EMI ER AHGirS; EM ? Wednesday,': Sept. 23, 186$. D. L. IMBRIE, Editor '& Proprietor. tirfoiTsta^Tidiet. - i v For Governor, | HON. ANDREW G. CURTIN, or ee’stee: cousxt. s For Supremo Judge, ’ HON. D AM4-L AG NEW, : - ' or beaveii corxnj. 'I J Onion county ticket. fj . >; ; . ■ - k ■ K [■: Assembly, .. ..{ ? WIT.T.IAM HENRY, Falls ton."’ ISAIAH WHITE.LWcnce County . Sheriff, JOSEPH LEDLIE, Beaver, ■' i Register & Recorder, v ; ALFRED R. HOORE, ,; feeaver, f Treasurer, |i JOHN CAPCi H EVS Beaver, " t Clerk of Court, ‘ JOHN A. FRAZIER, Dailington, ...'if -Os. ! . • _ ; Commissioner, 1 JOIINiH. BEIGULEY Economy t v p., , '' Coroner,- ; \ I ill OS’ Brighton, » ' v Poor House Director,, JOHN K. POTTER, Ra-coon, V ; r - . Auditor, ■ M’CLUivErßridge water, Trustees of Academy ' R('viP.A.CUX^INGII , , WILLIAM,OPR,-Beavitß ; Y ' notice. •Xf ;ATIXO disposed of my ini crest in the * X~| Beaver -1 ill 1 tii. indebted to me for subscription/ , ttc - «■■>! please waliand settle imriiediatclyytvith J. L. Ander son. wbo is authoriied to receipt in my name. Feb. jt>. -01 -f .1. C. NICHOLSON, • AND UNION, RALLY I it pA MASSjIVLEETrNa V- ; or m . ' t , ; FRIENDS OF THE UNION 1 s ’ :| ■ ' TVILI. EE HELD AT THE - 5 eair grounds, in Reaver, ' i FRIDAY, Sept. 2ornl .15:63. Gov. CURTIN, of Perina, Gen- R P, BUTLER, of Maas Hon D L DICKINSON, of N Y Gov PIERPONT, of Va J v Gen JNO A LOGAN, of 111:, Hon W W. KETCHAM of Penn. Eon GEO LANDON, of Penn -»i- - -,r n._ ] ■ he hr ;t'i!-ciiti';vnc'c.' •! ■ ; EMI ■ roif’o. Fiverr.en; of Western Per.h ‘.t-v'-vania ai> 1 hear a full and thyr- (iiv-iKt-ion <}{ tlic moraehtouß is >iit b iii'VT submitted: to-the • -r.cl tlif-u- bo a fall turn out, The township semling the largest <!iin proportion to the.vote; lie.-•‘p'rcßcnfid 'a beanl.il»l flag — rliSißi.uQ lo I'O taken into account. _. ! : j'X'Bni«a Bat'd will be present. . *cju ->apiK> ueoii^ \Vvjjd l for Governor? Iloesj it not look vcrj- much as if this card was published wjth.a view io securing loy yal ? If s 6, we can tell Col. , ' Vera that such a,dodge will |not win. Gen- SEIcJ- F- EUTLEH, y- The- Loyal • voto.wtifif Bepo^'county. '■TLo 3eooi>4 IlorVi uf Xewr Oneans,’ -i tpo wid i awake to be deceived bj", w-m fo.itivel 1 '- ho present and address j any port of clap trap into th«| support : _v- . . * *. -of anything, or any man whose name the molting. v 1 • appears upon a ticKet by suclf la traitor us George VV. W'oodward j and Walter H. Lowry ; the}’ | at all countenance any man who lepds '.his name to the cause-of sustaining the Copperhoadism which: jhas put forth the county ticket in the Star. r H6n THOS CUNNINGHAM Is- , csj'ifctei to address --tLc-. Na**" MitfUiig to'kc lurid iu tiiO Bc-avbr Co. f Fair GrO'i'ul-. <•:' »r«rt Friday • tS?*Thei delegations fr.nh t’ne (JifT'-r «mt township*,, attending The Mass 'Medina cm the 2 jth. 1 will' sheet at the C'.’iv V House?'and into pro .cession, and inarch 'to • the ■ .Fa.r (Troutiif, and will be eon i-.tcu as they pass in au the gate. each, delega tion be Vc|it, together tJiat"tlu>y may by fairly,counted. ( arid\tliat..jt may bo-J district is entitled to j the Fiag. Bring alt tlje ■ music that i you have I go{.-- The peaking will ; ■cjotnmenoe •jirecjsely at 1 'o’clock, p. m. • .Let evciy township.rally in fit!! force.'j There arefiione but can give this one: * ' .fM* ' p . * 1 (l &y t»> liluir cpnutry. . .Sonie of thoi " ablest speakers’ oi the • eoaiilry will address IhetneeUng. A large doiega- : tion wfli ibe here front Pittsburg.— Trio ladies aro invited to be present. ie-Wo extract the following from a Idler received: from a gentleman in F.rankfort. j Fba.vkfobt Spßixos, Sept , jDeab Sib :—The (xrand Copperhead Mlceling came off here oh last Thurs day. I suppose there was 12 or 1500 Opresonl—Republicans and all. The i great majority: jif the Democrata.wero ! from Washington; county and Virgin ; iu. The delegation paraded through 1 the town. A great many of the wag ions were decorated with butternut branches and the butternut breast-pins : could be counted bybundreds. They marched through town hurrahing for 1 Vallar.digham, Jeff Davis, &e.. propos ing groans for Lincoln, Ourlin, Ag-< neWCo. I will give you an inci-; dhnt which happened showing the chivalry of the Democracy. A man' who lives here in town, on his own ground put up a - streamer with the inscription “Curtin andAgncw.” As they passed it they hissed, it Pres ently he was requested byj the butter nut to take it down,as it was distasteful to them. Tnis he refused to do, say-, ingrthat he had a right to put up any thing he pleased op his own premises. Then the butternuts rallied around it in' great numbers and jswore they would tear it down. Some five or six Republicans stood along side ot it and told>them if they attempted-to tear it; down they must take-the- consequen ces. By thji time there was some: more Republicans came and the but-, : tenants retired, swearing vengeance. Taking the meeting and the eon-! .. duct of the butternuts, it was the 1 Half Fare os tee Bail-Roads— most,disgraceful affair which over bap re. the wre ononuii. on the -oth. j and Poogherty. They talked itfe ha»C -written to them, and feel as Usual, using sophistry and lies, in mluee. 1 ietead-ei troth and argument ■. I. * Qu.yi.Uons for the Star- Are you iu-.favor oi a vigorom pros- ' ocii’.iuii .iL'hd war fur-jlhc expression 1 of the rebellion if • I Are you in furdr of furnishing the President;, with p funds aufilcicnt'to; i «rm,’e<jaip, p;ry,clothe a;,d “subsist our ' armies iifad navies engaged in its-sup pressionf K V Are you aJlayor of the amendment i to the constitution of Pennsylvania, giving soldiers the right of suffrage ? i , "ft e; Would be glad to have answers . to these questions that we niay up plj f derstand the present position of oar fcotemporary. 1 Col Vera vs- Judge Woodward- In ih'e Star of September lllb, ap pears the following “card’-’from this gentleman, who ia tbe : candidate for Treasurer upon the ticket which,- is beaded by the name of George AY. Woodward:- New Brighton, Sept. 8,-’63. if a. EciToa In :yoijr paragraph (published Vast week) reterring to the j rumor circulated about me, you should have inserted the fact; that having Served ic the Federal array—a Union Hcague the strong'est in its test of [sincerity—l am now, hs heretofore, I .opposed to peace upon any terms iu ! a . dismemberment of this {Union; or to a discontinuance of the ; war for the Union until the rebellion iagainst it is entirely crushed out, add j a lasting peace conquered. 4 {Tours Respectfully. —- !’ ' 'j J- Adams Yeea. Ifx>w, with what sort of consisten cy, weask, can the editors of the Star support J. Adams Vera, alter publish ing the above? Judge Woodward, in -1860, was iu favor ot secession. In 1860,be psed this language: “We heal 1 it said, ‘Let South Carolina go out of the Union pbaeeably;’ I say let her go peaceably’, if she. go at all.” Col. Ve ra says, “I am now, as heretofore, op posed Jto peace upon any terms in* voiving a dismemberiiient of -this Union*.” Can anything be farther a j part , than these’two candidates.- j Again, Judge Woodward is opposed j to the war at the present lime, ami ;in favor of' peace'on any terms.; .‘But j Col; Vera is opposed to a discontinu ance ofvtbe War for the Union until the Rebellion is entirely crushc'd out, and ai lasting peace conquered. , Wo insisU-upon it. the Star- must either d'.'op-^Woodwind or Vera. The two positions are incompatible. They are entirely incommensurable quantities. But w'e recollect very well that the Star, ln i860,' espoused blolb Breekinr inridt'e ,and Douglas'for awhile, and o » ,r | perhaps 'it thinks to bo able nciw to 'ride two horses. Beautiful consisten- IcyU in the Star, to support one can jdidate in favor of the war, and anothl ler opposed to it. Sharp - man, the jSfar editor. I , ■ I But we are more than amazed at. i the position of Col. Vera himself. We j confess ourselves utterly at a, loss, to i comprehend how, entertaining life sen jtimentS avowed iu the above card, he, ican allow his name to appearj on a i ticket headed b} - such a man arf Wood-, ward.'j How can ho allow"ids name ; to stand on a ticket whoso chief sup* 1 porters-arc admirers of Vallandighani, ! Fernando Wood UOrjsUio Sey i mourji C.-01 ; > era ia a gentreimiii i)ji nuti crlo untarnished reputation, and we would 1 advise him, a-a he values his character, to'come Qjit from tirnongst the vile crew who: arc'now j surround -1 I . • « r , | jing.hiiu, with the*full intent of drag i gin'g him down to a depth of infurny, i which shall place: him on a level with the Stfli and its editors. - ,\Ve now put the question distinctly io • Mr. Vera ; How ca'n_ you, entertain fing epefcj views, as are expressed in theiabove rd,'’ support,(George W Giving Aid and Comfort to the • ■ r : ■' South, j. Header, do yon wish tpigive aid aod comfort t oSthe Southern traitor, bow in arms? ;J)o you wish tOj see iho South triumph, of do you the re bellion to be pat down? If you arc desirous of seeing this war cnded.and (» lasting peace secured, you* must vote for Andrew G. »Curtin and Daniel Agnew. / ; j ■ Now reasons for this. It will be recollected that "at the out break of the rebellion thete was a traitor at the United Slates observa tory named M. -F, who ran aw|»y from there, and joined |the reb els. This individual j has lately writ ten a letter to th§ London Times, tho chief organ Of the British Aristocra cy in England, .and of course vhoj chief fiiend of the Southern rebellion in that Alh'on Island*. This letter, of which wo propose to give a few Ex tracts, shows that the hope of tho Southern leaders now lies -in the election of Ci L. Yallandighara in Ohio, and, George W. Woodward in* Pennsylvania. The letter was writ ten afior, the reverses of the South in (July, and the.writer’s*design is to show that, notwithstanding their re verses, - the rebels have some hopes. Maury‘writes as follows : I Sia ; So far from the prospects ©f 1 ,lhe South locking “blue” they were Meyer more bright. I think yon will ( klso so consider then if you will for a[ moment occupy with me the only stand-point from which a correct view! may be had Of the American people;” ] "After refeiring to. tho armies oftho j South, bo goes on to stale .that there | are. other agencies; upon which the j rebel chiefs:depend. , ' . ] “There are in the camp of the enemy, dissentionsj among the peo ple of the North. There is • already a peace party there. All tboeraba|rrasB - with .which that party can sur round Mr. Lincoln, and all the diffi culties that it can throw in the way fof tho/war party in tho Nor th, I operate ■directly as so much did and comfort to the South. . 2Jow here wc have from' the pen of one of the Southern leaders him -elf, (the distinct admission that the success of the Woodward party, will operate directly us so much aid and comfort to the South. Can anything be plainer than this ? It is inado the subject of congratulation to tho Lon don Times by, 31. E. Jjtiiury that all that tho peace party can do to oper ate against Mr. Lincoln is-so itilich UIU null cvntfftfl L iw tbw CKmik-' 'V5Tft have often charged upon the leaders of the Woodward, patty that they were V secret ledgue with. the rebels of thie South, and" the -Copperhead press has always stoutly denied it, but hero we have the prodf. direct and manifest, that George W' 1 Woodward is aiding and comforting tho South, by running as (the peace candidate.for Governor, of Pennsylvania. Now the evidence isf becoming so plain that ho who runs may road. There need be jno doubt as to tho political signifi cance of this’election. Ilis welj and truly said by the Cincinnati Commer cial, that the 'enemies of American Nationality in Europe, us well as in America, iy6exceedingly' anxious that VaUandighatn should be elected Gov-1 ernor of, Ohio, and- would took nj>-| on-that eyent as signifying th.d down fall of the Republic, hs it Would be ac cepted Us a 'proof that there is. not courage, patriotism, intelligence, pub ! lie virtue, in the country, sufficient to push'tho boniest in which w<i are en gaged to the point of restoring the authority of*Fedoral Government in regions where it lias been resisted by ° -',l ,arras,or maintaining it in the State that have tjhe Union, ] Hew much more would the iiddi lional triumph of the copperheads in Pennsylvania, add to the hopes of the enemie- of our cause in Europe, arid ele where. (Let those who favor of. sustaining the Government support the ticket beaded by the friends of the Union—Curtin and Agnew—and we shall not fear t|To,i result."' Let Pennsylvania and Ohio settle copper heads this fall and tire rebellion iV ail-, ready wiped out. t This is their only' hope now. Whonihat is gone the re j hellion is at an end. The tiiumph of 1 j Curtin and Agnew signals the death of the Rebellion. The joyous announces the election of Jphn'Brough. in Ohio, and of, Andrew G. Cimin in Pennsylvania, will sound j the , death . knell to last hopes of 'the Rebel lion. .; | 1 "I ; Freorngn of Pennsylvania! shall we not contribute our little mite'towards the consummation of an end so devout ly to be wished for? Shall wo not by the election of loyal rpen aid their co-la borers in, the field. Rosecransand Burnside am-pushing tho rebellion to tho wall in East Tennessee; Grant has cleared the upper Mississippi; fiftnks and Butlor.have freed Lpuisi;: ana; Meade is holding Lee in cheek to defend Richmond, while Gillmore and Dahlgren are assailing Charles-! ilon. ; "-I' ; ; J ! , I Dovon jcnow where all 1 ths»* |dori-, J—'—*■ ''' <f r ; > ons veterans are now; torntn|r their eyes? Are yon nwarp of tbcpointwhich thes e men how regard vftth the most interest? It is la'Pennsylvania and Ohio. They' implore us not to desert thein new.. Lot these States be carri ed, and as we said before, the rebel lion is’ at; an end. Forward, then, with courage, and, lei as give ft sweeping mnjorify for the ticket. ■QrtibvernoitUartin will bo present and : adress people of Beaver County lon (he 25th ihst., at such place aslshall be % flxed by those con cerned. Ougllfc npt.New Brighton to be the place, is the largest • town in the count}’, bAides Beaver has had orio jMa|s Meeting; and furthermore it is easier - of access to most pe.bplo tbah the county seat —New Brighton 'limes. Wo can inform the editor .of the 1 iVcw Brighton Times (hat the place fixed for bolding tbe| Mass Meeting bn tho ,25th inst.,j is the Fair Groitnds, at Beaver. We can also tell him; that tbo’&afo Executive'Committee \ fixed Beaver as the place. But not withstanding this wo called Coun ty Committee together and hpok into consideration the propriety of chang ing’the place, j and consulted »ev‘oral gentlemen from New Brighton and' vicinity, and all agreed that, Beaver was the best and most central place. Thoeditor is not:■ correct when ho says thait New Brighton “ia.easicr of access to most people than the county seat." That our own position may be under stood, we will slate that we .brought the question before the County Com mittee at its meeting, and stated that it it was thought best to have, it at. New; Brighton, i t had better be ehang ed;tp that place, and that we must lobk to tho'icbnvenience of the^people and intoiijstj and success of our cause • a,hd that no petty local jealous}’ ougnt to interfere. But the Committee, nl though composed of members from every section of the county,unanimous ly decided that the Fair Groundsill Beaver, < was Mo most suitable and convenient place. • 'Will the editbr of the Times make tlio projior correction?' Loyal Voters of Beaver County! Sec that you are assessed. You ought , to attend to this at on cc. Look at the Assessor’s) list; if your name is not there; or the name of any loyal man in your township is not on the list, see that it is placed thcr.c. Re-j member that it must bo done at least ten days before the 2d Tuesday of Oc tober. See that evsry soldier is asses sed, whether at home orin the field Every effort is made by the enemies Of the country to deprive soldiers and i hlier luj]nl uTVlwu-'cftui. . See.to It; freemen, that you are not defraud ed. Butternut speakers are going iu-ound, the county staling that spl tliers, although they may bo at home, have no right to vote. This is utter ly untrue. Then let ho one de ceived by their falsehoods. We must lose no votes by negligence or care lessness, or by fraud or the bullying Of our enemies and the enemies of our country of Respect. , ItobtTlson -Vo. 4501 /. 0. of O. F, -Veip Brighton*-SepU 14/A/1863. /* Again it becomes our painful duty to chronicle! the demise of a beloved. Brother.' No ’'enclosure is secure against tlid footsteps of death, the common' and universal too of, man.— “No society or affiliation is too sacred fi*r his evil prey. 'Even the most en dearing relation on earth, ho family curdle, is not proof against liis foil ap proach or. fatal arrows. The sacred ictreat of' our fraternal Association has again been invaded by this -King of Terrors and a dear and beloved i Brother has fallen. Brother Samuel Kelly is r.o more amongst us, but we trust from the excellency of tyis char acter, and his Christian- profession that he is removed by the great Mas 1 ter-and Lord of all to a higher and holier sphere where the wicked cease | from troubling and the weary axe at rest. Be it therefore, ■’ . . ! ■ Resolved, That in the dcrease'of our beloved Brother Samuel .Kciiy, severe as the loss is, we recognize the uner ring band of Divine Providence, and we therefore, submissively bow to the will of God., ‘ Resolved, That i.n, the death of our Brother the Lodge has lost one of her esteemed and best; members, the com munity an-honest, industrious, quiet useful and patriotic Citizen,, and the bereaved | family4»the widow, a kind and devoted the orphan children an'indulgent and affectionate father. - , < Resolved, That as a token of frater nal respect for the departed the Lodge, be draped in mourning for the usual number,of days. . ' ’ Rsolved, That a copy of this pream ble and resolutions bo communicated to the. widow of thh deceased Brother, land also a copy, of -the same bo furn ished to the Editors of the county papers for publication. , • GEOKOE ZAHLAa,') : I Joseph Wilson, > Committee. E. G. Evans. ) V na-We have examined the stock of boots and shoos lately received by 1. ST. Atkins, and tor style durability and, cheapness, wo can confidently say that they excel anything-we know .ever seen id the county. AVe advise all who need anything in this line tc call And examine for themselves. If they do they Will find all we. have said to be strictly true. : Be safe to give him a call before purchasing. * J 1 1 . ;■■■■■ "■ '%• 1 :; 1 - ~ !" " j ■T~ T t : : .' 1 * i to the Voters of Beaver j ingenuity ami disloyalty dan do|#u, f Meeting of the Court and Mem. County. ! land then tellus jkliis. is not oppwpng j here of the Beaver Bar. Fellow Citizens Ajgain ybu are Pnrsnant to notice- a meeting of abeut a j $ adminlstraiitin, and call] it Dhjfo- *b® ? *d«e. Pf- the several CourS $■ duty. Bat war, not pfeaoe, ncßfjl.ghts, Qrati< * A; and wha [ t ’different do& it! Beaver ion nty.fwuhthier officers and q J lyoorpath to the and come Blf yV- >Tbo act^are lireWrile. -ifceir j raembork of the Bar, was laid k tJj(> > I amidst alarms pnd dangers. ,^g«gW- ; acl9 ori ppl o and destroy thtipo t.® *nd causeless rebel .on yet fear Its , >o Vor n mont ito suppress the.rphnl-! tf.e IGih day of duly, lS63„w&r the wicked,head, and demands, all your ji dn T’ tt ji d in this is ibe willedi.£s of! l}»rp9 B ® f V* lak,n K «,;■ j ■ patriotism and power to subdue it. , tbo i* tl) i Ag . is practimlly •W* he in Elution-I'. Ibis is no time w .en the blood of kno v n ® n jy/through its admi.nstm- 1 t^ u : deatb 0 M lh « tot?; lamented, ,ii youp.son*; you?!, brothers, and yogr . Q . an honcstl, lovaPmani Col.R, chard •.l kinsman, is poured oolite water lor SQ hlind ho cantlot 6CO tha t all heAo iof the Bar.of . I | your conntryssake, tp lend yourselves. u6 , nptB t 0 enfeeble tlie j The Eon- Daniel dgnew Was called 1 1 Jo- partv schemes. .It «wWto a direcitflUmpaiif tbb ,to. Urn Cldvir, iand Dc- Lorma I,abri„ think, that in the midst of a nation s pow ; or ., o i?,. t be government lo sijpply) and Jl S. U.utan were appointed Seer’s sorrow , men are thinking of oaagb.t l ho i , w i ntjl of tbe’arrty lid menj and | motion the Cifait . an,mimed ; but partisan success;. Pf«!«"S>"S ‘»»® muditifefi, ah<Hto carfy <frt thenar ?/WmUP-xClarke,, T.hoW; fCtfD*K2£-.* war, and inweasingj bloodshed, _ by kihsmen U thekrmy i ■ paraiizing, .ho, banda jthat administer g pu( . un j b to the 1 -'enemy,; for wain tof i mitSee to.prcpare .regt/lalib*»s •Vxnrea; I ! t^1 a Government. ( >■. ability; in the gbvernmeiit to septl rerj s of thh views; and fuolin<r« of the 1 _ Surely this m not Democracy.- ihftyr^ ment9 supplies] [Yet these 1 Reeling, In relation to nT ! ■ tfrue Democrats jam not found tolling . tUo d.att The oily | nmUer”now boffrcHhem>to i«,e tanka, of sucMeaders; batdike Arcing; and deny jvfedowerj to an adjourned M Butler, Dtz,iand Dickinson and Cas. , ijjeigdvernmenl would 1 assort R>r on the 271 h of Jij| v . ii W f, 1 ° k and Grant, LoganJll John- bun *t :of , t bose who arei. the fifeldJ Hj ; On;Aotioto,ResolVed,that I -V -son, lloit aud .Stepton, the groat • ■'Dhoii, fellow eiiizci'S, ;coine tdxd u f; of the Courts-,,tlieir olHedrs: nridfUic igbte of the D/to‘Ofat.«iparty; and V mcoo ; f L et’ members W rS' i the thousands of Ubmocrats in . p lvania paS9 in „ , t he Fanils i wa Jto in- funcfal Ko '• - he field, are found twe;to thmr conn- f; h g ho se afgnmdntland &osd into Col: R iberts, thi day, fk h “ try ; sypportnig for ila mpas. do6fi . ijh e 9 :;dir« S tlv e ‘impal r tL llklcnil late residence, do-the graveyard. ures see its>erd and as true patriots know 8 ' die . ud it 9 v^or L‘i p rbscci..j ing assembled Snd the .following A rational . means 0 iso|| . J-(h 0 war, as .manA of a„tble aud resolutions wls :.' . safety except - by the tloramillce. appointed for that X aud aii in. , rP » i n botli blooU unci trefisWroi You can purpose and the-same boiiig, unani* ,18 not the folly strikiedown rdo « tlijB on , SB jilWe who i'Lolly Adopted ■:>it ami , the bands ihat reins ar.d then earnest and ardent # hat bmse. i directedirttit the sail Committee be bid the clhafiot of f speed to, sdro| y t^y d an ‘ not U t b c fJiihful. instrueti'd l to. present ;; the same to ’ rQ f lie, war is unfinished true todd. surndte .fHopds of. thi gov- the at it? : next p .||..li^ P r a .i£9. . .i, . i ■ , ernmont, whoso every hot tend* to At too meeting of tin) Court at 2: n.a j!-/ weaken its"poii’cr to prevail, oyer the o’clock p. m., <»n Monday of Septem-' A^ gat l A ®oi a • enemy.’. : jr > I . ] ' I bet-Term, Wrh. B. Clarkc-Esq . ChairA , stru P g|lo a with a Ibyrai- i- 1 I 0 ,nin of thekom.r.iltee OnwesoludoDS. . eSmlte JdokiHS I«WuM victory: YourGovcrnraenfknnot ?4voX‘sun’ ! nieet j D^ and distinguished • too stL., too wigllknt, J active, i T-ly j TlWwily fob,- grdwn' desperate by PpanW a string,; a| to lo the time, the. defeats, seizes ivory advantage. , of he j placet ’and the circumstances Iroanu ■ !iu ii. „ i war and jhi end of .this wiyked rebel-.. which Col, Roberts tel I. " r ~. bourn b/pUintingliio anddes- -to; the reviewed, at sonielengtji, hndin 'f potism of “D.ncolr,?B Govern men t’Vs' °‘, y®»TO bwvo.tangtoi ; eloquent and feeling language the he call it; arid hfa animates ■ tlilil- th °* e support .licause course and condum of-the deceased hope of ultimate stWesA. bv pointing .• ;j Tbe >qne#\nd7tnio W«oi most n 0,,, early manhood to |iqar: ; ; to divisions in the North, anJ dcmin- -9°'T discardpAil. his dnd pn- 1 when he was stneken ; «own by he-i cialionsof “Lincoln and bis minions.” T.fP , a ". l) .'f J^, e 8 T d d '?: hand ot treason 91. battle, A Xorthern newspkpef tilted with at- 'kes, ; -all. b.s pre J? lus field of, Gettysburg, whbb h^stoodI at tacks jrfpon the di-dlt, the . taxes; arid.,l ea .l , W a 9 d fqr iho >an wjio the head oi:-.|ns regmvent, every nieasure eaiiscd by rbbcllioif D e tr u °| his h l9 hfonrydefence on„s country on and overflowing with gall ahdV,UerVfe n t try - XT i L ' the sod of h,s native State: He.paid ness towards .tiro 'Government; is M " “ | AgJowing, and just tnb.iteto the worth Godsend to the [South, as the proof' J K T R “ : ot the deceased,, which-conimandai tl|at ; the North must sobn, fail in thb V. - ? nJ C ° Yei there would ccB beep appointed by fl o Couii; j. HcUhon read and prcsoniep- tpt)i a ; endati-'cr not only'; Ibc cause ot tboir ty Cb.rnniittoo. \V[e hope] our friends. Court the proceedings and Ite»/alwi£; counfe, but perili the-soldier hirnself will see that |h ere ! OA tuo 7 bj|. tuoir ucts. L#ct ; sonic uno -froui eacli. ■'plauo sincere f aiul oi They| would break down his moral, CiV u at the aJ-oim Officelahd ai't bills; the death 0 f Col-Richard powep by teaching: that hiS cause is Jt c -. t^t J era bci4' of the. laic a 'member’of. the Bar of this unjust. ■ Ills blow;is hardest, who be- ■ * . Gountv and Colonel■ coirnnii'iidsng the Ijovos: his cause (is right; yet they. County and- local, Coijimittei ot PennsvlVabia' y<diui- , would unnerve hiV arm, by justifying -yiH attend .especially t 6 that matter, t t eoi-s, whilst ; mV the head of his 1 Kegi -Bocebsion,,and declaring it could have 3’hero will .be a iimeoling in'.j me nL V tn tlm and d-spefaio been Wvoided-by compromise. . _ y[ oun towns rip, Davis School, JtoUue, •1, utile of Gotlj sburg. \ - Bui well-they ! know that the in- AvrinlnW -SontN S makers • 1 And, WiiKaKAS, il is eminon.tlyfprop. teresfs of theSohlh were eyfr protect: eb ’ n *r-. °P**| ]]' , .j cr ahd .beeomiiiir that wC wiki dor oU bj( tbo Pr.leral Government, for it l Chamboilin, Imbne, Rutan ■ ifndj Ray. weVL ; intimilt . J v., las3 oehijod hafTspon their boast that tbc Govern- (At Scctsyillo, ment basalwnya, .with rare exceptions at p R. yj. .Speakers: Dr M'Lean, I pu biioty esptess our 'feelings as to diis been administered by Domoerutic Wovan d: a „lj Rutan. 4- T lebaracter whilst -living, J andpay'V ; ii-Jcpcnd|‘-nco, Friday Oct- 2d, thus administered under Pierce 7, P. ■'M.- K u-akers :■ M’Loar, Thoinj), | . u - 0 .Kinniitelv'' liuebanan, ; knciy . that CoiW[ sont Chanrl(erlin, Welsh and Ray-, t-; ! dc p' : .)i-c the' loss of. Col.-VJlohoits'i. gross, -and the jLxeeulivc, jand the 'At Hookfitown.*Monda.y'Cct. Sthsat; brave >»euer6us. and patriotic i Bi.w. : .tit.promc Courtfiljed ; by theirfiends. ■ p M . Speaker- : (L.V. taw.erlcc, | amlj 'soldier of our. iirniy|,; who h. 4 over Icixi.sljiled, iadmifnatorcu rfnd de-; r • /■ ■'< llf - t i. <x ntinhst nor ; i v ci|ded foi the .Soutli. They know also j, W. B. Clarke, Dr. M’Lean, Dr. 14;0mp- - rv i t :uld‘'pteil- - - tliat fong before a resolution of 00m- son, and ollhcts, i . V ■ ‘J’-i honor and fais ‘ litV* ‘lw-'ilfeteiict* ..1 ’*. promise was offered, «occssi,on had ta- Mcchanibsburg, Oct Jth, ?Vt 7, F. AfGovernment imperilled, and -..V . 1 kon place,;-.thaj. -tho flirts, arsenals, s akei ., . W- |j. aWki," : WcylindVUf'tUe. handsof -armed. >.'.d un; • ships, and , property of. the Govern- * . : ; s s. , 1 k 1 ■inont had been seized by armed (trait- Rutun -arm Inihrio, -P L ; ’ . y • s oiti, and that, tlib Senators, and Rep- ' Industry; Oct. 7. P. <M.—• Jiccplced. ■[ l-.hat. \\c on er .1..1 1 resentatives of tho Cotton States left \Vt B. Clarke. Thompson. Imbrio and I h|gi ,c .»t • a.-nni.iati'in am '. L ‘''l ul .-. -...- til 0 Halls, of Cobgrcss, declaring that ' I.' ' 1 f i ! Ve' n 'T ''Vl no terms ;df ebmpromiso could or Fairview, Oct. Sth.Uit IV P- M. AY-1 1 L )'? | u,il A -„,.uM K- I 1 , VB. Clarkt, ;V>W.- ~.11 W-jJ”, tict, knowing all these thingA,these Ray. [ * .|; ; fl ' 1 |j tu IV)r -hu whilst nobly ani Northern lendei-s. would destroy -the .CpqrM Scboo. House, (jjet -yth, at, 4 a )!.ibtlv foading his brave men ligainv. moral power spblier'.and the "■ F; M,,;SouUi Bea.vf'r ip. j Speakers. , -. u . m “ o l a[ld ' disciplined bbrdt-S„Ll' Citizen by I that their Rutan, hnbrfc and D'ce. ;1■ _ - . , ebc i s . Uld , traitors, who soughlito dlt cause|is,anj'ust. I For if this bo not a _ liayl Eo ‘ l ivlu; i n ?l’-Rnv’ i U’by the .life--of iliisj-Governnielu. t , just war in defence of the Union Wild P.M- -Dij-M Cil "■ , x'f- h ‘‘”r: a - nu i Jicsolvol, Th'atiCdt BobortajWitldiii. the Constitution, against to wicked, re-1 fv* ■ f Welsh V hrav ' il ' n(l painiitic.companions in i.n^ hellion, e.vfery.shldier’s blow is nnjuslwj Speakers: Gapt. b ¥ rlhon , e,sl, ?ih a vo wo.; lor ti.on,selves fiablo; and ho hadivokiitoercd to lvt f' ‘. f J 'iH 0..0f-f i ble honor and are .justly’ entitieii r kill u, lawfuliy.| And; you, follow cit- p*»P®T£ ,«*•> grateful: remembrance" of all lk izens, are accessory to :thc crime,- «‘M Speakers. linb.io, - altdtho go bd inlhis Repuhii-Mind 1 Have we not all given aid and support Dice an d Jiuitan i • I J , f j deserve,lo have their names iriScrlhff:; to this war?. Have we not sfent bobs, Oct. -mb, >* •, tbo .fong list of.. Heroic dcfendeM-,* brothers, kinsmen and friends to..the gP^ kc F«2 1 ‘hefr count,'y and of the cause cl battlefield? Have we not ;lpontnbu- berhn, \Y.• ,B. - • H_ b ertv.' > i ‘ ted money and moans ? Is it true oa -' ld nH tb e r 9!; we are all; gjiilty as manslaycrs, or Ead Asl^9' ’ Tinhrio dnd of life; wholheppublic or private,^ their aiders and abetters? Yet these °v»: Weyan.d, Butifji, lino vf . v | e ; a | pr official, asta gentleman oh lsr j J men would teach uslouri cause '.is \ up- D-ice, ■;. i, ' ( ', T -. 1 1lbif integrity anckability-ailiUnf ' jiist. How will a righteous God, and , jße.nraek s School x,o - - fcnd e3Cenl pi a i.y mbraliiy, Col. RdV«> an impartial ihistory acqdit -.na,: r U nnckly townshin, om. IU, •* ’ bad Secured lot-himself’th.ecotiddei» their words bd true? f V ' 7 Speakers .jWpjatod apii R u -L |)d esteem 0 f his fellow‘citizens, Not only dp these men strike down ‘“pi..,; gehoolHousb Franklin, tiV, b ? ld a *»»«*» position aS a brave,---ek -tho soldier And theF citizen’s moral SffiioSrtJbl: V®«‘. energetic, generous and power; but they strip tho soldier of rwA'"Rkv md hearted n.an. f :A his Htrength, knd the ojiizen of his dc- ~,1V \ i I ' ‘ Resolved, That the Court, its oiM 1 * febse iby attacking InUnly source of Schobl Hotose: Oct/ 9th, “nd the-meipbtorapfthcßar, mW g power Without a, J&wernmonT at t P. M.-. Speakers: Chamberlin,; <mroly and the h,« back, to supply his wants and to and !/ . / •.W b «*4‘ 0 ’ ‘>y.b».mpny reinforce tho soldier syben weakened j . Preodoin, Oct. 112th, at 7 o’clock, W®. 8 - b ‘» Mcamiug and byideath or disease, or cmlDumbcrod pm . t ’ k crs: }t. B.lClarke,Rbv, /mrict integrity, won pur conc hy The enemy, ho must fail. Withoht \ Vatkin U l and cabi Cutk.bertson. /-. andsecubeiLfor him- oiuM-e^etiJ a Congress to vote money and sup, Br W^ on i ; p , Barclay’slSchool house esteem .and gave him an elevate^ pnes.and reinforcements and _ jr.i. .. £’ J A. Thomson silienasa lawyer and citizen live to carry out law's and enforce "’K Resolved, That we truly AndV^.j Them when Oppmied ,by faction and Va ' n J ort Q ct . W- al f p Co i, ly sympathize with the afflicted^ fraud, or disloyalty, the soldmr musk shriu i, Imbiio and , daughter, and with the vononi^ yield.. -L ±_i i l highly .rosjiecfed father, and otl ! Yet do these leaders of party cry latiom* oj[,:thc deceased, ih. R peace when ;tnerc is : no peace, n.nd'apl aud'siidden'.bereavomont whi 1 pland those who, dikbi Yajlandigham, fallen upon them with. opp> i vote pgainst supplie's to the soldiers. < * | irefuse; to draft ‘for , reinforce- , Resolved , That as’» mark.of ! ment4bpppSo the arrest of deserters, precialion . of the memory > and, in short, cripple and oppose the Rolierts'.we will wear the usnal b ! government in evcfy foi m. ! /. mournsng forlhepeviodof tk' r . t - 1 , | Who, then! is the soldiers’ friend ? Resolved, That* this CoinnK- Is it he who paralyzes his iheart and instructed to present a c^Pf his by ithese means ? Wbc isthe proceedings of jlhis mcetnip' friend of the government ?; Is it he Court,-on tbp fiijst,Honda} ° who weakebsitshtrenglh and power of TerinT, with a request tbat .^, resistance, And enconrages the enemy boientproti at large upon > oy dlvision and opposition ? ,f ; . utes, and that the Court 1, 7 8 r, The soldier only knows the govern- mai'fe of respect lor the ms.' - mont through thosd who administer deceased, !c r .. re tfiry Iti It is they who tsnpply bis Wants Resolved, That the - , and strengthen his larriis. Yet tbjese struetodTo furnish coj *-. .^,- loaders harrass land vox and oppose .ccod'.ngt of this and cripple them in every lAode that ler, the falser, and i ■ r . ' ; ■- u ■ ; Counterfeit Postai.J Currency.— ! exchange paperjme vtiousa, conn- - torrejtlfitty cent postal note which it says is in pretty general circulation.', “It may bo detected if held by the. side of the genuine, but otherwise it is more than probable jthat our most experi oneed money changers would bo deceiv ed. ‘ The execution of the whole bill is a shade dirtier than the genuine note, but - the most prominent point of deicction is the bolder around the fifty on the back. Thjis is much dark er and heavier than that of the genu ine, | Altogether' it is j the most, dan gerous, counterfeit wi have yrt seen, llad jnot our attention been called to it w< should have' received it without ar.y; hesitancy as a gjonuine nple.”4- , The description is rather too v&gup to bo of much service. \ V“ \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers