S>*~ * El Pal BEAVEW* ABOUS ; Wednesday, 0ct14,!863. " : 13. 1.-JMBRI& EdHor & IVojMjleter. ijipr<)!<tißjiiLAß and FiTTrO*sr l s 'ji ,irriiOT. in ada-asc* ;• o.thcrwis* Tiro Q«£- frs*iffi. V cbareed.' j:Ko papcr,di,«soHtmucd waipi'll all arreantftes arej/ettted'.■ 'T_' •/ -7• ■ • :• ■ ' : Tjr mail : sTlllrfKTC^TO'aT’t^aftcntlonl^v• ■ iT-t PITTSBURGH, 3g?41.- ’ ’East. , 4, . . 20, I6?3.— Train m if .Vrr tisbargh, 9:10 a. *. - . 2:20 e>. r-'; i fes(i t •SsOSjgjfc.- "■**§!■ i ■ ?'"•■ .’•■■, : : a* fcVt'Jm: ' 31. »?. -VWISSOiKSC? .x.’ ll “j i- ......5:25 M. - -.-...Mt'-J- N-.^ieGcixouon,./’«%, “ vM Vlßg^G^rc^J|-rn^: ; ■ IiITTSSUKG, FT."Vf AT.NE A CHIOAOO R; R. ■■' ! •-■v^ l -:-‘-'j '., .* o-’ ,*-:■., . i.. IN - jSy.-.y ■ i a ■ I Ac 1 ‘TU. frf i ■) a: m ...... !( :00 a. M. •A. '. 'u ‘L} vr «:•»•■>*• M.,..*..,8:2a A.- *, i ■ • Sar.rii-Un n : iw r. Ji..:5;QO--p. si.J t'f. i , v;■■>-■> *• '-- w J* y.-zppvs. ■ a:^ : Cincin|u Exp. ' , *■ 1 .. ■ r - “ i s<vst—v ■*•- s^;i - t " _ - . - 'ljochister.'] _ ccom. a- j “- i»lsS6thi >•.*<-.:•*■"4:85 r. >K?riS*6;l4 p. m:\; oj-' “ •■ “ ■' !’'~fi;Ot) iv:i.'. : ,..>*B:W P. M. I “‘■''Mah;- - ‘ ---_ - -'-.W mA fn ttpwi - w A.Ti...... JI - ■< “ i::i(V iV «. "■ ■- 1:50 -p^--■'• - • ~j'Wwm'XDLE\\:Supt:, E; its, .[V jp /^yt«antagoriidnHf a fl | ® dcspot^'fll^'llio isv ; ; ISfiS.-; l.poMa ami f ajarmlica suddenly. ll.rnst i^nSS^o2 ,/*&&r r ; . Too Oi)" l rart tllc . OTcrtbroT and irairi of tke ■ 'Sar; s.-ff#) h.i-itl.-i, 82,3ft9>0p j Model 'iicpulijjc—Republican invite- if s ■ and; effort.'] hind three tinibKa year np.to the ... ‘ b '' , "!{ , '^ ,^ ti ?^°“ B ': fie k^'« n - "VJfUal festivals tL/'to be v .- 010 mi™sulMn the signalroverthrow of itsj. ,• i . ’ .-. /. ,- *; . -.- and :ft^%abl i Bl>.hei>t d ' l ' J ?S pd S* h ■nslruction winch Ucy i3fic»-■ iv.i.iS 05 j.of through; nauseated '! AVerc goafdetl. thro' 400 t» -i : an.liUnior. shall in- looked %}ti as senseless add^isgdkt •■&£• _'... ion r n ! decjfcbe “one /am, henccrtw,,. :- ,„lv ." - ■,'■•;. ‘si a-- 5 - •“* fortlr‘•^h^ I forev■ir , ■■ ' .; •■mg mummeries, and drilled to perfect • - c»\j devotes • attention in tlo £ in a <y*w;d* to then* a iill of-aboin ,■'%** times, antfetersomo extent in inatinn®<Wo repeat it,’ ifi- bcCOrrio a A sr- to becatnea pCoselytc. .* - 1,114 - i minister ta • the spiritual - \ *■ ‘A.;. r I .nHie t d ;; l %rogres 4viH-l,cf g-oi | * ° f At,the point . \i li>: :: ‘f - 1 I °* t , , i? J av:e ■ teCror of pains *. v gifs and ' de- andypenalties; into ■-,v ..f mvki.^ledwF' , ‘^« < jnondiandise. ' ' V V^‘T^ -V* - -' *pi ihe WardertWßUiiidni, -nssiiceinl . . - " , • ] ahd.ss&ftcribetl tiiu q^jfift^osjyoiideii^sr ‘ ; r o; c cnnttcl aynonyma C • ;''' ; 4^t^^idciaifaife i 'feniy!aii<ir^Tc^ort..''s.ira|»)^ | Disino vocabulary ? j " ., -URTI^ g -^^ p - , ''^Uippi t ant inetd.eiyt.of W* we ,y r nsl - int o Covenant with I VvVrk-i-^Bo^-andi sl n na '‘ an <Lconclusive■tnttmlo«lCf -JBB 3 ;/ij-|. 9 m > ■ ,■ ~ v. .•• ■ arms amhin the- Was d tp a commod.-■ j of': Peace and Thrift' tooUr •stii.ulated. of.adoj) I bl^ Vnuntry.. Wolielieve that dbt lion.„aha aijpassport to the corhipucion ~ kealtoirtiTcrc ».J : tl.'e Cdn'.pa.iT, >-Tv-.'-- . ot!iyr\_vi-e ; can a fuller or. more accu- \ - . ii-' -’ ' i ---rale-viewof.the progress’and, chafhfe. » '., i ‘ - ■■ . .. ■ ■ <.er of this momentous conflict argao tho yolantafinoss pr ~ ; tßan^ftmiigh’;:the ■ '■•.-iM-sopcm? nti. - July, or ■« U^?oper^n ! !j<rrnli^r'- - , vx . . &y f* •Vrdijfe^eU'-. u l* “ iS : ational cause. ] a*f ( iige; were required to ,.a.l I^-^' | a , Bem ;j e^fr 'dmi.an parts of the la>id a «<•-... and celebrate ; the I .public festivals.^ -l v : i, : i-J'ipia main those nhsent;| ' _ ; ; :fjPten their lioines not less than,three:; Cifph time, makiiig fin aH.nine';] - S •! used in Jirifitihgi new^ipi^eonM^i—annually.- As ’ thesi) carawins'l ■l'7: --i T-WSs •-v-Tis to ■ increase llie price of; JaH! - .' 'V i '• -W., : . ■■=•;;.. ■ auJUhavc,^.tr^c-rinto . "•■ -:J.Cf 1 *7 l 11 ' h r . j vvcie there miliiary^^joidsj ::v ,i, S'SwSe"‘M' i ’ i'Stlk ; t.liitn oafe yea)--J].^i£she»j......;. i y... : .53 [ manned by a corporal s .guard—the, .y.y i'U*£e£ts*\Ti*F a Tco&ijdes, j>ne 3-5ir..‘.v.^..;..^..v..... jjjli-tpps lined with sentinels, and the ■■'' | t%iiguphSjoiio ypaf..Vy;i;.« , ...-.A)Wv'-*iS“' 3, h dofiies scoured by troops of light* of twea- |,p rit! ? Hpw ; the Israelites TR: ■- Cunlrlve to take their sorvaiits throe jWe -tbu A lie’?y® ar V 5 -’ i**ue5)..............;.52 times'a' year to Jcnisulem and. back ? (Hie year.„........,«.......•.•••5-j tyi, en a; liodv, of Slaves is moved uny pn one distapdp in our free, and equal, Repub- Rf^Sfiy■ ' Aarger number, .■a&lre&setl to jics, tftey‘ r iiro; ’hand-cuffed to. keep ;S%ppss.-of sifi§crfb(Ti&y Sltop each-' ' A l’ v them frohi running away or beating i wdl^^t' to every cluo masters t; brains b..tJ ■ Was this 1 1 Twenty 'She U)c Hngr^mciJl ybar, >525; antf’laay irar^p.nuniber at^dnt'rodufie,d : by '! or wasv.t left same prfcpy An extra, copy ,fvill be f or the ivisdoui of Bolomon ? For tlib SS^TSjS|S^KKLT“&? r *mn i BCXfI will be To clubs of -fi/ty not-less venorablof and biblical. Por -•*"9-ITHE ffSltiß-TRLBtrjiß iwill JSaps they'lashed .their servants upon iifi'lovsighod,.;«*i>«'cVss' t«c ooslSitisS&- JL;- Warding, 'Spinnidc; r IF-nUi rt£V'' ■?> f: ~ L urc ■ C.^ s .^ ci Satinet is > -ami r r <irid bcr-^appa^s^l. 11o“ ..acconi^^j^^u'bf litoss> .bn tire 'fnkt Mclih-nC thb my Louse '' m New Brighton.* V : ,; w ': ~ : ‘ ! 'C -MS:- Emplo' r°^r)3i^rs n TH f /\ .K Whendrafts Can be procured it is --Manufacturing Company .tnuchaafcr than to remit Bank-Bills. ~ \TT • of the. Eosf Office “and ""JiWOSS rtoitfs r«" pto'" 1 ? L . froa-S3U month and pny-all^tac-* - , .- _-v pariiculari-addrcrs Subscribers WOO SOnd money by i Express mast prepay the Express ■ charge?, else- N-wiH.be deducted from theremittahce- - Tiifc’ Thibcsk Almanac tor 1863 is BICKETSOy, HUsSfe' j&fesy-. 4-'.. .-jS?'- '? : .. '•y-.' " V''. ■ •■*£-'. r & RTCKETSON,. “ WBililE (IRPrt r .V?' Bodies/' Wines and . Segars, v. •/.■ - Xo,. e£r. of Liberty i TncintU. . ?■>. - I H PITTSBURG, Pa. , , I TS«KK«av - Torn, &c., &c., con»tiii>i.Tr : ■ ffip'.- ’on haad. ~ ; [augii 1. W nER EAS letlCTfc'of . administ ration bn the Jcßtate of ' TnoitAß'??. THonsa •, • let eof ] udej>tcJen«s tp;,Beb»er ebnnty, Vj. “ooeaeed, hating bcfen duly grtpftedtoftho uht : * mi g“e4, : all pewotir. indebted tb,»ald estate ' - v- V 6 makbunmedUiepaymenWiUid 1. • ifce-sajßa vr9l w»- pfoperly aathcnllcarbd far settle- : Tr- auil 'roc = lEN i. ■ - .lot. ■3 • 11111 }■ ) lEGS ENE •isJs*C i.vr.r 4^s' ■ j Voi. io; NEW-ifORK TRIBUNE. ' first- I*. <ued£jn 1 g4l,yin ; its "twenty-second obtained; lidlh’ a and a more widely diftukpd circulation than anV other newspaper sxfer^puWished in- America. ’ ThaugJWfc has suffered, itv.eom mon-, with other joitepals, from volohiuyiiijr anst ; 'dt‘parture- of of'its - patrons' ! to ; Serve'iiv the for the Union; its eirt■ ulutia ll, on "tl.is 6th- of December,, a^ifyj.lbh-81 ' Sco ? Mteek]y.v i *.. J.-. k.:. 17;260, H*ek!j'.e “ SIRE Preeminently a-journal of News and hf Literature, TriiLXßißnvF.liaspoliti ciiljeoiiylctipns' ■vVhrph arc 11 chi _.....^ nrpli m charae* jte h erf n g I eSv o r<J3i e p u b l ic a n. ( diepdbfican .iff its hearty adhesion; ; fir tb4,*%reat 'that ’-'tiGrpd hair ! ff»a iii> o f i'oti ob 100 jla 11 r. at i o n b o f to e n". l(,si r assertion the and 1; rigljj£\ of, all Kraenl- to ••life. liberty and, of* _h!t|>pines9’’— hostility to cyery scheme and effort of the Slave Power; from of,l’exas to flic jfreai Rchombiy. : . : of the Id,add wield wifEfc&ready about Gliristmaa “ TJnion„ .Hotel, ” ' BEAVER, PENN 1 A., . ALEX. CLARE-, Pbopeietor TN addition to thei conrcmencta of * fir* I. class'Hotel, the'Proprietor has fitted up in lu house, In a complete and satisfactory mea ner, an - : -ROYSTER SALOON, . , : Where thcrhck quality of Oysters insiy lieppb tained ~during their (esaon, in. any desired style. Famine* canhefurnished with Oysters, by or doien. The table is furnished with atlsthe luxuries -the PIXTBBOEQ }lAfi KET can afford.’ ' Thankful for the liberal patronage -hereto fore bestowed a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. dec!7 TIKK-KNIVES, Scissors, Gum Hair Fins, Jj • purses. Port Mbnaies, Needles, Tweezers, PenoiT-eharpeners,. i Spool Cotton; Thread, ?: ' v . • -'•!■•■ ■'•■W-".V rl. r "Vi; Vi x-i : :l ■&■■ l|H|raaP^f( ■ ;r. ■. . : : -*%f l*-;-- ■ -m- k ;;? ?u.- -,u j j ;t.,..l ip r ~ jnim E ticulara of tho moral and ceremonuil-l r'few'. Were the servants pushed ihro’ these .processes by main strength ?- : -Was of idolatry com pulsory? Were they dragged into ''covenant with wjerc they-seiz* cd and circumcised ;by they compollod,. mechafflciUy, toohb’w; and" swallow the flesh ■<bt the paschal; Jalftb, while they abhoared the insti- Uiti#Aii»despised its cordnonids, scorn : the law VUicli enjoin n»d it; d cleared its author 'and execu tors, and rejo.eing in the commemorated, a calamity, and cttr&ed the Imuf -of its all parts bf,tho ;camel9, anddlms in bundles, o#'caged tbcnvup, aud'.ttnh* dlt^'llicm.'ifij'w;boOis to and then, vvbiltj.in attendance on the sol emn' festivals, “lodged them in jailfot safe keeping," appointing religions services cxtxq Xi and . special “oral in strbetfpn,” ,fop' their benefit. But, meanwhile, -what became of the sturdy hqnd'maids left at bbino ? What bin. dered them irom marching of in |a. b(^d T 'if-th'- hold against .their jody, L .icy were ... against wjills. Perhaps the Isruelitislfmatrons volunteered to stand sentry in rotii-' the kitchens, while the young ladies scOnrod the country gs moonted rangers, -to pick up strag- ! .. ,j — | |;. , glers by. day, and formed bodies of A Gomplimkn; to President;i>,iN« city guards to patrol the streets and ' COLX —The. .Now York Commercial , ' «♦ -o - Advertiser says it is a factiwell worth keep a sharp look^ut^ at nights. knowing* ihpt, for iho first time ,in Their continuance in Jewish families . mttn y years, tho Congresa coming iin dependrd Upon the performance Of va- 5 to life at the middle of a Presidential rions rites arid ceremonies,: necesaari-1 tom, is. in its political aspect, friend ly volparary- Suppose a servant fr.Jp tBo President f [quarter of / itTV a century, it we ar© not mialaten. an from should, upon eater- o p^ iti / n *Speaker M been' elected in ing a Jewish family, refuse oircumcip* every last Congress,of"a Presidential ion, who does not the question, whoth* term. That the next Congress is hot er he shall remain a servant, is- eh. merely Union. but Bepublican, is'a tircly in. hie own] hands. If ho were etr testimony the popular es .• ve !, aimple the prodew of emancipation. . 'Hi* did adviMnj. ~i,-. .j J- it Beaver Wtedue . - {TViittES- rim th* Abqub.] .•] DOES THE BIBLE SANCTION • ; SUCH a PBiNqiPiii? !. ; XIII. ■Wore, tbe servants in a volantary condition, or were they made so a gainst'their wHI ? Wo argon that it vyas a voluntary condition, 1. Becanso to becdfrfo a servant Jn the family an Israelite, was to abjure idolatry, to enter into covenant with God to be circumcised in token ■ of.it, to be bound loathe observance! of the. Sab bath,.of-the the Pentecost and the feast of Tabernacles, and ‘ to consent to instruction in'all the par. job;dr shbflld .brbald' donn# the ingredianlsoi| bo if ■ “ctti&ff ; iUe<ki riurch,from tbo irapcfesiliility ot tbeir ysg. Tho ser- illustration. At Hinijp lie; hcjl<l dred’you ng women .and eighteeijr.m ngnea, who wo ye born in Bis bonSe, and probably! very many more tb.rr in hip bouse. | The whole number'Mf'fcis servants, 6f| all iiges|was probably Kf nythoasands. j I Abraham waa certainly an-extraordi-i n’aiy Character, anctSarab, .na doubt, j aimoat notable houap-koeperj but still it.is not «asyj|i#.<^eke' &tfw thoV contrived to hpld sogpnany thousand, servants (wills (as was J, most likely to bp, the case) the patri- Oji-ch and feck turns in pej?-' fOriping the E of sur. •rpUfiKing then ■1 "Che neigho<nng?tribes, instead of cpnptit>iliijjg a; piokd|t%uard to him ib his servants, w mid |ayb been farnibre likely to deal i Mb-ipth; audTiim J a!s ;tney did ’ \yilb Lpt ®d.his household ■■ j they sweptibio captivity j Besides. Abraham JSpither “const!tii- j }tlqn” nwjcpmp^ci^qrslainies norjui-i dipiul officers \r> eeszoandsend back; hisfugitives, nor a polico to pounce upon panfe-stricken women | and! children, kidnap [ por.| in tho jstateS, sninn fdr (-.is pationagj. j !io\y lon tho - tn.ck;’pf Human game, ; boasting their blood-bound scent, and pledging their hunt-down and| '‘deliver dp,”, pro vided' thcy had a description q( tbd)flhdh:mark, and were stimulated in'theicj chivalry by pieces of silver; seems also to have been de lefent n all xmxiiiar ics of as Stocks, hand-eufl (opt ohaiffs n yok es, £ags and. t hurab, ibftwa.i ’ This dosti - ' tUee" r ’ • •** lOtail but ho appears |J one IsaaCj “grow wry groat” and had; ityants.: Jacobs youth idauarum in hiraiJy resided" twenty-one imseTf a survhnt, and iorvants. No mon.j I history.in "rent d< 1- , P j never 'to Have solji j,until hes-became vj ‘great Slores oi soi' I tfsW spont-j in Pi ’ of vyJun-e 'years. So wash ‘ bad.n number of jJionjisinaUo of hit* receiving any ser- Vantsat; Gic death; of Isaac. ,; Many yoari afterward* Joseph invi ted Jacpb to come and;dwclt'near liim in thou and thy children, and thy children, and thy flocks, ..and thy heids, and all-lhat thou hast. Jacob went with liis flocks and herds, but no, servants, ; Gen : 10, 47, 6l ; What ■;moi«;. natural than to jsupposo ithat his servants wore voluntary, I served under theirown eontracjts made j fr6m time; to time, and when Jacob 'went into Egypt, they chose to stay lin thoip own country. The govern ment might sell if they _had, no property untiL their services had made "good the injury and paid the, legal fine, Bxoa; 22, 3.. Bat ihdsd pier's seem to have had no power to sell heir servants—the reason’js obvious. j’To give to the master the,light to sell ;his, servant would annihilate the serf ■ yants right of choice in bis own dis ! posal-—bat say’s tho ( objcctor, j so give 1 j the master a right to buy a servant — j equally annihilates the servants righ i Ito buy a man, and different thing to buy that nmn ot another mar.. ' Mud, more might be said on this point, .bu ■. this must suffice. One article] on the • • . ' j J ! ' : f Kew Testament will close thesomr •tides, d.; , : (' ;. i ■. -.'//V: A I l/ r; y'^'j£Tho;.EleouMoa of-iellogg, at BY THE rBBatDF.NTOFTnE UNITED STATED /■" i aM .! Bfo>.Trinr T .t cILX//; / 'kL’'': : v I'pv/ .-r—. >i' '.'V L I Theyear that ris) drawing' toward "®'^ o Ki«*|ithdrid Examine r.of the.26th, to clp>v has ijeen filled with tije Moss- thq day, pteviyus fruitful fields, and healthful ccr Kellogg, the recently condemned akios|". To these bouniids whteh a^^ an >9® in that/city-^ bo §ftnstantly\ enjoyed 'that Iwo ai-e After tt very detailed account,of his prothj/to fbrgpttho Source from which th| Examiner says : , , V 1 they.H'omo, Others have been added fiyO; minutes td one' o’clock the w hich of bo extraordi nary a nature Unit drop , jelll and: the condemned man fail to Denetrutc and soft- was iaundped iDto eterriity. Jloatrug en even the heart which 1 is habitually gled violently.for' about/a\*qcond, the insensible to the eyer-waichful Pi-ovi-j rope.* swijying.to/ andpfro}; 1 '!!tee , '.lie dence-Of AlmigSt|f God. r In the midst a cl ode;/ jHowae /I oft' j°,ftn t ' e< l u nllod raSgnitud,e hanjkihg thirty|minutaB?Wher. be was, [which has someliineB'Beorned-to in-cut downiiand pronbnnet d ‘dead’ by fvrte nnd provoke thp, : nggresiio.ns pf!the attendant physioijii, his .neck, | foreign tStateSj peaco/has been/pro- having bsjen brpken lh ti e fall. The I served with all nations, Order has body sawlj placed in a coffin and sent; to ; been maintained, the laws have been, the burial ground. />// 1 respected and obeyed,,and harmony “Kellogg was a rather pre- S P re ™ ,ed . e Y® r y#« re > a . e * CO JP t t possess?ng appparanibo'.st jut, five feet -if}®-.®'m tro °* I® I'Wy 1 'Wy-conflict. \V hile eight~br tjino’inchos-higb, with spark that theatre, hasboen greatly con- ling bright blua' eyes, Saiidy hair ahd traded by ,armies .apd beardfanll His , navies of the tht needful di- skin, : from long; confihlmfent ,(f*onie. vprsipns of wealth andfhlrength from months) baa-hecOmo as fair a fo-n t^t5 O MV^'^ TOfal - indaBt^'!fo '- t^i mute’sT* |Be/wofe,‘ at thh execution',-a national dofonco, have not arrested dark bllk/coat, and bi-ass button*.' the pl o w^thq,BhatOo f Or thersi,ip.r- light Uajftfotk,; a bliiO check shirt Ihe axe. has enlarged the borders of and black wool hat; Ho was anna our settlements, and the mines ns ready about thirty-five years of a>4 < well of iron and voal aa of the prcci- ‘tTho Veetch hud previously con- ! ouß jUjetals, have yielded oven more fessed his guilt, .-the iubsthneo "of nbundaiitly. than heretofore. The which confession, was that ho had Ipo pulation ; has steadily inpreased, hired'.hiniself in,'tbO pohfederato engi | notwithstanding .the Waste that has Reer.coips at Island/Ho;.f 10, for the • heen made jirthe camp, the siOgb,-add.,purpose of/gaining information for ! . th .°.haulefheld j -and the country, re- thh henppt/of the Federal govern* the consciousness |of ,aug- mcmt, and though at last detected, ho raented Stnihgth and vigor, isjpedmit- died with the conviction that ho bad j.tcd to exptm a caiuumuncd yeans .valuable; information, wmi a largo of freedtinp in • the charactpy of a jspy, to that Ao human counsel bath devised, government, thah/any other man in notwithstanding the /moral hand hasi.thjg.lJnitpd: Suites Seivlcej/’ worked out, these great things, ; They;f l ' Comipcniirig on this t] are gracious things ot/the V u God., vvho, while dealing witJb/msdiVv'/ W'e urh assared that anger for our | diie word of trutlt ia t._ roinembercd mercy. It has seemed about confession, ic. I ' tomefcfitand proper that they should ■ % Spineer Kellogg ftVown. wbpse be solemnly, reverently and gra cful- caBt} is mdntionodi kvas the son j ro wiV county, and voice, by; the whole American Tdhk. He enlisteillm the arnv^ P o ? l> f' 0/,v ... . . yhrnlCr Gcji.Lypn iicffifil/apdremain - °> therefore-,^ jnvite my fellow I e( j in active was ta pitizcns in ath parts, of the United i kon pHso'ncr off . poa Hudson August States, and also those whp are at sea,! u, 1862. IHe had been hih 'the acrvice ppd those who are,,so-joui-ners; in for r j of - the uiJder Admiral f;«" ‘f^ 9 ’ $ 801 1 Foote, and was ombonrd tjie> gunboat The Jjast Thursday or- November | Essex, Cpmmodore.Porter, that a vessel cotp nil tied such a havoc upon who j l 0 famous rebel rara v ; tfie -Arkansans.— i tVi? n jy . re ‘! He ed prisoner of war pite.offenng j while tjdilroySng a rebel • ferf-v boat iraise] just.y nC ar Port; Hudson, Aug, 14iL, .iiindj lar deliver-j undcu protection! of a boat’f*'' ey do also, j C rhw of forty meii, through whose P a F i cowardich, it is alleged, ifie Vas taken isobeaipneo.' ■’ ■ and made prisoner. > There was an re aU ncinaturaP. paired felt toward all dh j orpliaus,oi board/the 'Essex, ancf young Kellogg! laP?intablei wda, . treated witih each great ire uiiftvpidji- indignity that Porter held AV Plx 'Villi’ pfScers as bdstageefor his .of the nation,'-=a.iid restore' it,’ as soon M**j [as may be consistentwith 'siiduld be| treated a« prisufir i purposes, td Toe full enjoyment 6l tliOab. five [men tree, and have ; peace, -harmony,. triqquiHl^. arid beedeschiingod. while aslant oflif I union. \; ' ; - Iri ’ ' cer hung on;,the nnfdririded/charj>e !Jn testimony-whereof, I hayo.nercun- 0 f being ai spjfj- For-over., a year 'lie (£ set my. hand, and cansodi thi.seal bas been, kept fts a at of the United States to.be |ifl\xocl. in KicHnsoiid, and td- Dono- at,; the *ity ;of VVasb|rigtoh, day'Miis, ijit'hor; now this day. of October, jin the j business, hears; through ihe ilifehniopd year 6% oi|r Lord one. thousand !,p :l [jer , tJiat iiis son, was executed •'on eight hundred and iuxty three, a'rid Friday T : 'i V V • of'the Independence 1 ol ,Uie tlnithd. • tVbal addsTo the outrage and c®*, States, the eighty-eighth. ..\j , *£'■• 1 amity' is | the assurance - Goneral- A. LiNCor.N. : irntleclv, given usjate as Sfqncl'ay la^|: f VTF m. 11. Seward, Secretary of State #a»_REy. Samuel Wakefield,sp i called, wto.was a member of the -lastl iLegislatUro froii movclaud fepun- j ty, is on« of the most infamous cop perheads ipthe State.. He .lately, be-, cause lias daughter, a. Mrs. ! ilass],<ir, .-refused to. allow persons to : sit; at: ? bcr table wearing buettrnut brqgatpiqa,' sent her word that be did not wish id see her face miiil she had changed .her politics—injdiber words.tint.il she-hud become /atj ( efteraj' to thcUniotn This man Wakefield made himself exceed ingly obnoxious■ and offensive jlfo dpt, cent men during the last Legislature, j When the question of freedom was al- i laded to, or anywcfcrenco was- made! to the horrors ;ofvslavcry,dtring which j it became necessary- to appeal to the i justification of God forj.be course ifj loyal men, this itnpiojis hypocritd! would-answer dhat the Legislature ofj Pennselvania “was not,convened to Icgislale for God." He voted ;on all! questions against the war, against, its brave defenders j and wo have a sub lime faith nohlothcaf{fed i daughter, whom he notified not to stow her face at bis house; will: find a home of gloryj in it world hereafter, in which her hypocritical traitor fa-l thor will occupy a, very dark hole in a very warm pit. , ' _ . !■ WasbinotoN’s Toast. —Just after the clone of the Revolutionary war, God. Washington, at a dinner whet c several of his. officers I were present, save as a toast: V : g‘ -- 1 ■ *The American Soldier of Freedom: May he at all .times secure a good and plentiful ration; and when- ho; baa fittr (shed his tear of duty on earth, may he pitch bis rent in the Elysian fields, at d tb ere receive his i 'reward. frOm the right hand;ot the God of Battles." jisrGen. William Preston, one! of GoneralB wounded at the Chickamjuxga battle, was the Jbrmtr T 7.; toflpain. ■- ,i-C ■ --- 1 !. 1 [ ;i' 11 . *&ir "" * i IVA ‘ Ki 11 jfe<c f mmm A Bstdbiisiie '• -A'» V.jT-t.—•• - '' to life’fiu[hcir of; the nMmlered ls political. .Pray, hoi£:" that shbalfl bolprotoetefl, is ir<to ilfftiet Who-,' gnpjihd ior his execution, :.willlbe prevehtedfrdD^oting.fbrwhom: .and it lie ' theßuspeneionbfthe tice w,as.-®von; that Tetalmtionr would j* . ,$• . J ) •!' . ' . follow,, su^h vi ;in act ;of brutality; but '**’**■ >»- natura however, that the assuhijivcc came too late, as the of tbo Copperheads should mourn over, ficer -was executed on .-.Friday, three the suspension of .the %/tbeas corpui.r- ; boft)i|o the interview. he gov- Jt ensures the prbpmt Sllingup-of the element Wad been made aware of this ,1. , - , £ . „ ■ peculiar case! before, ’bbt that,delay i which ut jtinies becomes so .criminal' ’f 1 tlve nclcl, and rnay turu from made the final] appeal top late.,, V his ;purposo to ‘‘driven Meade', into It is srjurpe of groaiconsolaUon, Washington,”- and: thus . “raise the that this ybiing prepared spirts of} the Democrats,Wnfiym for bis -dooni., In. alp his .e(tcra, .tlmldi• ■ give' confidence to the home of aeptenaher and,.October of ‘ U, u". . , V- • ''4l u ' ■ last ini-letters' received *as wavem.tr: ’ but to loyal late as. Ju y, 1803, ho wrote to "his apdto the war-worn veterans inutile family that hej wasjreadjj and willing ranks, it give's hope, and joy, fofr it to die. ]J. -il ends tho occupation of quibbling, Wo nndsfsland that there is a deep cowardly traitors.T # ■ feeling of indignation manifested: by Vr • 1. ■ £ A y 4 • General Com. Porter-and P H Rieli. other officers atr thm, outrage. Tho mond Enqvirer ortho - Mat ult.; says s' rebel government may be sure ; that _ Tho p r g Be ut: position of military at. such acts Pf atrocity will be revenged. fairB p^ sentB W'vory encouraging Pn th.scaso the pfficeivwas very popa- p r o 9 pek' We'see military. Unis dail/ ; lar, binch beloved and very serviccblo. £h an^i„g;. a -|r d ever against us; Stato after State overran; the. onetny, as it: were, ever, gaining ground.. Wo have been ' repulsed from Pennsylvania;. driven ffdm Tennessee,, Mississippi, and Arkansas land \ .Mis souri are all nearly overrun. Tho physical prospept of the bat little bright iand encouraging.' ■ Gen. Butler on the War.^— Gen. BntltfcV opinion as to the manner iii which the | war should be prosequted is given in! his letter to the Springfield (Illinois)'rimss meetings as follows i • '‘‘Compromises are impossible, save between equals, in right. Eeorganiza tion or reconstruction is alone useful when vicious parts ate ft) he left out; Amnesties are for individuals,notfor oK ganized cohimnnitica. Therefore pros ecute the war, bring every part of the country into submission lb‘the, Haws of the United States; then there will be no place, for rebclJioUjnoparties for compromise, no locoaaion for i rfcoon *trnc.tion,and clemency may b* shown, and' amnesties' offeiMte.individual citizens. Who desire, tbenw is there aay other way to restore the Union?” ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ .'3x~ ~ .r~ ,~ v '~-f . - i ~ r f .t •■3*: 'll’ 11' t - i •••/.' *• f, NM= t Vjf.' Tllf ; ; —7 f \ a— ' ■ ■ i. - '•Tj-:- *■ ' A 1: ,1 .• i' MEM ■i* • ia.iB piSew York- I’l ■ therf is not io J NOTICE TO ftDVERTIBOrn£ Adtite titeaenrt cent* per sqnarc-i«ach ' 25cebts.' A'lilwffct lißeotmt^faeie-tA yearly fcd T ertl*«pii, and oclongadTertiagmepts. '•"■■: ■ A «pic« feqnaliei tmn ftu&f this type measured as a square: ' , IJS> grr Special notices 35 per cent, addition to ireg- ' War rates. • ‘-.V* " • card*, ?6 cents and pwths, of a public mUur*, /r««i ' \ • The bf a; , ■: ; We have sometimes seen a *Kttfe ■ coffin, like a casket for all alone by itself in a lingo'hearse, piel- ; £>r.c h olyw i thpl umest anfl gbomy os p.frowrf, and Wo kayo thought, not sd should wo-aaepnljjiiny those a little- . way' .who -go in the morning.Wo : .have wondered why they did not take the little coffin into the camagawith them, and lay it gently on their laps , —tbo‘sleepei tuoro lulled to rest with out® .bosom .or a cradle We iiairb wondered What Use there/, was for tears in such a going in the yearly - morning from home to' home—like lair'white, doves with, dowdy brings emerging from nether idg.ht, tering;for entrance aU the windows ijf • heaved.•, Jfover - has there : 1 hand wanting lov take the, wanderer in. and sh fit out the darkness and tliO storm. Upon tliCso. little fachs ic novcf seemed to'iis thutjDeath should " place his great . seal. TherqUno thought of the charnel young listeners to the inyiita.tidn,, ;; whoso acceptance wc are boadd;,"dot tSs^irbid; there should be morning songs, and hot sighs *i' and not badges, of mourning j dd-tfihry.f' nor elqads.-but hright faces and4r3ghti dawning* together. Fold up' tho ■ white robe; lay aside the forgotten toy; smooth the little unpressed pil low. and gently smile as you think of the while, rai nicht, of" tile harp < f gold, and of the fair brow 1 with its v diadem ,of light;smile as'yoti. think N that no y ears can inake'that mera<%y old.. An eternal guileless child, wait ing about the threshold pi Paradise's for the.-codilng- friends ftofe;jhome.— y Here the glad tips would quiver with 7 aiiguishi, v the; bright . curls growing grizzled and . grayy the youngheart weary and old—but there, changeless . as the stais; and- young ksv,the last , new morning/" How r.many .of these V ; littles ones thcre must-.be ir< heaven gathered up'froni'ail crimes, even from lieatlion Bhoyos— died ’seKyonng as to retain no tpcmnry of ;nnd. to wdiom thojwodd of*' glory-srfems ns their.natrvo|laiid. - v * ■ " • jHumoßs of --fitiE " !Op-< n phene- C. Kftrrj the historiographenof v the Mackeral Etjigade, while, lately approaching iheiCapiU>liaii. City, en hounlered a hiMOr^orrather*. in his own words: ■ VVheh very’near tbo pity, on niyi-re- \ turn I met a chap weighing ‘a* bou.t 225 pound*,'who ivas on hi.* way L ip a lawyer's to get exemption from * duly fixed. ; ‘‘See here, my patriotic; invalid.’’ ':<i saj-s Isiceptieally;‘'ppw do 3-611? Coma •. to he exempt ■ f ' _\ c , “I am ,cxfe'mpt,’ ? a^pro^V, foundtj- riiolaoelioly manner, ‘.‘because I amjniffet heart./' >a true,” eavs fto, . Wally,.. “X : asked-ltb6 Jyenimjftf ray'll didn’t Care ,to ; do was ‘enough; 1113- heart is broken, and 1 ani not an able-. bodied man.” . Draftfhg, niy boy, isiof a natafjvto develop the seeds of [dicase pi'the hitherto healthy human system. - 'l-' . ; Who DoesfJit ’v Tbo Copper!; eads' are distresffed tj, suspension' of i\io. iafd dedlare'.jlliatlthe real the- -,v?r . 1 v " . Dayton'! .(Ohio) Journal ■ gives the following sciontfiic definition Of Greek-fird: “A subscriber asks tts^.^Wb*^} - Greek fire f" It is an uncohsjtutipn-*' al, composition, compounded by diabolical. Yankee . abolitionists* for - the express purpose of tjistressiog. the a friends of the peace Democracy. ■ Its - ' immediate effect - will be to give,Bpau-» • regard , and the Charlestonians, a fora* taste of what may befall them after.* .; tilh- Ifi lii ;1 1, ,% _,'.~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers