iLiio-xis. BEAVER, Wednesday, Dec. -3d, 1862. T. C. NICHOLSON Proprietors. TERMS = — OsePollar and Fifty Cents nor annum, in advance; otherwise Two Dol-' i.'.’nswill be charged. No paper discontinued uDtil all arrearages are settled.! j? and. commanjcirficns, by mail shall hare prompt attention. “STONEWALL JACKSON’S WAY.” .ri , •’ T. ‘ 1 . 1 _ • : s ;■ 1 i ■ —' "v — ;,r “ l ' The War Upon the AdmifU-s- the temper of men now by their tern • J tration-' P or before: this war came to us, their The most a.husingnxhibition of the “T anlecod clay is the attempt of the ? ntS A behevo jthht oyery follower Breckinridge jDeriiocracy to dictate a" V ‘ T ?^ 8a ? o, i Tu- en » anc, PffV on ' policy to the present Administration <?■ V nl . d r e J o,CO , n..pnjultimate recpgm niul ihnra 1-, V ’ tion of the rebellion. The progress ano lucre,is uo current I terature more ,e. • i. t . ® interesting and attractive than the ■» P«bt.eal heresies ,s as easy nhinefous plans feir peace andconciJ •"r 08 f*4 a * of * b .« lion that wo see’ In their journals- !? fer ." al Few indeed, are The J . ’■ r ... the men who were in favor of the VdV 'Tort® 7i,y. / P ' deftcc ° f - tb ?. South at the begihiiing that are not T. 0881 it m&. j have been Yo'*k 1 lPor/7 6 ‘■'a," sympathizers from i the -first. Time ipi k > it orta is forever savin" the; * .... Tfni. :>. £n..n t!« J„; and political success have emboldened u nioii m Accord- .. ■ 1 , ■ i i. . - ,;■ , ing to these writers, wc of the North U '• ’ :u " lno ' v tbiy open I heir eam we of this stubborn-hard-hearted -cr.-. P- , ibe ‘ r I ’* T" thQ , l f K s ‘ •eratidu. we Yankees who. bavAhe! “ ,i * i f . . . i oojcct of that assault is to compel him naiuiiioou to believe in such a thin" • • > 4l ■. i «i mo » •. . * ° to rescind the proclamation tof hman as j abort} , ami .Uie£aiulacity to enter | c i nat ion. • ! Into a war. lor the salvation of the iv i u i : . p.*- . * a i . , \\ o think we can assuf-o tho country ™ y dow . n °, ur - that, from aU wc/kiiow ortho Pi^sU \’ ef„ Sfn S - r ° ra r of tbp United Slates, he £ill ni h ih( »tl ■I?’ n *C ’ Z ( ' ?•* aad neither surrender indr amend this* rush into the arms of an nfieelionalo . ... ■ . ». .7, , 'Osx, * h S *tr *** •##- ! jrarHsr. s?* ‘ i ; - I f r , n ) - j— it, was no measurd of-hls own chOos misunderstuod thpm. from the begin-|-f ng . I.Tlie dread it lias inspired in the mug. \ve inisujpd.ersiood .them at.(” g ollth sbou;s fh at ,t Wn well.tint-: jhorirsunuer; all. ivo shall . cd-: } lj t may fail ps d thousand of otlw : I'juuo.ibh he.u t!ia;t t\ nonCieii. .bcaiiro-. or - have: failed since the bc | gi.'!tl. •-'pened upon that fort U was , giunipg 0 f the world ; but 1 the efforts! j only an. adeelionato piece of artillery j yi ,| made, ar.d What is more,tit j practice—that the advance into J.ary- j j, [ bc B ustaincd by 'the combined j.lainl: was meredyj a piavlal visit of ( )OW3I . of tho jj opdb ,' {•pleasure—a; pn iuc—and tl:irt“il wc j V I t =,; ( j had only „takeu time and kept our j ; Bold Escape op an li.limois Soi.- lemjiir, and listened to reason, and j rEOM Cuauleston. The fol- i loliowed the counsels of those pure;. • • . : .1, - , * ! - and iUr j seeing-'■atateion.T ?*•"£»*»"■ exlraptjof ,a jettor recent j Fornamio 'tVood ahd.Jamcs Buchanan,- v Received by Ihc Ilev. Mr. Scbrider, 1 we should now bp a bapp\- band of of Washington county, Illinois, from j brotlicrs. There- was nothing, in tlic.lJiis son, recently a prisoner at Charles* [world more easily settled thantlns j’* on gq ,• I .* r 1 ''difficulty, had we,not_bcen- so Scree' V ” , , s ~ • and fanatical. ilr; Reed and Mr.l : lh f of [war dporced thati 'would ’ ijiive arranged the'k I :,^, be M ls f en RnHonor; last June,!' t whole ailair in throe wasi^'V' 0 011 an exiWd.tion rcoatinoitcrihg'. lonlv necessarv ilb -• k t aside the elec-: M-"-' l ‘ ncn, J‘ 8 ,.\\ Idle .in their i ii(7n:> of Mr LliH nln ;l do-.t t! M.-nt-' 1 always an idea ot os- IgonWry:• Constitution. .1 , au:.v will. ■! :l P 1 HpoUe 16 negro, who our flag, and acceiil Mr. : '!’ voi, - !u 9 le n '.V enarsc food, and made President' M the 'Conk deruev. 'Had , 81,1 h 1 t 0 escape. The negro these counsels l.ccii adopie.l't wo vo.ars' to ‘"r.nsh nio with a sceesh uni ago, when so IrgelV aad'lr.mkiv given • IM W an, ‘ 1,1 thi ‘ 1 dressed niy ■wo should now bo at poa<v, ‘Europe ! ,n ,n - v and was ready.] would ,l>e satisfied^-and- war'would not i a The laithfal negro gave r have a c.ohre. j * ! :-me 4»hc conntcrsi"n,r and hail a i}out Stkateut -On a eor- .vifi'and ! "ood i' taretl <'*V >4 -hazardous undertaM | “Git'al Captain" being displeased with i u.r ci r T ~U - vchturo to , answer: TlWv the d.spos.upns Gen. Ricton had madej -turifis-nncl dll llie"^b e-shlU ofTit 1 firwl at us ' vUh ‘ muskets TTVitliout hit for receivu.g the assault of. Marshal-! crl \! :l all f * *f f «■% Although tho boat Was riddlod; hpult, who inoiniced him in froiityor j X si Sven i'k-ti * Vi'o'l f" 11 J [ and : was with difficulty kept-afloat; I dored they,lab to lie erlire! v changed. | t] >.®, S ? , » '’'‘S. 'jelicf 1 !,at we;i, (Ul AV( . But . cuj?<k . <|; by i xcrt Vn"'o’ur’ • But the difficulty was to d-lay di-Wth till ■ '''• -1 1’r’ 1 ‘Pi the Utmost, inigotling to sea; taclc of htlre Pron-sh 'until a c'nahgd 1 i.V, "|i cl. .V: g r- K> ' 1 * 1 1 Oh. how mv heart beaJ when 1 saw a could,, be; cirectod. Thijs. the -Iron ' Jf ‘ r t V dvdin*.,- inpursait of us firing grape ‘ ] . , ‘ ll£ '‘”., :l < com l diSl.ied in |fcr s on,.in th.e j Ctl try hih>"'vX' ’’ \V [ : al * tl ctinistor. But we neared' the following inanne?'. Ifollj ng his’ cock- j rdif . eti ; a ; n dos and YvenVio w-r- 'Wo bl * ,c *>aU in /? '^ b «i hearing’the ■eU nat and -waving it 111 the arr.llw; i . , j.,. fv rp ’Y ,/.•/, *h 1 ) firing and seeing. tin* cause, let slip ' nn-v* as'lfi :|,r ; ile '' i T :,,1 ° f a 1 proviuMiC of (iod sh'.ffid .ho ! and)orS and r^d ' ns *’' Hum the men. which was taken up by , . Va, T a '‘ iln corns after c'orj.s.nntil it roveihi rated : ' TV. ’ \- ‘ l " ( * lot cx * -- t.l'i'ig tho whole- .xtont of. Vi-<O.,Y a.iii.oie</»—nor even a ; *11,,.. “A - .I- , 1; ,f- .... ; ‘ *■•'•■■■•>e‘. a i'e •:>!>., or aA\ \yiere ’ll Vi . C •“ compelled to t-xpt rinicnt gen orals. .imrtoi was htgivJ to remara. mining- >S)4U ‘ have oli | lSv o - >y,.us'i.l addiKssmg ImusMl -Soult is ... . , a 'lcilfal but am! ; l.r ' f .T, . T" ° .V -7 wiil'i'Ol attack in fm-a ,;:,ti! h a * \ a ‘Vif ! tke f i*sc,*!-inini-il *1,.; ~ bottom... The Jtcipio. ot this war for ~1 at,i-ei i.iiiim nit* n’.cji 111 " ot iif -<■* *» »» »v - a , ~ . cbeeis. This v. ill ghoUine for ilu- ' V l *. may be at the l,ead. of a _Yv(l, llvision to cuine „», and wo ti % or aa or 7 W be K i i.n \ ...>* 1 it «... ; * \ . v . ' m>iuc cl tliti.druUe'l levies now -•»7 •»...•! I'IlU it I Ul'l.f. <i 1 -lit as {;(* ', 1 ■ * .1 • 'M . ,rr • u • u„.u'„ , : ;.n \ r in then wanvas Homes. .7 '• o‘Jiilt. iiaiurai y ai.ou i ; , \ . , s -,i t’.i.:.. ti’i.M,.. * ...hopt; auil i>ray, a p * wo hav*e tremeiuious shouts an* • i .- r • « !*.«.• • I t 1,,. a 1 i • * i \ ■ uiiii bvlinc—lor. iceticr . v?s-i .Uf •»; 1 sF-* . a'.-i.ip »>■-ii-oi a of oducatinji, ... Miyii,*?. au*i (Ha.-not aM:o-k 11*01 ',>o \ , 1 * ,•« . I'-tP Bad he Miuk n: Iln. li’-l-.t .Vo- ‘ t, ‘- ;l l '7' L :"r “f : ot ; ll '‘ a! faVO1 u- h r 11 ment he. would have wdiHin i a-v vK 1 P 111:11 t< ?- n^ n * "!« '“'7° : tery : as it was. he .set -iul, : H..' , v "» M)0 hope that the , Uy. ti,; , vo i, • -Vicii'l wni iiem;. Moucy has been spent, j 'slti.e'str-ite.-v rf f ' I fi* * " "i'-blood has -JbCen shed, tlio contumely I Hr , ‘ IS, , T ■ B>o European world has poisoned; vL r y or "eimirs, oif"t m.mi i 1 .» . 1 . 1 t , w i ' • , 1 vVvry brueze tout comes over the i n. :• L .nen.eni. _ - ] bn,ad Atlantic- ;'cominercc~has boon j A Bifu-TtFt r. irEFt,i:criox!—Bulwel* ! >bul '- o *‘ < - >• the dust has giuhoi t-d'! cioijUetJtfyf says :•• I cannot believe !“; oa "f, T- ~,dI” , music Once - f- Bfat eaikhris man’s abiding place. Jt | ■ lo . lI » bl , t( * .of-men . i bu that out lifb is cast itp by the - *\ M I j l \ 1 V n ’ , . f? 1 *P ias - -J)joau, -if eternity toilet I u \ qotamm- power in. the '■pm. i(, waves'and ttiPfi-sink into ' ll f 1 «> 1 /«?[>.» to 'indo .'nothingness ! Else whv is it that the i aI V U ‘ : - lt .' v “'"‘ IVO bc turn our . glorious' aspiration, which, legj.s likel? ulU,r, . n p ?" to '}^ 0111! Sacrifices a.igo!s%on V the tcmpleof'mir' heart, i " n 'l f °- ur '-!°i , »<to ibittcrnosa are forever and . J fl ,iUr - The issue, they make. Tied? Whv is iftliat the ruinW: 1 pi’cei.oly wd.atwas made / and! clouds, come over with a btmatvl tllie* fiveri brow • ihut isnotof earth, and then pass off it the ; and |eave us to muse upon tbeir fa- ,tb ? Aincnean Republic. : vorlfo loveliness ? Why'is it that the , 'They have' dcchu-ud their purpose, JsjAS;h*vho hold their festival arojund' a,ul : «J»«««d their camjiaign. - They midnight throne, are set ajj.o vet ilrc bui!llil hg batteries, around foil grasp of limited faculties, „ forever i gunner. Let us, they my, demand-from mocking us their unappt dachiible gin-’: f - ,iC President the suspension- 0/ his:proc ry ?' And, finally, why :is it Vtliat i of £,^uicq>ation. .On this -'■- bright forms of Lcaiity* areJ tb ‘- confess is being waged. : 'presented :to our; view, and dheu', la-i'V .-buiuired argiinumlsi arc scattered ken from us, leaving ihe'itlioußagd''A-Of tbe land in."support of this, dc etreams of our affections' flotg' t-aek ! ,I)alf d ‘-it will cloiiciliate the people • .-‘A Alpine>upoa oifr heiirts -j *T B’P South—it. will be a/yiracticalof ;Wo are hortr-for higher destiny' tbanl T« p .W compromise—it wyll give us that of earth:; there is a .realm where ! P. uac *-” : T l *i» via what w#' are told the raiubow-o r.cver fades—Where stars come fi-pii. the arbogat ion of a will he spread-before lus llike islands^-f solemn decree;'; c: lt wi'.lf.bc a Mop ini • .bat,. -slumber oh tlic licean, ail'd the immediate path‘of peace.” Then -7 Pi. n - tbo being that pass before us we may; see i-the perpiancnt flags of tike <fi;ad(jws will stay in our presence t r uco”-for which Mr. Reed is constant forever. “ ,ly at his’devotions. • But can we he rn *-„l —T-: / Uievc tiioso-men ?■ If wc grant this hand?-in 1 • l * ~ lS a D’ enfebing ;i thiors.i first demand—wbathcsl? If we siius the tlther' 8 1? , H render [ emancipation,'’ will their .'Sef) 1 down nnd u kao ? l{ ed /|he rascal j mands cease ? ,Ifwo give kp tho out 7 carcass ni .trample on bis wirk-Sjican we hopeeto be mnfnolested: do® a .F«>; in-thp Citadel? \V^can only sustain < "Sldu ;b^ta”4lcr W ««SST» t “ ur : eaasU by .sustaining it frornr the ‘‘itVMiiVili • « -Vll, - “.“*>l beginning to the end. *lt vrctsnrten and:.' faith 5 T Wiu,t ed;! der emancipation, they will, ’deniand. c»: >o y wH" - V' ''im : a 1 confiscation,an I eventually recogni “ g ’ I '■ V;, : tiohvi. And, judging events hji events, i r« [The following stanzas n'ero found on the t .. • person of a rebel Sergeant of the “Stonewall Brigade,” recently captured by our troops hear Winchester, Va.; 'V Come, stack arms, men ! ’ Pile on the rails— » Stir up the camp-fire bright^; i No matter if the canteen We’ll make a roaring night.l j , HqrefShenandoah brawls along, [■ . There burly Blue Bidge echos jirong. To swcUJhe brigrdo’s rousing,song, Of ‘•Stonewall Jackson’s way .ft ■* Wj See him now.—llf6 old slouched hat j “ ‘ Cocked o’er his _cyc askew, — ‘ The shrewd dry smile,—ths speech so pat, i Sodalm, so’blunl, so true. | , _ The “Blue Light Eider’’ knows ’em well: Says he, "that’s Banka.—hc’s-fond of shell, Lord sdve his soul!— give him—well. That's “Stonewall Jackson’s way.” • Silence 1 groiindarms 1 kneel all! caps off j! Old Bine Light’s going to pray;. ' » i fool that dares to eco,ff ! I it’s his way !, Appealing from his native sod lii fbrmn pan peris to.God, — “Lay-bare*thine arm, stretch forth thy rod, ■ s£\nien !”■ 1 That’s “StonewaU’a way.’V flVs in the saddle now ! Fall in I I Steady.! the whole brigade ! • . Hill's at the ford, cut off;‘we’ll win ' Tlis out, ball and blade. What matter if our shoes are .worn ? What .matter if t>ur fcct are torn ?* “Quickstep! ; we’re with him before dawn !” That’s “StonewalUJackson’s way !”. * pie son's bright lances rout the mists Of morning—and. by George ! . Here’s Longstroet stnigg|ing in. the lists, - , ; Hemmed im-an ugly gorge, i , Hope and his Yankees, > wbipped.before, s “Hay’nets and grape hoar St one waif roan ■‘•ChargV Stewart’!~pay ofT_ Ashby’s score,’’ x -C j-Is “Stonewall Jaickson's way.” —. ' •-I • v , • - I'- \ Ah! maiden wait, and watch.and yearn. • ' . For noWS of Stoii-ewalFs band ! . .7^Ah I widow, read p*ith eyes that burn, s That ring upon }hyrhand;- - ,*■ - j Ah 1 wife, sew on. hope on I ! : Thy life shall not t|c .all forlorn ! The foe had better uner-bceu born, : That gets in “Stonewalls way.” \\ Yol. 38-N. tf' *■ I ■ ".- : ■ ;■■■,M-S- 1 j : "j '■!1- -i'V't- 'lb-i- j-r 1 ?-:,:' —m- m-' -nrr-y - : i»- j V' : \ • I■< 1 ■< f'.J vh .1 . t#.| .-'.'i ■■>j i ■ Vr ! I',. : <[ '■ ft; 'I - Advertisements inserted | afy th«f; atjs of \ B- §IV ; 'A ■'••■'.•" M : T:': ;■ y|. 'W _ ,V. ;■' ft ' %■!• •■- ';tJ- I ,j ;[t/ InSertidi _9 |J > /■ It I ■BJ 1 RJ| ijj ' n I W'M l: ' 1"fl ' Vj . ; i 25 cento. _A Ujjeral distort inido ttt.;yc»ri I l I B ■. «/:: ,I 1 g —. i /&tM i^fc.S?^|Spß^Sjj^Pp[£va~^*- :^''! ’ l f ft i■ j ■■■■? , advertisers, andonlong. advertisements.- )I ’J j-\ \ I'Jill. ■fflß-tl |iJvT I Li. - J • J2szf£r' , T*' u ‘* •■Jr?!-:, | K-S 9 • < - J ■. V 9 - I ••■ Special lioticca 25 per ccbl ad(Utibh t ••■■''■■ ■ : i-J. ■- — 1 't __ t ■■!' •■ i If! ~! \. j' ;. Business cards,! 75 ccn|s k line, jer yet 0.4:9. ~ - Beaver, W edliesda^l^^l^iber,' 3, 1863. Established-181 S W •>l,l/, • * ■ :}s£: /» ••. • ‘ Oh, piy; Mend . of ; I»e tortures tbaOT*W,oehr]y;crazy mo for the last [Pin is powerless to coi yey, one haye, endured. I before. ,1 ferrhg thjit 1 thougffmy'■ jfetopres had grown steady, any thing ; but to-daypHam i wbafe and tiiimbling like a dhfld. ij: ‘[But do not ttohMr |ial itl My dear husband lies lraidwis',. : Wounded 1 hnpp death, I &Vb : lost, alii hope of saving him| ; though' I; thank Gold for tho privifegepf being this me tnonf beside all around mb the li^mOan ing in, agony. I lit tie •time to tend to thOT/jpoor mllows.— Trjuc, the eprgconßpp i busy' all [the time, but .all the Wounded Lave hot yet been brought' it soeirm as ff the time Would-itevpr come witch our brave men shall. hjavo been made hs [comfortable as circumstances may permit. I It is .awful tb look around me. I can sec ev<^y'imaginable form oflsuffering, aud«yet am helpless to. aid them any of cdhsdquencol .[• ‘‘Since night before last I have not left my husband's sidle, a’ moment, ex cept to got such things as 1 required, or[to band some poor l fellow a cup of Water. .Even as I write/ my peart throbs achingly to hear' thoj igfoans and sharp cries abont i mo. E! is sleep in.;, and I dare not close my eyes lest he should die . while Ijsleep,*. ;And it is to keep awake, and in a manner re lieve mylover-burdpuqd heart, that I am willing to you cow under such sail .auspices. ‘ -, . . • ji "Onrlhe morning;of the 3d instant fthe, fight began;. vThe attack Was nvidc on Gcn.j McArthur’s division, ai d weydiildTpUliluy hear [tl;c roar of tlio artillery lyre, as it is only about tv‘o miles and a hiitfdistant from-this place. Oh; the tetaful agony of-that awful, awful day I'Tj had! seen E. a; moment early in but it w is only a fir rtii'.l it fa r g< »aytt>gfitTi’Kedh', as he tore? I himself way;—'Pray forme, my.,wife;' I and if'I 1 fall, God protect you !’l iTliere; wus something in bis. look atja tone wniell struck a chftl to niylhcbrt, and c.yery moment after I knew, the fight hid begun I felt as if he had. indeed fallen. 1 cannot feci how longiit was, before I beard that Oglesby’s brigade wjas engaged, but it sechiod aii|agb to i me. After that my agony* was niar-l intolerable. jl' never had a tljfo’t ‘ o|. fear for myse(f;--|fwns.thinkingpii r ly of, E. Then'a got the won It bat ;bp had been’ body pursued by) (|hieri?b : jots and had fallen back, , i ! “Lately in Ibid afternoon I succeed- - el in gaming a little intelligible' ihfoiv n ation. Eeoifx'Qcncral Haeklomani „was shot through the neck While giv-| dig A command, and 101 l mortally .wounded. He dupl' between ten anc| e.cven o’clock thcPame night, 1 have since learned. Up to the time of re ceiving the wound he had doted i with t io greatest bra-very gnd enthusiasm, tampered by it cbclriciss that made ,cy •cry action cftectW|f When dusk at 1 ist put an end tgJho first day’s con flict I learned thtc General (jiglesby lad been dangorfusly wounded,' but ccuki gain no intelligence of rnyf h'%, band. I could not bear the Suspense.. Dark as it was, anidi opcless aslt declin ed to search • for lim: then, I out to the, battle {old. , "j. ■‘Oh, /leic.shall describe iho[scai;’bh of that- night? It looked like- imid'- ress. It teas madness.. But allnight' long I stiaggled amongst bleeding corpses, over yield horses, trampled 1 mbs, shattered .Wiiileiy— that goes l|) iuak4 up the horror of a battle field whejj the [cbnflet m odor. 'J.’hey were reniodpg the’ wounded all j r it'llt. - Oh, how 4&u,|,to stumble over j the dead and lufif tho cricS’of thei wounded and dyiig aiqne, and ip the night time. I foil to btart off [alone, filse they would rot have let me; go. ■ [ “As you may appose I could , not find him, either akougst the living or tho dead. But Ue nest morning, just after sunrise, I cine to a little clump yt timber whore , hone hdd fallon-f bis head shot oft id bis body bal£ cov ering a man Who i I supposed dead. ‘His taco, was to ho,/ground, but as, I jttoOped to' It ok loser, I perceived >4 faint movement of the body,! then heard a faint mjan. I stopped and turned -the face upward. The- bead and face were botfi covered with blood, but When 1 turned it. to the;] lightj I kney it in spite its disfiguration. jOh God, the agony of that- moment sutvened me almost fo suffocation. J “VVith a strength I thought impos- rn - ' — — ■ : j; I sblo in me, I [drew bim|eruslied:'a;id.: Lxkmpts fuom I'UTURE Draft.— lt I liuediiig, trod beneath tho cafcass of has beten decided that if a person has/dur poqr oldy horse, Whom we had been, drafted and lufnishes a subdi? both loved. and petted, jand dippitm- Into who is under ago or an alien,-h/! my haudkercliiet in a little pool! of is peo from all future drafts. Btt J water amongsi the bushes, bathed his should the substitute bo on .the r/ 1 taco and pressed some moisture bo ob the militia, and another draft is/i- tween his pardhed, swollen lips. Ho’ derod and the snbstitnte" is drawnihe was utterly insensible, and there was principal who employed the' sufeti- a[ dreadful wound in his head. Both tuto has to go himself or lijmbs were crushed hopelessly ibe other porsbn— Phil. \ ■ npath tho horsp Ho was utterly I be- i A Ha!:1) Fiiiirr Between a Man j\si> a House.— The-Norfolk Examiner i elutes the following singular . ov-ciir ■viicc, as diaving duken place in the twVnsliip of Wal'singham, Canada '•Mr. -Abraham. Brandon*. had .a very narrow escape one day; last week from being killed by ahorse.. Ho went in to a field to talch. hiS horse and-as soon as he got near the animal it pitched at him in al determined and. savage manned bitting Brandow feaFtully, Brandow, 1 is a strong, able 1 man, ami a, good ho i lought the horse :(s long Undid? could I with tlio bridle, but finding that it i (lid; not heed that. Weapon,-he threw ’ his arms around the; horses heck and his foot around Ids lyre legs.- While iiv this position he jlhrew the horse down This ut.courseb'roke hisiiold, and- tlie horse soon got up again and continued the 1 tight with renewed se jveiTSyj; Finally, Brandow threw himself flat.upon the ground, giving up all hope, the horse 'continuing, to Into' him for some time after he lay perfectly still.; Even after the aniinal had left and gone some, distance it returned and 1 bit Brandow several i times. Strange .to Way, the horse did fbot strike or attempt to nlamp the | man, but tried and did kneel on him, ias if tlying to crush, him with his ■1 knees- Brandow had his clothcsalmost | entirely torn off, and from one'of his; i arms the flesh!” / .] t< ' ':• • ' ' - - ! -Extraordinary- Marriage.— gular Jcouplo got married in Chester county,JPa., the other day, merely making fthe following declaration in the'presence, of friends: • “ We. Orton S. Murry and I-ydia P. Jacobs 1 , make known to these, oiir frieijdj that we have chosen each oth er 'conjugal companionship, in prosperity and adversity, in life and till death. Wo ask no license, i wo submit to no dictation. ‘ We bowj to no authority. We recognize no God nor Almighty power to 1 - guide ns - Our promises are to oirsolves and each other, not to others.! Our trust is not in others, but in ourselves and each other.”' » r j?M dated bequf ] thor ii thong I an ob; battle, ma ly ,jf ios than £ tthej reach of human skill to savd, i soon as possi blo l had hi m eon r ed to tho hospital. I havo nursed i oyer since; hopelessly-and with a rt breaking with grief* I, ,1 ; I Oh | how many wives,- how pi any there, are to-day mourning . the! d and dying, even as I mourn, my tig I He has not opened his eyes look at or spoken’ to mo Since ho | Oh ! could fjfl but speak to me’ e before he dies, I should give him With more resignation. But to thus? —without a look or word!—i .my bear tis breaking!” < : - T TnE MANUS’ACTIHE j f>F MOLASSES.— ‘‘lt is au ill wind thatblows no; good,’’ is ( an old proverb, which was never nioro verified than dnringthiswa'r.— While . the rebellion has closed' up many avenues of industry andj;wealtn it. has caused others to bo openqd,evcn better for the iveallh of thepcoplo. The most, recent evidence of this fact is furnished by ia'reference to ihc tiew : modes lately broughtinto requisition in this Stale for the manufacture. of sugar and molasses. Weave inform ed that a gentleman in Lahealtcr raised,’ on n quarter Ofi’an .iic'to: ofi ground, sufficient 'bane to produce 87 gallons of molasses. The 'manufacture Of’.molasses in i that section is suclr that a mill lias beep kopt.sojbusy this 4 season that j increased facilities .hre necessary;' and jah;dthair mill; 4s to 1 -Mi erected -to meet the demand,' Last year one mill made over 1,100 gallons; and this yCartthe ginount wifi] reach 2,000; which Ishowstthat thte irtatter is receiving practical attention from om agriculturists. - The; manufacture of the molasses costs the ennd-grower about VI cc fits jper gallon, and thd article when fit for use is worth sC|' cents. ‘That! the mill is : to its, full capacity may bo judged from tlrfe fact that, in f’mirtecn dajvs-pf the pres ent soasdn over 800 gallons of molasses ■w'ero made. [ The oxperitnentsocins to work well’.— Philadelphia Press, ! . . . T.; .it- S’ • n't.' '■ ■; BSUTatking ing is getting ; Billy lloss is a tiirer, awl at preaching to ti theme. ; lie & ' “Now, iioyiij. tion you W'w right out a-jul s look |a, round Ja, sbs; jt.jiriiiß'. ai who oiv, Tatßors 1 own til , sir!!" vOiCck •- I to 'boys imp ;o bo an art a great Teihp i?u|shvillc, li ic'young on id": ]m ■ ; , wii'tn jl ask";-,ou *k qac'sj? •n’t|>3 hflTiki toi;Spt«lk nswor me. Wluin you ul sbc qirthciio fiiie hoii d ' (jatllo, dd you eyer >B them ‘all ninv ?j* Your cin do thcj- not, ?| ■; I : -:kppjtcd a' hundred deW&lj, \vlJero wilHyour n twenty years irpijijnow ?j "Dead I” slioulcd tbo-i,«iv “That's ritjlit: Ariel ewh.. all this property, then ?” ■ boys I” shouted it,h_o,4rrehi‘iis. i i; K'&ht. Now,' tell :inef-did yoh ever, in going albjfg jtiiu streets,' no|- tice t the drunkards lou i iging ■around. Uic, saloon, dobrsji waiting ; for some body to treat them ’ t , ,-g -“ Yes, sir; lots jof thpnt I’’ f j;;. ‘‘VTcII, whoreiwillthey bd in‘..t'vvenly > yearSj front notv|”j rH*” ■ ! ,-s • “Dead !V exclaimedithe bbysvji •• ■: *•; - I “4K. ttho will bo the drunkards then !?” ■ ■ •- ■ V| - v “Us I'VJS !” ! !‘)■ -. , ■■ .Billy was thunderstruck for|a mo ment;- but, recovering to tell the boys how ito eseupd such a fate.. ' .• ,;■ r- 'l-:j ’ . . ' ; feen. Loan. of Missouri.. The Chicago-jrr/ii/j.e'h avingviilassi-, Gori. , Loan; ' C'engrossmarteject' from jhe St.'JosephjDikrici,' as pcratic and £jt. Jcie. Herald of the: IGtlt puts in thefollowing rejoinder:— ;J- i ; ; ‘‘Lot us shy,; oncp fdr all, that!: Gen cVal Loan hover wasj a Democrat, in tlio party •sdiiso'of th’at term. -?Hp is to day. heart and soul,-f&r the thor ough and eternal jicrddi cation nbf Se r ' cession from MissodriJ Ho is of making Missouri a free - Statd, aptl lid bas/t otj it Cnnsertnitivo. hair : in his : head, as] tlio word is uped in our' day and generation, /i’ho Administration ,will| have up trudrj friend or warmer supporter |i n either; branch ,p|‘ "the American Clhngposij, irj.ail dts, endeav ors to crnsliUfcason aiiffe aid' tHb-ilpr;- dei' ; States to throw sJf‘ the incubiis that weighs therii i down, tbah-Bhul Loan. \ ■-! f * .[!■ : A.- : -1 ; • > '"i ■ i" l; i ■ I"' ' |: I'T ! i | ‘ t6UA strange incident oocurinJ the other day.fl tElborfield. || Ayoungihan took a phosphoric match from a box tp light,a cigar. : The matches being tightly packed, thejiyoung man jhtro,- duccd his fingernail between then to extract one, when acsraoll portion of phosphorus passed imder the nail and ignited- The flame was immediately extinguished, but the hand-awefledno much that a surgeon advised! its am putation. , The young man wbdttl not consent to this, and in a few hpiflra af terward his whole aihvhad to bo- am putated to save his life.. >V" . Dead Letters;— lt has bdon the habit of the dead la'ttor n&cq; tdisend back only those letters that dpnti'ißfed matters of value; but the'experiment has: boon tried dfiend itig all letters, and the resnlt haal'boen very i satisfactory.!{■ 'tyot! moidi.tban sixteen pen cent.] of tho lottoiti: bad been returned to the Department, and the double postage that is charged has realized a surplus over tho expense., TALLEYRAND andABNOLD. ■ Thor’q day when Talleyrand came to-'Havro Paris. It I was the darkest Imnr, of tbe .RevClu | titan. .Pursued by the blood-Hbunds j .oj tins reighof terror, Talleyrand W cured a passagoto America inja' ship about to sail. IJowasn ‘bogggr hhd a ; wanderer in a strange land, jtp earn {'bis daily bread by daily labor. ■ ■ : “I» there any [American staying at your bouse-?” thb: ashed the landlord; ■ of, the hotel; - ' -“I k am bound to cross the water, and would like a letter to a, person d‘f influence in. the .Xew iVVoild.’’. p I- 1 -7- , : " V . /■ 1 i : -/.V The landlord hesitated a me men t, -upd then replied: • ' 7, [ ‘•There is a gentleman up staTrs ci;lher From Americo-or Britain; but Whether from. America or England f cr nnot toll.” ; ! ;|7 • !"'. r': *-{ ' lie pointed the way, and Talley rand, who, in his' life, was Bishop, P :incc. and Minister, ascended;, the stairs. A' miserable supplicant, ho stood before the strangeryd room,, knocked and entered.. I ;k . In the far corner of'thc dimly light !}ec room 1 sat a man of TittyS-ears of age, Iris -arms folded -and his heat). [hewed. 1 upoji his breast. .’From a’win*’ dojv directly opposjto, a flood of light [jipurcd iippii his tfirchhad. . His,.oye;3 looked from , tbe [ downcast ■blows and upon Talleyrand’l facgwVith ' a peculiar, .and searching expression. llis . form, jyvigofdus ; even with' the snoWs of fifty winters, was elkd-in a | dark hilt rich and distinguished costume. 'i f :7 Talleyrand advanced, stated that he j ■ was a fugitive, and f with the impres sion that the (gcntlcniilii before him | [was an American he solicited bis kind feelings and oflices. i | - f. ll e - po.urccLforth hisj .history in olo .qitentiFrencdi and broken Engljsli. f ‘‘l am iWandef errand' an exile. “11. forCed. to fly to .theiNcw |Vorld] 'without friend or home. - [Touitir.e an Aineftean. iiGivc mey thenf, ! beseech you, a,lettef of yours, soJlhat'l may he able' to earn rn\* bread.-' I am wil liiig to toil in any manner; a 1 lie' of labor would;be a paradise to il career, of" luxury in France’; Ton wi! give me a letter lib; onie pflyour frietiiis !— 1 IV [gentleman H^cfydu : .doubtlesS lias -many friends.” -)M;- ,1, ; \ T h is s I ra ti “o gCntlera ari a look that never Hugotj,; W retreated toward [the door Of. Uie ..p£kt elf:iinlisfr,; his eyes .looking still from hericathvbis darkened brow. ITC spokiOas he fefi-oated; backward;-his, VoiCe Wa 1 * t,ujl ,o.f meaning: : i| j j 7;i am t by. only; roan-of the Hew World wiiogx-oukl raise his hand - to ' flcid and, say.T 'have riot a, friend—not ■ bug in AFhcrica.” . i ■ | ■ : l-.' ■ [wf- Tidler-raill’.. lever forgot the-over.' w h e 1 n i i n g '‘s;p 1 n ess, of [the look which .accompanied tl eV'-.wvirdsi . . 1 .’ ■ > '! ; ~‘|‘AVh.o;arc.iyeniT?”, he cried, as the strange man i “treated -to the next room; ‘your name V’ ; j ’ j 7,g'.-' , ‘‘••My mime, he replied, with a smile had , ihore of m;oe|<ery than joy in ; its convulsive., expression-^ “my nahie AjK^oi.i>.T • lie was gone. Talleyrand to thcx'hair,[gasping the words: . L ; , “Aitsoii),! the Traitor !” * ~ i; : Thus he w-aiuhrcd • ver.-gho earlh, another t'uiii., with- the r' waiideref’s nfhrk upon his brow, i , 1 [Will not the earth he a‘graiid Cain brake after the; great treason of'the 17ni t ed tit ates shalf : havo been quelled. and the traitors driven fortii dil;o,Cain to.;mii)gld rwjth- ghankinclr' Of : oCCrv clinic ?] :! ; i ; . ! J blip 7 n J science. • ’..V' jrauce lec- was: iis favorite fiitlrora be Sr _ . - i 1 ' . > will own A Thai Tim’s 1 ouif wan-rcc*ejutiy pyaposcd by o’ncjof ipr.rtyil c>t ofiigors drin|dng spa-. Idoii in Harrisburg. The author: is eaiil to -bold j ;a, position, in a vaiiia rogioicint: , V . I ‘‘The' soldiers of the; Potonjiac: .tlil-ir leadc;ivis gone—may tli'oy 'tin-low dot'll their ariiiH.and turn tlicif lacks toUlie Southerners 'V .. L t,', • '|r ' (The Telegraph says tins toast W 4? drank ; by a party of: officers-r-tlje stfij tinujiit wus applauded in cliy—Uio'. treason , wns by’fa wretched ;(joward,,• w hof 1 daily pockets the money! of’ the Governmenti with 0111'giving a proper return for its pay. The; naino-ot the pfiJccr will Vd f'6r- the Scer^ tally of' War? ; 11 '*■ ifif CTO\yd (collected around; a. jtli- Bpedpicrv of : humanitf near thh coi'pcr of Fifth and Sycamore 'stS., Cihcinnati, to . ascertain what l: o. had lofct. . J-. ■ ’■ ■ ? ’O, rn it; I’mo lost Some' money.” Was thje reply. l j ?■ T' j i’-- ; ;One of the partly immedisatoly‘gOtfa light, and, after ’searching for a long time, he tnrned ; to thedodkors qti arid assistants'and remairkqjd: i ■ r ‘-I don’t ! care, a darn .for tlfc cOnt; I just wanted to see whore it would rfll to.” '. |- J■ , - : -; .j ■ ■ Yankee escaped a ; thrashing' by ‘using.his logs.' ‘'| v I , .1 Th* JCbtP dr .LibErtt.—The nation of the Ijbejiy .isf this; i“Aftef ,^o'--dij^tb ; t«f|';CJ«BAr, k tho'‘coh- Bpiratort; trho had secured liis derfth. marched out; 'witha cup as an ensjign of: Liberty, carried), before tbemVn a spear—the cap without a head, indi cating that - the tyrant had ! lost his power. Front i that 'fact, and for this reason, it has iovor sincp been an ora hlem qf Lihertv.” • ; ;; . ■ ■'m 1- ■ ■ ■ i>' ■ ; r*. ; From Europe. :: , rj j j • -V'Thfe hews from Europe, brongbl by tho Arabia, settles tte-question 6f[me diatibn and of intervention by i the ' European Powers in our affairs j for the present, at least, if not. altogether; Enssia bolds back, England, refused; and France alone is willing to inter fere. in wha? is none of her business That both Tlussia and England are wise they, happily, are persuaded; and/ / :j wo are confident'that France/will boh ; ; led into the path of wisdom, though O may be against hoiv wf)]/ - Should the Emperor propose to adopt a policy in a 1 which Ve. would in the" other Grbqt Powers, Kt.mighVpossibly load to new complications from’which it-; might not bo easy to extricate himself with honor and credit. So shrewd a ruler will hot fair to foresee g'uch a possibility, and conclude that ‘ , the safer and* wiser way is {q let :np, ' alone. . ■ v: ' ; Tho apprehension of- any interfer enco ou tlie part of European Powers in tho war in this country has- not of Into been much felt, bnt so long sis it f' remained a?doubt it was a pninfulohe; There will boa, sense of..relief rowy' at its positive removal; andthe Na tion wil l "feel all the strongei in pho sense that’ it confronts all the possi ble difficulties ofi the caijo in thoisnp; pressidn, pure an d simple, of the South* ern Rebellion. * " How' Brpwnlow was Ghali rv- . - «eu. L Brovcnlbw, in his speech ' at L Chicago, ’told how he w sc once :bhglfiSriged to jaortal eombaPby agsccessfonist, and- the result. . He Bail! : v -.' v -,. K; |.j, ; ~Almost the last thing that happened ■ ■■tp 'nj» before thej’j crushed out my paper,rwas .'a' e&alllehge hto fightf'a'; y duelffrom editor m the. Sou l hjl Pew is. H,; Pope, d< specimen of ’ . bnmiaipty ; Abo. 'weighed - ninetylfive: pounds,; a. worse looking maif thawN. r. Ahjpk Stephens. He' supposed that," / being -a pro; iei ipt and editor I wouldn’t ■ ’ fight, drati he ’.waked up the wrong I! ( passbiigerJ EApplauseJ] I aoceptid I his ciiallenge, a.nd wrote in the ht(br ; thStl.heing the challenged party; IlpSftl ' ■ the right ,to dictate the 1 weapons, trade' and pdacop, .ft was tlien suVmoer time v and .'hot Weather. I; said :-I elect that -•, we. fight immcdlatcdyt; after . tno first hard rain that comps? lira hog pep.r^ The weapons shall he two large, Toura ~ pronged iron dung-forks, [continued - laughter,] and whoever shall! shovel . ' tnAothcr oilt, should be regarded as ■ hhVjn" killed hira. in mortal combat.’ | Vociferous- laughter.] ■ I[p replied that thwterras .iyefo -Cruel, inluyjjign_ __J and x-ptjtnitjj. .tcrlhe laws, of and Ive^back cfl^ut: and 'veil he for h.b knew fh'Stp could have khovcl- V eil him out fh less than no time.— £La lighter.] ; p^,. h r Kindness to P/.aE-'iTS-—. I pniisc- f Can never: be;thah -tliatydf a ;*'■ fidj-thjr L'losses frhe&and' \~ lhati* led. lym frorajsorrow to sorrow, and ! is even now- iiSmoothing the cold’ brow, damp with the spray of -Jordan] , And dear , tbcyUiought as your teaisT >*■ fail uponthe sod that covers the grey-: lioadcd fa thee- that you. were very lynd and. loving tcfhiin ; thatyrm gave K cheerfully |of --your abundance, 1 , and r , rieycb caused hiiii-to fcelthat'you were 'V; doing a charity, j iV'" ! hi- Never.can wo repay thpsc minister-' ff we call fatheflind m. Jher. if". jArigels,, though earthly {rave they. • I been,, front the tiniC'that'jfmain and •" ’V ;Eyc gazed on slept amid, roses, tvliile the liny lingers; f '■ the waxen jids, and; cherub arm -y/evo > Ail mysterious to tlieni. ' • ,hk in- . iWOMKX THE that: the oppositii cdnimissioiiers ot =i VV;i,scousiii had to the; women, not I looked on oomph roaranco thov , w but the w.onipfi 'hi tmg.thcm, and, ti b'ilitjj.-of such 'a a _dead sot on the blpclgcohs, stides hjs head, smashot in: divots other mission or. h ors /in J .©65“-RfcKmoritl.-is* the best?flonr'rnaf-t kot, in the South’ Her mills - arc as famdjikas those'of Rochester, anil ,yej; a wieit -or two, ago; flour" 'vas spiling in Richmond fat 827 a bbl.; . (Vhito.wheat a bushel; Voji 83,95; ... unbolted corn-meal at 32 a bushel, and t>o ceijt.s. AVftl.i such prices Ruling-in the best riuyrkct...of'the Con federates, anci that immediately aflef harvest, the prospect jfor, the winter find, spring mouths is jiot the, most v" cheerful thej- could coritemplato. - j new way of kcepin'l warni has been put in practice xvith good' effect. ‘ It id to have abuek-wheat cake made fargb enough lb cover the' bed,-like a quilt, and spread over iit ' “piping hot,” the time of’retiring,— When made of sufficient thickness,- it retains thoJie'at until mornirig—and then, ,if.a:person is too lazy-tg get up, he can_ make a very good• breakfast by c-ahng the, edges as-he lies/ Anybody who supposes that; . ' locking .a. girl .in • a back, room • will. prevent her from knowing what love , • nveahs, |mfeht! as well undertake to' keep strawVerrifß from, blushing ia r ; ( Juni\ Jhy wliispeiing in- tbeir ears u" about tlui'l .3i;.0 w*e had last winter; . ."t "i .““Ifeh /• Hfted. '"'is stated ■ on which -Iho draft/ t Ozaukee 1 county.,- cncounite - ».wus froW hohien. Tne men cemljj. To ail ‘ftp. x're .willing' to go ; • iad nd-notioif of Tet-. < prevent life possf- - x disaster, they niacK) official with - cluhs, . stones, &c-., broke I the %all box, .and ways [nit. ihe! eonr T Combat.. 1 L'^ lit 50 in 1 •iy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers