E TTA'y HJEt 'AE GUS ! '. ' - - .. - * " "fo? ~.fH ■ / •""•■ : '; sE :^''' "' ; :; 0 - ; v--.■ . t ; f- -■ Vr-iiXi..-:H' i- notice to advertisers. ' : Wednesday, Oct.‘ 7, 1863. jj \ ‘. ■' I ;.' ’‘" ’ : ;ts D. L. IMBfIJE, Editor:* Proprietor. | TERJVrS~^ xr - Uollj-R and Tinr Cents ] j»t ar.nunvJV a:>vas('E otherwise Two Dot- j - ■ f irs *ni be obatyJfo j~;>er dlscpnlinntd J \ [urilii all-arrearage^|re settled. - ■' 1 ~f. ggr I ofloraand 'fcommunioaliooe, by mall Igtnll have prompt attention Tv m e r 3P' a"bl e . Quarterly -Statement of Bank off NEW-YdRK f RtBUNE FICPI^RIENdJB ■h Beaver County. j huh iuiiouiw,. ■“ ■ ' "* ; ■ Bbiohios, Aug. 5,u?63. j .Tiih-.-Sew-Yoiik Tribbse, first I*) W '<>»' CapturA S^j^cfy^pated - in its twenty-second 1 *** Same under-protest t»- ioo fin years, has obtained both alargerandi .oujfemtg m r..-; 5-20 6^cr a cent; couiwn4>onds. 82.50 u 00,i a more wide)}* diffused circulatiqu.th&n ’ p\. ■' i !V*i' | S. 7 3-10 per cent, tresis, notes.. 4,850 oo i any other newspaper -ever published ! ThornnsJTaft., a. Bepgejtnt.Vo.tne 2“*lb Ihic from other bank5.^......4^. j..; . 287 73. m .America. Though ItThas Buffered, j cw Yo fk 7 Vol ihi leers,., W Si' Av iis -™ n Sr^ur V<m ' 3and 51 1C ! ln conundD with other journals, from ( &«£ y*. CoFn Tnviinlt....'.... "'.."’i.” 6 840 83 Abe Yaljintecring- and departure of I bur^^and fee- 1 Furniture and offiee fixtures!"!"'.-. 1.058 93'tens of thousands of its patrons to 1 .Usafectl frtfm.- prlMm\fe]He|jn^d ( , 'fur-. Goisu r ~ . ■ Current expenses...... i....:,.;.... 4W) 38 serve in ithe War for the Union, its I nisii«s an interesting accofiiit ,:pf bis > . : rrotcstaccouut..;......-.....;...Wt circulation-on this 6th of December. | experience while in from 1 *£\- ~ ' U'• V'N ''L'Vwtos.i 18 ®Vfca9fonowa; ‘ i* l *"* we extract the followifig,'using ,- y >• , :.;...5:20 r. a. I - iTiabiliiks. . J ’! !>hlS o,wn language : ■ '..rt. i:v. -J. N. McCPLLbt’GH,* I’rct l. , Capital stock paid in. J-.-. 5 9M7ft 00 I Jemi-lVeekly.... f. I! MYEIiS. £?ea'i Ttket Ancm. ■ _ I-Notes in ' 1. irj.t (Ki Weekly... : , * ' • f Due dep05it0r5:.'...........5.*2101.479 uy , I'iTTSI FT WAYNE & CHICAGO It. R. J One the Comnnmwenlth.Af.. 2,1-32 42- Aggregate ~...„2t0,875 . . j Profits earnings... 7 1 Bl \ i t-cramtfntly a of Kew.s ami Rochester Station —Ooi:;ii Ka==t. *i;il4 to f ol Literature, The TmfcuxE has pollti * L:-ivcs K»chcsier Arr. atTitta. ; ; o,'jw -w ,■ cm convictions wind) aji'O well charae b\l x V>-t £j ■■■'* ' ; $201,420' 50 ' j terlzcd bjthoAin^e^roW ■ V v r. v. i t-hat thelrt^o^attm^t V - *; %I r. st. j correct According to the best ;ot’ my knowledge^ truth that • -'God has t.Hi .'.-ti ;;-25 a, jj ■ aII 4 ~(- ‘hcf.; Euwatip lloors, Cusii’r. iittOjh of one blitod all nati'ons of men” 1" • ?*#*•'. Aa-:ncd me, this Cth ; —lJciVblican rl-Hu ilbSertion -of the , uay S " S T. p | C'ldu! ami insUieuablo rights- of till m-tm. “ _ . —— : i —l— : men to "Hfe. liberty, aud.the; pursuit -, -i’v v“, m ' - The- .Eye. . jof bappuiVss”—Republican I.ini its ... !;.;2 a. x vr .'T\’R..p. it. si’EEK, Ua} I’vr- -I I’iti-burg,' uaiHjebtf defiant hostility to t4 - <•■ ?i-* .|_/rc»ht;nues t-j dinrutc .-pici.;! jii:eniion. ns ty-cry scheme and■ ctYort“of the (Slave ■ ir? m*.— '• '• »•• J..uc..op-tlk- 1.i.-trtuisj-ravpj e»r», to PtUvei - ; fnirn tlro\| f nnexati<-ii-or Texas l , -» r..». f.i lil in'l|mri M „( “"I"'* «» MKI «ldlj| vn, icst; ;.i;v. sept .E. i>- ; eiit.i.ri ta.iy i.i- sjatcjltbhi. imKiir-t the ccu • t ‘*° rosouretss.oi our country for its'j .2 ■ ■ V - IU.L discsws-ut tliejyye arc Cataract,.where QWJI a^irrirndizeinent —■Kep’ublieui) in j rr c -TATngRNAL REVENTJE ~f il * i - , lsV Cu Wi in.-u-.nl oi Mack, itsantas'onishi It) the despots of the] ~N ■ “ *r: ‘ ■ - ■ are, (he i.eal.bv cy cv: Optbaimia Vt.-rygium, Qlil World, who fondly i l\il lin the 1 . ‘ >j. u, it ic? Mi.ti I-flu;*,.frt>j!i ;nrtrtnii!ihU'»n, i _*; » t i\ .1 . iNrrvms t !.o C'e.laimt.ies smulei.to thrust !S:rab:.s!n'u J ':...rCrii..K V ;l Kve-. Invcrsfon ef the :U f ,on ,IS •»>* t hor American cOunter ■iKJuß-Viat tut, Au. Via: Hye-liu,-.- *J-s.-ti:la. I.avla.vmali«. * ]»art the i»Vcrthro'V till -1 ruin (it^the A Ari.,-.i*i.u-Atrt’-ie n.y Aor M< del i.J’ejiuhlic—i’epuhliean in.''its ‘"r’ 'ir’rr. i ’’ ■ ”% ’ ■ f'Ti 0 - '■"'"h ripe' 4ftjd tru.-t. it.; faith,-ami effort. -r.-r-or-urob'-ok-rt :be !n . I;al;t,ts (Tp u-.ti.-- a:;.l rn; - u .T! , • Ni ■-.-...-n u.r tbo in- clir.-iti-yftar-r.m.uiin: all ca-v.-e-in v. l-.icnti-e 1!,,Sl !,,S VJwil'.un II.USt i- ei I,- aiie:-,-1 in i-r;n 1:1 the signal. ovefllun.W- of its i! V n.-i-.-.i. . ]•!.»•.tors, ami tlie-Jinn establishmonl !.n . V.-i jn.. ;-g„r. short sipMe.l- • ol eijua! noiitsanii equal laws throuoh -i; j.'’.ft.'V’iVr- 'C' V's’ '^ 1 c, -‘o- le- out the v. Dole extent of our eounify; 1 ' •^\i'..Vfe:^l^vJto;'s.'V«aaineha a .. Jan;c 6 - i;!- 1' ) ti “ITtbt rty ,-ind Union shalp ihj ■•.PatJcrs.}B»^s-3.' •_ - , .oe.-r ij.e •■one.tniii inseparable henCer ... . -- - ---. forth ami forever. >5 . a ■ " ; i '1 hk Tkibunk devotes attention 'i'n 4 T Itn.lgoVajcr tllass Work-— f U ! ,*.rcs-;aiid, ealnnir tniies, :tnd to some extent in , l’aitui bating them iu la.-gv or Jtliese, to Ediicuiioh, Tomporanee, A». s=>\V V-Ur IV P- r,.V.- 'h-Esen-.i Rt,'tbe works or la- i m,t ."?»er to the spiritual and, ‘ J s i “j,-, 7 *■-, , * =*"■ ’ * ■ hfii iV'.nii tjtci'c hy iue oiiiij-cnv. < ■-’ 7, - .y-,,.r ... jo* r r - ; r.\ i Udl &. Ct>., ; nimihiud : hut-fir the present us cheis .7. -,v • -tTTANTEP I'„i l tn,.j u.r 'ih- dolivorr U■ if *-,' p,I*l 1 * 1 ‘l’’-V ul '. IUI! ‘ S !U0 . In ; ui ' , e l l'‘* U , V-' • ' * E K'r 5 • ~ito, w., r ;-', ( r 1 l and -suect^s ~ i.Xte i.a-j- „i,Vr ye-W ikli AMy. ~r as- o 1 ,lie ') ar f<j.r tne I‘llipn. It,ss}ieehil “ iii-K'dlier c iiiir.tl;! -eta. t-a cfroctcd : ;:'or C'Or: L* s i)')iid' a£'U'*nijp;niy CVOI'V . •. 1,1 * tj Cl gojfl coal perday.— lei :t !>(? aT-jmv and jvport every t t..;.b H , ieke b2>“| »:.»’•>;tant int-i<ii-!iV,ol llmto‘rea(>tni«- - ..)Vtu Ist \iiAi“t.-“is.:a °' •iJi.K W,»!ehr.we-'j,rust (o r'csult in the ~ »■ , ■ , r *. . , .' b ;f —-— : —; 2 a:pl eomdusive triumph, of the i 'ie >■•-. any .-Aa -liVib- 1 ' • Wanted', 1 National .arms.aind iri the restoration t,c-;d ■ J, *. . |A.)L *t reel- saci s acphjße desire a,”! ! ’° !U e Thrift to -our .Hstri)'- .IVashiiifion, i’a.j Oct. 1, 2 undo 18’i3: IJ? Cotrespondchcc .with as *»— >- i ouw-.ii-..- ; A,- ■- p-;. Oct. 5, 0 Mi;i 7, Istl.i; ] i'7' - t J s-*-r,.t'ii... CGs. j! . 12 I-.:, s 14. . i -''i.ie f>m. u.aki:.g -..is ..1 n u-udn ar.i.ng , of the progress and eharae i iy-', a, vb- r.-. i add ;7, I-','.. 1 ’'" 1 tor .‘ ft - Jii-'inciitous ■ conflict, be ! An---all aiuat i-o in -mimg.‘ay.l must Anj,. ,, tM it-'iUrrisoN ” i-Br ‘' l) btalned than ihrouoh the regular V.....-15,.., .11 Jr ... Ih.ug re.- : i:ns-.,!-'im:r.u.i*, •.-•llivv cVot-kur"- cr ■■John pu.'Utsal '.'f our columns. ' alrtd we r ’ " .J 1 ' ■ yC . “ ~ - -“'-1*, 10....nav ■ ' i-■'.. ; ianmsllv solicit Mi O' co-operation of : nto- ... J.' t ii leiky „! !2 i : 4g. 8,1 L'iv. 2l«t uMlrit-ni’.. of the National cause, which r *• ; i'l F. T - ' i *JL _ _y we regard ami ', uphold as that of • ) A-i r. 1 4L-ist;ic2:i, • A' j >.M IN Is j’ n.\'.J! i It’S ! Utuvcrsal. Humanity, to aid, us in ex- TtV-r-sirrtriu,• •• . ■ itoudine its circulation. . . .It !tr,,vi.A.s Jcvif-rs «f .»duums.t ration on , 9 '.'l’Pl'Mt! ~ •- -'. ~7~7. ljr.o.vsLi IF the oslnio o! luo.'l.is N. Tiioens-i ' ; . IJalv-lis. A , -'75 ~ .-I -in .■ia;rniieofi ll dein-!:JcrftSEtp..Heaver enduty. ,■ riie-enorinoUSjjllCreastdill the .price , 1 NEW --' -i 'd' 1 ' V- 1 ' ■ i---.a toc .afnty gr,- into, 1\; tlie uij-?'of pi inline i)Ul|er slid olliet materials • ;- f -*,ir- l7> 'i7-r, -0.-/.1l jhm .i. ? .nJvbit-j losanl cstajiC.- use*,!, in prnitint; ncwsiiivpers. compels : V V- &1 m Oiff S.;V “ V :{.r ip i«.r.ase^he.prk- f ; l .;f,T-H t 7 Tiu v• i vv . ■ ■ 1 1.-f-ec !u?;i{p»;.*;hi* mf v,i\\ pro- v * I i• - ■ s. M mom :’e O.ei -ntic.-c 1 ;-r < >nr new terms are ; , • f ; v‘ -i =l,l W : d ; c’ir— : '-i’ ■ -'.le -meat waa-iatJetay; - ; I ".8T ~ I idAUiV TUIifUJiK. ' *iiCst- itr.rii f.a -- j &VMK.>&TEUMNf«, \ssn.dc Copy.-...- Gcynts. ' fficu -i uiriiiitfl-f A<in- r. . Ma:i year, (oil issuesh-...55. ’ -'•Ttoi-epa- - '-SKMI-WKRKLW TRIBUTE. * kn.en w J ; r l h-rrenri.iy- . , i i,.\ J Of. *\OllC-L.. 1 line C.use ye.U' ,le4 i $8 • in -N.-hnn-.j T, FYIEItS of Uibdnisfmibtioii;!..- esiat.sof: toe r-p K-s. one year rTF..;..- ■ beforo pur- , j _j Kesry llwj.vc.Male of Raccoon tp„Rea-'' Foe.(’opu-s. one year....,..,. ...*l2. - ..tt-pido-; d, having been granted to the un- i n f ~ JP I O3 one y ea 7 522 50, -ierigned. ail persons indct-iocMto -aid estate An ««» copywi’d be sent to chibs of Iwcn __ arc requested to make immediate payment, and j*Y and over.^ t —, ,—, "per - : ~ ’-hose Jiarnig gainst paid estate j will | AN KEIvIeY TRll'lTXl'j; —lOi'—’-IN.-. , - ' present thein loathe subscriber properly au7 One Copy, one year (52 issuesp.j S 2 , V IP t vld A* ■! theutieated for acttlensent. , , ! Three Copies, . olu- vear. So ‘ . , -S] b ’ . i-JAMESJf. EWING.:, iFivefooplcs; one year...........;. ...„...S8 •• . ( - V .;.■•■ SJ - - r pug. 10-'f.S. ■. Administrator. :■ Ten Copies, or.o year .....Slo ‘‘From the, time .W;e crossed the . EYE-eUtons-*XOTlUEr ■■ r" A -“* v J al 7' ,r ‘'" lll^y< r "'Mrrssed to: river it vtos belore they [gave .=r, ato. -1... mafcwhcturef -»-« xu-vi-tV 1 ' ! - - • ,jjm.vt» of stif-eot ihcn. c|,-jC» each. cal ajtaihv. The sicond I. %-u-res. ~4atTfeefs4- uni He.FEAb on Jbe iCXlto CO]n* Will he SOlltl to CVOryb dub di , v ft f ter we left Marllesbuto WO ar r. -i.- kf c t Tbr-ft'-ne 01 Josr.rn V.im-i.tadate .if Marion' nf ton : , h - - . - .... A , 0 I •., r « “r-V;V' towhship Betm-r ctseiiv. adE?d. listinrteha ’tti , n 1. / , , rived at W inehester, Mnrty-four tides .... fe' 9 1 > F«u:7Tto' .thd unJersignedf%i : pers.otodm 1 Iwcn ‘y : Cpjmo.B, fo one tuhhr.s?. oufe. from t'x- Po.tomac, wfterc Jwe iJaltcd civ of Vlufc' cn -4he ea«t Se of estubp ace requested to i 3’ ear « ai, d. DUtilaorT-at.: jfiir-UiU: day. j n . Hero' tlioy gave US' *i»jo etc., eariV’.eti at ar hou-'e; '“‘'tydmlo payment, abd those having claims tsame price. All extra copy V. - i;t he-' q ual { 0 f fiour and a half 1 poutiil of 7;:!.V. dr.^n(-irodskuisoii’e P ro^crl F sent to clubs of tufenty. T.FelJhs'of fresh beef for two days. >Tln- |noxt h.:7:tv,n.'' ._ |7 r -, j “ , , us " ‘ iipfyxiv pniLI AH toi’ ty THE SEMI-\\ h.EKL'N TRI- j jay we started for Staunton, ninety .. it i., ,Bj.fTH y -j Aufv .o s> -C3, ' ; * EieeilVoro nl'i-J' m ■ ll(t 3 r i;. two miles distant, which we reached ■ . ——; — 7- 7r-. -.; fi‘s UA-I; 1 :E will be sent' fn five days, arrivilm there on thd 18th . , S3O. Employment. $lOO gratis . of Jtily. ‘ j ■ B- MERCER i ; l Address THE TRIBUXE, .; . V . U. -S-, rr 1 I COMMERCIAL AGENTSWANTED Tribune Buildings, Now-York 7 fTueik treatment ank sCpfer.no.- kVaj. h;a., :,rj.r*.-v; D. n. A‘-1 ’TIiS .- ! ’‘NVe wore then talteir two mile? ■■ tv'-. -pL ’-v - ~ i“ ' I.) A iV / l.i r"> ' > When drafts.can bo procured il Is,'south of l! o town. tYberc wo [were * 7'” C ' lIA5 *- ’ - , - ‘ ;■ ■(A XEty. KNULA2HO t. much safer than to remit Bank, BiUs/f uriTrched in sinff.lc file up to a pair qf CLEVELAND & PITTfiHL'EQII, IL. R.' Beaver citation—Got.no East. - ■ dw. 20, 18CS.— A*'-rrr tf*/: :/r:rj 7* /** * a. Arrives at'Pittsburgh, 9:10 i. M. \:fr> ?. ■ *•’ - ; 3:20 r. m. ! *:- r. a:*" r * .. - £:osr. a.. .v.-x ' i .M CM V.leVr s -JVntV.'u Malt. . ' r.:.0.- \F.v r Lfv.c- r A c ci 1 • i. "*i W. . ; ? m i- '» f MaU. 4 MWM ESE fop .1863: ^: =_ to ■U 'l i - TU ■ \ *r‘.t I-' .Air. , -'r* -v: u; Vr:u :l. Li-.' Tii.Vr.'.'i T.. 1 MS- ?th‘z* ... =BEE i, :t *. fi. t - I- 4 - • ;;1- IV ;~ ..n. I'.;,i;~i ’7 vr-v^i: BSI SS'-.f C"jifl.L ;T is: i;:o.n'S. Pa. W • ■;;, i I ! :V« , . V r .„ ■ >• -v V:> ‘ v ji d&\\ l>. 3 ;• ,. •:...n::r1:t . .1 1. 'CCvlutiOv,. i _ Beuver, Seiumary, _;<c. P. Crr-jjnxs. M_. D. 1 Maim fa cturing C omp any. I TliEname of. the Post-Office and] 'I I A JJ 5T of fourteen Trfcts-'opecsom j WILI- GIVE A COMMISSION OF j Stafeshould, in all eases be "plainly ; * tfce lir-t day of .September. |\y one hundred per coat. on all poods ■ written. , r j " S R«ei, er • ?uJ i soli bj car Agents, or we will pay wages of! Subscribers 'who send money bvJ i from * 3o '- W ““‘M*! w all nc- Ex p must .ntwpay the EximaV ror - ' , *» 4 '*iru - i i * *• V- . i .' f ‘ r si B. JiEKCLK.' lieaTer/p*. ! whb stamps , • - ■ ‘ else .it will|bo deducted from-/ sap!2:lt - ; - ...!•• CHAS. EtIGGLES. Gen. Ag'l. liiie.remittance., ! , J For the Adams,Manufacturing Co.. Hetriot, j TllE TniBLNF. AbMAXAC FOE i 1803 j MicUigacu, ■ 'Jaiy 2, lst>2. - j will bo really about .'Christmas. | E L E'C T•SC II O O Riceetsox, I’ittsb‘g ■ r ~~ ' ~ r- Ojiens r.loudeC\ r f Sept. 28th 1 3IILLER& RICKET.SO*7 j T Jnioil ~ ;Hotel s ” '.rsSS.,l ~, , _ j nts hbusc, in a complete and siilhsfactoryman-! ; Brandies, Wines and Segars, ' n«r, an | . ... . i * OYSTER S A LOO'S, rh-J.jL JN _ ; J±r‘iX;-JL !; * U ‘ ! where (be beet-quality of.Oystera. may-bo ob ' - . -*• 't* - ' ; . PIIISBcKG, Pa. I tained during tbeir season, in any desired DRESS-AI AKI> t G i l- roa > Nails, ton Varn, kc. lt &.c., constantly 1 style. Families can be furnished trith Oysters, Mils, z MrtVvoxr< ii' on hand. 'V [ang'O by the can or dozen. The table isfurnished tbe public tb a tsh aP reniirrl ?* r ■ ■■ ■ ' W with all fit? luxuries the PITtSBUBO MAE .£?* mu h^vi:,feAW j . ,■ . - inn ,he n c, °n -&?■'/&**** -S'rr ist : I Solicited, j deelT ” ts' ' >B wljifa she in- ( she is supposed to be *J>tmt A years old. i IK j *¥)BS-KSIVEB, Scissors,, Guin Hair Pins, awTtnv;- f .V 1 !' 01 ' 0 f icr customer*.. A con j owner is requested td‘come forward, prove ; J Purses, Port Monaie*, : Necdles,TwoeltrB, tfcwlofort Rber-. j property, pay charges a,nd (ike ' Pencil-aTiarpniere, Fvool Cotton, Thread, nlfrv-'p respeetfa!ly solicited.. tbtfierwise she will be disposed of recording-to | Pins, &c., fer sale at the Drug Store of* ■ • ■ 7 -b r’--4t. . ilnw. ' SAMUEL SHILLITO. j seH.' BBIC. P. CUMMINS. HOOKSTOWN j). W. SCO'j'f. I’nnrrpd. .s i> ► txa; '»'■ li :\i. I'-.i ». «i .y .>r *;■ 1,..t j W i ; : 1 *i A\ :o. t. j. Air..r.:, .V <-U.r.'C.>t (V. W. vT.VM Ilea* *i" '_*i' f jw,n ji.t. f ilh-n.n Vol. 39-N" o- 39. : ■ ■ 1 e * , _L L ....... 50.125 17.250 ......118,000 i.. ' - THE MARCH TO RICBMi "We left the field of Getl the 4th of July, blurting ‘oi Staunton, two hundred tnili r 7^ We readied Williamsport do; u a . lomac, oil the sth of July.,/Here we had an opportunity of, means by iTr-uiging across supplies to tlnSi'-aigty. The only tiling they had to fttpssvvith was an old ferry boat that vfAS forced across the river by the ourreQf. This boat would carry about is&ty men at a tur.o., They were all ?b tie day and nearly all night takiiigjfii/dvdf—. doout three thousand in mndber. The rebels had bridge river two (hc|eo [miles below Williamsport, htitouj'Cavalry had destroyed it a lew dayjsjfcefojre we. poached the river/* BetweMl : Hagers town and Williamsport passed over ground that hut a feWe hours fere, had been the scene of a bloody en-’ gageiucnl between Stuart^sjdayalryahd a small force of our cavalryfuhdci 1 Kil- j pat riel;. - . The nth New Ydtb ware in liiia engagement. The and | horses?- - were still lying pif thej, held where they foil; all the officers, and roeeii’lstrip thc rebels, • ' ~-j i riln. - ‘■The next' day river,we marched iiiTcep hfife.p'. tii rbugii .M art i nsburg,"wH{»frds | out exception,, the xaojs£ pai plat e I ever saw; Pliiliielph nothing when compargd it people told ns to keep.p'b|m6B*i age, ior the ~s surprised to hear this from , pie living in Virginia. There h i whole brigade of rebels eriCampej ! hi id around the tbwn, at the litije] , by ti.eir showing^uspsympal!^'; | people' were not? only endaiigl their properly lip I their very I i The ladies had cut and buttered.v j baskets ot‘ broad,, and,/ had sot |i | along the sidewalk til be handed j as we passed. | •‘•Hcfiiro " ; o reached -the towii guards had received orders to baj tin l ri ; -t"man who slopped out d: raid;.- to get anything froiu-Uio J c‘Ui-J zyns, aim the 'cavalry guard wbojw’cre | outside of the infantry were ordered | to shoot down ■ ahy citizens who' at- i tenipted to give its Anything to eat. I In spi'e of this, there were two or.) three cases w hei;eyoung ladies walked j right between t/h'e cavalry guard (who j had lheir sables drawir’ieady to strike) and ', gave prisoners bread, There' was man enough left.ip Hie raganiuffius not to.strike a woman., bnrsjhero we found two officers, sur rounded by guards, to search us j they I0yi» all arms, i lanjo knives, tcr.iH, rubber, blankets and canteens, then turned’ns into the field like a lot: of cattle. Ilcre wo were exposed to a Virginia aud,'for but’ chv small tree in the field of about two acres. For five su'ccesdyd day!® we had udnayy shower. in ihoVaftcnioon ; I eaclrtirilcrl was wet to the skin,and had to remain so r uniil lithe sun rose the next,morning a'ivd dried my wet clothes | The .nights were so cold that we could not, sleep on the wet ground without blankets, so wo were oilKged; to walk all night tokccp warm. The}’ gave qs one pint of flour ajid ajpicce of hacbn about one and a half ipchoa. equate, all' covered with’ tJtijfnnhi whiejr, with a little salt, cthisjitutcd our idaily ratiortSi Wc sufi’ejed in 1 this manner Hill the fourth.of Angust, I when they searched us I gfeenpacl^B, , |and took all the;money they [could find obontns. Then wewere shipped for Richmond on -some’dirt cartjj with an old catlle box ofmhfengino do hauk 118. ;., .. •' ~.i. . ’ 'V'" IS PRISON AT RICHMOND. “We arrived at Richmond o 7,t morning, of iA ugust sth; ” we' were jpafcledthrough the city to tho to? [bacco warehouse, v'horo wo. were ['stowod away; about throe hundred: * I, Mtp c n,a flooivivith^four small wind- ■iv owe. at each eiid tp. let in the light and j L . air, and. Wore ikimlly t aid by the'guard c , -tbaf the iriatf Who puf' hii“head ,V, out of the wihdoiv w< nl d bo shot;— \Ve wore t vo’ days and a cc nightfwhon |Wf»ra,;tnken Jq Bell ’ h Isle; about halfa mile from theicity.— Bore they had'an earthwork thrown. o-., np, aloutias large as that formed by V“ a tifio pit; this enclosed about an V acre and a half, and in this small k V place they bad [ever four thousand pnsoiers. They) bad; tents for about three thousand; the remainder; had to' ; n . Be on the ground,between the' tents. Xpre, at ten o’clock, 1, they gave V tjuprler *6£. : a loaf ;of bread ; the •'Mvyigliibg Iweijty bunctwTbis V ' each man fi|y<r ounces oftlbrSad. '■ ■“ tljc-v gave fifteen pounds bf (all, for one hundred this,'when I divided, gave each ,n . _ ib°ut of incatltmuk- all This was our a r \ : ast i’clbck, v. M., tvbsreeeivijdJfive s more- of bread, apd "bus pint X ip, beans and rice althrnalely.— ’ r> 7 1 pst that J ever had of eit her did . nptasf tve In it three spoonfuls tjf rice. ! 4jf’ ns, .irtillhb S(sup was so thin ’ p ■ I'you blew [the scum frqm the: .VW.'j tt could see the beans Br ricef ■ . IU 1 f " :■]][ -la. ! r,,I S was no dincoritmon sight; to .see ! fiek. '<■*»- itoiyingj- tip a .COintepK;, .bo i OrKii. too wc'.fk to walk al6i|e. Alloa" cbm t died -while.! .was there.' 11Sonic ;■ mav dccKh mca-Wonld; pick.; up thoj lyrics I order and W ™ J' y in'the steels, poundtlilsm up j throughout «h "■ -fj stone. audjtLen suck Qit* : Vieees test there! areV. wT-ivoi what little nourisbmynt;, there.-there Wcr.tJ but IWo Ities' f It in' them. , - V j One paijy iis for smHa \oniai Till; UELiVEttANCi;. f . . | Lincoln l in| putting dov ' ; ■' ' . , , " r! and to this end has from.l.. t r • remained here till the, 2sth of ■ encouraged pieri to fly‘tow .o.is)' :t when we were tpkeni in to ; to phy wer^.-a ond and jdjitcud »i the tobacco i ( ||j iip arms, as welhiasKSm iVrytat ! .ybere rcmainctl ;d r iheir families while lating h :roming,gyheri we were juit ,in r'iheif aim has 1 - imdor-adiv- ' Be'eV • „ „ . jrs lor yi.Jdy I pint, which we j whij) the rebels,amd saci idee evehi- ' >U at twdvp o clock. Here woTthirg to save g,he Uni6n. The chantv . ; \A" I le transport . aejt orkj dying. pi on s of 'tHis party coin, : -Stafl ; , ■; ;"T" ■’ jdock, v.jilh jtbeßtars and Stripes j ton, Butler. Jounsoi) ‘.of • I Tennessekii sA'Bvtu.RO.ts> Wokkji.Vv AsKiNd ; ruK igat hetvmast head, causing the j H olt of Kc.Vtucky. of' : Tex?fA tclfe.thV; shout for 3 v As soon.as as, Dickinson, Curtin, : ind hosCof goad ; foliokorf which is'-verv -003' hken oft .board weall redutved’: patriots wllto. hold the dfetv -of the !, , 5 f? cr K *°° a ■loai of bread and a. pi;J ( Ce ofUnion I mrhmo'utl't ; -t.»>v-er?ih?ng else. • 'f" 1 \ I’a‘%; 1 ’ a ‘%; ■ ?!"’ ~ Ifr^ ll,c . [pork; fho jiiost of them ate Tboir moijto thi live. : '’dnhds ot the paper* some y,i.‘ars.s,ipce: i t once, ; bcnjg too btingiy, to thaftyh■tliitkry.jfy/uM. pSgipwAtr ‘ A good' stolw is Void (|‘a iiro iiincnl ’ id eat aditlle at a tune. 1 [:,On thp qthfet-.lnind;ia 1 railroad geiuleiHan-Ol this'i-.Vv' mo t KliCEfl mcflMONp. J 1 ' has,htp;idiiy OjjposKl the itp&nishing^:' ..ri s ,• °ur have throwh every > 1 , , \ , . rebel, soldiers haya: faith | tl j e way of iWoviilng fbr our B' kc A.ra.li^Mv ; *a ting for odr comttrvV HoWv is in Avon,, nuv ijujt-nt ljli > raMg one ogfordttv mgru to :r<k tor aV ‘ nou'iJ lu ,umi iiii’NinVit-vrc •ilii-ioVVlf i vS.t-k „ leave; f«‘vo Then moiit, men man a mg in break four t ounce! of-.sou The bi not bal or boa that it' -lop yi at the two in beino nn in I ><' ortho that In with a tomtit let Anvils I’.iclin hbilses until r| tbo ca reach el saw t'l at.the! floatin' bojs tc \vci;e. t a hlilf-j lioilcl “this a i wall a •Ivor we is, slnti in liac 1 .li bpifful iall'.|/ W e ' a liar Vel stoao in the iising riotic ia is The Coor-4 fefirecit “Th ,, ■ thej r told us that their; pa y wan noT worth Of-their linger, ami they would giveipiV/ftf dollars, of their money for owfj&T ours. A pair of boots n Eiehiiioid are woith|;froin I forty*five- to fifty dollarsyphobsi from ‘fifteen to twenty dollars: a pound Of eotfeo, half- rye,five dollars ; sugar, three dollars ; a pair of eogbscr jianta looo»j.forty and everything else in piVporlipn.: They I divebread riots”, ireUrlye evbiy day ;: robberies and minders are ’committed almost every*' light ami*, y m .can see -armed ,nien st itiuned at tire cofnor uof Jevety Istrcot, and all over,.the city-to |! keep the peijibe-’’ d d ; J ’ K ■ V s '' |pc°- vas a' :d, in and tho ■ermg Hives." whole Itbum •out i y.onet if the Brave Mian’s Answer .■ ,Bul!cr,| sjopping over \v 'Hampshire, on his 'way tillin' IM ouuta i n 9 J wii s - no \v a11(Il h e n ■' : A Gen ■in Xcv ivhjio! intorru jitcd ■, by [Copperheads. I ’ i!'--T.■ ‘ 'I I ■. • I:-' [ I.- ■ ■J 1 hvo years ,wo i have seen three rs ol'„ a of nii'iijrMsod.” [re the sohtenecwas | the Piej’ee DomucniiV ajs'Jtcd, peering hif/ “Where’ are; they said: —j “In t <juatte Bef.r one in, a ,“Somb of them,”; ; repliedGeneral ! Butlori- Till) prpnipt jndss,, flic sleeping be phonal■ j and others arc i;i'll figlprtg the. hat- I ties ofj their cobdlry, ro | main here ,at home phase |ol traitors.” -| [ ■ In,; another portion of his speech, 'Gem Batieb said; } i ,. “VYiii you Polafiteer ?” ' p *\ voice replied;l‘ 'To'.’' ’ “You voted Jorj; Brocdduridgo,’’ said a voide to General Butler, allud ing to! the - laht| ipeinocfaticrXational Convention' : V ! | | - “Yes,” said Butler, “and if I were so cowbrdly as yob L might be tom Tit led to aeny it I|’'l ' He then weivi|ph to show these New Hampshire piifliisansv that,, one might vote fora man under certain circum stances and oppose that man under certain other circuiristancosj -• When Judas jlscariot 4’as a true follo,wdr ofi iiis liei wins no doubt a wojflby j exaihple to ho fjollowiiil; but. he ‘'•was r.ot awjarO llyit a man; to prelservddiis bonsisteucy, must coplinuo Jo follow Judas lifter ho betrayed his Lord; Weil Answered.—The iia*h‘Villc jUnitiii. replying} to a contemptitons rernarh of a Copperhead paperlthat “Sambo is getting to bo of great im portance, in ,tbci>e latter daj;s,’’says; “The negro has been of iinpqita'nce for.,more than a 1 generation., i 'He has enabled a few aristocrats to rule ‘tho nation Ho'bafe'given the Colton States all. their.-importance. i Hu has caaSed one foreign and one civil war alaeady, and be has become atlast the chief Corner stone of the Southern Confederacy. Whajdlldeny ‘Sambo's’ importance V'; j ■■r-f. -■ > ■ the 63. , Establish^ ■The Pennsylvania S Convalescent yJamj ! ' Friends at. Home, S ! ing ! . ; hasadministered .the ii-ftSfi's »j of oiir State during tlto most Imocc , ;-i ’tantycrisls, through which. aii-y ■■>,. - .j nioiViyvahlr haa ever passed, ¥ltia who , I j-:■> ——i r | lie dH-noLJo iVipeitf S ? I Friends About one j|ear ago th ;■ j . Ilf*’ is' the fl-ietjtl of its defenders . soil of our Slate was invaded by »■ We kp'ow him.to be the friend of the desperate, wicked and heartless foe,—soldier.- ‘IIP' always rerircrKberS vul,- Oar,very honics were polinted by-thill and it is L ii comfortable thought; when lowi traih , and.'dirty sdupi of thg; % suffer from ■ sljdfpbmg fever, con .BOMWrii aliiiv ; ouryilfages destroy- j fracted in pestifcroukswdnipsi'wheu 2 fed, pur beautifkl |fie!dS| lafdlwaste, our i fainting in the trenches, undergoing citizens robbed, and di desperate of- j Inlrd and fatiglildg marches, or bleed ford made to capture aftdjdestroy '-th&i :ng»n the field of'carnage, that' we capital of our, have a GoN ipr.us, pi iToil remember? themisgivings ties us-ftnd-provides jdr UB,;dVhilb I hia fears . wliich the loyal- portion of ottfj friends- aiid- supporters . never cease, people efitcrfained as to the results of i adminisloidng.to our wants. Reader, that invasion, whielknot Only threat- j have yOu soli, brother Or friend in the ened our property, but even thehfe of j army ! t&so, that one can- leH ypn • the natiPn.'rThp most sanguine patri- i how it gri>ve him’ if youNtast ol had ii linpsCj lost hdpfr, apd it wnson- j your vote against ;‘Gov. Curtin: • |y through tf&determined andiiwesis-l \|e have new-pr»f3|nt^J'- the case table bnireTjr-of' your friends, who, | befPre you, and if youkhipk our &r-.C in response to tim call £f‘ the; govern-1 vices 0 the atmy' paW been hient, fl«jW toi arms, that your whole! anything, wm'alk yoii IjSt was saved from | reciprocate.' The victory atfiettysCßf.i -by. the horses; of dirty rebels, and tile « amounts 'to nothing if yo| ejact a mhn r - hna! overthrow; of this government j Goveroof of Peonsyiva'nfe" who b.ym waspvcrted. *i-Haveyou Spy gratitude ■ pat biscuit hTttie'.- repbls: Give nis df lor tjie |reh<lered jyou •fyy the ; victory the election ®v'fro-: . nripy-; lif- sO, you have tin opjifirtu- ecting Andrew rG Curtin, ar-dT the nuyyo mako it known to the world. — ■ artnv wili’ .soort finish tb«.thinplas&W^ ion said iw gained a great victory coiirW/t/vngt ' *I , I ei ‘'4 rt l'; e W*e rebels out ,of the ' gWe-ask yon in. the'names JdCoutf . Y ‘ ive\ btono htaLo ; ilnJ bo it \vas; ho ■ liavo falleii vicUms T \i(V butyou hav.y Itl in yoiir power to a- this inlernal;rci..ollion;. : we ask it in the phieve a yictigyias great ih its results, jnaine of such as arc-/-till suffering iiiv -id., thank.. God, without (the hospitals; we ask iljn blje name ) vicflpry .cost jol’ those Th*e waßlinV their liv'es \uie. loth wi!l';j n rebel prisons; xve aVk it in tlk! nanio^” 1 'P Pennsylvania which|,oi- liberty, the Con.stitutton. and ilip -to,,the fate- of liberty, Union.-lo gis to lhp polls and vote for"! 'fonsti til t ion a 1 gpve'rn incut; A. G,:Civrlin,'t l hy man who never Tail- hi wor,d. Ip. this coji-- -edv tis. We. leave-ho matter with xhul two j parties, as i yoti; reminding yon'l lliat on--your; f houldef's rest rcspohsibiiitics, rfor. ■ aiiiingi Fye'sident u-jiieh posiei-ify will -hold-' \ojjL.ikis- ’ - tie ladiellipn. : countable., • , ]i : t \t!lobeginning 1 nhovt ryoO'i.MfA a V . arms; it has 1 e 1 ‘ . r \ rnen who-k T he; names, cp Ward: ai , were alp, ' v r'‘ tten -by - pry.— , mail corning in; pgl-sorrayiil, stating his 1° j preference fpr Otis ?T«..; 'Only one man’ 1; ’vas j'or -Woodward . \ AylieW vtctt/nvu?, ny>ji'}<:d ;:'ichen ice terf itea' I** 8 ?,-.. - , , nevrr imun.oV. /iWc \:ik™fbU tbeirA °, ; ! ™'« sympathies-;. tlip rebels neypjjjJlad their i r ' ); , ‘ , ! < l ,t,, ' t ’' l 1 enmity;' lUiby: hjitv.e eoiitiiitiiSiy' cure-1 < -'\ : "... ;. ’ ■■ y' '’ ** oil evuryiiban wlio suppiMiSf PfcsFi . «• dfent, L'mcdlayliT V^>>J-^V^^yonr bellioM; Lot we--- oefv-, von.. : tb T sbo’w n's j'*- - - *}.?*;,■ ■. x - r • ' 'h . when or where !lhev ! 'sahi*l*t>nV,U;ardi ’ i V:° ■* ..* lo,v m siinposu you \\Wc •word airaibH rebels; tfhw 'forty |»li* k ‘ n ? • , " r J»'^ r « 1 ,, ‘-' lua< ' 1 is; IMJoC ! Davis. BeanrCf a Acompai.y; : wpuW you cxptyi; -aul. Floyd, ilohn Mor.!>' 011 ’ n l’ io^? r - lo\hr ; ts>p -histciyiir gain mid.ptpfoi-s hP tjfg-.. southland .fly ,*f!hrday tuid carry you, J u(li;o! Woodward, Vaßithdlgbuiu.Sev- i' : ‘W,'”. e .\ '. - ' V’ ■ ’■”* . , . •■’• •nioiir, and lhv WoaJi i’n' t& seemed to be poser, but it . Tlicjr motto -is ,: Sktrc'yUmusf live, though tSe -gatin kouti’pcM-S. ’ - , ,: i ■ e-ir.an ~.i-bmpth% ‘■l- In the two pafe that; but if !t. r o liuv are .led by A,' -(^Curtin' slid ■GcwJ&i^ ll^' 8 U p ; : W. Woodard, and it is tilr'vdu to : 'Ssf£f" A o .'; wa r \> m.iouul hiijv;;» chouse umijer wl at t bo found fi <rh tin <r ;■ .b'nt ■'before you'" mc ,, rI x': .. make choice it-may be 1 wclr/w• exam-*'-”. ** r * ohme oat three mtfi.-. ine the claims of ithe luadolis. V ,Ke 7 afterwards with 1} .puss Hi lua 4), Who is Judge Wo.odward, who are f ' :oc - v y°od tor twelve mouths, bis assotiates, and what are his’p; in-. —r^— —■fry -: * , i : ciples? y;.. •. f- . ■y; -y Is This Triiej? y. . First; ' George W. VFobdward ;. is _ The Huntingdon - <?&&4 a^<dmble a Judge i oi. the; Snfireine .Court of n< ;- ♦, f .C- C ir i- ’ u ■■°, I, • ~ i . ■■ • , ■■ 1 Uemocratie Journal, tao lavar-to efrp- Pennsylvtfma tl'A« deMeu. tigjuiat gie- 1 , • ,Vl4 ing us, P ort Wpbdward for Govenwr; and .- <i v'oic.' lie. i's-jOiic, of .the most ; j sufficiently independent to in-’’ : arrant; .aristocrats •/iii ] Pepasylfania, r fluence for drirliii.i makes -the foflW'i-f . a ”V!?-? i' no i t,;^ , i '[l' Co P lm^Vla2f=^Ui I dßtatement;: if .; with the Jabornrg inat-''timn a.’woirv’“ T l >r f •«»-i-i -j -, i ; ,r v-:?Ast ,' V Las wjth ,a sticep.’lf ■ ■; obclword l.as l%|, :j Second. iou 4d a. .naiV win)' desircsitbe L -,,uc:eess ofic.e rebel ,n ; army, and vvl.O iit Cdngreks -or the i f h . l!ad^P h '?’!‘^ ■.' v ? an^ <l . m<V'*. . .State .iregislafuro’votk against all leg: and he was moans to pul doWii.tbei reblllioh, you kind .attenl.jin of, laembors 'the. - will-find him a 1 nildiniqa thell brawler • a n»'J an^fS I,bo f - tbeJud-e j . for -Woodward; Vnd jwberover yoag L f . a P|? (;a^‘^: slt l^^ ed # c ' fiu’d.a newspaper which has orJv been i 1 su a!j d consistent in its treasoAable you wilj timJ it advocating- his claims; CI I 1 , y C , ■ Win. B. diced, F. W; libgl.eh, Ancona, ° V*yy™ &hoMoih .r arid that dais of men, ;a?e bis - fJte If mdii, lai}d : the Jliqbinopd Ei'tquifei, V', ... " r . , ~ ■. Cliarlestdn ipcn-u4-\' r AVfo.rl.d and Diidr 4 at 7 e T h'a'tpr, is now askijig y Xcws of York.arid/Patriot: Cn.on vote for hint for f Unionp.his special o»s. ; third, id pri ticiples -are to I) 0 1 M? , ”c O!,W be k ‘ ever^-blistacle iii the,, way of- th J i'^ a ; society,, \h. tipnal ..Administration, in ]i uttlr ■- \r~ m . —, > '-.C .’’f cud to wWch is now- qis-.i .Inklijesce of Alotiiers.—Mr. trading our ctituiii-y'i-syid by allateaua j dolph never ceased til! hisAiyfng jay,, in bis pi£w,cE;td aid* tIVeL rob ds -in a-; to remember, With; unuttei-iyblo affee- .«;■ ends’ '{-«* ’ ’ |tion r . the pious of his mother, in r_ Do ydu-psk .who is A. G. Curtin ?| teaching him to kneePifl her side,.and Wo aul-answer Ay saying lie is the iwithjiis little j)i;cfsyj together ■Whi^^.'dy.^jirried^ -tAjfepeat'.'dn, has iione saviog thisydow and measured acccnt.sjhepattern r govoiUimeht Aliufr.any jothejf fnan in lp i ’ a y<>r, i.. - : 1 i J, :■ . the i-otliitiy. i,lie was the first to send | ‘nMj- niblh'erj.'ffiaid Mr. JJ’enl^ffibo-,; 1 , troops to Washington afterF|t. Sdinter ■ fore she died, asked .me had surrendered. CBy- his fprecast in/ I , qu6p,'and I never did. She desired v organizing tte Pennsylvania!ltcsorveB 1 «ri®.JU. aijother lime to ayoid ganjng, - he eavod Washington |frona ,capture a,, |d I nevpr Jtnew a card.' hoped,; and- otir...anny front;, demoralization I ne ver w6uld use tbbuccq, aTiaiity" after the first battle of ißulljKun; arid heyerpassed my lips.” ‘ 1 ' / -ji by calling odt the Peiinsylytiriia Mil.ir ~. -—.;■ .\i lia in Septbniber' lB62, j llc'ijguiures- ; jQuA-t a printers ftslival ihe/01-;.. •, cued the army fromalestruction, with lowing toast was given: “Thcjf his thriiling pppeals to put citizens in j a nd (bo Eawycp-M,he devil is Ja, y. ond. thereby , aided gj'oiitly .In | wjlh the 'copy of the former, bpt‘ri£‘ onre more repelling jW auj bis van- qutnte the original of (be jatteir'. - ; ■•. .''i-' ■’ -' I ’ ■■+ . ■ , v-. > ■ j;' He r =I 181 oldiers ii a, to thef: end Greet I ' v j AdreriiMinenta inserted at the rate of 75 I cents per >qnare—each.. subsequent Insert!on | cento. ' A liberal discount made to yearly | adyertuere. and on long advertisements", --- x.\ A space to, tweltb lines oTtllis typo | measured as a,square. ’ V.,'*f ■ j Special per cent., addition to reg j ular rates. ? ' '.' • ••• : j cards, 75-e«a^,» i }' Mrttrurgitft’ - aiul t ett i’oiit ■ cc. j add other.; IioHcCH. of a~ public’ Sfrv *. JT ~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers