if iEAVEgHIGtJS ' s Wednesday, Sept. 9,18€3. D. L. IMBRIE,. Editor & Proprietor.; x ! rj’Fjj —O.NE'l>oT,r.\n and Fittt Ce>t» : . . ::n> -j,- aiiVAxec : otherwise Two • | oe cmtrgcd. tiro settled. , .f I • - ; . ■ 'i !' X. ,; , ■ ... .. ,‘ . •! —‘ 1 “ pa- loiters fu»'« coinniunicalij’jg, ijr.nia .__ -vr r» —* -. ■■■• /. jVol. 39-tjXo. So. l^l^-YORiCv^ ! iii§UN£. ■ | : . • or - - ; ■■. f: > V . , . ! DOES THE BIBLE SANCTION T«£ fuiat>E. best is-r. • sued iu IvH- in its tjjwfe-nty-pecoiid': vc:ir>. has '.obtimvd -both| a iaVger|aud j t anrene vridclr niilb«Ml circ«l;!tiori s tL:ifi | . ; ; . ' ' XI. . ;l |,y other- uv\vspa < Ifthy brother that dwolleth by thdo ;ii -Vjaci'h n. jrjioiurfi ryhas sutfdieo\y 0 Wiixrl , p Uor , ari .j hi sold unto -uiuO!! with uilii-r icaruajs, trom • V . '*■ .- ' . J i t " e vohiiitecrtng and* dep?HUure of: f tali not compel him to serve tw | f\;,s ;.f ahymsands of .its’ pathons to ; a out as a lured servant, j in file- Wat lor the Unionxits 1 and as 'Ksbjourher shalljhe be with j thvidatipii on this Olh of Decoiab<h^ l i lcet .ih(l *shall s-jrre thee unto. the. t ; ,v: is as follows ; \.l 50,125 J y '• i I n!-00! I As-gwo '.-lassos observants are mcn .l i tionciVUnd as only thbso in ofccjof the , Ajnrrega'te.,....! '......-t’ly.srv ;classes arc'fctijled hired■ sfciwahts, the ] -pre-e-hdneaiTy a joui hal, of News and ’advocates, of shivery tellbs thiut those of'hCera'.ure. Tin; litnit'XE Ims po.ii.- y^ fT .classed he !»jujht kervanta ~! convictions which arc well charac-i. yK j ./rvW-ii hv tl i -inirle w o i;d,l>KPur.iiirA.v.’ ~ r ' vcle not paid labor; that j t is ReiiuhH-aiiin Us hearty adhesion is, that while 'ibd thundered anatly-| to the ■ t:hth that, ‘'flod has: em as against those "whoinsed ilhelrj nimie .of -one blood all rations oi ineti ■ neigh bar’s service without us'aiftfj He —iu-publitnn ■in Us assertion .of t.u, .„ ril nted a special -indulgence, tolris i ■ c-it’i’l and inalienable rights Of ail - -'i t • I I' H 4lu' to Hilo libertvf and the pursuit t-nosc-u people to. seize-persons, forced ; 6 i- h:i ppi a ess’ b ■ pa! dic a n in , its, them, t" lahor, and roh them of earn-1 standfast. earnest., defiant hostility to, ii gs, provided- always in '.selecting! ' ev.'uy schmi.e and igdoi tOf -,.^ av ;-‘-the.ir v i o; j ms tiiey spared '‘the, genll'o-j Power, front the AunvxauHi oi ivXus of property and standing,’' .and ; in ill- .o-.-ai ■Jb.diolljen.. .to grasp Ihc ; . ; d ■ , the Now V. oiid ami -Wield : pounced upon the stnmyers ami. com ‘ thV i-esoh’s-v-i of Hir coimtgy for. its! moa -'people. From the- fact that one own' uggr.HiWi^nueiit—ltcpuhlican in t .i ut-S | s technically called hired, and'; ii i iii,:.. ‘/•oid-iii [‘-' J despots, ot. f 10 , and' the other is not so- called, the | . OMUWJd. ivho fwtdly had in--the-, „ ! ■ ! '.‘.rri/s-aml calamities siid.lei.ly thrust j charitablAinference, pkc that-.form the | "•u/ioii >as ’•i" i-lici r countci- j word" “buy” which ■ we-ha veil already 1 part , the ovt-i thru y. .and- ruin of tiic j considered, is a mere assumption, not ijiHlol 1-p ll i dic 1 ii• V,a! l l ican in its j oJ|!v that -.; hirod ‘. is SV uonym6.w witil hope a:.c I'-ii-t, tis laitl.i mid ctlort. t ' i • that this-Mioc:.ois[ ; llebelilon mustl Jllt also tl'«se servants nof ; re.-'iU hi ’.flic signal Overthrow of its [called ‘-biretl" wer c not p'thl for their j lett-.-rs. and tljt tirsn cstabli-jimcnl labor, iitid'thal l.b & proof of it is, the •>VV.-IUt S S ri-hi-diidVo'ial laws through-1 tllyy d-.--e not so called. The (-••f il;«» j!o -vxtvi'i. ot i . •* * , • j•; • t »i ; i;a* mcaniiii; of the verb, to •v.-iK-roih Ljuvriy aini: L’l-uoii in-1 : . ° P i• * di-'d he «*rWam:'i!mennVHbie”'j hejiee- , kir »»> a? ‘ SV - C, ‘j 0110 .kriowsj to pro jei ih a:.-d loy'rx.cV. , j cure for a temporary use at it certain' V.'oekly Vi T tfitit'sg! devotes in to tnga'fq a person temporuri < uiim r 'Uinl «o -some c.aept in ,j v )■„. zaires. That is also the mean thi-so; to JvluvSliOu, . TiMiip-ianvo. A& i.* ' ~/ - f•, ..h , ,s • - .. i of ilkvuljl ilcbraw word‘-.Sonkfir, ’ ryull err) Invention-. ami «hat ever; . i -.. lV ■ " 1 T , Vue v!•' tli.- spiritual and i aft »' Old Lnco ,i>uitc ,; :d jiro^i-os- 1 * and vroll hc-hip, of ! English word, "Lire,-” the idea of uav’kv ! r-h'tf jor-iii*.- pr-scnt,its ciler- • kmtwmj service. aiid generally for a ... , ~s hu. i.nu.il . 'l*-*; sp.;eiised object, is inseparable Irom Oivn-.- irati'M! ami success i : ; .- • . - f - I *i,r tin- Uiii -n !t*i special It is never used when, accoiiipanv * ajrervf th«rt procurement. of- permdnekt service -iijifl amuMiiiii report every • lor a long period is spoken of. Ifow <;i Unit ureat,-stru^-,, we .jip how could permanent have -1 -it- tvlnMl ■ \ve trustto res lit It iin ' the i , - , ~ : . 1 ■ . ■ i ■ . , ■ , c .l 1 , deMunated—those who were mcorpo amt- conclusive triumph of tlwi b • K , ..Tioi-Sfild arms and in the reiteration | rated into the: family for ,a (parse of of Peace and Thrift to our oistracted, 1 years, nod constituted an integralpart .t.’o ding country. .We Miove that not ■ ,ufd stationary part of it. 'By the otherwise cun a taller or mom acci-m a!i;C „T ar ks WtjomrV^r.' . rate view 'ot me progress ami clutrai* r. -, 'ter of this, .momentous,. he t!^ .m-nnctions made in com. ■jhtsiitu'd 1 lain chr.'syijb "the - rhj'ijar" 1:1 ‘C '- r ’ar.--e on, this suljicl are us lyntsa! u’ • -collituns.; And -W as tahl\ 'talk.' .In tiiunv fara tho c.;.i>..T : --on_o! jit:■ i,./domcst?Cs arecmpUed only \ -1. . Xur • $ r ' »'■! ’ -t .■A-I « li* S C:.T!:;'«tU* . solicit ali I't vvM-N fe' - Ti r * i£;i l'i tenu;i!iT'i • s ■ i ■*? i > i f >• i 1. *l N ~ T;IV ' i I' ] 1 '1! > • (f ]»?:{'> r *'nl '«;Ui i r lt nuriv.i re pri;*o o: Tin>. H'a .X tV V«. :'-nn /1 T}i mvy.x. sj?rc> !>rr y, »:::<■ . ~~ ~✓,, wkj: -li'l'cili'.-V:; arc paid, i- J cf,:. 1 -the other oc^sibll?' .u an i Jc-mnoraiy; '.an:l therefore ‘,ui\ '• called _• h'lmd; the .lolly (if Vca; a rvhiii is robbed of. Ljs earn -1 bigs. because when,- designated . .the •jr : iiVjhiiical "hired", .is. not r.:>pli •: 1 t-> , w .. bill., id shown by the linages of nil •:. i 'V I-. ; . times am! places. If f employ a man Any- nuniocr. I naarrssc-l- t:s ' ~ . • , . of i'iti-'n'irrt. • M flit h- lv .i. at-jl-a moiuh it, work my farm, lie I «!nr copy v.-ill bo scut. to club . hired man', but, instead .of giviijg itf teii. - y 'him So much u. inoa-lh, I give !iim such Twenty: Copies. fo one a _ pijr.tion tile «rop,- ! or in ' other ;ear, ,BJs.jarfd pnyjhtrger numb* at '. wOI ,U. if h *~ oi . k „ *ViUrm on shares -e pneo. An extra «•«(>• v Wi.ll. be, , . i ' ,-c ,■ ~ ofAwnntr./ To data l,.i^ r |,.y wm ,mui. ihvcry thirty 1 l if-K , SK.MI-iVKHKLY Till- • farmer knows thatfAjif designation;, is hh-HJvw.nl l.c sentf To clubs of fifty, not applied .tohim; yet ;.hc works the .Q-JL J)AILY liil l,t- j 2>ii will be sent; same farm, in the same way. at'the jratis, - ; '.i. - *. .r,'.,’ ." • 1 Address ; ; THE TRIbrXE, j satm? Wlta l !‘ e s “ ,lie l JP| mB Tribune Buildings,-!Ne.w-York .and topic, and does ...ho, same aotount 'of work in the year,; and perhaps clears S2O a month;instead uf s'l.2 paid him- ivbilo ho "rny! AtViS/ seryant. How. as the ‘‘Jt-cknie’’: is no longer ' J* 1 ■ i °- used to desigr.atie birtv, and as bo still label's ontmy farm,,snpposb my neigh bors -gather in 'conclave, and front ° . 1 ' ; Y|, , ) i sut-h.ample promises sagely infer, that 'since he is no .longer my '-hired’ labor er. I rob him of his earnings, and with all- the gravity of owls, they record ihttir.decision and adjourn to hoot it j -BEAVER abroad. My neighbors arc deep divers; A b - , , , • | like some:'’theological professor, they '■i r CLAivK| Proprietor i ' not only go to 'the'bottom, but come hpiiz i *p M cd wi^tho »»usc;.':£, a coiujiicte.afid Eatisfactcryman-! ty of particulars .aro recorded in the -’v"* SALOoV ' ■ ' nislinguisjbing hired from bLyht rthaMjy.jofQyateKT lv Sli'rcd .servants, wore !• (heir «eas-)n, in' any . Acsired paid daily at the close -of their work. can be furnished nitb Oysters, • T ■■ -in.* T\«n* <il n U T/.U /' 2. The .idle is furhished - LcV *. l9 * ,3 ‘ Deat 2i: 14 > 15 ‘ Jol > • eft 1 tll « bylines >,Be PITTSBURG' MAR 7:2. * Matt. 20; S. “Boughr servants ‘ caa afford. - ■ 4 i | Thankfuljvu , , v •. . were‘paid m. advance, a reason foi for«s ' r '“ e ‘‘heral hereto-r < 1 . f - ’ ■; | ' Continuance of tlie fame is their being | called bought, »nd those ( —,t J ~' ~ f ' llc ‘- c - J - y , dt-ei". thii't went at iho seventh' year rec<iv . ; P Sc;-mr S . oilm UniTpT a 7. at the end of their peri i. ? ’ ,n :,I ?2»ws, Xeedfd^,-Tweezers, od of service.—Deut.; 15: 12, 14- 2. j- *^*-.^^«l^^J^o f^ servant's jpaidin money, V ' BR.C.'P. dPMMEf*. the bought siervaSt received bis gretdfc \ ' .. i ! ! '1 ; A.. -i;r ty s^lr.v ,: ii- !'■> ;.1 c'l*m's WEEKLY r fT ■3ar i ■ •■ue yv:ir r.ne v?r*r.. ■. hen drafts can be procured it is ■Jhueh safer ibtsn to remit Bank Bills.; •f'.ie name'rdf*’ the' Post-"Oflihc and | fttate should -in all cases be . plainly i Written. - ’ * ; '• who send money by t must prepay the Express I v^ es ’ *!s>e. >t will bo deducted frora.j 1 s ' : ’ •, L , ;Teibcne Almanac* fob 1863 1 be ready about Cbiristmas '. | « : : ! ~ jplaipii 1•111 ■ e" Xo paper discMitim :*ion:;; ; :i> \\ :o nifi Ub in ox - * y '-‘r‘ ’t!. I’?\ nso To. i ;:o ruiOi :: 3r.i'i' i. j . ia. i.ii. c.’t.ry :\i_v c-rny.--!i'ai;>>!i vhauio liKir 1 i . t j/: ,o i ;»i i» i ’.yox*- EMS Hotel* ” PENN*A, . ’-I -' : ' 1 - * SUCH 4 PRINCIPLE ? 'iJ.-n it!); U li(H IVifilk}’ H’ufk. - Cui.• !ii:JT!:uas tho wi»«*k-' •» . * \ . J . i-' Il*v' I)vr— • ‘ • ; \ ” */ ■j /V :!>■■ 1»> ~ * i 1 ' ; 11 j a ,v ; r- i.'i-I'■voi-n the two ••ItJsj -iunjli The first *ro .called ("servants' ;th l 'jl'i MEE ,• ' , •1 , • , 1 • ' \ n ,,.... et . - • ~.„,_.- 1 i '. • ' - . . - . -,, ' '•, - ' - r1.3.:' - -41 1 . , . ' ''• " 1 . . . . , 2 • •- .- ; ~,,,' Ifi, ,fr :,4*;,9 1 11 . . 't • • • • • ~ : : . n ! •,. [ 1 11 . 1: . i•,: . • • i . i „: 41 !: 41 - ''. -., -... Ii . -I ' l ' _ 4 / 11 ,,fe — ...,0g , :: • * •;; 1 1 . 1 , • . ... . 1 ti l ----' " —. • • ; ...t. , N. 1 ^.: 7 . -1, •", - 11 • - i t ~. t . . 3 i ' . . H i j 'e licf iCF. a w.. 14 : 4 ",.'s• .0 4 " 4. .. L " -‘j I ',. . ' ' I •, ; • H . 'I %,|at,least ini grgin, cat.tie, ami'ltho product of theiviniage.—Dent. Id;! 17. 3.. The hired servant lived hy hiniself in his own faintly. The bought serv ant Was o. part of his'master’s Tatnily 4i .The hi self out p his family tor hostile visligatioi spools, of antis, as d, :thid piirch superior to in more, t trust, wort warded m ond oecup things tiei in Society corpririiicd were gue? I'soli* etal inler^ This'is shi chased sei prospectiv of; their n case’ of ; - E of Bilha, i seems to where ,th tb'e estate ness: they to' inalt'i heirs.— : Pi of this, .us “But who they r.Cusj irig,this is flint the Luke iO: njV instan hired so’rv tAte, nor sibilil'V. ttween pu funsters’ : had no soj *fhan4jad serca.nl , an Egyptian,whpso ■Jarha. And Shcshan gave iter to Jarha bis servant) to Chrooj. 2; 34, 35. Then* is . j i-e of a 1 hired servant fov-iii .nailip.nco. lAirchasud serv r.fepts and their descendants Redm. throhudio; t 1 lie Old Testament, to the ;.-reg,inled by ’their masters’ ■ ihiyi*!<.•?>, , aTnl by others, with the same'aUVetion .;aiid resp/v't as the other membersl of : the family. Tito treat meat of Eletizor,; name was his daugli wife.” 1 no in.stam in;; such i and the < ! t.-f. Abn'ili ’ iJiL 1 •Saul a:i l I view willi and .1 on a I >4: 1. 14; ; i.lilVftr-i, ar yr.Jhnu Of f ■ svm.!!i4\{ be t v, icon. t V'l M'VVUii from the;! the people ferml fro i ploymcnls servants, they ; are manding, ( passages s, fling char: th.oy wore 2: ,5. 'The servants. tliev wore is furnish ig.il son ing with h husks, c:i broke. “ go to my f his father ty, he res “make mo ants.” It hired serv to apply f the. suit, w for persor pains to < that sense the dust i Vuncieai.-” or it’Jalls, may. ' Humility sinks of its own weight, and in the: lowest deep, digs loyr.ori— The, desigi of the parable was toiil ' iaatrate on tho one hand, the .' delight [of God as |ho lleholds afar off the ap» [•preach of the sinner, “seeking an unin jured fatlijer’s fkco,” and to rnns em brace and jbl ess him with an unabid ing welcome; and on the other, the contrition lof the penitent returning, with tearej from his wanderings, his MN j. "| : ■ i i ; V. , Beaver, ’W"ecliiesday ? ;Septem‘bei‘ 9, 1563. •ed servants 'supported bim f his wages; the servant and were supper tod by UJs riias-"' i his wages. A carefuli in n of the Condition, in hired r nnd.of purchased s<jrv .‘.scribed hr the Bible, shows ased servtihts were , as a class, ' hired J servants— were hold' jstimhtion, considered more iy, loved, honored, ore; had greater privileges, | ied, in every respect ([oilier t)£ equal), a; higher station 1. They were intimalely\in~ .with the, family of the l.i at family festivals and 1 so li lies, fro in which hired tier 'd excluded.'—Lev. -22: 11-J. \ 43, 45. 2.xThcir interest's ! ’■X ■ j f-| tore identified with the goo-, •stsof their masters’ family. | v ,hd fi hat jinr vants v tally.or" ely eitl: it heirs lastcr’s eas the ", -- Icazcr; tut! Zilpah, -and othc have been a general ire were no sons la inherit or whcn.by their unVoi;,hi had their right the pureha.|ed servants ov. 'l7: 2. . Sfe find traces ago in the Xevy Testament: n the husbandmen aaw linn., Jne.d among themselves, a'ay the heir .eomo'loTus.killhim, inheritance may ;be our. 4.— 14; also Mark 12: 7. But in ice oh Bible record- docs a .'hnf'inherit 1 his master's.; es is any allusion to su|di a.pos i. Marriages took place ho irchasod servants and their daughters. “Xow Shealnih ins, but daughters; and She 3 :lieu servants ia'tho —Gan. chap. 2.V ' jT.lai t* ! i•::-.vop. GhU-on" an*i hiV 1 ’• j. inni!i:— 7: ty.il; aiid is ST-rvanl.'-m their . iiilbr "Snmiiel.—l Barn. .V_ij n and Lis servant.— 1 Sain pi Elisha and his illustrations, On the oil;- Tf . - ' ‘■re are no iu oir, <1 idicatijr.g ■ any enduring : |h> tern and choirmasters. itir -» \ecm l« have been talien >tvostxand most ignorantiof this would naturally bo in i’a a eompifrison of tljieir tim i with thnsXhf purchased Xo instance occurs in which assigned •to business, do education dr skill. Auripus uiow the low repute and tri lictor of the class from wli'jch hived.—Judges 9:dl; 1 Sain. ! inferior condition ;of |jifed aiid a striking proof that n 1 ) i the ,lowest class of servants ;d In the parable of the pidd- When the prodigal, perish luiiger'among the swine and r.eto himself, his proud hyhrt ] will arijse,” be cried,' ! ia;nd father.” 'And then toassurc of tlio’idop.th of his hum.!li •olved to add, imploringly, ! as one of thy hired serv es hot to. be : remarked j if ints were the superior class Or the' situation, and press . bite it argued a keen relish ral , comforts, ,nhd no small get them, savored little of 'ot up worthiness that socks with |hi<idcn face, and crilesi ’ TjnhanAbloa nature climbs, , clings fast, where first it’ ~i , ~. ] -stricken spirit, deeply humbled, and ! breaking 1 with its Ml desert—Rowing '. like a bull-rush he dares not lift up j Lis eye'l, bufe; smftqs. upon, hisi breast land sobs aloud, “Up lowest place, the j lowest, place; I canj abide nd other,’’ jot in those inimitable words, ‘-Father ' I hAvq-'sinned against HeavieS,hnd in. dhysight aipl am t o more worihy 10 tb called ! thy son; .make md as ono of thy hired , .j . ! ; i'Tbe supposition {that hired servants, were thehigheefejass, take from the parable an element.ofwiuning beau ty and pathes. is manifesto to every, careful student of the Bible, 1 that one class of servant's was in' the family on terms ofiquality with the children anif othor| members of it.— lienee the force of PauUs declaration, I Gall, j 4: I—“ Now Isay unto you,that j tbo heir as long as|jho is a child differ-! jietb nothing from a Servant, though ho i ibo lord of all.” jit tliis were the! ! tiie hired: class, i tlje prodigal was a .Sony specimen of, Would pur .|j|>r(|amfb put into, tlib lips ot\one held|iip by himself us a model of gospel hunjility; to illustrate its loveliness, itsyodscious destitution of all merit, and detip conviction of all ill desert? It this w humility/put jt on stilts and. Jset strutting while pride fakes lessons]’ dud. blunders in apeing it : . [;■ p ‘ ’' • / | List ofjCxrajnid J urOrs. .'- I. Septan her' Teim.com mincing 2itMo'nda y. 1 Brighton tp: RuelE. Wray, : John Small, jr. ' I' V/ 1 Chippewa tp: John.HcrrohJr. James Kennedy.-| ,- Darlington tp: Joint Black) Ephraim Booth. ' ' j-; - " I; 'fx ■ j Economy tp : James Logan. X 1 i Green tp:‘-James'. Ramsey, Johh ; Johnston. i ■ j-: i Hanover tp: Job# 8.l Swarongon, Joseph Jl’Perrin, |j<V ,'r | i ■: \i i Marion tp: Martin Hu nncs. j New jEvah .Town- Joseph Wilson. ‘ X' | I New Sewickly tp'; John!- Chancy, Abraharp-Hunter, A. P. Smith. ; North] So wickly tpp James Coleman, j Pulaski'tp : Wm; ,|Vallacc.: | Pai J - '' tp: John .Sims.; j ■ ■ I Roi ooio: OWrgoJlinds, Wm. Portoi | ..... i\! Minor, -IMHom, ’ , ; Big 13r,i\ i-r Ip: I'i-'iliJrl, AViilliicif. . j ■ (.'liippewa {ii J),f vi. 1 'TJi'ni'ris. '-j i’-ihu-isitton :tT?i: ’ joSui ■ Kl.fci-, Wnii.j SWSvr. John (■;. \V. .llai-j.A: Ik'Vii. j I ■ : Ectinl.i;iv tp : Kitin’! . Jlei.tlri.-ksoii, VV/,i. i I ■ ; iTati'Uorfjp : Carolhisrs. ! J; rii-.Miii tiii: Lewis .Staiulu. Janies | I' rti-ikmi lioro ; G-oprgo Ilariis. . j Georg; town -Lisro : .Stainftsh ,P»,-p -ij;.ni. | -:, ■ j l!:ir ; -i-.'r. ij>: Aaron Moojre, John iiAl I’-iiuluy-Stifij'l Moore. : ■H 1 Hopewell tp : Aiiios Living, ijtr-kvy,. i ; ■ p. I- Jla'i-’isMiy tp: Davi.l llulKcr. j (p; Joseph .illlMioil. Brighton boro: ,Fps; Alexander, (Miry Boylo.A.ii illilaml.L.DJ Merrick, i ..Sgwiekly tp: Xa-hirlicr Itvlei hly, Hugh I’. 'Wilson. ' i 4i I X'.nv pwicldy tp : Goo. iionschfr/l ■i I’oclo"icy tp : Henry Losenitre/, Thps. Hays. i ‘ J Pi|iccoon tp : Richard Calhhon Sam’l Scawright. 1 I > ' , i Sputh Beaver tp: Jacob Smith, i Sam’l Caugbc} - '. / ' [ I Brighton tp: Milo Grove, W ,B; i.M’Gaffiok.-, 1 rv;uit IT | ! Aldermanio Eloquence: j j The speech appended to the para j ftniph bt-low, vylijt-U' we find in al .New : Ti[ ork-critbmporary furnishes a magnifi ; cent sample orcppporhcalForatbry in I the- “commercial mctropblip.” ■ ■ *Un | dptibtcdly/Gotham is great, and in i nothing is her grandeur niorej 'con spicuous than it appears in the genius, talents and r accomplishments |of those >'jho manage her municipal affairs: I Among the records of the j great ri r Or, it while to preserve the little speech made by Mastek-son, the Alderman of the XXlId Ward, just ; oiler the original mob had! burned |down the bnildiiigan which the draft ing had been undertaken in that Ward! As Mi. Mnstnrspn is ah Alderman, paid 81200 a yeai by ■ the people for [his services, and is, a law} maker and Magistrate for the. cjtyL his opinions are yery justly! matters of public concern and importance —- Let the people carefully road! and ful ly understand ills Words. WV quote from the Daily Sews,Bea Wood’s pa per; ■, , | : •. ’ , { ! r, r \ \ fiFNTLEMEN : lam Opposed tO'this i draft as much as any man in, this crowd. [Cheers.]. lam in favor oj \ burning down fhaf building that 'wai burned doftn—rfcheers]—but £am op- Eosed to! having | these poor ? people’s buses barned down. It will do no food to yoa 01 any body else. [Cheers.] i therefore ask'j you to stand back, and lot ns save] the building. It is the property of a poor man who not get a cent ofthe insurance on It tt it ne destjoyW. ' j- . '« - w* * *. . v •' ,t .. -■'■/ i’et.lt Jurors, |J li'u/i-Kt Jacob r A FresK_Chapter of History. was then fallen vsd ■ the CUETIX DID IN APRIL, |Bol. ■ The Philadelphia. Press furnisher! nation was yaved.fnmcfijtb.theauf thofollowing in .reference td an’ iifi-jj ■fco.nspiralors and|;to ,tl)o gn porlaut event ii| the history of tbel country 0 f °y al P e P*° 0 " ar: ■ j ii { '“Truly, Andrb\/,G. Curtin was “When the red band of rebellion j.Hght man iii the right place.” was raised against the government, i . '-.-j-—^ the people of the .country wore ap- | Letter from Gen Hovey, : the palled. I The nation, so 1 to speak, was* . Hero of Campiola Hills. • apparently powerless for a ; lime. Our . t>k£t .. I. A ,i. . ships of war had been sent tio distant P;• R* Hove) sent the fol watera. Our arsenals and forts in "the .Ipwirigjhoijljr lettor to the.Doino.qratic North had either been robbed or re- meeting, heldnt lndianapolis, Indiana, liovbd of their little garrisons-: The recently/ ift will bo seen that, like all s-r' 7 h sent South; under thec6mraand;of the! V? loh onr ] "? ie V-“f; meanest of traitors, General TwiggE, [ a | )ound ) bespeaks the wjbids of sober:-' •by the order of the band pf-conspira- j ness,and trdth. They should be read j toys;.who, though solemnly sworn tp 1 and' troasuilod up by every pEtriot support the Constitution, wpro plpt-| in tllo )a 'nd-and especially • should tir.g to overthrow it. The country. i , -Li , . .. r, -,L [then was filled withgloom. President,j the - v ba hcodcd at this time! in Penli-. {Lincoln pud veryd-eccully been sworn j sylvania, on the occasion of a 1 general' l into his high and responsiblojposition, ( cleetioh. - - - , ? surrounded as ho was then- by a ibijri Mtiuit Vernon, l3, 1863’ armed soldiers abd patriotic citizens, }.Gentlemfcn ; I regret ItUt-my short who . sprang to such arms; as they {leave of absencetrohi j the army and could readily obtain. Treason flaunti--:| severe illness in ray fam .ly prevent tine ed Us red all over,; Washington ajti from [accepting your invitation 4 : to ad that period. It was-then that Presi-^'dress the Democracy on the 20lh dent Lincoln called around jhim the. inst. r governors of thejoyal slates advisis- I should-like to speak to the people with them on the desperate nature of ©f the Statc and present to them the the emergency. | ; i opinions and'{feelings of their kindred ‘•They mot in the White Douse.// and-Iriendsjib the army in which I ‘Gentlemen,’ said the President tdl servo.. , With thoso , ‘ l wha are facing; that little -party of patriotic men,-| our enemies}; where disc ash and death' ‘the machinery''.of the nation is pnt of|! are around Ihqrfi, there js but little order. We must run it as w|e find it.i|or no :divisi,on of Opinion, apd they Its wheels, its rods, and boltsace shpaj-!! look with • Jvondef; and. astonishment rated, but the boiler seems to beeper- jat reported jdifforonces at home, r ■ feet. Wo must repair the work with t’,. The (Army of tL}e South west (is de-, Such skill, and ingenuity as wepcssesa. ptermined upon the S«Ajiwa(!o>t. of'Reb- Thero is wisdom in council, and} there-;} cldoin,in Ihfejhighestandstrongesilsense lore I.havc called you, that jwp nv»yj; ■■ Ho; 'half-way, simper reason together. What shall Iwo .dbli ing pateh-vi|ork will satisfy them, and to crush this foul | rebellion and pro/(Ac patty.that attempts.it toUL'be'swept servo' the country from -witeckf J. into & hopeless minority, 'Mr dll{h.e other have made up ray mind, with} an ■ i m«f!eom^OiijlionSj of- jMiities, tm( havp form plicit. confidence- in an overruling ,erly'opr.ySdd the wars of our'country,. ;j .Providence, to moot all emergencies J ■ Constitution as it .was’?; cannot j that may arise. It is time lor workT ibo restored jin the Rebel States, until | continued the President. ‘W]hat shall {the pqtiple -if those States 'shall- fullyi, I, do about issuing a proclamation- td prove their live/or the (Government arid j the people| ■ J devoted loydlty. Until | this, happehsj “The President with bis bands fold; - the madman must wear his straightl cd behind hill back, paced up and jacket.; A little reflection will convince down 1 ’ the | apartinpht. The six or- the most sympathetic thnf this must sovOn govorhofs. wlVo; formed his aud |be so. |supJ)ose the lliiiou restored', ftbrilj were Wrapped ip Eachf oxpresdod his opiuion, bufctheiij of tfiaLby jury, in the liistrici vrhere sentences were punctuated 'with.too Hife oftcpce tvas comraitiud, but!broad where. WEile all'this,was going ori/Govern a rohdl sbonl^bo; preSehtcd for Area jnor dlurtin, fresh Inim: his Ptinnsylval (.somanch tried by a rebel jury. 'ilia h>in»e..was-standing at tins winded 1 i- t‘*e, Lon-Aitiilioii.,j.«i*p ."jides tha J. through , tii-v j.ancf;;*- cpaij } "g- 1 , 1 - h-'A'k* co ¥>¥ shdll ycmui which he ‘wys drum thing , with ' his] ;' r b-e-f-not. tell you t fingers, while at the thne'hc'.’.vail : l '•■be. j tinge would jyjca >e the pi htiinmifig ‘Hail C.-.hitfil.ia.: I fie was cr > t‘“*hgh C«argcd r -.d.>y > , the bnv an atfciifive Ifslener to ail that was tl- ;nv‘s , of- murder and • (reason-.. i goilig on. lie had not Vet been apj /■•‘’'•.stitiUioi}-. proclajnij! hbert ■-[..roa'-licd hy ilhe I’rcsi-l.Ont, gPrcienii ’ iunl !|Jh-i’l) oi tin - jdy t i.erc was profound silent oj , | i, wi-ih i i be.sj would gne! •■Mr. T.incbln.liiialiy bpokej the sit -dciibu.twc tbo hov Iciit'spcll, anil ; turning fd, ; .Mr. jduftili i lkC ' i l.!L’ a P "!f undying : said: ‘Andy.wdiat will Poiihsy 1 vania do s ci-tio.i: against the qthei j if t issue my prociuma;ti&jii'‘t”;.. Silence; | mcviuiddy i still more iir.ofound prevailed.; It 'was- at * r ?f-‘ ngills- t-,i ■a inonn.uitou.s question.'- It seemed i.conterre'., upon U - if the fate* of they country depended . i + ll M - * '' v -fY .£ 1 iinon tlio rsplv cihoht to be mutlo. ■ 1 “ithers to nien capagilo c - V,, ' * ,1 i meat, and ehiinct now I , '-Oo,n«r C..n .n still. nlt f .imnfin ! 5 i tboBC .. who i,i lvc s 0 sliaihe ion the nstfics wTtndi.s hnge.s, as .atpre/- dd tO . octroy the insiil rsuid.,/turned,.-,.faced ■ tho.i Vrep which J Jon ( and . w,lh -. u l ~,flcd | iionmuk aimtlhcii rip do, . -iit ' i- -TV :ii ’ X word in-regard-,V#> • t y--\Uat will Pennsylvania do t-j nMs ,]„ o^ni , |/lore he paused. * ■ I. . ■ j| : lpnlbUed alt, and tbeff 4 . v / } 11/ an ? l x. j i jibo tso use.il as to prevent / “ ‘M Jiy sir, (with emphasis) if yon , of LUoir l;1 : i!ilc . ‘ Tlicil .. J : ,s ?" e V««r proclaraatn.n I-ennsylvania. M)ould b e useddVd will .furnish you a hund.:- .1 (housaucL eX]^a 0 f the (revol men an a week. | ,y:| slaves relcasid and libera “'Give; me your hand,; Am v - MuU lan( j g „ s phictic the President, and,;as he co.nu sivclyr amdll! , who the Lo, c|acujatcd | GoVei-nmc/ ‘Thank God tor tha, rc]>l)'. I will,at j o p ;; ts S orVst trial.' I hav my proclamation - - • ■ freely .of. the policy that 1 ‘-The gloom that shrouded that con-| be ,^ rstu . !(] £ r lh /. e are clave of men bh . the instant > whi i b 'ih & people away y hope revived the diooping;} caHed to act.l 1 7 . . spirits, the governors sprang jto thenL- ' lf i you ] st£ |nd jn the , loyal Slates, 1 feef and wuh one accord congratulafc-.ii g,, m and determined to carry out this ~eJ Mr. Lurtin. : | policy the dhys : U are | .“The Governor of Pennsylvania cifluly nunihdred ; but, if jbu temporize j telegraphed thodact oftlle forthcoming andMividc,’ ttio.avar has sjcare'cly corri i proclamation; to the capital of the moncEd, and) anarchy aid* bloodshed |state,' from which it radiated-to all jwili cover our aT.happyg and. I cbn j parts. It .was mihonncedon the news- jure every one who do.yps liberty to paper'bulletin boards in'Philadelphia, jforget party and stand by our country before [the ink of the dociimiW was in this dark, jhonr off its' trial. Your dry, and. thus -the yeoman , popu- property, ybiir.lives, j anc the hajipi iation of the. old Keystone wore ness of yourlfamily upon it. aroused to wholesome enthusiaftn. i I know not, whetherthese views- will {“Two battery (Companies, opf Read- meet the apjirobatibn of any. party; dug and Pottsvillc, on the , receipt of but I Cannot refrain from giving them Governor Curtin’s despatch,[ ‘called En opqn expression. lln m- mP the roll’ at once, and the next train riino-tenthß (if the army viJ bore them to, the defence of thb|capiy epneui 1 in tho views I tal of the nation. We well remember | Yoiirs truly. lAivis P when those hardy, men from the inte-; ' J—; — riorpsonie even in their shirt 'sleeves,l passed through Philadidpbia and;, took the cars at Broad pod Prime 'streets. 1 They arrived in Washington so quick-} ly,that'the bloody minded traitors that; surrounded tho' patriot ProBident, aiid Lad'AVaßhingtion within their grasp, ■ were struck w‘ith asionishmei.t upom the sudden appoaraDpo of the bat(e- : rie’s. They thought they had been deceived. They we^e- seized \yith the idea that Pennsylvania was at once ready for the, emergency. The l fou|| conspirators were paralyzed from their j own fears. . j' y. '■ ;| The noxtday the famous Massachu setts Siitirythe Washington Brigade, of Philadeldhia, passed through Balti more, when a murderous outrage was •ommiUsd,.atid the- irst loyal blood irn it f 4• - ••• , • , ; . J ! I 0 L', i i 7 .-i Ti Esia =1 ;PEi®ErOP ROUSSEAU ■ .vil'J--' 4 - . ' • ■ i,-. ■. His'Opinion .of Copperheads and Pedc& .Men.' Major-General Rousseau was scrc« ■ riaded jby [he Union League of Phila delphia, at; trig Continental. ;Hofel, on .. Wedtiesday evenings In the^course of hisj remarks acknowledging! the compliment, be said: - ! i , “Them are bat IWB parties in the country , as the lamented Douglassaid, a few days before Jiisdeath. ’ There can be but tfio the obtfrilry; , one in favor; of the Var ar.'d one a gainst it; C|ao that is in favor of the , jUnion and Tj^iconstitution,;and, one, jtbat is it.- I am in,favor . Ipfjtlie TJnion.ahd opposed to every !. man who is # ,opposed tb the govern-* - mont of Washington and Jefferson.—; f [Applause.] ' ; - .. T,\ -j_ " } . “Do not recognize as a loyal man" any one who comes between the gov ernment and the suppression of thd rebellion. Strike him asrsyour foe;; ■ anil don’t allow his. talk ribbut cbbstU tutipnal rights to ; eq,rne between 1 ; yog .; and your'dut}’. [Cheers.] It [sail fudge. [More ‘ cheers.] I do - not ; know a man to day, in Jeff. Dalis' af my who is not a stjpong 'Union, man.- ' . [Laughter and applaiusaij i “I believe I love the Gonstitlitioil of my country as well as any .man bn earth. I think I have done as much' , as 1 bould do for the Constitution of : my country. Would to Heaven I could do more ! 'But. I do not conlider'if my place to journey all'.over the coun- ' try £bud prate of the .constitutional rights of men who regard no, COnsti-- i. tutiou as governing them. There are np constitutional rights for such men: asUhe conspirators 6f the South, and no constitutional mercies are to boex-i' tended to Jeff. Davis arid his associ-- ates,.who,are hounding, the Govern-. ■ ment’to its destruction.. ' ' l "r 1 “He was in favor of the prompt a 4-: bolishment of [Cheers.]— ■ Had he the moans, he would; free all j (the slaves now iri the hands of eyetp [ ■secessionist. [Reneaiied '.cheers.] In | spite of riots anil? mob Jaty and- up, 'trising-,' he ivould use the strong arm of | the Government to put down the eric-; 5I nlies ofgbe Governmerft. , What if .rid';, jots ;did ioccur, and a prominent 1 ciai called the, rioters his» per.v.oal friends 1 ' Why, p'ut the official do'~rv fwiib the rioters; [Enthusiifen;.] ij, ■•‘Fathers; brothers and .'Sons bad been . lying stark and stiff upon cba.i 1 battle-fielci,’ and, he. could ] not k-.z. k ‘ with friend ly gaze-u pan. Xbe?me nwh ; at ho’nio were; willing .Ip oppose lac- [ cause of the soldiers!- The topper- ■ head who does it is moaner than llid _ [Applause-.]; vi’M .‘■Tiiercj whs no /.-ause for the ,wrir.—j \; The KoiAh,did nothing to bring'idpa, 1 i.ariu'yefVnedand is called on to stir ! render Us liberties pad ils.dationatily,' |because wheii tliipUnlop. is brokeriyup 1 .- [no man knows wh,cro it -ia'-tOi end.— , i Were the Union dissolved, ,4 m ‘ tea. [years riot five Stales would.refftaiirto-- ■ gethCiv - W'.ill these men. who Oppose > 1 the soldier say what they, wapt?—! i'They Is'hy they want peace: They tri- ; led that in Kentucky. . They hud ap arid carried: while flags njndoi- their arms with tvhtch. Ur. greet Jeff. .Davis. [Hisses ] Pegce” I i Wliy, it riiearcs the withdnfwai of I the Union:'armies, and that 'riiejrins submission to the meanest man hjr;tho SUnitcd States, and that is Jeff, privis. j?jVill that be submitted to*? [Cries .of i nb! r.b.l]' ILet nsi-never submit,, ' ! rather hill Jeff. Davis and his cbnspi-1 - | rators; which will be far hotter.—' [Great cheering.] I : !. “Let us have -an exhibition'‘of- *■ j our.strength, as will makel the iebeis ; 'tremble, and let us the rebel lion such blows as will cause it to be supjireaso'd, and .that yill bo the’ bes| >. [ kind of-peace we can iiavoV . [Sciisa-jj ' j tio.n .]. Peace by'‘separation will he no ,: peace at nil.) Why should they be a above th law, that they should not bo, j. .controlled by the law t" ; “The speaker was. a southern manj no drop of,his blood Svas of northern origtnj buthejwas for the government of the United States when it 'rVaged a war with rebela'and traitors. The government will triumph, and the right must oyentuaily pf'eyail. ; “The negro gucstiOta was undbubt edly the means of bringing'about the • war.. It is an inflammable subject j wliat shall be done with -it '! if irien j had lived loyally under the govern ment, there 5 would’never have been any .threatening of the slave”property. 1 But no slavery in the land, should; de prive the nation of its liberlips. . [Ag« - plause.] The 'slaves had* been tho means, of furnishing sustenance,' • strength and provisions to the rebel: armies, and wherever the strength of; IbQuA letter is r f i^ nd . ifc sdys: -{‘The iu. :bl tho ad [i, ern part of tile StathlUre farfbringm^^lw 7 ; ! s . n 0 to d ' B *Tv bn a -periioai jerisisj A battalion 'o7p U '?, t ¥ t; ' - “ the Itlth illiVois Cavalry, wboi have! 8 equa tolre ? hl ?' }} [doesvnot!;. been deserters 'in iiWette;i mak f copperhead's equal be^v *ndY arid adjoining conntipd, wore - lastl ■ night attacked at Yandijia.iby four Tfa ?. a P eakcr^^^:: hundred armed Copperheads ! tvho Wrtb hpt if tempted to release the deserters in, a .little war off, where, they | tlielr charge. They were led by an *, Ol ' V i‘ ,p Hl‘ o , r « be ' B > ,io .-idfemed officer formerly 'in the United States - them.qu te as good as t e;eßjiJbLt a or j, servioo. The Copperheads were re; pah«. [Laughter pulsipd with [a loss Jof, several killed c “ e , erB J ! ' \ | : | H aridl[ wounded. The;gavilry force is T * ,x '' fully able tb protect itselAccounts libm other parts of the State show tbu-the Copperheads are ripe tor any movement against the.U ni ted: States QeveraMßt?’ r ' j , 1..,'. * • ; - * 'iti/- '-‘.i. ■ -:(> -•- j. . . r; ■. ■ _ -f.' jr—. ». • ’ i. " '!:?"' . y . i Rw‘ T -. 1 J.. •■ •*■! '■ «■ ' A ! Vr NM NM i ■ ; i ish.ec r .1 i • ;> (• 1818 1 .the in-jin- hii t a rison ickesf The This ril'd t : press. ; nib .tlio j and <f one e ni me'til iaired; o= ■.untilau ■'follow. to.ther iVo, iw 1 be if: the f our knot no rad Ken b be iv ' byj : f. solf-goi] jo ihtrust-i : iiiliyuttd l ution.s, ijj d.iy- of p mission. vein bd to Impt n del' pjbil-. tbo prop )n they I ■'•cakh; flj| •a. repeti : orsoual jJ |erty have i[ould itioii Jrop- the efrayin# [heir Ihcir Ikied .1,1 Oli. itod, arid t ible. did i have njobly nt in the. fiour, e spoken- thus tbink'should the questions vill soon be NOTICE TO^DVERTISCur Advertisements. inserted at the rate of 75 |SjP mwb^— subsequent insertion 2o cents.. (A liberal• discount made *o yearly, advertisers,. and on long advertisements. , ' I r • vi apacojequal to twelve' lines bf Oiiadype measured a square. .' i 1 ! , SpeciaUnotiecs 25 pc? ccnliytdditiqn toreg ular rates.; . ,'p : r .a-,^ J , Business cards, 75 cents a line, per year.- ■ ' Stallages and Deaths, Religious, Political and other Notices of a public nature,: free. ; ; i B®»The Richmond cates a tew-mod© of r is to fill Charleston with ' oners,and then let Gon. Gi bard the eitjr. Amiable | j • -J-t 'nquirtr a<JyOf | y :aliation. It 1 pipivpri** i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers