I zma AkGUS Wednesday, June Brd« 1863. 1 U. L IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. ? TERMS— ° N » Vea** and Firrr Cayrs ■ cr AX>*AJfCI; otherwise Two Dol urJ ff yi bo charged.; >*o paper discontinued gati! all #weai«£e» are , letters act! commniiibatiom, by mail V-til tare prompt attention. j' ■ ■ kew-ycek tribune. . 1803. Xbe IhibunEj first is peciJ in 1F41,; in its twenty-second years, has obtained both fa. larger and i were'widely diffused circulation than i,i'v.other .newspaper ever published ’in'Aaierii-a. Though- it has suffered, in fi-juraon; with, other Jo ur nal s, Crom the volunteering and depart-jire of tens, of thousands of its patrons to ;cive in the War for the Union, its . jlrerdaiini op -ibis Glh of December, irh- i» as follows : r-ii’-v. Svin:-Wcckly, Week It 1 ; Aggregate pre-vniine.tiliy a journal , of Mews and J,; t tivol, 1 The Tribune has politic virlloiU which arc well charac ?i! il’u»sin{?Je word ikfunucA.v.' ■ i:ilcpabiieau in its hearty adhesion i J.lVno great trutii that ‘‘God has i ic blood all nations,of miym” , -hU' I ul.'Ucaii in its ’ assertion ’■ of‘the i vcK.il and. hut lien able rights of all ■ -j.i-iih ;o Mile, liberty, and the pursuit if ibopWn(ro”r J llepnbi;c:in > in its ■ ste-vdiast. earnest.'defiant hostility to every scheme- and effoit of the! SUiyc I’,i\u-r. fs'onvtho Annexation of Texas to the groat Ke bed horn to grasp the .i.inj.'iicVe/i the Mew Woild and wield ,ibe- resonece-i of’-oar country for its uirirnindueiiieiit;—Republican in its amain-i-ism toithe despots of the j Old World.'- w!:d (fondly hail in; the j pen’s' and eaiamit:--- suddenly thrust j np..n :;s hy their -Tmerhan counter- ( ■ 'f./irt t.he .'Vci t-hin v and ruin' of the • -.iUed.J ''hV/-uHie— ilcpublicnn in its! hope 1 and trust. its faith and effort. 1 that this atn-i ious .Rebellion must i .result ip theb-lirnal overthrow' of its’] pi. liters, tiie firm establishment; i<:f ; e<]’.iai V::|hl«ainl eijual laws through- ! out v t)Ti-• wbi.iio Extent of our country, wherein Liberty ami-Union shall 'in deed be •‘-•bHe asii» inseparable" hence forth and-forever. y - The TtmatXK'devnteß'attention in mini elf times, and to some extent in these, to Education, Tempeiahee, Ag riculture,' Inventions, ami whatever eLe may minister to the spiritual and materia! progress and well-being of ;n-tur ; a.e L;r,on. Its special, rmnf..rccniontS'-are sent to Foitress;- ~ a^d w rfctc l,edness ? Truly fsfie.i tha -dadAhh ■ T llO .of. a married, aincirjun-i und(!r f'- 1 '! suil. wune those who, took ! Amburn ;and GW. Sampson,’.living . ' accompany ■ . every ■ .Monroe; and lest any part of tho ; ?‘!" e po- tJ.oSe sent rriod h “ustb.o cobfosUl, j potheM will by ibe gale! > neaf Allies, in ■Uhind c-onntt, who at my ami report every country. shpald'har«4o assist, .the eiijji j t Drinclule' viclds to was’ to the ■« it the formed jhaying I f !l f m heart-mic[ hand-with you in (hidlboen arrowed IbiftroasOp.. r ■ >.. >r,,i.r.iM-->o-^^nn-^^.-^’ < s. rw ->n. J ,^A E eJji a ras.i.,g aTorili ; !! “t ? V P 1 lnu H le .3 lcl(iB t 0 P a8 ~ to : tbo . * -W' friliesbald W Slawrv. is ,loomed fandi - i ■ -I'■ ■'■,■•!• ‘ I tc- c-r this'iai-mculpu* confl.-t • • ;, o |,-i« om e: four thousand debars i t hat;4:.nr.ol wen bo pat '-°' n . . . : ( oun d Uvnltcn in the ; lu-r situiti mi in. life be what M 1-taj . ... ; uld • iiatiioiiiziug [vice-a'id ■hn-'f-and'.lts Anrthcrnsyiliputjh rm: e.-ive through : V>« • i - :ir - WIX man numea| w k-kedness. of this City, av id >t*> t • , BEX jt ß icT ARNOLD (| )M }Y :to which ;.thc single- woman csu.riot V 'GStfr i.a[i f<g-a ; limit justkJescrt in. the shapoto! f<-.. r . •..-■••usul A’ our enhi;viiv,« , ;> Anil- -1 1*; , his furniture. etc.,j laminating ihflnfencca, fire ceiiJjit i. c - t ; zfl * ns • soldiers of the; Iniilon • tnM , t 0 vi/iy the monotony oil her ex-.;: J c^r;d(o:io:.n/n. l the binm.!,spurn! U-nesily solicit c^'’F; £*y£? .jj ami-committed qO*e* depredations ’ j: j, reu .Lly fto be deplored. . . .. ! Sta;cs . issubd.'OctoberJOth. M7Sn i st( , [U . G . The .natron, it! sl fj> -.:P e ■?} eo’untrv. whif re it has !<eih :inorj.Ai)tien-p-j,iiljlio : opinion. , .'l nese-• •dl :iien'ds.of. •*■. i• • on{ . ‘they i;etitered. nip .j r~ * ‘ ! only one month after Kb* treasort to nvi ,her, will find'sntyeienl “VP)'‘P ns J ! «ivci ami invfiioratUiinn in lany pihcrji bavjt b?eu d'amoriny ,i'or free spem o. v.- and n P hoh J; yas- tnat • j , dr ; r - s - luuse , broke the. croQrfery..: Th i Copperhead Platform- : t i ie United Slates haiy reyca ed. [O . i p P ,- revive ! the ,carl> yi-j• til , h - xs Juiriv extinct t‘ vis waryand, j,6w that is the very tm:-- niw f ! -.vr-;dTT:. ; i.ar.:-fy.. in .x-j.-..u .- ,rj V e or six " • v rliml and !■> 'that pf-oelHmaticn .j! of. Be, .edict, stJ . m . lioi , w h st .U .it if «no pi the; :iia . tu W c f tiling ijliasl Undone ihcp. | • iv>-Auii its'fir^’b’ 11 ’,’”;. '.—' . ' Ya-rkc-s hre reported to be in l-ly-ip: By .dint pt much cxerlion and g , Artiy>l<i, so slrikm-iy similar t<i > at- •, woman’s f-voetest pk|is«res to gno; •. x an y hivor An a cesyatioa "I ———► —rp ' 'f ’• 1 j; .i.A-nriceimonfh. and I several {janboats nr the - cntcr p, ; ;«c. one of our young men iia* , i . t „ d j-,h ani ’» speech as tip suggest ; the , lo her'.o inning the L I J ,uI ; , ot ‘hostilities at|a4 burly |u day iispos-d t.ie PAi.i, Hollino Sdcrri.—Tlfc ,TV e-.orjßv.nri 'niJr'-ils '.Sound.’ Tlihre is.no enemy at Eden-i .■ i o ,j n CO nipiling the following ; j o ,. m e r ; to our yeinembrfince, you i w>U ••ftccomplpHnu-nts' wh«-h she • .eared s tbl« i'.ti.orolV.r* il a»i, in prvor|Pi -the jljjas vyille. Union Gfub n inilv, rs fivr orpSir : iu_ l'-dr' r ' n l l compels i ton or Elizabeth cityi ; •AT j' fd reliable statement' of the j it thus'written ;r-| ■]. ,• ihcr ynilj i AV-hat J.lpasure ,#i. : )p iVsidb-. tA'Procliijmation. This,: Slate’f hu! i iv’ed members loyal aid tyae. A t in niii..tib| -. mM., im v^: r -p!.c on vof Ti-K. 1 Ci|oW{ i- , be of Mr, Ilaye. principles pr,dossed bju.® ‘ j J'« affa{ ,,, f , a .t is there : sight more cn uring t.p. !in(i vvll^.n sl ivi |y iougor out'ulr., a •.•coluii-Jiyivas; r.ia.sfH SCSK. Our y.ew ay ’• • • a mile below Win ton. Some Ho has had his hail tut, ' _ ." V inilividir.l' in the ‘■rijuvumt ol it, f'"‘ byh). loer—than j a. miaUi ot , l(!i^j Us . ils we jn.ij'.V oypeet to ani ,,, s i v passedUtwt 'SIuM-ry disno-.prrf •■-i - A'-MV-i inlBL- E - , g i cen(s ; ft!ll ertain the idea tlfiit ? we i| 0 n low ’diet- In case our lendu. up . . - Wl . „ :. tMlj< u );r ; whose h -Mv the sna.ow- o. ~n,e,U.t tho ehu ,. c i, j ;l . d ijui, sciyay house : lurs .-nterpi ,so; m - mvan . V«ues’j sS.:h, u .eat Plymouth freditatf an wisU to know more, U■* s,'-uk o.i write wliuti'hc dial .has pus sci -c|, M : t , lk , ;lho the; rjluye.pen ,a)idAvith; inteliyemV, smim-; .my ’ kPVU.’.Vi-iiiKl.V- tail ion. up the .Roanoke. o ; 1 ;,., r ; 0 „:blc that Mr-. Mohoncy, !UlJ ' V- • ]c ; sit he t- ranuy, which (pis mueh u>«i ;o s | l ! nl °.'-f‘n..,/),- : the jniarket. _r ,! ; T : . v;; : . ... I ality any iuc pennuinenyv oi y.ep.n -• -«v..,r,iuili.-u«) .1.-53 !. -Xhe -rieut r.u-cher of tno s impo.sib.lc t , may be i I A im;.r;r.' hind, lading ‘her Ja.f ,d.. übnUido : , v x , llll:l^r that, pul ,| i( , ; it prcsjemsMlie , d vHnp. forces and multitudes of their sh^p- 1 (} l!C) .Saujbburt, of D ‘ *i, J,:i- {Ju i/e>Ac firl.Vof. cmuhUeMjl graces oi ..whiyh »:-•? •if lie :.Rl* V - Father Puredl.- to whom the ; mct U- (i r.ihc resources ...f :.',ve.r...,| u . make it.easy for.them to cavyv j a , )L< to • communicate. He,. . . .o.i ,J* ; your^in i ri/ iH?i» a ) ,r a jf mn r ; y • übovedtUer was ymted. was, p.nm r-; dricc*o, ; r the in-lusirionsMiml ic-h ns T-aO !•;«.. tv .p-^ r v’"Vyv;""\"vj'of tweaV'iin siim UWeoasly ail these operations, , j al p orm o so far as heard from: Y!h 1 blood: ' U: \ j V A Ol1 ’ in f U, ° P VK -° l, f ! mcrlv of five'popuiatioc <!>f a fiy.e Ivo.mvy. S- .tr..cv.r.i '-•t.v-n. _ and Uvt yldo not care for dekiy,.for it? ThcXonstilution as it is, and the , K ' 4 ‘ j* J‘ j \ i: , d nvl 1Y 1 1|00 ' 1 1’2 V ’o’ b -‘ Ci '' ' '*] -'V Ac. a-u-f is remoimbereu by-many ; of tts l«pbu resolution' dcjlnros it should .be -t ; vTlli' iis our People who are suflerm r, iiotj, I. 1 coiild, would, .country <• 00. :« as PJ’; short of s doranon. the cards., -r as -.- a pmminciM: IDemoer; t, : abolished as soon as compuiibie with t-.sucs'..: 5 2 ‘ , Lpul Pxhe longer this «tylc of! war-. b-l ■ t ‘ n , i t i, aV e been.' .- ! aud' hod tho.]>roTfoml ‘''whose gentle instructions uij.-t lined i>d . ( p,; fi n v aceJinplishcd ge:i.;i!e«n4iu, ‘safe tv .of'slaves and .infer.-'sot la.vs, ti,c.-groater will be the. -f*ot-a r, w e years for ihe l«*t U™” [ h \ »>in»). tr eepk the wuh-r m us, nj js , va3 p f U.e Jacksbif | meters.. • | ; . ' . t L..- -T-ySf. ;;U SP f gander earned North. ji.jLSiui ' • ' t " , i P ' V ' U \ a T 1 Cl : kl,o 'i l t A B "' 1 IO . W, 'T C ‘ ** ‘ schop! tindnolU/eh as- is Taught by I ‘ J-' ■ Ten C.'.nij: (.Tie y.-ur,. ; "yitl’-Vt i. '-Tha more of our mills, machine jUklibcm t a nT, a zar«lB. the desolation of a < i;t| .el that ■ u.ould . infhr.t Must hivitl.-ty y ;ill';tn<ii"-lialm & .Co. ' i - , j | ... ~ ; '. . , r ■ i,..- truivibcr, aa<!rt:c*'.d t* ; , -i . hirrc del i 111. The V . f r ,1-a Qf i ilio inicriSt. o* fcrivut tntuin : j r irro'-v colUj -r- other \ j n '■ V :;. I . f ;ui coiitiacior. ct Eye-sight. :.'. ;s ('“p' BC.-CF..w>U , j CN ;^-* I Ji, su ,; t ' he:.: .irfinH low rt.lke u/c WD(«r«IiUU| *JJ- 1 ,! to Mob ««4 SBluii'a Allndi»¥<|.»tw “ otToait- soc-oo l a,tit. l .;r.!:tittn. .• ; . . ' uilS>?tbo'K»” f' 1 '"'l ’ = " TUF. PAIIU riUßr>E ~11 1> . i^, ra .^- t |, e *ho\o ? j»b« ’ ', J fcrfiofinllolt- moot Wr* tl.n.t 10,. g ..«J, „ nc .„f *„.«»*'a., J ,«•: V/-J. r"’ PwT i- S ” - Tribune Budmogs «• a. - | ratber than consent to peace end eep- j Aycquest for mediation from; . fo j oin K'in | ‘Sl|te.P (••!&«’ cs r ocij«uy aro . ot imr i Aftrc .A?-, •7»jr„n sf »iK “'’SI .r. «m i;s .« <l4-; sf -'4;o i iir ss ‘tsi rnip-n safer than £ rermt . and on J IC f i IforU, and South, vvilhoutccssaMon of; ~e ', ou^lt wil , t tk voV, 1 “Uhings well to j : ; lU r'^riv#s’-".nin^£j^V.tV*'dodaiAed 'from ipahannock, because: by; these d.olcpt? P^ h Tlie Union forever. [Signed] BESE IGE ; f minutes af cit fo.ni.V i b'fr 1 u shoul-1 lie ■ /•..‘‘TJnion Hotel, l b..^r-A.iw r BEAVER, PENN’A. "“*/ p ■«. • C 'x'viil. Tbo Union boloro Ibn Ihnton'lhoiif.l . riv- 4 ’' 110 " „V S TBif SAUOOR. - ' F ssts stowo,r? i' ’Sas-*^i - i : i■; •assaKisiM i ititi. all th« luxuries the PITTSBUBG MAB they bpecu. ate .that it m y ih . . .ouVso ufidesceiit, I —"••*' ~■ ■”■ [, with irriiss aiU weeds, can be e Pjf IrviSeurvKdiscuases “the oyi.s of pel i "“ u: 1J Needles. Tweexers. w | men and children are safe at home in 186^X1 be la] cbaS go in Uio. >ven it ft 4_ . j : ! ! v n ' Pcacil-bharyenew,.. Suml-Couot, Thread, an v of them dress bettor than ever thice .yMfS, has mad© n o • i-d . lbefpf; in toe spoils cf on t homefe, ulAu- V.', s-anu' + - .I' Vol. 39-ISTo. 22. ~ ! : : “ r r.' : "r . ' . Opinion of the Richmond Enqul-j whil£? Confederate women and chil _ a„ L.—. dreri outof bouse and home, rer on the Summer Campaign. ind < ch £ td like *„ d beastB . | ‘‘ln abort, if we can.ondurd this wur [ for, the next half century, they can I j and will !\via(h us joy of Our victories | ! apd our glory. . . . , ! -We urge nothing, sugg'est nothing | hint nothing. We only state the facts. ) Sued is tbO policy of .the enciAy; such is his calculation, and such is Lis in-i tercst ami intent.” ; 1 j The Richmond Enquirer of theTSth ult., contains the following editorial article t. • *'•! ■ if: I ■ is evidently to he an aetiye sniiimer campaign. The plan of'the en emy seems to be to keep our atten tion constantly excited at every point it once, so that no part of our ■ whole wide frontier may’ bo 'freed' from the urgent immediate apprehension pf an attack. f : ' ■ ■ / ‘‘Then they can strike where, thpy think our line is weakest.or our defen ces least ..perfect, and if repulsed, can • hit- 1. 60,126 1 17,260 . HB.OOO r ..215,375 ' retire and, direct a -w at some oth- i the following from- a |.corresponderu er quarter. In the 'meantime they I t l, o Atlanta'(Ga.) Commonwealth: can bag- i plunder; and cause! : ..R iciVniond is, I . suppose, at this much sorrow and heartbreak to ; oun timei one oY the moit nlidesirable pla people by expeditions through thinly , cea in ~h o Confederacy. The old in peopled regions, destitute ot troops,' , mbUiU)tB ot the place, most of them, and alsp can force, more Of our people; aro cil j icr aw ‘ ny ‘ or keep themselves wilhinthetr lines to take tho.r hated * witl|in l door ,. Th( i offscourings of oath, lor a.quiel hie and to save their j cj . e . ltion 010 assembled here for the property Iron, confiscation. _ ; ! pu )ses lt ig rea „ dan er . , “luns d.oy can both demoral.zc-.and i ;uls fo ‘ r 0 „e to walk the streets in ■! w; tl‘in oi.r o\y 11 border, prepar-; some art . of lhe citJ . llfte r night— ,,„g all the while serious assaults, and , Burglaries,) thefts and' robberies arc delivering! them just when they are of ; lulj ’uecurrence, and rot .... Vc ; ready and, when they papers of the morning j ‘• lt M -ard.to- ; what >po*Dl; / mttrdo ' r8 l C om.nUted the n.ght : they are most ncttve now.; Jf : ° . -me loqks So.itVwestwiM'd it would, 1 too, tl.o miserable, thieving seem thatj; the State ot Mjssms.pp.v ,s, ble] ,; bo Collllt ed by the hum the region of the. most extensive |<b-; Main strei -t-a9 vou rtfay know, era lions. ; Immense armies.! are gath-. lhe moBt lnsll ionable strefl of the er.ng , around A leksbhpg, and while jt . it din thU Blreet . betw'een Sov picparatuiiis are ... for :md Fourteenth Streets, Are the now assail t upon tnal place,(the hack ; mf| . t valuablo I)oUse9 jn tbo citv ._ country devastated an-i the people,, Whije tbe lower stol .;es of tbese bai!d . piundered,by .>;ayal ry raids : ; ings are devoted to lawful purposes; ‘■lsut am the very same momentV tiie upe t are the densof imquit v and Lnarle.-toii is kept on the qui v>ve by ; 3bam |/ f. Tho g-mibling,, table.; are energetic preparations for -another at-; di and lU * t .. lrds % 0 d( l aU out tack In; sea and land, or both at once.; and thousands are won and lhe object may. be only to prevent : a f i(J flx . quenllv l 0 ,nako the un- Gono.m Beauregard Irma sending a-; 9US tin . s 7 llke j; is b J dD l !ar> he is way any dt the troops which now de- wi[b poisonous whiskey! fend Uiark-ton. . • , : p eap,lbe e l imyx of the i r wick ■ • ,i • "ft T’ m" ’ °°’ ® UI n "l odhess, it is not unfrcquently the ease smo threatens ‘Eist Tennessee, and . thai mnlo|l W ornen have Hooker, largel.u rei n forced, « expect-j pllneutaWb tbo gamblers la id to crosti the some*) tt j > * °tt . tu ■ a' 1 /s i ' ole. IXow ueijonerate I How manv where or ; otherj Iroia Culpepper to •. .. .p. . , - - i ■ 1 .4 * t men, m jiii evil hour, have been fleec- i N*U* P • ~.jr-••••••••'-.1.,=•••4101.12., f"`: c~ jßeaver, 3, .IS ■ - - Life in Richmond- Tbo Richmond Whig of the 14th u!t, in dn article exhibiting the prov-i alcnceiof vice'in that citj*, reproduces i \h' >llf "ft 'td‘ of IjTMIGaATTOS TO MINNESOTA. Ihe Minnesota papers speak of *« J' • creased immigration to many par.B that Stale. Many of the immigrants are! from Holland, and have gohe to Minnesota on the advice of.their, friends hero. Thsy are a hardy and, industrious looking people, and wi fmaHe first-class settlers., -They , all 1 have farming implements, stock, ! household goods. &c.. with them,, and I plenty of money. 'i. y ' yyy ' r.‘ •. . iJi : The First A merioaniCopperhead:; ■•' ’ ; Jibe Origin of spcw» i«is always! been a problem in ecloboc.- ‘"Whore i that paiticnlar reptile orig-J inated,-' known as thb"'? Copperhead,” and which; the inOf-j fensive, oScept, in i *|Avhen itl goes blind ; from the yiruleuce >of its!) jremon, ( ! ) ] has beei||a that! wo have heretofore leti unable' to ..... T .• Uv solve. But, aAer Halo Valliin-j 1 digham’s Fast Day spcfl-h at the State' Housestep?.wo felt thrfflfpratiee in ourj mind, somewhat nebulous at 'first but. sUllcertuii. that we iiify w here,ii before, rend sentiments. His bi invemvei? Byet8 yet _ ~ „ ... ihv aidarjk forest,nhd Stopping at af letter: frojra WVSlfiasd space, silently lowered the; if™ 1 ?. wliieh,appears, inj a latoj. nnm-the Was 6ri»anizod,iic ; was ©lcAtod-iSfet-' grave., 2foi chaplain >el ' ' Tfo IRilegraph. { The: editor j jor.lof thatregiaieliti l?iit remained nit caiiso. ns bje saul; arnicas r the OiSiS|jyds present, the regiment li/ilcl none.' s:l 3' s - ;“^ e (Bbs'ccrane) ]■ has|' never Ulutai-hed sereicebias ..aid (o tteuaiai weclch- sajs, the citipen. docs nctfinor mothers or sisters fhere to* Dccn Ad Abolitioni-jt. and has', like our- i Prentiss,.witlCwhniij ; Le served ' WlifH ‘dare to speak or, wrap . against the f drop the tears of affection. Xthpught i selves. stood up for th.e Democracy. ! <J{stl i'etion'. .Tyn litfcSStho of' March tyranny . w|iich _hns irobhied you ofj liow . drpaty: to be buried .without j: , 31i:uFaKELnoRO,.Apifd 27,1 fG3. 118t>2 when Co!. CaiAtmi.gh'resigned' j-our property, y o, lV, Bon *!| l"°u , ;' i ei's. I But- as the grayjc Jfjjflod .MyJDeaii Patiter tEi ward t-Tho ! a .i°| r . Grferiorv was uiianiin.msly.uh-f' s dfags you to the licldfof battle,. and slow.yiap.d; noiselessly with fhd .soft rchelsigrabhed ciiej last litter I AvroteI te 4 *-V 11,0 officers,to fill his phffiiKHnd 1 d ° " nt!P \^ Ul '' mod i f t onl i U * h ? tli ? s f l b f to yo.j bat they! will droW ve^Sc ! ! « dix-mbt*, 1802. he .was ordere.’l to h° ’ --ehl l menl6l F^ojtfte.seoa?*s- and tlip suppressed sob.dhongtnt was consohuiod from its contents:' * l com,ma..d the First brigade of cav.iJC cd and rveapitulatof ( .wi,tlY-all The so dark, I coaid pot se.e faces, j- There lam happ>> to see (the splendid stand ;'T- consisting of thej ..Sixth and Sev. phiases,ami tjiaf the m- were irtp turners, tell those bereaved;you look jin Tha\ Titofrituh ' a «*ljist - eutk I |lin ” is and-Second lowa -regi genu;.v of languag™id . supply ones on the ocean, isle, for thd soldie r AiaVcfy, w!t(C its, borr(,rLbarl^t^Ar le ''f- GHersoin.-with his A-om-. sounded to ns as wo hatl road ; has a difart of tenderness; comrades I’&r.d base immoralities • ' Slavery Fn»a.nti,lias been engaged in all the. i-av- 7,°’/ft' n!c ‘ war aVojbrotherspam) ere ti g grave ; dead. J ’ Noth.ng edn rested late it skirmishes and raidiv of W.est. Vall.ind._,lii n and thoi£7ri^.s. magnify, was ful .there was the diulibbnpspres-! learn this fact fully, von shonl 1 pay I JjW.ewee and Xoi fbern JlisSissiDpil hMerrorspf war audUenbu need the | sum ol h hrother’s. grief allus a 4,1. | is hut a in W> 1 “Hair hW been suecek i res.dent bbeause he #1 net .listen toj ywus; heads were uncovered, | the soutil; who dees not i kno-dbe is im- ( (Avers and, n.ertU orship hmt V.l- J cft Dav,s syren .?2 pen^e,- i.t ?j and the Lieutenant-Colonel | slowly ' free, j ArJnnd bore tliey. havb Bduat-1 >}»“«(, a.n‘l >eadyd >. follow where won. s somjiJmig Irk |fhese--\ f .ur di.ul. repeated , the Lord'S led 0.1 dd'd relui to will|!eadi i vij v , country onrJe wa, ‘ap{ W and find fAc prayer |Ji never hoard dt sound so | work tor| Any 6no but : ' f v £ b’ ; )r> cemented t .eir Wcnflsßfh,-hewing! the glpoth jof jthc forest of thoj gafhAused up. as fhetMJ-.uo . .r .cuts ,t^^la. , d | ah».n > ; cr.ng nAi t, df the gray'®,, andj of .ijl.oher with a stick intended flnMteri UerJise W two e t o onrniiiid became cortjunly j sbaUeM lament iili about}. j,p,yn punishment Mts" 'fokorJs .r Uli "to o, 3s jissnred sombwhere m W road.ng wo tfa«|t pve.r friend -of the fit* is needles fop hie-to sd • that 1 an- Ge4^l>fiee : d drmC ami Srh hat L-happened npon-; dpelnnesjandi|y o uld realize what I did at t ipt nio- iplarid every ser tttire nt you have ox- deuce tl nt tifcy vafudlnte > i ■oAnd..jmoi,lj Tjanji: sure tl.ey won d| hkve i preyed in iho Yountause wdfli military, ta :if f Wl^ n - lm ' h°" "A > Hu” °°- 1 T aUed lin i s ,al ..dvigato.- ; W ho, Copperheads have U ineeJ fr°M ? wi W ?-° n?o IvT r ,°iit f V but 'J w “ femelAwalylnng -he black on tb«f hi-’ ingVind drilling at Cast SnsFiS .S j* expand iLd portentous !n^h and toe! SiSll “ i Ikt ■!b j , tei!'V and ealis - l, P| l»s crew 10l ftake | The meeting onSattu-day seemAi tohe n. : f &«**■**. or^mperajiicnt.— : | i Rdsencrana on, £la- W r lmt were ia Qcti, 11780,, thev ! - ' veW will be; ip August, 1863. Let thoi T , 1 ■ Native tßein.-OAYo Slate weeM pn rpvei S y Jouriali ■■■•:! .f;:,.- , has been (going on, In, twee if i f-V ,i 1 i i The Catholic. Telf<)r<iph, ,pf; Ciuoinnatif i \2- ■ ■_. ' '■■■'; • edited by the Very Piirceli. ■ t * funeral in tl*e Forest. ; ; briber of thoj <1 i>*tis,hc<J Archi 1.T S Tllo ' n sight of. tt»e i.ciunp, a 'bishopof Cincinnati,and a Ipfb-siav-ftry j wagon and,aguard of soldiers Catholic journal or tkat citvj - . The, -c of their conjhides to .|eacue«l;c'ditpr cjf rAc-Tc?t'jrfi/»7iiin<sistfi : his'last resiingblacc;lt v r and proves that ‘the Catholic ""hnrch ■ -i-„■ P l *- ivao.ft ipoiirn- i ftil-Sight; • Tbe'tfeVoftSod'was li fine ; young manrirrom Manuickot, . kighly I icstcaihwl/wul k’4re r llast (jat-i -M.ftWafifou.gbt* I. turnoj i&fiiftUbvv-l W??.C S, ?>OP; [die |(iun fiatl ! night.' [ f! * f r Established 1618 9 -i U .. , umLslaverj 7 rieycrlgot along \vif»M to. get her; that- thdf Chuvcb* abolished i that peculiar!nsiitiitioi);!w b ere i.\ cr she in.c<3iitaetj \v:ith it, arid that it in pivly'in America Catholics have ever beep feinid advocating 1 . The ixaihtirovoi'wy ha», called ~foll r • ;i M . jii i- ■ • r • j;' ‘ ; ' i I' 4 I I II ! : NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS';" Alvertlseia'entg'inacricd at the rate jof 7ii cent# par square—each: subsequent insertion 'A liberal’ discount made 10-'yastl/ advertisers, and on long advertisements.... • A Bpac,e.eqpal to ttvilvs Uneqof this typu !,'• 'V . i Special: notices io per cent, addition to rej ular -ates. \, . J , i;. _-v i, Business 7s': cents a line, per pear - , M; triages and EeatLpi f.cjipirxs, P*l >i4 and ether Notices o^q^public.nature, ireei v , SketcE of t'dlv&rierßon. £ | j Tlijs- gallant lea tier-Njt iiho .ropovi ? cavalry raid Ihroi i g h M i ism;r ( > 1, jCv 1. II*. GricL'.soy'. 7j? aMia’rivie 'Vcn.nsylraaiai been PiUabunrtu.fy^moinib of Jjilyo.B£7 Gon: ;c(qn.ulilly-'U)o [ ft: thl ‘ ■.year* oil early removed lo Trmiii ml ll coull l y. Obi/ wHiifli stiitcjliv resided far jnc.-ip 'on fb'di’*- 1 ‘ twn years. Uife'i;- "moved to Afkelc ■stinville. '.lljiiioK [wfiere lie rli.Vio \1 wbei the present war hr*ike {yiiVi-fr- Sboiily be leit toi*' jCui^pu- I <j( Joiill a* -that bad l|eon ity. bin t oiyit; bnt'oa'amyiid tWij-p-.fto; went>oll dftfy ‘Ba. jtjiil _to CrKn.; Pjuo i 11 i ■»*« ' "Ui! 1 en b ** lii ajpiiwarijtl.iilir, tins draff, un ,mw ' already ria-oi&bod; iiwl ■ V U.- u.- n will be- ua<o.. I" three rtWnt? V' men will he eOl.siilemi to onlv two rejinm-nlw mul I" 1 K-i.iS oV-ma tt «vi.a.UUvn e V'S meat ot Un-to years men. boon boumboyoi i|o!| •of sproaaing «•<»« wiA'ic afflict Lor children to sjcbopl \\lnK-anuc , with lb®-disease, j ? . |£ '■ ! WMr- Hobb siiyn i>c l'4 one ,°f. ‘inSobediont boys ■vn ‘H J 0 ’ 1 j tolls him to do as b J P plcHses. and ddos'tt without muvihuiuig. , ■! • i 1 i • r j r--. - • j • 1- »uc , & l L :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers