BEAVER.A*Dt|(tCjrXJS ; | Another Raid; or Democratic! UNIONu. ~; j Disloyalty Clearly 1 Proved- ) Gov. Curtin, i _ | We publish elsewhere an article ta- j Dngoished ;prate Dl -L. iIMBRIE, Editor A jProprielor. \h' : RichmondEnquirer, , which, \vc desire to call the .special at-! *v imuia|iuo umu itenlton of our readers. 1-t is impor-|' n following ! j taut for various reasons; first, because; ‘“■ t Pittsburgh, ■it shows more clearly than we could ! Wednesday, . | have ilone', the-importanCe of the com-! Catasaqua, 1 injg election and of the triumph of the j u rday. Sept. 19th Union Ticket; It proves ' what we! At Norristown, have heretofore asserted, that the reb-ij l Y' Monday, Sept els are watching the result of this | A 1 Westehcst election with 'intense iinxiety, their ednesdaj, So),t sueecss depending more upon the ire-.| At Beater, Bei suit as they say than battles.— j Sept. 25th. • Ought-.not this consideration alone, he ; At W ashmgtor Kutficieht-j to nerve- the arm-' and j Saturday.-,Sep streiigtheirtho determination of loyal! • WilksKai: men todvork as they, have never yet| Wednesday , ,I Sept donei' ’ Heretofore yourfaUiersfbrolh-1 Gthei appoints i ers, sons and friends have been fight*, asjspeedtly as ing the battles, enduring .the hardship i r casonaßl<} ].e l and dangers' abd winning the grati- ! tilde of-the count’rk ; tor their devotion i (koreinoi John, i and patriotism. Now has come ylferj -GoveniorPterp i time to wprktj* Surely you arc willing \ 'Dovernoif Bradf ;to divide the labor with those in - the! -;.J°hs BrtfUgh, ■ | fgdd,- and 1 help with t our might; to j M -'Commissioner, - I j. , . ■' . Hon D. S. D rrvii! n,'r/dii rv r ' , .. : win victories when opportunity offers. A 1 0- . JOHJi R. BLIGIILUV Economy tn not hesitate | ;f- I J J .'to labor as you hate never yet done 1 Gon: ; Lqgnn,o^lllinois; TIIOSvDfcA I>lA, New •Br.g ; -|«n, ! , iiw the t ,^ ll of our { j cket Tho jj; Gen.'Bufier, ol Massachusetts; ■ -I SonthernS organs say ii is more in} .i; And many othor dislinguishecLgen- K. roryLß.lva'.coou, . J nt q han [ )atllea . It will save i Demon,.-including many eloquent ,ad v.f,e i 4mauv bat-les and-much bloodshed.f- | of; the Union cause in Penn- . vouhesilate wben . y i lnay Uylvania, ;No possible efforts | will be » '- ' IsaVe the fives of dear friends? -Wei tqsceure as full agd,through " UWr, i »ow to every lovul man. every ■ if f the-mounts xssu^s WILLIAM ORR, Beaver. • v .1 • . ,; now submilted'to the pdoplo ns the 1 . - : man who desires to see peace restored : IK,W BUU ‘‘V v t ' u >V i ... • --- ■- . r , . 1,. i 1 brief period'now remaining!will al ■ and trehson crushed, evert' man who;, •* . . , .1,. 3 ■ A t u ' low, and jt is enjoined upon ail mentis .loves oni soldiers ana would sha:;o; ] ’ J ~ 1 '.u . , . . , . - , . i hfHho Umou caiise to securei the, al t their labor an 1 their reward, now is ; r .1 ' .. \ ir . : r tendance ot tlien-fellow CU'ZCUS upon your time to prove your devotion and ; r , , j . ■ : ; exhibit vour iLvo. Labor as you riey-, ho;Oc,amon. .■ •. !• r , . I Bv order of Union State.:Central er ve\ labored tor the, ot tho: r . ; j • Union being assured that so by j Committee. ; , R AIIIiY • a ° ins yOU ar °- M re&t b:lttle i BSX-Thc fbllofing is abetter from U.IDNI » • for your.eountry, j ev i. a Missionary of,the I "ill tell powerfully fur its Weal oi M E ."church"to Bulgurial He is ■ ' : woe - Secondly, the VAove re-: b roiher to Xong, editor, or fbr 0F • - '' ft i-rcd to proves conclusiyeli-the dis-: I)lt r the Of FRIENJDSIOF THE UNION I loyalty of the Democratic pavtj i this place. Whafa . contrast! lie is WILL BE~U£LD at the .‘ Why-are the rebels so anxihus for; lruJ & j o i J man> ask f or it a Am GROUNDS, IN BEAVER, J® 9 “f e ( f f - P; cn^ l >c| ar ty perusal ; ! -. FRID Sept 9 oiu I<QS ' ! ".^f d i° I ‘ U - P re B n e tO . Sl - n f (! > ir j ; W hen ibo nows camo that--Lee had. : : |army on -to pur soil again nhe.| { nva d4di,Pcnnsylvania,' 1 really felt Gov- CURTIN, of Penna, 1 .. .J almost certain prospectiof defeat and ! that like to bo in eominand Gen. B. F. BUTLER, of Mass I overthrow ? ' th'ev regiird'-tho: oLa comphny marching to drive him Hoa D L- DIOKINSON, of N- Y- J suceess 6 f the Demochitie as; out; I am greatly tejoiced at the Goy- PIERPONT, of Va J- • •' J? w. news of llis defeat. Ido npt think Gen i JNO- A LOGAN, of 111-, | more t,es,wbl -° f ,an Vf 100 ®- • K (that every act of the 'Administration Hoh iW W. KETCHAM of Penn.'answer because they know they can . bec|) tera |iy ‘constitutional, but Hon.j GEO- LANDON, of Penh- j re iy .upon that party as frie idly to j then I doubt wbetber I could I ave and otlrtr dislihguisheil speakers will'them. Because there; 1s an umfer-1 done any better myselfand I .judge , ' i . ° . r r i / . -. . >Mito be safest to suck to the.old -Hag.' ' bjrin jattendance. _; ; ; islanding and secret Xarbri&may lie that carries, the, iCoipe, Freemen of Western Per.n- tweeti the leaders of the Pempcralic banner, ft is extremely daUgo ams sylvahia ' and hoar-a full and thor- , parly and tho traitofsb of tbo [South, .ground lolopposo the Administration, ough discussion of the 'momentous is- Because they .know it 'the 'Democratic in such a lime as this. , L would Isay ■'' sues how submitted to Ilia people;. - party is'suceessful they. will 'so om : Ictus got out of the scrope first, then ~VC4 *•««.« b.rra.s tlio Aiiminisl'rdtVon'Uiat itwyi “Slny corn! J „p, _ The township sending the ..largest be carry on the warand i t .; B glorious prlvilifge to help {her ; -aii-legation,.in proportion^ ■■ .to tho vole,! peace■ yrill be; restorcd_ by rceognition j, n her struggles, and it will lie a will be presented a hoantifurflag— !of the'Southern Confetlehacy. There i soured of pride to every one who, has distance to be taken into aertmut.' i can doubt: but fllat the traitors j honesily and , l ian ‘“''y i a- ■ • .:,r i - i ir. st- ..i i I ■ cause of right in the j{rcat contest.. A'Drass Band v.iil ljp (present. jut -Ricfinond nssucanccs, as | Qod not “ oir , R ' to letfthcoxperiment .i ' ■ 4.]^ 1 , -—^T^if-j- r -r- (they would not mani%VSo much in-; 0 f j.; v i| and rtligious liberty provje a ..‘ j to’ i torcst in- tho saecoss: of that payty j fatlhrc. The (right must triumph. —^ A . i\otico is hereby Uvcn "that lam ; and regard it as their only; Would to God' that every citizerj at ; Coimtyjauunhal any .uci-mmis croploy. ; men of tho piviioerutio lo 1 c ,‘ ul , j^p f>t * They, wo.iild uphold the ■ ing uny'oi;e elk- is liable;to pay Three ; the arficb and vdflect-.oh the position : ( L tn i,;ibtfatron cvciy man ,of them, , Jiunidred'dioihu'it, which .1 .inten-V to ithey occ.npy. Your leaders lire court--it ; \vould : ■ matter nothing who tilled: ■s poi’.cc*. iifal! cai-os. unle«s- ihc pvrson' ing an’ invasion pi joui; homes, ami | thei.'• President’s chair; ' iTom, latest cryipg sale is duly muliorized by. hu; ; alij ils:eonscque.Jt horrors, do secill j (: '; {ue^red>tilfotL 1 o °Le U There is np-one licensed, if', cr iiear.-thb election ,ol your candidate. i bp buried out! of sight.. ■ l)nriingfon. although it has .-hc-.n ; fnrnis-hes indisputable evideneu of tjhc i Those at home cur. but little appro 'reprbieiitt d t« .the-contrary,".l am in ;'ireasoh*jof your ; leaders, am! yet you ■ ciato the situation of those who are vformcdw No; further notice will bo i follow them. You af.voeeu.pying a po- vabroad. We mix with Englishmen,- !■. j ‘ : -• i . ' i . ! Frenchtneb, and Austrians, all ready violations prumpt.y pan- silion, to-oay that ahords aid and vom-i xuU o^.r a ,Federal-defeat. How islicd.l -■. t .' 'AAaos ‘i fort to of your eounliy, j re j o i ce ii a i-e wo when vfe can/exulting '! Auctioneer ol Boilvcr County. j sustaipsitlieir sinking cause, prolongs ■|y point tod some’ prpgrosj made by ■ i the vjar and increases the National i our armies'. How little we think debt. I If vou vet love vbuf country ( üboiit political partisanship I Let our , t ~ : .J country triumph is the first desire.— scoitro-umted-iflyou , .^ ot bo « ftW tl| the slave, oil our brave soldiers, Teel for-them in.• cavc i,y wore more pqwcrful than the 'their lar’ duties: and would see, -United Stales Government, the Umc Come speedily' when they! But I need'say no more, you know Inav rotxirn to their homos. leave thdiW ’. n , tho - . , . ... stars and stripes more .every daj J and parly: that oecupies u position I( , an|iot g^o ur n . lt ib na l banner on in conflict with both; i L J asmallniefcbftntvessolinpoi-.t without Lojval men of all | partieswe ,agk ■ tl,o tears doming to niy eyes,and 1 say, you this ariitlo and remeraifer i Shame or. the man.ivßo.would dishon : . I f i-f- v— fYv J Ii or that fla". I consider it one ot tho ,t imposes an add.lional on | - ival i onB missionary life you-fa more united and detonmned ; Jjl- 1 j anl 6C p ava tcd from my country effort to defeat the schemes of Uibso;this Lour of trial. I should love bomb traitors.; Let us'show to traits! to bear some part with those who are ors lit borne, is well as traitors ib I laboring tonpliold the best government ; t ‘. . i ~ v. .f ■ that the sun ever shone upon, and to arms;; that, dhero -js; yet - patriotism . t^o Wackc9t _ ar ,d most enouglpsn the country to save it., ' groundless rebellion the world ever ■' '■ s- -' ] knew. ; Wednesday, Sept. 16,1863. , TJTVIOTV COUNT Y TIC K ET. , ■[ ; ‘For Governor, 'J" BON.! ANDREW G.i CURTIN, f ' ‘ ; OP OENTRK'Eot'NTY, f (* v i For Supreme Judge, RON. D ANIKL j AGNEW I; or BCAVEB cot STI. ; i ; Assembly, S , WILLIAM. HENRY, -FaiHiou. ISAIAH WHITE, Lawrence bounty. ■> ; .'Sheriff, |; V ' JOSEPH LEDLIE, IWvi£ Register & Recorder, fALFRED R. HtLjORE, IJejlver, • *? ’ ;• Treasurer, 4 I . Ji'HK CAUGHEY, Reaver,; I Y, r Cldrk of Court, ~ • JOHN lA. FRAZIER, Dat lington ■ ’ NOTICE. ■ HAVING disposed of my linicrwt iirthe Beavejr (hose me for subscription,- job work, etc., will please calf Hiid settle iAimodiatcly with J. L: -Vruler son. who is authorized io.receipt in my name. . -Febs-ap. : t. c. .mchulsox. iiHAMI r\l()\ .A MASS MEETTNG * V i 1 M’plure House, 'Wheeling• lining (•cetisioP, a silvfrt time sinee I to,visit Wiioolir,",wo »topped at this welt known lioase. kept| by that, best »il' - hotel'keopors, G:y>tfis« JaMes LeS ■'iLlK. t formerly 'of Tl".;i=e. •New Caet'o, but;mure recently oi the- Hiii'on Jlousc;Xc.w T>i iglitun. Trip M’- ■ Cln re House is one 01. hu-gastaiid best j Hole's in thO AV’est.anilis full to‘over-. ’,, Iflow ing constantly bat this is easily j , ■ i accounted T<sr,as the'Capt. i| known to j ■ be one of the most popular,,; obliging ; -jani accommodating landlords' to be ' found anywhere, no miitter where you go. ills table is supplied- with i the best the market affords, and the house, altogether. wcarLan .Laneu of neatness and cleanliness, not , kl ways to be found at first class Hotels.) Hd-sccs personally to the wants - and comforts of, his guests, and tries to • J to make them feel as if though they were at home.j His darks arc gen tlemanly and courteous, and, the wait ■■ Tj-ors attentive ,and-accpmmo'dating. ,i . If ’any of our readers should happen to visit "Wheeling, wo advise them to pnt = up at the M’Cluro Honso, and .our . word for it they will come away sat. isfied. > »j '■ ; i.J' ■' ' I For the many favors find kindness shown us while there, we are nador , obligations to Capt. Leslie. JS-Bemefeiber the Maes Meeting at Frankfort on Tuesday, tlie 22d instJ Everybody turn put. Don’t fail. to make it ono of^the hugest i meetings] ever .held tihetlio county.— J Able and distinguished-,speakers will: address the meeting. j Concert for the Benefit 1 of Sick and Wounded Soldiers. , , ' iw[ ATallace, of Now Castlo, late Rep learn from Rev. W ;.-.G v ,or ' 1 rese i n tativo in Congress from this Dis- Sec jr .of. the Army Com. of !>&xver, lT j ct> h ai » been 'appointed a Paj-inaste? Co., a Concert-of. A oeal ana In- j n pj^ e ar my. A belter appointment struraental Music, and a Lecture, will! n( [ t * iiave - bccn | made, and wo be given in the Presbyterian Church, | are lea( , eJ t 0 ]( v arn b f the success of Beaver, on next Thursday Jevcning,! of OUP fl?i end. Dr! Wallace is a loyal, 17lh inst., commencing at i o clock, j c neP g e ti c and clever gentleman, and The splendid -Brass Band front appointtn enL will, wo doubt not, Economy, : that baa rover played I e ggnera! satisfaiJupn; abroad for any other object,-will per-■ \ 'r - - -*• i* form on their .fine Instruments. Prof. S. J. Wilson, a 5.1)., of the W estcrn Seminaiy, Allegheny city,, said to be one of Itbe finest orators of theage, will deliver-an address. Tickets, 25 cents; Family tickets, $l,OO. All iare requested to be pres ent-at this'rare musical and intellec tual entertainment; and give their as : aistance to this humane and patriotic j object.. .SS MEETING p company with dis irs froin adjoining *s tbepeoploof Penn a and jplaces named iCheduio;— Allegheny conpty 16th. ■ U ' Lehigh county, Sat- Mon tgomery coun 21st. i . ;r, Chester 23d. '■••• • ! ivef county, Friday, , Washington edun t -Gth.' j, Luzerne county, 30th. ’ : ictits posaible. Wc have : of having .in the ,hb aid of ion, of Tennessee;! lout, of Virginia; I - ford, ofl Maryland; tde next Governor dekinson, of New Appointed Pay mas-Iter. —lion John WtWe 'have received thoPittsburg j Commercial, a new daily, fiisl-dass nowspapor, andhave been tnuchpleas ed.with it. The Commercial isjr.ot the special organ .of any party, biit is de voted to; the interests of the Union. The paper is 1 conducted with signal ability; and in style, typography and neatness of execution, is far ahead of its cO temporaries. Success to the new ! enterprise! ■ *ern aristocrats‘and despots. Our fail In a lew weeks tbo contest for Gov- pith* i and towns our beautiful and ernox* of Pennsylvania and Judge of *o* comparatively happy country the Supremo Court will be decided— witness the desolating inflifoncoj Frecmeh are called npon to organize f n< * th* 3 last bope-i of human i erty , in behalf, of their epuntry-its Com |>e forever : crushed; such will by the, stitutior.; jjnd Lawi—nay, our very;- j 5OBO *1 great State arrays rtse j national exists ' The time is shprt election of Woodward, j andi the conU bo sharp. Al- overcmcflt - T ‘ llS cold hearted,! readv the lead* 9 party opposed unprincipled demagoL'Uo is ; to ti)o Government Ve organizing {jW^'W 0 Government, is opposing | their’followers, and marshalling their! Our bravo him. in the field and ipUh.oi hopes that\hey may j frrie friends and religious lib^j bo enabled to compel the Adm.i.istra- t»»elr supp^t ticn to cease their war of defoneg. of : f vo ' ern,1 t in f danger and our institutions against tlio ftS3ault''cd’ j I 1 ''* - !*- ■■ Whilst t ,h ti up pdtiji traitors. The question is not now ( tricjtisjn a,l 'l otipn, i. what man shall be Executive of this ; ?„4. 3 k 00 ! 1 or G'reo veins * , . • all energies to the . suupoNj great, State, cr who shall he eiectedi. lTnso^ud ConstitHtion. > to the Supreme Bench, nor is it ,to bo;| j Tlrc lreemai, feollr. a ipcrely of tho'‘strength of po-ij there nro litow no political parjli litieal parties. It is a contest between |gaiiizc;anxl iutgto heart and ha tile) enemies' of free Government on |*J 1C s, \l'l ,0 Vt. hf\Grose wifo rop eV!., . ~.. , ' , .the loval seritiin>nt <it the pec oifo side,, and the-people, who have j (ho r U) and lived: happily and prosperously and! jug mjako oflo '-grand ami mighty are now-growing powerful under our I to rcsdiio add save ourNpounlxy republican institutions. All the inter- tnack.itittJio.nWf tjfi cats of the slaveholders in,, rebellion! pxouraihoWoocltvnrds and ifyf*' ~ , . . ■, • . nghamswho , liavoj conspired and. their allies in the are in-1 Slaveholders ahdlraif volved in the coming tontest: Such ; our" entire and [ ignominious is ttie condition of our National af- throw. .! \j W j ‘ 1 v fairs; produced by the Southoin'Con- '• If eatery tnio friend ofllic TTnio spiracy, that slavery can oiil*- exist atld does Ids dutypn tie , /.I ... f . ,1. ■ f ~- , coming contest our coantiy .will he by UjeMivcessot the rebellion; It Wiood- safo i jfli 0 t 6ur liberties and O.IJ hopes ward are elected their sue- forever* "■Ouk' cess jvill and should be regarded as a tri-. '' unipli of tbo cause of slavery, and if 1 slavery triumphs surely the rebellion j triumph. ' Prepare for the Great Contest The rebellion is cl ‘cursed feeling of a: iftid spirit of despo' dered by the eleini and | hat red of free see the false Domocr where, battling for it in their 'platforms their speeches, thh tho success <jf tin dinefj between the op now clearly drawn, g 'duty of every freen | sitio.n decidedly and of his country. i i~~ Governor Curtin I cd by his official Oaj of dutj support and mairil Government, in its the supremacy of tl down rebellion. F< ho lias faithfully, R cslly discharged his ic.and loyal .citizen, utive of this great It is'now the duty of every Union man in the Stale to organize /in such j way qs to Secure the- triumph of freej principles.over .Hreisou and military despotism,’and to establish and carry out tlie great principles, of the Union parly. Every thing must be done to secure tbii great object. Lot every freeman,who desires to see the lasting continuance of our Government, in prosjjeiiiy, unity ajid freedom, act as ; though upon him devolved the porfor j manee of a ditty which is to, toll up j on the liberties of our country for all j time to cfitno. y• . ’ j ’ There fire ‘as‘»we hav;e said, but two parties-now in ' this - Slate; lho|-e jfor | and 1 those against the Constitution j and the Union, the Govei mnent and j its ' constituted. authorities. Let 1 jus I know who are the traitors who, with j wicked hearts,'full-of all nfanper of deadly evil and malignity, would de stroy the Ipst and only fabric of hu nt an- .liberty on earth. Curtinj and Agncw are the representatives of the | principles of the friends of Eopubli- j can Government and merit the confi-'i donee and support of every mail who ioves freedom and hates despotism and ] tyranny.. ‘ Woodvftrd and a.nd Lowry! | represent the priiciplcs Of those who would basely bon the. kneel toj South ern Slaveholders, and yield to their, demands that wehhould submit to iie trampled uuder itot by those who have proclaimed ts the world that wo are an inferior rac|, and that they) Can and will rule pvertho whole continent with thesame unrestrained power they do over their slaves. . f !' Tho aiders and [ibottors of Southern treason ate con tiiipllyeoni plaining of the present AdniHstration for, their errors in conducting the ’ war, and en deavoring to creati a feeling |of dis trust in the ■ minds the people,; in-’ Stead’ of correctinl those errors, it 1 'any' there be, at thdproper time when! ;<jmr country is. dclvered from the hands of the inis'croiits who now lead the-rebellion in the South and crush down:to ppr unhappy, and ruined people.. Loot over the South ern States and see if? desolation,.mis ery and suffering ,dii(jh the people arc groaning under,(it the bands of itbe miserable crow tho have usurped the power to govern hem, and claim tho right to trample nt the last yea tage' of that lihcrtySn which they lived; who lLks upon their, ’wretched condition, ut sympathize deeply wUh thera>>,ieh reflect: for . lone moment what willbe the’ cohdi jtion of the people-.of: ie free States who aye hated by thoSoiith- Invasj The! organ., < irivasim of ,wki i t r act: Dcmocu doubtl k 1 ddrauti U niietl Unit U. : fa vor 0 Should quie«o bannpc ;auscd. by the ac. rristocratie' pricii?, ,ic power, engen eats of despotism institutions. \Ve J atic leaders ever}'-' shivery. V.’e see i and hem it in all ij contributing to is rebellion.’ The ■posing parties arc nd it bec-omcs the an to lake bis pp lirmly on the side is solemnly pledg h, and by, bis sense to bis country, to ain the National eflbrts to maintain le laws, and to put >r over two; j-ears duties as a patriot and as the Exee- Commonwdaltb. don -of our State Again h Urged."' .'■ I lichmdnd Enquirer, Jefr Davis’ iof the 7tb, urges Lee,Ufa new n of Pennsylvania, in a leader ;b the following is a sample ex %'The ' success of the Kofthern atic party tcould be. ilo longer 'should General. Ereonee more ■ on Meade ijarties. in the States anj £o nearly balanced, c* least I advantage thrown ip if one will insure its success.— the Confederate army remain nt on the; batiks |o{ the Pappa k, the beautiful (iraggadoeio of .ii'kce- official re ,ed, sind Lincoln iiit in itriumjih tj in of the Con ifirmalidn of lie Pennsylvania. v democrats. unable to gainsay j klo.nee, will Lie constrained to; iio Contest for ll e Speakership j f the principal - part of their —ithe disgraceful mismanage id conduct oi lire '"war. (Jen. st tarn politician as well as , anil we believe-he will prove it successful politician the Con y has cvcrfproduccd. lie may 3 aiul direSct his army as to 3 political f results which- in airing upon this war will prove ftectual thhn the bloodiest yic- Let Aim j drier Meade, into gtun and hi will again raise the of the Democrats, eonfirm their nd give con ’idehcc to their waver [e trill embilden the Peace, 'party he again cross the -Potomac will show Ihe people of Penn a how little security th.eyj have jmcoin for the protcciibn/bf omes. ■ | i " 1 It mutters not whether the adVanci be iniado for the puposo of'permanent occupation or simply for a grand mid, it wilt demonstrate that in tlijO third... year of thc'war they are so far from the subjugation of the Confedoratc plates the defence of Maryland and Pennsylvania has not yet bech sceui od. A Fall campaign into Penn-yU. vaniaJ.wilh the .hands'of our 'soldiers e 'unticdl—not for indiscriminate ,'plan■ p dor, demoralizing and nndiscipli'nijig i tbe.arjiny, but a campaign for syste ->j malic I and. organiz'oji retaliation; and j, punislimijnl — : \vdul|l arouse th* pope ■ j far mijud Uib the uncertainty and inssj- j entity of. Pennsylvania. This won! 1 j react upon C.oii-| gross] strengthening the PemTicrat&’j and mollifying even hardshell lanatn . cism lit.self. 1 iP ,{ Thli damages which the last 'canfr paigit inflicted, if augmented tby an other tliis fall, when presented to the , Linelrdn Government, would,- unless i paid] greatly, exasperate the .peoplej agaiiist an Administration' '; neither defends the , State nor reinji-,; burses its citizens for the losses whieh l its ownimbceility.lias produced. And)! if these damages arc paid the debt is increased, the taxes .raised, and tnoj:! burdopf imposed will accomplishrthe; same end. Let ifitTgresit and import-i tant fact be constantly kept in tangi ble and threatening, aspect betoro the people of Pennsylvania that, nnt.witih ■standing they have opened the Missis-' sippi jaud are and threatening East Tennessee, and G eorgia and Alabama—that not with striding all this, ; Pennsjdvania is rjot safe 1 from invasion, and Washington City iacagain belcagured in this the third Vear of j the war. The- road to peace ' I it’.s through, Pennsylvania, vid ■Washington. j , ' ■'.■ 1 | On this suljject tho Richmond Whig of the. Bth says :■ —It will not bo: sar iprising if Gen. Loe should avail him-' self ot the fine condition of his army, aiid tho weakened.state of adversary, to advance on or, perhaps,:,to again try his fortunes on the other sidh of the Potomac. Bat prudence suggests that but liltlo bo said on'this subject. The people confide fully !in the wisdom and dcjvotion ofSJon. Leo, and arc fully assured that ko will ,jdo whatever, under j tho circumstances, seems best for the. cause. " | I Bgft_Persons wishing to economize io clothing their children, .will jdo well . to try' metal-dipped shoes.— Children, invariably ; wear. out their shoes at the toe first. Metal tips] nev er weor out at thd too, and a pair.j of tipped shoes at an additional cost of a few cents, will more than odtwear three pair of the same quality with out theta.' ” ; ( ' : ! ‘i , ■,{ [■ ' !: Fos THE AkOCS, JUDGE AGNEW. All the‘virulence of party spirit found lbi|t a Kindle charge to n igaiust’tho fUnion .candidate for Supremp|Q°brt. lUin alleged tlui toted against Mr. Martinis pro] tion in flic Kefprm Convention, ■-ProvidlJd; also, jtliat thoughts fo. elector.shall iu no case; extend to lers'tlian ifr be whilo r ‘male! bi fi ze ns'.’f But th-o.fuijts are’ withhold ilia' ,ro. facts aro .-wuiiuw. inotion iyas untimely, amlvoted d* liy a largo :>J ori-Iy,!iri <j I iid i x'iir 1 ea Democrats, such Usjpiarfee‘of.ln<} CleaviniA.-r of Greene.|: ifayhur Cdluriiliiii, and ipthers.l i The f:n carefully concealed that fuller of etteo a jeading , ocinoc-|rat, rttfji'u the inovhr to withdraw,! It; .and J dd'ge AYoodward himsldf cinder its i introduction at tlid.■•time.' ! ijiioie, hii remarks from 11, he l)el ia Convention, vol. tl, page Bd: , i ■•• Mr. AA r 'opdwaij,l had hoped, he avith tub: genllcmah .Yroin ; Fay urate dip n'.ofion.vvouUf he w-ilhdi lorHliefyreseitt”-/Jldi fnrt.hor sa “A irom the county'of yVU> .was ,n>\vv pending iii.. the Sujv Court tffH'ud .Static, and it won! decided in\Jnly |n..:-:t. ' It it a! ihjtVre lip settknj 1 thatthey have no right (viz: to vote)., there would 1 necessity for inuwiueing; any an giving i 6t tiuri ies,'c>r- j ind iii\| ires on i j )plo of; • .Lcl effojrt.j from ■ Scy illum'l* 1 'vi !i ; jr» 1 )i ' ovtjr-J meat pjd| the. suhjeht.’} I" /V -..1. r ’ ! ' :n i d l , i e ' ir |. ■ ■ ' 1 Aghew Jj*'* I^ciWik-^... Perry, -Mw-coi ydtod tho in\t-rtioi) ot , the, 1 =/J£ ,ncs | l( ? llso H>| ■ s° v e - l:? ash ed- Vdrd “vfiiilo” into tiio\Coijstita:.v|f!/:F' j' 1 -V *| v ' and t!io Writer acids j ~T.\Nat m f lion K_\\a. d ; d,aw to ihi^Wriocl. opjnosi t ii. n .of I • av liUe.Jt I , VVptsh cn ju<l£(K%uoty,vve o,\\fe tilt* fue£\hiii' litis! J : V/, -= ■■ 1 l|/‘ hogroeXare ifot votlli-s in.. Pendsvl. : i , ,. ,s . 1 ._ $“• raii l i!i. , ’v%(! Bmii snppre.sMO,y, K o'f: ' •■ V a T' fuels ami uiytraths exists in t.Lis charge, i “! ; B- u .da|o ? r ' .'V asli-co i Judge! Agiuhv, l)V hi.-* speechand.i. ” n } ByCarot.hersv‘ ■ ■• hih that lie -yakof opin-X' ! ’T < ;* X'tX*' 1 '" Imt’.Y-u' 1 ! - 1 ion the iiegroes lYad tlieu iio-rix it 1° ! ife 11 ?.' V U 1 Vote under the ComhilutiorraVi t-sl.»pd|i J! X CL ' .ami thill the moticniXyas but.’!i tire-ji V,!. 1 ‘ ea-einte 1 ash or brand thrown.into UicNjJoiivenli. moth '' ' V ll ■l'vl’' |'' , *-' mson i ’-V- 1 ' the siibyeeCof slavety, aVI edi “d .alt... leasunt, dapper th'S reform he; had at heart.—lf v r Y,*?V^*"’ Th ; c liesi'tjipot of hisWiews iKhis own]; '.,' ,s ~ ,■'» : Vr \ •speech.^kllowtrig: tao-' reason \yjfv ‘ ~*>*.) j\hros.', Greek, opposed the introduction of li t»e«>f.gc .■ ?, very useless audiiAte;.'? 11 !™ -h J^msoiiMdrods,Creek,, ■■The. 15. lowing extracts will'- ux'Jdahi | , r ■ < '.°^ i ' ! ?y%\ ,v er I -. .hiAdhsiUilml .Debates j« CimveiuidiivNl. 1 -w? 1 ? '• ~ ”*A, -Vol.flh paigXhtiis-O. ; .c'Geo.rgo htbwt, •/ ‘ !i IVl|at[iv{aSlhcCon veil tifin about jodh?i ' - It|ws\bout 10 propose'to tho lionleiXXvT 1, .“ ofTa., a|hp\v constitution—it Syas about | 'X‘"Xf '•- r -c‘.V .--V"* tosnbmit amendmen ts to the-puoplo of; f. I PennsyjvkTpa for-their iieeepUu.fe ,or r? ’'XXjXc’ I rejeetioh. | It*, ulctiag . this- no hian j. i,® s eoidd fop-.a inoniont doubt hut- fheiv I,''.Pi '„ N a X., ivciuld be •'a str6 l tfofi to the j "."‘"X aniendnienia proposed’. This, u as; ji !‘.;!• ■' ,l , . ,T ‘ vf.'.- ihsl.tter. ptigHfl ,;t|> b 2 taker 'into I' J' >1 p'Ty' . cobsideration-hy-afl .those 1 in favor of : , U ao, ! , „'- n * li , i ■■.. ■, i , j. ,i Jus MdspulnnUi, est> an amended constitution../ ; i ndedil lorlj ‘ ’ his part ho Was , hot willi tut t« : . V l *, it tx.?,' 1 ’ T . . .•■■ daieior the’nts which hi had; ■' r ' „ V•"• •’ ■* v sd n.aeb hi heart, bv a .pmp..siiL, o ! *■s f 1 ' 1 dX.d " ( t-; al -;;;. M ; . _ 1 1 , v :, Ut*o U L nuiuriuO.*,l> l>ethleheriK u : A ior.,relcrmw to ,fhc ease the, y} o \ >b / vn ..i ' ' . • pending u. Court and !, n M)n . >‘ ot fingha.r..' '■ X; ’-nlulirig his.opinion, that uoirroes wero ; r ' i ,j M i \i 1 X x ° d yi • ■ , i • ,I'John.'li iiill, cily.i ** \ not freemen w.tlyn tho const.U.^ional. j Vo^.m h^ nt> 1.. \ prov.s.on as toiothors, jho P.roeeeds 1 ; j Alv S n . Ijafl - a fe .! ' ’,! - llu . " oth, ( n S "}°T C '*:**>: Thos J Ad-eher. W^Klnl#,- i»roi)not\ r of extending the ri*jhi or >■ » \t / w •„». \r t hi . i 1 rJ *■ , *r ? i * ,i l .lolui M. Jlorrioti, Mt Pleasant; .* 4 J suura'xe to those pe.opjo, i-and iTicrcdv;.- r , .; ■,, . .• • •r'i ,/ . V. i ~r : *• irayo it: as his bclict .Uisiti. • uiukr , the ; . . / c .■ v ' J f, • ,- 4 .. > n-...-. Jw • ~J 4l > Johti K. Jhivis,.Smith Mnibunc, ‘ { Constitution of lilbJ. che\T C*oul.l ! .not , !>r , » ...• . - I lt • : i, T !4< iV t.• i•i : 1 l> a<*lc, JoUvrson, . u . vofe., :Ho.lhoug!.J tho qutsli<.u Jat-dd | m , K . .p, , ... reference td. anj i Ay T J,, )r ' S<>!tlh Stnftilt)e 'agrarian, or going bijf.k. &, dl S 6 l{{ Str:lUl^ the .natural rights ot nan ir. i gov/., ■ i ,j„ ’’ , ■ , ° r - / , <reorgd I:uxli.ui. Jiideponaenee, ■ ernment oi trcemeii. , f,,.i * • 1 ~ mi i • -i ■■.. J I\. ■ i/nii ■•. r.irrhh. ••Hie sfmptc question .wsSs tins'— l, : . j.i:’,■■■•, i v v. ■-■!.,i 1 - ji ' ; e , ; : .‘o!in > IjJixtou. .) efKl son, |“ ;\V as !the Slate ol Pennsylvania ; llburv |x; iw. Amwel!. - ‘ exclusively by a-natron of vyhifo .me;l ■ ~ nvihon. Somerset,. V as ;conlraaislni£;uislio( iron-, tub Ain- i n s . .... t - ■ , C ut • . ; 1 ileuben bnitiips, Jetierson. • pan race I And was the Alru-an race . , , ~ ,ii , c . i. . ■- ~ ~ i , . , ••• 1. ■ Jiicon MursUi! . Somerset., prevented by law- from beetuning a, , ; . , ~ .i ~ A -1 ,i, v • . .•■ ' f •’ ! ,to>ppii hoonistiii.. ,nt l .easUnt, part;Of .the .sovereignty of" t oi.nsvl , ■ ~ i , . ~ ■ ’ f- - -.J ■, [,. .. - , O wen t amp, Aniw.-.fl, tvanups ■ ibese were questions Of met; ... 1 ,. ’» • v •; . y ... '•• , .i, 1 . ,1 i • M-ni-'hbter, .smiiii, •avlnc-a it seemed tOiduin as only iutv-. ,i ■ , - , ■■ . i.Vj’ , -t- : -■ .fi.‘-.-elnl I lisHm!' ; utg tp be itcleritiuiod to Ac'ueeisiyo i/X - j , c. tlip question. ; Well;'sir, tluij iji-tory ‘Jt'jTA,Adi,, ■of T’dntjsylvtaiiia proves jiliat; ({lie At-; ricaii [race never was a part ; s v .r- c. ~ ' i 1 ■ ;.Ueo i\ -i i;: iOt the sovereignty, ol 'Tensisylvmna., tfnr. I Tlioy'were not looked iipoi. as- boiitg Jf--s--s^; vf-d,.... of the" comhuiriiiv at a i. aulli Xhei'XlbX'cXpend./nee. leqnsp.qucutly they could have; nh ; j Xor StCfbade, ■to vote, unless they -y hI X;, M. Periell.- W l'inled,' aceolslmg to the rules and ; . Crokibr.Nnilingha.n, ol wineh ■■ llipn ex.slef,' to|d:. loiwi n >■!. jri t .f..,W hethlchcm, which was as yof to be loanaj in tiioi^p* r utikiiu , laws and constitutions of those: limds. •.\y; ll v \j. S'ra’viiid 1 - ■ I Noiilier - the laws utiar eonsriquuons,; j nor ; tho history ot-tho eustqins pt, ( V-iIV-. l.thbsp ; show that the African ■ j,-,* ■•Vi<r.v“H . j ratoj was ever permitted to tace «b.V ; ; Vfaltomii Wjjh‘ ••' ■ 1 •, ■' 1 pju-t ; iii the public business of tlie p Snee.'Xdi th, Xraoan'o, ; p.P of that period.; Tins s a-Croafv,li.Jdi.eivUoucd, “■ ' to him to boldoeisiye o-Mhis question;” ; t j ;IIIVOS jy. Thdnias, A'ouingimin,' 11 -i - Tho result; yiroves not .onljvv'thal: Prestlet'iJovd' llandver; ‘V y ’ “ : Judge Agnew’s WowsofConstitulioiial; A :-■t;an.riiiiaham,N Sowiekly ! .lhfeivdrb. law - were soundibal that the iqtro.lnc- 1 ( j;{jy jlaifalo, '•; 'Watrhic tiion of tho Word."white".-vya-i {wholly ■ jAverb.liiThonias.N Strabane,X‘ ! . unnecessary.. In dlobW |f.r \aL rs., j 0 l.a F Fev ! yi 11, ft Bethlehem, P, o o"s .6 .Wails pi>3, the - 01ipi - emo ; j u i ltl Smiths • Indcpendened, .i -.Copn deeidpil that the term ‘'{.jeenieti : j Moord, Greenfield; ; ‘ iv ? in the Cpiistitiition bt fTbO did not; Duval, £ 'Pike Run, "i,v embrace negroes and- on j Kefehau.ljonogai; H > thovery ground stated by Judge-Agrj(i:has\yatsonAmwell,.i •• [H now, besides referring to‘a-cash decide Sdm n cl j Dennis, ,.“ ri ed in the same way at. Philadelphia in ! Anirv b j u oyllo i.l ai AWwell , “ 1790 by tho H>gh Court of Errors and : Maillol W Sowers, W Beth I’m, 1 ts -'l - ' ‘ j Andrew Vandyke,' ' . -w ,U Domochltic papers Avho dfomamin Owen, Slorns,' ' ’ have published artjele entitled an ! Albert A Hill, K Bethlehem. “ ‘•bgly Jiocord; have the manliness' toj : fieoiWl, Hill “ - ■ publish . this: cphtradiction? j Espe-'l r soSvJflilV '“ ■ 1 " T : - of . 'C Warren,'Donegal, j ' ,A\ >ll tho'.-ofur correct th.s. art.- | n alli el Kerr, Somerset- j ; " do against a lelloiy townsmah|/ . i b !ivid S RosSi A y Bolblel.em, ' - ,j-'- '-v *-f LO3, ■ | James Mniuioll.lNor Sirabane,:. Questions for the Stir- ■‘H 0 *? ( - , . l^>X an , t9l h i ■ r» i». ■" j ■ ceution of the war for the suppression Moses Vaneoyoc, B Fihfoyj i-.. ” . of tho robelligi) ? ' Alfred M’JCeAg,- W c" Are you ip-favor of lurnihhing * the John Union,‘ j President With funds suffibibni tql^ l, " **., ' H . ;1 ’I . if. ,- ~ Dan 1 Baker; Ani'fl'eu, b ’ J -i arm, armies and Davies engaged in its snp-jlAVifrit List, i, prossion ? V ■ . • , [Smilh -Daj'i Morris, tl . Arc you in ; favor of the aihondment iJaekson JJppuelly, Uniotf, <( £6 the constitution of .PorinhylvanitJ| Jobu Welkin, Greenfield, _ _ , giving soldiers' the right of suffrage ? ; I ,' ; JUIIN CDTHBEKjTSO- ,•, J - ejwould be gFatlltc bffvejanewera i ( Captain & Provosc >■> to these questions-that we (d.ay - 1, |24th p "f * swUl ft ° f OTr i ®;T P“’“l ■ports will" bo i and 11a!look i-fji the crippled lodorale army . groat victory V- [cpXTiNCfcD FROM LAST WEEK J w ■ Exemption List. liarli luke i the; t lie )o^i' . Exempt on: account 'of paying $3OO. - ' Geo W Osburri, .Robinson w ns i,■ • Win A Kirk, Donegal, - . Jan W Anjorso-n Law ™ Jan B M’praelceii. Pl’ii Gi OV o, 1 •=," John .M'.N’ully, •< r 1 ’ .V;. Wash ißMillan. Jlanover, .. JasJ Blair,.Plain Grove,!. Law Robert M’Canm.v:- ;v. „ . Cu olli- t-ho Tl.os CatU'r- s; ; ;, ; ,, rv .: 0C | t- J |: l ll sLo| ll K ; :.|l, n .,|j : Wiih CO i», Ito-biR-Onf.j toa.v-rat . - johii li Piu!,--. : Alld’lV J ' El‘A { ; Thomas jAmUr.y, ~i” J JuhnE 'Barr. . \ •• .• -! ;'!):ivid i.i;vVrne!i. "\i , Thus -Tcmp.icf !«i. X 4- ■ . Lkima, A nr.vA! i-Sam'l Eakty -5 . 1 AlMe'-Btyifp:*, v .• ;■ ' ; (' C Ray. Cn>HS(Trek, flhiyi.i -M.’'sr;iry, Soa:or,vjt, 'Cniy.-r. Atorriy |4 ; Tit'-n«don ) . - ■’ 1 f : u ' JoyahMEnyhind, • •• \ y| Tlk>.s, lla!in Crus-i Greek, ■\l Roritfclcllar, f ■Jij'im (J Earns. .Ml Plcusuiit. " L: -.i' lirou'ii, -Jlijpcv;eif, \ .1 J.lrii KeCayAitl-cFajjc, iLi ram M’GlVari', 'Franklin,' •r '" ' -J .. - ■ OttMlf 'l'" l *'' ‘V j Halil, •t t.- aw ri ITIUI k t :i:e i r.e C ul'l ijth vt o’ no er.'j :iti i;l :;, W JvjtLifls':;! ■ ■ |' ■ : - 1 ' ley, « ’ '! IMES Mar i: f . I ' 'u ?■ “■ f .. -i ■ i u fii'lk’iui, i. 4 [H'liiy Ku'iiklin. •• kK U asliinytoji. I/uiv.'t'iV. alk/o, s 1 .^y a ,y t w XViw :Cree(c. ; - 1 _• xtaljin'.soi), - •* i* . V •1 '• 9 i m -. .» TV ’f.-irri's, i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers