If r!' r>_k ■ U-V--,-.: f i GERMANTOWN TBT.TOEAPH. i- A Family and «n - Agrfcußural Journal, „ .. PSVOTEDTO C H OICEiL ITE S ATUBE , . .!:.>•• 'r /, ‘ Poetry, Kovele&es, Tales,,. 1 AND MORAL AND; ENTERTAIN j ISG READING GENERALLY. : T i* I ' ! 1 ; | r - ''l ■■’lit tbeLitetaryDepartment'•»» shall prc -*ient the choicest varieties yrithinthe of '. obr.,extended means.- (Die Novelettes, Tales;, : i Poetry, Ac., shall be supplied from the best • tad highest sources, and be equalto anything ' to W found in any journalor magazine. Agriculture and -Horticulture, 'A-... '-j./- SMB3ACISO ; Firming,Gardening; Fruit-Raising; Ac. in fUf fisfir tranches, -at; coeScted on fAi latcit - • and Sort approval sytffau ' Oar labors in this department for over tbir . ty years, hatre met the cordial approbation of thepublic-i Ourpurposehaa been to fornislr. useful- and reliable information 'upon these very importsnt branches of iridtfetry, and to protect. them so far as within bur ppwer against the false doctrines and selfish purpos es of the many empires and shnsatiofa-adven • lurers by which the Farmer is. incessantly'as sailed. This portion of the OtrAantvicn TeU fraphvTß aloue bd ]wort h the whole price of subscription; as every Fartner aad Gardener, who ■ has a proper; conception of. his calling, will readily admit! f ' ! NEWS PEfARTMENT. 3 i|wThj|r»ame industry, care, and discrimination, in gathering and preparingt he Stirring Events of the Day, expressly' for! this paper, which, hitherto has been one of its marked features; and given eo universal satisfaction, will, heii ■ continued with redoubled efforts ro meet the >iic^6aring-demands of the. public. The Tabor ■ required iu this department 'is' never’ -fully hpr pftoiated by the reader.' ! It Would be iaiV - 'possible- to present, the condensed-and carer--’ fully made-up; form in 'which u appears, ii coiteiled mass of ail the most , insercstin.c' - news of the /week, withgut h’-vriviug much physical labor, tact and-jpdgmcnti '. i ; T7e annex the ccth tchml towhir-h we beg ■have- to call .attention- of-all ftho’tliink-of 1" subscribing fer a newspaper V '\f .•- s Advphoe- Cash Terms. - , One copy, one yean, S 2: one copy, -three ‘ y care, So. 00; three copies, cite year, $6,00 1 ire Copies. One Tear, .SP.'at; Ten-Copies. One Tcar, Sls,OO4.Twenty Copies,, Une Yelir, ,$J2B,<JOt f V V. ' '• • ‘ Kjr“Subb’criptiijn not p.ilo within the vear; • $2.60.- ; ; '. //: ‘ ■./ ' -B®»AvClab of fivje-subscribers, at SB‘,; wni. 1. eiuiilethe person getting ii up to a.Copy for - sit tauntits ;a Club of ten or more, to a c.jpy ft r one year. '.Vll CU’.b subscriptions;slopped ’ a : ! the end'bf tlid time j-aifi for, unites .rejbr ■ &wed.. - ' I*' -; .' . order will receive attention unless »eecar.j.Ushc<£with the cabK. r ? ' ; gQuSpecimen numbers ■ to applicants. PHtLIP Bi^RELVS, Sir 'Editor 2RQ: Proprietolp. " ifijmn'oW/oirii, Jtyiladtlpio.afiffi. . iWT 1 W; BEIGHTON EETEEAT. N ASyLtJMPORTHSRE'CEP TIOH CUKE AND TREAT MENT OP MENTAL ALIENATION OR i DISORDER. ' ervoua and Chronic 1 Diseases. FOR' FEMALES;'! insi huticn -5s coir,open"'for the rcccpjj . care. and.-treatciMit oi iljV iWr ; «i)|;. , ".owl ktipt of patiopta who jure laboring undi|"'; mental ], ueranctmCni : ' or, other 'nervous anti j '. chceuiC.’discnse. ,* W’c make special mention of * c ttoii? and -.chronic diseases. from the fact li at ccvt-li (emits of the .female patients that ■i! i: c .cemmittcsl - to our pablioKAsylums? to. be -treated for disordcfediminls. are reduced 1.0 tiat lamentable- condition through previous physical disorder. By. a well timed and judl ctlous Jt eellueni cf chronic pnd- nervous dis ■ cities, all disorder?, in the majority dij Cases may be removed ; and thus thc'thind. tlaTing suffered through ,tl:c medium of the bejdy .will when free : from the niching ■ pinfclcal cause, throw, off theklmckles that Jliuh bound it.to wofseuhau midnight darkness, aim reason trill, dnce'morc. resume its sway, clothed in allots primitive beauty add wonted excellence. Bence the necessity of all tbote. wliiot Src. laboring it he predisposing: or exciting causes, calculated,in the end to. im pair the mind to j retort to an . early and judicious course of {remcdiaV agents! 1; The Institution is a large brick building/ I* with a stone basement—-four -lories high and! ' well'ventilated. It is situated on an tilde land which commands a view of entire - itoWn—adjacent and neighboring, l-‘ streams; aif.of' which. are/calculated to pro duce favorable imprjcssions upon the disorder-' cjd iniad. ■ , ’ 'j ffihe Institution is complete in all of. its ap pointments. - Haying been tastefully fitted up' at'.gract expense. in order that it may meet jbelapprobation and views of the most fastidi ..ttuJ . . '. 1 .The water closets. and bathing apparatus! havy jbecn go! lon up upon tie most approved) modern 'scietitiScprinciplcs. ’This department -. embraces nßt-only tbe .ordinary baths'but, also, the medicated, warih airland ascending; anil descending dnuchr fot thcTnore effectual’ and. successful- treatment of",cutaneous and i other scrofulous ;f- : jWe beg kfltc.{b. say-do all those.who may be. disposed to commii'.lti^c;lnterests cf a dear, ,wifcc sisf cwof'-daughtfcit t ijfo our charge—may be assured, that no means will be spared or efforts wanting on our part to,ameliorate their condition or to effect a restoration to theirJtc 1 - | eustemed.health andrigbr;of mind. f i ; For further particulate, send for a circular. 1 - All commuuicalions should be addressed to. iE. IyEA'D-lUCK. SI. 1). Supt. of New Brighten Betieat ' ,New Brighton. Bcttvcr Co. Pa. . | BOTlp'tii. t i; IvOLLOP.'K’S IDjarictelicmGof^ee. f i Ml IS preparation, niadcfrijiullierbest Java -jj I pofiec. is rccomtiicmicd by physicians as a superi6r J3iT fli TI0l : S EE V£ R AGE for Gen eral Debility, Dyspepsia and,jsl! billions discr-: ;■ flersij: have .been compcllcdjto ./abandon the use of use this with out iijurious euiecis. One can contains tbc stren] ;lh of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Pricej-o cents.'. 1..’ v ■ . •' BOLLOCK'S LKVAiy. ■ Th< purest and bestl BAKISG POTOER fcqow; l, for making light,*: sweet and. nutritious Bread and Cakes. trice 15 cents. r •;i Manufactured by ,j; ■ , . * ■ ■■ ■ ;1 I M. H. KOLEpek, Chemist, ! Ctmer .of Eroad and Chestnut streets, " ,i -. > still LADELPIUA, .vAiiiL sold by all Druggists andGroceis. . mai2C ' j. T 'ir:r\- Beavei* Hotel, JOSEPH HALL, Propriety, iRAJt-ROADI HOUSER, ■ ■ jl; : •} ■; ~ '■,■ * .;_.■ : *wi*MW«TfMjtid j ■ ■ ; ■ .“Xiia ts ilhe' fint reolly clever comic and 1 satirical journal ~wc have had* in America— and rcaily clever itis, ; It is both sharp and good-tempered, and not thsid to say''that its soul is its own—which shows’ that it has * soul, flitr rcadrrH vrill.be glad to'know where they can and native fun that has something better *’in; it 'than mere JUon&fy riy I I J. “This paper is excellent.... 1 Remarkable for originality.”?—-ST. Y- : ; “Vaxitt Fair is conducted by a vivacious, . witty and \ intelligent corps of journalists.”— I I»;eJitield{Conn.)Eigiurtr. / . ,| “Will wield as potent! ah influence sa that of the London Ptindi.”—option TraeeUtrp . “Whosoever finds himself laughing at the wit of VASiir Fare, an'd does not return a quid prv'fuo-. is fit toi and S. Y. Crisysn. \ |‘ ; -i >■<- - ; ■ ' ■ i SPECIAL NOTICE. VI V - ' i 11 -i ■- i ■ V ■■■ , The very narltcdond flattering success sfhich has thus: far attended the,publication of ;lfv'V i _V : “Vasitt,! Faui,” - ' Enshlcs.tho' publisher to announce that with the commencement oftheiSecond [Volnitie, is sued this day, 80th June, New Fixtures, both Literary and Artistic, will be introduced, which •will increase the value and interest of the pa per. and fully, maintain the proud position unanimously accorded tb it, as threading . Comic Journal of America. •• • j VANITt FAIR b ' - - 'IB iss'rxn SCOrtAELT EVUET TucEsoav. - nn<l is “for Sale hy all iJCewsracp. &cd ..at llie Publication, So llJi Nastsau-stroct, Ncu* Vcill ■ ■ I , : TERMS: - ■- U ; Three dollars per amium, in advance—Sis cents single copy. I • . , TERMS FOR GLUBB:. , Two copies of VAsrtt FAin will;be sent to one addreis for '......it;. ...—.So O<J FiicCcpies ........12 00- Teri ' c0pie5..........| ...i——2o 00 . -,An Extra copy will be allowed to thegelter i tip of.-hvery Club of not less thad five copies. This paper is Elcctrofypod. and numbers insyT'C procured nt »Dv; time. - v . ~ LOUIS H. STEPHENS, ?- PubliHiicr for the Proprietors, 11.3 Nausau-st. - '{ ■' -. New-York. I ♦' ’i.V. ’V ■ THE . " ftf SATURDAY MOOTING Toft. - ' • . The best Scwspaper in 3 WESTERN-PE N-X’A.\ ■ And tire-, only ■ ileiaocruUc Union Sheet on ■’ , Pittsburg. ' ’ -s 1 ESTABLISHED lIX TSOL :^“T" tr contains aIU tlie ;CCK};EXT NEWS OF . TIIE WAV' rejiable. Monetary;, Market' and j, Commercial reports’, and a'cltoicc selection of n Tares. PoetryvJ-itorory and Scientific Articles, Jl., . I ValuaMe. Statistical luloianation; ~5/ I Agricultural Nears, &c.; : 1 ■ -•■"'J ‘ . The latest, Teljetjraphio Novvs. /Embracing cvcvy- important. Item, of News. .-•Foreign and.Comctlic, (’bngressioual 1 * > IntclUgenCc’, iJegislagvo -Pro- [ ■■j, ~ cccdingsj tse.vjtc.; •’ '.j • Terms, $T per aiinum hi .a 7fkj/fe Copy, cr II ' . | Cepin one ycorjos slrt. a, -■ c At>i)BE33 JAMES P. BAl.lt, j ’’ ' , I Editor and Proprietor. ' I •• Corner FlfthahdWopd sfa., Pittsburg Pa. I BfPuKctid your money by mail at my risk.' TO COUNTRY DEALERS. •%/t'vOn' Mioh and S/oliuiury at Whole 1 ] / . • sale. . ■ .f, ■ ' j '■{ Tlio’snliKtribf-v has* ftlvravH oif hand ! o*gop!!V &51 GntTeyV .Sp'dll^r-uSHea ders. -lay’s.. Anthnfts.tscK,, SjtoddardV A'nth'iiiClic. hk-s'i Vic..’ Letter Cap and Coniinjcreial Notts papers. Blank} Bookst/lEass /Books, Steel. Pe,ns '.and tj|ol<K*iy,*po])y Books. Slates, Ipt, Ink stands, Bonnen Boards. :&c.,:&et - Usual distant for cash. Goods ndekcd and 'delivered to anv part of tlic- eiily.V EOBT. S iS.WIS, hfoilnlS,. TJUWpod st„ PittsimrirK •*' -i 1 ’ AV.e. Miu.ee. i : bil....C IAV r.ICKiF.TSOx. I’iltsVg MIX.I.ER & kICKETSONj, iIItESALII GHOCIBSi ' i AXD JSIPOISTEES r . \ J, Brandies, Wines ! and Segars, Am. -21 j'223, Cvrl of L’bfrlv Jc Inrin'tlt. j riTTSBUHG: Pa. • Cotton Vat-n, &c., &c., constantly .1 on Laud. ! . [oug6 / - m General Commission Merchant Dealer in Flour. Grain, and all kinds ,of i COyvfru, Produce, . ITines end 1 i \Liqv',rs, Cigars, Tolaceo, <tc. Office- nnd'Warelionsei .Ko. VS7 South 2d streo F'HilataelpHia. fCy- Liberal ndTarceaioauu cn consigirmonts : ' ■ ... aug 28, / ]. 'S. B. M f LSor. JA»CS- : VFpiAT fitsi tiißffit, 54 I Woo<i iSt., . Have noicl their SPJtING STOCK of DRY GOODS, Complete. Extra! inducements offep fed to Cash buyers. , (nihl9. ; l^usrETW AND BEAUTIPUIi EDITION - ' i ' " , OP. THE. , i-’ MISTAKES OF OHJCATED BBS. & HART, Lit D., .TV)MQ„ r jnwOih. price 60 cent*: paper- cor-' t eri, ,25 cents. Copies'.of this book will, be sent l>y mail on rtenpf ; of the price, in postage stamps. Pleas .address 1. J. C. GARBIGCES. Publislicr, ; I- • 14t? South fourth street, 1 Phil’a. Pa.' J ■n«r2e~ ■' : .. i . ..-'j.. ; .Stirling Housfe, NO4 iOT Second Street ■ . (between wood ass mabest) i PITTSBURG, mFi. BV THEjMEAL; DAT Oil WEEK. V.'Ai 3sihnk}irdj f l tWMWt.VV 1 BRAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORB. JB 0 jL L 0 WA Y * S|| P ILLS Qinta^eirte. 1 lb the Army or Navy, tbonld tahe especial care that they be amply fsuppUed with thdse Hlls sad Ointmwit: ond wherc the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to; provide them-, selves With them, no better present can be sent them by. their friends. .. They have been prov cd te.be the Soldier’s neicr-fsiUng; friend' in the hour of need. v i‘| ' '■'■■■ 'v' COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECMNO TROOPS . Willj be speedily 1 removed apd,effectually cured by using these admirable tbedieineSt and by paying proper attcntion to' the Directions 1 which are attached to .each Pot pr Bos. ' SICK 'HEADACHES A»D WANT OF APPE TITE INCIDENTAL'TO SOLDIEEg. These feelings which eo sadden us, usually arise .from trouble. or annoyahees. Obstructed perspiration; at ejting and dr|n)|ing whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing! the healthful action Inf the liver and stcnutch. Tbieo or gans most be relieved, if you desire to M well. The-Pills, taking according to the printed In etructions, will quickly a produce . a healthy action Ha both liver and stomach, and as a natural consequence a clear held and good ap petit#: v. , . ' <TV , WEAKNESS OR DEBIUTY INDUCED BT r i . OVER FATIGUE,! , | v ; Will soon disappear by the use of rthese in valuable. Pills, and’the Soldier wjill quickly ac quire additional strength; -Never let the'bow els be either confined .or -unduly acted' upon. It maj seem- strange !that Holloway’s Pills, i should be recommended, for Dysentery and i Flux, many persons supposingtliat they. would increase the relaxation. This Is a great mis take, for these Pills will correct {the > liver and stomach and.thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. ' Thlslmedicina will give I one and vigor lo the wbole'organic' system howev er deranged, while'health and strength follow as a milter of'coarse. Ijiotbing willstop the rclaxaiionof the Bowels so surd as; this fa mi ons medicine. ' p ; ! J •YOLUNtEERS AmNTION!] INDISCRE- |Jt TIOXS OP YO.UTIL I Sorcß Aud elect's. EiotehrßeTi SBd Swellings, can witltccrtointj_bh jadicauyj cured if the ■Pills aretsken night and monilug, and/the ointment be Irecly Used as state[l in the print ed ins!ructiohs. 1 Iftrcaled in'n|iy-otber iiisn’i ner they dry np in one part to break' out in'an- Wheis'as this; Ointment 'will remove the humors from the'system and leave the Pa tient*! vigorous and healthy , man.'; - It will r,T | quiren little perseverance In ba|t''easestVhi.in.- I euro al.lastirig "cure/ ’ 1 - , for--Wounds either occasioned by .; THE BAYONET, OR SABRE OIITHE BCL , ORETf. 150 RES OK BRUISES', ■ _ ■. - ’"To every Soldier'and S liter art liable .there ire no tnedicines.eo safe, -ure andean.' vemenlas noßowiiy's Pillsand ouilhient. The pporiwounded and n.lmoat.dying'RuCii'rt-r might hiaitphik wophds dressed Hniacdialcly, if he w ciiy only'pro.vide.himsclf . with this match-' mment, which'slfohld be|lhrnst into the -jrousii and smeared all around Is, then covered with ti-piece of linen from Lis.'knnpsack, and. comprised with . a [handkerchief. Taking nightiml morning (i or B'Dills,-,16 cool thesys tem add prevent ihfUmntion. : ■ Every Soldier’s .knapsack iind :Scathah ? s chest thould be provided With-i these valuable ■Remedies. -[ ’ jl •'* ' -i ' CAITTIOUf .---None are genuine -unless ] the words “J/oilorag, .Vtio Yorfy and ZondtM,',’ 1 ore di icornable as .V water-rcarkinevery ’leaf of the book of directions around each pet or box: ;he s.imo may lie plainly Been, by holding the leaf lo the light. A handsome reward will bc.given (o any .one rendering-such tion a i may lead tp the detection of any party* or pat tick counterfoil inglJie medicines or vend j ing the some, knowing r.hem td be-■kpuricas. 1 '’-'■ .Sold at. the MaiU'pi"tory of j’iofesor i tiani.c tv.tT. 80 Maiden Dane; New; York, andi | i.y all .respectable Druggists and ■Dealers la jJHJfiiicinek, throughout' the civilised 'world, in. ■ boxes at-5 cents, till Cents und if J each. , 1 iSS" There is considerable stl ring by taking j the larger sizes. . ' ,■/ i N; !.—Directions for the guidance. of pa j kots i.n nvcry disorder areafiix idto each box. | Mar". ■ ;.s< ' ’ ' Mil E DEMOJI El Quarterly Uitror oi l Fashions, \ (Jtrar Ip-.j.fovtmtnts anJ Adui.'iofis, f , rta£ SUMMER VUSIBr.BCONT.MX>' 4 ! FOUR LA HUE Jc SrLESV/n fASHIOy. •\ .”LsT£.% .TUKEB' > \( 'jPArrpsA’S op Dxpssxs, , , ~, COJtfBUIINO Tim i t- ' v New French Waist, an Elegant Slceye, and n Misses Sack, and aßbc it of r New |I, . r, STl'i licuitiflll - ’ , j BRAID' AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS,' Together with! nearly. 1(H» of ■:■ i •" all the inotelties for ; , - ? j Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, • ■ j Children’s Dresses,'4c., And jraluablel information to Milliners, Dress 1 Makers, Mothers, and Ladies: generally,'fS-c -simiug the largest’valid best Fashion Maga zine jin the World, published 473 Broadway, I». Vi., and sold everywhere at 25 cents. Or sentry mail, post free, on receipt of the am't in stamps silver. Year $1 O'J with the fol lowing valuable premium. "/ \ ' Each ycarlyj subscriber will be entitled to a| receipt for the selection of 60 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in IheJfcook, or from the show room’, or.' they may be or dered and soul bymail any iim'6- during the year, by paying postagecs- : i tgk.Splendid Inducements io CanTassera.V Bummer No: now ready. . V jSTe-vv Goods!! B, ' SRANGE 11, : Bridge Water, Pa., SA8 'just' received a larjjs assortment of '■ SPRING GOODS, li will be offered at. PANIC PRICES. , Amongst bis slock can, at ill times, befoum a variety of , - *';■■ DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS; ’ f SlEBr, &e., & IRON & all varisl NAILS by tbe pound or, tc< WHITE LEAD and VARS LAUD, SPERM, LINSEED i WINDOW GLASS, 1 all sixes QBEENBWARE, LOOKING All <jf which will- bo sold lo Country Produce. Bridgewater. Mav 7. 1862; BEAVER _AC mills INSTITUTION ,W miNDAY, Ist PAY OF SEPTEMBER: I®* For particulars address tJtp^Finolpal ? S. B. MERGE U. Beaver, Eu. T)EN-KNIVES, Scissors, Gum Hair ring 1 ; Purses, Port‘Slon»ics, Needles,~Tircezers, Vencil-shurpCncrg, Spool . potion. Thread i Pin«, r .£0.,-' for aalq atthe Drug Store of - 1 «|22. " 1)11. C. jI*.,CUMMINS. \* ANXED-40,000 Bushels of Wheat, « 6,000 . *«!]' Bye* ■ ?'“ 6.000 Barley, ]ts 6,000 ■ ! «i ■ Oats* ■Dehrered in Pittsburg, for which I am suthor ited to pay’ the highest prices. Address, ;■ J. W. CEAtT. , So, 185, latent Street PiUtbwt.* I sepl7 Bm. J. : • , JOHN B. WILLIAMS, 1 JLBER ft HAHUDEESSm Ihop one dobreastof Prondley’s Iletel, ‘ j , _ _ Jlf.'lv*. pnigfitobe*, f '[ Eeipga’Pbysiala^andfcraggfst,; BESI-JmPQS;.. ■->;■ r- • 'i;i ■ A'sartSy ofother Policies witt-idaoba («u»! W\l ;.V- ;..;'.JtiTliSs «rt>bUahiß4iti^N} j i|. {Tea, Extrait ofpjLtojfee, Soiiit ISmp, 1 Monies, CokbH- ; ALI THE : TOftET. SPOOL CQT'raKI.EAD PENCILS, ■ 'PHUSHESMK&^tiSJSp.^; ■/ 4 ! TOBA'CeOsffi&A RS, 7 v : - TEll;Sf<yEj£& FOOLS- T CAP .PAPEB. ■■ , j', ; Carbon Oil Lampt and Ckh uuys. ! These are a few of die articles; and only a few always on hand. Call and see. : -T j He will' try, by cloee attentioa ard fnir dealing, to give satisfaction to idl who nicy favor bim wilb their canton. L -'ij . C. P. CUMMIKS. XI. il. I IgU’articular attention will be paid: to putting cpPhysicians 'prescriptions. [atijffi f THE GREAT CAUSE QE : Hum ft-.-n.- Misery. Ju>t PuUMtd in a StatedEmtlppr, Priet Gc(« k ] LECTURE BE I)*. CiDLVERIVELL, Ai OX THE CAUSE AND CURE ofSpcrmn torrhcca, Consumption,, Mental end I‘hy'sieal Debility,Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Xu. rition of the Body Lassitude f Wcalncssf of tbe Limbs: and ihe Back ; indisposition, iand ncapecity for 6tndy and Labor; Dullness of ipprehension ; Loss of Memory; Aversion to 1 society; ■ Love of' Solitude; Timidity; Self-’ distrust; Dizziness; Headache, Affections of ihe Eyes ,;| Pimples ‘on djte Face; Involuntary Emissions; and Sexual Incapacity; the Conee [ucnces of youthful Indiscretion. &e.) &e;,| BSfc,This admirable Lecture clearly proves hat the above enutncfaled, often self-atll: tiled •vils, may be removed without; medicnie indj without Dangerous surgical Operations, and j , should be read by every youth and every .man, in the'land. '-'-I;.'’ I Sent unde* seal, 1o any address, in si plain scaled, envelope,'on ihtj reccipl!bf six|ccussl or. two postage stomps, hi addressing,. i‘ ,j i ■ 'J. | , CHAS. J. C. KLINE.& CO.. 127 Biiwcfy,New TOrtlPoid Olfi§C}Boi,4sB ... .;■j,c TTS'lovM.and, hates, sorrows and angers, l.hopei ,aiid'fears; regrets and' joys; ! MAN HOOD, bbiv lost,' 1 howrestnred; the uafijU-c, " licatmenTand radical Icin-o 1 of|;Hpcrmatmdjdjo r>r Etpmnall weakness; ‘involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impedimeibs to mariKli'ie " generally; heiwoulmeSs, consumption, ;! fits, mental and pliysical intapacity, rtsultingfrom dELF-ABCBB—are ibtly' explained ’in the MIVK.IUAQE OU : lDE,_by Wil.ii.YOONGjl.j'jt, t This most extraordinary book should t e in ‘he . :hands of every young person. coin tn,pbv.'sng‘. (marriage, aiid every 'man or wofuuu ■ \ylip'jde sircs'jo limit the number .brihijr^’fpriijiir'id ; I thsuycircninsfacces. |.inl ! ache 1 incidental to youth; «jgj«V! is fully explained; every particlo of jpywicdgf j that should be knownisbere given. *li is lull | of engravings.' Jufac|, it diselesessecreislbat > every oner should know; still, it is abook that j must be looked up, and not Uebhoul the house, j It will be'sent ,to any ; one on the receipt ol | cents in specie or"posl age jttawpsc Adiircss Da. YVm. YOUNG, -llu Spruce st.. above Fourth, X'hilndclphia. ? t I i an’i.Ur/trtoiiety noinaHcrMi.al may be your .disease, before jj-oiir self under the care of any of fiie -1 notorious IJr.rcKs —native Or' rorelgn-f-VhQ advertisiji-in- I his- or- any ether paper, get a-copy of-ltf. Young's book,- and read it carefully. It.itiU be the means pf saving j;ou finally a dollar, | your health, and possibly your life. .j| ■ , i I Du. YOUNG can be consulted on any of'the diseases described in bis publication, nt[liis| office, 4]fi Spruce Street, above f'curlf. Pbilv pgi-Officcrhours ffom !i to- 8; daily.; [Vuii-l " n . EKAVKK’ ■ "vr /T : " : V FEMALE S£ MINAEV (!.ATt; CSUKR CAEK 6r THIS INSTITUTION, for’itie reception ofj Young Ladies, will open bn i j j'” -1| Monthly,lhe Ift day of September nati, ■ Hoarders received into the family of the principal. ■< if t., Expenses—Board. Light;'Fuel; and Tuition, per teem of, 14 week5.'.........540 00 Tuition ajoiie, per term, is 4 ()0, $6 00 &.$7 bO 1 according to linuichcs studied, i': ■'j | : *o^.iFor > further particulars address the Principal. '... / hugG • ST'S I I —-ru Good, vlife-liks, pic tures cni ne* be bud nt the i■i i ; ’ COUtIT-HOUSE, in BEAVERi ; ■ '!/, - ■ 4 \- .. .• ■.•[ i- ,| •' -i These pictnrcs are -net mete dStibV.'biit irnr- Ifintod bUPEKIOU ii}iti_Divc been ipade In Denver cdnnty7"%y "any ojber nijliat. To be convinced, call and eiomine f pee iniens I ”il! remain bnl a fewfSteeks.! - 4. I i, *ga,,Oandiy in the antne momoccnpicllbj me in IStjT.f "1, C. A. GfilP IN. i Anr9 ; Plipt'.jraphioArtiil croir, coib & ,qo., AdvertniDg aDd Commiggion Agent*. ' And Dealers is: ■ Vt = I V PRINTING INKS OF ALL KINjDS Type, Printing Materials, WRITING ASDHPBiSTISO PAPER CAfiDS, &<? OFFICEft-irown’s Buildinp, Philadelphia! Tribune Buildings, Sew Tbrk. l mnr26:ly. •; L__jZz2lA2--x JOHN;B. YOUNG' jßlwstJ at, GLOVES, no. «©*olEco.in the Court House J !; ' , i Jan. 20 eg- ; \ nsn. • iCARDONOILS -GLASSES, &c. w for Cash,. oi ■' • ' 1. t w. craft; COMMISSION MERCHA? No. 185 Liberty Street; . • : PITTSBURGH;; PA; Orders for Pittsburgh Manufactured Gootjs, and • Groceries, promptly filled • ab| ;thc very; owest prices, when accompanied witbeash lr; an equivalent- • aepl7:Bm., I DEMY. nili OPEN OJ . Do You Wan( . Employment. lOFFERa pleasant business foribß Sprinrg and Summer, wilhlargc. profits;'! Send for laynew circular, containing lull information. Address GEO. EDWD; SEARS. ' ,tnar2fi.- • ' ~ ' 1 ’ .1. 11. CUNK ATTORNE. ■ Office in 9?n. Wilson's Office:** . NORTH SIDE OF THE DIAMOND, BE A V tiß, PA- fapBo;62 . Kerims Hojtel, '■' Third Street, f Beaver, Pemt’a* t & KBJUts Proprietor, j OOD Crndti ul B town 6vg»> •ito i • to ef (BEAVER, PA.) i u < j./p. c p HI 222555^ sssasK kuinlw* 2^gj-» r ji fm 4 K,aßid;kiUmrit' . FBpoooonrimiort. With]* bad eoU 1 rilOald mom* Its-( ”■ ’ ; Qtilr, V!otfta|iCa«|k llftnUb I . *«■».» > »m jtar am h tbo boot naMdj «• ram fbc tbo entrfvlwdu ■iikmpttMtttaMl ttMM of cblldn*. Woof. }w ntoralty is tbo Booth qfMM TOOT tad- AKOS LIS, Bw, Vomur, U, writ**, M Job, MMI ■ M I bod* tAUoa*Yia—tt»i wwob Bx nta; to*b an; aadtda** wttboatniirf; bully triad foar Acfcralby tboadrieoof oof cUi*yn»a. Tha >«at ana rrihirad thaiwiwti la oaytbrtot«iidloii**i laaa lhaalooa half tbabottla mada aaeaqUaljaila; Teat atadlrtnaa ara tba ciKapaataamHaa tha bntwa ■. ■* bay, and y««»t«aa too. Doctor, and joartf illia, aathapeer■ao*ifriend. . , |"1 Amin M FkikU<i m Bmukitib 1 i : ■ ’ Van-.Maaamana, 1 bn na Oany AM tap*rfcrmta* aumUooa aataa tathla aaattna Ittaß rtUarad aaraial from ahna -1 laaaya*—>a cf.cowan apt Inti aad la adv curiae a aaaa. : 3d aaa Üborad aadac aa atari loa of tbo tits** tbr tba laatMir jaara. HISBIL.PARKS,Maretat { ■ A. AJ RAMBIT, M. D, Aiaaja, ~Moaaoa Oo* low*; MmiialltlW: *»Brta*«y pneUooofußyyoor* 1 haaa Jbaad aotbUic aqal tojaor <S«rry Jbetowl Mr glrim* mm aad r*U*flo ooofptlT* patlanta, or taria* aaebaabraaanMa* : , •.(<. . "|r. ; ' ■Wo aU*ht add rnlapaa cf aridaata, bat Iba taoat aoa; j rinriagrmnf of tharirtoaaofthlaramailjlafcaadlßUa aabMaa*oalritl. _ J -.f 1 - I:' 1 Cwuuptkia. i , ' Vnbabiy ao oao roawdy baa anr baaa kDoWOwbleb aaradaoaaay aadtaefa daa*anw caaaa a* tbß. Boom aa haaaaa aM'caa n*cb; bat «na«otboootbo<MTf , : , : i- : . .I. Aaioanacß.HxWTookOitr, Mntb % MS*.! | ■ Mia AriaUtai! I MU a doty aadaplcaaota toiaJbnayoaabatyoorCbaTyibriaralbaaddaabraiy «Uk. Sha ha* baoa *ra Boatba laboria* aadat tba daa- ’ garoaa aymptooM of Ooaaaaiptteß, from whlab ao aid «a aaold rncora port bar atacb nllaC. Bha aaaataadlly blt< ’ te*,aatflDr. Btnm*, of tUadty.wharava ban ana tc ‘ adrica, racoaunaoded o.triol of yonr ludlciu. W* Maaa ' bla tlmlnaaa, aa wa do yoar akul; fcraha baajrrtatara* , 1 ft«B that Hay. Bba ia aot yatjoatroataathanaadld b% bat ft tnt boa bar coo*b. aad calla bonoUlwoIL; , Totua vttb intltada ud ncard,. , \. ■ ' ■ r '; OXLAKDO EHDLBT, ft ShUttiu*., -t Qmacmftitxt, do not daa*aljt,tiU you Kara trtid Ana’a . Oaxaat; PioHaaa..ltlaßuriaby oaaoribAMt taadioa 1 tba high aaaritaiof Ita rirtaaa. S- ttindriplrin Mgtr. | Acer’s Cathartic TUB. •dencafe of Cbcmirtrjr «nd UcdktM Imve Uin ' taxed their ntamt to prodoee Uxla beat, perfect \ ' purpeUte whieh le ioowa to man. TnnmnaraMe proofli: . are that these PixiahsTe virtaaevbldi Wpaai in ' ■ ' atcelWacs the ordinary and that they Vltl cn pfecedeatodly upon tb< ertwn of aU pea, | V&f areaafe % aad pl-mfto take, jbatpcnrccfal to card, nielrpeoa*’ % t»mtiaf|icopartkailiaijQ3>U^harttalactlTltlcaoflUiebody , > ; : ißßtofaj Um of l(s*oi«aai.'piiHfy a ; aadax|M disease. lirMd itod grow distemper t etlimilaU ahiggiaa or ... dered organa In to thdrioctaralecUoDy and iapek healthy tooe yritb at reogth ta that whole ejetofß. Hqk ooly do , j tbejc&ra the eTery-day compUinte pf ;«my| body, .hot: ; also fcmMabie.apd daogwoiis that hare baffled ♦ the beat of bsmaa akilL ( Wbtla they proilocl powerftil egectS, they are at eaaie~tJmeiln dimlnUhej doeea,' th» ; nAst and beet physic | that can be employed cbfldrea. ■ 1 Betof they are pleasaat to take; jksd bdnf; are f)ree from any risk of har^n.. Cares; have bled made wjbjph evpaae were U 147 Oot rab- : etaatiaied by rntn of eoch exaltod poeltlooand, character ; m to ftrbfd tba eospldoo of antroth.. Uaoy ealDent ; . dergyttee end pbyatetanabaTa lent their to certMy to'tbe pohlk tba reliabUlty of my remedies, wlola otbere bare seat sa the; amoraaea of their that ay ■ • iPretwndSooa eoctrlbate immenedy to the re|i«f of-my a^ieted,aoftriaf[felloinneiu \\f ‘ : if; : The Ageat below named Is pleased to fttrniah giAUs my datoriesa Ahaaime, eootatnlog dlreetioßS |br thdr Wand their cores, of the (bHowh}geomplaihta:-p . .CoeriTeoeer BOtoos Oomplalota, BAenSuUism. Dropey, peirttiniiifliwderhi aririog from a< fool stomach, aaa* sea, ladtastioo; Morbid InactlOd of the Bowela and Pain! arialag tterafrtsas, Flatolency, torn ofAppetftaj all Clcee oos aad Cataoaooa-piaeaaes which require an eTaeoaot medicine, ScroftiUor KiDr's KTiL Tbey/alsp,:by purify* tng'Hha Uood aad stlmolating tho system, core many complaints which It wouldinot 1 he, enppoeed they coold* reach* socb aa Deatbcss, Partial BUhdaem; KeorafgiajKßd, * Kenroos or tba Urer and Kid* mji, Gdnt. kindred complaints arising from |a low etato of tba bod^Or ,ob*tnietlbojsf its feactfeoa. t * | 1 Do not h* pat otf by onprlndplsd dealera wHh eoaa atber pflrthey makw ajore profit on. Ask fbt AT*a> i Pnu, land taka Bathing alee. Ko other they can gir* yon compama iHth tide In Its'tOtrinslc rains or coraUr* . : poweesl The sick‘want tba beat aid there is tar them, •adthey should haVa ML .- :^ T •> ! j' Srepued br Dr. 3. O. ATBB, Vraetkalud Analytics! Chemist, Lowell, ICsse. I Psjcs MCn.nm Boi. l Fiv. Boxs» f<» $l. i.- V -J ■ \ Mu*wi-viJT i I t&i for sale By i>,- ApV' ulayert | b Croes.j Kochetcr.i 'Vftggotjey i' L-.sry, Free* don;; J. Nickel's - llinldn; J, Brighton,' John Bl|ick f t>srTiugto|hi: Bun can & Edgar, F.»ll»lou,si-tI +.T[dda>rg erelrr fr«. 1-. ■ ' f. V; . r PfW 12762.|; t . ' CRITTENDEN’S I t, !, , PHILADELPHIA i COMMERCIAL I ■' COLII.ZEGKE3, If. E. comer of 7th AChestnutSt, . PHILADELPHIA, j ; THIS Inslitutioni-w'hich was established in 184-1. an<l is now conscVjUcnlly.in t o eigthtipcnth- year of its'[existence, j juinioe j among its gratuities, himdreds ofthc mor-t suc cessful Merchants andiß’u«iucts,'Men 0 f cur. .[■ ->j, ..i it: .‘.ii-’ , The object of 'the Institirtibn is solely to af ford young meet facilities |for thorough -prepa ration foij business.' : j ■ 4 s ■ The branches taught are. Book-beeping, as applicable to th 4 vnriousdejjartmc-nts of trade; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental; Commercial Law, mathemnt ics, • Navigation, Civil | Engineering, i Drawing, . Phonography,; and Modem Languages. | : i ' The system of Instruction' w peculiar; no clasbis ’ey set lessons are made'ttsp ofi but each studentip taught individually, sothiulic may commence at any. time,] and attend, at whatev er hours are most convenient. 1 ' . ; i Catalogues arc issuedi annually .after the 15th of April, containing names ofi the. stu dents for the year, and full particulars “of terms, &c., and may be obtained at any time by addressing the Priucipah j ...I i In I extensive accommodations,, widerspread reputation,' and the lengthy expdrienco. of [the Principal, this Institution offers facilities I su perior tdany other in the country, for-young men [ wishing to prepare for busmess; ; and _to obtain at fhe same time a dipioma, which will prove a Recommendation for them to. any-Mer cantile illouse.'- • | •■.■'J.'.' . i Series -pi Treat ,on Book-Keeping, now mom widely circulated th satiny other work on the subject, are for pale attho College; ■■ "[ ''. ii ■' 'C; ;■' :il.! , [; ' ! [.. 8. HODGES CIIITTENIJEN, [1 v “ 1- - . Altorney-atiLmr, \ : ; ,ij May 7. '. [V c Pbiscipal. 1 rsfia *T, iy ~t . ,^c>t±<S!e;F -i ThVraccounts nnu[ subscriptions-* to ! The Arovs for 1860 atili Is6l, which Imvo tlot boen Bott%d J rip, ak well as the aijpoubts of M.j Wcyfctrf, M. & J. Weyapd, dud Weyandv arid’ Henryk, arc iiij myhamls for settlement. j All who ape indebted to either j of these, ‘for advertisement dr job work; j will please call, pn the ntj the Treasurer's Office. Manyoftheso ca counts arebtllpng standingaud should 'bo..seithxi.> i: nm Kr 7 ;7 ■ Samuel bafenport. r i-v- BROADWAY, NEW BBjeHIOI - , PJU, (FmrDoor* below Br.. gurieat’t Bi tigSUc*. 1 1 B®pf mlhb bb|nbP ■I- " I;-••:!.> . i ..,• =1 IK Hfilillillf TT : ixseiarcCT} v ■ - | lil ; COMFLAINT p : IIX «XJOBB SIBBASELJ;’ T The ordinary evidences of Die* . ; esse of the Xdver are Palo and , tendsness In the region of the . j .1 Uvtr, sometimes dull and aching, increased by pressure, pnin and ‘ j the right ShenldCfr uneasiness. when lying upon lha left eidc, ’ :; increased kseiof the Liver, Short ; "■ : 11 and Dry Congbi diflordered. atom j'l aoh, Tinge on ;< -Jj !I j skin,. Headache, pel* ...; I loWishjfor onthetongue,Biller ;; Ish tsste in .‘the. mouthy.heavy,■ ■ : gall sensation int he? Brain, Be- v‘. pmslon ef Spirits, amounting j ■;!| sJmostto lo&nlly, siight FeTcr j itosrard evening,: Loss OfAppeilte, ' ‘ with morosenees and KenraJgia, # duii-. ness, a general feeling ofit'ocasjt- • ~ drowsiness, the r , ■ patient• conscious '.of something . wrong, in hirpaelf, and disposed ‘ ■ to see nothing right in things - • abpntj. him, yet wholly una’old ’ : to explain* tho cause of his sen* ] sations—with many others easily i ! detected by resemblances to | some l?no or. other of : J i ; The iiivor| Pfll will almost eer* - tainlyarrest the disease if taken i upon the appearance'of the above symptoms, which if allowed! to takeltacourao, becomes chronic - ; in'its nature and almost :inon- - ratio, producing great and cion-,, stantly increasing Buffering. ■ ; The use of this modicino will noither mate a new disease nor complicate aa. \ ■ one, btkt, in most caio«, wUI . : vj prepare thosyßjteitffottberaore vigorous • remediesdf tbe sbfiuld it-be accessary to’calt in’bis aid. j ' it s *iiniMrntEaiciNE^ : . „ SELLERS' LIVER PILLS V abb nsVAnnaßu:. s'‘•• • M JP-pl'ce efs ■ Cettts. CoUgH STStTg-l •; 1 Fnm A.Ctuhlnr, Dracebt, 8. Bend, tnd. ' _ : D. S. lb*\.—Dtar .Sir—Jn reply to'voui* \ fhtor oftbUlSMi infciaot: TafoblirAfir that tijn **l* v * t»t Seller** iUcHlicirm.liM. &r exceeded iny expect*- * : tloQ«; and] In do cam* bare they bil(d to ptp>duca 7 . (he <!f«lrtvt effect. The Onirh Syrup !» a cut*- for, eousclrf, c<»W< A e., and the dutiwa of ih- irt Ha?- 'plan* it within iß’ftarlrof «o.' wjilch. i ’ with Ita efficacious iptalltirt, rcndntlt a vnit*rhl / * fatorlfe. Sofc a day without tiumeroa* dUa .* for *»tt« oDothlnicneedfhV’at thlrxcxaoa'of the [ . year, via. Bellera*CfoghByn»p.. V;. . -■■ j. f •- * . p .•■ ]*-, jA. O. CU3HIXG. f • ; 1 ■; i. e lies VERMIFUCE. ? Fr#* the Wakefield, former paeto? ' ! .1 of the Liberty Itoeei ill. J£, Church. : tf I Ur R. E. l’hjtu R»en<e of tiuty. M ■ - ; r Veil os withgrr.it l>nr t •min^nr-to the Tirtae ol y>»ar celebrated I ■ procured-* single end gave It to tl roe>*f • children, who had been 111- fir •eremlweckS The eldest was if-Tfn yeer« ; old t the noxt four, nnd the;. V younge-st eighteen WrtJth*. The first pas**td fifty-, •lx Worm*, the second forty-*ev*>n, end third 1 • considerable mimbrr, not distinctly ny^U-<ted. 1 ..Knee then (W been been doing welt and ere now;; ; ~ In'good health. WAK£l , |i i ‘Xl). '" V|v. '■ . H Price 25 Cents. MGPABGD AND Mli9 bt ; R. E. SELLERS & CO. pa. i-, SILLERS’ ViEMIFUSi. ./^©'RMSilt-S 7- ;| • : , _ ••• rl*Tslf‘.- Xvary Thousand* of Children dior frosi this horrible erih Tills oiaroUng njpi tiliiy loudly calls for Snwtaeed Vatchfnlneiw, and for greater cr.r« tchdion. qf.Vif rant* %j, of many, phjiiiclant ta atoertliSd wexxa WdCilnce It,'ln a rjuaaare, JtPtiflcd U:« Teraltages, and tho positive Inefficiency |of most; of|the aojcaUed‘•Wonn JConfeclioos,*’ Worm Teas,” Ac. Eetni/t<mtr*/Oie iaktr axe at TiarjnUu at Viry art ipfffieiait, TGS Dtut it*xl?, vat <yx>v UFZ. sen sltilo xaoUiLr, nllt thus trifle wlClf the life of her. - \-'-'-f ' “ IiET PHYSICIANS SPEAK. aiX!Ey.YEBiw ME BEST ME! IIEItE is rito|oK. • . ~ Kg. p?r. v. : Mb, It. JC- Baj.'snsJr-Ycur ;i>r:nlljje£fr..w*Bes caMonbci^tgavpfthOTtal.'My arss rnuinj tn_a virrf tktleUxi, jin SC hour* tterilsgave the. (he cWthoq? quantity ctupvyarrf fte humJrM f rrtrnis kvj cJ . {Mjunl Tim child* Ibat op for; leal, Is &6wmw*dlMauyiu UmneLW*nuwx!.i . ;I ; 5. Aumwaa AuxtTr,jsL,p. It i' ;I ■ : CBktrMtioy o.'April'tjSl*. If ; AJbtbnt la required toplvoli r.jpaiailoainOoy ■ fbmlly, la a ; tblr trial; ■ -jf l ''' i ii- IU 11. WILSOS, M. D.; f ■ P in! Va. o<rt- 4. lf?17. *fs. 11. E. Stu*i» i—llavlngnsttnt.litpf-praf lico : ilir tbo ! Itnt four or. 9« 1 tbinl: it ilo cMmUj- Ilio lievt preparation ortho klndiy If ; heretofore ual-d &• preparation of the torerol other cmtmlacUllvr*. \cunv reaped rally, I r- f|.’ : |- p.cwccu;m. ». ; We might •nurac-ratohur-ilmla of other, rate*, vere It Siilcro* .V oiiollbg»liaa»tood tbk ni«U«I a-trltyW pgle iie list wenjSnn aijaarfer of a century, jnlilch,of iuait, te coiJciaslTe of iU«iil<M «<yrfy>« l\e ccrtxintjt Of In OUed. ;■ I ;: 1 ! S'o*ici—iartn|oiidinwy of flbml lo ic ti’MwmmWjd ana Roll nIVr Vof- , Blfes«fc4 tX> Mt lot nnf.rlucii.loJ toco polm off 1 iiii; oTtbM* ot}- jna. Tho,f»4< it iwi prict it Oucitaput, thareioo olk lbr Sdlon' Vjomlftiys «nj talit oo Mtr. • ■■ ’ '■ I*)pico 'S'icS /Cents. ILE.SELi^iRS£6CO. i 1a ■ II I M M, . War of hxtttmndba* agaitttt «, ■ && Hrtaih, 'Diuettd Qtmtt • *"' ■ .Toolhathr, Earache. ■ ; anil Neuralgia. Otrn, AETILLEKT IS f HURD’S ' H>£Mf ‘ a cokpur SR or liutiin too. ■ ’■"' %: >V Purifying the ffrea'tK and Movt^ 3-'•• ji.■•':■■ '-i : uring Toothache and Neuralgia.' _ third"t Cttct'raiaJ ilOl/JU ii'JSIT. <*, - Pri JfynTt Vncqual\td TOOfII^OOL'ERi Ont boX. j'., •, v - i ■• ■' ' •*.. ; I ■|.' Pr.M/artl'r MANUAL' cmhc hi: i'ch-te? : j Preserving the Tfillf, wifudii# \ Proper TkaltH-.iitTif pi'ii/rrt’j KW/.'-F- , it ictoyn h,r Tihh • TOOULJ’ICKSi eic„. t«. ■>■ -■ : .* Prepared Dintal Ot cc 77 ; I' Fourth si., Brooklyn, (E. Jj') • t, OXJJ JipLLAJ! cr ,s/J- ■>. mskM a .fid-W , by fivfe, and figjf /'uil direeiiciis fdr ukiuroiGtah imvir , The following articles we can sfehdst-pii,,,', f. Ifi riz .• ! ... , - The T r'eaiite cji Pre^nmy paid, ton receipt ,of Tkklvk cextsC'or lour Blimps. ; ,•!. ■ t,_ , i ' Neuralgia in t*« faee, < McETOUB Headache,' and Earaihc, *ent ;; post paidj on rcceiptof piyktecn Cents, or si. stampHij. . ,' ]■ j ■ . i,Tlie Xettralyitrana ‘ Rheumatic. siio), fprlPiyha;in the Cheat. Shoulders. liacT/ or any rpart af the body, sent post paid, on re-‘ cfeipt- of Thirty-seven eiiix , ,■ *■{: Addiysh, ; ' !•■■■■ "■ • 'i;. “ ■; ■ ?i"f.. u. nrnn. co.-.;- '■Tr9.mt\itiHiiiug#j hr. VQ,OT7j POW r>fijl and Ti>lti l.'.i f //„■; 'c/ihnot Sent, by ■ ina:!, i»nio IL-oy ent 71 .'ilo-, - h-t o!*- , tallied ntjyouv iftorcs'Vff ♦liey: cannot, send p to/u-r for Hie iir.KTAI'. TKKASC'IIY, I'nce, ojci4l.ioi.h\ n, which coii tamathom. ■ , uibVm HintHicy pro -their ; i firae«H-rfcni]s andibait patrint are lUacv/ho have ipca'ilioinlength .Dr..liVh'.D.-Jhrliit nn eminent DehtisMf.Brooklyn. Treasm or of Vor£.Stii;e?ll(:nt: 3s’ --it'-ooioiioii, hmi 1 tlifese -preparations have, bl+h;. used in his pt i-’ ,vate practice for yea tK fan d no loading. citizen of- for WilUpmEbm-g, ipjesthafs- tl.eir excellence,;- while: onm.o-ft: L'c:ifi ; :s ill Xctj 1 V6rkrecoznVn ; .'n\lUl>n; as; fho I'Lr.ii 10' iUc t pvo!eff;on; !lfi|j,oui' i?;o|i'iil e( I me, dpalo;-.,- pV ihaijr, -,- M : - ' ,T!:c h’liifor -AWo if; ,y. s v«: 1 ••'.ic arcjaappyuo l.n jtv H-n-. our f,':,.,,,! ' *i,- a .Hiira, l i!<j succrAJjng, m witli his 1 Ll|lf! VIjiSU anil feo’fif p, llr ,. D ? 4i rct ' * Xhlj iapcesV yfiii"-- vrnp. the ii.ict- uwt '* their touj wr.'j '!„ It, .. S <" wcdKluiMVHViV T. I'n.rmim writes:- ‘*l j found:you,r } Yiuttity jutvo u><»ui;i all'cjv.- »5V jlhj >' i/.e ; f'W&r/Or tlsy /j? .v ; ny -»• r'th'fl I ■ yLull 1 uiiiltre-H i;'i iu*y Lik.u~: j'up- *' -“V u * ?1 teauvci«‘ic-».ce, A'*;! 1 -* i ,'Av " ! ’ ' I ..!.nl trni-' is lift f-rn-.' l 's;«j /isr. •> tftac.iuo iiis't-sivldi-. iiHi.si;’}?!' 4s-ri, -iii-.' . •• >itf > S'-inriinilVy 'ljpiAi’- T‘ f *_:» _br. »in: rs iir '-ji I'otriui' conliiil.s -*;^.■ pc'.is. g nor aikai!. nor (Sfftvcoal, ®,«‘i |'‘;li.-ni*s wHiioni, ri.-i canine'- *tisd no toiler WHAT \VU-«i i^EFECT-’J- Dr.: Ilurdii Mouth Wash-a'l'id ~T«f: 'if | ■.will give young that tlacsti;' srl man—S SwCct breath pud pearly | teotl/,'' Urv thcmV.ladies. i i-■ /. t: - . ~T)r. /fiird .Olotiih 1 Wash andf Tooth Toy,her. will cleanse tl.ehio.ulii fn.ui u'i fonf cilia-: tiqns. anj) it-usetl in'the noyujiuti ' will-IvaUe'; the.byiakhisiMlistt sVveotoi- da’j'l cgia f more ,|_liii:ujredf i'li-'pei-tqs^tuu,/ testily :‘to tJdse 1 Try theta. gentlemen. 0 A Dr. llurd's ,V.'(Utii \Vu-h iutd .TowdifVyj—--’T are the the. heat icu::a ti/e lor f caring- '6h’'oth and givoit: t;—a-tvs and|. health -to the .gaijy.' Ui.iidre.di- fl? "elites o(|- JJ;.'easS‘l .!>■'j'i"'*,! .Vorr .t'-' l -'-''-. -1 a.’l.fi, £ tetc.| have been cured by Dr. Hurd's -asuinj-j. cht wash. " ■ : ' . . ■i DivHurd's Mouth Wash and (Tooth . < ■ give an | ,charm tip fcouri.-.: . awl mhko husbands mortaaarccahle to.theju. v.-.ves j and wives to J.hhy si.ruld -bt. . used'by every pe 'son bovine , ~ - / ; ■,;= ■{..., All TJ ri C/.A r, TEETH. 'ft i which are liable to impatt ir^nyo'lhc'nuitKS; ■ Dr. Hurds. Toothache Itvcoj-s” cave.Ttph-: aciiq arising rSiin exposed-nerves, and are li e bicst friends thsit parentsenri liave.uyth'l/ctife to saVnihciß-children from .tovtureh; sI-‘/i' selvcwronriossjof sleep and sytnp : t,i-- > 'eripjf j . 1 ’ i .• ,■ v farmers and haoch.anics! yn.it-snnb ford twhegicct yean] teeth v Fora-trifl; 1 ' you carl -now get pfcservii(i vl 'S. ih:>- Rqtlisiliild or Aster jean..g-f no:-... A Remember thjat Dt/fpepfid e/:d Cun-.!-,, v>’ I' tA'e Zunos often originate in neglect. Send for the -Treatiittit TtttH and ; 1-f-r i Fitch’sfobscryatiohs on this subject/ lato.to »T%st decay in jour own teeth, save , ''} yhurohlldrcn'stceih. / ■ NEI\RAIMrJSI‘LASTrjIS.-- »*■ 8 I ’ NeurhWia E&sterf are. ?**•“»»* *m -T°T MLi? (Vdirections." ahd^reti^f-. wijl' ) • p!y o.iaig obtained tfwdy suvelyfodow. I them, i Ibeyart , wonderfully-success- - . {f)T (be ful. They i other large, for, .. pfaoeV Tirip.c 15/ents, -tod ' I® r' -■. ',p&lsps|; ■ ' raltria; Plasters, ,and not a ten ant i ■■ for the MouHi ftsb ’ teply that th these wo are compel!* D . nt b y ,tosiy ••« tiipptf them! 'L-.-y } - ; Now is the ' . ■ ,; i ' S! V ; v* :. t CIIASCEFOB AGFSTS. . 1 Shrewd agents canW® ® J Bm ? il fUi Dhntal Treasury is the v nda SeiTtl' f‘" . j man of womah wbic h »* ■i pne find see,P r V be *® §T “ Agents j will *ell, as samples, fpr i Üb&rally I toto pt into the business,, . ds foriH, J a prop. # We jSen or *-r i benebt of agents. ftn d a chance \ •’ .men J lhere IS;•/ iHdress,- - • I' take tie tido at^ a . :1 ; . ’ ThahTenjiltanoeimny b ® r to . dene*B! : * fsfyj&SSS* »“i KSilfi' ww war- r : =I 1 El % 4 ./nfria- BE , .sc';.’. .-•*6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers