=I “VANITY FAIR.” i r “This isj the first really clever coniic and. satirical journal we hare had in America— ; and really clever it la It is both sharp; and good-tempered, and not afraid to say that its seal is its own—which shows that it has a soul.' Our reader^'will be glad to know where they can find native‘fun that .has something better in it than mere' s>u/ow.’ ! —Atlantic j ‘jon'htf/: - . •‘This-paper is Excellent. . . » , Remarkable for originality.”—.V. Y. Traveller. , ’ 4i VAMi v Faii*. is conducted by a vivacious, witty and intelligent corps of journalists.’’— Liichf.eld (Conn.) JCuquircr. ; *‘IVUI wield as potent an influence as that of the London i'tmrh.”—Boston Traveller. . “Whosoever finds himself laughing at the wit of Vakity Fair, and: does not return a qvid’pw gt/o. ia fit for ‘treason, 'and spoils.” y. T. Crayon. "I* ■ SPECIAL NOTICE. ' The very marked and fiattcrin'g success which has thus far Attended the publication of ; "Vanitt Fair,” ; Enables the publisher to announce that with the commencement of the Second Volume, is sued, this day, 3<TihJjuae, New Features, both. Literary and Artistic, will be introduced, which will increase the value and interest of the pa p*»r, and fully maintain the pro.ud s position unanimously accorded to it, as the leading j Dr. Cheeseman’s Pills !re the most effectual remedy I known “for all | complaints peculiar to Femalct. To all clas ' sea they are invaluable, iWwrmy, *ith certain j /t£ s periodical-.'regularity, , They are known to I thousands, who have used them at different | periods, throughout the country, having the I sanction of some of the i most 'eminent Pliysi- Come Journal or America. | cians Africa. | ; VANITY FAIR IB3UEP BEr.uj.ARLT EVERT THUBSDAT. U for. Sale'by. all Newsmen, and at the office of. Publication, No 113 Nassau-strect, a. York. TERMS ’ Three dollars per annum, in advance —Sir cents tingle copv. . . * TERRIS FOR CLUBS ; Two copies of V.Cnitv Fain will be sent to one address ior-.-i .»S3 00 Five copies...l. OO 1 Ten copies... ..... ~........20 00 1 An Extra copy will be allowed to thegetter np of every Club of not less than five (topics. ‘ Thi» paper is Electrotyped, and numbers may-be procured atnnv.time. ' ■ I.cjujs H. STEPHENS, , Publisher for the Proprietors, 113 Naus’au-st. 1 ’ Ncw-York. Office of Jll SUBSCRIPTION-AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, - Nov. T, ISG2. ffHE unjlertiened, having been appointed .1 SUBSP. RIPTION AGENT by the Secreta ry of tbo Treasury, is now prepared to fur nish,at once, the JVat Tueenty Year 6 prr ct Bondi. of the United .States, designated as “Five- Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five years, and authorized ’by Act of Congress, ap-froved February 25, 'lBO2. ■ vr - » ■ The COUPON BON PS-are issued in sum* \>f $5O, sliid-$5OO. SIOOO. , The REGISTER BONDS in aums of $5O $lOO, SSOO, slooo and $5OOO. j J Interest at Six per cent, per 'annum wilf commence from date of purchase, and ia PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually; which ia equal, at the present premium on gold, to aboutEIGUT PERCENT. PBR ANNUM. • ’ : Farmers, Merchants Mechanics Capitalists, ana all wLa have any money ’to invest, should know and remember that these Bonds arc, in effect, a F.IILST MORTGAGE upon all Rail/ roads. Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities;. and the immense products of all the Mannfac-/ tiurcs, jic., &c.. in the country; and the lull and provision made for’tbe payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Cffstoms Duties.; .Excise Stamps and interim!* Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the JSfst. Aloft ‘Annhfbk and Jfost •• Papular Jmxfth'.nti in ihc AlarkttT* Subscriptions rCcijivcd atPAllin LegralTcn dcr Not#***, rr notcs and chocks of hanks, at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by tuailwiU receive prompt and every facility, and be afforded on applica :tion v at this, officii . • ; ' • j A full supply of Bonds Vdl ho kept onhand for immediate delivery. JAY OOQKE, Subscription Agent beat: SEMINARY- AND INSTITUTE Rev. R. T. ‘Taylor, A. M., Prin. Mrs.A.S. Taylor, Governess. rjpnE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE ; Tuesday, March 24 ih, ISG3, And continue 14 weeks. The aim of the ■chool is io .jnjake Ills pupils thorough, espe cially in the Common Branches. A Normal Class, for the benefit of those Ashing to fit them* Belies, for teaching, will be formed the •ommencemcnt of the term. Board, Room rent, &c 'I Tuition Tariesfrhm $3,50 to $B,OO For• further particulars inquire. of the Pi*efcident of Faculty $3O. Employment. $lOO COMMERCIAL AGENTjS WANTED * TO SELL GOODS FOR THE ADA MS . (A NEW ENGLAND) Manufacturing Comp any. W WILL GIVE A COMMISSION OF one hundred per cent, onj all goods sold by our Agents, or- we will pay wage* of from $3O- to SIOO per month and pay all ne cessary expenses. For particulars address with stamp, \ CIIAS. RUGGLES, Gen. Ag’t, For the Adams Manufacturing Co., Detriot, -Michigan. July 2, l’BG2. ! IsTOTIOE.” " AARON MOORE, of this Borough is tho Auctioneer in this coun* ready to perform the duties of his.off.ee -when notified. Any olticr who attempts to sell at Auction, except at Ad ministrator's sale, does it in -violation of law. The penalty is not less than $lOO. Bearer, 'Dec- 10, *o*!. • ' V Reward. 1 WILL give the above reward for the ar -1 rc;t and conviciion of any person found .trespassing or doing malicious mischief on my property, adjoining! the farm of Abram Wolf and lot of John Fisher, near the boro. ofi ! Beaver. i, DAV.ID -STONEK. i lan, 28,’83. . '! -t. . t Stray. /"'tAME to lh# premtses of the subscriber, - Chippewa tp.j about the Ist of July, a White Heifer. 2 years old. The owner is remtesied to come, forward, proto property, pay charges.and take her away; otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. ■ j Ang.2l—2m. * TIIQ3. M KIXtEY. , .TOHJT B. WILLIAMS, BABBZS & KAIR-PEESSEE. (Shop one door east of Proudl-v’o Ho*»l' . x BWDGJTWATER.PHNN a ‘ IMPOETAUT TO FEMALES. DR CHEESEMAN’S RII.T S 'i The combination o£ ingredients in these ‘ tills ore the result of a long and extensive i practice. -They art; mild in their operation, i and certain in correcting all irregularities, i painful menstruations, removi ig all obstruo -1 lions, whether from cold or otherwise, head- 1 • acherpain in the side, palpitation of the heart, j whites, all nervous affections,.fatigue, hyster i ics, pain in the baelc and limbi, etc;, disturbed ! sleep, which arise from'interriiption of nature. I' Dr Cheeseman’ti 1411 s j was the commencement of a ,new i era in the treatment of those; irregularities .and obstruc- Vtions whichiiave consigned soimany to a pee- j mature obate. No female can enjoy good health unices she is regular, and whenever-a» obstruction takes pla'co the jeneral health be ! gins to decline. ■ . ’ j ’ Explicit directions , stating when they should not be used, with each But-—the Price Onc-Dollsr per Box, containing from 50 t,ij 00 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly,, by remitting to ‘ the Proprietor. Dr. Smith of .Bridgewater, sole agent for this County; ,3 K. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor. 20 Cedar St., New York. . j BEAVER DRUG | STORE. ! Opened in the Boom formerly Oc j • enpiedhy the late Dr. Minis., Subscriber j having the Eb- I I tablisbmcnt will endeavor to kbop con-f siautly on band all articles (usually found in ‘Drugstores. U ... % , ' a Physician and Druggist, the public I inav rely on his keeping the PUUEST and ] BEST DRUGS. V .j . I j A variety of other articled will also be tbund ] in bis-CEtdbli.“lin:ent: [ Tea, Extract of Coffee, Jtosin Soap. i Fancy Soa'ps, Port Monies, Combs. i ALL ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. ! SPOOL COTTON, LEAD PENCILS. ! NEEDLES, STEEL)■ PENS, .HAIR BRUSHES. TOOTH BRUSHES, TOBACCO. SEGARS, LET TER. note, & fools} CAP PAPER.^S* Carbon Oil Lamps and Chimneys. These arc a Tew cf the articles, and only a few always on hand. Call and see. He will try, by eloso® attention and fair dealing, to give satisfaction |to all who may 1 favor him with their custom, j t 1 - | C. P. CUMMINS, m; d. . | t®JParticular attention will be paid' to , putting up Physicians prescriptions. ■ [aug27 Xluin a ix Mise r y . (• , - I. ■ ' , i '. ■ | Just PulUsUed in a Sealed Envelope', Price 0 cis: - LV LECTURE BY Dn. CULVERAVELL, j J\, ON THE UAtfcE AND CjUUE of Spcrma j loCniTa, Consumption, Mentul ami physical ! Debility, N-errousntss, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu ( trftion of the Body; Lassitude; Weakness of ; the Limbs and the Back ; Indisposition, and ; Incapacity for tdudy and Dullness of • Apprehension; L'.|sof Memory; Aversion to ‘Society; Love ».f*j'So»ilu<ie: jXimidify: : SelfV •Distrust; Dizziness; Headache, AffccJions of I the Eyes; dimples; on the Face; Involuntary ; Emissions, and asexual Inf apacity ; the Conse -1 quonces of vouthlul &c., Lc., ' •’ B&rThi s‘-adinirable clearly proves I that the abjqve enumerated^often self-affiicted ' evils, may be- rc-move'd withoiit medicine and Dangerous surgic:! [operations, and? should be read, by every youth and every man ! in the land. 1 |_ ,1 Sent u:»d«jr seal; to any address in a plain ■ scaled .envelope, bn the receipt of six. cents, or j two poatage’stamps, by addressing, 1 [j \ sUHAS. J. C. KUNE & CO., j 127 Bowcry;New York. Post Office Box.-joSOi, D andelion C otlce* FI'MIIS preparation, made frnmthc best Java I Coffee, is recommended hy physicians a? a superior NUTRITIOUS BEyF.IIAGEfor s ,Gcn : oral Debility, Dyspepsia anjl all hillious disor ders. Thousands! who have been compelled to abandon the use .of coffee, will use this with out injurious effects. One can contains the strength of. two j pounds ofjordinary coffee. Price 25 ccng;. j- • kOI.LOCJPS LEVAIX. The purest and best BAKING-POWDER known, forjmaking light, sweet and nutritious Bread and ICakes.i . Price 15. cents. Manufactured by - M. Hi KOLLjbCK. Chemist. Corner of Broad andjchcstnut streets, i 1 ! | PUIJ.ADEI.VHIA, ad sold Druggets and Grocers. mar2t> ■ | ~ i | ■ $5B 00 TO COUNTRY DEALERS. School JSrol:s iv-J Statiomry at Mvmi tale', i R. T. TAYLOR. ' The subscriber has always on band Osgood’s & M GjUfloy's , Speller & Rea ders!, Ray's, Afithmelics, Stoddard’s Arit|bmetic. I|inneo‘s ('jramirlars, Bi bles,'Ac.. Testahients,,lUHter Gap and Commercial Note papers, Envelopes, ( Blank Books, Pass ißooks, Steel Pens ffnd Holders, Copy 'Books, Slates, Ink, ink stands, .Bonnet- Boarjds, &c., &c. Usual discount for d-asb;, Goods packed and delivered toj anj’ part of the eity, ; i ROBTI S. 'DAVIS,/ feb:lB 73i Wood st!, Pittsburgh THE Stockholders of “the Company for erecting a Bridge over Big Beaver Creek, r%x or near Wolf Lane, in the county of Beaver,” 1 ire hereby notified; that an | election forgone President, eix Managers, and a Treasurer, will be-hcld in.the Toll-House, of said company, on the last Monday: (the 27th day) of Aprilncit, commencing at 10 o’clock, a! m. marl 7,’63 ALLISON, Treas. X OTICE. " L 1 ETTEIIS; 6ti administration upon the es j tate ofvgEAttcis M. Eawix, late of Hope well tp.,. Beav|r county, Pa, ! , dec’d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate requested to made immediate payment, and those hating claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for sei tremeut, ; - jDhn r, McDonald, iiopewcii t P ., s marl 1 *O3. Administrator. J TRTERS testamentary; on the'estate of JLi Samcel Baxter, late of Pulaski town ship, Beaver County, Penn’a dcc’d having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to saidieslate aro requested to make immediate payment, and those, having claims aaainst the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. EDMUND BOOTS, North Sewickly to, 'UMTTEI, BOOOTB, “ r- wts I THE GREAT CAUSE OF IvOLjLOGK'S, EXECUTOR’S NOTICE, GERMANTOWN TELEGEAPH. A family and an Agricultural Journal, CHOICE LITERATURE, >i ■ . | t j I'' -Poetry, Novelettes, Tal^s,,. AND MORAL AND ENTERTAIN | IiSTGr READING GENERALLY. ' r In the Literary Department we shall pre sent the choicest varieties within the reach' of dur extended means. The Novelettes, Tales, Poetry j &c., shall be supplied from the best and highest sources, and be equal to anything Ip be found in any journal or magazine. Agriculture and Horticulture, '> | EMBRACING farming,Gardening) Fruit-Raising, &d. fu all their branches, as conducted on the latest | | anil most approved, system. [ [Our labors in this department for over thir ty years, have met the cordial approbation of t lie public. Guy purpose has becu |o furnish Useful and reliable information upou these very Jmportant branches of'indiisfry, and to protect them so far as within’ opr power against the false doctrines and selfish purpos es of the many empires and sensation-adven turers by which the Farmer is incessantly as sailed. This portion of the (Jermnikovm Tele graph will alone bo worth the whole price pf subscription, as every Fanner anu tiardener, who hias! a proper : conception of his caljihg, will readily admit.' * I 1 ■ I ' . a > NEWS DEPARTMENT. ;The same industry, care, and discrimination, in’ gaihering and preparing the Stirring Events of the Day, expressly fur Ibis paper, winch hitherto lias been one of its marked features arid given so universal salisfuct|iou, will he continued with redoubled efforts t ) meet the increasing dcniantlslof the public. I The labor required in this department is never fnllynp preciated by ! the reader. It would be im ppssibio to present, the condcnsed|and care fully made-up form in v.hich il a corrected mass of till the most.interesting niws of the 'week, Without involving much physical labor, tact and judgment.!. - We annex the rash term*, to whjtjh wo beg leave to call attention of all Who think of subscribing for a newspaper: | Advance Cash Terms. One copy, : one ycaf.'S’-’; one Cu'py. three years. ss.oo,three copies, one year, $5,00: -Five Copies, One Year, $8,00; Ti-n Copies, Qnc Year, $15,00 ; Twenty Copies, ync Year, $28,00. y-W ! gffi“Subscription not paid withinjthe year, $2,50. ■ Club of five subscribers, ip sjB, will entitle the person getting it up tofrij copy for six months; a Club of ten or morb; io a, copy for one year.. All Club subscription? stopped at the end of the time paid for, Unless rc-or (lercd. '. | t order will receive attention unless £ ccompli.shcd ;\viih Ih.e cask. p | • 1 numb'eft sent to 'applicants, PHILIP R. FR&4S, Editor and Proprietor. Oermantorcn, pet. 2-,-■•’o2. | NEW BRIGHTON RETREATr AN ASYLUMFOR THE RECEP TION, CURE AND TREAT MENT OP MENTAL ALIENATION OR ; DISORDER. [ferrous and Chromic Diseases. : ' ' • ‘ ' i ' [KXCL'USI VELT FOR. FEMjVLES. TlllSiinstUulipn ia now open for recep tion, care. And treatment of the \indfprn tftnl cUifM of patients who arc laboring under mental derangement j or other ncVvfus and chronic disease. ..We make special mention of nerT'ous and ;chronio diseases, from jhe fad. that scyen tenths of tUp female patients that, arc committed. 1o otir public Asylum's, to bo, treated for disordered minds, arcjreduced lo\ that lamentable condition through previous physical disorder.* B^ : a well tiimhi njnd judi cious treatment of chronic and nervous dis eases, all physical disorders, in the majority of be removed ; and thus ihemind, having nllfeiigd tbrpu'gh tiie medium of the body ; will* from t)ic exciting physical cause, the shackles that has bound it to worse tljah-qiiflnight darkness, and once more/resume it? sway, clothed in all its primitive excellence. Hence the necessity of alPthosc,. who arc laboring under exciting causes, calculated in the end .to im pair theVmind to resort to an early and judicious course of remedial agents. > I The Institution is a large* brick building i with a stone basement—four "stories high and •well ventilated. / It is an elevated table land which commands a view of entire town—adjacent hills—grove? and. neighboring streams: all of which arc/calculated to pro duce favorable impressiohs upon thc| disorder ed mind. / % 1 The Institution is complete in all of Us ty>- pointments. Having been tastefully fitted up at gract expense, in order that it may meet the approbation and views of the most fastidi ous.- | ’• • ,• The water closets and bathing apparatus have been gotten up upon the most approved modern scientific principles. This department embraces not only • the ordinary baths but,, also, the medicated, warm air and ascending and descending douthe fur the more effectual and successful treatment of cutaneous and otjier scrofulous diseases. ; We beg leave to say to all those who may bo disposed to commit*’ the interests of a dear wife, sister or daughter, to our charge— may be assured'that no means wij] bo spared or eilorts wuhting.on our pan to ameliorate tlieir condition or to effect a restoration to their ac customed health andprigor of* mind: For furtlicr particulars send for a circular. All communications should be* addressed to. . K. KEND?4CK r M. D. Supt. of New Brighton Ketreatx | New Brighton Beaver Co. Pa. x nov 12'02. ISTew Gtooclb I ! B. S'. RANGER. Bridgewater, Pa.^ HAS just' received a largo assortment of SPItISG GOODS, J which will be offered at PANIC PRICES. . Amongst his stock; can, at all times, be found a variety of DKKSS GOODS SIEBV, &c., &c. t IRON & STEEL, all varieties. NAILS by the pound or keg. / 1 WHITE LEAD and VARNISH. « 1 LAUD, SPERM, LINSEED & CARBON OIL'S i WINDOW GLASS, alTsiies, I : QCEENSWARE, LOjOKING-GLASSES, &c., All ofi which will be sold low for Cash, or Country Produce. • ■ Dridcewater. May 7. 1862. ■ L RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, ▲DAM rOBNSON, PRO’S [ PBNV A. Zze«nt«n. DEVOTED TO INCLUDING I, MUSLINS, GLOVES, HO- CRITTEJTDEN’S J '.. PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COI.3I.EaE, 1 i. R comer of 7th &Chesnml;St<s . - PHILADELPHIA, PA. j,l } fp HIS Institution,'which wasestabUsl.edih 1 ISM, and 1* now consequently it' t o eigthtoenth year, of its existence, | number* among hs gratuiktes, hundreds of the tnoet suc cessful Merchants and Business Men of onr Country. . j |. ,P, The object oft he Institution la aolcly to af ford young men facilities for thorough prepa ration for buainesa. j i . , ■ The branches Book-keeping, as applicable to the varipus departmental of trade; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental; Commercial Law, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. j ‘ -The system of Instructiou is peculia classes or set lessons are made‘use of, ; bnl student is taught individually, so that lu co’mmenceat any time, and attend at wl or hours-are most convenient! !■ ; Catalogues -'are issued annually. arte 16th April, containing names of I’tbc dents for the year, and full particniln terms, &e., and may be obtained at any by addressing the Principal. ! . In extensive accommodations, reputation, and the lengthy experience < Principal, this Institution offers perior to any other in the country, for ; men w ishing to prepare for business,, ai obtain at the same time A diploma, ivhic prove a recommendation for them to any cantile House. . Ki?“ Ciiitterdes’s Series ol Treittisi Book-Keeping, now more widely Oirct than nny other work on the or sale at the College. I B. HODGES CRITTEXDEK Attcrney-at-Lav, IS; S Piuscir May 7. Knox Fruit Farm & Nuri .For many years we huVe made tbb : cii tion of SMALL. F!tUITS'“P« and taking into account vahiett, qua and quality, our Stock of Vines and Piai GRAPES, BLACKBERRIE^ STAWRERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES RASPBERRIES. CURRANTS, &c is unequalcd anywhere, Vbichj we offj the most favorable terms. Parties v ighj purchase would do well to correspond Wi or send for our PRICE IJST, which! >v| scut to all applicants free ofj charge] I Our Seed Store and Horticulture H : , is at | N0.,29 Fifth Sttiict, where all articles belonging to s'uch m t stab lishment can be had Of the best quality. - J KNOX* ; k | i Box 105, Pittsburgr pal C ; l Viu. Milllh, jW Kickktso>|, l’i|teb‘g MILLER & RICKETSOn," IHOlimt MRS, i * Ast> mroitTKCßi or [! : . ■'r , J. il- Brandies, Wines and Segars, ■! ■ • • ‘ "I 0 i 223, Cor. of Liberty .j- Irvin t!s. 1 ; PITTSIiUHC, Pa Iron, Naila, ton Ynrn. ic., &c., cons amly on bend. I, [augi; Kot, “T h Union, Arch Street above Third,. PHILADELPHIA, Pa* Upton S. Newcomer, .Pr opT. rpms Hotel is central. Convcriic it b t I'ns- S gcnger Kailway Car* to all parts ,f tb? City, and in every particular adap cd to tlid comfort and wonts of the Travcllirg Public TERMS, 51,50 PER DAY. f NEW ' ■ J ' sura wi) M\\rii\-M:Ki?;r. ESTABLISHMENT, 1 1 BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON,' I'A., / (Four Poors below Dr. Sargent Vl' ug Store. mayT,62—ly. j MRS & MISS .. I WATER ct [eney Ss superior to II 1 -lie treatment or all 10 Institution 7 in .his ter facilities' for its at PITTSBTJEQ-I T\TO Curative Aj Xj, PATHY for i of Diseases, and i try possesses greaj truiion than ibis. | i Pictor i Jr : Dr. ial CirCulcr a'itire*? W. K.. HAMKLUTO ,/ I'iltaburj;. e ,Sewing Machir SOl-D BV '| : M’CRE G O F |& St. CLAIR STS., [TTSBITRb, PEN !tO,BE SEEN'.TOjBE ItECIATED. fjap2 “ Tfco Howt • / /' ', A. 31. J CORNER P'ENN’i :/ i’ NEEDS ONEY ■ p JS hereby given that I have been ap Surgeon lay the Tension Depirtu examinc Wounded and invalid Soldiei charged from the service: that my nu extends to State or Te and that I am to cntcit u discharge of mv 1 GEORGE JTcC(3OK.|M. Oct,ls— 4t. j ' Kiaruiniugjfiur croir, cob & O Advertising and Commission ?A, AND DEALEitS IN \ PRINTING INKS OF All|k Type, Printing Matefte.li WRITINO AND PRINTING PAPER liStf OFFICES—Ur own's BuiWmC, PhiU' Tribune Building*, New. York. m4ir2o:ly. 4 JAMES S. RUT AN, ATTORNEY AT £? ( BISTRICT A TTOmyS 3 - ' BEAVER, PiINN'A. B&_Offico inllho.Court House. , t . Atl< claims against the back psyj bounty aricl i pensions cuted to collection with the least pos ay. . ; [ 1 ' ,»:.'.'sd; MILO A. TOWN - DEALER IS B 0 OKSf STA TIO ■Wall par fIOVS AKD FAKCY I no 6. NEW BRIGIITC A. R. THOMSO ATTORNEY AT Office, comer of Tim'd street and th beayMi I! ■ IK .. I BENTEL, ARBUCKIE &C 0 MAMJFACXUTEBS OF - I OXIL.; ; , ROCHESTER; BEAVER COUNTY, PAifap2 Sterling Ho use, IVo. 107 Second Street > (BSTWEES WOOD -AKDs'MAuKE' !). ■ PITTSBURG, PEarJT’A. BOARDING BY THE MEAL. HAT OBWEfiK., Tawjii'TVrj ■ j;, l __ DS AKDREIATITES fi ■■ OFTBB : A- V-(V ‘ BRAVjE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS : ' And O j'n l imit. FRIE ALL WHOhave Friends and Eeiatijesla the Amy or Navy, should take especial Cafe that they be amply supplied With 1 those Pills and Ointment; and where the brave i Soldiers and bailors have neglected to provide them selves with thcm.no better present can be sent them by their friends. They have been prov ed to be the Soldier's never-failing friend in the! hour'bf need. . . |'S ]■ -s ji.. j 'j . ■ COL'G HS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS Will ;be speedily removed 1 and; effectually eared by jusing these admirable and by payfng proper attention to j the Directions which ire attached to each Pot or Boi. SICK HEADACHES AND WANTXJF APPE ; TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIEP.S. . | These feelings which sp.saddcm is. .usually i arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed! perspiration, or eating and drinking Whatever' is unwholesome, thus disturbing the (healjhful action of the liver and stomach. i These or gans miiat be relieved,,if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to 1 the printed in structions, will quickly a produce a heillthy action m both liver and stomach, and as : a natural consequence a clear head anil good ap petite: U ■ , | j ] WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDIjCEDj, BY ■;i DO each, ijmay. alev- ■ the slu rs of time [>rcad f the s su oung id to i will- Mer- l i t OVER;FATIGUE, ■ , Will soonditappcar By the use of itliissis in valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength. Never,let the Bow els be hither confined or unduly acted upon. It tiiay- seem strange that Holloway's Tills should {be recommended for! tHysentcry and Flux, many persons supposing that.they would increase the relaxation. This is n ! i great mis take, for ihese Pills will correct the j liver and stomach and thus-remove all the acrid-humors from tWc systcm. This medicine >vjll givcjlonc and tv'the whole loi gonic system howev- while health nnd-strCngth follow as a matter of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the lloweliso sure as this fam ous uiejliclnc. VOLUNTEERS .ATTENTION 1 INDISCRE i : , TIONS OF VUUTH. - j Sores and Ulcers, Blotchinga and Swellings, can wijh certainty be radically cured if • the Tills atjo latch night and morning, and the ointment be frUcly us'eckas stated in the firint-, cd instructions. \H'treated in’’tiny other man.’ nor tlxjji, dry up iiri one part to break out/ili an .other.', VVhereasj tins. Ointment, jwill; remove *ihc humors I'rorn the system and Icavoitho Ta lient ajvigonjus hiidjhctiliuiyj jnan]; hi will re-j -quire it little persUverancq to in-l 1 sure a lasting cure. 41 g . ■ ' \IV. : ii Foil EJIMIiER OGCASIIONEIU BY THE BAV.ONET. Oil SABRE OR’EHEBCE- 1 ' LETI'SjORES QU BRUISES, ! | X |; j i Tu-Which every Soldier and Sailor aro liable there are hi] medicines so safe, sure, and jeon ivtnietit as ! Pills and ointment. The 'poor wpn idled and almost dying sufferer might Ka-fe his wounds dressed immediately, if. lie would Only provide himself with tills mateh h;ss Ointment, which should be thrust int o the wound and smeared all around it; then cven-d with U piece of linen from his knapsack, dthd compressed, with, a handkerchief. Taking nigh end morning tl or-8 ‘Pills, .to cool ,i(io'sys tem and prevent' inflamatjon. | 5 i [Soldier's knapsack and/ Seamnii's chesi shoißd bo providejdavith lEeio Valuable Kcni-tdier: f . i 1 / ‘ :••! CAI TIOX. - None ar^cnujnn ; ujiles's, the pyOyd j A(io I'or. I ,| a«d Lon'don\'' arc discc 'iiablc as nr watermark ihi|vcry : leaf of lUcjbook of cjl :h pot or box ;j the| same may be "plainly tieem ty Adl-iiny gfst >Vj 'handsome reward will be given any one rendering such - in!Wm!a4* may lcud/to 4 the detection -of any party or parlies countbrfeiiin , gthcmedu , rD?s.«:iryeml ing the samc/knowing them to be spuriouH.L ***sdojd/ai tko >lan;ifaet?ry’oil | lloleowaly' 80 Maiden Lane, New [Vork. and by’a I Respectable Druggists and Dealers ;in Med throughout the civilizcdl rrorjld, in boxe-Tat |-o cents, G 2 cents and $1 each. ; ? /JP:?“Tjhcve is considerable having by taking the la’gorihiies. ■’ * u Li •' : N. B.—Directiona for the. guidance Icnts in cyerv disordcraroaffized tol eaci - -Miiß-S ’;M' ‘ ■s on luted e fur es lliya- ihlly, STiiv li'-s of It, Du ng to h u». 11 be ouse V ft MALE (;00 <)<)() i 1 OR FEMALE AGENTS . I ]■ Tb SELL ■■ V !.’• 1; I, £loijd’s JVdin Sled Plate. CoUiity [Cilore^ • A i \M«p of the United ' ~ - and Seic 1 Bnmswirlf | recent surveys, complel ihl Avg. 10, lBti*2;j jcos| $20,001i engrave if, ainf one year’fe Kimje. j , j. : ! to &ny slo'map jere'r- inride ly Col-' ton or Miiclicll, and sefis at tholojiv price of FiltyjCents; 370,000 names are engraved on tlits map. - . - ■ •. IT fa not only a County map, but it la also a ! Ci>U]ST¥.& HAILkOAD MAP of theiUj. S. & Canadas combined in one, giving Every Railroad Station hud distances bctjtveen. Gujifuutcc any woman or man S 3 tb Sojpcr ,day, LjdU .tvull.lake Wet all 1 maps ti at : cannot be sol<l and refund the money., I '■ | r. ■• i Send for $1 worth to try, ; . i. ’ instructions how' to canvass well, furnished all our agents. ■.» j AVaiitid-piYhidesalo Agents for our maps; in every!'Slate,'California, Canada, England, Fnihcij anil Cuba. A .fortimp hiay be made' 'withja 1 few hundred dollars capital ■ Xocam-\ peiiliifh. ii J F. Lloyd, 101 Broadway, N. V. The IVai lie [i art Inent uses duf it ap of Vir ginia,] Maryland, pud Pennsylvania; cost Sl(]iO,- .1)00, oh which is marked Aptictnu t.'rerk, Sbarpsbhrg, Maryland' Highlijv WSlliamspior'i ii-'erjyl Dhin-evsviUe, NblamlV-Forjl, and j all ethers bli the Potomac, and every .other place ! in irreab'jvc named States, or money refunded. 1 LllbrUlS TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF j KE.'itUCKA K OUIO, INDIANA, |altd ILL.,, ' at; tfc|s only nuHitjriky for Gun. RoPjccrnns jittid j the jlVar DcpartmbnC J refunded to ! any 'one finding an cfrbr inj it. i* !'• I !' j,, ErontUhc Tribuita, Aitg. L ]j, ■! “LIOTD’S MAI" OF ViEUiyIA',xMAKTLAND AXU PECtikyLVASiA.—The map' is vfer-y large;] its cost ik but Jid cents, and it t 3 Che can j bttjmrchaied.” .\.:; . ;,,j [.' '’vj ■ /.joyifs Great Map of tfte Misiihipjti. liiye.f*— From Actual Surveys bylCapts, Lari and jVirN Bowjn; Mississippi /Riverl Pilots, oi] St. Ldujs, Mo.j shotys every man’splaniutionand owtler’s nam]e froth St. Louis to the Gulf pjf 1,860 miles—every sand-bar,' island, tqwn, landing, and all places 20 miles back from the' tiver —colored iu counties and Slates, Pi-ice, sheels. S 2, pocket form, , and S2;osj on ; dinihi, with] rollers.! Reafly Sept. 20. ' :| piafy Department, * Washington; Hept. jl6, 18t;2. »! TV Lloyd—Sir; Send me your Map ofj the Mississippi River, with price per hundred | copies,] Rear-Admiral Charles 11. Davis, ,com -1 mandipg the Mississippi squadyon,|is nuthor .ired to purchase as many as life required fo usbjj'ofjthal squadron. . I . j ' V :i)RO lorin- coun** minis- , l‘a e,” :n’A. : ; Ar- Gm, ITS" loves amt halts. sorrows and Angers, hopes,and'fears; regrets ami j^yfc;j MAN rjiiOODt how:lost, bow restored.; .flip nature, t treatment ai|d radical curb of spermaterrliom or seminal weakness'; involuntary • .omissions, ‘ sexual debility and to marriage ell generally; ndrvousncss, I consumption, fits! i ‘ mental and physical incapacity, resulting from s! in SE'LFrAHUSE—j-are : fully! explained in the iidid, MAKItIAQE GUID.E, by VfM. YOUNG. MSi>: made This Ihost ;extraWdiiniry book should be o corn* | handij of every; young pqrson, contompbitHiig ♦. Y% ' 'marri-age. and every man| or - iyumnn jwhoj dc lof-Vir- sires t.o.limi^t hie number |of ■ offspring to it SIVO,- tlieir Vircunistanoes. Evdry pain, disease’ and. .1 Crcjfcki ache incidentaiito youth, juaiprity andpld age. is fully explniucd; every pai* tele of knowledge i, andj all that Should he known is lijevc given. li;is,full Other place of engravings. ! In fact, itjdi*elosesjscerct.s that y refunded, j every one should know: ajill it is a book that MAP OF must bedecked up, and mjt l euboui the house, jabd ILL., It will be sent to any qfoc on the receipt yf •Sccrans jimd fwcnly-fivc cciits .fu>|»colp «J»r postage stamps. to ...Address I>r. NVm. YOUjNGV’4IO iSprucest., 1'- 1 above Fourth, , " ' ‘ I !.. ■ jgwgF* 4 I'inorfvrihte . no matter wlint \l> ;AXI> may be your dlisease. befprd you place yijur- ; its self tinder the! care of ajiiy; .-of the notorious j 1 can 1 Quacks —native or loreign.*— in j | this, dr any oi her a copy n! -Ur. , I Young's, book. and- carefully* |b‘e the means uf saving you inaiiy a .doikr, | your health.* and, possiblylyour lilc, - ■ | ’:SteJYOUNG|cun be consulted on any of the ; diseases described in hif publication, ipi 1 office!; 41A Spruce Street,dabovc Fcmrih._l htla-.| h;our» from y daily-' I ,u^? ! _ DEMpKKSTiS/ ■ * ! . Quarterly Mirror; ot Fashions, W'lV.'i G>eat ami Addiliom,’ .j tbs: StaJIF.K SCmIhFE CONTAINS. foGe large * .srhpxoiP' fASirioy. FLATESi TllllEp ' EVRR-Sl/d.D I PATTERNS OF URESStS^ i 1 ,‘COMPKISI,Sr. THK " —'Ne'wFronch Waist, an, Elegant Sleeve, and a SUABLE BEAL ESTATE 1 •Misses Sack, and ji’.sieet-at New. ■ i j fi ?• -I I- ' ■ V' and Beautiful Ir ■ 1 iFOR .SAIiE. j BRAI# AND lEMBROIDERING PATTERNS, !lIE TRUSTEES OF REAVER ACADEMY TogcthcV with nearly! lOOJEhgravings of' i : desiring to transfer the Mafe Depart- \ all the noyelties for ■ ' . . me|tof that [institution to another and aj less Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, ext insiyc building, offer for sale the proper- , ■■ .J, i , —J ' ’ >, • i * i ty. now knptvn nsi the BEAVER ACADEMY, | Children 8 Dljesses, &C., j situate on thteiCflrner of third street and the And valuablcj information to Milliner?, Dress Puljlilj Square, in the borough Beaver.. — M.-ikcr^,lMothprs,' and jiadiea gciierally, pre-.j Thbj lqt is of good size. The improvcinents senting tie largest ang( best Eashion Mnga-! large three story Brick building," [with line jin the >Vofld, .published 473-Broadway, frame attached, and wan originally built for a X. V., : and sbld everywhere at 2o cents, or Hotel. It contains upwards of 30 rbpros;; ecl- sent by mail,' iposli free, bn receipt of the am fc larpiderneath the whole building. I This prop- in stamps or, Silver. Y«|ir:Sl,o0 .-bjith thefoU erty, from its location and dhojthantcter and low-iiig.valuable premium. '(, | of the buildings, is well calcula- yjlach yearly subsoribcr'wiU bo ehtitlc‘d y> a ted for a good hotel, .aud,will be Sold at a rea- receipt for the soleetionj of K 6O cents, worth of aonable price and on reasonable terras. | ' plain patterns, from the! designs in the book," i t vii®l.For further infortpation and terms, ap-rot,from the or they-may be.or ?ply |to Key. D. A. Cunningham,'Bijidgewateri j delta and sent bijy mail 'any time during the | the jUndersignod, or any member of tbeßoard ; year, by paying postage.: : y i W Xfuete'ea.' ‘Brori«P ')• >gA.|to}«ad2 Indt^erteawtoCmnvmwors. BT. Ulb|i, SVe’y !* So now t'mSi- \i. , y winlcd jicnt. to I?, #4s ii ihorily • -ritory, i non the f ( con, ENIE ;ps, &c , lelphia; w. 'io ent for prose- :ili!c dc- f N # ' KERY, >er, : bAcles )N Pa. GIDEQS WELLS. Secretary of the Nary, VAL lioni Ml LAW, Diamond, • •A. MI la. >f pa :U hgx. • tk,... >_ I ’ V : j AYER'S iiij. ':-' ly CHEllllY QL PECTORAL, JO VOS THI BAFtO CUBS OV > 1 Cold*. Coughs* and - Hoarseness. ' - ■■ ■ ' BxtKtmß, Mut, 2Wh Ifce, ists. 'NBh, ' i DIJ.CAra. r liaQfitb«ltatoto«f Jjk^ ; the beet remedy I have «w foundfor U|! 1 Coughs, Doareeaw*, Influent*. tad tbt concomitant eymptooasof t Cold, isyour '' Camitacroiub Ha constant oie In' -\ mr taftgtiet tad ay family to tht! Inst , ten yean has shown It to possess > rlor virtues for the treatment of these JEM* • t oomplaidtt. EBKN - —*w ■ ,>■ ' • JLB. MORTLEY. Unci, K. T*, writes: “I hit* need your Pectoral myself tod 1b ray family ever since, you Invented it, tad belters it the beet mcdSdo* for Its 1 I purpose ever pot fajL Wifcb t bed cold I should soonar • J “pay twenty-fire dollars fur t boUlej than do without It, or > | Itie-tny. other remedy.” | Croaft Whctoplngr Cough, Influents* \ " ' • i BPJin«amtb.Jli^yeb.7JisM. BtOTHKS~ATXE: I will cheerfully certify yoar Ittoral [' b the beet remedy we possess 2 for; the cure of vrbooptng 1 jj l sough, croup, end the chest diseases of children. We of 1J your fraternity la the South appreciate your skill, sod i ■ commend your medicine our people. ■ ' j i ! I HIRAM CONKLIN, M. D. 1 AMOS LEE, Esq., Uonmr, IjL, writes, 3d Jan., 1666 • ! I M I had t;tedious Influenta, which couflned me in doors ! six Weeks; took many medicincs wUhoat relief; finally ■ I tried tonr Ikdortd by. the advice of o\jy clergyman. The I .first dose relieved the soreness in' mydbroat and longs; : less than one half (he bottle made me completely well! , j Tonr medicines vs! the cheapest as well as the best we :. I. sen buy, did we esteem yon, Doctor, and your remedies, ■ as the poor man's friend.” I Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. £ •! Wist Ma-nchcsth, Pa., Feb. 4, 1860, But: Yonr Cherry Ptdorai is performing marvellous cores .inthls section- 1 It has relieved several from.ateno-’ Ing symptoms of consumption, anil Is now curing a man . who has labored under an affection of the longs for the last forty yean. | HENRY Zi. PARKS, Merchant. I A. *A., RAMSEY, Mf D., AuiOw/ Moxkoi Co., lowa, ‘ ! writ«s, dept. 6,1856: “ During myjpractica of many years < I have found nothing equal to ytmr Oierry Ptdoral for 1 •’ giving ease and relief to consumptive patients, or, caring ' ' such as are curable.’! v ■[' ; 1 We> might add Tolnmes of evidence, but the most eon* ' ▼inpiitg proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in its , : trial. !-■ - \ -! ;‘i \ i Consumption, 1 •” . Probably no one remedy bits oter been known which I cured so many and such dangerous cases as thls. Some * po afd can j reach; bat ejren to those the CUtrrf I Aching Affords relief and comfort - ■ ■ , ' I Asroa HpCax, Nxw Yoas Cm, March 6,1856, '. ; P? Doctok Ana, Wwill: I foe] it.a duty and a pleasure : I. to inform you what your Cherry . Ptdoral has done for my : rwife. She had been flve months ÜboriDg_nnder lhe dan- • j gerpna symptoms of Consumption! from which no aid we j ; could procure imveher much relief. She was steadily Ing, until Dr, Strong, of this city, Where we havecorae for j . advice, Recommended a. trial'of yo’ur medicine. W'e bless > # his kindness, as we do your skill ( forsho has recovered i : ' from that day. Shu b not yet gs sttjong as she used to ‘ ;; be, bot te free bom bereongh, and call* herself:well. - \ Youn,With gratitude and regard, | ___ , ; 1 . f v DKIiANDO SILELBY, or fiaiuunuSr^ i| ; • Cbnrutepfircr, dp not despairytilllynu haro tried Al*ra’S, [|CexjLßT PicroauJ It made.by one of the beet medical [ Chemists in the world, afrd its core! all around ns bespeak - 4l.the high merits of Its ledger. ■ Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. THE jeclenceerf’(Chemistry and 31edidna hare-been taxed IIA-lr/Utincist lo producs this teßt, most perfect . ; purgative whicli is kipown to-man. Innumerable proofs ! are shown that tbcap Pills have rlrthes which surpass in j exedlenbe'the ordinary! medicioesj and that they win on- ’: i precedentediy upon the]eiieem of all men. They are safe . \ and pleasant to take,' but pow«fdl to cure. Their pene- ! the bbetructions-of its orguitej purify tb'o-blood, ■. and eapeldisease. Tbeypurgeoul thefoulhumors which : f. breed and grow distemper, stimulate slaggah or disoiv ' . 'dered organs into their natural action, and impartbeallby . , tone Wjltb strength} to the wholij system. Not only do ■ , i. they cure thelavery-day complaifats of every body, bnt*-. 1 also formidable and dangerous diseases tliat hare baffled ? the bept of human iiki]|. While! they produce powerful ; effects, : they orest the same time, in diminished doses, tlie | es/eet arid bcstlpbysic that cau be employed for children. ! Being aUgar-coated, they orspleasant to Lake; and being 1 .!. purely vegetable, aro free risk of harm. Cures 1 ;. have been made which surpass belief were they not sub- , ! stantiated by ieb of isuch exalted} position and character : . I as to fotbld of untruth. Many eminent: 1 ; clergymen and physfoiaus have ieht their names to certify < ; to the public the reliability of my bremedles, while others ' J have sent mo the assurance of tllelrcobkictlcsi that my i /|' Ftrpdratlons contribute Immensely to the relief of my | j, suffering follow-men. _ -! *- v j The Agent below riamed is fo furnish gratis my | American Almanac, containing directions for theh use and | Lcertificates of their euree, of the following complaints:-* ' ,j" Costlvenese, Blliotis Rheumatism, Dropsy, ; ;. Heaiibdrs, Hvadaclie arising from a foul stomach, Nau- t ! * tea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction bf the Bowels and ' i ; arising therefrom. Flatulency, Loes of Appetite, all Ulcer-, j } ous and Cafoueous} DUeasee which require an eviacnaDt' 1 - I I medicine. Scrofula or King's Evil.' They also, by purify- I ; Ing the; bldod .and stimulating the system, cum many 1 • : eomplaibts which it; would not be supposed they conld j,! 1 j! reach, sbeh as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and ; ; j .Nervous lrritabllity| Derangements of the Liver and Kid-; j 1 ■ ). neys. Gout, and other kindred cotep taints arising from -a'.! low state;of the body or obstruction of its functions. | - Do not .be pnt off by unprincipled dealer* with tom's ; i>tfaet pfll they: make, more profit on. Ask .for lAtxr’B . ftiti, and take nothing else.-, Ko other they'can give - you compare* with this iu its Intrinsic value or curative • power*. Thesicirwant the beil aid there is fcrtfrcm, ’ sad they should have It. ( . a=-.V s | , Prepared by Dr. j. C. ATEK, j Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass, i Sues 85 Ct*,| p*» Box. Ftv* BoxiS foa K sl* j | .:| SOLDBiq V-. j Sffil t’or.palp |by ;u. Miijis,-jr., -'Beaver; b Cl'i'osS; Kochctpr; \Vftc2oll6r & Lowry, .Free don.; ,J. KicboU, J. Sai-gw*; .Sew- Brigbton, John Ulack, j I’srlhietor.. l)ur cj>n! 4; Edgar, FjillhtcD.ai.d V}\ driers everv where. F]cth. 1J v - 1 ■ . ■ .! , L _| ♦.V* \ ' ■' J: MARRIAGE In==l===2 P* Bugle Cali, t War of extermination agan, t :i . v ;• bo4\ Breath, ■vd'ilmH? \i. I Toothache, T i 1 ■ anl Xettrafyia 'y ■■ I 1 , ODR AKTlLLElty’is , : DR. WM. B. lIURiy, DENTAL TREASURY :■ : A COMPLEX* «T OP E TI - ; fHKSKUVIxy THE TKKTIi Verifying i[ the Breath ..'and uping Toothache end Neurit, r „ CONTIM s, £>r. Burd'i Celebrated 110 VT/1 vy , bottle. r t ]i)r. Hurd 3 - Unequalled TOOT}/ pr,/ one box. . - . r : ' | L „ UJV *£, pO@TllAClif:if r ... one bottle. •'«. ■ • Dr. Hurd' i UMRirAI£V Vrrr.v/ BLASTER.: ; , ! 5 3 .••' p : Dr. Hurd’s MAECAL-ion rtt hnhg/.' Preserving ther Teethfyicludty • Proper Treatment of Childrens : - FLOSS SILK for CUanila L ! *. tooth picks, t(Ct '■/.;! ;■’ i ‘‘ ! . I’repanid 'in Dr. Kurd'a/iici,;/ Ir,s< . Fourth St., lirooklyin f l/Ah ) ' ‘ r~"V '_ ' Price, OXE HOLLAR ,- or y,4 ;- # £EiP’ The Df-ntal Tr/a.\uro uiak,-. . . eight inches by dx^f anil is sent hr'-::' 11 ' > tPX” I atl'direcuons fur are is f>h ■ "1 L ‘. .. V The folloiviut/arUeles ife.oaa sene !y. by nmil.vii; - , | - >'* ; •. The Trcah/e on Preserrinfthe TVsjtld!:/ paid, on receipt- of' T;,v;;':,vx: entd/ V stamps.-/ ■ . . ' f' i for >'e\h-ulef; I Fncjb Neryous,Headache, un j ; Kaffiei-i peat paid, onl receipt <Jf El-jhtan ' OU; stamps./' / ./ ;.ji , ■ ' Thfc Xeuraiyia and lUheiinuiiie !'!•. t - l aize.) for I’ains in lhe|trh( T --I. iSh-J-,;!- 1. : ■ : or any pin af the bodjj sjnt post pAfi -Ceipt of Thirty-acreit c-np. V T ; 'Address, ■ H / a *.j -•-' ■ ; in/. IH. l H. II a; IK tv, j 1 . : -'Tribune Luihitnya, Xer: Dr. Hvrd-'t MOUTH ir.-1.57/. Trcrnl UERtmi TOOTHACHE kliOlAKv... sent by s mail,*, hu'i- they can V s ‘" 1-i -taincd at your Drug or Pcrioaiciii'>* they, cannot, send to'iip tyr iLc.iC TUKASI’IIY, Pidoe, One tains them. • • ‘ ■ v >■; ARB DS- BU83!S« iPMi?.l|li.Tl iV5i ( The best .evidences that .tl:ey'ki;c- is. tj!ti: firmest friends andibest pairoli.- arc n‘ have them longest. , />>•,. H;.. /if}: im, eminent Dentist of Brook:;,i.;- . ‘he New-Vork-.St.uro Jv.-ivA?.:*’ .1.-.-• r T these pvc’nintii.oiis haved/cvi; x’V; ihxtc y-rurs, ;jnd’u-r *eu iiit’; <•;: of iir.o.oklyji j.0.1* '* WidhniOjuWr exccllonice. VvJiiii.* -eminent-■ -li’ ■/ York roeomi.'j'-nd rl.ou a* . the;pndbsO’ou. U it h • luff.’' dealers have so r d .ihc-m by ihe’iiru; VT be IMhor oi the l> ul’v ;• ; . ‘‘We arc hanpy to kne.w th*Jt •:;iv ; V ‘1 Hurd, is succeeding be-vorJd : v.\]-, •*■■■ with his MpurJi' U ASH and DKRc- The great* .secret pj ? w 4 with the fact (Kal Jtis crlich-s orc ’Jrf. i-W i/'t f/ urc rcj>rt?’'nitd (o it, as uc can v (hcir'loufj. ’ The well known-P. T. BraVnum wr.;-.- I'uitnd your TOOTH I'OIVDKU ; r uu !4, fjymily have use'd "It’all up.' . \\'c v p&K'dtrfvi' ih ( tfl'k irf In', iv- cr?t t.'.u XI -‘i 1 feel obliged ij' yo*t|Will sera-fee aiKib: *. plv mihe Muioumf I 'bill. /”•} j 4 \] But tlicir Tost 13. | teat the ma(*eii.for j ■ '££>** Beware of i I D.r. Hurd'.r Toorh 1 | nor alkali,-nor oh tv I wearing' theo-ii-arru ! \VHAT W Vf 11-lV D -Di*. |Hura'3iMr.iu 1 willgive young lad rriah—a sweet thcm.drnlie*. j . j i>i\ third's will cleanse iLe mo lions., aiub if used In iho inormng, ,/ ; llie breakfast taste sweeter and im o / more pleasantly. I'lluTulveda -.if ••.A--*" lesfifv'to this. | Try them, gembm jjr.j Or' Hurd’s Mouth! Wash uik.l t ’ tire the tiiebtst preparations in ihji’ j curing lad hr.utih aiid giving kv—- I health to the’gumsi jiunutv-l-’-t : ylfht*vs'.d liUjdmg . £urc. .■ J etc.. halve be if n curtd by l>r. ' 3 cm ;• v. • - . ’i ! • Dr. H urd's Mom h Wash and hyi (■- 8 give an •.abUtionalA’liafni to e -ai -! I maker hud l ’-rd- i.'.'re- agreeable l i ■ and wivosio,ihe;r husbands, ■ used bv evbvy-person naving. iv ’ Airri'rtriA.L T-K ; which are liable to impait'a t" 11 ’ 5 i l , • _ -Djr. Hurd's Toothache Ibvojc; ache arising' from exposed iu-ta. • best friends, that parents cun n .;v; fo save their chd'drenti'UiiMoiio 1 selves.from IoA of deep amj- "Farmers inrerhatnc'! j'.":.’-,, fonj.lo neglect your torih- hoosii..- you can now got. pre-orv:;:: .' ■ Rothschild or Asi or -pa n got tm-tk-Ui Remember thaT /'SKi' ' OitfLurigs ui’tea origmi-io hn nry-'- Scpd Tor the on] T" r ■ Filths rd'sciwations'on this hit L to arrest, decay in . VvUI o I ■■ ■ t your children's teeth. , ' ' V/' 777-1 I. Hi A, J'J> /.v 77.• Veuralgia JSVt.wVdlthsiye riastot ■> a. pleasant and snecessfiih reme.h.y e' h ibr this.-painful] disease jllles one. soon hr Monies drowsy. • late alud awakes free front patm ami no ■ other unpleasant or injuTiouscnnse H et Ate • For tVrrtf/i«”'ltwl Aerroii* /«»•••. tjlv’ aeeording to .directions. a.eil.n surely follow; .Nothing can. be-omai-; tlj l»r. llnni a Coinprossl.tor Ncunt.- t j,em. They' are entirely a'myrl,.rk original preparation., and wuiidcrl;-; ful. ■ They are of two sizes. l one >. fitcc, price l-'t cents, and the ," ! J r ‘y tire body. ’Sc'mailed on rtrfipt (•/ 'prn-f..’‘v[ Wit AT MCE THE 'Titc American, peopieTtfe intrhi*y“' .appreciate-preparutioiistliat eoin' | (o happiness of those , I wont them. Every mail '’/.-'iy ,u ',, ! ordering the Treatise on 1 i. I ralgia Wasters, and ytot ale’- I To# iheMbmh \\ ashi to hr s< I ._ i io these we arc compelled I", I U ,ossihle to send a T •&" jwh‘e people want thorp T.et.ier,.e -|. iuppl;ftl‘cm?- ; ; 1 f Now is tho • : I , t j I li.A N’CE FOR AO h. ♦ .Shrewd agents tan m ;'*® carrying these articles ate. s .;- DettuU Treasury is the man or woman can vnpy 1‘ one and sec, or. belt et. ■. will sell,'as samples.dors>.‘f liberally wit It circulars. A .1. > to to go-int«; the business. t< T »" a protit. We 'arc fctf benefit'of agents., N« 5 i< men! here is something nK . |(IrfSV take the tide ' V . ' Tribune^i^^ s&srs£te&> Brooklyn; to G. «•Jh^oklrt ; W I AND, jll’L Y uUi* £ * Ivl' I f: «:• I'.y.i to small ihai c?c:’y • ii [iilVisirlf i ■ r ■■; \.t■ .v.y T • Vuuvr' L’.iisii-.j ■ u:;/!/? irncT fjt»' ;i>i« > 111;. !j nii'.l jj'tMJ-iy _ j-*—• Tr >i’r :‘li -uain all ' f<- - . ’4*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers