„ y OR w Jan.. 25.—Til© steamer K Oueen has arrived, with; Ha- B|^^tbe : Nassau to Bahama Belaid, ;ot the Hth, nuhoes the arrival of the British * a ° rtef mera Galatia from Bermuda, sHtefal," from Havana, and saysit SpoMtd from a highly creditable W \!L that the commander of the received positive order* (W * be Admirer TOlkea when, and i,revorfound ami envoy him to Smmda. 'vhero he is to be detained Ir.il further orders Jrom England. - “tU British Ship Vesuvius took 600,000 l a specie trom Mobile for %^ nJ pteataerB Annie .Childs and T!n« arrived at Nassau from England, f Sy torunthe blockade. ' The steamers Douglass, Thistle and had sailed lor Charleston. Jflo steamers CoDßO,.ftim .O&Iepso were «tiil in port on the ! 17th. The steamer Jlina had arrived from George town ■with cotton r - ■* ■yj'jsjn.vGTox, Jan. 14.—The Seen iac\- r'f the Navy received the follow- 23.—1 havei j net received teWram from Memphis, Tenn.', tnm' Acting Beal .Admiral D ’ 'lf. % --er on /board tf S steamer Black- it mouthi of White rfver, dated “ T-nn -W-B9 follows :'We have taken lories, Duval’s Bluff and/ Des jrt, and the light drafts ate over three, hundred miles aboveitho month! White river. '.W, De Balt, Lion tens"t Commander ot the : gunboat Walker, captured at Duval’s Bluff two i-ineii guns with carriages, am- 1 raniiition, etc., two hundred iEnfield ■ riflesfand, cars,'.and, at, DeiOlvc we captured thirtj>nine oners arid a quantity of arms and ammunition. A.L. Pennocf. , ; v r Fleet Captain. , Alb any /Jan- 26.— The Assembly bas at length succeeded in effecting Us ' organization. According to toe ' agreement, made before the adjonrn'- ment oh Assem bly, thin jnorning. proeeejjf- to ballot •for Sneakei, and Mr. Union Democrat,-of Brooklyn, the 'Republi t can, elected. i Iji', 3LiI! RlEif:—On the 22n'd inat., ; fcctte Rev,,Jjb n Brown of; Freedom,' at the residence of the bride's jr. Ef(>aora3 i Benjamin FkA:nk /• i;i>- C<fx. qt M’Keosporl, to Miss EutlßilH SXYDEB. . . ■ , i ,' v ,*:' '■ OijThang’, ' Court Sale- • ]nrfv?CAST,to (& order of the Orphans’ jr i.'cfcrt 6fjß,eaT&, will be exposed to sale >j rendne .-or out-cry, on tie prtm .«s.-cn ./ i ' . ; 'Weclnosday, PelJ. 25th, ’GS; i st-lV o'clock, a. n:., the following real., estate - -of 3arcw scarp, dec’d.,-situate on the‘waters . of th'|lc .bearer Creek.ib Darlington tp., rTtevtfrfolictr. (‘epnaylrania,- rii; a farm; or , i-lncf of iind, containing ’ . ' . 113 Acres and. 115 Parches, ' tie - north by lauds of William - vy lani of Joseph Sharp and Wm. Slitp.jSfuuh by ’land of Joseph. Sharp ' , csLeis.l and west by the Little Bearer ij. tid ianiis of James’McGeorge; jj seres cleared and in a good stale [i dm, ua wlikrh aro crccisd a * I • dwelling house about 18 1-g ksru, good [frame B: tad c!so several gor ' premises. • , 'The above jn 1 bit mile in*'' . Jjiirlington or Xeir Galilee 'insburg, F<jrt Wayne & Chi- .rn&d: ' ' ' ~ all the undivided one-third of air of -i!ectthiujctif : grojpd 'Eitufcte in the Vih ■ *e~r? Galilee, the* .Township! afore-j r aid, knc*n m_ the Saw-ndW Tot,, being-800 >«in length by lid fectin width : bounded ituui't, east ;ud west by other land? of said r -“ v; uich is creeled a Steam 6aw -T ; about VJ b; 20 feet. . • f •\e T^f^" e V 1 '' rd 01 money to r*cn rt.^\ ,C f n ‘‘ ra ° !KII of ,he hv'thc Mttr*, the .balance in. two eona] annual in from tbc sziae tuba. * ■ information - enquire ’ of , ists, or ? d j°“»»S-*he prem ■SAt Brigtca" I 1 4 d «*M«~cr of.dec’d.. order of Court: a. g. McCreary, crit. *jto2B*S3. Notice. 4 “ the following ■ • ° p and , «"«■■ Aeeomit* v-“ e pissed and filed in the Re cf Bw *S coun ‘y. p*-. »mui» ' ime Wlll Re presented to the ;r- -s Cfart. to be held at Beaver, on Wed- A' J'Mv.of March, 18C3, for con f c -ftwn *na allowance: ■ £ “ al account of-Jame* Selsbn, Adm’r -—(cnaloof Alai. Nelson, dec’d. “* «scount of David Anderson, Adm’r -««*saotfo' annao of the estate of Alex. . e.,, " i i fhc accent of Andrew Carothere, Adm’r. _m cf Alfred Walton, dec’d. T., 6 'W account of-James Smith add 7 '.PP. Tl,t '* cr - -Eiccatornof the last will i Tucirer, dec’d. - ■r. and Personal) of Win! ’VSuS- £^ utor of 1116 Will of John V TU iac,J . d ec'd. > ■ I r^-- idw an “ ,! ‘ CCo,inl Cartthars, dt k>n« son I of ‘the estate of Carothera, dec’ds ..! ■ , . i - account of Isiac! surviving the hist will -of .Matthias Hoot, Atdri poison. Administrator of Et»m Clare, dec’d., who was one of the. h «M2u thC WUI - * aid - Xiatti >i>a •® c ? uat » (R«*l ud Pei ‘SitV 1 "? Anderson, Administrator of ■ • Jr of John Anderson, dec’d. Cn’*a°'? d -P_ ar *is r accdunb-of James De Lncien •«^*^* nnee<,nn !* of William A. Thmn- T Adpm.strator. of Peter Eaehet deo’d. W “‘ 0~«s. James Marfa, and John Sharp Sweeiev *. oS“ ( T t ofisto,duko Wil- .r&p. Reward. ; 1 Tmi 4.-id? n ' h ' reward for the J. , in gordJioe^r f “ y t<na>i • N'nj, *H C, °- nu * chief 0,1 «ny Hof Jehfy i 0 1 Ab r«m W ? if si^^wEwiSsf ■i *^4*%SSS*- ; ,uU:va -oTf stone let, a double an orchard of .water on the ly fa sitnalad about one- J■ . • CIE ’• /f zdst of Causes- ~ Fob march term, isws-coiimbkc. IKS IaiSJONDAT (to). -of., f r ■■; i ; (miji tjrKEK-).. .■ A James Mason -Ave. John M. "Ewing,et al. Hiram Meaner, Hngh Andoreop. u ume !i -r-;• ■■/- -‘Mj jriHM! Lr’Bi - ! James Kathy * wila “ James U’Elduff. - 1 sameJ [-•. ; v>|.ima»s:A;:AA‘ ;■ ■ : 'A' Bask Lawrence Co. “BelahChmSbetßa. Baaw •,' •* Lv.- Same.- . Same -j : *• Jot » 8 Chatabertti. F. Weacoet, et d ' ■■'.'“lMartiai Laiser, eb-aL; Wort*. Austria a M’- M’• \ -A - Veigh, toe : /“fiharrer AOabom. Sami Stewart, Jr. “ 'Augustine.' Stef ens. ; John Graham , . ‘.‘ Thomw Murry, tjuns : ••; shine '7'../ § • ': "‘- y: •• . tune ' « --Vi Gcorgs .Keely {'• ‘'Thomas Dickson,'.; Robert M’Oiane .. ■* Henry Baldwin. June* .Collin* & Co, •• W. M; Bhirta, et at. : Lewis Walker’s Ad- Burgees and Connell minittrator, nw, “■ ' Boro of Fallaton. ' John H. Camp... .** Wm. Alexander, jr. u i’ Sami Sines ■ / ;*• Orid Finney. ’ Michael Beet, etal « Henry Kinsey, . - [ "). | M.- WByASD, .Prothty; : i to dr. ph*t 8 j Tax combination of ihgredicnta in these Pills are the result-yf a long and eatensiTe practice. .They are . mild in their operation, and certain, in irregularities; painful menstruations, TCmoring all obstruc tions. whether from, eold or otherwise, hesd ' ache, pain In the side, palpitation of the hearty whites, all herroos,Affections, fatigue,' hyster ies, pain in the back and limbs, ctc., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. Dr. Cheeseman’s .Fills * A was the commencement of a new. era in the treatment of those irregulsrities and obstruc tions which hare consigned'so many to a r»x- UiTCBE QKATt. >'o. female can eigoy good health unices she is regular, and whenerer an obstruction place Ihe >n«ral health be gins to decline. ' • ! : Dr. Cheeseman’s Pills sre the most effectual remedy known .for all complaints pcculiar to Females. To . all clas ses they are invaluable, inducing, vith certain ty periodical regularity. They are known to thousands,- who have used them at different periods, .throughout'the | country, having the sanction'of .some of the most eminent Physi cians in Ameriea. -j. . Explicit ebeetiom, voting tchcn thry thould not It wed; with each Box—‘the Price' Ona Dollar per Box, containing from J>o to 60 Pills. . P»ls tent mad, primptly, by remitting to, the 1 Proprietor. Or. Smith of Bridgewater, solo agent for tUis County. , ■' l i ; ’ Jr. B. HofcHljroS, Proprietor. ’ ' i ' • f k: ... • 20 C«;4ar St.,.New York. NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT. AZrJUSTXtJMFOR THERECEP TIONCURE AND TREAT f MENT OP; | MENTAL •- . ALIENATION OR' DISORDER. ■ ■■ Nervous andrChronic Diseases. ESCtp4 IVELT FOR FEMALES. rpms institution is now open for the recep 'J_ tion, care, and treatment of ike indepen dent clast of patients Who arc laboring under mental derangement ; cr other nervous and chronic disease. tVc make special; mention of nervous and’ chronic diseases, from the fact that seven tenths of ikt) female patients that are committed to our public Asylums, to be treated for disordered ininds, arc reduced to that lamentable condition through previous physical disorder.' By a well limed and judi cious treatment of chronic and nervons dis eases, all physical disorders,' in the majority of cases may be removed ; and thus themind, haying suffered through ■ the medium of the body trill when free! from the exciting physical cause, throw off the shackles that has bound it to wflrSc than midnight darkness, and reason will; once more, resume its sway, clothed in jail its primitive beauty and wonted excellence.:- Hence the necessity of all those, who are laboring under! the predisposing or exciting causes, calculated in tbecndto im pair the mind to resort to an early and judicious course of remedial agents.,'. The Institution is a large' brick 'building with a stone 'basement—four stories high and well ventilated, if is situated-on an elevated which cotnmands a view of entire town-i-»djacent hills—groves and neighboring .streams: ail of which are calculated to pro duce favdrable impressions upon the disorder i«d mind. • '■’ j • | The Institution is complete in all of its ap pointments. Having been tastefully fitted up at graet expense, in order that it may meet thy: Approbation arid views of the most fastidi ous. ■ ■ The water closets anil bathing apparatus have been gotten up upon the most approved modern scientific principles- • This department embraces not Only the | ordinary baths but, also, the medicated, warm air and ascending and descending douche for the more j effectual and successful treatment of cutaneous and other scrofulous diseases-, ■- , I - We beg leave to say to all those who may be disposed to commit the interests of a dear wife, sister or daughter, to our charge—may be assured that no means will be spared w efforts wanting on tor pairt to ameliorate their condition or to effect a restoration to their ae engtonied[ health and vigor of mind. , For further particulars send for a circular.' |'All communications should be addressed to. v j E. KENDBICK, M. D. Supt. of Hew Brighton Betieat j New Brighton ' a* j r Beaver Co. P*. nbv]2'62. f ! KOLLOCK'S X>and©lioiiC dffee. THIS preparation, made from the best Java isrecommendedby physicians as a superior SUTBITIODB BEVKKAGEforGen eral Debility, Dyspepsia and sIQ billions disor ders. .Thousands who hare'been compelled to abandon the; nse of coffed,' isrill use this with out ityoriods effects. One can contains the strength of .two pounds of ordinary ooffee. Price 26 cents; • '' KOLLO CITS LBVAIS. The purest ,end heat BAKING POWDER known, for making light, iweet and nutritious Bread ahd Cakes. Price 16 cents. ' Manufactured by ] ' M. H. BOLLOCK, Chemist, : Corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, PHILADELPHIA, And sold, by all Druggistd and Grocer*. ; mar 26 MI LOANS ON FIEBT MORTGAGE* etui be negotiated at lie PETTSBCRG DOLLAR RATINGS BANK, No. 67FODBTfl'8TBEET, Pittsburg, onfaTorable tense. . jan2l:Bo. C:aI.COLTON, Treasury. • Do You Want Employment. I OFFER* pleasant hotiness'Yorthe Sprinrg and Eumtaer. yitb Urge profits. Bend for tnjnewcireular, oontaiaing full information: Address . GEO. COW’D SEARS. Mrf». 7. ' r L. -I Mil Mt I EXECUTOR'S fTOTXQB 91 " tMtaiontunr m «> thei>*«h*crib«*) PKVtf**** unueMM tariwttlraiMt.t - ...• - dCCIQi:':.; jj v:.' i KMcitOf. .'■■ asnL EBA* SKINS; for wki#hLhohirteot ©MI. *ffl tS* ld}ie«E htr»«fL B»t ■-;■’■ tol? BaWwsC ' ’ ' OFFICE OF; THE OEUWARE HU r INSUMNCECO. lALfe.„ PmIAV^ZJIUA, 40*10110 vi .gw' November The-jrolloviu of ' the .Oom»»»jr i*|«bH»heav to/ |« prorfaßOttof it*.Charter v/ ! Premium! ReeeiTed tnay ioOeto]Mn Si, 1862:" Ob' Mr 1 -’" lid la-'' Sliß* idpr Ri8ti,...,... ' land! On Ff Premiums on policies not mark; \«d oIF Not. I, 1861,*............. FrcmlimS marked off as earn* from Not.l, ’6l, t0.0et.81>62 On Marin* and In land 8i5U....... $218,142 82 OnFire Risks...... 100;0000 25 Ini, for Mm* period; Bahrages, Ac Losses, Expenses, Ac., daring thi . year as shore :• ■' '' -" Marine and Inland ' ' ■ / Nargt’nlosses... $88,885 69 Fire 10i5ea........r...28,840 M ;: Return premium*. 84,785 34 Re-Ins iranees..... 18,146 75 Agency Charges... ’ 14 r 427 09 Adr.. Prinfg, Ac.. 52 Taxes 6,850.48; Expenses,Salaries, .|, • Renta. Ac..: 20,206 91 i $218,804 42 Surplus, | $103,068 86 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, : Abroaierl, 1862. $lOO,OOO U, 8.6 per et.19«n...593,000 00 20.000 “ 6 »v. “ ;.. 20 760 00 153.000 '6 ’ Treasury ; ii Notes iJ-lv-t - 41,910 00 26.000 >• 7.8-10 per cent - .*• Treasury Notes. 26,000 O 0 100.000 S. of F*- 6 pr ct. Idan 96.830 00 ! ’64,000 «-• 6 » •> ; 57,180 00 moSOPhUa-eityO **h 126,088 00 30,0008 of Tepn.6 “ i“ 12,000 00 ; . 20,000 Pa. B. B. Ist JJoTgaee C ' 6 per cent b0nd5,...,,, 22,800 00 7 ; . 60,000 Pa. 8.8, 2d Mortgage , 6per,cent, bonds.-... 63,876 00 ■ 6,000,Pa. R..R. 100 Shares ' r - ' , J ; 8t0«dc.......;,.4:'.i.., 5,600 00 16.000 Germantown Gas Co, '■ ' f . i - 1 : : 'Boo.shares ofl-Stdjskj.. .''-x: ■; •principal, and. inst. ; ■fX' r ‘ r 'f !■:. gnanAteed.ljwv • , ( ' city of Philadelphia.. 16,600 00 ■ s 113,700 Loons oh bond and > - '.*# 1/: : ' -'mortgoge, amply edF-. -V -’■ !_ V; i 1 cured .......... 113,700 00 Pari SCW6O Market VaWc, $083,178 00 ■ ' ■[■ ■-V ' ’Coat, G2 •, ' . . ‘ j'v 'f- . : ■ .• . .-■‘•s.'-- : ‘ :: . . x Real e5tate,...............**s ........81.863 35 Bills receivable, made,91,232 58 Balances due at Agencies,—l’rcmi- v,; •. urns on Marine Policies,, accrued. :, anddtber debtt dueibe ’■ Company. .........38,91155 .Scrip" and Stpck of sundry Insur ance a other Companies. $lO,BOB, • estimated value.... 1......... 1... .4,618 00 Cash on deposit with U. States Government subject to ten days ca 11,...; ;.,.........$BO,OOO UP Caah on deposit in banks 28,727| ; 94 : Cask in Drawer iiBoi 74 ... 109,008 68 r [5976.212 16 ■I ‘ . Notcxbkb 12, 18tii. ..The board of Directors have this any de clared a cash'dividend of TEN -PER CENT, on the Stock, and SIX PER'CENT. interest on the SCRIP of the Company, pay able on and after the first December proximo. They hare also declared a scrip dividend of FORTY PERCENT: on the Earned. Premiums for the year ending October 31, 1802, certifi cates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same on and after the first De cember; proximo. They bare Ordered also that tie remaining outstanding SC R(P of the Company of tho is sues of | the years prior to. 1858, be redeemed in eashj.on and after February 2.1863, from which date aUinterest thereon shall cease. K£_No certificate of profits Issued under $25. By the Act of Incorporation, “no 'cer tificatcaball issue unless claimed within two years slier the declaration of the dividend .whereof it is evidence. DIBEOTORS. C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund rA Sender, Theopbilus Paulding, John R. Fen-, o s e, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., Jas. Cl Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. - Seal, Dr.'S. M. Huston, George G.. Lciper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Robert Dutton, Samuel £. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan,'Ed ward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’Qvaipe, Jacob I’. 1 ! Jones, James D. ll'Far land, Joshua P. Eyre, -John B. Semple, Piiu. D. T. M organ,'ibw. A. B. Berger, PUu. THOMAS C. HAND, JVw’t I v JOHN C. DAVIS Vite Pru'L HENRY LYLBDRN, Ste'y. HENBY HOOPES, -A-grent, NEW BRIGHTON PA. X IST OF LETTER I i remaining in the I FE, Dec; 81st, 1862: Adderby Rev Wm Beaumont Godfrey BarrettUenry . Barnes Mrs Maijr ■ Bates Stockton Carper Abby : Dari* James M • Darting John W ' Frederick Conrad, Frederick A Blackmon Qonrley John Orim.DaThl Hoffman Conrad Hartsell £u Holing Belfaaisa Henry Christopher i HeinP j Jackson Pamela Persons calling for le Vn. MILI/ER Sc RiCKE 1 mmm m as.nntnu or Branjlies, Wines and Segißn, Xot. /rtaam. Iron, Still, Cotton Tim, 4e., to. ’eonaUatl* nM •■' ■' /. "(togs .'it,-. ' MI : r^l’ 'te, -jMfc ht dUn rf formitj with ib«r i, l'e81, ; r • ’ '• ■ Non 5226,808‘81 99,821 SO $326,680 11 1108,908 06 A'< $818,148 07 68,716 20 s .. - ■ IS UNCALLED FOR, Port Office, it Bocheeter Lee HE j , Leonard Jamea Leonard JC Lancaster |Mary' V Milter Emma ■ M‘Mailers AD Newton.L • Oldham Rachel Porter Jaipea Powell Henry RagerGapt. Jaa. • Seed Isabella, S ■ Shrodea, Ellen r> , Small Maggie Smith Hy “ ,V-.; Taylor David Willie Llisio l<n Is th above list. ti Till PUI.„C W Hidcft* W, PHtsb’g «oir* w ■ ■ -ft ’■ ,i - > e.:J:;fJU^|:PO%#^^^-;r V alto IKW «•• bating! been retw»rf s |fe«S proof hating boeamad* that 9«*aaHoejrooald jto(Wf(mad fc»-ifi***«f dinetid to (IWM^'wwaUijVtoTair^rt tatiUCourt, o« tbo of Veit Um, i^ftSSSas^r 1 “*t • SuaaHo«y, -the ii hereby notified to.apfear/ja-lliU Courtoa the flrrt Monday of Mareh>»tt,h» pamiafce< of Mid order. ■ ■ JOHBtBOBK B.TB. [ ZT. jteolT ; j - JAMES ■ A‘X < DISTRICT ATTmtNEY.'j ' : beaver, peseta. [ •' MLOffiee in the Conit Bnh. i, . - A IX ela|ma »g»in*t r.iß Qorerrunenl for •/V back ’pay, taunt* aad; pension*, proee -eutad taeoueetion wiu tW Mit p«Mil>ls da ay. - - - •■.*■■ iv , i : 'j Diß«dl[tttibn. 1 ; ; [ ■ TTIHE Co-p«Anermhip heretofore existing i>n - derthe nameand atyW-of; M’Cosxxu,& UABSAonv Falleton;eagaged-.in- tie Foundry and Machine, Boaineea, waa- dniydisaojrod oi the Sd day, «C June. 1892. i Ibebooka ofth< * late' firm will be settled by ILjbtmgli i Col. at' Useir office in Pallston, Bearer county, Pal, where they will eon time paid boainen inai itabraaehea. Alt peraona knowing themaelrei indebted to tbelale Sm will pteaae call and Settle immediately. - PAVIO.If COSMEIX, H . : I ; k MATTISpH DABRAQH ; Fallaton JelO,’62* B.' H. DABRAQH. | 'r■ TO COUNTRY DEALERS. 1 i School Books and Stationery at Whott ■ ’: !VJ| 1! The subscriber hits always oii baud Osgood’s & M Guffey^s, Speller & Bea ders, Ray’s, Arithmetics, Stoddard’s Arithmetic, Franco's Grammars, Bi bles, &c., Testaments, Letter Cap and Commercial Note papers. Envelopes, Blank Books, Pass. Books,, Steel pent and Holders, Copy' Books,Slatcs, Ink, Ink stands, 'Bonnet Boards; &c., Ac. i Usual discount for cash. Goodt packed and, delivered to' any-.part of the'city.. BOBT. S. DAVIS, feb:lB '73 Wood- st., Pittsburgh ADMINISTBATOB’S NOTICE. 11 X ETTKES pf I administration on thcestate I j, of HutKTlate of 'Hopewell itqwn4 ship, Bearer. eo.,£dee’d, haring beengranti ed to >the undersigned, ell persons indebt edto said estate are requested ,to make immediate payment, and those baring claims against! paid estate will present them 'to | subscriber properly authenticated for settlement. » :*■ >i J V BUZA BEEB, #! r . THOMAS REED., •J- /; Administrator*. “pi"i . EXECUTES* NOTICE”’ . \I7’HHKIAB'' Urttontestamentary on the 'hi* ef-!»H' : «<>ontjj deo?d, having been granted to ill . persona in- Uebledtoaaid 'reqiiested to make immediate payment’jfaid those! having: claim't against the same *rillrprevent [them proper!) autenticated for settlement j - ; j; • i fA- •?, ■■' JOBS BOSWELL, ~ BBJf’J BEWSON, 25,1862.. ; ; / ■y--E*^bt,ors4: _ 4 EXECUWRf NOTKJBT^”" ‘\kt HER E A S;letter* teatantonJnry having ; Vf to theundersigned, tnt es tate of Joseph MeCretidy{ Sr„ dcp’d., : late of Qreene tp., Beaver count;,. Pa., aU:peraohi knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately and those having claims against the same wit present them to the subscriber'duly! authenti cated for settlement.: JAMES McCBEADY, I . 0c22. ■! ■ V'' Executor. June ME Estate of David Minis, Jr., M.D., Deo’d. TyrOtICE j* Wrebygrren that letters of-ad miniitration hare becngrantcd by;the Register ofWiHg, 4e„ of the county of Bearer, upon the ealatc of Dam linns, Jr, 51. late of Borough tp., in saidcounty, tothcgub- Scribcr residing in the B (trough of Bearer, in Said county. Debtors will make payment, and Creditors present their clajmiduly authentica ted, to the undersigned. "{j ; • ji I ...DANIEL AONEW, . ; 1 ■ April 12. Adminiatialor. , A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE "tTTHEREABIeIUrs of administration on f.f the estate of ; Micuabl Baxbo,' late or'Raccoon township, Heaver conni.y, j de ceases, haying been dnjy granted to the un dersigned, all person* mdebted to said| cal ate are notified to makeimmediatepayruent, land those having claims against th o same will pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment without delay. > ..T ; : .i | i JACOB FRONK. Administrator. sep24. Stra v. Miare. ■ eAME to the premises Jk the subscriber litring; in Big Bearer * township, Beiver (Sounty, on the erenlng of- the i24th of April, a small Bay. Mare, about 5 yearn old. shod all around, saddle narks, off bind hough en larged by a cut or braise; no other marks per-, ceirable. The owner is desired to cone for ward; prore property pay chargee and take her pwpy; or otherwise she will’ be disposed Jofj ac cording to law. r, i 1 1 jpnell 8t j- JAMES K, jCALUODN. t. STEAY COW.” to the premises of the snbseriber, V hring to hhw SewjWdetr tSp , Brarer e 0..! on the 6th of October, a wi cow) with a white face, abont6years old; she bad wEbcll on, and two oh three slits in the ear; no Other marks risible.. The owner iai requested f ? rw,r 4' I*®** property, pay charges and take her awaj. -* j % ■ • I 0c22:8t - 1- ’’ . i\ V' j, v, ... A. P< SMITH. I. Njotioe ' ■ J. , ; IB hereby given (hat i I have been appointed a? Surgeon by the Pension Department, to examine wounded .and. invalid Soldier* dis charged from the aervfee; that my! authority extends to any County, Statoor Territory, and that I am now r*ody (beater upon the dlaebargeof my duties; I.' "‘ V- 'i. ! • i- GEOEdB McCpOK, M. D, i . i Oct.ls—lt. - ■■■ Examining Surgeon!. * i : ITOTJLOJai i |Mll - ABORJ MOOBB, Jflwoirt I. the £%. •»>» Lmcmsb Aconanaa. iaUia emu- I/’.iJ 1 U»e, T®»*r to petfem the onUcs of hia offloe when notated. Aar other «|ho atUnpia u> M Uat Aactieii, except kt Ad minlstntor e tale, doea tt in TioUUoii The penaltr ia not leaa than $6O. | 1 I ■ Bearer, Dee. 1C P. *. I ; v «V _ i . ..... J° Uie premia** of tWsabmrltar, »»•. »b9nt the I*l of Jalr, »TWhiul Heifer, 2 year*' old. ; I Tie owner is repeated to come fonrfrdJ wore jiropertrJ p4y charge* and take her *w4y; ; otherwise abe will be diapoaed of aeeordingtolaw. T h ■ r i ; 'v;i. H'if . &*&•..;. •„m■ ?■ :f wmL smtu ; ■->| : -i;- -•- ; ■-,| t- .5;;v;;•,■■;. - i j ■! p(£4j>«;; ■' s - -.’.-■ J -‘-•■'lij'r’-'-. '■. -i I ;, j:' ;j. •iT l ?', A I i " BTTBgCBiPTIOS AOBST* At Jc^E ; A '.' ij. nirai>BtßSET, • '*■ ?: mSS mndersitaed, bavins bee* appointed ■ 1 i fiiUBfitefitIPTIOITAOIWI bytke wntat ry of ttoltreSsiny, to tow fnpcM to ffir abbj; rtOMe^thn;_ _ , ?f - Tear 6 per x et Bond*, dfjUte jffn|itd|i Statos, designat dd\*S Twenties," redeemable at the pleasnreof the Ooverninent, a|fter fir# years, end authorised ofCongresa,:approved Febrnaiy 26^ r The CODPONBOHDB ere toaed in ttaa^ s6®; $lOO ssto, $lOOO. 1; The BEGIBTEK BONDS iAsamS of (60 (100, (6pp. $lOOO end tNOp. ! J . * I m Interest at | Six per cent, per annum will eeoimaieefrokh date of porebaae, and to ■: -. > iTFTL-r.J| V ' I . :: . .{PATABIjB M OOLD, fSSt^ba 1 ' Fanners, Merchant* Moeha4lCTCapiUli«ts. and all who Have any mobey. £to should know] and! remember that these Bonds! 4re. in offset* a FIBBT HOBTOAOE hpon ait Bail. roadai Canals, Bank Stoeksand and the immense products of all the Mahofae tnresj AA, In the eoontryi and the fall and ample provision made for the paymentof the Interest andliqnidatianof prtnsinal, by Custom*'Duties,"Excise Stampajahd Internal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds this |: Be*t, MostAvatlaWe and Most "Popular X'' .V Subscriptions received atPARIh legalTetir. der Notes, or notes and eheoks of banks at par In Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive | prompt attention, and every facility and explanation will |be afforded on applies, tlon at this office." I,'; ~ -| | " H A fall supply iof Bond* will be; kept on hand forimniediato delivery .7? ! I I f '. | . ■j j■ JAY COOKy, Snbecription Agent, j S3O. C(M TO;! Employment | . 1100 MERCIAL AGEI'pTS WANTED liaLli GOODS FOR THE ADAMS Vf 1 (ANEW ENGLAND); •- J , ■ . mfa ot nring Comp a|ny,i WILL GIVE A COMMISSION OF . . -|oSe hundred per cent, on mil! goods sold by our Agents, or we will pay wages of from $BO to SIUO per month and;pay.all nf cesssiy ezpenses. For particulars -address with sump, [■■ "" " :.i "! ''■ 1 >' I -OHAB. BDGGLEB, Qen-'Ag’t, that Adams ManufaeluriugCA.. letriot, ;sD, ’ July 2.1862. [ ■ Ma ' For . Micblg Wsroosnms^ j WHOLESALE ■ | -j- : -M Grocer & r foßßission - Hmfaant, i 'i Alst/;j6ealcr in (i ■)' |- : |SIK PRWjjCB* [ GENER^ILT j ; No: 8 SO?. , i pposits .the Monongsbcla House, • i ' l iv' .- ' -i : : J ;: . ; mTSBURGIT; : r 4 ibieia.'VjEjE/ i AND JPTIT Rev. R.T. Taylor, AIM., Prin. ; Mrs.A.S, Taylor, Cktvemesa. A FIRST CLASS SCHOOL FOR THE EDH cation of Young Ladies. Special, cate given io the primary and Preparatory.. Dk; partmenta. >.i V- ''ij-".' '|: , All expenses except Tuition and Washing,' per term of fourteen weeks $3B 00 ' Tuition from $3 50 to $8 00. ■ . 7 j . No efforts spared toinokc theachool worthy of tho confidence of its patrons. ! 10* Send for a Catalogue. ■' ■ - , ■ IgUThe next term commence* Dee. 9 ' “ThWi ; Union,” 'Arch Street above Third, • -■ ,;V PUIL ADELPIiIA, Pa. ll Upton S. Newcomer, Prop’r. fTHi IS Hotel is central. CouTeniont by Pas • g aonger Rtilway Cats |to all parts' of the City, and in every particular adapted] to the comfort knd wants of : the I Travelling Pnblid. TIiiRMS,- 81,50 PER DAt. ' Mar rid Howe Sewing. jchine,” SOU) sy , |. .:]■«; I ; A. M. M’GREGOR, i CORNER PENN & ST* CIjAIR STS.,* ; I PITTSBURG,; PEKIf’AJ, NEEDS ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP- | ,i.j • . PRECIATED. . :r»p22—Cm. “Th -| A. R. THOMSOS. T ■: ATTORNEY AT LA,W, j Office, comer ef ThndjtreetanJ tht Diacto ni. | \-\ BEAYEB, PAi «• 1 V'‘f ;.:.l BENTEL, ARBUCKLE AGO .. MANCPACTDTEBS-OP j ; j O-AJEißOast OIXj, '1 . ROCHESTER. |, BEAVER PA. fnp2 ;;f' •; 'j" ; |h Lost l>Ofir- LOSTin Bpebester,- on! the 21»t of Oeio : h Cleek Shepherd Dog, with : white -rim.eroaad bia neek. and wbito Up on ie end 6t hie tail; answers to tber name of * Bing.” Any person .finding - enidj dog will; be I uitebfy awarded by loevinghim at Johnston’i Hotel, hear Bocheater Depot, or »l tberesit enee of the subscriber in New Sewkklytp. I i bbtl2; I g ; OHMQARRARP. | I ADMINISTBATOK'S L TRIERS of testamentary with* estet of ISonas Moosn.late of Omm town ship, Bwtr County, Penn's dee’d baring Seen granted tothe undersigned, all persons indebted to gaidestate are ißqneitjd to make Immediatelpayment, andthese haring!claims aaainet the same will predent them properly authenticated for settlements -‘ ■ /; y- : i !•' JAMESNE*J3ON, Hanovertp, ;jv notS. | -" _t- |Administrator.'• T-rETTEßSefadmialstrationnpon the ee- I t tale qf Daiiua, i£amaaitr, late of Big Braver tp,;,' Beaver co., Pa., dee’d, been granted to the undersigned, all persons kaewingthemselves indebted ‘to said; estate ara requested tornado immediate payment, and those baying claims .against the eaihe will present them properly authenticated for set tlement. vo'.;:i ; : :W. H. POSTER,-! ji! ■ f FRED.) GRAB Aft i ; jaa 21 j|- •• ' > Administrator. m. lb cniwxri, a.^n. G. P. tininniitfs & Son,: OfFEB their profession*! services S3,pby stdsa* end Buigeqnv to the eitiseas: qf I lieeVer snd .vicinity., They can always .be j fou»d,when not profassianly enraged, at the «T*v.omtM, mTST 'V: J MEU WIM\SS£I'inL!BnME W: t' MS. 221EA8T TWENTViTHIRB StBEET, ' i 1781-1176 GRAND STREET AND 216 *msuiE*»lBto. H. rpnia fstahUphment basbeenin sneoessfol j(v operation for 24 year»,and lithe largest ofthekind in tho United States.; Wehave on bud or muufSotnre toorderevery description of Looking-rlsss. Picture and Portrait frames. Plain and Ornaineotal Pier, Wall, Oral:<MUn- Ui Glasses. Connecting Cornices, Baaoand Bracket Tables, with MameßlabSt;. .Xoilpt Ola wee. Am, fo, Ac. : Mould in gsforPieturo Frames, in lengths suitable for transportation, either Gilt, Berlihg, Roeewood, Oak,} SSebra, 1 Birdseye, Mahogany, Ac. . Our new manufac- I metre. faeUiticsenable as to fiuh le.in oar line asgood aa the beet, asthe cheapest. ■ y,-: ! are invited,io call upon up isxl New York. We claim to:be y io supply themwit hsTeryarti e whichtheycau possibly purchase ;i' '.ft'; ■s by mail' attended tb c Do not fail to: call when yon Visit t met g vartrimi, CtMn SU,Si. Y, H .. !j ; HORACE V. SIGLER, Agait.* Ma7y—Smos. : y I ; - : • -..L: 2 ■ ■’ -• • j ~ *•' __iiL -•- Beaver County, ss : [;... T;S the Orphans' Court in and for -laid I' County, before the> Hon. Judges of said Court. In the matter -of, the petition) for partition of {he repl estate of Henry Toy, .fate of North Sewickly township, said county, deceased. f, V .‘-yl'l yy . :: 7 -i Now, to wit; Not. 18, 1862, on motion|the Conrt grant an alias Rule on the .heirs and legal representatives 'of said dec’d., to jsritv .Maty 'Toy, (widow); Melissa, i intermarried with StuleyWT. Freed, of Reaver, co.;- James' X«iy, ■ (dead) leaving a widow. ' land children John, Henry and James, Beaver cp,—' Jphn who resides inWashington county ; IMnry Who resides in Illinois; William, Ephraim, Hannah, Mary and Elisa, who is dead, leading a* daughter, Muey , Jones, who .are minors above 14 years, si) reside in Beaver eo,; John Toy, who resides in Washington cp.; Ephpailn Toy, who resides in Indiana; Nancy: Jones, daughter of Elisa . daughter of said dpe’d., (now dead) ieavihg a’ husband jand child,: Nancy wbo.resides in Missouri, Henry Toy .who resides in Illinois; Hannah Spars married to Ephraim Scars, who resides in Missouri;:Ephraim, who resides in William Toy, who’resides ; in Beaver coupty; Castor, (ntermarried to Bepjamin Castor,, jwho. resides in: Indiana—and all others interested, tpshcW cause, if any they, have,’why'ah In-' duest ' to make partition Of the real estate of said deceased, should not be awarded, at an Orphans’ Court to bo held on the third Monday. ({ January next. ■ : ..y, • j'”. ' A true copy of Bole. . : v 11'"i * : y- Attest: . |A. Q. M’CKEAET, Cl’k.. ■ declO i ,!j; ' Beaver sss I; *•’. T|N the Orphana’ Court, $n and; for Bearer r county, before thtejKon. Daniel AgncV,' President; and his Associate'-Judges offsaid Cpurt, In Abe matter of the partition ofthe real estate of George paid, deccnssd; '• I'.-- 1 I TllK GOMMONWK+tTH i OF" PBKKSVtVAStA. To Daniel M’Callistcr and Esther his-trife, i 1 '-Vi! " ■■ ■■ "ha*- ioiriglrt.l jif said' Esther; ,M’£lhany and; Uahffdh his wifei irt rightof Haiti Han'nah;; Haney tthdMaryCain, and heir*, of panics Pi Coin,, who died; prior to'the said intestintc; to Vtij: Margatctntarriedj to- James’ M’Culloch;;. Uaryimarticd toJames| F." Johnston; .Agnes liiajrrwdjlo George, Elijah] and Ascnjthj thelast two being! minors per 14,' and toll of whom reside' in Beaver cept Mary, who resides in Galia c0.,10., and' all] othersintcrested, Greeting. - You; and each of you.are hereby cited to be and appear be fore the lion. 3 ndgesi of our'- said Court' at Bearer, at on Orphan’s Court, tobe held on the Ist Monday of March next, 16 accept or cefuseihe -real estaleofsaid George Cain,'dccid., Situ- - ate in Independence tp;, in said county; at the appraised valuation pile upon it by an Inqnesf duly awarded by'our said Court and re turned bylthe Sheriff of said county to September Term, IB(i2,.and fot|nd o| contain, asj follows; 115 acres 71 perches, and valued at 11,83 per acre.andiri the' c|ent.'pf non-acceptance to shiclw eauie who the! same should hot |be sold. Herein.fail not- „> •, - |” . | Witness Agnew.VPrcsident of Said Court.; at Beavtir, this 12thday of Nov. 18(i2. JMcclO]-- A. q. M’CREAKY; Cl’k. A Rare Chance for a Good Investment, *a. : : i 1 '* 1 §TE ih, ’B2, L- FOR SALE, ;j :: STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A COUNTRY STORE,' in a good location, with a large run of custom; situate within 13 miles of Pill üburg; ' Just .in limfe for Fall auddVi'nter Trade. Stock present; no unsalable Goods. Terms easy. For. a “nian of limited capital, noi better 1 chance could bo offered.— Sto' - e and dwelling house for‘sale or rent.— Adtlrcss ‘‘ill. X.,” Allegheny City, Pal, giving real fisme.and "stating where an interview can he held.. ■ Iq:; Oct. 15. ... , i U PERSONS baring busihess Aith the subscriber , will pleasei call wTih Mr. Robert Tailed, who is duly anfhoriie'd to at tend to"all my absence. Also all persona havingimaettrcd accountswill call and, make settlement as soon as possible. As HTiaa become my duty to leave hombgibr the purpose of serving my country, I Epe my customers [will still give their patronage as Usuil, as they will find Mr. Tallon at the shoe jshop and my son, James, at the tan-yard. . :sij|>3v,lBiii;. : JOHN B.* STOKES. V :! i ;*• ; No* 9. ,: [[ ■ Bask or Beavek Corsrt, \ ■ ' T ■ : New Brighton, Not. 4. 1862 i j h| DIVIDEND OF, FOURPER CENT, oh thejCapiUl Block of fhis Bank, for the past 6 month*,’ has been declared this day, payable to itockhpldecs Jor tbeb legal' repre. sentatives, 'os Dbmasd’. . This dividend will be'.free of the United States Tax, the Bank having assiimed the payment of the same to the Govenutaent. I ; EDWABD HOOPS, j0t19*62 rI:.J -v Cashier. •• 'TTIHE Co-pirtnership heretofore enitilg nn ’Jt jdw th« pi&je lend style of A. D. Gilliland,' Newi Brightoiu eßgagea in the business of merchandise, jwas doty dissolved on the 19th day pfApril, 1862.: The Books will be’settled at the store of M.GiUiland. AU’ persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm, i trill pleaseeeH end settle immediately,'as the Bootes will be closedt.without delay. ‘ ... ’’*'i"l [- ■ .A. D. GILLILAND, . ( ;m. gilliland. ighton.MaylV, 1862. »«w Brij Confessions & Exporienosof an Invalid. | |UDLISHEU for tne. benefit andasavarn ■ 'ingand • cautionto yonng men who snft ; ferfrom ferrous Debility, Premature Decay' &e., supplying at the same time the means t ot Self-Cure. Byene Twho has cured himselt after being put; to{great expense through med leal imposition and quackery.) By enclosing a phst-paid addressed envelopes, single copici may .be bad of the author, NATHANIEI' MAYPAIR,I Esq., Kings Co., K. Yi margfclr 't: j"-Vi ‘ • >;. ■; tifi: i, ? n. : prrrsßUE& superior loHVdEjO LWJ rAIHy for the, i treatment: of- all . forms to?.Diseases,:and ad Institution inthUicoun try possenesi greater facilitiesforits adminis tration than this. . i’" \y ; ISJftjr Pictorial Circular address A' " -' ; ;\7| D*. Wv- K| HAIIBLEIQK, t ! n iM-i: - ,1 f (i? y *»■, f- !•- . . .j, ■ fr ■_ !r* ~''Tr 1 ,1 WMWSIWOT 'M'-fti! 1 HOLLOW AY'SOIHTMEKT^ .■f' ONO marches,- sore and stiff Joints, blister-^ ‘I i Jed •ndlnflamedfedU’ hll theisd the soldier . must'endure. SIOXHEBB.REMEMBEBTHIS. whenyonr sene MtW grasping their musket* to „ meet danger. thank’ what relief. a pot of thia ■ , A LLTHIALINCf SaheeWß giro to the one you love whenfar away frek ..Komol,- and friends It hardens and makes tough the : foot «d thattheyean endure great fatigue; It, ■ soothes: andielpeteatljo inflamed aid stiilcccdi. L jiiaft, and fitpift' tm*. -while'for ;i'; ' r ■-■•! - ■ ’-•kik-'i -.SABRE CUTS AND ODSSHOT WOUNDS at stands unequalled, removing and preventing: erory Tcaiigo' of inflammationjapdigetjtiyf :■■ drawing the edges together, it ■ qnickljf and. completely heals the most frightly grounds. ! WIVES AND SISTERS OF OPR VOtUN 1-TEEBS , ■]; - To cannot put 'hdo the Enspsacks of yoiir ' Husbands and Brothers, «, more; valuable; or mere necessary gift than a Supply of- this . r EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE, i.;. The- lonely ■ sentry walking Jjjis rounds at'l night,exposed to drenching rpins and chill . night ah?, is often seized the mo«t VIOLENT : PAISB, and SUFFOCATfNO , HOARSNESS, first GOS-i ’; 80MPT1ON,-bat if Applied IiOiLG WAT’S PILLS auiD TIOLLO V'AVS O-K - MENT, all danger isaverted,a fejr I;.’ - night and morning, and the ointment;-, t!y nibbed twice a thelthrdit apd l oixw-' will remove the SEVEREST PAlNBjrtn-l voy the inost distressing or DANGEROUS Ctrl-'; t: Tbeforo we say to the whole; army, / SOLDIERS ATTENTION!* 1 . ,See to-your own healtfi, do not trust to thc v b Army supplies although iphsl valuable.', These ' PILLS and OINTMENT havie been thoroughly: tested, they are the. only, remedies used in the European Gamps and Barracks, for-over forty years Doctor Holloway has supplied all the armies in Europe, and during ithd CRIMEAN CAMPAIGN bo established a depot at. Bala- ■- clava, exclusive sale] of these GREAT REMEDIES, many a time his special- Agent there .tea's sold over a ton in-;weight of-tho ’ Ointment in a single day. . thi(sc terrible nnd fatal cn'emics'of th'cSbldieriih.Can’.p, j ? n had SCROFULOUS ER||pTONS; all diifcp pear like a charm before;, these FILLS AND . OINTMENT, and now while the Cry rings throughout the land; * CL. ■; : : TO ARMS’ TO ARMS!! . a" : Do not let these, brave men pefislr ;by |'dis- j ease, place in their hands, these PRECIOUS' ' REMEDIES, that wiU enable them to resist the dangerous exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and the wounds which theyjcannot i ■avoid, and whatia more.cannot fiequcnny get ' succor in the moment of need,’ if lour , brave men have only to put their hands .into ;/ their Knapsacks and find there a sure remedy far aR the casualties of the battle field.? How .' many thousands of lives would thus bn saved who Would otherwise perish before relief cousd be-ohtained.; '''l,; . CAlJTIOy.—None are genuine unless tthe words 'Uiolloicay, Nta York and Lnidim," are disccrnablc as a waler-mark in every leaf - r of the book of directions around .each pet 'or ; box : the sn,mc may be plainly seen by Ao/3»ny i Ihp lar/Jo the tight. A hQiVdsome rewafd WiU' , be given to any. one rendering siich informal i tion as may lead'to the detection of any party.; or parties countcffcitingihemedicines orv,‘nd- 1 ■ ing.the same, tijowiiigthem to be spurious,. >'i-igoldj at., tlieC:Manniac;;>iy, of Jprofessoiif, ' ifotpow’vr,' 80 Maiden tanitL.Nolv.'Tork, ami. by!ail respectable Druggists 'aid Dealers in; k Jlodicincs, throughout the .civilized tvoi ldj. 1 in: ; boxes at j 25 cents; .C 2 oe|ds'[and sl;ea;ch,i-' • r T.herc is considerable saving by taking the largersiitea; r . [.■;:■ j 'f ' V N. B.—Directions fur, the guidance of j.a ients in every disirdcrarc atfixed to each box. f ;Ma,r7.j ■; 1 - ,i ;| j;. ; L', ’ 600,000; v MALE QE FEMALE AGFKTB ■. v; I : 'r . , To .stLL ; ; *■■■: Lloyd’s\New Steel I*ta(e' fwjity Colored ■ i. Mop of the. United Slatte, r Cahodos. and; New BfvnswirJ:,. ,3v:'. From Recent surreys, Completed .’up; lOj/f 1802; cost .820,000 to engrave It, ned one" ~ year’s time.-I 1 , P ' l >- - Superior to any §lO map ever madely Col tonpr Mitchell, and milt at' the low puco ;of Fifty Cents; 37O.OoOKhauics arc engraved ett, ' this map.' | • ■' It is not enlv a County map, but it is also a r COUNTY RAIILROAD MAP :. . of the U.-jS. & hioiu*.giving ' : Every Railroad Siatipn'anddittanee:T'be. ween. - Guarantee any woman dr man S 3 to S 3 per day, add 'jar-ill take back al} maps that Sc sold and refund the money. - A Send fop $ I .worth to try/ ' “ .Printed instructions ;how to canvass well, furriisjicdfall pur agents., ( .,j ■ i. Wanted: —Wholesale Agents for 1 our maps id. every State, California. (Canada, England,., France and Cuba.,, A 'fotjtn.ne_.tnay be; luudc with a fojt h.undrcd dollars capital. /,'</...ra- . jv./ilinn. ‘O. F. bIA:Vj). ICI Broadway, N, V. r j, ‘The War Department inscs our map of VJr» ginia, Plmnsylvahiaicos! 000, on which isvtiiarfied Antictam Creek,. . ■ Sbarpshurg, Mainland 'Rights, Williamsport Fer.iy, Bb(irersvilleJ--Jvdlattd : P Ford; and all ■ others on the Potomac.'and' every otlur place in the above named .Males, ar money refundrd. LLOYD'S '‘TOPOGR APHICAL MAF CF; a ! KENTUCKY, OHIO, l,Kuil~ at the only authority for Gen. Rosecmns arid thei War Department. ■ Money retuilimu rtf r any one finding in error in it. • ■ , f . V ■ . From the Tribune'. Ang. 2.' “Lwb's map' or VtnoisiA. Mvkti.asd am> PessstlyAxia.—The i map[ls’ very large; its cost is but; 25 ceniit, and tftt which can be purchased?' . - ‘ ■! . Lloyd's Grfxrt Hap of_lhe\Hitni*ippi. River. — From; Actual Surveys by Cants. Bajrl. and Am Down, Mississippi River Pilots, of St.ri.ouis, Mo., shows evcreman’splnntat ion and owner's it otto from St. Louis to! the Gulf of Mexico--, 1,950 'sand[btti;. island, town, landing, and all places 20 iniies back from’the river—colored in counties and States, 'Price, $1 in sheets. $2, pocket form, and $2,50 oa linen, With rollers. / Ready Sept. 20. Navy Department, Washington, Sept. 16, ]£62. J. T. Xloyd—Sir: Send, me your-Mnp of the Mississippi River,! with, jpricc per'hundred Copies. Rear-Admiral t’harlcs H. Davis, .com manding the Mississippi squadron! is author ized to purchase as many as are required ,ifo-: ase of that squadron. . ! jj. 'I ~! [ ■ GIDEON WELLS,I Secretary of theNitty. MILO A. TO:WNJ , ' ; 'jv | DEAT.EB IB 4 ■ B 0 0 X.S, ST l TlO X ERY, ’ 1 Wall Paper, : ; TOY® ABO -''FABcf ARTICLES _ 'iib6. ; I NE^ 1 BBIG&TOJf; Pa. ' "f, : . y ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. </• LETTERS ofadministration upbn'the tate~off Sam’l Wusost,i late of Raccoon ’ ' township, Beaver county, dec’d, haring been : granted ito the undersigned, all. persons; jn|•- debled to said estate arertqneslcdto immediatelpsyment, and those havthg'claiina against the'same will present thepi'properly" ; ' authenticated for settlement. . ■-j ■- P- M- ERBB> Raccoon tp., , ”, • jDec. IS??- ! Administrator. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICJJ. LETTERS of Administration, on tiniest at e of Jobs Cobrtset, late of the bop-' ohgh of Darlington, Bearer County-,' I'enn'a. dec'd. harm,* bben granted to/Le undersigned, aQ persons indebted to'said estate are request* to made immediate payment, and'those having claims against the iamb' ‘ will, present them properly authenticated forsetilcmcnt. ' . JTOHH 1. •ORMtNEY, D^Lon, E 4 MEE i r> NJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers