J? vf S l Jnoney llf “>«*« hr-the President’for three link from nor presentTproad po- dred thtfusaud voiunlchrß "Tois State dels «%^- h * d buS i «w», dred ten thousand men vet her * » b v q> jib th® m '?°' t 0 "spend to thisneWrequireiikit.— •?y ®£®«»k&d tbronghoutevorycpm- AlLhoWbitwas bcfk-vcdt h«t no I,Ann M rS^ 1 Pj ri A* tics wS&SSees.ary to induce' iho‘ $ u,de , * Bd Bttve meniof Pennsylvania to enter the Ber k«oT their country on such an pc .great easion, yet as ootfiotof the" nOmblra-. which car God bas Hone form, iiur States offered IbiW JmnnfiJ jV" ZS^SraSRitSSTSS ■* ng" e fo AwmtJlhal lo rail tS^Leghl.tlflr * ole’ - m W,th \ n - 9 “ Under i confi fi.« n-;lf ®"Q affirms h.s wonLks dcnlly appealed bj- a and the people whom bo chosen performs ndd>of any ditty Jof patriot *« U, ff we ! 6everal c'Ountioa. Tlioehms necessary their brpportwn ofljfte dm eoSISSh ta of the Slate.'This ipjtSrVa*^ Afs^T^ v> - P^i^ aj " ,l !?’ band * «**“«% biuswcredv - Publielmedtinc/s tcrSL dntin 1 V- Va * ffl”?* ~Dg k t 9 and liberal] amountß affl.ct.on when,scribed byindividuals. jTn tfecrtfbf and millions' are in'■Philadelphia; beside a very large fund - • whose contributed heavily ftJim their com: ■-&S« C^? r ® st,n| t s douymop, pan in JvkaTeomities 7 the-connly' Commissioners, genkall* fhi / a - al lthe Jiihabilantaj HD der tblf guarantee jof (a few of tßfefr. SJ I . not^. n ? } eminent citizensjdcvpted conntyfunds. * *W-'*Jo 'the «gw phi^A. i.. t•* H, A 1 ®*' v that theUrocfbdiii^ -7 1 a Ca and npno bcjlegalizid, and; submit ft> th^wt 1 A wL t X?7fefn nd ; doiJTof the Legislature' the question ' ? v A *-, A of wbnt legislation wolifiPho just and ■ - . > CX>^^J¥ D ? ZXT ’TOEg-) proper on|:the,whMcVuljJect. that Ihb -1- I ~^ L ' r .• -. i ;,. burden of this patriotic effort iaay , ■ GuVERNOR’S-MESSAGE. Ti H A 031 .'! on all of people ■ - 1 ~ thrpughod.t the State.; The -result of . T j The Governor annu-I*h|p n,an !-festatfon- 'df j public spirit 1 ' «I message by a financiatekfiibit,from• jthirty-eight new regiments t Hrhich it ; appears thatthe recci^ST! tn unalhvcliod compatUcs of from ordinary sources.of revenue for | ! n ( all f r y were vaised y foutvotirer rog \j . tneTycsap4iB62, atol in 5 excess of the ' • m ei , tjgL. wliich. prcvioui to this call V ofihe lB6l Oneimiifion | had b<cn jiu.ilibrizcd by jthoiuVV'ttr' De- tlipusand ofifrir hundred and sev- j PW m s® po be raised, afe still in pro- and eighiy-two cents, i £ r6ss bC organization. J ; L ’ of:infcHsst paid-in ISG2! - i rnr L'rr vJ, * ni *1"; '-7rr‘' l 4 A v ®^ li S M' being 6144,095 .37;] j ; Mii.itia. and ,ordinary expen'ditaresj Early rntSfipternber fast the rebel :i>- UTnety-five thousand i army crossed.the Potomac into'Mari • A “*ree hundred and dollar Hand,, •Iwilli. the design iof fhvadiiin’ and sixteen x-ents less than the " On the 4th of that mouth debt now a- ; I e'alled upon the people by Procla* —i founts S4 o i4j8 7 2l5ftpwards the ex-: niation .-tii organize into Companies :]!; hnguishnjeTTt of which ihe_SihkingjJ anJrhbld h> u nd hojds td]-Ordcrcd ui.to active de ft rlop mnhona seven hotdrediuid eigbty.J-fencblp;- tbccStute. And out’lbe 14th ■ ; dollars. - Sboufd there be; of thatfrosnth, under autlioritt’ of the =. :> ijoextraordinary the Treas- 1 Presidonil 1; issued orders; lor fifty :f. u rji there ca'n bfe appropriated from ] thousah.l vjhmte?i-. ililiiia, and a rv- e larfte balance npn’on band anettbe flargo forte was ’ spntf'foiitva’ril to the revenues, at leasta million ; Cuinberlaaid VuMey and | its vicinity. 3 ana a half iof rdoljars during the com-1 The fir»t-l)art;pf this force, coihsistinA ' '"S jpoar tbwardsrthe payment of the jot one regimen|jtnd ciglit coihpanies publredebt ' ; jof pl ovcd frblh Harrisburg >. . Al ? re P*rd to,Pennsylvania’s .quota] oh the night, ofr the 12th of Scptem.- - nc C l -irv ir^t A a^S l . aioant '‘ n ff to .81,-i her ; and wero followed by,other reh. hr’ l^fKaß' paid-in June,'and that j iments a i rapidly as they could be. ;'-At State. There is still organist transportatron. pvovid~ ?^-|.d I1 elo tte State, .principally, for ad-led. ; -I -.A- ; - ranees .since made transportation The command of' the -whole force 4- e Q n 'Pjuents of-.yolanteers, aboutiwas faked by Brigadier General Jno. ]T>f three hundred tbons&id dollars. ' F. LeynoldsL who left his; corps in the “An Ta» philadelphiaAsd ibie RailboXd ■ Arm — Aj.th<[ Potomac at my urgent M „ , p,. S f request,:And ! hurried to!the defenco-hf State, for whid. he is cnlli CSi f rU> says ho tied to dhe-thanks orUie 'CoiniTmn. : [ h ‘? da p!l1 ? a - nd “ nnteer Militia forward . i** ■ one thousand of jto Hagerstown and Boonsboro’ in the the bonus tb.c State in j Staid of Maryland, ten thousand tvdre posteil : if the vicinity ofiGrdcricastlc A" . _ 2oth of ’Norcmbcr. be j and : and. about tweh -v issued warrant. . Both war--* ty.fivo 'thousand “were at itiirrißbdrgb 3 tM ;way^■■'■l° or fn j ? pdrtwfront Jqhn A. .\Vnght, Rsq., the roadincs| and waiting for transporta • : cominhsioper appointed for the pur- ,tidn to | proceed thither.l One J regi ’ P ol **! l )T 9“eds of the, bonds I meat, at‘ the request of Gen. Mallecdc preyipnsly hgd been appropria- to pitneCt Powder ' • Mills in the State of i n °Wi On the—4G, ,&;pte!l>be4the Voluh ■; the five miriiQiis of tecr Mililia wbgu discfrarAd t>v i.'.O 1° ni tlfei. spited ' ' roc t?y B '*! tß >f btindSjjissu- dcmonsttWnPgreatlv aided in nre - . «?li maes-of road havb 'bedn i vehting th(unfcui|cd bf this WOK" sGn l inth ad 'r for tl,c i ll,c G*fcri«pr'of Maryland and of n boftd9 *f ? mth «' Proasurv the rComii.and.‘r of the Army of the’ Vii i w to co,n : (ordered U, our natri * t^e^’? dj J nd t^" S ° pcn t^is ,ra ’ I * fre^aiihiQHgb iheJ Measures " tr f d t a ' ,d CJ>mtnerce - have procure the pay " °* th V^ l wihpral mc «t in !Jl of these troPPs and of > ■* " ,s i «««W •*# »r4cs ea A- the United Slates, in accordance ; a. j years rei;dar | with the terms of the call by tie alj^rlSSrll \ CS P A larg v . portidn of theA-' ■ now | mount ‘ been paid. .v|Hav~ thdComm on wealth " kl a ° u n ofingnccompknied this forced.. Jlagers -A -( i ,__Uown; l ain enabled to epcatc k cotii- A®ii^ SKB ™™&X(XS&AtE pEkr. i a o^r'fM‘ , |lity and . cheerfulness with AffeinPsiest on tikEtate debt 'was t uniiecosfCnied ■ ; paid in I August 4akAn*^db b Ss! U>e jfire oTthel equivalent, in cemformity with/thc-ex"i fol T pr 6>nHiiig whh nlkcrity Istmg-lWlk‘ at ® f i '' ly-.six million seven.! and red- - / j • *^~-ft!.!rty~Q ne thousand one hundred - '^ IIE three jiuxdbep rnonsAsn draft State one hnndnui 1| I-.' , lob-, and .regulations-were made 'AS pummiicevn- that - and thirty cents • 1 n nder the en '-■■"■baiikfl ha^bcf-n'mA bo )n^ ie burden; rol!men.c, wefts conducted ic *v •• jSSei?bWh^-f th instate, out" militia laws .being found ; - MC al,y Sevcrnf cdfihtilfe and ?• kfA.gffltc' -n»rr'-i«ii" v® 1 le ‘k(y -Olj quota oi this State, wer^^xempted jfeillPi Afff m%h rsr, of ' i,cn v "AlelSide«ao^rf Weal,h V ? !! ft The draft “ isSatnre tbroW « , ' dßt tbc Stall on the'3otb X , n SvSi ?J bfl w £>!o day of October last, and the dialled opinion these artgal*. men were directed to bei placed in 6 ® nk ® ,n tbe tho several camps of rendAvouV cs ;r;s* K fcEPiKV orwoLcxrbiKa. t'*® B eminently successful, andwhen ’■'"ftLit * r-e - ‘ "-■ the men had been marched to the .yb of-tfaly lart. a rendsaroiu, ay tEe oattar FO -) . Mil •t-;- MEI Effi . 11 , r< ' . • —-iiS. Ein En and all auJLoHtyandcoßti'ei overate men devolved on the iXtojtid' States! officers.. I cannot bat the pboplepf Pennsylvania cheerful obediencetatbe requirements of the Government pit this occasion. All. the e i of Knifed States and I learn that are now in the friOr and payments. > 1 , 1 ■- Inclnqing the three months volun teers, Pennsylvania (P furnish edto the - general goveffinmh't"mofe' than .200,000 mep smcelhe breaking put of the'febcllion, besides some 50,000 who werein; service, or actually ready for -it, as volunteer militiaribdcr the. call of 41 tb^pf-September last, making, in the whole more than 250,000 men. ' DEFECTS OF OUE MILHU LAW. v" ' The Governor then speaks of Smart'd cavalry rnidjnlo this State and add*: The militia Jaw ofthisStateis great ly defective land I earnestly recoin-, mend the appointment of a commis bion to prepare and submit am efficient system,J to b« reported before the ad journment of the Legislature, jbo that action may bo had ou the 'subject at tbe present session. In the hurry- of ofdiriaj’y.., business . tho ; Legislature might not■ be able to give the neces- to the preparation of a proper measbre, mid event* which have-already oeburred prove the ne cessity of some of effectual Legisla tion on the subject, so that our peo ple may be adequately protected.. The Governor-.them gives a list of the ordnance, arms and ammunition in possession of the State, and adds ; iregird the election of officers in the,E< serve.Corpis and recruitment of the rdgimenls of the corps, and’iff our regimen ta- of vol unteers, I propose to. scud a‘special message in a few'days, as I deeire to treat theta subjects somdwhUt at large, | and to. submit to Legislature seine! documents relating to them. ! Under the act of 20th April, 1858, it is my intention to take earlymoas nrcs for the Sale of tho powdermaga zine in the city of Pliiladtdphia. The powder magazine at Harrisburg .is not .judiciously located;. A. State powder,magazino*6uglrt,an my -gudg • mcnt,\to pe. erected on a snitablc. 1 Site in the' vicinity of this . place, and 1 reeomnici d the attention of the Leg islature U the subject. • u ; ■ In Sept mibcr last two ballcrie's of rjfl<?d cannon were presented to the. Common worlth by a committee of citizens of Philadelphia, S. V- Merrick, Esq.,which arc now in the Arsenal in that city. I recoin j mend that provisinnTbjj made for pro i curing ca rriages, caissons and other [ eqiiipmcntjs for them. The liberal rdppors are entitled to the thanks of | the Conira hi wealth for-their patriotic gi/t.;- '■ 1 ■ t ■ ; ./ . ..* PENS’SVLV.t VIA CEJfTBAL_ OFFER > DE t ■ - C LINED. Thtygo-; ctidca vow ed fonnfcj own state, Tfient to ll: pjo, and ad at from tho'P rorhor then 'recounts his o hare the sick and ivouiid- Iranians cared lor in their eompli o benovolencc or our pet* is; In July receiy.ed, C, fey telegraph, An’ offer snnsylvariiu Eailroad Com-' ■ pany,'of a donation of fifty thousand ; dollars to assist in paying bounties to Volunteers. I declined this offer, be cause I bad no authority to accept it oi> behalf of-the public, ar.d was un- I willing to undertake -the disbursement of the fundjin m3’ private capacity.— I hpve since.lrpcpived a letter on* .'(be subject,from thevedmpany, sngge- ting other’ modes of disposing of the inch e3'-ylf.thejLogis(atub should accept the.ubnatio|v3 recommend that it bo applied towards the erection of an nsylnm forjjour disabled soldiers, and that the trustees appointed to super intend'the erection artd management of-the asylum , be* authorized to ac cept such further Contributions as our citizens' may? offer., In.a.weJl managed. Cstami^L'H? c bl of that kind, it is proba ble that thejpensions to bsiljowed by* j the Government to the men, will ena-i bio them to support themselves jsvi th ] comfort PAYING WACKS BY ORDERS. It bas come to my knowkdgK. that in . some parts of the State atHykcm Oxists of paying the wages of work men and Jahoreis not in money 'hut' ip Orders on store-keepers fiir merchan dise ,ana other articles T lis system, by preventing all competition, leaves i the men to the uncoiitrollo 1 discretion jof the storekeepers. It is a? .System most unjnst, and it affects ■ classes of usefiil citizens, who as they f.live by the I [proceeds of their daily not adequate means to*' resist it. I have no doubt that most of the .difficulties.which Occasionally occur between employers and their workmen Arc duo to the prevalence ot this system'. That every mun, for a fair, day’s laborshonld receive a fair day’s wages/ is but the dictate 6f common honesty ;.aud while it would most unwise for the Statute interfere at nil with the rate of wages, it is .in my judgment incumbent on her to protect hot/laboring : population by requiring that whatever bo the wages stipulated, they siall‘ be so ; paid that the recipient may- purchase uecesiaarios for himself and his family, wherff thcyjcain be had best and cheap- T do moat earnestly recommend •this subject iio the Legislature for prompt anif effectual action. TOE "WYOMING CASAt TO PAY CP. The Wyoming canal is still in tf»b hands .of; the receiver. Certain credit ors of the compah'y having instituted Supremo Court tor selUngibo sehal under the mortgage, the Attorney General has intervened, «h the suit to opposo the making of a decree : of sale. No decree has been made, and the proceedings yet pending. Meanwhile, it being alleged that the Buhscrtoers and stockholders have paid tip butaijjrgll par# of the nominal capital of/ifae company.’ an information; has been filed in the' 80 prome Court by the AttorneyGensrsl, to compel then to pay op the capital, ICI * f|r cbargesand aFSessmcnts is necrassryto extinguish the “ent due to:the Commonwealth. This' ■proceeding Jsolso still ponding. II Is nadeivto^ ; (bttt'thO gross receipts; of the canal-during thprast season hayo been about one hundred and.thirty thousand dollars, and (he annualin tercston the mortgager bonds of the company ja little over thou sand dollars. fc" ■ ‘ i; ■- - SOLDIERS, AND THE ElOnr oFj SUrlFttAsb. i®y the act of-20th March, 1818; [ti was[ provided that citizens; absent from hoine ip actual military 'servicoi mighUbxercise their right of suffrage asjif they were present *t;. thelusnal places of electkrtf. The act wasiinb- Stantially re-enactPd in jtbe general: -election law pawed on the 2d of July, .1889. The Supremo Conit has ;re cenlly [decided that by reason;; of ;a ; phrase in the constitutional amend* monts of. 1838, this provision has Fife- 1 ; come unconstitutional. Pennsylvania has sent to the service.about two hnn dred thousand citizens, who, by I this; decision, are disfranchised. This seems to be; a bard; measure—<l that; men .who testily . their devotion to the' country l>y going to the field should thereby lose the most inesti'-; mable right. of a citizen. I recom mend that the necessary steps J bp; forthwith*com menced to amend the* constitution so as to give the right of. suffrage.. to the citizens s who arc . thus excluded. '.j r --.J, ‘ '• j CONCLCBXON-pp THZ MKssaoe. I cannot close this message without speaking of [the unbroken loyalty andjspirit of tbw freemen of Pennsyl yania>[ They? feeLjlkal on the. preser vation: of the and the .sup pression of tbeJWfccanselegs and . wicked rabellion|gWpß|tory records <dcpend; the and the whole future Com monwcaltfi. TheywpS||e«r tolerate schemes for destroying.-tho Govern ment of the form* mg separate Confederates, or any other schemes for creating general confusion and ruin; and aiding and comforting the traitors who are in arms againstllheir country. ■ ■i j I This State hasfurniahod more men fdr the defence of our institutions, and has lost* more by the casualties of war, than any other Stale. 4|3ho has givcp her blood 'und treasure frPely, and is ready to give as much more of hoth as may bo needful. Her people intend! that, by the blessing of God, this rebellion, shall bo; suppressed, arid will not be turned from tbeii: settlecl purpose by the wiles of masked enp micsj on the vacillations of 1 fPcblp friends. On the contrary, they ; will, (as is their right,) insist that compe tent Integrity,; Earnestness, Intellect and Vigor shall be. employed in this public service, to preserve the Gov ernment, and maintain the unity of the country. : A.,G. Gdrtin^, List of Jurors- £ For AJjourned .Cpurt, January 19M, '63. Borough'township j-Daniel Beisehger, Socrates Wm. fl. MS&jhrio. Bridgewater: James PoftSf. | Brighton tp:;,Richeyi Eakin, Jona than M’Kenzio.. . 1 ■: Big -Beaver; I Beaty Jamcs Scott. I; ■ ■ ■ ;v. T ■% Freedom Borough ; Jl" Bette. Ilookstown rT. Blackmofe. : Hanover tpilWm- Catchers, David Little. . ; !',- . f.’l "-Vi- Economy : Simon Cottom, War. Cl Dunn. I|i ' | "■ j'-. ■ j . Industry Ip: Georgfe Engle. ' ! ’ New ; SeWiekiy : Wm. Framptoril George■ 1 : ■ - Franklin Si mod Fisher, W m i j Pence, John G. Nelson. .; New Brighton : George Wl Fulton, Samuel Ke'ijv North Sc wickly tp: Samuel C. Clow, John Framer, James Marshall. Raccoon-tp {Jacob Fronk. j’ : Jacob Hook, Wm. Johns ton. i : h: - ■'l , ■,■ ! Ohio ip :JoLn Johnston, j - m iSouth Beaver: Janies Lyon, James] If’Gochpn- ■ . j;,, JJ ' 1 Rochester borough John JrKoun.< l|rl Ai T Shalljenbcrger, John Wilson. : Marion tp: Sampson 31’J)aniel. i Chippewa tp : David M’Lcan. Greene tp: Adam Foe, John Vance,l ' 'From.;Vicksburg. -V 1 1 Richmond papers contains tho: fol lowing : -v ■ ... ViCKSsifeo, Friday, Jan. '63. This morning odr forces odvance od against theonemy, who Wore eroct . ing works on the lake, causing them to cvacnato tke place, leaving ail their implements for oreeti ng fortifications, etc. . Our forces now occnpy the whole country bordering on the lake, the enemy having*ctnmod to theit trans ports and gone down the Yazoo. Latest. —Tha enemy have left Chick o-saw Bayou and! are reported going in their transports to Snyder’s on the Yazoo, where it is supposed they will make an attempt to storm bur works. Our forces are well ad vised of their ' S S V-: 1 ■ - i Uairovlll, Thursday, Jan. 2, ’63. Tljo tiWlmer from Memphis has ar rived ; There is nothing- later from ■Vicksburg. :-Tho reason assigned, by the passenger! for the non arrival' of the,, atbamer ■ from Vicksburg is that the .Rebels have planted batteries at Cypress Bo ndi .and thus pre vented in tercourse for>dhe present. These will bo easily cleared- by our gunboats when communication becomes necessa ry- ,By way of Grenada a report had reached Memphis that there had been no fighting «ific«itbo 29th nit. . j. Isaac N. Cook; paymaster, baa been] arrested for a defalcation of a of a million of dollars. The JBOney is said to have been " lost ( by gambling. Arrester were made at the «mm timo <#a bomber of gamblers atCincionatiAfro,Chicago,Lonisville, aod otherplaOee.addabout 170.000 ofi ' M : U : - 1-;-- : i! 0 j*. ••. t;- BEIM 'j r • ' 1: BEATEH, PpyiTA. -j Vtdnegdiy, Ja^'l4^t|BflcEl - :»j : Editor : •'f^dOß^MllSplf ajako-aa aarneat appeal to tboaa of our subscribers wbo:sro in arrears lor their paper, to pome and pay npf. Wow is the 'By so doing yon ** V** 6 ! Fifty Cents, as after*the Ist of January-we wilt | charge all -who hove paid Us nothing yet, Two; Dot- LABS. :a. r r , ■ f ■ /.-.j/ ;;; '•• After the Ist of Jaunaqr, 1863, we< witl also raise the price of advertising Wd'aro Compelled to do this on a£ count of the advance id paper. per that we paid $5,00 for last summer Kowleostir as nearly oa> ad yertisingj rates Will bgas follows: L ' l sqMre, 75 £aoh : cubseqneut j 0 2d ■ and E»'rsXotloos.T. 2 od ; : The ,£toir_ will adopt'the above rates of advertising, being'coaipellcd to do so from the same Oaese that we are/ Almost all other papers J in the ’coun try have increased the price of their ■n bacripttdn and iadyei«ti»uig> - 1 ' a''meeting of the ! of this] place and vicinity, W Saturday next, the I7th inst, atJO o’clock, a. 31;, in the Union School hOnfift in this boibugli, for the purpose' of ioVming a Teachers’ Instit«te. Wfe h .fP« tbe teachers generally, will Jje present. ;| ' ; 1 ; publish the Governor’s Jles iage in our issue of this* w ! eck, which has crowded out much matter that would otherwise liave baenjpublishca. It is a document that should Be care fully roiyl ; by all. vjj' ! \'Uf John CurnnEa-rsoN. EsQ -Ltye-iearh that this gentler mn— vwfio : served his .country so faithfully in’the capacity Captaili, in tie.-Oth Pa. Kcsorves; a:nd! was wounded iu Itth.t bcforp.dhchmoiilf— has resigned, his oommiSsion and arrived ai li is home n j; New Brighton. ■ His humorous, friends will, doubtless, ,be f|lehsed:‘tb hear that he has So far recovered his" .wounds that ho is' now but off danger,' and wjjl wo presume, resume his. old voftvtion, ami make one in o|ir|mulst] Welcome home. | I v : - • f \ • i ■Quin our paper of this.vcok we Commence the publication of tlio Tankagiving Serßion (of which wd spoke last week) jdcliyercddn ti>:o= Loi jcust street M. E. Church, Hu •rtsbiirgj Pa,bj Kevl■ Franklin Moore, Itb which wo call the j*tcntioT,i of otii* .readers. Lot be road hy ■ evci-yi Qhristian ; lUd Patriot into whose bauds it fall i Wo also commend | it to the epepm!- notice land ,epuside|ft~ ■tjon of theijadilorj pf tlio Ibal bo may be gfeath* profited there b\j -Wo have our neighbor of the Star under our-especial '.card and af tentiprt, and: desire bis-rl>fo(r hiatiom therefore wo will endeavor! throw a|l|tl|o lighi upon hie; darke) ed lwiihinwnir polwt If we juiliip our efforts, weitrnst blame wil| bo attached to us. ' ' 1 i BQuWo lean*, from the NcVv Brigh ton Times: of tho death of 3lr. l?an’l -Boyle, wliieh occurred at (Virginia City. Nevada Territory; Washoe Sil, yep Minces on the j loth- Ipfi- Mr. Boyle was formerly a citi zen of this icountjv Accompanying this;’ letter to bis mother, announcing the death of Mr. 8., was an ; old-tirao a five franc, hearing date 1821, being the same year of Ilia birth, presented to him, when a small jboy, by Archibaldßobertson, Esq. The piece is worn so smooth, from constant friction, that most of the inscription: is obliterated. Mr. 1), carried it about his person from tho time of ita : receipt till his' death. Y'j; j;, -i - L ,V'f •; ’ Execution Postponed.— The execn ,tibd of Robert Pool, which was'fixed to have taken place oh Friday last, at Wheeling, Va., has been, postponed by Goy, Pierpont, until Friday, the 13th of | March. i| This [respite was granted upon the petition of the minis tore of Wheeling, who have been- conversing with Pool; and who represented (hat be was not prepared to die, but tho't ho exhibited signs of a change of heart that might be fully brought aboutaf a little time were givtn. 1 ;Wfr*Wo have been handed a letjter, by a friend, from Liont. Joseph Reed, ijcommandmg jCbj P, lOthPa.Rcsoryes, giving a correct list of the killed, wpunded andiir.ißsing of bis company, w|th a‘request to publish it for the satisfaction of their! friends in Beaver co'untyii j | ‘ ; | , Killed—Henry Gull, Beaver; John Edgar. Darlington; Christian B. Hol land, Rcchestcr—3. Tfoundetf—lst Sergt. Geo. S. Lch mer, Rochester; Henry Pboifor, Ro chester; W!nr.. Swager, Mercer; Alax. Dawson, Ohio tp.; John? Purvis, I Ro chester; Daniel Barto, Baden;! Clark M’Connoll,! Freedom, Edward Neville, Brighton tp.—B. Hissing—} ohn P, Wilson, Beaver; James D. Wjlsoh, Beaver; Casper C ull, Bridgewater; Wm. Ro cheater; Hii?am Si Reno,: Rochester, Ira Neville, IBrighton tp.; Jas.. P. Mc- Ganghey, j New Brighton ; Samuel Hamilton, Ohio tp.—S: •. i ■ : ‘ 5t,.v . Letter front Hairiaimrg. V .. j ,■ I. Jah. 10, ISO3*~ ■£. 3lr; -.Editor: Thej Lcgisi ituro ; has in both byaijchosi In dhh 11 Senate, - Geo.y£ ,■; Lawfonce was > (bected’Speaker. The Clerk end oth er officers nearly the same ns lastees sion..; In the House, J ohm Geisha, of Bedford, Union was elect ©d Speaker. This is a sore hit at the Hugbes-Vallahdigharn;- faction."l. In caucus,j Cessna bad about iwd-thifds, of the votes, though oyerv possible ex ertion was made fey the llughes iften. Governor sent inj his Message on Wednesday- I presume’yoh.bave read .i t,! which precludes any necessity for mV: referring to it here. It is a if** oct,ttloD *> an< * f ill' speak for Report of the Slate Treasurer ,was received; same day. rAsthiVuoc ninent refers solely to-thc finances of the Commonwealth; I- will calt ydur attention~to a few items inlu sf 'The balance in. Treasury on 30th ! Not. 1861.'... 1:..V._;51,C51,C05 70 Receipt* during the year 1861 ~;i 5,211,747 63 i-U-V-H 'A' 1 $8,763,303*35 'PsTments during .ale year entl'g"■ ■■ :! 1 v jtow 30, 18G2iy.............. .’.C;; 4,590,509 25 Ji-' ■ ? i I ■■ Cs y- I.- . Blanco m T™* B /. K6t.30,’62452;172,844: 101 pfXbis bal. there is remaining, of ■ I v Uia War loan ofjMay 15, 195,076 27 Nett balance applicable to ordi-T I. 7 ' ! i nBI 7 ] purposes, payment "of » Public debt,' etc., e1c....:....—51,97~,267 86 Ordinary receipts of 1862...'. ii. ,754, 13 ; “’; ; “ 1861. ;;;8,017,645 67 j • Excess d£receipts for 1862:...51,030,176,82 Paym’t3forbrilinirypurposes’6lsl,llß.C«2 93 i •• ’<s2 1,023,845 77 i •■> ?S.C«re*ae in expendt'rsof *62..;5. 95,317 16- I will send you a copy? of the .Re port as aoon as I can obtain it. 'K~ •,. .r i-- ; !;■' i bV o. , IB|-Wo arc infonnctl hy’the IT. sT pollqctbr for this Collection District, that, ho will bo_at tho office,of Mr. bflveiiport, tho ; Assessor fW the Dis trict, daring tho weoki of the Court in this placol which Co|nmohccs'£ntho lOth iiret. P(y-«oii8 having business 'With- 1 hi m eg n avail tlietnsolyes of jthg/ cpportanfly to geo him, ■ V\ r c haveX doubt he will btv plcaseggo meet ami that it will Wpi-ofuablo * maj hare taxes- to pay.- (The Board ofVihtciagQjjs 6f the Cea : -"J)im sa*cestcd. whk!> hiU '! ■er County are ofjour vhn'‘titrKal hereby requested; to liietmat^iheCourt -aiuhtold them,to. hrinir ,’,~l ■ j'i,£V. House, thelOth inst’, at feets. ami ho. .v; o'!!ji as busincsf of ini pot- .arrested.-tir-*.-.- T;w JVi*uv.f : Vtj'i if ’• tanpe to the wyjjic .brought i before,T.tno Board. A'jtVill meeting ot IffieacrfUoii thy : tl.yaßoard 'of Jlanageps order to ri|srkh-'U-,.-j.i'. solicited. By order^if:President. “ *|! quick. , /mak'-lr; had ihvv A. G, ' t j-' 'j- i ; OU I.*, hiM se c L 1 "-!'.': Lll - ‘ J j .... The Two New Speakers. ' | •both regiments .'aVi dhu.’ eitii'-J Tfao Speaker ofj tiic v \Vhic-!i oar .. George V, Lawrence:] is from IVish-' db-Lhp 1 ® v ' , ' a y is overr « ia,r; : ington guilty. ; ia ported thy Captain p, ?aid, are Inirercirt in Perlaiii. a,lt ‘o*iOes arm !u- nsis j.;,i ; ; j.f this [is the case,! an ! [aptness tot g a l lr )i hoii.se Tyr. /wcntv-.(jg!i> !i parliamentary business must be dba “like a .sheep.*'; charaele|Ji sfcic pt thp Lawrences. The ' v v:i tyiLourd /or'iiknj r father of the prcsenySper.kfir-(Joseph * ,vo bouts' and .tn t ;r -/kp;: was for hino yehrs in the *? r v°V 11 lfo^latdra^/tui4..iil3f>lsented aa State Newport News. where we;.ryah TfeasurPr. audSnernbcii of CotP>rcss, , ™J*£ ll .d4|ioa removed j/jphii The brother ofHho Speaker °( ■tliu, regnnied^sgjj deceased) was the [presiding; officer of .o°.r v ..t“fiy..bdys front New: it;::' .thh [-Pennsylvania; llbnso[ (ifPepre-,“ I r ?‘. is i-ejiyru-il ..tU. , lorjtwo ycarchy ' 1;,4- •! lih'ttj- to flirty ,w < The SpeakeK.ibfmsPll iska native of -A&Syidf ■•. •■ the county which he. represents, is “mdeed their teias t : >-dj-ir. dyy.o years [of age, and ■'* ‘ / r almost,as tafi as President ;: ; A o’m-s ’L, He was first elected to the Legislature / . , ■•flAßlAsA^ ip 1844, and- served two Session sl; -was Xf.w Jau. 11—TheCiv. Reeled to tbe ( Senate- in . 1848, and. rived to-night froin New Ork-.i ■' then again sArcd pwp terms-in ;to the 3drhst .Slkmv.-is lower. House. / P'ihally beArai) chosen c TI by Gem Banks to brine di-mmekes for the Senate in.-tB6O. i j for Gen. Hal leek. C ncajogichi ahd pet-sonal fact- .Purser Cook.! o/ ivp-.ns a . rfc P?*® St; nted in order the .pub- by the arrival of thu gunboat tj itdnv lie, in the event of tho death of the at Southwest «m th.ov-,-.;: •: of present Gjovernor[ Cwhb never was jjn -the .3d:- J [learn that early m Li.e better; healtb in'lns life than at pres- inorni n ,r of.:il»e Ist last.,j ent,) may known something about bis madb air’attack: bv Hand aiSd.wa.'-,; on * el \£P r f ?>®. ucc^8S ® r -' V-V 4 [j the Federal fortoS-k <i:dv|--. . Mr. John of Betiford Conn- gunboats were ’.»y ’i : ; ty, who assumes the duties of Spbak- steamers, protcetru by tloukv - '—l or ■,» er of; the House, has borne’, the rbpu- bales of cottbnpuid (lo nilvi wbii ;r ! d>j<s, tation of being learned in.parlianient- armed witbHciltes,- ijiWiict^itv•• i : np* law. Ho held the same position; Tho Hamet Laiiu wiijr,;i -m : ■'< ■ iii 1851 as lit and [ePHehed boarding, iiftef about. >. thestegislalive manuals with a nuin- niki, indmiing (tijaiiiii bet ‘bf [valdablc Heeisions. He has and tieuldpant lAv;.a m! i Doen; prominent in political--life for, ',tS»id- bad- 1 number of years, and is a ma|n whpUe .■keii^ffirin'g i fn»m-‘tS[>«’f'‘ i -' i V;' : - ■ peculiar is; admitted oven by My infoijinabt statk Uu.' i' 1 his jwlitical opponents. 'two.df the officers :ini i'f -*L k/r r , —rkv ' : teen of the crew • ! : •j'"®' ’Py. tdegraph from ganfeoatS Glifu.n ana 0«...» „ 1 . [ Washingtpri, says the ;!Tn6««e, a most .Sa„ e d and c-kaned fl.e s >' Xapffieon 111., on be- Ovvmseo lost lone killed a,,L n half ol his Imperial raastorf of any WQUl ffi e d. Two 1-arks. I#-Te(i ; If* , tp the ro|- odab fell into the blinds rt iL riiMny . and authority Tho flagshipi iWoAtiebl 'being , ■ of our 1 Podoruf Unipn,; Woffiakethe in anbdier cffivhnel, her r pmglp confiraent thoreoif that His Mty- dransffirred i to ihb irnnsnrmf.; estys intentipns have U.therlflbecn Comman.icr f imperfectly 4 undestood or iinpofWctly wau ld fall into ihebsinds Qi tl-.oiml.elq, indicated ; ; by;. the' Journals—fwhetber blew [her n-l Bu some hisnwmige pnsian'jOr .Arnci di. apeak, ra6tlt ; or a cc!tlent|ihgeNi4f-k^: Us though :.n bis lotlrom-.rca-before'tto , fust inspiration. B- n RenMiawf Lieut. Zinanor^MW . peans. may. some go their boat’s efew got away and. y K ,na .®? were blown up 5f ‘u the same ligh t this year as. croiv of the U esthdtb , ,ast ’ . •kwy'.i : ' ' at Nek; Orleans'- in ? uakr^g remaining Iroopsare qi?!. -k, ;i •hahk.ias lltey did not anipe u , plned' hadlc-cn j| as . r ileot isontho why to d kirc; The repel force is e» 11 0 J- ; (; c c. thousand, uiffier c»nii»a.l Magruder: :[ -Chir l a,,J Lk.ii'oif). Hnrdcllf of A t^ tho residue not l |!ir ', !I 7 a ‘ timp'of the fight.' \ . Our loss is 5 estiindte* o ’ and '2OO ta|ien suffering the, most, p- ffiga tho rebel loss is n ' ac 1m [ <f : own. c ‘ ...-v.'w; The Federal . tropp 3 w jL rep?'**/ whai-yos. of; Gajv^W“’ t |,o y of tbe-f® ‘ 1 fufrendered' 1 Another WAftruNO—The wife of Rov. 11. M. Manson, of Easton, was burned to death .last week,' having set her clothing on.fins by>a,ttenipting to fill ®f?htod,lain]) vyiili bih When will the people take >. warning and abandon a practice f^) 1 dangerous ? J Lamps should invariably ■ be filled arid trimmed when cold.' It is| dangerous even 'to fill, with carbon oil, a lamp which has just been, extinguished*, arid which may -bo, heated to such degree as to ignite tho:vapor of the oil; I New Your, Jan. 10.-«#|tyices from Now Orleans report rebels have 13.000 • nten and thirty gnns at .Hudson. The earthworks are •aid to l» twelve miles in cztnit. . 4 , Agricultural/i^tice. ' ken Ircm the Iv\u ’ . . aCB !|» ? e Kt Scrrca Editor Eero ■* Sir:—.| bav^ ; from. tlio ’ .fitUbw: ‘‘<WP-drafted njonVrT w hmV reHdß as ioUows; ing scene wng^tnTss^d ton. The 168th and vania, Kegimer.ts, m«j lL J V >n ' i & from Camp HoweVh.,,l i~™ fted men to embark'at tKSft?" **»««* top Fortreas Monroo T , - Slrcct 'vliarf to bis a greihjack oV W conduct tof be K, o p^ uti,1 ‘ >^ aid to Gen. Casey Cdr, an that tjio regiments were arid scattering over the noi ?£’ a ? ,zoc *.- Steamer; hav.ng noorder/to irUerib.l ;W,th the mihlia vylmtevor.: 10 Holh regiments; had Wnb-.il-..l • tho!stcamciv> SouftrAmeric^-^^ff’" the • day JkAmv. and®^ I about tifij- or vrerc loner..,g abon; i tngAhc departure of . ,| lrt „; 1! v g"i was no.lack of disc-inline-- ,is ‘ .*®J ,wrch«. fol . „ or - 1“ ]J“,|«IW, ; aether were :u,e, m en the-. jDc.ghborhoo.l; but. -the 'OS andicbivalrons Captor and Btfi p"* Hh gj‘ drafted men. vrl, f £f dn« ,1.0 W«».t«s2 it , ui - imposition, and aavampb/„f &thm-ity ‘ on aha tus< ; d togd onboard, when v : qufitb an Was misfed,, the ■ telling .those oh-abe avliatf- Cafalry b, the.riv ,r.4 d /ft? charge bayonet oii'ihem,.t| K , "‘‘ i a J.rj*vWith drawn swords 5,.. ',i 0 : /*\\c I i ■ ‘i;"Sfcdrive them. afenUrii sneli as i^hoil-ilitia-made gjVh.ft L j Here .-vM ’ 1 iw» : ■* iween.. 'o"tu’o i j»r l Vti 1 .. f. ml-v Ihb Cavalry t.f. ( 'a.,;.!; told tllO.Cuio.liid ■ j.(lilt* J| t . '&X-. * 1* yvi. a j *62.. - H icie takei |rs* bpadej •j'liiiS, •'I be- 'feed K’Uien-: ME MIMI ■4P& iif.otV' 4 ,'iibk'H ’ : tii i of t > on •who. • w tllO IME flliOM Iv -to. • \}stT ;!• Itfj iiVilT: •- '■■■ • tii . I.;:i ri- ft and’. jury 1111 El is » -ori an fn m •«S fe rd llii Bo I [v? Bnh of J l^be |-Ofid jo'clo Rbfei la\ 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers