SEAVEa AKGXTS j . I. Wednesday* June3rd, IBs3. D. L. IMBRIE, EdSicr & Proprietor. K-j ! For Judge, FI 0 if. i» A 1(1 iiL AG N EW, »E*LVt3 COrXTT. ■ '■■ S, M. Pcntcngill & Co., : -Vof.ST Park Pcr~, Xi Y.. .j'G State tt. Boilon. are our Agents for the Alter* in these cities .un-1 arc authorized lotnke.A>lTcrtigeme*tsand tor us. at our Lotrrrt flares, NOTICE. HAVING disposed of my interest In-the FcaVEr Arju:. all those indebted to me for ion. job werh. etc., will please call-land settle inituediatciy wmb J. L. Ander »on. ;w’.io is authorized to receipt in mv name, ieb. IS. •ft'. : T. C. NICHOLSON. NM iFarvay; of Raccoon tp., -!cqui?!-; say Chat he will not be a yaudidatc f*n the olfiee of Cecuty .’Treaeurer'iit the present time. Agricultural Notice- The member? of the Board of Sian* ger# of the Beaver County Agricol* lural;Soeiety, are' requested to meet at the Court House,on'Satiinlay next, al.l o'clock, P. IF; A full attendance ss'requestod. • By order A. G-. M GKEAEY, ', Bdnvcr, June I.’G3. Sec’v EPj.VVo arc requested to Slate that | tho, Pr u-arv iiootiiifr of '‘the Ttnion; I’artv of {Economy tViv.n>lilp. toiclecl j deleca'NFs to thu County .Conventioty of '.1.-.',lsth hist.. will. ho. held at thcj of ATm-hirgior. flavin, in said tournehip./ r . ■ ■ : PtcKnr.s for the ' : ,Sai.mEns.—An exf-hapco > rays; “AVhyLnot each' far :iitr •»ct‘n«:tie’a small niece of laii.l for [ 4 ttre; FoiitiCrs—a patch of Qacntiiber.s n:r*thor of Onions and any other vc" st-vnt*. Iv** -''I 10 v * ? 1 0 |* V ’ VO'‘tho Wo arc- sure thbjadi* will i f i!;|'t , L| , ;‘ilr:; U >av '* }! V then.. Il,eu .alhe full Wc clip tho Rowing fr|m. Hon. J 3db ' As.-tf;. vfiiU ll!c ' KtS’lv^i ! ", i / e '' ,!r C ? i'. r i fl< ) m ,U lcfu f°- C ', d ,iiois\- doraa-'tujnc, ho • has been sent J. Crittenden's remarkable; speech be- rr->|dii.fea r r, ; u V f -'’ ! and yem- to ahum! -and w shall have plenty ot Pities j ;* t 0 rUdvc lhe warm — lore the fouvenlbn thatlnbminated *T$ J' t'** 1 '‘^ u to cfcn... had •IbrbtnVsohfieh... ' Let sent in T-"' ‘V ‘f .** ? 1 ~ rirnt* , 'him for Con™ It eledrlv shows m Ps' no ssnoua r.aststanccajnr.d tlreac- lim-vee,,,,,;. v d*. - , ■ i r rl ; and welcomes and loud applause -of J— ; >s N FIRE- . .mm tor congrats. it ileaily snows regiments only wercUenk but to in-! „J -.1 P r ..... m ,i’v 1 " * <.ll rather than jar*. [ 11103 arej v.; H b ro ih.d traitors.' ITf/LUo Presidcnty* Qn, Monday, about 4 o'clock. A fiic , tbut the spirit of palfiptisiU; still'gl'O'Wb a.l’-iUioe rtf the ei.jei.iy: throw.hi< !a. he ti7rlonV( : ’ •r ,¥0 y , necfe f. Bar * v t: ’. I )r^‘ e " t cc,!r ; ma ,j c this chan-e in ikl ;«on(cncc of yhroke out: bn TqwnsciidVframe .row .in the Kontneky Congressman;'- ; ; * ea'inan iijl the i-iiie- ! ar ij ■strcnsfthei. iy-i ; , 'f vvro.. Oil. r *»-»«•*»»«. I*.-, ; !icnli . |I , r ~ Mw «rmy.; ■ i, .hi ,_! ;• „ ,1 I v .i. !l) Y a doiWue pnttmg a, 0 f the war until it shall have-aeeom- InW P : t ,f i hV f ' ;Tiio ——7—' ( to le. t 1.1 , Mncorit3 in the detunes.. q uant ,ty of ; siianngs nHhe fire.wbich iplished. its end i To tbe dissolution ot j-tipnps (hi nngh Jackson. a ow- j ;uu i,=r ft oar i po-iti. jsgwWo.expoct to commence, in our|be preached fp bin miserable ahd do- •by reason of a dc-liotivo Jfuo comma-; this Union 1 nirer will subscribe. I ri ‘p 1,1 0 -f*T-1j ' ! y .‘-keejis tip a (^nsttni:: next issue, the publication' of a series 1 hided followers, it mu}* possibh - to 1 nieated. w ith tho w oo<l near -the roof, j nt ,i tin old mao] and could [scuffle out - . Gen BTooleer on I Win iiab l *tTn trn-} **•.'. Ids atti i.ubt .'t arti'-h's-iPst-ussinciiio “Bible View ! some extent meet the approbation ofj J ,u - «-»r m given btotthe • ih o lew ren.a jiing days [of my life . _ ,-^ r . :’.j. i | K'eint ‘ T’.’*'’ •yi>'>.vp;-i'.'eni-, - 1 “My linr-f • -'fe, •• -> • .■• .■ l>n 1..|, invai ■ norlion of the \meiican i <lro ,a^l W ll0 '^I such headwav without beiiigtompelicd lb i sanction HOW JJd in Dixie. j , .. *1 ■ [ ;■'^an. bucbla dr IMo ue, T or in oUter won:,,.“Does, shj? ovaliporUon of toe Amet.cap ~ ~i ail p con jloillT t!ia}l i :ulv . on for the dismoinbcfment l lf « than QneaH ir- wrifos mbtins, ijGen.-Ilpoljer, tyrites .aj Fahm. utl, j dirrs ,ue very cm ~ii-:; lsl s V:... •„ •t ne rh/bie faiictfon blaycrv /’• From • pooplo. ~. , !of Ftivini,''the row, or eVtih the tliree in-hut notwifbkfiindinfr f r> *■, IT.™ , ‘ .! e.prrespoimcrit. looks upoh (ho 'lasf 1 tenii to profit Ijt* it.. the 'high roptraiiott and weii-knowh I. If h,e Ims been sent' to tho South four houses Sorfh of It tveftf Very Vlo.l would jirdsicute Ibw! a |"j p 1 j riU - ,u , w |Ui anVtliing.l.M disHdtia' j , - --- ■' j . y:-. 1 1.1*;; nt-xs of o,:r corrhspondcii'.. our :ca,i trv iris eournge. and to discovaf > i«P, «"<* >» in brms. eim -J l 1 P! '*V fay' •cp;s.Vf i <>'« ««‘t^ l hY« iJ^ o^Vh “ tbi ■. edliv-M^S 1 v 0 f 6 " H^nit ; od. oceupi- j tuci-y as't P Vcr V n,c " t and unr s O -is(„. ilie v V °- n " at . 0,1 ,m ? P f . the mercy of W l V J'‘i 0 that op tb'-'biUer would eixeec'd-I fe'! < " C, '- !sln n , ot sa 3’ thejwar shall . Wllho,,t or jidn- j tivt), of klllcV- ■ M c::tr /itr'.as h. “j,.".';; ' aum V’ - ’ . J? a J- I® offence:| the forgifejness of 'Voi . 7f o is' ,t • t3 ?°' - : : ! •.] roseenuu:l to tiie.bwt oxtroinitV by bounce * n S. ht to jd.e- ed [published dn 'the^'j-i ■!' !i ‘e ffampto-, n ,r‘ v ;fs '’Y!™;. 1 ' , “T IWJ ‘ »,'Sirs•'' wS™.S < ' r " 4 ' ,e<l ""■■ '-"t'l I ri PISW \ . ...s r - n r ...-i , r l r jiVK-; i A the pi Jn.; u yslsnv;, i:te ef ; y ■ ’ 1JV : : : ;, ...'- ' - , a - Is u,t I Certainly time that tli* nowee’nP •« ” n ° l ‘• hr fl* „ r i ": ! -?" 8W . W mn^'Cnij.h a iiic| r ve s.. [i/. ,4 llj i “ l!lco ' 1 llie 1 vvo, ‘y> -Ywo young emt 4 .. h i '"-‘"f i>“s liir.nmh -i ■ ehr, rr snd erimimiiJ f;fn ....„ t ,J; n of the, u-ale.r un.IU,., only loss is a nne shoes ! ' vh * n ke,i **" ‘'««l ther re ' M'ia pbavo osc ; .p«iKj S' .‘^Sf nnVb'Py W ‘ l disregard , tho law \V e desire I *w, hn . i • Pi ‘"' on l 0 Rtl 4 hat wery walked off without- tc-t in ' vf, '??• £ rmin «-' matt! 4‘9 •’Vf" to he «rbV tiL-j V and who Viro'pui-M.fc.Vl.Vh-" 0 ' P«-'T«trcd' ’ for' 'thc-sjv T*—-.: , ' , I . Qn'i'ty to‘ tall attention ■• to the h-v ; u ; :ste(, • there ; s: t.irm and life expense of re(ittii.<r tl lo r, ! J s,O BP?<l-»otvard .fm the [scalih,, ;• Pp I! l e . v explained i c<>ll l f>f .slave;■calcliirs] wcnPhas- t I ' ' ' 1 those’- who • ' V,t ’ nr "? Cnt Conatitmion > jJlf building .tiiT tl 'Jto re ? c«lik11-nd by theX.&l - il.; W , this 'n'j’tp” ~•!!) c i ',': to i each • siich infamous fienil--—if \i 11 ''th puned ami ov-cupicd bv t e .,„ ,r J - A ■ooiih-abhinl (»h i • v 4't }■ "til (liudrnlt began'tan l-bj'oty; '*!i the Jcnncr ITiirnnilJe 4s , .d:. sf, mi Ini- ■ several davs \r ! ■o l ** l ™ i 4 ,s not sUciint Wr in the Kws »*<* in da.l. i Ko^i*fi KP ? t,on ' P nc *^Veolc. ! H S<?t did J ..oy t l, of the n -f f : “ : ;I,i y R titi resist in ”rl I to mmish .i-A A V f * * * • ; . U»}!r\ o.( »ts Htriuturft ■ i ' f .. 10 f ? in,!iis can (*i I l *- art I hamletlfrd % . anrl huiTiefi hv* i-! H } irui i nfi .oti r * ■' ; tul viol«tlAn; it js the dmy of (^7 :: P * ,J r i, oXf:Orm f ,na!e thc ] L After some MechiVivi- on • f sent * Inm l ™ nt .V miles for rci^w! f!p IMen * l ca . n,, ? t ' ,ic Mamed for fhfP oJlofj the'\w di^-overVii \ ho n.f ; ,e ti( .c ,„• th-,. p en( . (1 who . 4 cJa , v : 'J' 0 ™ 1 " 0 " 1 ,: 18 • t '-n , y 'dofoneckss.- and • L, )( "' * iA V»& tliejeW b..o,4v°finhf of I bo.dttr fStlii r° PnflrwJ doling ;tbo. r|f asters, ip to " Wiicrimtu,. i l: -H 'is !o Tsdco On-nir-™ -»..,i *, , • A -J **■ «ny itmc fail -a prev to such } V nnt 1 dames hut, the-; yelled ‘.y O ,i P . Dext hundred fr'-S. F t ,A 01 nn “mf,. three i 1 01 cpmmiinli*.r, ft ik irflo'.'- 1 " n rn-.; In; ■ ■, . ° j c.i.lect the traitors. The Xorlhern hem,l I t, f d a .Mihicrpiey of hose could ! 4...' • "» C P*° 18 » comingl” t i,J' , ./i'f P'lrate source— ; ,,j'd jed, tliul, the proprietor four tr'-im i b, ..m h.-Jcm < : ,V" S -‘ ,r :he tWnhtion (he estttblishcd full- horn..,, t u ’— m ' l‘.r, a i! P . y ‘ v' Vat t’. t ? tlic bmst heedi fi 4 c h-! s" fi® ,IC! '' r,e? w i‘ n t "P •C,,anc c-’. tile it! 1 h V ter rtiJtin tnrif y aee|mpanied'Vhe ■■ :lo '‘ i <m->' m, • Whd ;1! allows the t.a former sonishalf tiic thei- ? n nn 1 * tM ° " or,c, i ac Brujhion Times, J/i iy\ . n'' ‘ ' P l *. Vent. J.ct ft- mar •-M l»«jfrv.on tho-draft ; there I an d assisted irt /utn| doWhi P r< ' "bid'io id iWerndi d- ’[ if«ft-bTYr,r,V.- : - .- T ‘ -Nt- ■ Srt3 0a or - to contend I f**' y. 5 : -A '* n .® l 10 ’^ r 18 aendard, had I'll l)o 't vc *J'«t a large paid^' l t the' nhseidje . Ictn ,he s ' for ft ' lri Y' a M t hevaronhd,l o . f ‘ Vf£;op iof the .men i„ ollr „'j „ . L —' j ra!... U „™ l,:s ' lies,' t hnvo I ®V , ‘°'t* urrie d soldiers wdl rc-cnlit f Asthi * outrage ivnsperpetrate}] wi'ii' -neus nnui hr ';1, P ' • ft-o? proven *•«« .w. . I and am ‘ . ; ■ j f-f. a r'elense ( f atrd J' dhe armv o ( |, l 4 14, , I _ suffer -V'trdin glv. ’ ‘ ma >>t I'onsfa. n,a,|h K lU)t s.n- C,)V "‘- the euroiiinrTm'l \ ' tof Worst kind. ' t L ,'^. 11 •'. “ | ( ythout warrant, anyl in direct I' viola! 'T'hing r, nianis .^ v . t alon^i... ‘ 1 the Itieiimor.d y w i •. , V I<e “ th '“ diW m l 4 j., ITovom , JJdrke,- ■- , » e ol i tldnj J’ pcC),e t6 ' fTLActfiortco ;’l I"- f ir^T n V . • A f?i sl,a,{in .h r hnndk j' Pon dcring ■ Govprnors dm thol rebel ; iT' on do ” R ~ f " Ca: ' nii '-n. the ,arrc«t ol Valhndi-I '' i’ 0,1 P ou 'er and eap..,che 'to crtKwf i' U ° l l e(J ß , "6c- -Viler -vi,?. 0, «pcl’l a | lo ,‘ lra - ! ? , « resistance to^daw: 1 1 j.■, bJ* ™ h'* |Hb<Vys,” as hejeailedi li H e SiVimVhaTe skedaddfe?!^'from th'Vxobliv-s m.' '1 V m diUem.tia.-c .-.--J£ n '‘Sham... puts aiand nttcrly' A-orM.J ’ iir ,d .Imd jlu 1 aid aid ccfmlor tf ‘M:" hc >^^remarks. f„ E. ■ if% a‘F' 0 " '"H -. \ ■ ,-. I ■ '! i,. 'I; '.!:.' y'd' ; M' v f 1 •■'■.■' y’ j •.;..-V| h '|** ; . l^‘ #n / ca ? tur ««l off Cbaykrtiioo;. ‘ Vallandigham Our readers jvill remember that this miserable! demagogue and nrcb trailor, who has been for a long time disturbing the peace of the loyal peo ple of, the; North, was at Idngtli'ar rested by-' loe order of Mly.; Oon'. Burnside for ventilating Lis tressona able and most detestable sentiments, at certain public meetings in Ohio. This ibjatant and foul-mouthed traitor had- for a long time been busy endeavoring tb.creatc a fetdij-g of en- Imity in the whole North against the (Constituted; Authorities of the Goyern i mcnl. awd; because the Government | was, ■unwilling to proceed toT harsh; land bevc-re ineasHrcs,eveipwhh ;lu|sc I who are armed for the destruction of jour Tree institutions, he fi;ltj suro he i could say and do whatever his wick j cd and corrupt heart might dictate i with perfect impunity* \ Every Intelligent citizen knows* from the history of the whole matter, that after being arrestedihe .vas fairly*, I and impartially fried by a Mili tary Court composed -of men , pho stand high; for tlieir sound judgment, integrity. intojligenco and patriotism, and.was fbhnd'guilty of all the char* i >;i*s made i 'him. and by tire ! same Cotfrt was sentenced to confine-. 1 ment on the Dry Tbrtugas for* two ! years; This finding and sentence was j-approvod by Gen. Burnside, and* .the i proceedings transmitted to the Presi j deni, and the finding was by him up j proved, but instead of confinement, j the Picsident reduced his punishment. | by ordering that ho be sent 1 beyond ■ our military lines, and with in "those ’of tic Southern rebels he professed ; to love so vyell. Many fi tends of the i Government feared that\tho anprinei- j j pled.scdiuncirel.would He treated with I ) too-much | leniency! Insieiulxof im-j ’or . Hanging, \ which rn-ght have been justly nieted ' I out to ibis traitor ami- blatant and; I / tbe Traitor. ! I Dflavjfi «r‘e very annoying eorno- I limes, and not often more so than they are at present, no I certain indication of ’the Veknlt of the [siege of Vicksburg. 'fbC series of brilliant victories, which followed one another so rapidly previous to” the in vestment,of tlie defended city, led ev ery one! to conclude that the grand finale was very near ;■ and having mafic tip our minds to expect news to that effect in a very brief period, tv 6 feel ■'disappointed Wh’Od it does \pot come, j ,i At this distance it is not easy to form, an J Opinion with regard to the amount-[(if shelling and j battering which must be donlTbeforo* the .place will surrender, arid therefore there is no philosophy in growing impatient. It is evident that tperenels have given up the hope Of saving tho city or the army defending it, and there is no reason to doubt that both will soon he in the i possession of our troops. — 1 The vietpry is, in fact, won already, in the battles which have been fought; fpr the object of the Confederates, in fighting so" desperately, wai lo ’pro tect the Ihst route by which'lhey could pass to the States west of the Missis sippi.' T|iis has been destroyed, and all tlmt remains to be done is to de ii.i ■ - • siroy thoinow encompassed city and capture the army in it. [ Should the rebels be reinforced, the t|io troops which arrive cannot to tjio beleagnred defenders, and must either retract or fight bn Use outside, ;: \vithbut advantages from defen sive works ; and reinforcements-to | opr array can be sent to the scene pfi I • * : ■ / , ■ • r conflict more rapidly than theirs can be brought upon the ground.' j There is, therefore, tio. reason to doubt that thceonquest of the Missis sippi valley is complete ; and'should Vicicshuig bo able to hohUoul a few days, longer, the protracted struggle 'eannot greatly alter the position of nfhtiys^ Nothing Definite. Arr ®» k t ' A r\ -' : T p Viok^g On WrulWrurfae u«t r«r»i Ccth* i 11111 % last,, ?1 committee, :• A lettpr from. the Army ot the Po-i WkknisatOx] afar l'O IT berfaon :[ feSylj information that | 9 “ a f i M. 4s c-!‘. A*m W lhtt.& flie'n *ltfc sown caValry horsea Z r^rMenttSffiST'' & t,ro *»B l>t *•»«}« thfJ | to "j; .dated near Viekabu'i*. Mo, lf nn<SMxl IUmA Vm« n'aca 'rhinlriftir P, ur P°‘W u •JO rcpreseoi tne,Ceinmcn rnencement of the rebellion, Word we|lt2sth, have becr.rueciveii A f tbc>V-Webt%eU' tiart of Schoomnai dltesfratol daring the huk battle. oi-iJpopartment to-day. 'nicy r l4lh Pa ICnvalrr he ° D t’i 11 i nt his jibe , ‘ Wb<|n the jirmy ; the siege of VicksbniW nsi , tcleirraDhed toJJnon Valiev *»nd imW in this crossed therivori t i> Chaiicellor^ville.; fog satisfactorily "and that ft!. thllThttl nS • CUy ’. ll, V l teamed «, »M r i||ho wires Ib.lowld] and- camn.ilntcajfir abundantly able to mail'll throbeh that place • lie mtaii T>ul the H$H» con .t«» »»»•£ Vida. wl4 'at'onte bslttblhdsed Will) the ; Vestriient of the town' aiul r , ’ iSfo t?’ fr°™ that augnsl %Ody. different cor,,a:' As sbon a* Gen. attack on his rear ' ’ . ,1- * Ho Thdn despatched. .VFm! Arjderson, <f r f6r l a 'f d '*’ lie telegftpii- j Four thousand five , hoiijrJr. BfrtC-ial denntv on the first Irani to * v th -• ,■ ?. on " . v,ul ° a . porspn ed.toProh Lowe to enow the weakest .prisoners, captures by Gen Xrtake and* arfest them?w|hicb he rtE'h* C ."®W 4r* ■ ’"’“P'* al 1 ”" fodujv ’ did at Palmyra. 0., on thd e*euihu of 1 f; ,vT, , 1 , ■ from the.j balloon , was, £1 ite =T .... Mar 1 31 '_.r the same day ’J ’ T | “C' o PrederloksbuWT ,S W "'d»palol W s [received Iniro We are informed.'than ifth; attempt' 1 Uu *! n )« ,,e l .^ , I ,Klcd i the «rdor emno to Storni tlte kmv of . Gen. Grant 1 was mhde hy some fof Valland®j hn^hv^evfii • ' and^ 1 !- lc,, IMS- • Wih represent i,., mteri^l ■ - i . o i wmcii woijpa l,y expressing the J handy this was done. He was. ji'hj?n r 'A.fT>•' ‘ ‘ -9' '■ Imm school' Of politicians. t;> rescue tbein, but were thwarted ].by &lie'-*dc ■; termmed spirit of |Mr. Anderson, as sisted by resident sheriff. ' Draw ing their revolvers they placed tliertl sclv.cs in the front and jrefir of the wagon into which the prisoners 'wcVe put, atid threatened deaitbjtp any who attempted to escape or'interfere. In’ tbis'way they were taken {to Alliance,] 0., from whence/tlley wpro brought! libro by rail... -J, ■ ( ■■ "|j;/ , H They gave their- names fas ffm. S.i Brown, Dunpan M'JjiUighlin.and Jas.j Ilanton, and claim .0 bo jservahis of] the sth Michigan cavalry,; on-' ibeir'j way to that Slate with j the horses]] wlireh are said to Iwi fine stock. , •, || men arc sfill here, Capti! Cuthbertsoh having orders to 1 hold! thorn until! further advised!.'; In addition to the above] the follow ing persons have been arrested and disposed ofi i'. ,j'.]|f V] Geo. W. Corbatt: 61st Alabama ar-i rested as a spy, discharged;by 'Maj.-i! Gen. SchenCk. be having] taken the!;] oath of allegiance. | ' ' • 1 \Vm. F. 1 llo.llcnbaugh, U 6; :E.flb4th { Rcfgt. Was arrested at Rochester as a j desvrlot-.and delivered-to Capt. Wright j of .PiUshhrg. • j , David Whetstone 23d] .Ohio, arrest- j a deserter and discharged for/] want-of evidence. ; r . k’l llobt. Portof Co. G. dilh Pa Caval-, ry voluntarily surrciiacrep himself and wgs delivered over;'it) X'apt. Wright at Pittsburg.-rAVic; Brighton f i,„, !»> - •■ 1 , i “.v "tis ■ jn.w.. affairs since thcr2slh.; .<rj„ ~ wish that, |tb« recipient 1 would , sooiV|ordered to advance and effect n juiiL-- i n <r 0 f that dav Pembertn-i ffin ll* V °M 110 , W I tlon ' b *lglf fc 3 on« o?^' Union M pollan 1 cplied that h$ | communicated by telegraph part or; their dead. which was' i thoTortunu pf war would nevci jagain j tj.o way: and 'by. big sal tfitfotb’er Bart, V T,herbls 00 truth in the rumor tnttke tliat,«ie~!hcp-.oi» idis part;ncecs-| hut :he wu‘s prevented from Goh 'Steel 4 ” 1 ' sary. Aft*ji| this; tile congenial com-j this mi account 'of tlie encraf pjein-'-'i’ ’ j)nuy into general cpnyersa-1 massed inrftfmt of 1 mV.- It was thedj u„. .v .... l;od dfiriiijj which General JPGlelliir. discovered.that a lma-V of labels ■ WA | U - a -’ ."i 1 -” 1 1,5 ‘exjVirtssed jliims'elf much grimed at l,kb-succeeded !iV flank V}' S TT/^\ Vvd 4 the ’ death ,pt | Stonewall .and frejvisstsiirig them- 1 "'p-t l')*'- ’ r>, •/* , spoke of hjini as ‘true’ and viiliutvh Uelvcs of the ‘chit cii*b*n4<t* he|-hndJ o ' l: f :iih p B{Mr _i ,-V' i but declare I Lee to be the bblcsMso’- recently taken’, thus dnttin-fhim 1 $ J ' ,; v | General the Confederates hav-c It PofT from Fredorieksbhin; (did'his UW ~ jappeurs a so. that,/GeViVfeif Porter. 1 of,snpj,dies. At: Ar.ler thnV eViiio h]r 1 w^^' Ur: 1!; | along with his: Ssnoelate,, M’Cjellan,! him to rdtrrat'LvlWak’* IVi-d vkie'li i mfo ™ 'hr (‘was asked many question? Hliaivo ! was conmuai<*jTtod hv <,;«• „,| diW-ctlv !«r U 5,:,,t '.’P az ”.'’ under I. the statje of* the. country.' Which, [over-tie heads of L enfnuy :id hm! t&k "%A U ? 1 says'lhe reporter, he ‘replied lei,with ireur. and heed Jail in i r ,> V-- *’ lW .the utmost frank nes.’ Tf|o Report | spite af’lhc eifortsfef rcbeflhar,. shoot-i [ ,, V°'T‘'i-'■ P . fuitnor statiH, thal’there W(*re Sfveial cm to prevent i• t sir c'cedcd in eros^ ; l ! isl,w .^ { ‘ ;‘ l ,' ( M; Xew York Celebrities in altendauee, ing in4fetvr thiis cscapin.* IVom a i ? U * " '" on^ r ' ur: '° and wte arc iiiueh <li N \ppointed. i|n not ISdsition wheiv un-nihiiandA or tm-r , 'V'f ■-?[’ being lurtimhed with their names,— | iceVned incvitaWeJ ' ' ' '' iy‘ V‘ .• ?o! V‘ _l Pr ; V‘rS We would like innchj Iq know i\i|io it i “ L ■- 1 -i , “f' , f l,-t .' V|,; hj'iii:i”Ki; l -h'at was of New York,, nr of J Rebel Accpuata from • ” ! ae»Pon i °* t all any geetioh Who wduld rpniaia I i lilissisaiippl. ' -p | ! c. y on terms of association with a ioiprousj ; The Iti-hilioud-' of U.,v tvlmse epaulettes had]'bten | titt' saVs : F.mA tdht from lis dishonored shohldei s i Mo,inhiV Appeal f nliMid],i' 1 "f . n " ! 1 .* ,,eo ? l ' •for/betfayiig U* count, y and | com-! wl.&4e Ti: ,’n 1 1' .?• IL )£ ™ h ■ ** m"] P’ 1 ritdcPoirtlip field, of W> httdjt»..> Ju.-V'M ‘ * hoped therq were no Northern] men ! t.Vlo.'k' *: »i Jhr'tin ,ir |Jh, m j ; i i.]IL. 1 L . I?''V.- 1 "'-' ’ ic , !l " \Vould h;.ve| shared this infamy 1. with jhv til,a .I.ooin „t ' ' VI* • ' r/-. PoKl George B M Ciollan. tin:! ever-.i’, onejdeavH and depantin.i- -aid, j.-il tflfll.V’ ’ ' c"-rtl‘n in 11st teed lljat Hie public are eiitilkil i acquired MiiM,--, ifi^iria'i,leVvef Ui- ! ’ ‘. r k ■; •,j - .> w- ( n n h' V|/ llK: - V . ' vere ‘ 4- 4’; ! ter at! these' v,:l li/ !&,' ‘ 4r' M C lei lap and his social endorscmihit! ■pfiyted. ilievw<?re found t,, i “ ‘ lf '" H ,l ‘ 5 .f.'* \? ‘‘ : ' of » trni lot], whom the- Government | f.r aeooinmddation -jC! W’he tv o' ' to ’-’ to tnL ‘ C M i has'blasted. Mi a - •J. ' 1 ■ 1 ' f 1 ..; • -■uni. | with a sentence ' tyhich makes him p horror to everyijloval citizen, bp should be promptly stricken from! the |sinny rolls tor llVis-atHnckuis instil,t In im verdict. If he be wijiino to j'cgard Porter as his eqnal. latter ho h;ls been convicted as a traitor and rendbrod iprevcr ■■ ineligible to he :i.iriti|i trusted by tdio State, - the JGov.' ermnent fdnuld speedily help him, in al) things otpmi to Porter,- (V reducing ilicill id a common | raiik.- Public ationiidn is widely? rlriuvn to this tease, and the people a-ili ctjtpobt some action pri it from the r Govdi n ment. ■ ■ ■f 1 ! . J . ■■■ ] o';h,. h.-'i J. -t I,f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers