r I= M gekdiantown telegbaph. lid A Agricultural Journal; DEVOTEDTO -C.IIOXCE: I,JTEKATirIRE] IKciuDING * ; Pbeiry, Novelettes, Tales, i AXD 3®OR AL :AND ENTERTAIN- j ; IXG READING GENERALLY, /.j In the Lit crr.ry - Department wp ■ Bhaiij-prd-j dent the cjiqiccst Varieties'whhinihcTca'ch of i par xtciemietl means. The Novelctlcs, Talcs, j .* i>octVy v ie.. bhalDhje supplied front the best j " sources? and beeqaahjo anything" jarto7B"e found iirany : jount#d p’rmiagji'iiue. Agriculture and Horticulture,, * *fi •. : n EMpKACI^O ~ v- ' Far.'ninliGardehfng, Fruit-Raising; &c. In af cpmlacud. on the J'Jla! ‘..1. end-mwi f aj.*pfovtd j j MS Our labors in Ibis <Up;jrtiacnf ftp over thir .... ty'vcars. have moa 7 ;bey'Kdial approbation of ithc puidi(h±- (lfi£ j&rposVbr.» hera'to furnish jldiscful. ri-'J irelilvle ftpon, these :' -t.cH - - in i pcrtnr.f. hj'rr.ohoS of indusiiA-.and to ■ protect them so far as within .cur power .. -.-i - -- -.apair.~: tlcfalse doctrine:; stfd selfish purpos-. '■• ’i;*MiTV' C4IR . es of the ir.aov empires and sensation-adven- VANITV pAlri i.-turers hv .the ranu'er as- -is ttrni i..«u.T_p i ; nr TBeuaniv. _ eai'c* -Thjy portion of the OfAaho tea T&- hud is for bale ny, ttn_Newefi-.cn. and Jt the -f he’worth U [? - -as- every FaraJS^aiiil^ar^cner,j c j : ■ - : j. { ’ proper" coreeptica of hU calling, . V j■ ; -} vSlliicfitUh'' admit. • * i v J. , TEia^i . -r«. 1 hr<M! dollars i'er fcniiuni, jin advance—Sis NEWS MPAfMENIvf H B *? I fo K ‘ ; , ■• ■ . ’ : | T’.vo copies of V.vxiTT'FAiR yyitllicsent to ; Tho,:-.arne industry, care, antidiscrimination. | owe addicss nr.. ■f' J BO ;in ;;:f; rri :ill ; ■ V've (.-‘pb;.;...... - - ,r)l "Jof-iEe Par’ expressly forlhls. paper.-hi Idcb >. -. ;i'cu copies. if.]-•■•■••■. ..--d Mf. •bhiicrtb, ks: been 011,1;' of its marked feanircs ! , Kxtro coj.y-ivitTl)c- ailoyrcd to thcgetttr . and girky E)> ur.iveiEfil, satisfaction, tvitf |i> Ki y 'Out,.ofrinn lea#'[ban -five copies.. _ xcmimted wUfi'.red/nble-l efforts ii> meid 'thc-ir -s- I fab-casin': dbiatid/of- I lie public, Tlib labor,; , Tliis ; paperfis. lilcciroiyptld, land numbers Vii^rsi-r.* J ilcrai*iir.cut w never l.*c }'-r.:-eu*c - u at :iuy.tnv.o| , ' predated reader, it *vdiitti be lip.— l j '.* - 1.01 Oi it- SX^-3 poW.blo present, iliojkpdeiisctl and cart?- j d'ul.n<iier for;tire.ProprStioij.<; 31*5 Sansau-st. - fui'srbi.vle-iro /orni.iri .'-WMcb if appears. -: ; Nc.r-Vorl:. fc'irrueiinlmasi. otvaii ,t inmost.. interesting j - H*;.- p." ‘ * af -thei-wcdt. involving I i- ■- • '£* -! ,^V V - Sie ; ;1 IMpEIfING POST. We annes the witfeh;jt\- b'=|ip,‘~;,r.* the _j i?ara to call' nttenlibntbf all wild think jjf - AVESTER N; P E X-X-’itaT V “ subscribing s>f a newspaper: , V |j.. . And die only Iminwratie Lnioit Sbcel in >,'i f Advance -Cash .Terms. y-=-‘ ; ,yt r c r t-' One,copy,, one year. ;be eiipx. ’Jirec dJvi IMIp, 1> 1 b '?< J.Pyib p'tlivuccopies. oi.‘.-ryi-:ir, c.-Cfbf It cpuiaius all t!s e~r"l-11 111.XT OF j’Coplco. One: Vcar, .bS.OP: Ten, ( ppij^S-TIU; I)AY reliable, >b.ne!fiiy. : liarket_iiu<l ’One ;.Tac!ity'Copies, Unas il eifi ; t'uiunisie-ir.’. fypoHs njid n <jly>:cc’' scb;c:i'>n -of . $28,'00. ]r' • i ■, ~ ;V' ■.•Talcsii’onTy; kriei.riiieiilioie?. : I - ggap-Siibscriptinn riot paid'tvitliin tbe rear. i‘ ' . ; V:iliiu'i!V Siaii'ilr-il iiilbimr.nou, :' jJ : $2.50,- ■•• ■ ■ . f-' i;pr | , | .Vuricub u.j’.'t ws. >‘.c.;' ’ A riiib of fiye subscpibei'?, at n?, -wiU 1. - . | ■ ~p - i : a 2 V. .>nt4Ue lU>jjv;!n a copy for .| ■ , Ifho i LaiCSt Tel6yapbic; Ne\xS. V six montbs;. a of ffb pr ninre.-to a, copy :''£ in bv a , r .ll'cm of .2S'e\ys. ■ for .pue'year.. AlTClup iitksbip'tions ■ =tbp]'\sl ; u i.n'i li.Orl.’Si’-j, !t\':'.gvc;M.u;r.l at lire eiid of the tiiaS raid for; unlcsa rt-or-j ; I lii'iclligeiv.-c. Tro- : tlercd. y. V,- ■; •■ . -.' _ '. . ! 1 ' ; cepdingsy iyc.'JU.-c. . s ,- rvill ieceivc'attenliori; unless cel »Jj. ul *,%/«.(.Vp; acoiimplisilisi with the eji-b;- ■_■ :; ■■- i . i■ ' ‘ fSpy-,,.-r m- «.vr; •■/«> tju,-.: ’ -E®-bbeeimen numVors'sVnt to,applicants, j \pp r ,r.- ? i . .TiTiKSd' T.-OIU. Pilli.lP R. FREAS, .V-. L'~. J■ iviiir.r and Troprietor. ? Editor and Proprietor/; j Corner,Fifth r-ndWc.yd Ms...nitf<burg ra. GtT*ji'in‘.oirn, ‘ ' r . x°t ir biiincy by mail at my risk. iiUW BRIGHTON HETEEAj, ; TO. COUNTRY DEALERS. ••• ; ■ Av- : j-f _ . 4 &} t of>l''2sool;s and.rUddvtU;‘l/ at VTI,ViotV AN AfJYLXJM FOR THERE CEP - ; . TIOmcURHeAND ‘TREAT- I; Tlio *•’«]«■r -I.sts ihvm on- lltiml ■ MENT & ife J{av *. iptoddtvwrs . , _ ' DIgpRUER. ;..i /PrtwictiG Granvu^:'^-^ and Chrome Diseases. | AS; m|, - -EiGLrSIVEI^ r; ;FOR.-TTEMAIiES. [iiik sbni.l-CirkutVct &c.. ... r . ■•[.'••■• - .‘, ; -■-■■• < j • U'lnal ■ ' Moodsj. THIS WtitutiijßViilow open'.' for the rceop- i ttncfioil and eieliv,cml lof stay .]>urt <»11 < that. care, lui'i tteatment-of the.i/T'/';.))-i ( j u , v . , G.VViS’. 1 tlaii hints who are laboringjundey j ! 7:V \Y777wI it.. •Pittslmrylv| .* - mental* derangement ; or.c£lier htrvous and j . . -| ch'runic disease.:.--,We faiakc spSei.nl mention °G ~ ~ ■ i. MI j \y,'Sricketaq::-, Fitti-Vp i , nerv.ous".and- ch’gitlic'diseases. from the fact.. " ' l - elii-U.r., 1 ■ j l,l J*- 1 . >r .tli at .seven tenths of tbe-fomale patients ’.lint! ' . > , r ’ _ ' arc commit public -Asylum 4 !, to ..jie. MiLl.Pi* A HIP.Vf J , j. Jiieaicd fur uisf.vdtsed minds, age reduced” to IS'II A J F.fl H 'f.l- MilMPl’-DC 1 1 UiUib.-3tS, I. .civil--., treatment tof ..Artitiic 4ti<r nervous', tli.v j - {, ! . V . cases, all ptesical disorders. in: the majority; . . ■ r.r. J I : - i oftcascs nin\\!.c eots^rcir:^!&d thus. tlteiuhul: i . ! . s j ll , ~ G ; I'j fy having s'ffcre.i ttiroa-i. the ntciiujit-df the,Brandies. Wines! and' Segars, : bpdy Ijv.-iH when free Iruin-llijO.; exciting i ; *-J, ■ <-.-(• --• "i : | - ? " s pliyshSh cause. throw off the 1 sliftcKcs ditti | ‘ J -C>£ f-f J.U-ftTv $-Ir«>n *H, : ', \ Uns to worse'rltaniiii.lnijrht'ilarKncrs?, (■ *.-;. j““ " ~~■-'pj'Ti'i’A- ! } :Tea?elt inorc.-Trenmc Hs, stvny.G- ; >:■ ~ •,. i: clotUed ifeTl hcr.uty nu(U>a*tiitc<l! Iron, ?<ai.s l ; .o.tou at... t. •■> jL.' r ' ■ e'xceliciice.- ' Hence of all j'■ j J ; : . who tlie_ predirpo.;Vif:_ or j ~,73.^TJ, ‘ ~ . •- -. ti. ini-| .-f- .-11 Vvr.'■ ■gi y) |\'\| |!|l 2?'” | '..paM- to-..resort _ to a'ti earlv f.ar.ii |., ! • »JVfiillolli\! '• ; .i ■ jti<lit3S'u?cpttrso.of rcir.c«iial ageuts, .- I ~ | ■. _ ?i ' ■ : ' ; JhS IrstUutinn U» ftrjtc hrkk j (Jfßerdi t’OmilriSSlOil v AlCTCliaill I ' wnli a-?tT>nc basemont— aiul j ‘ . j . i : well vcnnlatoil. bi» shuatclV»n an-I'lovuir.l} .j_ ' * >■;'•••. , . > //••?,! V ' table* laud -which commands. ; \ n J'iOllT. Gf.it ( ~ town— lull^— 0 & .Pi'odil* "f, . £ tut ' \ . of wWcit afo cakularcd to |p>-o : | do. . j ■„ She oisoriter; j tvj vt ,i, 0 2fT stroo I , ’Si? lltstitufuin is complete: m. Gl pf iis ajp- 1 3c3-3hgilj3i<3L©llsrS33Llj£EL/ ■ ! C p.ratKUT.-■'.. Havine: been toilrluliy i.’li'.l v.p , ndratices made on canvi-ei.tncnts at gract expense. morJer t.lint .il nrty meeTl . , ; .', nug i'B. ■ j tbctSppriMiafiiu tiud views ot-tlieir.fsCfastidi 1 1' ' ‘ ; ■■- > . ;. 1 * u !:, *1 t i- .- . . !j, o. vvii-sos. s,b. ji’rMtoj. James Fi.nlat Tire Witter closets anils.l,nuhtng r.ppnrnius.l ' ■ , - -■ ■ ; 1 I- , linve. been gotten itp iiji'oh lhe'n;o.-t approved'} ‘ -7 -o-. . . h* - ' . , inodera kcicntlfic'r'rincip'es, ,Tti< iit-paitmient i '1 v S-L. ' iifew--." .. •_ _ : - nnlifaocs. not only , the ordinary. bnili.s lint. | OA]\J- Tl ] s f I I)flVi Pfl Ay ' also, ayeTriing! I JjMli\. Hi EjLllO I XiWtt v srjlOdcseending oV /D for tlietcbre elf.', .-trial j** ti-IUUII I JJUUUI MMIWH rind’ successful treatment, of cittaaer.us and | -St., aether scrofulous diseases.. .•' . U. - - - i ’ ’■ “ . Vve lujg leave to say-ji'alV.tliorc «3;/> may tc j. RTT^ 1 I ‘IFn '• ’ dispiosed ip, commit the, hitCresbL of a Sear! Hvn- nrir -thar of \ wih?. «5 fetcr'-or ■d a ugh t cr.* t«> dnr charpo—may j'T\*n*tr S'\ >vt\ C\ • ‘ - ’'ha iivrtittd ■ that uo means be ■ spared or ’ill |< V M -*-f 11-f I ) ‘ ij-aii!;iug’ou our part ro niaelioratc their ’y/" * 'J ’ condition cr to otfeef a restoration to tboir ac- C r, t'nplctO. jlimiCO.incMUs rustf.mqd bealtli add vigor'of iidtr 1. , / I - ■-ed To GaslGfcdtyvlV; (raKlO • t-or (uribcr piuti_cular J setui for a, cirealar. j; L.. h All communications sbonld.be addressed Mo.- \i--> , H. RKNIHIk K, .M. Do £ 6upt. oT Jvew Brigbtr.n Reneat ’’"k New Itrightun Bcayct; t'o. Pa , f V ‘"d v norl2’C2. ESE ko;llock-,s ■ ■ Dsin'clelioiiC off e£v - preparation, made from the I«VP3.vva' I .Coffee, is reconnnended "by physicians as a supcriorNpTßlTlOL'g BEVERAGE r«rOcn- Debility,'Dyspepsia; imd all billions disor-, ders. Thousands who hayosKecn coinpclled ho Abandon the-use of coffee,! will use t his withi ,”dnt‘ injurious effects. OheTcan- contains tfic >tr eh jr! two pound- of : ordinary, coffee. ■ Price 25 cents-.- t ' . ,t . ; KOLLOCICS. J.&VA-TX. . *' ’ The purest and best-; BAKING POWDER ■ TtuXwh,! fori making light, sweel and nutritious , Bread and Oak®; Price 15 cents. L Uamifactnred .by ' ' ' P—Ms llJggt'LOCK, ChcmisC - V . t Corner offßccamAnd Chestnut streets, ... > i- 1 P PHILADELPHIA, .'t And »qld by all Druggists and Grocers. mar 2«. ' ' . • 'S. ME pf RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, - ADJIM JOITXSOX, PRO’K, j -.'-i.T ■ : ti’V# *mt v V I' ft i p ; FRIENDS ANDRELATIVES VA« 11 rAI n • I p,i;j ; . ofrug. .*» ■ •‘This is the first'i•clever coral j-apd;i BRAVE SOLDIERS 'AND SAILORS. : ' “S' ll And pintidfsni ;• sgul. 6w i 4: Lti WUOhaTb Fricniisand Eelativcsin the j A or Navy, should take eipecial care j „ . : mat diCT.be amply supplied with those. Tills oarer 5, . .'licfaarkable'l and Ointment ? and where r • ’■?•■ v y TravfUrr : ! "t fth*J Sailors haie neglected to provide_lhem -xS&t'i'vn is conducted by'a vtocioWj rdvcswU Intern, no better present can U t sent < ■wit I Vania intelligent’-corps -of r‘bem by rbeir friends. Tfiey proT - ", bWs tr.ead.rn TOOPM- W&-clfPiWgbing/at the | .]»«**• . .ally w>l of Vaa-itil'Fa.c,! and does .not *clu?h a ; opted by i.wng these medscifeand I Jid pro ? w..rs!fit for HrwsbfiJ ahd *pW.”h- proper .m«r.t.TO to tbclf.^Tion.- T f Cwh • 1 ‘ i [which frenttnchcdAtb each Pot or Box. >-• j ' iV * —'*T ! " '' v IsiCK -hKADACIIEriAXI) WAN^OFAPFE- I TITK INCIDENTAL T(J fcOLWEKS. , j :=^The, »c tedinga which so siidden us, ariee from trouble or annoyabcee, obstructed , perspirntion, /or is unwholesome. thus, disturbing, the healthful notion of the liter and sloiabjch. * Thes&.or-j puns must be relieved, if you uehirctobe tfeU.] The PUh*, taking HCpnrdingAol thc pHrited in- 1 >tnictidn.*,' will ipiickiy a produce a, healthy action in both and stomach,, and .as a natural consonance a dear bend aiidgoodap-', polite. ■- ! ~\j ■■ ' ■ - ■■ -1 WEAKNESS OK DEBILITY INDUCED BY ISM I' \ ! v SPECIAL SOTICEr— ; I i r • ! ■ .-~v; L: - ‘ - I inarked and llaiterfngrr.cccrr wlj-rfli ■ ■lias ” thui-iW, attended thcj' pnWicati&ii’.- <?fj H‘ ’’• ••/‘VASiTr..-F.vlßj ! ’ ..'jf:-- •, J j 1 EanlSeaitiie publisher lb th>t. 'with ■ ■!;ihe copi«ne«c*iacnt'Of the Sccjoud iVohitae, is-. iSuSULii* 'V*P- With .Tunc, NeVf Features, both j I.i'lol i.rfarid i.«iic. will be introduced, wlfieli Will Increase,! .c value ajiU. iuicrcjll of the pi ! per, unit; tbq proud position j ununiJHOUily acboiled oi the Ibiding ■ ! Comic uoot.n - al. of: A •.] j).". .tV v'T BUTSBTJBG WATER CUBE. "\T() Ciirciivc Agency is superior to Ii YDfliO jjV I\\TUY for the treatment* of nil >U* iVistnßcs, arul no Institution in this coiui trv possesses greater facilities for itjj adniiuia tration than this. • -sMSuJtar I’iclorial C'ircular nddre.=i vT.; ; ;• -DIL W. N RAMCLETO^ '•• ■- I’ilif J'n. - I NWIO7 direct ■.J'i.l -(llKTWtCji'" TvniinKtXO MaEKETjI PEKjfeA.. * BOAKDIM* 15Y V. OR WISER. j ■\}\Ter))'* ' fvty. Moderate. ' j ißeaver Hotels JOSEPH HALL, , Proprietor, Beaver, I 3 a. ■ TTAVING twffbughly fitted up this house, |-1 ~ he is now prepared toaccummodivie his friends.iEnd the public j generally, in the most manner." ‘ [may62 . .n's Yinc Cat- Saturn allimore andCn |; • .asSurg ■ TOBACCO-Anderaoi fryiM A ' • •, ■ ■ i. ill ;■ M- ' OVER FATICJJE, i Will..sonn disappear hy the use of, these in valuable Pills, ulul the Soldier will quickly, ac-' ■quire additional strength; .•>'«» let the bow l els be or und.ufy acted upon. It pfay scent strange that lloUiXt’ity’s Fills should be {recommended for Dysentery and Flux, mn&y persons supposingthat they would janctytase tub rehixfttihn. This is a greed, mis to"ke. . rbryjijcsc FUlsJvilhcorrecl IheUivcr'iind j stomach,'aiil’thus remove ftiVtiu’ acrid humors. | from iligfcj stchi. , This medicine will give tope, i anil vittl>T to tiio whole or’ghnic system howoV j cr dcrafec 1,-while heultlratid strength follow t.as a niatter off emutc. Nothing wifi stop the j relaxation of this Kotvcls to sure as this fam t ous metiicioe. ■ .■ : i vohUNTtr.ns attkxtios !* . - •. . TIOXS OK vytrM. ' ' Sores ajul,ricci«. l!lotcli+np< and Sweilinp-a can with etrtainty be radically cured ' if .the • Fills are f; hen nijrht and Tnoniinfr. and the q irccly need a* stated in the ■print ed instructions. 'if treated in any other n.on ner they dry up in olio-part lol.rcjik-out ih-an-i other. V 1-ereas this Ointment • will remove 1 ‘the itnnior iirom lhc sysiyn and leave the I’a tient a-vigorous nud healthy man. . it .w ill re-, finirc a lit le pcrßcvqrajflß in had'eases to in- Mire jvlasllnp cure. ■■'■■■' FOll WO! : NI>S tiITIIITU' OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET. OHSABIUI OitTJiCI'.UL . LKTvst»a::s oiC \J.\ .} To wjluh :iml Sailor.iire liable there are; iuptlinii**-* >•«) nral Tcnici:t*V llolh»*.v:iv> I'ili* a nil Mntmerit. 3‘hp | McU- iWi\ nijjlit 5 immeUinlely. if lip f y \vilh this n»n!ch|- | •.cu*. wliifefli be. ilivusl iffto 4 aTfiiroAudii. then covovvtl ; ■:-e *;f. linen hi? juk! ; »1 viih. a linnaKM’chier: Tahiii^l morning o or'B to cool ihcsys- ! invent iudUimytl lou * v S.«ldri ; r’s nml • SeanmiTs uhl be -provideil with tbjes'c yaluab»* p'Ul* 'VuUI ■ you Id trfv: innti v.T-und y:\\ h n s_.ii | night'aii'.: 1 tern and ' il\ cry chest slio Keaicuu-.- ."-or 11 'p JOX»— ftrc'ppmimc .wile; 3 i Srid Ter!;. ,<m! fatten," •iinVltf n» ia cv'-iy (leaf oir eneb pot 1 ■cr same. may. blyjiiailily aeon by hniu'mj ’ll* fliihlS X-. hanilsuiiie rewt-.rj will Id in.y one remlwrinjs. such infoinm- (l> tttt jMeet ton -of' »riy .-party c-eomiti-rK'itmgilu*h. filicides orvcml- Kao,.Knowing thvui lu *'v )v.;rioLis. CAI word. fire jl:>ce pi* tho V Vox: Hie !>:i h.-:t' h he jiiven. ti«»u'as it «:r yirtu ing the ft ,(} at .the 'Manufactory of I'roteSoor. y/>wl MaMcn- Lane, New -York, anil Drmrg'wts, and UenUi*' in «, iluouulinv.’t Ui.e clvUm-J"'\U>rUl,- in 2'/certs, u’2 cents amici' each., I loLi.ir.r, hr ? iU;rt Mouivinj xc> ftf ti&i' i hero »* f£iiVrK*i\tulc Mivjag, hy taking =r / ■ . 5. -■] • : ’ -Hired io.iifTTor tlie /gphlan/vj • of ; pa.- ! everv di-*ov(U-r,arcaffixed toVnch hos. .e l:irp N. iC rMay exiy Mirror 61 Fashions, Qua] ir FO l'R . It'ATFkHXS OF DKKSSK&, / '■ - 7JIK •nek V/nisi, its illeirant Sleeve. an.1“,l •s=ts Sack, and a New ami • Ikutit AND her with -nearly 1«K) Engravings of New Fr Si niiAiD . ' all the:uuwUicH. for.' ‘ sf Bonnets,,Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses, &c., Summ liwWo’ mfcrr.tation to. Milliii, '.s, 'uSli c '!''V".ami dailies generally. pre- Uiie -largest a Till r.CM Js'skiori Slajra fh' 1 v. uri<i, y*J;llslu'd 47;5 Etcsnltvay, Utiil- soM' Bvcryti-lvve r.t 25' (ent«, ;or mu!. post fr( ‘*. on vecript of 1 l:e urn" r ps, or silver. Veaj-.51.0il v.ilh iieftl- And v. ;ss;rtl!iig ; X. fc-tut ;3\i in aluable premium? ; yearly be emitted tn a for the selection"oi’ o'l cents worth of tltcrnsi from the design* im-tLe the show room., hr may he'or ml sent by fdail' any;* nmcdiiring ttfc (T-iiayfng ' - | , Snlcudid 6 ! i Surtimei’ No: uoiv rcadi, }V. . S * • •- - ■'■ • V; - eCv 1 !* jivwin^ K:i<;h receipts pluiii p w'Trosu <lcro.i jnnr, l> S, K A K (r K 11. ridgawater, Pa;, . B, lIIM 5 'U3I received a largo assortment of SI’KISO GOODS,’ will be offered at /',IA7C T I’RlCKS icst liis,stock can, at all times, befonhd ty 6£ ' •; - -GOODS, MUSLIXS. jiO- Jr ■ SIERV, 4tc„ *- -STEEL, all varieties . ' i.-Si by the round or fccir. J TK LEAD and VARNISH. D.fei’EKM; LIS SEED&CAPB&7 DOW GLASS, all -sir.es, •ISc-iS" EXSWAUE, UIOKISG-GLASSBS. fie:, whicK Arill 'bo sold low. lor Cash; of y I’Todjice. ' * T V IBG2. .. . . ', . m which. Amo vane i'BKKS: 11S1 NAT v/ii; LAI AVIN ■ QUI All of Counti Pm Tj iS i.N’STIXuTIOX WILL OPEN ; 0N DAY, Irif hav of SEPTEJIBER 'For particulars address the Principal, S. B. iIEJiCBR.. Beaver, fiij.' MO? >-K£jVUsv' Seizors,’ Gum r llair pins, ’arses. Vorl Moijaies» weezers. 1-sifarpcnor?.! .Sjm-oI Cultoif; . Thread, Senior saleVt the UrdgiSlure of .1 I)I’..C.,r.CUMMINS. Pi I’oncijl j. Pina.; 1 ' oct) > ) viw ' l '-. ■£* t vic'r —lO.OJrti Biisjfclsdfj, Wheat, , " “ iV.OOO .. ‘i * Eye,, ■: ■ 5,000 ■ “ Earley, >., I ;«'• .* 5,000 “ .'Oats, r> DeUyiered In Pittsburg, Tor which lam anther* 'ted (o prices. Address, •• J. ttVCUAFT; _ ; , . ' *' ’ A’bf'9Bs, rUUlitrf. set 17 3iu. - ••'■ I *' V JOIIJf B. WJLLUMS, ■ BAEBEE (Siiop onordoor east of Proudlcj’s Holel,' J i PENN’A. r'. - 6 -'V ? ■’ ‘ 1 T- V-V mjih. .iwmojik^’s (jtf'it'lmproi'frntnt* ttr.J Addition.*, HB srMKFR NTMTIFB CONTAIN?* SitKK'.'f sn.i:y/>/v FA.wrox v££t. .rriKKK ■ ' gisrrv Gr (S'# - r ACADEMY. REIM [BEAVER IDRJIG- STORE?, i Opened lathe Itooin formerly' Oc j copied Me mnE fSutiscribc? having purchased -the Ms- ; I tabliahmenl will endeavor to| keep con gSntly on hand all articles usually foundpn Brng Scores. |- t• ■' . .1- 1 ' licinga Physician and Druggist, the,public may rely oh his keeping the. PUREST and BEST bBCGS; f, ■! i : . f|y ivtatieir of other v V4V a^° 'I :| in liis cstahlialiinentTj- I, : jli:; Tea, Extradof Co§ef,\Jtofin ' AtyTjy ’■ Fancy SoapSi Port Monies, Combs] ALL APjriCI.ES POR THE TOlLp.;; SPOOL.COTTON,LEAI) PEN OILS; SKEDLES, STEEL- PENS, lIAIH Mi 1; lI£H ES. TOOTH BP.PSHESi i f Pf - TtiILVCCO. SEG AP.S, LET- 1 % TER, KOTE&i POOLS- I' 15 y . QAP PAPER. ; .: kj 1 ? ’ Cdrfyn i and \ Chtmntiys. Sw of Vhe articles, and only a few always on Call audsee. ri, j •He will try."'by and |fairj dealing, to give sntistacUon to all who may favor him-wUh itheir cuslfim. / T -.■■■■•■ .yy. t c.'p. cuM\uxs,yLD. . I ' SgLPariienlar .attention will bekpaijl to' j.puttffig up t aVE-~ . THE G-.KBAT CAUSE OF IX II in. ngnr .3VX isery. , Jase I’iibUked in'a Sccictf£nvrJopr, Pntt liffs; ; AI.KCTt'UE BT* i)p..' CULVBRBELL, ON THE CAISE AND COKE of Sperjua lorrhira, Consumption,; Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsyplinpaircd'pu • tritioti of the Body,’ 'Mssitade; V’cakneijiJ; of ] the Limba'find the Back; Indisposition,jjsud Incapacity for etmly and Labor ; Dullnesj! of ‘Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Avepsidn ■to .Society;. Lbvp, pfj Solitude; Ximjdiry; |Seli- DUtrust; DilSinosa; Headache , Affections of the Eyes: Pimples on the Face; Involuntary j Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the .Cpnfec ' rjucncea of youthful Indiscretion, Ac 1 ., &Cfp|. ' I oguThis admirable Lecture clearly prpyeq that the. abore.eiaanetatcil, often self-offiicted j, evil*, may he mcdicinejjanil | without Dangerous jßurgicnl. operations,Maud I should be r'carf and every pun.] in the hind. -,v ■ XV I'-'.: • ’ ‘V. j.il'-. I Stjnt under seal;'td nnyjaddrcss, iri a jHayi | sealed cnvclipe, bn thd reppipi of six ccujbj tjr.j twopostage stamps,•byjadsltessiiifr. ' i:j i f .&GO4 | M 1“V Bo\vcry.Se'vA’orfcirbs£OfficC|l!dx|ds,!jO.; j ‘V f ; j ITS <kvea and hates,: tjsprows. andadj&tß,'! hopes, and fears, regrets and joys: MJfN- j ItOOU, hojylost*>ow restored;'; .the] nllhirc, | treatment and'radical iCure cr i .spbi*malc,rjd|tca.A 1 or seminal [weakness;involuntary | emisAi jn’s. i i sexual debility land itripeilmiipntsdq niatjringe !. ! generally; | nervousness,’ consumpti«u,')l| fits, ; I nirrttal anil physical incapacity, resttltliuglrfotn*; I‘Sl'LP'jiVllU.SH—art* fitliv : explainvd..d.ptl; the ■ GUIDK. YOt ,D. r mo>t vxtraiirdinaiy book should beiinUUe ; i hands,of every,young | person contcmplajiug : ■i marriage, end every man or woman; wfede-,1 | sires to Bail the'minified of their offspring to . j their cironmstauces. Every pain, discasse jand-j 1 ache incidental tofypulU,-'maturity and olil.pge, | 1 Is fully vr. plained; evciyvpavtielcluf knowjodge j j that ! should be known j ltiyi loi! [ of engravings.. In fact] it'discloscsseci eiS-Miat. | J evert* one should know; still it-is a hoolcjlhat | I must be locked up, nnd not lie.about thelijpusp. j j In will hi is6nl to! any one on. the reee|pt*'of: twcdtv-ovddents in specie or postage’si limps, i .'.ihirtss T]iuVVm. *Y()UNG, 4 ft* j abode* Fourth, Philadelphia. j'A :'?[ ~ Vi tSfjr-Aj/ ! «t*d naif Uf)“r!vna!t, no in3]tf,i»;what ] may beydtir disease, before you place your self ur,dec, the care of any ipddi iuns ; Cji-.VOKS—native or foreign—who%lt«p{i;b.i» this or afry'iOlhcr paper, igdt a e-ony JOf lie! I V'jar.g's f.o'jl:, and read jli can fully, j l l f n il! be the means of saving you many ia [idpllhi*, your health, and postild;.*.your .life, ■ _[ij t . hi;:. VfH’.Xfi cap Ki qon.-uiied on ajnyM the disciasesl <lc-c,iiha*d in ids pg’Vueai iiisij'jfl "Id - f office. -1 1>.V Sin-iiuo'ijirijei.:almve T cwhhjJ|h|ftt-' | : 1 hours frjai 1> to A, daily]'. ' j t^g^'O- IpF' 'r r '’~" i>KAyi*;i: '. - (• a T E MALE ' SE M IST & E.Y. nKV.-AV,„AV. IjA’VKU'I'V, ' tavvEirNifESrcAßif or nirv. j: a. >i niiji. t " ■■ -r. A '■ ■ .'.■■■.■ ■■; ,*■ mills i for the rceepPon of i p Y’our.g will . ppicii on* j * Motuhij/, the Ist thi j of, ,<££//,*f?!P.| i^-ii*/. T-oavdcrs received into the' family; ef, the . • -I : i Expen'-cs—Board. I.ighf, Tuel, arid 'imljinn, per tcfiTi of, 14 wee1;5....l -**‘dl tH) Too ion alone, per terni. i>4 of>, Stl o(d.fs7 OCi acciording to l.ranches sludictl. h \ *ia,, Eor. further jinrtieulars address the Principal.. ; ; h, 1 ' i • # lA__IVOBROEr i C-( 000, SUCSTANTIAL, UFF LljvE PIC-| T TltftK? t:»u -now] bb had nt tb.e "|i ' . j in BEAVER. .■; | Ttb-p? fiirti:rri" are r. nt mejjj-dftnhs; but war | ranted SUPKKInK to r.Hil.- ‘mi Bf'.-mr county, by any other ortiiit. To be-convinced, call ond etfifiji’e erstiutyns. 1 jviU rcsnainibuf a fen-.weejkifc- i-!| R<ri, tii-.llcrjy in the aun>c rjwm pceupied by mo i:V18-j7. j , i’lNV' ' ApijOj - I*botoo;rftpbi? Ajjtist j “ co'./ Advertising and Commission Agents ij‘ ANIb -DK.VI.KR-S. IN i-jj 'H, PJUNTIKti INKS OF ALL KIEDB Type, Printing Materials^ WRITING AM* i’UIXTI N<-i RARbU .'AlUnjj A'C . ,oFl?sJHS—yßrown’a LuildinC, Pbiladcipliia; .Triltimf P-uildinge, New York; j ;j. lU.bl2t!:ly. , -j Jl "■ ! ‘ • f JOHN B. YOUNQi at I.ict'vsr, V l (UKAyER,’ PA.) • j ; ., . I i ! the Courtllou?e, '; ! “ ■ Jnn. 20, TBfi2 'I ■ 1 f J. W; CRAFT, fCOMMISSIOif • IMERCII AN T,. | No; 185 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH,} PA. Orders for ftri-d Orot'crk's; promptly' Riled" Tory owcsi wUcn' occornpamcii..>yiUf cash It an equivalent. ' 1 Dp Yoii Want lOFFEUn i*lensnnt In andSunmier, whh 1: myneW' Circular, contaiji uVddi-css ■ • =._-■ GK() hinr36. • 3, 'H. CUNNINGIi^MUW^ ; ATTORNEY ATIS#jW. ]■ i Ojjiiis in Gen. Wilson’s j : NORtIJ SIDE OF THE: WAMOXJ), - ■j , BE.AV£y,PA ’ j; [ni)3o,r>2 ‘ ■ Kerims: . J Third . Street,-Beaver,? Penn’a* S. KERR, Proprietor. V~l COD' Crushed ami B renr {-i-jns U'ir ? e lx it Ibe Drug State of • ■ jli! ',-5 iS-v-'if’" *■ j: c; p.-cviioißis. ir ",'-.; 'i ■kV : A:|eR r S ; ;' ! H.:|.' cherry; ;7<|V4 . TOR THK BAPID jCCEK OF | -i Colds, Congfav aad | ... Hoarseness. j* CW ' : Bxrxmi»,MAS«,aithD*, ISM.: .;^Hha Eij.a AJri»:ldojio»i(Tllat<>tocsr Jja^ Uwbaat remedy I buejcTtr'lbasd nr Omb4UoKMDM*,lnfln>bi%*aAttM: ,17*% concomitant qmiptonudfaCold.iijcmr . ;^p^ - , I Cinaat Picroaxi. It*toMUnt u*e la '*t'S mj prmctkw rad my ftndly forjlha Urt , tear jrnsn haa ahown Itteficiare* wopw HorTtttnta for Uw treatment of tMi ••■ obmptaiam. XBBN KffIQHT, M.DJi BWd roar TUtonl mreclf and In. mj uttflr ew nnea : «m Inmt-llt, aad WUora a tho b«rt mrdldna tot It* ■ pnrposo aTernabont. With a bad cold I ahoutd aoonar ; partvaßty-fliVdollar. fir a botU, ttiado without it,or 1 tuaaajgthWnaiady.T -■ • , r{- ■.' :' ■' r'f i i BBOV9B Atnt: I wfibclteerfallyosrtlfy yourAcforoT Is the best remedy we po«s« for tbe curaotyrbwkf 'muLcrovptMif lht cW dii»aac4 of cWldrtß. woof yourfraternlty In the South appreciate yoor skill, UM. yw “ ,dW “‘ o ™SWm,M.D. i AMOS !*«, Era,iudntur, lA,wrila»,3d Jan, MM: «1 had a tadlina Infintnsa, which confined mala doora'i ■lx wteka - h took liaana madldnet without relief; fiaan, Madnar ftetomf by thoadrleaof oujdergyman. Tha i Ant doaa rellered the. torancaa in tn, throat and looja s; 1 Ew than one half the bottle made mo completely wait ■ . Your maßlcihea.acadha cbenneat aaweltaa theheatwo" 1 ean bar. and we erteam yon. Doctor, and yonrremodloa, 1 •a tha poor awa'a friend* ' : ; | Asthma or PbthUic, and-Bronchitis. ;TK MaXematn, Pa, Tab. ♦, ISS*. : ■; ! i fitx: Tone OUrty Pectoral la performing marrolloca ;. Afiree In tble eeettan. .< Jt haa rellofeJ eereral from alarm-. . but armptoma of eonanmptlon. pud la now coring a man, •. who haa labored"uniier an rfeotlonof tholnnga for tha, 7 laattort,year*, i- JHBSntY I. PARKS, Mwchmtt-• ,■ A. A. BAJiaXT, M. pj Aums, Moxna Co-, lowa, ; : , wrllaa, fcpCdlKS: “ Bnrjng my prance of many yama ! , I haaa toted, nothin* aqnal to your Chan Moral far ■ airing aaaa and relief m copanmptire pationta, or raring »oi*aaaraesabla.* P I 1 I I . ‘-t • V.!. .. • i-J 'r, ri Wa might add roinmaa pf.aTiflaueO, hat the moat eon* Tlncingproif ot the rtftnaa of thla remedy U found in lta { J, P- 'j ." ,■. ■■ .|i^ ■i' Consumption. o r'-P [ Probably no one remedy haa erer been known which ,■ ‘ |aciriBd«>,iMii7!M»d«uph ddUgtsroM cases •• Borne ! * I • hoßim can rc*ch; bat jeTtiLtotboMtbo Ct'terrt |; ; Ac&rdSafforfiftfidcoorfbft ‘ | ■ ;f j -' Anna Hotr», Nnr Yoik Crtr, March £», 1866.' | : Doct<« Anm Lowxu: I fuel 11 a doty and a pleasure fto inform yoa what your Cherry ]H'cUrral has done for oiy ; • wife Sha bad b«en fira raootha Üborjcg under the daft* i . . gyroof flymptbms of Gonmnptkm. from which no aid .we ' ; «ooU pcwwiw wave her mneb relief. She wu steadily ti lb [ y top, until Dr. Dtroo|p,* of thls dty, where we haro eome lbr : i adrloe, recommended a trial of .ronr medldne. bless his. kindness, os we do your ekul; for the has recovered.. frpm that day. She is hot yet ae etrong as she need to j i be, bnt is free frotnber cough, and calls ;hertelf well, i* i .. Yours with gnditade and resaTtL 'j •/ J. ■. | ORLANDO SHELBY, gEBSTTOU.: , (bnrtmipfirej, do hot despair till you AiaV : Cbxut FxcroaiL. ilt k mede by one oi;:tbe best chemists la the world, and Its cures all around us bespeak. - lbs high merits of Its virtues. Ltdgtx* I Ayer’s Cathartic Fills, i THE sciences of Chemistry ‘and tfedidne bate been tbeir utiaoet to priedace this best, most perfect j] purgative wblcli U known to | nan. Innumenfl)!* ptopfli L ;J‘ aro sbownltbai tbcse Piiia havt virtues wblch surpsss In \! excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win on* I I upoa'tba esteem of dll men. They aresafe | . [; and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pene- f ti. .Siting propcrtlwfsttoiulate the Vital activities of lbs body, j . f- Remove Iths. übstroeUbm of 1U organs, purify the blood, | i and expel disease. Tbey purgeout tbofoul humor* which ; ' < ‘ breed and grow distemper, stimulate slngglsb cl dlsor* Send ot&a* into their nsturkl action, and Impart heed thy ’lone with atrengih to the' system. -Not only,do ; they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but | also formidable land dangerous Idiscasee | ; I the beet of human akill. While they produce powerful j • effects, they the aame time, In diminished doees,the ' ; : safest andbest physic that, cad bo employed for children, ji i ’ Being ore pleasant to and being ■ , jurely vegetable, froni-ahy risk of bora. Cures , ■ .bare been made which, surpass belief were B(rtj tub- ! ! stantiated by men of such exalted position and character ‘ as to forbid tfis suspicion of untruth. Many emUont \■/ clergymen ahd physicians bave|lcat their names ib certify | ; to-the puUlfrlhe reliability of toy remedies, wUnfe citheto i bsvs sent ms|ths bf|fl»lr conyfctloA that my . afflicted, - suffering i \ The Agent below named is furnish gratia my ; American Almanac, forthelr and; j iCertificates;bf thelfbume, of tbe'foilowing complaints:— j ' • - Bilidua :CompUiDU, < 'Ebeuinatlsm, Dropsy, i Bsartburo, HeadacbsiarWng from a foUl storoachj Nau- i sea, ludiprttidu, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels andrain ; . • arising therefrom, FUtideney,|LoM of Appetite, tOl jCTcer • out and Cutaneous Diseases which requlre' an 6vart»nt ; ■! medicine, Scmfuliicr King’s KvH. They by purify- t i ing the blood and stimulating tho system, cure many ; i complaints which It would not bo ,tbey4[conia ; resciir such', ns Drafneofl, Vartlal Blindnes.% Nenralgw and : Nervous JiritabllftyJ Derangement* of tho Liver aud-Kld • ctyi, Qout, and other kiuutvd, complaints arising from a ’ j low state nf the body or obgtr|ictlonjof its function^.' • j Do, xict bw put off by unprincipled dealers with other pUI they xmQte more profit !on. A»k for ArrS?«g Pols, and take nothing else." No! other ; they can; give •. you compareaVlth this in It* Intrinsic Talpo orlcurttlvo - ‘powers.;. Tbs sick want the beat laid there is, for them, ; ; snd they should have It. *' -r. |‘ '' ’ , 4’.->.•-i' Prepared fcy Dr. 3. C. ASTBB, ; i Practical aid Analrtlcai CbemUt, Lowell, M***. ■ Ijucx JJ3 CT3. pjta' BOX; Fiyx BoxxareX %l. ; : ‘sold BY., 1: ; . j : , OSJ'for’Sttlo t)y''U. ItcaTtir: S : Cros's. illoclieter; Wiggoner- 4 La cry. Free* ilcitr.: J; iNir.holif, Batlrn; |Sew Urightoni John , til nek,' ParsinKt.il. Tlnn enn 1 & Kilgar, lky Uenlciia fTer^ eV». j j Fobili ’(l2. PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL : - ■ OOX.XItE<3-33, ;>S; N. E. comer <>f 7th &ChestautSt., IMIIXTADKU'mA. liV; ; rflniS;rn.slUiitibn f .ihi ( dh, Wns.CJtftWislieiVin B is injur consequently in t,« I biillitiiehih year i-dfl * v^sfenee,, iuinong i|?gtnfuKtcs hundred.s of Che- “*vi e .ccslifiu. ; Merchaii|!! -ajid -.Bjunpess ?f cn of our Country. , '-11* .{ir”f j Thc,ffi.sec»’*fJoi* liist.tujipn ts solely to fordlvlntng/mert pcjiHtics thorough pvcjtii ’ratvdnfrbr' ib'nHfi^.. |‘. it;. I V,-i v Tilo branches taught ns; apidicnblc-1d thc variph/ulc'partir.enta of tvaap; bothij \dain : and ornamental Commercial' Lair, -mathematic?. XaVigiiHeiil Civil Tvitginccring, 5 Hrawiitg, ? and-Modern Language?. 'i .; ;| ■ v ■ The system of Instruction is pbciiliarj; pio 1 elapses or sct.lespoli? nrc.niadc ; uscof, hutffiSich " student, is.taught irijliTidinilly, so tha.t hennjiy j Coihraenocat any life?, and attend',nt wliatclv tjr hours are niost-cfinveiiicnt,',- ' ■| -‘ J |. ..Catalogues arc issuecl- annually after the ptE’-df April* containing names of the] stu-d Ictus 1 for the year, arid full pnttioulaw <tT ’ terms, &c., and may lie obtained at any liin | jjy addressing'thc ilrlncipal. ] , '.- _ .1; ? jj- In "extensip, accommodations, wide-spread reputation, aiulthe leap!by experience of the 1 Pninciital, this Institution offers facilities su« perior to anyi oilier in the eeimtry, ton yonng. men iwishing to pt-cparc for jhtujihcss, 'and to Obtain at the samo|tlmc A oirt.nMAv r.hieh ■prove a recommendation for them to any Mer |cahtilo House.- -it : j■i ; | Kfgr CniTTESiiKs’s' Scries, ol Trent isos on j Boolt-Keoning,, 'ni?|W more widely circulated | any Other w-orlt on the subject, arc for i sale-alt the College, , I, |j! S. HOICKS’CRITTENDEN, d 1 ■ ■ -i 'Attoney-al-Laai: '■ ; i. Maff 7. ■ 1..1 , i Pm-SOtr Ai.. 1 i • Employ msincßS for , . |ispt>. .g large profits. { : .Sen'f I’or liing lull' ! infprmiiiion. i. K[n\'i) .si;,;vus;': ■ 4 1 •IViUlau‘ii!st.tN.jT. ■ • ■ '.::!•[■( •,! Ii • iff— IN subacnptioiis. to Ttie;Asous fp> 1860 hod 18(51, •wLUih; hayjijinot boeul settled l.ujr, . {is wt>U*:\s the* accounts of JL Wtlyand. Al{. & J. AVcyand, .aiidi; Weyjaud liild 'llenry,; arc.ih sldtleinent.. .Alt who are ihtlcbted 'to [citjror, 1 of these for advertisement tor job work, will please (.alb 'fin mo at the Tukasbrerls GFFicE.vMfvny of those ca couhts are of long s .amling and should bo settled. *V ■y SAMUEL DAVENPORT. NEW ViiILNEHV m MAX 1 -■ ESTABLISHMI BROADWiY, NW-BlUe ■) I ; '< 7 ® > '' i .(Four Doers below: Dr.' Sorgo - ■' nj»yT,9B—ty. >fBB £ *7,. S if( ■‘f i ■■ :(HIXdMiapiAX r OSLY iaCB ASDOBXDtXBI ■P. Liyiß COMPLAINT i jwn> all inkoud iisfiasE^> f v , | iphft evidences |ef pis- ! . ewe l>f the piver are Pain tod ■ j tenderness in the region of the- UTeiTttometitnes dull and increased by pressure, and y’. ’ Ineastncss in 1 Breathing,;Pain in'. ■ ei- -tbe right Shooldtr, uneasiness i ' f • when; lying upon the left side, v | increased«iaoof the Liver, Short ,>.j: . aid Dry CoOgWdis ordered stom- J aeh,Sansca, Yellowish Tinge on ■ 1 the eyes, and skin,Dcadaplie, yol- - lowito pft onihef tongue, Bitter- , isb taste in tbe mouth, heavy, - doll sensation in the Crain,' Dc pressloo./df Spirits, a mounting almost to Insanily, 6light' Fever , towardevoning, Loss of Appet lie, BlelancholjVwithmorosenbss and —r Bjhwchoadrla,® Senra!gia,*duU r , nesa, a geperal'fooling of ness,' 1 ' Languor, drow sinesa, patient conscious of somothirijr - : wrong in himself, at d disposed to 'see nothing rigbi in things about him, yet wh illy unablo to explain the cause of his sen-- sations—Withinany others easUy detected by resemblances to Bomb one or other of the above. , The Inver Pill will lalmost cer-; tainly ariest tho disease if taken upontho appearance of the above symptoms, which ;ifj allowed- to - take its course, becomes chronic " . •in its'!- natu'fo and almost iiicu rqble, producing groat and con stantly increasing suffering. , ;, •,: The) use of this modioiae will neither' I create a now disease nor complicate .ah. , existing one, but, in-most casps, will prepare thooystqmfor the more vigorou s ; ■ rexnetiies of the ’physician,; should .it -bo j■, hccoßsary to call in,his. aid. , ; t L i As A FAMI^V,J*- E » ICS:XE . ; SELLERSV LIVER PILLS - . ; :| ■ : : ajufi INVALUABLE. '■; ;/ -ico fif» it; >S>V! y,' l 4&'n* feoip , • , S R I From A.*Ch»hln», Drssslst, j». Bend, Ind. .•K SPOtvcs, Es<t— Diar\sir— lri reply. to favnr&f tin-J3th hwtilnl. I ranll =.JV that tho-Mh! otSolltri. r .MMicin-a.bavfarfxc«-.K-iI niycipocta tions i anil In no cma hnvi they filled to pr. dace tho dCelm! ctToct. ■ Tho OrngH Eyrtp > n coro/nr. coughs. mhl«. ic„ nnd tho chcapp.tta of th 6 article ; places It within the roach; of cB; {which, hiKrf.tor with fits’ offlracionshqmilitiee. renders It aun irenin . favorite, hot a day pasM* wlthnni nom, rontyadla for ‘Atht bho tblnc’nwHlfwU »*■ this season of .the, - vla. salers-G.iugh Sr*? : .85 Ccnig. . - Mof^9 9 - u: l' the Kct. k.Wo6«ff»W; £?""»**»«»■ ” ,( bt the Liberty Mrccl M. i.. thatch. jllr B K. ifl fn>in ii eeiwvofdplye ft» wellitewUh'srwit ftwunre. that lVar|<«tjoi..liy to » Jbtlvirtho of.v.m« justly «Bl«.br**cd Verwfaisp.. I v p'wcan'tl a Warfc botijf. Mi l it to thn* of roy chi dron, who h vld*cn ill /or MretrtjmefcSi . The el jHit wu *»*»< k n y v*r» f *ld, lh*» licxt four, and the jWncwt eighteen Witte, The first wwl H«y- SraßM.the.KW yrfl.tte tb.rjL ■ consMcrnbto number, nut .distinctly iecolfc’c#iL. Bine* then they h»Ve fccn aoiux r>-11. nn;l «"■ " U ' T In gwxl health. : 1 .8. W AKI.Hi.UJ., ’; , Price 25 Cents. : • PBEPABEB AXD SOM.BT ■ ■ R V E. SELLERS & CO. PA»; . SILLERS’ «Emif bei. X7firy ydar.Thcssaads of Children die : tom tills horrible' ctii.' dM'-t alarm! ‘A/ Ili y t "S ijilHy .to'. {nerawed vatf h |-• and 'ic}r grtu!o£ yhrf. .*»» «e *•«dtVir r/ i? f ,rpi'- i?y. " : aj*i»mlUo:« of tnß*iyjdi i-ju’Uii.-, . R-.i7crlT?c.l r vtrm inra i ■, t'lV< I«j«non« ;ti-s to* jWtfufrnic* ar. I the ! ; iof'tT;ijocS:Wl * W.f&o \ Candies,'* f \Vtin« Tuv,&c. £mt y’/•;» i'*V fr.tlertrs « V.Ara.Vs i <w «ey <;re ; |T.niiij-,:tT , si!\T‘c , tii U!Srf ■ ?)» thcuglßfW,.«n- i aibb-iniKh.r, thlj'-Jliba triSc t Hhlhe IS.' t-f h«r child.; •!•;['•■ t i•/ • • let phvgiciams speak, • siftt vEßsnycGftile rsi:: . jxiu in-: is T3iK.x»ii<vc?ir. ' . r'e.'lT.l^hj, .Mn.T, K. 6h.vl : is&: —Yqt:i ,k V*!hiill‘u?c Y< more > it Lup tliiuj any I t’uri -.:•<!.(• I oft-*’' nh* ft 1 .-! gava 01:0 vi.vl.- ,M\ brother's ; frinwy aif*l -n'ldtir-p to:ru-virr* hours a r .Cf I g.yvc Ibo -Vyrna * »•'<!. (he vhot \ Itf ff. s,ix% if*erm*,i;’crrj - patted.- •] tho clilld, that *tr;i f >'r l-?t, i« how a«'Well aaanv lu.t!i<^ ; iiS,'"hh'.'rluv>l. r. ‘ { V "X* ,.tV • \ of**, attm i. . .K\\ tint h reijj-.lie l Ia» livujit* hinny*9 •family, isn faln.-ai. ■ « t •- : 'I I -.r.' •;' .i r^,!77Xg^ir.lvtU,iM7l I j ifpjr.. r. Flti it iiimy i-rac l-fi.S* fur (he jjia.t lour |yt*ai.<; 'I Ihiah it I cbU’dly tlu* Ll-ft [uvfJUHllturcX-llM) ktri>3;. J •hsv» , > |hfj : -iotvro’ u.-fd tlii*-. fCXil ftl loiher rs; : Youi>. . . ■■ | .-. • 1 |). COL : CU|-M. D.; We mi-THt cm! nicm‘.x> Imrujlsvdl of^«>‘lher-c.vtj?.! thc'iwairlilni o' lli\ruw'|riil j lie more tfc’n j iV:: itself, Jn rone!us re of ita entire tn/tty as uv.'J :]‘ /ft *rft:r/ai«(j/|ofi’t*pffoct.' \ ...j -,.! . ,j ! j ; iJvotlcc. —W^rnonlinarj’ : 'fcre;l to dialers io’tecomau'ri«l mul sell otherjVcr mUilgc#. 1 Do mftui uupriiic-j'le.l iuoa palui off anj of thes4oa|'you. 'TbefWaljrta^ the. aak far and tSkt W<>Vr. ■ ' | ■j- mmm art.]-; ;j f . 7*!rlo« fOeii'Cs.- ■ \ v t rtt?PARSD'. AjJojfOLD. DT ; ■ V S,E. SELLERS&OO. ' >V.piTrss«iJ»ori.'i'PA»-'. - HTOJf,' PA., Dt's Drug Storcl MTSBTOKO. Thciiush-ynli Har ■. Lad •J.rmijw Jiif^l, o^/1 : ">■ ~ ’ .h‘iifuehc;[-j?l r I*. ■— I <‘n , l ,Xturi:!rjia. ■ff, P V;“:|'' PVRARTiUERV is-f! V, : -■>! 13R. tvai. B. If{Jßi>»« ; A CO3IPLETE SET OP n* ■ ;i'i)iisi,!*vi!v(j i;:i: iKf'bif - : i •' ■Purifying . (he Prcultf^ I • • - f'V ' • Oj,, ■■ ■ =fa ■■■■• ■-'.j ■ Uririg Toothsc hef ar d Dr. Hurd a CtUbrultdiJiOVTlf £77 bditle. ;: , " i ■ : V. Dr. 4lunT-»JV*fsuel}fd T )Oruj\ei)l)pn one box. ' , . -'i; ■, jjr, iruhi'i vingit rqor.i.iqjrtgl =mpps title hot lie,' f : —' -J V. • i ' / v ’ nn ifuttfi\,rxjtirkij a xi.LhAi'er i, :i Dr. IhiriVt 2fAXr.lt ■ «kirt€t^rffiV , '(rb--«f . rrnjier Xrralnoni of CUiUln v V t'hOSSfi'll.K 'fir. Ciiuiiih/] •?'„i i roiwri/,/^<:x;f;'>ye,,; < ;|i.. ' ; , Prqiai-cU iu-"Dr, illiiVtl'; | FrOunh StV. Vit-fKiVlyn. ri'..' | ■ 1 1‘rkiiifiyf: , !. Tho JJnUal- Trr.mvr ! eight inches’ hy five, rind i \.' . £•£>“'. Fid I : <li'rcc/d‘}i>i\for- u. J y ,Tii6'-fotlAwing -J ly rr kv:rfmil, I T'i7. F ’ . V&ttj{isc:nn Pj ' r tfh T-i. :;i : i\ skimps.--;- s ;. hi* r v ;- Xf*yyt*u,'i I]j>’h/Arid'. ■ ■^postpur-i l . ]A’ /£• ■ r sitahips;. . ■ TilC r'.i.’L 4 T|;slz?), ia'?i;o (.'he ?hf> v ;«>»>’ V* rt r, »‘ the Vki<ry. V • o‘t' 77/<ya/;vi • '•» *•■ ••!,* ' jit. DER iifci,' Tnii fit A Crff. Fen! iby bin tiicy • tuinerl M-yi-uv] Miuior ]’ Urey • canii'-U Mut TUKAStRY. Ifriea.'-.Oiiii -.tains tilcm. . !■' . • - ' \w : ,k- or; ?\\ j The lifo! niii ij ■'l inTnoj-'r Vi\‘,Tris :miLboc-; j ! r.n • 6niinc , iit;.Dc - iiHr't~T':’ I 7 Slie ItCvir York' ?~u:b i; Ihfjjc prcpr\r;it;ujj.- : : prncU(.i: •■' of »rookiv:f >V r • qxcpjU'A£Y ••’./.V-i. '.v: i iYorkv'i.' rtW-p'V--'-: 1 ’ f,. Tis'j i'.-W’.i *3 W I v/f-.Ji-! in ' I i'i-IU. ' ■fr;. * ift i’ 1 ’ -i;; M, ] f.jiihJ T-i? ; : i'V ,1 fa i -jo.-, k- ■ j Vte-r MMMM >1: 1-! v :;I f'riv v. i ■ ' yHi.-'s,;, ' ,:'■■■ i Cnt ir;o:r f'*>! - - 1 j'ua*! •■.tm-v . w T th&, . i 1.!;-. !i>. -'4 r f'n pliAp \VU.I j -."Dr. HuvVV. rlTi.in —:V ; ; 'V j thcru*. ! . 5Jr. UnrstV v. ho ,!ii' ■::!!■ ! llie ■TfiViikiVl [ [n.tr- -A” Divllrk -i f\.VA t J i ci:r;.iy : v:£\ :’vrt;v-o ; V'r . Clif : i • ;l J. j ,Pr. H 'I ’'• j:;vo. n« Vi;-. : tnti.litvMipVfUi*;.-- in.orc ;0 AviVe-’ io tlioj i' hrj-v "H-usecl -byVcverv • ■ j " . ira r r<y_ / .• . i which ro’o Hchh’ r--> iVf-.i j 'Dr. n'cho'rii ? *i;i ;: ‘ 1 1 : K-;i |td h»-iv • 1 V -; ' ■ I‘erin^r,' ,■ . >V\;meiN hn-.l ’ ' J forJ-.iQ hrirlcct _v*uT.J»‘ i you £hn n'v.v p'V [ '•■' i *iior);neftihly*r A-- j ‘h s sj'7-'v6 ‘ " ;■ .^en -'/‘re ".if- r . . - • * ■ ' ,i,liVto fn * ; ‘C'. : -hlv »*hU‘\‘-*'U ■ ' j-.U u c-c i*.i Vi» v * i\ ? , ! ;l . nlhcr; . i -mu,*. ';• i‘«r !■ ■ '! 1 ’ V . ic* s l-> :r U £ : r>rr I : A\U.& •‘ itoju-.i'i''; '>V , ' ;■ woul. tlKiiii; ; ' 1 i hV 1 • ;n ': ! v‘ j' - ■ ttllpOV.il”.- ? t ‘‘ ‘, ,J ! ''•'Tho^^^Xv/ ■V ■", >/<*■’!•■'.,' •■ ;’ •■•• ‘ ! IS ; . "■]■■'■'■ / l ’ • '■■•• ! •- ■'.•■. \ '• r ■ ?ms i 1 .Si^V.ia^^lj^^Ta.'iav.l I 1 cilV^mp Denial Troa*u!.» . ■„- rrv .w.iii | i : ' i intiit t or T w^« i, f V*', ' ' ; one i.'Ul'l eee, ,>i \ , -V 1 .■ ' 'win se’i. t #r>> ■ ..lilierilly-'vil'‘ ci '‘-; ; , ta.Wg l ? to tofe.. ini« P. 10 - liul 'W , 1 .1 pfoVit.- ! 1.1 ■ ■ T*££». : jv :Tb^ ' * dcncc; 1 7%' \r. !> v ■;V;*; ;.l ;■■■■■ T:-u ' v - i ■DtiitallCtecc, Tli MC.aJ-jCK >V.‘ •: ■ i ■i ; ■ . ' ~r «i i.f f. :■ 'f v . ’t I-'ia in HV.i g&t V- si!(*ui( z • i? - . |7V/i\.'p'r 1)h y/l'l 110 !% an jl'rifl.; ' t"V v *. ;a i w •• 3?'jO' ji-'i'i-.j.v a 1" l>;^Ol£ v.'-i;;tVV v> >•.; i, ' rj, I’Uij’SKi: i. t UV-.,* i |:J ■■ ■: j-J to i'is, '•’i. ,M..V v.j :n:'! !j.•d . » -i.il V ; . ,r/ itiC_ - .!:a ■iV. 5 -' -A r.-Vi:'.*’ surely, _ ■ to I)t*. Jii-’.: 1 *[ V •'lUr.in. • i 'J'originaVjii;* ■; fui. • • • • ■ 1 : taco, pV;>*o i ' ‘ i: TC iiN.n- ;i ii>: 7 -n J <- i o r -> f'( .viiii-v': 1 ' 5 licif • dtH-^VT i) iv M his ii 18 J • '• a -fc ! '[•r (lafM y / Wi ro- ireiuj. le:.' >■ 'ft rA i-.- cr-J P..:.-yiK ) t <lO '■ jj ti.'i !v.T?r ; 4-i x . ... I= ’j>V+ H i v.ty i \- -Jj 111111 ■ v- ■V)rhfV - li.V hi; :i ran';' j.'i'i O'-Xc-r:; 11151 1 'I : . '*• r =Ell r- I L. 'i *»■ (*!iv i 5 -- io : | ‘ i •Is Ml.’l ' 'rtr'?*- ECM ; k'' \ ii.-.Vr tv • I r'M .fe v, tj" '* ' V v .'• 1 - Cl ti -yr ;U*. iitf ii {,^‘- tiiyli 'tho*. lit#- 5 :. . y*^n A*/, !B cn,« r 3- fcGO.; cof Jenf * 50 M ; I B***,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers