I=MV==!===E j fbiejs^sawdhelatives : .iO O.' . >‘Tia.s-i;* the tii>t! rejil 1 .;. clever comic and BRAVE SOLDIER? AND SAiLORS. j • :fc:fii»ica;i juurnr.l ‘we ii:lvc bail hi America—!. • I _ ’ , ~ M -a:-.- .:i; mi I'iaiiv citver it ie. ..It io bultrsharp aml 'HOLLO W A SPIL L S • r i:- c^!'j»t‘ , «'>w*t'cci.pcrv‘d l umi-iiotl.afwiiU tj) fear iihat ita j •• . j J. 4 ,; s .>. - •>= mia-wUc. si-owMaf 5t lias a•« JJ tl O Jll V-riiGll't-. r( . s* t;L‘ -Oqr icadcis v;d.i f ;bp elan. :o kuo ( w wheae.; \ ■ ... ' ■.*-, i v.- 1, : Voy vau x*i.a n.iuytt; ujh >or.udhuig ‘ ‘ ' LL/VTllUliavcl-vieiuitsaiid llclallvefain the! in ,:t i^au;\racro ’/\ Aimv or Navy, should lube especial cure --i . . ti,at uicy be 'amply supplied with those Tills •.•Ti-i* i : r.p' tscelfcsi. Keqiarkabl* ahJ Ointment; and wiieie tUc brute Soldiers ■~'rs £r jr [■/’V for prij'ijiin'it v.’ r —.V. K . r j and Suitors Uavo inigisc-tod to provide rltcm ic \K.iKG i-ul.'iJilj: I “Vanii f >V.,'K is jo: (iu-. tccl by a Tpaeiona, j solves with tit-in; an bit'stir present can bo sent I it- it" ii .-l ":.u'fiiiouo ; willTrft.nd intelligent .dorps of journalists.”— ; tbctu b.v tUcif friends. Ibejr have been prov- j i~-.ee ' *' U ' * V * i Z<-risry4Cbtta.)--i(W - - ' eft to be lie -Soldier's neVer-faiUng friend in | {’’ ••'•■. ill ivie’.d as'putsj an influence as that of (no pour'r.f need. ' - ; j •]di.r f oin.Vti J’tacA/U-Jftoton Twcllu,' '. -CuL'UIiS AND COLDS AiTiX’XIXG TBOOPS ; ".. i-' -j-'fioi..f>vr iiniUji liijmsulf laitgliiisg.m t Do -‘.Avill to s'peediiy removed and effectually | .-■I tvt! tf V-tStry F'.Jii. jin-l doe? not'ietum a cui-od by using admirable mcdicic-cs, and ' i oiiia’j;.'.- ? oti-,. is fit fir ‘trensou, aud spoils;’"’—n,j. j,«.ving proper attention to lie Directions j ? A’, r. CrJi’vr.. - ' . j wlueli mo uuael.ed to each ri’ot or Cox. I sick liJiAtiAt in:. - } AMDWax’i' of aite tll'E iNCiDjfNTA.iI TO SOLDIEiiS. 1 j these feelings which so sadden Its, usually ; arise IVahi trouble ov annoyance;*, obstructed pcrspivai’on, or eating and drinking whatever ] is ur.v.holesvti;c, thus disturbing the healthful j action uf rb*:; ii\er null stomach. ' These oi> • guns nmst’he relie:ved, if you desire tobc well. The hills, faking according ; to the in structions. will quickly a produce-a healthy • action in both liver and stomach,- and as a’ | natural consequence a elear .hcftd and good ap-J j petite. - ‘ ‘ * j ! VtTAKNESS- OK 'DEBILITY INDUCED DY i i- OVEE. FATIGUE, { AVUI-soon disappear'fcjr the 'use of these in- , 1 • valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly ac~- j quir.eadditional strength. . Never let the bow | cis..be cither.ecju!im.*d or-'uudiily acted . i|pon. . ;** \ I:-inky seem strange that Holloway’s, i'ills , 1 ** ruP i should be rccoiiimeiidcd for Dysentery and ; _ < iidux,‘in:iny pdreons' supposingthut they would ! ' ! increase lie rclaxnt’on. ■ This is a great mw i take,: *i>r these will correct the liver, and Elouiiich Mid thus remove all. the acrid humors ,-rfct from.the syitnu. TLlapcdicine v.ilf givetoue -ii-s- ’ and-vigor, to the whole organic syalcbi howov-, f cr deranged, while health and strength follow as a mancr uf'CCiiife. Nothing wiifMop the r-elusuti-in of-the lioweic so sure as.luis him* : oUs mcdicluc. . '• VOEUNTEEHS: ATTUNTIOa I iNDIoCT.K TIONS V’EAOCTU. ■». o W i. i j \ 1 MEI 1 .'.v ,s~:,~ ~. *•*.o c*■;*»*.ii:s ibc r ”r‘.v ■viiUs cl' uiCi&tuy 'c^ff£e^- l - , ‘'“’-‘ ; '' iOLLGCK. UlS^aiist; diri ClurS'.aUt ell - '•, PiiU-vrELi’Jiu,; i-->;i and Crocc-ra. ... -• _ notion = . r ?t rjfac- ] marked iri,« bg sau*»?e?i which. h i«i Irrivl-.i-' this 'far tod public-i’-ioa of v. ;n be kiio'vu V»y tLc- ; . > ■■ vi am rv F.Ain,' r f .Jfct Kj sscopal.. Chut'cL . Kns'.V.'esilio publisher jto unnouhcc'tlmt with ■ th r .: co;uiiie:wi‘ir:o3i .of the ?e«,*ond \ bimbo, is v ■ Vj { .i .{•.:? June.. Xc’.v Features*,-both • h:tc'ran ; nnd if id ho hitrouwfed, w Inch. ' vF-l 1,-icrer:»e Ihi* valu,*; and interest of the pa . .'itfviw “per. lully nuiiii'uin the proud position ■ Fiej hC’J baiith, uiiduinKasiV accnrdc'd to it r 33 the-leading .*s' t bell. Samuel •»KcofT, ’ • ' Joli!! Street. • A T r vC l ■<. y '. r ut-ii'.lihiuis. askings ■P-COMSIOS mUSj MEM .. , :1:..:t i t i: z "-vl ' WE CiapKaJi. - -.- j; u* -• I . .. »• IO V ( C‘ rUlysv ‘Kjii-crninl i it"; v :o t!,- !iheU V -•.r:or!o;i-r ? U-.!'.c:;:r'on. it v.:j, t \.n- r.r. y i i iri.JsjuiliCafitP.«- • 1 Jirct uoiturs- pe»*.laimuii, iu sdViincc—Sis bo'-Lo’-vitvoeiiL-i,-siDglc copy. | , - 5 « Ciifcrtcr’of »- ■ , • TERMS,; IjOR :b Two copies of V.vsnv F.ur. will i)c-«co,t to , cse tJJvc-=s for U :.....55.00 ■i..:: to 20 .00 •>. r.r-:l gifted l-y■ iLc Coart'ai *T •! f> ' ‘'i'-v via v 4 ». i:n. n'.'i, (i,: T;::? pspcT ' ;s'Kipc; rt;(yret!,' aiid numbers A rf •mv be i-rbck;; J alanv thi:?: . ■ - | : lA.Uir iI.STEPHENS, Ljr ir'ibc I'i cpi ieiWs, 1 i ;; V ' : ' N.-.v-V 4k; Vt *?; V - - r*-/ ‘ 1- * 1 V.L- „ IMMEI =MO .1‘ U 0:-:y ME r ip. r .T. tN--!;?- li.C* IMDMI C:'k. .V-i? --, 1 -*! - • . •'■.iiiii.iin-tlv.' i’iiiiiw's <: ratu n;:ii'S-J3i post/ lik-s.'&c 1 ..- L.cUoi- C'nji «»».! ■ • uwiviki Xytis ' lilaiikJs(iv>!;s,- P:i.-s .Siorl- IV-us liuiiic’.'r. Ccjiy }s6(.ks.Jtik! r■; ;:k i-!;: i.k-:, IkllHlft livzsvdj' '■l•••jiiittl - ' iHswUbt , i'.’V" t "-iT? o~ i-i.vk -ii «u»i c.U s«c :ii«v jtai't oi ' ‘ y ' ■ ::,o r :;v.'/ i l;.Oi/r. 8 lUvis.. -id- in - .-4 -r. -.'.‘j *_t • •:* v Me l’:;:t»ii ;;LcM ) 1: t .» ri V o. ,li<j .1 fii .j.'je ; <-V nJ -V .1 -; .c: i .U;:*: 1 Tt 1 ■•* gragh lc Ne ws. «.r- ’i L* •? . •m r -'. cr i i AM) S \\ V- K ‘A • r- : -l!St IIJ~Sa/ C 1 'zr.^ioiT JL WUOLEMLE (iROCERSi >-. 1 1 A’l« 1 cov-- .1 ; iMj" !.ns-(,'HTKi;s or i:-;sj Vill-. Brandies, j Wines and *22l’ 22U, cf L.h'-rty . Incimtf. MI .» r.v,.v V .' INI2I =EMI .* ?r*‘ it:! tiivcsj.' M il ■r* 1A MM. HALL. Proprietor, 5 X* » V.f * T * ‘i: n;.’i • ! -l d I', Ltv *1 • ti: 1 Sew?rig Machine,” ■r«; on,. .V :- j . V!..lii;\T,' n;-i:r>yj-n]'xx’A V’: Mlx tj) .L-E.-.U*- ' if: * j'-P tn Ficitv. Gp.i'jt. ii.iid till lituds t* G'/itniry Prodwe, Wines dnd ('dm. Ti.'lilrco. dc. ■> lAvr OlVi* '.VDTIO2 \<: i n;* 1 .''.i'll' V -S* ! - .i.‘v ii; = cu- j. o; vilsuN. ! S, , j. • tfrcc-fie. rp.. * D-etuior ,m; iiiiiovioo,, :Ms''o;uiS! reel 7 £7v r <OC>c3L St« pittsbtirgk > '•:( Ji'Prr. iMi; ■tfifir SFJiIKO STOCK vf r .„J : DRYGOODS, ; -1— ; Cyinj>lcte.i .Extva offer •'** *^ * ' . ei3 lo.CaSh buyers.- (inlil9. J 1 i- AW . PITTSBUHG WATEE CIJKE. ;•(. 7i <;«./; ( V'tr. 'j' i’i.viitlv.; Agency is tuf-evior to HY DRO ;. VF TliE- the tientmW of all forms _ . i j;, oi lj!>uascj. mid »c Institution la this coim- V K -', PA ■ [iij)3o.v2 try greater liieiiities jVr its adetiuts ’ ' liatieu.than tliis, -1 Pictorial Circular hiHrcsa i De. w. n uambletom, Pittsburg, Pa. ig'-JrXiOLl^e, =SiMEIMII :mi,ypr.xx'A, : ::i: mzal, i>ay oi: v. T'r:-:, i J/";’. v ; ;, - r.t HENRY'S o plotor & G fin-olo’E, 0 t Palm and Faucr, at I HENET’S ■ CoMio- Journal -or America. 'n ;. V- - r VANITY FA!R r.<\viv i:vi:hv rnrr.-iv.T. w l i-i- jor r ; r.l a Viv all Nc’.vpruen. ui.d at, the •> ui VublicaUoa, ISo 113 Nadsau-^treei, !ce w V.'wk. ihi'vMS Yi\ c c(’P- ; os.> Aii lixtra'ivjn w'j’.l be Allowed io V iub of iiut less,than live ;> A' c\ C (,i . i'wijiiS, -' 1 ; i.n .• v*. ill • ; Mir? O’ ■ "kvccr Mrs £]izfi!*oth 1 rroorv j Mra Naucv p I-’'' /' I' ■ip.'.: «- ry£zft:*}. ■it .iJr V: V/ j:i > ~-j i j in-r Av> i.U*ai.or iv':.> .' ?•■ •. V. V ti.i::_l TO COUNTRY DEALERS. T.-.'trv ill- If *lok ■I I'iV'j - ,1 ' , JKo-Mii-sviib r ii:;- ahv.:Jys on li.cpnl AWlhtiiO’icy. i Stoddard's. t: ■- - i tui' k •' Rev. R. T. [Taylor, A. M., Prin^. ! . Airs.A. S. Taylor, Governess.; 1 i; Fi' <’i..»SS OML Ful* T!IK KiH?- 2_ o:ii;u! i-f Lu-Ui *■'. cn,-*. :i i-ic y uhd |Vi'<jj‘ui'iitory OS.CV'. 1 T-litiulv Mnl \V:vi(.nj'T. ■a <:* •.“C'i'ciiJ woe!:? SXSM. : v/ ’I ;i:: a-Mil .•’«* »».? *"\ CIV- vts Vj-rtrir'J ir.aUc >he -cTi-jol v»6i :• «;• !*iMU-nctrOf '**!• toltViliS. ’• •r '!«' u CutaL'l; *o: T::w* ; ul Aug, 1?0, m. i'h:" C XS Hickutson, I’iti-Vjr ME 2 & 111 C K ETSOX, rrn\< ur iu;.Pa Iron. NfK- : IiEAvEH, ACADEMY. rjnni.s v.ux onix cn iXiiAY. oy .SI J'TKMBEU; ■£&■*/'|>aitic-Ul.fr.' tUy Vriuci^al, Ut MtJ?CEU r Ev-iiver, TV J|SE iOIIIOX, :! (uiU'Lii! Cmiiaissiou Mmliuiit I '■ -v ;;t*i V, :i: i'h-iu~L% f . ‘Cc;*** ;i'i> coiuij.Miu-ute f ■ ' •' •.: •• ' ■ .«"? . U. M’tLirbV. FINLAY /"'IJl&BON OIL. 8i aenti par gallon, at BKSBX ’8 t v Fore; and UlctHh*. T3ltit< ; hiuf.a and Swelling?. • cun with' certainly, be radically cured a‘j the J TffU ftVn talveiiVra! niorninjr, undj.iliC i oiuimeui he ire idv'used ns elated in the jodni ed iudn-uctitjus.- fit’ treated in any other i mii |uer they dry u].* Vn ohe pan Uib-vuk out ii n»-| 'other. WLerva:; si:'-? piuinscnt will r.-: pwel ■ flic’ libni-.-i ■? ihe iv. *rm and k-a vc ;a of I’a-j at New I O' .IMHjCi J •• -\ i;; -c :i zi. , c - teCt MV? II u o Vic I! ;»02a‘ VlCii.-wi Mai Vaith V.ja 11 ,(.us V» in = MVi Ana dVI-OV .'£>t.U J. C. VOY LK 1>: M _ **> ' :i Scgarß,.; m. ic.. v^e.. AND r'Mit}* 1M Mrft* a vbrv-i t;u-7i:i;u iiV-übiiy a.;*;., it s.- ill rc-l ; •/uizc.u link- pcKscV‘citato in hud casts id inJ .; s'vtyc a last::,.a ciu'e. f [ ! Fpn wovs]* >:itheh olV’afto'sKlj nv Tin: ivaVv'NKt. on t^uvin;.uutiikuul.- ■ i-KT. situi-s on w.i-isiv. To ’.vhicli vU’ry r :iud S:rll::rnre uabk sf.orc nrcYiu sur? and con McnroiVt '?A Hoibov y k i»;l’and • •Vt-motif, The j p-xu* '.rounded ;.i:d alnn»M d vinf- Kidorcr miprtii j.imvV hid wound-dtv.Vi.vl IT he • would y*dy provide lini-V-lf wish tui> u.'-Uehr v?s Vint w Si !«-!i, MionVi' be thrust inti* il.j' ; wound au-i smeared ail aj-o.umi it. then covered •“with a piece..V linen 'from' ids Vntpsuck, nnd i-coinpres*cu ' v.'iuh a inu:/lkcivhick ; Takiu; ! tdeht ami uv-nikaror S Pills.; u> coVi tluv* ; y-- | ieiu-nud }>vcv<*:i* iaitjunaib-n; .; J livery Stddicr’M kuap;ack anil Serurtans l-olrcei f-iicv.M be provide# with these valuable ! ilcniedic.i. 1 * ■, • , . • . I CAUT^G^V are un’tfs • ihi- voids Yptk <'/.d LondonS' -iNt’til.jlde a< a w:: or-liui kin every Icjii , m‘ n.-„- -.yok t|tVdxrec,fiv,Qs around catxi |r ; ho.\.; - r iiiv ia :;r-’ may go jdaony seen 3,v U,c U*n Vj vy r -A ; repaid w a be {riven u» any one.rendenu" .ruoh intern: i li.ou may lead io.ihe v.dim; oV any jv.viy or pavtifcc lueilicdios vi*vend in;; the’ same/ !tuo\vin*Mhe:»i lo bcy'i.uvious. '•'-■-.Sold’at the ’ >i;<rm*actory of rrofcstor lloi.i.ov. av, bO Maiden Lane. Now Vyn k. r id by all ! dbaAf.'iats .and I l c:der3 llu \ Meulcincs.jthidiyhout the ei.'u't/ed .world, |in [l.'.v.-etf ut-li-i cenltA CJ. cents and ,Ni each ' . i i,: j i i.l-re •:* o-.ii-luvraUk saving- laLibg llv larjror v •-■] N. U*—i':i>*cJuo>s fur the gni.J.ime,. uf ra in ever;,-(UruvlerarealhxcJ lu each h]yx. MiivT. MA'fTUKW ,S. QUAY., Butrin. (Subject tu decision •! the District Conferees.) i/iils ;'-ij‘EM.pi{ES'rs Quarterly Mirror of -.fashions, '•j’.k O''.-' // ; rc.V(ii;':nig Jud ~ Tit = contains -r/ Ksit'n) rAsui bs- J‘Ai'i : £JiSS vP -tHimsHS, : ( /V; rK'-j tsr 711fi coxmsiso the Sen.Fpeiich Wats}. »n Eietfatot Sicov.e. alid a . ■ 'MLis.-s .Sack, and a foeet of tNew , and Reauliful ' HR.VII) AND EMItP.OI UEP.ING PATTERNS, • Together' with m'tirly 100 Engravings of all the novelties ft.r Summer 'Bonnets,, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses, &c., Ami s ill liable ; u fono 1 a tinn to Ifilijncni, Dress Makers, Mothers', and Ladies generally' pre senting the largest and best Kasbinn’Maga zine. in the World, published -17:1 Rrcaciway. N. V.. and sold everywhere at 2.7, cents, or sen; by mail, post free, on receipt of the anrt in stamps- or;silver. Tear $l,OO with tile lol lowing valualde premium, ■ .f, ‘ Each yearly subset iber trill be entifled to a receijn for the selection of :>!) cents worth of plain patterns, from jhe designs, in lhc|book, or from the show piibm, or ? they muv be or dered and dent by m.ijVlariy time' during the } 0.-f. i,y paving posta^i ej.„iipWiidid Inducements to Canvassers. ' No. now ready, - , ISTgw Groods! ! I>. S . IGA > G K-Il , JPti,., i r ■ ' ii - ’ HAS just -.received a' large assortment of . ■ SPP.INO GOODS. ( which will be oifered at ]‘A.\JC J'UIC/.'S. Among?; his stock can, at all times, be found a variety of , DRESS* GOODS, MUSLINS, GLOVES, 110- j . SIHRV. -Ac., Ac., ; IRON AsISTEEL, all varieties.- . NAILS fbv the pound or keg. Wlimf LEAD and VARNISH. , * LARD, SPERM, LINSEED& CARBON’ OM.S WINDOW GLASS, all sizes, ' - QUEENS W A RE, iLOOKING -tl LASSES. Ac., AU of wbicii will be sMtfrTow for Gash, or CounlryTroduce. ■ a ! ■ liridgcwater. May jT, I§C2.", .1 JAS- C. GRIERSON - ' ■' ’ ' WHOLESALE GroccrA;Tohiniissiou Merchant, A)so-|)caler in | [, &XjOT7JES, IFIBIEr) \SD GKKKIULtY, , No. Ji SMITHPIELD S|r., posite the MonongalicliL House, i ; PITTSBURGn. PA., TOBACCO —Ar-dcrron's Fine Cut, Nature Loaf,; Grant's, Baltimore Plup). and Cu anubry, at HENRY'S Flavoring extracts—-Lcnicn » D d v» nilla.at HENRY’S. CATSUP, Pepper Sauce, PcrrtoMo* Books,NeMaaA £«tt«r Paper. 1 .ft*.’, ft«-, a* ' . BK pi-iocEijSrix MANUFACTORY, NOS. 221 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, f 178 & 176 QIIANDjSTREETAND2I6 i ■ CEN'i'.REj STREE., ■f ; j , r.?T \i;Lit.!ici) 1838. N. jY: EsxAntxsnhh IS3B rjpillS Establishment has been in successful ! I operation for 2-lyjiars, and is the largest o{ I lie kind in the United States., We have on : band .or manufacture toorderevery description j oi Looking-glass, VieuiVcußdl’ortrait'FraAies, | I Rlaiu and Oiiiauicninid'ier, Wall, Oval &Mau-i, jtil Glasses. Connect itfg Cornices, Ruse andi | bracket Tables, withaMarble Slabs. Toilet |(J lasses, Ac., Ac., Ac.! Mouldings for Picture j frames; m lengths suitable for transportation, . jobber Gilt, Ending, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra,: Rirdseyev Mahogany, Ac. Our new manufac-j lory amt extensive facilities enable us to turn- ■ Wt any article in our line as good ots; the best,p oml as cheap as the cheapest. ' J j Dealers are invited to callupon us j When they visit New Yprk. We claim to be , Abie to supply to supply them with every artir • Me in our line which they cait poesiblypurchase idsewhere. *j, 1 •’ | -#&* Orders. by mail attended’! to iwith promptness. Douotfailto call v.’hsh youlvisit; ■New York. j- i: j $ WarcTOomt, aVo. 215 Ctnire St.’, aVV, 1’; 1 ' HORACE V. SIGLEI£Ay<W. J Ma 7 y—3 inns. i |' ■ - F~ TUE GEEAT cXuste;OF j: S | Hum an Miso ry . Jme PnlUshfd in n StaledSnefhjte; Price iSeU.-t .j A LECTURE RV’ Ha. CUEVER-WELIJ, Jx O.v THE CAUSE ANDCUREjof sVrmal-, lOii'iiiea. Consumption, Mental and I’hy.-iciil liability, Nervousness, Epilepsy; NtR tritiuu of the Rocfy : [Lassitude; Weakness (If; 11 1,0 Limbs and the Rack; Indispqsitionj "and ; Incapacity for study land Labor; fullness of Apprehension; Less|of Memory; Aversion too Society;. Liavc of Solitude;.' Timidity:.' Seif- i Hist rust ; DizHness ;| Uendachej'AtFcetior.s of j the Eyes; I’implcs oh the Face; Involuntary ; EiuissL ns.jnnd Sexual Incapacity ; the Uopse uucnces ofjyouthful Indiscretion, Ac., Ait.,' : E®.Tui« admirable • Lecture clearly proves J:hat the above enumerated. L-.jls, may be removed without iimdicinu and j uv i t licit! Dangerous j eijrgical- operations, and ;; should be road byiejery youth and every man f i:i 11 1 e land. ’ [' , | ■ d Sent nude - . - sea!, «b any address, in aj plain;; -eaied envelope. ou the receipt of jjsix cents, or f iv. o.po-nurc s!antps. by addicK-ing, j ' j ; " CH-VS. J. C. KLINE A COj., 127 f fwory.be'.v Y'trk.'Dost Ufiiee^ Fox.-I-7HO. j ’ . - . : '" : ' f r v marriage, i ITS loyc*9 ? aiulrhatcs, , sorrows and augers;]i hope? regrets stiid[jovs: MAK-;j iIOOU. how lost, how restored; the 'nature, treatment*!; pd radical cure of sik*rniatc*m-a:a;I ur weakness; invuinntaiy emissions,;! *ex.\ial dedilily andAmpedimo.ntV to tfrorriageh’ generally; nervousness. -1 consumption; fiidj ;< mental and pT.y.-a-V,! in onp.aeuy. ro/nUirfg fvonf 1 SrU;F>.UIUSK —are lullv pxpl.iiiitMt' in the i MAF-IMAGF GUaHh by* W'Sl\ M. Ddl Tbit* vir.at ordinary b<| in the 1 hrmi; of every young poiwaW comcmplalin-g | niarrirT". and every inau vylso de~; ,-i.vs to limit the -number' gsih<iir oiTspring tci I their civcuinatniiccs. k Kveryl pain.) disease ami ' .ache incidental to youth, imidivityiamlild agej j U fully explained: every parlicleV'' knowledge I that ?iionlu be known is U Is full j of engravings.. ilnfacL it discloses secrets tliaf | every »*ne should know; still it is a bookt bat must be locked up. and not lie about theUousq; It will be sent to any one o!i: tiiejreceipt of ~ wenty-live 'cents in specie or. postage sWmji?. Address l>c': \\>h YOUNG, 410 Spruce sd;, above Fourth* IMiiliidelpliia. * v h j ;-| \ :j -- £nir‘ * O'V A.v[« uwi Cn/or!intaic,j\o matter, yvlvat iimy be.your'-disease.-before you place yoiirf >elf imder/the care of any of the hOcoviolir*', Or.vcks—native or foreign;—Av-ho advertiscih }■ | :i;ts or any .'other paper, gotjn copy! of I>r..) Yeung’s book. and read if carefully; It will | be the moans of saving you iuany a dollar, '• y..ujr health, andpossibly youvj life. : -i j* h ■.* ' ITr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of t’lje UUvuscs uiisOribcd dn .his- lit his j office. lib Spruce Street, above Fourth, FJiila--- hours from 0 to;o, daily. ; fmardO BKAVHit;; T | : - ] r M ALE SEMIN A EY. 'IU.V. .W. L.VVI.KTy, Prhlrq<at- _ (Late vx-ueh r.uiE ok bev, j. 'a. m cill.) \ rjSHJS. I.NSTIfL'Tm.N, for; tbc rcceptiouof I Yuuiig Ladies, will op.ou oil Jl Mwutunj. the 'lst- liny o/ ; Sepleiiillcr ndft. Hoarders. receive*! into the family <?f the Principal! ' i •Expense:!—Hoard. Light, pud, and Tuhioh, per term ot M ivtfcks'. Tuition aloiu*. per tcun. $0 ojj & s*i 00 according to branches strutted. i For - further, particulars address Utc Principal. ■ ' -j * augji 101 rX'HTf!A'lTOii'S S’OIIICKJ Ij.TTKHS of. administration upon Jhcjrs j late of Uissr (.■.uu’iitu., late of <lrcouc township. Leaver county, 1-u., been grouted to the undersigned,! all jjersous knowing themselves indehled|tb -said£ estate .ire requested to made immediate [payment, and those haringT?laims ag-tlnst the,«nme y/ill present, them properly authenticated for ;Sd tlcmcm. - ’■ SAMUEL NELSON,f h ? dime *5 !SC*2, Administrator. AMBBOTTPES;!! Gtoop.’ BunsiAS*miJ life l'ikE' tic f, ’II'JfKS H»n now,bo hnd at the, ; » ln 'BEAjVER; ; Thrive picitres nre not mere dn«bK, but war : rauteo t'UI LKIOU to nhy that lluvj* ever,been inudt* in Vt aver county, liy ftiiy-oliter artist.; TjO he roimuced, call and exKDiiue specimens l- f » ill vnnain but a tew . .. j Q£fv«»nUery iu ll»o stiiue.rcoiri;.orcppi*d by• me in lfv»7, C. .IN, Aoi-9 , Ulioti'grapbic Artist . AmilNlSTim’OplS KOTIOE. ; lETTKKS of administration‘upon, the ea : ' j tale of Wm. .sEAur.i<niT, late of Ojreeuc; township, having; beCi granted to’tho undersigned, all persons in debii.il to said estate arc requested to .make immediate payment, and those j having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for setlemcru. | ! mu hood. A^inistradoiv May 21, -ISO2. JO T, COE & GO., Ailvei iising niid C<mnmsion :Ji genis. , AND DEALERS IN I i : PRINTiINO INKS OF ALjL ifIjNDS Type, Printing- Materials, WHITING AKDPIUNTINGrAPrRjCAKpS, &C OFFlCES—Brown’s EuildinG,, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, Xew; York. j j 1 i _mar£j>:|ly. ' ‘ i, j" JOHN B. YOUNG, -A.fi’y ■ at (dIsTIUCT ATTORNE^ - .) | flfirOffic© in tbe Court lloo»e. -■> ■. ■ ; Jdn.t20,;1862i. ~ new’ : ir~~ • ; r ' IiIUK.V MB .yiXPrftSlM r BBOADWAI, . KEW BBIGIITOS, PA./ (F<wr Door* brio* B*. Sorgent’s Drug Store.) MBS. i MIEB RllfCf. * ■ i ; ' ; ■ -r ■ . . mates, Pass Dnrelopok i.- v Tl : "r i AYEB’S CHERRY PECTORAL 1 yon THE BAFII> COBE Of Colds, Coughs, rant - . Hoarseness. ! Hits. 20tU Dec, 1864. - IOJL. J.C. AtMi: Ido nut hesitate tor the best remedy foam’ Coombs, Hoomeoek, Infineon. vac s Cold* l»> Cnittt rxcbmij 1 Itt constan ttwe my pracUceaml for the / tea year* has shown ft to po»wee r .. rior virtue* for die treatment of 'cuaßfaiot*; KBEN KNIOIIT. M. i A.B.UOUTLKr,CM^ofUtica.. med i\etari4 myself tuil in my ftmilr user since ' l youlnr«oi*d It, find believe ll Hi* best meoitfua.for. hsi ■ ; purpuw er«r put'pat. With a lstd. eold l sUonM sootier pay twenty-five «lpt]ar» fitr a'bottle than do-without It/or - take any plherremedy." •, j;, /Croup, Whoopina Cough, Influenza. !. 'Jy ; )SpniNoritu>, V«b.-7,1W0. ’ v i BrotucA Attn; I'waichfjrfully certify ybnr : b the best4eai4dy we poMeM'fbr 7 the dare ,df >7liooplog fougii, croup. anil tbe chest JiwMW of children. Woof-: \ yoor fraternity In the .South appreciate yoartkllVahdj Commendyuor nmlklaeiio.obrpevple. •* I •'■ i UIItAM CONKLIN, j , | .AMOS tBB. MoTftttiv I*4 wrffo, M Jut; ■** I Iwi! a tedious me in doors 1 •is vceks; tool* many .medicines without relief; finally* "- |Arat *Vxhf reUeVeij the sun-ues* hi' my throat anil lung* ; loss! than one h>Uf th&WUje made me completely well. ' I Your medicine* are .the ftpbpcfed a* well as the l**t wo join buy. mid w« esteem you, Doctor, and your remedies, !. a* the poor vuiti'e friend.” - | : •i, | Asthma or Phthiile, and Bronchitis. i , ’ •11 VFaft MAncucsrin, Feb. 4,1859. i Btaf'Your Otfrry itci'raf Is performing marvellous . i cure* iu this section. It has relieved several from alarm* ; i (nit symptoms of cpunhniption, Mild U now caring a man who l*s laborednpder an affection of the lung* for jtb«‘'" u : , (last HHXIIY L, I'AKKS, Merchant . ] A. M. T)., Auto*, M*>?CRoa Col, lowa,/ I writes, &?pt.6. lBS5: “ Daring my pnvctlce.of m«oy ; jearS ! I bare ftaiad nothing wiual to y«*ur Ptdorul for.: 1 giving ease and {relief to consumptive or curing { such Mure cnfahle/V - [■" ■ ‘ i We might slid rO] antes of erldeucs, hut the. most b oth/ . | vinciog proof of the virtues of .Uiis remedy is found inlU ( ' \ effects ajfcm trlsl. ■ ■ •i ■_ '’ A ' j I . ' 1 ■, ,*• ; CoDsQinptioii« • •’ • >*:' ■(' • ■(. Probably no| pnejremedy b»s ever hero known wliicb i 1 j cared so many anq sncli dangerous cases as ciis. Stimp I nerbuman aid cab reach; but eren to thebe tbe C7ierr# ■ Acforol affords reUef and comfurt. , '/■ ’ T i » ' • Asrds lldcas, New Tots' Ctrti March ISi^L, : Bocroa At«. Loxsll: I feel U a dmy abd a : to inform juu iwh.il your CUirry tydorol has done formy' ■ j ; wife, hbv had beJn fire month* laboring under - : ge»x>o» symptoms of Consumption, ftom \ could procure gate hermuch relief. She was «tcad|lymi2« lag. until BrJstronp:. of thlm city. where we hare come for ! advicej recommended a.trial of youniuedidoe. We . I hi* kindness,'as we do your ( sklU;'wreh« has feco.Vpfod, ! : . from ijsbo' U not yet asStri>ng.us she used tu - ' be, but U frt'tj fmm her coiigh, acid call# herself well. j .Y6urs with'gratitude and rrpard, • i' OHI*ANDO SUELBYj or |iimiTTiLLr. donqt despair till you have Cried ATrx’a Cltaftc Prctojuu It Is mode tiy one of the.best medical-, chemists in the world, and its cures all around'iis Leeixiak the high perils of Its virtues,—iVaZdcferp/ifa Udgtr, j- Ayer’s Cathartic Pills./ THE sciences of Cbetiii.sjry aud Medicine bayn fash taxed utmort tq. produce this test, moat perfect pmgidiv« wjdeU b knowb to mao. Innumerable' axe sltuun tjml ih«k? Pitts have virtues wbjch Surpass ht-’it excellence Uie ordinary medicines, : and tb*{(hes*wln'un-, \' .pfecedentcdiy uj>on the esteem. 1 of nil men. ; They are safe and pleasant tq lake, but jwWierfiii tocurel Their pcne*l v . i tratiugpro|iertie£ »iimulato this vital actiyiticsof the body, remove the- obstructioustaf its organs, purity the. Wood, ; and expel disease.. Theypurgeonr thefoulhumors uhlc^ - ‘ breed’aud jjruW distemper, stimulate sluggish or Elisor* j, dnred organs into their natural actiou.and Unpart healthy-: toue with itrctfgtfr to (be wludf* ffostem. Not Only do : they cure ,t]:c; cvcry-day cowpljmli'uf every body, but •' also furnildjible onchdangenius djjfaiH* tlmt have baffled I the beat of human skill. Whlltj they produce powerftil j effects, they ureiU'tlic same tinic-liu diuiiuiaheddoses, the • safest anibLest physic that can be, employed for tbSlJrcD. i Being augar-coatcd. tfiry are pleasant to take; atfd; being i purely vygelaldo,i are free'frotu aby risk of barm. Caret' l&£e beru wUlchisuvi«s!f belief: wore they not I (‘stßutisted by turn of sicb exalted )>o*ltkm aud character \ jas .to forbid the snspicK-n of uutrulh.Mauy eminent 1 : clergymen! and physic-Uushaveluit their uames.lo certify ! to the public the reliability of luy remedies, wbjle others ; the assurance of their conviclit-n that Ciy 1 - toepanuioijs contribute immensely to. the. relief of my { afflictrd. suffering felluw-»en. ' ; [ j . » The Ageut below named is.pleased to furnish'gratis iay | 'Umerkwi^ Almanac, containing directions fortheir'nse and j jcertiCcati-s cures,' of the following complaints;—- j Cortlveile.-»S.'lii|toas Complaints. Itheumatism, Dropsy, 1 IleartUiru, Headache; arWug- from a foul stomach, Naa- •: sen, lud|uestu*t). Morbid Inaction of jibe Bowels and Fain I arising I’herafrdm,’Flatulency, boos of Apj>etUe. all Ulce- | ~o»a and 'Cutaneous DiswiM» which require au ; medicine. Scrofula or King’s Kvil' They also, by purify- 1 iug the .Hood and stlnlulatiug the{ system, cure many . complaints which it would I nut W.impposH they could* reach, such as pi-atuess,'Vurtlal UlindnO.ss, 'Neuralgia and Nervous IrtiUbllJty. Derangements of the Lirerand Hid? neys. Gout, and other kindred complaints arising finia a.| low stnte of the body or obsti ucuuu of its functions. Do nof be put off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more'profit W Ask.for Atxr’s;• PtUJi and taka nothing alw- No| other they can giro ; yoif comjareawllh thU In Its Intrinsic value or curative r powers. 'Thehtlck want the test ald for them, j " and thq should have It. i i-. | , *]• j Prepared by Dr. J. Ci AYEB, , j' : Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Hass. ' 1 ' - Paica as On. m Boi. ■ Fits Boxxs Ki 11. .V i - i BOLD UY i ' . .r, v 1 Rsfi, her sale I>y U. Miuia, jr.,.! Beaver: S ; l o;itoter; Wapjxdiicr &, Lo n rv, Free ■I. m: ;J. Sfcl'dls,’ BuJeu; J.’ J Siirpent < ;Sew Biighl^n,John P.luik, JlnrUneTor.. Bun g’n i tilfiir, Fallulcii.Rml hj dealers every WUev- I i ' . Feh-12, ’(!2. • •• t-RijTTEXDE jf’S-i' PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL ' COIjLEG-E. N. E. pomer of 7th &Chestnut St., , 1 :'rinLAjD£u > JiU,ir.v. rp.lllS Institution, which was established in ~g IS4-1, jand isj nojv consequently > in t c Ciglhtceuth) A-car- jo’fi its existence,, nunibc a among its gratuates, hundreds of.thelmost suc cessful Merchants and Business Men of our Country, ■ , . :Titp object ofjilio institution is solely' to af ford voting men facilities for thorough- prppa ratioli for business. i. .!' if ',_•■■■ ,(. Tli]o blanches taught, arc. Kook-keeping, as applicable to the variousldcpartments of trude;. Penmanship, iboth. plain.'and : ornamental ■Commercial taw, mathcinatics.>J£avigaT;on, Civil Engineering. [Drawing; PuSnography, and Modern -Languages. , ' The system; of Instruction is peculiar; uo ; classes or set lessons are mail'e'useof, but each] student is taught individually, so. that he may : commence at any, time, and attend at whatev er hoursare most convenient' Catalogues are issued annually after the loth of April, .'Containing-namcs of the stu-. dents for the year, and full particulars of terms, &.C., and may be obtained at, any'time by addressing the I’rin.cipal. ; • In extensive accommodations, wide-spread J reputation, and the lengthy! experience of. the ji Principal, this Institution offers facilities au- ; perior to'any olhcrjin the tjuuutry, for young men wishing to prepare {fop business,and id * obtain at the same time a diploma, which,will j prove a rccommcnda,tfon:for them Ip any' Jl«- ! cujililc House. ; j}■ ! : . ; , ~ ; ■ : igST CjSrres®ES*9l Scrids of Treatises on Kook-Keeping, now |moro widely o circulated than any;pthcrwork lon the' sulycct. arc for; sale at the College', j 1 |J, ’ Sl. UODGSS CtoTEXDEN, i;' r ' if : i Akorncym-lqir, 'I . !; !M»y7; ; j.', | •' . , ” . wra(tlo©-. .'j. I Theaccounts and subscription)* tcj Tue Aucuts for J-titW' and 1861, which, have hot been settled up, us'well ai the amounts Weyanci, M & J|. Weyahd, uucl Mfeyand and llenry, arc in; my ’haiulsf lor settlement. All; wlio uvc indebted to either of these) for subscription, | advertisement or job; wprkj Will please call on me at the. iTaEjtsiittEu'siOFixcE,. Many ofthcseca-j counts are of loii{j standing audshouW bo Bottled. - : -i J ‘ I SAMUEL DAVENPORT. ; Do You Want Employjnerrt. H lOFFES a plcisapt ImslnoSe for the Sprinrg j » n ,d Hammer, with largo pro fils. Send lor niypoireinmMr, cjihtaWng ftill j informatiohV I Addrato d GEO. EDIT’D SEAB9. 1 I m»rS«. ; | 151 William B*. t K. Y. ; - J />./ ,J 7’ rhl it,.,.'’ [ T),t Jiuj'.t Calls JyTke War 'ha* '4 ' ’ "1 ; 1 • tj L i IPar Jhi'riuvuitlon anuinr! . Had Tetik, ; 1 : . Paid }!r, i!h t ICdujt ■■ :i ***S| 'T- "Vi •. ' ' •"• ' TaoHiJrlit, ’flurarkt ' T ’■ ;■'■***■ *'* : ‘Xt " /V ' i»«f Xearul-jid. ' '• '■•• ‘ ‘WTT '. cm:ii aktit.lkkt«. ■’ T ' c;* 1 A L i ;{£. A / > 1 »-, Y , •• r. ' I n": ; •*COaftETi; »£t roV ItnMXiill s iOC '■ K f ;TSb .tvfrtfr (mßOßionvALfosltrace*xd oumjisb; ip rnrifivft ! h Jj t; ° Tor is [tin a Staple Bracd? ftr -/’■ j . ..LIVER COJWPLAINt '• .|(.' Curing Tfcotfcchc 9 AHDAU BIUOPS DISEASES. . ' 'o'\y C'O Nli The.ordinary evidences.of t)is- A] ! fo--Vor<Pfk’Jparau,P emk bt the Liver, are -unn tenderness in the region of the Lirer, sometimes dull and aching’, i increased tty pressure, tain and ' j CXfilv- Eneasl&ess in Breathing, Patn| in \ plaWtjju. the right. Shoulder,/uhcasinCai ■ 1 P r -^ ui:,r y v,-M ' >, , T' ‘ -i - L, .1 J | . I /cjurttio .'At JKcf/i, :J.'J ■when |ying upon thovleft sxde,'- ■„ increased size.of tbo Liver, Short j-x&ss pjLKpy vy : y £$J r YS:n& aoh.ftausea, Yellowish Tinge on Fomtu st., hr...i;.;y u ; ( thoeyes.andskin, Ueadaitfe, yoi- - J^Sf'f ... f ■ .-iTTf . ■ m, 1 • • • SSf ‘X “« ifx-Ktl ?/•«'•• . lowish fur on the tongue, Bluer-, -t-igin inc?,.i.v five. «» Ish tastC;in the mouth, heavy. . ~;| '• dair-seosaljion 'in' the ;Brai^iße-; j ly. l iC pression of- Spirits, amounting . thcS rmMetin-r/tsei almost to Insauity, eUght fever• /toward evening, Loss of Appetite,' ; ] TulXnratyn Plain /Mtlaacholi with morosencss and [1 mm * ■j . • j. - • r puit.paia, on u H*'pdchondrla,*i\enraig(a,*duii- | ' - ness, a general feeling of Uceasi- • i ' i ' - f I - j ; ;JJ j -sire), lor ratas.m4be.< . ntssp Languor, : drpwwnesst tho ;j or -any part- 111 .Die hoi patient ccjnscious of ' «eij« of wrong in jhimself, and; disppseci ] : • Aaaress, s • J to oeo j npthihg idght jin 'tnings . ■ about hire, yet wholly unabl.p , ■ ■ -. to esplain the causa of hlj scii- ‘ WASn.TonTi.’PO'h sationsj—uith many others easily j M'At and Tf)f)TllA\fn-/i WIiTiPS' c»c«i; ii detected by rescmbiehcea to' ;'r •“ j ’Tt ' ...,•*■■•■ if-. i I raiJK'iUiiflrOur Brag «4r Pcnomeal fen.irf.... -If* some one or pthet of the above.' , n»;, s cnS lu u. f.-ir The Liver pyi .will; almost cer- I Price, «mitu r«ton tainty arf l J3t tho disease if taken , taiusitLcm. y \ ( , : uponthej appo'araace’of tfioabpvo' , | I Z^’^7^7’, • Bymptbma, -whicli if aUowed to / [ ; H{{. - .ilYil ■ take xta,course, bqcomea chronio r' s J . 1 - ,- ■ in its naiure andialmost iixcuf ' ] The bps: evidence (bat Dirv-ar-f-b. li.ax-ilfr <• • .• ! "i I, •.. -,i •'( .. ~ j,: - I lirmesi fnentr.'-aml IcsriKiH.-i-i? .■Ji'-':',!, ■ .<•■Tn table, prpducmg con v ; ; have aieol ihmjoagest. Dr. if*. Ji ‘ ; etantly, | .-j j an, .Tho use of tiiia menlnluo;will neither l L . the Nev.’ -Vork btu:c Leilt:.-'; r.n : d create, a now disease nor’ebmphette ad. : j Dicsc projiarailons It ncj l;.;sn lii.'O'l ie il;-,. vai ’ ode. bdt,‘ in most citsos, will. j‘ 'vate practice f-!>r ; ye.i(i^~; ; ani!.ae le'iil.u": c:.'’ r •* preba"e tholsystora for the mortivirforliins, j • of ,l>r.; jfclra or j-jitejfeca V-v - !.- renfediea pi the-physician,istouiU it bo. j tscitUciiciji w;ii!e v i.aocCssaiy to cad in his ;iud.. • .j. « Voik vo/hnnnerhi thj-! 1 ,! aj the fc.,- s ;-.];. '■"l .'■!** A 'JPAJUI-T 1 3fEijkci?i'E : ">/]/ She pniCcssiea. t.»-u;/t-L e •’ .' ■■BELteSsS - u vsjj!*- Pl'u.9,f ; AHE IUVAnUAULE,, . i?rlcjc «5 Ccit t fi. j. f j , rvsry.ytar Tiio-yiadi o.lfeldrca dioj, frd'iri-tuic 2-OJTii'iilts q-rH- iS.(S* si-Viaii': a.ui-1 . l Jalf’jl l r <'i,r Im;. ..■.vl Vi.icljluliit '.v 5 ■ dud fcr.feiw *cr ft.yt »/. tUt *']-,r‘v<u hf ihr rraic.'jl tlj. Th" p; n <*t niai.y R •‘0 1 Vaiia :a | Ju-life,l [iy 1 t o of soia- » •‘■the a ‘vi.fn: i’{.d il.t-j itiWhcvnyy t)f lhe tirc;i ” Wul'Ui; l- V. i ra» j; CaiuUy#/* *•' Vt,r ; :r T«v.*.-~ Lc. iVu i/touJt t-f'iUf | taller arfjax l.at'vJca ax hV.V thl | 1 ... j >;4 Y_C'i>r urt/. No |lV.r-n,.htful;^ vil: |i;iib tr£c witii'jbi* Uil* r f j;. r I ?M Y.SICrj^Ks';SPEAK. ; I K IS. I’KOCiy. 6 r‘ l.tc'.irp Stilton. K>L 1T..1 : l*». 9 . >M*. 11. F.i.S y- K :■—VJ v. v ~ t s.. s I ' f ♦ i> ; r iiy -I. ) ) 1 c!yro w l iviv | vl.iu }*.n >i v ili- S <*«.J .«C t-, ~fi j »;•< * * v-.r.'-N. In. I.i’J Jjojusnttyr lipvvo the WrHii:V.-V.llp < oiiptnau;-*J • •iCrt'itHj’' o '^' i'j-i'-ir'ii ■-/'-♦hi; :;v/» S 75! (clu\l. tl:n: v -c- iriiv.j rf- lor i«ji, uejw-Od IvJ JL aiiy Irrfli.* W* ; J«- >!. . • | J• A Au.■».*.» *.* .'I.-•!).■ n j’’ " | : i> Jiv-ir i:tr ° fa»..;i v ,'h» a iahr u;al. i ' • .. | ■•. ’ r./iLfw p.‘ J ■ r J*-'..-r’ f 7 f-.■!;.(>< t%/. <Vti J. jS. 7. I • r.’pf I.iXR' : —II;(Tp.i iss.dif J-mjiV r»*>s' tuti f..r tli* Va>fi<>ui‘«v I'ni- y-'ns. I thii,tvi[i : c-ia“i(y t|»..» tiC't’i l .* 1.1 m!. J' *.•{( I i;i.r<-tbV'‘rwi'*.vs«'.d tl*** • ««f tli« w.ciu.lti »dwr W!i\i file tar \ouxS ir.sprrlfuJJy; ' t ' • "■ -r ■ '/'. v - 1 -.- : Jj.A-l-liJ, .'i.-D. j ir<s ifnamprat#* t>r't>ili»T ra> 1 j w» l> i i ni'cefiLn,. tu l Ik-Ue ra’: V«rm i ?\V£*3 lias f>ti -otl 5 | | Hie (•[•urcliidg lh>,iuM!ufti Sv-v.’t> hud | i lic li-tui'if'c f/nin u tjuortri oTa c*|htiiry, vhJcU. ol !| I Itsrtf, Is of ltd cMfttVe 4>-,/Wy> 04 u!*.L a* 5 \thf certainty of it.f ; , 1 ; - ; T ■3 ' ■ TT f- i j • From A. Ciublnf, Drnnbt. Hi Bead, led. l>. & pwo*. Esq;—.S<r—ln {reply to join* . fciror of ibo 13U« iiwlunL 1 would taiy that the *ala of S,4lj*i>* Mrdlciniw has far, eiceMed my cxpocla-’ tlorist jarwl in. no ciss hate they fi/Dcd to produce t the Ut-airM cffW-t. The O-ocbiSynip lit a cure foe £ cuutjtus, odd*. A cJ. ozvdj'('’oeapncHS ;uf (be ertkle •j placenjit witidn'tb'? P*«rh of dll, which, lOßtthei ’■ with lt« effimclouff qa«lltn-*, rend»TS it a untvrrtal ; favori««( 'Not n day pa*** Without uaraeroQa'calls ■ for " Vie onp- thins at tbi* season of Ilia ivyeax, m. SeUerjT’Ojugh Syruji *- •; . | a. o, ccsiiixq. {... :: Prlco GfJj CentH. t f Sf Her s'* VERMIFUCE. IELLEFI^ ItbLAV IT/ti ' tj' i:- Jv.Oib clii.cl.-:; LET I Kim ■ 11 Kit *. I 1' ■ .'Notict;— i;ulu : u‘rni-ut*j aio ul f6r*l to dealers t-> mroaitm-tul aud «?;l olh' r Vcr ! mUascs.^ Vo not.let KnprJbolided men 'pdoi off any of tb'cwfon you- anyiprict is the <ueapcs!, aa*'£«r ScUcrs^Ycruiifuge. and tuh'VO *'Ot<r, ■■ - I 3?rico - Ceuts. / ;- . hupabm >59 told ov , ‘ ' a. E. SELLERS & CO. ’■ |]-,i?iTTiaiwm,on, pi. : :...O.EL„.t, i IF.O!--,:- . .. , SYRUP?, From the Retvs. WitfceneM, former Pnnot' ' eC che Liberty Street H. 12. Church. Mr R. E. SiLLt P"—UUlrom a aciire uf duty, a* w©Ua» wUligrwktpUmure.lUatlbcartJiimaaj to the Tirtna of yur justly Celebrated X psocatfd a •loklo bottle, and gnye It lojlhT»Vur ray chT.drrti. who bad bvmdll weeks The eldest was aeto-n y&*r» old, the next, 1 tair, and the , youngest eighteen Rkmdj*. The first parted fifty* fix worm*, the .*eo>ndT,fytty-*evenj and toe ihlnl' a considerable number. Pot distinctly recolb.'cnd, ~- Sow then tßej / UaTe bees doing well, and ere now < fa) good health. / . g. . PricßBs Cen&o ■ PREPARED AITD SOX.O BT : , R. E. BE|LLER9|db CO. ■-I HTwlwßcn, ri I ' ' il-%VL v : ,{cro. Triiun 'vVi’c lo ] ' - : I His.-VL ' - ■ i wiib Lrr MOr.Til j UEll. Ti c jr.vat ; ; I wiilMUc i.tCt fro*' : A j r/f’V/ nxd .tcxj'yc*. Jo The well ,I: :i;»T\*r2 f fof?n:l: you/ TU'.'T.T ■j loftily j la.y* 'tU-cl'iL j pptej -r/or (>’ic ■j r«el jif you ' 100 JvllioC'.Uld )• biih” =v:h;. j ; Iwn ihclr cojf is j-test i’uo m;u*.dr.i‘cr 1 ’ l>o<v;irc of’t '‘Tooth Po.v-dors, 'yOuOr 13 0 >ci«is, coat, .mit; y.-.:ikaoy' \r.ilcu: Pr. HlilSVa Tpr.tl: . j nor jvlknU, nor cUa: ’ j wearing live *! v.u.vr ; '.viLl.', y 14.. fiCK&'S i KILMIvDIES Eiri-cr 'i ■■■' .j: Hurdf Mc-u. I wiil ;:ivc yo-Hi" Lit ! Mvck *rca .1 them.-L'.dibf. j.-'Di*. Ilu-rdV Mou. v:\vill- dcfiuHc iho’ui '; lions 1 , it' used I . tiit Vusu <more pleasantly? '.S/io- i).4sr- T 1,1/1% iiuvd's .Mua ! ixvii the.llic bok- p: . curing had' ,6/v.i.% ■■ip/'.iltli iokhc>gui ’ /Aocu'.' ‘.'l Jjl* 'j- . H’J ■ ■ etc., have. been cu |cue wntduj '■ 1* ,-Ih% Uuyd‘s- Mov I g'l vestin' .•i.d-kid'uj. I makfc.hukhiuds r.r rajid fv i \:c.-> i «Vikcii j|-usc4 ; A vtr y iicv j;’ wLifch, arc liable t z impart Alriiatio t‘u v. puih. • J I)!. Jfurd'b - ToJthacW Uiwps - cm t. Ikth [ ache arising irom exposed nerves, a.ad,• a: e,. iVieiid.-v ,pqr*hi& cairhavu.la .. ) ia'save their children ‘from tjoruirc a '• " :■ s.clv< s from loss ofe- slccj* iiua\ • • j Farmers and nio o ban: csT to n on.n j ford :'o ncgUyt vv ur tetih. ; vlyrpyi.,,.;... ;you c«!n non: get preservatives,, th - ; v.%;. ; kuihsciiiiU or. Asyor caa 'get nothin:. Letter. • tlemembcr that find C<‘.i':u < a of. 'i ifa'Lmhjs often criginau in- neglect . X.ectlr: | Send forth© ?Vta//>e W 'and rv.d Tr. II Fitch’s -observations <6n this.subject.- If too Mate (o arrest de.‘ay in your own .'toc'-L. tavo S yoar : childrqn's tecih. .. '; • • | XV URAIMI 1? % A S.OT?. —1> ;• TJurfs i Neuralgia Non-.' .dhtsive .Flusters are -most -j pleasant anti successful ?ed for ibis painuil disease*. The pir ; u? u [•- 1 plies one,.soon becomes drc»n>-y. jails: ar-irr-p, 1 and awakes, free, from paiiuaud no bliss or. or Mother uflpleasaut or in]liriousCori>eipveur-,-a fj sue. For £arm hi uud Senooiis’ upk ! ply According to dlrecuofts, aud .vrehrl -yT|r j surely follow. Nothing can ho obi. , i’ine ; UrApV:jr. jl6 l>r., Hurd's fqr : Ncuralg:;;. i:.[ jithc-mi'/iTbcy are eutircly a novel, eu •. jl oviglual prepar xlion, uu<l; \voudorfuUj' .-\;cruv* l‘ul. Tbvy av.e of two Aizeshone smarl. i«.i;iho . t face, price 15 cents, andiilyc other large, f»*r*. | application to the ! Ise maiUd-on of price n/td one jmmx- v 'f: t , TIV/.i T HUE THE • j ThoiAmerican jjiuo.jvle ai-f: cuuugli to i ;appf.cclate.prej^irations that eon;rlbucorihucii jlo happiness, t-f. ihusc them, ami they 1 . . Jiwopf them.’K ,; fepy mail brings us leriev.-:.-s?-!iic— | ordering llic Trcausejou Tetlh. sometue-Net;- ■ j ralgia Vlasvcr:, .and xidl u IV-w cnclosiag b 7 ; the Mouth IVash - , io.be,sciu # by iinil: Lot j • frto these we'are. 'compelled to reply .that' .it. is ! , impossible,to ; ciul a half-plnt bottle by majlVil ! The people, w ipt -ihoso dimtiodics. VF/m; u'di iuppt-x‘iheoi) ' : i T ow is tho,.. ' CUASCEIVOK AGE:if3. ; Slironrii agents can inaJce s small form!:!’ -sai V earrymg these iirliclcs nfound fo families.'. Tie], Deutal Treasur.v ia Ike ueatesl anielo \!;ai a ’ ni\a ol’. '-rorartu can carry around, 'Ser.d, !■’. A one and. sccj’ or, better:, a.,doiea, \viii-.-k .«'« • .! will setl ( : as samples, lor S 7. Arer.rs . ; 1 liberally witii circulars. ! JSa&“Aotr is the tiier to to go into jtho business, ««d tnaao. a profit. spondiag thousands for tie benefit jof agents. jNbwi England nrenor «’u*. meal here is something nicei : and a cuance to take tfio tide at its flood. . Address, I V ;J , ■! - WM. B. liuai/ A; co.J . . • ■ : J Tribune Buildings, Sew. York.'. i That rcmiltanoes may be made with cuna" t donee, AV, Bl 11. & Co., refer to the Mayor of’ Bi-ooklvn; AY, Grifiuh, President Ysric- , ■ Crs'wtd Citiaena Baal, Brooklyn: to Joy, Co.-. | , ' Co.. Kotr Vartr t« V.* T. Bsmctn, Eslj,, ce* 1 '.yoHt.et'et. «jtc. ■ '■' 1 h Tn» I;. a‘:iu o lii u I'. c.n Jill i-Jui' JiUf; ui.ilto operations la tl»c .vr.-'.-ut .(Jilt'd*) t li'cd l» y v*:l)'r. ..Ov tb \Vaali ab'-T Toov.i-' T i . cliu: iu• ']*) f*j v ■Jre i«j. i** uu.yb’iiuU; ’ Xiifcy hti vlruj ICIAL'TEETI 7. i/ • / • i.;,/ !,5 2nd tVeiirateii XT '**' * , - -V : tIGV'Ih iiiTisi'T/l I: /J TILICLV p.Kpl XLI-I:A LO:A I 'vn-'ihi /)*tt Xcvnz >/ l'tuAtg t iJuxcUom Jcr iht U\rr./ i- T<. dh, "/ ihy.-{t ti 'ic&n J<c -Tcahi id’s Dcutiil ••Oficcr 7 1 K. I>.) . > i.AK .* cr'SlX’to. , 1 ■fin'd tmvV*;£ a : sciii- )>y ex^rtcii: '• use la on]cnrh ar.UU. * v.*'c caa,=cucl \otntj tkt Tectli *em, ji6s*- xlve cc’sts, Vor jour < for cwrjilg'a' ia Vt ho 4C» upd . scs:, | Eijaian\ &nu\ o» fix • : i -‘ ’■ -. n ■ *• c V.<: f‘> r (lair go- * Ch'Csst. L>i:ck, ‘ : jerfi-post-paid, &. ro- Sk& •. :M.i ni’RD , CO., • IfuUduiyt, Xcw y v j-7: -•‘ a I u ic /•V'A-.'v ."? 'y i (in? -iVii-.i-i.' ,1' t ■ bc'-vil-i -tU V •, : . V 11: r. o i': r i *- v.-' •rri 1 ? "«-■■■ i' -I :/ ■ •t't’, 'l3 W CJ. ' /■/ l r ;V.Vi P. T. BftsMKni •’ "f PO •* \j ’pi.-.'*l fhut niy :i!i up.; ?.*• <-'!.'f.cc■. e \'r '• 2 Vti lilt Will sct»d .iiv: your'c ouvculou.c; _v. ,-fV 'O'l ,'iLa ’ every cueilj jy .c L\o u*.» otii-cr. IV.t.Vi*T liiifvl '.■f .u’ra .*i v 0- ;li .aai -W: | Try. *' *:i: r. sweeter &id itic 1-i‘V Jicgiq , H.u averts i»f** r*c.vvV.s «. .. l; ;I v 111 V CUi ) ' • *iaC 11 •i -iv jtij. I c'vccr- u;:X £.:viuy :'.n. .■ liUil'Xi *r«li .-«/ BEM "“1 ■tLa. . >*>l *i|. 'v :-.i4 H.c-'?. c-M :i‘ L'ii ftf- Me i\
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