2 quilts, 7 .shirts, 4 j»r drawers. 3 -pr. socks, 3 wrappers.l4 towels, 13 handkerchiefs, • 9 hop .pads,-.2 ifeather. pads 1 hop fijiow, 1 roll ojd muslin, 3 lbs soap, .quire writing paper, 1, pack : of en velopes. 6 lead pencils, 3 combs, 1 package of reading matter, 1 aim ! sling, 9 housewives, 3 pillow cases, 3 sheets. ’ • ■ 2nd-Box, sent Oct. 2-i:—2 quilts, 15 shirts. 1 -pr drawers,l wrapper, 1 ; towel. 6 handkerchiefs. I rcill old mns* lih. 1 coniL. 11 pillow cases. 4 shirts.! 11 ,ie'ianii‘iits, 12 lbs dried peaches, 3 11.'.*- cracked corn. 4i lbs dried chor :,rb->y- ihs sweet corn, 10 lbs dried 1 elderberries, 1 cajn currant jelly, 1 can 'currant Jam. 1 package reading mat ter, 8 housewives.' ’ IfirWe received a’ visit from Prolr G. N.. Cole, of New Y«irk ctty.whd ,pri>p<wes to teaely a ck«s of Viocal. iii‘ our borough. The repatH ; tion of the YVvfessor .is vtrr high, s a^d'thoac .k W attend will huwptin -piiltd for ituo.iiw;.apath jtprjer jiUi in tfraotlon. ;■/ ( •. ■’ v Tile Future Course oftho Dem-ThonextState Treasurer t TI ° orati f Co PP«^^ k < i Daring 'the. next/meeting of the ~li n j'oni*"f 'ti| W n° tH,W W* w ifh atnPe °f -tfep S'tjaie/ a Treasurer leaders iif tbe Democratic l party. North . v-.• , 7 . .-Jl l .. o .. , : . sr r 1 J : j will be elected, and a* the tJmou men and South, b^ct |j[ t>n n :, g a feajoritv bn joint ballot they * u , e a^ood^M '** %%•/"#. to fill thit lSfc^£s£: the Amenean Union, andcivillibettyi \i| , ' , , > ... */*•., f ■ - .... ? " \ ] i . m L n We hope most sincerely Mat" the might be forever destroyed. They u „ .... ~ . ,-i , . -.■ ..I; •/ , . - ,r Hon.jHekrt U. Moors, of Finladel. have endeavoted-to disgrace and: de- .. -/ . JL ... ! .-, . . . * . phia, may be chosen; We have ’long grade free labor, and to make the in- !. ' .. ... ;. ~ , _ . e . .. , . ’ 1; . : . known him, and Mie, is well known to stitution of..slavery superior to the .. n i ! " * /- , . , , J ■ i the people of Pennsylvania ae one of highest honor and welfare of the na ... - , lL ■ « . . , J our rnosti talented, honorable and op tion. Put a short time ago the South .i. ' y. i * ,j i., r . . - . , right men. Asa courteous, kind-heart' ern conspirators, ana Ihetr mean and ? .■ • ..i .. , /.r,\ -vu, c led and worthy gentleman, he has no conlemtible allies of UreNorth, were !. . . f. I . . . .. J superior, and but tew :eqnals._ He has busy'ir. working mischief in Europe . r . , - ~. . ■ 6 _ j _Tr heretofore occupied that, important against our own Government, and , ... I--. ... ■ ■ \ >.... ~! ‘and responsible position, and was were the i meanest and most servile . ,„ . . * l , . . i * . ... _\ J ... 1 found to bo most admirably suited to worshniors at the footstool of- every l .. , i ■, . •/ . -I 1 ,- - , , ;T-‘hll it. His competeudy and integrity throne of the powerful monarchies of - . . . r . . ! . ■■■* . 1 ure undoubted, and we hope that for the old copntrv, begging for recogni- .. . 1 „ i „ e . ... ~ „ . J the honor and interests of the State, tion of ard alliances-with the South- . , r, ,i v .;,i !may bo again elected. We feel confi ern Confederacy, so that they migot' , v i- . , • , J. .i i j -I' Ul. r> I dent that the Legislature can find no have strength to destroy the Govern- \ ~ , '. . j, one ; whose election would give more 'ment which they had not strength .. x . . „ . . . , . , ,■ < . ■ : ■, j universal satisfaction, to the loyal enough -themselves to overthrow.i J And now since all their efforts aml| in *” 0 ■ enni *y v«n,.a plots have failed, and the rebellion rs:-, We . ho P*> f o ’. th )f ***'? k -• *» h.«.«.it. iu L> placed at the head or the Treasury, about to bo crashed •by tho power of ‘ -, - ]. • , j •j- ...l. . : , I Mr. Moore will appoint oar esteemed a loyal and indignant people, they . i -i, . .. . .. J.. f ’.j, and excellent felluw«oinzcn, Thomas will turn their attention to some otn- , T ■ . . . ’. j, .. . . . . , j • . .. , • NicHotisoN, Esq., to be his Chief Clerk er plans ol doing, mischief. ■ ~ „ . . ... i ! ; A or Cashier He has bad rloug expen , Every Northern State in which elec- ~ . - . ■ . .i ' , . i n .. ence and has always been found faith tions have been held —in Maine'Ohn ' i Vi i - -v- y• i , ! ' i ' fu ! , fully competent, and to possess.the ’Portnsylyania, Now York, &fc., the J ?. i ,- , .. ■ . „‘.i. . i most sterling integrity. Beaver cotin -peoplo have spoken at the ballot box, 6 ; v •i.!. .. , u . ,■ ty will expect that one of her beet in unmistakable tones that this great . r ■ r ... j ,r, . .1,,. ; i and moat worthy citizens will be and good Government snail bo main- ■ . /.i , . . i. ~ ■ , . „ , . . . i called; to fill that place for which-he tamed at all hazards, at any cost, or . , ■ J . . m, . " i • c .J .is pre-eminently suited. ■ , price. (The conspirators iu the South); . r ... ■ . ; 1 and their friend-, the'copperheads in A Correction ‘ the North, have been appalled by-the ttt o. • .A, .j ,i ■ . i . In the TTesfrra Star, issued Oct. 2d> tremendous and most unexpected de it - a „ Btatcd j,- ’ w hat then terroipaiion of the people to support thought reliable i information, that the Government, and to ; ,rebuko and wliijo at Rochester on procoding trample down their treasonable plots, Friday, Gov. Curtin had ! been- drunk. , \ ■ . . .. 1,1 As an act of jusiice to Gov Curtin, and restore our country to ft s wonted ]• .. . , J , , • . r . J 1 against whom we bad no intention of power and prosperity. Then whitli- j giving : circulation fo a false report, er will they turn, to dd mischief, and I and, for ,our own 1 vindicatioh from all dishonor the nation which they havb the ill-;fee!|ng ‘which has out disgraced both at home and abroad? of .the affair, we desire to say that • Heretofore,, they 1 have‘boldly urd- sulwcqu.entj investigation has induced -i -tiA sL -I ns to believe that the original statement claimcd. and gloried, in,-their 1 ■ , •, , 3 ■ . . , • ■ .r,,-. . i was incorrect and that \ce were, misin thy with rebellion, and t their opposp formed as to the facts. lion to the Union. They have 1 with We have no desire n't any time, to their champions,Vallaudigham,Wood concea; or. suppress the truth, even ward and Seymour, opposed,the war though its disclosure may benefit a ’ ..I . ' , i political or personal toe, arid bad we tori the iito y.f, the nat.pii, . and £ uo * n i be rj e its publicalioq ‘that the I’O'ed the National Administration, |-tory ot Gov. Curtin’s drlinkonness in every effort irl*smad(S for tho reAl was it vvould • corluiuly toralion of an honorable Now^ never ban ajipcared ; or had we known wo r au..,K)se that them to re- i <alsity before Urn election as we , . . j [ know if now,this correction wotibrlinve icme the power and influence which jbee,, published ;thkm Bcjiev-ing the lliey have lost by - their disloyally, -tatement, made to ns. wiih a request they Will change their cinirse. aii'lilrj- for its publication correct, we thought to provelo the people, tlmtlhcy 'ari- !l ri g'*t Iha'il should be made known. the true Trie lids pf Hid coflniry-ditl-^gh'.to tf.e .•■■■■ , - . , i •'■-i i otru R'conc-eriniig the persolctl Imoits tavor qf. -prosecuting the a^ p u^i< 0 f {he candi-iaic Ibroffive wL soli.-its the rebels are com»e)led to submit' Pj,'j support, nud.: especia-f'y when jtho laws, that ; they may tho-| more 1 these huhiis. are of -ueb a mv.'ifi; as ieasily dt-coive lhe m-issosj andii betray j‘” P r ; ,, P«' ■discharge, • . , ■ ~ , ' -.. of his,official thin-'-;, they ■ are; iegit:- dneir country.- Already,, we see evi I . . y.s - mate- snbiecis ot criticism. prom change of policy. Be. j this cblisiderai; we f.-lt ourself Jnstj i lieve thwn trot- The copperhead ! fie(l.iir...puhiishing. the statement re- I leaders aie. and always will be, tbo J fei'ccl to.. Having been bold enough 'same. Their nature ami de-igita-'caif .i 'Ttlrcuraiioh the- rtj-igitial ■ > ; . I : ,r ; charge we are now-fearless of Jwhni not change. . Whatever course they ( , onsoqilPnees ; p,i| ou . may-adopt, wo may always feel'bonli- lefntation. We hope always Io have dent that the same black, malignant courage to tell the truth.— Star, Nov ti nt soul which has characterized their, -We learn that in consequence of conduct and . sentiments, heretofore, the above recanla'ion. the prosecution will ,remain the same, until they .'are against Mr. Long ibr \libel has utterly exterminated. ■' ■/> , been withdrawn. ! Wo publish r tho : • Then what is the duty of tfue -and article, leaving our readers to. draw loyal men? It. is-to watchthe cop their owii-eoriclusions as. to the mo perhead leaders closely,'suspect soihc- i lives that prompted its publication.- thing/ wrong' when you see l as as the article of the 2nd of them smile and juate of the-Uonstitu- i Qetober ’ tion and the miion. Let us' every- v\ in where Keep! up our Union urbaniza- tions, watch with.a jealous and vigi- lant eye, every movement of the en emy, and thwart them at every step they make' iibr the destruction of our’ national existence. ‘‘Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."' J- • Ed Aaocs: Pledge publish the' fid lowing statement of' contributions made in |SreenTtownship and iiiime diate vicinity, in aid of the friends cf the Christian Com missions for sick and wounded .soldiers sini-exthe buttle of Gettysburg, July 3,1863; I Greene Ip. proper, .collection...'. .J $53 70 flookstown borotigi, do. \..., 42 25 Georgetown borough, do. 7... 35 30 I Total Greene Ip. cash subscription .$l3l 25 Two School Districts in Hanover twp,'. .pr Alex. Nickle. collector 72 60 Two School Districts in Raccoon twp, pr Mrs. David Smith..'.. ....... 65 50 Tresb't congregation.Glasjroiv.Oliio tpl 81 65 Net proceeds of festival at Hookstown,; 140 00 Set proceeds of concert 'by Ladies of j Hookstowo ;... 64 85 !/'■■■■ i !-| . $485 75 Thh same parties contributed! six bpxesjhospital -supplies, consisjing of duined and dried fruit, shirts; old tnns lip anti linen, sheets,Ac., all of which has been sent to the agen cy at Pittsburg, and credited to the Soldiers’ Aid .Society of Western, Pennsylvania and West, va. M. L. Washisqtom. Nov. 9 re ceived to day from the front, ‘represent that-heavy firing was heard yesterday and though occurring in the. lower purt of CulpeppCr, out: from Kelly’s lord,’ at the; junction pf[j the Rhpidaii with the Rappahannock ■ The Star ot this city says: 'Ve hoar ■ that Gen Grant has telegraphed) that j two of the most advanced important [positions of Burnside, have been W- i [••.suited and captured: by ! the icbeisj | who made prisoners of half of two [regiments that were bolding them at I tbf timlh •; T «■'! !*• ■ " ' 7 * ■ ; - Battles of the -Revolution 1 j Ep. Argus: The following is a tabic of the comparatire losses of life, sustained in tije baiiles.of the Rerolulionary War, which may be iuteresting to many of your readers: . :■ ■ j Jiruith. Amer. anitiV’ot’ tlii.s <V a patriot Lexington, Apr. 12, 1*75..273 84 ic calN’or vului up our. por Bunker Hi|l, June 17, '75 .........'..1054 460 linn of tin* Pn uieition of FUt bu !h, Ang. 12,’*6. 400 ’SJOO the 30t>,000<U Now. Mr. J""- f&£ ,S . *?■ BMor; o,i, b, Princeton. j»n 5, "7....;.: 400 ioo method to m< up: thoranks of oarur :Hulibard3town, Aug. 17;’77.800 800 it should be done by voluh- Bennington, AUg. 16, ’T7 ;....?. 800 ItH) 1 and at ibiirstayee of the ifkr. Brandywine, sept 11 77.. : .....;.. 500 we all come tip to the work it. this Stillwater, Sept. 11,'77 tfot). 3&0 h „.. 4 „ .i - a ». ' J Germantown, Oct. 5, '77 ......... 000- Am "?> % morab efloefc- upt.D «ur one- Samjga,Oc. 17,’77,{surrenderedj5752/- nm-s will he very salutary. We thus i Keed Hook, Oct. 22, ’77....J... 6«o 32 can make short work of the war, and j Monmouth, June 25, 73 l3O in six months more perhaps wo can Rhode Island, Aug. 27i ’78....u7i. 260 *214 once more look upo'n our belolved! Briar Creek. Mar. 30. lB 400 country in peace' her honor unlar- Point, July 15, ’79.Z . 600 ! 100 t- -«’ IT ' I „ j Camden, Aue. Iti , .’79../{...".’.V.‘.’..'i 875 i 610 n,,,hed i at | d t“> r juag the most honored King’s Mountain. 0cfi1,’80........ 050 j 96 aifiongj the nations 6f the earth. Guilforfd.'H., Mar. 18/81 532 1 4fH) and generally people have so'ine lois- S i 1 ™' d “<f Vorkto*n,Oct.’Bl. (surrendered) 7072 S® Ht thal » Coni,ty.Convention bo cal at pn early day, with the object to NOTICE. Beaver Codntt, s» .-, And now to wit October 28th,t A. D , 1863, itjis ordered by the Cou?t that the next Term- be lirnited to lone week, and that the Sheriff be directed not to serve the venire for Jurors for the second week of the Term’and to give notice to any persons summoned for the sjecor.d week not to attend’ By the Court. , • DANIEL AON BW, . President Judge. . . t ,j| I In compliance witfbtho above Or der, all persons sumjnor.ed as i Jurors .for the THIRD MONDAY OF NO i VE3IBER, are hereby notified 1 not to .-attend. -i : ' ; ■ . JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, i : Beaver, Oct. 28th, 1863. J is settled lhaf four Uncondi tional . Unionists and one Secessionist •raohoaaa to Coogrws from Maryland. j (I'rm tIM BsTenna (O.) Democrat.) j. Sesih ofiCift' 8 Quay #o;mingie. with oar hour* of pride and triumph, come dispensation! o«t -tag shadowsand inflicting pain. At the Aisles)! for three months troops, among the; patriotic heart; tbai re* speededin Bavenna, wore two young men!flpoD wbom thou promise ;pf long lifa,Qsefaln<*M and honorable position, seemed .eeenreljr set Both now sleep the lastlong silent sleep of- earth, together with many brave comrades, who, jupon a bright ; April day,; in 1861, 1 departed from home and kind red. as soldiers, in the army of the Union. ’• v 1 On'o fell early, stricken by a swift and fatal malady; the: other, after longer service, and a protracted pros tration has followed the ’ dear , friend and cora'panTon, who went; before: — Nearly side by side. io ’.ho already! well fiiied eenieiry, have we/ with; grief swollen hearts, deposited then earthly tenements of Lieut. Robinson.;] and. Lieut.'Quay. Almost inseparable: in lifej dealb.did hot long part' them" j - Copt. Eliigt Swift Quay, died Oct.! 20, agisd 28 years. Hi wasthe young-1 eat non of iibv.A. B. Quay.-and was { born in Allegheny. Pennsylvania, kt the breaking out of. the rebellion be was residing with his brother-in taw, | Jj 0. Prentiss, in Ravenna. The first I _eail of the President - found him ; a ready and an I eager volunteer, His name wasonrnl the first subscribed for a Company of soldiers, the famous Com pany Gi, -of the glorious Seventh Ohio, itjpon the organization of this company hejvas chosen Second Liont. In this remained until bf tor tbta death j>f Lieut! W. H. Robin son,! the Blb of October, 1861, whey be was- commissioned as Ist' Lieut, ofCo . G In the succeeding, January, liewas detailed frQin his | 'Company to the Staff of. Gen. Tyler, and upo i the 81st of May, 1863, was appointed A. A. General, with the rank of Caplgtn, and assigned to the Staff of Brig. Gen. E. R. Tyler, i This positioh he retained until the 4.oth of Oct. 1862, when .he resigned and came home. | Ho was. then out of health, .but hoped to be restored. Upon the 17th of February, 1863, lib; was at tacked; with lung fever, an r d from this sick bedbeneyor, arose, but continu ed daily wasting away- until vitality' was exhausted ; his sickness having rapidly imtminajted; in' consumption. • The iililitafy career of Capt. Quay .developedln (bita ability and goniusj He was a universal ■ favorite with his jinen, beloved -for bis kindness, And honored for his bravery. .Heshrasre from lib duty aiid avoidod 'no - hard ships. j Whs qufck to plan and vigor ous to for his years arid military experience, took nigh rank among the officers of the army with which-lip whs <tan'iiected. His brave ry was conspicuous at Cross Lanes, at Cotton Blue! Gap, at Wiiif Chester at Port Republic, at Antiftam and af Sliarjwhnrg': At Winchester ho. was wounded; in the bead, ami narrowly escaped deiith.- Before leaving the arm} - he was prostrated'.with ill lo ahh, and raino lioine to recruit; but the exigencies of :h:e service, called him' back .hetorj a favorable reaction , (Tomhienced; At hi»t'and reluct a n tty, lie knew, that;'if ho would live, he . ti.'usi, vacate his arduous- post, but the decision was made too!late j the -(hand of the des troytr ,was iipdii him. and hb was io follow ;other' brave; ones, who have fallen Toy. their country: - It is prohk hie that; the. incipient foundation of hi«:discase was ■ laid in the VVes'ctai•; Virginia campaign, where the 7th I Ohio”suffered privations and hardships I which ’have bouti unequalled by any j of the war C'apti Quay formerly lived here, anil at one lime wnacinployed in this of fice, and ' is well known to-' -niai.y ciu izeim of Beaver county. Ho wn/a brother to Col. M. S. Quay. T» \Editi>e Ako Bhruct our County Conunissioners to er 4 a|Couhty Bounty ofsay 81 JO, op mure, la addition to that offered, by our Government, 'which .1 believe in 8402. Then if tho-county. will give 8100, which will’ make *8502 bounty to curb brave and worthy volunteer* who may go out in defence of our Government at this time, her boar of need; If any one objects to our coun ty offering is bounty for volunteers, then I say lot him be the first Wan to go without any bounty, and then by so doing he will - verify; bis sincerity. Mr. Editor, l am not subject to ili|i tary duty, and never was; but 1 am willing to bear my portion in this way, and would be glad~Uk see our noble'and brave ,soldiers, who, go to sustain our liberties, araplyWwardetl • I; '■ CixizbjC" Nowj Galilee; Nov. 8,1863. is hot. behind her aistei; state* ih devotion to the Union,. Stephen Wilber, the Onion candidate for '• s.lsotad by IO,OOOt nu^. Meeting of seaoheft*iiMtitute Battleoiithe lUppabannook- [owiutodt*o* 4»t we« k Teteheiy limilttttd of i Bebds Exemption List ■nil adjoiblhg townships met at the; _ S / ~ .’T • ■■ • ■appoiiitrnenl'ofthp CcHinty Stipend- Nov. B—The follaw-j ■. \-■ ■ j Ifcokstqwii; (H 29 fni 10 >»"**; received jfrom the army of Examined iy \ Surgeon •A.M. House wan Ca/ted to rtfder by A he Potomac toldjay.—Headquarters f nnfit for tetvice. •lectingßev, Seott.Chairnian and' Army of Uie Pot«mao. November 7th. S’ep’h’Maple Monoima(,..i. ~ tm The P. I Sedgwick R Insulate waa organlted by gd.ipUng x 9 ** i -••«* W*s /Robert Burney, Cumberbnd ‘‘ a constitution end elecilng the follow the/nemy O”lho rtVer, assaulted 'and Bv«n Hunt, f ». - • ofleera, President: Or. Nelson. Ylde e*pturedAwot reg|menta, wjßb artille- Thbs Nichole! Monrao r f/esldeot A. £\JlcCoy, Odapraan/lraSin. ‘ MisAJeunie Com ?C French; Thadeus RHoptoi»,cJa w berlaii<i . mil tee J. l. Reed, tfiAxßeal end His* ;»**•*»* ' Kelly>. FNird, dnylp*jtl|o | * l|d# . £ « N'tianghlfo; Afchrlhetnuu i J ll , n Murdock/Greene, ’ ” “ action of soaie animportftnthdsinMs i *" d f. s W 0, t d '! oVw r “".ndrod prison- • Albert 6 ! Spagg. Wayne the Institute adjonmed to meet at 1 « M JS'K"*** J, I M Cico W Blackf%ffcrson / P. H. . • J \ J <?*>• <* MW tf«j ; Gen. Com. 5 J oHeph ti £ V Se»tion.-rjP < rea\dent ■" the Second dlsbrttcHlO P. M.—General J P Mitchner, Cumberland, 1 .. V' Hlr ’i m? 1 ? (P 6 "® I*\ 1 *\ BedgWick repoririapturing^tbispilM.,l^ oo i,® r ®Bgi ..-,Washington, Wash ... cl»«* drill in Keedmg, I conducted by |} n operational three Morris, .f s A, A-McCoy, Next g" class .drill in. colonels.aniong 4her officers, AmwCli;- , Written Arithmetic conducted by Dr. W BQo|mdn, together with • mi ; „ . 't>att|e flag's. General Frßnch i caM^^^^p ,(ierB(,n - ‘- .. . ? Night Session -Thefoiiowmg qnes- f u ral oyer 400 pnioncfs, oncers auPMHP a<Jo ". Washington V. ,-T tion was discussed . How are Teach- men I TSignedl I C’onklin, Morris V era to secure the .co-operation of pa- : • ! Georok G MkAOS, 1 , Jacob B Fordyre. Gilmore. ' rents r Aext remarks On School Gov 1 . Major GoheCal Commanding. Peferßigjgs, Spring ilbl, urn men t, ~« -_.■ [- \■ \ . ■' |- Thus Rigos, j- . ■■•. »•' ■ Qct S QIA, TVrmxm.- I —Opened with h. dispatch from Washington of the : Nicbols Pioraon, « prayer by Rev B. S. Morton. Next Bth says: It; appears from infdrii.ii: i Jos X ’ •* ?■. a class drill in Phoretics, conducted tnation received here to night,, that Abraham Kripps Bconomv W.« " hy" J r.l Rued. Next, class drill in yesterday .morning the sth imd ,6tlr Alex Kline. Jotfursori * ’ Mental Arithmetic,conducted by W in. army corps, tinder Command ot Aidjor DrWmL S Wilson <..i,. USh <0; Beal. V : : ' ■. General Sedgwick;, ladvanced to Rup- Edward Gurth^r’Lnover Afternoon .St-w/on.—Exercises open- pahannock Station; they having the Win A Jfarsh. Cross Creek’ i <■ od with a class iii, English Gtnmmar, right wing of theiariny, and the Ist. j Gflea Lawton, j ’ coidlui’tcd by MisA Jetnio Calhoun.,— 2d and :3d cnrps| forming the left! Jos B Canumij Jefferson X e *L Reading By the Superintendent, wing under Major General French, i Jdsepli'Mackiii Smith-‘ ' Vs. '■ Next,. Written. Aritltinelic, by proceeded to Kellvls Ford., | J | Janies Paden, Pulaski/’ Law n > Lizzie . M’Lauglilin. The following j This morning lie! crossed jthe river I'Jaines M Stevenson, Smith, Wash nr" Committee were now appointed to pre- ivithlthe rentaind4tf of his Command. ,Johii Park, Hanover. r ’ /• i pare resolutions for publication: Dr. General Sedgwick had plreviously I John Mertz. Jbffersonj GreeVic- Vo' Nelson, A. A. McCoy and Miss Jennie crossed it, and at! nine oljiock Ijhis} tihenezerTaylor.SlippHrvro,ck,Luw }: i/' •Mercer. , V ; morning the two wings Imdjlformed a jSyJvester M Caiii.; ■;, j Evening Session— Exercises opened junction, and held both b.inks of flieJ David B White, MTusliU-’,- with prayer. Nsxt ah address by river. The riller thdir dcfeatl A J Mahiion, Am-veil, . ’ . ’’ BoV- R-S. Mortoiiv ~l> After which the, in these two'engagements, were; so j Jos A Marn, Piiiaski, Institute passed the following resolu hptly piirsuedby ciur victorious lorces I David N Beaver, tions; - tliat tiiey threw i mtii the | Jno (Jj Fullerton, “ '1 Resolved , That we tender our thanks rlvch in their uftbr!'.k to escape, whiru !J no OiHillcrnian; Big B o/il. r; 1 • to the citizens of HooksloWn lor their some*were di'owncd and lininy were : Ami row J livdc.WasiuneiAn.V,' 1 , kindness and hospitality. killed by our inlaptiy. All! the hr jGhas '• •’ , Resolved, ‘That our thanks, are fdite tiilery the rebels had on lihs side wW* Jos,H Iluwkinlt, i the Trustees for the use .of tho Prcsl captured. It is rtjpnrted to Inv seven I L--ander Carsv|.n, N i.aiv-fV" bytefian church daring the nighl ses- guns. Their • wholA cuipp, equipage i Wnj Daniey, \V Fiider, ! ' Wa.-.‘.-.(yi.- sfops. i . ' A nrulouhtedly lull into our haliijs, as] Arch’d Ajlfsohj Ghartior-i.- ‘ ■•.■ l ;-’ Mtsolved, That J, I Reed deserves\they were . compelled to leave it in j Thus M’Gindy| Law! the sympathy and co operation of the their hasty retreat. | - j ; - j Tluts liogj-rs. Nor it ayeiv <. {•’ •: teachers and :parents oil the eottoty. . Ui-- ! 1 •. • ,t, I Lewi,-. Hi.mleii.j Washington; in his advance the interests • | wa^usot»»»,-■ Nov. P.-j-Fhe .nnkit | Rich’d F. Sl’Coiiucll. N lioitveri - r !of Eiiucatidriy and to elevate tho teach £|?.' n th ? is to theiertect ihftf Gen.; Shml F Moorej Wa-hiiiglSoh v ■era’ prnfessico «»M‘lJ* ar, A , rt’* Win G’-Atkin, Nor Beaver, Resolved, That, weuoonly deplore '>*i , a rid Waller Irullnnon, - , ■ the distracted and bleeding condition Potion to hold t’ltenv iinid. the in Nathan joh.ish,. WilminguTu. in which our country has been pluhg- •{«J»tiy,«ou | d rcaph h„n -It is probu |j ollll ed by traitors anil their sympathisers: ble that the army h f ts alrea. y jornud Jilfllliri M 'Vev.) Pollock; V' V anti that -we will use oiir ('very etfoi f to support the Pre-udentof the United State'x' in all hia constitutional moas nres to suppress this wicked and mi justifiable' rebellion—so that peace, the blessirtg of God, may soon beres'tored tb ourafflieted people. Retoibed. That we tender our 'wann est ,tb our folio y teachers; who are now engaged jh ;figbting the battles of our country. ■/ i ' . trßebolved, ’fthixt we louder out thanks to Key. R ». Mortoti for bist able and appropriate address. [ . ■ Resolved, That the proceedings of this Institute -be offered foypublica lion to each .of the county papers." Dr. Nemos, . j C - v A. A. McCoy,' - 'Cop Miss’ JknnieMf.rckr, \ \^'J\ A Falsehood Nailed- DuriiiirHhe -late political campaign, (hi" Beaver n Democratic, journal of' t!ie ultr.vst,r|pJ.'inad'e a statement,! which was extensively copied ihy flic Democratic papers throughout the t Slate, that Goviu'rpor' Curtin, ‘on the j ocean ion of his visit to that place,! got a beastly drunk, ahj jjiadto be assisted pi to the cars by of-his friends. Gi The statement was a tie out Af the, jp whole, cloth, and so’nnndyed some of 9~ the Governor's friends that suit was iiistit i UtodXxi!'iiin»t : ths- eiiitof !; of the Shtn anil Monday next fixed for a heuriif*' of the case ; but the, fellow, tearful of the -consequences of his ■(utliimny. and desirous, if possible, of avoiding a trial, publishes in the last issue of his paper a complete retrac tion of the slander, in which he states that'fib-was misinformed as to the facts, and that the story|Of the Gov T eroiir’s drunkenness was unfounded. A ilv.m; wlio, for political purposes, could roiort; to slSnder and detraction like that which the editor of the Star indulged, is iiliworthy the notice of honorable men, and’wo presume, now that he has been compelled to swallow his falsehood, tbe ; G«»vernbrV friends will piir-uo.him no lurtber,—i’/ffifiurgr Chronicle, ifeu.'TfA,'; ' ' Sumter Occupied by oar Troops. BL' Asorfl. at, tiie G«>r The steamer Salvor arrived at this port to day from/Morris Inland,'wind bring* the She layetFoff Mon is -Island on Mon day, the 2d Inst., and . lett that night lor Hilton Head. On Saturday and Sunday a terrific bombardment was! kept up on Fort Sumter by three <|f | our monitors' and Forts Gregg and J Wagner. On Monday morning whiioj the Salvor lay off Hilton Head, Capl. i O’Neal, of the invalid corps, Reported that news had y beeni i ecelved 'by our military authorities there, that ' Fort Sumterj is in our 'possession nod is occupied by the 144th -Pennsylvania volunteers, it having bden curried, by 1 assault. The report was general ly credited. ; It is also stated that the U b, steamer Fulton had boon order ed to lay iff Hilton Head; for twenty four hours to convey the intelligence to New' York. The news'was con 7 vey |to Hilton Head by the .U. S. steamer Golden Gate on Monday -morning. i. • New York, Nov. 9.—A Tribune Washington special ; say* that the' next fortnight promises to be the most eventful since the commencement of the war. The success of General M’eade, and, the recent operations in Genwgl Burnside'a department, art the prefiionjtory symptoms of the gigaMic conflict, .of which, the. lines of battle, will, .wretch from. Chatt*. nooya to Washington sad Biobißoad. ■ him, a.n'i linn h:>vv til e'soutli sidojyf £ ids.-lf joi iff I{-ij)]i:»hahir.)ci». train co iiv frorft the battle of t^ajvw^oviin in' I anu titty, wlioiut! v< io; ; nii'lit. ThercxW toj transport the \vn pituls; ami it may t loro they cgn 7 rec<;i lion,. The prisone arrive during the n; L'i'Cti lilO VVOlllliJO'l Kolloy’s P : »r»J y.jt.> l)bt o( mio liiniiiivil ojl I loro :il li> o’l 101-li fere no iimbahinocs nil.riil-efl men in iio-, ob tet:crul (muni be* ■ l ixi, ■ -i ivp «ni-J;ioal aUon I "■Xj -"i.l •s> it 10. exported U) ht - ' rSpebial to the hingion,. 8lh: tperiul eoiT-t-wp-nnl lit, states - that llte ire, army hat pro: lictorily to tiny: hit ■ i New York, Nov World, dated Was Ail vices from jour eiit to iiiijlit in fro advance of/tho cn ares-ed most satisti S, , - - IT ---y, i lifts iToastd the tißiippah unpack again, hip. found in,- enomjyl in any f trifts slit' fluent to risk 11113' general The present indications do not'rcnder a general engftgonvejitiproballff. j 1' I \VAEKF.NTON JUXCTION, Nof. 9t Nioon.^—Upon the lilting pt the fpg. cur forces conimehced crosiingl! and found little ori no opposition. IThdy.j are pressing'-forwdfil towards Culpdp ’’ per... The 2d Division 3d Corps, u ini Or Gen-Prince, passed the river lust eVe jpng at Kelly’s F jrd. and captured 252 of tli® 2d and Hsth' Nona Carol! r. nu Gen. I’rir.cj’s boys waded the ford, which was 'about! waste deep, and tile'prisoners hid to wade buck.' : . J Geo W Amlci'-on, Am Well, Jos S'ilays; 'Donegal, . , SanvulV Pot lor.;Washington,! .Lewis Day, Marion, ■ ;. G Wm Campion, Jefferson, Dr G W Mfiss, Whitley. / N Lindlev,' Carmitdraetton, Edward Cage, Marion; '• U. A Kennedy! Slipperyrock, ! Jas Donaldson, |Robiii4oii, • ' IlenryDllart, Carroji;- : Carroll, jAugustua Shaffbr, E Pike Rur, | Jno B Alford, W Brownsville,, I Robert; T M’Caho, Paters, ■ | GeorgejKearns' Donegal- ■ . '■* David Mcßooro', Somerset, \V m! II [Wilson,! Somerset, ■ Isaac G M’Geif, W.Pike Ran, Jas-M Dunii, Morris, : GrccneirTi Robt L'Joho«.,Somoi>et;' . Wu*hip-. Jas T Le”erj| Mdnongahela citj, •' M’Carty‘Williams,, Carroll,/ “y, Hnnipbrey Fos’tnot, L Ib Jos H Brown, Monong'laVity.. : Ja.«-M Neil.iN Strahanc, J: , And'wA Lnvejoyv “ I • RH Mdnongabel.i e|ry, Ja> R Campbell, Somerset, j Jos Kelly, Jr., Donegal,. ; • ..-v , i Win B Uobinsdn.' L Beaver,'l/ o.r en ■■■(Join? B llohs. Pallowtlfld, Wu-u.t?! Hiiniii■ .ini I s:>a ; Hazleti. Franklin,; —— : .ii i. i JAM'Callister. Monopgla city, Dr Tobias’ Venetian Horae Liiil- J ; p^Amtell. ;* meht. : 'j. i • 1 ; Peter Pernne, Cross Clock,; i I I ! 1 Ames -Armstrong; Morris, IN PINT BOTTLES AT FI-PtY ; J»bn Strain, Smith. “ ■ CENTS; CURES ,tameiie*is,'’.culs, E B Daugherty. Pulaski.- 'Shaver 1 , galls, colic, Ac Reed the following : : Saift’l Richey. Smith. ’ ‘ Boston, July 7th, I 860.! i Benedict ReynoldsyN Strabaoe,.i - ■ Dft. Tobias': Wo have ushd for tlto' Leverlon Thomas. “ '-if i . past year your li«ise Lineoient tor Sam’l Stiike, Ainwell, . 11 ; lameness, kicks, praises, colic and Sttirstm M Park! Mahoning, ' cats, and in every instance found: it James Stitt, Pulaski, the best article I ev[er tried- in this ) P Mjilhollor, independenee.Wiwh rt'i circus- company. Please send iji* Milton Weaver, W' Bethlehem, dozen, as it is the Only "linement we James Morrison, Nottingham, use now. We have .108; horses, some; Jas.Mcßride, Cross Creek, ; very Valuable, and do not want to : Lewis party. East Finley, leave town without it. i .. William Patterson.ladepenenee,' u v H PJ T f R P S £, .-d'-'l /CBN CUTHBBRTSON- Manager Van Agbprgh * Co’a Captain * FrAv«st> Msrshaf t Menagerie. - 1 j - ! 24th* DiVritd P'>in * ! MARRIED Orv Tiio,sila; j ... • 1 ■ O n; t j » 22hd, by Rev. A. Wi. Boyd. Mr. Joiis Ll: Hendeickson, io Miss Lydia M’- Elheny, both of JTj w SliJtlield, Boa vcr CJo., Pa. ; j B} - tbo same, at, <tlie residence of Mr.Jaeob Jil'-ely, Mr, J Witherspoon. toi Miss Lizzie Nicely, all ol Boaror Co., Pa. ; J bn Monday evening,)tb« 9lh inst, by A. J. Pettit, Esq], at the tjesidcnce of L Cpilds, Bridgejwraterj Miif Thobjk! F. Har.n to Miss Maggie MoWee, j all of Beaver couuty. ; '■ j ■ 1. , • 1 ''l I * If - - ' ! i [DIED —On .Monday; evening, Now. 2dJ alter a few dulys illhos, Milton’ M Mins, of Darlingtpu tp., in the 30th year of Jm ago.- >!.• [ IHo left a wife and one child to mourn hi* lon*.. Odd, in his kind prov idence,'''has seen lit to.caHirorij obr ■ midst one just in the prime of life, on#: that will bo. missed .and deeply moui|n- - cd by a large circle of InendsjkTpr be was’a kind husl|and, an affection ate father, a good neighbor, loved uhd highly esteemed hy all: who knew him; 1 j '[ .[ >!; s : ije copy.) ’ i, - [ (Star plfi AVai ij**ai y, ‘ Jl;»berit \Y hi ‘ iK ~-Wj [ Peter ileiiiii’iiiijTlT/. i’lilliif'i/'l.v.i f-.l; Ja.-t •FijniiwUo, Uiy i1,.;,v0r Ol.vyr MVcy.Al >rri* t y s ~! :fs X ■ .PurUir,. Pu i, Rit-ii'ii .1 Bril tut if, Bisj B-uyc.r. k Je«*io F Enl in-TV. 'l[ylc»ry, , y All's Ilili. ■PiiiA-'Ui, , t V iS’cisoh Fiiilx. Sltj>iHi ; ytMi:k, Vturtin UiMitv.l •• - . L M,'('arr.)ll,’ Mt PI. Wy : ': 1 -' S >\Vliiltenlmr«,.r. L" Hi'.tVar, Lj-,; ■■ ■ ■■ .Win B ilWcy.iW Fm-lti-y. , VTliWhj-,. ; Jo-.ialr Utoivitt.r .Vni.vveil, • Win T Bin;!'., Doiliiiful. ■ ' ' 1 Purlin Kui- : Xnl!'-- ..hinereri . .;i.o johh H Washington, IJotiry 11 assy, Hanover, ; • Janies Knox, KKindley, Cornelia* Weaver; Cross Crcelf, ‘‘ Jas M'Miller, Bsalsyille, , ;• Tims Taylor; Washington, Law’ c-o; DaViil Bingham. Jeremiah Covert Mahoning, 1 PhJlip.M’Connell, Shenango. " | Jiiff P St.oner, SlipperyriiL-lt;. PJloiht. G Craig* jlanover,' ■ Wash hi; '1 ■O, pLattu,'Allen, ■ . . “, !i j Samuel Price, All«Sn, 4’ ‘h • ■ HetnryJ Further Monongiii tiiy, i} | Alex Crouch. Somerset, Jackson. Greenfield*, Elßothle'm,'" - IJiclhd fl Stull, s i “V i• • - Michael Haley. Union, ■ B Martin, Atnivell, i 06t ,1 II lEEE ■'» --4 * ■* {■ L:lv •-*.•», . • \ I • ''t “ .* •ecu i? p'i; Law Vatli C": ME u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers