II 4-’ \ i - is E AVER.AR«6rIS^. r D, L. £diS^^p(Miir. ■ - : --*■ -■ TERMS— I D**3)ou*». tadFmrCvi** . per gusts), ik AirrAScK:tititrcWTwol)oL lam will be olurged. . No paper ifliiponttAti ■ &gl all arrearage* ai* aoulad; ,;ji r Jf&'Ltlltlk and \f »»W !' jfeafl bare promptattention. ;'; v ’ •* iv 1- ■■;'' " Krw-YfFK TBIBDHE. ■ ■ ItiHJS, - Tst Nbw-Tork Tbibitmk, first is tnieJ in 1841, Jn lt» twenty-second yeirs. hna obtained both' a larger and a more widely diffused circnlation than any othe^. newspaper ever published rf _ . ■ ; „ in America., Though it lias f»»e have received. says the P)rfla in common wi'tb other journals, from delphia News, frbiji '.the publisher of tbo volunteering and departure of ‘ the JMionatl>±mocr&*i Little flock, ten 3 of tlumsandfl of it* patron* to r \ . i • #f* 'VTiJItL fc - cprre 'in the J?ar, for the Union, its i '! I can ***’ 8 CO PJ ot * n Addriwe ,B*n circulation on this 6th of December, [-®* ,** *• people of thatfState (Injiar ‘ 1802 Jh as.follows : ‘\; licnlarand to ihe Sontliern peopto in , v -jeneraO 'by tho Hon. E. W. GanttJ Y- unll f recently* (iencral iq the rebel ! , i . ' ■■ ■- .V', army. The views ho i puts forth being ’ p re .emSS l Southerner, of LBeratpiy. The Tribune fias-politl-- an<l on *;j w "? Be inflhence contributed caliCpnVictibns which are well chnrac no little'to precipitate hu State into! ; t'erizcd.by th"ringle word Repoblicaw. | the bloody mtelstrom of toe rebellion, If is Republican m-ita liearty|adhesion I w j|] *i m( *, t startle the!Northern read to'thb ere at truth that ‘‘God has ■ ... .. i. . .i , . , .*■ Luie Wotfd all hatiohij of men"f ‘ r w ' th thi ««*»•»«* .of.the change Republican in its assertion of I lie i has come over the spirit of a 'Se- ami 'inalienable rights of ull, cession dream:] ' ; p ' "j to.“life, liberty, and tW papwitj « FdlomOiUz ns: Sindo the third dky of happiness -Repuhl.ean . June I have been a? prisoner in the steadtVt. earnest, to ! Fo(Jil|-a| linea _ ; . , r . , V «-hoine.an.l ?m.of tne Wav?, Having but recently been tl.rouU •" Pywer. l v *mi U\(r Anmpatiou of lexns r |j lU Entire South; haVing .studied its I to tt.e ttrean. to grasp the t j-esourebs. and wept over its ruin- aifd empire of the !Netc \fo.M and »rieW , , fl ß Vills , h eoJ!ll e fully acq.minledwith •he re-.iin epof our eonntrr for Us : j U condition, and the character of its own •i.r.vraßdiAcmenl+Repahlteao in i I i. nV e kkLI- A", f . ! Phr- jb-.-pots :<>f the... tA - T’ after !? n S . ohiWorf.l... who fond)v' hail Jr. ,*7* perils'ard calamities s,.M«.dv thrust\\"l p®”""*** being eb,nt l*me - L-, a _ ul ‘.v their American 'coa.m-r-r } a,,v ••«'* out ot lije part the everthro v abd ruin of wU ’ . • Model'- Ror.ubHe—Republican in its ! w * Qr 1 fr . et *'J”??- , Ji': | hope: and irn-p; its MkitS and effort-.! ln^- v . 10 ; t tmi4rng K l ¥ ,is*i,rtw ? ' that il.is arroeibus ReKelli.m . must: lo .’ !, V co " ‘-« I . , j l * ar «*y land in. resnit' ill-th-e dirnal o% errhrrp.v of it- . P r !' ,,,n - 'f' U ‘ 0 h r« "> front and in rear plotters; ami the. Hr u t-tahlishn.ent ; f havo . fr?' 1 .‘'■Ub; you and oi you us . ij-Insand 1 q'i a 1.1 i.ws thr<bi<^h• i o .'.• «n.a.nei|; And to-dad fiat liie wliolc extent «.f our country, t nl ,^i r | l ' > ,; 1 v. V c l,<, !'i **' H {- roß }< -tw wl l er>•• iu. Lihi-y tv-fln <t TT-ii-if. shall in- !, V ll h> . Southern home, and to deed be m.nc'abd'in.cpr-xhlo" hence i' ,u St ‘hlol/ ,eop --“l wb,^r uni tWreve- , . , p!e *uff--i mg : s bind me closer ,U; them : ‘ ... - ‘‘i ■ ■ . . i how than ever.- 1 . ’ t. • , i : Hr. i RIBCNE tlevotcs attoiflion 111 i T I. .11 , . i . 1 catmi r times, and to some extent in ji| A.i- n • 7 T ,U'l? an ‘l tonn ■tiieso, to Education. Teuiperun-.-e, Ag-I.A, i|-mA, ,i i'i™* lall^*3' i. /♦ a . i uii<l iulm )rt till"* »t(Juro.'*A. iih{i (‘aro tioL ncuUnre. and whatever! f()p t ,.c c.ri.sr'queneo U. jh V sc)fi“ II N else in.iv- nno.-rer to the spintual am )t ,. e pall, duty, and I shall follow ft nmterc.d .-progress and well being of J j;.. ir ( PSS | v ' J “ ioiiow it .mankind: hut forUhe.prescht its cner-! Vri'n. H..:. j, . . ' .*•„“> And-itsi column- are ma.plv lie- hb prococ.lA td review the V<M the invigorat,on,.and : ! cl .he mar for the Union. lis special | f 1 , Dav '< »nt| rwr-.-s; ...Vieii's , sccomnartv ' everv i l ° i bal . a cnlicisni ■ .n-;cMahie s-ntv anil Veport everv ! 7 '^ n!^ >peiiai.t im-kle.u of ;I,at or«,t strug- :J r f . - T o°. ! b |“ despicable ~%k which we trust tU result in the sgilal and c.m.-Umive kniimph' of the! “‘,VJ -*£Vvj i ';| nUJ % !Ns;ional arms and In the restoration ; • 1 ■» -d mil, oj. Pence amf-ThrilVud our distracted", l)l<-cding country. Wij believe that not nihenviso can hi fuller or more ac.cu ■rate view oftflho progwwi smPci.arm ter of thSs-.-iii<-.iuen*ou>' c.iidlici lj,t ihait• • lliroH‘*li. tfhe ivgu!!!. >y )i' our ooluutiW y.' so i-rit tlio fO l .oprr:Uion of ailti iyinU of t N’.'ifronjii omii-v.wiiir h wt> JliiH i!]>li')M a.i that r.f I. i- - v<;4<:ii il'iynstn,ity. .!•’> a:ti in tciiiiiiiu i-is,iMpaila.tinn.,- ’ , rh. .';.orm|.UK i;1: c airi *!;?■ p: * _ on<i-ivlln-i . inatovlaU i rraso uiicf,pr'u'o ci Tar. 'l'm'-, r.t «,t ? '-''if' liow tt»nn- • .Q» '-ir,,: v • ,- v 'lf: V r •SKMj-U' kek;;ti Iv Hindman was fresh ' from I They were bunted down. .;>!!•«mirily tried, convicted, anil the aT>!,l‘'Veil in one day ! The ; - v . !,u . ,1 K s ,«*(«»•. to. per«nn iirired their ’ youth and inexperience a* on. excuse. 'Mfl'N-R;. ! and hej'i'cd' him tof let; them live, as- him lln-v, would shovV binj; if / •. . "ji.iri'il. what soldiers the} - could gtake. v.ir,.. • ••- ~ . i'n i'ir fcray Inured sire; bear!n* about '-r> i j • 'C ' t.: ■ U " ■ ,f he «n»rk« of wo.ur.ds ro .... •■•>//,rri. *l.htV each. An ' t!l ° 1U . ,,1 I 'M*» *l* ■!) V .;wiil be-sent do cv-c , e !i.b Mexico. with breaking o; i -'ij ’ ■ , • * .-noart, ,now*.*a odoro him, and.cruvod T'v- ntv rooms'' dnW/aWjvss on« ■' f “ nl " n ‘'T !l! . s too.ighi less arid inno year, ?jy, an ii :l „v turner number at Womer,,'«ln,ek .tvilj. ITice.. An; extra c^r.,v Y will be IVT ? u,l! ' . an ‘! ) | " 1 " IW "“- w.lh tern*. .» «• t ..ejnbx. of. tWen‘,l v. To .d'.-hs of yfl«4 e.,frettliex h.r the f! ’!' II !•* vf i U’PPK'T'V /r nr 11 tllo 1 1 ntiiX c o youths! Butrin vain . nk inex : , - a r : J huno !>AILY TRIBUNE will bo s«toV.. W,f ™*V c g*. «*M cr . a teiiUor and touch- ■ ir ij; ; s ~ I ijOst tare well. victims to the ambitior.- ' ; A.bhvxs '.THE TRIBUNE.. j't*. v b" : was, misled by the erhyltyj , TiiE'':iio Building, York '.l; rT’ ? V* ?P . U "? l, '*i . llaitei’p. Htyie .of .discipline, took tip! \V i.iii .’j.-.oV.j. ~ ■ , ... • (the elnh of Hercules; and- so, not be,! "'.■id, r i iVrenX- Bank Bins!! 5nK abi * l ° V ai ‘ l il - int,,; ■t\.„ n \ ,*L • , a more murderer. . * i I J•' .i.iin! f ; t.tno . Post Oftleo and ; r .- . • ■ ,-i ‘K. -'Siite should in ail cases [/' Uo, ‘ reviewing the, situation, the; .wriiten. ‘ writer proceeds as follows:] ■ , ' .S.-il/5. : .-s b eo. whtf by : ' r ' what BHALL we no J* ' j ia,»u**s, .must.i will b 9 deducted from * *Th« question..patnrally comes tip "V/'.' itrriricf.. !after all that has preceded. If Mr. •r.»' v’cnr i K) is.f.Jcn) ’i- v . v<e.ir yrar '•Vi-;i:K : I.Y Tl?! tH’N-E. (1 02 ISP'.Jfa} •urn' vrur VV J;t' ' !!E T.ubunk At.mavac tor 1863 , Davis, when he held the'lives and for- Y' ; a.lv : a,hoht Christmas ; '|,laftes. of many millions in- his hands. ■» rs-’ -s ;. Uo l.ln.nucred as to lose his opportuni A J alon. i ty. what t-an'wc hope from him now urV— -o I lliat. a scene, of blackness, of anguish it.-.A v' EH, and desolation wealth, u i'v Cr oir rC ' 1 ■ • happiness anil. plenty erinled-? If he’ T- & • wonhi not Arkansas when he I "•'l-'i-.n to tlie oonvonieni'tsv of a firs ~ • , .1 ■n.-:ot..,i. ? ; r rtp r } e^r Vis- fitted up in ; toul<J ; *> l, C instead, iravrit over to op. •ipi-ae and saiisfactoryman- i'p r es-ion by his pets, what have we to _, -' ' ' j I liope now that he trembles in Rich 3 ' W lj UiCi'i Of Oysters may he oh- 'up at last to the terrible reaiitv ot his rvw;.S M ! V son -. •"?f'n^ red ow !‘ ™‘kncss, folly and! iiidisei-etior.? v; .. e.inh* u;»!ied with Oysters. T .. * '. « ■ • . , ... i- \ • d'W- Tl-i tabic is furnished ■ 1 s *** - wero «Ot Drolectod when we, pol T ri f e hixuries the Pi fTSitUiIG MAR have been; and if we cßnnot Tli-intr^r' 1 ' j| now be protected, what |mo«t wo do ? f or« 'j r Ule , liberal patronage fcereto-1 Some say Continue the Slrtlgode, Ojet l ,m — ce of lhe tliej lUrst itian ditff, kc.. &c \J b .., X. Pr.s;Kvfre4'l~ * - ?e I think differently. We ought to ■ P«-4*V^"'5 !aia ? ,?t **"?;' n i ,lr ?in8 ’ •hS- the' 'straggle and submits vßut Vcott'on.fi: « go more uO-t for latest the Drug Store of [than to surrender when whipped. - ' ■ 88.0. V. CUMMIJiS. .} Wo have done that often. Always >.*) a c- n! V : ' Bikil2 • ••-; .*/?* r-T-<> V ■->£ 'Ui MN r.r. pewt Stinisfe and Ujreu by the Bon. IB W.i Gantt of Arlc., 1b General In ■; .the Rebel Service-I' And ',v ’) coni*, i MEE ! •{. =I -,' I ' !y lp B.'Ariv.i,.. 7 ** ir 4* -i isl 7 i. s ? iv'i ' lr.». Ti' '‘-'Oi -it. t.-f.tr'' .* : , * \ss'jl'!&ir:x&! :a i> r i oi'> V„.: r r ,jf -j-vr/L- 1 .."( . .: 0•!.1 . ' '','• • '`'.. ' 1' ...4;'' , .. ~ 4 , ' , t.l . V,t; i* , • l i p , . 7 1 f. i ..i , —• . i.,41, :,, fyi fi-l'i f - -' 1 ott : *,_ •... 'XS&v KO i ...9> *u r : lfT» isLiii&iM-vS .Sjj> ~V' u! W s'{j>-i *rn:&r*■/'■■ ;y r€ i% ■i - >.?>i .if jien, we,could 'so, op; jhjja' tiled' the . twice and ■ tojoi it bj.np means foolisli/ but surrender. r ‘jWtf arefiprly ber en iu tha whqle rfHalt, :*hoßld qo£e surrender the. point-.’’ . , we don’t gcttbebsppiness !pnJ6yed fn. tbe old jSpyecjjfnent; can get np.’morfr miiory than we ba felt niider -Dayisl-But Took /or ncMB there.' j Wehiid Itragi years. , Even whiloj Wo are.arravi Against it. (Kathostile, forces gwp mqw . .v ßgb.oi._ jpg., citizens than tbey.Tiiad whenttolmos " * •; , * l|d.nd HijidmaU'wer9,bpt^.' JV. is. true; ?'{•'•■ - f the Jiihnsisiia teU ydii that Goperal ’ ‘ ‘ mAyert. ’ Steele tids imhHsdned atvd.opprcssed r ’ 'i “j .# ** v t . , . people hero. Not. a word of truth ini’ -i *. m ““r”,-'#• oman- U. And tliej know it is all m 0; Id wdl s tand.; - If I Rdr rHpntha, whch po more Cdufedi i ir’f if le -" : ™<;iainly ” [erdto‘money can be!inveued,and aoib-l : “f ,** ?^?9O or^ a r^ lt ~,, Ris ing more made out ofthe people, they ! * lO ’W 1 -Tp y° l ' come they will sneak back and claim his your hands, protection, . ■, or;coinprornise oujgraduil emiincipa ' “But we are faltfy Whipped—fairly i t, " n ' yon, the no rbtnten. - Cur artpieiaro'melting and P° i n the way | «» rainapproaches ria/’WiIJ condnu /I*PIH r r**h'# , »» safely of friends W this >trn^le:‘h : Bitty ‘ V i' bailie wo might gam ought'to wriii* • f T “j* ‘’banpMi’.qw. sentiment, npon tears from thd bertrtS df South or a quest . have been ! men ? Wcate just .that mnelj wdafeer drti|-ioh«. Not many .years s-nce: it' j much nearer fhour fins) min. waiH by.no mesa,UtOHuai for the press i AngdQili. and sorrow and desolation 1 * D f phbli«iißefijbh?-.ifdJl'a*t tor the (ten, (.meet us wherever wo turn. The lon- l^ e . ifcnnrillly. m;Ahe ..Smuili. to concede jgerthe struggle the more df it. j that siiivery-WaSgan'veril.i and that- it 1 Don’t let yourselves be deceived ’ fhquld ever have .existed; expressing, 1 with the hope that the United Btnlds • rip dispftellion or desire to | will abandon the struggle. Thoycan I* o -fid hC It- ■ Yei.iW; tew r years more friev'er do it They pavo toiled and j demand ...foPafcdttdn having in spent too much losee (the solution of cr cWsod. tlie‘price of-negroe.s : having the problem, and not,foot np lhe fig.-l , T anc ®*f , . ,l ‘ l ld ■tb.c;;i»gitatLciri of .thfe. •ires. Th6y scarcely feelitnd war ah.i question having increased in I dme.; Their cities are more popii-: virulence—finds uadeffcnding slavery Inis and thrifty to day than ever.—a divine insutuiion, , Do Bow’s He l;or every hiaii tfian' dies or gets kil-i ' le ' v i and other,Southern papers and led in battlpv tWp emigrate to the,.* periodicals,, lt a uirion fi, eduntry. Their add towns, j.of Sputh prominent in their fields khd country' as, Ibis <lcferice. Thoir.object was toed fresh .-js ever. .They could sink their Bcajle-tho this belief arnrtled to daj, and raise hew levies to 3nch a course had bycome vitalno the crush’us and'not feel it.* slayefyj to con- How ls it With n»7 The last'main Cede that negro sjaveiy Was mofullj is'in the field Half dur terri - wrdng. wras yirtoally. to concede the . i°ry oyerhip. Our cities gone to Wreck— I peopled alone by theaged, the lame jand the .h«dt, and woman and chit* idrcn While deserted town’s, dnd smoking ruins,. and plantations abon doned and laid waste, meet us on all Sjdoi|. And ariarchy anti rain, disap pointment and discontent,-lower over all the land. ; FOREIGN INTEBVEHTioS You roly tippn f irciirniniefvcrUionlj Al: id dui! How many lives, - ri crS urfe d } delusion. iLkoi-hJ-*— -j . ?9 -T,tniKg*o. while th^| i has girdled «js closer. I i<i angiiNr. tind’ sorrow j ushed with (lie tears of •saved ones I*. France i ere Louis Napoleon ■ ; build* ii£ of the tralif tin''-the two oceans.— nji tills ulnti'i'lu until ished. the: >!ar ilf ncy on the ocean goes i, apd tin* whojr com beejomes suosid-iry to Up jl.ia he will uiallywitlj false hopes, how much ; we bleed iven suspect that the is to - us in France rest of this , sort, and that he is at the bottom of it. : But if- Lon is Napoleon does hot pro. | poso to interfere and lake us tindet] : his'-‘protection,”rwhat then ? Anoth-" iep Maximilian for men\'ri»s | “Forbid it, my countrymen ! Forbid Heaven!” Our forefathers threw I off colonialdependency upon a i European browned head.' It would • be ignominious in us to go bank'ja half | century-and more to accept wlnitthey us from. Much less to'risk a 1 despot over us. So eager a to, some lof our - leaders for this interference. | that.; I am told, it is,proposed to give j Napoleon Texas as a -bonus for iiis j good;graces and kindly aid I ‘ And the ! ‘ Lone Star” may be handed over by ; Davis at any moment, so far as he can jdo it.- ThCf thought ought, to make j the bjood of every; American citizen i mount to his cheek. I -Whenever this la attempted, “I isliall be one to meet the legions of I Prance under the bid flag,” to battle j for the saercdncss and safety of re-i ] publican institutions. Buti suppose : I he' offers recognition alone '! ’ Suppose j Jhe offpi-s it coupled, with a-iHisrnnee ? I It comes-too late£ 'Timeo Danaosmu- j nern ferenit/s. No ,more dangerous and i and destructive allmpce. in ,oiir pros.) irate condition, could be found, how-1 ever easterly we niight at first have | gntsp.rd iw For. even' if wo should! succeed with his aid, and the struggle! would' be a« doubtful as terrible (and j f b« Would abandon us ataby moment), i Hie French empire of Mexico, rights at bur doors, would, swallow up Cuba and all the contiguous islands, and absorb 1 that part of Mexipo that we its a Ration would hope to get. “And the day wo settle deliberately anion archy !on this side of the ocean, we prepare crowns fjir kings, and fetters f>r the people, on every footofground upon the American continent.. But, as I said, ther§ wilF.be' to interfer ence.”-' • ; ’jb ; a ; j-: '4i ■ fv" | ■ .. "• t>ISSESgIOXS nr THE NOBTH. Have no! hopes from a divided North! It i? on the surface.' Scarce ly goes to the bottom of their politics, much less shakingthe gfeat; masses of their determined people.- Remem ber, too, that much offthe Soifth is with thorn. TtaerW' ia%!o divlaioa sg, r.r .1 Aa the we be- fetfm its cankering sore, will Be ’ i Vip" say mat n hr one rcsentaiirM tiab Robert G ‘Sch^nek. : came aeirtHive;*, And «6 so, vigorous and powerful, rtnd, men ‘ i*!’ 3l I()l '?, rUl '' n M?« ihi-d/ilisiijict. (fiio; ■Geu.UolGrAl'GaiO 1 tba f the'North -liight f](ave threatened thirty, opulent ah f l.pppK . tliarj C ?tf e^ at « Sb ‘H* , -' ® ' with iig^nityl^&prife.-iisot• liors.es', though the scourage of war dm-i, -V 'I, : ' lla: ' l J- l| t^, wl,s : General Eiwriezm- Dumont ‘ixth or ' >,,rir ; P ”? dist.ieU ipdiah : ,;> Gen. G^’n^Sl' South would be'ablozi It sonic fanatic- sorrowful liei- lioai tiistones !- ‘ | .DoiuhUon. island, there , district '’Kentm-kvf Gpg took one tiegfoi Stfcb was - public The,soonei%o lay 'dowifour 'anris! .T-dp nG./T^'hf ,nsl: *; ,re ; ; ”< | Benj. K: lUati,'-sevmuh"dis'-vi : r' MUI sentiment Sooth, af; -the commence- and quit - this hope.bss struggle; tire r" .'V • . tb ° !l Ciltl (soyri; GeiJ’Prace-.; P IV*"- h.s't dGi jnent Of|thia most idn fortunate and sooner our davrs of .prosperity' will,: i, u with -pri,dejoi; Spat tard, r'triCa, ; - ' 1 bloody: struggle. ’ Btitr revolution return. f ' . \,,■ .] -J™'™ English,, at .■places made),.K .?■ ,»tiafce op mens thobWits. snidi put \ I shall send| this address to every ! .“k obstinacy-and - r 4„ o _. . 'T“~. i ~■.// « s s. T 'A^tSSSS .ftiffi , tte? to ■ ■witl; it.” As for the non-slaveholders »W!'-0.-otir present. resources ho would j; ~. -,« , ..{ ,- ‘ ■ l ca r |.Hi! returned*. 1 ■ f ~ : ■■"■ ;■ jot tiie S-.nrli. I honestly fthought!' the s.till tail... ■ATI in, success. |„. would he notVft'hsHndin^'lp 0 ' •='' '“The-hpVijc vvillmSi draw an inch.” ! struggle was lor him. inj'ije thaV for a Hu, , ,e whole thing Dj £urv of IhS.K ' ‘d did ho ted ti.ee he wdu|d draw^ . y. Tha.i, ,-i»>! froo tui»ib.iM;£ to prices. Soldiers :iiso ‘• ■ v < -L*• r r .’\- ■ friend/’sai-1 t!;*• -Orul’.-er ‘'l /iuiv; i*o-. the negro,would reduce to coni[iarai-, leaving, disgusted and 1; ’ t’uu'se livauenl ! l>e pieced'•i.s,.a live slavery the poor, while mh. I and many have gone to -heir h W JSiSf Idin drhwAud S o •!, hut he , now egret, that •instead .of war to the national galaxy Maryland -and ■ ( of • i£ o j- 0 ' ' U ,J Rars were \ noV<M ‘'' voul ’ I rfe' r; ‘‘dfy 'n.e in .tlfut n.i. sustain slavery, it bgd not been a iJeiuwuro will never again be ■shaken. ,u A .*■ la- '*.'■■■ Miect-.’’-- ; ' ''' 1 «lniggle at.ttny halloi-hhx to col.jnize Kent nckv has entrenehed herself in : i -u--- r - tl J'<J>ncmy pounccjd upon t,hem. \£J ■ u • t it. Tids wKIU-learlr he the ‘ iiext the Unto.., behind a wal- of bayonets t 'I"". ' l * o .' V ?. l fe Cal | struggle.” - -H * in the hands ot hdmvi, sttmly' sons. l' T , .. . V . , ■ 1 vr- • a 4 . #t V. - niaui body ui the army tliut iliov C I 1 ;!"! o! that whether it is s'**»"” w ! '>« roinforcejj U.ough the ind !' a , ' u 1,10 'ustitution or hot; negro as MassaclfhscUs• ■ Itnines- — d U) - ,t ;lvJ Vitil ; slavery‘has a-cmplished its-mission” see hok-nvon, • f ,^ rim , Avlu , r 0 T . VVt) ,: o - clook ir hcro; A . great mission it had; A «n<|er thegdidance of her great p.h; : aUernoini Vtir .;4-k espjanu j,newjiind fertile ,-.M,nr.y had been idis. dor her old and :w,» ,na.ie I rh,V - rvinlVccn | covered, and must : be made »o wtlej • anehoieti tho Iciue-s were not sen- to' tlie'ir rescuo, no I Phc; necessities of mankind tal e the riiys ot l.ght from the. a .. e W c infhr.ndd’how .these iWo i •j ° r -fpeedy development; 'Nliicro State, ilaslyng out in tally hrfedos. cametMle thus exposer | slavery was the instrumental effect f ' -om across the. Iron . led ; vili , . llln;)St t - lL . ir an llhis, Ut alone could open au[ the/Gr- 'Vavea,«shoivghat she stirs, if mot h'st, are -ood jlil- apd miasmatic *egio.Ss of'the but is rojo.n her eiedt reasuns tfb.} nieso .JtmnVe I solving, the prohteni at tfioir s.?'* of ■ t^ Be . J 01 :* eun, slangcs.'v am) t that General nullify, which, no’ theorist could have ou !; h a S?!. n *, TllL, h «nh crippled v .-j|i upon inv.estilmtion he satii . r.: a ;*r,« # l;- it was the magician which yn«cs-W.lh devasta ed -tiel.ls-with [tl| h j- IWQ i .suddenly revolu, ionised‘the com.nhrce * r w,ate V! ,^“ Wr . , I U ! * J, ? t V ear . t ‘;" ed so ’'ioP the ordinary even.nalities of I pot tins worhl by."the solution of this «"'• worse tlidp all. «ith weak | wlli ,, h no i-j^ihn.-rlj eiu. . Iprohjen,. ft peopled and made. Opu-! ooV.M.pt U.tr hope ,s left I„„ . at . livi . tyro! Jj | leiiHhe,barrel. I.iiis of ;N.lw England, i lo renaming Males, b.u rs ; j ■and i threw . its j»o-.Vciliil influeneo I P‘ 11,1 I®, I opp’' ‘ ' I . MI V ll V"" jaad more desrjnrytlive to and ma -1 across the'great North west.'Miami'i tn Vl; ,rn Arkiiiuas - 'N-mc : Better. | t<J . riil , t .,; ul ( i ut^ut | jj, regular buL Id, ; ing as a wall h-twee, f«o two sections, |V ur l>.-otho home while they are. j- ; , tl , ov aTI , pVeventedJ'tlJe ■it eaugntKnd roi . 1 northward the: |, ' U ; Open the way,tor ue W eo sufiers,to be l , wealth and population of the Oid 11,11 * * 1,1 ’ji ,|( !*’ ,- 11 ’ Ipijsed and poiin ■■ l-upon so sudde’i , World •- and held in tl.elr place, the; •‘ r -! 1 ~r;,k2; l ~nk* ''Vf ideserves : me Wv.fresl pniiishn.eiil I-Cstlyss adventures ot Now-England.! ”“* “The peop.o must act t-J i-p iie Army of Geii. Bragg hks ia’i of-, turned i|ie,n along rhd. gr.ai prai-: Ju . t, "V" 1 " n T: ,n " ncl “J" 1 ■■ buffered gia ally d|-dm i s^rprlseJ lies and vaHeys lof the (West. Tuns' ;! '<f dot. t »M>;e K»r ; | w!l j uh ", poairiou ■l - rea-h..l| i't 'lirnax. and ;3^' r • V s.uler.ngs m<.ve,^ ;linJti ~y tll e J,iei«y, a,‘l tine wlf jllie North wcsi wa, ov >rg rowu of its y e,n .sjeaml, may muef. jage. While the Souflr wiii. Us negro v'l; 11 , ‘ a ! l I a li-antagengained by the balt^ j lii.liorers was spa.-seiy' settled, Ui : <a " ‘>.l .hearts of flint v b coiupuhUively poor , Thus slavery " ,,! ' {o tt dollar or can wear , an I.!-;-- 1- i hud ijone liU utmost'for N.w E.giT.v e i^; let ' e tr *vr , are ~ .5 .it- 1 -■ ! Uni] the Northwest, and was a w-i'-du bnmlly. rvito a gr.e stricken m,l | upon, the suuit. It. at this point”iu I carl, I implore mother^ | disappearaWce eoiild have .-learl v ci.m'. j mUu r . s - Wi . ve f J »“« h ler t '? menc-cd, untold Miff.-ring |hy all their irta in saving tue.r loved sorrow might have been avoided! I". orcs fronl l , Ul * terrible se.mrge ere M>lts existence had boco.no in com- | r " in o*‘Ttukj» y>u undthem m.vu-ive Lpatihlo with the eScister.ee of the Gov- abi >’ ? Wuil l ° " U! - ernmeiit. For, wl.de it had stood as dauntedl.by ilo peril, uinl swerved by. u'wall, aaming up the eiirront iind ao ; pon»i*Jerationt of soli, I slmll give holdihg back the peopjo anld daborei-s you jny- teubjp ara, - of the. North, it Bad, by thus preclud- lo t11,,5(! vy,ho differed from me yn ing free intercourse the see- fhe coni.neneemont of this rebellion tioim,! produced a marked change 1 in —the extent and bloodiness of-which their, mannerslcijstoms and sentiments. n ,° mortal, could toresoo I niust say, Arid fhe two .'[sections were growing that deyeUiiHOi'i.'s show- ihat you more an,d more-divergent-every day’. w cra right and l wrong. rsutlet .pv- Thia waif or the Government,! oie K &ne9 bti t fo rgoUon, and let us all must give way. The shock <anTo Xl unito to brm S; ab " at l ,l ', aCO ’ nnfl . to which was to settle the 'question.! I rtuy pur lost Pleiad from her wander thought. ihut the .Government was ingSYcthat| she may again sparkle in divided, and negro slavery established onr na !i orl 11 Hlal 3' forever.- I erred. -‘The Government I .To 1 was htrongor than 1 slavery., Reunion is certain.; but not more pertain tiian the downfall of slavery.” Asl have satid, the mission of the latter ia ac complished. And, as his happiness must alwgys be subordinate to that of the-white man, ‘-he must, ere long, depart bn .the footrpriuts of. the. ml nain,” Vkbw misßtozr, bsii^-aiMbah-' =I MiM 95.1863. 1 calm. Lc»tUi* look these new ideas! ■ 0 '''‘‘'‘/"oijd. Snqui.rr.‘<:t the lith : f eu,l "£ uruv t*. evidoiity: in id our novel position sparely in'i.Uo^ty l -'. edirfaihbd; the, fbllow.ry leadin7j iavol ' oi Aho.dFar, >*hafc.v t ;r. thy..p^Uf>>. 10., We fought lor ntero slavei-v.' editorial: ' t 1 • ? , |’? tt s eX l°;V V"* *v.uimeiiis oi v have lost. We.'niav have to tfoT U,,- ■. . f \ ihe "f »J "W !* tt fg-K c . ri - A s trii«ng. .bout it. The , inconvenience will( " f i**. .iyfeiHtngditfs just been great for, a wliilUl The Ijssheavv ,e ' lera *° v t!l,os have • been iso . nineh ; exhibled hi some prsthe-lowit ’ regi >i«, however;ln already' well r,>.?h bppn; the jpriWiw an{j'f«m»l-‘'dowiiin Abtara^'iSeirTaule;-- lomplished. ..Vet behind this da?;k n arnis - an,J N<: miich;| lhe?o«aoL>n»tid, canfihlatbJar (rover- v itfd i* a silver lininoy If not for ns m*t* *1 v ‘ n " ''’hat has been a.fteom-jjJi.oj'Mif fowa.who had been iilyar Demo- . . least for onr cloidreh. “fn tli'o fV!.*" e< *- ,! | at tho y havej lost sight of, nrat and edmmahding ( .:i!i t.ipg army,! dice of these bondsmen will come am i ° ra<>t t,,at mor ? s »rrcnderi -hjive ; got htit 18. WnW i-iit or G4l) V-t wo ■ mouse influx" of people-from nil J ,°P n !na ' e by their armies tl an by regrmtjnts. one it Cem.i.eeatie rviiwti,. parts>if the world, brtn.dn<>- with ' * l, ‘;. ar ". ,lc ' of ariv,°ther nation. I What : In (Irihown Wirnym ho got-btlt . ; them theii; Wealth, arts atidTiinproveU riatl , < * , V' > t |J r< ‘ <; y<*a«* Af war evtfr lo'.y- ’ votek Bin. this istoiily( one of jinat.yK, inentsy anmlynding the}? talents and *7°'V ’m-. r I imps in sem-m ; similar install cos. Wherever the troops \. sinews Jb increase oiir ag.Te<'at;e ! ‘ • • • r ® I” -1 '" ‘-'h’Veh ( ot.f.di. j voted, t S.t*■ result win 'thq, with,.' X ; wealth.’ mK !••■••" °, |;; surrender; shyx. (his. war lwgaiCb.iK regn.fd.fp'. pnjtioo.<»i»arty..- attach.- i Tin i/t WiHriidc'oiiil coirimon desti -i ».*.*/" at .- RaHavsis. atsmewusj >;ISo, (iirty Iliad Wifi 1 i.ot.'gh ' |T,y will.lifM its ing-iiber.Muchh erv rlv^'- 1 •'n*'V ,: - at - AjttPorf;-for •’heir county in‘its Itimmof gr.^tf. j(" the hilts of Arkunsadu vl-ill revep- ; m "“'e,': 1 - Island. Pi.il- j nst. ha.-d, vcii&p its irt*HjfiJif,, is.t.ijri- imr, 1 berate lOrilieniusle of (nWliiherv ii/ iv at -Ayka'isas- at; miheat daiigei’, will lie siislahiJ.l ;bv 1 . iNniv Engliind, and ibc whir>.f, Gcor- ' L ! C ' lt ’ l ‘ ,r ,V \P rtrt ff«ds-»n.; af I,'iwi i the p,a Hotje mor. imiiiE 1 death |ibr. it ; j gi:i spMi'lles : njs.n the slopes oF the liir oft Pimfll. h L- fc "i an : af punisb.inf-nf in i r ) ---—rr— «> I~ - , : •/ i, ; . Protective '.tariffs,•_if need.t.l, wU'ii *" ls ' ,,n n hst rh, .lisasters. Inn on tbo.j llopkms, iof Ternrent '-'I Hlrcloh in tb.-ir ’ Infliichfce ft-on( tl» ! ©' s^? o,rrtr >' has in some, rri-1 i|, e ;pi i-sinverv- ndvobaiie and |reb.d 1 (lakes to the gulf nod irom ocean hi bflhiwed swiftly iinV.ii 'heysvinpathizii.g pi.-ime '"in .the Nio. i;h ' kHiean bearing alike, at last, - l * r lr i V u ' , '! sl '”’j- °(l th is waif ,r a tnratiy art nigh apjm,rs to. be* In-Id npen Arknnsianand Vorriiiiiitcr. ,isnl' ' •"!"'? '•K?l I^"r tV n. ihe .)], h!£li Mitnathi.r in l|ie SonMii -The Ijipon, (Jy.iegian niid Californian.. Dif } .-Jif! iU !. v war, jj,;-- iehrnonrt Oispat'di, of the. 31sj 'n't,,; ' j ferenees of section' and local senliL ' W ’C.TV "' r, Hsui(renders (hull'; One of -the reiy worst irehel sfirteis nmniwiil wear,awat and lie forgot’- i !'•' P' , . a ' iv . pthep'.tin printed ! thus refers to the 5 Bishop's ■ ten,.and the next generuiioii bg morli. ’V’ ?” Ir "’" Hi®! ! efforts .ih bidialf of rsbdll.oh : , ’file homegenous and : United' than i any " yr,% j ,1,1r, i ; mank iJnd noble rej.lv bfi tliis r owi. since the days of die Revoln^.h.-i-^■■'■T^ 0r i noa r ! ;,ils I 0 Mb' i’af-pv!e pnldite to the and dah- And. t.be dosvenldants i.f these I tiinek ! a u "' lu fp Ssf, if-siege.. If onV hi'tiealj hitler of .Bishop rPoifer..' Peiir'.'.,, will read wit!, us miifdi pride and- as - e - ';' a,irt OL jinJci^tantls.why' Euro- vaplia. is vvorlhv the jKoveriiil ii). : ’ little jealousy, of those battles ,ifrbydiniJtr tln l Chrisli.ii, spintd of the " their fathers,an the Englisi) and Seoteii 'V :ll,,!l!1 - ll . v -: RW' a l * they idav lind s gr(hil ; c.,t! .inteliebiy ~'f tin- Nofthera defendants of the hemes 'of Floddetl , • !‘“- !!! “ ! . “'.K 0 f! ' u t 1 -he flag : .Ckuma ' AVho-> Aoi e;-, has' field, read ol their .aheestral 'achievei •" ■•'' '• f‘ i l‘° aaie.hg.the ■ yhaniedl the', aye I , s hop : iof 7er |montS in the glowing dines of Seotg i thongh , oftep ; hi'<Vnb, stands' like a gryy ol.frock on ior as the .defendants- of highland and f ‘l w ' r ' ,e ; l i"’;"'.:) ’ t'etpry. has :| \u P side, lirin and hii Wavering ‘ lowland .chiefs’, ‘aljusians,." to their. . ni,,or,n ."'^ t! !- l«w,ei-ed very oftepdatni'l.d<viyersal'-f!ucran«;»e.' riduHtig tc I fatiiors’ conflicts in itho siniple strains I" " ! 'gracje l and »c. long l.bbnd or give buck an inch bei'drs rfro , !of tl|o rustic Burns!' ‘V 1 : | a 8 tniwigttvuatiopsi >eo| so ; j the steriri. All /■onor'to thi> L.|t;iis live iirhvpa, i^ n n )la '-'‘'Ury, .made; an <l proittotMn jnon nftmneipU:' thh -idVhful awi ’’ en brothers, that t,ho day hAot f„i '?! ! el * ( ; )l thenytipiy are Jneer. | thcfhithleh! "> ■' '\ ' \ * distant, Wheti Arkansas will rise frbrii : W '.' !lhor i n » , stL 'am.ir_nidy not- 1 ’ ■!, '[-■— the ashes of he l r desolation, to .start! ! r"’« nc in thc CdNctßrss on a path .of Iglor}', (than, vy.jth negro] ‘ AVe d^n’i^,lltf 1 The bliiokfg named pffibersWeV^ BEE tOT" A bi slan; deretl wi 0 tbe cou/u f’orj wiih trffo windd. ~<»n go n>v.. ■ nliop andjworkiout a better cbuiacter'in Riz moiiths-tbau I can get io * court in a whoje y;«*r.” ; • I' I . !•-' i " ' ii ,v - JLAV liEl MIMI Eli HIM -• I -* **—l-i TGstabligslied 1818^ : . | A Ffau-jbX'l r read luk tragedy jwe have-" road, fn#nj months, is tilrat perpetrated I>jaac Wiler; ;i v-.vbiilt.-liy .'fannci k-iinton to w u-dnp, W.iviio county, on tlie'2oih nit. lie aniicke'd too'. 11 ijyi*t-■ wuile hue was' ase j shot lior through j'tho breast wit | gun, and nnwgl -ilji tier feat fuHy v | alarge hatcher knife. Sr.ppovmg i wife to bo tieadMid puHnejj his soi I kill diiin, after which he told -hisli daughter, he, wogld dispatch - hei The'son escaped by jumping, out Si second story w.i hl l o w-s -a lar m e d neighbors ut.d’ 1 brought them to rescue, in time to <jare his sister’s The man was I if e was; si posed to be laboring under a i tem riiry fit of insanity,, when he ; comi ted the deed. The wile who ’ dreadfully inanglec. at last accoui was conscious, aadj.hopcs' were en tafnej of her ultimate recovery. ; f -ii’ ■ -if. ■' * *®“A tady wifhjan ori! line knocked an p tlemuti in London by a 1 ninple «wi 'of her skirts. His bead struck CUfb stone/andj the shock was. so yar« that ha died id a abort time. ’! ■' ; ' - i S'- - ' / , ■ !j- ; - V ■ ni \- r (10, to j',;' .Nj , • • ; ■ ■ _ ■ tliojf ’ttSuA kin»!iabl6 ; iiiciilonl r- in'iof.) ( joiiitl;'" ll !*’.' ■» ■ 'j«;tioui .woman, .-at Lew yon . ■hi: is; Mai?}>*.■ Wio jvcnt •into ati am !ir>i hont'l roorn'tb'o oibnr day. and saw (ns - shu , the I supposed) her liiisbaini very familiar it ion | ly *iuing'b«!sjJe<a yonng laciy-; ~Step- ■ eft Is • ping np softly, she seized a- bead in* ■ si.i-o eac-ii of iu-r bands arid pounded them . mall together a nuwber of, times' in .great • in?i-rage. Her surprise'inav. bo imagined-,f nilii " when sjio found that the innocent, mtfi stranger was- not her •‘worsef balf-r -cipi Slio-apoiogized and pissed outMAid’ I.ee tbe laughter of the crowd. 1 ‘tied! . 1 ’ ’ .■ 4 ' Vi one ’ -M-issouim -~Eiiisjoody ,s ivar ’■met.-oir.ihS JUo. ‘.tvloen Gov. G-ain'nle t aiid bj^iitneVagd.. It rehifesalio ist W l / are' V^Staie 1 a|Ta:r<.-_. lt-^p.^’o:Tt. v 3« • • mentis that me isiii'es he tado;vgd .id i | induce glronv*;. alI,«-otinrriIn relation ! to tit el • i yr'ai Govornmeiil.Jt says. thVivvlvl, now ■Hur- ■ ,io "dl'taVy • or^an-iztUion'-S tf.khjn>| our ' P ! n lyi, border.-* lu,Mile lo.Xlje'GdvM-irtie|iit' of : t ~ the United States, and itlifere is.(ivory leiv '"dicalion 'that tilt) iorinjp if '|,‘ v hostility has set* led down into quiet w# ‘n aoqileseenee in the snpreir.a'.y of|t iiat' itch Government, anil l6 ( |, 0 j- have the jj.'iict) 6T t!ic ST Vito funbiir ’ (e of disturbed by the rebel OrgabizVuioDy ••••I [ :j@f“Who i* he ?” a most-i to a-|>rtli«.w}mjin, \yhor wasemlcaeoniig ‘ f tor to nai'Q ifij iiit<.xi(;;Vted iiiflivi;i;ia|v.iio-* |! by iiiitl ’ f;Vllt‘n ii.ito the goiter. •■•Can’t ‘ i'.Qf-. «ayi, /W’ trtniKfd 'tiio"[.-»lieeiimfl|' I : ie ]Ol, teul't; give aeoveml. of hiinsel/ ”-7- ■ vi.ivj' ‘•Ojj - cots; I .*'* ndt/' send..'«ho” o“ii«r/'|w jthi ' .’ojx, ■ee ,exjir,e'>.ei)i'! of in'lifii t-tftjw. c|i ‘ft yyiy expect 41 r. uccoarlt*-frdm. .i iTiih.; niau who hr.--!a-Ujijs:twianee.”: ■1 ■ . * the,:. ' .() to ; ? Grpnjvvidl first cdinejfhis' Itfe ;,moi cy, ah oid.ciivalier, looking Ipon i-.—‘Spi.e ;,of/11.0 new nieces, read this ..in’-' ot (itriptioii on one side: “God wilhliis;’’ |tii6 and on the -other:. “ The, Common- ;■ wealth of England. ’’ “1 see,” |(jaid, jifii.; he,.“God itnd the Common weaKlf are up- on sides.” ; -,j | fer .■ ■ L- i, . Cs?'Dcsei-uonB from Ihcirobei nrnhf; i.,” 1 1 are now more numerous than at khyi* i time since the expuWonh of ■ <3r * "from Middle Tennessee. 'I ho dehior- ■; j ahza Mon of the rebels.increases daily’... , jOn the other-hand Gen. Grant’s trlopsj , j ino-’are all in splendid spirits, re-enjist en- ] ments in veteran corps are more? aa. >! ?ep -nierous taian was expected, and good hoi anthority says that notloss thanfour# sc- fiiftim of the /entire force will «fiM* - J ‘ ; the army forth* n*w term ,| T'- : i • •’■ .1 ■' . '. ’ i '• ■ ■ . 1 ' • ? . ■ ■fjiv I; ►Tice To advertisers. *'W Ni • ; : Adfuitlii null* inserted at tbe rate* of 75 bents per square—each sulpstium.-nt in&emoa 25 oentr. A liberal discount roadc to yearly •Urertiserav tod onio&g fi A •!>«* **l°*!.to rtr*r.v»,tineaof;) bi s (yJt measurodas » square. ;V‘ j&~*"' ■ PpeoSjU poifci & per cent,:: edition to rVg ular rate*. ; c -. ! cards, 75 conls-la line, per. year.. Marriages aid ijeaUTgrit’cligiOC;,''Toiiiicai \other Koticos of a public nature, fre>; vl- . '• ‘ ‘ • !.. ‘ l.' " : * • T I;.. ■5. < '4 ~;~,. _~; .V 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers