. •T: • rr k L i t.-1 - V;Ii.IZ - 1863. T u ***** dtao«tel«d t»“ w v- . . ,*a»£S ■;•!. -••- ic- : ' :^^— t»'f. .-;5 r A- oad coßimnnioaUßß*,by oi*B, l a~ TOTiaaiA» i(: - 1 "d : „V.;.i v • ; J-._i_ .-.1’.........: W.-. :,. •") ft ?> *, tf>. o-.-'> The fpilowing : letter'from the.vtton; . The following.-taken from tbs;E»l-5 Josiah Quiuiy, °f? Massaphusotfs, to timore American,an onpoii(UU«nri D% tbePresidentor the UmtodStates^. dlways partial-MG 6o ’'^* -will be read with parlieolarinteicst the-lev* bvlall who remember age o** fcMJ or and err.inentservices ofiho vviiU'r.and •! men .rf the Aonth place r.m. mot for his illustrious revolutionacyanoestry. endorsing-Woodwardj- -j,-.>•• Mr. Quincy was born in 1772. ,'Ho ~ Genera)‘McClellan has ; “spoke in, was a iricmber of Congress in 1805. public" last, .and the time and occa- I and borveti until 1873, and, throughout gj,,,, 0 f giving .utterance to his sentU’? [tbia period of life,-,bo did not cease to; ments naa s wept/ from 'hia. side all • denounce nt.deXpose the ambitious P™*' those truly loyal men'who had ad her-, ,jec-U of the alayoholding '.htefeai. He ’edtofaini'lbrongh'good and bad ret , i/,-S6O was in the. Massachusetts .Seurite; from l port.- Here In- 1 . Maryland hia friends lBlB to: 1821. He was ; then elected . were numbered by thousands—they :i _j - o ,_ 7IZ ] to the House of Repreaentalivcr and ,t- e f use d to believe the accusations,»j Accrf^M«-. ; »nrl chosen speaker. In 1823 he was May-; « a ihat bia lovalty—they, contended . ,.v .i- or of Boston, holding his place! until t j, at would' in due time clear liip f , irf .Literature. piE 1 a p g ., g tf K . D appointed Prod-1 ccniebeoh of airimputationa-Mbf lack r «! p„„.. RT W. AV [dent of Harvard Umverrar y, and held qf earueslnealness .in the prosecution U-rizefiby the single woe » •_ •? * office, until 1845;isiuce which, tliho bo !pPThe '•ykr-lantf.' the .maiuteuaiiee,,-of; Vit is Uepuhlicimpn its hea , , has lived in private.. Iw 1856 he was t i, c t7ritonT--b'ut hisi fetter jp pppo;ij t,i the great ; truth pa a warm snppOrUr of the Ueput>licaii' , : l |j 011 -;to|||ie electiombf Governor Cut* 1 ramie of one blojad pi ; lor the Presidency. upkipg vlin a n d-in, favor of tfio.defeated Serais in i .« j one speech in,Quincy - i ; jindidate.huadasK'odtheir hopes, rfjual an?l inaoenaWc ng nnrsiiitl We.have reminded the reader of, them ready tn believe, acy r men ,to —life, lihertv, an< *V .P_ , events of Mr - Quincy, that thing and .everything that has been of hhVpmess, n thcwloay know howjto; value proper; c i, ul .ged against him. -1 ' - tteH.lf|sl, 'earnest.' dojiapt » . A. vc ly the.sentiments and opinions pi the • to Thllatidigbntn . there ,is "'everyfselieme-and U'ljor o *‘•^i el t e r which follows.! : no man in the country whose loyalty Power, from- the.,* fp'.: -Hc-S: Abbaiiam/ Llsoots— Sir : ] o y a lij had been , irioro btrongly lm p tbp great; Ucdteilioa.. :,OU! age haa its pViviljrges, which I ; , mp eachcdi thah Judge Woodwanl. vampire of thepey ... oi r • jis* hope this lelterf will riot exceed.— ■ whose flection as Governor of Penn the C>l our .eonoin ■ .’f But I cannot retrain front expressing; S yl va ni a General McClellan regarded -bWh r.;-K«;idizepien, * P tho rto you my gratificatnJh Md my-trail-1 “as called for bv the intrresta of the its ,V tke rtv 1 ; pde tor y mrietter to the Illinois Con-1 nat ioiiE But. 'iodependeut oi this, 'OJ.i 11 onif. midj ell i v tl,ra«» 1 mention ; happy, conclusive j t ij ere^aß rea g o d wliy General ,Me ' P c ” ha Amen cun ’conritcr-; lind ‘‘‘fcetive. Whatj-ou Bayeoncern- clell hl , on i d of a n men have taken no ■ u f’ n f • ? ;'Uhr»4 and ruin ofthe \'"S emancipation, yfmi) proclamation,! t in this contest?eyon.if hia politi /: nhl in «*'" l y««r course of proceeding in re , ' a , p r oiu)l ,eos wert tvlth Judge tVood- S ...5 rii,-it4 Vttilh and effort, to i% was duo toprnih and your., ward. We know that Governor Cur •-Vr iKfe • Kebolliyn character,« assailed as ;| ; n one Df the earnoHt de- Jn trio sitrnal overthrow iof its H' 4 htts .*F :e " - T* 10 an ' fenders, of General McClellan, and estaWisfiiiienTi .imperishable- monument of wisdom t |, at at i ate a dayiasthe ifemoval of lbraug- i . ; . .‘ I Gehpral Hooker from the command'of ‘oui ;,iA wiu£ eouritry, |? .i S'dverj- and the the Arnly of _lhe Potomac be nccom ».t; .r<iin. iviSeriv and TTiiioi. shall \ an- 1 he\e of - .> a n;.>d apartj- of lending gentlemen 1 >ne am'•iHaeoar’ible’j^bcntc-# r - inore than rfventy ■ j r .„„ New York and Pemisylrania to ■'tfii' tl»rev -r ' 3 ■■ ,6rst nitrodiic'ed to it hy WaHhington, and urged and begged ; TVr- -Vhin’rvf -ile-otes attention in in the Convention of/- Mas- t ]President to reiioiate him in com tt -■ rn rMiifMthtn I'cnii'orauvcs I " hich 1 J had . | that-he hu<i on all occa- Vtfi vt'i;Moils anti 'vh. ; itevor(^^*l ilc oppoKufiitH*B tpvhnow ! SJ ' f i n 8 dfsngreed : wilh his polilioal "si'-’o W-u-minister'to/'tlic’spiritual»n*l { ,M K l !*® vieavs on t. i,ill S4, ’l! t - 4ct , : "* t ■ P h .!J| : friends in their opposition to f k&al-OrogresK arid weli beii.lT oW *' l J' 1 n 7 p, i a^ | ‘ ~ m ,lto'1 ' and , t i, at .|, e refused to believe their im«iu '.Ved'.vbh* for the present.iu cnor-1 P>c tbeys, '■Wi-lram. > noth, of Sruuh i i a tipns agiiirist his charter as a loyal -! ,l columns aro m.iuih da-1 Cui.-iiniCi'ai d many With the . , nan an( j a soidior, and hud lost intla -.2 f■' i’ '■igornWon and sdecessf t ' |4 - st 9| ’I IO -** o ‘ had personal mterfours-1 elK;t , w ith the aut hori lies at Washing •oi ilie-Vr.sr fer tile . Union, Its special los _ arid, acquaintances. -- I J‘hjtj- jj 4 i tori oh Hits account. co.re-oAh'euta .-riccoirpa.ny j every i- H ?Y { tiever kne w the individual,, g llt independent of all this, General ' rrtiWdiijwe a. if. yai'.d report 'everv i-*!a;vqho|dcr or non-slave-holder, who . McClellan knew that the }>arty which ■Hi;;...-1 ::.r. tin -iteivt'oi' V 4t *, cxp ro ' ,s a detestation of it, . h o j )ei j tp elect Judge Woodward is as! eta cli.-h we trust to result in the all t '‘ *h.e dew re and dispOMtioa to get l disloyal*-»s the ©f- JLtry-j sn,d eo:iti;|*ivri .fnnniph of the | rl ! 011 tiitfioufty*, >P '■’W® J land. They rejoice in Rebel victories . rasldratiw. tV’ 1 emancipation..-was : “What sha ; .^ ...of P. a.-,e and Tlirift distracte^Jli 0 U;r ihc master and AWmTdTstni bi.-c.aiut .cou’itfti...Wifh-.-lievc that no; j iV '- / /| ‘- > " :t '* the'(ijaye ... _.A salisfat-lp. j. t j o|l j, h o grviit that they have lost.all ; r.'.i-rwAo van a n:l!c-i’r-r m ; cu*; r > A ; **T v f l ° * /o1 ” 1 * H ! iai J ; love of country and aro ready to i»c* ’ r;.'c vi**w| of' ilu» nroirres* ami i ,\ U|l ” n^w * heyoi.d the icaeh Aiid • r |fi co their nationality to eruali then r tf : .r o: x ti.is moment|oa» r he j °* ‘• l,n, l iall 'y ,s dom. und podor. j Gen, McClellan iiirifiHrrd tiiar. the -.'gtihirl ''.Through the direct influence p| A' b as broicen hmfioiig silence to array po-iwai /of opr columns.. And wivj and graemus G-ul the people; of! hiinsc|f mal-conteifts, and <:£.rn» i stlv Polk-it tho on operatioii Slates ha'e invented , h 0 doing has sank himself beyond, t 4 i I’r.kn ;•!-•* of fhe caa«f,wiiicli I Wll ., >OW i F r of satisfac- - a n ro deminion in the estimatioD of all. we ,:anJ di jlioW las'-thatCdf i '°, ri| y. Quest ions, and aU°| w h o M , -truly loyal? We want no! t m-. i-f- iu ll'orrapitv, rb aid us imex- 4 ! ‘J 1 P r o T the- dTOeujties-iiici-1 gU pj l m cii in command of loyal armies, | teu.iiirg- its cii-culathm. .1 ■ ’_ j dent to both pf if they, fail to ■ art ,j jf the' President wsi satisfied of . ■ ?! TEUMS. - j aval themselves, and con-fjfjp expressed by Gen. The cr.orr.pus Irii-Vease in the pricey l ' lll4,T rlF they will entatkshame on 1 Ji£c*Clolla.n, we, for the first!Aisne in the W.-mivtihg paper and, olhei materials [themselves, and sorrow' and nltsgry on . columns of th o thank him c. f-h-tirrg newspaper*- C'crapels J nf,,,, 0* generations. •.. ■ • I fer perslstontly rtfiising- lo yield to bs V■-■iji-'rea-e'ihe price,of The Tri- ‘'lt •* unmissible for me tqj m-gonii, appeals made to him lor’ BC.V*;- 0:0- new terms are : 4 tl.o power -thusgranted tl.M people ■ Misstatement. . ' '. -i •is,i tj.Yr-TUIBU’VE - otherwise than as proceedingirom the■ , - . || • ■■(?,,„[■,!,! ~;.... .Bcents. influences of a superintending ’!, / ■ ' ! j | is "»’feiVVsTiVsSncV)?:...SB. i Providence ’ who cvej;/makes those , V; ; ; OurTtmngMen. 'll - hMI W Ki?Kl r Y TRIBUNE. . | mad whonfie ifan.hto - , ' during , the past •jj, ot*» veur (IM4 ifi>uea) ; S 3 . “The .only possible way in which « , , t glaTe WflerSt baa grown ,to such i ‘A* yen........ hei , h ( have been abolished, is ■ gratifying fact ;thM i »0«»o Men, kn, .j..no, vear.i 5-2- 00. v« u i u .. ~*aa , between tho air 6& of twerity-ono and if STbSS . . iiKEKLTTRIBDN-E. J- I. toirca of ,p««WiS"ket af tr.o l»l .Hl.kt F.-r,. con« vpar . u.............. 88 ;■ ._., “ ... . • ~z i. bias may have been. Inis we V‘;.p:4j.'cn,* y 68r....-.|... {• '......ji§ -J ~ v ' Li* ’* n n f 1 ' 3 a .gratifying and hopeful indi : Anv ■ larger nuin l.>'ji-; addressed tt> £ y ■ .'{s .. aa ■ F° ,c . [cati in that patriotism and intelligence ‘fof 51,50 each. An l hand to hand. Where eiira %vIU Wt * nl t 0 cI ? U I Hand and fully bJon'1 fa^ ep * eonidnot appreciate the issues, ‘ 1 thus bestowed upon them, and fail to 1 an( ? ? n thal d^ ocfac y ° t r wh»B - to the utmost extOm of the ! W wcre the wine they were twenty power granted, they willpro've recre- a gf». the,r sons s«w t clearly »( to themselves and posterW. q "*”■&”**••* burwd .w’l-l. tl.e past ■•7 write under the impression that ! " h,! " trmtors ln.d violent l.rinds on the victory of the United States in i the . % of our country. This a large this wa. is inevitable. [ - I m W* f * ■ ‘ Compromise is impossible. Peace a,ld vo,ed { or Andrew; G. .Curtin.- on Any other basis would hi the es- Democracy is a good thing when ns:ed petit jubohs. tablisiimont of two nations, each, hat- ff* » <'o'>ntry, hotwhen?ttßmpted MIfIlnr(l .... ing the other, both military, Jjuih 1 ne- «nado use of ft,y _eueh men «*.!.■ Bridgewater : Joseph M Olare,Kpbt. cbssafily 'hostile, their territories in- Buchanan Wood.i terlocked, with a tendency, iof never ‘ ,^ d V '.f H™ Mi M R * lrto0 * ,M ‘- (^ n ** Latiuftv r»oiv and .their Itko, to force the. AUminia* boll. nmftl ihhuril&nee or tration tomuke pbace and recognize South Beavci : jW m. Taylor. | theGonthcrn Brighton tp : Hferiry JrfJy. j neriiv» Odivoy man of intelligence can be lured into Hopewell: Charles Irvin, 'John rion* 7 .aco 0 * ' its false and treiihonable doctrine*.— !Nevih. j . H - 1 p.P • < • The igriorurit and prejudiced,'old .or j Big Beaver: J. C. Chapman, j young, did generally as they ‘'dftfj&e?j Patterson: D. O. C. Patterson, fore,” but the intelligent and patriotic!. Raccoon: Samuel Shellilo, ! Seth voted the Union ticket, and they enn i Wiisori. S. II Grail. . I be proud of it’the. hahirice-of fheir Darlington tp: John Powell. | ' lives; —Lancaster Examiner rf- iUrald, Moon : Samuel Zimmerly. 1 ./?_ [vw I ! Fallstouhpro: Marcus Baldwin. " jn.,a , „ .... Hum, Andrew Paddy O B*n,ury RBTOBt«.--Miles jj C)irK j g < ; • :• , O’Reilly, the soldfer who was arrest- Ohio: DC. Thompson, John Dun ed Morris Island, S?6.,|fbr making-San, Sr., Ephraim M; . blackguard,, poetry, {and pardoned by Wailovver. > \ i thel President in respon.-e to a wit- "Chester tp: Win. Moore, Samuel ■, v . . , . ■ ■■. r. . ■ Borjies.- - ■? , ty-poetical jetuion,I has arnvrid in ft Casper Henning, i (Nri|f York on a furlough, and met Uaiiorer; Robert Har-lm, 1 with an enthusiastic rooeptioD by his Pulaski: El wood Thomas. Sam’l old' •He has sent w hymn*of Hyers. - thanks to the President, bogiuninji- Thc * Ki,l<r * Long life to yon, Mistheir tinepla; . JJc.w Sewic-kly ; James Gordon. May you die both Ute na’, eiey; Indepence : Dan’l M’Oallister. An’ whin you Ue wid the top of sioh toe Beaver boro: Oliver A’rishntn.| Turawlnpto tlie roouof adaity, North'Sewlckly: Daniel Heines, May this be year epitaph, nate|y..writ, David’ M'ller. tarßoW 'irst'-ft- L 'm 4841. Mi» iu twenty-second SL Jig«*ialriea;b6th arlafgeP W*4 *” nre wiißly diffused circnlalkrh than Sti,«^o WS America; 1 Thorn'll it has suffered, witb otber Journals, from L Volon-.eerinff andr departure of L 6f‘ibottw.ndB of .its Miron* to 1 m the Wnr for tbei Union,. i|B ibis ,61h'41 ©eeember, a* follows t;';. 1 ' ■' _ . ■■ MfdW' ■.’. C-- S’!' lea - IA-entyTCopics, to .Me aJdrest, one! . 'tar. BJ;V and; any larger n timber at; .■**•«* i>i;ico. i An extra copy will be j H'lit !.j elilbit :of tweiitj - . To clubs of ;-:!v THE SEIII-\VEEKLY "TBI-] "l -NT. will he sent. ! To clubs Of fifty Xilo, I'ALLY TBIiBRSE will bo sent Sratis- ■ ' ! ' . 4 , ' Address Til E TPJBUSE, ; ; I’nbune Buildings,vNew-York Iflicrt drnfls”can:he procured it is “iaeli;safer tSan to remit Bajik Bills. The urme'ibf the Post-Office and ■ State shoulJ in all cases be plainly ’■rripcn. '. ■ < Subscribers who send money by E*l>resN. must prepay the Express ‘W-ges; eUe it wiil be deducted fpotf •■iriivmittance. s ’ , Tuk Thibcne Almaxac fob 1863 lja ready about, Cbrisimaa tlixioHi. fcEotel, ” beaver, pe^n^a. ALEX. CLARK,-- PaopkreTOfi: addition to tU« 'coLVemeDcts; of a ,firs 4- Hotel, tb,e Proprietor has-fitted up in ' +u-:L6us*, in a complete and sitisfactori'mnn-; so-- ' l'> j.-,. ■; O?STRU SALOON. • , u . er ® ‘be qhality of Oyxtert may be ob-- •awl during- their season,.in way desired Vv I CHQbe furnished ivith Oretert, ■ ' e of dozen. The tableitftlrnished Jct 11 '-“Oiuturiee (he PITTSBURG MAR “bT can afford. 9 ' ■«. 1 A’ J: ‘ u K i ' ul f°? the'liberal patronage heretOr. * cbaiicuanee of the tame it ;l* cl fully solicited. - <Jeol7 Seweors, Gum Hair: Pint, pz—Monaiet, Needles, Tweezers, - S P OOI "Thread, the Ora* Store'of 7* r .- P«cO. V OOMMIWL : '• **f «-.■# •® ( e^vet*;^W^dia.esd^V 7 £'^^«i;Eßtal>H^|bici jisis •■•:■ -••■■ ■ n, !-... !.' I ■.. . I■ ■■ : ! *—" ■' ' ’ = : ""' |" ll Yfif " ' * J -~ HC*^ t - i- ' ~.: ov 1 -'- V MS ■r.. i. ■}■ . ■» Vot. 30“ . Life a Happiest Period.— Kingsley. gives his evidence oni this ■ disputed point. thus declares . | ; “There is no pleasure that. I .have experienced like a child’s rai'launiraer holiday—the time, I mean, when two or tbree of ns used to go away up the brook.and tfckeour dinners with us, come home at rttglrt. cHrty, tired, hap py. 'scratched beyond recognition, ■ wi'tv. a greasy nosegay, three little .trbuf. airfd one shoot the,other having, i been used boat nil it had gor.e • down with all bands out of soundings How poor pur I»erby day s, OUT Green , witch, dinners, our .evening partie*. ’ whore there are plenty of, nice girls : after that I Depend. '.Upon it, a man 'never expbrioitces sueh pleasure or 1 grief after fbiirteen as he done before, unless, in some cases, in his first love making when-.tbh sensation. ,i* dew to him:" v ! - -- ' I ' >®“Vallandlgharn la 1 novr dasor •f (h* rijfefr mte in* tight ptiotf.’,. ‘ “Tboufh Umiton ftbuMd him rileljr, H« vuhoiiMi aa’hliiJlj,: he loTedhJhkt^i ib©4 nOitnuii banagieo* W aimow* bsipiUj * n I** l ® ; papers; somedaya sidbSftiif the death of * little -Mm Wf T. l Sbprmap,'* iMgfcfe boy. of eight jean whoso •*M jCon- whUe iadampiwifll klsfltther, Blicfci'lwddwpKde; fifcm [ addressed, I end optontilflfr •*> print ed 'fotofet*jbfttioh roldlen I oWho regiment, tonch ; ehori in every heart. 01 Striak btffather 1| ; bobl®’ patriot, the herb* j |"b*Ul<M”; : Wt the- *natkirt'-ilyaee^4b*fie j admiration of his gallant? de«ds,!-tb | weep* with/ the mourneijMb vier thb !■ young lilo that it® * ‘‘hngle|bote M ', will ! wake. Th©v'letter- iflf datW Gayoso House, ilemphis, Oct. 4, had address ed to Copt. 0. O. battalion, ns fullawa> i , ?|; !; „,J. Ait, I)KAE Fbiend'.t,X > tjnnot qleep tP-tii'ghV till I record an eiprortaionof the deep feelings of my W#rt to yen, t and to the odicora and'eOSliers of the i battalion, for their kind to j my poor child. I realiao lfcat yon all ' ft. el for my family the attftchmentof ! kindred; and I assure yep all of full 1 reciprocity.! Consistent iflth a sense , of du tv to my office, I ! could not leave ipyr sent for : fuy family .to come to rne.jp thati cli- and in tba» sickly ptfriod of the year, and behold the Wsnltl The Child that bore my narae. aod ir. whose future 1 reposed with motfconfidenee' i than I did in myv'owrr.jlans ,ot life j now floats a mere corpse seeking a 1 grave in a distant land wuh a - w,eep ! jiig nwuiiet, br'Olh**?and rislcn (.Instep*, ; edu bout him, Bnt.fdr-itiyiirlf leap aak ; 1 no sympathy. - On, on, I. must go' to tWeefl a soldier’s fate, ur seftjny ooun- Itfy tjise superior, to alWactions, till its flag is adored and respebled ..by Jour (selves an Jail th*‘ Powursjdf the earth, i Hut, my'poor Willie wait or thought ! he was,- a sergeant of the .121 ft. I : have seen "his eye brighten and bis h<-art boat as he beheldthe batirtlion unii er .arms, 'and asked J me if |they_ were n6t real soldiers. Child is' he was. he-hsd the enthtsiastn, the (pure loveof trnth, honor and Sovo of conn trj’/whioh shouhl nuiinauoall soldiers. knows wH.v, he die c is dead ndt‘ In 1i mysterious end. Plea«c convey to the battalioii my heartfelt thanks,' mnd assure each and all that if, ih after years, they call on tne or mine, and mention that they were of the 13th Regulars, when poor Willie wit* setgoapt, they will have a key to the affections of my family that will open all it ba»—that we will, share With'them oar last blanket, oar. l«u»V crust. | Your friend, ■ W . T. Sherman, Maj. Gen. .■ _ ■ - Xilst of Juror* For November Session (2 & Monday) ’63s GRAND JURORS. Now Brighton : R. E. Hoops (fore* mun.) Glasgow: Thomas Kinsey. - North Sewickly : Alex Gardner ; ■ Freedom borough: Samuel Furoior, Johnlletqho, Thaddous Kerr. ! New Sewickly; ilarlio Fisher, Nicholas Guayer, Samuel Bean. I Rochester boro ( George Evans. Economy Ip. Samnel Krepps. Hookstown: John M'Cartuey, John ..A. Snowdoni . ' „ Hanover tp: Samuel Bigger, Moses i ©oak, Henry B. M’Creary. ; 1 ■} Beaver boro; Wm. 1 S. Barclay, Hugh B. Anderson. James Crawford, i i Chippewa: Samuel. Crawford, John ! Goddani. ' South Beaver: JohnQ Reed. Ohio :-‘Wm. Chaney. Independence: Bernard Fortier. ; liidui»ir< JamoirM’Calloagh. ■I PhllKjwWg: O.?. KMrobQr.j Bocmomy: WopMmk <■■■ ■■ 772_ ' r :1 r qjt l '^ia#o^editorial qni ‘T_EJUU£ 1 ” j Bays; , ~f.; slM9r 9P.. oat. pwn ■■ jterjnp, ( >fq „cpn accept Pa peace whatever, apd must flglil till doomsday rather than ylofd •n. fctt :! 6f them; hrid ■6dr'tei i mF y 'by! thj}; ■eneTpy of-'the independence' of, a the , Copfedwetf ; wol. pf " the ‘YM)keo‘ * &r- j oes front.' every*' fcmf'icf'Ooufederilto i grdnntf; IdSelndlHg KhAtri6kj ahdi Mti •Ourli (<>il,Ji<s'' i 'Ai! iiay. /•t? Withdrawal -otthe, ;dier9 frpm ,Murylan(l ,uritii that Statpl 1 Bhall depiua;. by a -tree :yote,_wbother IShe shajl reahiin ie tho fajd' i *sk adiiiissiottitito'theConfmJeraCy. ibo the Federal 'governioent to give to this Confedera cy. ite proportion, of- the. navy ,W:.it »lbo<l at the time of seciesmbny or to pay loir'thegame ! V ] 'p/- ■ ■ “Yielding hp' all pretensions on the ■pari-of i.the-Federal government to that‘.portion! of <bai:o)c!, territories .which jies, : west of the Confederate State*. , 'j V _ '■ 1 a;-; ‘ ■ ' ‘‘An. equitable setttlemont, on the baeis of oar absolute independence and equal rights, of a| | { accounts ; of I ibo pobljp.debte and public lands, and | of the advantages accruing from, for i eigatreaties. V.'-' : v i. ' / ■■ , -j, “Thw»'provisions/ we apprehend, j compose the miniiniiinof what we must {require before We lay, down oar ' arms. • .That is to say, the North muslji yield all, wo nothing [The whole! pretension of that cpuntry to prevent j by force the. separation of the States ! must hi ahandoqod, which will be! .equivalent lo an avowal that »ur enu-; 1 mien were wrong from the first; and, of course, as they Waged a causeless ' and .wicked War upon us/ they ougfit, j~~ —• •. in strict justice. Is required, Tt»- London 1 Is cording to a'tiage in.suflj oases, to re -.- I i . . ; , imburse to u!» the Whole ol our ekpen- . ve anv of the unti'aveled re sea and'iosHcs in the. course of that. °f 8 V r. ,r< 'f ? war. ’ Whether this Ibst prpvi!)H*i.s to;; lbat;jr°ds through tl insisted upon or • not, certain waare ‘ turmodiale of li'indon . i that we cannot have any peace at ail' ’-r “ r ® j* r * interesting siqtisiic, i until we shall he in a position notsonly ! gh’aned * roni * V®*/wn, whn-h to demand and exact,,but also to en-1 1 j'.jfe*.whata gigantic p v*e I force and collect-Uuv4re» S ure for our) BriM» metropolis has grown M be ; ( own of the weal i an M?'V lftl ; ihriUtefin the enetriV’s country! Ih ! J*#* vehicles of all. kind* ~:.** thro other words, unlefes we can destroy or * or ! t, y e, g!'t 61 « scatter their qimies, and .breakup streets are iiaifi' their ‘government, wo • can have no j£*f, peace; and If we can do * WeV- - 7 and ought, ' " ' from them out id t ample ,ac.'- ! 53^,586-ro»k|ng ' whr ime.” to us.by their c Is General Cameron a Prophet ? It will be recollected that on lhe. eye of the late election, Major General ! Butler the ;pcople of the 1 State .Capital, and that Gen. Cameron i presided at that meeting: On the oc-1 Casion referred to, Gen Cameron, , while introducing Goo. Butler, spoke briefly in discussion of the, issues, in volved in the contest) andjlhen'made the following prediction:,’l / ! 2 1 V V}' ’’ r '' ' '( -I j “Now, gentlemen, let me prophecy a little; for an old man may be permit- Hed’to do this. The'sppople of I|unn-j sylvanm have re-norainated Mr. Cur-; tin, because:the war is going on, and ’ because they believed it would not be ( wise to change the,commander. Loti me proclaim, that iii a very short time' there will be anotbdij person re-nomi nated and re-elected, and that will be Abrahfim Lincoln. [Deafeningapr plausd. continuing some moments,] Gentlemen, 1 niighisny more-on tlipi same subject; but yoti have responded 'so heartily that it is unnecessary.— Ohly remember that 1 made the; prophecy” ■■ ,_, • ; j j > Well, General,!t seems that a propb-J et has sometimes honor in biiv own j country and among liisowh kin. Half your, prophecy,', delivered early in j September, was verified ion the 131 h,, of 'October —and the otter may come true:: cn the first Tuesday of Novem ber,; 1864. Judgiiigj of the . future-by the past) the General is fn a fair, way of becoming a prophet in bis old age. —Pitt*. Cm. ',V j'-’- ;■ ' ; . sa_Tbe Brie Observer, a rank cop' perhead sheet, says;;” Onr Democrat: lo exchanges promised their readers that the ’Curtin would fall’ on the 2d Tuesday of October It has fallen, but, unfortunately, it hat left u* on the outside .” | Cm tor -DiPTflEßrA.—Heie is a' remedy, said to be excellent, for the care of.diptheria; A small quantity of sheep's snot, ssy a' sfKHMifijl, chopped fine and boiled in a gillof min?, and drink on retiring bed.i Of course the throat is to be bound with flannel. Ansioit-^UxANiM^ns'— There was one place in Ohio whore Vallandig ham received an alinost unanimous vote The rebel prisbiicrsat Cnmp Chase took a vote feir Goveritor.and'. the result was Valliindighurn, 1,083 ; j Brough, 2. This oinai, prove a con soling item to tha disconsolate exile. student, in the course of ex- was asked, “Pray how would' jfrofcrdiscover 4 fool V “By the s«»Ufl #•*,*’ wilted *• .8601 fndienf loSStrtWW* rt£><HM'«f bar; prlnci- i^nsdny^bilfttberol ideiilrtortg them I'irtWthypWnler ilabatrift, «bnlb srObrfef slayeheld- Onfeflf: orit tp then indignantly turned on hw r iddre^a r id ,£Ko lamlart. 1» tfart ? folloir»ng purport: Well, 101 'be- if- tbit is not a iiagji diegwH,; wb'Sbm dffifrtt p.raan lso ( that e:cr regimenttoo grejaf art ingn If r’ 'Se XlabatniaW; jumped Utbi* jfeet, 'While hie eyee" 'flaebed ■KA ■'to HI *ll*l bilMi pa& ore tiie enil dirt fdvi Ur* o' UtW beet Al« ban .whii m and fire sir, therms ntfti a negrdJh|tha,t regi t who in not* better nian thiin a >V‘. to this goyernW#fe^ f . ai)t|”sr im , i have not' a ! 'tTOOskmfS mas e respect ttap-1 iiavelor in omntry. ,11 think )Vh»tthe|best tible use governraent£ap .make legroes is to take them and make ti fight agktnSl 'ttfeJreljeU. ]‘No top is too good to be'kilted’by a ro, no weapon too Severs rtp two inst tbe wretches who are endeav ig to overthrew thsfgovethmcnt ,v, sip, hwallo-W that, whether you it or not ’* 'l, ' ■ > : ’Vi s£ : ’ '|' v- ; , lie rebel dartpd off in otter aniade it, without Uttering a syllablsof. ly. leaving tile sturdy Alabafnjah,, > cherished the jewel* of patriotism oniothing rhore previous than docks (laves,'•alone jin hia glory.” '■ 1 mei rep wi> ftfM of 'i lit is is aggregate |of more than 700.000 ssengers less than one fourteenth cn :ed these streets durihg the night. Other words, > out of’ nparly j three afters of a million of .people 49,000 ?re qnt after ll o’clock at nibjht.— >r a 1 city, , this ,1 is a" very’ lall proportion, showing that the ajoifty of Englishmen love to> go 'to d betinies. .i ’ I jTlirongh Choapside oho of the busy ctions of thei city, 13.000 vehicles 11 daily—goinj* Trom.west to cast— cry, afternoon : bet ween four ar)d five clock. The niinihpr of persons ■p«R- London Bridge every pay is ckoned at 84,027,‘aiid the number of rts imd wagojifi reach es/ f 2,00 Q. The presont> populationV'oi London about 2,800.000; —or j ust two Trillions ore than the city - of Kewj 1 Y|prk.-r [ew Fork Independent* . (■ th i fiM I te j’Tfi , s ~i . . ‘ ■ i “iiSovEi MetUoj) of Stirring UP-Tbam s:'Eßs.— An incident occurred during tl io recent retrogade i movement of Meade’s army viibich showstha’ Gen ei al Boford is as fertile in expedients ai lie if* bravein;an emergency.! While .bringing up with fhe rebels not. far behind Him, he came-up with a tr’ain of. wagons several miles long, numbering, it isUaid, about 800| wag-.- ohs. The train was stopped;'' and find'no’one in command dart it< No [time wasto bo lost j enemy were coming and Buford’s imar.d would be cut bf> and the. I in* captured/. The teamsteritf in t long line could not be made to' iprebend and act. . ] ren, Buford; in a Jfew seconds], com acted. He ordered iot his riflodipieces to bo planted be rear of tj\e tiair., and began ng shells up| the road; the 50ns, at the longest range and with (.ood elevation. A ■ few of these (ten balls” bursting over train roused the sleeps and id the business Believing ..that rebels wore-close npoh them, the goo masters teamsters applied whip and spur.and the whole caravan moved of safely. .i v , : /;■ yonr son engaged before i went to. th'e- wart” asked Mrs. ilgtf of a neitjlibor. - , | . “Nil, bat lie bits':hadsereralengage- Sots sincti,” site replied. 1 ' ■ .'-i i i • • ' |orA' mao came into a pr fating of fire \6 beg a j»t»er. 1 “BCoanw.’’- tie (laid, f'weiilte to ivad the newspaper* very mucii. bat nnr neighbors aye too st\ ngy to late one.’’ . v" ■ ■ ■ f t■■ ■ ‘ MrA dandy, aipoking a, hav ing entered a menagerie, proprie tojr requested blip tr»; ital?e v the/weod' from bia moath,' , -leBi t l*e,ehmlld; teach BwineiS e»rd^^ L lire,' per y*ar-. Xotioes oi a pub'io nature,:.f;■ e, t ' impprtant Gonfofrlofi Ijpaa r fv ; « I Angel,’.’the London rgpke* ■Vbe l followingadruj**ion,'io^f«?oj;otiil^> Amercani i . v , / .•• h Vlf Ar»ericftti& fc-iv'.- J«K *hig’, yf>»- no| db .them jpj,tice_ of: : jfetirf it' !%&■ adjbolivea. -in.-.their , ‘ BuifferHig!*,' - ■ anil ■ their •* engines* ; ■**•€ .• * | [methods of warfare?, ‘course of gfltg! y&rb?;.gt.t^^!p, ;; » j have; (hp 'pomptei.hio of ino ; , ~v i?dienc ; e ot i„ s j. ■ water and bribe , J .landl' ;JTb» .>i |' tor and Mernmat uut%3- tad a now era; hardly, rttot«*i yet~,hy L Jowriso.B6oll :but try that/ preforidstokePp fob Hc'a 'urik ' i c<i;Se ! : fitting but G oliahs.Htj.' l|ri'Jn f >dp aceoded literally from.-..lhewn fi^htinlluriiptpn,watcii-. ; ivojv it x* '•>:.■ *,revolution iri the, at t ot battery «nd'defence by battlcr.'isoriVs .;■■■ , >. which*, these encrcotic figUt«r»-*hav!B ■, .•; .developed. Sumter is ‘ and-sbaiteredj.irito such a ruin iiiat ; ; hardly.,orui Hti>i;o stands upon aimihtr. of iheforl/which firstflew the £*’£?<£ ’, Secession. And- this, after repeated . .> failures with such artillery- as; eoittd • p be made to floa t >on , hoard si j i p,. ups Y' -! sTwion accomplished -by .jewopitoipjif rdj»» ' ' npn, fixed on a land fjat.te’ry . driu4>!irg-; trig a bolt pf 200 pounds' Weight ; 2f a range of 4;400 - v ; v-.- } * Sir William Armstrong coold not Imve done it so soon. bu* tie vjoult have: done*4i; and ,Mf it bit worth would, no doubt, ',mj\ite short work of even *ueh a place la< SoinieK r Bat -riei ther iif f then* ' has s&’dtffi uS tiling 'like the rangd and; aefunicy . combined with t-hoer Vain oils. foree, of Vilfnoro aml Dahlgren:,'for the reason that their mouKcr gun« : have 'geiodv ally toniraiil&l temporary suicide at the lew inliatoiy ■' idors f the ie in- We have oevcrul of iheee eharniifig oreulure* .in tlie 'anny ; ■Tin) tl»yil norpM is.more fiuvroi iii,ihis w^ijliun any oilier, for it l»u4 iia j/eHI ibbftii | “No,” she.' ‘-H-ra 'arsVt'Hd r dead and and ihiaiif. a»y Li’lace." ■■• ; - : ' :; jl, Jjlie has "pJWCuted i wi11;,,. ' mejdal ’for JCcv : • y ! and her- dQTOted\aUendanre' o« /' wounded. ‘Another follows the Third j Michigan',; but liitle of her- P ! f ;■ - ii'.V These ladies, in thei? Bloomer cos- r tame, .'and their kegs of ref- ; .«hittg; ‘ dnnks slung before them, have'a kimii- hi of cheering .effect, upon • ■ ij. here, iv.hcre petlicout% wre>so.-scarce. —Army \por.l' ■: ' .' A War : l^fcibKXT.—A corrosppT»!{en4,i*, _ ■of the Bloomington Pantfigtaph 1 foo ; dates on amusing incident 'Which to.,ft '•■ plane au the capture of Little Rock, , Arkansas. A Confederate ■ surgeon,' .by the name of CibssilflJ, got heaatly ■ drunk, and took a room in a city ho.; teT ami went to sleep. ■ 'ln the meap-j ■ • i time our men d«mj the rebels t hfonglr *■ jtho town iii complotc rout,. And . took , j possession Of the. place. Several ' o! ’ j pur officers put.up at Abe samel hotel. j Aft£r. awhile the Surgeon. uwpkWfr6.pi' his slumbers and came dowh~siairs,!rf' front of the hotel. ha ' officers, •‘let's go out to .the v camp.” ‘‘What i camp.’W soys , «np ' officer. '‘DtbhinSjOf dourse,*' • What Command belong •to ?'* says reb to\Jron. [ .Steele.* The lattp.f’ eX- ■, .plained,, “Wcfll,” says the surgeon^ “it beats Rip Yan Winkle that a man cannot go tq >!,oep |«j Confcdcrnto Slates without waking up in Hha United "States I” *■'■■■ ;■ Since then ho has taken the oath and gone to St. Louis; thinks C r S A- : J a poqr Government for a sleep]/;, pita' j, ; —or any other man. ‘ 1 f . An ger, I want to |eave this. 'ere offito lill .the boat .I'm. afraid somebody wilj } sfeaigbirii.’’ v ' r i.“Yoa can’t do it," sanS-tho clerk; i ‘‘takd-binrront.” . ' j , | Well, i %—that is pwiql;. bat. you’re be ■jo*it ; oned alike, and I ■ =. he’s kind* jny for you.” ; ' [••Take V’ reared the.oJorkl’’ , : “\Vell, etra.moi*, I don*f think .you ’tei honent, and you want watcbinjjf Here, ’Dragon,” bet. <*as to the . dog, ; ••sit down here, and Watnb that tellow 1 ' sharp,” and.turning 'on bis heeVilif l\ said, “Put him out, ntran' £ ;cr,.|if ife’* troublesome.’’ ; Tin* do-; lay there till the al&fy ed, watching' and. g-owifng at every movement nfaJic clerk, why gave bin ; the half ol the office,, ‘ '; ..4 , a9*;6?n Grant iijiesi-r fbed |»y. ’ ! rex pendent who recently w»*v -hirti. at about fire iWt aeven liifthe«fni*yi»ure,.. ’you ili Tulin a p< •arani 1 e ; whin Iter* w ltl» , oui.iiiuatHuhe,n)odei>t, unrtipbUlicated, pleasing in hfs manner*, an ihveU*rato. •mOkar. andaUU walks .on erstsbet ~,, -. OurVivandierea =SiIEI2 0 'I ' l 1 -X- ’. • mg :ir i ME * -■ -V' * ME =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers