HKAV;EB ! AKGITS EE!IME:I2 Wednesday, Jnhe 10th, 1863. D. L. IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. ■ TKRitfS— &! "1 Firrv Cent* j ■ |-ex aqapm, in advance ; 1 Two Dot.- j ears "will ho'charged. .\» pajicr'iiJeconlinucd • i,ntil all arrearages arc settled.' ' j ■ —j: L- and ct-iiiiuuatcttliooa, b> mail' J- . «l,al! hay/prompt ulteutidm ' . . V O-L. Mlfur -VAPtf TttIRIINF " { - . TWEiTTEs JOB TUE Aiioi*.] ■ jCIS6 articles. sudi 11s slave*, wiling-. NEW YORK TRIBUTE, i DEFINI & M /tut >'kw-Yokk TkißCSz. f.Kt is-; ; I, :. , nrlurt tin- ‘ /suej ill" lt“41, ill i'H twenty-second ' 1 ,1. • S* 1 !^‘ i ' f l 1? 11 nrlor / years, hasobtained in?!!'. a largci*"hnd i To (littirmine what ■■ Slavery »4 we 455. r '}’ n»»j%,nl an} mw, « I, ~Lrc widely -iitiosM circulation than ! inast it frmh its apjamda^*! Slavery] The L ;iMly.otUr ..espalier e 'er A co< 1 s 1 1 1 ue nl. ele in eti t m one .thu.g, . infinitedislinctioA betwcfen i ln America. ■ .iiiough it Ws -Miflercd,.. a rdatiop another,. an ap,»endage an-, ; , , ft thjl -. jt lrfl^p l es ! f u ' w ul ‘ oU,e .V° ,r “ ak iro,n f . V' Mr - »«Ult.ion« and appendages 1«•. u J p fo(Jt a aVstinutipo alike like ceutrc 1 the volunteering add, departure of _ j, u .,j,oswttii.l ilrovejthc existence ol find's moral "s-riju nrihe \lar lor the T/nion, its ,1 things yhemsdees to \lhleb .they -a. L ■?• . r . 1 „ ll : ve J e transcbndimr all l : .;■.■«.!» ■ f**?*-* -. ■ ■ 1 •Aam-Hcwuy .i , ’ relations. trinures.Hnd some of them nijt I Ai, 7” , • x ,iv«'wr»» »•*»»-■ iff? i.onlymiLJnt ... themselves, but indil: A -Wirillmg Episode of «heWar.! • ...4........-215,375 ‘ to the social scale, are often 1 We were shown this morning li Pre-eni/eotiv a jioiinal of Xe’nsknd coi\fbun'{lod.wiili slavcrv;aiid,iliusklavo ; daguerreotype, which was the means; of Lilcriunrc. Tiir. Thttiuxe lias politi- holdingFcoiries to ho regarded as.quUo ■of saving tljie life of oil* of our sbl cal coiivi'tions whichjaro well eharac-: Anmkssl if not, virtuous. ■ Let us spe- j diers at the recent battle or. -the Uap ■ sonic -*'■ ’ ’ ‘ t-rized In'Vhe-ainßeword Heh blican. cify rsorlu ot the thinwhich are : riahaiinock, under the following 1 1 labile M i danTii itsi hesiriv tt«U»e*»pn ‘ often confounded wijh Slavery: j-Jar circfimatanees: Mr r Jiime? Car^R * ' -*. * gVefti"' u iiili i iliai '-Cod. lias 1. iPofiiivat disability, Uieu minors, l bvanl, ft member of D/Ilu rl" . oueVloO'!) all nations of .men” -aiitl aonvp who are not. free holders, are ' teenth Regiment. while fighting, ajjw !—lfenubliwin in lU'lasseriion of the alkh'ds. I -! I a daguerreotype fall from /the pocket 1 nd iuft’.ieiiiiaW rights of all . Ifrlnjeligibiliiy Co ojlire-, then all ,of adead rebel; Impelled by cuno&t equa >pursuit femai-- (ire’slaves.' ■- , v j ty!. lie picked it up. and plated .it jitt m f° n h-iiirinr'--*'" in it= 111. Ifrn\'ttioH of on?.«! >>,ith iri law.— j the hreast pocket of his blouse. j ditianlhostilitv to Then l!ije free. people Ohio.'and ini Soon lie Wi»s struck ti'y a bullet and ** ~i>d i-h*Mt cflhe Slave aic-t of |i|i,.v Suites, nil «isbe!iovei* in: fell. His brother, who was hear h ini, Power from the'Annexation of Texas,:. (htnreUtnte Stiaxslav4 • *, ; ! picked him ’up, supposing him: to be to th-e't-'U Jo hei'ibn. to grasp the' IV. ■ Api'rmtirrfhip. The rights and killed. Upon, examination, 'the ball •i tho Ne ■■■<' IW’-.s.ld ioid wield duties tjf matter and apprentice; are 1 was found to lhavc pierced l|is cloth the ro' 1 Hirer* of our! country fdr its correlative and reciprocal. The. nas- liifjf, gone through tilt front <jf the ail- - • j;;. : ~„K-iir —T<ejiul*lic;u) iwj tr'rV obligations .to. the apprentice i* : guerreolype. shivered the glass. and it? "aiitTo'*><d?m t° fhjsiK'soiitv ol thb' the («»«£; of his claim upon -him; and indented deeply llielmbtal pliitu upon (>;d lVo;M. ’ v*di<> • loiidlt distil .in the ; tinj.elaiiii of the; apprentice' npo/i the j |iich the likcne.—> was, tvh|eh. hojv -1 Vfflla enliiinitiesj suddenly ,tl.rnsi niasler from :his olli- oyer,- it failed to penetrate, ymS'SajV j. 'l.eii - A' nr* ■•{fc- mU - 'll, docln - 'ti'it il* Vouiiir man’' life, its it • lay jjpon , us by u ..ipem-an e>- act- ~ .ic.iiv.v ~ l >' . * n « ‘*• •«- - '* “• ’ -f-’ Slii' e.H « from mit p anarchv in its. worst form, anil will ■ promised tjie Pi/s'idyiil.that ‘55,000 part thvot.jrthivv- ami nm. ot the. ihr'aii equivalent -1 >r vamc/receiycd,, right -over his ligart, : Ji»*i wooden , tJIO globe., iquestiopis, are wol j| hbrtK : exper | eneo all the horrors of mob should be left! to protect the' cap ■ Model ‘ H i-j; ab 1 1 >.■ —I! i- 11 n) ■ 1 H';!i 11 in Us : ii at thei bottom, bit j>j•ro it t it: 1 1 11 j.— I .side ol the' picture was snijyored to ;jj o n , n j„tain llpjCppntnj Of our,fathers, ;| ItevoliUibn. | ,i,j f yot \.p bill I l i,ooO and these poor-; hope and trust. its faith ami ..effort, jTbj? Hg|,is .ff npprentlee are seen- ■rfflinlers by the vwnyi.ssion. . I't'be bul- or allow U jdown : by i| I Then we have a sole mil duty to main-} W disciplined amiiAvitliout iknlnvledge •llrat this atri« -it >nn j - must : ret), it» ll'ls t>roinoted equal- u-t avus shown witirtlie jiiHuie, uL- those/who, can no longer j a j u Government. The ! <Ji‘ jirtillor". 1 I »■ ; reMiit in the signal /•.•riLruw of itff |y with those;./ his pWer. ■ di.jg m-atiy n.Wiho indu i.latsop of the govern, threafeh to Aeproy f . cinff unanimity Ihe-W/l ier i llTp day ! 7i Tiia/V on. MfClellamfostod 'With plotters. and 'tilt-•Virm- estahli-hminit: (iiv law ot iijiprrji.ueps-b.j,. ivbtlu >V i>. .tire, ' . ■ . "i • M /Vhat excuse do disun-J ; f , }lcacu \p e taro . preftdites to !his bniircjtJrcc-a raouch beforn Yprk ofequal rights and e.piul bw.- tbrgjigli- j M :i to‘the inuster, _is. benevolent to thv jl'li.-n; m, doubt I Inst the bmists give iWf*)!* breaking up the j (iv V r como, from the few short uloiiths * town h the President/old him but tile wiiole exient Ot eouniry, aprentb e. " I, •, Aorco of the hail was dost roy.-d ny the ; best goyermilpt,on which the sun ol :^ nco of rlerct . donthstJ Wet ilf “Was iniPspensable that; should v at wherein Liberty a(ul ; L-r;|o!i shulpin-, V; i/i m./.r; ■/] for rrw„, oi- ahe ■ dpidun y.eldti.o of -ll.e solf- f-pp ho;iVel , ov - er ts ~a ys 9 They a ,-e mus t_ be. allayedl.l Let us , lav i once striile^nbbw, ' and U.ore Were, deed In- -oik- eml ytseparulde i.enee- ■ eiaiws a.! o. yernia.-nl on eriimiAis. ; plate. Had the mstU-nal oten mo(-e aisiatisded result of a Prcsi- a p crtrointitlons and ruerhnina-1 but Id.DO/lioops io defonal lho place iortl. and forever. | . •_ r _ ■ M nst in loceye.- tn- iiniiisin-.i b.vnuse ■ bull would pntb : ,l_;,y haje del.ti al ildld fjiey never get t i ol;s ■ thb Loi i.rih of [these ilifficub I when he reiiehed'ijt; ’■ i U 1 Tns liur.vNKdjM.tes attention m .irli suilers i-riie.- t!ie ; g,,, K d.rungl,. l.lie Idveness Ss !hat..d |w. a ton ivo to. resort to =jj cj .-. . When, we shrfll iiJave ad-jin a i 8. Thai niter Ydn-ktowiv was er'acu eal’.ner tunes, and to some extent in ; w.-rlcs tor thy itovernment ; a M.d nol u.mlt; looknji: '.'the sword gdt defeated at With the ■ Unit'ecl Stateii flj.. i nted Gan.l -SfcClellin made no dolinUe these,!.. iOineuiiop d emperuie-e s\ - „., U; . „ u -uy. and wm; n.e ■ niay. He signal-; amt it may w.d bo j ynaguied ; the . ba li ol |1 -undy. Stknd . that it, on i arra.meniUL tor liie pursuit of ! the -Hitultnre.-lnvyiu.ynsi and whu over _ uoes tub A eenliiry s .that our gallant nulmer prjaes . the , tLc voice of Bfrjftpple in t J vulT ', ll vh of AmeriJn soil* ll will i v. vi(inaining himself behind, and e'l-e nuoister ho s,umnal an. , worn w. .im ~.•! pa : ivs dratis .... mu, vi-eounierte, luvsouUnetu the Je-, lhe mode apdfcithd. by the JConstnu, t \ i<Stl \ <; time enough loiisk wbi a«d I that-tUe.¥. liamsljmg batiie was Jn malarial progrps ef M. manor k-.v. «e wops tor ,t, pesl. damsel as the savior o.j Ins hto tion-must thaobed.ence brought thisupod |oin 1 eonseqrtdlcJ ionghl in confusion- and ; mauuind; but. bn* u.p00...,, 5,.,0r- .10 ,s a j.nh.Ky ,M, f p.r. and will n.e, ,L wl.o is. a young man y ' every eili Z er||!l% «>• »be. j X aVti s “ ld movu than I ipftondedvto jat adisadvaptage. ■ ' .ga...o.mnrs e'iiui...i| .jin o . ..«•; so. Be.:.uu.e laws mate men pay dents, most; ..-templary yharaetor, .as_ sent, v leetion of • Ppsirtictthir ya. didato.| fk ..i [Cries ,ot -go on.’h edt is L 9. TbatArnerlhe victory waV won. - to ~: . y^v i .o ljpot .or ti iat their satopn the j t ,/liscuss liiar ul. as ! Geh. MeOlejla.v rtifusod tJ-ullpw-pur V. me Wyr lor, Lie, I pvn. ~u special, mdh.jng . LeM.ios. the law. no] .espies in .us city, and iy!fo ijo!il.tle|s , Union. do they prc-L Wil wa „. b „ t :ls it j. b ,b o .j/ and Isuh; thou/h j tbo eJncurrinf. testimony c-.‘r:'cHp«itiUL*u*s ac.r overy, wuiiituli- j.u*<qwrt.y. k his will tilso fhmisli \i us it- prcqiou* • ’ *q‘ in-' to ! it! will 1, ho Ilei * -v. * - ! . . • ' { befoKi Ciod, *v .4raahlt>an § » fc * fvusi'iciui’U* arpiv urifl ivywrt vc*v.cry . libvrtv iin Jit >1 liliii* jjtfal sinig- 'a FTwre re lj «v ti • >» * - . tfii/iiivl i\i± l l rutiL-lusiv.e (.FiutiipU 5 lutvinoi uuiji Natick arm. Tuition• hc'Jtli received; by the Creole, stages; p lic cons Ututionalir.yhls of ot I’enfr 1 Kif i • ' J' 11 -. *- •. • ; t j, H tu-ls* inmUhod * ■" •''it i. in possession ot information, thro'. drs —are .concerned, nothing |har been | >ule view' of .he !'.rogri-- aml i Ch.iJren ate I^bv^tc^e *’ “ < ' u,: ‘ u ' lt * . of t,le occupation o| Puebla . 'pi 10 ,. e p llB jbceii a from' 1 tor fof this ißdm.'iiiiius ’conflict ,-o ni .m d-> by .gum -. ( -r' T by the French, and gives t tbi ..hlsim-J ■ ;th:-'j'ig|. .the ivgulnr ' .-fy patients .by physicians-, -corpora- h«-lails--\vl>n-h it calls official f jA'-UMil. tl* o«V. cckimm. Ami w.e-ltiojfs by charters. ami legislators by i oil liic 10th Uic French trobp* who, wiriivstlv ''.'licit tlic’l tjo-cperr.tioii off comti'Mliiiiis. .Embargoes, larifl-.;. | ;il ,j a parallel ISO metres from ( «11- ft tho N atmipi cause, which j-quarantines, imposts. vet nan. ami acu!. t j lt . or Tolenivb'usjcan, ’Wcned ;iw > 1 wc ivgarX ami jutiiioM' as that of; of corporation. kjsep men Iroin doing m-ink-rc tire which dismounted all' ' V’'iiiv.-S:»l, Humanity,. tj/uidjus hi cx-’ af-t hey’please. LVrcAhgiOrestrk-ikms . tiil _. • 0| - t |je lortv, The Bcsbigcdi J it.* circiihi’:'-'. i V ■ slltwery If they arc slaVyi-Vi civdiz- themselves witb.valpr. The; ; . 'i’KUM.'i'.; ■; ! efl .society is a !nanuiio - !li,»!avo, a K ,, '*r7uoxt : .vlav tho patallc.i-# wore advanced; Ta- rertcaas in. Vne price ernmynt ;61 lav tin: climax, and its to ainhort M !)» .the- ivorks. i . inti*.g pat" r am; ntbei materials ’ Excciii ivc a Kifrj amiii g slaveholders..;, cpik yf ex ,i ( t tth Gen. Mendoza appear- j ' : .n priiij'ii.g tie w? papers. compels ;' VH . j«r..cvmp.«teti*c> »vr-, ' v tl ,in[* (Ten ■ Percy's. (-:pnp ‘ami a>kc’l I iiViT::-.-,' -I iio pH ie ol 'in k Trt- * r«v. A jfiryma a . is ihi pan m-l led a* ■ him lo pernm the .Mexican U - oops:U< .’-Var t-erins are': f gainst his will, and .must. A- .re-iirb'from Puebla with t!it}ir. armjs if DAILY "fill HUN E. ; { ’ .... ; filuiri.ff, orders 'posse—bystanders a , K \ |parl of their artillery ,i ami on Myr’f Cvy-.v.•...;. ...i :? cents., mu si turn in Neither love: hoi mop ••‘j (jmidi'tion the place won Id suito.i ■ ci’. *3ll I buy off liio compulsion. -Men j L . r . I‘GjL-ri; Ftirev promptly refused lo , y aKMI " rr.l\t.\ 1 Kliil N q < c ,. r vpcUed to remove nuisances, lai-eept the oiler. lAt ..five o’clock live %•f. r .taxes, f-'tjiji<>rl tiu-ir (am- ' )L4tu-er" of a flag.of truire pi t*4«nicd a Kirli c .iifS’ f.ji, '-..1r. dies, ami ■•turn to tlie right Obiter from lionr (prlega, slitting thijt TrrV-'. I’ic' ae vc-.r. Sgtl.aO. late ritills,’ .however, innc-li agfonsl j, n \y o nl<l S'lrroruler iincoiiailioijully. An.extra cit/ffs.: tc see: lo dyl-s of t'-ven- , tIU-ir wills. Are liiey, tlierelore.slaveß.' ;l n bis troops. Thet eifpon the a'? jus/v , ir ; . . ■.l To i-olii’ouml slavery 'vith involuntary . was oconbied tty a;pijrlion Ul -. V J , Ehly T tti I'l.- )- i fn-rvicc, oi eei yttuile. a.ts is often done. . t ] l( j prencli torces, and on tho 1!H1 ( pv. . n.) tear !«,. is’uhs/ird. Sia'vertr is -u condition. itjeu.i i'oroy bimsclt entered Fu i I'iu' 9 reliw Ahe"visr.7.V.V.V:r.'.r.!!!’.’.!7.'.'.’.S? > -Many/of 4.l|fb ■■ foregoing civnditiotis; ’ ; j;• j j. fen t'yfioi. ra.ey.'.yv. 15. 'and relations !are 'upp'-tsdihjf-S ot slave-] jj n ( ]to 20lh, Getl at tllj Aii v /litra'-ii iitimhcr, .•id-irt'fFf/l to . ry. ami many id them ihaeparabie i'b<.yd : of a corps consisting of j two d| ? f .npiri'iv "fif 61 ..»M each. An ( front, it. But no <o>e, nor all them - v j s iohs. eon; me need tho march ujur extra copv will fco c.-ni to every- club ; together. con'-ir,uto its iairinsie, ««-j’thc.Cuv ol Mexico.- ' .1’ r .often. ' ' .changing element. • ; i ! ■ ■ Tweniv C’opicjj fo f>nc •iddrrxs, one; What, then, is. Slavery? It is ro/j’ ’ , veur, 5-’5, mid any larger number at | Men to articles of Property, i r tamo price., Ati extra copy will (be j making free agents .goods and chat-' sent to clubs of. t WenU’. To clubs . telf*, converting persons into things,' thirty THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRI- jffatdng • intelligence actduntahility, BF.NE will -be sent. of - fiflj' j tnunortalitii, and potsonal inalienable TUB DAILY TRIBUNE will be sent ownorsbipYnlo inore merebandise. A gratis , .•• ! slave is one held in ; this condition. —-! Address THE TRIBUNE,* ; Slavery is the conditions itself. Slave-, i ■ Tribune Buildings. Ncw-Yorb! ‘ bolding is keeping .men in ibis eontfi- j -r~- . . : lion, subject to these liabilities, ! vlVhen drafts can be. procured is | whether tho holder .personally regards: { jnuch safer than to remit s Bank Bills.' t r ie jjiavc in this light or not. Slave- ’ ; The name’ of the and: holding is trafficking in human ware, i State should’ in all cases’Be plainly! \ ghh-c is a mere tool for another use 1 .written;. | i -l and benefit. . Ilis right to biraselt is I -Subscriber* who send nyenejf bjr-?stb r *nrnt'cd. limbs aio another's .: K,\pmust prepay the Express piojicrtv. If he say my feel, my ; r-harges, else Hew ill he deducted ffora ..hands, my body. my-seZ/.ilhey are fig j the reiniitjUK-f- , , ; fares' of speech: To use himself for | Thk,:. >-or : 1?63,^j 8 ; OW n good, is illegal, or a cpjrhfc ! ■ Avili be rvadV : Hbout ;To keep what ho earns, is stealing ' - -- ■ ~\'y~ • This;i's slavery :-] * tlriion Ho tGI« 59 ; The law ot South Carolina describes ! I I ' islavc-rv in Ilio following language:— BEAVER, PENN 1 A- ; -Slaves shall bn deemed, sold,, taken, -* | -,1 ' reputed and adjudged in law’as ehat- Al.'HX.i CLAIJK. Proprietor 1 tels. personal, i<> the hands of thoii S sd.liiir.u to .he fotivcni(-nc«Ff of »; firs | owr | e ' r | po6seS aors,' and their cxecu, J class llntol, the Proprietor hit* rated upm ; ,•. . . . , n 1 t&>u»t. in a cuiaplcto anti sStirfraWytuau- : tots, administrators and assigns, to all rirr, »n * I f intents, constructions and purposes OtsTP.H SALOON, the best quality lnlay be ob-, during their season, ia &i»JV desired : j ' * ' <*HnV’' ; -b*d *v ; ' OyVtcrs, 11 . n\ i.-» ui Uip n2ssai4 n,Mt ? r “ wl i™ hc WrJii •'•• •■ *\ih »uto,« luxuries the SltlftßCßO «.VE. faster may sell him. .hshoso ol hit, KfcT can afford. • - ■ • penUm, his industry and labor; he can ‘Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto- dp nothing,’ possess nothing, llOr aC ; fc! . re trowed a continuance of the same is anvlllius, liut what must bolong ! respectfully solicited. ’ docl? M? , ‘V I ■ . i to bis master.' , ,i TJES-KSIA’ES, Scissors. Gum. Hair J‘ins,p j^ n iCt . of the! Slato of ilaryland : e, ' T '^. e "e’': daoiares slaves ti) be property it, these • .• ! words; “In’ cash the personal prop c»-2/ , ‘ 'X)B:C. P. COMiyfe. ertj oKa ward shall Consist - .1, ,1 J .-r --T-- r - ----- ' L T - * 5 ~ ■ ■■ —.— *~ -■ ■ ' ■ •'—* ' • i ~ -* Vv««rt>^_^^tyitTkir rrfacpCHSgwoc.jy ■_ .[ ; -j ■'■'■ ■ A... —■ ———--■■ - ‘ 'J—.—,■ . ' i I ! - 1 . EMI J 89--Mo. S'S. ; nmUv.i him par soirietimij/,; metilu, — Newark, Mercury, i ■ • |t'cmiy in the potiiiJj of Jiisj ■. ' T t- liTm .1 clnilU'l.; Arc- chii -■'•isoo, u'ovm-ii’.iwiil prop whutsovcr.” ,Tlie law of Louisiana declares —“A -re i. 5 one who is in ihp powervof Beavtei*, W J line 1.0,* 1^,63. > Tim Havana Di.W'/u 1’ the -Ttli ulf.,: I T'nr. Human Kvs —The language of j i the t-yo is very hard 19 counterfeit.— ; '•You: can read in, the cyos ,of your 1 companion, while you talk, iwhctLerj your argument hits; hiia,, though his i longue v» ill not confess it. iTliereiis 1 a look’by which a mar. ho is , ! going to say a good thing, aird a look j . when he has said fit. , Vain and for-] ; gotten,aiv. all the fine offices; of Uos- • pitatity, if there be no holiday in the 'eye. Ilow many furtive invitations! are, avowed by the eye though dis jsemblod by the lips.. A man comes j away |from a company; ho has heard i no important remark, but if;in sym pathy' with the society, he is cogni izuutof such a sticam of life, as tins .! been flowing to him through jibe eye i There a rtf* eyes which, give no' more animatiop into them than blue ber j-ries; oihshs are liquid and deep wells • that inch/ inight fall into : anti others r are oppressive and devouring, and ' take too much notice. There arh 1 asking eyes, and, asserting eye?; and : prowling eyes, aim eyes full led - faith i-—some ot good and some, of! sinister ; ouuLn. — Emerson. I. 1 Ignorance.— Nothin" renders legit-1 imalc government so insecure ns ig-,| nomnee am'ong tho people. ft is thi s ; which yields them ah easy prey to this] seductive wiles of designing dema-H gogucs. Well educated people, with'j enlarged reasoning powers to compre hend tlio true ground of authority 1 , and the! obligation of obedience to the TaVvs, ape not liable to be victims of prejudice and false alarms; jund, by •jibe exL-reiso of enlightened i reason l , ' will detect and expose the insidious plans of wicked and designing men.' i ■ ‘ -I'. ■ ■; .! Last Douglas j May I, 1861. J j Mr. if7;l thank you.for ■ the kind temaj Jn, which; ypd have] been ]iIc nhed ipf'jsFbfc6me me. I thank i the Chicago S for this grand jahdimposuigreception. i I beg you tO that l> .w;tl not i do you nor injustice tb bo- j lievo this magnificent' ovation is per-] sonal hopiagb^p; thyself. t rejoice to-j know that it eyptreesea your devotion to the Cohslilntlplt, the jQnron and flag of c‘ur ; [ I will not_ Cppbeal gratification at the uncon teat' this . Vast audience presttnj«4i4hat Whatever po litical might have* yPt'fyha - all had a coiivicwk'-that wbon ; the coun- try. should bOj-.,. danger; ray loyalty i could be relief dh. That'the present i danger is imi&ht ho man-can conceal. I If war mustecome—if .the; bayonet must bo used}2a maintain the Consti- J j lotion—l otM say hplore God . my J conscience ir-clean. I have strugj jjliml long for Va peaceful solution of, the difficuHy> T'havc not only tcn-i 1 dcred those SSatejs what was theirs ofTj | right, but 1 hjiyelgone'to tile, very ex-i j (rente' of luajjjoaomily. ,] 1 The returns *ve| receive ia war, ar ' rnies maiX‘hO(l|OD bur capital; obstruc lions and dangers’ to our rjavipation, letters «T mu& invito pirates to prov upon cpinuicrce', ajeonoerted movement t& blot out tli«iUnited: •if IV ■’ fi tlit) ’ of sent in Utfi £i: dcly inan v a? I expect it) \i show any .yrniehit <s based JjVj k *es«- it as my'lc.onvielioli I >u>«m.ttcd tolbe done ?i ii,„f >n- At- so.lar a»'lhe jfousj??®" ■■ ' , ] gf the Southern ! Slaves—l; |will say | j lihank you again ibr : tvo Jay Washington was inaugurated !■.!,(,hg&J ehe»ring,] t , . President of Unitijd.'frtalcs;!) \ '■& ! -■ —4-i— j j %vlicij ’ the rJirhls of''the Southern V j A Commasu. Toft t üBMbNT SuteV stood jirnlbr. Junder' tlia 'la\v! C\skki>.—A > : omminog.frprhNoy-York, ; tloui they do there nevler wa.s ta j ch-ganised i.n Dr- .Ohurcii • ; time w.hcu they had •■'i.or a«j good a ‘ and indorsed by such men Horace | ■ cause IVu-disiuiioii as; they have to- I .(freely, George Opdyke William Cul-; ! day. 'i.Wlial. good cause have“they lien. Bryant, and Daniel'S'. Dickinson,; 1 now Unit has not 'existed ..under, eyo.y . -{re at Washington to the ‘Administration? I - . ! i. 1 (ioveni'nieni to give a conimahd, to ■ -j If thev trv the j territorial; question.' (jon Fremont at.somej poirit : —now, ior the first time there is no : l|e can -gaily. around him jibe colored! ! ll( .i () f’ Congress ipimhihiting slavery ! men of the country. •On jSatunlay at.. anywhere, *lf it |he non enforce-j io o’cloclt, they were IprcscntCd by : i mpnt of tlie lawsfthq only complaints Senator Sumner to the Dissident, with ; that I Have heard! have been of the ' whom was Secretary-j-, Chase'.l ■ The'; ! t oa vigorous and faithful .fu'lfilmonM! President j declared that he jwould. j 'of th»T'Fugitive i Slave law. [ Then .| gladfv receive fhto the service jnjot tent i what reason havojthey ’ : ! , . i thousand but ten dimes jten. Ihojisand . I The slavery, question is a mcio ex- |;do!crcd troops; expressed bw .do-, I disc. Tiie election 'of Li neoln is a to protect all who enlisted, i | mere pretext- The present feeeessiou; aud said that he looked! to the n tor j 1 movement is the result of an (mormons ; Essential service jh finishing th.e| war. , i consniraevv formed more than year I lie believed that the | .command of Ui'nce, formed by the; leaders in the ijaffcrded scopedbr the Inchest atnbi-. i Southern Confederacy more than jitjon; and ho would with all Insjhoa? ti j twelve months ago. , it to Geti. I ronioidj . They usejthe slavery questidn as a - ■ . mehns'to aid the accomplishment oft] Witness Thuee.—Shortly before ho| ( tiicir ends, f theyildesired the election Patrick Henry, laying his band ! ;of a Northerlycaijdidatff by q Bible,'said: 1 !»l VOto in order W show that the two jm j s a .book worth more than ' j sections .cannot liyo together.■ " [Jp others, yet it is mv sad misfortune | the history of tho;two nave read: it, until lately,! Locompton Charter down to the late n.-.mer attention ”1 i Presidential'election* shall be written, j| y £oico gesture pertinent, it Wifi be slidwn thalj the schqme .J™ Jnd «» ~?« : ! deliberately made dp bteak, iUp .tbwj|. terrible'proof of | our deep do-- Union. 1 ’ j-. yi-avilv is. that wo ean irelish and re b-f Tlt ern vote, and then assign this fact as.;, ft y ia( i'e 9 . o f-death were a reason why the sectwna (nay n ot ! dathcVinc: aroiindiSir Waiter Scott, he longer live together. If theDisunipn , . to watcher,! “Bring| the candidate in the late Fresidoptial com,,. , () j , •tost bad carried | tile uhitef South,, t book his tlioir scheme was,! the Korlhprn can; j{_ . ! ; [ flidato successful, do :seize tßeCapitu j . l . T , )Cre j 3 but 6uo bpojk/'reaid the last spring, and by; ft South J- With such! tcsii.moiy as and divided Nortb,| bold, it- «ho value of the Sacked Scripkuros, scheme was defeated, m ;the defeat °f| ‘ rulcd h , great and gdod, in the bouthern States. I ~ • ij! .i| l a „ eS) it is » sealed book to fnany U'' lof| li ° ! ■.J , But this is no time for a jetai. causes.: The conspiracy is now known. Aviiiics have booh j raised. ; War is levied to accomplish it. There are only two sides |to I, the,. question.— Ecernjjnan must be jor the United Stales or ogainst it. There,can be no, neutrals, ■in this wafy only patriots —or traitors. | Thank Godjllin’oii is not divided on this ' Miestion. ■ [Cheera.J j^kiiow <1 _ , ■ -i they* expected to I present tin united .South against a divided North. 'l’hcy is ■' ttye! Northern States, i»ariy uoped in . »e;. .prthei*. I'.- -‘Jj (.questions bring tivii War bc-p [tween Dohaoerats] and llepnblicansj when the South Would stop in witlj lier cohorts, aid ohoparty to conquer tho other,| and then make : an easy proy to the victors*. Their scheme Was carnage and! civil war in tho North. j: t' ■f Tber«f isbut on* Way tW defeat this. '.ln Illinois it is being so| defeated by i ||cloBing up vho raiifra. War will tbus j jjbo presetted on our p*vn| soih j. While i ijthorc'wat' a hope of peace I was' |;feadj lor any reasonable' sapijifice-or; iicorapromiso to maintain it;. But! | when the question comes; of war in 1 j tho-cottpn fields of the South ior. the I j corn -fields of llli ibis, I say the farther! j:off the better; ■ y \ j |:; ’ ;■ . j 'i We cannot eltse oiir ieyes to the lisad.ond solemn fitet ,tfiat -war] does, iexist. The.J Govterntiieht mast be Waintaihed, its • overthtowin, I and the.' more stupendous our | prepa-i rationsjvhe ; leas ' the bloodshed, and 1 the ;sho'rthcr the struggle. But we must.i'O.m ember cert din restraints on "everi in time bf‘|war.— Jwn sJd -d ChriStiiiw ‘people, ’ and the n.rtst be prosecuted in a manner recognised by Christian nations. | t #e must not (nyado constitutional rights.;' The innoPent|miust;npt suf fer; nor women and children bo the victims. Savages must not-jbe let looso v But while I sanction n,o whr jjn the rights of others;:! will implore jay, countrymen hot ldy| Qo,wn their arms until our own rights are reeog*. hized. [Cheers.] I| ’ ’ ’ 1 I. 'lho Constitution • and|; its guurap ieed are our hirhlnght,, and 1 I ani ifeady to enforce that iiialionablii- Tight to the last extent. ■ SV'ti |cdnnoU rec hK n 'ZO secession; Recognize it once' and you have not only ;dis;sol\>ed;'(jO\’- ernment, but, you have destined ddeial order, upturned -tihb foundations ,ejf society, ,I'oti 'have ; inaugurated Merit Ucwoiijjtratio'rij; Byj it j on, sho\V ,3!on have jaid aside parity strife. 11- ’I linpis hasii proud pp.sijtijjh;' United;; jfjn'ii, determined; never tp permit tlio govern incut to be destroyed. |[Prd T ; li Husband and. \ViFK.-|-Addis(ii has lift on record'the' following important ' .If ' senttencv; j- v |! ‘‘Two persons who ] have oioscn eiich other out of allj the species, with design to be each (Mhot’a mutual comfort and ontcrlainilvent, have iin the very action bound to lie good humored, affable, joyful, *for i'&vin* and vuuoi.l, iWiM» respect] to euch other's frailties itupeiffec lions, to the end df tWic lives.") | S i Simplicity.—The. grqattSt, mop are Imeu of simple manners; show, and a profusion of compliirlerUs are the artificers oflittli minds; [made -use of to swell them into an appear ance 6t con»c<p«nc« wb|«li natote has denied them. ' . .j | ( ( j • ; S-t - •» ** 1 ! i:'l I Established 1818 MoC I>£r.. . ' The. torigressibnal Join t. Com ml lieu on the Conduct of the war have unan imously' reported as on the military lestimony. broiiyht , before them, ; , ' ■ Ij. That with 190.000 men, Gen.’Jl’- Clcllan, in Decedl her, 1861, refused to ! advance o;i the enemy at .Manasses, |;70,000 strong, though the roads'ancJ the weaiht r boll layered* this move moot,- and he •' W!S .urged to do' it by the 'Preside nt. ; gL That McClellan allowed the ■Potomac t<i bo blbokadbdV though eir* treated fey the ■President’ to raise the blockade, and ■assured' 5 by the navy that ftjttlf thousand 'troops would tree ibejriverl | j v'/V-. 3. That General McClellan refused to jjfopel’ly organize Ilia aria}' at the sanie time, through tie Generals un derl- him r\ prcsotUed it (o bo of the utmost irnportancje, and the President solicited iU [ [ j '4; That r o ( proyisioa Was made,to v inf' 'he'' ' properly i ihau lbe - ; fortifi.eatiiou’s at ', . Wa«hinbtop. t ; i ! | latoaratic. . 51 That den': JlcCleltan negtceled yvvont:Oii lor some turn to cibey two ordoivcf the President/said to bim politely \ in add j.Fehruaiy, 18Gi2, t(| . ..jf, you .sympathise move or. Manassas. in consequence of ! e i 8) why don’t yoii go and join which the enemy were' enabled to -I. Madam ? 1 assuio yotl evacuate.that plate without the! loss -fectly loyal!" of a man or poun'iof material, i; til That before '(Jen.- McClellan) left by ‘ray - of, ibe* James iiivo i. loj’ajjyuncc on Richmond, be ,1 .j. ■ - ■ . ~.1.1. .. o| bur QubeVuls'ariil the,-rebels thorn selves is, that ; Richmond . mii>ht titltcn without .diffi weeks iif liis armW; from ••• ' ’ >11!' •- ! ' do!-- this liingnifl- NYiHiarn.sbu miles ( i'i. xiik JlOrt('(f.' ■' Illr ft remonstrant Iwycs. ini'i' ; whelmed jby • .slaULcl ! iSlThemi | tfieved liy . i F-aii’-'pairs.'. : i imid have , tmVnil.'Vi!.* *< '•oaiiiimirfii.') 1 '> ailoW t i in. time <> ~ lv tru'd tf.-si ; burton, "die r I was throaty 'i number tlier j bi\d;hiin ; df i its IdeiV)rise. ; 14. Til.-It ’ ; our troops j tio.OOO of llr i ilcl'lclla: i' I arm'v.. -.•; • { \ 14.:: That(. Kl vet‘,,ifCi‘dtt.' rllor.iLo dcstrj at the i ccrs. j ..; i 1(5. ThiitUtiie sfjvdii .Mays’ battles j were all (ought in lhe\abscni;o of Gen, : eral[ bv fiXnig posi | tionij and tj'.oiV hfimoJisttely leaving jibe field; ,1’ ; , - j 17. That after jthe battles of Mal vern Hill,j ail the testify that | Richmond Untight .have been entered lYtJio thiii( ; time jJiGeu. McCiellan a ' gain fell aback. ■j. \ ’ . 18‘lTbal at Harrison’s Landing nojef fort "as .fiiade, fof the first twenty tbufi hours, to organize tbt army or defend its piositioij, and that I only ,a atoiifii which pi evented the onbmy’s approach isayed it from surrender; 19. That lon being ordered to with draw his [ fii UVy'frbui the Peninsula, l! as rapidly J fis'possible ’’ to cooperate witli Pope, bcncial 'M’Clellan refused. 1 to obey dnlil the 1 older had beeo twice repeated,! a delay 1 whj|ch cn dangorod Pope s army, and put \Vash inglbn in pefiil,, \p; y . ' =I 26. That filter fafs arrival, on tboPd 'tbiiiac. Geritiriil McClellan interposed delays", tfio opinion of Geu-jl eral;HaUeck|, werejtho cause of Pope - ® defeat. ’.•[ i ' ■ j ' v ■' ' , ■.! '■ i 21. Thaii after General 'M’Clellanj moved hia[at|nij : into Maryland in pur-'; suit -of Lee, he again asked for troops from Washington,] suggesting that it hath bettclr bo taken than . that ho 11W. . r , should saffuii 'defeat. , 22. That !tho hatllo of Anlietam •ht in "ate attacks,instead waft fought, ihsepatu, vani of his wliolei force.| thus;enabling lh® : j (lions. • The resultis bif jnslii enemy to] their ir6<)pjj ai; that Goiiei'al. / i , the point assaulted:, so . as to make up I j ; _ I lor their disparity tn that | j@ui\ tew; days ago the pc denied .reinforce- Muscatine county, lowa. fceMJ meiits wOen tberfe Htero IS.QOO or 20,- pic-nic, for tt>e purpose of pi OOOfresh trcops.oii the field. i thirty acres of land.ivitu.pota ; 2{f. j‘ti.e'sbn<,-tUvf fhc srtdie^ •rV.i-',? «. * J NA .LAN’S RECORD i*j io |the 4*kue~ istauli '• i • ,i, • lion.a-iscyVu tul i sc iplined i put -in a'dystncc. unsupr *-u»vcn i Pinos, against Uio ' -1 •- Cr ■ lia'aoiu •es qfj ( Union, docs not It now* word J<^>ORe(^oeiuly:---bTer-jj !t ., l {, o most iiTvsistnblo-.iysllnc the .I‘iii'ntj'. .tv.-hli " groi’a-! Aniem ; :u<ll>oi*|>le;i_; !>a y that iter. •,■ ler savs the, .is unco(istitul »xl day, Uiis error was re-. earr qn. isl.i'i’f danger ■.,)* .bein .he vidtory 'of Sumner at j hy.the tempest iifi'vlittli,, h.e. .is niter which Our ,army 11,,. s)dit .'hairs. ■ |t| suy yvhoevc goalie ut oiicfe iflio ■Kioii.-, ! '. our 0 ur lil><#tie#i;'jird|yi.iiiV*nlled' ! iccpnd opportunity ol thy ■ Government,! and n tii,e ro^, but Gdh. .McClellan •r'ehis-.i •works. ami’ prays tor the sue. this, S ' > . ' , ,: ll)c febfdlidni andjtthe alindvilal ion. McClellan continual, j ;l u e iyil ,lß.crty an|l; _ 1 JeltieW troops from Wilsh- 1 y V|k . r palls-the. iviri - ., iruiaieidalt ii ue jkuew that .lacksqn nidro . coiiccjitiot'- of -inUional cuing- |t, and \ylieu the j tnnn lottery dealers arc aaiu t! re iwasimucli, than -ho I u f.honesty.- 11 say. that whocy. ‘ .stated was necessary, jor | cause of the -I >n it'd ,'i y".- •' -jy'■ , hopeless, hales Viiat caUsfc ill lie at Gai(ies' ?lilts, -TjOOO of' and is utterly ignorant ol the: were, jcompellcd to light: terof. the'people, and ihe laci ii; enemy, beeauscGeiieral .'.jvmuitjbn. ■ That )? what v'yerj •pitisciiltd concentrate his j Vinerican mauair.d woman ’»a I ' ’ ■ ' • I■u * ■ ... t ■ : ■ ; 1 f -••• ■' believes.. • y. ! . h lliO-yiiireat tq thy Janies;■ yhe young, gevitiomr.n made McClellan printed St. or--j.,| v • But. Vlie hexij day, jifiln •iiy all | his baggage, tents i hJ-.saidj. to ;pfriend 5"I d(ned ; Ire, .and only laileci.jto IS ,JMy Mi's: ' —■ —. s. What Ur. reimttislrahce dt ,h|s offi-1 AbolUdoiusudic is."— Jibrpfr’* .1 NOJIG&^OJUWERJIb^ ' 2• •• ; -v—~~ >• .* v .. , 1 , Advertisement* inserted at tha nM af TS ! subsequent isMttioK ;2o cdnL.'' i'TiKtral'<nefc6‘iibk mi'dl W JeSHjr " Advertiser*, .tnd on long AdTertl*eo»Bt*. s ■ J. : A epaoe eqnsV to trine it A Haet aa a square.! Special notice* 'if> JierceW, addition to rtg tilarrates. ■ .j; _■ . , ■ r ■ ' ' business tarda, 76’cents a line, per year. Marriages and. Deaths, Religion* Political and other Notice* }pt a public nature, ttW- '. ~ 1! - ' ■| : »; " I ay of Oe'ns. Prunkjljn and i (both it’ClellHifJ.'* v-i.’irm frieu enemy injiikl'liaVO been every the next day, hud Gen. JTClel mitted the.jtciioii to he. renew . 24. That Gen. M.Tllollkh v Ids’policy of delay in 1 the fac peated urging* from Washing 1 that when hie \\fus removed be fused'for four iweeks to icbni] an order from ‘tho President vant’o •• -. ' . ; : ■■■ '1 ,i - • This is Inn whole.-sad, sii story. dThei Sjmv-.Yprk Times. nally a M’Oleilan paper,)' tre in concluding its survey of It, is nbt such anot-liei‘ record Of lion .' and inefficiency in all , history, and it will stand alik vel mrd a del-la ion to. future tions,” , 1 ‘ ; -j -■ / An s Awful Abdlitioifli I lately uinod with ope of'tl sane young gjenUcmoii "\yhb, a« doro -Wiutrop eays in ‘fCecil D praise slavery, and think thb; The ptfv- r y u-„., - ‘'lndeed V\V%; certainly, I staudv and' not by ’the a trillion 1 .” , | ' ‘‘SoiVal!an’uiJliain says.-. I meat:, Ijsvtn'iio Abolitioni; “fto’Broolra bays.” i j-- ‘•'That is, ihtuv afraid ivekre . ling i!io South.” ■ ‘•So Tom Seymour‘says.'* jr •' “In other j words, 'I nm!!a .tTnSpty.- man, but A. don’t think We ■ can re* store j ' ■ 1 So IToucay says." “l>ul. my dear madam,'the . uucoudtitulioiiuHy carried on. -, l ‘•Sp George Tickbor,Curtis ai 1; “1 moan that our liberties danger” , '•So JPornabdo Wood >»ys;” 14 "Weir, but isn’t the , war f dal?” ‘ i - • •St>. Ben Wooil Bays.'’ ■ /‘Coiive,"then, isn't it liopeks, **tk» the Isqntlon ■ yVwics'suys.’f ’•Yob, my dearnta'iam, hui-vf you any V ;i ; ' "I say that whoaoevor si;; thi* .-Vilnitnißtralioii in 1 llliomsi.; ■ r, ■ I sus--tiVae-’' Wrassij tl»o war. rJ is alViiid the' S<j nfraid of a ?nake t!j itlreaiiy sUiiiif liwn. I soy ft thinks that ;lwrce : eani:o.l;>. ri-st ' " I::-' Ih.iflhol DEATH OF AN Oll> 1" 11KNCH (i i —Tiio V>»rU correspondent .Loudon Tdcjraph ol • ilay St. that Gen. Baiod Diipui died tl the previous Friday..- (He cd’-fdr having saved the life] first Napoleon at at 'lie arm of, the regitfide ‘be bud also fimgbt, in all- the;, Iconic , -campaigns—a ,boast;] soon very, few will be left to di Sl.weky in .Sr. Lot is. viiii tbb following result of a special election j held Iti the jn'eiropolis bl the -State of 1 Missouri, on ibc totli ult ; , to till ti ! vacancy iii tbo Stale Cony cmtioti. intj \vhiclj: Charles IV. Tb-aU Oj /KaUicdj. was eleclcJi over James'S. Ycatman, Conservative, by about 2500 mujorUyi the (etljng pt the,people in a slave' State uruy •fatriv cstihiatod. ■ . ■ , l ' • -'..l' t&*x medbal.StudarJt, «tani*l inution, being asked ibe didcfeut-ef-’. lects of heat land cold, replied: expands and cold contracts. ’ "Quito; riyht r can .you giyo nip latiexauipto' sif. tii snipnie r, waich is } the days are long; but in winter, which ia cold, the days arei she rV” • ! I ®gy-The court martial in the General Corcoran lor shooting ( Kimball, has t concliiilcU lita ii»V I Ma. 239 Jr iurnaicio i|d»>; tho r n-helmed , illnn p*r. K * •or in tinned ■e of re ton. and', j had ro- 1 ply Witti IF to ad-. tokening. • C o,i K‘* ly says, , "There ' derelic mililiiry e a iiiUr* gcuecaf si- iesu in> i Tiioa- feeirie,” id \oung gei ux, when urb ai> Ulema n I tebdls them?’* 1 r by .tfrb Ldmii!,!*- aliemi* war -Is ays.-: are in •atrid3- ;s?” i bat da Intis 'up. <iis war .ifit X■/ lulh, iat iac : has vlioevoe toro t!ui Union of th<4 . 1 vvboiiv- . ionfilly s pbt trying,' ■ sUVSr, >v , Uni jell ion,.. isc» of ion ol v who- has no 1 ichor ) .have ir cm he m‘t, jlr'u,rac- . ci' the , truly. V H 111 tti UC. VC'; 1-1 üb, (.s’ei awfhl IWh'y. .NERALf 1 6l' the Ji says litre oi: il bbl 111- • i-of the pm , by 5; Stabs; - IjXapo- ' fivbich 1 Iter. ■ casoof Jbl'on«i^ estitcti icativU Ople bf ,graud auliog •ica fo^);
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers