pot.Uo Schbpls of the Independ- P of. Pprouffh fOWßßhlpi - ' : -■ aro riow openv--Xe^' »Ss&*gUSS£ |B te the "nod eanse, the. Bfwrd thin: means to » few import ;pmnts. hearts co-opewtipn and Enroll ei<grddatio f n and dasstjkaliSfr «f the are absolutely necessary, j f nonS" the time of the Teachers 1 lull benefits of • uiid -^ t i ons; _bat to accomplish 1 •'Vhfc .Sc uniformity of text- l b ’l fnielaw also makes it the duty ifiirlctorsad see. that tya^if^-, rK ' ikrei "’ ; from ' wan - ton "Resuiagons have, bum f dop tedV the.'-Bjard of Director:-; tm p i B i the fe«thcr4'%‘.l. roqiflr* lb* FTrWAYNE&CHICAQff R. B: P rtr^’ - Station 4-Goino East. . |the wriltj - ;■••- -i or i,.)VI Onameiic.rtj on and aftet Sundca. 4. ’(&•■ ' o fc3rna«lW W ..Sfatn« o [_ ... l*ivi RoAuur Station a, oXo .<•« i '.. Lfteh PW{* .Hdftl ; I , .Leaves Rochester ” An - , at Pitts, rection uud (■ons^t, -NS~;.lst RrigVnAcconi. C:ss'a: m„.... 8:40; a.- m... Jsliould specifyjtfie -day; grid •enj' VP jjj itrlgh'u 12:45 p. x...... 2:50 e. x. Sme sack abduce- tbsir ap" I Mai!, t - 2:15 p. x,...;. 3:45; p. x. wnbalion ami consent.. . - %' ■ ' V*, 1 £ i ? ress ' 8:40. a. x. ,5:00 a. x. Tile lSxt-B(xiks r - 1Q:Q0 x......11:00|p. x be the yiz- al Ro< . hestcr ; (Wopd’s: Spellers and" Wsw (the; lgtr ,^ hv Xcc-om.-' 9:30 a. ; x. uiSirent '■ grades*■ of each): All ten ell s: o d t; rJ g!;- n .. p. M......y C:05l p'i x. GfO'Tapliies; C6\xd] - s Gj - animar; ; Stod- h; , 8;00 a. m 0:28! a. M. ortVllonttil- and* Arilb-; and Practical p./^*^’''Ac O ;TtRA^^ (QUic? Text-books ns ill ; .. » - /.... -•- . —•; V-Mesianated. from ime t 0 li<uc ’ ‘TO FEMALES, ■fier majberequireu. 1 . k • ; v . •-/ i .1 The wsvill Jic ;■ ;35R CHEESEIVfAN’S Pit* S preserve, ana4ce£TrtH ijQotV „ .. - .• , . " E <* .n^a«m 8 --ur|t»«c Oailbiffl d ing9,Ffen£es.'ott:.; but ‘V !te *** abuse find in- wild >« their operation, ..Jnt rditPamej by the puniis. thcC" 1 *' 1 - correct: ?S .. all irregularities, j or :of Ihe pfipil*. s* ![a>af,a .Mn«Pa-U^us f rau*la 3 all. oV ? true: j ■ j-ffi sliall juiy - all damage <ion<|{ ae*’ head-1 hlhclsi:-':.'' ! " -3" 'i ' - . : Vaelle. paia in the side.palpitation«f theheart v ! I. Ik?e Hales iire.to'be cnf»re«'(l by all novvrms.aireciiiins.yfa.iigtie, hysacf- Ps€«K-beis; arid, in all.citses;' jmptis J ieCjb'la in the bank and KJSImS cio4distnrbcd toS-B'iih!>-,nirain|t; ; ‘6l*> refusurtfbbsei-v-|s;?ep. ■..•'.rich arise from interruption of anc-t-ifsaiiifc. isltail .be “ p r Chess-man’s Pills ,'; v , front lUc iil toej'i-or toeir parent.-,.a* ; o .l^*'- atmcnt ef these jirrcgnlaritids and obstruc litav With 1110 sruTlf. , . I'n-ff w j,£jf h-tve consigned so,man vto aircE •S* '*&%'s&***'* • -Xo female ian enjoy igooj I’f 01 "? 1 ob^r p m ' b -;4 i-Ualih unices she and an i-r.nlck'iv.rrt.iut' compK l : . i '’ : r troc,^.‘ a^ s eo L _ - I I 1 C-astodecline. -S; , i . ttni-.-’inny -cermJ;nrd.-or ?r” \ ■ f- •• , ■ ■ !•>' 3tWf nnncj-iisstiry; Intujv-tjutywid'o \ ■?’. i rV?. : t-ri(iti ettn-feot iaU ; all remedy known 'fop alb tinii -Uritijinsj i-i r*e(jjlii\\d. bat v.baV is,' pjculkr to Featalhs.' To all Has «»r:Uial to :iyvvi.dl cj.tildu.bteji SvhooW' ary .•invaluable, ; ; iyluvn). -vtiX tefydia >tii Ci’ cipcrtWot) ini iJn’ii Vh .-by' jx~ /Q> <•’•*< a *J ! -’aistg.. They.are known to iilidjpttiTT.nitiofi t'l .■Ciicir<-ti«dr»>n. :i- i'Hmdfends. havir^c'tt- thefij. at different iiprf-.njmiess ilthi in^lti-;pcr:,r! S :Lrmchout-ii!i<H*>untry,' havingifthe t-ii.Oii’i I '!', -it l ,-,:., c 1 c., cntdiij] tail to.rcli- sanction o; some of-the lacs* - eminent Piiysi 'fer-tlie. labors, ojid .dutiesof tlnf-Scln>• ’ir-obas in America. '' \ _]'l ' nisimVa- both diction ,, jfn-fnj irt™ thv'ihoM not M^ifHvmoro jjdeasbM and chem Ed. u ,:Ad< with Price One DiHar ~ r “ C !“S7^ i] ; per Uo*/entwiningTrom'iK.^'.V-ta) Pills, i V^ I! * sent Vy'snail, promptly, by remitting to ftie f billet,wtfnV^iS^ h ? Draygists igenerally. 'to the people k’f ; ! K. HUTOipjsGS.‘Proprietor. _ §<• !ioote^hiboipl'trtmi>l r -tore i i>v ; SHERIKE’S i ALE. '' \ . • \T>y virtue of a writ of Jsovari* Facia: Is tZ%St'Jt7 r ..\ ‘f^ s 'T r '; . * ■ n feood out of the Court of Common l*lea's n '*• fronj ! oijiie county of and 4 to mevdircctqrl. i '• te" ’ llw¥ i\ rebei l to Public .Sale, at the [of* * boroti-a Ueaver, oa ,j- . **■?£ ,| Jswi?a*y 31st, 1863, bj art|)h;pTyao£\vitl)iill at 4 following described ™" right, ; tdlle v interest «•! ope tied oil t l)'c-low II ■withcnit \ notice t-vronlnv -If? ■"I tlloUt ' tki? tll<v^°' T,en ? n f'.j.ground being■-X6?, : 14,.10,-l«, 17. IS imdllri, :4 ' . V Jlt- Wpu>'tt n d reb(J>cavalry^Vi&ate in the burdugli or XeV’- lirigliton, Eca- Js-wol balrldpwore visible from .the i ver cpdfntvv XV.. b'f.nmfcd .mf follows, «. ivlt: ;«t (jeo.,iß,; Q^n ha* ! the '■ 9" ,lic i ' :or,h b T •bPKo;-'.-w tr ££>ti by' . vyorou. -r^itfi l31 ,’.: 01 ; b > -; )«' Vn!l %■- UBtir : p? * J -.. X ,fy ■ ; ,V: u^e river. There bdng_ ■*€i •]' ••' —' t‘< -■ ' ■ , c^*_- '-i ;‘j'nlo;« Scfd._. 1-1 nmi I.V a large J’our T v^v' van. 10.—-*A. paity ’ V eiu s fcct-frobV-Wi - yesterday + ;to ruruu* ’ 5 .Mrcet -ruiinihg -ihraugb Mid lois^im^cigTitv ' ' J south side ofiaK,l>Slldmg; about 2(fby vr-‘ -t X }^l (l^i:r. K i(rlU^Wpor£^liat Oirrhe of s-iI'J erected two btick •'•ipmj ’’ !,r "V ) Sl^“ ,^ iots nnd ,15 the uridi % liad ,Cb ' s: ii.4 iUca xnc-tbirdoC^ven iibarc S iof stock in (lie etivtti ,■ *-V ;- t liriglitorie Water Company, > ” ladfldwilll arnn-! bring equal tor tile of ‘all til- i" r f The’ W» : alh,’4' tllc ‘' v ’ a,c ; bcionging to the. race of iaid Cota-! ~ unco, . ;•.;-. | r 0,..,.,V.i r . '* “ere are erected oh.lotsNo, 17 and i j, .5, .-•! p • rt H-' 4 . H rV“: «?, ? ia*goifuur jtory Tub Factory, 40 ; feet!ol,) l iS.'v r r. ,?^r 't rt ■ e, ’ said lotsf and-XOfhei l a iHesJ^ -V‘.?^''i' ol!ei s rind 'tai-ren .dScp. the basement stone, and three storietPof •' tad tak-iTn that tlie rebels■ | wood:-alsa two brickjldry’kilns r the,cast ! wi^'V,l ,r *- n tf<iii. , ld and U'carly cles-^’.I bf road running) thrriugh said lots, abdu’t i: 7; -I fife abd nil %vti r , b , } ’.— fc S l: there] ri also one other brick' treo i*? on jol N 6: 10 and partly Wt e Ibrtifira,;Li>k 1 t r y / I '2 a ( k J } ' Ul U - ] Nereis belonging toiots Xos. 10.- * j of.ti | 17 :tn»J 1.8. (the undividtMl one-third of nine of Slock >’ew Brighton Water fliek •- . Tl^i?^j i - r ing.|jad joined .llio j , * om P an y» each .shareJjeing eijual to the oner y* n ** li: lino V* ’ now rl * nn^ T»a«- of. all the water belonging Ito (: eo We.«t:otl W£-r7i<*at-;Vt-*. ,• , I ll, c Race ot said Company. ~ .. \ bblcs Ironl Snrrii u-fi i>! X - •■ Sc^ed-and xkken in I execution; as thSprop-, ;v. : K.icrty of.Wiri. ,S..Q,ni. ,f. ite. adit 4>f ChrlMita 3sg« -- -.V'-v i lanisen, assignee of_Khey & Matthews* for ,f- Jan. ,’to -Lbirifaffd-os from • ’ bc ” f ,fic & Manufacturcrs’ IJank. - L •-f ; 1 dOHN ROBERTS,Sh’ff. ■ M’tUrta } !, .s‘.® ln,D S.sav thati Sikmrrs Orrtcr. >.'. - • [: -SO,. ? ,!U ''rib ril-nved at V'icks- 1 Eeavcr. Jan. 12,-'O2. I - ! ‘ -'Get.. Sherri.ttn i . g> lt lack on*ih 1 orces en g“g<--d in I ■“•’ ■• r)ihUSON, ; -■ - - .■ ! - ‘ -' i - . ' PEAnnn in ... , - goods &crqceries. ofXoW I • ■: ' -■ ■ ■ ? r—■■’■;- 4 ]; 4 Use ot o “.■■JiriiS Maby Jxs-r 'itJ- 1 rfIOfi.'L.CTSS.T ASJ> MOST : ’ > arrol j tiou nty ,;0 hi o? :,' i-. Styles., ft .|\R ESS GOODS kept ~ ••'** • I coustnmly on ami for sale, for i Hencr!4 th De^2 her I .' CASH tJli ; ,P II) U CK. 1 W. , I- Ma HV Axx : _rw*r. January Idth, l&jjtl. -/;- * | JOHN BARBER & ; HAIR-DRESSER. H E<J3ii|KßXiß : (Shop oncdoor cast Hotc]» I ■ -b^ihce^i'T£¥, pesN’a. ” .| .. Cape BAgE, Jan. 10.—The .steamer Jura,, froml .Londomlcrify: on tho 2d inat.. passed ;off.-this point tb-daji and was anticipated by the news yacht of tbo Presid a meet ing :? tb okpress syrhpalhy with their efforts to tlio'rohollion jn thc UnitedStateH, and a congratulatory addressto President Lincoln on his course liras' adopted. I The English revenue acconnts show an increase - duringthe - j tear of $i -’,392,-: 000. "Ihe London 7inke>,thii)ks that -this proves tiiat j;;ottor is not, king. &inti U fa'Eng\'anil l ot ' Keep dll her; cotton open, iibcsdn pMi ? pensions tiU they were absorbed iiUofAw trades than vary one poll t in her national policy, - ; j '■ | Additional .French ti .•were declared to bo, in licensable, to la siiceertsliil lss.no of tli >■ campaign.—! It was - Intimated that •cinfdr6ein’enti| X)f 10,000 was .neceasarj. c j f CE im e T able . • PITTSD ;EGIJ, K. K. '■* . Beaver Station —Gc iso Kakt. _ Ccmhkuemj, Monday, ’See-, ]7, 1802.— Train* iJggt&iSegier Slitiian as fvUoKfi - : 83S) XfiL ' Arrivra at Ktlsburgh, 0:20 a. k. | 2:52j5, m. , ; .“' • • . 4:10 p.m. , 7:20 p. h. ! “J “■ - 8:45 p.m. ■£• .. Goixc Cest— , frame leave PiUehurgketTjoUqve: ■; (5:40 X. M. ArrivesAt_Eeaxer,......B:lo a. m. 1:40 p.Jt; ■ ■ Rochester......B:oo, p. jiA C;C’oeffiM., ““ ii^^''’ : ..;..;4:3o p.-M. : ~XTT.IiIcqiILI.OCGH; i’fM t F. IL; MVEHS, Gen i Ticket Agent* T IST OF LETT 1 'j remaining in tl HTFa., Dec. Cord Bailie J ; ISaThUonSaml j BtmJpM' l J FranklinTlios \ Field \Vm F, > Graham Wo Irons D»Tid, 2 1 Persona calling -f< . will pleaaesay the/ ‘ -i\ ''-p. Bi ;•! JfiNWice Hourc EXECUTOR’S NOTICE T ETTERS tester lentery On the Ostste of I i Uteof Pulaski, tp.,Be«- Terco., deoM,. having keen granted to the un- Jerigned, all; person i indebted to said estate arc requeatetUo matte immediate payment, and those-having elaitn ; gainst, said estate trill present .them to the! subecribersproperly as, thentieoted for settlement.. . •- • UESBY PUILLIS, Pnlaskiip., j ' j ~ Executor, lops in Mexico dcclO FIX, MDSK. KACCOOX, SKUNK, and hIUSKUAT SKINS; fir which the'highest priees, in Chid), will be paid .at- the Cheap ClothingStorc of I. N. ATKINS, Beaver—sign of the Itig,Uat; • dec!7 isqoiiPoKATEmsfe. : < / OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MU ; TUAt SAFETY INSU GE CO. .The following • StaUmejit, of the Affairs of the Company is published in conformity with' a provision of its Charter': ■ Premiums Hoccirad ‘ from -KoTemher I, 1861, i toe October 81, 1862: ■ On Mariuc and Tn . land Ki5V5,5220,305 81 On Fire Uiake 99,821 30 1 $326,680 11 Premiums on'policies hot mark ed off Nor. i, igdi, Premiums marked off as earned .VflttaX«r:ii76l.'te Ocfc 81,62: * On Marino and In- ; " " [land Ki5k5....... $2.18,142 82 . * Ob Fire lUski.;£. ;UOO,UOOO 25 ' . —— $318,143 07 68,715.20 Int. for same periodj£aWages,&o. Losses, Expenses; &c., during the year as above: Marine an i Inland r ' Navgt'n losses... $BB,BBO CO Firs 1055e5.28,840 04 Ueturn premiums. , Ke-insursnces 18,140 7o’. Agency •CUergci..; 14,427 00 Aclr., Print’g, Ac.. 2,2X1 62 Taie5............ C,£i>o 48 Expctiscs.Saiariesi’ Bents, ic ASSETS pm'HE.'cOirPANV, . . AoiVmicr I, ISO 2. ■ _ Sl.Oi.’.fjOO U. S. i) per ct.10aif...593.000 00 Xo.ijho 730 00- 33,000 “ U t‘ Treiisdty • '' ■"■n.aio CO Noto3 25.000 " 7 8-11* percent j. Treasury Nofes *” 20,000 00 100,000 S. of l’«.-5 pr cl? loan 05.330 00 ' 51,000 ' “ ; “ 57.-130 00 , 123.050riiila|.ciiyfl •* - “ 00 30.000 Sot'Tenn.sl2,ooo 00 ,^O,OO0 I'a.-.it. 11. lit Mergago 7 O per cent bonds,... 1 ... 22,£00 00 ~ oo,oool*a. It. It. :2d Mortgage ; I . 0 per cent, bonds 53,875 OO 5,OiX) 1’a.,11. K. 100 Shitres >' Stock .....^5,'500- 00 15.000 Gcrinantp'tvn Gas Co. 1 30lf shares of stuck, principal" and rust, guaranteed by , the -s* city of Philadelphia,. 113,700 Leans bn . bond and mortgage, amply Se i -i v .cure'll 3 Par i. $G8b,750, Jlprktt Value;,. 00 \ • ■ ' Cost, ■■000,7*9 Gli * 4e4re5t§t<>,:...i.C?....y.....: 51>3G3 ; 35' Dills rcceivable t for Insurance* madc,yi,~G2 68. Uahmces-ftiiie at iVg coc * cB » —Prt'jr.i- ; l'oljcics, acc&Bed ' ' otherTlcbts d;ie-the - ’ Company .00,911 55 Scrip of sundry .ihsur auce * oilier Oompanica, slW,Bud, ' . estimated vaWei..~»;......... '4,518 00 Cash on dtpo*i with U. Stater Government subj£ctioicndayi- . cftlK*.-... sB(i;tKiO &)' Cash on deposUin banka 25.71T7 O-l Oaali ia 28(b74 f j.. NovEjinrit Id, JNi2. . ~ The Board of. Directors have this .day r dc». fs6E»reil,« cash dividon*! of TKN I’EK CBjnjj-! , btt fhe.Capital Stock, afel SIX PER Cl&tS ijujiercsrilpn the-SCltlFef: the v i aolc on and alter the first December proximo, j They have also declared a; scrip divylcnsi of I FORTY FEIe’CENT. onthe Enrned ISreiaiuih# ; for the October, SI,. 18% j e y,jg, fffr which will lie issued to thep tpakiies j entitled tolhe i atue yin hitd after cemhcr proximo. d'.h'.-. J; _v ■ -.y' ~ ■ I ; they hayo^ordcrcd'ahib-that the. remaining ■ outstanding BCllll’ of the Conipanyrof the-is ’-sues of the years priordo 18% be redeemed idtrchsh tm and after February ■ B*4B§^(rom ..which date alf interest thercoji ; n ; , _B®-No ccrtificateOf profitsissnedhiidcr 5 525. By the Actsof Incorjjotaliba; ‘-no cers. | tjticate shall issue unless' claimed within two* j yeats after the declaration of the diyidend i whereof it is eridcncc. . DDXI2r!E3OTOiE2tS ■ Thomas C. Hand, John C. I&via, Edmnpd rA Souder, Tbeophilus Paulding/Jobn R, Pen- James Traquair, William Eyre,Jr., Jas. C-.‘ 'Hand, William C, Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. Jt. HI. Huston, George G, Leipcr, Hugh Craig, Charlps Kelly, Robert Barton, Samuel E. Stokes, J., ? F. Pchistcn, Henry Sloan,"Ed ward fiarlingfon, B. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvaine, Jacob P. Jones, James B. M’Par land, -Joshua P. -Eyre, John B. Semple, VUt*. 1). T. ALcrgan, Pitte. A. B. Berger ,'Pitu. THOMAS C. HAND, Pru t. JOHN C. DAVIS Viet Pnt'U HENRY LTLBURN, See’s/. ' " ' HENRY HOOPES, Agent,; . ‘.NE\f BRIGHTON-PAa T IST QP LETTER! Ji remaining in theP lP?pDec.'Blsip 1862 s j Add erV.y Rev Wm£ jßeaumonl Godfrey Bsrrctt'Hcnry ■ Barnes, Mrs Mary Bates Stockton .Carper Ahby 4, •/ ■I Daria'James M ' . ’ Parkins Jolth-W Ff'-derick Conrad 'Frederick itjßlackmore D ourley John Sprint David .. UoffmanConrad Hartscl! Eli - , Holing Bellmina 1 Henry Christopher Hein I*. - *' ■ i Jackson Pamela 4 H crsons calling.for fetters in tbe above ligt, i»ill pledge eajr th*jr areiiarertiged." A -■ 'T. M. TATMB, . IS, TOCiIiLEI) TOR, Post oiHcoU- Bear or. C. J»ct JWJ itidd Jaa ■ ■ Jas ' i __ Purdy. Wm F Stroak Lydia. A ; ; Wright Mary E... , 1 Wilson Maty B ■ WUtseU&unl •... i r . ':.fi letters in tbe above List 'rertisod. tip* &d\ Lj. Ftt tiscd. • ANDEESOy, P. M. i .m 7 A. M. till C P. 3i Wanted Immediately,' RAN Puiladelpkia; ’ Korember 12, 1862. •20,200 01 > Surplus, $ 100,003 S 5 IS UNCALLED'FOB. ?ost Offic? at Rochester ■ '■ T'-- Ue Ht ■ f LconaidrJames -, Leonard J"C Lancaster Mary Miller Emma M‘Masters A D Newton L ' Oldham Rachel Porter James., Powell Henry : Eager Capt. Jas, Keed lsabella, 2 Shrodea. Ellen Small Maggie SmithHy Taylor David ■Willis' Lizzie - L notice; ; v :>< I H. James HacyV - ■ ‘ In the Court of Common I |.q . i I Pleas of Bearer;; county. No. Susan Boey, j. 70, March Term, 1862. ; • I . LIBEL FOB DIVOBCE. j i The original and alias! subpoena in Ibis eas imring been returned: J/'.'JB, and \du proof havingbecn madethatSuSanHoey could not be found in Beaver,county, I am therefore directed to to Jaw. A-o-uniting uniting the respondent, SUsanHoey, to appear jn this Court, on the first day of 'nest term, being the first Monday of March next, to; an averthe petition of libelknt. ( V, : 1 Susan lloey, the respondent shore named, is hereby notified to appear in this Court on ' the first Monday of March neit, inj>ur*uance Of said order. JOHN ROBERTS, j : deel7 : Sheriff; . • List of Causes -r .K -TNOB'ADJOURNED COURT, 8D MONDAY F JANUARY, 18C8j : George Hobert j, rs Nathan P. Couch, John O. Dougherty | “ Dr. John Winona, Jamea Duncan 1 “ Jno. M. Ewing et al. Hiram Meanoret ah “ Hugh Anderson. - I Same • '* “y j Same, it; : . Bank Lawrence Co. « Seiah Chamberlin. Same ; : j. . 1 ; “ Same. Vy r .Same “J' Same, et al. James Kelly j j “ Jamea M’Eldnff. Same, ett|*’:' - ( .Samc.;,,;yV | Jacob JVKossJ. “ John Waite's adm’r Ir . M. HEY AND , I’roth’yls JAMKS“S. rutan; ~ ATTOBNE Y At 1 AW, ; (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.', V|;,;v .BBAVEB, PBNN’A. I in i the Conrt House. ALL claims ; against the Government for bach pay,' bounty and pienalohs, prose cuted to collection with the least , possible de ay, -j ,| -'j. . : dec3'62 - 33issoljcitioxi. ■ fTIHE Co-part nership heretofore existing nn- I ■ der the naiiie and style of U’CorxsLt & Dasbaobs, Faliston, engaged in the Foundry and Machine Business, ' w«t duly ditsoired on the Sd-dsy of June, -186$P; .The books of the late firm will be settled by M. Dsrrsgh ftjCo.j at their office in FoUstom. Bearer ebunty, Pa.; where they will : continue sdht business In ail its branches. Ail personsknowing themselves indebted'(o'the later firm.will please call and settle immediately.- DAVID M’CONNELL, I MATTIBONDARRAGH, FalistonJelO, 8. 11. DARRAGH. j .. 198,908 05 1 ADiIINISTfiAirOR’S NOTIGE. I T EXTEBB of administration on tlie estito . I i of HEKBTiUsb.late Of Hopewell Town? ship, liesrer co.,' dec'd, haring been' grant ed to the undersigned, >ll persona indebted to said estatearc requested to moke immediate payment, sad those haring claims against said, estate trill'present them to the subst riber properly authenticatedfor settlement. aepTT, 213,804 42 | EXEOUTOKS’ JS’OTIC’E. WHEREAS letters test omen t ary on the estate. of- Gsn. Bosweli, late of New Brighton, Bearer county, dec'd. haring been granted to the undersigned, all I persons -m -■I debtcd to said estate arc' requested to make Mmmediate payment, and thoffo having claims I against the sumo will present them properly I autchticated for settlement. -•! ■ ! “ ' - JOHN BOSWELL, EEK’J BKDISON, • IJH?* s *]-■ Executors. . ; EX KC'TTtcyJS NOTICE. ' ~ VhTJIEKEAS .letters.testamentary haring Vt been granted ta the undersigned, on es tate of Joseph McCready, Sr,, doe'd., late of .Greene., tp., Bearer'county. Pa,, all persons’ knowing Ihcmsetycs indebted 'to Said estate ora requested to iuake payment immediately and those haring claims .against the tome! will present jhem to the-subscriberduly authenti cated for settlement. , JAMES McCBEADV, oc --. i;'* : • '■ '1; ' \ . Executon Estate of David Minis, Jr., M.D., Oec’d. is letters of<ad- rj"miliislTrition hit vet* been:grant cdi.by th.e Register of Wills, !&c.i of tlie county of Jicavcf, ‘upon I bo estate of liwit* *)r. M, Tt.dec'd.. late of Borough tp., in said county, totliesub ■eeribet- residing hi (he Bbropgh pf sai'l county. dii-btol s will make payment. and creditors present fitcirclhiigs %flv authentica ted to the undersigned.' ■ ~ ■■■• t PASiEL ACSEW, :..!■• r Administrator. A DAIiS CSTRATOUS ' so'iici?' ■ V ■/ -i* •' v. j *: letters 1 of administration.bn t-he estate of Mtciuei. Rambo, Tato of; Raccoon Beaver county, , dc- . ceased, baring been duly grant cdto tbenn .dersigned, nn f persons .indebted to said, estate are notified to make immediate payment; and .those having tdainis* against the same will pre sent them pfppcrly authenticated Tori settle ment without delay. 1 '• |, | I ■ * }■' •' . JACOfc t’RO.Vk, •' '■ ■ scp24. |.■ ’jr.ti£ . AdihSaSst**;— 1 1- # 15,G00 CO. llikTOO ,00 109,008 08 $076,212 16 v ■-' Stray Mare. \'' s 1 ; lo llicprcmiscs: oft be iiub scribed \j- living m county, on the CTgomfof tho j24Ui ofjAp¥.ii;C r?;®*? 11 Bay ■ iyt&rs -old, %hod f I saddle, marks, off bindho3gh en larged-by ivuit or Kfuiso; Boatbcr marks per* ?civttble. ~,Thc otvnctiif desired to conic Efiti, .ward, prtfte properly pay charges and takf &f Av i?TuVK oiherwiee sfie wilijbe disposed ot*c-‘ conjirig lo'lsw. i' 1 ' ' "1" C- ■■ j -sit j““«» * JAMES K.'CALHOPN.^e £Pp^y:otx«r~ of t h'o subscriber. Vi/' Itvingdu SSewlckleyvtp*., Beaver cp>, £a-f on the Bf|fif October, J 861!, a .red cotr, filth- a white face, 6 years: _old;she had Ajell orirand'two on three slit* in the ear; no Ot her marks visible, i The owner is requested to come forward, prorp charges and take her away. . : i| ■;-j ■: A. P.. SMITH. w Noticiß , -|\ ji ,| IS hereby giren that I have been appointed os Surgeon by Iho Pension Department, to examine wounded and inralid Soldietp, dis chargcd from the service; that mj* authority extends 1 to any County, State or Territory, and that '1 am now reody to enter upon the discharge of my.duties. 1 1 ! - | i \ OBOBQE McCOOK; M. ' Oct.ls—tt. ; Examining Surgeon. . '4 3STOTIOE, t' AAEON MOOBE, iof this] Borough I ]* the only Liokksed Acctioxiek in thi»!coun ty. _ He is, at any time, ready to 'perform the duties of-itis office when notified. Any other who attempts to sell at Auction, except jit Ad minisf rotor's sale, does it in violation of law. The penalty is not dess than $6O. ~ Bearer, Dee. 10, ’62. V I ■ ■■ Strq,v. ■ P'H ; /’"'f AME to • the premises of the' subsejiSer, in Chippewa tp., about the Ist of i July, a White Heifer,'2 years old.; The owner is requested to come forward,, property, -pay charges and take, her away; otherwise sbo will bo disposed of. according to Taw. . ~ THOS. | MTKINLET. •: Notice.', - f ' / A; tl* persons having unsettled ?ccoilht J\ ■: with me, or Smith &Collins,within the Inst twenty years, for: Spinning, &0., will please call at the Fallston WoolenFaclpry, before the first - of October, 18C2, and settle the eamo by cush or note. " 'l. i/i : 1 i i _Jyl6.’6- v - _■ , 'f. SMITH I ■ TOBACCO —Anderson’s Fine Cat, Natuia Leaf. Brent's, Bsltmsrs Plug. ndCg . V Vnrf - : - ■; 1/C ' i ELIZA REED, 1 THOMAS JIEEI ! Administrati -A. HEW.r- Ml AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION' • ■ ..i-ii' ' [ pr iriiEi OF KDUfATED M!W. :r . jivter 1 JOIIN sJIIAKT, I,‘L. I)., jj I nnißlin, price 60 cents; p.Tpcfr cor^ 26 cenla.,. ( Copies of .this hoik >vlU bu sejit by niAH pn,'receipt of the priced in postage stamps. (.Wens’ nddrefe. f ; 1 I'M O..OARRlGt'E&3>aWislicr, ■ ,i i l?8sSoUtll Fourth street. I’SiTa, Pa. ! m «r2g- 1;V; j -VI : :[ ■. ■ '{■ -■. -M Arch Street above ' Third, . ;J-1 PHIL A DTvLPII lA, Pa. ; Upton 8/ Newcomer, Prop’r i Ji - , ■' L.' i' * !.' I .i‘ ! ■ I ■ • .. ■ 1 ! 3IIIIIS Hotel in central. Convenient ,by Pas- L senger Railway-Cars. to ill parts of the ty, and• in ' eydry adapted, to the comfort and wants of^ditrTraTelUng.Public. o,' TERMS, .PEII DAY. , r ’ Howe Sewlrtg Machine,” ■;,: • -| : v: sold k' kVV '• A. 31. MI6REGOR, CORNER PENN & 3T. CLAIR STS., H " PITTSBURG, PENN’A., NEEDS ONLT TO .BE SEEN TO BE AP- • . fr^J: '• PUECiATED. J rapaa^em^ i. R. THOMSON. ■' jgpg ATTORNEY AT LOT * Qfiee', coratr of Thrid tirtei and the Diamond. 1/ X'Wft-y?- -/'if , y.:) /- BENTEL, ARBUCKLE &CO. MAIfaJFACTCTEBS OF '■'"/■ . . ; dEAlliy&N-' 5 OIL, : ' ROCHEkrERv VER / COUNTY, JPA. fap2 JEdsifc Ddff. T OST. in Rochester, on' the. 21st of Octo- I i ber, a BlackSlftpherdDog, . with white nm srouml his neck, and;white tip on the end of lib tail; answers! to the name of '.‘Ring.” Any person finding j said dog will be snitably awarded by leaving him at Johnston’s Hotel,, near Rochester Hepot; in at the residence of the subscriber in New Sewirklytp. ner!2 . / } QHR GARRARD. ADMINISTKATOB’S NOTICE. . i - TETEBS lof testamentary ‘on the esfat JLi oi TUoxas Moons, late of Oreene town ship,'. Bearer. County, Penn'n dec'd baring been granted to thej undersigned, ail persons indebted |to said cstatc are requested to make iWncdiata.paymcnt,l and those having claims aaainst the Mine will present them properly authenticated for settlement. . i . 'vv % JAMES NELSON, Hanover Ip, \ ; ■r 1 Administrator. ! \ c. p. or: G. IP. CmnmiilW & Son, ' ' 0| - i '.l,i • j J! ' ' j j/’’] ■ ' OFFER their professional'services as Phy -aicians and Surgeons, to the citiiens of Heaver and vicinity. They ;can always be found, vjrhlen not prolfesSionly engaged, at the ef C.. P.<nwmim, W. P. I i '!:i; ■■■■ [ CL RENE J U COOHE, ; W\ k , iSUBSCRIPTION: AQliN^ ©OOKE it C 0.,; i Bank* -a, ; ?!' h :■* -'fi Philadelphia, Nor. 1,1852. ■ /r J,.i .'j . * : !.;i h.', \ i : * ' THE Undersigned, having been, appointed BUBSRRIPTION AOEXTbythe SecreU ry of title Treasury, is: now -[prepared to fur nish, at once, the*. ' : ‘i j jK, “J: - ■ ]■-. ■,V ■p 1 Neu> ' Treaty \Tear 6 per ct 'Bon is. of the United Slates, designated as “Fi re- Twenties,” redeemable ..at the pleasure of it he Government, after tfive years, ed by Act of Congress, 1 approtedFepruary 1862- j! ‘ji • J* ■ j- 'i ■ | ' The COUPpN BONDS are issued in stuns of $6O, $lOO $6OO, $lOOO. J / j; The REGISTER BONDS.in nuns of $5O $lOO, $6OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. ' ;[ , Interest at Six per cent. .per | annum vfiß commence from date of purchase, and is ,1 - ,'i i-'.’S; ■ , ; j - ■ -i J 1 / PAYABLE Ilf OOU>, . ,i|v. Semi-Annually, which is equal, .at the present preminmbn gold, to about EIGHT.PER GENT. PER ANNUM. | Fanners, Merchants, MechaAss, Capitatigts, and all who hare any money invest, sbaiiild know and remember that these Bonds arcil in effect, a-FIRST MORTGAGE, upon all SHib roads, Canals, Bank Stocks and: fleenriiles, and the immense products of . all the Manufao tures, &e., &oJ, in 'the coufutry: .and the. full and ample provision made Tor the payment! of the.interest and liqnidatioa of principal,]by Cuatotns Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Berennel serves to make these Bonds the i jl i *, Best, Most Available and Most Popular | Investment in the Market. p|l Subscriptions received atPAR in Legal Ten der!. Notes, or note* nnd cheeka of hanks at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by riiail will receive prompt altcnticu, add every facility and] explanation will be afforded on applica tion at this office. ■ j! ' .'*[[ ;• A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. P p;!, ij ; JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. ! $3O. ; Employment $lOO CpMMERCiIAL AGENTSWAfITED TO SEtll GOODS FOR THE AI3DA.MB % | | NEW ENGtAND) ' Hannfa ct using C ompanyv W iWILL iiGiyE.t COMMISSION OF one hundred per- cent, tin all goods sold [by our Agents, 4 br[ we [will! ;if from $3O to $lOO per month and pay aikne eessary expenses. | For particulars addrfeiis with stamp, '\t'\ i‘.:| i' 1 :' ! . v^«mA4.ltWQCLES,.Gen.’Ag’ifj:' For the Adorns Manufacturing Cp. T -l)clriot, Michigan. ; ' i ■ ;*j ' July 2, 1862. , jV ,• JAS:& GRIERSON . : ,]T | ■ •>!v\j\^^»tSB'Alsik| : ■ j’, , Grocer; & fomiaJsslon IHfrcbnnt, ■■ , !■ I; 'Also,Dealer ii^' j"--: I: "I EBED : ip.l fr'Na 8 s.Mitiifieli) st., ■•■■■ opposite the Mciuongahela nohsc.! I T•: V: j'fj PITTSDUKOII, PA.-.j ]/■ a ■ Roy. R. T; Tfaylor, A. Ml; Prin. ; ■ Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Governess. 11 1 jiiFIRST CLASS SCHOOL FUR THE RDU /Vljcation of |Foung Ladies. Special care: given; in the Frimdry and Preparatory De partments. ' j 1 ) ;i'|. ■ ' :i '' . Atl| expenses, except Tuit ion and Washing, per srpt of fourteen weeks.J....sBB. op' Tu,ition.from to|sB 00. : I Nd'cfiorta spare*! lo make the school worthy of flic, confidence of jits, patrons. ■ ! | J£ii“ Send fyrja’Catalogue.. , | tgj,Thenexl term commences Pec. Hfß, 02.: B%A n'ovS. ■“! i usa,- u. cum; i IN PI-itOGECNIX L(iOEL\(j4L4SS & IICTUIIE i fiklE MANUFACTORY,. NOS. 221 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, ' -173 S 176 OBANd STREET AN»2I6 CENTRE SXUEE. ■ ■ EPTA I Hf.ia[iF.DIBSB. • N. V. estabusked 1838 fTMIIS Establishment hag bedn : in successful JL j operation-fur 24 years, and is th 6 largest of the kind in the United States. We have on hand or manufacture toordcrevory description T>f Looking-glass; Picture and Portrait! Frames, Plain and Ornamental Piijr, Woll/Oro} & Man tel Glosses, Coiincctiag! Cornices, Base] and Bracket Tables, with Marble Slabs, Tcilet Glasses, &c., &c., &'e.. Mouldings for Picture' [Frames, in lengths suitable tbr transjibrtafion, either Gilt, Bcriing,- Rosewood, 1 Oak, ZcWa, Birdseye, Mahogany, &c. Our new manufac tory jand extensive facilities usl to furn ish slhy article in! our lino as good,as the (best, cheap as Jbo. cheapest; ;: I || i Dealer* Orelnvited lo cal! upon ut ■When lhey risitjNcw York. We'claim to he •hie jtri supply ,t 0; 'supply them with every arti cle in bur [line which they can possibly purchase elsewhere. I j' . !;■>•;,- V’l ' ; 'V ;■ : T'A.,T Orders by mail, attended to ‘ 'with pron ptness. ‘ Dunotfail to call when you'visit New York. '• -ii- i' : •' if -l.i. Ojpco fi Wareroojks, A r o. 215 Centre si., A', K jf HORACE V. SIGLER, Antnu Ma 7 jj-j-S raos. ■j] ‘j 1 . ■ ■ '■; , LONG marches, (ore and stiff joint*, blip: >■' cd and inflaftleti feist, all there Ihesoloi. r must endure;MOTHERS,REMEMBER THIS. ■ when your sons atr-egfasping their ipuskci >■ "• o meetdanger, think'wbat relief « j»Lt isf.tin■-./ ALL HEALING "4' COOLING Salves will give to the one you lore when fan away from 'Lome. - and friends.. It hardens and makes tough the feet so that they can. endure great (at i pile.. It soothes arid relieved the iuliamcd and joints, leaving them supple, strong lu..U vigor-’, ous, while for |; j sabre cuts AND GUNSHOT . ■ a;t stands unequalled,’removiVy and every vestige ofyinCamiuatlon, jandAgontl'f ■ drswing a the;cdgcaj together, it ant! r j completely heals the most frightly wounds I WIVES AND SISTERS OF OUR-YOUINr i ri;j/; !: : ;> J, TEERE/ . . v : To can notpul intothc.Knnpsacks of yum H , Husbands and Brothers; a -mote valuable' ■ more necessary gift than a supply of 1 this : EXTR A DII DINARY MILITANT SALVE ' ( The lonely s«ntry walking -, iv night, exposed ho drenching ■ rains and ' chili ' . night air, is often sciicd the mast VIOLENT • PAINS, COUGHS ■ and SUFFOCATIN'- HOAJISNKSS, first symptoms of; QUICK CON SEjSIPTION, hut if supplied ;«[iiii , VHGL]i, , - : WATS PILLS and djgsfov MENT, all danjm- is averted.a few Pills lijfrii ], : Heaver Cmintv. . f ni B^ f ? nil and the ointment briihiV'; L_i : 1 _ ~ ;i ,■« i ■■■! rubbed twice tv-,day.over, the throat and ■ c-KP’-j. fTwl the Orphans Court in aqd for ,;said wiU remove the'SEVEREST' I ’AIXS nrKV"?U]f' .Jj-Cbunty, before theiHon.: Judges of said the most diMressingorTiANGEßOUS CClte}: 1« In 4hc,| matter of ;thcipei|tion_fOr Thefbre we.say 1 to the wholc-Wimy. , i partition of the jeal estate of Henry Toy, SOLDIERS ATTENTIONi: JW $$ P** Scwickly townshipil said county, ; See. to yoitr own health, do - no; trust to UN - i ■ S" i' *; "d: r Army supplies although most voidable. .Their t &«j#,-.t«Wr l ts Nov- 12, : ;1862, on m«|tiori the PILLS and OINTMEiNT hare been ihdrkughlf . : ;■ Co:url grant Rule on the hpirs land , tested, they arc the, only-rem/dies useli in ti,‘ legal of sniddecd,, to wyi: Etiropc.nl t'ani'fls and Dana ok-, iVn- Over To: rf-- MAtyl/py. .(widptvjtxNlelissar inteilnarrihdf ‘ Doctor Holloway hris (nth Stanley W. Freed, ofßcavcr cd'.; ' James 1 armies in Europe, lind during the (,'lif •? , Toy. 1 (dead) leading a.wiaojv Caroline, land CAMPAIGN be'*established a uej.u «i ‘ - •• children John, Henry and Jamevßeaycrco,:—' clavn,: for the exclusive siilr -ot (i;r,+ i; ;; .it ’ »?hh who residcsin Washington county; Henry REMEDIES, I ime ho n,.v;t. l p ; , .wljo resides in Illinois; S-William,;, Ephraim, there- ■«w ‘m WckrN',,4 »e(d Eliiaj who isdead,lehyhlg Ointment 'jiicw: C-. i/ • >. 4 daughter, Nan;cy Jones, .vyho are | minors lal^i hi ' V. : T Above 14 years, all reside in -Bydvcr c)• John -DlAll, SCItRaCI- 'UEf , Toy, tvho rcsidesjn Waslimgfoh cp.;j Ephraim ifnil SCROFCXODS ERUPTIONS. - hVif'div.-vV Toy, who resides in Indiana; j Kahcyr Jones, pear like a clianji before these PIII-S ~v daughter ofVEliia ; Joncs, daughter, of said OINTMENT, and bow while- thf C-i iiujps. -defd.,l leaving a hueband 'and throughout, the . W child Nancy wlioTesiiloa in Misgoui-ij Henry , . : TO AKmSI TO ARMS! Toy vho re.-'ides in Illinois; Sears : Do not let these, brave men .perish -by dis— married, Sears, who jftsides in case; place - ibq their hands .'these PREClOrs.,'. t P h, Vra. whoj result's inl.lpdjjjna; REMEDIES;. That 'will emibltnliuni; to icsi>t WißumToy, whd resides in Beaver pblH'i'VJ lie dah^rtms - ;eipVsuvcA, ihl f: qastorj mtemarried toJknjnminXjmlpr, who Chills, al ,d the;. wounilj»whicli they carihol., resides in Indiana—and aU others inti reeled, avoid, an.ti v.'hat is mure, ctuui'oM'feciuentiy ;-i s - ■toshew Cause, if I any they have, w|iy tin 111- Succ..;- in themomenl ql need,' wheiicns jl I- 1 i paHjtion of the real c;it»tp of brave men: have’only td put their 'hnqd s Du);® said deceased, should ndt ])e awtirdet. at au- theivNuapsacks;om.l find there.a BVr.e -Orphans Court tb.be held oii the third Monday f or allithebasuaTiiesVi] the battle field. HandM o' next, j ,■ j . i-i 1 , f' many tiMnisandsOf HySs wouhl thus be yivcd' f A'druo copy qf Rule.; ■ , - perish before relief cousd 1 ' Attestr, ;A. U. M-CREART, CVk; ,bo " ■ ■; ' declO-, ■ -i| ' • . ' nj-[d . . .j •; . ■M—■• vf .• •!»■ 4 u_i • jDAITTIO??.—^°f c Epnume • unless JsettveV , C3<>lXll't'V 'this's i r '- the.tioWs Xft? York, and lMiOon,\. t-.h! „ , i. ‘j . arc discernable, as a w.atkr-mark'in every leaf I N tllip Md for Leaver 0 f book of directions around each .pot -or ■ ■ •eiiunty, the R OJ t; tlie'same niAydwiplaiuly seen.’by iiotd-vi. i'res.f nb and htS off said , A > V/| P ; reWard «iiil 1- n ! I r Li ?" l i l< d, n 'i c v, o^- * S .bc:givhh,td any one vcndcrlhg such’’ informal. ' rcvl estalc of OeuVge.Cnin. - . ,; on a 4',Jnay lead to tlicTdetebtion of. anjapnmr. { ‘ F * .; N f'. SY . f oriparties t-ounterfeitiiiglhenicdtcines onVemir '! < ?X■ •' , .9 a j , i is \ cr knowing tlicm to lie tpurious. ’ '■ in right .of said EsthenrCNmi-,!!. the MaHufa«->rv of Prol&set ana l,lanna!ib. 3 ,rvife. in right of s.tul Il.|innal! : Lanc, New York, au^ Nancy hnd Mnry.C.am, and heirsi of faptca iVi-l aUTespeetable. Dnifeists and DealW ii - C! ip |rvh v di«a ptior.to tl,c said ■nteslatel ti> J MediciT^^tl»f o Hgboui Die bivilized fi, wit: Margaret, mampd H- -James [M Cn Ibch; r at Asj. cn ceils and $i eaeif. - ! . >J).ry Warned, to James .d . Jbhrtstom . Agnes , Tb hW is;cnn B ld«table having r„ fakinh ' 'i 1-n ,0 . 1 B !lrn s;j ( j eorpe,; Elijah and tL^r g Cri , s 4 ze6 . . p b : Aijenitn. the las. ,fwo biing. minors over 14, a^ vß fc.j)iFect!<»n S M “rile guidance -it {.and aU. whom.rpstde. m Deaygr-counir, ex- W hts=mTvcrv disdrdef'fefiaffise®'to ctelt' nix 'cept-M:krr # who. rictuses co.. o.,iana ; j • iriverc-Mcil, You, anil cajjx —r~ -' : , i offybu.jire lercbyj'cii.tcl :to l»c uni appciar-’be- '■ h' t : /oile the Hon. efroui* Cojurtl at , i V Wjv'V/ i ' .1 • Bearer^atan Ornljaln s Court, tube, held f IVf AI/E OS FEMALE UcMonUavof\l:irt k iinolt,ibhccclitorrefusethe ■ ‘ ” -* v • «.eor ? e- Ca|ti, tlcc’d.; Steel FU’ic]C<mvtu Colorol : at-ctm 1 iiue|>em<cnC6 at-tlie, . ■ I valuation*j*uffup6a it, W-an'fniquVst ■ -UrltJp.Oj the | j duly aWjUrdcd iy *oiir/?3iii C^url 'an.d reiiirriciT ■ and 'jS'.CU' J]THUSf£iC%,- j hy It lib Sheriff il> LScpt.cmh.er ./■ completed Aug. l().l I Term, ISti-, aiivl f*)uhd to as ■•l.Bo2;.^cost, S2o,ypo to ,! .cc|wVe%, '■'c’ill one! j 11/ij acres 71 percLics, aad.va3ti*[U at. 1 l.iiy time! ‘ 1 'j- .1: acre, iiiid in -the ijvcnt - to map' - ever.inado L ; ciuiso who ti e same .‘•IiOUM nVr be,4ulii. M on or MitoJielh flli'i sells at the low price, pf ' ili-eir hii! not. i S*^ l ” , |'Fifry Cemf,' 070. W0 r nuniT? are engraved ■mt j V'itre|ss. llb|n HanjVl AgneV, this mstp. r - , V ' - \ _ ‘j of iaid Coupt, at Beaver, thi.<i2tli day of N6v. 5 It is notorifyp Cofiftty it is«lso ; ftL 180_v, s ! fdcclo] U: G. M (fREARV, Cl’k, [4, COUXTT^^vIJAJ LIiOAB 4,;-- , L . - r .- '. l ■ [ - 'id, ■- - ; jof the L T .'B. & Canadas comtdncd in One. ’ A Rare Chance for a Good Investment, iEyery.RailrpadSlation and distances bi-t-yfou 1 -.fj :■ >; iT. { jr."| -itr- Giiarantcc ally woman or nmn i-ii liyfi-. pc—J 1 I -i -F':o R S'jfc'li E' •;■/ ■<ltfJ',:-uat|;triH - »ilte haelc.»R - ]pitps thiTtfaiitiio’t.! STOCK AND iFINTURES WK. .Y hejtold and refund thb money. W : . STO'Er; in a .gbod a’lsrae - ''l WOFtI , ' tl- J- ./' - •. ' f “ , run oftcffsTon ; wit I; in 1■) miles .sift !,' * minted instniclions how tq 'cr.nv.'i.-; weii , i .'Fiftabeirgl Jilsti ini tiihe foriFnii and Winter. f u^n i '* c J a ‘Lbur ftgents. . ff' ' ' . dTrade^Btdckid o w) unsalable' i for our mepS: in ; - si I Tcrnislcasy. .a| mpn of limited England,'.; »1; g and.dwelling hoti&r for sale or rent.Wt‘l>"htindFc^^qllaw.cttpital.' •, Ab. w «yf ess %. ,LAU Allegheny CiTg Try (fifing, Xir 14 . real irir.iuc. nad staling; vrhere an interview' War usest©iirmqp;Of A jr.- can be held T | i- - "; Oct-Jlo. ■»^?“d'.«»4.pciw»ylt^ln,«^«l<io^4 1 .i.T ■■-■ - g ■ : - J •'. . 1 000, pnbwhich is. marked Anticlam ili;e»4v . : : TSSTi'l»T’fr r' I 'TP -i V Sharpsturg; Maryland Highis. \VilisiCspm-l , ■ s - Tew-Hhorersville,-Noland's'Fqv(%-l^fj;aU -Ar“ r Dhaving business uatir the. oliiers on the Potbnlac; and’ every oilier'glace ' A\_j s.lbscri&if -wHI. .please call with Wr 0 Robert T,iljQiv,s:who|ja duly,aulliprizcd ,to $X- : M ll v ('} ’ tend my absence. kAIso KENTUCKKrTOirtO, w ■and''ti;i. > i hdvingunsottkd-accountsMvEl call- al the ■bhlgaiW&ity f6i-,Gon-.'R6secra"hs ami and make settlement as soon:iTs possible; As theiTSr Depffflmettt. i 'Money' rett-mu-d '•* i it becomcmy. duty to .leave home fid Hie anv one-finding an - error in"it ’ ■ purpose! bf'scryingsniy' couptTy, I Imjpo .ntyA. . I . From tlie TribOne,'Aue. 2. , T JcustbniCjrs .will stiHgivOttt-hhir patroringc. as : - *yltotn’r.»Ap' - or-.V|jloisu,isutt!AXP ; *“ un V. n si tl,e y lo "d*t tImsho^PE^iYLV A very large: u- J son,,,James, tah-y«rcl. . is bul 25- cents,’ if is the leK t, h.r}. ?&».* sepJ, 18(j2. i , Jt?iTN D. BTORES. ,■ be jnirduit'd." - " ' : ; ■ i ' Ti fjoyikt Of?at die-p ot \he o A’.; fhaini Actual Surveys by Capts; Earl and V; m BownkTliVsissippir River Pilots, of St.'to'-.-. 'Mm, shoiys crcTymanVplantntiomai-.d on . name from St.' Louia.fO.thb Gulf ol M.m- - l;3uo;4miles-kcvory' isandjbai;, isliiiu!,' i landing; inhdiall places 20 . miles back ’ • river—colored in counties ami rSrai e , i’)i ■ - $1 in sheets. S 2. pocket form. 'r. i, „ linen, iwith rollers. .Ready Septa -' * Ai/17/ Ihpurtment, Washington, -^cp!. 10, 1>- - 0 J. T. Lloyd—Sir: Send ihc join- M-ip • :!■; Mississippi 'River.- Willi .price per iiiii Ovi u' cojiie.H. Itear-Adir.iral rimrles If. Davis, com manding the Mississippi squadron, is author ized to .purchase as many as arc required (b-. nso of-that squidron. J !. GIDEON WEI.I.S, Secretary of the Nuv- MEE _■. /t| Bank [or Bbavek .CorxTT, Y ilNeyißiigliton, Nov. 4, 18C2. r j *A , DjtTDBSD jOF FOUR VER CENT. iCll ®“ «ho .Capital Stock of fhis Bank, for Abe past *l. months! libs been declared this day, payable to stockholders or their legal "rdprev .f«t«a»Mhost.;DbhANb. ‘.Thisdividend itviil bo frie |<tff the 1 Unitedj Tax, the Bank haring assumed the payment of the same to the Government;, EDWARD HOOPS,; ' i | hovlO’pa ■•,j v : .1.1. j Cashier! ’ | AJWCIJISTBATpK'S NOTICE, j T BITERS of administratiori tipon’ the esj I J tate gf Mariaii [A. W. Eakis late of Big Bcarei* tp. 1 , Beaver Co., Pa, ,t-dic'd, having been granted to. the undersigned, [all persons knowing themselves indebted to i said estate are requested to made immediate paymept.' and lhose having claims against tbc same will present them properly authenticated" for set tlement. j HUGH MARTIN, Darlington tp,, ■ novl i . : ' M Administrator. >1 notice. ~ r THE Cp-partnership heretoforecnsting fun __ [: det-Ihe name and style of A. D. Oillilpnd,, J>;:w; Brighton,, engaged in the ibusinessl of m ‘rchaiidlac, was duly 'dissolved bn the ItltV diy of April, 1802. Hie Books will be settled: at the. sipro of : M. Gilliland. All persons' knowing tiiemsolves indebted to. the late fim, will please call Add settle immediately, as the Books will bo closed without delay. 1 V ' [ A. D. GIEULAND, 1 t- ; : • M. GILLILAND, . Nerr Brighton.Mayl'.), ,1802., y'-ij,. ■ > Confessions & Expedience of an Invalid. •OUBUSHED: or tneloenetit and os a Worn-1 ingjaiad axe uiion o youq&jucn who.siif- i te.r from Nervous Debili y, Premature Decay ! &ci,supplying at the same time the means ol > SelfrCare.j By . One Who has cured himseli ■ after being put to great ieipcuse throughmed- : ical imposition and quackery, . By enclosing a • post-paid jT"dressed envelopes, single copies j may be 11M of (fie author; NATHANIEL | MATFAIR 1 , Esq., Bedford. Kings 0., N. V. - )! 'li m»r26:jly, ‘ I.A. [IX3, X. D. FC!= Tilt SOM'S Ti.lE FiCU S ALWAygREADW vf . ' HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. MILi O A, To WN SE ND I>EAI,Kn IN B O O KS, i> TA 'TfOXfriiV, •psitieir, Tots A#b SFABCt ARTICLES no6l Sp BKI^IITOX,vP A . v 1 ADM INIST RATO R r S N OTI CE'. LETTERS of administration upon the es tate -of Sasi’i, Wilson, laic of Raccoon township. Reaver county, dcc'd, Having boon granted to the undersigned, all 'persons ;n- y: debtcd_ to eaid estate arc requested to make' immediate payment, and those haying claims againstthc samb .n ill present them property i[ authenticated forsetllcmenf. V" ( ■■ _ : M.’KEKB, R#wpgii|p., Bee. 3, fBG2. r A daiin istra t oi 4 ./- ADiIIXISTRATOii’S KOTICE: 1| li"! ETTERS of Administration oh I the estate li of j ohk: CpkBTXKY, -lat V-bf: the| bor> ; ; ® U S“ «■ Darlington-, Beav.er-County; Pe'nn’a/ V „ boyipg becn granted to Ibenndersigned/. all persons l indebted, to Mid estate are request, to payment;, and those bavins claims against -the Bamei VriU present^ properly forj wUlemenU : J<WNjT, cnrETNEy, Darljagtia, f no »IS , 'Aawnig&Hiw. .JJ 7- i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers