Evs.A.VER , : 4/..ILGE.IT Wednesday, APO 22111 148 a • • c o . IMBRIE,-tor & Pmprietor. TERMS— Os* Doixa* and FimCiSn ptf manta, P* , xpTAirci ; otherwii* Tiro Dot<> i.m trill be charged. No paper,diacontlauad . \jilU ill arrearage* are tattled.■ |grletter* and communication*, by mail ~ alut bare prompt attention. ■ j- NEW-YURK. TRIBUNE. 1863 i The If ew-Yoek Tribune, first -.l*, sncd in IS4I, >in'ii9 twenty-second rears. has obtalned both a, larger and L more widely diffused circulation thati ary other newspaper ever published v-m'America. Though it has suffered, : j i; cummon with other journals,from : tae volunteering and departure ofi i ten's of thousands ' of its patrons'' to I v-rre in the War for the Union, its I k -jirculaticii on this 6th of December j is as, follows: , ,._j The following remarks were made by il’Cnndlesa on the resolution ten dering the use of the hall of the Soar atf to Gov. Johnson, of Teun.. i and I -Es-Gov. Wright, of Indiana, for the | purpose pf .addressing their fellow , j citizens of Pennsylvania: ■ ul J ■. I Mr. Speaker, why this angry arid I discordant disputation herb? "What is the proposition which has teen _ I ruthlessly thrust upon us hero to sp 4 Aggregate.—...... ’ alvsde us ? Why, Strange as it> mat ■Bre-ensiiicatly a journal o( Koyra and appear, the proposition is iricrely tb of .literature, The. Tiunc.vi: has politi- invito Gov. Andrew Johnson, of Ten^ ■ which are wellcharac- nessee, to address ua o& the grebt ifr.wil'Vtbosingle word Republican, political questions which have so di y'jn'f Republican in its hearty adhesion vided us. and]which have brought the •;-w the great ■truth fh[at -‘God has | n»P»l tefiiblo of civil wars upon us;—!■ ’ mji .'e of one blood all nations of men” j And why not exfehd the hand of fell —Republican in its asseidfoft of the jlowsliip and brotherly love lb thal equal and inalienable rights of all; great and mighty old patriot; who men; to “life, liberty, and the pursuit j has thrown bit the holy altar of bis of happiness”—Republican in its' bleeding country, his’property, his Ete.-ufiast,: earnest, deftiint hostility to I life—yea, his all, solely and cxchisive every seli'emc ,an«l cfl’brt of the Slave; ly for the good of our common ebuntry Rower, fnnn the Annexation of Texas! —to prevent trail Ora from polluting to the groat Rebellion), , toigrasp the that glorious flag Of bur country, to empire the New Woild and wield 1 which all true men and true patriots the resources of our country for its I Willingly bow the knbe in Adoration? own nggrandizomcnt-sjjepublicyih ihj Why refuse Jiiiri an audience m tlio its .antagonism to the despots of the fold Keystone State, where loyalty Is Old World, who fondly hail in, the] presumed to pervade j.t throughout its perils .and calamines suddenly thrust entire length and breadth ? Refuse a upon us by their American coniHer- lure patriot and loyal Union man the part the overti.ro v and ruin of the halls Of the Capitol or tl.h nr h Model Republic-Republican in its Stato. which has been first in fillW . l ,‘, ul ’ e Thu tI . USt ‘ ltS f t th , .efott» »P her ,quota of troops—yea which a,it f this atrocious Rebellion must has: moved more troops in the field S 8 :rl overth "'T < 6f Rs iuid \yliicli hasJa*j*hid out her trei£ and. the firm establishment pro to a greater extent Ihnn *nt ■l rqualrighjtsand equal laws through- other State in or out of the Union— ‘/utthe whole extent of our country, to disenthrall tlio'oppressed of ti,„ ynerem.Liberty and Union shall in- South, and of Terinesstc ~.,i b hen "’ j* “ ‘ r t l “ nd t^ BOme exten l in supreme. Why then is ITc. to be L ,ie»e to Education, Temperance, Ag-( fused this small privilege ? TheSonL r.iulturc, Inventions, and whafever/- tor-from Berks says it is because lm e!ie may minister to the spiritual and has stood npifop the Government ■ nrlierial progress and t#II beiilg of the tho StSri-Kl ? ’ i «i.km<j ybut. for; the present its'crier- tins been friend and’supporter of i Us.columns are mainly fie- the.- President.of the Un'itoT State* •' vuwdjV. tuc intigpration and success because- -liie is' not; 'the canstitnUr. /! , ef lgr tho Union. Its special Governor of; S I wrreshoudeii's accompany eyory pation of the goveijnment WoVl.ch „- d ? t t :at Steal Btrug- his, countenance that usurpation ■ il.nt tOinLy^- 110 "*. nlt in i«‘« , the government ai wSSoni I of the j tcndjng fast to a grand centralization ■if Peiico and Thrift to our distracted. Wtrttr-.tvr - -\iiiing country.; We believe that not would bare thought that this rcsohi •isjaffwiso. can a fuller pr v riu.rt been- tibii could have been the pretext for i view of thb progress and charac i such an oit holy crusade against our r ;.r|.of this mmiuMitous conflict be i Government and tVfb loyal men who -'■!lained than uxrough the Tegular|£“Pp.ortit? Eycry|hcarishould throb ■ :' vcaEal jf our fWiimns./ And we I of love and of aaora- ; l'r,rr.cstly solicit tlies.eo-o'pera(iori of! lion for this Government; and we [■ :-;i!iifcn<ls of _lhe National causu. whic-h j should take home as something near V rr;regard-'arid upholcC as; that 6f and "dear to patriots and Universal Hurnanity, to bid us in ex- martyrs, who have jtooj nobly up for I Hiding iu jarculabtijn?" l , \ ; their Government when traitors—yea, ' i } TliltMS. -.- v devils iri hontan fornt, deprived them ilheicriopmgffii increase in .tile ’ price. of; all hut life-t-whe!n they refused to °f tabuing-paper and otbef mimT-ipls- follow them injihcir schemes to des ■ttEeil jp t>py this, the I greatest and best of! uj m-uarHaseiVie ■price ot'Cue-Tut- governments under the sua.^ - ” l ' r - Our new terms are :,_ ' \ I ask the Deiriocntie party.to point , .■ * -UIA TP.nu. XE. 'to one single, solitaiy nnconslitiftion v"*s cMrt#. intact of this Govbrnment -Bincc its 'll IfEWifrSjTlJNl"' 5 in \pH on - they gay the .writ, of ■.‘•’X* Copr. one year (}(H i. S uc B r"- * ’« 3 j hfibe^orpus— that great writ of right] /••»•» copies, one year............ 0. i!.".i...|0. l '' as nebb) unlawfully hnd unconstitu-) - ‘•■'•vuy.eg. one year.;- ■„ ..'..|:Vsi2.l tibnallyHsuspcndcd,- r :lri this the case? .Sth! 50. I ask'tlie\thinking und honest mind if tr «nd r 1 ffl^ * bo ?. eat ‘OjUabs of twen-. ibis js trike, and tie response from ' Weetl Xv— - over.- ■ , _ WEEKLY TIUBrvNE. cue year fs2.ssues£»....: $2 if® ■'•»?>»». oaexvear.., S 5 one year ........ $8 Copies, one year $l5. ; larger number;'-,: addressed to ««a. <of subscribers, SV,SO edeh. An - r ‘ra copv will be sent to every club ■! *ec. Kwity Copies, to one address, one 525, and any larger nuiribor at ;sse price. «,An extra <copy iWilf be -i.'io chihs 'nf twenty. To clubs ’of ;-:ty THE SEMI WEEKLY TUl i’f.A'E will be sent. To clubs pf .fifty jfcs DAILY TRIBUNE will be sent ■S r s‘ij - ■ Address;.,,, ' THE TRIBUNE, Tribute IBuildings, New-York -drafts can bo procured it "is safer than to remit Bank Bills. ,/ie .name of the Post Office and a 'e should in all cases be plainly -r>mten. f Ij ■ [vs-bo send money by ■sjiressi must- prepay the Express .‘ lr f?es,false it be deducted from u '«remittanco. • ■";’ . . f V’T&& l ? CSB Al,M AJ f AC roa 1863 “I ban-eady about Christmas TJnion Hotel, ” M -BEAVER,' PENN*a. ' t /LEX. CLARK, Proprietor |.\i !l^i, ' on ,0 th® conTepierct f of a firs Mi v i! ! “° ,e h the Proprietor has fitted up in otr . w"’ 10 * CClE V fttc anA sit * s f actor 7 mul ' VIV, °VSTER SALOON, , ’■titled d 3t < s un,it - v Oysters tnfty be ob it,.].. rf 1 "? their season,. in any desired It it. ' ,lm ‘! es canto furnished'Kith Oysters. *itl ai| C *v dolen - The table is. furnished KET cl n affori Urie * the PITTSBURO MAR Üben ‘ l P Wrona E« hereto resp e - t f 1 ,„ wed v a . c<> J* t 'nuance of the same nucjted. deelf ® eH * or «> Qnm Hair fiu, heedtes, TsreeiCTs» -.#*» Cotton, ; Tbreadi SM *ii? *f* aat Drug Store of ~- J ®«. e. p. evuucf». SPEECff OP BON. Ct itcandless. . 50,125 . 17,250 .148,000 every one iV that it Ha' false. That very -Constitution t <>f f which. they speakTH) muchVndj known so little, provides for the-suspension of- this writ, in order to suppress insurrection and rebellion. Thjo gentlemen say that it is only to bo suspended to dis.| tricts or States where: insurrection arid rebellion actually exists. 'Vfrant it. Then,- wiiereidpcs not- insurrCC;- lion and rebellion exist, in some stage of the disease, tU*ojver this Govern ment '( If the .people of Pennsylva nia are as the pepplo of Berks are rep resented to be,wb‘o would.not listen to an address in favor of tbfiir 'Govern ment, by men whose loyalty cannot bo doubted, who have'been,.tried, in the firo of adyersity and found faith fuls why, 'certainly] if that Govern ment- has strength (o maintain T itself it will suspend this writ in those dis tricts. and punish traitors--yea, prin i-h Arnolds —in a summary mariner.— How could you get a jury and judge to try traitors and have them execut ed, when that judge and jury will CjVcn'rofase to listen to the utterance of: loyal sentiments? It. woo'd he a yair. and idle attempt; hence the Gov ernment of the United States, when' armed traitors are in front, in open revolt against" its t authority-—when they are attempting to | pierce that! Government heart— io! in the; rear is found a party of fault-finders; and consiitotion-shriekers, whose eve ry act, under a false and .wolfish quasi loj-nlty, is to destroy this Government, because they temporarily are not in its .high .places; because they have 1 not the spoils of office. Whht can .the Government do ? If it is able to preserve itself at nil, it must suspend this writ for tbb time, rind also nut only arrest, but suspend traitors to the Government, both North and •South. , I tun sorry to say it, but t do say. that the man in, the free North; who, when lhis glorious 'old ship of State is tossed by the might f tempest of treason and open’ rebellion in 1 the. South (her very existence 'thr'eateoetf;' yea, while she is tottering to her very • .7 • - LIP Y -4 r , • I I • - . , - ; .• •..11 Ar • ". • .. • , I . • - • •, • - I ) !&-If (~! 2 ' l; --gill ••!, rint•it.-}4: 4 # - • , • • 1 I - ;••• ' I : p. • „ # - • _ , - • ' ' ' . - ".. •I " • ' • I 0, - ediver, 107 edti.' foundation#)—when every loyal nerve is stretched forth, both of leader and tolloper, ot soldier and statesman— when an herculean effort is made by her friends tp. preserve her?—! say that; the fault-finder in this boor of great peril, must be disloyal; be mhst be. a traitor at heart, though his tongue lie and says ho loves the , old Union. The ev|denco o'f disloyally is, that, they refuse to go out in defend ot the country, but withheld theh means from its support. Thin is a S tra J ge n,? pd ' ki,,d of loyalty, in deed , They say they had a triumph k V t5 L aB i ost the people ro buk®“ 4 1 .® wovernment for its alleged constitutional -.nfringerabnts. It was j« tnumph indeed.; You disfranchised the loyal soldiery who were, absent from j their homes and native States in defeneo of their ccuntry. You ille- by the partisan decision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, shamefully disfranchised one hundred and fifty thousand loyal men, by ir / | deceiving and misleading many lovul —Pus sihis the men at home, by crying but “the f. reateBt Ompu-e,^for extbrit,; enormpws wartax ” and ‘-we. arc for j &c. You carried the State g,onB . Eu ” , P®: , ‘ n ' rt Asia, nr.iv nearly wirfi less than four thousand vote--I ? n ?* ,x ! b “of.tUjbabtlabfo globe. It! What a triumph you had? Butl 18 ono .V n ?|j of France,!, warn bou now, that many of *hese | !V' d °^ 0 . : S “ d ’“"''tJrWi t dij-frafichised and defrauded- soldiers! I !^ e 8 t If Yet it was Is ''hp' jwore. deprived of the rHit- of V** small for thJ ambition of Alexan- tl suffrage last full by. your base intrigue i’ I 1 ’ Q,s have said: “1 i J Oi'o another election will have served! " ?SHt ”P°" Ihnv/* 1 hnv /* ?*hb Baltic id skate ! d out their time, and again be among usJ X°'ml T ba . t1,,!, « V**™, Then lyou may expect that punitL I 2f a ..'VasL-hai.a basin, 1 1 ment which your base , and disloyal: and , tbo^P rtb P i e,fl6 eean «s:a fish-!«1 treatmentjef them deserves ‘ ■ I P ond -: • Ir ° enci on Tartarv I « wi J;,i I • : . i -. ;us a pasture, on ffiriia for avinevn-H J fiUn, h! • ,am .? « nd ignominy of dis ;on Poland for a fl/rnb on FinlanAanrf f'’ franchising the noble soldiery of th*»L Lapland ns ,n 1 fea! lher9ffill rest >««>ors part of Nortn ' .! party, to obtain banishment for offerers. Yet* withP fp?* tpmporaryf triumph of treason, j all his ambition abi ‘cal great ness of] n ?,p o ,'- n * l ? w iat V lC^’. t-ld * tko “or-- J character. both lib ipd his successor t ion”* of'this • l Oola ? cl, l’ ation F»clama-i have i'etifed froni Yc stage of tin.e ! •iav i|in» /t 10 l h , 1 *? a pniiry, 1803. and ■ without realizing 1 ir hopes of uiii ' kirn! rn L ra,Bmg .'i»«vWons-bf all . Tire Tuaurtbuy ■ i.- T l' l ' ,aa, ' tIe ‘ s ' kr °ughoiit thu! *nrin, - just orgarth .I 011 , 1 * 1 40 ! feed jtnil “clothe the I contains t febcls arms against nk * They, wvre f therefore larder’t. P? 1 ** jV°rh. on the rc!»cl entrench-fit*© size of 3hio. . foenfs to prevent the missiles from 'b'oro and richer-; Union.--grins piercing the - u tfiese armed in many -fn- (■government. - 6om\ i»’ u' Bo *°uini ,»•> stances; |hey were armed and cqnipnbd ! »"«oy parts of ..tho |t*.-u : itory. Hostile as soldiers in tliorSoiuhern ranks. lev-j Indians have heretofore prevented ox vM'ig thedr deAdjy weapons at'the Jo-; tensive operation Jin The mines; but of this Govci iiiiienl—in short j w ’ tk a government! such as is ahont to j'The Pi-<ysHWrft l o\7twe*xr./fwV J»v..wi.:,.i: !be established, they will bo, tally d°- lost, three months before ' ''aaiuoi- win oe soon largely ihcicas i the cmanieipationlproclamation of the | c y- I • ; ! Ist-January.warned tbosb inrebol-l ;3foT LEOisnatisd for God.- —After tflon- with arms in thpir hands that uh-; t | lo passage of bill preventing the im-. Jess they i tlpwn their anna und j of into tins Suite became l|yal to ilio Government that i by‘the House of i’es- Jfe. by proclamation, as a Commander- ■ iji-duy afternoon, a 1 Republican mem jn-x-hief bf tho grmy and; navy ’of; b e r of, fbat body mot a well known the .United States, wotjld proclaim; flcrg\’man, also a* membo? of flic these people to bp free, and 1 would ,cn- Jlouse j, n(1 !ls y d .|, ow i lb gppld force thali procuiinavior. as il»c army , sttipport a bill of that eharaetor, pro ajlvaueeuj them, three long I V cmi n; r a human hping to set his foot months tot desist fpm their hellish , imo t iij- Sla i c . T | lo clcgcal gentle, purpose tp destroy the Government,^'| man eoSffy.replied,h-We are'not leg and send: in their Congressmen and i is | ati jol ; cJod.”l This is: a m6h keop anti maint:Un inviolate all tho stronsbdmission bv a partisan clrngv r’jglits they ever bad under the Con-niaivaiul, wo give "him all/ui'io credit slitulion. i And the. fault-find- (■-,{. bj s candid confession; of that “iii mg traitors of ihp 2iorlh, is called a humanity to mait,” which “mskes usurpation of power and an Abolition c buniloss millions] mourn.'7—ifarm’.. : cx ‘ r . em .°- .i. , v' ... , burg Telegraph (I ; The un partmh Instormn will record - . - 1 this j.*roe amation as the highest bid The WARNiNQ'bpi a Ciirtstian and ever made to any disloyal people to a Hero —At the great Union assim-. become loyal and j save their favorite blage hold in Washington city, ,a few- They had time to consul- Jays since, Com. Foote was piesbnl rcr conscqucnces and determine. tlfoir and I addressed tlibj’ people.', ! Ab Jthe conrse; apd 1, know that the prayers conclusion bf his rein arks, the hero of of the President and all loyal people the Mississippi uttered the following (Were that they would accept this of-tsnbli,no admonition:: ■, fee, and tjius terminate the i-cbellionjfc ; Oh, my countrymen ! one and all] but disloyal men: and traitors) north while our Dravo sbldiers andl sailors and sonthwounselled tho rejection of are] fighting the rebellion Tn brOnt) the the Soutii musf, suffer frag for them, reinforce them; but mark the consequences of their rashness.— those who, hi the guise of fnends, would The Commander-in-Chief of the army, open fire upon their fear. Will you do and navy of the United States must ,7 ? ' if.; conquer the enemy at all ebst-and all '^_Y CS ! A tlioUsild limbs; iESI ; loyal men will say to him,‘-if you can ' ” save a?white brother or friend by arm ing'eqliipping or, emancipated slave,in the name! iof High, Heaven do it.”— Tbp man iwho loves his country says ‘‘save hey with t*r withbut slavery, save her with or 'without emunicipa tion, save! her with or without arm-; ing the.negroes; but in the name of common humanity^—suvw hor.in -all fu ture timelaa tho great asylum for tlio oppressed: of every land.’’ « 7,1 know, that the Senator from Berlcs is mistaken wlmii ibe says, that he speaks his'sonlimeiits and the, senti ments of | the people bf this; district add the sentiments of the Democrat ic party !of Pennsylvania 1 know that if tbirpeople bf this great Slate were assembled in this halT 10-duy.and this question was before them, that nioro, would not vote with the Senator from Bcrk»\be causo they love their country; they love hei* free institutions and free gov ernment as they love their life. Ajk 1 cbold they] refuse to hear a pa-j tnot spefik in defence of his country 1 «lhl their country, when they have their Sons and brothers and fathers in tho tented field, braving ,the dangers of the battle-field, and the sickness ahd death of the camp’ for this' same canso. Yea, Whose bbns, brothers and fathers, fill, thousands of warriors’ groves, whoso;test of loyalty-is the gaping death wound, received - at the r bands Of| the anomies of tbefo country hnd j 7; :•!>.; ■ Now, I take it that tbs only beet pf ay, A,pri j i ... i a^ true lovttof government and iff laV -1 alty i*jin and un Waver !?? • °r igdrornmont, throwing Vjpht her altar your Hfo and property ottd year ail, and declaring that -‘with *erwo will live and with hor wew.Jldio,” And when the fault- alwny*crying out a- W* 1 . and sWeakeni i?£S tbi9 > ***ih n£Si rpfltal^i 8 nt^mpjng: V beF P 1 "?* «»<*• diffuse the pehpld. by slrnekmg dafcthat her acta arh nhton-l Bt.tut,oha when ho is himlelf fc,„. demnod and .|„J. sod drom tbrjrearle of the American people, jbe will, live in memory on! v as I Arnold] the tot, dr fidrrl The' loyal man tin 4 Ibe true friend' 61 i his enshrined in jtho hearts of-his countrymen, and will be alongside' °f the immortal Washington. ;/l k I! tj_ i -■’ A “High-Private”— A captain on. a steamboat on the Mississippi river, who had fought in the battles of the Tcxns„ revolution, ofteiod a free pass age on his boat to any soldier who had participated in a certain engage ment. i One day a man. -claimed, a fret? passage, asserting.that he was in the l battle. ;110 was. referred to the captain. \ 1 i i “In what capacity’ did you serve.” “High pi ivale,” was the reply, i , .-“Stranger,” said the captain “give me your hepd; I have passed two thousand and eighty-two who were in the fight ; and-’ you are the first pinnate I have met. ■ i- 1 -.' i ■.'•! . SkuVed HimlUoiit.— A soldier of the 77t1i llliiioisjwus marVicd but one week before lie joined his regiment, and was off for the - service of his country;! Not dong since ho deserted; and skulked among the traitors'and copperheads untili he reached Peoria where bis wife; who had heard ofhis desertion, was residing. She mot the craven at the door, and told him lliero was no room; in her house for a deserter j nndihe turned back to the mbraoek of the! reptiles whoJhad se duced turn !froni duty and honor.' - an Arkansas judge, “you kin.go out and find a verdict. It ryon can't And one of your own. get the pine >thb ; lastjury used.’’ iThey returned; ai vdrdict oKstriaide *uk the ninth degree. \ m (Corrcsponjjmee of; Phlladclphli Letter frbm ‘‘Occasional! ’ Washington, Alar 23, 18f3. • j I* » recorded in the of ,France that wbon llio enemies of the people faded to accomplish the aga.nst tR liberties they soughiL Wnd iMfW bring 4 n artty of W .eennries into their own country to dc etroy itsjiappiness and desolate its h ® I " C9 ; H / 8t0 >7 his dealt ktJaiy wtb the fanatical tfepubiicnnsof the bot H tells with exuita |ion h oiV they hmted and repelled the foe, and how they answered, the im| e . panes, of, kmgsjby hurting the head l)f I their feet. Tins sublime L I MnpJe suggested itself fto us as iwe [T , lho r *-‘ cen > correspondence Ot tt En^liBk Minuter, to 4ed, the English Minister for Foreign £ j Lyon tells us. that tSI nediatciy upphjhis recent arrival in traits upon ib| Wal leaders Of the Democratic par f, y. ho conversed with Ljm nnon P tlfo iriinin 0 t" ,erfUrfcnCe ofP - G «4 jricain. luoi time, was after Ihe dial of CerieU McClellan, the couni U was m alooirdilion of anxictv and kcitcmcri t;|the ! elections had P! >, f'o the field: had wea ied the pnblie patience with their do-l JJ and inefficiency, and aspirit otdo-i aforalizat.Qnjdcmed tp affect the pub li h" n' 1 V- Cy "if 0 the dark' diys °‘ The. Menus oflihe A 1 mini.sti at ion had endeavored to S press upon ! the minds 0 f the picofi W real the ‘‘loadeJSe democrat .e ,a.ty ” They had charir! th v T 0" . t! l ein i tho ™y t-onduet that r Lor(J records, but in vaiii It-, seemed. hjwcver. as if the people utrohcartSK-lc and apalhetic.i Tbeiv Wjc uld not Mere' |t looked as: tho' hoy ,wcl-o about to surrender the life the nation. j ’ i i jortt lJyorifc had ‘rctarned.from £ii lr<? - < IJo rpceived the /till in'. actions ~ - - —' * ii*oXA..*Ari. '&&&&*dtji if:l If 0 / iv., .. . t . m ,ttU'citi clovinsel, arid R»To;tl>em 'ericbnmsck'.it of Gmt-'Vntaiq. •mr of il»4m,’f, sU3-s Lord Ly o . n 5> •oikd to tlvi. k th»V; mediation uM-co,w> at last, but they appear.^ W2ISIB I (pled to their wicked designs. Too ill. see the. infamy oft; lliciri proposhl : reading closely the of t Lordship. |jT[l»ey hoi (lit to beossen-! :il lothe success of 'nnf proposal of! i< diation “llliat it should he deferred ■ nlil the control of (ho Execiiliyof (t veri.tncnl should be in the hands of lie conservative jjartji”-,' Kow mar|e i hese words I |-Thcy desired to-dirivbj ucli a proposal made • but knowing I ho pati iotjisinjjrind of jho Ad- ' ni lustration, ificy (ell that an}' such a i proposal, would lie regarded as amin- i suit to the Republic. : The overthrow j jf \hM: Administration was their deep de : j sign, anti they (oofied to England's arm: to aid their usurpation. This is the \ retd meaning Jnj the” plot 'which tile • letter of Lord[ Lyons' reveals. You wi I remember; the tone of the leaders of the Democratic party attbat timeT .Tlio overthrow of the Administration Was their favorite scheme.' -Alri Wood proclaimed it jin his • speecjhcs. Mr. Reed elaborated li in‘,hi§ suppressed pamphlets. In the army, there .verb men who secretly nursed it, and Gen. Mt Clelluri was looked (p as the proba ble leader of! a military usurpation. You will remeir.bei, the dismissal (if Mf jor Key, his! strange declaration, ami how wonderfully prophetic it was of military events; how the; army sic,it- during the delicious months 6f tlu Indian summer, arid permitted 'a conquered army‘to recruit its strength in the Shenandoah Valley. Recall thtse [events injthe light of Lcrd Ly ons ’ declaration J their constant ef forts to embarrass the.. Government thqir constant declarations of a desire | to overthrow! |lheAdministration; j, ami their .hope for foreign mediation { when their tm.son was accomplished! ( This is the plot from beginning toicmli , land from 'f s dreadful consequences the J courage and the fortitude of.-lho Ad- „ muiislralion have saved us. , i J The country, jin an agony bfj watij the capital of the nation menaced by a rebellious ifoelj a hungry army cager today' waste aiifl destroy .oaf’'NowM • ern cities, .and the loaders" ot Jthb Democratic-piijpty at the feet, ,of ar| • • English minister imploring his irUcr- . fcrciicc; for the Overthrow of the coun-j tryl! Is it hbc S teyribie’? Does hot j ( the cheek, crimson, and the' heart J thrill yith shanjie at the spectacle of American* statesinen intnghing with; 1 English aristocrats, ito . bring 1 their > Coinilry to ruin?: This is the last and degrading; evidence of their. a treason. .1 con mend it to the people,; f and ask 'them lif they will continue 8 linger to disten! dr thacohnsels Of men: * who look, iipot. the honor, of their; V country as something to be sold, to a *■ foreign enemy’ to aid their owii.ambi- T tiotis and treasonable schemes. Let ‘ these traitors bo marked; Let them' be branded with. 1 the curse ot Cain—, for more: infamous ihatrilho man who sheds "the biofid of a brother is: the citizen who'seeks by.’a fhroign hand .to'isdw.lhb Uto|r' ‘ j , i :ot Jus intborittnd. ■: ■ Oooi MQMtu hTfon^c^^r^c^r 11, T r Arties. rnontof the nine u.bnths’ men wil*l o X r ' Wl,on . XVI 'awoke till Piro. This will pot diminish -pin- for - £ lUat which sivTOand : hinf,Lthe ■Cf?--a» matcyiallj' i ? f P & P uld f' disaff 4‘<.*tion agmo as Pennsylvania, wio lidieve ' Vlls ‘>' l kkad 'iol; Faigjne transforms *as the only State from \vhic% nin^'r t le V al) ' ' VOine,) ,nto 'wijves, who, if 1 months’ men were accepted' ; \losi nf' l !? ey <- . ar ‘ ,rt ' t Jt*»t food, wjjil devour tjie the rogiincrits onlisteJ from this term I " t ' nOXI ‘ J " S . •■■°£ c V d!3 ' S “«*<r are the from what we can leni-n. AvilJ fo enlist 1,10 ; e M capital. All this unless they are convinced that tiieir.! V - es u f- n< :'t-The .Rebellion is interest demands that! they should i..L ' e^tm s ltsa “ u P - : fc lic prairie fire is de dam at home, to deldid the iemd[y of l' of > ai ; th . tile their firesides and pfotect flic rcbdlidds States are tyjof:loyal men from [the assaults Jf f| il - Vinif • * >a * '■ l * ,e ringleaders and the copperhead trintdrs in ; our ’ own tkc,P atmw ? miy st , alk id . ar.inistUroa midst. ,If the GovJriimcnt does iidll'r'r ,? ver ' l li e - desohito jlaud.. l , When ' know the fact, we w-llllinforiA it tint dld /¥.V Sllff er tiuis nnder the benign fe? }****W'*ted- Wo veruek voicm the Vnited.States■?-_ * foot .tn the free. Strifes jto precipitate rebel. ,on £ "J 1 tbey fcearthih-asorpihff I hon, and that th'o men who afo onn-a.'- J EFF ' -f >AVIS ’ *p/o<fhe3 w.ilT ed in this movement tiro tlib leaders I J iar< IWVe .pawebld .torn 'iHrti.es into I of the pemocfa'tic party. L o f this bvfta \ ’to' 1 br f-''d. besides, will ftict bo known inH,.b l ar,4 SIv '?r c ' hus jt * that . the . risen will lm e ° 8 ® f l,l s Conf «deracy-are willing to»rciei.lmt. r|Lbt these brave r^' ll ?£ fdr " s , and If. wo will only hoys cop* .homo, anc| hedr as | ; v 'f» r «nshy .ptenigont^''.dfid '& ntve heard,!the Democratic! leaders I-°!!f? attacked frd tn boast that the will'h«i ♦ a,|( i «n<lefmi-iio.d- from . with changed before the first of January i' ”’ |hnst -satin_ lali witha thundprihg J‘hi tho i G °. Vernment w! '‘ discover (hat I nfch’ -f nd ■ be. those whohayeafPectiAdsaiid intoSSI ' l! ; n the loyal States, will not be witiiLr! ■'* ■ ~ 7 \- fi?r??- h .t. ncp .i* ‘ , ’ fend tl *e; , uw fan.iiM APew Queer Things; 10 loot aIL ( r J,„”, t; 1 7M r h‘ ’’•'"'V 4“m"'ty.i’""! « iWar .Isfe cinity-i- to defimd"Ti'V tl,y,r b «7': d - Jn-tlieu lives-,,who are lnw|ing twelve , pop%SK.nSr °'' n ! ,10 tl.o: twcnfy-fbi.r d.bh.Q a.mnt l bctl tile Gov- te™ 0 ” . a «' i Hiving f We know men. whokeWd' «dK cry mt n i r • itl,e tf,lo d %!av the flag' of &[*" '' • taste of battle ard"nn i 4w 0 - ; ,!l ' " ; of a j nigger if abl-bojliod/ tamp lift, which tjrc!nt ? '** i Svfl r I SC ?^'«' ut •“ «• <^n den or ■ abaridoned? l\ *‘f Vi wl >° fl > passion-if tl.cy hear of • want is the assuranL. l tliilt th U- H?‘ avo Pf t o P O - i; '> vV ■ ■ iU".' ■ run no of a-firo ik ,» 1 i 1',9- , > ll, )w of men wlio never did si that ihoi, V e “ r ' * Mycs-. itavcfwhen t of the risks eT'aiisfe P A*-^ n^ no 1 0l was impbssibfe wi 11, the ~' vl !° !U,(i ! >°wling-like wolves ..gainst If: »ho Govefnmel™^™kbs * g! fo C f?H 16 Iblcmnf-; ffCTWS.IIS; °f (he poor viUit| .stunted authorjlica of the land.; , ; j ■-•\Vo repeat, then, tluita large ma? jjor'tr, If not all, of thb hine nw.nlha 1 inen'.ean bo induced to ce-oWi*>t,, if. ’Acre is Borne iassiiiancc made them dint the traitors at liomo AVilljbo .at-, ;iyeii^ntni oj^lile loj-':i 1 men ali hoino. It■}s ,, vvVy certain that tins-eoppeVliOfid ruitorsi have been prevented from a dcpionst r:UIon-;by the fear jSf t!ie loy al : tho dread of luionconiu i.CP with' mt'iiiwlip are determined ;t<> 7 iiako it a war ofJoxtornt i n a t i o n shoa i < 1. he u lies of rebellion in the: loyal States attomdademonslralion iri favbr of 'treason Btitvlvc solaier wants ol!h -<*r lha i. ttteso hssinanfes. He iwaiits I,ho Government 'to.act. each he will respond inlsimilar action. |To in gucb liim to roenlist,the. GOvei‘n;r.cnt must act and at oneb obiitej’alq trea sotij in jtlio Jforth. ■ AVAIi it Idclso ? Hat. IW. ■ .. 1.1 The KENTt'CitT Home G-ijahß; Loyal.citizens of Kentucky are strong ly urging the military authorities to * uthorizo.the cnlistnient/d'Tiho |llorae. Guard in Kentucky,as' provided ifor by tlie. act of the' last session. They arc 13 fonsist of twenty thousand nien, to te officered by the goverpmerit.and t i|bo subject- to j tjie orders cit the I'rpsidcnt Jliy' Gilt brie | states:! that; st sere are that number of young! men riow- wailing for military servilco'- in tlie State, who ‘may be' partially lost to. the Union cause if the [rebels i'agnin: succeed in advancing, tip the Olyo river. * . ■ ; ' The Voice; t»r fhe Army. hirdjy open a loyal paper, specially from the rural sections of tho coiintrv-, which docs not contains proceedings ol meetings injthe nr 1113- expressive ol determination to'erush the rebel-? lion, and in.repyobatiorHof the course fl' the copperheads, in their efforts to uticure, not by honorebio conquest, >ut bj ,a base sifrronder to an almost iscomfited , oniony, a dishonorable, ace.’ ■ The army was never in higher more patriotic spirit. Let traitors home bttvnrc. ’ | i 1 | ■SftiA few days ago a Wainaii tailed at tho post-oHicy in and obtained a letter. She could not;read, it requested a gentleman id-read it, to her,, ijdiieh ho did. It was from in sou in the Union army in Tennessee, and informed hler that of lior four sons in tiio. battles near Murfreesboro, jhe a lone wusdeft alivi* ,;,tho other three lu.ving been killed while riianful|y do leading the bid flag; 1 Insauitt.—ln tilt official statistics is to lunhcy in Ojiio, it is stated] that' he'unmarried exceed the married Kyi iefeb hundred and sixty. Aud the ic count adds; Tliiiso wlioso lives are!] ic voted to physical lub.r, appear lb hel] a more liabletoinsUnity t han those' irlioso: occupation calls for ft larger! is ercUo fbl the mentalfaculties. | . : K9-the last .words pf.Genbrat Sum ■cr were “God.save my country, the D mtcd Stales of America.')., 1 - Ui can sing and whistle,] it theynre not pleasant musicians. jAdTertif«meQts inaertcc at t'he rata lof 75 ?* r *^ ulre ~^f ’ l !^ s c<luenl 'iffaertion ; A- liberal-discoinalle.t!o.yearly aaTertiscrs. and oaiong - ;A ppaco ‘eqn|»l.U;awßLrlt.libcilof tliii type XQ&surcd as ft,-square.- U, .1 .f* . Special notices 26. per centi addition to re? ulh'r rates! ■ ■■■•■■■ -y: Business cards, 75 cents aftoc; ''' Marrilgea «M Political and other Notices of a piiblic'uaturc, .free. IIHIIHIIM ■■■■ 1 - • cJ. —Buckeye State. ~ : Bestl’ime to Sleilp. jin the-French <>nny- ;hhd ja dispute ! w]u tliar it Was• most safti to. >'• | Vue lie: - .' of the day,mr "} ( ? ven ' n -' . I.Vlio )>oir.t, lacy gOl. P tfr " ■I mission from • officer ' to put tlici.tr.rdspeetive.plans'in Ur- e.vc , ciilipn. the 0110, \vitir !,his division, niiu’ched during thejday, ! jalfhortjjh.it wasin the heat of .summer, land, ivs'lcd all nijrli! 4J>c <4hec slop* jin !the ! day; and marched' during ‘the ievening an 1 pari of theniaht,; Tlid j resell' was, Unit the first. perfumed, a: [journey of six hundredmiles withou't I 10-filiir a-,single man;or j ho; ac, vvhilq j the [hitter list, most of jus horses-and^: I and several of bis .mdilv ' ! . 1 . •■.■■■ 1 i ■ ■ ■ 1 - Eecel Generals Quarreling.,— ; V •Tlip Jackson Mississppian, of the' 12th inst.,says |ll‘i.s:snid that.. in, retalia tion for tho .order of Gun. Eepiherlon; 1 slopping supplies from being sent for ward to Jtiobilp by rail from this SlatC.o and Got oral Buckner is said it ul have J , issued a sip'iilaiy order in .regard tdV lioiu his department; •'coming's'' if) tins direction.- jfen&c wo-■■leant • that flour sulviiiieed in this city-yester pay jm SI 10 peri barrel.; thousand seven hupdied mid eigbty-six invalids, and five) thou sand :wiJo\vs, orphan children, sisters’ aim mothers have niado applications foi 1 pensions since the 14ih of July last for losses of the present war in > the army,! and two hundred apd si kUS * four in the navy, making" total of , s nine thousand three hundred ancU ; nine. , [{QPA biitcliCr in Troy, Ni Y.; dodg ed, tlic 1 draft hy declaring .himself d, citizen of Great Britain. Or. the eanie' (lay,, .his dog,j!whieh lie had owned for many veal's! ur.d to whom ho was huiell attached, deserted hiniand no coaxing. Caressing .Or choice short-ent Steaks coilld induce the patriotic • fel low to go back ip his craven master again* A ; Battle Flag.— Lieu tonaiitO'- ; Neill, of the old; Six-ty-uidih (Irish) regiment, jrow on.the IL.ppahajiuxk, f v ‘ - •writes('•.to his sister: ‘ : Gur ci-loVs are ' merely a bundle of blood’stained silk tied on a. broken pile, as’a dozen 1 ,, battles i are-rather daWiginjc to. a 5 piqeo olysilk cloth.” A. u'hojc history '• js told in these tew lines .'>■ : } ■ t&rlf onr lathers didn’t Intend tlid : Constitution lor war limes, whyMlidn't v they make a patirot Constitut ions one" / for war and the other for peace—• 'asks sage Prpnlico. • . i ■!■ ’ i A lady, in .speaking of rthc lawyers (d dedicate rt i new court-house, i said she supposed they hail gone| viewihe ground where they must shortly lie.” j »a,Why ,is a dull and phinsiblejniari likje an uiirjfled gun ? ' Because ho lit a smooth bore. I j • tSULifo is a lottery; but he whd draws many corks won’t, bo likely te> ■ much else. " r f ITISERSr;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers