'-f *i ■ i. 5 ?;ukV isa a&ghjs ( v:W^^day.'idet.. *B, IMS. - -ij>i L. IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. S'|‘ i For Pmldonl In' 1864, ' ABRAHAM LIMtOLH, Wx? /1 4 :A r', , . ~:}i ;C - AjjTjbttd . ~ ,- - 1 1-TJ 4kfeoy> osption.'thj} tfpr. - gCrfast that t her* pojft idit campaign ■ which has jost dosed* ■; was fought byi their>-opi>ofientB upon ■ false issues. v" • ; ■ ; i We think a candid and impartial triew of tbo-fttcts will show tbit the the. iSStar made the issifisa, and them hpon the people. If these lsaacs, and if, as the Star intimates, the party Was }' • doctrines which it never taujjht,action which it never committed, and princi ples which it never espoused, it has no One to blamofbnt its own chosen r.,: louJere. v \ ' The convention which IJudge Woodwardjemphaticttlly endors fed Mr" Valtandibam, and thus com ' -j milled its candidate to the obnoxious .principles advocated h.y the latter: jin I vain did hqncst hicmbcra' of the par , I ty beseech and wain the leadots that "ft such action was suicidal:' In yairjdid ,f men of long standing Jptd great prom :?inence in thefD.einocratic ranks, plead' ,j ‘ with those rwho engineered : through i i .the platform'oh which Judge Wnod i ward, was placed; But stoppings their if -cars-to the voices qF those' whose pi. *■ gave ' thorn a right i to be beanl.’umj eyes jto f' the fatal whu h a rash \-f j)frseverfciiceinthe:cour're marked but f' by Hughes waßinevi.tably bringing 6n. 1 the, leaders in that convention delib efaiely put iny an attitude i of-’ hostility ' the Administration, nor. a ,vital, point, ;viz: tha.t of vigor- ■; * the war. They bn- V ' dft!*toj!tSfej\ci>it»Tnii the DamocnveVi' of ! —i ■ IV’-,-; f . ■ [ ■ ■ ‘ Ifr> ■jsylvluiia -to the heresies of such jiicii as Ifirnando'Wob I and HO-nidio. 1- -1 r . • • |- ■] •4 Seymour.!' The- consequence lwa«j as I r. might have been expected. The more !-3 righ'.-ihiade.i of the v .'-4<i-ty. W> ’every' •county in the Staffe, v: itpjir.ly j repudiated' | the platform awl the candidate; and so the parti/, or r;u!K-i' ; .thut portion of it which. ?‘went Ttniii’!iwaa left in the as : it t 13 have,done, o' This iaj.wo conceive, the cquee of ;• the defeat which has adjhstly overta -1 ?:en those who have rained the once poweiharDemocratic Partyv‘ y .v , . ii Iroahoiii’to call a meeting of the County Officers ■ and leading citizens of the District to assemble at Washington «o, Pa. , to adopt come uniform action y in -the several counties for Uie Vncour ragcment and promotion of volunteer '* '■ ing. under the recent visit of the J*rcai., t - ; , 'Wo trust-that every offi . cer,- having the best interests of hie couiitry at heart will attend.'' By fill* fng qur quota a draft could bo avoid? cd altogether. r. - . WcJcarn Capl. CulbbcrUon will fur* r nish free transportation by application afhr* office?! Thursday the ol No- Ttjmbcr'h'asjheoii the day for the meeting. Those intending to go "should leave hers Wednesday morn ;;; ;|ng by early tram for Wheeling. 4 ■^L Official Majorities in the State. '■The foliawigg ia the official vote of Pen risyltrania ft>r Governoi ■ and Su jiremeindge, complete: ’f Curtin.. Woodward Curtin's msjorifj ; ,J_._ 15825 i ===== Agnsw..... Lowiis.... . • -t . Agnews m^j0ruy........ H I Robleiit.— The store of iL % S. A. Darragb, ip ShaTOn,-waabroken into oh Saturday ■ night last, and robbed of 120,in small »il«-. J r J; «550 in D,S. boudu'' : #pd certificates of deposit, 30 or 40 A* if alpacca, 4 or o pairs boots, ; *P9t;ka; gloves. &<i. The thieves made 4 c _ ~i~?: S -. f •tbeir entrance into the more through ..tStha Cellar, ; . lv A Mon*t*e The patterns . kave been . made and > preparations commenced at the Fort-Pitt foundry, Pittsburg,• lor thej casting of s gun 'q w bieh will- haffej a borejof twenty inches. Its length will be twenty feet. at.d tU greatest diameterjit the i breech, five feet four inches. It will . weigh about 114,000 pounds. .. 'X - tA.Ackiowledgment from Commit of Bethlehem Church. Baceoon Ip., Beover county, to. XJ. S. ChrUtum | ComntiMion. jCiiy. 20.'68; By «»*. I*B. tweo • ““'i' 48!b«. W«erCi»ekM.„... u. ?SO . 1 i'V !■ .';VS lb*. Eifawt, ; i ■■‘ v“ M bottle* l*se> ‘4oo ' - I K&'imMSi 263196 ......... 251171 ..........i.... 267197 J 261855 c 12312 10MV* ■ - Loyal Demooti^- i There 'always appeared tpbWa kind of charm in the word canse iterpresses the sovereign Row er 'committed to the keepingof J&cr peoplof->but,l;ko all the great ay steins of with their intrinsic value, Democracy has been most ahamifelly [ abased, and nowhere this truth ftilly 'aemuifltriftedlUaii'in |be political o&ig try. f- JCroaa-the birthday _ ehqo, when, pf American Liberty, sealed, Ire the, bipod o£ the. democratic ’ been es poused. «nd' latthflally advoouted-,by the wise statesmanjuid utijble,'patriot. Jefferson, the greatiapostie and found er of powerful organization called the democratic party, set forth principles which were the very life blood of our national pn>perity; and from the perusing of; that immortal document, the Declaration of Inde pendence, juitilrtbe present time, his name has been immortalized by tbe historian, and his praises sung by the admiring bard. Strange, however, as it'appears to ns, yet true it is, tbat a •very consfdeifable proportion of the professed followers of Jefferson and the'worshipers of the name of De mocracy, have allied themselveswith traitors and are foandbattlingagainst the true creed -of their, party, apd seeking the .destruction of onr glori ous Union. But whilst we denounce the rebels; Jeff. Davis 1 ,. Vallandighamf Breckinridge’amf 1 all:'their followers, as not only unworthy the name of Democrats, but richly-deserving Ham nn’s fate, yet we greet'with pleas ure and pride that portion ot the Democratic' party who have provqd,' themselves to be the real 'followers dfi Jefferson, by a strict adherence .lb .the] Constitution of the United States and a rt of the, properly con stituted author,uien of the Govern ment; they arc to be found in the. ..uupnrd upon the battle field En gaged in conflict with, the trea sonable cbemSa °f °ur l*elpved coun try; their mangled bodies fill the shal low graves'that mark many a battle field in the North and West, and’ their bones lie bleaehiitg along th e plains of the South; they are found in the Cabinet ot the United Slates, at the head o>f our armies, in the State , Department, and upon the slump, and ’thousands of them at 'lbe ballot-box second ‘ft'esday of October. | 1863- The glorious victories, won at! the late elections in Pennsylvania and Ohio, were notachievedOy Republil licans alone,—the loyal patriotic De-| trniliipirn tit election of Jph n Brough ■ of Ohio,«a* life-lprg Democrat of the Jeffersonian . School, and Andrew G. Curtin, the soldiers’ true fiictjd, to the Gubernatorial chairs of the»r live States, Vallandigham the exiled traitor, and Woodward his partner, Were not only 'chastised, but treason ‘sit thevSouth, and copperheadism at the North, received a bjow that will sen<l ( them reeling to their graves; and; lhe<arm, that dealt that blow was nerved by the Loyal Democrats, and yet some small copperheads ask you to believe that only a .lew renegades support the Administration in their faithful prosecution of tihe war. But let us name a few of those renegades. Ohl whit a noble list,and bow lengthy! It would.compnse nearly all the men who havegivsn tone;and character to the Democratic party in its past his tory. Stephen A. Douglas, although dead, yet speaks, fdi be sacrificed all party tics in behalf'of his conutty and set an the.imitation of bis Where stands Gener- al Logan, war horse of Illinois Democracy; Lewis Uafis,Gen*. Grant, Bosecrans, and M’Clernand, the ta|. ented and influential Democratic lead er, and Judge Catron, the ablest jurist of Illinois; Senator Bice of Minneso- ta. Wrighlj and Biongh, the gover nor tloct of Ohio, ex-G ovemor Tijdd, Gen,Butler, of Massachusetts, Gen. Option of Delaware, Guthrie, Holt and Andy Johnston, Bobert Dale Owen, United States Minister to on der Bacba.’jan, Gov Coney of Maine, ex Senator Foster, Dickinson of New York. Dix, SicklcB,itcaghcr, and scores of others the acicnowTedged leaders of the party wbpm ve might name But what a contrast to this nobje and loyal array ife presented by the cop perhead crew, wJ*o now pretend to lead the Democratic party—Valland igham and little Pugh of Ohio, Bright of Indiana, Mefrrfek of Illinois, Wood 'ward of Penna., and the Woods of [New; York, all in sympathy with treason, and yet, we find, men sved here, uold of .patriotism, who take these traitors to their embrace an« disgrace* the name by calling s them Democrats. l ~'\s ' - I : MI Morten, of Indune^ la raising eleven regimenuof volun teers —two/ infantry'and _ four of cavaliji-gt iaiateaded that theyebaU ha, ftllhy Ski loth ,«; Opt D- B Morrl*- Op a laterViftit to Pitiabafg, «• Had the pleasarebf meeting the above named-.olßrer.- now omfimandingihe lOfstßeg. Peona. Vole., formerly ,Cbl. WllsonV. reginwnl baiT in 4t three coipppniea Uuscpunty - and was formerly commhned. by. that noble son os 'Beaver -county, the 10% j ed |wid lameutbdGol. Wilson, a brief j L Dofce of its-praecnt brave and gallant -eemmandei-wonlil not bo inapptopri • ste. On the breaking, oat gt the ro • bellion,Colonel, then Captain', Morris, ■ :w*won«r of the UnitTto "^idntitbeK— Hertised accompany, Joined the I3th‘ regiment, anil witb:. ! t» !»riftd during (heahree month* catppaign; Return ing when the.terni of bad pf f pired, ho wie* So popular as an officer 'that'tie wasoffertßi the, position, of Lieut. Coidnel in the 101st regiment, then being'raised'! by Col. Hulls When' Col-. Hultz.,wa* removed and Col. Wilson appointed ■to command the regiment, Col. Morris was contin ued in .bis position and with Col. Wil son snc-ceedcd in recruiting the regi ment to its maximum, much sooner than msnr others who commanded earlier. The regiment was taken to the Peninsula early in the spring of 1862,shortly after its organization, anil served through all that disastrous campaign. It.» useless now to enn morale the.hardships and dangers to which they were exposed; Th|e his tory of that regiment ft already well known by the citizens of this county In two months the regiment was re»: dared from eight hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty by battle and disease. Col. Morrisvwaa with the Regiment jfrora the day it landed on the Peninsula until the buttle of Fair i 4 Oaks. 80, was at the ScigC.ot iftownand with the regiment at its first ] fight at the battle of Williamsburg.— I Shortly lifter that battle.-Cpl. Wilson wp* priistrafed with the fever of which belied Uni? Col. Morris' assumed com *mand of the regiincrit, then in the -front of the army marching on liich tnond. Ho was severely and it was r feared dangerously wounded at the a. battle of Fair Oaks/ After months of | suffering he so far.srecoveredtas to-be ) able ip: lake the field again, and bits pi nee been with his regiment in North Carolina. -As an officer, Col. Morns has few if aiiy superiors—understand ing the drill perfectly, and coinpre (lending in: a moment positions and remedies. lie is strict and unj-ielding when in’the performance of duty, at other and winning in his manners. Col. Morris possesses too, what is (indispensable in ever? i soldier, tree bravery. At the battle of Fair Oaks, he waiycool and collec ted'giving-his orders in a firm-and! unhesitating voiye whep death was! reign>ng thick aijid fast, and fils regi iment was melting away like-snow be fore the.sun. We may seem, to speak i in strong terms, yet we d<> Him 'simple justice} -No better 1 man ct^trl J hpve taken the place of Col. Wilson, and we are proud to point tiy him; as the commander of a regiment,'which Bea rer county'.'claims;We undciptand the President has recommendsd the ie a justreward has proved bis Oj-andthrougU mmsioned ax it would of ah able officer who devotion by Jong servlc many dangers.: g* We Were shown in article that ap peared* shortly pfier the return ot Capt. May, in \S.hich it was Staled that he whs r.ot promoted; ,owing to the' petty jealousy of one man. It is proper to state, a* some have mis con strued! it, that it does not apply to Col. Morris or any one in : the regi ment. Daring Col. MorriS* absence the regiment is nnder thuconimand of that popular officer of this bounty; Col. Taylor. *' • » Editor ARdt/si—The elegant arid classic cornsspopdent of the StarJ river (lie signature, of'‘Justice," donio/ that our report of Mr. Daugherty's /peech at ; the fright on. tovynship meeting is correct. | That he wan present at the meeting, and beard oil that was Raid, and prcnomites the story a deliberate 1 falsehood, and that we omrht to be sent to the Penitentiary.: Why does not llr. Daugherty come out and deny the statement over hit. own signature, if-he is hot guilty ? The riiere denial of the fact hy an outside party, v. i ,n -oot further testimony, does not change the ciase in the least. If Mr. Daugh erty denies that he made ine reriiarlt. attributed to him, let him do so over his gwn signature, and then.further testimony will be forthcoming. As to the very complirnentaiy remarks of this 'correspondent, we will only say that if he- had had justice done him, he would now oe nerving his country ina drafted regiment. , i ■> '• . VINDRX.. Stanton and Colonel Stager, Superintendent oi Military Telegraph*,on their recent trip West w*re "fiat through” from Pittsburg to Cleveland, by special train, in fdur houra and thirty minutes. To express his satisfaetion with the araagements on the road the Secretary has ad dressed the following complimentary tote to the Superintendent; . Louisville, Oct. T9th.—C. E. Gorman, .Assistant Superintendent.— The Secretlry ol War desires to re turn his acknowledgements for the prompt and skillful'manner With which be was transported over your road, j and asks yon, to convey his thanks to the officers in chargeot the train.; Anson Sraonn, Ccd. apd Snpt. U. S M. Telegraphs. IN mr*r an error in the official cab eolation the majority ofJudgeAgnew ia made 218. The correct count gives him 813. Bat as this mistake will tiot affect the general result *fe sup* pope enaction will bo taken to correct tbeTOtiirn. In the table published todays the figurep'-arecorrcctad.rr Butler America*—. '• MO Ji*., ’-. -r' , the ho«fc^_ jubimt to y oq&q»'?pPTt of the troa In Jane In this time we h»v* ®p|W»ito Mr. J. C. Wilson. receiYirtA'iffot at ■ \ F»v» shoeis,: 3bed,ikks,l2; P*>^ pill<»ws,:B'books, It tewJiqWr^pndker chiefs, 2 packages—bandige*. 6 bed spl-eodsj "l Z v lbe white sugar, 2 lbe-cr»fken*, 2 lb* cor» starch, 20 lbs email ’dried fruit, SO lb poaches; and apples, 11 sheets letter paper! 6 envelopes -1 canje'ly, 1 can apple bcitter, 6 magazines;*! package 204. . . , 2, July ISih. . ' Tear bed ticks, 4 sheets, 17 pair drawers, 16 pillow*, 18 feather pads', 19 pillow caSjs. G lowles, 5 packages mudin raira, 12 harfdkerchiefs, 9 pack ages bandages, 61 bnoke 1 - N 8 packages tracts and papers, I -|Mft «kcks, 11 shirts. 1 lb fine soap, 2 j»ir slippers, 1 bushel, dried sppfoa, 8 sacks 'small limit, 1 can peach batter, 1 can apple bnlter, 12 sheets letter paper. 12 enj velopesj 1 pencil, 1 box ti'ot.—Total •161. • " ySox'No. 3 , Augiui 25fA, Thirteen .pair iinfw'ers; 17 # *hirts, 7 feather part*, 8 package* dried applet 8 package* muslin rag*, 1- pillow, 18 roll* bandage*. 2piilow case*,! pack age papers — Total, G 5. • All of which s#. respectfully sub mitted. Jennie L: Given. , • Asa’nt Sec ‘y. Headquarters 101st. Beot. P X.. 1 Plymouth. N C.. Oct 17. j Ed. Aftans:— An election frir Gover nor of the 1 Suto of Pennsylvania was held in! the camp of the 101-t Regi ment Ponn’a Vois. on the 13lh da}' of October, which resulted as follows: ‘ eSriin '• ............ 211 1 W00dward....... . 38 • MfiMM.riiM.t' Company “A" being on. detach nd duty and absent from lbs. regiment, did not vote. T|ie toteof the 103 d Kegimont.Pa Volunteers is noldeea decided for Curtin.' ! .T-*’’ V ,L We have seen it felated tbit twp thirds of ; the volunteer force now id the field are Democrats} tire above, however. would indicate that “they are not: with as.” The \vote vu ; taken by the com mander of each company, and sab milted to ajodgo.aiwd boardjpf inspec tors; none arere idlowcd to vote bat those Who , Would ■ have been eligible if they bad not lefi tbeir homes to defend'their country tniteday of peril. ,A 1 though disfranchised, we desire to show how. we Would have voted if wd bad nduteU .heroes in obedi ence td vit^T — - ■ A. W Twrfaat, • ■' LiebtCol ;lolst Begt, P. V. . [ Major-General Thomas. The news is confirmed ,thut Maj -Gen. Ro»ccrans bins been' relieved of the cfmmand'of the Army of the Cum berland. He is succeeded by Maj. GoiV. .George H. Thomas, who. tins established ,a reputation as a soldier i second to;none in the country. Mu jor Gene^il;Grant tdkes command of the Department of the Cumberland, Ohio and Kentucky; but- General Thomas is commando! in the' field.— This is a mo't excellent artairgom.ent. Grant and Thomas are the real heroes of the war in the South west, and they do all that can be done with the armies under them. Gen. Thomas was born in Southampton bpu.Hy Vir ginia. July Slst 1816; Ho.graduated, -at. West Point in 1840, and has ever since been .in active'service in the army. In ' 7 the war with, Mexico ho wa<‘ very distinguished and ho has done some of most, brilliant ser j vice that has been recorded;, in the ! present wan But for him the battle jot Chickainanga would tavo been) a 1 fatal defeat. We look for new glory i for the army of the Cuniberland un der bis command.— Fitts. Com. • g • The Western AbMt— This pew command nf Gen. Giant is a very large one, including as it does the States of Ohio, lndiana, Hlinois,Ten nessee, half of Mississippi, and por tions of Louisiana, Alabama und Gtor. gia.'- While be wilt comroknd all the froops in those States, tba.army with which he will more immediately iop crate - will bo th eg rand cor pH of Burn side Sherman. Hooker and Thoiiias. the latter lately oallesi'.th'o 'Army of t,ho Cum beriana. , Thuso.grand corps are. subdivided into smaller ones, offl cere.] and maoned as foimerly, With the exception of Thomas’. corps, which now fulls lo Geh. L. H. Bp* souu, white Gen* Neg ley’, it is said, will.succeed to the cPromant) of R<m seau’s late division. Geo: Grant’s head quarters will be, fur the present, at Chattanooga. ExtHANoi or Pkisohuu or .War.— The following order relative to the ex change of prioonera bae jn*t been pub liehed: ’ " - War l)epartmeM, Adjuta>ft QauraTt Ojfict, fToMhiytoa. October 17.—-Gen c! «l Order* No.-889.—1. A declaration of exchange* haring, been annoonced by : B. Oala, Beo4 Agent for Enhxnge, at Bicbmond, vW, dated September, 12, it w hereby declared that all offi cer* and men ef;the Doited State* I Army captured and paroled nrerioa* to the firet uf September; JW#, are duly exchaged. 1 The oflmmi aadmeo befaia’declar ed exchanged bo 4?at <•' ActJV.tK ■>Ha»<teyamt»fte«lUpol>P«aa. OstikerSE' ■ Tbdaj% ft<Kß thla national stand point,' and uf Um Government, fVom ttw 'to- thej rivers, tp the itocky MmintalM, viewing n»d fifth foreign powenl ABBAn.vsr Lincoln; asthe great- rejnesentmlve-imarttof the NN«IonvIf|UBTKRMf tttWTtATWN: the new* front Eu- firi tlwS Qoffei nm e n trha* 1 ifrenfc M|W»W! iU no froripthelbigh-seas. .Thijijpspiros-iur I merchants witß grentor,c6jijpdence In !■the Government. ■' Ttjp same steamer I assures ns that "life Ahatrfo-French complication in Mexico lie assuming such a “questionable shape” an to ppzzletne crowned headsof Emperors, The advnnct of Banka into the flight of Lee, the purSsitof Meade, the viclijriea of theawump tjon-by Grant of the command of the Western anhiiW), the 'situation at Charleston, are military! causes for re- Ijqicing. ■ \7 fi'j. • ' : ,-! ■ . recent political triumphs in Maine, California, Perfrisylvania. Ohio, lowa, and the; prospect of a Union sdccess -in NewTTork, are additional reasons for the existence of : a feeling of general confidence. \ ;; . The best evidence in the world that this .confidence is blip fn the Igreat money mart of New Ifdrk, is thejacl that gol|)--ftlie financial straw which tells the course of the current—has fallepfrorn 149, at the Inst board of yesterday, down to 1 ; 143, where it stood af one o’clock this afternoon. Ho C ardnued field. man e: vote. the ne: position iwiliiierH, by i lie nest Novemhei.r lection, will be anti orized tf>_yotcs«',i > T.ho coming Legisla ore will pass tlie act i*ing the soldiers to vote-next OWohor. The votjo can be officially declared be fore , the time of the Presidential election, and the soldiers-'allowcd to; deposittheir votes on that occasion. in Pennsylvania, the soldiers could not, under IheSupreme Court decision;, vote. An informal v.oto was taken in many of the regiment*] and wcj hare never ‘heard of but ore -company in which- Wood ward had a majority, over Curtin. In one regiment, large ly frorti this county, the vote stood— Cut tin, 249; Woodward.. 1. In all the other regiments, that we have I won. the vote was from ten to fifty-in the highest for Woodward. 'Had the entire vote of the. aoldiers been cant, of H«y fifty thousand over the »jr.e of twenty one, we have no doubt Curtin would have bad 40.000 of a. majority the soldiers; voi :e adL far s» heard at Cotatnbus, foot* up oe fol lows: ■ ■■ Brough ■mi1,.,...,,.,. B^9 V »U»nd ighsm62B . . •• 24,681 ■ In lowa, the soldiera’volo, ro fur as received, fools np : | i )’/ day.: Addresses were made by Hon. Wm I) Kelly, of Pennsylvania, Hen ry Winter Davis, and !Col Creswell. Jnilgo Kelly announced himself to the crowd of slaveholders, as a Black Republican froin j Pennsylvania,: yet bis speech was,received with applause. This is the first instance of a Repab lica* Congressman, speaking. in the slave region of Maryland, and Judge Kelly’s reception was I most stirring and patriotic. . j , New York. Get 25 —A, Fortress Monroe letter to the HmrW states that Dr. Wright, executed for the tmirder of Lt. Sanborn, attempted,to escape night Before last*T»yi assuming, Jiis duught eys clot hes, bnt"was d iseAvered by the,sentinel after ho had' actually passed the guard. . A deserter from Richmond corrob orates the statements [of destitution in that city, and fears of another! bread rio* am entertained. • The BeralT* Army of the Potomac letter of the 25th, (myjn Infantry sre maintaining long picket. Tines and oav airy’brigades are dailymaking reepn noissances. _ V Oct. 26.—There is no new* of any importance ’from Chat" tannooga. Hooker's force has erne red the Tennessee river, and fishing wee reported yesterday. The tele graph war : mt this morning, tat is now working. The riynr is ; rising, with flye feet on the shoals. No arri val« W river. Gen Boaecrant left for Cincinnati at noon, ji • PatiAomraiA, Oet.24—The steam •r Massachusetts baai armed from St. Johns, Florida. Bba left Charles ton on Tuesday evening and bringsolspatebe* from Admiral DaU gien. Tbt ieinis wDeNHingbTor ably. Sen. SilmoteV Mtleriee wart nearly ready to open an Charleston. : .' FroABSimA, Oov Harris - targ special diapateb ;tb the BvlUtin. •tateertbat all. the oo«artiaebaysbe«n ocundjwp •_ .atfata-wfiiw.eed icSt ‘ • I .1 vthe Soldiers Voted.?; 'opptVrlieads have every where the Ire of the odWiern* In- the ow eUo con Id iriy intelligent io<-t lioncut; turhent im-u, to le Copperhead will not, for feeneiiiiion, get H<l. of the in which t.hej *fan thn Our 'troops, ‘f Forties; ta yolimtj»ez» .The following circular, r < ■” T the bay and bounty pf men Volunteei inlander tbelate.cttllforthree- bat dredHhdasatid mien, jhas been Issoe .by-ProVoet Marshal General; Pry, «oi will be found interesting to all WM anfoabfo .ipilitar y<l il.ty tv { arp to bokf-pointed hyf tlto jPrbvoHtj Marthal, (general to deeerterb a.pd procarp;reoraiu. ’”Twenty-flvfr dollars preiiiam will be | paid .;to : thd: : ;agejj>tj» fop! each ~acc epted ] recruit presented'jby* them, „wbo hajs nePired in . the; army - at-deapt nine.ipfotUiis nnd tbejsn charged for other pinl)Hit|. .Fifteen pai«l to all’, McPitUd.* [ , The moneys recoi/ed from .drafted persons as an exemption.from service shall opus tit ate Rsufotitutej land for the payment of premiums and bounty to recruits. •• ■ If]'- ’• j,. ;■ ■ [;.■' The total amount !of bounty to bo paid tot each poefpit H* vfoup diundrpd and two doljait,' of •whudi he will re ceive 88Vonly-syd dbliars cash before leaving tboVgedpiraljirendexyous. The balance will biipard. |tb .bini by ip- Rtallmenta according -to existing regu: latinos. r■’ ’H j’ " • | The monthly compensation of. sol* ' en i _ vviipei.. Jon »i . . jdiers enlisted order will bo at the following rate" : -i If- continued in t;hp service three years, ; Veteran >Vo|ar.teer4 twenty four dollars; pt'hetj volunteer-, ■n H veterari, t md thin y cents, j. J. j . If discharged- all the eiid of two years Veterans, twenty-ni ie dotla rs and seventy cents j jpther vqjoßtccis, twenty five dollars aiul fifty debts. • ■.> It honorably |tuns.tere(l out-, in less th%ff.' ! tiyo year?,l the j monthly rate of cqmpepsalionwi 11 bh increased .as the terthbf service is diminished t . If the Govei nmeijt sh.all dot require these ifoops fi»r the (fijil term of three years, iand they shall be honorably mustered out bcfore;tho expiration tofi their term of enlistment, they shall receive the whole amount |of boqnty j rexnai ning unpaid-the samtj as if-the j full U*m, .had beeh s«-rv«jd Legal heirs olf recrnits tcAb die in |f Ae service. shall lo entitled to the whole, bbonj-y remaining unpaid h,t the litnoibf the, soldier sidoatlU j | ."V , j t j: Any person attempt insr to. practice fratlds or imposilion either on the Government of the re ernit shall be sommftrilydeipi with by a military cnm|hiissjon. T| . : I. j Meti enlisted, finder this order will be assigned to old riogini,(Jnls| i j : J l&jfepisdTd&Qet* s* j it .|i»ibi»o extensively rii|m»i # e<i'| day that Gen. Meade ha* been sun added; by Maj.-Ccn. Sedgwick, Sixth corps, bat there is'-no fount lion for it. i |, I : { TbhtT Chronicle tbm i morning sa that G »n, Meade* - titled ihatjthe air of tfie Potomac cailnot move for *h i weeks, on accj)flt|t[qf the'det ract of railroad!' R. 1: | Admiral Dalilgrhh is relieved ■! «on nf.i ivcd this'morning frbni Cbs lesion. The Admiral will be hhre aftjw tay -fTarnw. otlUeiP sides., i placiii i ' i !i ‘ |i. ‘ ■ ■ iiiiS’OTON, ; , Ofct. 25.—Special ties'. E. A|: Pfihl Bonds the ■ ! t*rtW*jprireau.'V-'‘j’'‘ ( Iqu&rte.rs Army of the; Potomac. 14 —The I‘enfmyfs infantry] ro il the ißappahanpwk Uiifl Wflrn i n pear arpJ 'Alexandriaii'RailroaJ and, were! driven cback by i reifg’s cava ry division., wlpcb iavily. He !ad a short erigano i iritis two brigades of onr; infant* 11 belonging to the second edrp* her *tol the ;third corps. The pow bccupj*the. line] the ilefl oh rests near Eeyerjy Ford, g dtho railroad near, Bolton ■ n and . extending toward’ls'taf mrt House. : . j I- ■1 Wa lawn}' / Ben Oct. i; cross* ir « «p the Or bridjuie Gen!|C lo»t he nieiriN rj, ohi the oil enemy of whi uroKKir St al lot 'igrd C . lont. 'in«t lend, 1 he and ipoln t burg icei was Philadelphia, Oct 23, 'G3. i Christian Commission, hov'ing dd asshraneds from the Rich lathoritich that packages sent prisons in that vicinity would thfully distributed to the.Unior. i ;rs. have jiist dispatched [2l >f clothing, hospital stores, and i j mattei?m |lhp Uflidhf soldiers prisons of Richmond. iter- . The recoivi mond to the be fait prison boxes Veadin in the !•* “ • ~f~' ■ U' •• .j, V i Cincinnati, Gct. 23. f ! No news Jrbtn the armies to day.— Burnside is bediev;e|l to bo , threatened by a heavy force fromßragg's amy. Bncknrr is advancing into East Ten. ncssee via London; ■ 1-' • I hare goo®, authority foi| arinoiinc; ing th:it Gen.Buell wid be Grant’s chief 4f staff. ‘ ; - .. ! ,J. X Astbr, Jr.'rOf New, York, has* writte n a note to fill© Tax' Commis sioner) 'that; understanding that) by some) mistake bis bouse on i Fifth Avenue had bcVO valued; on jthe boobs, at $lO,OOO instead of $lOO,OOO. be consents to .having the amount changed. |l ■ "..f. f 'j, . a strong TJhhm feeling haM-deyefopeJ ilsen' irtnorthern Tejtas. After the now.s of the surrendeij of PoH Hudson ami Vicksburg, several Union] organiratifinswere' |foTnreq ; — As*a result of; thfr, at the Anguat election, Mr. Moriah the Union, 'fan, didate for Congress, wan elected in the fin»t district, comprising nineteen counties. I■■ v- "' li '"” ■ } I aaJAmong the 1 alrtjady named lqri- th« Speakership of! the House of Representatives is the Bon! Blihu [HWaahbarne.af Illinois, by longest eontiuqed service,-will’ he Ms aejoior member of that Ifody. ill is friend* are, it is known, -actively at work ibr bin. I . 'i''’- ;' v L ■ •; ■' y : .. i , ) -: [Confederate money having] be- Ipractically Srorthless; a najmo math Carolina statesman jiro. |todjep«nse with money t|Uo» p. j{gjt& H: v «ry simpleiand 6pjjjr<liar«tW*» come leas £ poses grJe aeemi ; [co«raic>i> «6« i\»x wesk.j Exemption List.; * ating t £xenjd On account of iein^ father & mofhaUu cAi&en, mtlcr Wj/ears. S’ Archibald. Clark, M<»fri*<m, Green* ' co; witn»»«vl>ftTld Ju« ft)Ont(&)tt. > ■ «• Samuel ShtflU, , Wafcne; Grodno coy ~ witnesses; Abrahntr. Fu«ton; J SUubla. r JohnJ Hook.Frankliu Greeneod. A Hiram H- Burnett, CaiiibicijMi^:' Greene co; witnesses, N.M- Richey, L 'Murdock. ~ /, i; -Bain.uel'Lr««brFalhtonrßearcr cos Jim B Anderson,:, I; Tarkdf Morris'. Greene '= .co; witnesses, Bfcwney W. Grant, Fran 'cS* IT Bonham.' .-v .' Exenipt by ration of. txtriiishihg a Sub. stitutein 1862 - 70/‘ 3 years. Joa JPattoewny.Wb i tley, Greece oo; withers, Sanfson Dunn. _ ' Danl Zimmerman, county. „ 1 ■ Alex H Duncan, :Smiih. Wash co; witnesses Chan M Kujlle, J.as M Byars. Exempt by paying 830 CT. ■•> Sami P jM’Caslin, Hickory, Law co;. Wm Graham, Ohio, Beaver co; L.aac G Hail, Wilmington. Law co; Abijuh jpiay ton. Morgan, Greene; co;- © O C Patters- a.Patterson. Bearer co; Jacob M’Crackcn. Scotty Law co; Jnoß Puttison, Uyion, do V 4 Jas H Brinlon ; Greenfield, Wash cpi' Cbas Kelly, Union, Law co;; 1, ' • Jno Porter, No wS cwick I y ,P. oa ve rco;' Jno W Roberts, Scott. Law co; Jnb B Wash co; f... Anderson Stewart MtPleasant,, “ ’ Jos.M’Cosh, Rich Hilt. Greene co; JnsG Kerr. Peters, Wash oo; ; . Robt 1> Puttison. Union, Law co; Ahd’w Leech,* Nottingham. Washoe; ,Bonj B White, Chippewa, Beaver co; J‘nhn!Clsrk. New Castle. Law co; Wm Purdy; Hanover. Bearer co, ■ ' ‘Wm C Hunter. Brighton. Bearer co; • WmC AikeiCßmith WAsh co; Thus Beal. Raccoon. Beaver co; ’ • A Hen Ban 1 , Scott, Law co; V . J H Hammond Hickory. Law co; y * | Stephen Ackltn, Morgan, Greenireo; ' Henry Kea-*lor. Rich HiH, .. .dor" ' .John Muntz. Now Sewickly.Bciiver to; ' Isaac Clayton, Morgan, Greene co;, - iGeo JV Oliver. Centro. . do ■ : MarkiG,Lester. Wayne; do ’ ,j#tPrrtoncb. Fallston; / Beaver ed; Robt Aiider'ion, South Beaver, do . Alex P Shi rah; New 'CastJe, Law co; Exnnptfd on -t oco\(nt of fifing the only son'ofngrri Pirerif r P.tretfft depend ing on h'i» labor for mpport'. | AtMjerxpn Gibb.AlanoyjW. Bender "f>. | wit ilWhcs,v Arcbibald ‘llaUton.' W p MTJiirij. , ; h, CJirisfoplicr Barb-ir, Lit'v co; ■ .- .y.Jr* . . Sami Hickory. Laye- oif, ■ Witness®*; 'Joirtiitlou Mlntyr;, John t ' n«tf>ltlivBon; y'' ,' - ’ ' * •’ Geo 'M'SinitU, S;>'i Rt-p.itintu?, Wash ro; witnesses, Guo Smith, Alexander • .Exempt*, by election, of . r Rnbeit List; Union. VTash co; tg,it» nesses; Benj Ly-tle. Beiij : ;ll.i|»ber.i Dhiil U Short. Moon' BeaA'er-' p*»j wll nesses.: Darrt- Fi ;*ley. J St E! Ho* t. , : Vf tn H, -Wilson., Monpnrrnhela city, ", Wash ■ co; witnesses, ,G V tawi'oncp,-;, Mark Borltuii - ■ yy'.yyy ~i : t '■[•TUop P Allison. Centre.-Wif h Vv witnesses, Join G Al.lNoiij,TfiomS^F. * A Mixon, yy' , ■'J ' Hto-. ier*[ \:'i r. i liar- in ia'n- V IU to : 61- Exempt on Account Tcp4 Rntheri ef i same House in Service. ’ •'John Paintej-. Neshar.nock. .ca; witnessfcs, Hah tilth Painftr, :VS|ilfiafni McCreary; .% ’- W [- • Michael Millor.Hdpowiill,Beaver ”0- Exempt on account'of be tig, in L . "t ' -VaaA 3.f, Isds.-’. -• Geo W Lewis. Washington, W ash, co; J:a» F Kent.Friinkiin. Grceneeo; Joel Powell, Nevr'So widely, Beaver opj Robt Carothers, Darlington, do; , Exempt on. account of beitig under ,■o pars of age. , ' • , Nathaniel Qnie, West Bethlehem, Wash co; witnesses, Jacob Crile. Jon athan Kucsterj. ■ " ; ‘j.f: \j Exempt, on account of. 'being .over. 45 ; ' years of age. . Samuel Callendino,' Independence, Wash co; witness, Geo Planner c, ’ ’ . ' ■ "'I ' • f•’• * ■ . Exempt on account of being nort-reiidefitt J and wrongly enrolled. -'V ■v • •j| Henry if elf, Somerset. Wash co; 4 Nathaniel Criie.AV'Bethlehem. co; witnesses,- Jacob Crile, Jonathan- Benestrick: • / | Si R W[Pttrfc,New Brighton,Beaycr oy - Morgan Kelly. W Bethlehem, J oo; witnesses, E P Gibbons, iDuvid Porter. • ' d; V- ■' . Adam D Dean; Indnstry, Btaver co; ►witnesses, WmJDean, Mary Black. f ~ Simon Stresiuder. Faiinklin. Greene : eo; witnesses, John B Gardner, A. F Shrivcr; \ - : Ale* Rojw, Ratierson. Beaver cof Ritas, Tho B Reniion John Michael. Industry,, Beaver co; witnesses. Gjn T Miller, J Michael, jrf 'Win W•, platers, jNcw B'-iylilon. Beaver co; witpesses, Robt F David son, Robt S ■ . > Exempt on account off being' Aliens-’ Samuel Parry, Munongtiliels citjV Wash 5 co; witnesses, Win/ Morgan*- .Dennis 1 Healer. Exempt on account of <jf -. 1... r:. • Felony. . r Jackson Cage. FraobHn, Greens eft/ Exempt on Account of being 85 yea'* of age and • Afortied . -B Nichot*- Wayrto. firtTt'Ttfm *K'I 'nesses, Hirfftn and Cstbarfnc Nathan. Keily; Jacob-Coffn, Buffalo., ifaSh‘ct>; w, “‘ nesses,' VTm Acker, lfe:;.r\-,'C-in'i- t .;o 1 ,■ Vfoi Blake; AtnwtiU,; ’vVaHu ; coj Jvj. = nresses,: J R Lacoulc, K‘'l,i'^z- vi ;ie-ir- ' ■ ; ! Wm \Tcsf;Rseh . beaaca, Li< wreniie Enter ri<dC3f. ■ . IOHNCDTIiW ' 1 paptaiii'-Jt'P^|.*.i r '**t''-Peyn'ii ’ By order (federal C ES IS _,'_n;.l9,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers