.1i RcTt. Wednesday;,: D. L. IMBRJE,- E«4ftop & Proprietor. TR^NS —Osß.DbiiAß ttoi FifttCest h jier iniluit, i;-’ ahvakoe; otherwise s*iro Dot i tARS will, lie charged. No paper discontinued until all arrearage* »ro settled.” i ' JSV* letters and ooimnunrcationß, b/ mail f-'«lislHia-Te jjrampt attention. Ti me Tab! ctETELA3n> & pittsbcegh, a $. *■ feeaver Station—Going East. • 'Cwl v:f natty, ‘Monday, Apr. 20, 1868.—TWzhm ;«!■? Ureter Slaliun di fdtlotrt: ■ 7:2-3 A.f. Arrives it Pittsburgh, 6:10 A, X. 1:56 M..|* 3:56 P. at. .j Goiso 77s»r— -1 Tra-'ni. leant FiittlurgK ct/ollovt: 5-. W a. mV Arrives at 8eaTpr,;.....7,:40 a. k. It’: pir. u. 5 Rcchester..... 2:CO {. a. S:o'j !•. mV , *• ' .-6:26 A a. I - J. x. Mccrn.iiGCGii, iwt. i ; F.. I’.. MVEIIS, Otn’i Tektl Agent.' i FT. V.LiY.XK &10EICAG ( i . '*3— ~ - P Rochester Station —(lor.vcf . ’..eaves liocaester A? •5:30 .v: M.. Ift-rricli'n A<.*C;*in.-v o j, , i\'4o p'. m. .... .. -Jglewon .EPTBLICAN, I;- --- -- -mpOS- . • , . a •• sl<#6 r. x... ltd*.Republican in its hearty adhesion’;: fug burdens grievous to be borne, but * ,on , of-aU-|'tbiE‘fractions tdthepro : -.Mail.' ■■'5:23' «s„»••••• i» the great truth that “God has! designed as a belief afflictive s,aver T advocafcls, wo have'left ifcen -.‘mi rT! 5 ; « *4o p! ~i““p * 'i ,? ue bl ?° d « H ®f«W* of "»««"]burdcito-a «ahtof priviloires-Ibo- I ti|fel y out of t|® account, those tin- Cinc'in’ti Exp. *" *'! e< i ual f :'°of all i»tOwmontpf favors. In proof of is, > raoroUB iocrtf fes|lvalB allusion .> - teivcsr’lttHi Arr. at Kocicsier, i men to “life, liberty, and the [pursuitwe stale, 1. The fact that ho servant *f made,-as in fttd Ist CrosiUuc Accoai. a, » .T ; - Ju a. x. of tin its : from the strangers could remain a scr- Samao, > 9t “ °» of the vari : U. U| w -h;u.\c.- r : It:A.. A. * - Steadfast, earnest, defiant hostility to| yant : j n the familv of an Israelite ous family, female, sneh as thewean *** i! .; av ? r y cfto.t of the Slave i wUhiut bccoraihjr ■ proBelvto C( j m . ing of children, It mitrfigeS, at sheep* 1. Sits;:::tJ:! * Mp. m.l:of> p- a. ;,ernplre bf the New Woild.land ■ pricepf the privilege.-—Gen. 17; 9—14; w ;*- .reference'.ls often made, agin l, Alt;. gui«.. K. ; the resources of our country for its 123, 27, 2. Excommunication from the* L Sa,n- 20; %>ther havij we "vbHv statement ofßank of j in; | a pu n i s bmenL-Gen. 21) thoSe Memorable festivals :&«^ , ' , ; n u o £A"E t &;* iw. u*; p r“, ?*• \ - ji:pcriU and jpßluniUie* suddenly thrust■ Every, Hebrew servant ooUld compel 8h u |S lo*7j feasts of Pnnm, • s'* m ni^ osl us by - their American! counter-.! bis master to keep him in his family Pother 9; 18, 29* And the feast of j" u:i-h -r U : b fJO ; -V]^ l , l^c ° VO! ‘ t and ruin, of after .{Re six years contract ( i e^ c a f .i°u wLicli, lasted eight days, ; 82.500 , f P ;^ pU^ C 7 R r P ils | expired-, shows that the system J i ohn , 22.; Finally, the Mosaic sys ii. b)..*r -:cv>. ir-:.s.iinurei.. -l.M> 00 nope amMrOnt. its faith and -effort. . , , . , ■ lem Secured to all sorvanfa «n i f .n„ ..ihv. ; X.&t 75 ’-that. this atrocious Rebellion must wo * JlO advance the interests ; seonica to ausorvante an amount • • . .k-..i'uuiorVajnkiimUresult in the signal overthrow, of its i aft d gratify the wishes of the servant ° * 111,0 which, if Uistrjb.tifed, would, nrtd * irTn ostfl^^s^^neii t i quite as much as those of the [master, an avcra J»®* nearly- one half of rigjiisati.d equnl.laws.through- jijj t he servant demanded it the la'wl tho da J A . 5n fdf’tho putposo ] - deed bo. «nd inseparable" hence-! f»m'bo. u Behold, however IjUlojoccasion t- ■ and their tarn fonli and.forever. the might have' his services, ,dr lle3 aiid furnished Tue ilftentibn iti| great .his dislikei to’the ith °PPortunietfei)f instrnction. If ; calmer’ times.’ andHp some extant in i> o ut. ;15; 12 17* ISsod 21 °* G 4 Tho^ tl,is “mbont of time,were distributed! j elre may ibinister, toi the spiritual and to all servants. 1. They jwerbj . s - -The gcrvt*itsiwouid hpivc to ; and well-berng' of admitted itjler covenant with l Ood. j them selves hi 11 ba\- 8 of one . ■ : m; yi.ki.''d ; bul f..r:tho present Us encf- Dent. 29,.,10; 13.! 2. They were, iuvi-1 ba * i " oi day-.-lind would labor for ~,a ’■ o l”f' nlj - fo4b'«ast!t of tlife Passover, and all the < th^ r tb<J|tomaining ftactipn '-Wnr r for ; ll7e %jon. •’Its speHal *** welKhs the fafoily, fesli-j a< ?| tho-.oth?r hi|f of This ~••!:.’.j ; ! *. ; i' sut-eTr ’jti:i'.ttcij'Cofre-'pdncleats ■ - every j 8 the which they | is one, .. 7^';:..! : able afoiy. and 'report everfeli resided,. Exod. 1,2, [ F lO ,nost P r pmfoont featetres of the yi:- . - , JAR*| i f tmi-oua».Unei Jentof that great strughiiio, 12, 'iS, and IbylO, 16. TheyAverc j aic s 3 r stom tafohich 'vvbbare most j Jni r?T .7Kj? r f tt, . t *’ i, V instructed iWraUt^idre4 tri f ni « >haat H*l^ b^ -\o(. Peace ami Tl.rilt to i 35; II .Chron. 17; 8,-9. = 4. Thc/wcr.^ I 'V* 1 ;P«* icct « d . w |fo u- ■-Joiw-UtV. tUo j Coli,ltr - V y? Q belitivo that not released from their regular labor tor i l “ l rJ >t '* ier of tl,c community • O IV of ' ,v i>o ? r niore iiceu-1 ar ,; amount oftimo nearly equafTto onc !; *? ia 't-C; pcfboii, pn^jjcriy M-eMTAWain ,G. : ..v:d AWe:;iMd:-j.-r. .Tl.r.t • : -lc mow .the progress ahd chai*ac- j f 1,. , : Tjurimr U-is tiiiic 1 -•i tf i , ’ :j!l . t i c ’ D 'NW‘d;-ail his ucturat ' ; e } •ip.-Aijijr anm/:<ia,cu!s' be j*roi»Asi,.<| te tjife *••*» '°f tl.lS/ momentous Conflict he j , * t ° 1 :.-■■} Kvcr- i'l t'l*-S-A-*-s it,,.: 1..',,, •v/Ji!iT:.*!i <*r:.!icTi,iu>;i<jn»rohitii,'in accurd- of*.’ain>d ; than ihrojigh the '•'rc-i'iilar! t,uc ' fow-sccared to them not only an i ,' ’’ J' : •; U,v yrovi u f ti»c u-mu:nfiisic pe-ii.-al Cf our celum.ie. * And we ! exemption from labor, but thV’ienttirb j “ ‘'* se Proof:. • I!’ to iid.Hiior.il! i--ejiion,io the ■ ca , , ’, , ?^ ti - v fbo co-upbration of! support of tberas,elves and ihe.r fain-!. ,a t'ciween youi^brotlun C..T,.:itaii.m, :j be dcsis-“' iU ‘ “ lends iu the Nationa)..cnuse.which | aiea; and the same public family in- 'J Ufl b , ° righteously betweenxyory man • •:.ur.-««f.,n«.«s: 1 e regant aim .Uphold a's that -ofi 1 .- ,{ . . , . , [and bis -neighbor md'-thn Universal Hanmnity, to aid us in : was provided fpp. the| W UI fn ° , ,7'’! ' t‘ : ioiiouig its girvuhitmn. .-! olhor.membei'ai of the* .Rebrew com- j! .. at a .ytlun. \e shall notrespopt ’ ! • TERMS,, ; | inanity. The lawji secured to them juilgment, bupye shal, hdtir' m:v- The enormous increase in the price| the wiiolc of every, seventh veur —i£ s,c Wc-11 as tlio gioat—Dent, of pi intiiig paper «nd othoi materials ? 2- 36; thus giving to those ser- .l«?r l‘S *l*o in Lev 24;-22. Yoishall rfmisyTwswtti™**- •«- w^-V;.d.ri. s i?r’-r law ror i*™ tb “ fv**- 81... NE. O-ir iio-.i ißrm. are : j tlio entira period oetween rbo jabilees, i J*? 1 l #® or#w, S m him; tlmt ■ DAILY TRIBUNE- whole' yea(s (including Jubilee j! , Jrn a ™ on S th f ? hs,d ren of Israel,: vr v "’’ ,,% \ S ce c t s' j year), of unhrolceu rest (b.) •Every’ or ■' that sojourneth Mini one rear (2j* sB. J J • - -1; .- ' v J * tln»m ” Tjnt.f o- in iA SEMI.'WEEKLY 'TRIBUNE. j seventh,-day;., This in torty-two (the , n hem. Dout. 2i, 19 Curs- Om.-C.iiiy, 003 year (104 i55ue5);'.............53 j oigbt : being substracted from the fifty) 0 0 t,ut pirvertolb. the jud J £U.s}s::; ww,d ■mountjast six years ( C .) The n \ ! ° ri !' o ' Btra is e - p * the Jui <*o.? year i .\..X„:>.522-50. j great annual feativaliß.' The Passover po widow, q. Tho Mosaic sys ■tv'«u^ver!l P/ be ’? at ' bs &ftW9n -! whit ; h commenced bn thelfithof ihelast e f ln eu j oili f d upon the IsraoPios the ’’ - ;i\VktEKLY iTRIBUNE., month, lasted seven days.—Deut. 16; {? ronteat ' aSeetion ajidkindnesstoward Olio Copy. on» year|{s2 ..52 3,8 J The Pentecost, or the feast of j t ° ir sorVantB . foreign as Weil as Jew- weejes, which begah‘on the sixth day (-’I 19 rP 4 ' ganger that Ttrii one year ..$l5 of the third mdnlb, and lasted seven ! ;" ° 0 • Wl ™ T oa wiall ho unto you I Any - larger ."umber addressed to ( i a y ß 16; 10“ 11.' And the feast! one *.«O“S you,f and thou mimes or subscribers, 81,50 jsach. An . „ , , ’ , ' ~1 shall love him as thvsp'lf r>r,„» extra copy .will be sent to every club of. Tabernacles; tbe celebration of Swt. 1 A^ J) ® u . t often.. . ■ which commenced'on tho 15th of the .V • » or the Lord yoay God js; Twenty Copies, to oner-address, one 1 aoveigth month, and last eight days.— ?; otl of S°^ B > and of fords, a| year, S 2», and any larger, number ajk Dent. 16; 13, 15; Lev. 23; 34, 39. , Asi £ r £. at » Go< *> a mighty and (terrible,! saine price. An extra copy will be they were required to meet in-one > vv " not persona 'nor tak-J IhKtv 0 THE SEMI W'FEKLY‘tRif placVfrom-hl! parts of tho lanji. much a Ho doth exoUto tho BUNE-wili be sent. To clubs of fifty timew ould he consumed on their jour- | JU , d f ment of tho fathorleBq »nd the Til E-DAILY TRIBUNE will bo sent ney by.thpTsfow movomonts of their dO - w « and ‘oveth tho stranger,, and 'b ''umbered * him food and r >t;jlo' Qua: EME V ‘5. ' TV. :i , i»->r r- j Ci-i-i in vault f «•• r<u»J office -fixtures •esiif-n'.e5..v;.... ■l'.iiikcbl uv’vur.iil V l.i.\ B! LJTJ ‘ !*';• ,s**K-k r-aM in 4. fC* • *' *: nci r i-;; 1 u I »n. i MEE Im,« t In: i i-nlj-h IV-SiJ’i.ii'l ME 'vf =I = V i.f liic ,.JfC ■jUii t Ijy, ill arty V* ! -i : i y.\- < V;nrn..jiu* 1 » s ;ltJj. ' • :bo of sut;nin:& :u ' lii/en?. ;ucii r<r£- hv, I>“c-«.Vi V.’J JiV ■-’•v ’ ai usual PME * -. 1 1 ■ 'i 1 •■.vv.’i.j.., nu: to. ■J Xu*: 5 •?' ’ ..li'l r -i.* ; n- i \- ME ?)■■> tvi'.-W I'v ; j:>ac --u 1 *:- <;t. ' ••Itviilv -.expressed] m the tiiie ' . IjUI >iuill bt* bv rhe T-f'.-f -*’ *.V trv-iMinjr uuy j«ou ei-s\»i* pnv liege:*.; j'n -•itrr-.dChc .niniioriiy toUgriiiii. ;si:ch lifLr|-by<.‘;i. i»r-iis*tv her:l - U]A‘U the Cvuri-J of thlr ’• ••‘r ’ Jons i’rSSNA, f he jilou'e of JOiiS I'KNNBV, oi ihe bciifUe.' 'i -tzc )// Co f nnxonice*ilth , : il.\Kßjniitno, ; jitly 1; lb 03; Sb:- ]■■■ ■ ’=* ; 1 do :heyeby certify that (he foregoing niinexed is a fu.ll, tf«c and correct copy of the original* joint HesohitioD of- Assembly: entitled “A joint Keboliition pn'posing certain amendments to [C- *;] same remains- oik tile iivf iMsyifSce. ’ y" < Is Testimony wherpm, If ■.]' * hivre ; hereumo^ my j • hand, Wmi caujtfU-tlie seal ' the' Constitution. ; . ~ . * , . , , ii&Dik pU .voiiV&i,. . day'aud i £ h ? ** m t t l * e '?ostr Office and aides some time at the close of it, in year a&src written. * State should in all cases be plainly uecessarv preparations for their re 4. •. 'J> ELI BLIFER,.; ; '.{.written. . • v ;; : ,1 v v . . - , -j Stc'y of the rdimnouwealih Subscribers who send money iiv rn ‘ if we assign three weeks to • . 'File ■ Erov Express, must, prepay the Express Pnnh festival, including the lithe spent ■.’rtS-.j, Rj si'EKB. I'.'6 Finnsk,-Pitt*bor"- j charges, else it will be deducted from on the journey going land returning, •Ct to dyrot especial atteniioii.-ns: the remittance. ; and the necessary delays before and (L- f PJ- thelrKrttt-crrtj-fiTc years. to!. THE .TbIBC.VE. AI.MAXAC TOE 1863 4 e f . e lohmrinn tncofW Lv. amidefects ofuhis • will be ready, about Christmas. . JV. > -8 er w *^“ !n ' the festival weak, it will boa meager TJnion ■•‘Hoifel, ”i ;ior ij he * bsoDC ° ? f | thp eye are. Cataract. whenU-S V - J the bulk of the people, from their] is ,n^ y «clc p i jAsteai.of Wadi; I BEAVER, homes labor. As the fos • "wi,-;,'; ■‘•V UI *•}.??«: OptlmUma* PterygmmU . , , , . ■ .j. s' rerent inSammatiGn’ j , ALEX. CLARK, Proprietor tivals occurred three times in the rai.ur.-..ji.- of the- Optic Kcrresj ; p addition to .the' conveniences of a firs year, the main body 6f the servants would bo leleased'. from their staled ir... r bouse, in ar complete and satisfactory man-1 “ * u -i- tJf.V u Ui arc'Amaurosuß, - efr \ ner, an • j employments at leftfet nine week&,\ asu- f e p'i ,J ’ ■' O YSTER SAIiOON, 1 ally in attendance upon these vri-Vear lro.lcbr.Uo™, which amount in forty. ■■! ~° r “ c - eJ 111 l,,r ™ style.- Families cani>«furaisheii witiiOysters, two.yoars,'subtracting the Sabbaths, of Vi«ioa'C]» „ .. l>y, the can nr dozen. The table is. furnished t n «lr veoei and iiirhif fiinr ,I„.i> /ti T'\- -V r ort with,all the luxuries the PJTTSBCBG MAB 10 * eaf * “ Dd « , KbtJ-lo.ar i days (i), ' "J* 1 :* h ? KETcan afford. ; • „ [ The new moons; The Jewish had ;r-^^“ : s.' r unni ngham Th ! l " kf " , cral heret ?* twelve; Joacphnsitells usthat the Jews .L * V u - K>t. “uiugiuw, James fore hes-towed a contmuauce of the same U , r - , f . . Loans o\* pm> - . respectfully Elicited. ; <ieol7 always kept two days; for tho new at can b /T>EVK;iIVKS. setodw.;a«m^ : 'phi moo^r^ 6 HomeVlntrodaotion, al- MJIXdS n\\e y' P.fi DOLLAR Purses, Port Moaaies, Neodles,x»eeiera, BD I Sam. 20; 18,19, 27.' This would A : ■' 3 . ct>t ? ,s >V.. 0*22. f ; y»»Tß>td;two hnndiedand eighty L • et 3M3BS 23.1869. kZ 8:20 p. 8:06 P. tt. Aggrggate... ...7. -215,375 Pre-eminentlj' a journal of 'Neva -and of Literature. The Tribune has politi cal convictions: which are well charac terized by the.single word R, East. :r.- at Pitts. 7:00 A. M. 8:25 A. M. 5:00 p. it. 7:05 p. M. 2:25 A. M. 2; 05 r. -Jr 5204,42 i) 50.1 S.r'.'l.-JT'* Ol) ./ W> 12- ' 14'! 1 - $1 ■i hurra • •• *.!_:»;<» ,w " I " ,f ", 5 un a ■ <r v n ho Cu'i.-d* ot .e ( 1 ■ I ' Wbeh drafts can be procured it- is irintb safer than to, remit Bank Bills: s; i •;{ ■' 0 1 Vol. 39--3>To. ar. JTUBUifE. The Sew-York Tbibcmz, first is sued in- 1841, in Its twenty-secoud years, has obtained both a larger and a more widely diffused circulation than t - any other Dewspaper ever published V7e was the design of in America. 'Though it has suffered, • r I , in common with other journals, i-ft-oto “ OS * IC taws relnticg to mastersland the volunteering ‘and depart are of eervantsl' The general object of those tens of thousands of its "patrons toi'statutfa, which prescribes thefela sfrre in the War fcr tbo t7nio^lMft| OD 0 f masters afd Borvanls, waS the circulation on this 6tb of December, ■ i . , 1862, is as follows; good of Wlh parties—but more.espe- Daily 60,126 . oially the good of the servants: While ‘ fullyjguarded from injnTy, those of tijo servajnt were sedulously promoted. — ■ These laws were a merciful provision for the .poorer classes, both of the Israelites and istrangers. Jfotdmpop .IS Address THE TRIBUNE, Tribune' JJuildiiigfe, New-York 11 i>:it y ■*" iIl 4 . //■’ i • [Wums ' sjw»‘ TBS ALOIS'] . | DOES THE BIBtiE SANGITOI7 SUCH PRINCIPLEt -■ • ' 1 5t cambered, caravans, and after their arrival at the placo of sacrifice, a>day or two at least, would he requisite for divers preparations;, before entering *n the celebration of the festival, bo vdl cf'Ezd7iJhl.:'.r-.'i *:lh 'v'fi.i; Wmm v tiJi g A. 1 Beaveg, a.-i ) ..’rifr 1* ■ • afwr subtractions (()■ the ;6rst <nonth, and of («> ®«' “»y^tonihday 23; 27, 32. These las|lwb feasts would con ehnjo days of ■time not Thus -it Appeai^Hb» ! ibefl6’>'{i(irsiODB yrho continued servlets daribg the whole ‘period law released frtfbi their labor; twenty three yean abl| sixty-four daya out of fifty years, anddhosei who remained, a less ; timo io.tbd|aftme proportion ' It will be that in that calcula tion, besides making a generous' dona" NNE . , raiment; ilovo ye therefore the stronger —Exod. 22; 21. Thou shalt neither vex a stranger nor oppress him. Exod. 23; 9.j Thou shall not oppress a stranger for ye •w know the heatt of a arranger. -Lev. 26;'35, 36. brother be[ waxen, poor thou shaft relieve him, lho' ho jbe a stranger or a sojourner s that he may live with thee; tako.thou no him or inerease, but fear,thy God. i (What, an absurdity to suppose this same stranger could betaken by one that feared bis God, and held as a slave and forced to labor, and robbed of his time,' earnings,' and all bis rights.) 7. were plated npoh a level with their masters in all civil and religions, lights. Without quoting passages at length the*reader is referred to.the following-iin proof: Xorn. 15; 15,16,29; Kura. 9; 14;,Deut. 1; 16, IT; Lev. 24; 22. j igSuThe London Court Journal re lates that a young English lady [of 70 summers ana a good deal of money has just given her virgin hand to her hutler.'a .lad of 38. I- ( .i' ' ' ) sauJnvenilo depravity has develop ed a hew crii/te in Wheeling, Vi; i- The boys there kill pigs to get the: blad ders. - (ids Vi' j iO liziob MT i V.;, Ityl'od •Hyar n/:incl When it is Dark..— -The following beautiful sentinvent is. taken tfrom “Aleister Karl’s Sketch Book,” (enti tled “The Kight of Heaver..” |lt is full of touching tendernessis dark when thehonorable and j honest man secs the result of long years swept away by the knavish, heartless adversary.’ It is davhj when lie sees the clouds of sorrow; gathei | round and knows that the hope's add happi ness of,othersare Ihding with his own. But in that hour the betnory of past integrity will bo a true consolation, and a-snre him even (here on earth, r of gleams of light in heayen. It ’is dark when tho dear voicbof that sweet child, once so fondly 16ved, is no more heard around in dnirmurs. Dark, when tho light, pattering foot no more resound without the threshold, or as cend step by step the stairs. Dark, when well known air recalls the strain once attunod jby the; childish voice now hashed in death! .Dark ness, but only the-glbom- which her alds the dayspring of immortality and tho infinite light'bf Heaven. Just BETaiBCTioN.-4col.pnel Gilbert is made Military Governor and Gener al Carter Provost Miyshal General of ■51 r ' r ■ J";.' ■v: -r. j- 1111 ?. - MI 'dSpsc. ■ ' ■ : 'i 1 UM /l .' mj } l-’.-'i ;|i WJ •: 'I • '‘WVMWi I ■i\ * | - KJ #! <: V - (' What Wood-ward and Vallafadlg-' ham Will do. ; : “V- Wobdwhrd ' arid. Vallaridiyhdm loere elected, with Seymdyr and Parker, j they would unite in calling from (he army ', the troops from their respective States,for ! the purpose of Compelling the Administra tion tq indite d ponvetitioii of ithe States. ■ to adjust our difficulties.’’— Extract of & speech delivered by, Biestor Clymiir, at Somerset, Pa. •/'.[ V* nd.dUguiao'atout all tins,- Taken iu Conjunction with the coh ■fessifcn of the 'lory Organ oi yester day, the declarations ofClymer may . bo regarded as the fixed policy of the Copperheads, a policy to >oud this war of U?d National GoVortithcnt. This narrows down the issue, in the present political Campaign • to the simple question. Shall A bra ham Lincdlu, the Constitutionally,! elected and Constitutionally inaugu* rated President of the United States, bo allowed ip peace to administer the Government of the gald States ? or shall. Jefferson Davis,!, a trai tor and ■Warper, who has participated .in the murderof hundreds- bird thousands of Union men—-who has been instrumen tal in laying waste largo tracts of fruitful, peaceful arid prosperous ter-, ritory—who has repudiated the Con stitution;—who has conspired to de stroy thoUiiion—who has’sworn to i .spread slavery all over the free States j —shall this rebel and traitor establish j fl government over that inaugurated 1 by the heroes of the .Revolution ? These’are now the questions involved I in the campaign for Governor of the State ofPennsylvania. It Curtin: is elected Governor, Lincoln will Icdntin ue, at ho was elected, the. Constitu tional President of the United [States. If Woodward; succeeds to the Guber natorial succession in the State, then wilt come local rebellion-^-then will follow a cohdipt of Jurisdiction] a col lision with the National authorities, and Pennsylvania, at war; with the, National Government. Nothing could bo plainer than all this, it is nil issue ji which the Copperheads have [boldly j made.; Their-speakers adyance it’ oh | the stump and ;tlieir£>cribos[ urge it in! their journals. [ : lienee every man can ! vote knowingly. He can knowingly ! vote for Woodward'und rebellion, or I he can vote iby Curuu and the sutety j of the National Government liy the! atippor-l.of the iNational Admihrslta-! tioo.— Har. Tel. ! j : I .' • ; Conspiracy. l ,i w'.ppjrl>tnti 4 1 a conspiracy and by call the attention of the public to tlie dis covery. j Our patriotic Executive, I.Andrew Curoin, oveij solicitous for i,4lie welfare of our brape soldiers,. is endeavoring toj iiavj.our sick i and wotiudrd (ionic from this hospitals in the pestilent SoUtti, to regain health and vigor aiiioni; the mountainll and yallcys of our ovtn Stale, or to,breathe, their last ambugllriends and kindred. This is called'a conspiracy against the. purity ot the ballot bo£ Have these jived a right to yo*le ?; “.Does Justice I Woodward’s depisitrti, which disfran chisedoitr in the field, idis'- j fanchise them also after their 1 return homo? Shalt spars and mutilation received in dcfqnsb of our firesides meet no other ■.return than degrada- | tiori from the rantc of lreoir.cn, or is ai patriot to be deprived of citizenship j tor loving h'is country mom than his life, and atler striking ai blow in 'her defense ’! Give uayour opinion, Messrs. Copperheads ? The causa of all this wfithing is the fact that! the copper democracy are casting about for some feather to, l?reak theirfalilnost month, j They cry out beforehand, “Military oppression,” &c. Many of tiio'return ing soldiers are Dl-moc-riit|,-i, but, true to their country aiid tHoinselves, will vote for “the soldiers’ friend,’’ Andrew, G. Curtin. Their democracy is of the stump of Jackson, jDickiiwon, Butler, Shannon, &c. ( which sc|ljs country above party, and not of tiro ieopper head sort, ot Woodward, Rood, Cal houn & Co., who Would place them “in the fore frontof the strong battle” at the slavo-drivcra’ id then refusing reinforcements, by’ opposing the draft, “retire Worn after , them,” and'leave them to perish for th'oir own selfish ends. j ‘ fain bV:> T-L'Vli} f -f 1 -t 1818 n —n-r-n . Governor Cjartin In the |foilowing frqin theSi Loots, j Democrat ; the highest! compliment, is ' ■fkp.g'reat" car ngst e-ess and, pa triotic energy displayejl by. the Gov ernor.] The Demo crat regards liifdel-tio| aii of national importance : i■- j • " : When w& look at ihppertod during *whieh Gov. Curtin hasiboen called-up-' on to administer thegffpirkbf the groat State of which ho his been Chief Magistrate, tiie numbed of] important and responsible duties devolving upon him, and the great amount of patron ago he|ha» hadihto distribute,- wo can well understand hoijv liable bo .was to give in sbme quarters, and how liable to make occasional mis, takes: ; It would bo strange if both fhuso things bad not occurred. .There is one jibing aboutjGov,. Curtin’s ad ministration upon which ulf, we think,! anust agree, viz 4 that ft -has at. all.( times been conducted; with the loftiest’, zeal for the cause ■ |bf |he J This fact has been iriadoj manifest yon | a,nd| in [many ways, | and is suificicntfto makef Xlnioii men f aU,ovq>tthe country, who have no dn-1 tefest in the local jc;; louslcs of Penn-| sylvani.i polities, to hope, most a'nx-i iiously for his re election,j v By all such j ■jmen th<s defeat of Gey. Ourtihtat tips ! idime 'Would bo regarded ’ks apiational’i ['.Calamity; The lns oppo- j pent,Judge"Woodward—pi Democrat! of that Seymour Copperhead school, ! leaves rip question as- to thro great Is- j suceinvplved in tliecaiitestp It is true j Unionism against false Unionism. In such ajconflieipneii’wlidtrjily love their | country,:and desire the unity of, the] Government, have 'rib alternative in the bestowal of tlieir|sympathieM and any influence they may wield. Their voice to their brethern inj Pemlsj-1 Va nia. wherever they may! bo located, ejannot fail to be aii earnest appeal for .unity, zeal and industry (n action.— iljitif localdisagreeniorits fjori the time! be forgotten. ■ IJp't; the. grpati issue ah sorb alt minor ones. iLetithe pause of I the country prevail, that| liberty, na-; tiona! integrity aiid’ true jl)Jmocracy | may Uoj savedv_.Ul Pennsylvania ‘ proves true in the trial bbur, .Gover nor Cojtiu wilt be eleitcd.j - 'Vito Si Jibl'e]— Question —■How much does a substitute,cost at , the South|? ■ f Jtnsxv^r—Vrim 81,5pU Vi] eo.vou. ' } Q.-Why? .r. | , v: j ; jA.Beeiuiso i(ie Confederate goyern-'I , mi-nt -did [jodt designate nj moderate ’ j ntnolint Hpr- payment of wbpcbfsjiould'- | exempt any person drafted] j j Q.-r-Uow-muct). at pj-e.se.iji. vinilda, ! grafted at iheHorjth hive trpa.y i lV)ra buhsiiuui!■ l'- ’ .A.-—Aho’iU' 5400 or SjjOO. i Qy-Ilow do you know iliis ? j-1, A.—lf rbm fife fact 'that-,Uto Govern-'' -lu.ont m?w 6tiers 8402 lidunty, and still. dinm:ri._.; r "iC ' - ' ■ - ; fails to* procure soldiers siiliiiciciit at i. ."Why; !” began the iGioiv ; •■that-rate. ,i : . - !< .•'_■! isbed mother. .-‘where did ’y : si 'learn i Q.—Hod' much does k drafted- yylio havb ,y..a,; ■ ' 1 kayo to pay our Goy^rn ment'.-insfead l>!«y*«g -Av-iUj _ :| y .of procuring a ’substitute ?. . . 1 1 •■>lo,'’, said thovijiopc-.luk . , A.—8300.' ;■ i ally p.lay with Hi.dk ' Tdidier, ‘ —How miyih doos r a,' drafted mini .'■ j’f s . dully _:-' v £b, a - g!ass. eye gaid by this arguiiient ? _ '! sBO " | j ; ; to ?30d " - 1- I '|l’he fond mother? was about lock; [ j Qj.—VVhodssthe loser in this busjt J sonic aslouiyh merit -at the .npli ! ness ! 4 I | j Ciil misfortune of i-Dielrp when ilic sots ! ' A.— The govcrnnjt-nt.' ■ I j continued : * 1 Who makes dp tfie loiss to the; fAlh, I’m,goirigito buy aping./ Jem/ Government!’? • I I - * s Smalt wears one, dud I’m. fis big as bo- The tax payers—flic rich p?oplo.i ~ : Iff d tf ’Q.-tVho tbeiH sliimldlgrm rblelik “A plug!’ _ gasped ■. ; A.—-NOt the'poor people. ’’ “l es sh-eo, a .pldg- the -■■■: a- ; , j. - ‘,-w.Vi,i- spondulicks salted down ins-doy box, - ' ••». \T- **t p~ *■ yi; sure ; it’s bon rid to come.” f Gkn; Graft’s E.; VTho mother at this junclnp 1 ' order-i D. sit j Hs'cliester, a| ei) dp stairs, aiid scut' member of j General .G|rarit'j i staff,; for a man servant to interpret the .writes to a friend in answer ova tpies-, slar.g. * , • : i tion in regard to Granksfchartieter.—l. - ■ ; Bysaj-s: ‘‘lf you couldlsee t leHcn-j Charleston .-'pdocM swear era as.be-mts .ust over beyond me that -their people . will ‘tight lronv‘ with his w ile-and two cl^ildrah,. lookY.--suvet ■ to. street.’' Let Umm'•fl-ht lm ?i more.l.ke| a chaplain than a gen- GiimoreV bombshdlls and tu.f sW v era . with that quiet atr so impossible w-iVom suWt-to street" if they are'so “1 - m$ il ‘ Vol '3' pugnacious. We gnyss, tbaf; in the diinks. , Jib rably cm- nseiontox. ai i it teir tiguting' from sueet to street, ’’ ictrtiiig ■l.quop; W |idode4te Ml their weapons will he flie-cmriues hab^sand desires than any ptl&rihan 1 Lioes; and water buchcts; ° ’ 1 ever saw; more pure |a[ud| spotless ( id his private jcliaiacter ! than jalmost i any man I oyctr unew ; morel brave than' any man 1 over suw ;j with more power to coratdar.d and ability to plan than any man 1 ever served dnderj Cool to excess When others lose jaervo; always hopeful, alwdys, undistirbed, never failing to accomplish wlat -bo undeirllakes just as La; expects- to.. I have known himi inti been a part of his bousoliodld jfor ;twq years, ahd am notfmistaked in, my csl timate of his character '-’ M ! .. •■ ■ ' ir if I • OeS. JACKB(>>']a_ Lettei ; ssryq that one of the. | iWpreester declared that read■ by.Sumnerj ascribed j Jaoksonj stating that ala' be the next nrqtextlof ln\ destroy the Union, was Del' by Uon. Jackson. - The original! letter I. bandwriting was in. the possession of i ' u* -\ r /. . : j, > a gentleman in this city ir. thp winter ! NatimHib of 1560-61. at Which time ! we.as'rwcdl lu api Vu oi milhonsi as thuny jof bur hod K cn ' f!’ 101 ■ >^he !n -oppbrtnmty to dxamiao it.. }The lcaa.-| ■ s^^ c l roulallL S «otes: ; will be tody iniwbieh it) bad rcmdjled Lee re m ?*«>**• i . f ita date; was .well .known, and, With Kt, I ;'.' ■ - - : V i r the appearance of dbelotter itsolfi left WB-Ths" corn in Tenr.eeseoi .’hae' 1 not the slightest rbom*fora doubt, 0 f stalked well. 'But Bragg’s army has f the genuineness ,tbe jd(iKJumoi}i.-r- beaten the corn—it has-stalked clean 65 nton Adcirttfari. ■,-i X 'ii' ' out 1 Of the State.—JVwitoe. ■" V. ' -:';l ; . ! -l :i V-- --j'-Vr ~~~ ~;. xu\-- MI •. r ■\ : " ■; , f"\ ■ Ihould Gnus '■* ’ ■ ,• A ■^xr ; ! >* NOTICE- TO ADVERTISERS, r | • A’kvtTtiscuieairj iu-icvii'd ftt if ha rat© of 7\3 fioUts Jycr' s-'p;, , ir**—each hubscguout InMTtioit ‘ -ovc lll -' 1 - A libiM'di (fihcbuot indUo to yearly 1 atlvcniocrs, and oalox.g adroptiseuiCMiis. i 'i ! A j-jjace CQUjU to Tnt.UC lilies of. tJiiatjj)« ‘ pessurecl. as a . square. v . ■-^. ■-y_'! , ■ fpccial-ijotices 20 ycx* cc-ht. addition to leg !.ular rates. _' tV -., ■ ‘ ; ; -■ \ | . *l>usuxcas cards, .75 cents a nho, per y o*x x-.‘ i V- Marriages and t’caihsv Itciigioue, PpUt-ial |4nd other tyxtiixes of a pubiie free. =I J ' A )WisK ; Pai;c.\nviQ\—Uaiithud^ray'..i ?. eiicri] arc 'so • prpve’hiAlly njctiutipita., that unions ilia cafrying, conipatitas ! employ, expcdiuiita reiitlering it'.xm-lU ! possiblei iop travellers to expose them-1; set vob to datigor,' RCciitents Bco; conf, lintially occurring. The practice of thrusting the elbows pul of a oar window -has caused so plitrty dccideAtjf that railroad cQmpnulc--,-f“afe generally adopting the jtafo-guard oV putting a I perforated ‘iron plate. eight inches high, aerhstf the bottom of-the twin- - dow, outside the =asb. Tins fenders |,it impossible to thrust theTelbow be yond the cur body, ttnd saves the arm ■, j front being crushed against the Umbers of. bridges. , Aganif.t the ‘danger of accident from passing 'from one car-to another while in ‘motion, (here Us no remedy yet discovered except locking live *car door, its is done in Europe.-—. This is to great a restraint; iipnn the rfreedorit of a live Yankee it. .is not ‘‘ (generally adhploc 1 , though it. would - ■'tend to a,. greater security from acci-,/ ;dhnl ,if it were; ' Againstjamphnd-- | from railroad -ears when in motion. I theredxrno. remedy*, which can bo do r vised,, for no mechanical festrietidnf | can. compensate for the absence p i brains in-the traveller .*. Got the Appointment.—Joint Conk lin. son of a poor irishhitfh, of ; Kuu land, Vermont, has just; Leon appoiiU ’od to a cadetship at West, Point. The j. Herald, of. that city, in rcferenco . to i: ! tha young gentleman, says : ; V It has boen''iii3 anibition for years to get the appointment. ,110 acrpiirodf a very fair edueatioVi at the free schools 'in this town ;■ ho made several etforts ; to secure the appointment, and enlist-' edtipo volunteer for the purpose of earning a claim to it.' He went braviL. lyy through several when] at.Washington' went directly, to the War HopartnieNt, toTd his story,', llio/ circumstances! of his parentage, his aspirations,and services .as asoldicr.- I Secretary Stanton inforimul hittf . at'' ■ oiiiv he should have the jjj point meat. . f Airtl he, .has received it, bvi,*g ap point-: ■ • ed-from one pf’whc' .(listing; s cloffeor- I gift. '' Wo ask i the adopftd. ciidzena, ■'Vjin are,too prone to.Is 1 * iujiideii'/edTa-' 1 to dcndricdation of Chi> .; • there is ,any other under ihdi&'uu where | this would have been lifcelj|jto occur 1 The Rkshjlt ppfSxßs:Edr^c-;;.vT:uN ; . ’ I -r-Kcep Your Chikli'en off JoySirsd-i:~ ■ ■•• jßy that, we mean do - nhli id -them | waiits. If theyfrequent/, .the public . ,j schools, you must establish V'sort of , vernal quarantine ivt. ar.d - ■; examine the youthful loiigUe 'once ,j day, to see-if -it.baS.'iiot a. secrijiion -of, ’siaiig-'uppn it. 1 ; ; ; . : . •.- Mrs.. Uay'cfnJ’s Ritter son, - 'came Tihiilihg into tho'.paiWiiai laan • sioty the" other day, shouting - “.d tbe'i" 1 cook ' ' if- " “fsojv, vheii, pld girl, sinp bp tthat ... Morgan, if he .lives till the war is over, may. attempt'' to re turn to; respectable life. the . retiredjbutcher of fortune couldn't, resist the temptation to slaughter, a bullock with Vis’ own 1 hands month, so we h#yo ho dijybt, will unable to live without stealing a horse' at least.us often us that.— Praiticei' V 9@-A clergyman and a political ora tor exchanged carjpet bags at a Maine depot last week. <The rmrsun found a copnerhcad, oration- ,lin'd a bottle of instead of’ the skeleton J ser*. mon he expected. ‘ r/ ; ' c —TP I. obi speakers at " jtho : letter to Anjdrotv very would ip South, to fv'ijr written ! 4 Jackson - SSfHdeut. Brownell, the avenger of j Ejls worth, who has been • fbif >ome, ( months past on duty at Springfield,! ,'jIlL.: has been ordered to report to hia , ; regiment in the field. s . ■ ■ ;-i ■I -ucntv- ‘'vil'Jta'C- Ell t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers