Markets. : „...r.." ". rus .4a.iilos." .I. - i « A; • 8 i*v*“ b * .. .?.... 1 m Kb* 41 ■ « “ .............. W Cort •• j... (1 00 Br> ■ •' 60 0»!! flu B*®“*' fe»air ]>ol»tCM. oBioß*t , , . •<■ •„ (l;rn Eci*. B^icr, Be* fhoawt®*’ giacs,- U^- - .. ■’ „ ’ CirboE OUi Saturday, | MaJ- fclat, 108$.. it lo'o’cloekln the forenoon, the following “ “ - j propettty, to wit: ■'. J All: the rights title, interest andelalunor i the defendant, of,jin and to the following lot ■ ro plane of ground situate in the Borough' of Bearer, bounded north hr land of Jno. (Jlarki ,i east By-dot of Alfred K. Moore, south by >• Fourth strett, and; west by lot'of D. M. Dgp .. ehoo, being CO fact front on I Fourth street, >• by- two|bundred tind fifty feet back, on which is erected a two storyframo dwelling house, .1 with cellar underneath;' Also, la firame stable, smoke house and * other out-buildings, |-A number of fruittrees on the lot. , Heiicd afiil taken in execution as the prop . erty of Martin C amp at tho {suit of James • Davidson.' t. , !'■ No. 2; . ALSO. , At the same tme and place, all the right, title interest am claim of defendant, of; in ~ and to thefolfowi: ig real estate sifu ( ate in Il&norer township, Bearer county,- Pa. ;j hounded on tnc n >rth by Spencer and Gibb, on r the east by Hcnty Crooks, oh tie south- by , 1 Jacob Kcilfer, an 1 on the west! by Henry and 1 Jacob «cfffcr, eihtaining one hundred and ■i ninciT-foiir seres of land, about one hundred 1 and thirty or forty of which kre clcaredjand a under fence, on-W kich la erected one log house, c weatherbbarded, with a' kitchen attached.— S Also, one large fiatne barn, with stone base -2 ine'iif, wagon hdise and other outbu l digs, ei and «a orchard 6:’ fruit trees, md good water i on premises. . , ; gaiicd slid taken in execution.astile proper erty, of Samuel Gibb, tt the uuit of Charles also.' . j '! At the same tipe ana place, »n the right, a t j,j e interest and claim of defendant of. in and k t 0 following farm or tract of land sitaate in s Moon ip.. Bmvci county, 8a.,! beginning;at a' li black walnut tree, cornering on - “Win. Ertyin’s lst thetiee south SBJ deg. | heirs of : Hem r Miller. ■*3 perches jo a white oat, thence north 24 ciig. west 14 perches to a cotf. thence north one deg. east, 120; perches C hr lands sold id George Hicks at a water ; boach. thence noVth 22 deg. Jcasl 15 perches u to a post, thence south 77 deg. cast by lands !; sold to John Oddard, 141 perches to a post, ■< thence south 2a deg. east 25 perches to a g b’ackjosk, thence south 50 dog. west6pereh. to a tlact oaki thenc- soul ljo deg.| Spasf GO i perches to an iron wood.’thence Couth 50 deg. west 5 perches to a post, south 2o deg. . cast 29 perches to the place of beginning, con tmplovmsnf l eye Maining 120 acred and 90 rods.! strict nteaaurc. Employment. WO. sboutbo acres ctLirri. balance timbered and •IGEXI’S--WAiSTEI). ; on which is erected one .old lolg house and log Ki will pay: from $25 toi s7s''per month. ; M";.« orehkrd, of Scaring as- sssa -i S“.s"v wi!:* to General Agent. Jfilan, Oi ‘ mayC : bamsej. J- - I | «« •• : 2 76 . 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 20 10 ,i . *• M •• Quarterly ’ Statement . t ,,E BASK OF BEAVER COEXTY A' Xj,’ir Beicutok, May 6, 1863. Biaococsi. „ „i Votes discounted. actire_sso,lo4 OS under protest • I«£W> 1 3 10 Treasury notes.... 4,850 09 F",JsS a iVieV Hanks. 1C.42G92 vaesicd Cl m ,-og go { s Tender notes.....—- : 6 « 77 81 fo/a is Vault • Tots.l. UABIUU**' Ctpiul StocTt paid in Kot4« in Circulation, profit* and Earning* pividcnda unpaid. Pcposiiora ; .. Total. PF.AVF.B COtSTT »?:-T.tforc me, * V„Wi,in andfor-saiil County, came Hoops. Cashier of the Bank of : who Wing d«Jr f TOe f^'^7;^c.’n«a poactb tn*i 'he abort ~ ~n ^aj ,.,ip e ipe sceordins to tie ij^ VR ,V HOOPS. d»r Af &iav,tSC3. , J. C u IliKb*.. ON,.* ■ 1. %20. to the following lot* of ground situhte m Ho : cheater 'township. Bearer countyi Pa. bound ~cd on the horrh by land of TTigby,: twenty eight perches, oc the ejwt hy lot.appropriated j to Margaret MiiciieU.iclght -and a half'iper | clics, on the gout !i by lot No. 5, deeded to Era ’r iiy I>. Burris, tu-cnty-eiglil perches, and on ; the west hy street’eight and hAlf perches! be •; Ing -Nos. band! in MitcheP# plan, oT Slots i ' _ ; *«•'♦« ‘ on which is ercdicd a one atofy irramVflVcr- Roaches, A.-t*. liag fccusc 24 by 14 / n Bed Bugs, BffottlS XU Furs, WOOl* breadth. Coal hank, on the lot. | lent, i &0. Insects on Plants, j Seized and tsl cn in .execution as the prop* FowU Animals, iSIC. . j erty of John Baker at the suit of Ti A W. ’ i . I Walton.• - - ■ ■ ’ Pat s? •« 25e. Se. and $1 Rexes, Bottles and i „ , nan ■ Hut!. S?and $5. siSTes for Hotels, Public In- ’ / ALifiV, r i! l tfitotwr,?, &e.‘ r \ At the sam* time and place, all the right, ‘■Only infallible remedies tabwa.” ' |tille.interett girl claim of defpndmt, of, in “Free from Poisons.” i . ■ and to the following farm or tract of lead, ait .‘■Nn: dangerous to the jlTumah Family.’, i pate inj Greene ownship, BeaVer county; Pa." ••Hats come out of their holes to die.” -.hounded and'd -critic! to wit; 1., i . . U V • . 1 On the I north' hy land of John Christy; and jS-So d Wholesale mall Urgccmes. ’ th OWo Hirer,iin the east by land of Vi. M. py-hold hy ail pruggtsts.and Retailers. , f , J Mutb by Ua< l of A . £ w^v , **7*" 1 A of al, . B ; or ' b,c “ ;»>“«•«"• : sn .] 0 n the west hv land formerly owned by , JrfTcee that -Cost.r a name is on each I j AtUsol . containing 1« acres moii jor lesa, about So -ore, of Shf* are cleared t tf?.prire*pal Bet«.t. 462 Rroadwav, X. V. »nd under fence .on which is erected a, large f fVs ; w C P frMMi-s t Sox ’ I two story hnck'house containing un rooms hy • , | with "kitchen back, and cellar Underneath, al oaTlS-ti; “T '* * ‘ ' Deafer. Pa. |*» ■ *%*•, bari ’ br , icb ; f. m bpus * .. j. t crib, ana otucr. out bu;*a:ug.< also a frame ! house, divided iu six aparimcnis for miners.— i - i A good orchard of fruit trccs on the premises. ; Notice Ini the Orphans’ OoUtt The abore described farm underlaid with ( ! • ■ , - coal, one 4 foot vein onen. . , ; , I FITHE following appraisements, under thtj Also, all th'c right,‘title, interest and claim • X s Act of Assembly of April. Ibol. oi prop the a-.ftt.-c-, of defendant, of, in and io the following farm 1 er:y*allowcd t() be retained by a widow or V-Vrtj.-..-.-:.' S r ~ ior tract of land, sltttale Rea-', eh'Wwn of a deccdcntv-to me value til i$M,. In ieplv I- fr,Vjt;cnl in ’.nr,-'-: -n 1- i Vcr ‘count Vi Pa., bounded an. described as ' have been tiled hi th". Alice of the Clei it of *•; -• -1 ;te;’ ;.u.'.:rp,.t the- CCRA- ; follows, to'vvit: Ca the'north U b-.ud of B. F. - 01 th*-Orphans. Court o£ Bcvr’er coouly, aii-j Pin ,fli e i-,-c- .-ir,' CVfarac-1. where ! Snyder and Jithnis or the west- hr ■ a Pl ,r< > vc *t I* w *“ I i - ' ti.vj.rpil a it. ilk v‘ color, instead of Mack. • hind of Wsa.' Sc-ilk/on the -ouih and ea»‘t ' I’eisoual-properly to amount of 5.1b9,.0, «ihthe beaitl.y ere;’ OpthMmis. PteiTzinm. by land of Dr.. B. P. CliaiHiu.' containing ; fueled to be **? ’!*« widow of George Oyaviifv r’Jijn, f;'on; vecctii inflacinialron. 1— l ucrcs, orhess, übolit S*J r»crc3 of 1” • — ; VlcXiiHuer, dec d- Alirgilrct Alcxaudci,. Niti-in, Fi-nfibiUiy of the Optic Kcrvcs* i which are cleared and under Jc See: oh which •' A dm-'*. / nL-ins.... i rurked Fve- larcrrioa of the 'is erected a frar. e and log Loiijse, two stories ■ : Personal property to amonnt of 684,98, bff-’dJs., Fistula. Uchryrialii., - 1 high. with, cellar undcrucathi ilsd, 4 iehaat j e’ected to bo retained by the widow of Um. • iuoast tie ■incurable are Amaurosis." or : house and two stable*: orchard of frail trees -j B a:n vey. deed. Susun Ramsey, Adm’x^^ orucc:. p-nilv-i- ~f .], e r ,,.it 5 nerve,‘where ' on the premises. The above 'described Tanb ' Personal property to amount ot S27u,7<', ■acigiiti. vi.ihlc: .OpacUics and Films.from well watered and underlaid willi[good oituliiih- : ejected to be rctaiiied by widow of 11 illiam eiri-an-ir.tlanin'aiioa; ail cases in which the OUi ctuil-. one four foot vein open. : y foster, sr., deed. B. K. Bradtord and VVm. „Mii i>! the eye lessened or altered in form 1 Also, all the r ght.niOc, intdre-.t and claiic” 5 ?-'^ oaler ’ -' <i:: l' r3 - , . ■ v disease «f injuries: ■of defendant, of, in and to the following mes- •' Personal property to amount of 6300, elect. i'ffc'-.s of Vision, as il.-.a;or short sighted- shape or lot of giound situate in the borough :.ed by widow of Geo. Uemlcr, ff-, rar.v prni-i -Ov 1 c relieved or cured bv of Bridge.*aref. in the county <lf Beaver,' and . ec **• -’largaret Rcniler, Adm x. I t?K*ry aojuiie'dglasses. - ' i.«a«c Wl'..Pennfylr»nie, numbered 27 in| lhel’ Personal prpjicrty to amount of $$UO, elecK fisrEßifxcks.—Dr. S. Cnnniucbam, James plan 6f lots iiffen id borough, and bounded and C! * 10 retained Ly widow uf Milo Cain,. A:. ■ ..-.7,. described as lciiowc:i Cegirniing al a corner '< dee d. Jdfnea lliule, Adm r, '' ;on r.vidge slreel mdMarket: street; thence by ! Personal property to ( amount of §3ooy clcct- I Market ' street uad 133 feet tlo South allcv ! vd lo be retained by widow of Albert Ir eciel, 1 flichcc by the sanc 50 feeßto" a corner of lot! ec Jos.-F. Feezcl. Adm’r. N(f. 20. sold to .Samuel Porter land owned by i Personal property, to amount of s6oG2,elcct • David tlJence by the said lot. No. 2ti, ' ed to be retained by widow cl John Craig; i 133 feet to Sridg j street; thence by the same : dee d. John Crhig, Jr;, Kx’r. , 150 feet to the place Sf beginning; being the I Personal property to am’t of $2-10,40. clect .'same promises which Jacob" Wagoner and be retained by tbc widow of plarion Er. : Christiania, ! his wife, did convey to ti;e f&ii J v-’in, dec d, John K. M'lioUald, Adih’F. j Charles 1!. Shrin :f, his heirs add assigns; on ’ . . ! I TT"7 '' m • ... ,1 t whichiis .erected one frame dwelling; house, ■! Notice is hereby given to all persons tnfe.- ; two stories high, with cellar underneath; one ‘ est *d in the above several Appraisements, to , oi her frame building, two stories high, one B PP elr a* tbc June Turin next, of said-Court,, | frame stable, coi l house, shioke house and j l ***! nol later than the third day thereof, bt :oi her out buildings; fruit trees da the lot. ! in S l,]<: day of June, to skew cause, if, any i - Soiled and taken in execution as the propers i tbe - T baTe > ""by tlie same should not be ; con i' ty of Chas. I!, lihriner. at ihd suil.of John j hftned absolute. A. G. M'CREARV, r’Variec for the use of Andrew Swaney. j 'tnayO,’C3 „ j. Clerk. |* . Purcbasei ’ ■ coot, upon all ami qnired in, hand, required in cash be so conditions rop |i-iy will be The Eyes TVI. 3. U. SPEKE. If-6 Tonne;,; Piiinfourg, j 1 J u. vUvote sp*.*ch:l- attention, as ; i* 'V*>'T the Ai-i :.w,-: 1 ;y-ftyc • i_ of this j license IVolice. ifplitmitsfor License a! June Term, ’CS. IXSS AXD TAVir.XS: *>aker ...... ....ll arr. ;.nv tp'., | Xtw Brighton,! ’ '’.m ’ ■’hdrnelX'anip::..'.. do ' = ‘■••Je. PlfuPoj- _..BrWj:ew2fer, . tij j. I: ' ir ' : ’ ,v -b ■ .. .I) n r'!nn, ! >cnry A’ibcfty.'r.:!.; Britlecwaicr, i y 8iw8cr..,..;*..;.t. .PhUUf-sßurgli,’. rfojn Darlington, s •_>a(jr.!^jswaney ...^Mppirigport.^. • n'.reir I.ow. ry ,.—...... New Briglrtoi!, ■ - .lJol,nston..ii ..Big' Bearer, Resile..;. .:;r...Rcc‘hcs!<jr, ‘ ''• '- ; V'' r ' tic ’ hiz than 1 tjuart, ; _■'... , ;c;,vn Merchandize, tie. I C":_ ,r pi'. Spcycrer.l ..Rochester. "■ Ui.‘key, „.Bii'lf?,cvatcr, ’ Le G0n11v”...; ..I‘it'illipsburg. i .' '"L Economy Ip. j A. G. M’CREAKV, Cl k. | EXECUTORS' NOTICE:;. , , tetters testamentary bn the ( ,1 * • ~c s- "-! ' of Sakai; llt sfELL. Ute'of Moon 'to**. >-v;ng' been •li, , fciuienrigacil, all persons‘in fi ’ eMate «fr£ requested to' miikc e „,-’ h ll,e T ,a y®sc3l, and »l« : i-rcsciit thiflf umwlt- T to-rielncM. . l-OL'i-IU Mem if.- ■ . Esceuitfr. BXKcrTOR'S NOfICE. W Ictiera testamentary on the T-. .. ■ K I;L-r. j. 9lM<! '■'* j1 *: ca»et JohxsiOV, late of Notlfcl dic'd L^' er , 'P-’ ke-n-er county.Li Penn*- TJROPOSALS , ,afl Wsor. inJ , n graitedlo the underjtghcU; • I Director* of to ma>lc in,— 10 “M estate nre request- Op to Friday, th ■fiaiiis se»i '**!* P*- VCient .and thpse haring one Principal and ?-op«rlv " l' re * cnt i take charge of th ' fOT Eel,l » mcnt - lough. Suhooito \ Jpg ®“ Ter ip- j J«»e. a*d eoniini , St vlrtuaof Bn* fW»racia» i ootofthe Cot .Beavert erpose-topnhlio sa the bpronfh.of lie said, oa/!'' . * .. 6 00 2 00 3 00 $100,611 84 ■■ H. Slinner. 1 No. 3. _552.475 00 1.915 00 '425-13 3.709 75 71,9% 10 . | 'At the same ti Tie and place all the right, ti i tic, interest-and claim of defendant of, in and COUNTY, 6s; All bids under $5O will be j Jn tbe Orphans' Court of said county. Ap nt the time of. the rale. . If • count of Joseph 11. Cunningham, Adzn'r of ire not complied with the : the estate of U'm. Morton, dec'd.: confirmed r B-*»W- ■at June Term, 1859. ' March 2.i, 16£3, on _ mot ion the Cpnrt ap. ‘P*’ ■ jt , . phint lienry Ilice. Ksq., ad Auditor, to, dig. ‘ ■» , ' tribute the amount in the hands of the Adm’r, m are required l to pay all as shown by said account, amongst Creditors, t .. : Ac. (Erom the Record.) i j -KXECCTpiI S' SfOtlCß. A. 0. ATCREARY,[ CTert. i .TETERS lettatohUry on'the estate of Notice is hcrcby given that the Auditor,ap- JLt Inrt Mate:i, late'of Darlington town- pointed as above, will'meet all parties inter-i ship, IJeavcr ConntV, Penn's ifec'd hating eeted, for the purposes of his appointment, at} been granted tb the Undersigned.'alt peWMSa the office of Roberts & Hice, in the Jmrough ! indebted to said I state-are requested to makj of Player. on Monday the 2oth day of May, immediate payment, and those hating claims at 3o‘Clpck,x., they aaainst the same will present them properly m ay- present their claims, and be, heard; . authenticated for ■eltlement. ■ insyO' ‘ j" HEXRT HldT, Audixor. . JOHN D..VAjCGDEN, Darlington tp.| , mayC’62 . Executor. i>o. IQ. r ' ;“ 7 ~ ~ : “ ‘ B.vxk ot Br_vrtr. Cocntt, \ j i toi Tcafchers- . i ;■■■■ New Brighton, Slay (1,. 1563. , | i ill be received By the School A DIVIDEXD OF FOUR PEE CENT. I he borough of Bridgewater, XA. on the Capitdl Stock of this Bank, for! • i 22d day of Slat, 1863] for l months, h«».been declared this day, I 1 two Assistant Teachers; tojP»y* We tb Stockholders ortbei*Jegnl repre-j t Public school in said bor- sonlatires, ok : Dkxand. This dividend will i commence first Monday of] ** a frce of Uia United StatcaJPai, the Bank] ic eight month*. I baying assumed' the payment of the maiic,to i By order of the Beard. - [ tie Government EDWARD HOOPS, • I ; “TlB ,, * a ' ■j* " ■ cashier. I .Sii'tßirf’n 6m Beaver, May 1: j *a-I‘urch jjbtamp duties. Baacuton., myt BJrrVrite offcerarf-ftataa tedV*n4iGota£ artof £ommoa oflho 't* U 6 at the Sheriff* office ]nr eaver, In the* coanty :»fira . ■ • T-fi'- ,i'".;-1> js vrill taki t 10 COUNTY C^VENTION. s TY.'wlUiouP of> p|rty.;Whd desire cordially‘lo unite h» suSttinlngthe NATIONAL AND STATE; ADMINISTRA TIONS, In l their patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and uuholy rebellion against, the | UNITY OFj THE REPUBLIC, and who dcawfca Ito support, Iby every power of the govern- [ ) meht, Otar heroic brethem in arms, who arc (braving diseases, and the perils of the field, ito preserve! the UNION OF OUR FATHERS, I are requested to meet at their several places lof holding' elections.on 'SATURDAY; THE ISTH DAV'OP JUNE NEXT, (in the town ships between, the houra of 2 nnd P« M., »nd in the Boroughs between 7 anil 9,; P. M-J and choose Delegates to a Convention, to he He)d at the,Conn House., in Beaver, on MON PAY JUNE 15th, at 11 o'clock, A. M„ for ‘the purpose■ of ■nominating candidates for I County out! district offices-. The several towr ship, and boroughs will be entitled to elect delegates according to the following apportion ment: I 1 80r0ugh.'..;.........'..'.* Industry ....V. 3 Bridgewater- ...2 Independence. Big Beaver..;.... * Marion. ,. # .2 Brighton..;... 3 Moon .■■.■•.......■•.....3 Chippewa-...'..1......3 New Brighton. 14 Darlington' ....4 New Sewickly ..4 Economy'..... -.4 NorthSewicUy 3 Fallston.- 3 ! Ohio 4 Franklin ..i....... 2 | Patterson ...2 Freedom boro ...2 I Phillipsburg ...2 Freedom dia1.........2 1 Pulaski...... 1 ‘*2 Greene— .4 Rochester boro ......4 i Frantfort..'..; 4 Rochester ip-....;....2 M'Guire.....— .4 Raccoon..'.'..’... .4 Hopewell—':.. 3 South 8eaver..;..,...* By order of County Committee, i ! D. L. IMBRIiT, C'h'n. B. B. Ch.vmbkbi.ik, St r’y, ' < * i ■ ' - • - Candidates will bear in mind, that an ati nouneemeulu- to insure insertion, must be ac companied with Two Dotnana. Announcements. Wf are authoriied to announce the names of the following persons as candidates for the different offices' named below, subject to the decision of the Union Convention: ; ,i Assembly, WILLIAM HENRY, FaUston. ! ~ - | Sheriff, iLKDLIR,, Beaver, , 'JOSEPH 0-. WiLSOy, Beaver, DAVID JOHNSTON, FallHtou, J AMES A; AN DBRSON, Big. BeAver, A. J. COOK. DtlrlShgldu. JQIiN S. DARRAGII, Rotnester. ABHAHAM B. AVOLF. F tinner, Brighton tp'. Register & Recorded, ALFRED R- MoORE. Beav'-ir, ; DAVID, WOODRUFF, Bridgowilet. | j Treasurer, ijpllN CAUGHEY. Beaver, ( ' i MOSES B.j WELSH. Beaver, I i J AMES BRITTAIN, Moon, 1/ I Caw. MILO R,’ADA MS,Bridgewater. I WM. C. HUNTER, Brighton tp; f [ALBERT G. HENRY, BeaveK ’ DANIEL HARVEY. Raeeooti. Clerk o;T Court, JOUN A. FRAZIER. Daiiington, WILLIAMS. BARCLAY, Beaver, JAMES HARPER, Borough tp. Commissioner, JOHN H. KEIGHLEY Economy tp ELI D. EVANS, North Sewickly, ' JACKSON SLOAN, Freedom. JOHN GARRARD, New Sewiekly. N:.P. KERR, Freedom boro. "j. ■ TDLOS DEV IN EY, New Brighton-, JACOJI liOOK.ALopewcll, • , Poor, House director, JOHN K. I’OTTER, Ka'.oooti,! JOHN WHITE. Ilopewfli, ' | ROBERT COOPER. .Moon. j Auditor, . [ ■ JOSEPH M]CL (IRE, ’Bi-icl-ewater, HULili J, .MARSHAL];. Biy Bouver f • ___ _ ° ■ ■ ■ IS,MA U B L E W. 0!» B , s'l'-HE subscriber has purchased from tie E Patentee the right to use, in this counts, a new and beautiful invention lor protecting LIKENESSES IN’ TOMB STONES, and is now prepared to furnish Monuments or Head-Stones, witirijiia! useful improvement i*.t exceedingly low prices. |= THE EiIIELB - . serves to Screen and protect the picture of the deceased,> and becomes a heat and appropriate ornament’e Stone. , Picturcs.are pul ini AiU TRJiIT CASKS. and arc made to preset vc their original beauty and expression for many years. All kinds of marble work, military designs, etc, executed on short notice. - tr. 11... Marshall, mayti i Rochester Marble Works - . BEAVER COUNTY, as:. [ In the Orphans’ Court in and for said, cpunty. In t.he, ijjpiteri of tjhq account of Isaac Campbell. Executor aiid Trustee', under the will, jof- Joseph Alcorn, dec*!. And now, to wit; .March 7th, 1863, on mo tion. the Court appoint Henry Mice, Esq., an ■Auditor, to distribute the balance in the hands of Executor. (From, the Rfqord.) . 1 1> | A. 0. •M’CUfiARtT-, Clerk. All parties interested will take notice that the Auditor will moil .them for thepurposes of tljc above appointment! at"l ho office'of Roberts & nice, in the borough of Reaver, mi Monday the Rothiday of Mov, 180 d, at 1 o'clock. of said day. - IIEMIV HICK, ninVh I . v . Auditor. T;j;iii-e r r a U* : CLEVELAND & PITTSBURG 11, R. R ' Jr." . i i —, ; -J.i Beaver Station—rioixr. KAsf. CommwcfHj, Monday, Apr.. UU, 18U3.--Trffiw« ptkvcr HtntiuH ct jiutoirx t i 7:2$ A. Arrives *1 Fs tisb'urgii, 1): IjO a# M m.• “ - ■ ‘ | i.. 3:2!) r. M 0:-X» r. li ,• I' ...Going V tsY—■ .. .leave Vaularyh aeHlhaei: ' 6:00 a. jr Arrives at Heaver,......7:4 J A. M. 12:40r.M'. ‘ r. M. 8:5'» r. it. , •• VIA r. M. i I ' MeCUI-tOCGU, l’r\s\t. P; It. JIVEIiS, On', Te’nCtAga,'. • j . J \. PITTSCpCG, FT. It.’IS. Rochester Station- fidiivb A\AT. ; . . i heaves: J’.ocherter Arr, rt I'itig. Ist ACI on). 5:10 a: M....i. a: it." 2d Hripli n “ 0:15 I*. N -8: ‘J . ai. GJ BrigL'n • ‘ . 8:05 P. a S;DO ,ie. Mail. i . 5:25 r; k....:.|jBsUf r. ln r Ist Express, . ;1:20 A.' M....i.|;25i6 A. Im. 2U Express. '2.00 i>, i 3 C 5 v. |hi Citiciu'ti Esp. G:-)5 |p. m.....,' : '7:50 r. |m. * Going Va>T— j ; Leaves r.ltts. Arr.fitßoch Crostlinc |ACcow. ‘J:00 a*. J<t Bngli’uAccom. * r w *2(i lirlgli’n “ Nlait. i 1, Ist KiprcHjr, *id Eirroj-V, !;i 02:10 A. - M J2:4'l it >i.l;s > i'. Ji AUG'. BRAW.EV, Pupi.;fli. 1). ME XXeaiastev'rs rsX>tie!e. . .* .* •t. 1 s { : ALL Ifm-son? imcresfc't in the fallowing : Administration and Guardian At[-</ti*i;^, wnicU- liiT'c been passed --ididd;!tvJ InJiLV I'.t*- {ristvr*? ollicre, of Beaver rcuiiiy: V-,\. y.i’l r. Lc notice iliut’ tl:c tarn’s vill >»c pr.osrntt.-'jl 10 the o;; CVurt. to be bold at lieavrr. l*i \\ i.i>-»:Vr;|tlie Cd Cay.' of. June, An- don firnnuii.n and allowance: ." ! .V The iiijstf air I firml account of Jos, r,.pVi!s;.-n, Administratin' of-the estate of Narc.lssa dudv, L 'tied d., | ; . .. '! ■'■ | I The account of Snnnifl.ft. Execu tor of the last will ji»f * Robert ! No'vciisoil, dec'J. | ■ 1 The final account ofJolin ; Ilavl. Adminis trator of the estate or Dr.. William Si Coch ran, decjcll * ' v ;: , The first and final account of Joseph Con nell, Administrator of of Jfcunot Connell, jdec'a. , |" ’ ‘ > Tha i first and final account (personal) of Chas.and Jno. McHenry, Administrators of the estate.ofj John McHenry, dee d. The first and. final account* of John H. Whisler/ Executor of the!; last' vail orMarv lllack, deed. ' . ; . * The . final account of John Crairr, Executor of the last will of .larues Craig, dec d. ‘ The final account of Denj. Ki Hici sol, Adm’r of the estate of Rachel IMefsol, dcc’il. . The account of J. Stewart Elder, Adminis trator of the estate of William ‘Elder, (loc*d., who was-Administrator of tbo estate ofi Clar inda Wairen, dcc*d.* ■>' | The final real cas'.atc account of. John H. V.’liislcr,; Adm’r of. the estate of Martin W. Small, dcc’d.: - 4 ■ I, ■■ ■ 'the First and final account iof (Real estate) of Andrew Watferson, Executor of the i last will of William Scotti deed/ 1 / 'The Guardian accounts of John Slcntz, Ad- | mioistratars of'the citato of Samuel Smith, 1 dop’d., who was Guardian of .Tames Paxton, ■ Elizabeth and Margaret Scroggsf minor chil-j dren of Dr. James P. Scroggs,, dec’rf; ] The Guardian accounts et jolift Slcntz,Ad- . minislrator of lie estate Andrew Glass,* dec'd., who'was Guardian of Cyril?, Silas, Al- [ rtu, and Sylvanus Cauglicy.mino.'children if j Silas Canghcy, dec’d. : , : .1 r The Guardian account of David Ferguson Guardian of Ann Eliza Drooks mihor-dauglitor of Matthew Hrooks, dec’d. ■ Tht*Guardian accounts of Adam Henderson, Guardian of Caroline,Uriah aujl SciU (Joulson, minor children of. Uriah CouUau,•“dec’ll. • Guardian accounts of J. T. Stockdale Guar- I dian of Elizabeth aud Sarah Aon Calhouii, mi nor children of James 11. Calhoun,’dec’d. The Guardian accoun’ts'of Joseph Mitchell,', guardian of Esther and Eliza Doth, minor chil dren of Esther M'Crcery, dec'd. j TbeJJdardiin account, of George. Roizscher ! and Edwin, Reeder, Exr's . of the last Will of John Snyder, dec’d., who was Guar Jinn of j Anthony Setter,' jr., minor son 'of Anthony ! Setter,; srTUnc’d.' . ; r apr2tt. ■■ ■ - (New, .Brighlbtf Tim. NOTICE TO BUHJ3ER3. THERE trill be », contract, io let 'for tjie tmililing of a new Brick {Jrliool : House, ia township, (District Iso. 1) joh Sah.’tnciy, May id; al l Elan »*d ; specifications can be seen ft ■ An- said tovrnship.. i ‘ ■ ii *B j order of the Board: •*r22«S W-i/J LIFFERrr, Ete'y. KE UM S;ls i». m. i enter, A. M. * 1.* , 0 • )»«>« 4: 35 I*; 0:14 I*. M. r. m. £-JHi ?:Jii A. m C.:>;o .!•/ 3i: T:fO A: A. R. SltfOUE, Register. iopy.jr iKDomwrmtiiy oc / TIIS having, jiu;xlia*cd (he ;E»4 ÜbUsl'iment milt cnftcavor lo keep 1 Con .rtnnttj usually found in; ! :i ■< ' i - ;» 'Bring a t’hT.iificn and iiii:.r r :. }’;!_■ public may rclT bn Ida jtierpirig 'ft( TVKIiSX and ~BKBT l)iu;o4 :.v :: A rnriefrof other' artrclH will nlsobe found , | ; .. iu jbis establishment: ( : Tea, Extnt'ct 'of'-'. Cofft-e, - Soap' : Fancy Port J/w|vv|, O mli* A' ' ■ - - - .XL AKTIritES.' FOf THK j 'rOIIXT. POOL COTTON. LEAD PENCILS, EEI)LES,j STEEL PENS, lIAIK TOOTH BRUSHES, TOBACCO. SEC ARB, EET TE'U, XptE. A FOOLS- . CAP -PAPER-* ‘ Carbon Q'd Lamps abb Chimneys. These are a few of tbc'anicles. and only a few alway? oh hand. .Call uudsce. , He will try, by. close attention and fair d;aling,lo give satisfaction to all who may fivur.him with their custom. i • ■l] -Ij C. I*..CUMMINS,(M. I*. will be paid to p itting up prescriptions. [augi!7 BEAVER jCobrNTY bs: if ' JN the Orphans’ Colin, in and for Heaver county, before the II nnprab’.e Jud ges there in the mattcr of tlio petition for partition of. the real estate of Jesse Smith, late of the tiwnship of Ojiio, Beaver co., dec’d.:, I Now, tp wit: April 10, ISUB, Hill: oh the hpirs and legal representatives. Of said deCi’d., vii\,Snsan, (.eidowl Jesse Smith. Jos. Sibitji, Saihutd Smith!, Susan, intermarried with John Heaver, Hamilton .S:ni: h.H achiud Smith ami Thopms SniitlJoseph is dec'd., as is also his iVidow, but leaving four children, viz:—. I •sac. 'Sarah, intermarried with John 81.-lmV, Isabella . pud t Susan, whose interest in said ial estate .vested in Jesse Smith a'nd uouel Sniitli;' —-said Hamilton is dec’d, as al his widow! .ipaying one child,! Isidore, hose interest in the: said real estate is vested tht said Jesse and -Samucl.Smith; John saver, .of .sajt} Susap is dijc’d, and C 1 has since sold all bee interest fsnid real estate to.said Jesse anp Samuel e|i|itb; Rachael Smith, is now dee’di leaving ilo issue;. said|Thomas Smith still lijitig, but i|hose|intercsiiih saidircal,estate is now vested in said Jesse, and Samuel Smith; said Samuc: Smith; now dec d. but leaving a Widow, Mar gSret, >urvivirig, 'and four children, yii: Join I£. Susan},'intermarried with Isaac jenuisoni df|tVayhe coittil.y; o..:]Mary Anne, injcrmairi dd .with Jamei Dawson, nnd ; I.cursa agcdlf years.’ whose Daniel DawSon; shit! jjohn If Smith"being nethv l(i the service of tin Whiled Slates in I lie armv of the. west.;, and aV Others interested, to shew cause, if |auy’they have, why ani Inquest, to .make partitioh oi the real estate of said deo’d, should not bt urded .at an Orphans’ Court, to-be held ai Heaver aforeshid, on- the Ifirst Monday (being the Ist day) of Jupenext. |[| .aceording to Rule, ,ordcved a: ip the heirs residing out pf the county. : ’* cony of Rule;) ; ‘‘iVf teat;, 1 ■ j A. G CtiIERT S ordcflsaucd out of tik of Beaver coi\niy, ;J; tvlii cspoiso to. public vendue or out-cry, at th• Court Haase, jin the borough Of Bearer; Boa, vet county,iHeJufOi* 0n,., J Frtdai/,\ 2Ufk' day of Mny 1863. i t 10 oVlocliva. in., 0»i one undivided seveiitf part of tlicj following real estate of Samuel Woods,\ dcc'd.. situ Ate.iii jjoptli li.;; [Beaver couuly; I’iii, boundc inj follows, to wit:.; Bounded b land of the IroirA -of Henry Miifei , ,f deo'd; o tlie oust, by land;of John McKcd, tic hcii's:f I\[\lliam Irwinl dlccX?, giid Ovid itinney <m t'li I"ovth,-,by land of lie heirs of Aleraiider .Mi plough,.dcctd.l oh thoi'vest, and tty Jnnd < l:e heir* ofl Jiihn M’Kcc oh <Vo| liillj On li: uuth, two- hundred pud hinel crcs arid silly-three perches; or thcre.nbomi on w.hieh arc brthied .cue iingie'log-eaiKn nnd one leg, stable; about or hundred uere.'j cleared :uci under fence, tl: hcvhrnct' lu'liilj.u r. 1 "the (can is'v.dl- 'Valero, And li.;* a-siauU i*reiiard ui’ croud fruit treed. I Ti:r.:«s—(liie-iialf of llic piiHln*e mono t'pbe paid in hand uj»uu 1110 1 11:0 ciie I, v '.he Cm:it. cad ife I’euciiuintr ei eilf thereof tjo be pa id in one year if. eve:'; fit! jvillr ,iii*eresl|tbcreon!tvom mi id , confirmation to he tceuiodjbv. boiuband ne-rtrra ce. - ap-dl) : TNUS..(;i:NNd,.\fiiiAMi Adtn'r.[ 'ifV THE (i(UIIT”OFji-OMJIIUN IiLEAS (T •I- BKAV-KU CIOUXIT.; j . . *. Xo. lOd Sept. T. it'd. Itftibori MTrOtrv ) ii Foreign Attachment,- vs; | , Judgment by dufcihlt. ohn Sl’Faria id. ff. of claia) for iff ihli filed. April'i-l, ISCS; ftulc for the Prothonotai o r-A-:* the (1: image** and liquidate the apt' f:thc JiiiSgnimlin this case on the 4th da' f June., A.n.i 1803' 1 «li2» , Attest ' iiiE Common: pleas :oi 'ijKAVEU .CODJJTV, .NO. 110. JUNE T- ?«2 |‘\fni the, mailer of tho' management >ir ill' trjisfl'iiUlc and funds in the hands of .tame: j!>. .M’CrearjvTniatce of Hnnniih Hush. | | .Notice is hefeby given thai (lie account o said Trustee lias] been filed in Ibis office, am flint the same {will bL allowed hy the Court nt ;th ( lt first day of next; term, unless cause thei be shoivn I 'against its confirmation. i ■ j , .i, * M. WEVASP, Pro. |"* h AbMiissTs^T^irs^o^'ijL i R' - Lr.TTEIjS of - admmisl rat iouupnn jtbe es tate gf tmtMriio.N Hi:i.L,.j la.lo of Econ omy tp., Beaver county.-l’n., dec’d, bavin, ijiien grablcd io tlie undersigned'! B '®'! persini knowing themselves- indebted CO said estati arc rcqucjiciil'to rnado imtuedialo payment, and those llaTiug claims against the same wi present them properly authenticated i for set tlement. • 'MARVIN HULL, Economy tp., apr2o’C?.j; AilministriUbr. 'Ta bMiNtsi’iiATOH’S; i^iTiciT • i ■ I;. t i ' . ;I>■ ; ■ MTIIEREAS -letters ot administration o [ the estate of Jonathan Kin set, lat of Georgetown Boro., Beaver county, d« c'Cascd, baring beenduly granted to the ud dersigned, nil;persons indebted to said estal tire notified to make'immcdiate payments art l rose liavlhg claims against the same will pr< iieui them properly authenticated for settle nent without delitv. ' i. IANNMARIAIT KINSEY, Adm’x., , apr29 JOHN I). MACKAEt, Adm’r, iA’o'l'liCi7 •.; *. ‘ J• ; V. , ■ . Ij" LEXTERS if administration on thc estate r Ai.rtutn tj. lin.L. latc of pepnotuy tp, lies rerco.-, dcc'd, |hating been gratflea to itlie lid icrigned, all persons indebted,to.said fatal arc requested to tcake immediate payment, an those’having Iclaim gainst'-said . estate tyi present them jib | the subscriber properly, an liicn’ticaled for settlement.! : 1" : ' ENOS HILL, Economy tp„ . apr23,'63. . j i i ■ ' Administrator; : IVoticei t Llj persons hairing unsettled aocoun /V .with me,! or Smith & Calling; <ti thin lh' auMwemy years, for Carding, Spiining. &c: rill .please cull at the Falls ton Woolen Factory >efore the firs| of Qot'obr" J8&1, td eeltli lie by ca»bl<'» - 1 jyl(j,T.‘> T XH Street, Eeacor, Pcttfa, 3-\ XBJUtilr&roprutor. ■h- . ' 'i r- \l B&te~ako county . trlU-dJUt, renal jlowhsh'ips'kndiliofO'Jji— .. . , - ' V,..!.'*.* <Wt*'- ,df receiving the Gon-aly.lsd: S«iU«. real -M’. ovJISU, lit ilic umes>and pK«a vteJS’ ,»i -<tod,now.-.-».o. Jfljiedbelk-.Tis' i : ■r^l»Snl«cn'hc,U^ l! nJ^ ! weta ijr'v* 11. ■ • „' „ r ,|at.vo» cl said citceaicd. ■»«:■ tswip Jsu^Be.MHl > May -0. i 1 vk i; cbßrt Hunter: Mavri.s.*- $ oh 'f> '?•; ''l 1 • If : ; tH-Vf iuU’iiatr. j).ui rjiii|iici,w-itb EnJd. Potr • ,1 •*> H^H" 8 3 >3 t .' 5l - t V • \ e- rcS ;a-.*2.n:.:a*:cWt* hi Of; rUillSj)hl)firg!i,j <ll J 3, Uijiter --. •■,•; j owa ; 4 /•, .si-ier, iiiK-r;narricd ; . with j'rccabtn, .; ] : do »(»iJl,C!!Ekcy|3 store.. .. TUon ; iia a widow ) Presiding in H'Pi 1* *“•. f.’ ;b„. K u: lp i itl>e tm o:v of J.oui-M Minerva, ja. •Uoclicsterjp., ; , c.o- J, ttta, a hotel. of inle?*n;e.f ivt£v4:ani«4 *wjil. .?lmah ■- $9 ■ - oro v ‘ J9* ~-t V°t [Trf i J;:i.ison, of CtAiimbiana'coun‘ ; T, O.VJane. |a Bridge™.*.-, do 11, IP/rhenf lr heUI. ilit J llte /with, Milo Patterson.] • do " • Bradshaw, oi S-avci- cot.njiy, p-A all oiliets , Lng iiP" do U, M diik' , ; -h ictvresbed io /lew-, 'ir :%;ihe./ - iftr*. •• N°«ja Sonicno U», X. • : i whv un Inquest to noikc* partition of the real # •* Se" f Sid decrial s-in* he ' 1 ■ a r o’ -' I '-ouv:. :ohc|hoiaa! iloavewV ,l ‘i .'f }° i\' I.'l.T' •? I Leaver Vn\ tl.c/firsl Wcndhy*f New BrigWca. do. . 2'V'l:urLa.lldßSC.,, •„• -fi ~f Bulel t- . ::ew|sev'H-Uy. do 22, Ocorge LaasHicr'sib: y." J!X'P. liA»i i, id k, t .- do *-V,' George s, ; ,• } V ‘ ■ . ,/ ; _J . (.liippqwa, \U\ 24, Mrs. .<2 fc OUhty, K*? Stcosr r ' f J” »; iSlif. ; ■ Pnllkton; - ' !dol, 80, Toll bob-e. ol Jol ‘i A - i Xr ' ;l !° :V k 1"! • „ Dawlingtoc boro,-!.J«Vv .2, A) J. Coil' ! ir.; ; Au< ?, l: ,’ U 't '• w . d ! o - U «p„ do* S. .Ti I>. W vonb-3. Y .Ai ’ ?|.-^ Rhicood, ■ do C,-Hi Kwiiijtls.' ■ drov to’mako- iiialviliiiiiou, nii(Wr.iFl.a)ltnc indcpcndcEcfr. do .7, : .;i . 1 alance in flic !.atr>--..r ti.e Ajaignt*, r.moij S ’ d,, * Howctvcll do Si-Bbcd & KcrrVMore. U.« crod.lor* :<p<X .oate report at next.lcim Hopewell, i do ; !•,•BU«.. I MtVa. ( A i.ov eittaet ire.m tl.e I. cr*™, I • •,. Mora,. I ■ do Ip, B]m. Jk.:’.i'|u;s.. : , „ucat: . M.. Wfi AM>, 1 ro. j llook.-tonn, * : do • 11, : . !■ ■ I' . ’■ ■.•. t A - ' <do k G-feono tr. do M, ! do, Mo. ; ; .Tbc At:d;lor r oove-named n tend ho ,hc IlahovcrJoi'Ccn},do 1.',. r,:eer?o Tjaicr'r ci l.« !,m«nnu..«.t :i «bo Ucrk.s offioe, Frankion , ,I do 10, 111 arfiitiehcdii'-. >« Kravcf. ,on Tuoso.jv, May K«b, 15(.o, at, Hanover. do 17, FWPs id te/ . !•< •> cVwk;«... u. rb.cb-nme part^ Tp., do 1», Trcasurerds ' ( eatcd w.ll altciul. J. b; I.LI a.N. A r. 1 d*X„P: yment oani lie made in ndy adjoin- RA!()I:’.S XdJ 1’!..-'t‘.- ing jDistiiqt. Tnx-Paycri. are ckpvcTc*! .to ■ |- of ralmiiJsWdtioh^i’.ic ‘.•stilt* procure Bankable iunds. ; i i. • t' m I ■» - o f'M \ky‘ 1 • t , . decM;; K ra..«- 1 ih Tyensur...; , c ,i ( 0 the undersigned, all persons indobipd t<( rrr\ TrTiii’ir'i T-rtn' ' said estate are rc.jueste ! to make .TANT.. TO £F;|l ALES. , piytacn(, arid tlipse iiu'.i elaims iaid 0 1 _ . ~r —rr.. . I ; ! estate will present tUem to tbe, subscriber DR. CHEESEMZ.ITS EIL T 5, ; ,: ' properly-amhcuticJitcd lor toulcmcnl. fur. el.mbination Ol) in ! ; tllAFtX ’ r ills are! tbe * result of a ancl; extciis*T.e * j.iiaetlce. I They nfc mild in their operation, _ and certain in correcting' all ineg^b.nUi*k v f menstruations, jrciiibviiig ill 'johstrac tioiisj \Vhctber from cold or otherwise.; he,ad*, ache, pain in palpitationcf tlie heart; whilps, all 1191*7011 V; nfFectiohs/ fatigue, hy.'tor ics,;patn?:u the back andiiiubs, ctd., sletfp, which from’ ini ti. up! :rn of nature/; Dr Cheeseman’s Bills '*] 1 *i { tyatt tbe conimcnccmeuit, of a netr icra in ine treatment of these hTcgiiliirities tjnd lions which lm»e consigned so maty io a wic- K.vffr.E nn.wk. No female can }r 1 ~i.-yj good apr.22 IMP O ' hcahh niilecs ‘•lie is regulateand \|;i ■::•('V.'r Mi obstruction takes ptaec the-ijencnjl health be -1 gins tbdecline. j ..• | ' j y j •fj , Dr. Cheeseniiin’s ijillk . . ' ire the], most cfifectiml. remedy -kntnn fcr til j Comp&mts peculiar to Females. To all ‘cl ts scstboy arej invaluable. hy/m-.v/y,. ]?r,7/.' ccruim-' : ty, periodical rcvUcr-ty. Tufiy’ ai4-,kne'm. to’ who have . u:-cU th!em( at(Vitfcrent p peiibds, t iiroupUout the couiiFr)\l having the j eardtion bl’ some of the __suoi?i tuJnem m, class in America. ’-J ■/-. |■ • ; yEiplmt. direction*, xtatin? xvh ri . ht yftd, with eftdh f Pried One Dollar 1 j per P»ox. containing from *V) ’j' math thf, ;v i}l’hiiitinp. tc JtJlij; proprietor.! Pr. Sniyh hT*;ir:Jgei\atev' i’Bole agtii.* lor Couutv; ■'^-.v Vr ■ ! . > fi‘? | ;. J . • ih) Cedar! Ct*.. IS'ew Vmk.v List of Cmiscs ?or Ji.;ne ’63. c t Tij'cmas \Vhite t? I’iiijliji ibo-gon. ..v' 1 i'v I Uxtiam Meaner, ct al ArivbraoTi.‘'‘; if V) i sonic• s '“, ;• ,;V • dVih> M Kinicr : '*• And w jWebh. f<l ai. u* 1 Bank-Lawrence co. S<BjUr ( riiiQl'crhiiiii I * ! V ; tatiie. 1 :p !•. ’ Wcie : : 'bV .T.; A-^. : ,ijlTi*!;ryvl:iin. i . & T"'-czoii- , “ .^lb-.r'.U'cli. (.loiH'fie y! *• Jjdclc or;. ?v |N. AV. CunninglKiia ••■Jjiigh 'Bcrjiriii, Adnnr.i f'T'i Janies ,l *w[». M. Siih"?. opi*s.- IClf +r: I A ‘ ... L!lifO».‘.iK \ ami TV-vAi : Ccorgc Wtoa-i, jr,'' “ My.illiojsv jKldcv. •/'■ .1 i}.B ? McGowan 41 .Limes ribairg, cicd. ! .i V.'itHftm / ** c:t Wi ‘si| ■ r ■■ ■ ' , “ij Win. !•’. Laffeity.- “ .lar.irs. Apr. 27,G& i M, vVKVAKL. Trfi A ■ »•; tlie ikafc-rßrjiigtSbre,. “i-kl-riUcViN-s c.wai, orj, nirK^kiut—TflE 1 i BJL : •LI'I’TLB 'MOSIIJO ■ > hut ft »*U \> nitwit chiiniirys, .a splpnJiu*•:y*., I mL\ y.ivhon Oil I.anteriis; without clAir. y l . Vorsderj Brng'Store of C. •1 , .| ('mninin-—_ ’t IdirU.i'owclcr, Young Hysdi and Jilacb Tca.j, y l.jill lijpbd; Coffee, Ext. Coffee: P&iKfcShiii ! 3;,ty:p for table uhol, ?v pidajc thing: jij'chervpcT of Byi’i p. " > vbiy good; vinegar, Ihopluy, Laid; scrubiug; y ! brushes iind bjUi ‘ f j t • ; currants ;an,d ilf.isoxi3 fu flail .sifCT • Cuaimius* Drug Siorc; ___ ■ .j r ’ •'• ■ i Cb'nfjfiSsions & ExpeWcnce cf,|afr Invalid. '.{ j lor liuMJcnclit.oiui aa n v.avh I. ui£.M.p J a camion tt/ywi: g :Jen who >ui* n I lor [from Nervour Ik-bilily, ’il-wnaaSuro De*;ay u 1 ic.J,'supplying : ut the Hiiinc lin.o lije oC 1 By one h.:s iduxJ 1 dicing pul to gre.u cspoviso lurqugh rrxl- V{ icat imposition ttntVquUckcry? By! enclosing a ■‘j post-paid addressed -envelope?,* _ cniglc Copb s . !-mat be' had of the; uuthor r >ji\TiiANtEl .!' MAYFAIR* Es»q., Bedford, N.:Y:; gd. mir2G;ly. ■ j * i , j.. ; I i M. 'IVcrANH, Pro. STL’AYOOW. SAME to lbe premises ; cf the ; FubsCiihcr, j. living in Now Sev.ickioy tp-.lEonver eo., . _.. H oh the tlih of October; 180-, ia rod' cow, j witli a white face, 'abont Otcci s hid: she had ; abell on, and two or three'slits injthe ter; .ho ■ other marks visible, The owner iti requested 1 to home forward 1 , .prove pi operly, pay chiirges ! and take her away. -i 'i - V. oje22fSt. , ;■ Ailrl SMITH: . I ,> p ’ lL.pst! I>osr.| T LOST in Rochester, on the 21 «t of Cclc jLj-ber, a Black Shepherd Dog. ivvith w,li;!e rmil niipund his neck, and while ti|» on thcppd of his tail; answers: to' the naiuejof "Ring. ■’ , Any person finding said dig vvilli be-sniU.ply: vc'.varied by leaving littu it Johnstor.'s.Hptcli.i near Rochejitcr Dcpotpprine the residence of the'subscribcr in New SenTekly tpl 1 • I novl2 •„ JOHN GARRARD! j ■ r I;.- * • ” j M.Y wife, Susan Wilkinson. bayinVlcffniy ibcd nnt£ board, all personsj art hereby uoilne’d (lot to trust her on ,niy'recount, ,na I will not nay any debts of lief contracting.: \ if 15EX0XI WILKINSON. , ■ i' ;Jf ‘ j ’ liife Hcai', mnr,q,'|o3 .’ " t./c Lawicac<( cp., Pa. ; .p| Wanted Immediately, . f, IIOX.V MINK, IIACCOOX, SfclJNKf. and I MjUSKUAT SKIXS: for which,the highest prices, jin .Cash, -will be jpaid at tbe Cheep Clothing Store of 1. N. ATKINS, lieaTcr—sign oftbe|liig Hat. '■ i j dce!7,_ |;:J r IStrav. ! a"-. ■•r: i i ■■ ■ ; v . ,■;* :■ CAME* to the premises of the subscriber, i£ Chippewa - tpi,, about the Ist of July; a .White, lleiler, 2 years old. Xbe owner is rpijticited to iomo Iforwai-d prove-property, pay charges and take tier ar ay; oiberwiEe she will bo’diepo«<(d of .according to law." f Alg,Bi—sat ■ tnos. MjKINLEY. i. ’■ ' t ■ ZVotice. • ■ ;; ' Lr>rv;;r.S of administration ■’m'o'n tin- Js •inteof township, iieHver cuuntyr-l’ec’d, Laying bco.ii granted; ta •Le'JufldcraigacU, all persons Jn debiod tr» situ ,$.-.wite are ifijuesied l<? rmike hnffu'Oiate'pavment, and having . against the. name .will .present thorn propcrlv authenticated tcrsettlihueiiHj % - ■• .. . j . AJ.WOAV, WATTT./.501., r ■ , ' L'liil.t'ill tp., •April -io.’S?-; j? ii.;.viip»vntur r 7~ to i i i r " '\TTxl KKKA3; kttcr* testamentary Imyiug \y boon granted to the 1 tindt-r-igued, oif ih<£ Hi ticuA Hu.l,- d'.c'd., Utu*,<a. Kbtmoniy t}-.. c,Oi-:»*-y. Va.. »!’ j-triroinj. n;ci*.:<'lrc; .in*u-b«cd to: v ri d estate ire voty-kMed to uiukv in.DK-cliaiclT and tlioso li:ivi,r-?r clu.i’.hs iigjiinst tUc same v.UI > present.-tbcia-to liifi’ subs»oviberduly ja&thcDtt* caiud lor seuiemen:. * -, I - , ! ' , MAUVIN inrLL. Kcoir | Kx'c«4«rj.; . 0p22 To the School jDireelcrs of! Beaver County.,-1 ln pursuance of. ui'e-‘ 8«;o it ton «jf ili£ Act May, 180 i. you arc hereby nuplied to.inert in c*;n\c:uiLti. .tfl tl o ('/>{•£ :u lic:ivcr\ the ilrsi Monday ■ \}C ’l'*.. beiij" ;i: o -iih dny of ftLb im>ui h,. s*» Il'oc’lf'tk in 'the allernooi?. t rr:j • lech.. r.Va t :-i r . hy. r i?j_r y;i n,b. .wiihio 1 •lumber o*. . jj c? r i >. t h<| j.cK v cn cf .literary,' ‘pTidj Fv'/’ti*’.: c : } u ;*iv' :: 4 f ii.s. i;r.d cf • j !A!V wuc e »-vt .oi: : jicr«vii!| , ns • County i.'tj uii.unouit. a.r the tidee iicc j'.-d, • i;iii yt;. i; :| lioumdho U.c j.tnoi r.t .of * ov ]trsa- • : lb*Uui,i ihe viiit: >:r.U <ci lily the rt ?ul* to lie .["Si&vc- fcfyjat l.anijTvi jr. is ic nulrcd ty tbc'bL'ih t-nd 4> ih • s-'cilAft.* of said; ail.?; . ' 1. C. C.VI.L|TI:i.*.S, 1 jr . Cuy I. '.•f J B?avi-r Co,. I ! 'Fj<,aisfurt > ■j • V IVoi* XloilU. '; v jrjpAll large ivw». srorv- llrirk Tvjlh | .£ * ; k:tclicn—in :i»! jdxtern . rubio:*—mu able •nj: a Ut-UldijijZ V. li,C*.lvdoUi Oils! "vii uro 'R'-re-i .of y oKiivili an-’ : V-mv . £dul ./;cjh. j;hu a-11 nceoysar.v. ov‘. ■ built' : l.ti ; mi us.?itonoV reddence, p.t, i&nU A.Uo, private rosiJt-iiCo, r.vo bil<i£v acres ■-•fßitrlcLcd t 0,:.. ' 'u-.-ot'-vir/, on I - bn!: u..i <r s.j ■? 11 1; : rtc• or : l.'o l.’bvr , oi c fbc n) .‘Vo ’ or l oi V, ‘.•■.vrpiccl Ib/ Jcl/.u c: K.vrj//. ’ - . : ■ ■ to CliAl'-lirS bl OAK,>at ii.o ! ,cr v-. v.-l’viiii Vi-- at i Vi.- ■. nX:-j -1 ;i '* l>lsrsoh);1o;i. rj'VfE •.'jrctOio:*’cx; - :ii-g ;i*!?»rp»v] ; c , .':f , iU.’Cf-VxEti. ’ii l‘uiUt on. ctiofigod in :lit- Flundrl- Mo.ciiiuc, luisiuos,'.' duiy uteteKcd r.n da/.or Jv.feV JFXi thi> : litc iy)u w;U be rcUicu Dorrngh *& C’o., ri-tlu'ir ofi; : IbaiVer, conn* v, J’a.; 1 where tlfcy will continue said\ bn-mio:* in r.l! jips Alipovson,' I:nnt:ic :Xselveb • ind'.bivd to tuc bin* linn will phk-isV o. 1 '!! iind ‘'sonic ixr.rncdiatclv. DAVID M * ’ --r . ‘ -..MATTISON’ DiiUKA^n; I F:illston.j e 10,’02 ‘ ’ >SiI. PARilAffi- 1 i;no'i !<;k. ALL riCB'isONS h.-ivioo business .tKo" .subscriber,' will. ‘please call Kobcjt TaMdu. -n hq'is duly authorized ■ to tend to all business during my absence. ■ Abb nil persons Hjrinf: unsettled accounts 1 «ill e»U and me ke‘settlement as'soon .us passible. As becomemy tw.lenve Ji ir.’.e for .tire pu:'p| ci sevvireg>my country. I Lope- toy C’JsTqmers will still,give ibeiV tiy usunj, nsihey wilt find Mr. Teiiou iitetbcahoc Elion jimd, my ion, James, at the tan-yard. 9ep3, 18ti2. » ; JOHN 11. .STORES iVßarc chance for a Good h FOR SALE STOCK AXD b FIXITI.ES OF .V COT XTKY STORE, in n ,g. oil hociitien.. piill dings ivi.iv of custcir.; '.situate within . ll? ; ibiU-s; c. I’ir; M.i ) 'y. Just lin Fine'■ for Jill and AVinicr Trade ■ ;Stock lew at present;;, no Coods., STerfuS easy.' Tcr‘n. ■iri.isrbf limited capital; (io belter chance tnild bejoficicd.— Store and dwelling lor sale jof rent— . Address 1 ■ U., L.” Allegheny City, I'n„.‘giving yogi name.' pad, stating where an iiburvitw can he held,- ■’ lv,. ES NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ! The cw.p.sio'Er;jtas Ofiicein WA SE9 IN G TON, ».C. Jcr i he Collecticn j>ft' »*! . *- • > j | Pensions, Bade Pay and fJconty. . ■ due', Souliers. aud'vill prcruptlyi axttiril 10 nil WiiiVs-ss entiustcd'tv Isiai.n'iii jGt tiisli' in-, onuitliou>relelive to such eldirr.s, upon" euvio sari of actfcsaarv postage sltVmps. ~ !. I , | 'SA-Sltfct.r A: i’OAVEU., v. ■ ■J ' ■ ; (Kirkwood,-Hcusc.V-i . ■ lo’;i i‘C3 , Washington, 1). C. (New- Castle Couroiit, Butler Aincii can, and Bearer Star copy- and Ijill to .tliU Dllicc. 1 1 " c. dummins, a, c G. it*. Ctiminins & Son 5 ' OtTEK.tlicir profcssionnl services, as I’liy fdciaus repd Surgeons,.. tothe ci'izcjis of litrver , emf vidinitj. They can ■ jl'.vnys be fou-iii, noi profession! j efignged, at-tfee' Drug Stone of C. I*; Ccmmius* 51. X)i . Ded!To3 . I :• ; f PROF; ■l\ - obi>’S,REgXOEATJVB CORDIA and; Blood Renovator, the genuine, ant .cle.for.'iii# at tie-Brug Store of . y e«ai , DR. c. Kgftliqpfci IBE 1=2111121 vestment, rriJMi!>3, m. r». ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers