• • • 'i. V I REAVER ARGUS. BEATER, PENJT’A. 1 Wednesday, October 8, 1882. T. C. NICHOLSON &Cov, Proprietors. TERMS— O!tE Dollar and Firrr Csara' per annum, in advance ; otherwise Two Doi i AES will he charged. No paper discontinued until ail arrearages are settled.^ pjrgf.lXtcrs and communications, by mail shall hare prompt attention. , bearer drug store, Openedin theEoom formerly Oc ; cupiedby the late Dr. Minis. fsailK.S'ubirribcr lutving purchased the ! E*- jaMisllracnl will . endeavor to keep ilaule on hand all articles'usually found in Jiritp Start's. ' i , ' • ' ’ - ISeitig a Physician and Druggist, the public iuav reiv otr. his keeping the TVREST and REST,! DREGS.. i, , .1 Variety of'-•■lher articles will also be found 1 / : ,in his establishment: ‘ - !/'■/. -Kc!r?ii of CtiJl'iT. Rosin Sopp. I'lincff ‘‘>onji*.\ Port Monies, Comf/s. ■ ’ Ahl. , ARTICLE!-,! KOU THE TOILET; I COTTON; LEAD EENCILS, . NTKI'I.ES,STEEL PENS, HAIR lifil'SJlES, TGOTII BRUSHES, j TOBACCO. SEGARS, LET- | % TER. XOXi’E.v& FOOES- I D'e are coming, FathcrJdffcrson t : v; t'AP PAPER. • . j from“ Mack,” U I Cdrluii ,OH and Chimneys, i lle ’» «!<>»«- upon onr rear, dear da! , . Thcfcare*a few lof.Jhe articles, and only a ! rifles.crack. . \~- ■ tVsylv-Bys on hand. v Call and see. ; ’ : Ilejias; whipped our greatest Generals, and ,Kc V.dl Ii v. l.yj Close attention and fair r, we’re coming sadly home ! dealit.g; to. g;ve satisfaction to-all who may won ° . ‘ tJv.rhiiii villi their custom.. . ;." lth tearful eyes wjs re looking forold Kich- j , I*. CUMMINS, M. D. ’ / ■ mend’s sunny domes. | ft ’ - pp.ltirticuiar attention will be paid to ! Wo arc coming Father Jcffersim, si ;t;pl liysiaattsprescriptionE [aug27 ' 'way is clear, OflpEan’s Court Sale of valuable " c . ar< ? fearful. young Sigel is ’’ J ; Real 'Estate.' j- i ■ “larger Siey,” •H}' virtue of an: order of the Orphan's ' j"’ c f,: “ r 'hat gtnaold Hcihtzelm •£?• v'*;«it. of Heaver comity', will be ' ox- ; upon our fra ! ck, ' iafLe^LScs y ojt ,W jf •' Cnd ". C ou! - ci -y- jWe are coming, father JcillWson, t Saturday .Oct 25th, 1862, cT* £et *“**•’■ 'i ' . V: tf|- Lletter from Pa&ton, Md. t c-_ hus t tiH !<, Mjrc u., situate in Hanover! I 1 • ip. 'Denver c 1... bounded on the .North > 1 PaIIKTOX, Md,: Sept; 19, ’62, :.iti.i# vf-J..lrft ,<iibb;s heirs,, on •■the Call I' -i., - ~ , - : •’ I’ ' fy ii-ri'is ot John Wit.ham's heirs, on the South' . ' 1 '' l " ARGUS. T)cil T SiT: —-After tl ifils 1. I i Ilcjiry Lauce and \Vest by lands : little tnoi e :than three .weeks of',Camp I ! ■'••Mi Gaifi-n., Containing about . ninety : life. 1 ; now-commence the task pf re- j . v r,- 7 ai.„ut .VI hot os cleared and well pulti-, deeti.irrg a promise’ wihieh 1 made be • it 1 . :-v ls,vt\ cU‘Log .Dwelling House *• ~.J 1 ■ .<> i> ' * *i‘- ' M C l :!.C premises. ~ ■? ; i: ! 1 lett heaver eotfnty, to ntyj TKiCilS—ttne-thirdor the purchase money I)l 'ends in general, itltd also to many j i■ ■ paid; on e;.niirni::ti«n «f the'Sale by Hhe my'teongregalion; ahd that promise . I i;;'. the-.balance j.tipmvhase money, in two Mas this: to let them ikuovjr, thron ,r h . : ■ 'annual 'payments from that 'ditc, with,? the eidumns of your pancr ill j-e.'ttrd : j-iest■.■thereon, tripii the same time. . i k ...i 1; i • ■ ® for f.jithVr infei-n.alien inquire of-David : ° UI " L '' l and, imjecd, this ; ier.-on. .'.dtuT. I I appears to be the only vvay I)}-which | Byj.rder of Court. 1 ean tieeurnmodale ;my ’ I umerolls jA. Cl.■ McCKEAKV. jlriuiids, fur it will impo / .j_ ‘ , Cleik. nie to kvi-ji, up a- eofrcspoudc ( \rny /S -ri ; one who requested a le ■ (luo when ,1 left. The i'riphd \ U -*' I’KRSUSS having business with the Ver bounty. and ehpeeiull’ -A std-setiher- Will T.W call with. Mr. llookalown;. wi„ feel: much! % mit.vit rA.on. wlidtiK ilulv -uutboiized .lo at- J + t r» . ,■ A end in all hiiMuesS .luring my absence, Also i . .V '>. Lli: ‘ rc ot those who person?iiaving‘|in*ettle4 accnttnt* will call i| v *»' #•*<! neighborhood. Itwiil niak.c Sctileiiiclil as soda as possible. As ( and mothers will he UtiXIOUS -it has hocsaaeiiiy Jutv to leave home for, thc-sof the health’ anti welfare c -‘ , " tty 4^& , 2i Bo^ 'ual <• ” ot s thf .... . .. .1 nation. reigns in -tiven. t« tiie i remises of the subscribci here, jit will-be tny object ,to .1 I W e are expecting every day to hear vV Hyhrs ill -iJijr Uc.iver ueynship. Bcave, j some general items of information in,; on | cr t 0 giove onward towards ci.nniv.: on the evenijip of the iMt-b of April,; r ega,*d if> c-ur doings.: Our regiment *• f Hone we will be ssamsss/ss afetJsiv i»v acm or hriii>e; uo other marks- per- 1 • V |- UU! compunj,. is. u cob. The health of our regiment is cViuiiiie.* !The. owner ia desired to for- v thmg jwcj aecided h\ L•J - . verrvgood at preabnt. Mr. Custer a -t ; .t ii. prove property pay charge?* and take her ;my got>3 l.ncnda, |n*-> - 4-:nlnt inn 1 u'menibor of congregation', at Tom «y:.'y. otherwise sbcwill boosed of ac- tbey read this tba* ***** »° on guard the other fan- 1 ~»■ :i,u Tl.ivd ommandment to decide l . , . . Vi- ir 1 ; i..^ t • JAMES K. CALHOUN, I" 1 1 « the l^ 1 " rhv which eiieli com4^ , « h t^■^l? l , a ! h^ B b,o‘',■ h,ms “ ,f /' n f - - —;t b > k ' l •. .1,1 f„. ~i 1,. I leg. The ball passed through his leg. Estate of David -Minis, Dec.d, pan* IcuWs hV which I a-Tlitlle abov,u the ankde, injuring the ■V Why .piven that kuerrof'adr, :ia kuowllt ' iu j,, o siiioii. i:Lol l e ,IIp ; m well cared lor 3 be.-.. feT«u«cd £ ■*£ ;]Vc i ellci - Ais ,„, 8t ot ~c t. u > iH'r honori! a " d will noon be ilble for duty again. —' 1 M ' r^ C Tr t D “S well as" cniparati vo safldyr asd' ,iave had no deaths y*t incur reg i u ; understand .it. when engaged in the j ?nicnt. and all are in good spirits, and i'i’ibo 1b.r0.. ? b a, J i battle; so we all l.adfa desird to place , -apparently; eager to meet the enemy ! • imv|- williiuthcntica- jour tni:ii 111 a favorable; position'. We flieir cimni- . . tail wauled the loiter A, but -ns there i--i ui< uMgm. .. ,HI.L A««XEW,- ... ! j*. but one letter A in the Jaiphabet f - Auimnistraioi*. • ; i 1 ■ .!• 1 ■ i: ♦. » 1 _ _ ■; l w«rknc\v liiul U*n ot us could not be ] r --X experience of an,lnvalid, accomiilodated; and knowing that the Confessirpp | . ’ " lives of our men ,in ordinary circum ,ihl> for ibo benefit, and a*n wiirn - • . r . 1 • . . J■ .■ . ; . P- .‘.’and a oauiioii to yhinip men who sul- i'StllltceS U.cpenuOd .Upon OUT ppSltlOri U\ :h lji'jluHty,* rroinattire Pccay i Uio- regiment' and that -out: position 'di-i-lyiiijr’at'.lliVsamc time the means ol ■ decided by our letter, Uve cathe r 1 v t bv. one who -Juts curort hiutscji, J 0 t | |o conclusion that we would refer expense .hniisU mcd- ; , , h providence of Cod, • -ii in.; .-ition ami quackery? By .. , A .* .. . . i .. ’ | ■ j*»:*{ envelopes, sinclo copies Uliti iic \\ljO docjh itll things ji.nv 1.,- iiiul "of.the author. XATIIAMKL • pleased td assign to US the letter 11. 'MAVr.viB",/E«.(., Bedford, Jungs Co.,>*. V. j Taking these circiiinstanfccs all into nuir-.fcly.. * account you will readily agree with me that we had some reason for refer ring the'whole’ matter to the deeision of the lift, ■ Uur trip’from lllookstown here was very •.hurried. We left Bea ver on the morning of the 1 it of-Sep tember, with the assurance, that wo -would go up to Camp Howe, above Pittsburg, and there remain until we would'be formed into a regiinent; but instead of that, at Rochester,! we [received a /telegram -toj go on to) Harrisburg. WeUtopped injPittsburg J | for our supper, took train for i j llarr.jtfburg, amj, arriveiKiin Camp j j Curlin'on Tuesday, the 2d\of Sept, j lat • 12 o’clock. 1 , - There wo ; mnuined: 1 one week, together with five oi\six i ; other regiments. I have nothing to j ! say!in favor "of Camp ■Curti.n. It is “very unpleasant place to be. 'During 1 jibe* day we Were almost suffocated ! with the dust, and as it was our first 1 [time to-lay down on the ground to intake Our rest and sleep; and in my j lease when the fact that! was: i hurried away from BcaverJ without 1 i blanket, quilt 1 , or any of i [of caiii]) life, you need : not wonder, i when J tell you that-1 thought but; I little of Camp'Curtin; and what added j ( a little more "gloom to our stay iii llur i risburg,tivo or. six. 6t oiir company | 1 were taken to, the hospital: Austin | j Miller, our - Ist Lieut., Wm. Calhoun,, j Straus, T. S. M’Crcady and Jnmds ! Hood, s’ere all ir. the Hospital in [ Camp Curl in. But lam happy lo'in-, form our friends lliat they are now all well and witlrns, and all able to.-dis charge duty " On the the evening of the 9th of §opt.'we received orders to leave Camp'Curtin and go—no person in the regiment.; 1 not even the Colonel, lepew ln loss than-an hour" _ : ;—. 1 f,. nm the time we received orders to QAKBOX oil, 8$ cent* p«r ; bad onr cooking utensils, KXBvJjXOIi'S NOTICE." | JKTTKIIS testamentary on the estate of, j Samiki. Hanna, late of .Chippewa town- ! Heaver county, dec'd. having, been : _*! t»» t he. unjdcrsighcd, all persons indebt- I «‘l 11• '•aid estate are requested to make inime- * t( pa viiretit , and those having claims against | i «-1at•• iviil present them toihesubscribcrs r i rlv anthemicaitd for settlement t " * 1 ! jfts. siiAiir. ■ JOS. D. HANNA, . f Executors. ’ ] 11/521 V |>M IS ISI'UATOir.S -of administration oh thfc estate of Michael Kamdo, late of township. I’eavcr ' county, de [laying,been, duly granted to the un .;i.. all person* indebted to said estate m - ii'Mitivd to make immediate payment.? and • havjng claims against* tbe same willprc .VS; them prdpcidy authenticated for setilc v.'jt out delay ?er.i!4. ■ IsTOTICE. ' rpi!E Cii partnership heretofore existing un der the name tint! style of A. 11. Gilliland, >■V, cngnge!i„in the butiitess of ' tvas duly dissolved on the 10th xny Ai’Hi; 1802. : £he Hooks will be settled 'Viil* 'H«re qC~M. Gilliland. , All persons ' '■■•ving themselves indebt'ed to the late firm, ffl.j.jease call and settle immediately, as the hoaii's vi ill b'c closed: Without delay. ■ J ;>r. ' v iv| A. D. GIIULASD. % i J • • ' t MSO4LLILANI), ‘ Nciv Krigfiton, Mnv 10. tstl /.I.V.HIC to the of tlio subscriber, j. V' 5n Chippewa tp., about the Ist- of July, • i*; WMite'Heifer', 2 year# olvL The .owner is I 1 1 l l' 1 »"*ed to come forward, prove property) I‘^y-charges and take her away; otherwise she j V'Ul hr* disposed of according to law. : Aij ? .2l T -.*iin. THOS. M KINLEV. | MaCkJCKAL, Mblasses, ,and New Syrup, at HEMOI^S -* J We ate? Coming, Father Jefferson ’' - t j BY hieaji e. Griffith.i fVe are i coming. Father Jefferson—not as we • went away, ,r * ,f • Two hundred thousand stout and strong, all eager for the fray— r From the Potomac’s winding streamyand Mary land’s loyal land. • ’ ; ■ - Wti are coming. Father-Jefferson,, a whipped and use dup band, i : , We are!coming. -Father Jefferson, some twen ty thousand less, I i ■ A sad mistake you made, dear da< you did your best, : • For Mtjryland lores her country, n[ misinformed— , We’re coming Father Jefferson] se ter from the storm, JACOB FRONK. A'itninifinuor. '' BMVffi H| ; "iM ift i!' |I • \ywTVc LittginV w mpg»CNDrwefcJr . .. _ ~|, I^7'' 01. 88-ISTo.^ri. haVersacks, tents arid all packed-dp—• some of it on Jour backs, and the tents and other heavy utensils in wgaons, and all on the road for -the cars, .marched about one mile to the rail- camped out till 4,o’clock in the morning awaiting the arrival ofHhe cars to take us some place —soinetho’t to Chambcrsburg,'others to Baltimore, ptlicrs to Washington, and from the appearance of many I suppose they tjiouaht they that they would bo lauded right,in the battlefield. About .4 o’clock' a long train of freight cars came along,’ when \ve crowded in—• some thought tha f t Uncle Sam had but Iktle courtesy or feeling of humanity j to darc.put the Beaver, boys in. a ear I in which the inferior animals 'Wero j transported; However, wo packed j-ourselves in ate well as we could] and i tried to feel as\ contented ns possible.' J In thc t mornii|g we found ourselves on i the Northern Central Bail road, on i bur- way towards/Washington City, j About 9 o’clock we arrived at Parkton, Aid., about 28 miles from Baltimore; I there we were Ordered to stop. Wo j pifulled our tents, and christened onr j canip after the great statesman, i Sewarli. Parktou -is a little village situated on ' the Northern Ccn-i tral Bail-road from Harrisburg to Bal tinuuo; it is made up of three or four I houses—onq| hotel, ( one store, a lew duelling honscs and an old church. It is by rather a poor country.i The .farms are very large j and much out of’O.rder. There are > a .few slaves in - Uie neighborhood; I those who own them arc with a few! exceptions, I am told, ’Secessionists. | Those who r.cycr owned slaves arci .apparently as loyal as the citizens of! Pennsylvania, and many of them fiu ' more loyal than many of the synipa- i tliisors wjlb slavery ’ winch wo find \ in many cjf our congregations where i we .most .expect loyal meii But such , is poor-human nature —men are blind ! to their 'best interest;. Wo. are now I within .about -1,0 miles cl Frederick. During the'whole of last Saturday and i Sabbath we could hear the i-oarihg! of the- cannon. * ■* * , Maryland-.! is all cxcitdmcnt. Was it not that we | are .engaged in a good’ cause raj- ho°pcj would by limes give a wsxy to despair;' but the fact that we have Righ.t on] I ouyside. we may pgonfidcntly expect the God of BattldS upon us bring us out Of safe iy. By -'times the cloud is vciy'diirk,’' but we hope in God that there is - ! on the oilier side. | id, falthough d you were :king slid- to get away id, we hear see that the ihcajd with ian is close .i - - if we onlv 'Ssible l«I>r ! inee with j tier fro hi I ik in'Bca .y. a bun I j i interesti i left tliat j Bathers j to know j. of their! :ar of ihe iii the tield ,Enox, Pa. Sept. 30th, ,1862, r 1 ’I ' 1 Mr. Editor :—The “Ladies - ' Union Aid Association” of this place gave a, public dinner to-day, in tlio Grove for the benefit of the soldiers.' Kotwith .standing the hard, times, dry<. weal her, &c., the,affair was complete success. ; Prof. Mills, with his?usual facility for | attracting ‘everybody around him, a- 1 rousing everybody and mnking|every-i body feel, good, *took the , stand and called for three cheers for the Union |:ahd three lor t,hc President of the -United Stales - .' They were given with 'enthusiasm. The meeting was then organized by appointing-Mr. Pc ; ti>r?Crowl President,and W.S. Young, Esq, Secretary. Rev. Eaton being called upon addressed-the Throne?of Grace in a fervent pray erf alter which Rev. Borbage read the report of thy Society—-showing what had, been so for accomplished. The Rev., W. B. Watkins of Brighton was then intro duced' and proceeded to deliver an able and eloquent addresswhich was listened to with marked Music came.next, in order. R,. MJ Marlin, assisted by Mr. Green on the mclodian and Mr.. Donalson on the bass viol and several sweet toned' la dies, made the welkin ring with such mnsic as charms the soul. >' ' Prof. Mills again took the Bland and madtKa short .spicy, speech ducloi'j 1 to raising money.- The ladies did not selftheir dinner, but depend ed upon lliw, liberality of the people for a'.suffiicieni quid pr.o qfio. no hlv did the people resp'ond." Onej hun dred and five dollars and sixty] nine cents vyas raised in a few minutes.— Considering, th6’ size .of crowd this was. beyond; expectation. But dinner was ready find not more So thatf iwero the people. : T|iey “changed ! their base” to the table, and partook pf a sumptuous and well-prepared .dinner, jto-assernbling at, the stand they were, entertained by music”,‘a short speech from Capt. Lowry and the concluding address by Rev.Sam’l Patterson of Darlington. Altogether the enter prise li as characterized by a spirit of patriotism and noble devotion to the cause Let it be remembered that the 'woman are helping .to fight .for the Union. PETER GROWL, Pres’t. William S. Young, Sec'y. =I ;• JT7T3T ~ : : i■■ |. ;. j .V..,..' . . , ' Beaver, Olctober 8, [1862. lorsof.war, "nd-HDon Marcus Okmond. ' r t ■*. ■* ROMANCE (If* THE WAR. ' V--i-- : ■■■•• COZ.ONELvCSi.KEB A£{p|j.£LLEN LE GLEBE. When Colonel Ifqtker’s California regiment arrived fffstin Philadelphia from their camp iiadSew Tork, it was halted after a short street parado.—f Arms were stackcdjand the hot and! wearied heroes allqffed several .hours to rest, ns the'day «vas Intensely op pressive; Jit is i,.-well-known fact that the [California was com posed, with but ■ mW. exceptions, of Philadelphians, a jmmbcr of whom theflutlior was welEacquainted with. Seeing so many fulmar laces, 1 asked if there wefejahy at all: in' the regiment, aid in answer was introduced to a firasS manly looking .fellow, who was putting his way past at the moment, ij Wfth- him I bad a' yoty long and plea«ta*gMeiiationi: during which! thar&is^fath er had known Colonel Baker whena poor friendless youife. map, and had it | in his power to do film some acts of j.jkindncss for Which ! ihp nrateful hero subsequently repaid; him. ' The I son, whose name is Btecs, or Stetson; for something like happening to jbe ir Philadelphia, and almost adpr jing Baker, was arttpng the foreihosl Ito join, his father’Syhenefnctor when [the latter announced his- intention of j taking the field: Upon the depart ure of the i-cgiment.a dny or two later,! ' bade the -Californian gopd-bye ; j and heard no more fromhim until ijecent ly, whhn happeningftojiave bilsiness at the Post Office, we again met- Of course, pftcr the usual salutiPns, the conversation {naturally turned upon the 'disastrous; battle of Ball’s Bluff. . And 'with fdars in'bis Cyes the no ble follow related thi; mC the particu lars of the fight, from thejinoraeht the troops were thrown!across the Poto mac till Baker fell,i(ind the shrill bu gle notes ordered a retreat. !| , “But,” said ho, atjtliis point of the narration, “you talßfabotit romances Shd fiction j thero’sUa Xitltle incident! connected with Colonel Baker add the battle, that seems Beyond belief, but it is true, nevertheless. The fight had reached the point; inhere the ene my began to-leave icover and come down on us • pretty.-.hqavily! and our. lines ■were: shaking ahd wavering, and gladualy falling bafle. Just therfCol onel Baker, who had been helping to serve a eonplo of the condition ofsffaini atid.cp r nng forward, baiehcaded| from thff-’guns, waving hls-sWord and shouting-: 1 ‘“Steady, stopped, and The boys springing up: their pieces firm-and squafCrdid tol-1 low him, I! tell you, | with a most'ten | rific yell. Aiid in spite of everything, although the Southerners outnumber- ; cd hs four to one,’ if. Colonel Baker 1 had lived' fifteen minutes longer! we! would 1 have, cleared the’ field] j , But | iunfortidiatelyi, at tile very, moment wo ■ were beginning to drive diir-lbes back —ifH they fought splendidly;—oiir 1 gallant leader, felljiri. of : |a ! squad of rebels that he was t.ry|ng to |btcak up. A rebel captain yelled out at this moment: | -jv |P _ “ ‘That’s Baker, pied-; Get him.” And the Mississippiana' made Ij a dash for the pody.j As they ids w light built, ibut beautifully shajjedisol dmr, sprang forward out of tjjie ranks j and screamed ih;a shrill, Vfeiniuine voicec. y j,;' ,i| ■■ 1 1 J “ ‘Save hiii ! save dear Edward 1| | “Our men instantly gave s-yejl, and the moment folio Wing a dozen, bead ed by this private jahd Captain Befid,; were fighting hand to hand with the, foe. over the dead body of pur beloved Colonel. The captain at Ihsl i getting hold of the; corpse, bore it [back, while the men closing ih behind him, effect- ! ually prevented the rebels from ap proaching him. Not one of iis, how ever, fought SvitLfithe valor*or ferociv ty of the private who was now bat tling devotedly with the enciny. ’ j “There was a mysterious attach ment and cnHosity, that I cannot ac count for, that drew me toward the noble fellow,'and 1 made my wgy to- ] wards him. iAslteached his side, fell pierced with a rifle ball. Throw ing down mj'piece, I quickly caught up his prostrate, form -land hurried away for the, river, which provided: tially I reached unharmed. But, up on coming to the Tfopnd ilwus impossible to get across, an|d so carry-. ing my charge to aylonso thicket, in a piece of poplar woods-near by—lor the pursunig enemj’ were shooting |its down from the ; bluffs . above* —I eon coaled him and myself from immedi ate harm. , |■ _"j , | “His wound was tit the left preast, and-as I perceived it must so|ou prove fatal, my efforts were all directed to making him as c»sy as possible.— Stripping off part jof. my clothing,'! made a pillow for its bead, and plac ing niv. canteen to his lips, gave him a drink. This relitvcd him, and look ing uj in my face, he said: ■ I , “ ‘God bless y»h for your, kind t i . ; * ness. i f r “Then, after a abort pause, during which hlis lay as ofc asleop,;he said in tdtered tones—r-in fact the Bwcotes|t vdice 1 over heard, . y ‘ “ ‘Conrado, I amdying; but before I goB wish to jemfide to yob my strange story. I ah,not as 1 seem.— X am a fcnhdo, fthdihy name is iEllen LeClare, ilany yeirswgo, when Col. Baker lived in IKimis, 1 saw him, by chance and fell iff ‘ With him.—| But for! a long’lihi' ’od not make Il38c ;ll_ T rTT - ■I--, i ■-s known- to him personally my passion for . him]; for, although educated 'and handsome, 1 was an "outcast from; so j "|v 4 ; 4-, . “ ‘At last lay love passed all bounds; j and’so one everting, as he wa»l walk ing out alone, I accosted him and made known my feelings, at-the same timcrSvho I Was, and-alas!. what I “was. If 1 loved him before that night, how ever, I loved him tenfold more dearly after that fiist and final interview;— After Slistemng tjo meiand gaining from I me my history, )■-he said: ! , “Alas l.my poor child,; that you come to this. Go and try to do better.’7 1 “ ‘And slipping some money .inio my hand, be turned ‘and left me stand-- ing, bewildered with surprise and ad miration of. his noble- and unusual virtue. Finally, however, I awoke from my reverie, and dashing' the, money ftebajd giptjr me into the street] f basienea to my wretched home,,and wept till mofnibg. When 1 awoke, X' resolved to do’as he had,advised‘me, |aiid from tbkt day to -the .present I i have been pure, though 1 neveiv deem ed myself wort by to address him again, tlpon, his going toAlexieo,! followed j him in the disguise of a soldier, tended ojn him through! the whole .campaign, add still foUow,cd::him on his return.,X And since then therehas never pass-, ej a day, let him he where be would, on the Atlantic or the Pacific Shore, that I have dot looked ujion him with, my eyes, although he has forgotten all about the outcast . Magdalene, Who bus for. many- a y L ear loved him dearly, but sbcretly ; for Since our firejt mjeet; ing It have always avoided recognitilbn by him, 7' j ■ 4' . ■ “ ‘This afternoon I s:iiv him sink .o bis glorious gory bed, and I cam die in peace. ._Oh! 1:loved him better than I Ipved my own-poor sinful soul I. , ‘ob, Edward would to God I had known you ’ere the blight of vied bad fallen upon' me; then I would always j have been good and pure. 4But Chl-vst | has washed me of my -impurity,-and j I shall meet you soon mow,, Edward, ] dear Edwkrd ! •; • : : '■ “The dying speaker, as a bright! gleam shot from! her beautifkl eyes, i stretched put her arms, as though she saw the shadowy spirit pf the depart ed man. ’flic effort, however,was* her last; with a gurgling groan, a crimson tidp burst ,from her month, bearing with it ihfo'ieternityherredeemed land loying sdiil.V 74 ■-■■■- I , ' 7 : ' , JF or some time, despite the dangers Str a n go* history.! bud about my waist a belt with some ■Mu-i at last, thought I, wiltb tjpuld.’bdlp 1 money*;-but'a large suin whichlrhacl loving Coloneljllakor,"fpr it.he ;jo loy ti uuks ijvt is i os t- ■ noblest man 1 ever knew ! 7) ' 47-" j 7‘, While-’ thus Standing at the bows. ■-..A 1 About. l midnight I procured IwUh | grasping 1 my; continued Mr. u Spfido, and, going Id the ; ifat'es, a little girl, aMpvely- Child -of thicket where! the fair heroine lay 7 1 ■ about eight ycal’&.-ofif.igc/eamb up tp dug her. a grave. About' hev7ijpek| me iflitd asked me tof-save,; Lev. Ilcpj was a Woven guard, to'the; name wiisAddib Manchester' .and her end of wliich wnls-i«lthehbd something • father Ihjes dh i San-lEvanciscp. She that was concluded in her bosom— said: - | i < -’7 7-,:-4t4 •7' | Curiosity’ led !mb to draW ’ this Hbrth, ‘P, miotcr; can you lavim V- ' - - ur.d.i found itito| be a'little plain,gold ,“1 told', hbr; could. >Sbo -begged, medallion, containing | a Mikeubss ,of mb .so. hard' to sUva her that ; I deter- Col. Baker. Reverently, I -retUfhed |mined to try to|j|o SP anyhow! -I’ told the valued trinket to the cold-, to,-save her if she breast of,'thei'pwnejc, f and .tlicn w,rap-J Would do just;as 1: loldVher. She ping-the lighi front of Ellbn'LeplerOjl said : - 7-7 7 7- in my oWn blue overcoat, I pressed a 1 S '■‘l yvill dp just as you tel] ipc.— kiss upoA thb; marble forehead,7laid l-Save mb, doj don’t want, to the hafloWod IboAygently.ih the grave; I bebdi owned.” ;A 7 - 7.7 j and' covered it nicely with the -damp I showed her how.to act —to get on clod. '4 | 1 -4 • i iny back and grasp me tightly, but “If you ever go down the Potbipae/f that"s|ie- must j not leboke trie. .She continued the barrator, with fmuch promised to dp just as I-to|d her.— feeliiig, ‘stop- on the right bank oppo- bbo ,vas quite Jc001.7 Just as the, |ip site Harrison's ikland, arid'a little way got up go ns thp vefoM struck the bar. from the north side of a-i poplai* w*o.ods I got. over with me,— you will no dbuht see the - gravb Shyk held on to me tight, as I told her tp, mound 1 '4 ‘ do. 1 struck ftfr the beach, not far ‘Just as I hadlcompletedmympnm- off. The breakers ran very bigb,J,l ful story " continued Stetson, after a, got past the first one in safety with pause, “several balls-whistled .elPse a- my but den. I j gPV past .thev second bove mo, wnriiing tho one also.' AfTcr the third wore sullenly’ keeping up their- mur- ono, I found that Addie was gone. I derous fire I liastenod to tho river, turned round and saw her going down 1 A swam to the iotlier Isidc, and thus ea- behjnd me. A; man on a plank,; who j - 6 , capcd to relate ' the narrative.! have was passing, grasped her by the hair j . 7 just tbld you.” : ai}dt pulled her on his plank.j , I saw] 7 J i J shoiwas safenitban with me, so Icon-1. ■:j tinned on, ap'd was; dßaggbd on. the : beach. - I Idy-j on the beaeii ir. sensible| . ; for about half! an hour. When I caiiie 8 - '“. n . C to ! saw'Addie. Shb yv as lively. i n*!^ .]-!I dug- a hole in the sand to keep-! , ; Warm j in. Wo buric|l the dead each] a Pl )0 ill a separate glove,-which wb scraped blit with our hands and pciecs of board. 7' ! “Xoxt morning w 6 travelled inland., 111 c 0 About five miles off we reached a spring. Here we rested. Some of Pur party .then .started,- across /tho J .mountain to reach Manzanilla ; others, \f including myself were- to remain until ■ assistance reached us. ■ We had noth ing to eat. That afternoon, aiid, after our friends had. left us, the St; Louis came along'iahil'todk■ us-aboard,” f a@.A “s««|rkoi’b” idea: of soundness is aptly illusttrdl ed. in thbj remark of an old bee .hunter in one of the Egyp-! tiau counties. The “times werb the topiq of Conyorsjation and|the sound ness of the various Illinois liariks wus under discussion. Among these is tlie' Gaston Bank; qtyned liyl Smith, a pop ular man anjong the “ coppc|ras-b]«cc|»- es thereabouts, j M r ■ ' . j “Is Smith sound ?” inquired one> of the party. 1 - ■'{■;• : T T : Jlncjb Milt, an old pioneer, taking his piplcjionqa hole in his face like a slit in! a shfe of sole-leather, broke ' • . - • Si"' : I ■ I •' * I out:,,, I ‘J “Sbund ! Smith sound J Well; hew. Ho never wiir sick in j Ills life, Weighs than 180, {voted fur Duglisi’nhd believes in l'-tcall that sound— some! ! j/ ’ t ' ! ** ; Anlujsu Name for AiYANKEE : MAX-j of- War. —The wlorkmcn ol t lie Brook lyn uavy-yard;ljA largo lpropprl(6p| of whom’ arc .Irish, aro delighted at a jute act of Secretary ■\V'elle9, One of the vessels uow|in course of construc tion at the yaf(lj underlihe supervision of Mr.' D.elano,; is -to be* called the “ShaihrockL” *The Irish - woijkmen declare that Mr ' Lincoln “should man her W'th Irishthen and send her after the 290.” It isj quite certain that it ah: Irishi nayap|tngate [were wahjtedj aiid a regular hiavy buiit man pf-war called the SUadu-ocklihade'flag-ship; no drafting would ( be required to jpro vide a crew in Brooklyn- |j' '• ii- , Established 1818» t'!.. ,- J - ■ : i i'- ■■ i , Terrible Scene at Sea NARRATIVE OP A SURVIVOR FROM THE - , ', GOLDEN GATE. ; , | Mr. A 3 Bates, a steerage passenger, on ’ board the California steamer Gol den i Gate, furnishes a San Branclsco taper with’ the following Interesting' arrative pt the'scenes on board that vessel when she was, burned at sea : “The iday was very warm, and I was sitting on 1 deck forward. ■ This was about half past four o'clock in the aftertfoph ; all was quiet. I suddenly saw f smoko , issuing from the deck, about midships, and near the smoko stack.. I walchea it amoment, when, becoming ponyinced -there wfis a fire, I; cried otit. Just at tjiis moincnt others saw the smoke too, and wc all rushed towards the pumps or brakes, forward, which .were chiefly .used- for cleaning the deck. ' 'j-'j ; ' 1 “\Ve used the pumps as* best we ,t66k a few minutes, .when'h 'sce ngrt would do no good. I went forward, find bad no life preservers’ for thej were in tfie'boats behind, and t no one Could go ; through the, fire after theiii ■ In- about five imputes from tlfe time I Saw this smoke tbc flalncs purst jthiough the It seemed ]as if meansrjbr "’extin guishing, aVfiro Jjhad been neglected, for the pnmps 1 wpi|lcrnot work “The flames kept coming forward every moment,find all pressed still Closer, to the boWs. 1 ' Ropes were nosy , attached to thd j-vesseL and |thrown oyer the sides, to hold on to. Sonic were so frightened that the ' moment the fire cpme nearfthem they plunged and .were drowned. Others cl imbed; oyer, add held onfto ropes as they could. They got bx haasted and dropped! off, singly'and .impairs, add were lost. • . v - I‘ - There were ten ' boats aboard— enough to save - every soul on boat cl— but only three of them could be. irot out. Two Of these', .loaded chiefly jwil’h the crewj got safely to the shore. The other sailed'away for Manzahilla, ,and has nflt. been heard from. . The men rthat got into leaped :overboartl,.and were jmked lip. - ; The |offioers seemed |to do Very welf and the men were hot insubordinate, but appeared to obey orders and work jweil.,' ■■■ •■■■■ ■; ■■.r.j;-; Jv, j“I secured a rope .and -determined ~ ,0 tho last moment. Bffi,Ari Englishinin boaislirig to an Irisiiian that porter was. meal and drink, soon after becairic very drunk, and returning home fell into a ditch, where 3?at discovering him,' exclaim ed ,■■ ' , \, .. .■ j' “ An' faith an’ 1 you said it was mate and drink to ye;and by mo. s.oul it's a much belter thing, for it’s Ivashin’ and ledgin too.”' - ! TiieTl S Navy-—The United States Navy |s nn\v^br : very noon will be, composed of more, than 320 vessels oi‘ war, which i, a large proportion are iron clad gunboats. So'. far as the Ohio' aiid Mississippi are-’,■concerned, there I are about twenty-five, ,gnn boats] •ready for service ir^thosorivers.—[N. Y. Tribune. -:.,j > . j =ME r . :.■■■■[ ,| vi' ■' 1 ' ■ ->■' j? _ W.. ■■ ‘ r ,■ < ’ 4 —■ a..— ~***>»■»• ■ ■-<-■ t',> ■ '-ftH li ,' v-i 1 -v- - II ICE TO ADVERTISERS. NO rtiseatents inserted at' the rate of 60 ir square— insert on il' A libeiil dipconht made tb yearly - jervatidqn long advei-fisenients. i; - ‘ ice equal to twelve lines of tills t^pe Adven cents pfci 25,'cents; advertisi A spai measure* d as a square. .. > d notices 26 per cent, addition toreg-, ■' kr ■■■' r ; ■ -v - ,• • | ■!'_.•• rj- • , f >_ ea; cards, 75 cents a line, per year v Spccii ular rati Busin Slams And othen iges and Deaths, Religious, Politioa r Notices of a public nature, free] : ; .:.A; WEDDING IN WAR. j;V ■ • The following is a capital sketch ; ; from tl e p?n of Henry Ward Bee’cjh- '[ or, who'attended’ the wedding hp de- ! scribes, in a 2few Englaiad village:! j . A young soldier, justj going to,this 'wars, meant to' give to his girl-the right to come lb’him should he be siclt ,br woupded. fforntorrow be leaves. To-night they must be married. To Mr. Frank Brinsmado's Ah posted. lIOw came it to be here ? ■ volunteer had got his “certificate’; of the.town-clerk, and he bad stepped acrossi‘ vhe street and told '.our friepd that ibrave soldier was hunting foil' a minister. Just then,in' stout,coarse; soldier’s blue, came the, man, and bis flower by his side. By oho of those gonerops * sympathies .'that' seize, good | people, put,ran. a noble woman to in vite them to stop, and be married tteiejand as several conuoctediami lies Were ,gathered there Tor'air eve ning’s ’Singing, there Acre[a’score pf maidens ready . to greet the;’bride; and many men to welcome the, bride groom. ‘ No one had ever seen the parties,(hr knew aught of them. -It • was enough that tire man was going to .fight for, the old flag.;* We.Jooked’ ; in their jfaces, and were satisfied: iTlie, ! rooms’ were, thronged’; 'Tiro sCiryicoV proceeded and closed,. ! Then some one, unbidden, but-moved -toy dp, it,- began to sing, ‘.‘Guidom’ej t), thori: great ‘Jeli.oy|ihj’.’.- all [joined, Then 1 “America” and the -Star-Spangled Banncr’j’j \yerc ’added. Flowers [were-- brought in for the young wife— day-lillijcs and geranium leaves.. Thd* dear, venerable mother of the neigh* borhc od and circle sat by the paJC and pretty child-wife, giving;, her.'-good . cheer pud comfort. Little remem i brancers were , sought out itne : guests, and an enthusiasm pf kindgc|s;.- filled %e hours, Thds twO strangers, at Iwi fight, tamo riding into,the' town, [seeking a 1 solitary, wedding 1 , in order ; that on the morrow; Ijie going to war, she might have a right to wear his, nampif, They were*. stopped, caught out of their vchiclej borne i hto a refin ed bomb, surrounded with scores loving hearts,-! ail delicately cllCring. ['service jand maldUgUip-ma wedding that, forglow and'joy and gladness, few cvcnjof those most favored, • can give own children. ; = j 1 Well, \je have heard that New^Enj laud people were cold, .witbout enthi siasm or hospitality !. , ’:'■■■! hymn. til C> uijrartni *- pulsations of song, and xeceAed fro oiir .sighti 'The West gl.owcdj voi faintly: The stars were thick. Tl 'day wan done,-and so was ourlstay:l jtho-gooil'.ly tojVn of Washington.'. I i ■ j . i -.r. i -i ’ ■ * El J.IT' -i . ; The Jlaso of it; — Old Judge S., a considerable jlanneiv ’in ;Yih - mogtji bought a nhw.scythft.far his sou .Tifnf ( and set him to ,thd mcadOWi with of the haymakers;. . | , ‘Tt 'cion’t work right,” said Jim lp| the honored ‘•parieut’’after a clip or two. . “What ;is the matter with it,” en quired iho’ Jiidge: ' > ,=>• j ,.| ‘Tt don't hung rigid on the] smiitl ' said Jim.stopping to adjust the seytliij knew., j ; dd ■' ■ ‘ I ’ V‘ : j;- .Scythes often plague-the-mowers inj this, yray, at'firsts and Jim’s scytiior was ,]iavtieiilarly obstinate; 7 Sh'iiW; •. i old geuitlcmau tinkered over and pvepV again. . - ■; •;! , !/o I ' i“lt don’t hang any better,” said U i nt;. : plaintively./ , : . , ' ' ‘tThcn hang it to suit yourself, ”ssiid! ►the Judge. ■ i \ -J uV i “So 1 will,” said Jim—and hanging the' ■ seuthe on the tree, he lazily retired fid m . the field, Tho as ton i; “parient” 1 vjdk •trsliglitu shed' but,"lie letlbmi went. 1 ’ <:■■■ ■ ■ .1 ■ 'r , . - ■ '■/ . y. (ROTHER OF .'MItS. LIXCr.I.X :ess. —J. S. B.jTodd; v. 1.0 ,1 .deetcddelegato'in Cong'-ess fr icw: territory of Daeotaliy 'is id- of Mis. J<iiii;o’.n. iiiid a gra ;f West: rdiid. fnt 1801. He I Vvis. ppsiitqn in’the army a 1 i ago. and took up a residence itah, from’ d-lneb territory he i ntod' a brigadier general of' era;:’on the 10th of Scpteml .1 , lie'has lnje« nio*t of the 4. in Npfthicrn Missouri; iDiKRS /Voting, out tu e. ; —The lowa Legislature c 1 1 on the 3d till.' -In lire Ho' !ollo>vin<y resolution was adopt! lsolved, That the Committee .ions, berequested to prepare i :U a bill’ to this TiOuse.-at,t’| cst coejveniencc, sp_ amending] ; as to permit citizens of the St oiva in the military’ service otj led States to vote wherever dl be iii the United States, the siji hoiigh . they were'ati their of • uf i evidence. BQuGcjk John Cochrane is opinion! tb"at iv-hcu the ikbel army' , fled from Antietum tijfey ivere qWto dem mdizcd, and hadl\ ohr Gcinials . . krio'vn: Ibeir icond,itioiy-they easily have routed them dutirely ; yet-?; Ihgrs were; good and sufficient rea suna'i. * for hot hastily following, them Geii: C.* says bo finds no dissatisfy tidif in ttmarmy at the Emancipation I rdc- .1 lamidiori, and bis observations are apt '■ to ttic present time. The, Rebels arc enhiicmg tto Conscription Act , ivifh rigiji seyerity, not only in the or tit*' ly ltobel State s, but iii Eelitncky Vi ‘ ■ ■ AfT ■ ■ flis- 1:1: <i 2..&: - / ■ - ,-V -4- •Vv Wj .< 10.. 111-S ' hf I*d eiv ill rajs • •oi ier, _l; E *?r 5 oii- T use!.; l>4 -f J qnf lin^ [the ■■■:■ [ato' thfc. hoy .rt : ime iunl * MIMI • El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers