"VANITY FAIR.” "This to tie Bret scally clever comic and * ** tafiricaljournal ire have had in America and really clever it to. It to both sharp and good-tempered, and not afraid to say that its sod is its, own—which shows that it has a sou!.' Cor readers will be glad to kadtr where 'they can find native fun that has something better in it. than mere palais."—Atlantic Monthly. r ■ . “This paper is excellent. . . . . Remarkable for originality.”— i\" 1" Traveller. , Fair is conducted by a vivacious, witty and intelligent corps of journalists.”—; Litchfield (Conn.) Kr.quirer. ( j, j “Will wield as potent an influence as that of London Punch.”—Motion Traveller. I ‘•Whosoever finds himself laughing at the wit of .Vanity Fair, and does not return a quid pro quo. is fit for ‘treason, and spoils.”’—j -A", Y. Crayon, SPECIAL NOTICE, The rery marked and flattering success Which has thus far attended the publication .‘of “Vxsrnr Faib,” I : Enables the publisher to announce that with ' • the commencement of the Second Volume, is sued this day, 30lh ynne, New Features, both - ■ Literary and Artistic, will be introduced, which wilf increna# the Titlue and interSt of the pa per, fully maintain the probd position • unanSpously accorded to it; as theleading. \ / Comic Jocknal-op America. VANITY FAIR ! IBStED REGCLARI.Y EVERY THtTRSCAT. ie fojvSale .by .all Newsmen, and at the OSce of Publication, No 113 Nassau-street, , York. <. TERMS: Three dollars per annum, iv advance—Six cents single copy, i , . • ’, ! TERMS FOR CLUBS: ' Two copie| of VavtTT Fair will be sent to, one address f0r..1... $5 00 • Fiveoopies;.,, ; 12 00 Tc : u copies.—.j. ; ....20 00 An| Extra copy will be allowed to the gel ter np ofi every Club of not.less than five copies. This paper is Electro: yped: and numbers may be procured ut any time. LOU IS H. STEPHENS; Publisher for the Proprietors, 113 Nausau-st. ' 1 New-Vork. vffic e of JtT COCfiE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. At JAY COOKE. & CO., Bankers 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET,. ■ ’ , Philadelphia, Nov. 1,1862. undersigned,'having been appointed iX -SUBSRRIPTION AGENT by the Secreta ry of tho Treasury, is aow prepared "to fur ,«ieh, at once, ;thc uTete Twenty Yrr.r G per _cl Bonds. •f fhe United States. designated as “Fitc i. Twenties,” redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, ait «r five years, arid authorized by t.'Act of Congress,! approved February 25, The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of isso. smo Sowvsiooar ■ .. . • _ The llEijlSid-iidSfoNDS in sums of $5O s '•IvO,. $502, SIUOO and $5OOO. Interest at Six per cent. - per annum,will commence from date of purchase, and Is { PAYABLE IN GOLD, Srtni-.Annaally.. winch is equal, p.t the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PERCENT PER.ANNUM. ( ' Farmers. Merchants Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money ’to invest, Should know end remember that these Bonds ate in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upen all. Rail rdads. Canals, Rank Stocks l and .Securities, ami the immense products of all tl*e Manufac tures, &.C.. Sic., in the country: and the full and ample provision', made fur ihe payment of the interest and liquidation of principal. bv„ Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and. Internal Revenue, serves to make tqese Bonds the Best, Host Available andAfost Popular Investment in' uieHarktt. Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Ten der Notes, or notes and checks of banks at , par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every facility and explanation will be afforded on arplica tj on- at thce. A full supply of Bonds will be kept onhand for immediate deliverr. 1 J.W COOKL, Subscription Agent. 1 “RTTI A "V 7 ‘Li * lz> ' SEMINARY AM) INSTITUTE Re-s< R. T. Taylor, A. M., Prin. Mrs.A. S. Taylor,. Governess. r JV IE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE Tuhd'iy, March 24 th, 1563, ini, continue 14 weeks*. The aim. of’'the , ,°i . ¥ , !o makc its pupils thorough, espe tially im the Common Branches. : > AlVormalClass,! •r ‘be benefit of those wishing to fit them , selves for leaching, will be formed, at ithe commencement qf the term. : L ' ? , . Board, Room rent, &c ...SSB 00 : Xsition varies from $3.50 to $B,OO further particulars inquire of the ; .President of Faculty. '. i mar4'U3 • ■. It. T. TAYLOR : $3O. ■! Employment. ! $lOO COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED r TO SEEL GOODS FOR THE ‘ ADAMB (A NEW .KXGLAXDJ 1 ; ; Mannfa ct uring C bmp any.; XT7-, WILL GIVE A COMJrissioX OF . T.V on,! hl,r " lTc I PV r ' cent., on all goods told by our Agents, or we wiibpay wages of 0 ;from ijdO 10 SlOO per moult and pay | a’,l ne cessary expenses. - For particulars 'address ■ with stamp, ; i-f- . CIIAS: EI'GOLES. Oca. -Ag’t. For tbc Adams Mami!'iicturiiig Co., I'eliint M !l h!ga "l • -July 2, 1862. ’ 2STOTIOB. AAF.ON- .MOORE, of this Bordug is the only License!) Arcti.oxEEit ir tiu coun 't" i ny l, “°- perform .he . - .-nos o. ht» office when notified. Any other , .who (attempts to sell hi Auction, except at Ad mmijstrat.or 3 sale, does if in violation of law i lie penalty is not less than SICH) , Beaver. Dec. 10, ’62. % !vS?9 ewa rd. , I "ABB.give the above reward lor the ar i rcst an.l conviction of any person found rvotfetf v' n frf r - Ul ? : - 3 ® alsclous niischief on tnr ftoperty, adjoining the farm of Abram. Wolf and lot of John Fishy, near the C" of m-63: lUVID 9TOXER - Stray. riAME ....he premises of the subscriber. \j m Ohippowa tp., about the Ist of July. » «hitc Heifer, 2.years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property wM IThK" aD f ’? ke ter aw *y: otherwise she iviy be disposed uf according to law. Ang.Jl TIIOS. M KIM.KV —4XK, No. C 7 FOURTH STREET/ Pittsburg, on farorabl^tims. ■ _*n2l:3k C. A. COLTON, Tre asurj ■!•-■ D * W,nt Employment. BARBTTt Tf i 'l'D nurworm T B ?lea*ant buaineH for U p spriorg m , . . , . IH lflt£S6Ert, X * nd Summer, with largo pro.fi t*, Send for • ,o» 4°cf Mrt °f I’tciid'.T’, He,.!, ; u vTifcw oircnlir, containing full information •• OEO. BOW'D SEARS, - ' .IMTUIHa* St j.'JIJ T. - 'Board?/. Jews s SJ B. and r< the reecpti, Monday , the 20th of April, >63. >rps of Teachers is being selected, present At the opening of the tens. >er Term of Fourteen xceeks: A full c who will hi , Rates, i Board and To those fa low-slips, ■ towels..,. room, furnished.. .........$3B 00 ■Rushing a pairof sheets, pil ,' a blanket, and their own Light and - dozen. Tuition..... Latin, Freni -from $4 00, to $7OO wh and Gertnen, each....;*....55 00 d all branches of Drawing and ll be taught at the usaal prices. farther information address any directors, or Music ai Pointing wil i For one of IheJ feb25,.; ESALE DR WHOL WIISO 54‘ QFFBB SIPIR, • Al" TU mar. 25,'C .a. isrKrs EAUTIPUL I OV TUE AND B 3IISTIK IJY JOllis S. ITAIiT muslin, price oftcen JL ers, 25 cents. Copies of be seht by mail, on receipt o' postage stanjps: Pleas addres Jl C. GARKIGUES. : 148 South Fourth street mar'ju. I i joi General Commission Dealer in . of Conn Flour, G/nin, a Ty ■ Produce, ) : rs. Cigars, Toha ,Jj»o. 227 ladeit ol: ad ranees made u Liquc Office anj W , I^lAberi !! * 9 11. I*. DRY G ODS 4 GROCERIES. iiST AND MOST FASHIONABLE ke Pt i nar.is and JofgaW,|for OR PK.O.ffUCLH. vaar; 'l4th, 1§63. | : . i The lat Styles constantly o C.AS B Bearer. Ja GREAT CAUSjE OF a n -M isery . td in a Sealed Envelope ; Price 6 eh: RE BY Dr. CULVERWELL, p CAImE AND CURE of Sperma isumption, Mental, and Physical tousness, Epilepsy: ' mpaired Nu- Body; Lassitude ; W eakness oi [;d the Buck: -Indisposition, and' Jr study and Labor; Dullness of ti; Loss of. Memory; Aversion to te, of Solitude; Timidity l ; SelP niness; Headache. Affections'of ;nples-on the Faoc: Involuntary ltd Sexual Incapacity ; the Conse >utbful Indiscretion; &c.. &c., i dmirablc Lecture clearly; proves ire enumerated, often sclt-atflict< . o removed without medicine and ■ gerous surgical operations, and id by every an! every' man ; THE ik vi 111 . Publithi I A - LECTI OX THI storrhoefc, Con PcbilifV.Neri tritiuu •:!* ♦hj tbe Linos aij Incapacity fj ApprehcusioE Society; Distrust; DI: the Eyes; Pi Emissions, an quencc? of v: tsu-TUn i chat the abci evils, may b<* .without Danj •hould.bc.rer* in the land. Sent under sealed envclc two postage ■ seal, to any address, pfc, on the receipt of * stamps, by addressing. CIIAS. J.'q. KLINt £ CO.. S>w York.Ppst Office 60x,4d86. v oTjToc k• sj ~ 127 Bowery,! Dan< Tins pr«] Coffee, a superior N crnl Debility ders. Tlioui abandon ihc out injurious strength Jof Price 20 com delionCc [station, made fromtl s recommended by p' JTUITIOCBBEVEUJ • Dyspepsild and rill bi siftids who jiave been < use of coffee, will usi ['effects. One can c two pounds I of ordii LEVA/: The pure; known, for c and . best BAKING inking light, sweet ant kcs. Price 15 cents; :cd by Breed arid C .Maputactu H. KOLLOCK. Che Broad and-Chestnut* , pn had: dl Druggists and Gro Corner of nd sold by mar2fi ! TO COUNTRY DEA; School Boons and Statiovrry I’be s-jib; eribcr has always on band Osgood's M Guffey's Speller Jicitea ders, Kay's, Arithmetics, S:oddard’s Arithmetic, Pinneo’s Granvrmra, Bi bles. &eJ, Testaments, Letter Cap and Commercial Note papers, E irefopos, Blank. Boo ts, Pass Books, Steell Pens and'lioldeifi. Copy Books, Slatcs.dnk, Inkstands Bonnet Boards, 4c., &e. Ctsuali dseount for cashl Goods packed land delivered to any part'ot the efty. *EOBT. S. I>AViS fob; 18 tholders of "the Uompaijv for a Bridge over Big Beaver (’reck, f Lar.e, in the county of Bo aver/' lifitd- that an eleelioti. forfone Managers, and a Treasurer, will TolLHousi of said company.; on ay (the 27th day) of April next, t-10 o’clock, A. M. I j JAMES ALLISON, Trcas. The erecting or near Wo: j are hereby nc , President, sis I be held in the j the last-jdoni ! commencing [ marl7,'63 - j ■ OAKS 0 I i negotiati FIRST MORTGAGES can b at the PITTSBURG DOLLAR SAVINGS B. C£ SEMINAST. xtort— Rev D. H. A. M’Lea*,D.D. Her. D. A. Cunningham. ■ C. P. Cummins, M. D. sminary, having been bought by Mercer, Is being thoroughly re-fit -furnished, and will be opened for n of Pnpils, on ..,...58600 'uel extra. Washing 80 cents per S. B, MERGER, Sapcriutendcnt. r GOODS. i MIR i & CO., r ood St. t PITTSB :gh, pa., TMEIR.STOC K FOR THE GKO ±863, i ' *’ Lowest Meek :et , Peice, EDITION S OF KDICA EDMI2S. LL. D., Is: ’paper cov this book will the nrice, in Publisher, . Phil’a. Pa. m. Merchant AXT> "d ail kinds Vines end t 'CO, it'C. !outb2d slree Otila. consignment* aug 28. andje SON, DKADE& TM in a plain [six cents, or )ffee. c best Java lyricians as GEfqrGen illjnnsidisor- tom polled to i thhj>wit,h ontains tbc lary | coffee. POWDER Slist,; i ' streets, CI.PHIA, cer*. IRS. ■t Whole sale. I ’ [ttsburgh 73 Wood si., Pi i 932 QBKMAITCO^TIXEC A FtniUy 'aiKl an Agriouttiiril SIWOTKD TO ‘- jX | CHOICE LITERATURE, INCLUDING Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, AND MORAL AND ENTERTAIN ING READING GENERALLY. In the Literary Department we (ball pre sent the choicest Tarieties within the reach of our extended means. The Novelettes, Tales, Poetiy,'4c.,.shall be supplied from the best apd highest sources, and ,be equal to anything to be found in any journal or magaiine. Agriculture and Horticulture, • • : ' t[ " J EMBRACING “ ) * ■' Farmiirg,GanJening, Fruit-Raising, Ac. /« aU (heir branehet, at eondueted on the later I \ . _ and mott approved tyttem. Our labors in this department for over thir ty years, hare met the cordial approbation of the public. Our purpose bos been lb furnish useful and; reliable information upon; these very important branches of industry, and to protect them so far as within our power against thcfalsc doctrines and selfish purpos es of the many empires and sensation-adven turers by which the Partner is incessantly as sailed. This portion of the Germantotcn Tele graph will alone be Worth the whole price of subscription, as every Farmer and Gardener, has a! Iproper conception of his calling. Will readily admit. NEWS DEPARTMENT. . The same industry, care, and discrimination, in gathering and preparing the Si irring Events of the Day, expressly for this paper, which hitherto has been on<( of its marked features and given so universal satisfaction, will be continued with redoubled, efforts to meet the increasing demands of the public. The labor required "in this department ,is never fully ap preciated by the reader. It would be im possible to present, the condensed and care fully ?nade-up form in which it appears, a corrected ihass of all the. most interesting news- of the [ week, without involving much physical labor, tact and judgment'. ■ /Wc annex the cash terms, to which we beg leave to cal? attention: of all, who think of subscribing for a newspaper: Advance Cash Terms. One copy, j one year, sa; one copy. 'three years, So, 00; three copies, one year, $5,00: Five Copies, jOne Tear, $8,00; Ten Ciipics, One Year, Slo.OO; Twenty Copies, One Year, §28.09. i . I - not paid within the year, $2,50. | ■ J l»A Club of five subscribers, at $B, will entitle the person getting it up to a copy for six months ; a Club of ten or more, to a cojiv for on* jeteTAU,Club subscriptions stopped at the end of the time paid for, unless re-or dered. , ' ’: -iVft ' WEuNo order willreceivo altcntion unlcss accomplished with the cash. numbers sent to applicants. PHILIP H. i Editor and Proprietor. Oermtatoien, Philadelphia, Oet. 22, ’t>2. NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT. AN AS YLTtJMFOR THE RECEP i TION, CURE AND TREAT MENT OP MENTAL ALIENATION OR ! DISORDER. ■ / -s Arid, Otlier Nenrous and' Chronic Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY FOR FEMALES, rpHIS institution is now open for the rcccp- I tiofc, care, and treatment of the indepen dent elats of patients who nro laboring under derangement; or other nervous and chronic disease.. Wo make special mention of nervous and chronic i diseases, from the fact thtit seven tenths of the female patients that are committed to ouf public Asylums, to Ifo treated for disordered minds, arc reduced' to that lamentable ;conditiori through previous physical Bhr a well timed and Judi cious treatment (if chronic and nervous dis eases. all physical disorders, in the majorjtv of cases may be removed : and thus liicniimi, having suffered'through the. medium of the body, will when free from the exciting physical cause, throw , off the shackles that has bound it to worse than midnight darkness and reason will, once more, resume its sway clothed in all its primitive beauty aodwomed excellence. Hence the necessity of all tho«c who are laboring under, the predisposing or exciting causes, calculated in (he end to im patr the mind to resort to an early and i judicious coarse of remedial agent?. The Institution is a largo brick building] With a stone basement—four stories high and well ventilated. It is situated on an elevated table land which commands a view of entire town—adjacent bills—graces and neighboring streams; all of which are calculated to pro duce favorablejimpressions upon the disorder ed mind. | - - . The Institution is complete in ,all of its ap pointments. Having been tastefully fitted, up at gract expense, in order that it may hieet the approbation and views of themost fastidi on*. i . , The Closets and bathing -apparatus have been gotten up upon the most approved modern scientificprinciplcs. This department embraces not jonly the- ordinary baths but use. the medicated, war* air and ascending and descending doi/.-A< foiVthe more effectual and successful. treatment of cutaneous and other scrontloits diseases. We hegjeavc to say to all thosc'.who may be disposed to commit the, interests of a dear wile, sister or daughter, to our elitfrge—mav be assured. Ihijt no means will bo spared or effom wanting on our part to ameliorate their condition .or t6| effect a restoration’ to their, oe eustomod;heaUh and vigor of mind Fotj furl her particulars send for a circular All communications should be addre»«cd to 1 ’ * c . Lv- SKEffDRICK.‘M.D:'- - Supt, of New Brighton Ketteat novl°’C‘ > i Ncwßrighton' novi_u_. . Beaver Co. P*. New Goods! I IS. s. K A NOE R , Bridgewater, p a ., H AS jurt bmNG 0&v Mortment °5 winch will bo (offered at PANIC PRICES AniongsHiis stock can, at all times, bo found '»variety of - t •. ■ DRESS OOOpS, MUSLINS, GbOVES. HO , SIERI, &c.,. Ac., SROK A STEEL, all varieties. NAI L3_by the pound or kee, ’.VIUTIT LEAD and VARNISH.' ™ wsssr Ara,os o, “ Country Produce. ■ ’ Hriducwater/ MaT 7. 1862. RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, ADAM lOHSSOK, PRD’R ■beaEßTiii, piKw.4. = i ‘ : ’HILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL ccyj^-EpKm N. E. ctftne* o*7th^efctnutSt., • I- ■ PA* ' :■ ■ '■! - waaestbWishedin • 1». now consequently in to s*>gtnt«isqtJi jrtmr «f iU existence,: numbers -“ndreds ofttfi kost suc cewful Merchants and Business Ifac Of our Country. ii X; ■•■ i ] i’ ' The object tf tek»Jy to if. fprd young m& ftcOltle* for thatnih prep*- ration for busjness. XJ ;.'-X . I i % branchSs taught' as applicable t^^j^^neuidcp^^oiif^^rade; Penmanshjk r^-«-.l~~TX^BE|lll«1; Thi system of Instruction |is ; peculiar; no classes or set lessons are made use of, but each student is taught individually, so that he may commence at any time, and attend at whatev er hours are most convenient, : j . .Catalogues are issued annually after the loth of April, containing names of the stu dents for lhe year, ana full particulars of terms; &c„ and may be obtained at any time by addressing the Principal; l j In extensive accommodations, wide-spread repmation. and the lengthy experience of the Principal, .this Institution offers facilities sri perior to any other inthe country, for young P l *®. wishing to prepare for bbsiness, and. to ' obtain at tho same time a diploma, which will prOve a recommendation for them to any Mar* ; cantile House. j wnai, Ceitteitoss’b Series of Treatises 01 Book-Keeping, now more widely circulated Ilian any other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. -e ■ i . 8. HODGES CRITTENDEN, ■ AUomey-at-Laiir, ' /•' ; Peixcipal. , Knox Fruit Farm & Nurseries. I For! many years we bare made the cultiva l‘°? “ f ,.S3IALL PRUli’S* specialtyj anu taking into account variety, qcaktitt and quality, our Stock of Vines and Plan's of ‘ GRAPES,' BLACKBERRIES, j STAWRERRiES. GOOSEBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, : CURRANTS, &c. &o. is unequalcd anywhere, which we offer 'on the most favorable terms. Parities wishing to purchase would do well to correspond with us or send, for our PRICE LIST, which will be sent to all applicants free of charge. . Our Seed Store and Horticulture House :Vo. 29 Firth Street, where all articles belonging to such an catab- UaUment can be liudol* tbe best quality ■ K ■■ J kxox. : . • ! j Box 100, Pittsburg.j;Fa. Bit. Jlili.ee, Phjl....C. IV RICKETSON, PlttblTg ricketsonT WIIOIMII IiRiMS, Asl> IMPORTERS Of Brandies, Wines anid I Segars, i . V ' ■■■:■ i Ao*. I 223, Cor. of Liberty Im'n it*. I Pi'ri'SßUßCi, Pa 1 Iron, Nails, ton Yarn, ’&c., &c.| con on hand. ' ! ■*' Till e TJ ni on /’ : Arch Street above Third,! I PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Upton S. Wewcomer,! PropT. FIUI IS Hotel is central. Convenient by Pns -3 senger Railway Cars to all jiafls of the City, andin every particular adapicdtothc comfort and. wants of the Travelling*l‘ublic TERMS. 81,50 PER DAY. i 1 *1 ■■ NEW ■) ! mijeiu ill) iwiomi; SSTABUSHMENIj, BROABWAT, NEW BRIGHTON. PA., (Four Hoofs below Hr: Sargent’s Prug Store. . may7.pi'—ly. ‘ MBS & MISS RENO., PITTSBURG WATER CURE. • -' a HYDRO TOpt.Au.Iai fo z r i lnecy treatmentiss upei pr o t f 11 fo - of Dis . eases, and no Institution in this coun try possesses greater facilities for its adminis tration than this. ,fl ..FOr Pictorial CirCular addrks - Da.. W. N. LIAMBLETON, - I I ' Pittsburg. Pa. Tint Howe Sewing Machine," sou) BY 11.1 9 6 REG 0 R, CORNER' PENN a: ST. CLAIM SIS. t , . lIITTSBURQ, PENN , NUDS ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE Ap- PRECIATED.' IN otic r IS hereby given that J‘have been appointed ns Surgeon by the Pension Department, to examine «funded.and invalid Soldiers’, dis charged ftotn the service; that my authority at S *° a ”y County, Stale orj Territory, •and that I am nowjreody to,enter upon the discharge of my duties. 1 : ! ' GEOUGE McCOOK. M. D , Examining Surgeon. Oct.lo—l-it. jjoir, coe &Co., advertising and Commission Agents' AND DEALERS IN printing inks of ale kinds Type, Printing Materials, WRITING AND PRINTING PAPER CJyRDS, ic OFFlCES—Brown’s Buildinß,.’Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York.. , m.ir2«:ly. V JAMES S. RUTAJf, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ( DISTRICT ATTORNEY. ) 'BEAVER, PENNA. SSi-Office in the Court t House. ALL claims against the Government for . hack pay, bounty and' pensions, prose cuted to collection with tho least; possible do ay- ,| - 1 4 dcc3’G2 MILO A. TOWNSEND ■ I , , DEAIiERe IN BOOKS , STA TLONERY Paper, TQYS AND FANCY IFACLEB l NEW BRIGHTON. Pji. .4. It. THOMSON. attorney at law, Office, comer of Thrid street and the Diamond, Bearer] pa^ •may 2h , ; , B E RTEL, ARBUCKLE 4CO ' . MANUFACTCTEBS OF, O-A-E/BOiT OXLi t ] ROCHESTER. I BEAVER COUNTY. PA. r»p2 Sterling Ho u se,. lQs'Second^treet (betwiek wood asd PITTSBURG, PBlflf*iii BOARDING BT.YHB 7Vrm« Thts - soderniJ... I jBRAVE[SOLDIERit' AND S*ILOBB. CHERRY (|C HOLLOWAY'S P!t|p PECTORAL, JV ■ rftsrsfisiftiJ 9~' IA- IL Frieadskhd Rektiwili U» > Hoarf««e*fc | fT itVff*? 14 * N “V. •kotiW U)ce es|ietlai>are Jto«Bi.i6» f '*ooi Jbt,ibA! ■ l*d^Ds n r pl; !, *« , p ued l . wi ‘ h &u* Av f®j! Ointment;, and where. the brave Soldiers Ooe*K HoahSoese, ihffnaosa, ud tha - end Sailora here neglected to provide Horn- Sgg^ty* eymptonsofwOold. byour M* n s bcl l e ; p««°t 9p them by their friends. . They baVfe.bceit p rov- I* l years tM ehown it to possess tan** ed to be the Soldier’s never-failing frienc ■,in SSSSSrS the. hour of need. *? l ?!l^Ji?j fflllllll ' **■ D -: ' " co wn H K S i ND i? LI)SAFF ? CTING TROOPS Jd* bo [?pe«ddy removed and effeetu illy meietoa cured by using these admirable medicines, md SS?»wl^£d^S^i!^?.? M J dweld sooner % P»y»ngproper attention to the boW “ h “> l,0 *“■-«IVor SIC^iDACHESA^^Sp AP;>E _ TiTtINCHDEKTAL TO SOLDIERS. leSsbMrtSSd * ’ Tfu <*t»Ky jom'nSmit ar^from&i Wl,iCh ,0 ' adden «* arise from trouble or annoyances, obslruetcd Ia tbs *& perspiration,' or ehting and drinking whatever “"Udn*totmrpiople. ’ “ is unwholesome, thusdißturbing the healtl fol AMOSgfea.iso-v~II, COSKUN '¥- d action of tbe livcr and stomach. These or- Tfi n, p^i'?* t ? > u^ elleTed ’ ? J° u desire lb be w ell. | ;reUef; flns!y. . a . c f° rdi ”S ‘o the printed in- f Tb * structions, Wll quickly a produce 'a lieali by «»n oosXlf thTbSSTsISd?mJSSJuuii'SSV action m both liver and stomach, and at a IflfbnTtSS' we SLilSl?! 0 “F»n“ n e a ,he COB - qUeDCe * c * ear bead and good ap- ! foorwm^ ORfDEBILITY INDUCED Bftj t*T* tr*li I OVER FATIGUE, j _') ' 1 oerm In^tST ** Performing nWtrllnM . Will BOonidufappcar by theuso °f these h- *Sham valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly ac- i WS&hored ofSt te n « e r*"lS quire additional strength. Never let the bow- i *“«*** f«"- , HENBY u parks, ilmhZit els bo eithcf-confined or unduly acted upon: J *?„”•; Aui °». Momma CoJ.lowi. i i m t?u“ em Blra “ B ' ‘ hat ilnllowny's Pills : i should be recommended for Dysentery and ; I £'“* e— «><l - Flux, many persons sup^o-ingthatthey^uotild I ' 1 - .fT ! increase the relaxation. This is a great mis- i; ~", . d bnl the m«t ton take, for these Pills will correct the liver aiicl '' Jffos < m ° r ° f ; i i ‘ ,> virtuwpf Uili mnsdrii fcmnd in la , stomach andTthus remove qll the acridftumoWii n : ilMAn i. • I ■from the system. This mediciue will give toi.e H iy6b.U y no P n known «i,kh ' and rigor to ( tho whole organic extern bowev- M «««>»mwxind meh c&ia« » thlT Somt ' er-deranged,. while health and strength follow 1 : ~b reach; hot eran th thoac tha Chari' • as a matter of course. Nothing will stop the H Wh« f soichmlbrt. ■,; i - ■ i relaxation of the Rowels so.sure ns this fam- ! Ponca A^S&, N wS*. r C, 7' M * reh s - > ss «- ‘ ous medicine. 4 fed u ». «o>y «n<l» pleamre : VOLUNTEERS; ATTENTION J INDISCKE/ , ! ,)TIONS OF YOUTH 1 | igsroja ajmploma of GonumpUon, from which no aid« i SorcsAnd Ulcers, Rlotchings and Swcllingj.', I can wuh cctjamty be radically cuped if tlie i ;^ Ti S I S^ m ' nd 's» tr i* 1 W r’oor modWne. WobiS I Pills are taken night and morning, and tlie i ointment be reeiy used as stated Jrin ! J ed mstruotijOis. If treated in any othbr man.] ' Teu " wl i h *»«»»* Md'te*an!;“ : ner/they dry jup in one part tupreak out in an- 1 .! ' l ■ OBt A KI J?. ® Bunr . i» SstunraiA other. Whereas this Ointment will remove 1 sJSSyggife** I°» Uv»tiled Afat the humors f|o,n the system and leave the Pa!. ticnt a vigorous and healthy man. It 'will'Ve- I of Us vlrtnea.,— PhAuttinUa in bad cases to in- CftthaTtiC pffis 1 OCC, -'SIbNED(nF j fPH*.'sddriss.of Cbsikrr koa MeCicia. O.SS-- LET SfflIRS nv Sif RE 0R TIIK RUE- •t* «>'«' «»>«t toproduc UU. Jet, m!r. pe^t l LET, SORES OK BRUISES, ‘ I purgaUy. whidi lx known to mu. InhLnsrebl.!!roofc ■Tojwhich every Soldier and Sailor arc liable !•" f" »*» H c * Pn “ >“« vlrtareiwhtch Wrjare in there are no medicines so safe, sure and con ■ « r “ u,n “ ‘ h * onhanry mediclnM, and that «h»y win an venicnt as Holloway’s Pillsand ointment The ' poor wounded! and almost dying sufferer mitl-f f * Bd . pte * MDt u **' P"Wul to core. Their pent havcibls wounds dressed ”r S u f ‘^« p r p^,^«uutt «^“‘it i,i '« o r't-ebohy, would only urovido i oUtrocUcn. °f it, organs purify ,1* biooi; less OintnfenP wl? m ."i' 1 - 11 ,*^ w »n4s»psldlsmss. TheypnrgeoqltbeimlhumorewS wonnvt 1 i w1 "? 11 “• 10uI d ,be thrust into the !i breed and grow dietemper, (tlmaJato elnggieh or diior. wound and sirteared all around it. thcn covered 1 dmdorgmaelato their nataral action, anil impartbwdthv with a piece of linen from his knapsack, and il S" w,a * “»«igth to the whole pneta. iKot ontrdo compressed with a handkerchief. ' Taking t • T,r r -d »» “mpUliiWof ever,- body, tat chest should be provided with these va uahle Being engnecoeled, they Oreplremat to tnke;l»rid bethe Kemedico j .1 purely «• free from any riek cf htrau Cm 3 J .hare been.made which enrpue belief wen they not enb ■tantinted by men of each exalted poiltidn and character ! ai to forbid the tmpldon .of untruth. i Many eminent : clergymen and phyilclana hare lent Iheiritmet to certify j to tha publlc the reliability of my retnedjea, while olhera i hare cent mo tha aaanranea of thielr cohritthn that my Pnparatlona conlrilmta immebaety to, tha relief of my : aflioted, inflating fellow-men. ',! |V, ; The agent below named ia pleaaed to farnfik grille my . American Almanac, containing directlone for their ou aild oartlßcalea of their earea, of the followingeomplainti - Biltoni CompUinte, Khmtnalhro, Preen, Heaijbornj Headache arjaing tom a foal elomaeh.Nao ■aa, Indlgaatioib.Morbid Inactlou of the Bcwele and fain arlaiDg therefrom, Flatut6ncy, i ton of Appetirb/eU Ulcer-, I one and Cotaneoae' Pieeaaca which require 'an eracaani'' medicine. Scrofula or King'. EfiL They aiao, by purify. Ing the Wood and stimubUng the system, cure many com plaints which St would not be enppeacd they oonld reach, euch aeDea&eea, Partbl BlindnA/XeerairU and Kerroue IrriUMlity, Parangamedb of aba Urerand Rid peya,Oont, end other kindred complaints arising from a ' low state of tha body or obstrnction of its functions. jPo not hs 'pnt off by unprincipled dealers with seme ether pDI they' make more profit on, IAeK for Arsa’s flux, and take nothing el«. j So other they ran give yon compares with this in its Intrinsic vatua or cnratlva ppwiba. The tha best aid there ia for them, and they thtmldhave It. . J".;.' i ' Prepared by Dr. S. C. 'AYEK, 1 Pnetlcal and Analytical Chemist, ]towell« Vim. Pluci Cts. re» ftox,. j Firm Bozin roa 11. SOLD BY , > J 600 000 , MALE OE FEMALE AGEJTTg '' > • .| -' to SE'bfi 7 " ' I Lloyd’s-New tyeel Flute County: Colored Nap of the United States, ‘ Qonftdits ,, and New .Brunswick,'w From recent surveys, .completed! Aligj 10,-. 1S02; cost S2Q.(XK): to engrave it; uti<t <jne year's time, jy* Superior to kny $lO map ever made by Col ton or Mitcbel). and nclls at the low price', of filly Cents; 370,000 names are engraved on this map. | dt is not only a County map, hut it' is also a . COUNTY & RAILROAD .MAP | at ibe U. S.‘ .StCanndas combined in one, giving Every itailroad Station anddistnnees Guarantee ainy woman 9r man $3 to $5 per day, add will take buck all maps that ‘cannot he sold and refund Ibo money. - ?; j Scud I’or jfli worth to try. t i f printed instructions how to canvass well furnished all our agents. Wanted—Wholesale Agents for our 1 nisps in every State, panada,:- England, France and Cuba. A fortune 'may he made with a few hundred dbUprs ,capital. .iVo rowl pttition. J F.Li.ovn, ITU Broadway, N. Y. | _ The Wat Department uses Our map of Vir ginia; Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost S100;- on which is J marked Antictam Crock; iiharpsburg, Mary and Uighta, Williauisporlt Foray. Bhorcrsvillept Noland’s Ford, antfc all others on the Potomac, and every other place in the above named Ntates, pr money refunded LLOYD'S TOI’OGIIAPIIICAL MAP OF T KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA,, anil ILL, I , at the only authority for Gen. Kosecrahs and tho War Dcpartmept. I >ioney refunded to any one finding ,an error iu it. - From!the Tribune, Aug. -T -‘•Lloyd’s map of Virginja, Maryland an > ; Pennsylvania.p-'The map is-Tory large; its co>l is bul 25 centa. and U is .the' lest which ca>t he. purchased." | ’ Lloyds (jnat. Map of the Mississippi River.-- From Actual Snp-cy's by Capls. burl and \\> Hiver Filot-s, of St. Lout.s Mo., Shows every man's plantation and owner’s j iiaiuc from St. Louis t,o the Gulf of Mexico-- ( 1.550 tnilo.Vr-OFery, simd-bar. island, town, landing, und all places 20 miles back'from the* ■river—colored in counties and States, Frict; ![SI in tdiccts. $2, pocket form,. and $2,50 01 ] linen, with rollers. - Heady Sept. 20. |i\afy JJrparlnitM* Washington, 30, 1802. ‘ /J. T. Lloyd-4 Sir; Send me your Map : of the Mississippi. River, with; price scr hmidrcl I copies. Hear-.Vdmiral Charles U, Davis; com |manding the Mississippi sipiadrOn, is ahthoi : ired to purchase as many as aro required fi usp of‘that, squadron. * f tiIDEON/\VK|aLS. Secretary of (lie Navy. VALUABLE BEAL ESTA' ‘ ■]•- ■ FOR SALE. | The of beaver academy desiring to Iranslcr the Male Depart ment of that Institution-to another anti a less extensive building, offer /or sale the proper ty how known ns the Dp AVER ACADEMY, situate bn the cornet 1 of third street ‘and th s Pitblio Square l ,| in the borough of Beaver.-- The lot is of good sizej "flic improvements are a largo throe,story Brick buildings wit A frame and was originally built for t Hotel'. It contains upwards of 3U roonhj; cel lar underneath jho wliol^jbuilding. Thisprop erty, from its location and the character an! arrangement bfi the buildings, is well calcula. ted for a goodhotQl, and will be sold at it" rea sonable price and on reasonable terms. ■? SOUFor further information and terms, »p. ply to Rer. D.' |A; Cunningham, Bridgewater, the undersigned, or any member of the 1 Board of, Trustees. By order of the Board. Bearer,Feb2-f,’62, -._H. BICE, Seb ! y.- Beayer Hotel] JOSEF J BALL, Proprietor, Beaver, Pa. if' ■ . HAVING thoroughly fitted up this housv be is nowj prepared <to accommodate bis Inends, and the public generally, in the ibost satisfactory manner. fmay62 JOHN B. YOUNG, Atfy «t t&'QQir* !b rt™ fivfjtt itiiift. ; ' ■ * , rfojj ERIE (BEAVER, PA.) sale toy U, Minis,, jr.|, Heaver; to Cross, Hocheter; Waggoner & toifry, Free, dpm; J. Nichols, Hudea; J'. Sargent,' Itev Brighton, John TdackJ Darliteton, Dun cmn & Edgar, FallMon.icd I y dealers every >h*re. , : ] J«>b 12 *O2: • V MARRIAGE J ? r‘S loves and bates, sorrows ;nnd angers, hopes oml'fears, regrets 'and Ijoys; 1‘ “HOOD, how ibst, restored ; i the nature, , treatment nnjj-rauieal 'cure'-of spierniAterrheea. or seminal wi|aknc?s; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments jto marriage i gcnorally ; ricrvi-tisnoHS, 1 constimptioh, Tits, j mental and physical incapacity, resulting from J SUUF-Al>l*SE—arc fully.. explained in «*.lthe { MAIUIIAGE QLTDE, by WM, YOUNG, M.D. • Tliis.ruo*t extraordinary bock should bejulhe ; hands of every young person, cjinlcmpvitmg j mamage. and every man >or wofnan ; sires to limit the number |of fheir'cffspring to i their circunisiniic.es. Kvery pain| disease-hud i ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age., | is fully explained; 1 every ’part i«lc of .knowledge j that should] bjj khownis here given. ■ It .is full !of engravings. In fact,ltjdisclo.se* secrets t hat j cv-ory : one should know; sijill it Ts : a book’that {.must be locked up, nrid-nut' licnbout the house, i It will be sent to any Sue on die receipt or j twenty-five cents in* specie or porjt age stamps, j- Address I)b..Wm. 4lb bpnke st., above Fourth. Philadelphia. , ■_% »r i t£S a 'AjJliHciian% Uu/ortun'aic, ncj matter what j may be your disease, before youuplace your j self under the care, of any of t|ic notorious !\ Qr.tcks: —native- or foreign—who; ndvmisbjin j this or any other paper,; get a icopy of Dr. I Voting’s book; and mad it’ carefully. It will j j bo the means’ of spring you many a dollar, ; I your health, apd possibly.your life. • / ; j Dr. YOUNG jcnn he consulted-on any of the 'diseases., described in his publication, at .his office,- 410 Spruce above Fourth, Pliija- JQiOffice hours from 9| to 5, daily. S fmar2G ””■ ‘ MiiE. DEJrOKES'i s' r T‘ Quarterly Mirror ol Fashions, i With Great Imprvvemtnti and Addition*. _ ■ ; ' ■ i ‘ - ■, . | r*■ • I - i 711* SrMMER KUM*KnCOJ»7AIKS. \FOUR IA RGB .?■ SPLENDID j FASHION | FL4TES, THREE FULL-SIZED I PATTERNS OFDR ESSES, i . COMPUTING TUB I New French Waist, in Elegant Sleeve, and a Misses Sack, and a| Sheet of New - ■ and Beautiful i BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS, -Together with nearly-100 Engravings' of - - all .the novelties for . Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, I• v ■ Chimren’s 1 ! Dresses, &c., r And valuable! information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and Ladies generally, pre- | aenting the. largest and jbest Fashion Mags sino in the World, published 478 Broadway, N.jYi, and sold every where at |25 cents, or sent by mail, post free, bit receipt of the ain’t j in stamps or silver. ; Year $l,OO with the fol lowing valuable preminnu i ; 1 i- ;! Each yearly subscriber will bajentitled to a receipt for the selection of 60 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs fin the book; or fromrthe show room, or they may be or dered.and fent by mail anytime during the year, by paying postage. r > v j . Csßvaeaera | ~cT ' *• wut n$ »v . *“*, /?««*, /SfeL* £*{|pfc; Oaotkaekt, Band*' ,- . -.. oik/ A toratgii.. 1. .0UR ARTILLERY ! 8 - - Dili WM. B r HURfii ' dentaltreasure I; ’’ .*■«*>*»*»*«W R«,EBIEsro i*RESKRF|\C, tllE Purifying the Snath- and. llii Toothache and Neural 1 onfL lluT ‘ r ‘ F ni^dTo^npoom- . i Dnops;-. f Dt - 'pi*#* trxhi mlsti tup •, PLASTER. / Uwl ; ' , !■■ .Or. IlurPt MANUAL i;t i,\ ft,:. v J ; I Pfenning:the 'T<*th, ■wrhdmg S. PtOper Treatment of Children*, fit th; '' \ 'J'LOSS SILK for CUnniuy In!awn .; - \ ■ room picks, <*•.;.,««; m -’ 1 : Prepared at Dr. Uuril s Ucntal OfTr : -i. Fourth St., Brooklyn. (E. D.V[ r ■{ ■■ ; Price, ONK JjOLLAU f-<!r sr\-<i- I : i ~*®^ Th e Dmtai Tnarpni makes a t.w’/ l’\ eight mthes by five, aiid'is sent by txp r ;, S *' , , tSf- Kilt directions fpr urje is cn > • The -following articles we’canstD<wtf ■ mail; Vi*: ! ' i, -tv ' The Treathe m Prwn hvj the Tttjf, sea! ;p:iid, on 1 receipt, of Tweivb cr.vrs 0 -’ I ‘ ‘ M \, \lhe rural ■ria-Pla*irr. for Xcutaicia m it, j face, Neyvoiu Headache, and Earache ' Mnl ' ; post paid,, onyfeccipf of Eighteen O 'stamp?. ‘ | . j ’ '■ _ The Xeur,i’//id ,anU Rhctmatc . f'/c.do- . la-.f size.) for Pams in the Chest, Shoulders. Bid* or any part at the body, sent post paid, oare-' ccipl of Thirty-ifi;n !i ,1 Address, r.V. B. I!CRD. rr u _ Trio’me J'ri. j ■ Or. IlurtT* SIOUTII whs'll; TOOT/^TOW ; -van and tooth a cue\ linoi-s.™ hi.- 1- sent by mail, but they can probably tainc-d at your Ilrug or Periodical .Sfoys, If .they caiinot, send to us for the : LiEVTAh i HEASI K\. Price, V N K Hollai:, wiiX:■ h‘ c - tains them. ,• , .■ . i . ' 1 ' 'r^ro^tr. -nnsn's rsEiMimriss cons Vjc beat evidences that tlieyjurc is; tl.iif tbicil - hrmcsf tnewU-cntl best patrons are thjscwho ,h.i7e t usc;!. I..VUllone«:. S e«:. m, h. Ilt.r-i is P (^ 4!S ' * K ™%n.- Tr-caslirrK of UicMmv »ork-btate 4<.-a:U.!sr. A«,. du!i..bj-ind l«cse preparations have bheti used in ! is-,nri i vntcprsei.ee for v.-irs. and-im Wadinx ; of'lJrooklyu sor Wn%m.JSurg qnckions'-thAr excellence, -while chiiuent ItentisY? (f York i-ccomnicr.d t hem as Si, e he---tl •V-'v the profession. Wirlio.tr ilfo-ahl oV-.,’Ci4- ' "'S\ Uhl them!Kv;* c 'trr.-. :1 1 he hdiior tit- the Hrookl-in’o.t.l,, ih;,--. ’ hro happy- to know that, our frier d, dir. 1 \ “ur'l, is succeeding V>cyondt,n\V cxpt»ei ; ,;V-- < with hl» MOUTH WASH arid **l>J2K.' .The great secret <Jf Mi suet-. .£,/• i with the fact that- kit drtieb's tire\ pn-c .■.<- \ lheuare.rtpnsmkd.io it. at tccccn ) their'longuee'J* • V j "jii' ; 'f * ! The well' tnown'T. T. rjJrn?nn'\Tr*tt'S: | fouiid your TOOTH POWDlill so good iha? ,rr,y i lankly used it all up. i I’V •/,'/; .7 /if f K? I-it \ poicdrr jar (he teeth tee. have rv-r mid. I . i tec) obliged if yoh will semi rr.<‘ ano-’.i-r n;p . p!v at the Museum at your,sos»vcajeiici-,’ . uUii : hill.” - ! . k . ■ • ; 1 • • i ..... I ' But ilioir cost i? .*o* snvtß {!■ . .-_••• iu.ii 4.- , »Aii>t ihe nutuyr for himself; I ' &sr Uewiu-cof tlioordinarr-Toot J. ‘l* .wdcrs. Dr: Hunt's Tfidtii PudJer • <:jous»;as u<..Vaciib; 9« r O-Ikali, hdr ci.npcin.il. anil polishes: fijilUt wearing the enamel. Use no nitipr, ! " WHAT WILI, I>R. II UK LI'S RE.VEDiHS I -' ‘ : EFFErx? . }•s Dr. Kurd's .Mouth Wash-iii.l 'TeatU hnr-ler 1 will ’glv? yeunc:,!i..!i ) e,-.'tliat siiicsi clnvni.jn ' nun-n ; sweeti au-l jl.:•.>]» }t.'tli. : ’Try ,! them.- Ind U-s. ; . - * , ’ % Pr. UmjdVMouLh UVsfiWiii.l Tonth (Powder ■ ■: will Vly;in>;e the mouth -IVon* all foul | lions. *n»l !if used in the wl.H'l- malic : j tiic breakfast taste Winter diul the-ilay kegia / pleasantly. Jlundrcds .of pern ns‘ dt-sdiy to Try them. gr*hiWt44..n. j _Dr. Htinl’iß Mouth Wash and Tob.th arc the iho hest preparations in tlso* w< -ji-ld ‘.'or curing - had breach and giving flrmnc-os -ni: 1 ; health to''the gums. Hundreds of-(uses c.f IJ/itensed 'Winding .Gum*, So* 1 * J/ftw/A,* , Ca7u.tr.. etc., have been cnrpd by Prj lluyd’a ’ ent .wash-. ■ j |_ i j . *Dr. Hurd's 'Month. Wash him ! Vtullo:. giyo an additional charm to coiirt<J: : p, uh'i, ; make liushamls more; agreeable to jHicrr wive* ami wjjvcs to their husbands.; j They should be.- vued.by every person having,■ ’ |*: ‘ 1 ; •, h h j AIITJ FI CIA 1j Jlk/JT//. v " «!hich.'Are liable to iitfpa? t a t aint to f he r ma:f h. : l>r. ftjlXnr^l's 1 .Ih-ooy-s euro Tnoili acjie from expose*! hcnj«?i, jand are tbo best fpemi.-; that parents <*:m bjave'in lo save their-eliiblrcn front tov-nire ami selvos'froin loss of sleep and sknip vtiutic suit*}' cringle■ •: ; ; . ] r‘i ‘ j Farmers e.nd meyiifinny. ! you brinnot vi-\; af ford to neglect your teeth. Fjrnjriflingfmii'e you con now got.' preserve! ivt|s, itiiiiii ItuihfelMldvor Astov eon get nothing hotter. Kcmemhcr thot qnd \ < /.'•■;/ rf ■ i/i' /.vnyj'often originate in neghekn of ;T'Vit.' Send fertile .T naiite eh T>-:th. ;;iid nml hr. ; Filch.'s . observations, ofi ibis ftu.b'tet.' If f.'; lino t'o orrest decay Irf your cwni tec Ju. v.oug 'elnidreno’iyeih. -j, ■ ■ .TV I'MRAI.ah.i- TIASTVEH.— Pr. | IfrryV Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Flastt r.i ore t lie mfA pleasant and successful remedies ever preserr cd for this painful - disease,' Tto pal ’ op plies one, soon bfconics drowsy, tails ■ -sybp. and awakes free from pain, ant) no, blisi'.'r ■ r Other unpleasant or injurious coi'sequences ra- RIIC. 'Vi'/£nriic. ! i' and Xcfjyju : Hcadti\l/r, ap ply- according to directions, find relict'! will surely follow. ; Nothing can be obtained'eqv.r.l I o Ur. Hurd's Compress fur Neuralgia! f : them. They- are entirely. curious anil : original preparation, and woudcrfuUyj Euc'yb??- ful. .they are of two sizes, one small},idyllic face, price 13 ceqts, andi ihe blher; large. h-# application to the bbdy. priee dT cents.. } HVi be' maiUd oh rreeijk fif price \nnd hue itamp. '■ ■' THE \PEOj{LB: ; DO!XGr\ The American people .arc|inteilige,nt Ipimuji. - appreciate p.repnrn.l ions that etjntojhujc :mm to happiness of those* using jthem,, and the.';,, wont them. Every!mail brings usjletpers. some \ ordering the Treatise on Teetjh. soiitc the N«»: ! raigia I'lasters, and-not a fed enclosing .17 ft? ■ \ for the Mouih Wash, lo ho sent i-y mail : l"it ■ to these.we are compelled to reply that it is impossible to send a half-pint bottle' brt m*A The people want these. BomeaiJ?. If#*- lujyptg lhemf x ’ Now lit tile ’ HANCEFOII AGENTS- Shretvd agents can matte a small fortune carrying these articles around to families, fitly Dental Treasury is the ncatestyarti.clc. tb>t, *■ man or woman can carry around-,. Setii. ha one and see, or, better, a dozen, which will,sell, as samples, for 57." Agents ; liberally .with circulars. J©' Now is the t na* to (to go into the business, todogood. nndniaj'i a profif. • We are spending thousands fordst benefit of agents. Sew England uieu or '"'h men ! here nice, nnd a ehan.ee t’j take the tide at, its flood. Addrcst, j ,) "WM. B. ÜbRD&CO . 1 * Tribune Buildings, Now Vorkr That remittances may be mads With confi dence, W. Bl Hr & Co., refer to the M»y° r 0 Brooklyn; lb G. W. Griffith, Prowdeat . Crs’and Citizens Bank, Brooklyn; to Joy; £>• ' M Pi T‘ Bmurw. *** AMD 1 «-li, ‘vr t ne'cs&j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers