ECM r -3B ■ - ■ - Wednesday. Oct,. is63. D L. IMBRIEj Editor & Proprietor. *F |£rt t t KE "OcLtia sod TFirrrCwrrs f annum, s i>•' otherwise TwoioJ - ,vTirtc"fcli»rß* < t ; So paper discontinued w.Sr' - - ■j< ■ oiuluH iCTcarages are settled:. /_ ...... 1 V>v-ileders and co?h&Uaicafitfiii*' by jnail •' "• ■; a Ulthai'c-prSmpt attention- , ■ tf. liHmp T arb '&%■ , Jyc&r*, lias ;,. ■ yr~'j 1 :-h-r ‘ ■, -a.,.. ■ " !tmoro\vii :C Beaver Statjoh^GoiNprJ^jr.-•. ■ any . , J/jri'/tf//.A/ir. £O, ] ■ j*j A m^ric .-/ ; , - V in 6sumai - 'ii m \i nv«s at I BUsbumi,-* .9:10 a.' M. •*;■,• : , v- .' •• ■ U- ? ' _-s-20 r.' al i v?>Un ’“ ,I“ ■ " ' . i8:05- tf m; 1 1 ons; of tii ' ?..i Ooino . ■. I serve in t htir&'Kyftiuryh as fallow*: .y .■; • civcuialjot ' ‘ iArtfvts nr Bea-fcf,......7:40 .v.ti. | id/>< : a ■' j Hotter..... r. *. %■*' ■■3. X ; SkCULLCI.CGH/;_ l ■t. u. MVKKi?. O'n'i Tektt‘Agcnt.ij ■, . ,•) : • .•*] >r v' M i rtlKWagjilT- & ; r * e nii nl ' '/W'i Pi JT fwVw j of.'Lileraia • " Rochester Stalion-:»ioiXG •' . I>.VC# U..Chester' iArr. al Pitt*. .; c.n_fpnvj<ni Ace*... :.:!■) a:"* ■£«! *; | by j “ - <•-•« r - M - 4* A J ■“• Ift w V. r.rigtt'n'' '. •> ..■ ‘V;-? J«"? f-;NtO >h« #• ‘ -i-.- y r- %■—•• ' ‘ niTiile of 01 ... ‘ h-" ”• •>„. ■ nM'p. KoyuUL &/$?!&'. W:*:-*. icqtel; ami- S \ ■ GdiNfi; West— ; " ' ’,!neil tu ‘;lx ■ \ -/AiTt a .!s o , c .!" ! * , ? r ' ' (>f '• hsipplti .tV.-..-rUpe : Aecf!>i- _ ■■' Wn»-: A. ; c every frljei •' !>>•) ■{- v r. .... §; IsiVjjii'ii •M • * “ '*• A -to I.ljo I?eI»o!Non, "the* ~, . -v UU ; V*‘ < '7'' ~ , Wttite*. -: M x - jempire of flitfSetv Woil&aml r*iohf a Cavalry,™ at *i l4rH .;• W ro4,iin&-of mtr .coantry• foi • it* I wih hoary _ ; it,.. Efopublj?an'?in '}'* a,l, }'’‘ ® ,, PP or, . s ?h f o.r rear, when &H, in&kditm to.thede*i*>te of U ; e i cavalry they Leu.g QUa ‘f* T Seaver CobnU' , , whd fondly W: in- *he «^'*r rfc *. fc “ fr* ;• * \ >•-; 1 .,T0K,-Al. g . •-[ .cftls- a »«F oafeeulies snddoufv. .ll.iiist• VTO* 10 . a • L *x*n fiT : ~U U 8 bv their 'cohnlejS l fc B , fV ( ° t f Jcftc, ' s . on > "i hc T° Gr«S ;f,: part Wrthrov of llm ! regnnenw tr. person, -tin,’’ i.i.cj. ( -.5....... ; • : i •• ~ 0 ~ X . -. portion of Ins men ■>"'i.Mode l ,i,cnubl ! c 7 Ep’Q .!. L p^^.p : d a 9; »^iK°P C ‘ W- f •• tp T having been sentMelc to , j ... j tliul .llur> lilruflOUS iicbeUlOU niUSl>v. . x., ~ .*» .- . se n ~ signal ovefthr^‘of Us^f* 01 * st^bornly r„., f 0 .212 -■ ; lolu4 s;J A thfc , firMl establishment 1 f»“V riia....8i!.’..; ...^, f .—s*4. i ' - ■ v J-,. . .-j,., i hoar; ordered to lull ■ back Mha '..1 - J-.' iis.uvih • 1,!*58- !*%ot etjaal ngbtsand e«pial laws tl.r&igb-. , , . . •\“i • - ..;,.jx......... out the whole extent ol our cpnntrjt, •, ’ p.w ° : ,wiierehi,LioeflypOiid- Union alia!l in-; b ? av i. _ .rco ,of the enemy »*& inseparable-” :benec was d^ov = ero.a on- cueliflank. and at >r 1 , ' t ! the same time three regiments of cav- Bi’XE devotes attention 'in ‘ f h f' W'S «*«!•• *« dc bs.‘. and' to some extent lfi -.fetaeked_ to the rear ueafion, Tem, franco, Ag./i thl ?. Tcpth Now. Was sent .•.mentions, aril? whatever '* snppott orpregg am Hood - * AL of tlio Second e tin/’- Li.-.n 11.11 . , p:iia.ili.,6.o i i:! circul l 1 to'i. 4 Ij-JPo'IXI J ..: 101,479 'GSf ... “ r.6rt3;81 ,s.V 1,-4;] !'•<•> .V“>o 0(J •Ittir*. !U e <' <' nViM vn iv ;? • -f : s ii uit'' ’i c..r&l n^ .. i *\ do:>Ts 7 cq^CiM else may to tli4 spiritual'and ;niateriar progress 'Stud AvClJ.being of , ; , J n-.ankiiKi ;b it ibr tlie present tls^ncr-; ■>^2oi.4g«yjo. ■ 3ijies .and its colmnns are mainly do-! ’ t V~ tb*tdy*e#*t9mt«s» «true*«"l-j voted toothddnvigoration and- .success j * ••('!■. •i.Tto tae best OI 111“ knowledge', | T* ■ ,*• rr •- . • ti •'i Ui-fk :• e„4„ hoops. tl !«‘ Wi!r for tbo Union.'- Its special' •/before me, tKis correspondents . accompany ? ,•every ■ 1/21 aVs'C- I consid'ei ablej-atjaiy and report?in-tlfeTront^y^, t important indent of that a ”?. a * ‘J 1 ?. n< t Um “ ■ jßlS v r : ItBSOLUfItVN ,| lo -troyt-to result. in 'the | |a . t *{j C rear?, tJur men cdt‘uirnr ’way %■' certain Amendments - aer °” | % !_ ; • T ’ iK ' '■ of Pcacp.fiii 1 Thrlft\todMrdistracted,! , r , L lfi r, ► pi,L a vU-.uii‘i »•« W»w- ;T^' T V,P f • l ’ iliCTo!U, ? t •%[ General A**n.b!y met. That |. tcl . wf lU? , mome&ous-- conflict bei * th wasaho d.smounwd and ordered. b-Solfewms amendments. be proposed !o the ; . -li, • i .i. i „„ ;t. >tl,. to fiUUDOrt tUC battery, WUICU UM OH* ■i>:;idii«i oTihf qominoiiivealth.-in aciorJ- j J jla '• 1 r . b ? • e i. ro ?'i ar , ly fonf sborl ransra guns.' TLo enemy .ii.b .iid 3 Wisim, 3 of the.tenth article■ po-usd ; A on-r colnnliis.; * And j H >*«£l"bn us with'some twenty pi.eccfr t .j -- 4 - icaruestlv -licit tUo co-opvtsiuoii; o!. A .»y . ...... 4 - .roiJ.Vr.tU* : -•_a!!-.l.<-an-«ddj:u.!iiii section to toe/ a jf fr jV-nds of thd National cause, which ' . *.^ r f . 1 , er £* fj-, « . | , ~f tV.c to be ifesig- „, 1( t „..i,,‘,c . j beld Uw ground for act cial bouis, re*. Hi nr, | J}, A - |£S ■ V d W«'» u l “‘ lt ?* I pulsing! ibe charges ,o£l the enemy, v.any of •; !U X eu ' l } ri ianitj. to Rtd us i.t cx .; a!1 j gradually fell buck on ihefFiiyctte-J i :Mrealtfr.-shall be in ,'r.oy ; tending Us eircn nin-n, Ivlilo road,-ibe enemy following, but i i. ii' > -,1,100, under a requisition I J fcdUlS, i ! . • 2 .. . i ' r ;v. ;i e ™r , f n*™ ^hs e -l nsi.Wi* t.nd but.twVW; w&i, p've -, 3 ;X'Sofcto ■ of ..piJßting- •otbei mater. ‘ >».; i , ira .- li^ul^nt3 Martin aid Cutler, v uj<WfsucuWi-in.pnn; ng • ; , nJ l „ tb . wero \v«anded, tbo foniier ■, -i.-irbe. prescri!ied by iavr.V'is t« uierea[<e ibeijifteo rtf/ CttE ! seVt > rely !in d t!,e hitter slightly.-?- I odcHiWnal -sections to! cents. > r , Vcin*yhwitl ; v U;ut.i —! tVc « ■ .::rli:y::on, to Jft Subscwbcry,:one’^earfSll *’ ,^ C j W < r l ’ 5e^ * umc% as ici-v THITiUN-K. ’ lst Maryuim. were \vouu<jk*<i. .Ai'-i-t-.LiV-n,' r ■-I One ionv,'onc-icar f]04d£5ue5).. i ..11,....5-5-Xbe loss of Uio second brigade, it, is ■■ bf in« fe3-| Copies,- one venr...i............... ...,>. , thought, will amount to about lour oue-yenr and / fitly men in" killed, . " tir.e, > Xer. (iopies one year ...... aitd . mining. The 4tb and -■ thn-11-be'-jslisied. by the Leg- 9f tWen ’ j 13lh Peimsylraniaregiuients .Buffered. “xVKEIILY-'PKIBUNE. : ' I mostseverdy._ ; ~ . ; i-.isbcMi, crdSj- here- Oar Copy, one |ear (62 i55ue5)........ .$2 j CrogsriS highly spoken of. for t;;:,:,.:,;. virfiVn^i- ufon ibe conns o>this XhfeeUopies,. ohc year;.......;i..-. i.. t>s ! the manner dll which b$ fought his iA;., .- * 'jiyijy' i Fivo c AP I '-‘ 3 ' onCl year....................... 58 . men, alid it was owing to. bis, skill .and • of sji.? llimse of n . .j.U.......... . v51a | 'that tbe'4tll and 13th’ fought - /o. the y o '„ t of a precarious .si -•••■:• i>- Speaker of ttwSdputg. , ndhH , s^"se// v w;t/rt's,,/Sl 50, each, , tion. He was at the bead of his men y y^“; rJmf,r*Mh ': e ? rlt 9m ' *° ey * ry : 0 ' V" the 'tl.iekost .of the tight; and. in 1 ViUnnisßrE' JulVf TS^.a/ ’' r ,' ,!/! 7/. : ; ] several chaigea he took the lead (111- ■''svl:V;viilA,. S.S: ' ! 'twenty CcpicS! to one athJiess, one^g ~*|)e engagement-. l v he rebels •I l io. hereby certify that; year, S_s, anjl aiiydargcr ngmpecb'Ut the'battery and captured one fj'.nSpi A. y. . r: •• v. . J. ir. j. p.-^i ME 'I?;. **.: s 'W r: ' 111 1 .1 .' „. „ '■ • "‘V .» Ci. - * the; foregoing annexed U j Stiino " price. h -foil, iru-i ami Correct ’ sent to clubs I copy; of.ihe original Joint., thirty THU .1 (;■ of lire General: wlU fc I- »•] -Assembly. , entitled ‘‘A rpip-p tSatt v ! johu.lieaoiritiou proposing i A . A/Alii I i O'irlain amendments to ; gratia llie. Ootistitiuion,'' .as the j. . Address ' sarifiT - remains -on file in! Tribune • this office. -1 ■ J , Wbin &U .>. 1 hand, and,caused the seal ■ much safer than to remit lianlt bills. of the Secretary’s idtice to ; TliQ—name of the Post Office arrd he affixed, the dav_at.d, state, should in all cases ba pjainly i,; year ‘J: ' : ' - '. ’ .. Set?v«f.Wcoma i send/ money bv; . ~-c~ ■ ; ■■ ■ .-Express, musi. prepay the_Express ‘•‘it of Causes for Nov’r. Term else iitywill bo deducted from ‘ ■ t-Vs-dmcaciag; 2dMonday (9th), . ' ;The'remiU;inccj. . .j ; ! Tup Tiucr.vE Almanac for 1863 j will berready about Christmas.^, A .■; ;FIRST ?VEEk. . ,1?e T S. Philip Morgan, _ ’ "• '■ • v *- Thoahis Pickstin, ' i [t .- ■?’—"'■ w '> n : ts. John Ferguson,! I .I ] , ts. W. M. Shirts, et *l. ] : ■ !I K((, use, vs. Janies M'Kce, dt ah-] jj" j_ ; ' secoxo wt;n?. >;•* / -'l'. t -fit,.v-Betsoa,. vs.”!Wlinp’nM,E:Chr’chX; AIjIvX. CIiARK, PeOPBICTOR . Vi '-' •a' v>, Carroll Mania, et al. iTK addition to the conveniences of 3ft firs v;7v '' Vi. Jaihes Loudon, rj 1 class Hotel, the Proprietor Lain fitted np in V’!• l>av»' , rt«:-'la«3ia».Wau, ' ! his house, in a coaplite and satisfactoryinan t /.'' ’ vs. And'er M'Milieu ctal ner, an . ■ •A x;.'J7n U - >'*■■■ va.- William Gill «•.>!,>. V- OYSTER SALOQ>S- -.y^Y . u “ e I s - John Dr.6"a. ex*p.„.'. ,| where thebest qualify of Oyster* Dfe'eOe fib - M. WEYAND,- Pjo., ' taiued during their season, ins-icy/desired I :; TttE COiJpT~ri^~r, nnm» o Fanijlies eM^unlbb^widirVyat^i. •*EAVEft^£nvseS OMM 9>' tablei itTfurnirhc-l -%*£*>»»■ • Sad? * presenfed.-aSdT respeqtf • "* in any i TbEK-K ter^Jin'Au^' Ce / f tlle sa “« »o be! P«n i' Ur ti-« 5* first day of next ., (pool Xtwusu, „ of exceptions to tW r aalt at the One Store of My. . (o«14) , r »R.C;I.CUMHIKS. VoT. 39- NEW i lovlluaivd ft i The Tuj I'ii:;-!' tirn j E<j | rh-ultmv, I! 52«4;4^'5» fjc^t l!, : :v|i|^. C. 'lt)etiaiij) ■' of;; t|te ‘ iia£«> l Cayftlify^' r~~ * j ’ ■YORK TRIBUNE. j* 1803. •• • . , 1 nv-YouK Thirtob, is*F • . o: -' “C ': . ,-j. , -fol -1841, in its twenty-sccondr Tbe -WaphißgWn ■ ' Wpfterfjt’ Kit obtained,both Sn evening contains J ... brly diffused circulation:<l)an j py newspaper -ever published;? The' hole of Gregg \\ as dr-i,b| jto, aWongh it has ■ S iifi<‘r 9 a.] Slatitm dW Sbtai.- - a d Ly : L 'other from : *»W» Cnlpcpporj ap«! arnvpd. I I leering mini departs 1 * at [foil if o -fc L*an& of its patrons, to i terjioon - the ;«d ■fori- i ht “ I be War for the tTnionf its] pj?,<*‘ b ** 2d ;division, Wa%, ( :6r4cfed £ on of Soßhtnm■ to support. K.lpat- : Yo , fl*’ ■follows :\' • jL-\ *«*., Ml fihdmgi did iL; * 60,125) not the brigade 17,250 left hlrri \)n sUncldy : idorijing, and - re- Vjj'at- turned to the division at-CdlpeppcifoD ■■* : fitly a journal of l? Sulpiyir Springs i; «6|l^f^y ire, Thk Tjuuone hiis poI iti- 1 y] ' 2?i t - 1 ? .•*a t r ,°t? g l ~Tf* ■ —' iilMPtenc P hy CaptainifilWttnder, who Sons which arc wclfeharaJ With do* T / \ dieanTo its'heiity Adhesion; f ' l ?* Writing to my feel -i ituth that mSSfori afLf e.blood all nations of m^^^ ogune „ £ tidings, than tSrll.yon. that. I El 23111 :kn- in its assertion. of the; , .. • . , . ■■ ./i . rights of a i, iho onejnj jast k libcrtjVan.l the pursuit,T' a, ! d *«*• grounded but gal-. icss I ’—Republican in .; lhcir i WfJ»‘ « nd ?' oB *; an.e*t. defiant hostility to; . s6d / tLe _Wv '.f* out : W'-afel effort of the glarel tw -t\ wm^-a^T^ ttl J d,o f^P r W U-tho Annexation of Texas L. About tcn <> clock in tl.ft morning • , j.thc enemy advauaeii .on the rouith An extra copy wiiliue >f twenty To clubs of SE3II-WEEKLY T Ei gen t. ; To clubs of fifty TIUBXJNE will be sent THE TRIBUNE, Buildings;' New-York tel, ” . . :» States/Artillery, opened *oh* the nebel cavalry,'but owing ii> the sl'orl range pf'the gnus, which \y;ero brass Napo lepn’s, no serious' damage wns in flicted on' the enemy by ihem. The Fourth and Thirteenth 'tfer'e,, not? of Hie 1 gins, but tiio Ist A'yw Jersey cavalry gallantly charged bacK and recaptured the piece, - which was im mediately turned on them With good effect, Our cavalry yesterday held the enemy in check, and there was some little skirmishing, one man being wounded; while oj) picket last' eve- nmg. j, Discovert 0f,;.a. ; Sieves ifisfc ps ■ Lake Sc PEiuoa.—There is considora j ble excitement just now-in basin ess | circles .connected wjlh the Lake Su i perior trade iii consequence 6£ • the I discovery* of an immense deposit of i silver bearing lead in that famous re i gion. Marquette coauty is the . mate locality of tins new discovery;—- It. is stated that the ore yieldsi/tweu by per couti of pure lead,,' andtbat ev ery ton of lead yieds, tivo pounds of silver, besides 1 tflei. load. Operands’ ■will ere long [ be the ,do l posits.)” . / ■ 1 .Canaet BiariS;—For the | fibeuefit of our readers wfyo, may'" have. [.apiaries; we give the following,-! 'which we find in the Scientific American —very good uuthbrily in suthmaWeßs: These pretty; tlyngs-are, like ntdaper objects, often covered with lice, and mayl bo cffectn%liy relieved them' by placing it’ clean whlto> heir Sage at night. In th*. alining it wtll be covered with'srriafijrdd'Bpots, 10 small as hardly to bo aceh/ exceUt jy the aid o£ai glass ; theadWo a source of grd*t annoyance to ’ weed 'eta-% j trust, by tiro inercj'-of-our -Heavenly i " i o. • y, i • Patl.;^to:die-thb.dW^lirr*tl4'i?r d f.t‘ t? -rfr 4l > >.-• ~t • f Uio by t»irU> Geiii the co.nv : wouldtalb off iuSr & gjK-uco.nont .of ■Jj white escort lolling give f avo been Il,n, ,n niy ]M , ol d gpaV:hurf woS I tO: out uridbeiiotbe (*ene|fcanJ? (go see . him , ;od , RpKcd ,,:> , a vou.ail again ; God. not— 1 T ‘why *bOTldr -fionrfhrtifS JSr 1 " l S. '*■ four, hearts/ r.# do» i; fronts, by’ thoughts of Goci’l l h f ° P e °? a? #«“* 1 sohvSna- bow wi;Uis4>&3 'boamth' 11.6 : W«d of Aim Kiooth !fl° hi r things wcH>> I li4^t3{ltlo.:lia^^.i“^ t ; ,aill S from ]H r ? bels >«! ness toidfspbso.ol. i Undo-J - (lT ■i ■ ■>.'■. ..-. I . ■ ■•'. t ; i .CWriS/sl StrLonis^iilplease'draw Wy pay Trim the and In* ond . veJiiin- United Stat«*, Wat ent, the intereftkof, wifeleh ‘will be paid wc !?<*^ , fff 1 i P l ? n jT?:|-- < '^s r ■ croHe[iy ; to my: Wife * t ?^- ;I-«eut a ring to ray wfe by a clergy- *V UH last; L W&nt.a Sis W* which ardvelod late, *Tin .lX ?,1h 1 "Mr d 8 us tiro Uu.q'pf>y Is fixed l^ be uo^tr y* un ‘ r j as, -*-> *■! .i *VI uua 10 tIJG fC^kXll&C*i PssS. m a Bliort l f tter to iccompany-| lQ^onnesaee ,o Such fethc wel^ *";> ♦ ,6aptai n-A lax an d e r,! road,, and as we v- V* <* vtS K *-*. -• t* T? 1 1 eoterod :Kuoxvme it ivas pa&t ail commandant, of -it ■ ll(J f r “ a st .prison, „d uaervea gnitcful i omombiranca to'y'our <iniß , Dear parents ir.ord'knomanta Iq&bibi ihmkt emS&mf Comfortyou rememi and dear friends and relatives. TpUjKitty d . rtivC. b b'.y r»i m*~: ‘.’ofafee ,caTo of r.ted^ dy foi- mo.; pat titm'.'often ia 'romoni fnrnco of mo, , ’ :: Dear mother, good-bye! God com fort you; my hmt hoy, and bless yon with (|ip love of happy children.— Farewell my fathorj jwo meet rhy God’s mercy. > I ‘ , •-_** ; 1 SI’ENCERKeLLOGO. . 1 The Confederate Debt.—Among: nil loyalthen thofciis a firm con viction' und dciwmination that in no event will the country ' be fesponsible. foT ! the debt of a f tlio.iis:tnd iiiiliionAwhieh the Confederates have 'incurred in waging their \iar against/ the nation. .No’settlement of the, strife is legally or loyally conceivable in .whlcli v.thc whole territory and population, ofthe United' .State? witl>iwt.'jb» laxecl for the debt of the mititin,and. ir/whioh the'iioldcrs of Confederate, bonds and Confederate currency wilSr'not. bo'- compelled to suffer >adotal : loss., At present Ujeirloss HS ninety pec .cant;. xiii the par “value and . before thd war is eOneluded it will bo, greater; still. The vvhole Confederate; debt' is simply "an unequal’, iniquitous, and. financially bad mode of taxation, de vised by treason to work the objects of treasoh- With t h.o defeat of. trea-' son, it should become, worthless. 1 - ■ Yet thi; Copperhead schemes of re construction implies the putting of, tins< debt in a par with. t]w y Pedeffil<Ubt. , Sy this Scheme senators and reproseuta-,' tivea front the rebel States, arc 'to bd'i invited to resume'wlbeir seats in 'Cort-.i gross? witli any questions being.asked;*' and by the aid of tho.Cppporhei:'d inj- j nority, to control the Jegisbuion ofi tbr Thr jdt bo the would is a debt o f i t by law \ mry notes id dowu the ; Veratc rags, j Inwakd Life.— The age is splendid ! in;, its externalities. Wb Lave the ! most gorgeous upholstery of cbiliza j tion that lias ever been ■ since ; the-world' was made, isplon , did implements, the most gorgeous j vehicles; but Ido not think wo hurt) as .true an-inward life, as corrccl.ia and ithoughtful a heart as the" men pt other ages have bad. One of dhe great things we :need is, to counlorbalonco this ester-, 1 nal tendency by coming back a little Uo the inward, And not 1 only this, L'liixt wo mtidt remember (bat if. wo are 'Bring m ihfe outward entirely, if eit tier nal iticS absorbs us, wo Josing-jHio real caeonco of all —JS, H: Chapin. ; • 1 .' jMST“Mad*ta, a good many persons w?ro disturbed tho concert last pirip by.? the crymgof yonrhaby.’*— “Well, I do'wonder thit snob; people will go to oonoerts I" , * ,-il .■ r PPlbn’yeel&>g jg Tennessee-. ' A" private loiter frctn Capt. ikirti' TI. on xhi) staff of <son. t Bjurnsid^We*, father, Senator jaaif- f Yoiik, fulljl confirms: the] • bj, the [People East Tennessee at their ra-' freini.jfpespotithi. jWo make ;tiJ?.(ojlowpg -interest! ng | : ?} :? As vro drpphiached lied part sfthe «oanl¥y-,‘Vo wei*d- Miouls ||>r jth'o cheers fbrfheflag; niid j llfb most ■jhisrakabfo ovidfences of loyaltyj At] hmis'e the - ontiie j family. would 1 Appear, .pitch-HtUh buckets | of fresh ! water and iruil'for the welc-cgne Ya.n-i kocs ; jintl spine' of thej people would} •scarcely Ask for pay for the foragel hyiiiolr wef had seized'to| iced j our utiii-i tifals; nlthdtlgh iho cornj,wo haddakfeht was all thcy;had to. look to j foi ihtnri flririteMs 'foodl ; Soin'eti tpcs the Stars | . .... v.pcop.. ,ut:e with joy, I never kne# what the Lovoo4 Liberty was before. After : two years of servitude mijftfr tho.most [\y tis ru, they how hold nip their,heads and thatik {rod-tbey respect and >r hidkind ucsa. pars.. , , 3My : t>at few It *fiow flo»U-to tho/Srcczo nt Jevcry staff iirEast Tennessee. • | Ladies wear it—carry ijt.’ • Little children clap thfeir ihands and kisa'it.” The writer adds the iniportant fact that ho has get “ovfr a hundred wag'J on loads pf apiinuhiUon'safely over; ! tlio mountains, 1 arid. thousand !*tand of arms for the recruits j that i arc constantly flocking to our stand ard.” ..I 'f.' Vl . :• Constitutions Created-"‘.Vr ■ - Ti> build up a -■rJ^iQpqg.ibc r ‘c»j^u^s^yij(>.ap t ; | trbbps ! musttlako good gjroeST what tyg Iv^cat feiiin.berlai»ja pV .VsftB»llarji{o ~rof«I I and"add to it 'bynprcttj* | hartl work ! mailbag. tlj.e CofßtetfijkbFwliibb,Jiay|r ; ana moderate un{£T the ago (.affijViljfcd both: aDd.inStrtn j-o}* forty-five p%heiii vtbor^Kjjpsi^d.: ;bej iiob tb thosoiyka have t'hein. t less &ork and' mbrp though . Among 6tlifep/Sifngs,'itbo letter*; : .-_ v ßodily labor cbns> : beybjid all .quha’tion kya't/Gebij.; ; titniion up to forty-live as ally j '.labor-preserves it, keeps it - good tdj.lii tbo’L'oid’edorato. scry'cc. : Out; of Him verge of fourscore/ yiejlrsf, 'i bodily activities arcyery mail, but two ipldced ; .airy i As witness, llumb6ft, wild travel ierincarlyli to ; bixt wrote' home to/- his ! to ninety a grdlftH sin dint-. • j Maby j wifli'notto-selUhis tjyo pigs-'for Goal ‘ similar instances will j federate shdncyias -gent minds • The general - great practical' importance. : J. Work,: closed soon, iherOiwilldVc'no uien loft, hard until (brt3 r (iyo ; think IraVd-after, | \\ e can’t tigliL a worldful: ; bt'm'yQ ; thoj. and all the vrhi 1 o >“temjioritle in all l South can’t 'stand it j much/ loiiger—- things,” :■' Idijs is’the w;iy to live long.! Gardner. are all dcsCiHing/y Another —[Ok Hall.' «■’ -c T - more explicit me tjj so ou t ,qf ‘ Kearttw,; Ydii liadjie tter Sbl'yciir masHvb shall 6c back |}i the .If peace don’t, come soon,,rwe will all. -dbsert.” This is tire spirit displayed’ in sjlj-’‘ortfcatl^' ; ‘letters-—a. j spirit 'Of- bUer. despair for . the rebel I cause, and a willingness to take the Union on any teriub, so it 1 brings peace:l - singular accident happened in- Pittsburg. last wpeki—r 'llwo boys wqreplaying “horse” iathe strbef|l, and used a cOrd>- one- end of which jwas tied to' tbej h{das - iiorso^S’wdjjid the oilier ; ch'd WiC?'fastened: to of the drivei v *by- a sjip knot. jrWbilo thus spoiling, a strict railway car came. up, and tiiC Boys went in 'opposite diy T ..■ ,— —— T .- rectkms to let it pass': tQfUmde Sam who the cord across the track; and the hor. on Sun-b ses striking;.against it, jerked,' the day, Ibtij-t’aflcr a joined the lads iii trout of the wheels of theXar, , yj )U '' j:( he nfcfthe mimster which passed oyer them.-] One boyj whose cli'nrcdt'ha^J belonged was instantly crushed dedth, and tUeTuu, c lo Safh J ,’’Vsafd you other will probably die. i ; i 1:" ■ ■ Pl' : BinC£dn#)oined thp chufeh?" “Ob, y 4? iUhclc Sam.i “a gtoat diffprbnpf Before,, wbi'djie-went out to m<kf3 hipfepeesdb .carried h|s ■ ase,; ;ph/ bis shoulJef.' but now hd bis overcoat.’' ; . , he scheme rhoads will no recoil* ■proved by i to place country, in 1' ‘‘Better fhE Than be CdkiguEßEp.” —The Richmond W hig ha*'an editori al article, under the. abovjc: caption, jwhich reveals, a consciousness that,' with all their boastings, tha ( rebels feel their cause is lost. The Whig threat ens that in the last resort’tho rebels will “take to the woods and the derncss, like-savages, and i here fight against hunger a'cd cold”, as long as. they may-be able. - ' other day a father, reman--, slrating with his boy upon bis lying tin that,the sunyhad becii fup ...these three - bblira. ‘JTtiata .no 'great wonder, father,” fepliodji the ion; “if: 1 tad asmSrij, miles to r trav> el today- as ? tbo sn n has, I would Ifaye risen as soon'as ho;" ' -Ai,■ y; ; ; yy.', ~Artcmua War d says; “1 havo alrea dy giveb two cousins to tbefwarvand Ijtond ready to gacriflco f blather' Wthor'n not seeThbjt»beftyOD toraSbi.' Alad lf uroea corns ,to wuss, i’lt.shod. every,.drOOvOf blos rall-tjojc 000 l the yr : - „ HAT4IB CheeK -p-Pray., piirdon ihetou* ArmfeaPS&d ; Thdfr 1 use of a. slang term. Jin prudence. rlf i'i'W I2a:-J will hot dp it,' 1 :£»■«..■■• !a $ ‘grave* mimst t|»M.i».a passive, rather than aiijSfetlvis [in jte “next May*’ - C T^ 0 ’ uh icb ssi #, all the - modesty : baldness wmcli-r- t•“• •-.•>> , [h'.man. piay liave'jwitMtv- - ( tu ;;gi«y or j. tmt.tliat is! rifSw „who ; joupdpibout.waypf v qxpi i easmg.oiielr.|Uprin^hb;.pastwm^ Vi?lf land ypucannotspeakj'rapiis piuce, tbo /: three ;, its ii^’airefcbftcal rbfoba Tiiiort calied* f#'tb "'I • "' v \ young . | Ihdyi; ;t^ifer?| T 4- true, I Cfbeek. tlienk is arajre untbn.of fiyn ipn Jcncty - j ! the pdwerof \Valk Ih'if qnKtly overdo - -ly, Bonding forward ftesb irSnlts JBe };pml obstacles, wh'ioii. ipi-tn .ah .impashi-J ndxtjplaqe prdpostion'Jdt tba ' the ijnajorjty pf jSferj men i jrd-lao^r:«tiUor -the ‘tfjTilil. 'cxahipjfejjt .wi^rv^ohcekflj.draffs of VBat’i gay ij^iiJibjione*t-; tfjp; [tlierfr; tßsek over' Afexander’-'ijndcr, Jhat- pfocml'd jth iswas thc ease Ih, ~a(!, 1 be“jEeslcriv- , xyfiyes (jt- is> great atUbdt’gfbr the Pdi-i (Slates; bk :ly JUim aus.;that got dyarbld jMdy of volunteers. werc r .atrkhf/?BaiiiO'. -r; enabling him jio j under-f.lvq, ~ftU|Uf|r .or- ■■„ “lii.%ko of a to fill*ujs Ihe . iii -. sp loins that " Jan|ss;l*thy qubU of the oaU; pfi.lB6l;'sosmq .of ; « BoswOU’s admission: to'aklbfuti siudj a: the States whicls Sliisit tfieir <ju6»- -' nielfo in history denied tp many a bit- tas taking thisr opptirtuiii tj tbvfilfwup ' tor |nan; and enabTed theffrpat liar- ■ theif i'l’hifis: of : num to gnll his fellow , i tbo. hib^^npt<|a v tbe'fie.ldr.nqu#^d^b? of: ai:fortH,no, arid «’l].Pn ['releas&f uii’tU. , that, tp’inakosa socand by - than ono-ba’.f of all our armies, it Ja ' doj)OBfoco,to faccbp'vv .hekhad don of safe losay,liavetwbyearsyet jto • rijffeib,-.f i . j-‘ ■.■:••; jserre. If Tak-to bo ipmembotodv afSb, •. |j I . r . ,k;.: l, * , *f ——I k'. | that alicadi' there uri titi.y thousand Xohn in Eentnekjvvrfib’j fheuts} p(id4t|ie vyoidfs <^lko»listm<itrt f •tftloho time: er,U| ' dhfbhdto| fel -l|io.,Wacl6 -ft I i ■:, .'1? '-i i- .< r v nnnibeiTTKdbsoofiwdDUDlpd; man who had peon inuieteditora cafy.ji : |r p..., . dtti sbffehee;.,- After an S" '. *■./" powerful hd iby the folipwmg strjkitf^.tisid, beauiy ful allegory :-' ■■■ PW.hon (Jod; in liis, ptornat counssl : conceived, tK,p- ; <bo.hght “ofkirian’s pcdir-1 ?4iQn be called' to him the. three minis ters who wall constantly upon tic throne—Justice, Trij th and •,^le^ey--, aitdithus addreased -Shtflt make' iiK.n Then J* Godj madc hini not^-|fdjs- j tfb whfl vtbaiii ple upoii tby laws/“ ITruth nsado also;r*p God, -make-hi will sacp|ary^^if--': ifat -Xlercy, j wpbu her kneqgj and- liking fbrougb himil will watch!ovef nry cuie tbrough alittbp .dbrk . ; iatb9 ho.; maj'bavjabo tread/ j,' Then <iqd rr.acoj man and said -to him ij ‘O ' man, the ii jii’i the chiiii- of Morpy -—go and de il; with thy brother.’ | .~r' "'• ! ,; The jury, whon ..;ho had huiahei| r ! were drowjied in-V tears, aiidi a^aiuSf ! . .- •■ • -j - . - r - &■■ •.. evidence, and what imust j have: • their owii ;-Couvietions, b«|u|jh I iu/a verdict ofjimt .: ' HeydlatiOns ”of ~l” Rebel- Ma; 1 ' «.» i ;'Bag:| ' V BSs_Fartner B. was pitting ,in .the country church.:• He bad bcea work ihg’hard in the harvesti'Bejd. . IliibdM 'w c r eii ca r c 0,, an d - PUTnvbr B was doz ing/. Tile loud tdnes-otjtho minister unlilat iangth;rlbe tiino waning;, in an cdd'sed the lida of flic Bible, and concluded as follows:.-’ iny harvest' |a. plenteous,vb’ut. the litboTOE&uire' few'.-’ .‘•3Tes,” oiciaiwed ‘‘l've offered twoifol larj^av day lor cradlei s, and gaii't gotSfem at thftt ”. ; ; ; "ft *■' :^ r . is Stated .ttat S|>Bii< ish girl Bdvont.een Atlij*oJis7f Prance, whoi can litt hundred foßad8 ;| With " have having regi&onk 9F mea ; wilff f it-%r &s!»s *&f&mm&i!s*' l ' ;i^^^^t3/,i_A^.libe^ydfcc^umC^.i(f^ogf early /- , ■.- ./| £nd jm Ijpng ■ |.. t A pq^ l: ”Ui.eB,<i»f6ii»t^«;, ( {'niMjp^bd *•_ '■ r , -- •’t- - Spoeiil floUcea 25- addiHouiiifi#*- ■ i,::;^namiea3,e»id^^7s--MslM l lb^i)p6#e«r.' l ft‘" O. si>4^.^u>^;lfeSij^aU9irP«JW^.- : j wto(hor-;yoticegyf a jatMicjnfture, free.. ’. : ; ., I ' ' : • />• juts. ; '. _ I Water;. ■ | a ' J ol .feed tfnt<n-' in a ; jrohni ~wUI huve uhsortuid /-from ' th^ ; roo.(ti| ; t nearly idl titk perspired room, tlic.aiv ldch \vi|f ■" ephre pprer, Cut tlie'W’ateT utfe:; V till by. TbJ» ; d c-ponds pa -water has Ihov|aepjty £of co tonsil >g. ijnid :l! '■■' \j« r ' ; iperctis-, ‘ ,:■ r j«rtViifp;bulfc. f3S»» ipiiler tho = [>vat«r^tUel^featej^^ i papacTty, to.;' ; I : • cpn-v : pi\ eiiy ihearly -clou blect-bj*: uti ftg V ; ItUp toinpetalsfe, to..;\tt)^t; Ji6laee-?c? fwater kcp'pi&'tUo rponvrawhilo La a;- r~" ways 'and should bo of;.. I ten r oindv ed ethe r i t has' bheprad' r&-' J Bo{i.oj ew a ter ipWpiyn psli p a fd*al 1 hi '. 'I . i pnPipcd i n4jte;flibriiiiig hofprfeauy'itr .‘‘.l «scd.,?-"rbii£ which has .etdpif in : a. ; over night rs ■*, the |iioruiijg ' I'nyjtrre; wa- *fc; tor iviThovo injurious' - ,to liealih than,: Impure air, porspitishould' . provide' Ihe tpepfi s ■ irtVoblaming f pure "water for all domestic uses.- '•• r - - -i -• , Vi.yr® •.. •* v ’■ri.-'T ’’-cC.r -!■ «* - ■ ina .' ■ ' 'y ■ •4 : - .jr - the course of •£. , ionvej#ation between ; ami Gejv/ lvosccrans, ati Indiana. ! pjip!y: 0 -TiJliisi,aii \fae alEfflcao the quea ! lion of to hol'd .Chultarioo i rgfljaiJ »ponf^(ist‘ J (i«fl¥tei^wsmiling^ f>r ■ j remauktfii, ‘ Tcrt/ ; tlic people,of -that ftiave taken rooms 4*0, 1” And tlirv&uyivli fromgDld ; s ft “nuff .ced/’’ •• , .1 ■■ ■■■■jt:. . riding tbreujHt, . Sydenbain gHiw. h .biSard < if.'£3tß 'fie -was alwiiA’s ready-., pleasant i-jo ktT, i|> front It ho bouse, he" S 1 ojfpad and asked .; bejr-. f i verjlpo!iWfy, ■Mw hen the cotEagti- waa-f 1 i to'earl ■?” ' ’ jja Boorihstho in an i ! ‘ib^qviietpeply. ; J; \VisEr .county, in fTro-^aJley,, and -1 ;- ; r jjSottfctrWest}. , gConv .: : lfelaaßj|lSf Wythe, Buasidl, c 1 1 ahanjV{'rnd"\Yi;ke eo|bifiys, ,'-l tioned to be &cate”'' ; of Tbe i ta ppli ca ti on, is now- bpfarQ-. : g,t- ' j ■ . , " ■ ■ »v -• ■ - ■ : •■■!■ - T-. y »•« . ■ • ’ ‘"-fStAIJI Ifbtel table, one ‘ *b,Qa¥d'er ieinar.lted to hfe neighbor— ; t > “tTbi:* aiust bo ; 'a verj ; healthy' pilaoe, for, chickens.” " ...... . • ✓ ' “Wy so?” said the other. '" r, se I hevor sue' auy.^eat^oius: ■ «.• •_ . r - -.-v/.- • 'fJ aboi =MU I’- ' ..if ' ' t . rebel Government talksof. paying thq soldiers liberally after the, war. Its Jiberalily reminds u& ctfMlje i pportellovy’s will:. y l J*b&ye' nothing; X bwee very body; the rest I give'to the poor.k,J ; I JRSPColeridge, the poet and phi!oso j pher, once 'arriving ut ini inn, called feiil/“you dine FiefC dftfc- TectivelylOT ’finc l ividn;illy ?” “Sir/’;' iobltetl the itvii?h&of thc.-napkiD, ‘“wO'f~ iin{w:i»t sis:;” - .y ■' y ■■ J.:. ir'V ... fifulsiauit praiclloq of puUing-Latiu injicrtp-. tions bn tombstones. But what more, appropriate place; than a grave-yard Cun there be foratlead language 1 '•I ,■ "* '"y.- 1 . ' 1 •' ' .Vy tv u f »SouMri a clergyman, Mpgj ' recently^tfbsent; frofn. borne, his •oo>; : .» pf fou r yeart,- t was B«ke<i the tleaaini}. he replied, “f» Tl’ 4on’t Uke the Ippki of them tatere.l'* ■•;' 111 *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers