if docs'not look,like a maVeivjent to-j ward “winter- quarters.’' We have as ; much fiiith in the ability of the Gov-j - eminent to survive all the!evils that! / encompass i( as any, w>?i bjeliovo, cun ! 1 hive; .-but,we verily believe ..that" if aj ! 'conclusion of some kind is -not reach- j vd this winter, the perils which threat " cu u;-m eof a kind too gruve to con , template hul,w : ilh u|ier horror. No ■-.partisan of the Administration. we yet ■ insist that dl: should not hy hc-l,d re sponsible lor the faults’ or delays of: , others wJicn it can .he shotyn that it j . jins done'what it could to push mat ters vigorously. ! 1 • • t I Finally, the change having been Jiadc. let/ the patriotic acquiesce, if iieyjcaniiot entirely approvfc; - So far Aas General McClellan himself is con cerned. piirronal'y.Wc have that im plicit "faith ;in bis palrio’tisra, that wo believe him wining to take/ any posi-j tion that will promote success in deal- j ing with,the rebellion ; anti if wo did j not believe this of him. we, should feel j, no Interest whatever in lijslstjyccss or| otherwise. Of his successor, it is On,! lv needful to remind our readers,that \ his.l movements, ■ upon ail. ;occasoiis : where he lias been entrusted'With high' / command haVi ‘Jiislifie'tyfyiri/sxpectation f /as td his prudenci; as welt as enter- ! ■prise; that he has been only second/ to General McClellan in tlier thorough ' won fill e non lie has always in ■ "T" ETTKItS of adminiitration upon llio Cfl the hearts of;th6.]'<at,ri_olic qt-llie land.' I j tdtc of Mauia'ii A. |w. Kakis late of Big Lot the nation; then, liojic.for good’’ Beaver »p., Jicayer cod -Pa., dcc’d, having Results. 'With evervtliiny^iat, last | n • hacn panted lo the ttnUenigncd. all «\ -.1 . - i knowing themselves indebted said- estate jftOtion, oi. , &u U\i\ |*°int < 1 paving, tOj arc requested to made: immcilmte. payment, 'end the rcuolliou. Iti.t .'liS Irtipi that the ;and thuse Laving claims; against the same will, ♦constancy which litis sploitg marked i present ihem projttrly-autheati&ted for set the conduct- of- ioval hum Will not ke l t * cnien . t - H.UGII MAkTIN, Darlington tp., less ndw, when vycjilciWss of the | noTtVO2 V.,- ~ . . Administer. , rebellion: its uK«r oxhausil,..,. is so j GERMAfifTO'WN TELIfeSAPH. nearly- (iemonslraleili w.l l)o \yintev j ’ ■ ' ■. . -j -lupnih-'-', let usy hojio, wul end eycry-1 A Family and an Agricultural Journals ; ihihgiikt‘ ; orga.n ( izerl effort oij tnc part % of I the Rebel lot no tlisayroe • merits aimongst our&elves inar'ilie-wuch desir&j result. r. CHOICE LITER ATURE, '.'Trenton'. ,X.. J.. aNov. 1-4—Ll&hf. j j A. J*.-(.'c , ibnrn-.aivJ-J.fg.i' I)o|ane. ofgthc; Engineer Corps, both helongiijo' to! i Gwi.-MJ’ltlhm’t. staff; scilWtoi jjoßAt. AXI) , ENTEUTAI ’ " It h sriMhat lljci order Ayas received' /V, V}': ('ttrccr of the L 1 - S;’army in 11 1 i m the Literary I>cpavtineut Vv.e slr;ll pre eily. and that the partjea imejitioneU-sputthe cboiccsViamtics -within 'tin* reach ,-.f repaired at nncp to' ’Washington to our extended, lucans. TiieNh.vci -iie?, Tak-t. place themselves', at the' disposal oi ' F”t t 1 r ?’ l &c - oe ftyjnlsLe hv>\ iho-aetlrfiritii't i ' • • ; sir.J Inghcft sources. aW-L.c-eut.ani. anything ‘ *, ’ - .. . , j ntc.he found iu. aitf journal or. uiiicdr.ias. A rutmn - prevails that other mem-j: i | • h?v* or the ytafr will bo -pijjt under ar- liAfaricxiltur©" and Horticulture, wti. The ■ebart'-os arc unktmvn. " P , <* Washington. Nov. |5 -—The Staff f - s: , t!, “ intelligence to-J Fa^.ing,Gardening, FrulWßalstag,&c day-'Of the ur.iest ol L'eui. Colonels: ■ , Colburn* and Duane, 'fftcinbers of the ‘ /,j g>[ their lra:tfii.\ <?.• m-Atictti on tU latett start ,otM.ien'eral Mef.'leflau.h'hich took;: on'd rw..: nd tj/rtem. '■ .J phicc there''yesterday. AWc' l- due, in iiuiry, we are «Ui*lied ll.cjamwt was'i ° Kr in for over tl.ir , .i.uftil i„.‘ ♦ ;• J( . (i ; : • l v.vc-j»rs, li:tvo met the cordial approbation of fIIUsOU -t tllC* Tllft ln(X tUreOmptlil’Cli •*, * it f• , r '' r ~ m “/m m 4 - ' the public. Our-purpose had hcoh to. furnish troin the- iJ’unt [ r.n-fi . :i iut reliable information 1 upon these ti-Vy JUX* not IXCOi^lii7,e 4 I hope its r vcry. ;iup* ilant Ur:ii;elu> of imhir>try, ami'to members of InV persminl i f-iniK. who ;protect them so iar as within our power Were ordered to accompany liim to • the false d.ieirincs.in<l selfish purpbs- Trenton / _ • * J ; c.< i)f the au'l .sensatjon-ndven c.. . \ -•/ i\ f i , i itirers.h>''xvhidi iia ineeWintly as e'-i * firi’ptts I’o-: This 'portion of the \(jc£:/ujh!ovh Teti ■fyvroti .16“ ahovo inotir.l little 11 y 5 -) le than will alone be worth the whole price of orders to the two officers /Subscript um, ns every Earn cr and Gardener, diiestion tarotiiritut Slice to their ! "in’ l u ’°P5 r conception olt’liis culling, •j ppbkiom in . . rwiij. rcaylily admit. 'fv- f you' want I’iUs.-iake (NEWS DEPARTMENT. I Pills, ZS'.othiiu;: has over aiusoaiLd in - i -■ - T ■tliN-. niai'kct ’ that "Can conm arc with I .a J3 ? cnmSna.io„,.; n't- •' • , l . i * . •• ih ahdprenarmit t ieh“:iv’/tnsrEvents t* IS lor _ out i u '{>ti ie ; i>; t y.' for' ; his paper, ■which llu. 1 IIUI- fusion and hitherto lut.s been one cT.-its .marked Upon u*. i ? ItU3^£Treii!<>Vo|> 1 1 e - .:£»v.cn satisfaction,'.will W elixir 1 t tlmt liicL . detiiliuV lo ; cwithmcd with vc-douhlcd>iT*n*ts toWot dfe V4|I loavo us no alterniv “ M j'- ™e IffW . . . -l“ . i ; nrtj»is • •lepavui:' , n: is never Inlivav tl\e but tu ; ciie old ;i£e. . •* T i prociaUd by the :v.>kr. It v.-fuM be' iiit : ' j to rise aii-l care • tally made-up-K>ini. :n‘ ..appears, a Corrected niass r.l* nil. like mo-t . iuiert\stin£ otrtko ’.vcck. ■without involving ['much ; kXoi\ .tact and judgment*. Quarterly Statement - OF .TliE I!ASK UF- • C'OUJfT.Y • New Brjr.iixox, Nov. 5,’ (1802.. .} i ' -‘Ki-soirKfiis:'. r ‘ Pills-iand Notes dfecdim-od, active... sss,4dS' os‘ : ‘ i under pretest • j<j;; u?j Loon ty Commonwealth -o.OOii (si) ■l*uyrbi»-I3auk3 -ill Nows and Checks' of other Banks i j and Treasury "Notes .V..’ dS.IM-i l i Com in Vault ; I PhTh’. 2** Furniture -azid Office*- Fixtures 1,05 b I*s iVotesi account. l 41 Total ‘ V* LIABILITIES, Capital p'ahrin. '.. ■Nou-s’iin Cm ,u la iron A. Due Lcphsltor.*? J...,',.......4... Profits aiuf Earning 5........... Dividend unpaid.....L.? ~.. r Total. Snipes V-r> CKjVVKJC y: ss: _ Before uic. a notary, publicum nnu for sitid CoOnfy, caine’ Edward 'Hoopsy Cashier of life Dank of Beaver Oufit v, tvho being duly afiiribcd' according to law, de poseth tlyit the above statement is correct'and (rue, according fo,the bc'st V»T 'his knowledge and belief. SinVAUI) , Affirmed and subscribed before *hi| Ofb* day-pf Nor, \ H. B. !-I3EISKL|.Jd % i E. .Wallen ■ ’ In the Couri of Ctmi vs. : mon Pleas «: Rctfver Jws * T- : ]’ugh, Es'r ci County,' Vend - . Exp. last \Vill and test ara’t" ! No. 30 of John Pugh, J Term, 38524 *, - ' Jao. Walton f T * f d I 7S. '• • Jos, T. Pugh; Ex'r of Tend.' Exjg 4, X0.31 .of last \yiU and testam-’t . Sept, Term, 3802. of Joh u Pugh, deeM. V'" Oct. 118, 1862;on petition of ll SEAI) Sheriff Roberts, r the Court ap ' point J, S.‘i Itutan, 'Csq., Audi, tor to distribute preiepeds of; sale, in the above cases/[among the various.lien Extract from the Record. M. WEYAND, Prof Attest::. 1 X> ■’ p7' _ notice/ ■ _Thi uhdeniijgned will iUcmlto the duties of »bove appointment at the OlerkS Office, in Weaver, on Tmuo.iT, Dkcexbkp. }, ]SG2, at tO.o clock. a. m., when parlies in interest will •* ■ u 'r heard. _ J. S. BCTA\ DOV.]',» Y,.» , ... /■ Auditor. < L'ST -Or LETTERS, UNCALLED FOR, remaiMag f n the Post office at Beaver 0. "; ,a - Nov. 15th, 1802. ' J CnnW T xJ‘' D,as .Graham Wm * Colmln John' J isrn" 2 SS* anh - ij:>«^nz:tie.h. wiUaJ™* Ca "‘ n , e for lcUcr3 >» the above List ■ j tlipj - advertised. K?mhk l it M -J^AKI»£KS6>- r -P. M. JWiTOffice lloura: From 7 A. M. till 0 P. M Cans, beet in a *o, ar ' List of -leu remaining in i'a.. Not. .fct Adams J J liotr M.,,6 Balden C. A . 1 Brown ’dost. Wi Cnlor Mrs -L Coigns James Douglas G S ' Dovin James P Devin Mary A Bakin D _ ' Fisher Wm C f French Jas W Gorlr Lucinda Holmes John , Inman MfS II It Ift Jacob, Ivory Joanna Johnston J 3 J’olm-toh Anna •• Persons calling for 1; will please say they art X)i vinlend. No. S>. ' rf ;BaSK' of 'Beaveu Cocntt, I - Xcw Brighton, Nov; 4,-,1862; /. A DIVI DBS I) OF | FOUR- PERCENT, oh the Capital Stock of fhik Bank, for t lie past ,«5 months, has been -declared this day, payable lo stockholders! or their Ijegiil repre- : sonlutivtis, hx Dt.UAKT>. This dividend will bo free of the United ; States Tax, the Bank having assumed the payment of the Same to the Government.' i EDWARD HOOPS, novlt)ti2^- J ’ Cashier.. ADMix\ T STI£ATOU'S, NOTICE: Poetiy, Novelettes, yales, /“.We nnr.cx the ro.oVto which we bog le:Jve To’cuU the attention whu think of j suhsenbinfj for a newspaper: v . / Advance Cash. Terms. ! One copy. one year, 52: erne copy/ three. ! years, £s,oe»; thiee copio.s. ss,Oh; i Live* rCojdes.One Tear,■ -S/. 1 ; ; T; ' Copick, ; One \ t ar; S’! 6,001; Twenty Copies, One Year, ' jjsiv~Subscnption hot jniid within the year, I r-\ .■ , -■ ' .1? r2S/Jf‘.S i«5 oui :i■' .55< : 550 (H) -3 55 00 00,412 51 i>t« 1J) -Vi h i\-T c ME CM 2,40175 dci'c- aeco» h ile, Monetary, Market and Commercial reports and a choice selection 6f Tales, Poetry, Literary and Scientific Articles, • Valuable Statistical Information, Agricultural-Newsi' &c.; f ■ : /i- ALSO j The ! Latest Telegraphic NeWS.' Embn cing every) important item . of News, FtJrcign and Ijloraestic, dongressibnal lntelligence, -Legislative Pro- . * v- cecdings, &c.,:&c. Term*, $ 1 per annum fur a*' Shgle Copy, or 11 Copies cue year for £lo. Address JAMES P.; PARK, I Editor and Proprietor. Corner Fifth and Wood'sts., Pittsburg Pa. B@u,Scnd your money by mail attay risk. : “Tlt e TJ ni on,” Arph Street above Third, PH I IiADELPiiIA, Pa. Upton S. UTcwcomer, Prop’r. THIS Hotel I? central. Convenient by Pas senger Eailivay Cars to all parts of flic City, and in every particular, adapted, to the comfort and wants of the TrttVclling;Pablic. TERMS, §1,50 PER DAY. ; TOWNSEND, MILO A .. ■■■. DEALER IN . ' "■; ; v , B OO K S,, ST A 0 KERY ;Wjali' Paper, TOY>’ AI?D FANCY ARTICLES. n.;<V ■ ,VK\V BRIGHTON, tf&TOTS ■TER! !S UNCALLED FOE, ?ost Office at Rochester Krinder Eliza ~ Kuhn, Isaac Kimbaly Vim Klibbert Louisa i Londas Elizabeth ’ iMissbach- Aug . Packard Zcots Pittcord David - I Pauly lir J B 1 Ramsey G W J IBank Rev J [Smith Mary E [Smith A [Tam Joa S ■ [Tinges It C I Vance Jenny, 2 [Wallace James [Withroe W A S 1 Whitehill David, 2 otters in the above list, s advertised. M. TAYLOR* P. M. DEVOTED TO INCLUDING KMBRACING U:e CLT.KEXT NEV.'S OF TIIMDE HT 1 AIRT.Tn 1tr1f , ..t•14 of 1 , N r 7r,1,.31 CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH, R. R. i Beaver iSfation—Goii.« East. . j Commencing, Monday, 2Tay o, : Train* leafs Beater Siativu- t 7 :So a. n. Arrives a l * Pittsburgh, • 0:15 a. 2:05 p.*. \■ “ )*T “ . 8:26*. m; 6:50 p.,m. ... 8:00 p.m: . i ’ i *' Going Wssr— ■ Trains leave ViUehurgh aefoUmcec 6;10 a. K. ArriTctfiat 2c»vbr,......7:25 a. m, 4:00 p.m. .„.’„o-20 r u. ' • : J, N. McCUKLOUGH, iV«V. F. 1.. M\KUSj GtrCl Ticket Agent. PITTSBURG, FT. WAYXE & CniCAGO R, B. Rochester Station— Going East. Xeavcis {Rochester Air. at Pitts. Ist Brigh’n, Accom. 5:30 a; m......' 7:00 a. it. 2J G:45 a. m. 8:40- a, h. Alliance “ 8:45. Aj »i UH4O a, ft. list Brigh’n “ 12:34 pi 2:10 r. si. 2d Brigh’n •• 2115 pj ji.».,.. : 8:25 r. si. Mail, | I 2:00 p. ji......; 8:10 p. «. Ist Expejrss, 12:50 a. 5i...... 2:00, a. 2d Expijesn,; ; C:4O p. it .7:45 p.m. - ; i Going West— Leaves Pitts, i Arr. at Rochester. Istßrigh'u Acciom. 8:50 a. 5i.. .....10:25 a. m, 2d Brigh’n “ 11:50 a.m....... I;2G P, N. Alliance . “ ‘ 3:00 p. >i....... 4:55 p. si, Ist Brigh’n ,4:80 p. 5i........ 6:01 p. m. 2d Brigh’n ’• »'C:2O p.' 8:00 p. u. Mail, . ' *7:loa.lsiJ 8:40 a. si. Ist Express, , 1:00 A. 5i....... 2:10 a. si: 2d Express. 12:50 p. sii'. 2:00 p. n. AUG. BRADLEY, Supl., E. D. pi-iockxjlx LUOKIVe-GLASS & riCTliltE (BASIE MANUFACTORY, KOS. 231 HAST TtVENTY-TFIIED STREET, 173 & 170 GRAND STREET AN1)216 CENTRE STREE. ESTABLISH!;!) 1838. N. V. . ESTABLISHED 18S8, THIS Establishment has been in.succcssful ion for 24 years, anil is the largest or the kind in the United .States. We haye on hand or manufacture toordcrevjcry description of Picture and Portrait. Frames, Plain and Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oval & Man tel Glasses, Connecting Cornices. Paso and PrackcC Tables, with Marblej S!;;bs, Toilet Glasses, r Moulding» ; for Picture Frames, in lengths.suitable cither Gilt, Foiling. ItVwewuod. Oak, Zebra, PinJscye, Mahogany, &cl Curl new manufac tory and facilities enable us to furn ish nny'.nrticle In ohr line as good ns the best; •and afe thfexp ns the cheapest. Dealers are invited to call upon us When Ihey Vis'i New York. We claim to be able to supply i«. supply them vith every arti cle in our hue which they can pi purchase cDewherif. . JctsT Orders by nail' attended to with promptness. ‘ Do not tail tb'call when you visit New York. • - Oylrx. ,j* WarcTh'jMy? ~±\v. 215 Ct/ilre Si. t aV. 1”. HORACE V. SIGLER, AgtnL , MnT y—B mos. A Hare Chance for a Good Investment, I - , i FOR 3 ALE, - SpCK AND FIXTURES OF'A COUNTRY :i STORE, in ft good Location,- with a large run* of custom; situate within 13 milesvof Pittsburgh Just in time for Fall and Winter Trade - Stock low at. prcechj; no unsalable Goods. Terms easy. For n jman of limited capital, rrp better chance could be,offered.— Store and'dwelling house for|sa!,e -br rent.— Address *‘R. L.” Allegheny Pa.-, giving real, name, aad stating wLoro ; an. interview can be held. i . r V Oct. 15. ISrOTXQE. ALL I’KRSOXS Laying Ku tineas, with the subscriber tyill pleaup call with Mr.- Robert Tnllon, who is July authorised to al iens! to nil basinesh'.during'fi>y|uhsencc. Also all persons Imvln^femscl will call anj make .set l lenient ns sootr, as possible. As it-has become my .duty t,o Icnvcj.’home for the purpose of. serving my country, ! hope-my customers will si,ill give 'their patronage as usual, as they will tinj jMr. Tallloii at the shoe shop nnJ my scn. -’ames, at tbcdifb y*rL ■ sept!, W 32 .: -r' JOilN p/STOKI’.S. ' : hi h . h : : isi'oariGS. • - ‘npilK Co-part nersbip heretofore existing tifi :JL 'ier the nat.ae and style of'A. D, tlit 1 il,;t pew . brighten, engaged .in the business of merchandise. was July .dissolved on the tlbtlr day of April, Ibd'i. • The lb,nitswill be.settled at the-.sliye. of pf. f.iillU:;mL - All; periods" knowing themselves indebted j|o the late Alrin. will please call and- settle .iiiirlrdhitely, as tlic books will be closed without JeJav. ■ ' ■ A. D. ttILLILAIvD, M. GILLILAND, >'eW'ErightcT.i-J!ayl|o, APB;;. .sri, . Confessions & Experience of an Ipialid. I^J.L’ I.ILLSHLD tor the nenefit .-.nd as a vfarn .-ing and a caution to yourg men wdio su!-, lev from Nervous Debility, I’riimaturo -Decay Ac.. supplying a I the same time the means of SeXf-Cnre. J!y one who has cured himself after feeing put to gvent expense through iged-: deal,imposition and,quackery, j Isy enclosing,!, post-paid addressed envelopes, single,copies may be hail of the authorl N'ATllANlJlb MAYFAIR. Ksip, bed ford, Kings Co., Ji, V. mar2B:lv, , . / . . ADXUNrSTIVAI-01l .S NOTICE. I vi TETERS of testamentary on ’the’•statl of Tjtomas Moons, late of Grocric town slnjfjNlicaver County, PcrinVi dccM having; ■been granted to the undersigned. nil persons* indebted to'gaid estate arc requested to make; immediate payiuent, and thosd having claims aaaiast the same Avill present them properly authenticated for settlement. | • JAMES NELSON, Stray. \j : the premises of the sub'ftcriber, >powa tp., iilntut the' Ist of .Tcily, iier, li years old. | The ovvner ia come lonvard, prove property, and take her away; otherwiseshe ised of according to law, :m. THUS. M KINLEY. Do You Want Employment. I OK FEU a pleasant business for the Spv'nrg and Summer,, with large profits; Send for mvnew .circular, containing full information.l Address IJEO. EDW D SEARS, . mario.. 1-81 William St., N. Y. ' J. H. CUNNINGHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Gen. Wilson’s Office. NORTH SIDE OF THE DIAMOND, BEAVER, PA. [apSO.ei? ‘ Kerr’s Hotel, Third Street, ; Bcaver^Peim'a. S. KERR, GOOD Crushed and Brown Sugars for_sale kt tliß Drug Store of , r oeZS. , KG. P. CTOIMHtS. 1 OAl'S— Bosin,; Pnitar; & (ramble’s, Qerl man, Caotil*, Pafanand Fancy, at / N.' BBWBY’B FLAVORING EXTRACTS—I nilla, at . t . . > JJCGGY WHIPS, only £.V '1 ■... Haver Opened int copied b|; The tsubsc tabllsbmei Jtantly on bn BrugStot-eS., . lielng a Physician and Druggist.: the pjihlia may, rely on h:a keeping- the I‘liHES'fand BEST BjRCCi • > r ; , ;■ . ATariety of other articles will also be found ' , t ■ in hie establishment: ! 'Tea, -EfSraii of Jjoffee, ltd§in ; Soap, fancy Soafts, fort'Monies, Combs. ALL ARTICLES ; FOR THE ' TOILET. SPOOL UOTTON, LEAD PENCILS, NEEDLES, STEEL PENS, HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, ] TOBACCO, SUGARS, LET TER, NOTE, & FOOLS CAP. PAPER. Oil Lamps and Chimneys.- »ro a few of the articles, and only a its on land. Call and see. Ifl , ill: try i by ■ close attention and l fair to gire Batisfaction'- to all who may a-with, their custom. ' j C. P. CUMMINS, M, I), articular attention willlhe paid to ip Physicians prescriptions. ; [aug27 r ■ 1 Carbon s These few ahva: He wij (leaping! lavur hilt ! ■ I B®.P puffing.* Dai rpnis | X| Cu , ff < a sapenoi era! Debij dcrs. . Ttj abandon I out injurl strength Price 25 t The pi known, fu; EroaJ niul tyahufat Cornel AneVsoUl ; prei rriiiK *5 . JL|<leut 6 llertycr C< and tliree said Hist .first of i .months, t.cnjd at tl DAT Nov.: applicant i to apt attend, -t Board '(if . | Hy o : SG Cor. 1 rwin Tire “scpi j and'bcsf t and neither pn to maintain Us location, is con road stat ohs, traveling publi • j BXI'X WinjiiEA bcqn gr. talc of Joscpl Greene Ip.. E knowing tlicir arc! requested and tliojc Imvi ■'sent t icm I •preseni ciittni fur oc*i2. ~Xdm lETTI .i t**tc township, grunted i duVreil to ir.inicdiat* against* tl! aufjhe.nl Ic; 9*t.2 2 A DM.] IJi-n'i j 11 silitjt, lieu e<l io lliii sui^l p:ivi/i6nt, esltnc v.; 'prijpcrly s'c;»l7 , E.£KC UTOBS’ NOTIpE. ' ; WIHdiEdS letters testamentary^on the ornate sjr Geo. Boswell, late ofXew Brighton Ilea rer county,'dec’ll, having been granted. 18 thi jumlortQgned, nir.JicrSohs ijlj dented to said estate art .‘requested!!.(6 mate inimediatj payment, anif those having claims against the same, will present thenf propery autenticatcd Ijir settlement.' ’• JOHN BOSWELL, ' . BEX’JUEiHSOX,; : ExectUors.S June 21 TllE C dcrt U.UIRACH and Mac): the 3d da late firm ' at.their’c!, where the; its brand indebt ed settle imn j\gallßt°T 'aaover ip, titrafttr si? CAME, livin I’a., oh 1} with a-wl a bcli oh, oth4r mav to come ft and take .. 0c22!3t. ' I*. • , ■ IS hereby gi' as Sill goon examine voun charged frtfm ( extends , lo at and that I at discharge of n i it Oet.l T)JSN-1k JL I’un i’encil-shi Pins, tie., ■ 0c22.V Fof. and ole.for bi 0022' Lemon and Va. HENRY’S. IJtEAS ■ ( tents, at , HENRY’S. DRUd STORE, | be Boom formerly Oc y Muds. Rxnr haring purchased the Es it will endeavor to ifeep con -1 all articles usually found id KO LLQG.K'S ; I id elionC offeipl irepa; 'alien, made from the best Jat a ;e, is {recommended by physicians as NUTRITIOUS BEVEKAGE forGcn lify, Byspcpsia and all billions disor pusnnds who have been compelled 1 to ihe'ui c of coffee,-will use this with,-. ffects. f One'can contains the ro pounds of ordinary coffee; ious < [of f fteuls. .LOCK'S LEVA IK. land best BAKING POWDER ting light, sweet and (lutritiuda ;cs. Price 16 cents. . • KO. rest >r ma! I Cak ijcture 4% ,j [II. KOLtOCK, Chonjist, Iroad and Chestnut streets, i ’ PIIILADIiIJPHIA, . Druggists and Grocers. of I: >j al iers 'Wanted i . JL*-' . of School Directors, oflndcpcu"' 1 District of Borough Township,' Pa., desire to employ two Miilo Be t cachcrs for the Schools of |Term to continence about' the iijtpr next,'[ ; ohd continue four 1 Bounty Superintendent Will ut irt House in BeaverV. on TuCbs , !al 10 o'clock A. jt., to'examine i iii and where nil persons intend in' situations are requested to t tsent tlicrcjiapplicatiojis to the dors, who will he present, ‘ h«f the Board. j Hn.yttY-Tires, Sec’y 1?T ZHOXTSIB JIAI’KEix, Prop’s, > St. SlDuqucsne tVay,y\ I 1 PITTSBURGH; PA. j ! IT HOUSE” 5s one of the largest i rrsngcd Ilbtels in thcjron Citgr, i ins nor expense will! ho sparfcd i well earned repntiition. Its irenient to the Bridgeaand Knil- Specinlljt ci>cimentjsr% to the in \ '\ ■ " ir;-!. jUTORS NOTIONS. •• - 5 letters tesfamcntarV having inted I a the undersigned, oties- Sr., deed., latejof Caver county, Pa.y all-persons seilves indebted >to said estafo :u-make payment' immediately ig claims against the Same will b the subscriber dulv liuflienji jient. JAMES McCREAPYUy | ‘si; ! .Executor. ■iTHATOIVS NOTICE. ; ■ •• i • si . !’ v ■ ■>f adtpitiisUriit ion, upon the cs- Closs, | late |6f Ohio liter cojjrity, ilcc'd. having bed' s undersigned, all persons , in-! I [estate are Ifeijucsted !to- innkc<| incut, and those having piainis n}io ivil! ’present them !properly priet’emenl.', '■’’ ~T j - -1• ■ JUt!N SLEXTZpOhio, tp. l|- i , Airiirtsstrator. NOT|ICI3 ; Ben o tk said ■ yny \'o S'f itou ISO!] if administration* on the estate i ;I,leeu, late of Hopewjdl Town id., dec’d, Laving been pl ant - i signed, all persons indchtqd to ijrcqucstcd to make immediate those having claims ngahliit said, eaent tli cm to tUei subscriber hticaied for settlement 1 1 • ELIZA PEED, ■ ! THOMAS. BEEP'. | ’ \ Administrators. CaKI iVcv C i nude e arc and 11 pi .Utiuj; FR i, 18( BHolntion. 1) ' i-pai the n: i >, Fa li ine • j , -i. I*' r (nership heretofore existing uft ; title dml style bf K 51’Connkll & i ljdon|reiigaged the Foundry? business, was duty dissolved in Juno, 1802; ; The books of. the 1 ej settled by 51. & Cof.i, iyi Fallston, Beaver county. Pa., il continue said: business in alll I ill persons kno'.ving themselves ;! late firm will please call at d Italy. DAVID MCONNELL, I I l MATTISON DARKAGII, 0,(02* S. H. DAURAGH. j |y wi o th eilin AY ctm. O; premises of, jibe 'subscriber, S r cu v i 3,ewicklcy itp. r BcaVcr co,, ijo f October, IStiti, a red cow, ice,: abont tlyeairs old; abe iiiad ijo or three alitoan the car; no jfblc. The pirncr ia, rcqnc3ted d, prove property, way. 1 ‘I ; '% i | A. P. SMITIIX. do tit; aite f md ■js vi rwai ter 8 nVotice; I ■ ■■..;■[ ■ ■ i . ■■■■ :<Jn that X have been appointed by the Pension Department, to ded and invalid Soldiers, - dis bc service; that my authority jj County. Elate or Territory; ijnow reody to enter upon the y duties. i EEOKGEMcCOOK, m, d., ,-j ‘ Examining Surgeon,, o " , .> - 38, Scieeors, Gum; Hair Pins, 1 ort Monaic*, Needles, Twcciera,' tiers. Spool Cotton, . Thread, iileat tho Drug Store df ; i‘ J I)R.C. P. CUMMINS. •J)'& RESTORATIVE CORDIAL i Renovator, the genuine,- nrti- I the Drag Store of I:,'-.- h - [ ■ ■ RB. C, P. CUMMINS. YOO i: . isf Hyuc, Slack*o3 Si:Wm MALE OB FEMALE AGENTS to; sell Lloyd’s Ncw Fl'iile County Colored j; i - Map of the United States, ; J ; i ' Oanndius, and Turn ' Bninsidck. ■ ! ftw recent surveys, j| completed ..Aiigj. 10, 18C2;| ‘jcuitl $20)000- to ieugiave ‘it, wid .fine year’s time. ' J ■' I; j- . ‘ Superior to. any $lO map ever made by Col ton ppMUclicUi pshdlselU at tlio low-price: of Fifty: Cents; names are engraved on this map. i ‘’ i : >■ .. ‘ • .'I;, v . It is not only !a County map„biit it' w also a COUNTY i& RAILROXU MAI? J of the U. S. .ilCrinadAs corabined iti Every Railroad Station anddistnnees-betweeu. Guarantee any woman or man S.T tp $5 pet j day„ a<lj will take back alf maps that caunolt jbo Bold and refund tlio money. ■- j ‘ Send for S;l wort hto ,try,[ • . ■Printed instructions how to canvass well, furnished nil ,our agents. ‘..11;. ' Waul cd—Wholesale Agents ftir out; .ihitps in every [ State, California^ J Catn4da,'>'Englififlr. France and Cuba. A fortune may be mail: with a few hundred dollars capital. .. Ao ccan!-: jHctition. 3 dltoTT>Vliid litoadway,'N, Y. J The Wat liepartment |juses our map of, Tir-; andpcrinsylvnnia, eostJSUHI,- 000, Too which is .marked lAntjclartn Creek, i Sharpshurg, .Maryland [flights,- Williamsport Fcrjyi jjihoreVsyille, J ltolandfs Ford, iand’ Jail others bn the; Potomac, and every othorplhcj in thejil|OTeiiamed plates, or money .refunded. LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAII MAP’ OF KiNTUCKjY,; OHIO- INDIA SA] ; and I If,L„ iat the jonly authority for Oon. Koscctana'an 1 dhc War Department. Money refunded to. [any one findihg ad error in It. . _ ■ i From tbo Tribune, Aug. 2. ! ; . “Li.ovp’s map or i’lßoiNia, Marti, ashaud PENNSvivASiA.—The map is very large;' ids cost is put 25 cents, and it it the best 'wkiek cA i be purchased,’ 1 : [ ■ ■. j . ] JjloyiTs Ortal Map of the Mississippi) Purr.— From Actual Surveys by Capts. Dart and‘ft’ht -Down. Mississippi'[[River Pilots, of St. [Louis, Mo-, shows every man’s plantation undo, name from St. Loins to the Gulf of Moxlpo—- 1,350 [miles —every sand-bar, island, f town,! landing, and all places 20 miles back from’ tile river—ebloi-ed in. ecjmitics and States, JPrico,| $1 in sheets. , §2; pocket form, and $2,60 bit linen, with rollers.; 2O. J. .V'.o-y /J*p<nl'iirn(, M'lishinyffh. Sept. Iff, IHG2., j d. T, Lloytl—Sir i Send : your Mapjof ijib Mississippi River,! with price per hundred [ copies; Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, Com-- ijriianding the Mississippi ’squadron, is author ized I? purchase a? many as are required fo uso of that squaili’on. : . j i ; GIDEON IV EI.LS, Secrotary-of| the Nttvy ■f i : Office of JVI (OOKE, ' I ' ! i ' \ SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers MO SOUTH;.THIRD STREET, h • , I’hihjdelphia, Nov. X, ISC2J ,;i 4-. •, THE undersigned, haying been appointed SUBSCRIPTION AGENT hy tfie Secreta ry of the Treasury, is now prepared to fur nish, at once, the ' ■?' 1 .’ !• ■ . Ncio i Tuv i ty i 'Tttrr C per' ct ;• Bondi. of the: United, States, dcsiguatcl os “Five- Twenties,” redeemable, at the pleasure aif the. Government, "after five years, anti authorized by Act) of Coiigiessy approved .February 25, ;18l>2. .',r- *". ■.'■l ", 1, \ : t- The COUPON BONDS arb issued in sums of sso* Sioo s&uo, Siouti.i 1■ j ■■ o*. ■■■■■■:. The REGISTER BONDS in sum's of $5O $lOO, $500,* SiiMX) and.ssooo. v . 1 Interest at Six pery cent, pci "annum will commence .from date or purchase. and is - PAYABIsE IN GOLD, { . SemirAtmuaUyiitvhich is equal, a/ thc present premium on gold, to about KiOill* I'KBCfiSTL i;er:An|xum... ,' i- v ‘ [{• ; Merchants Mechanics. Capitalists, and ail iviio have any money to ips estv should know- and Miiiembcr Mint these Bonds'-arc,* in .effect, a ! FIRST upon >ll MlaiH Canals, Bant ®>ckse and Scciiriiics.i and.ihc immense produces of all the" Mani\lacJ lures! &L, &c., in ; the country t*- and the dull and ample provision nuide for the payment cif Ihe in| crest, and Ihiuidation of. principal, by : Customs * Duties, Excise' Stamps'and liiterual Rcvchuei'serycs to. make these: Bpnds.the . /kvt, Most j-l cailafatMaul MostZPopular j Jnvi'Stment Mtirketl V : 'j «. Subscriptions received at PAR in j dcr Notes, or notes hud-checks of .banks at pifr in; Philadelphia. 1 Subscribers by mail w iti - reCeivq prompt altenthfn, .and every facility ] ai d’ explanation will ba afforded oil applica ti >n at thisoffic'Oj '■, J : ' ; : ,'| ... A full supply of Bonds will ibc kfcpt on hand ! j-fbr hiiinofliato delivery.!: .• 1 s,’' ; ■. h ■ ? JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent., | Estate of David Minis] Op^d., 03*1015 is hereby given that ad- X a ministration have bceu granted by Ihe Itegister joti ofirho county uflieaver; j uponthccstatcefDAVlr. |lini.s Jr, M.D.,|deLfld.] '■ late oti Borough tp.,,in tsid'county,to fjicVubt I scriocr reading:in the-Borough of licuVer. in ' BaidiObuiftyJ Debtors [Will niiiko payment, ahdj, credit j>rslpresent; their tfiaiinsbltily aut hjtutica-'j ted’to’the ’ i ■ 'i > *'.S : D.VXIKL AOXF.IV, Vl'i April 12. !. ,jl Administrator. i SOIICjTI TTTHgRKAS letters of administration on T T j the estate of MictiAEi,lt.\Mno, late of Kaccopn j towiiship'jff Bearer county, ,‘de-j ceased, .haying been duly granted to the un defsigned, all persons indebted to said.; istalo iire notified to. make immediate payment] and Uiosehaving claims against the same pre sent them .properly authenticated' for settle ment Wit hßnl delay. | f ', ; ■•i'. i ; . ! ' : M : i JACOB PRdNK, scp24: 'Y I JAS. C. GRIERSON* 1 'WHOLESALE ~ : ,[ ■ I.' Grocer & fommlssfcn Mcrthanf, • Dealer in i ‘ FLOUB, FEET) aSD | GIuM RALLI s siiixirfiELD s’t.; ;;Y| Ppoaito tlie Monongnhcla House,. • . t . : jn j 7 PITTSUURGHy rX JLig-BW .ii'--;/'! AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION ■Mj|- OFIVuE. i V VI.:h I'iDUC r 3 ) ■ !; | I ; BY JOII^'S. v IXATIt’ IL. D., 1 mnslin, price'-oO conts; paper cov- J ers, 25 cents. CopicS--of lliia book will bc scnl by mail on receipt 1 of t(io ■ price,, in' postage stamps.' PlcasiadJrefs -k ' j ! : J. C. GARRteUES, Publisher, ; i; J4B South JTourtb street, Pa: ■ T j V ; "■ I U Loiii Dog. ■ in Boclieeiorj |on tic 21bt of 0«to- rj her, a Black Shepherd Bog, with- Mite rim hround h|s neckband white tip on (he; end ? of his mil; answers to the name of “Ring.” Any person finding said dog will be ejuitabir re wardcd-by; leaving him at Johnston's Hotel, ncag Rochester Depot, or at the residence of the subscriber in New Scwickly tp. >. ;i r ■ .■ ndVia .: J■ ■ ; !;• JOHN GABBARD. MAYORS OF THE |r;| '^Great Cjlties. > i ' We, the Undesigned Minors, hereby oor* t.tliy that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Physicians of oursoverai cities have) a document of asauranoo to! Us that Al wa’hsa'pa.'rtt.t.Al has been found a remedy of peat excellence, ahd ti aoir. jambs cook, , v >1 '' j . ' Mayor of I/O WELD, I HOH. At.BTO BEABD, 1 .' '-I " Bayer of^ABTOA, “ B. W. HABBINGTOIT Mayor of w AKWTrwa'PFm, j. a .. ':! Hozr. Hear. .TOBdtr abbott, : j ,:Mayo* of OONOOBD. BT. B. Hon. a. H. BUIIIIOCK, .si ’■'!■■' :i -[ : Mayor of iWOBOESTEB, MASS. HOB HATH’L; silsbeb, - J 1. 14 -1 : - Mayor of BAT.TSM, MASS. hob r.vr. mbdoib 3/.,, \ : ;.( L : Maypr cf BOSTON, MASS. hob m m.bodmab ‘, j. I ; ■; MayOT Cf EBOVIDEirOB B. Z. HOB AUOS V. PEEtmCB, : : \- Mayor of HOBWZOB. C( HOB J:-B HARRIS, , i . Mayor of SEW LONDON. O SON. OHAS. S. EODIEE, : Mayor of MQNTBNAD, BON; D. F. TTRMANNr I Y- ■' •' Mayor of HEW TOBK < HON. H. M. KINOTBE7; ! Ma; of HAMTTiTON, ( . i: 1 . ■ir r-i r HON. ADAM WILSON, ■;!j jv Mayor of TOBONTO. k HOW. E. !ML BISHOP, ; [ j_' Mayor of orocnnrATO. o BOW. 1. Hi CRAWPOED, ' j Mayor of laOUISVIXiI.I3, HOW. JOHN SLOAN, F .! j Mayor Of LYONS, 10 HOW. JAMBS McFEETEBS, i : Mayorof BOWMANVX&LB, C EtOW. JAMES W. NORTH, ; ' f\i . J' Mayor of AtTOUSTi., HOW. HENRY COOPEB, Jr., \ . r 'Mayor of TTATiTiOvy fil.T,, HOW. JAMES S. SEEK, . | Mayor of FBEDBBIOTOZT, BOTH. WILX.ASD NYU, j i. Mayor of NEW BBDFOHD, hon. jJ BLAigDELii, v : T Mayorof PAlIi BIVEB, HON. w. h. ceanston, I .'[■; ■ ■ [) Mayor, of NEWPOBT, HON. PEED STAHL, | ■|' i ; : 'Mayor of .OAIJSBA, HON. jjOHN HODGDEN, . I'-: j' ' j', i Mayor of IOWA; HON. THOMAS OK U TOHiTBUJfc 'T i j Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, JTBNiT; Hok BOBEET BLAIE, . ’ t [ ’l# ; j. Mayor of TUSOAZiboaA, ALA. HON. B. D, BAUoi; : f [■■V; j of 1W tipi PHIS, ‘ HON. QEBABD STITH, , | Mayor of HEW OBIiEANB, LA. HON. H. D. BCBANTON.; l‘ r . [. ■ ■■ Mayor of N. T. HON; DE WITT C. GEOVE, i ".V Mayor of UTICA. N. 7. . HON. GXO. WILSON, j, i L ■ 1;,.] :■ Mayer of PITTSSTTBa^FA. HON. C.'H. BUHL,i v [■'■■n; '■ Mayor of DETBOrr, MICH. ' HOW. HRMTAW S. PAGE. jT i { ; Mayor of MIZiWAUBZS. wis/ how, w. w. vattgAt. I -j ; j' "H Mayor of;BAOIITB,WIS,® HOW. A. PAEB, r J-'' -rit '/' j:. ,?l. v■. jMajrpr, of ksjnosha; ns. . HOW. JOHW C. HAIWES, ; ■ ' J Mayor of CHICAGO, TT.T.i- HOW. M. J. A. HEATH, ■;i: I/., V Jtayor of BELMA, AIiA.- HOW. A. J. WOBLE, . ; ' : Mayor of UOKTQOUEB7. AL A. Wow. W. S. HGLYBAD, t‘ I' J Mayor of obliuMßtrS; <JA. DOW ESPABTEBO MAWPELj Mayor jofi VESA OEtJZ. ’ DOW PIETBEJOE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DOW BaBBIGrUES, . r f •-: MflyM of HAViui; bow Axnomct echeveba,l Y . Mayor of I/tMA, PEBTJ.. BOW M. G. mtt.Attqno, I ■ ] I Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILE., BOIT MABQ SESQOTPEBALIA, | I Mayor of 810 JABEIHO, SEABED. m -r: im.. '! r-.- ■ : I' :./\ Certify that the , resident Druggists have L | y ■■■ ■ assured j them \ \ Ay©r*# Sarsapazlil^ la an excellent remedy, and worthythecon* fldenoe of the community., FarSprtngptseu.es. *Tr ]. Far Purifying tbe! Blood. . For Bcrafula or Klng’s Evll. Par Tnmors,U]eers, and Bore*. For Eruptions and Pimples. For;Blotches, Blains, and Bqlls.. . For Bt. Anthony’! Fire, Bose, or' Ery - For Tetter or Solt Bhetun. . [lipelos. For’Scald Bead and Bingnana. For Cancer »nd CanceronsSores. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Humors. , For Female Diseases. ' ■ Far Suppression and Irregularity.! For Syphilis or Venereal Disease*. For Direr Complaints. ■ ; ':' Y | J . i For Diseases of the Heart. Administrator. 1 Tho-ltayon of the chief cities oKtho Uni ted States, Oanadns/and Briftsh Provinces, Ofiflli Pena; BrasO, jSCezioo, and infect al-f most all this dties on this continent, Ihava' s%nedthis document, to assure their people! what remedies they may use with safety (ind confidence. But onij space win chip ' 1 a portion of them. . r: Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, % ,j Ayer’s jGherry.Pecton -j'; Ayer’s ■. Pills,* ai»d >- i. I Ayer’s Ague r i' ; ■■•!''■{; v Dr> J^jC. : iAyei^’’« -Co.# rU ..■ij LOWELL, MAB3* • V fi'j.: ■" 4iid eohi bj Drnggbta everywhere, ,[, . '‘ r - ■*' S : j I ' mt«.;-by 0/M»nW, jr:. i Henverj e> 6*us», Bocbetcr, IvWggoiftp & Lour*, Frm dd»; J. Wjpbols, B*Jon; ;J. , Niw Brighton, Joliri Hlnrk, j lOiimigtnn. pfiin ;c:i» & Edgne/frUl j •,>*•?• Wti. where-, ]/ f i"| • Jcn ; . 12, 'fiS. ' ■ ■ ! - I %■ tobo rorthy IT.H. n.s. tmsr. INK. “ I. W. ME IWA. W. MB. B. K.L ILL., HOUSE, i 1 ADAM JOHNSON, PRO’Ry ROCHESTER,. WiSStA;.' FRtJIT .TARS & iCA’SBv u - corks. :< ; ' j ’;SEALISO WAX, ' r I rosin. ■i: . -i-> T'V /f • - ' ■ CANARY - SEER. Ac; pt ; i ■ ■ , ■.l ■■ ; ■' UENK-Y’S. v :■■! —* ———- 1 r P=Mll I iUUR HOLW)W^'SjOINTBfIEN^ fEM LONG marches,'sore and stilf joints. Klisforj od and inflamed feet, aUtheao the soldier, tmuUciuloM, MOTHERS, ItBMBMBER THIS|', whan your spite ore ■ grjfl^ing'thcir.iroutjkcta Xf { mcift dtitiger. think what relief a pot of this .ALL HEALING, & COOLING FatVcs will. give, to (ho oiicypu hive when fili; liway;from Lome and friends. It hardens atu! jpakes feet so that thry cun podure groat fatighe. It soothes and relieves thcinflamodand stiffened joints, leaving litem nipple, M&ng and vigor-1 ohs, while for ■■. . .. . , ..r -j . SAISRE GCTrf AND GUNSHOT WOUNDS; j, at>tands useguallcd, reuioying_aud preventing every vcStigS of intlamiua!ion and gently drawing the edges together, ,it quickly ah'S 1 -crtjnplcteiy heals the luort-frighfiy woiin‘d»; ~ .WIVES AKln SISTERSi OF OUR VOLUNS •• ■ * _ TEE Its . | W ! ■ .Vo cannot-put into (he Knapsacks' nf;your Hushaiids and Tirol hers, a more, valuable or mure necessary gift I ban a supply of.this 1 • 1 i , ENTIIAORDINAIIY MTrdTAKY SALVE, I i The lonely’sentry f walking ids rounds ai ■ night, ex posed to drenching rains and' chill ’•night air, is otren seized the most VIOLENT’ PAINS!' COUGHS and , SUFFOCATING . IIOARSNESSi tire! synintainsof vilt'K CtlN/- SUMPTION,' but if Riipnligil With IIUI.LO \VAV:t>’ PILLS and Hoi.LtIWAY’S OINT-t M hXT, nil danger is averted, a few Pills lakeiJ : iiight and niomingl andthc ointment, briskly-- nibbed twice a (lav overdho throat end cheep* will remove the 1 SEVEREST PAINS and gird, the luost’distressing or ti-ANOEItOUS COL'Glf TUefordiwc say to the i| • j ' I. j V ■Sec.to your own .health, do not trust to’ Uni Army supplies although most Valuable. Them i'll.l.S and OINTMENT hdvje- beenthorbuglily' tested, they.are the only remedies used in.,the European Cauipa."and lor over forty , years. Doctor Holloway has supplied .till thV ariak-jiT.i Europe, and during -the CRIMEAN CAMPAIGN he established a depot at lltla-. clivif. forthe exclusive side of these-GREAT RRMEDIES, miMiyva.liifte lifs special t tore hits sold over a ion in weight .of the ■OlnUiicni.in da'y.i- These iei-rihlp.ana.i fatal enemies tii tlie ; HioMicr in Uatop, ji , i, r iJIAtUtUE.A, DYSENTERY,SCURVY, SORES 4 aiit}- NCSUiFULOUE .ERUPTIONSfiaII disapr pgar like a churiii botove tiie.se PILLS AND; •OINTMENT,’"atid-how while the Cry ring#' -throughout the-hit d„ ’ , '., - . , ITO ARiviS! TO ARMS•! ; ’' I 1 Da not,let these htayo then perish by. dis ease, place ;in I heir TTands these Ui*. EC KILS REM Ell I ESI that will enable it hem’ to resist the- dan.derous exposures, the Fevers. Iho Chilis, Tnfd ti e wounds which they ■ cannot, avoid, hnd-wha! is riiorcl eainiot frequently get’ 'subcor Jin the 'moment of need, whereas : if our; brjtve men ’have only, tir pul.•their hanjlS; into thhir Khap’saeks.nbd tinditherc a sure reniedv fpt - all the casualties of the Waitle held; Mow. mpny thunsnrids ,ofilives'wbithl, tliui be saved I who.W-ould otherwise perish baTore relief ebusd be.-Obuimed. . - ,€AU,TIfSX. —Xone iiitilecf the \vordfc ; -"W- York and ~ are n-r a v.iilcr-ciark id cveryLicaf of the directions around ce'eH pot cr ,* bixt-' the may bo plainly se-eii b£ k6hKn£'\ -tj*c [•'.<•/h fhc l-jht: X bandtiorrfe reward ,wil/ v bo.given to any one. rendering 'such .-informal ' ‘tioii as may to the <lctb«ii.ion,of aiyr party ,orparties • iiig the > ; ani£, hiiowiug thchi to be Spurious. ■ af'.rhe Manufactory of Professor . jtoLtxpv by sll liniggista and in the Civilized worlds in boxes at &1 ccijts and $1 each: Ij •Jgsair. There is considerable saying by taking the larger sizes. : i • . ’ X. il. for the guidance of. jta iebtivin evervhiisbrdcr are affixed ib each Ko*. : r ;May7.- V‘' - $.30. Emto&y ; $lOO com visn dial ageniW Wanted TOfSEbli Till) AOMMS . i.v ;<kw i;xg!,ani>) . Manufa c t tiring G o iripanyj rflT ’iVlliL 01 YE; A''. O . rf fr one ; Umpired. per cent. on. all good,, •sold hy or Vwcjtvill pny irnges* S frepn S-30 tp:£i;JjO per inont.h and pay n.M ne ; ccssary* expenses. \ For particulars addre 3. wlth.stii.nip," ;•/' • .7- ; ‘ . • ■ fiIUS: RCGqt.T:S.:Gipi: LC , For (tie. Adams Manufacturing Go.. r Michigan. r i 1 Ljuly 2. 18(12.'-..i j el, JOSS PH HAI tr ' r|‘, - Pa. ’• HAVING .thprousUTy fitted upi-this hou|s»:|. he is now' prepared, to nccoitimodnt c hzs irieuda, and the pulditv generally, in t ;aarikfactory maimer* ■>•;• •■•". . ; - . [n:ay(»2 i Jl '-Tho Howa Sawlng Machine,| . soi.i) -• ■ - i '.- AM . W’ O R feuO'rV COIiXJEjK l*£NN.£ BTieiiAlU.«TS’i,; : | ;■■■■■ i NEJSDS.OXLV-i TO'BE .SPJN TU BE Al’| . ] I'V.r.ClATri). \ riu3‘.’- Cm. ; A. i*/TfIOJ>ISOS. : i J cprutT of -Th aydihr fit air, or, fi. .. j ’ 131 I:;i - may 2,1. * SEN TEL, os. MAN l”F ACT CTEKS OF' ;, ; i , • OABBGIT : QIHLiy ■ ROCIiEST^tR : .-'I J/' !■ ■ : EEJv y Kit- COUNT YjfelPA. [ al ,2 : ' |t- .JOHN '-B. WIIyIAASiS,' BkRBSS & HAXRJ>BESSS& J {Shop "6nc jJpop cast ot •I'rtnctlßy's I’. U 11«: KW AT Kit, I s KN NA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, I Noi 185 Liberty Street, ; .f '1 Pittsburgh, pa. ' Orders for iPittsburgh MfumfaOtuty<V Goods, and "Groceries, promptly filled-at the very lo>v : cst'pripcßi. ! when--accotrp»nied with <y»sbi or an crjnivaJent. "sepT7:Bm. ! » » “ :-;v 5,000 - Rye, “ ! ■ 5,000 “ - Barley, “’■Ci-i 5,000 i‘* - O.iiK, . Delivered in; Pittsburg, lor which ! annul hofr •*cd to Ip ay t lie highest prices. Aiidrers, J. W. CRAFT. ,Vo.: 185,- Xiierfg : ,Strew j /VrptwfiT;' i-vj II Iffl Mill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers