I GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH. A Family andean Agric*lturalJournal, DEVOTED TO tc-HO'jjCE "L.ITER ATUKE, IKCLUIH.NO • y . Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, 42fD 3IORAL AND 'ENTERTAIN ~ING READING GEN ERALLY. lln the *Literary Department ve shall prc sent-ibc choicest Tarifctiea within the reach of CTfr extended means.' , The Novelettes. Tales. Bcjetry, &c./shall be supplied from the best and highest sources, arid be equal to anything to be fotmd in ah/journal or magazine.. r Agrinnltnrfl and ! - EMBRACING * Farming,Gardening, Fruit-Raising, &.c. In aUthcir branches, as. conduct'd. an the laleit afid moil.ai'jirorcd sytleni. 'z Our labor* in.this department for oyer thir tv rears, have met the cordial approbation of -the public. Our purpose has been to furnish ciseful and reliable information upon these ■ very important branches of industry, and to protect , them so- far as v.itliiu our ; power against the false doctrines and selfish purpos es of the many entires and seusattoitpadvcn turers by which the Firmer is tnccssautiv.as • ■ sailed. *TKSs portion of the Ihmnuloim Tdc graph will alone be worth, the whole price of Subscript itfn, as every Fortner and Gardener, . who has' a proper conception of his Calling, will readiiv admit i ' I NEWS DEPARTMENT, i i...-. The same industry ,Vare, and distndiuinnfiQn, * \ la eat Bering and preparing the Stirring Kvcntt | * of The l)iy, expressly for this paper, which ! ' dlitherto'jjas been one of it?- marked lectures , apdrgiveh so;, universal : satiduetioni : ™dll be ,: ;£ofiiimied with redoubled efforts to ‘ime( the/' Jm greasing demands ot the public, ■jjiclaboy / in-rthts department .isinever ■timyapf f prm[ifi!ed by fhe reader. It be iiur •. • possible to present, arnl care-,, - fully made-up form-in which'it appears, a; corrected inuss of all the . interesting ' news-of the week..v.*itbout involving much physical la&>r, tact and judgment.- ■ Is Tiff sul;s( i il'ei- : liiis alwayson ha'iil I o.<"<«o*lV \ M GuttVy's.- Sjiellor &;liva- I dcr-Vllay's,’ Aritlniif tics, .Stoddard'* 1 Arithaiotro. llhuup's ti.runuiiiiTs 35i ■Oneicopys onc_yi-ar. S 2 ; one copy. Mbrcg,j l'.it-Sv Ac.. 'f cstamoiits: Jitter Cap ami rears. §5.<H): thrce;c»i>lc», one year. SopX) :- ('oii'imcmal. 'X ote -I »a «»»•rs.- -Eavidojic ; s. FiTc.Oopies. Giro Vc:ir. §*.««>; Ten O.picKj fe steel Pen? s ’ V«> , .y-'-op.c 3 ,..Mpe .Vcar, n , VU(Mcr ,: TW-s. ' ' Subscription riot paid vvlibin'ilie jryur, : 1 i*.k s,t;ni*l;s. Htmnot ■ Boards. Ae.. Ae. - $2.51. . t fr_ ■ j :itTsual iliscunnt lor casli. (ioods of five subscribers. : atSs. tyill ! u!! j to any parl.ol entitle the person getting it np to u Cnipy ior J. . - . i’() jd'Jp. S. J>A V !S. ' tix inonibs: a Club of ten or tnorc, to j.;i copy yr' | t 1 Pit (c!,n■■-I. for one year. All Club subscript inns popped : lob:!* C-" 1 J±! fat lire end of the time paid for, re-or- -r:~; A. ~ 7 \T 1-il i"?/ order will receive attention ‘unles.H I. | \ A.\l) !\>Tl U ! TE accomplished with the i'uju. ■ ~ 1 5 - numbers sciit to applicants./ ReV. R. T. Taylos , > JV. IVT., PriSl, M : Mrs.A. S. Taylor", Governess. - ’ a l>t .f, r °f, net r ‘ > FIKST CLASS SCJioOL FOKTIi.L KUC ;:' 1 hU.Mi.lua. (AA-t b r . . ■ \ ~f . Y i>uns Specif qare NEW BRIGHTON EETEEAT. **X<* in . Uie'l’rinmTy', jm4 Tt-cpai-alvar Be ■ • pjjrtments. , ; s ‘ .- L / ' All expense* exrcpt/'Tuhion m»d.'Washing. AIT ASYLUMFORTHERECEP- per tcjrm of fourteen weeks...r,./....... W TION. CURE AND TREAT- '*' Tuition ironrSo otttu £8 hO. .1 ‘ MENT OP MENTAL + "I No eiTdits spared to make the school worthy ' ' : - : : | , - ' r /, ' ’ tfr. Tbc next ten.: connnfne-.- Aug. 2-i ; '..i J And. ptHei* iWm. Miu.hu, Vhih...C AV Unx'/rsoN, I’htdvg * ServotM Dueases. >iill,Eß& ItItKETSOX, ; i —Kt.v run; f HM,u,Ks ll l ltiS;1 l jE ' OOCPS,i IAHIS institution is now open for the recep- t non, cave, iind treatment of the inth-j>ch~ | dot r/tur oT patients who arc laborin': under ; ■ mental doranjrement r dr oilier nervous and chronic disease. - Wcuuake special mention of ■ > ncivou? ami chronic Miscases, from the tact j ■ that tenths of'the th.M ‘ : ... are. committed to otirpiildic * i?t ho, ' treated - fetor disordered minds, urc re*luced ,to -> that laincilmf.fc condition through previous : • physical disorder. - U\*a J vVell tithed and judi '.r cious trcatmeitt of chronic and nervous: dis- , • all pl^vsic:i 1 disorders], in the minority | of cases may he removed tipd thus themind. s having gufliered through the nicdiunL'of the ! • body • will* wlifn free ft dm the Jpexciting ■ physical cause, «*ff the than, ■ • has hound it t« worse than uihlnighjtr.’daikhess, and’ reason will, otic.e move, vesnnie its sway. * clothed in all its primitive beamy and wonted /excellence. • Hence .the necessity of all those. whh are lahoritig under .the predWj irsing ur exciting causes, calcfimtcd in the end 10 iin .'‘ pair the mind # to- resort to an ciiiiy ati«l . judicious course of remedial agents. JThe Institution is a huge brick building Tvrth a gtone haseiaent—four stories hijih and we4l ventilated, 'll is situated on an clcvattul - ' table land which commands a view ,;of entire i town —adjacent hills—‘groves and neighr»oring •■a streams; all of"which are ralchlafcd to j»m duce favorable impressions npouAhe (usorder }' ,ed mind. • ' i * The Institution is complete hi nil of* its ap -1 poin.lnientsl UavingjWeu tastefully fitted np at graet'expense, in order.that it n»ay~ meet the approbation and views of the most I’aMidi * ‘ ,‘ons. We annex the to lu g leave to call the attention of all who: think •.*» subscribing for u newspaper: Advance Cash Terms. TJig. Vatcr_clo?ets ami bathing apparatus I -been gotten up upon the most approved j modern scientific principles. Tins department embraces not only jibe ordinary baths bur, also, the nucleated, warm iiir aud ascending and descending tluncht f>*r the mure effectual aid successful treatment of /cutaneous and other scrofulous diseases. « , . 1 We beg leave to say to all those ho-niay be disposed to commit, the .interests cfc« dear wife, sister or daughter, to our charge—may |be assured that no means will be spared or efforts wantingon our part toamdiorai6 their condition or to.effect a restoration [to their ac - distorted health and vigor ofr-mind. Fpr* further particulars send i dr a. circular. .All coUimunicaiions should be adidressed tc. • * - . E. KENpRICK,'M. I>. Siipt. of New Brighfoh Retreat Xew Brighton Bearer Co. Eh. bov!2‘62. Stray Mare. CAME to tie premises of the s uhscriber j living infTtig- Beaver township. Beaver | county, on the evening of the 24th of April, ■ a small Bay_ Mare, about q ; years old, shod „-sll around,-saddle marks, off hind hough en larged by a cut or bfulse: no othermarks per ceivable# The owner is desired to come for . ward, pyove property pay charges and take her away, or otherwise she will he disposed of ac cording to law. ' t: , r jnnellSt; JAMES K. CA LHOLN.gjj ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE "1 ETTERS of Administration on the estate JLi of John Cocut.vey, late of the bor ough of Darlington, Beaver, Oouniyv'Pcnn’j,' tlec'd, bavin* been grantedto the undersigned. L nll persons indebted no said estate arc, requeat , to made immediate, payment, and those having claims against- the same will present them . properly authenticated for settlement, s. JOHN T. CjDURTNEY,- Darlington, noyl2 -1 r. ; Administrator. - i 1 ‘ i— ?;jQU, *ASi Wia uM. at “VANITY FAIR." fbibxusand^elativ •‘lbis is the first'.really clever comic and’ BRAVE SOLDIERS -AND SAILORS. satirical' journal wc have had in America—- > ■ _ . ... .»j r>' nII .1 C and really clover if is. It is both sharp and WAI J "ILLJ good-tempered, and not afriud Unsay that its ~ -i; soul is its own—which shows that it has a /\ ~y~l Q (JllltlUGllli* soul. Our readers will be glad to know where ! . ’ they can find native tun that .has . L L WHO have Friends and Relatives in the better .in it than -mere paloit. ’ —Atlantic il \ rm y or Navy, shouldtake especial care a v v • hat they be amply supplied .with those Fills 1 ‘‘This,paper is excellent. .... Remarkable.; an j Q; lltnJcn ( ; a nd where "the brave Soldiers for originality.A*. Y.Srayrller. j an j gailors have neglected to provide them ••VAs rrv i'.ME is conducted by a. vivacious, , s^j w j t ij them; no better present can) be sent witty'and intelligent corps" of, jornnalists;”— j []lcal oir jfjends. They hare been prov- Liichf.dd (Cann.) Enquirer. ■ (cd to be never-failing friend in “Will wield as potent an influence as that of; t]lc bour of f> ecd> - [ the Loudonj i’ancA-’-’—.Boston frixtlUr. * , GOGG US A$D COLDSAFFECTING TROOPS ••Whosoever finds himself laughing at the- be speedily "removed and effectually wit of VA.vrrr Faiu, and does not return a cure( ] jjy using these admirable medicines, and guid prJ quo. is fit lor ‘treason, and spoils. ?j b y yjving proper attention to the Directions A", Y. Crayon. <' ’ ; j which’arc attached lo each,Pot or Bos. ■ : ' cnaruTTxJirU'P ' - j SICK HEADACHES AND W'ANT OF APPE b “ SPECIAL NOTICE. | TITK INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. I ' - " ,■ ‘ •.V,A. „ ' „n ;_i, ■ I These feelings which so sadden us, usually; | The very markedand flaltcringsiicuessw hich ; ; , ro uble or annoyances, obstructed has ; ; far attended the _publ.cal.qn .of enti A g and drinking , hatever I- ” , ‘ f AMTT, r aik, .■■ , llnw [ l yi CSO m'e l |tl m3 disturbing the healthful ! Enables - tlieJi 4 ( . r i„ d tionfacii.' TWc or-, ! | h,« eommcnccmct/Sof tl.ebu.ond \olume 1 • be relieved, it you desiroto.be well, j aueil this day. *•>!,; June. New Features, both ; ' ukin i:, o the printed in , Literary tjnd Artisnc, will he introduced, wh.ou , wiu^ui< _.‘ K |y a produce a healthy |rw,RmcroW the value . and interest of the, pa-; j in botll slouiach’; awl jat a per,, and tu)ly maintain. -the proud posu.ou , a clcar J. c; „l and good ap uuauimoush* uccoruuu to it, *ia luc Icfiomg • petite Y? - i ’ _ i'WEAKNESS OB 'DEBILIT/V. INDUCED . BVj • j .’ OVER FATIGUE, __ 1 Will soon disappear by the use of i hesc in- j valuable Pills, and tho Soldier will quickly. ao- j quire additioual strength', Sever lei the bow—j els be either confined'or mululy -act ,‘d -upon. I It may seem strange.thay_ Holloway’s Pills; should be .recommended for"- Dysentery and ; Flux, roany-persons sujiposingthiit they would t increase the-relaxation.' This is a great ;mis : fake, fortbeae Pills will'.correci the Jliver and : stomach and thus remove oil the aend humors j 'from'the system, v■■ This tiled:cine will! give type ' .1 and vigor to the whole organic system howev jer liefanged, while -health and Strength follow As a matter of Nal.hiug will stop the ' relaxation.of the iSowels so sure -‘‘s ti-is fam -1 uus inedieluc. . t J VOLC.NTEEUS ATTENTIONINDISCKE [ p;-. TIONS OF YOUTH, .■ t Sores and Ulcers, Llotohinga and bwellings, ‘can With certainty'be railically cured if the 'Pills lire taken night and morning, and 1 the JocuSal of ~Ajio:lca. V V I VANITY FAIR _ j is Issriin hkcvlably r.vr.l'.Y THt.asDAY, ‘ and 5s for Sale hy* all Scu smcn, anil at the; Office, of Publication, “So 113 Jiassau-elrbet, ! New:Vork;. ■ _ | TEUMS Three dollars per annum, in advance —Six cents simile Copy.'' ; ‘ • r TERMS Foil CUIUS; Two copies iof Yasity Fait, will lie sent to one addressToi . .........it. S; J /J’ 1 Five c0pie5.............f.. ..13 00 Ten-,c0pie5......'— C: ; I" 1 . , An Eblia vi'.V ' v jH lie.allowed to the|r,etter every Clul> of..not less than five copies. . Tkis. paper 'is Kle<ftr<ayved, and numliers may he i.rocureU at aiiy time. : : I.oriS-H. STEI'UESS. Vl’uljii-liit for the Proprietors, m Xausau-a(. !■ ■■ " - Xev.-Votk.V TO COUNTRY. EEALERS ■ School 'BooKi P.ml Sfctiohnni i'l WU'iv 1,/ . ■ 1 4 .AM* OF Brandies, 'Wines' and. Segarsj JMjj. 221 <s* --3* of Ld'crm .V [rtci'f s(*: wttsuuKa, v,\. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarn, K.c:, ,\e., cuiisJanlly on hand. • « [«ngO JEsSE JOHNSON, (iriieral Commission a xii /V' 1). ;</Ar h Flour. - (i'min : otuH-rM kinds of CuUftfyt/ l J y<nhnr, ,iU*l hiquor-i. Vfifpns, 'J-oLilCr'f;. d'\ .Oir.ee and Warehouse, .No -JIT SeullGM ?tree Liberal advancee-madt *?u condgMi.enta j, o -waso.N, sTTi,- x’cluot. jamk* Fjm,.\y . ‘ ;'I '' - I illi,SO\ 'lra CO , S-3r St., '; IE’ITTSIBTJIE^Gk iJnce how iht'-'r ' HPiHXG- »S r l'{)< 'K «>* DRY GGOpS, Complete. Extra; inducements foii'er- ed’to Casli luivers: (mhl9. PITTSBTOG WATER CUBE. ■V"f* <'nrntn*tr Agency C superior to TlYjlUb- VATiIV tor the irc.itmerft of all forms ol biseuses,. ami Do Instiuuiuu iu this coun try iwsscssiATgrcaler facilities for its a-Jimuis i trition tliUii. f.his. . J- . • s I Victoria! (Miciilnr uudress r ' '' r V‘R. v>*. N. ]iA.Mi?r.ETo':r f . 1 • : * - Vitf*burg, Pa. Stellliiig 1 House, i N0..107 Second Street : • (DritVEEN wob'u ast> maiikkt} j FITTSBITRG, PENJi'A. ; BOABI'iNG’BY THE MEAL, DAT OR WEEK, ’■ Tcntia _■Very MoihfaU. •,[« 1 e.ATSUP, .l\j>per.?:iuce. Totte Monai^*» t P Books t !sok* aijd Letter Paper, Envelop &c., &o.,at ' ._ \TrSITE LEAI>, at 7 ’’.' ’ T ”~ ' VT 1 '■ HESRYJ. TI^OB.ACCO —Anderson’s Fine Cut, Nature f ' I Leaf, Grant’s, Bhltimbre Plug, and <'tu audDry, at HENRY’S ij WILL<R“ WARE, Lamps; Shades, and ■ Lamp Chimneys, at HENRY’S- MAGIC TACK UAMMERS, Shoe Brush 7 Blacking, Ink, Castor and Sweet Oil* ' HENRY’S. Flavoring extracts—Lcmofi and va. nilia, at ; JO. HENRY’S.. ; BUGGY WHIPS,- only 25 cents, at - • -,_iyj , ; HENRY’S. TEAB-“Y«u»g Hyieu, Blaekand Imperial .-at . . UKVBYJB. ’ i-‘ - , - ' ! XTS io. any ointment be Ireely used a« slated in|tlie prtnt-,| I Vioties and fears; led instructions. If treated in any oilier man- ; jjooiy bow lp“t, It ; ner they dry- up in one part to break out inan- trealmi | n , 1111(1 L’drt i other. , Whereas this Ointment tv 11 remove , 0 ,, lve J kuc 1 tile humors Iron, tire system and leave ike 1 «-j-.„ u '„i'debllitv| am! , tienf a rigorous and liealtny man. It will re- | i rcne f ll U v : nervoul | rjuire a little perseverance in bad cases to ln - \ and plitsiea ••I sure .a ■ , •' y■. i Sl-lLk'-AlU'SK?—nrl 1 .Foil AVorXLltf KITIIKU OCCASIONKI) BA m-AUIU \l IF. (ll’lll I OUSABKK OIiniEHCL-j W exlfl.J i. U.L 1 bands of evijfy 'ye . 'io-w; V cb every Soldier and Sailor are liable eW ' ! there are no medicines so sale sure, nnjl mi- f 0 f im!t tl „. i venieul as Holloway s I'ills and ointment. Die c t rc me.«t I poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might ■ t l,. n ti j .have bis wound- dressed immediately, 'if be ; s mih- ciqda! ;AvoiiM-only provide himself witli this match- aiioubl bj ! less Ointiiienr, which should be 'brink imp,the vinos] ; w ound and smeared all arotipd itHhcii covered evcf v ( , llc ShJ I will) a piepcOf linen from bis knapsack, j () . i, itk , i cumprerffed wit lit a IniinlkercbiclJ Taking j , f pu IIP fc ,i I mgbt'ntrd morning ft or S, i’ills,' to Cool theses- j v . ttvt ; c .f.'„| s j tetii lin'd prevent intbimaiion. ' I ' \dd-ess'pt AV 1 Every Soldier's- knapsack nn.,l V.'.UVfCl>!i 1. client .“houM provnled \v|tli lucpe valuable j an j KeiiicUc>. - * jintiv'bc vmir dise; CAUTfOX. —Xone are genuine tin Ics ! self under the Cl the words " //c/oorei/. AVir )‘o rk ,uh<! Lmthn ‘ ip- u.ks —native ( are irisccrnabtd as a w ator-tcarlc in every leaf J. (his or any oldie of the Imok of directions around each pot 1 or ! Young's book, an bos; tile same may be plainly seen by /lobb's'/ip0,;.,. means, of /Jr j/e.r/ to-thrHffh!- -V handsome reward will ; your'health. an 4 be given to any .oak render!itg-s’Kcfi infm'ina- ] , pp. TOUA'Jj «fa non Its may lead to :be delect ion if any porly i diseases do- criid or parties connterfeitiiigtlieir.edieines orvehd- i office, -lit* tsitrii.ee ing the sniuc. knowing them to' be [ pety.,(lftieo hour ' «*f* Sold at the .Manufactory of l*rpfe«?|or l ~- 1 -■ llou.ow,vv;..bn Maiden Lane, .Ji«w Vofii, aiid f . I by all respectable ■'Druggist* and Ilci&dk in j'-_, _l Medicines.'tliroiiglHint the eiviUred wnild,. in |J! ill Jjl A li Jl boxes «t cents. t'.2 eneb.. likV. \V. pif~ There iS '•.dniblerablii' saying by taking ( f-axn i Nnlitt r the huger sizes. " J. ! :‘v ' ISSTII N. IV^—Uireotiona for the I 'guidance-of pa- I ' y oun n l.a.dfii ienis in cvcrydisorderara affixed to each box'. ;, J, May 7. .- I ' | M-O'toj: <!»■ I ,U«nnlerji tcctl PrJnei|7;il. | .' •KsiK.*nsc!r--l*o: l»cr term-«'i 1-1 v Tuitlnti ‘luiu 1 . to.br.t K. r fin Principal. ArAj(lv..;l>lfMol’i'lST’S. J (Quarterly Mirrqii of Fashions, Wilh Ore*tt Iwj'rw.itHnt* mid ■ TiII*••SUMMER'M’MIIiiH I FOmj.AVJiE .y ■SFfsKX.hIJ* VAt<nivX~ ."A. l VAN, /'. I TTKi! A> <>t\ DtiL'SSt.’S, C"'ir*;isiNn'tiik ' New French Waist, in Llesmil Slccvedamtyi 1' Miss**? .Sack, ami a Shset c*f New and Ucautiful m:.UI> AND. KMim<m>KlUN(f PATTERNS, Together with nearly 100 Engravings dG nil the in iv elite? fur ? Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses, &c., And. valjnhle iidorruatinrC to 'Milliner.*. 'Prow* Sinkers. Mothers. ami Ladies generally. pre j»etittjip.The largest and Lest Knslnou Maga zine in the World. published 17** Uroadwinv N. Y..’ ami sold evisn wlieie.at 2* r » cents, or sent hy mail, po.«! free. ‘Oll receipt d>f the am i in stamps or silver. S car with the fol lowing valuable prctnrmn. ; ivlmblil Kacii yearly subscriber will l»c entitled to a receipt for the selection of o'J cent? worth of plain patterns, from the design* in l tbe*book, or from t,he show room, or they may Ke or dered and sent_J>y mu id any time during The yaar. hy paying tneo. j Splendid to (’anvassers; ' No. now rcadv. V „ ' nuff 2S oS7ew G oods !! - 11, S. II A N G Kll . 35i-i (Ifj atei-, Pa., ■•i: 4 • • HASju.it received a large assortment'of SIMUNO QOOUS. *1- • ■ u.-.iiioli will .be offered n"f PL t XIC rPPfftJ-'S. , Amongst hi» ttock‘can t at all' times, be found a variety of ■ ■ , , GUESS GOODS. MUSLIMS. GLOVES, ‘410.- > . 'SIBUY, ■&?.. tie:, J-i | IRON i STEEL, all ranjjie.“. • ■ NAILS bv tbc pound'or keg. ' : WHITE LEA If and. VARNISH. ' ' j* *LAHI>, SI*KKM. LINSEED & CARBON OILS * nVTNDUW GLASS, unifies, QUEENSWAUE, LASSES, &c.. All ot* which 1 will be sold low for Cush, or Country Produce. . ~! r .j Hridgcwater, May 7, 1802. . i BEAVER ACADEMY. TUlti' INSTITUTION WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, Ist day oy SEKTr'MBEII BSs“For] particulars, (itldrcss the I’rincip' ’is’.'B.Mßßr|aß. Bnvar, Pa.V :"a. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. T ETTERS testamentary on the estate of ; I it Octayia Allimi.n. latent Greene tpj.tfca ftverco,, dec'd, having.been granted to the uu- I Jepsigned, all prisons indebted'to said estate « are requested to make immediate payment, and ij tKcfse having claim ✓ agfinsl said estate will t present them to.'tji subserhers properly nu thetieated Tor settlement' augCi A LL persona having unsettled account f\ ' with me, or Sniitb & Collins, within the last twenty years. for Carding. Spinning, &c., will please call at the Fallaton Woolen Factory, before the first of 1862, and settle the Same by cash or note. i jy16,’63. EPH'M, SMITH run he tvf. i.sivvij JAMES jALLISON, Greene, tp.. ’ i : Executor. IV otice. ES ; . Til! SATURDAY. • . ' The beat I’m WESTER. And the only: Democi ,■ •••• : l Bitiel , ESTABLIS . ! It contains all ( THE DAT reliablj Commercial report! .Talesj Poefry, Lite] : ,\c Valuable! S*a ' Agricull The Latest' Embracing erery j , . I Foreign anti'll Intelligent; Peed I’ Term*) $1 • jw/flnS Copier I Address' j.: &C-* &c., . ■i, ;• j - a 'for a SinghCopy, ot. 11 me hear for slo.\ } . TAMES P. BARB,! S ’ Editor and Proprietor.; ad'ijipod stg., Pittsburg d’ft. awn ty by mail atruypak.: THE O f EEAT CA\USK Op ; j - H ix m & p. i M { s : epy • Jure I’umrhtrTin a-Se , iMEmelvpr, JPrjce oeft:' i A LECTURE 11 BY t »b. A’ELTEBWEL’4 ON THE C AUSE; AND.CUKE of SpctfinaK toirbeca, Consuujptioi, McntaJ and Physical Debility. Nervousness .iEpilep«jfj Impait ediNu- ■ tfitiou ofthe Body; Lassitude; iVcakncss'of 1 the Limbs and the l ock ; indisposition, j an>Lj Incapacity lor study oud. Labor; Dullness of \ Apprehension ; lloiS >1 Memory; Aversion to ; Society { Love of B liitudet Timidity; Sell-., Distrust ; (Dizziness; Headache, AToetionS of the JJyos; Pimples■ ouj the. Face; involuntary; Emissions. and Imaipacify : l!ic .Cpiisc tiuences of yontliful didisjrction, &c., Ac.|;’; BSi.This’iidiuirabU Lecture clearly -proves that the above inun,crated, ofteitself-afllietcd evils, may be rojaiuvi d without medicine and "without Dangerous surgical operations, and should be rcndbyivtjty youth anil every man tit the bind. I; Corner Fifth RsuScnd your Sent under sejal, scaled oh.l two poMage ttamps. CHAS 127 4!owcrv.Xcw Yt ha; •a vi h( nncc tl lo >1 up it to v Al'ill. E X ETTBRS ; o, Hr 1 tmyitsliipMk'itv ' been pram c<Ku knowing them* are requested . and those burin | present them p: ] tlcnicni. J . ! June I|s 1 HV>:!. ; AMBBOS?YPES.!.I 2s S’ /T'ooii.- so. U TO It VS COi;i!T ThfM* .jictiTu nuiio-j*! UI*KI nmdr'ih lw«v To be crmvlnc 1 iiJ ivnihin 1 B*v ( .ll«Vier3 tu« in ■ Aurl» ■ croir Advei iSiiig I‘lilNiTlN : Typ*. WRITING A?> OI'FjIGKS- Tribunc 15ui mar:W:ly' jo; a.w: ! Idis' Cc2pOnM - in tlie Court'llonfc. J«n. 20.18C2 .. Arch Street above Third,- |PHILADELPIIIA, PaH 1 NptonWs. Newcomer, Prop’* f'lllhs Hotel is central. C’oavcrtient \ kenger Kvilvray ■ CaTs to ;'all parts of; tlie- Ctiyiaud ifn every particularutlajitcd ,to the comfort and wants, of. life Travelling Public* JTEPMS, si,so PER DAY: MIL C A. T OWN SEND, . ; DEAI.KU IN j-, ; B 0 OKS, _S TA T I O NBJtY Pader,•} - " IKD FAHdV NEW BRIGHTON. 'Pav A \ir i ANTED—IO,OOO Bush'ela ofr Wteat, |V :’»»i . • ■'6,ooo'. -y*' ! ; : -®yejr:' 1 ; I i <*il 5,000 “ i Barley, • r- ;-! 6,000 “|; "Jj03t4,7:^,,l Deiircrediin Pittsburg, for which’! am author tbp iy the. highest prices. Addreu, ' 1. ; i .f . ■ CRAFT. ‘ [■;: k'ljKr. M* .ijirm-l * ,_ I ! i & IOETUBBAPro'CDEH 01 j] Cold*. Coairb*, and'- ;. | lloarseuestk »■ ■ j ninma, IIm.HSUi tiec, iSi*. y'■ I ~! D».a.aATW; IdonothrtU>a«to»y 1 UmtaU remedy 1 have ever found for /, uf : ■'! ; liiHwon. sad the ■. , OBXMM3 PtCTMLU. 1U OOUUHt OM ifi "Vkk J tn. practice end my tkmlly for the uu|t ten jrwum hM ilwwn It to poM» iupc*- riorTlrtof* Ibr UietieetmentofthMe 7 Bmp* 1 oooplilotaj ! JCBEN IL D.: f ■ " I J i A.BvMOHTLET, One*, N. T-trritee: “X h*t* a*d joar Mmil myself and Jd my CuuiW ever doc* b tite you invent*! lt,andl believe it,lbe beet medicine for its « pdrpone ever pht out! With a M told I should sooner * c * ■ '■ pay twenty-five dollars for a bottle than do without tti or wgle Copy, take any otfojr Wiaedy." . • - s . I 10 Hn, ; 1 •i-nnriolnr Bmofen Arni: r«m cheerful* certify year netorol roprieior. teibe beet remed/ wc umm Cjt tbecureof Whooping ttshurg'Pa. : couth, CTtmp. »mi the dienne of'diUdreh.' We ox rny risk. I jmt frel.rnltjr In the South appredete your .kill, end tt “* od ii-W 1 r ; AMOS LEE. Eso* Mostkxxt, la* writes, 3d 1856: . • u I bad a tedious laflueuxa. which confined men in floors . 2r. • six weeks; took many medicines Without relief: finally!l v j. /j( , • j tried your Btdnral by the advice of onr clergyman*} The;' f.. ’ ; <tnt dose relieved the soreness iu my.thront sod lung*; ! L'li iM thaa one* half the bottle made me completely well.; " Your medicines are the cheapest as welt as the best wo ia) * can buy. and we Mtoemyouf Doctor, and yourxemodies, « ißtlupoorman'afriead.”; J ; j. ] • ? '-i. >■ Asthma or PhthUiCy and OroncUttii ? 1 ( Wist 51/UtcaisrcSe Feb. 4,18 M.; ; Bra; Your Cherry &etoral,i» performing marvellous core* In this section. jlt bas'relleved jievenU fturo ahum*. log cymptomaof consamptlon. and Unuw curiuga man who has labored under an affection of the lungs for the last forty years. | j HEN'itY U PARKS, Merchant > r A.|JL RAMSEY, |l. Au&oir, Moasoi Co'Jltowi; writ*. Sept. 6. U 56: '‘During my practice of man jf.yeara I have found nothing 'to; ynqr; Cherry /Vfforoi for firing ease and relief to consumptive patients, orjcurlng summers curable.” v 1 !i *| r . •[, »., We might' add Volumes of rridsneerbnt the most con winds* proof oftberlrtase of this remedy Is found ln| lift - s&els npon trisl-l-l 1 ' v , ' ? j I ConsamptioD* [ i Probably uo one muedy bss ever -been known whldi j cared .so many and such, dangreons cases as this!' Some } no human aid can mch; bnt even tathoee the Citerir} . i, J' - i Aetsnit affords relief smd eoofiMt. }| i 1 _.any address, .in * 1 r ;.i»roaHOT»N«» yowCiTT. : Marchs,l9seJ be »rccexpt ot, six ccnt,s, | l)ocioa'ATxx. Lowgu.: I J«el It a duty and wpleasore by addressing, ;>-U jo tne*t«yop what your CfuS-iy baadouje for my ■ { t /i r- ttv w* c. ('A i- . f*, i vile., M«ft bad besm fire mouths laboring nnderdhe dan* / - <-Li' • . geronsaymptotaaof Consumption; front which do aid we i Office Hox.4yBh. . j Sowld procare gaVehermu<*h relief, j^fibe.wasatepdlly Wh 5 ! tH-^ —~ —; —— ; ■ lag. Hold Pr. Strong, of this city, where we hare come tor J>TlTjAG'‘tJ • " v ■ ,:‘i j 1 advice, recuiumofuled atrial of youii medicine. )We Ideas ji “ *| • / V" ~ : ' his kindness, as wo skill; Ipr she bas recovered ates, sorruw s ahd [y* ffom that day. Bb« Js not y« as jdrpbgas ebe usedto * rperi»tft 'ind invH* M : -be* bat .ta free from her rough, and c«l* herself welLj- *. , regrets ana jojs, .v*v .> , ■ Youia with mtltude and regsxdy : > ; bow restored ; the nhturo, . , -. OKLANDO BUELBV, cr Snurmti. ( al cure ot «»»cnimti‘rrlK»‘a Omsumptiik*, do Dot dospair tiU you hare trkd Avix’s involunljiry emissions* I 'Cosaar Pjctoxax. It is made by ohe^ vf the beet medical •• -1 Jnipedu»ci|ls to. marriage |i imess. constimptton, nis. , - * i;j j i i incnpacit y , rcsi»n hjg from' /• --Ayer?B ■ ■ Gatliartic Pills. ; •f fully exj ItiincU in Vbc! s 7 v * ir L IE I y<)UN(V M ' li ' 1 sdefacca of Chemistrj- and:Medicine have been { isimrv book* Should be iiffli£ !■ 1 produce thU.Ust, moet pefet j [ ‘ L .. . ':?s£xi : . purgative which U known toman. Innumenblo'rproofs i •ling per.ojii coil *-JKh - Uio#«PiilJ lave virtues whichenrpKMiu J ijy mini or who (ie- exce ij fcuce t ij e ordiniu-y medicines, and that they wlrfun* : of Ilicir oJlSjiring to '-»' pre i 6 g en tedly upon tbelesteem of all men. .They awtaatb i. ?. Every |urin, diW*«s«i nr.d ' and pleasant to take, but powerful tocure. Their ptne- ji mnluvity Mini u,Uh|£s%. ; ■ tratlng properties stint ulatf the rilal activities of the body,! | every particle of knowledge |remove the^obstructions of its orpins, purify;,the bipod, j iwn.ii herc «nvon. ‘ It is lull | ; i t ,>Uf.b.:-eMiu.ereMliiat - 'breedsand grow distemper, stimulate sluggiah or djsor* ; nftW !' w ,:iV {•’ U'. 'iw, ( ,k t 1..,! : lnto their hatural action, and impart healthy ;| v ’ * «>» * \ -tone with*strength to the whole system. Not only do ] • uiidliot lieab'iyf tbvm'use. , f. nrT . tliA every-day complaiuUiof every body,[but'{ i.nuy one OTr tUf ol 1 alßofonnldableand dajgerou» diwa*e* tliathavebaffled;! in specie oij' S' r the best of Ijuman skill. produce po»irfbl ! v- L Yf)UN(.i, Spl uco-|t.’, 1.. j effects; they ai? at the tame '!. W 9 •«. V |£> 4 ' ladclpbirti . * •I' ’ ' eaiestand best physic cap Wejuployed |. : ’ll— IX fer PS O’ • ' i / t'«ioA*C7irt>.‘no maller whul ‘ Being sugar-couud, are pleaisuiVto tAkej;,apd.l)etog b »-ff 9 3 c «c." iwfokfe' you tla«c iyilir- I T«seu*U. »• ft- f~» Sf"9-' q •. ii : ■- -■ r . 4 have been wade whldi •urpw* belief r were thoy oot.tnh t ! - HIT .>4.j B fl ,- . e “ r «ot U r»m> , b , moot JocU luaM i«slUoa ! I ■}■ dfV IT t' ' i”l'■ r foiogti. ud\eitisc m 1 u tlie’eupi'lduu of nntrath. Many eminent \ m J ® f j.P B\J W'B H ■ ’ pbpor, get j it' copy of. Ur. 1-- clergyman and pb>>i:l»nsbavo lent tbeir nsni*s'to certify i- ■ ' j U ) rend Jt ‘carefully.. It will jlo the public tbe reliabriity of raj’ remedW*»|nhi!e !. : «»y wUs'rwy ytj ' mving you iiiaiiy i\ 'b.llajy, % have sent me the of their conviction that iny ! ; j .y?“ AJ ■ ■' vuur’llfc, ,• -Plijfeirallous contribute Inlmeusoly to UieireUcf of my j .j / •' ij. ' ; II tie ctmiuUi-'I im-any Cif t,l-.i-!; {*-. Frini PrassiitS- Bsna, Ibi; ll in lii-I p«Wlca4i«l. v -i.t 1»4 TUe;A*™t fum d. pra(U.a, , *^. s: ,W ■Street, above f'ourtli 3 .l’bilft- I . i fcvirirf tUriptl. i.ei-0.1,-1 the 1 ... . ‘- r -' , 1 cerUfi.mt«iof their cuxvs, ojf the fonuwmscpmplalniFj-Y j ;of Veticr-’ilt-aicin*;!* b.v>*for exps-rui ’S Irom .lo 6 r uiuiy. J nmi -o , . ]UUou« O'Diplabits. Rlieumnlbn),T>rop«yj '■ filmU; and: in no kjic they foiled to pro'liic^ I Hrartburn, Headache arising;from, X font slomarh. Ivan* ' the 1 Jeslre-d 4ffwt. Symp U a cuio for 1 ara. lu<ll£»liun t iMorb{d ItuKti.-n of the Bowels and Chin ' rongba. ciddd And «iH cl»apw?s? of «bc artlclp i arising therefrom. KLxtulency; Ix>m of Appetite, all t-Tcer- r pl-u.es ifi'wda.;ibk reach nf,oili togahor^ . otiv cod Cxrr.ifieous I>i*<e««* wbirb reviulro an eva?dan* I .i; vrieJi' ita«ntt<r#ot medicine, Scrdfitla or King’s EviL‘l'6l7 ftJao.hy purify. | :fjsW)Hte,' i ; Xu« a day wt'hont uupjrroujS cads*., i j.|njr the Mood and stimulating jlhe'syalem. enn* many for, ond tlunjlf «"*ina. -c| this eeasou of toe • ; codnlaluts which .U-would riot be supposed theyictmld j j I vie Coughj»yrup. ' ■ ••• ; ft f reach, sueh as r«ifhe*». Partial Bltndneiw, Nenfalgia and 1 ! • 1 i. .j | ' .A. «. r f Nervous IrrltaMUty. DeiWngemeMta UveraatTKl- : ■ 1 | ; 'Oei&'tM• neys, o*'UtJand. other.kin.tretl Arising from a : 1 j low state of the bcnly % obstruction of IU fnneiioKs. ) 1 . • |Ho not. W put. off iy dealers yylth, acme J other pill they mako njore profit on. - A»k for Atcx » , - Bills. aud'itaVe nothing ebe. ’No other they cnn‘givo , you compare* with this la; its. jutrlri->iv Vnluo or curative; I flower*. 'Hie sick want t the U*kt aid there Is for them, 1 , . and they shmdd have Ji, j | " ’ ; Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, lj. , x Pr»otical and Ainlytical Chemist, I - t • Puci as Crs. rn Bex. Kivx Boxk'rpi $l. ■, i; 11,I 1 , | . , 60U>BY ' tgohi r sale' by u '(uii-J, Jr'.!, R.;aver; s' r Pr-vi?. Hocheterj AViifTsiitK-r; &i lioit.ry, free j , •Ini ; J; liicliois. Ibulcn; p; ! Slirgont, JSew I Brighton, Joluj ■ Black. : Bn'rliiij’tor.,. l)un cin &. EJc»r, Rnllrid.si ai \ iißhlora.t vtry where- ■[.. ]’■ V i ■ VI .*=: '• .r ■ (BRING POST. in [, i PENN’A. •_ *tic Union Slicel in 0> B 'lN ISO 4. JCBRENT NEWS OP |l6nelary, Market and dTa cboieo selection of and Scientific Articles, cal Information, j jKews, • iSO— . * „■ ■ j legraphio News.i ortant .Item of News, k io, C6ngrt*sion4l jj | ■cgialat!' Pro- i i imp oat| IEAVKiI ? SEMINARY. L.vVhin v.j Pniv 'pui. VKK OE KET. iUTroN*" fm* tho/ecoption’of iW, n;iU upeh OU ’, ■ ~' J st ddi/ of tit'pt frit far nt.rf. Wed. into the family /of- the ■ ‘ \J, <' :ivd, Light, Fuel, and Tuition* cuhs.l«3 per term, £0 Oo & 57 Of) uehes-ijtudiejl. • L | iher l )»aitieiO:i'r* sad«hjr!*f* v augd HATCH'S. NOTICE. 1 nduiimsf ration-upon the eft* r.RT ,C‘AMri’.EU., Into of Gvcorte ;r cdunty, Ihi., ilecM. having thtMimlersigued,' nil - pcr.iona indebted to toilil; estate o; duiVle immediate. payment, g against the same will mperlv authcniidatcil fifr set -3 : SA'm£k.iJ NELSON;- f ; I. '..•AHmimstrAttir.i J lin AbTI Ab. P l\fl 1 no ih>w be had at the : iIOUSE, is BEAVER. • l . an: lint mere daub*, but war luli-to nnj that have.ever been it enmity. Ay -any otl.tr artist, ltd, call »Vd examine rpeeiincns my 1 a few break?: s in the same room oecUpiul bj : A. 01! IT IX. ■ pyotf-crapUic Artist , bois do., and ctnimiobiob /.gents- V.ND UKALtltii IN : j' 1N Ki-fO K A LL, ItlNipS Printing Materials, n i itiNTixai'Ai’tu (sA'rii)Sj &c -Brown’s BmldinO, Philadelphia; lings, New York. : . ; ; N B. YOUNG, &/tj IE-id/ W , ’IU.OT ATTORNEY.) i j . ; ' V-'k : CHERRY PECTORAL, : CRITTENDEN’S :'/>?.■ PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL : :k i colbEg-b, ' ; t; : NT E. comer of 7th &ChestiiutSt., {' PHILADELPHIA. PA. ' fpil'B i'lnsfilution, which,-was established in I 1844,. and is novy consequently; in tc .v cigthlcenth; year of its exigence-, numhe a-|p uuiunn; its:gratiiates, hundredsof tlfe mostsiio-j. peftfful Merchants arid lius'incs-s Men’ ofoiir <?<;imirv.-. - 1 _ i ; ■' \i . ;; I The object of the ln»titut|on is solctyto; af-!,' iati young Inch facilities lot thoAmghJ prepa-j ; ration foe. liusihcsf. I :f' . jj” } The branches taught arc, Book-keeping, ag > applicable to tiie various depaylAtcnls of trade: j i’einhansiiip, j both • plain . and ornamental-} • ! Commercial: j.aw. niathcinatics; Niitjigatiiin, , i’ivii engineering; DratVing, j Phonography: otiid Modern Languages! ’ L- ■ (.) : I . The sdslem! of Instruction is peculiar; n’o 1 cliiSses-pr set lessons arc made use of* but each StudbJit jis taught individually. sWha' jic piay ’ jCOmiitence at iiny lime, ijjuPatlend at vShat e Yr er hours arc most convenient; *j ? ■ , ;-j -: Catalogues are- issued -umnially af]tcr thejj, loth of April, containing uaiiles of the stu dent a.; for the year, and full particulars of terms. &c., and i.nay he tjbniiited at ijiy time J j! by addressing the Principaf, 1 j i !., || i * *ln extensive accommodations, \vi, e-spread Reputation, and the leiigthyv experience of the. Principal, thi.s Institution offers facilities su-; pcrior-to/u.iyv other in the country, for young men' wishing to-prephrefop business,, and to obtain at the same lime a pitot,«jm* which will; .prove a tctjommcndatiop folr.theiu totally Mer cantile House. if >,l v ■ ••!. .‘ . ‘ -j- j i (.'uittksdks’s Series of Treatisos os BobksKceping, now Widely ( thahiany Other tyork on 1 tlie .‘subject, are i lju'R j sale W-ttc College. , ii 1 'l-i; ’! ■ . K!;i. ; f . S. HUUGE£ CRITTENDEN, j. H AUarmy-al-Law, -i‘"g. : j -r.-.Tl'rl' .RnisciPAi/i ,j MI ■••. j .1 May t , ■; ’.fV" 2>ic>tio<B-: The accounts and 'Kidiscnptions to The Argus for andi.lBol, which.; bayeriot been settled |npf as well asi the 1 accounts of M. i Woyand. M. &■_ j,.; Weyanii, and Weyaiid "and; Henry, iire*iii' my bands flpr, isfollcmept. All who arc I indebted tci Cither; of these lor or job work, will plcasd ’ball[on -ihe at"tbo 1 Treasurer’s OrpijCEi [Many dfdbef^ba- 1 counts are of long Btalnding uud sbouiy. bo settlcii. ■ ■■ ’-i; ],• ■ T,.';. " : y,; : ..I ,V! ff, SAMUELBAVEfftPOETI ■. ■ • : ■ -’U'V NI3W •■■! - ffv i'.'V aiLutSV Miriiinm-si'iip ■i 3 i|\ : '■ f bboadway, Sew BRieaTos, pa:; Doors below Dr s Sa»gciir| Prug Stor*. : r;- i £rl-.ni N£'- Fj >'. fme i miniyL^only Wee asd aisuis*) :/; ro r*s ¥**n » SUH« for Oliver c<Smpla*nt t . /up AIX BILIOUS DISKUSES. j" (- 1 ;■ • ‘ I ‘"T | ,"** '“< r • .it | •The ordinary evidences of Dis- J ease of the Liver aro-Palll and Tenderness in the region of the UTer t aometimeßdtillandTfUOo« increased by prossiuro, pain and Uneasiness in Breathing, Pain in the right S&onWer, uneasiness when, lying upon the loft side, ] increased sire of thO Liver, Short and Dry.Congh, disordered stom-. . L ach. Saosea, YclIow;lsli Tinge on _, ' the eyes and skin, Headache, yol . lowish tat on the tongue. Bitter- j ish taste ih the mouth, heavy. ■ i dull sensation in the Brain, De« i i. jjressfon. of Spirits,' amounting almost to Insanity, slight Fever tqirard evening, Loss of Appetite, Sl'elanchci.T, with moroseness and . ' ness,' a general fooling of lineasi-, .. drowsiness, the ' patient conscious of jfipmelliing .wrong in himself, ancldisposecU •to] aed noting "right in about him, 1 yet/wholly to explainithd cahselofhis den-ip j| Batidns—with many others easily: ’ dotdcted to some onodrotherofiho above j. ' The Liver Pill! Will almost cer-j thinly errest tho cjiscase if taken • upon the appearance of the above symiptoms,- which if "allowed tot, takd its course, becomes* chronic fe in its. naturo dn<d almost incu« J - rabid,'proaucingj’great aad pon-■ diaiitly increasing suffering. jj-V ifXlto use of this medicine, wUI neither . /rtoate 'a now disoasl nor, complicate an, ioitotissf'-dibo/IMU, 1 m most cases, will ■ vigorous ; remedieswt the physioiaiii should it ho 1 necessary tp call ip. his aid., r- • ' AH' a vAnttJy nscwi''? .• .; SELLERS’ ; ilivifi] PILLS |] AHE INVALUABLE. Price Kg Cents. VERMIFUGE, t ; . i-‘ ' ; .• ' t ~,■. 1 /■ f V rom the Tier, *. .Wnfc*nelt! t ftnner Past 6t kfcf the] Liberty Street >!• L.Church. i Mr IIJ ti' t in iron! a sen*£of dnU-| as leli an wltli grttt plwisurc. thatl !*art stimony to hu. Ttrtui lof yn.nr jii'viy celebrated I T»tcnml tM*!* 1 . ftn '* £*‘ V!? to.tbrvc pfray • M* iU‘f«rsifVcr«rweeks; Tho ‘lflQst Wipi Ufxirfour, and tgo (..untto-t eigtrf&ti mArli*. The flfty lx Worms- thq W-cojyl furty-wven. im l tue »h|p«l. i ccnuldtrabb distinctly pecolb-ctthL Ilnte hwve'feeCu- 1 dcti:i£ will, and are nb»T i gmd hcilth.' . ■* | 8. WAKEFIELD. . • PricoT-25 Cents. ■ ' PBF.P.VBGD AUD SOLD BV R. E. SELLERS & CO. F I*MTTSUIJ»<3|f» ;. ■ SItiERSH 4VC! y yckt ■ Thousands of, Children' die from-this hcniblo GTilfj Thin a’r.rnyn^iuor-t talltya i -ii-t’y i-a U.-? f p himr,sv..l aCii luf- £rtntrr .~t %he, XtleCUon 'r. f .V.«? Jij. Tlic.swot *iip(>3 L :Licti yf c»aiiy |'liyaibiai;.<! fo n<{ v - U Us-a by thfr injur *s ««!' <»f. thv tjuircs.- riKd- the. • '•sorT.Uj4 T/ TiTuii: of tlic CaiiUii ini, tr.-Kir r-cu i iut}ujrj will lh.. vh?lhu JiiV if licr ' ij![ ■;■! /H '■• •fef PHYSICIANS ‘ MS’jfeiFlMfilM KIJ JO I K T O l-V K>f. IX-' 1 , 17, tSt’i. iL.R.’K.' B..if YcrmlJiii.* f.oswyso> It ivtut* tltim jijiy I ever used.- 1 will d h<rt> | vi.il. I .MV-hrul WV iilijM w/r, J <j did i-1 I/;’ *h.7i»: {lll v*i iuftcT I gure the ViiiuiUuize. the enormous tUy of u/jfvn/ o f fiV /ifiJtf/jvf/ irorius iwr U ,Th*»'ch«t,T. fi>r.)v*t>’l< ii.wcJJ uj stiiV l'i iheffifOliK.rl.vvwi. 5 ).• '.f ; r . AU.VKiIV M. IK - , tli.it 5- r(SiivK*l ri^uuuicndn.any j„>. 1m a, •.i.t uUtL- •■ r; ■ -L- [■ ■:':>■ r ‘‘ y. ' ;Ji • :•; ■ ■> rJ [II. WlLfcOX, M. p. • A|' ‘ i’i f imf, r*a. Oct. 4. JS47. / ttfi. U. K. ?EJJXK-*>-iJ.lavlr.ji'iiscJ ii‘!n my pruc tlde Jfnr tho b»t lim:* wvfcvo,yi*nn». I ihinlc it cii jlly'Uiw Vest preparation oflthe kind.;' *F have lu'rtjlul'.r*' iiiu-il ih.q prcjiamtuin of the mauu:*ctmv.% Yours; icspscOutlvT - ' ! . j J£. • ;•'■( B. COL'JIF, P. -=' $ e might enumerate fiatidroHls .of other cast's. It neci‘s->dry, Vmt ?c!leiV Vermifuge has stood Ibo K-archtug tcstuf tha luedicfil faculty ami pub lic i'jt hiore than a quarter ot a cm t ury.Vhich, cC itsejfiia conclusive jof iti tntirt at veil ax iht of I{h ’ v -• •■' >j '• e« hurnli /a:ter. DUAT j Mr! ir.on* tO-kIV t'tniii. hum-. qiun't 2*u»vrt UQIV.ii Notice.— lu<iuo',:in‘Ula arc of fenjj to duklera to roccuxmuiid aiiif sell other Ver ndmges* Do not Ivii jijpriuciplW;men palm off onjr qfthwo oti Jon-/ The «nyj pnc« is therefore aak for Sellers’ Veiraifuge, SS Oent«-1 TkpCFAKU) [aXO BOLD E!T 'j ' P I.E. SELLERS & CO MTUBPKOBtW. y Mil IN ■: CONTI X I S. •_ pr. Jfurdit Cdchtaltd JIQVTII 11' tun, . .... bottle. - I -'j V T-':'-Vx: . . I Y'Y-- ; l)r. Iliird'tr]Utie<juaUt J : TO&TII POOVES. one\ (jof. : '% j,''-’ ■_ ■ j_ ir . pr. Hurd's italic TOOTIIACIJEJi-tofS . “Qf; \ 6nr Cottko i, L - ; : \ i'"' ■.({ W:ihtr,C* VXRIVALKD XFJSJiAI.GIA ’ pi,a. eh. '■■■■-. - ; w ; ‘v. ! 5 Y - IjrtCll'ahf» MA Xl'4L .oil the Beil ikJftjV 'i v V.rt*tn'}ug-ihe: Ttr/h, intituling fjirechons Jor\U‘ , ‘^1 > r<jj>*r. 2'n.atn\enl of C/iUtlnn'n’ TerlK. lor. Claming leltceea the Tetih’ ’ rfiO Til PICKS, tie.:, etc. 1 - ; ' , I’rcjui reii at* l)f. Hufd’s l>cn,ta| 'f ■ i j- FeufuiYSf., lirooklvn. %F. D.) j 8 ,. ' '.-Jinre,tlXkl)oa,AU ; Or N/j; $3., . -j [■- VjjSsSt’-Titb Ueutid tfirasary make| a ’ packs j» ’ •«.. ■ cigbijjiiebes by- fivsjj } anti is sent: by ; I 1- , JSfia?-’ I'klli’irWlioilsfr/rusr is on each artieff: ■■'-. .. ■- /The following art-elt-s we can semi separate. .'y,'by imriF viz: r 'Y ; j.Vft' -- ' 1 .I. The Treatise ort Preserrlng the Tteih sent. j ((j «t. : j j p:\iil. ou receipt- of Twelve |cel«ts, or lour Y vct at.■..■■■ . Y.AJ. ■ ■ -. Y , - ; ’VH&;Xeura!yia Piaitpe. for Neiira’p;;i,m-the 11 1 , Face, Nei-vims Ilciitlache, anil’ lYara-he. tmi ■ ’ ■ .post jtiud, on, receipt H,.Eighteen -or six ’• .stamps... V -Y ' ’ f : 'The Xevnjf'jln amt flhr'uinntjr" -Plaits,- ilarg»|Y . -;si>.e i. fiirTains in theCJn.e-t. FI,. iilrU*>s, l!aek/Y ' , joy atiy p.a.rt iif .the bnjy; sent p.ai'pulJiTCiir** i f!| cyijTt bt Tlur.:i/-ter(7i..e--l'7i. ■' ' • Y -'AilUrefa,- j•• ■' !■ ' ‘ Y ■ Y r v r.- , Aixixii iiiviijf : tn., I; ■■ !■•■ . ;-Y Intadin-n, pii-n‘.y,.sj;. I ;• Y ■:&.'■ifwil.sjw /#// B-Jfftr. TnriTilVnrfX J ■ .'fOpit awl mtiftlA PflE v be " ■ ■ Sent. by m.i'l. but lb.-y cai‘ probably be, ... ■ r taiiseil atry'itir Xltaij.-.or I'eriodicab Store-.' fij! ■ ■ they, eanhei. .Y“srelij n> iisYltuj I: o i IiI.NTAKf j TJIKASbIi V, lY ire.o/.'. J.' YJoLfivK, -■>: il- ! ■ ihinji -tbeta. ■' > I.'- .IT’ 1 - i y'y ■■ If sc if u «*y r of |mo*t .cti-»hs,‘ ? ‘•\Vvrw itffi if tome p/.V.c i_i' - I . 1 The Bugle Calls !' The }V affias. Brgmp'X K'ur of Extermination agaihstißad luth * ■ Body Breath,: Diseased Cuiu ’■ Toothache, Earache : ' ! ’ ’ and Neuralgia. i .. i . ; O.Cll ARTILLERY IS v i>R* WM. B. HURD’S DENTAL TREASURY, 4 r A COMPLETE-SET OP REMEDIES ifcft . ! TKKTH ' Breath. and ii&vfli and hache and;JV’euralgi». i .1 '■■l' v- ■ ■■' !-■' ( '■ - ■ \;!2-ux : • h.'xtx ?r? •\,M.vnvv-Gi>i f: I ■ : (■' ! •: (■ ■ • : ■. •/ ,-v . j lue than heir Ijfniekt- fVicmlji and :-<e|4 who " tUnii h-njiv't. fto.- 'WnCJI. \$ ' £an eminent I>cntist of ■ Urruddyn. Freu«urt r *r ef the New VbrkStnt.e j*h'j ..these preparations have been used in bb-i'nv - -V ue practice ioi'-yvuiy, ah«i u'O leadiaj; cit Jz'.'Q’, , of Uronklyii. or (piesimut; .tJ.eir j'tceUeiicc,;:»whifei imminent- iif AcT I; \ ork re<*iiri■ endf hem as ‘the Ve.t ykn.r-vri io . i jc f'f**|‘e^j ,: *n. Without the ::hi o; i i.uiiv ■-! •; ii*i. .deMersdihye -sol*l them' l;v • ■ •' j' ' ■ The Kdilar of J *<!■■■■' Vv‘.ybi. -■ are happy to }$•;» nut h.u our Vi-ien-h/ [ lined; is smeedediritr- beyond a4l • fxpe--'v' ! -’- ,, *A hU \U i V£U U’ASi| /mil TUV'f”, IVVA . -i jjiK-K. ■ ■ Th|e .prc-it - secret.. ; :f? da ; ; with- the lad f/iL'/- /. ;M 'frtir/rx /■/•-ty- vdc.h. • nr>- rruir»i tv. or. Vi" <"C /•/..» h'A’/y yiVJrt - .■ ( ' ihy ,'vt‘j] Luinv-n. V. \T: \>urnui:} ,-j‘l . | f-hiri-l your I*< »,\VLkKU :?<V * itiV . T;ru:\y ha:.:.; at ' y’ Vj.j \>o>y<i.Kr/or ih% Hcflr'n htfr: ♦avrv:V'/.yri/,, ■5l tV.iW;J j (W‘i orrfijretl 5 it" von will Wt*nd' jup • thv Mt: sou in m T*>’ar. cyiivVnitucc, '.Jvith.. v i'-'t I'.ut'th vdr «*. 59 Miuili that'every ouemar test' the matter f(>r huns»v.r. ; ’ ;; j' . ! , r" ft-fir 1 * liewjtV.eyfjheordihary TooUj Vt^deh' ; Hurd's ;iW^ f '*{'*?- alkjillv'nor enn'mel L'=e| no.oil*s-r. : "s; ' t\vhat will'■•!>«. iu^Ki>-j? ; . ■.;! -V; :■•■.i: ~ r| ■ Dr. Mpdtii Vru-dUsuid’ ivUuwtjtr, - ' i will ladir? thij't w.; 1 ; hriik—a sVtvt bredt-p an pcaily - ; - ,•* hviUV’s’. i }'■[■' *' * . i ilirai p-And ■ ]\vUl C'U‘ii3i<o the mbuth 4 sll Artl • :h>ri< dinddt'ussd in t.-hej ru»vhi*»g. i f il|ebvc;!ki;lst til-ij.JLS swcjsi J lii'.' v'uili | : n'i'.u’o .' ■ ’ ‘ 1 ii ie*riiv,io'tiiis. r Ti:v tlrcii u^li if #; Dr.’ n;ar-i> Jloiiili :! --irarc ilic tiie best ti'SV | .cuviiur. I Aid, Ifre.i'it' ait * i/ppM-A I.rir frpi / |.iio:iUh- to! the jrumsC v-'-*; *;i (rfHU*. '-; j vie.; have .been cur,ed rr. ■■ r]j emw;i‘sh.i: I 'Jill*- ;. .. ‘ I;* • Dr./Dmi’s Mourh ;n.;id‘‘I 1 llV ‘'-‘ er grid* rm additioUbl Charm to c-amp'i !’•' 'a ll^ ; j.'makc husbands niorc agreeable,h.p. ?‘ ' and aviycs tnvthMr Jmsbands.- ‘ Tlu-y 1 usfrd bv oveiw person having , - ... .f‘ . - 5 ' a n-:ktjl -.'.0 [ which :Vre Itahlcto^iurpuil n-tijiiiifto flicru'Ulb. : j ; Dr. 11 ard*> T.yorljarhc'Dri'h.pS cure ■ :■ | :ichc ;iu, ln; :\ hsh frichdsNhat i to shVe t.hidr child^iiyom*‘H'rtarc" \' '|^ ,r r | yclve. l J sytnpatis . tic r ...L bring* : .r - s \ - !•■' )' . A. ''A Farmers and mechanics I yoacunnui ,fofd to negiect/yiHi^Heethji! Fora twitting >uise .-•■ iyoWVan [mr.ngbt ]j»i*esoP?;\tivcs n ‘;ih;ti\j which ilotbi-c)i)id; or .\sioi*. can' get ' , n6t|tbkg jl .'.’ter V] Kemeuiher t h:it on<l .<■•»» y - r : j fA'v //««//« often oidgirnrie in neglect '-.Sftinl for the 7WO/fa on JVfi,. i'r-^ Fjlclvs 'ohservatioiis on this subject. .. It late to arveVt ; xK*ej»v-in ybur 'own txeTh. iourVcUildrcuV teeth. • | ■ - |l yirtiLii&iA- riASTKfar-pr. ■ j-Neuralgia Xou-Adh'csive I’lnsterS are: the iu l - : j jdcasant a mis uecc>■ s fu li‘ cun ed ic csT?.r [fK'-rJ*- v , ;, s | pl'for tins panful disease: The : -'i' , > u^so^ comes dvotvey,- .iair -vdeep A;awakes free fivm pain* and no .bUstcr or r‘ / other iinpleaslVjU oi* iiijuvioii= ciov^cstnencvpfQ* I , siie..'. For JVcn'i'Ut'- JJ’ ioi a E*_, ' ply' adconiing lo and ‘relict : surely follow. ; Xotiiing can, be obrjiiried c-lj ' J.vto Dri Hurd s Compress fpr i Si'uni^;<i : . l! A j thc(uv ; * entirely rj njovehr, ch}-; -o;' a;w . i pi igV“ftVpreparaiioh, and woudbrl'uhb >« ! ' S’.ful. Thej' are of .two small. -’ ,rl K. ; jfat*e, pfiee Itl cfcnlhi, and the other'.l-ou*-‘;; ) l ; : I'appUcation to the bv»dy- price *l7 cents.'• h ‘. '" \le mailed on receipt oi'price and ou*' .■»/«*«<* ‘ 4 f~ y 1 '■■)rihx t [ ‘ARb- TUE-'jworn.s' oms o’* _ , -J 7 .. The people av? intelligent ' . appreciut e prepaid ions thiiteomribuic to ’of those . usings them.-jo. l ' 1 ;>vpht them. Erery mail brings as * OT'dermg the Tfi\btise oni/reoth,Y'- , PJ 1 ' ralgin Plasfers. jjnd not a few ■ / for the to> ( be sent by *. / to .these we are compelled to fvplv d i: f! Ij ; impossible lo"setui a hal ? ; l.f 11 I The people want these Remedle-- */;‘ J ! .> them? ~ \ ‘|; ,y.r. ; j C •; ' KoW 13 the '1 f r ; CHANCE FOjS. -CGE.VT?- ; -_ Shretvd a'gents'carf m like a small carrying tUescarlidtis iroimJ, " 7 Dental Treasury is, tUeJjncatcst: urtie-t ;i| J man or-woman can caftry aroaml. tll ! v , - one - and sec, or, bctoV.. a - Jojen, " “ .; f ; ; ; *iU sejl, us ST. .’j.-‘ ;j E j. ' . Überally “tQT So'*’ FJ - - lo.to go luio 'the. business, to'dogj'oo.p^^, a prolil. AVe are spejnUtig » * <a .- , f.-. i henefit. i (jf'.agenis. New EnglanJ • i men rEero is sometliing nice, au i ', a ; c - ; i take the tide at Us flood. .A4dr«®.. ft ;. • wxi. b. nui;9 vp s . .. . ' Tribune jßjiildingSv - B ®; cci ' ITtst remittances may be made w denec, W. &|Col, refer to tbe r L Brooklyn;; to G. W. Griffith, P r JGrs’ami Gitizeasjßaak. ErooTtlyß.i _ jiijf nk, ,Sa* Korfi ho » p- i f . •' I■ h . ••■ •• A'! ' l l r, I. II . . Lvtl u. ' i! v i 2" c« H MOE si,w •> IT ’ •.-•u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers