The Democratic Watchman. BY P. GRAY MEEK JOE W. FUREY, ABBOCIATI EDITOR Terms, $2 per Annum, in Advance BELLEFONTE, PX: Friday Morning, Oot. 20, 1871 Beaten but not Conquered With the moire ol the battle cleared sway, we have the oad amourance of a Democratic defeat in the State ; but, thank Heaven, we are not demoralized, nor have our forcer loot their courage. Many cauoex have conspired to pro duce dna result. First, there was the apathy of our own people. With all our efforts, we were not able to get out our full vote, while, on the contrary, 4 ; our opponents took every man they had to the polls• Many Democrats slept during the roar of the contest, while every soldier of the opposition was under Arnie and hurrying to the fray. Second, the whole riONVer anti patron age of the State and Federal flovern ments were exerted against us. We had to fight not only the Radical party of Pennsylvania, but the Radical party of the whole Union. That orgaroza tion in the other States lent all the aid it could to its ally in this State, APrid ing it money and 'Tirane wherewith to carry on the doubtful contest Ott the defeat of the Democracy of the Key atone State, Dire year, depended all the Radical hopes of future triumph, and hence all the force arid power of that nnacrnpuloue and plunder gorged party was enhilled to bring the fight to a succeNeful reeve. Then, too, the GRANT and GEARI adrlllniAtrßliOnm brought their gone to bear against ire, notifying all their officeholders that lack of effort, either in work or contributione, in behalf of Radicalism, was treason to the party, and, as such, would be plitilehed by rile loss of their positions. Promise% and threate were alike held nut to urge the riolifTereik and rareleso into the harness, and thus the "Jug' gernaut " of Radical despoti.on has once more rolled its niieek over the Liberties and hopes or the people of Pennsylvania. Ti.lrd, the Nr.uo RESERVE FOR 4 t Wag in/11111 . 11 •re , l Agningt 110 In tali Tilitilben4 They depi“ye.i inlo Illy field by coin pall tee, batted regt I.rlglithl+, and ill V le.lOllP, over 311,000 etrung! Had it not been for (heap. we N 11.0111,1 1111Ve aOll the light in spite of our own apathy', in opite of the power and patronage of the (ever al and Stale tio.ernmente, in elm° of GI•NT . 3 bayonets, minions and office holden+ flit three Mark rnseale turn ell the tide of battle and Recto - et! the disastrous result whereby Will)%l} 1004 Once more 11 - 11110 plied on et Illcur and LIIICRTY Made way for 14.sturrt‘v ' iill.l:in Img ever. .r are Imt c..,, , ilit•red nor dl,l, Mr I ged The tune will yet enure when all these croohed paths will tie male straight, awl ievert Wrong. lie nyhii i We hate faith tit the 1 Ilium. Find in the people The ruKht of defeat lan( 10re..., •nd the ,11111 4,1 Deni. 4 riot :cei ittlwie oat all the wore briiirtintly lor the present temporary eclipse. Get ready, then, fir the grand earn paigna of 1h72, and let the foo , fortune of to-day oak incite you to tom... vu.! oroue and determined eflortm hereafter o, l r principles are eternal and the truth can never dri Ilse proclaniatinn of Governor of Texaa, declaring martial law in that. Stair, Wahl taken lip in [he Leg 'Aaiun. on Saturday last. A rt,nln lion endorsing the !WHIM 111,1115 error was opposed by some .it tlie lead mg RadlettlY,liinorig them Mr Mundy, of I;xlvesion county, who said: "1 shell rote against the Governor's pros Inurxuon o; marital law, because I think it illegal. 1 will riot be deterred Irmo the expression ot my opinion against the proclamation by the cry of has rig gone over to tire Democirata. shall rote against it because 1 am a lifialilivari, sail regard the proclarna tion as destructite of the party arid subversive of the constitution and lib erate“ or the people. The Governor has made a mistake, and I will not be compelled under party litelling to en dorse and ratify an error. My county has increased its Democratic majority from one hundred, two years ago, to two thousand now, and the increase is canoed by enforcing just such illegal and irregular declarations of martial low as we are now considering." The people repudiated the action of the Governor in a most emphatic manner at the late election, and the endorse ment of Governor Davis by the Legis lature wiil not take from the value or lesson of the popular verdict. —lt to reported that Jefferson Davis int..i.ds to make Baltion , re his perma nent home. One More Unfortunate Alter all the crocodile tears that have been shed over the white man's Hum tics and cruelty to the negritrl-aller all that has been said in regal, to the in telligence of the black man find of hi right to vote, a recent occurrence war rants the assertion that the negro tm far more cruel and unfeeling toward hie own race than the white man ever was, and that hie "intelligence - is nor flielent to allow hi m to comprehend the fact that every man in this cone• try has it right to vote as he pleases. The occurrence to which we allude took place in Philadelphia on election ,Any, and was in this wise: A negro went to the polls to vote, and put in a ticket that did not suit the masses of his colored friends. Tito consequent , was, they raised a row about it, Caine to blows, pursued the unfortunate dar key to his home, and killed him on his own door-step. ;inch was the direful fate to which the untutored and big° ted "intelligence" of these people con signed one of their own number arid color. ity this it may be /teen that the boasted "intelligence" of the negro race is all a chain. They are intolerant, cruel and prejudiced In their native w this, under the hot awi Of Africa, they are mere savages, beasts, cannibals- - devouring the flesh of their enemies taken in war, and dancing, in hideous joy, around the roasting carcasses of their victims. To the people of the South alone is the credit due for tattling down and improving the naturally bad and vicious disposition of the black race in this country. l'inler the liar monizing influences of slavery, as eon ducted at the South, the African bonds nien lost, to a certain extent, the ma lignant cruelty of their natures and their posterity, along with their mon ral heathenish vices, have likewise in herited the acquired virtues of their progenitors Hence, the race is mome what improved to-day from what it way when the first specimens w ere imported into this country Nevertheless, ,t retains us 11111111111 intolerance and prejudice, and no instance ip its hi. tore has proved that it can he elevated iito an‘llliilg like the and life that Might to hell/ate It Niel . tr 110M . ..11101 uppire in lie citizens (it It tree go%rfnment (II .111 Ii i lir rottlit ul nhiprits nt Penn.\ .ion to dm? The Illnek men, who slew one of their own color, lit one of the most elirnOntilized eitiem in the world, for rhoolong to tole onlepen dentli, lire the rote,, who e.)11111(.1• that tioijoriti, and who to dot, hold the Intl mice .11 1,41Vk Pr 111 the Key -lone Stale Sar the In-it we (Ito Omni then), the\ art. Milt ft «light inipro,elibert ra , mll.ltl. id the A frteltil judged I t their iltNti 111.114111 X liil.l 111550. neither uu rd llo,f legal right 14. vote, '1,1.'1.1% 1.1;1.111, -.111-.l;_, Ilte piVier ;Old irene . liet pmts . Hutt ~1 1111pled eil• /IN ill 1111. 11 , 1111ri li. ((Wit 1.11,1111 Hereafter. let nellher l l,r rill V 1141 r I ilt• 111%.!rell, lieft.Nelvem have anything 1. -ay ILuII the linpoßitsone and ertieltir. dint hive hverl prxPllCtd 111)1111 tile 111/Irk Mall So long 1111 the South li/1 , 1 Ihem m charge. n great howl %va owed, but now nigger can kill logger, tool the lin•heale have not a word to Hay "I I , Colimitileiley thou art indeed a jewel " —The Democracy of Mifflin, Un lON and Sus do. COlllitien have covered themselves with glom eleelinc lei r.ll. President Judge of that district, of er the present incumbent, Judge Worm , . In 1 , 4;1 Woos. was elected over Si E•hill 1,, fi maj.trit), but now LILA tiLs detests him by nitte votes. Mifflin county given litlenza 27R of a majority , finis)) gives Woons 27R, and Snyder pet decides the matter by giving her nine Tnajortly to Mr. Mt it vit. We would just ask the Democrats who eta) ed away from the polls in this county to make a note of this. It shows the importance of one rote, and how easily Mr. Ituctiza might have been defeated or Judge Woons elected by a change of only four or five votes. In times like these, every vote is all important, and no man, who is a man, will neglect the opportunity to extreme the right of a razz citizen. —Centre county would have given 700 major;ty for Olt State ticket but for pretended Democrats, who told the Radical., there wait great dieeatietac• Lion in the party with the county ticket, and thus encouraged them to work, and thecouraged the Democratic maases. --The modest individual in this place who signs himself General Jean A. Heaves. hag come to the isonclusioni since the election. that people don't be. lieve a pretentious Christian, who lies, a hit quicker than any vile else. REFURNS OF CENTRE COUNTY, FOR 441141t400 Hue lieu kelvin Associate Judges.' Atembly - T - Tieas. Con - L .— II - lit AF • y — Atidfair. Surs'y l i ...-----* .-----------., ~.---, - ---s ,-----.----, ~.---,,, ,-------, ..------t------, ,--....-----, ..--t---„, .----"---, Ilosseaus 1 I z tra g tf ' , 7 , 1 i /.. t'' 1:5 t . 4 Et EC 1 r •,..,,. 7, , T .53 0 0 Et ',l 5' P, "a AND . : - 3 t? U . (1 o t 1 ai : a ' ' '4 : 1 ; " to" "to 0 r t , i r !-- 3 ' 'l'owlutrs. 2 P '' . ' g ' 1°- po . - 1 • P tl 41 • ..:.. z.- : : : 140 ; • 33 : Bellefonte W. W . .... 45 131 45 7.1' 1 11 i - 5 441 43 75 7431 541 04 -33 81) 41 Bl 46 77 46 77' 46 -7 16 $ W . I ll s 96' 105 98 193 0 102 09 103 97 115 87 80 117 911 104 107 97 107 06 1119 04 N. NV 72 1551, 72 Ibl . 212 13 72 62 162 150 78 , 140 54 177 70 161 70 1110 70 160 73 168 MI I otam rg bur . 37 71 37 71 107 1 37 37 71 67 1 39 72 5 2 56 314 72 38 72 38 72 38 71 Unionville bor .. 181 4') 19 49 04 4 10 19 60 60 20 40 19 18), 19 50 19 50 19 54) 19 40 Floward her ...... ... 311 i 39 .10 6) 65 5 18 37 54 33 32 38 28 42 30 40 30 401 30 40 46 24 l'hlittedeirg bor . . 112' 116 112 136 242 7, 111 111 138 1.44 MI 138 110 140 112 138 112 13 8 112 138 112 137 111 257 131 1 2.57 .402 17 ' 133 138 2.5.5 240 429 253 131 251 130 258 130 258 1811 268 131 245 Boggy Iwp Benner . . • 105 851 165 tiril '246 4 161 I/2 7 )3 87 1 05 1 , 68 841 145 ,p 1 103 42 153 ,4 tl5 16 , 6 83 160 444 166 , 64 140,981114. .+7 411 27 411 114 4 27 4 38 26 4 1 27 I. 1 42 20 42 211 42 26 42 nirtin. ....• 4 - 6 281 48, 29 70 0 4.5 54 31 22 47 28 50 60 27 NI 27 47 26 47 29 Ferguson . ... . ... 212 164 1 212 161 1, 306 It) 211 309 101 164/ 1911 163 211 1415, pro 165 209 1)17 213 163 218 163 41441rg . 2 0 1 78 281 761 33.1 8 203 2112 74 72 251 78 251 711 ' 258 73 265 71 261 7.5 '2Ol 75 Hanle , . . 164 86 104 861 245 3 131 161 87 871 157 87 162 - 147 11)0 87 164 86 162 87 162 , A 7 11811 1.101111 • . 44 80 44 891 12.5 7 45 46 88 88, 28 84 46 88 44 440 42 01 14 49 88 46. 88 1Inrrl• .. 1741 2261 176 2261 495 7 178 170 226 2241 1 4 266 17 5 'Z.27 164 232 177 118 174 227 1611 222 Howard . . 64 781 04 78 1 134 4 GO, 73 81 04 63 79 6- 79 64 78 64 78 63 78 'l2 70 1104100 6 , 4 113 69 lll' l MN 7 49 ' 61. 110 112 5.3 107 49 11.21 51 1111 61 144.1 57 111 61 111 1.119,1 y . 90 120 61 119 166 14 42 471 148 132 86 1191 112 I* , l 6.1 122 60 124 03 122 6111 122 Motrion .. N.! 44 i 02 44 , 195 8 2 si n i 2 . ril 49 ti, 83 44 22084 .1 _Bl 4)1 84 81 46 81 45 st 45 Mlles .... 228 63 I t2B "i i PIN 2 . 271 54 64 202 84 1. 5 2 871 7 1 4 1 221 1,2 54 22)1 113 224 5 4 l'. 1 ion . 64 911 64 90 148 6 64 04 . 89 , 66 ... . 2 9, I 3 63 92 413 91 .. ..... 231 3111 231 341 218 2 226 229 30 33 , 218) 15 231 33 208 36 229 33 230 33 212 28 Penn Pottor . 3. - ,1 j 13.1 j 354 13.11 466 In 368 354 124 1261 33,1 1 , 0 348 134 3521 121 3.54 131 354 131 364 131 92 , .56' 92 54 144 a 02 03 511 651 94 55 93 69 1131 211) 89 66 96 56 94 65 14114'3 Snow 141104. 11211 84 1 121 Ai 198 7 1 124 1261 84 841 128 77 123 8011 1491 137 V 124 1411 123 83 PM 78 138, 180 1 1 138 180 302 141 1 139 131 1/61 186 124 178 124 1811 1191? 200 139 • 181 140 181 139 181 Spring • • 4)4, 6311 481 52 In 7: ' 41 4t 67 57 4, 52 44 64111 41' nal 44 66 0 .1 66 44 66 I',4v 'or 1'41141 691 96,1 69! 9641 , 151 911 66 68 95 94 69 915 , 1 62 9711 0 0 v7ll Its 9 7 •68 97 118 96 Walker , ~,,I IEI II 1761 6111 2..6 1111 175 174 147 24 172 0111 60 118 1 173 91 163 07 ' 1 174 90 1741 95 Werth . 481 88,, 447 80 1 1 II.) ' 10 1 48 46 7l M I 41 81 l7 70 ' 1 4.5 141 45 NI , 45 81 45 NI . ' y 0, 1 2 97 8 1 .14-,0 29751 4114..'.r 2;1 i ' 3435 .143:90.14 2921 . 33611 296 0 :4175 3062 :1336 3067 ii:45 1 29114 :14114 1 2999 il l .l -1 9 292$ TOTAL :113 1 269 .... 4591 . --.. — 44.9 , —1 ...11 5711 ....-. M iIoRITIFIL i.1 2 1, -11 i9 ; , i , ! 59221 :1 401 3991. .. .. 711 3811 18 of the County I orrected and compared with the official count, as filed in the rreetfigures m every township and for WE republish the retur Prothonotary's Offne, in e.ery Candidate. The in Philipsburg and one in house. Whet the Matter Is I THE Ne.tiaoral Yea; that itt IL --that'm what Ia the matter with Penney! Varna. THIC Nemaottal There nre about thlrll-three or thir. ty (he 1110)I101711111 negro VIII Vrp , 111 I hl4 SI RIC, and the liadieal nntijority at the late election wan ABM T MM.% TllOl SO,l , ! SI you Nee where it roineo rn The NV [1114.M have been beaten by the Ntl.lo.lC,' l)011 . 1 too Mee it took all the whole ItaAural partt of the State, and more than !loot thousand toggera beside. to beat the Democrats? .err lllfll if n leW more i11...1111.11ed w bite men to the Radical ra01,.. who II In ' t wnnl to vole that ttekvt but who were ntraol to voter out agnit..l il, Ilt , l voted wilh the 1t t 00,,,• racy, !lie 'ii ITV MILN of the •to,t, vr.,oi I It,, I r Mill other led C01111111)10,1•161111.1•11111,1 11111 11 1 1. , l • 111/11 the tiiiizer of at 11,111 1 1. 1 ward " Pen/010 , 11 , 1i'; is ruled by Me nig. !Jere But nn • they were afraid of their party, and co helped the thin, thin' mind itarkiem to wield the balance of power in their own favor What kind of white wen are these•' Are they fit to he white Then, alien they 'dome to stand h, the hest cuter esti, of white men? \Veld we won I he ittoNl,Creoll them (lin. WM. Pee hoW It W yn going to work, Or they mtglit have dime better lierealler, we hope they will look he lore they leap Rut that to the u IC Ike ek•etl.lli W/4,4 earned for the It tiliealx It wan all done be the negro vote. TiOA 14 a great eliante arid ehould cause a blush 1110011 the cheek ~1 csery white man who voted the lia.hcal ticket. The conclusion is Flow Alieviiable that Nrattoem hold the balance of power to Penomolvanta ' White Men ! thnik of ill Another Radical Victory—More Tri umphs for the Party of - Moral Ideas." "Trotthies generally t ravel in troopa." So 111/1.• 1111 e triumph tread close upon the /1.4.1. of another Las mearrely got its throat cured from the exertions it 101 l forth crowing over its victory in Penney Ivania, until IL Ia again called 1111011 10 shout over the victory of is alhee ••dow 111 'rennet' nee " By telegraph from Nashville, on the 16th mat , we learn that an at tempt was made in Bradford county, liv iiegroes, LIP connuit ii rape upon Mrs. Blessing, Mien Kogan Patterson and Mrs. Howard, but the ladies suc ceeded ni getting away. On Thursday at mid day Mrs. Hogera wan violated. Samuel Wells, colored, was captured - and Idemitisoi by her. Henry \Vtl hams was identified by Misses Blesating and Patterson an the man who as saulted them. —lf there is one Democrat. in the State who him the consolation of know ing that he did his duty in the recent campaign—he is Hon. Wm. A. Wat t.scs. Had every other individual member of the party worked but half as energetically and faithfully as did he, in plisse of being defeated by seven• teen thousand, we would have come out shouting over a glorious victory. —‘' , bark bones bays been 80 umed in Minnesota. cyder that our readers may have the co Temper 1( e tic ket received six the South Ward of Bellefonte. In Miles Newspeporlal The New York Day Book, that car nen at itn mast head all the time, the banner of "White Supremacy"--one of the bravest, biggest pod bent papers in the western world, has reduced its rates of eithrieription from $2 to .51.60 to mingle miihncribere, and to $l.OO to clubs of five and upwardii. There is no better or no more consinteni Demo remit , paper any where. Adi.ress Day Book office, N. Y. - l'omeroy's (liblic)Cm) Democrat, is now Maid to have the largest circula non of any political paper in the world No wonder There in no other paper 111 the country that can "hold a candle to it" for vim, vigor or downright in terest. Its Democracy to of the outlet net haired kind, and itit editors have the courage to walk right ahead uu matter W home toes are tread upon or whose chins are barked. II BRICICeI Democrat wvit into every houshold the laud there woulilTht he ten men in the entire CA./Until bat would rather acknowledge themselves thieves titan radicals. Subscription :"Al to club s Oa I', S ken, publisher, N --The Christian Compaaion form erk pnblinhed in Tyroto bits been re inoYe.l to Soinermet county It could not tit.] a city-I.4mi/ to have an a cony !mount, up in Blair county, nod it WIN left ill ihrgliNt to meek one. —The Lew I.( ow lb Dern.rratle Sen line! wants to know why we hattn't sent It a NV trt lINAN for three weeks. Ili -reettg to explain," we woniti pet atate that we eriturelt forgot to place it IJ II tier excloteg. list, :111.1 we suppose that must lie it, rt . 11. , 111 flatting remedied that la,li. .oeringlii, we are willing to he forvi,ett to the SUMP de gree that we hat e "trended, and hope that hereafter it wall lie all right. There is a Itainkonie ladies' paper, publielied by FRANK LEMUR at 537 Pearl Street, New York, entitled !hare A WeeA , which is n very beautittil specimen of the typographic art as well as a. bight, avertible and enter tatiting Journal It ghee all the lash ions, and Ia haii.6enielv illustrated, be stiles bring chock full of gotyl litera ture It is really an attractive and in teresting paper, and Ir 'specially in tended for the I pi.ltes. 'Many a 6lip," &o The return Judges for the co unties of Franklin and Cumberland met on Tues day last, and so palpable, flagrant and nutrageolii were the frauds committed by the Radical candidate for Senate— W ISAKLY—that notwithstanding th., fact that to all appearanaes its had elected by some 900 majority, the Judges refused to Wye Ilan a certificate Along with the statement of the num ber of votes polled by each candidate is an affidavit showing that the basest frauds and most unblushing bribery were resorted to, in o; der to cheat the Democratic majority of that district out of their choice of Senator. WEAKLY And his CAMICRONIAN backers may yet flnd there 18 "many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip," and that before be se cures his seat as • Senator, the Rad ical villians that have given bun tie• appearance of success will be pretty well ventilated. GODZY'S LADY'S Boor for November has put in an appearance already, brighter and more beautiful than ever. There is no Lady's Magazine that ex• eels it—none equals it—and fiir the life of us we cannot see how any, who are able, can do without it. Just now is a very good lime to raise clubs for the new year. two in Unionville, one in Libe .burg sixty-one votes were cast fu Right I Go Ahead We are glad to know that tho Chair man of the Democratic County Com mittee has taken the advice of the WATCHMAN, and intends halving the Radical election board of Worth town ship show by what authority they re ceive illegal votes. Ile is right, ■nd every honest citizen in the county, no mutter what party he belongs too, will endorse him for doing so If we arc to have election laws to govern us, then these laws musl he recognized and car ried out, and who will nut do so should be pun islmd The Denuieratic party has contented itself with crying "fraud" for years, and it is high time now that some of these frauds are ferreted out, and an ex &Mph) Wilde of the perpetrator/. The election teo rd of Worth township has seen a little more brazen about it than many of the others, ;Ind the matter may es well be begun there. -"Olonotio old Centre Iler no ble Democracy increased their majority 132 voter, notwithstanding the efforts of niggern, radicals, traitor. and disor ganizern Maras, who woo, 00:110 year. ago, lec turing "11 ',oars" P.spertetwe' anti /IT /le, Vl4llOll Of the Late Rebellion, the Prohil,d tory Liquor LAM, AC., /00 Lo let• 111 1 . 1 1, free, on • 1 ho titteophy ot Memory, ' and exhibit. its TlOnoily night 21111 111111 , al the Bethel M 'melon or Court Honey, •173,, o cloeir If we 11lily Judge (rum Mr 'a high crtmlett : unis front the 111.01 entlnont sourer. 11l the Colintry, 1.1.0 al inure mums be of more than ordinary ilnill.trt•nee • Stanton on Grant A cowspondent of the New York World,titig from Boston, ett)s . A distinguishe' Louisianian wan in Bon ton recently, and lied at interview with Senator Sumner, at his rooms, at th e Coolidge House. Ihiring a lengthy conversation with httn Mr. Sumner re lated an interview, the last he ever had with E 4114 In M Stanton, the late Secretary of War It took place short ly prior to Mr. Stamm 'el death. Mr. Sumner had insole one of hie customa ry units Mr Stanton requested Mr. Sumner t.• come near his bell side The rivlng Mall planed hie bond in Inal. ul Mr. Sumner, and said "Sumner, I am going over the ricer, I shall never recover. I 'nail to nay one word to you laitore I die." Snmner —I hope Chit you are not dying, M r. Stanton, bnt go on, Stanton (cm phatical I ) —Gen. ()rant cannot thin Ile I. ~1 to Illy .1.,11, %It merit In t0ri...1 Stan —I 1111'ilk Lu. broadly 114 I mate it. Sumner —W uy did you not mention this betore the nomination? Stanton —I wan buoy in lily office, and was not consulted by the politicians ,g I. m ide ihe nomination. They did 1,‘,1 eien• into their councils. Sum n er--But, Mr. Stanton, you made et peeches daring the campaign why did you not Kate 111 Itl important tact then ? Stanton—You examine my speechev, and you will blot find one word in layor of General Grant for Preeident. spoke for the Republican party only. Sumner—But you nay Grant cannot administer tile government. l lie nuc• ceeded well in the army, anti the peo ple gave liim credit for our eucceae. Stan ton—(strotehing limb 1118 right hand)—Senator Sumner,this hand sup plied him with men and nuoney,nnlim ited. I gave him the .14ection ol the affairs. 1 itni dying, Mr'. Slimmer, and I mine this to you. 'Use it whenever the liitereamq of thiv , country demand ii. At u..• unit• Mr. Sumner made t i t.• statement about his farewell interview with Mr, Stanton, he did not agree with the gentleman from Louisiana as to the merits of General Grant, and made Gild plain to the group of gentlemen 'who were listening to the Senator. —lt. is said Minim has $70,000 invest .1 in real estate In Uhl• cops. S7l. Colorado has ten newspapers and poet•offices. Great Britain has adopted the r es•gallery system. The negroes have a majority in counties in Alabama. The censuinthows moreGertnatist Irish in the United States, The Winthrope of Boston, family portraits taken in 1400. Mr. Letter, who letely died in I h left his relatives $75,000,000. The apple crop of Minnesota year will amount to 30,000 bustle There were seventeen elevator Chicago with an aggregate catia of 11,580,000 bushels. Ilerkimer, N. Y., ships annul over 17,000,00(1 pounds of cheese, 300,000, pounds of butter. -Mr James Beatty and wife, Sheakleyville, Mercer county, rece celebrated their golden wedding. Chancellor Wyeth of Virginia, Raid, had nix students in Ilia ()Mee, afterwards became President 01 United titaten. "Women, wake upP exclioin e /iroolution; and an indolent meal tor adds : "Yee, and d--ti it, non and make the fire and put the Ice on." The Governor of Nei ada hem I cloned !Madman, the cons ict, who n ed his life to defend the I.w.titvila Governor, when the emu ictoi bro jail at Carlini,. ME DM A disorderly girl, arrested In A Ilia the other day attempted to ..0111 fine by kissing the °nicer as he man ed her along the street. list it a wasted capital. Five young ladies have been ad ted to the liniversay or Vero) The advent or the girls at chapel e cimeei created quite a flutter among blushing sophomores. A California applicant Lelor Pchool board defined pillebo(oiat "pertaining to the bottom of a lte He ban retired with a dignity bee ing to bin profennion. A Salt Lake letter states that at last election there girls who+r• In would belie them tt they wer+ rn than 14 or 16, and aliens at Om, a led to the polls and inmtrneted by mon bishopo how to vote. 'rho Congrationalist notem with p Ocular interest the dlmposillon churches to employ Is.i,es to much duties/Ili may salt 11,eir lasteß and talents. "Assistant piwor, th are called. The first carriage that e%rr pflto. Voeenitte %alley *am sent 11 , ete I month, racked upon the 1.1, k 4 by a hvery firm of Mitripl and intended for the time of heir who do not 11 ke horse back (;urea Victoria has given on that the pulpit nano! glans, which eaten the length of tone allo,sed the mertnon In the lioyal shall be nteamured for twenty mini only, !norm,' of nn hour, an torn.• rol I ),•%% , of 11. ch kee Nation, linn titarrfed Alien 1% an intelligent and wealthy In Is Philadelphia, who ham for more been engaged in Mimmionnry w. Among the Indiana of that liemr‘an abment husband received Ili, cowl rehensive leuer VI Ile I, Bangor • "My dear I base washed and baked, and n In, baby , got Ibrongb li% 'flint. I ' il real a week Atle, (win I), your wile, M ." A party of TeifiN Cattle droves Abeline, Koterwilm, on (lie full, Apr nul~tof lie oirt) grrivtg itround Hie tow ft.(' forcing bu4lineex men I.lre:a the 11, dimiiirlindiceucei red, uI Hiteinpling to quell %loch II Ciiv Mundiul wou nded one iirol and uccideutl‘ killed WlLmiNivroN, netoher 9 -Tile 10' tillllol 1111111 y 1,11111.1,1 11111; 111 uH earl Hon le troll] tot tto ettu.r4l II) the exI,K irni 1/1 Neat; two kotoirett kev,w of IHleedrl, at m( three Hole,. from tills gilt I he, Ite hetog eltrre.l Irmo The eliral, vva- fell at ( . ..111-‘ , 4e, Pena VII, iI rro MUM= • Pll 7114110'11'0.1 M 1,1.1 Cti,iirtioto Exeentise of the i(epuliezto pert% ery ruuult, Ake, hits toVeli 011111111 h to jail at 4 410111g11111PrY I s riot. 4titt:* f 'ollllllllo , lllller WAIN., 1 11.11'11111 Of tri,e hundred hell, charge of violetirig the rioted Sul you tsl lewm. The following vfarling made 111 flee cotton ). eittiitte September 1, 1871 New York Fianemlehrantele / 1 , 1 I New York entron Exchange N. w I trio non linliran liartmonts Reporfmr. to4t.s Clierlottion (..burter . 4,-Itryt givea ail 'item e ol 1,111,1 1 haleA which If larver 11,titt tool )e before. except 1859-141, nheu the Cr , was reported tit 4,titi9,7711 hPh From the ..pire of (Ile eathedrid Metz the Frettel, Irt•eolor etill wave or did Mi three weeks ago, aithoug pert Orated by a thoustuel leillete An ro the inhal.itnelt4 .•4•le,ied with the thme_o it etill under th. Ft e, 11:ie Moue could not ~,,‘ null ti, n .k hi life in lo it 11111%I• it t nu there Wail said to be 1.111 (Joe tikakt Metz skillful enough to do it And lt was the one who put it there. Flv trance was his charge for raising it but five thousand could not onluc biro to lower it. —A rrenchnisn is slid 14, vented a lamp-wick that will burn f five years. Multum In Parvo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers