11119 - i i. ,11 *ll ■ TT~ * l .." s “” T 3.v iTr trc»«n. You ~,„ul. hi ft.qo.utly b~» 1»*«" ,!W.rlI~U»S“B««~. *. «#»■»•**#: • J,| Vr-tt- i**-*? IK&X'S* li*NW *'»•«». ’I,, 1 Hr ■ 3-'ss«& fcrts rtltTm tru11..,. * au»™.i&- L?Uog : ii. tru. mcaului.lVo™ •*«••. to***** A|juc« bulie.u Yhut to, of f™£“» of ; >6l> ,Ul, ,lto Ti w .»- *»-«, fcul feu-1.-J Vormllli,,.™!. :,;•. sp*K»«ssss^^ T^f : ' dn-tJoti-ffiSd. the poor, - republican l, play tt vigor oT »j.a W in l|« Hop.! \ aad New Ibcia. April Is«i . «M,- l lbe j&dmiMMrtra • ■ . ti.,'l • ,: n i n , meet together on the name ’ seen since lUeduj kof LUticf-J ; , t hy I fee ■ambition 91 v T‘ < rH} l ihefdattheCourifxiouao, in Beaver, on fc^riliat'Cbl.-Kimball, with rjic noil Xhr*p ! of thopo .in. powCT, the )®i tu .principle.. ■S ■ w be,, hoo. 'Hi* acme perception ol >f "J. 11 ■; lihe'if Own personal.{ftf- i daY jpsE istb, at 11 o’clock, A. ■ M;., , ®?i; C },«»eU»-'rei?imt*irt. cmere<l the nLI l^ i '“S^,.ar,H,c^ f ...l„„uuod und WBWfclrtSfl D. ±. Editor & Proprietor. / For Supreme Judge, R OS. I) A NIE L A.GiN EW, or BEAvrn corsTT. , Notice. 1 1, ;. iii-thoriicd lo receipt in my netne. son, who is MCFOISO"; ' Kci'. IS, ’«2r justice . TO Caxihiutks.— ?0, tm-j Ttoanoewei.t nf name will, licrtafior, /*,« made without payment of Two excepting Coroner-; And itor, wbiclv will Lo One Doli.au iSSSn&ylv.- .W, fMtf> 0.. g1 .t not ,Hs£.*£» jSV. wi,Ti.?«Sn«V^|i' i %rts I s;r ss.y u 1 g {-** dswttaw S££s ten: sri r.. »*~A* .**' * ifcss.s.s 1 ' v its.r;:sss;s sis:" s iss..• i” ’ X/ n <' resltunee? Do vou not vVith the fuciUlU afforded to t-lio j| iiHu . lc ,, a i Unoxvledge uii^-prptour.* l ;..| 1 XnnCthelp but. Uiiiwj 'H, «f» tUcTuet j wflfuro the feat preeminent as hois in. Ids pro| t ■ 1 One year ago Un* cv jj cnl , lhCT lny coaMry.” jPerhaps we .arc. too,] his and -nor;il lie,,. 1 Democratic pai I. • • , : .;•! , i: r ~ . -tt a eiitd to the, interests ol j fcttraly a pure and upright ni.ui .V-V .: 1 vou arc drifting towarjl a stun p ,;-° . } ..*, ,• r„ , n ,.I V -therefore',l w!\o,is loved’, admired and^epoclt^l SCpoiUion U the Gffeorntnc.il it*- J *M,\ |nJ ,W then. , j 1 kr .. iW , lim t ;, r tho.e vn tH*|.| ° ~I P. , r (act weask you to con-ibe coßiJcrcd partml, }?;■" ■! „,,rt c than -lor the laurels hqLas wonm i ,seir Anoth.rlactwca.J n . s , ofesslUn; .. '• y V.. ; ;J ■- •—— j* \oti h.i.c ; r vii M.i, :lttli .;„ ,u., aflpoinuU; 10 the position “ft juUio Agnews has hcon a citizen-0 ; A : word to LoyaV^ocrats.' le«'.'i&he: s u ,ari..teude,.t #«>'~.j vridf?lrc 10 rJlress a .few hues. _W- P c . . h lu OKP Ivan.a. ,)M,l « naturalpritloi«ihisuhihii.|s ..nlvwi spirit of.uindnas-. I'•"I-.'; - 1 ': • , ri . at things >Jeuee in thesca-fum ot ili.C, . , j llo . i<SMjU b may aiium. 3|lav ?■vr -; D.-m.-.U :g Of tbo country.; and- .s ?]«>• >.; ,»- | : IIV our -worthy inventor. yet : wo *dl v .. ipt es . pi , ct that the Cohvc.Uu,. j - l ' lo - wl ’ " t.U-,, ’They aye !»}?««;*, ‘••-V- in , a> J s ', g ,hat there.is. no! t mC eis‘ at Pillsharg. tvili reeog-! .'.Vh.cn wo «-py-' ' , h .. ik-,,,0 : e>i ;u <1 rojtMi-oil at '* s - ' t”. J: S* i.U> ihe b-jr ftcquaiut-n.aoithc- c-li.iins duo lo >ho '\astei,»i mcatv tbo p-:at rcus-t : f. , m the fact as ti.t-y uitya'-- that , 'Vf •‘., i b? i )lvC V,referred j part of-.the Suite, and at the ,• , .-tt- '.■ That soma of tie nai. , tl ‘’ m . l ' i:.. ( , i„to newer ; uncoj wnom weM|puld have , j ; ...iviUmo to tn e woi lh.-r -avSdi-iovui ,!-a? 1-oon k " ■ i,„vo to st»j* the ito T(;o.. Xichdlso,^|B.4q. ; . ci ' til,:rc ‘^'l sbmitd'it do f-o .and the people oiel-t i‘ S i,v their fb'hd”.u‘. volun- V* b. aiflit-ul ■l v Alllmugh hcidnl not eousoi.l to ; Ju(i ;■ A anew, of which there: can be Mill have;>Vdi:.g faiU. the Democru , t he .interest ol j educat.o.,, that ho ■ f ,b arat; ter vyi 1 pbee jom ;,a ; • the lovilt v anti ipatriotisni of lhejl»' - i ni-iie tinon ll.e opposi s would bate accepted. / ~ j hove every - S'S r*l -»*0 **•* i{C SS oSS:S OT ; J !t* »•« >" H- the heat of argument, when aroused . • t a>nfidently -espeet . .duly to perform in the Brightox, Apr. 25, ’O3, v „V-S for inveet-.-o. a. ■ • i warlb.e'« County Superintendent. wo are , ‘ V -Ht V-o' Adi. '‘iteration, that your <>pp !itu , tlici y (ol informed whether Mr. Carothew thus cseiud say 1 “ »J l ®^^ ; . eUcr of Lor d Lyon,.! with prcdil and efficiency, as he h. • Opening and Closing or Mails.. ''Eastern infil.-Vitl be open at 9 - a ' m ;;, -ind-dow nl-4. : p.m. Western mail “Will tlosc at 7:30, a:m ; ; "P«* Gp. m.| the carHcr to deliver the Argus regularly, ♦» npy of onr su j scribers.ltl.ey will ,mup ;ob.,ge by giving ns r.btiee# 6 aaain *ajl to coi respondents | that no comn-ununiiion will bo pub-1 lished in. the Argus unless the name o tbi? the- anther V* given u s - • Union League, of «iil acft every Friday evening, at li.e Court lioufe bn’-rflbi.'.gs oi i tile onnostijen and un- ]■*••£ *V* .. EJ ir ope arc eireoiirag- j dercrjvcd the approbation of all lr « a permanent ifiwmute-l loyal* w;it»n df al t ‘ t ‘i•*»„« j, eKI« itljEYiEt-Wvbrny lip • i vl-unis mrd' htoreui-e b.qmi: t justly accuse the party.i ECmem er.io... ihope;' Yjlp, then, ■ friends ofeducation. . X bou^"**s$ e r&i‘° ’rroT ..it*to«'»»s .““JU jjrc.J.p ■' V A " »'*"**•«* ftv^ = however, that equally bitter reproaebrj. 1 _ . 4 , .■ .i—' bb i iivvstLrioas dmpeuaalton ol Fioudc n XU-hlled upon delivered an a(ldrps|slioiv- j eniel loe W.d using every powci of . J Coroner, ji ~ -O- ] , l ' f hUI ?"' 1 r 7". p nllf .ilv~un' ■• ■ patriotic „ > ufcil JTGicgorjhad lost bis reason. intf . gRT objects', of tiro luMijatcypulq mind and «Hy to besido our port-on TIIOS DEYINTY \W liii-rhUn Qi: rVfi.W-t- has. reael.v.i-I.l^rebel tv, the term abolition is equally «n i fculld whcr „ lho enemies 6 ■ -| dilfcrentmethods of eiidueli .g jof tHiv holy work,tlW voice* frin ■|ju^ B ,fcoK Ho-te^e! * * fioi ‘ tK,ri at 8u.4 La Ih-e. an r inst When applied.tb us as a party ■ j‘7 . c «.-oarac<*»l ami strengthen; I *•- rot IHB Aaors. them. ■i , bomb, ■Avlit-ii they come breaibiW.-I.W|. | ’ _. , .. ’i (fnnt j.oin.l. .I oe j.r.--p.yis; ;ir.- if ■ • h i r ,. 6 of crimination and ren m> • .*•- . . ft' i nven „wplvowiff !;, .->f n *„ r ti 1? J- Prof S'-11. Picrsol followed with Viy and jdoVotioiV make ‘ our jbcnUp! _ Poor Ilonse Director,; •■ ■■ ftt«<* n l.- N will lyiAn-l. i, ~-it „■ The chaise °1 ti' . ar .- wh |cd?. c bat cn« ; , ... . CHiCAGoflll-. April 17. , I Uuci.urse, on I the I. mb with jdy and nerve 'its jo ,ur| ? PH Kl lia voon, ; |(Bw-a coin ~y » r .ri • I • n .ruination •-b .• „ n ,,' i.bnt- yonr party- 1> '« V . ..I' MB.;EDfroaJ:|— Lnolice ,n >o j. ( «J cls 0 f s peJli‘ng-' »ml writiiiir); ta?b- But; When tlie»Ncrtbe- u breizc j 'VHM M-, Hyp.; wo! I;.. -. j tr<pp-».;nv'in ....lit i>m. pi.Vties. Tbatit . S «neul.c : :,, u . pulriots you conuot; ought l J, oommnmeanoq,| V «r V loi.clSiHcly ■ il.at * Y X IWnrs'on. r|k icing the effluvia of POBER'i; COOPKIt. JtUo. > ?•A TW ; ih ■ Ku- hu,-J end injurious to fooicty nil.. , i'„L' { O >omain witlfit. Y-m must then . tkcicd .tbe Ha ‘ r‘%' r.. ol wd v 1 i*,,,.- is Too much neglWied. fspciiu ly Copporhea-lMbe gill is iniii-i; . ' . Auditor ; rin.h.-Vwno 1<!». bare ..iyuily .-.Jl'r A r( ; wc admit, and -Impc it W>l n<H ■ ’ , nartv' forsake t’ne leader.- -j ;J U, -in which too .dj s 1 • ()ino 0 i; „ ur |»ighert'-lioo>j Aeade tiled- With jjthe sweet. -We blii.-di to ! M‘rrni»i? p’ - i ,1 ’" ' - s, '' v ' uil ere •!>«*> ...c.nm.natv upon the relorm the ja.ty. • • the - ‘ F- [ iquiiKc-eV;.. .he Me.-inlnUs In. , continue Kut.stain njv • • ( :or f„ V sakc. the patty, . | ur nAmtnation to tI«P otß.-ooi mu., _v ■, lUfe rtriWiy ftbiicts ol crcant. . ! . ■' ■; ■J. ] *=*'■•*!•*v.n... j Hospital.- -Among; tbeinf.M-ebL assumption, cr ratier * ■ , | action and posit, onot cyerj sS O ! the I’uidic Schools/‘ 1.- • |[• That>e: Will • balV; wlli | ! ■ Teachers’ .tOilv,-* uhd ..IhouHU:^^. well known fact tl|it J; .ho remciiibered. !• or Jie • .ike • ; Union .Convention, lor - ■ Boggs, of I-recdm. made some M'.'y"l'lb gratituno,, the .day-■« licit ~r , . ,1 >ne<-tujn ,_..a!i wyre. domt. tmfiv as.a mass are loyal,wq in , 1 ’ \ K i„„ fl , m d|j your child, »yn, d«.n 1 allow . p w ,nsyleUiii«- i Altlmug 1 -A el j ent . ri .maiks on to duties of the me unqnittiltiMt .-iuhtni.ssion or-| entire ■ f’Michers cs.aihinaliniis Ivri-livld *Jar.go'tnj!nber ol .■re'--1- U; K:--' 'Tow sill candor and’ kindness, that \;** J t - a position, for :i|-pxpenchco Jin political l ,'^ X l .a''i..|,rrs ; ' | extcnpn.iltlon of lho iiel.cls, v illj !,s , f;>liows--oxei-(-ises wilj iepi.njicneii ■in ' the ,h. .ir;il-s at IV.- dmii • ” ‘ t-.-l (iiiiting to a -position iJ^ ,u r hCl ' e . r ', v. may just-' know--o»j nW one Imttcr-.qualifiid ( r -j^ y id,. made rriarks on di|(T;r- place itbjtlle power ; of our Comntln- at t!,, - K ln^lW Pfr-wnloti. ,| ■ 1 fhcris, . Thero-'is. potlnn- no.yi -° U UrC I Sup loyal.v or I :nnm '. , !:t vherc \<V..i l,-,. u c jluties-o Unit p i and f , th -,, Intii. .Irr-in-Clpeii l<> aunpuneO; to ; tis inf } >H A E lkin's: Ivey West ,- .| . f where you must g. eup i} . Lo pspecled. ... p . | , lU)I orablo '/f■? "f ' f :t . - I [Wieneral )dn sf flint -fart: ttolh j ' <!'• Jiay .4- J V; '. - 'l . forsake pai;t.\. -.- ’ i Js piflJi. ' . T delivered bis lin quesiLion.. ; Tlie * C j ; profound I* A pressing 1 invithlih w CXteifled j reigns ; Hjiil j\vo nlay ii.n-f nim-e. f is|fir) towps.iip, at -:yj; V n:;i-KD—'On' Times,!;Vy,, . .that tbe man we.o toi.aj ■• ■ <- . , '• d ;■ \d • cranons,.. iipail fmtn !lO i M . rR „ n d lose bin- idays gntic.til-. sill down by (air 'oivii.! f';'"'"i l ! '. o: J -fSrU.} ItstKj.. I.v' lh..V; (ieie—.'ej; v;|i c ct in your party; v. bo is ei.dorsod by | celeb, lecm.cc pno ; lmowjedge, ‘ -, ato M Cxnj , ,j ii.s’H resides,]i .( satb.y ha, i-ihess -4,| 1 \ :^ r ‘JV k V n!<! '«P-»t \ Vm 'P, ; : : , r rift v A a R . ~u lh ilV; | v- 14* "74' i”sSf 1 "-W' ,1 .Jf. suf S'^l3 .1 labored -defence, tbat be] ,^ 0 hoU , a d.Jieory.and was listen- the Gome «U. Thu 'u xt t.«er: tro.n trim -ami - iff |f'’f 11 de vsf > >, ” 111 p,w vti 11 V y can.4.l ' ; 1 nidi , ! , (>' 1 t*oii - ''' il' miombic means .to have his! Sr. Louis. A;iudt-JDispat( !ics lo lin'T- T}>nil?hui ibieil'f-h'-'r.yrjld .* ‘‘f : i“ V ff Pre-rneent i:ll is clear, i . declare martial law,. Mi ■ Fob tb* Acgvb. a „a such -a disp nof oar lim -nato. foif Counl V- .n my jho it ~tl ,«•,.» , u , Sr) . <it , t.bat I'r.uui A>i f; av a l-.ng way.; ‘ Uwed. Every -d juetion ; . | , Fb1!EI)0M , April hT’63.. lliJo «' ■n C 'i' r moir’n-s f’-llic last six ’; j i, v filioW wlso 10. -The clomng esferSmbs ot the Public -dming t»c10 >c a .'9 V a .-Vj of ..Darlington- tp.. ice hundred citizens, mitle ’• .j '1 <a- ovciSl'w • T^rcoivc 1 l«\ » ilie \ jrna< :“ii **t » • ' i. i'rc'dbvie'ritri CUur<s*«w ' all iio I>n,|)j\B i f 1 J. . L SiHNrill • ill thV ! * ■' I'juv- . t w. • eN#if power not ..il.c c ; Ij! C . Boug. Vrineij.aUof th.| .Uu - J.nt V llm iW::’--Is'di ... ■ -cventuidly in Sisinyidljewithout guise. coatmiicdjwas niet an.- :,1.. ; ~. e t .mialed *A o^^.na.. J W mi |os ca.Vttf dny.JMayiAtb'r i.plorso,. Trb„p[- diied siflden-: ;v i^ ; n v her p.^v ’ ■ avl-edueatcll by the |„ered.i Tlf Bres. le:u ;ii ., ■ |. f. " ( ,a w o,dd : e.un ■. and a Imm. 'I ■- V, , of vour le.vlers | j ...fture and xyvi'e noon it as, ;11) , t mns > , . cx-r"Gov Gambia 1 led four irloil-, i v-_ yi ' 11 . X i . •■■.; ■ ■ when :■ ke . won! ,1 dgi-ii;.. . , i ,•..-wt.-il Cun*c: i|uu-»- \\\ f .. ua: oi ,avui.'\vm auu-nn * r l>r ..'nv l.fe. KIJ r» p ua } ** 1 * ;# ] t } /ock Hindoo, 'at |- 4 Ji... t Ap/i ”, —\ltlw»:i‘d\ >iif ; ; ' :i Ac.i'iMtoh-.teu at ns bard ami; , nn outViao ot tap ■ r.rgamer.t, a » ; t ,hurc.li waa 1»!» an order pliat [ t?* “ ibyen.iihlb to uliend the. ; ijoii-*’. m ?; \'Z niivc in (>l ,ly do 'to the ; .lto/l-^|9j-^|j aia l, 'thunl n«W.ncjcro iIJ 1 ,to * .laU jl fTI, S •, V raid it is Lai little f. >c , yr 6 inland d m bc..^ ; wiilnjlhe, B ia J • , a - vtf te off from the citfwi sjieend po nj;t. U . SWro kil Pd boo.ly ih'mnrnes. ye a t rrAUid.. Cat.- j: f all mu ■ obtain it. £ 'the teachers, te granted Jr a or Genmud t? iC , a4 t ymp sec idrWnch teachings are | bo in the handkvf cwery loyal i A-A dUtoh I f-j intended to arouse the timia and fear , man> udapted so S thus:- Gone>l I ! dated Ajupo I | 9 She oie.i as fulto resist the Lo»k at-i.» ; «l- iUIC time and to the want ol t- } ' l.dtory ofour lowm have Girardeau,fen i stlm eqei.W ti J six if the Gospct, bav.if 0 t— • ' f- t ahe-dv si In Ohio armed men.ol 6l the nation. two tiiid as good a school: which result a ro moviu/off I sLiy [f Jesus. . • f 1 1 P ics( Scilo p: c‘oa I las f f C . Boggs, and \ no U.erldi*p« . /tiilemy . WbUtumberin.ho l.ora. era from .tbe ; ■ ji r . y u , |i> lcr tol, Principal pt tlijJ ,, n pjV | »' b i nsou ; and Foftorfield JKeil sdtae two ter, is Work obe iilw theirs, my tart repo«- Pennsylvania W'cy • , It; „: 0 n Wuhool P.cxheptcr, that an j a uested by the fact that. »G«n.' Van Devi odthorepula- .tondrsj 1 .Like thelrsiay lust tcws.ici: alonc/u thousand r-erAKAtcL srjn eA. tbcßupiUcJf'Si khe Stock closed the ed enemy last fk.ng aIU 4 Go / I .'. ! ■ '.;«;.. ‘ apd awdrn to fectst the . fj* tiioechool J jjirolAore- '.■• r v ' c ®: 0 ! h *J l ®S ? umb f r *° Y*’ . , - ~ In tmcolu HospitVl. - • mf-.put.m- the samo mtcntiofTsprf.- bis** , , 0 n Friday evening, UauW Teachers for the 'l l * m in P R|?W>m I n Jpmp' *9. Luncheon, says thaokery, Is City. onj-Mai tb J 25, M -_v " ’h'- ,u- 40.r0- oi v our party. , ballot that place, on tr ay . ~ 0 f eight moalbe, wmmenomg who are fordfards haW> ingiatltude to breakfastj aud fl o6, 6f Co. A. iTth. Pa- Cara? -Thou- • May 'l*L. ; All Wfcoraially. i-m 4td. to j^ y a ; . K.; jfiold .»■ 1 | 1,, 1 pracuediuitedinsu't to dinner. . i ttmly di" HooklUiwp, Boarer ‘ f. . | - f,;-; ■/ , r -I f: ; J; | K-. ‘, -j ''! Vw a ' " ’ !: V r To* tbs Jaaea. Teachers’ Institute- Tho TenrhuV. ImliUite, ; ac<s>rdin<. to adjournment, 'met at »>'« -■ I'V' School Uousc, ui Bc#w,, on SuUinlai April 25th, 1.. r the j.urpoao ot <» r £M* [Treason Again Eetmkod. ! rJ" J I- ’ Hiun *vore ra tL .(vntagn. , • :■ iriw,V»|il'*i? vv !f; Ul6od . .... 15i| lieavcK. f........ li&lcol, ThUt ll>o l>o°m jirfgt ton.*j 1C i-atmmi. whu-h was tirul cuiiipcwa, , oiir flaunt SttA-;cr, went rcvcru«r-| t)arlm ß toa i3<Uro r, u lt h|lh t .|«gih and I- llie ! land, ktUrthpß l .V fc lc |-' 1 ! 1 l<^ . f ■ franklin i f their Omntry’a flat; .in | u ‘ ac, =*; freedom boi-0.....;..-- ■1 ihoiiic'*' it struck the key-no.ip. of j F r cedoia din.. nil, truVliea* ted. breast and removed O.acae A ,ad l.iild- t,fi%i i i blindness t'u ; M »•_ ; j lops # c u|.;, v ...;..J-3 reason's growth, and awakcnjfd thi■ ,; . j ijy orderjpt t 0 ii.c f.dr k. owlJdKO ol.jtl.e, D ■M long-hill tlnd devllsh ]dnt to. Bf sJCnM**™*,- wrest ft out tijom iWc lieri(age olftree- 1 7 lorn won for then them hv theiij- g'o purpose to main rights - i«'ii glori. ftSeii ■ J : > , R'lsolvtd, That our heart*, jwjeilk had at lUaijjuiicl 1 at the lie) 111 ol Hi rail'll t forward 1 riot —AiDrai|ani we ?ipu>' wi t a ) niw - live*, our in 1.0 hi* gulda iiie,| I in,aid of hiij steji ! qiier ihU wjiekd |[ and t|o punthhip iin-tiiatoi* tlno il (HTIu : ijr still i'll j :u.iimo*ii i!es,l Iwc I j a iid no one j as ! love* 5 Ids fiou kiimv no'shcri tail* itjii U* let . ji* renown,. 1 . - . :>Rioo!kdl iThal those wlm lire tin eoi)-pirini'|iii the North U' tins Adn.iilisliaiioa til it* rStore Hiee to. the know not 4atfthet do.or aregm Jul unmatly! trefoil. trenching 0 I iorivilegealimd immimyies wlmh I u I jhabiUtiii i|i|luJ-tan<'C idfAmonea'v • iiiitileri; With freedom ofspeedt-. ! tiiitf 1 give* [them, l.ase Reptiles, hem crawl,, hut if thpy bile, the In 1 1 N:Afill vn.LE, A i.ri 1*2 V 7.—. Clay bndtb'.s .bnaadv, -ci -O>J ea't'alily, eorrlmandcd- b , OUi Kentucky fa a i .1 • ■ nV»ruhijj made a dash - npi County | Superintendent {camp ( .-f the\ Ist; Texas Li We areli|'qnested by a nnmhei | miles -son-th of Franklin, 'Sroeiori that T. C- b | Cnykj .pike*. ayd captured ilhers 'yvjili sdrvo another term j inchidintf .ibn-b captain*. • lonnty SiipM-infendcnt nf- Cimin | atits.l tli.e saute,number ot Icbonls Of leaver county, it- elect 1 tunics, ewip ah:bnlan,ce 1 I We arbjiitlionzod tdiannonace- 1 1 1 ‘ UU * ume of JL Anderson. ft ft l ! ,c ft er ‘t i»., Ija* ,a- candidate. fori Cdun Wf ft nperml|n|jjnt oCComatou Schoo | 'u'mml ! l ’ J. I._;l3tpkjdi of Darlington tp., we i |Tldrt v--tl.rjee hundred ci 1 ro mitboiindl to say. will bo a eaddi- and iVinaio, have taken llj :ito toi*ijliije ifHco of County Super-. Jn{j bombs- lo Ccneral AL.iI; ilendentj oliiifommmi Schools’; : Capt. C ..L. Snu*dal{,- t tffluTbb rjlodtion takes p’aciof ,Mor-| *.ft'‘.| s *- Jaultje Aovocaije J ay,May-j4th.il ' i .. ot the Anderson Troop 1 , .1 ; i !'' I.V; to-day#' of pneumonia, 1 “'• - [- t , ' Cloud Hotel. t' - . ; New Ybfuc, Iftpnl 25,—A leltcr from Startling ruinnrsiaro mi ievvbern'|'con|ajns -the folioviug.t-f-; <;ity. to-ngblt that (Jen. ' ien. Fosiey lelf Newborn (ni J.be IStb shot and' inMai.i I v •itli lartrc: to relievo Washing- ! Breckinridge, at Tnllalioniia. , in and drive jibe enemy; from ■ that > Yesterday a small party of rebel* Inyo. (ieiienil Negleo coinmaijda ft. ntitaeked the Louisville train -on its (if iliekinaby liri ii‘om the city. T-bbect rebel* tade and-od Niw. York cavalry, yyiib were killud and two prisOnepa taken. *i howitzer. They overtook 1 it lie. No damage was done to tho- ? traek. raip of ILo eiiot|iy on the, raft’d \\ ! *, —~j . . : : • Jiear the «vouth .of ; n E w, York.. April 27.—!a spoeiaf to LfoiiDl .Craft- -I I \he\ller<tld payn Nashvilleldated Aph *, - i l rii; n,,z C , roelr > “Mfisix 2!ilh, deserfeiH Stibfo that jT'f froac iWaMtinslon. the pft.y EedtucM ITehncssee, add Missouri I pf a< ; ftf'- Bh’trg’s jftrmy have- Iptely i li|ts staff add cavrtlry.dnivo. the enemy buftiftinous.! arid much trouble ha* .precipitately Irom behind his works, bdon exparieirt-ed in iuittina it dovn. | c ipturnig a nttmobr of prisoiuirs' in* Tent.ossedans laid iiown their i_ c tiding nOolonsl of thp -d Goorcia amis, rofusinij to do dutri •jc ivairy. i Our pu.-suit-was so yiao/ous ; : . ** : J 1 > tmt tbs- enemy, wore compeHied to -break, and eoattee in doafusiooToward '€«wnvil|>.' : ;/y'' -j ] : . -—unlniric . -- - . . . ■Marinn...,j i,( oi ,,| v work it. their i-.ink. rilles •«».«■' pr.ru.v pV North captured.. -.Our tinny U!aif. >i. yh:>••••• * I*riiiiJrli PattursoiiVillu,- fskinwi-li i ...1 t * f *7 -COUtiliuonslv. uiul rejirlu’d I’ rsinl.ii.; : b!>rj tlimisaiiri' pr^nvr.^t-lu«f . ;}{pl Rochester t.i...bcou-iil Pranlnip, • ! W t e 'j.'' ’ Racroon. ;..j.......... A . \v'.ti>>lo C'liuy.auie-* <»t , ■ ' - :iu ; At A-lra.^i... tp County CSmnWteo. ; r Jr..Wb.ial.Cht hie \vn- eaiXtntrls.U A ll ' -of - iUtl ii*.« £>"f' ' :e: .-| ' •: !)iui.:> <>M l.t.'Ar 1. tail* l! l-' . - , . , ==i? ,; '! to tun- ser’v.ii.’etl Trie reh. I cjtsbißATua will .bear .in ium*l, tlikt »n ’au-'U.n: *f miun MicaL amlJUKit .- ln'«vre ir.--crtlon, oust bcac-! inio Caii-rPiuR - -hat-s-v .•'■ I■; ..tin their |elm,itrv* nounc^t.. a “; ure - ~| a.-.ltlte; unimpaired, tvas K . t !.T« ~, U.. K ■; ■ ~1 :T- i 'rl ~>; •! boats \viiii.nr•!><.. .»(,• 'f,V« 3 U.a| tlep'li x>li Announccrnffnts. ; i .■: • jus, , 'v.. i*’: Stale, the houe.st; .„f .be following persons a? can-M-..« A.-; -| , th:’! l-U-r. ■■ 1V..; r pa O-Xcm na.-cd' V:.o W;; . su..>ct tae.; I ~vU (H * i : fAneo'itl - _a.|‘l } ls ' ‘tel), djoiisloii of the C-;nyention: ,; ■'r { i.;;,.-,.,-,Jiv it.; I ''l- I ’’ ' Ip. icrtijift fitilh. vnu-*M.y | •j, iiAssft-’.fi'b’ly, | -. | The ox - '>e.":ii , >n <•{ .Gctt. GffV'r ; iii>r«, umi II iafr?, , KlaSiltO-.w - 1 ];' ( . H ' >!«!• ■ at..! j.1e.1-o Item a.ljj !’ l-Fherlff, ' v r .i’ lt-' 'I " , author H: • pDAVIP JOilNStu:v ,nu- t rp. ;• • t;.-”J , f;i , ; : . Register & Recorder, . r . ih., IVksUiS iai ,i thret-r i : >v. ■ u ;ALFHEd H. MoORK-lWpr>-, ■■ ). ; i [■ r ■ £ . u^,lUr ivij.-rf.. 1 DAVID \yoquiru i r,.l?r>ugevv.ap.e»... T |.,-. r ;i,,.| ; .. Ih; C°( ; "V ' Treasurer; •! i iPiu.-c iiivh i! - i. .i ; ::iiiiih--iv i*■ •v ! JOHN CAUtVfIHY,- Beaver, p ,i.:e . U ini OSES B’- tVJEi:siT..Bf:iv<lr r .•/ • v ’■’ V1 '’'’ ! ' 'tj ; ’*l!2S HKITr.-V.IN’. -M'/0i... ; wC Gei.. i>.e K x,iCait MIIs’O 6 ADA.MS.UrkI <;(■«•!! tor. [./ TVvl.)i'. '‘i VVM Ci L liU\TKit,B.M^ ; il(.:i'tp : ! I I. ImporlHiit arcs oK u.,r-< IIKNHI, Wjvsr.f ' ’ I Clerk of Courtj,: .■ ' •." ‘ t,.' lt .i (r ) l KHl' ...iitu. s ' ll ) t . 1 rdiiN a.,fr'azie» ; j W!IS ,. :l ni.ifce.i. f ««»i i‘<y p •'■;:\viM,lAM S *B\Rl'l,AYi beaver, i - i ■ JAMES 1 IiARVER, tp., v01 ; ( .;.^.,pp.. r sU>vro r<>; :• ’%] . . ■ • l;-|!ic..latpfurc4, I.-j'*.- a. ; I hiving aside sill J>a'.| !ili i *:itirif’■ iam! t i° n .f • tl, f ■ Uu j.v n!f oncja inoil* brotncr. ’but ho »h •iliy im-olpshly an ico 10') ureal, lo Imi'.i rmor glory and a id XTTVTOIN’ i I 1 ' Nkw York, April 26.—-Tho Htrnrr.er . | If niton, from S«w Oi-leaus! rip RE COUNT Y CONVENTION. I ! W e «V arrived here at iioon MIMI Tri\ .or. s“»iVol- * i! \\ n\' u INEINCIE J-Silljv. J ;ir.‘ '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers