ABGUS Wednesday. May 6th, IS6S. q / L. IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. -n Mg-pOsi Doliau ud Finr Czxti w adtasck; otherwise Two Doir ** charged. Ko paper/ discontinued totil aU/arrcarage*.«• eeuled. grid communication*, bj mail ,)nll iare prompt attention. , - A .1 Letter from Mr. Chase. I The Knights of the Gblden Clr •r i i, . ...'I ■ cle Resftlng the Lav! i National League, in response to their; becomes otjt painfhl duty to invithtion to attend the Sumter meet- i chronicle..one I** 1 ? and at ; r . i the same time one ot the most during I ’■ “Washington, April 9 1863. \ »»<* damnable atiomptsut delyh.g life j -'Gentlenfen : 1 mperativo demands’.‘‘'c laws , Govmmmenl thai, bn m)y ti.rfe compel mo to deny my i lias yet occurred in this section of the, self the gratification of uttemiing the i counlr}'. , : , j - cl i meeting tc which you kindly invite mo. ■ l,laic clenr.it bccoiuehj, citizen| *‘Ypu; : will meet to. send words of necessary to enter somewhat into do-; -nesting 'fee to.checi| lo om-■ I.ravo generals and sol-; tal *'. • .a. i*-*-’. . . r.l- iil Tho following diers !in the) field; to,rebuke treason! When tliedrafywaH made iin ' ■«* I . vprfin- 1 * n oiir midst, giving, in the garb of;^ 1- last, a •ung man, by tiny name] e P7 ’ , c ' ! peace, aid and comfort to treason in ;°- . dumcs o> Mid dice reek! tt- liUraUm— orthography, j p«i}C-![| lo .*p| ano| ,lyi of war; to jmaiiitam in-i U»\v|islup f -voluntary entered injo an! ! tuatipn, Ac. After giving the! horne.J violate tho'integrity of the national , arra.ngeiucut, Wife Mr,Azariah Rl’Cc-j; .ows and i nows, bo-says:. ’ i '• j territory ami the suprcinuoy of the! t5 L lo j S£ haspoliti-1- suppose you afe vitiovlife vour- national constitution and laws; to ' bo was drafuap into;the soi-Vic-e pt | .on are well cLfac-|«clf as well as could be vipcclcd eon-! strcn-gUmn tiie hands, arid nerve the' ' ...-ingle word Kepuklican. i sidel ing tho circumstances a soldiers j-bcar.t«f thei President Iqr the great; .“,*. ‘ ‘ I)aP |,| p:. ' v . . muhlican io its Lcartv adhesion i life, for my part 1 felt as though I ] "ork to which God and tho people : K C-t- * c *£- v .ie WcaVtiuil. that ’-‘God hasiwoi.id have! like to | have went with I have bulled him. For what worthier: f’ V ; VW of but 1 arc Very ■ w|;i satisfied 1 American citizens .now : ’.nd ‘oC uU ! ’ 1 i' - life, ibertv. and the pursuit i eou-mmiou To noting ibr the mi- ' that God coos not mea i that this,' f‘ d V ! niness”— in ■ its ' grow., and their feeedom irrespective ; American republic shall >rUh. Wo^ ! -■oaruc.t d-rmnl ImstUitv to bi t.,e Vr.-ed.mi and S liberty of the ! are tried as by fire, but jour ' sU H tC! ? lr ‘V S- U ! true Al.d enot t ~-f the Slave ! whiteman it is 100 Bad the way things j will dive.. Notwithstanding? all the ! i •m The Ai-nesation of Texas h;lV y been going thi.sjwhile that citi-! violence amljall the inacliinaHtnis of: °; lt <>f 1,18 mouc >» uot S' v i«h ' a, H 6 { H Rehcnio;.. to gfast> the . aeus must be am-.-fed Bv an arbitrary ' traitors and j their sympathises, on • u ‘Vtuoi; . . '••• v.-j.i; ■■■■-. .;i the New Wo; id lm ‘wield ;j,owor and uraged aUaV to some urn tlm’Or the other Jide of the Atlantic ■ .f 1 >»» ; es bf mn- .y..u:uiWfo.r Us d.nowr prison just because* they Imvn ! our co.u.t.y will live. . : ““ th .« f tn,,u I ulik-u.LM-t—k.:p»b'!ie;.n in , Oven Vp.-aking their ir.inds. this' isflio 1 “-And while; our country lives slave-, ,f : lb ~tU , ,P h A?^ Uh to : the d.-t.U' of the • liberty l wo. c.do V( nt.dlaa' long, as U,ov t ry. the el.iefsou.ee, and cause. ur .d -authout.es find .thrcateu.ug tp , fondh cad freeing the Bliieku a.fd not \t our ills, will die. TlteTtiemUl ' [ V r? i ■•• lies si.-iMeidy Vl.rust. ing’to’savc am not goim'iol the Union in tho .South, before n- Jl IcM V‘V' U - bowevy louiid |il | ' iiteriian counter- : until. I cant Help it J if W to-RaU the I hellion, predicted the destruction), ot-, t-onvpiucwO • to ‘Wcewptp ■ theinse.vea, ' -k- -bo ; wav ,hc democrats arc iked, they arc I slaver -.as a couscqucice of secession.; « *■« .^oui,: I •Cl in its, cidic.l traitors southern syionalhisers I U madness sl.ould prevail, -i Alt;t " ! ‘ h duly i.erulde.il by- the j J{,'-Kt«.nd copperheads, a nanieiwliicii ■ Nothing, .in my judgment, As 1 more ''! ‘ ••surprises ,au'y crisiian’would j than [tl.o f«|?.lment -f these . 1 ! W -V ofil.is fellow hieh such names. ! liWiens. Safe jn.% stales; before *' ’our own eiders in bur own i rebellion, fronl all federal mterference, j llt L P‘. Jt -‘->,bj b(J, ! IL ‘Uc.iu.s leui n- . • :;5 ilhere is 9 n« crl i has ekne oullfrom Us. shelter, that there wa*|-W bo,a iuneral at; -'eu I dvsni-e i understate constitutions and laws, to ' I ‘ l1 ’ ‘oeWlueli U was quite,; ‘ ’-4 .o' e ' a-saii the national life. It will surely ’ that Hummel would pies-,. : i'die.’.piisrccd h-J .Mown flingsUnd sting. :“- f mrdil*ly ordered bergoauf j I -What in a tier now-how it dies ?- and an loNbw Ber-j I Whether us a Cousequoue or object of. Uu,,wtlh itisiruciioneyoarrest h.m iu ;: : the war what matter? Is this a reasonaoiy. pi^suming:, I liinoito split ijairs of logic ? To me . t ’ a * , ' e 1,0 tvould, bb:j rif seems that Providence, rmJ.eatcn.• am b!o(;d,?hetl• iiyo.dcjj;,j Bdt.( jeleiirly enough how the end of slavery b l -“ i '; v:, -' , j'’;.dlv tntstlfkeri ; luese dqsper-j J must 1 , come. It comes in rebel slave,, nboyS were ihliy apmbd for any .ijmef- j j [ states bv>imilitary order, decree or ull i t N- 1.%® SorgfaaC wilh bid assis- j proclamation; not to be disregurded : eburVdi, and walked jor set aside in any event as a nullify, i HS'ft U P RutninisJ, tapped him on | but maintained and 'oxeeated. with ; U jsboulder, und commanded him to j tviirfet:! guodl it'll llie onfr:iii-j v > upon drew ; j ciiTsed ; and [it come! in ioviil slave ’ '.V 1 ]- 01 ' 01, Ul dred,tAvo atMr.' ’ itaies bv tins n:ivr?ns{r:;Jnl j atdior: of i tired liitj-v | bretiiern ol the free I ■ over, discharged .urjro; I be jrns|tulcciti in ibis, but il [ am *u.iu ■ barrels at ibo itfier bo wa.s j i uthor better wav will be revealed. 1 " ouneluti. ( \\ b.ile scoug was by- | i • iMeantiniul it seems to me very I,l g cuaethd the (jriends ot Humihel c‘ j uveessgry I to' say distinctly what h °um lut-yeti or twenty in, number, i ; ■ fn'any Met isjirink from saying... The 1 (1> 11 • ’.u upon the qlljeer \vii)i revel- 1 ; Ameneaii blacks must he called: itilo .' ' a,u l homo. witii, their ocat-.f I tbjs Conflict, imi as cattle, not not?. ahd.clubbing hjiuand Icven. iis contrabands, bat.as men. ’in their pi-jols at tlieni, .. 1 i the free states, and; bv the pioi-lama-! . c ‘ ‘f'i* t( . that) ilhdre wbre sontej 1 ! lion, in the rebel states, they are free I ci fV c '‘ ••‘hots tbc jmeleo, of f ; men.! |Thc Attorney in an ' vl| ieh tno ofteei-s th discharge of lUeirp' iopiiiibf. .which defies refutation.. lia« , only.foatv : ,? [pronounced tlicse freemen citizens of l •'seigeuni Jvejjliarl and Ins aid miide! 1 [United States. Let. then, the e:;!im- • , !‘. Lnr hom liie enraged rebels I .' i pic off Andrew Jackson, who’di l nut without;,injury, except'g'-.,li'tt,le.scratch | luisiiatc to pppo‘o colored o-eaiiuc-t'ts ■ u l jo1 ' the knuckle !of one of the fiih’i ’ Ito British invasion, be now 1 fcsirlcs»lv r o Jl: ? o *' the ..Sergeant; two balls hpw-i ( 1 followirl. Let tlmse bl.-d-ks, nccliumt- ; passe.l/i iirniigh his coat and ono i < ■ eil familiar witii the <-■“ anti-y,'t o;>til>l ; • re s l vJ in the lining .of his vest, which* | * 'of great endurance, receive suitable l''-V.v->tr:it'lcd on Sunday, wUinjut ifitieh ‘■* i militaijy (.rgauization. mut <!«. their: Vl“ ,u,;v s tyu; have from' ■ part. |We need ilieir g'.nd will, and •■•liuyunvl is. lhul-he is, not. expected t< >j‘-I niusttiinikc them oar friends bv show- o . . J ’ ‘- j j , iug .ourselves their triehds. We mn>t> -*-.hvso are soinc oi' the on* er.opiugs , 1 1 have them fin- guides., for. scouts.• f;i-,'k too. tlevelish tcJiciiings of j-’uioki !1 ad military terviee in can;;. tlI,■ i ; Wcirick, Jack Guminings .V Co. Tinvy ,l ’ for; which they are quahru d. .Tims spnrg.n the.-i; poor,; ignora'nl.. deluded i ■employed, from -u. binder, t! -v . pu'-ddu, to nets treason and--rebel- iiYi ! c-.-coihc a support ami the .:;azarjl^ , 'un. i ;and-. leave them to p;y, (lie jqi'leit if* ’ priviityons. and lahot-soillhe white ,v u ].)the-ir lives, wjnie these trelfeher-.j T j dierslwjitl be j.ropotioniibly'diiuioislicil.' 0;is ; b<>'vatdly vdiati s, are i;i fiicir dcnii I j •'•Some will object.oil course.* .Tlnd-e sUlafy. pivachinglup (fiat \vc lucvc { 'are always objef tors' to overvtbnw 'tv'tycrpiiieiiy. • J •' ’|s • practical. Let exfforioti'4 di-jirl b.oi,-; Lot thb people tgkc warning ; this j I est fears and refute captious or dislov-i''- s ■* i s J l;l| k from the; Volcano, with ( t w,ia.l cavil. . ■, which ; the tqry''■ otjgnns .'have heeuj could t lien, -give a rc/tsoa for tholx. all, gcnlienieu, h j t. r.o doubt j •threatening us. Let the, Goverinm.nf'j e laith that was within us.” XCwjalter! ohr resdl itmn to .curwith l ,llt lffi'|l( its sir mg jiami and nip ibisd a onduriug tbohardships and privations !' a 'H othgbear’s ap.d with, oil -mu mcaiH. t 'ocipscnl; treason in the bud,ullierwiso p incident to a pmldicr’is- life; siandiug.! l ’ 110 soluhstMinow in anas for, the pc- ; be bloody times close ati'h; as we ho, lace to faccj with the' Joe!' public.l _ L«tsJ[ii;ir ranks; bo GHT-d up " . , j •. i b am! with the pro peel of soon mdeling ‘ et tlieir ’be isuftieient ana ■ ' A ModoUSpeech' ! h them in battle, we eauimt see that the.j regular; lot thcir>iy be sure. Let;! : A .Captain in auiokaiegiment.hav- {a Is-.uc has changed. \,:e believe I half uoihing l.c wanting which ; ing been inli.nned 'that his ebmpanv I ° the only way iq ujvd .this war is to 1 eun issue activity and eftiermicy. ..Lot: had Subscribed , a hu'ndsomo sum' for I- *' fight it out. Tne Resets will never : cacn brave officer and! manHmtlizc | tho purpose of puratia.dn.r’-lad rre-1 11 yield, to the lawdiil '.authority, of, the [ luat Imfcountry’s loro alter.ds Inm.! sQiiting.him t with an a 7it sash and 1 Government unt:l fboy are BuhliteJ | a »d Ahat-bis country’s hopes vailed Iris ’men 10-mther add ft by farce ol arms; and Ibis is the only ; upon Imn : and, inspired by this-; defied bimsclf ol ; ll concession wc want. . thought, lot. him dare and do all tbgt j modehmeceli:. ■ ,I’. . °1 ai ;We Ihitik "it is, too Bad tUo-.waj; '» possijilo to bojdared’.'aod done... , j- ‘'Biys/Nf.you ■ have any uionev-t;o!'" tluags have been going. Ibis while”—) -r “So, gcullemcjn, with the blessing of, spare, send iMiome to your families i fi :u home.. We'd.* not, like the immh-i God, .wfil we make, a- glorious future jit tbcynced itiklmot keep ii until G mgs and idoctrincs of tho so called f l,l- u- I sec it rising before' me—hbw i yotr nebd ;it voui-seHm’s I will Imv !4' ‘■Peaed Party" ir: the iXorlh. They j beautiful and grand ! There is not; mv owii Word: do it aiul'i"' are_giymg tl.p Kebels! all the aid in j time to speak [of it now ; from all, should it conid to. these I their power; and by givjng them their q*iartor.s ct ti.e lands conies the voice : bap-Js, vbu could not but re«roHbe ' I sl sympathy arc them to- of the sovereign people, febukipg. gilt, or Should !I accept it from youNl)' hold run still longer; Ifis an-outi ago I faetion, treason,: and pro- :;,uid some day find it inv impmuiive i l Lll that, instead of epming out maiifullv! 'ilamnug the indivisible unity of tile/duty to kick some one ot the donors' P 1 on • the side of. Union;.and -Liberty, | rcpuoliq; and in| Hus Ueaven-inspH*dd !out’of this company, it mbrla ho' tin- -M 1 they iiavc ignominioiisly litrned their • l > lllon . thb people, for the sake, ofj ploasaiit-to think that- I % a s under f n backs to all the dictates of bonorhuid : <•>»<» L t"pn, is the sure premise of that; obiigations to that person- as' h con pviiiciplo ami the-best interests of*[ wplemiia licreaftei. g | uibiitor. to the elegant swoi-d fund, their native land, to act.the base part j , ‘H C rent respect, yoursvery j For these- reasons.' 1 must firmly and an . , ,ot unrl tones. ) j ’ U ’• •*■!>’ ~ P-Ouask. j kindly clocline tho lavor which 11 v*>ur 1 \ i OrsXFK Slflonx* ■ 'V° bclitive it \* tho duty- of every George Oplvfte, .George'Crrfs- loj-ai heaits uromnt you to'to'beitowV? * i iutV?fXS\.y be sv ( “ c ‘ de V auJ c-ristian’’ to aenouneo such woW I J sq.,i and o{he«, Comnmtee jWk until tile wul. it over; wait unGI i U mig their *Ecason.' in :.uv desired I «>en.wherever they are loJ>e found, Pf tho Loyal Nationul League; New [the tide of battle shall have hceiistav- U 4frc«h m ‘ u - sc,,nberuin ’‘ I * eJwit h o . vs,c ' rs .v“, n<l u ' VouiJ ll(>t liart pur foelings if fork. V ~ ( , . ; - ted-tilljtlto raging billows of this ac- II theTui«li“' i 1 ie - v ' vo " ll, do -? vcn mo V° than ‘-call 1,1 a private tlettcr, accompanying (cursed rebellion Khali have been rolled hr c»n afford ; h ® ' ITT S»hRG JIAR ['them names.”. yVo do [not think !tho ! the ‘tboyc Mr. Ciiase.nse-t the follow,- j back; wait until I-have proved mvseP’ itr Jl-snkfuUorVbe libe-al svJNs.'^ 0011 of Bcavbr county need I ’tymps, tho alter, of which may j worthvreceive so noble a feiftslun! SI eonle, r- n 1 op rfr“ ,n^ tt M by l *t*lv i *°‘ n i »> a -t _ ,«iiy Eohcucd. dee!7 as ‘bo rospktand ostebm of a “e-bp- i Loyal Natmhal League, in the land : dood» of daring and feats of briVerv bf Sciutrv r ."m "TT •" «•” PPrhead” is not a very great desidcr- (,• !‘*y i V‘L H a'd thp Roman orntqr when worthy) to bestow- it unon mo* thni. I to tum, jluresJ [at present. , , Tours. &c: t v ~ ‘Lot what.eachrnmn thinks cojicoru- at your ihandr, some Jwtimi. featrmo! U ... J.. B. ,TANCB.: Roubl e: be inscribed upon nii of yonr ionfideri^3Sm : Z - .: Lieut Co. H, IfOtli Reg. P, V. bis forehead. ”- • ’I -■■■' ; ■ ’ ■[ ' ■ i '- .' ■' ' 1 i ' . 1 ' v: ' ■ ;.*J“ HEW-YORK, TRIBUNE. Camp xearpPalimoctb, Ya., ) April 22d, 1863. f Sir. Editok: By grunting a space in your columns for llio following, you will confer l a favor on many of your Beaver county’ friends in the 140lli Bog. P. Y. A day or tvb since one oi the boys bailed me ni leltei wluc\) be bud received from a citizen of Beaver ..county, requesting jjao to reply to it publicly! Tbo following is a correct copy of the letter, leriia j tim • e/j bferufr/n—orthography, | ptinc iiegrogate.-sTs^S^ 1 | tua T‘> ic - f vin S hoibe Prc-cwincatly a journal ‘of -News and j news, bo- says:. _ .. j • i . of Literature*, Tub has jioliti* j- -I suppose you orb enjoying your- .-ciiviciions whteb are well chafac-; self as well us could be.expected eon ' i.y tbeslngle word Kepuklican. i Mdering the circumstances u soldiers p,|; Republican in, its hearty adhesion j life, lor my part 1 felt as though ' I ;'! cat liulh that ‘‘God has i would havel like to j have went with &W V of ode blood all nations of men” ■ you but 1 air. Very w<[ll satisfied 1 did —lleiiuhlican in its.-assertion of the not go since they have turned tbo war eipia! and '.inalienable rights cd’all I from fighting for thl; union, and the Eien to "life, liberty, dial the pursuit |com-ltut tion to lighting for the ne of happiness”—lb'diu.’idicait in ■ its grows and- liieir freedom irrespective H«i(!fii?,tf.earue<t. defiant hostility to .ot the, freedom and | liberty df the tvi,rv scheme and elicit of the Slave ! white man it is 100 Bad the way things Power, from ■flic Annexation o( 'ieaas i.vbeen going tbisjwhile that citi •to the great Rf-hcllion. to grasp the. sens’must no arrested By an arbitrary ••empire''of tflH wield ; p«we,r and uraged away to .some un fa e resources of bur its. knowr prison just because they have own' imgramli —Ib.-pnhiiean in , been speaking their minds. ibis isTlie its ' nnura'u-i'c'iti to tic- -H the ■ liberty we. enjoy, mid I us’ long, as thov Old World. - wTio fn'i n't tor freeing the''Blacks and not uy pi rlis and’calantitscs suddenly thrust. ing’ to save I am not going i'p’oa : a> by /? i;,eii- A merit-a n counter- untih I p-anl help itJ it is to Bad the part, the evert in o v and wP’.bc ; way the democrats aim dsel, they are ■Model; ifrjCibirj—if.: ;i imen't in its-, call Oil '.traitors southern sympathisers hope and tiu.it.ys r.no ciior,. j Jf-.-bs and copperheads, a nainei'.vhich .that this a'.r.Oriiius llebclilon must : surprises me.-that .any crislian would •prult hi the signal^overthrow- of Us-: call any otjl.is I’eHow bien such names. ’•lniters. - and the tirni yet some of 'our o.wn ciders in biir own f . rtMial r:gnisat'd.i fpnnl htws..through- ( i ooui'ea do it,.J say .'there is no cris ,cat the- w-lieif! eyteiu id .our eoiu.try.; tiatiity about such men. J dvspi.-e when .a Liberty amt I ■ nipi. shall in- atfyh cristiant they.: r ; disgrac : :o tl e nwd Li—on.,- .atm- ;!iscparnele ’ hence- 1 elitn eb. H*i they’ uifuj.tbe War for the arth ai.d forever.. 'union and the Constitution i will go ! nr. .Tniiir.vt devotes attention in i and help to put down tlje rebelion. -times, .and .to s.uste ystciit in ; But as long as it is h.ot for llial end ihese, to E.iucaiion, 'Temiu iance. Ag-jud 1 wjiint is for; them to send the v:. allure, inventions, and whatever ; democi ats - homethem Uailors and the may minister to the spiritual andtj Jmbs u»'they are called, and then let material- progress’, and well.being ,of \such meir as -C—r-ii and life likb fi.rl,i, ■. unkind : but ji-r ib-.spresent its cirer-! it oat. \t —— ’ you j may .tbiik :U»is an'- 1 ,!s 1,!0 mainly de- 1 bard talk But is just! the frutbland if v-i-.u to i.i-j tn\ 'goration awl ■?u,e<*cs f s) it was not I\\v4ulcl bd very sorry-to Ci ’..u. \> ..t ,i ji tl.e L nion. Its spcciitl j write eueii a loiter lb you, I wouM <- r '‘ 3 rceonipany every I like to know v. li’iit you think about- it •<■ 1 tt ‘in and report, every -trui whiu the feeling ;of the Boys is .. .j ..ii .dcr tof that great slrug- i je.ueraily, buti - imisl.quii for the want ft’ 1 : - >‘<s trust t.l result .i’a -U»e, of rbjom. YourH’ri.end' ij. \V. K. .-e -n ar.u i-oucluWV* i nutltpb Of lllb j »r ts ‘ n -V.ei lap - • o m the i estnration j ■ r ;„ Editor, lam no letter-writer, i.'f Peace sni ‘f|.v!it t 0 our distracted.•-•'-iM net,trouble,you with’ this, ■ • ..Uiru; counirv. V. ; ceheve tiial not ! only to give the• writer of the forego ■ 'd i ..• i .v ... do.' ... more aeeu-; ingpaiid his frieticsl a little insight ....evit-w Co if.’ 1 ir - - irud e-harac '• , . , T} -.r , .... i i|into tlm ••reeling of the Boys jcncra - ■ oi. tins nioiTU-nlcus conflict he. „• „ J U’ned trr r i’ c’ regular NO’-' » c soldiers epu fed a.dertam p '-usal jf our - coh.r.iT.s Ai.d \ye , Lh'dfof respect for thy bravely of the .. iCft.,y solicit the co-eprratiou of j rohcls who come out openly ami’luoel .tndsO., vs -> i e .iso w h'CWf ns /bee ti> face on «ho baUie-ficiLi; hut ■e regard and uiilioid .-ns Ibnt.of:. I -i-aUlunri !.' i j us, imek- lil,,veI il,,ve I,Olle fo f brthern men who are -’• | . i ‘ 1 J' - i ’ ’Tbs .Sew-York Tkibcne, first ia •acJ -in. in its twenty-second rears, lias obtained both a larger and ntcr'e‘widely diffused circulation.than other newspaper ever published iuin eric a. Thougli.it'Has sintered, Jn common with other journals, from % c volunteering and "departuio of {cas of thousands of its patrons to tl ivo in the- War for the Union, its -Tonlaiicii on this pth o' December, is a? follows: ■ | Wcekiy ?-•>; larger. dumber at J'lice. JB extra t-opy trill be ’■ ■ eliilis of iwentv. To i-'a-i's. c.r BKjll-V.'KKK7,Y TRI w,!l To s .o:il/ Tociul).'> of fittv “H* TIU-BUl\ll trill bo bent k -iddivss - THE- TEIEU.CE, Inbtfno. Baiitur.iis, j\ow-York <]rafts'tan l>e |ri t.c u: it is !, ‘li safer tiisiirto remit Rank Bill,;. ’ : titi'ui (it • the Pcst-Oiiiev unci „. - ’ n ttl,l <“iscs be plainly leli.. ■ ■ w l»Jj. send -money fcr • remit prepay the Ksprcss •us-c’s.yj?o itviiii be deducted from fiußtsxr Almanac pob .18CS "* o 0 fendy about Cui imnas ■ nioni XXotoi, ” BRAVER; PENN’A. 5 CLARK. raoi'rtiEToa j ■:‘ , ( ' *0 lib cctiv t 1 iW *i:r* s r.f a firs : »i*e Proprietor lias SUcd.iipin j USc ' lc a ct'inpleie and eat I tfactorj man- . Vol. 39-2STo. 18'. Army Cbrresoondenca 60,125 . 17,250 ,148,000 J" ' I 1, ./ . • . +I - - f • , _ , • '....,-," .4., • 1- .- • - --- - '1- •• , 1 I , 'l,-. --'. 1 I ..• ' ' , -- - - , ---—--- - -- --- - - * l.+.i l-• - • ', 6-4. ..42"": - . '.7. .- 1 !..; -• \ •''. T ;4;',.... - 11 ; ,fr.. . ,,. .4-i., -' • 4 trlr l i -, - ' 1 -1- - - j, .l' ' - ----- 0 , ---1 1 { ''.. , ' r" . 1' 4 731, ~ •',,ls, i 1 . - • ... •.- I ,_ , .', .• - - - ' lr.,- - 'Y's' "..-e.. 1 ' '.' - . I ' l / ''-• ~ --4 ."'l - . ~. : - - ,, ,,z 1 / .0.0 " 004 ,—, ..,..• •0.1 . • ; • .i ,-,. 1 , - •,, i , ir '---' '. ` t'eriPlNF lt'v ';, '! '' . B ~. , _ . i‘ f , „ ' I - , _ • •• ter‘te.' - •• :1 ~ 11 _ ; J I •. 1 . ....en.. -- 1 }I'• - ..., Iv. I ' .i.- . r ' -..- - -5, 7 1 , i gat -r •tfr- ,;;---. ,• ..I1 ”•, -. , 1 . 4 A - • , , 1 .... ,6 -. .• ''''., ': ' 7 • e 4 l !"' /41 :. ~. ' r ' ... , _ • - • 1 , VISITLIC I- i . k a glit Beaver, Wednesday, May 6,' [ } 863. Adventures: bf a Federal Spy. | A Southern sjobility Prt ■ln:May, Arnold Hurria.visited j ; 4 co f^ cs P^ n( l c > , t the -. .Buffalo.^. Ijtj was the day of tho»de-i "’ho baa recently paitur-o bf (jho rogiiii«nt f Paris, whole he' has sp tor.|ho.jcit bfi aiUf the .time since ihc outbres number of IfiS:■ friends in the ranks heliumdi ir ,,' 'inn. I, onlisted, nn.|' marched by tl.eir side.-i! i ''l’’ ' tins |( Soon after b t i« urriv!il ut-ll»o Army ofj 10 r P c |P t, y.. TW,t, . t '*P d bom a the-IJotomai?bo wasiraimfcrrid to the r 1 French, capital who is'ii r.j|val service, and placed in ertmniand i connected with the court! I M° “ft®! Bc »^^>o'Pctp: n^c ;-4 inurmatlon ; ; l : .A tew months biter he dost! ~ , ''' T - hiVwesscl arid applied for com-1 '* . ... "!‘ c “•* st , Gi s?, oi ** tnuiid. | j . ..T . ■ ( |ia letter was received at the :Tlic ilopartmeut proposed .to send!' France tidied him to Jtichinond to jVu*mUoVif |j»os-|! ceiiihor 2d, 18G2, and sW.ie< stblc,,.the.jifpicctH or GiofiHf. X ban|i^. tl . rco i b f:. lllo lcadi J dci>,wlu) nadjiist tLeii-secured con| ~ •{ „ Li, -a*-. j“ tracts Iropi the rebel nrbjvcmmeiit lor a ; ooiilhc *n Cor.fedoroc}', imvy to bis* built iu England. " aci and many if cppied the jicrilousmission,'and sdoil hot (as we bofii remarkou. vy n ,a r? !&■> •»»? Confederate;:papl I'Wprii.) by onl^ : tiro '«U ilal. Wltlidnl any disguise of I'nai'no i .i, n r,.”.1.„ /n „ n 1 or person, lib succeeded in awiuii-ing | 1 b. llic jtJontiileneOibf the rebel authorities’. m .f? I «l»bb; Jijapoicon. a sjl nnd ! established, hilr -It ' '' ! coPnit.'njm of tlui .South '-Qc •dtoaelf qn Intimate . ..>e , ,-i.ern- . terms with j several ol the .most iml 1 ev, and! as an ihdueenWml dfi porlaiit officials; 1 His situation, how; roasobs; ! M pvb. was dangerous in the extreme, >, ,mt .. .' j niul he |wus arrested and corifinoit ,in it'n, PhsUo Thunder lb. seventohh. days.^• J b « the South, (w He wad recognized by two Haiy ihn i ' 0 to„bo ( ....._ .bra as the } ul .* 1 ha w f p wa ?/ ov ® r i 'i egi Wcs t Vir-mf having , ve- Li on j p>l a ■ ir . „ * ... ’ | I as*, thou independence was dd« _i «?r , >ve>i '-s-A-- i-1 o«d J C ld* Xof-fi ' r "f - n< ] •: estuhlidh ;i nobility in the 8> recognized as a hew Suae by W hnf'Tf ■ [H - :fole tbeir army wits disbandc! ■tho-proeiamat.hm cf the Fresideut, [ l, -> bav Y t \°”t, ,bo Col.ledehiey . t(je . (0( L w j or hoH-«l-vv will immeflmu-lv organisw n new gov btho 01 7eiZ?' ‘S'M 1 ? * Whiwlld help'them light ei-i.yem, Qn .jbc simi, day «r£lay | '. tb ® navj, than he, coulcl Ot J j so’ h !l phuvention prill. be.livid- in Parfers- J ,av ® done by openly» s *‘e? s tacausf 1 iy, fc^Ud, hfiT , re jb.«k. toy aomhyte -a ehiidhlatArr' at an earlieif day. liis audgcity, tripj ePL t 0 act will omi'»rrtlo ' North ' tilveriiotyovd' other'. 3taiv ’officers.-= umplted. and ho not f)nly ••obtained an j e^v A orilv the noble and 'hisVh-o i option • lor fc I hose r;:b-, will S??! 1 T&? [ of the eiiWi)»iisos of haiicjeis,. ,wh >» p n w ajj- Icnowii that ■'ti.r. Itbe Slate, County and other -"hieers ■ had recently returned from JJiirope— l } ul -, w y’-' ‘V,; * f. 1 -y , 11 , * ' (- av t , O :,..p ,I.* homsliiCure L 1..\ l',| j' , >i.,, leaders of. the South had lb -ced this | Aaj. pc me...ou, ; ami inw ja c u...uuu . b established ;the r .re ? cut’C..u- P*'C]-are(livo moot and^at,. the i.bw auah£;ernent> witli Jon. \ lo.,hewns , f i • 1 •«*. TnoiifU' to;return t< England with mo!.ejd and i: fe r 'l cr «t* f" leva il-w...aey li 1 .ft- •'.!! . -'JI OVCI'V Htilto. • • -■ ■ I .-. ,v --XTr . .«m» m ~—‘ s,'- M,i fecS*» '■ *liiV'son* l ‘- 2d- - tlit 'daly of France, I' .Good llc>iojt.—Thematiisif£&u£hp' Handers, and Hands'were aeebm • V^P.j.:^ hei - f t<> {bcavtiiy is. a V v,il^| omm , a^ r • 3 ; uyy' dtnd to; deiitoera- j ■ fevirn/i'tw wit? ‘“' ’‘ 3d- -TliatVin'-accordance ttitli the]! draughts', ikmpk arc always glad, 1 Iff , Lis ffTcudst llibuld pr o cif I inlentipn they ccvem/-1-9** Tl>eir bauds Slhtamoros io llalilax,while Held. Sat - i tlir i eu -) -deigned tcd ijet dre,- . hml jgy n:>» way- out ty mectebni guia K • ders and lie |with tl.e ..iOedment inii f^ r f l 1 1 wlnyh ).« ! « Uile they lurq- inyo.up. ? a.V 'liespatches irna! ,n S bx- M ls clammy toue!v : or..W dysreput) a t« rfid ymeserqe. dor futgre j who^' speak,, m tno ppart.n« . fcdlPiv- Kr lwhv of -V-I«snr. -fni rConfedeiacy as raaoylslavO-tmuers of i oat-.of yonr faults. )• ole i h (tbs [raAre j -dreamO* pynded lor, and Hairii proceed to ChableJ- i ;Tbe statement' n.| the last, wnh hioviai.J yon ne^ryn,.-v onrand .mirehased aHacht, vvi.il; ‘ -Of thejalyve is| literally a pleasant, wor.u vf-?!o i.nL.g m tlioyj loaded I with’ turpentine.' ian 1 * H 1 !?’. «t. one ofthe; u..t;l, ; ao-|mm yout due stmnv Si.oaus Itarted g.dlf cidt, in Jinuare last; tb * V°V“ !a> y . .! slip'li.rougjithe blockuding 'tlcet. a.£ ' to tllc d^ i ,J 1 ibv reoelnou, ! y y ..ij :'. - nako for Xissau., : 'Cfixmt interest iwiJs | ; A ; - t, .. ■ ■ "“'‘JpC ~/’| t i Vt&.A' cjfe-gvinep/in Vm» of his sen iakin •in tie ( enterprise, and; before j A ; ? adica * 'Speech |by t.a' _ : tcr. Id^d-.eill'crs Iciujing the voyagers-\yore ontertainejd -'•' *. 1 . jSeijvativpv / J j.■■>F J i«rhiiV !-'.why, -knp'v ’*■ X}-•% . j«.t aj tiiimer with Beau;i*Pgiii*d -and lhc r , Among the ;spealcct-s at groat ; mcn:iin£r worn ’? ' i easing eelebrilies;ofjtho city. , j * Union'meeting atifiprinWlieid, Ohio qW * hardly." I~ is fi>rever and .ert-r >n(l HeantinuJ Karris bhd succeeded ii * lho rumjnuniiuatijug \yith ono- of lhe:jves-i - JJ 4 . i,\ i , . , t- You Tilnce a roKr. of fl'ipuvs : Kvlslof ilto |uUij|,<j fleet,,and. putiing!, 0 ■;••” c nfijati, well :^ n 1o ndiEct. and U- r.y.al lift its (|oiumand(T| upon the watch. Thjo ; a conservative ; .oi the , sn - aiiesl j t,.'i( Ko>v long etornitv is.—- yalflb, as .shje' |i-anT out of the harbor,' sect. In eddsingf his'reiiiarks Uelc Ca-; niy- friei.iH,; n.fler mill id s and ' v as jspeedilv .detected, and .'subjected rev paid :- j | ’ .. trillion.'.of years rolled away i ! e<_cr-. to a cannon |dc which frighlchetHSai • j i ,-‘,‘Souf, a few words |on the .politics fidfy, it will be in-' lumdrod thousand’ dcis oiit of IhiS ( Wits, and made Stliin Pol parti ;ular nicu, )1 >vas. nol in favor * years .to breakfast.’time. ( agi rto s irrendur. •. The mail-baa, of Fred orit’s proclamiitidn, but I have'; j| , ■ Ioi ily fri jghtedj with'-irony was got religipir'since then. 1 fllauglitcr.] 1 Ci-irror; iN J:r rydis Jg igitv fioni'- thrown . ore j; board, ; 'bu|, Harris ha 1 This wn rjwill n.pf yoaSc uiitil sr|aveiy;. ! F, e tact n.hat dh -iitg the;ilasiAv'. k. six p'e''idus|yj abstracted liorn ifa-pOrc* is stapk< id , I tipis'hceil' 'tu{r ; ear lo;;ds of e.-tlm-; -were wit mantc.;in ciicLdidnij (he iinporlant doJ- ; &t' God in .all past iiiaiorj-, ko ! . h'^kc ! from- Cairrt-id' different 1 paris ic Tib. pntijlics. ain.l docni|neiits| subslituling;. s!:iv<j-li;idingdiatii>iis.'lii;l)t Ivr tiieyrc- ; no ii; j ‘if would' lifecnv that iha* State ia,i Is Stead jis.ow e, which j nappened niov.ai .oi I lie ciirsc.- ' , j was goinsr Id \tr\" the an pad .vine v rtf as a reinafk.il*hl cd:nc deiice.oreodrse. J. "Kot !it_fir; t, but nod-.J am ic fiyiv, - Kin*<vCq|toh t ! h ne.::t season.' l;> be its exiii't yeiiijiierpart. '|f lisiiia hegracs ii j any v.-av- t; .. Giit I ■? : ,..'y . i iu > . ....■• Theeaptn >e oi" lleid Sanders wil-l be ..in pulling down-rebelL f Ttain., v, 1,.'.' i oinje-iiiqii red] fllafris .is at present itji i AVb.eft i.nl -at!" eom'»?l ( -ld .’this ..vie ti'au I i'\'‘ ic nJ-C 'l-‘ • IRulfalo, on ill visit p>. his friends. lie * close, thi war. [Veldes!. ;‘Tiial's sb '] 'w- -f ,-f : <- .‘ ‘ ■' > f'-'i ',‘r4 ' ranks as a lienlenant id.the..law. ! ! JaeFus ll e-Ui ion -and the Coy' 'f nn ' ti Z i ' , 'f, "I"* "• ..' I ; - . - ; v r,- • . . , , V• . .;.-'mi>e..s-.'iiave'lirerdilio ns proirri'-tor . -. ( j • y.Muilmn, land.W.wi 1 care a y, ■ .p,.- s p ,I PSS : pfi.vViia; b; i ■ ' il^T^dEfrr;— At a reboot anulcerj., M^V''*'. 10 ‘'' yy 'will snshvia and UidAdJ nryol Ihe plirlsiiaii t’pi,uiiiissi(»ii : in , " W noiiyou near a.man yapnr'ing, a- ‘ [n j ( s ,{ ra ti6iT; P . I . I’iiiladelpliiii I, the [following' incident; bo'ut.Mr. Lincoln’s hi e; kir r ; live (Jon ■; : \, 1 1 : - \7 ’, was'rel.-Ucd I i •'l. j '* |stitnlfon 1 , willi nothjn-g tojsay aboatj o £. LTf. i-J -X,■' 'V- Ai brave Cliplainjof one of-our AYest I Jeff. Dayis, set Ifiln ilo-yh as a iraitpr. I r --/’ iiC - trailed- men,, ui .yarj ■U.|lfegimeiAs:lo!®;.oofu S [.is sthry ; -*‘H ydui think Hr. wkk, i 'Y’ 10^ '<>*repdru-a is we wore, leniovihg him to tbo-liosi i t.hcn llietgmlter seoun,h]dl vein are; ii ■ ’egH-mno.io no aq. Jj'dsc ws> aic dial, fie hid jrdeeiveji a,wound Iroim 'you do tot hqjlii him. [(sheers. j _br.m;raOun by, , : tne : . I,rorf,si^farv.ia -s ; yhicii ho cdi|ldi n|ot! red;•veivfmd wlliic ' • ' V " y— r'r—: ■ arq a ivw«r\l;-f f -•ing on thh hatlie-licld, suffered dh:. TRKI.:.E ? ;t . | ANd.do! ! ;i;ai - ;lm the.r uw.carreyl. j hasgl v froin jllldrlnl llain was fall!hgf ; TH liILA -1 l J iiliis he sjiphorfed. his-i head npoji ,^ E V !U / A -,J * ? W " - 1 *! V, J82&" ; Ti«?, -Nnshyitie 'rebel '■ synipitfi uu hand, a little pool of water cjol- l :lH ',, 1 'I 1 ; 01 ' J tbjse. :vpvlio liaViy been ordered' by. celed; underjliik elbow! IJiu'he tiJed . u, » 1144 ?' M<, V?g a '‘?'. ot - , . t>l, P. s -( Heheraf'Kosocrans to go South linyc | vain -to gel a i .mouthtnl :»f. it‘to i ! L ‘‘‘ f°, u - n ty ? r .“- ?,r' J l,e ( l y J l’l K! P almost w-ithmi' exception -asked fo'feq leneli his thirst-he. could iiot Jieadijuarters nc Walnut street,Lent norUi; Aclvi-cs. from . Said ho : i 'll 'never felt so mtieh j b<? °''! | |,| n l he course oi Ins ! J(ol ; n their liivor, ie.loss of any jeiirjhlv blessing. Ily ' ongum l j : ; ud by night Ve Ij nt clear and:bhautif'il above the dark;* ; .. i .'* . " J l K' j r ,i-.l Di-iidre.irv rolls -dJ trienci-dLi 'ddi.l began to ihiuk of the Grcat vv\Vdo°hach solulioii mtyyi,;ifitc-n!trl i;ilaV--- ‘‘lJev-ji bd who had.givpithis Sou to die. n ! /j \Vith'cheers ns it was 'n^ihed" ll cause a ° ' '-s-stronger , than the ’ '•utli of agony loi ime, and. that he?_. : e ' fwt ,• ?' il; " a ; ‘1 1 .Mail W lieAvasn’t ihc lad voM wh<---i as „p there 4-np above tliis scene of 9 :l10 ,ni * W;is 'mmtjoned [ t l “do ® , mn-lng, am| 4ote those glorious ! ,e «]?P ! fe® '<>"**':* 1 : T -; ; J ars ; and l] felt that I .was | &“tu yon,V rf .vonHvn Jvvo.i .V.LH.y.' i. nno. to nieet him, and piatsv h.ia , j Q. , i,-e'f a «;t. »l,ia the - • ’!*'"P'a«(.d and hcdoii'girtg to l-lih lows. eye; ,and | that 1 onght, do j shot JiAhif jn (fairo vcn yvheh wounded 1 on . | 1 could nolhclp siiig- Uul hymn, i voa'ilj.ray title dear, - ; ipua [in ■ -. i cwell lo every Ttjv,; se iiiy weeping eyes. lij ‘“there wa»n Cliristftm, near, npc, i ll could jat l could hear him.— Ihe strain •, tied beyond fad another cdught it up, Sejtcrrible battle,field of ; gh(, the 4 echo was ro ;wo tnad e £he the field jtvith God!” is'Ov-ijO'l, • ' i battlcMi-ibi. ; b<t:vTfi. When 1 ca!i •To manii I II bid far , And wiji md;" said bl: olbbr in t «eo him,,b| a ’ look up tn aiiotber a U aU bvei’ tlj iloh that n undlng[ and: ; buttle ring lonor <va« righ t and • I ir honor'is yory apt ib mhpellir f ib ki presiding: !' l- : ;. ' | i ' ; 1 ’ 5' ,{• •; B@,“Tour i •ong—ns yoi ,”j“6afd n c • ! :. ,T : ’I j;- :'■ -1| \ W = Establi eomnUinily W full answer |toMftViyl S ! ’'l’fc'K 1 . l,Cca,l!,u hW- Rcx'-was tjiat limy '.be made tjmi| the, tllsCWYUrtlil ' ‘ ’• vy r >: Rational Administration, is, m|hilrarv ' '’L \ ‘ A f, ; dr that the loyal people nf (hd Nhnh-i nmn out, uU.uoa.m fit a d.- are intolerant. ■■ - i ■ ■ voree-.rom InsAvife hotraust-shei went : I i skatinjj :m;airi>l his vishcs.'^llc 1 toncluiled Lo let her slide.) . : ; ■. ■ i t ters . from East Totuie&ec llu-rij are few: Rebel trbops ib could easily.be driven out men irom our own' sicio.—, still -ty rani tally oppressed,. mass of the-poppleJreiniiin j : ( ,sg£Lc-t say Unit there Jw li by u.CtJO Though tl»o great ■loyal. icro was asked the reason icrlain countries,! (hi; Iving me the 'prpwn Ijat Tourloon tge, ond.cannot itlarry before ’ “Ik is,” ansivcitaU Aloliero, ilia mnro .difficult to rule a 8 Kinsdora.” |y " , ; gga_Mo! I in Ci ! inay- assui years of a; eighteen t because li'ifo than ME= ' i r cents per square-p-cicli sn'hafrquent insertion .25 cents, discount cade to yearly j advertisers, and on long advertisement!*!, : ‘ j 'A space’equal.to twllv.ii lines of this type measured as a,: square. Jt > c Special aoticts:2o per cant, addition to re§ • ttlar ritcs L ;■ ,i. V J.i .Business cards, 75 cents a line, pep year" , ]ij * ,•. T; digitus, I ~| l and 1 otker^Notices'.of a public nature, licei \ •• MEM : , \ nfbsed/ '#lSrAr,c‘U»erv traitors in tlio-N,or!il? r . ... ,-Uc;;d- tlicl lolloxviii^'i;u>i! ’from the ‘ joutsyillo.. §fa' r ‘andM/w/itr, OeU.yshutgj Adamo • rcturho^cyiiiuy;' ? ?! r ; L :> .. •’ eiU a*7osl.'i- A hAzrAzzip" Acr -^'ihc jf Of the heads ui L.ihiity i.it-h.p CD'u'n.lil'cd iiv «h-1 lk ,n * lst ' t lliu ci: cl,i / ,! p /, ~ ‘ ; nuer'.thctloetiioii. at the-i-ebpoi, ho»ry/I .rjend in ; poll, is held! Tjrfc itiiimcly ■ teachers and pupil?;'■ w<?''believe .Jffut • o foHo.iv 1 --. some time Jnuvious procured a Ueauti- I ’■ l,\ti Uiiie'i liajr.wliieh was left display'- ■ : ini - ’• h■} iod iit th i school' bo:t.*y. on tl.twaiuy; of ' ;■'ilie, viettiifii’. hi\tlie - (itching ulice the Ci.eiu : polls n ere c!o. ; :Vp' t>»C ilajg. ''as ycized i'V. 1 tierce \ ‘‘jlow ■ while liveivl i these".'"'<>r.su ■ .Untilhissing ioppKt-jfOittl-'i,. mid liteiaf ;;iy [tomato ..i-'hi-e.d/y trampled in , IU.o I'Viii^i—ah'!frasj-titoici . Oi.il- frent to i(esuliiig s l T iiiAn/ineii in tho district.l ; Wot! ,i dpt ime;i l • l'd>Vji\-.te vvonlp on 'these Gbdhthrsnkci; wretches— *hi>«o iscapu yoafs ; ([rot-r perdition 1 — these ; ugly, lijieotis I rat tors. ’more ihah id' -fuy they are known am! their names, arc* in the pi-nponbaiAis, ni.’J. iluil if* ■they do, not; stretch [hemp. for-their., ‘mason. they, will find ilicnj«clt«K;- lodged in Otie of •■Lincoln V' fj;isliles/’ ; ( Ilithg then; bv the lictfk until thex iirq-'. dead!' / ■■ 1 ■ . ; y J fa:, Ko-i ■ ’• ■ I |>V SOVI’D-j ii of'tin Jug JclT. (i icr uloi's.'r Till SO 1)1,0 I meraU of [ , Wbc,i; ■ec*Uy..-rc- ] prifeti' - -edera ! orcd iho i n(ion cf| h'th iti-i .*«■ j i) h 6 fition j ;ol:ir>jd to . rtiitli. ijti- ’ del. ■ Tim t j owner*, i Ii . ' liUid ‘ £Oll- ’ >don a- u : B®-Wbat ji^j.that wln'oh belong* tc yourself, ye 1/ isniped by every liady V-v .Your uuiiid:i*,~=- " , Cg»k Insuits are like counterfeit mon- ;i ey —are offered butfyou com- 4 pellyd to them. .s ' NP",,ftg7.T..... A . . , . :rat Ek. • AdyeDriisoiaenta, inserted at tjie ratc of 76 Sbpenihkers’ iloilo—-NeveTloo > mend! • , - „ ’ ]'> ! 1 .tc 0 Is a recruit supposed to be-raw 10 has been exposed. u> FE <r v' i'r- '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers