The Democratic Watch.nan. BELLEFONTE, PA ROME WAWNT BU LTIN A DAY BY AWC■ CARIT. The boy who doe,. Ft stroke and Plops Will ne'tir n gross mite ho, 'Tin the nggregitto of single drops •I'het makes the elan the see. The mountain was not rit Its birth A mountain NO to speak, The ttle atoms of sand and earth have made its peak a peak. Not all nl noon the morning streams, The gold shove the gray. 'Tls thousand little yellbw gleams That makes the day the day. Not from the snowdrift. Map SWABS In purples, rods and greens, Spring's whole bright retinue it takes To make her queen of queens. Upon the orchard rain moat fall, And monk trot branch to root, And bfoaaom• bloom and fade withal, Before the fruit Ix The fetter florin Mont pow and till, And amt. (Ito wheaten bread, Then cradle, threat' and go to mill Before thn bread la bread. 6elft heel. may lot the early shout Rut .pito of ell the din, It la the potent holding out 'I hat makes the Witmer win. Make this your motto, then, at start, Fell help to I.lllooth the Way, And ntratly up Ytoth band and heart— . Rome wasn't hunt In a I la y" THE SISTERS ;PORTAY. R THE CHRISTMAS I might as well entitle this story "My Parents," II I Intended the inter eed of it to turn upon the elements 01 the 1111 4 hown. As much strangeness and bewilderment came to we from that source as ruin the other. When I returned (mine, at the age of pe,enteen, from the home of an aunt, where I had been brought rip, I found my two misters tall, beautiful girls. Maria, the eldest, was polished, graceful, intellectual ; but there was nometlong about her that I could not fathom. She went Into society, dress ed, danced, /milled at admiration like other girls, but with it kind of iudifler• ease through it all, a coldness nut be tokened by the warm black eyes and full red lips. Once, at some apphrenb i y trivia l a llosioe, 1 MIIW her eyes and• denly kindle, and flash upon my moth er a look of boiling rage Then she bit her lips till they were white, her face snatched back its repose, an I I saw that my beautiful sister possessed a power of self control which I had not dreamed M. Adeline, the younger one, also hada faculty ol secietiveneem. Her mask was a gitv, whimsical, careless (me ; better. perhaps than the other—for it only did not attract, but warded olt suspicion. My name ie Amelia; and I need not Hay anything more about myself. My mother was a Frenchwoman, of oineumm t • tact, ruliog r own hove as her scepter could reach ; and toy sisters submitted willingly to her dic tation in their plane arid pleasures, in all matters regarding society and etc queue ; but there wan no confident* between them My (tither wits aren tl e an of the o ld sc hool, small in stature, of meets ured tone. and ways, dry and mailer of tact If ere, one would have said, no passim, rotild e%er be—lied ever been. We lived it a large,bandsome house, In a pleasant neighborhood, not vert far iron User ' 001. The mansion wan furnished with old fashioned elegance, fitirrounded 11 a garden whose had been planted by my father's great grandfather I wan initiated, Mime. diately on my arrisal, into a gay, hos pliable circle One evening lit the Christmas season of 1868 my mother gave a large party All the appointments were elegant The 111111C1011 14 11110,1011 echoed to the strains 01 a 1.11/111 I tie minte ly drewsmill" rooms were derh..l with flowers. I [lase .ern t inure beautiful sight iban doing the honors 1/1 I,4iria in her usual imlurn.ivr Moat. I , utu • b ed them eloeiely, to -re if I could . 1 , wet any nights of ',reference for any of the numerous admirers who thronged around them ; for. an I knew Coin to be a general part,, inrlmling all the bent htuilirn 1.1 I lie cult 1/iry , I thought that I iniguf hove find n eine to the unities !hat en vrlopell 1111 , 1 and Adeffinle An Maria was bidding 'obeli to a hit% Keelesion, a young gentleman with whom nhe had neither Mtneed nor con versed noire than with others, she said to him . "I hope von have passed a pleaeant, evening, Mr. K, ele-ton?" • , .le.eop," be re plied ; ha% e - The 111,41 word wam 11111111 We il/ all save to Maria and to toe, who had ea gerly tarried. It wae aver in a mo meat, the look that ;wined. Then Mails .re!‘‘ as Flute th, the earnelia ou l‘ei 14,nm I attcrtvard.• learlied that 1111 e or two night. I Niitritt wouhl wrap herwcii In /1101 1 ..4re the house, r. 11%11 . 1 80 1 t.iir or more, initeolottanding the bleakness of that Cllflmllllll/ 1 Mell , loll, A plight or tem alter the patty, toy mother 111MCOV ered her absence When Maria re turned, elle 10111111 my lather tip and reads titr her The scene that ensued in the adjoining room, which was my mother's dre.aing-roorp, would form, in truth, a scene for a tragedy. Maria, crouching to a heap on the floor, by the conch. enveloped in her immense cloak—my moths ii. her while night dress, her link hair .tit ;tuning /1:111001 le her lei.' h. cs : How nag, a red spot 0 1 a i, ;: e, lotr nueg• nlflcent lnni .•tociitteil itiwaid. her poor'.u , : Lulchler, ue she .food 7p4l.lAlte \ 01111, 11l gilt? 111111 011, I?eeded hoe ever. Nev• er had I tio.orior.l dull .1:1411:4 and Concentr,n ism ": %room in 1..... \V l ul l in violent temper—tell/4i /111 tinperion. wi4l isy Imd , O..on.lernettth dist ',Nth. odirnl I.•/ ! I dui not wonder that Alarr.t : and 1 perceivol Rome tlimv ti „81• e tinder which'llie fitooly.lived tou..ha I hitherto been on. known to me lie seen, I to taunting M.o, of with 90111 PI iil , lj! suddenly slot i in , to her feet and t r tel t "It Is iii 'toe it's not trite ! I linve riot tieeli him ! I never went out to meet bViti I 1 have not exchanged words with him, except in your presence. Ile has kept his promise, and 1 have obeyed you." "What sent you Out to night, then 1" hissed my father between his teeth. "I went—l went," answered Marin, "to see the house where he lives—to walk around it--to see the light in his window. I could not help it." "So In said my lather ; and if ever human' Recent and features expressed contempt, titter contempt, his did. "So I a love-sick ramble I You could tint help 4 , 1" Mama dropped on the floor again. My father turned to hie wife. "So, madam, thim ix the way you bring up your children l" It was my mother's turn to tremble. She tried to keep her eyes steady, and her bearing erect, but in vain. My father came elo.e to her, amid added come words, in a low tone, of which I only caught 1311ffiCiClit to know that they referred to hie early hie—their early life. They had, then, a pact henri•stirring and eventful enough to be alluded to in a moment such as this. How I longed to know itl Even then I speculated, "flail he ever loved her? !lad she ever loved him?" The household sank in silence again —Maria crept to her bed ; refused next day to answer my inquiries ; relnr•ed toy X% 1111111,111 V ; met my father's eery 1110111014.1 courtesy, at the breakfast table, with her usual dignified, Ind!' like detheanor. When all other eye!' were caHl down, Adelaide looked at nu•, and smiled. Mr. Ecelestoti called that week to pay his respects alter the Chriatimia party, and also to pay him adieux pre. paratory Lo going to America. "And When .10 you intend to Hall inquired my mother. "The week alter next, in the l'ersur," he replied. "I am weary of then lite.'• "On Saturday ?" continued my moth "The Permia a day of mailing la— began Maria, but Mr. Keelemon utter repted her with eovu• remark "1)o you go alone?" naked my not `.l do not yet know, - he anewered , hut I 11/.4 not, with a fixed look at Muria Soon Mr. Eyeleaton rove to go "I will not net y good by," he continued "I aria II pain the garden-gate the 11101 . 11 I ng of my departure, on my way to the tram, and I may run in for a few Int, lIIPfIII then- - And be mboirk hand. with all the ladle., Not look 01 triumph, of coinpre Itemoon, .11.1 toy mother permit hermeli , and yet she hall understood the whole. "I go in the Persia, week alter next —I hope atol !runt not to go alone —I shall I.e at the garden gate Ito the mono, a, in time to take the train --I can slop hut a few moments— till then - • her own hotpte, in eonverastion with herself, hail lie dared to I irratier ihr Pvlierne—thud not breaking hot promise of holding no communication with Maria, except in her parents' prep. enee "Maria," raid my mother, am the inriner war leaving the room, "ink e =I M4r:a turned, and they faced each 4,1 h. r for a lew moments, apparently h,r..1. lung they were tuotherand daugli ter, meeting on equal ground Mt mother let the dart paesdlti %it!, the ~,iirrince 01 one who Mile the ear iv in her own hand following Weill...v.las Maria itakevl me to w.ilk to the neighboriag village with her .•1,.•1 ipo out /he buck gate, Agile -be , tte iiiitiro/1C111•41 OHO 4ale, .101 phitileil by mut e thick elm tree... the tinned, and Mr. Eccleatui. "Nitwit' "Henry I" horn word more waft said, but she 1.11 , t I,r hnnJ in hie with an expree .11111 , ri 1.1..'ll111 •1 40% lie howe .1 grn• 0•1 r u. 1.11.1111 g it firm Maria narmetl to we, saying, "Tell v her,' Ameba, I hat the Persia's .fitt, .it sailing is Wednesday, not Sat trios. an she flight have found by look, at the papers. Iler arrange 111 en is were undoubtedly made for Sat- Inds v I shall not be there then. htud by ! heaven bless you I" , before I could half understand what -he was about, she puttied through ii a tr.h•ti gale, Mr. Eccleston lied lilted her into his phaeton, and they were gull e. ill., but my father's rage was tern lily , Nty mother, overwhelmed with inorrtication and anger HE her over eight. I , nre it in silence, with Adelaide And tit evel 1. lam he turned in Adelaide. 'N. • r 'hall another daughter of mine bereeli en I Adelaide, have gun I.,en flirting with any one If lon heaven, you 'dial! marry him, and that at once I Dui I lint hear something once said about the minor inflater?" Adelaide colored crimson. "Alt I" said my father. "flow far has it gone? Does he profess to love sou ? Answer my question." Ililtered Adelaide you love him—enough io Ifiri uI. ?" maid lie. "Very well I You mlutll marry him I" "Mr. Jetmp," pleaded my mother, be t ; of yon to atop trod think I dto not give way to paeition I" '•l'aredoit l" returned my father. "Madan'', I never was cooler or more determined in all my life. %Viten doe the %wing ffla'n POMP riefe again ?" ''TO .19y," admitted Adelaide. It so happened that, whim, hail' en hour, he rang the tell. My int ht, walked into the library. "so, eir, you have been tnaltinv love to my daughter have you r Mr. Bertoli.lll,l-1 Hod .canonered. .1 :MI 1101 1111111yrflo quarrel mill you "iit It now." columned III) haler. " I .0111 . % tvlr , h 10 IA 1,1 , 11 II v.,11 wa"l. to 111/11Q ? ,uust do meiliately. I'll give her to you with flee thousand pounds in three weeks Irons this day. Do you want time to make up your mind ? Ilene, Adelaide, he called out, "come here to me I" Adelaide came in. "Your:lover Wants time to decide." "You mistake, Mr. detisop," said young Mr. Bernard. "All this is HO sodden, so strange I I did not know whether Miss Adelaide was willing." "Willing I Faith ! and I havn't asked her. I asked you it you were willing to take her," answered my lather. "I'm a practical Milli, Mr. Bement," he continued, regaining his .ordmary measured tones, "and I'll have no more nonsense in my house. My eldest daughter has just put the crown ing touch to a most unhappy entangle. ment by running away to get married. I intend my second daughter shall finish her tlirt•ttnut by getting inatried under my own eyes " So it was arranged My toothier tried in vain to change my lather's de termination by every representation )tad art. As for Adelaide, she appear ed to be very lumpy. "Have you made fitting prepara tions'?" my tether asked my mother when the day came. "I did nia suppose that any were necessary hie% ind mending notice to the clergyman, wlut h I believe you have done," WHY her answer "No preparations necessary," said lie. Certainly, they are necessary MN daughter 'mint lie married in a be. coining wat, in the houneol her lather It is due to mymelt—to my name. The hour for the ceremony wan ten, 1 lie. 'levy. Let it he delayed one hour. That, I should think a mild afford you time to order a proper collation, arid all things aceordlvigly At the appointed hour my father came walking slues It down stairs, draw rig on his white kid g 1,,,,, dressed with the iitirm..t precision. There hail been a little eonlusion in the 'Muse, owing to the absence of the bridegroom. \ note hero petit. wirning hint of lie change ,d hour, 1.111 as he Jill toot present himself /It ele , eii o'..lork, bad been followed lit' a message to an certain if it hail been delivered The -econd messenger returned, say rig that ifr Bernard had been stricken w ith it fever. Well, girl, •mill yon go and Florae him?' said my lather to Adelaide 'No ? Not in cave of lever? Well believe ton are right Ile'. not • worth reeking your hie for, and qun•re not married to him yet My father took ott hie white kid gloves, Poor Adelaide went to her r o om We ate come of the collation for lunch Mr. Bernard WAN vrry ill ; and, in spite of all care and skill, he died that week. Did Adelaide's heart break 7 No She was quite a belle in Brighton last Chrtettuae. A Rare and Interesting Case We chrone le the facts as we heard them, of uric of the most remarkable cases of the partial aberration of the mental Ise,' I tio4, 1111 Idiosyncrasy as rare he It Is 11111 . 1 . 111.111 g 111 It IrhlluMrlrhl al I,lllllt of 1 .1.. w. A , ingle lady in her third decade, 111 0111 county, of most rer.per ruble parentage and 1 . 011111 1 11 . - t,11111. 1 , arid 111 pre.. --lonof ample mean., became acquainted some ten .ears ago IA 1111 ft minister of the Reformed Cher( It, who wa- then as now living in Veen-tit mem 11. 11/, here at that 11111.• Ono a Vitt, site heard 111111 preach list me e, rind during Incl tinci 110 . 1011rt1 'editing bet the 111./51 1'0111111.4n ....tat,- glee rd It e most eto-uel ru epordiitance 1 vex passed bet Wel.ll them since that trine site has read a work published of which his Is the author, rind h s s a l so read us they have appeared Ir time to tune, several articles rdf his which stern piiblislied in a Church paper About It tear ago, Are fancied the Het - erend gent referred to, had gone through a regular and lormel tour !ship, ;by I. 1.- ter; illat •lor h of r.lcelted hint, end the .1.11 ar- ..•.1,11 ,, t an early ~n 4. to nor'., hut nevertheless one agreed by the e , trtracturg parties 'rids fancy grew in her lured to 11 fixed and settled fact, and during the past year she has been very indutriously employed in get tin,: arid prepareing the thousand and I/114 .1 01111p supposed to be indespensible to n Indy a trosaeau, and also having ready some of the articles required in keeping house. At the proper tune she ordered an simple .ap ply of elegant cakes, fruit, con feetionnrv, &c ; indeed no particular in Lthe :variety 1111 f °gent end bountilul Maud; the n the In v Rations were issued, and this brings ur, to the bridal eve, When all was ready but the bridegroom -he was hundreds of miles away, and in blissful ignorance that Iris ruining tares al/ anxiously look ed her prti.wfloo se necessary to a eoritintration of the ceremonies. So ad mirably hind the lady arranged all her plans, so inertly and .tercessfully had rue ex , ,culeti thrum, Ural It was 111/1. un til the very lest moment that her rela tives nuJ (rlelid, had reason to believe that she wits the victim of en hallucina tion. She now thinks that some 11011111 dispensation of Provideneu iernvented his coming at the time ap pointed, but ti at he will surely come, she doubts not. This Is such a case as demands our sincere sympathies —al though some unfeeling brutes may find it a source of course jest and vulgar mirth. We !nay add that on all other .111.preis hoe tumid oa ars-swued WI a dollar. - Frrilertct Uri ton. -- ---'fli • riCetif parnitint being about to he min lot-feted to tievaral infants, g ..0111111.01 •lerp intim requested with gre:it r.ol tiiity, that; ,ail children hat , . ing_parents when they wish to be bap „,,.l will please to preeent them before the altar.” Dry Goods, Groceries GRE,AT EXCITEMENT Ali()IT AND CON' F ! JUST lil'EN SIOV 1, , 1T 1)F I'EAS ANI' ut,tl , l 4,WER BEET I:1(1 I,N 111) IILA( K TK% IMU A Iti.l Sold nt $1 50 we are selling at $1 25 1 25 1 (Ht 00 85 Bont t•t•..lnvn todtlood to .10 contra :10 Itio t.ulh•o CALL AND TRY THEM and wo will guarantoo you can nave 2A pci I= Bold only at the Agency of the AMERICAN TEA COMPANY I MIS O. B. PRIEST'S Tritmning, Nollon4 I Variety:litore =I EIBEIBM YOUNG & 1) 1 V LING, I=l GL',VE ' llA L C/121 NPISh AT THE CITY sToitE On Allegheny Street, Bellefonte =ltespeetfully intrite the numerous readmit of the Watchman to cell and see their nuequalled MEM roSEIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY ()ODDS, Sii A Vo LS, CA RPETS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, S H 0 F.S, GROCERIES, &C They have the largest stock and CIIEAPEST GOODS In Central Pennsylvania TUE TIMM DFMA:siI , FAPEDITIoN prompt nepoi and 'eels nn in busine,e ; unties Without quibbling, squareness without compulsion ( 01', it ()NE PRICE (•. ( 0 U System meets this demand, dispensing Its benefit, Itnpaktlally, and et the lowest uni =I A NOTHER NEW STORE! TII F. 1.111GF.91)t CH EA PF.ST ANL) 111.:41' ASSORTEI , a I'oCK OF 000 0 8 EVRIt IiKI'T IN A (701,NTIt} STORE, Hu been upenea In the Store room a I, I 0 N , BY TIIIIIINS. BETZ & CO They aro eel' Ing ASTONISH MOLY CII E %I. PLEASE CALL AND SEE THEM. MEM! RUIIL & GAULT, (Succoersorm to Levi A Miller I GROCERS I PROVISION DEALERS Allegheny Street, Bellefonte Having purchased the extensive sbre of Levi A Miller, the proprietors take pleasure In announcing to the public that they will keep CC/LW/Li:lily on baud, the, choicest GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SPICKS, FRUITS, &c to be found lu the market. EVERY THING AT ALL TIMER, ' opd IA • TIIE LOW BST PRICES ;16447 . Dry Soothe. , LOEB, MAY & LOEB are Just opening their second installment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ME, LARGEST, BEST, of any emtabllnhnent In town r;ome and see tie at our new rooms, noarl op. , posit° our old stand. A LW A I'S .111EA1)!-A. ALEX tI AL WIN Millhnim, Contor tb, 'enttylvanot. all` 111,1 "tr.,lllg to the puldtt: at the lowest rush puree, GOODS uN EV ERN' I Flit' It vr N A. ALEXANDER A HUN Take this method of announcing to their nu tnerous friends that they have just returned frotn the East rith a ar•w WlPOrtrlitgit of pen. sonable FOILEIGN AND DUNI ES'l'lf: li()()D8, Which they ire Rolling at such prices that purchasers will find It to their Interest to buy of them Their Mock continua of U-0-( D-8, M.l-1,1,1-N-El2-y HATs ANL) CAPS, WWI'S AND SHOES All klnda of country produce taken In ex Minna. , for good', 10-In A ALEXANDER k MON Books and Stationery T HE MODEL BOOK STOR 1. LIVINGSTON'S WHOLESALE ANL) HFrAIL BOOK 81'ORE Depository of the Hook■ of the “American 8 H Union, anti American Tract Hociety" and •old r.enrity at their catalogue prices, the un truthful assertions of udit•onstltuted agents, to Om contrary notarithatanding He would say to those concerned In Sabbath schools, that during llti.l,llllllK scarcity of money he will hit orders when accompanied by a re spou-iltle 11101 w, giving a credit of throe months 16-2 ly ITEM Stoves and Tinware. QEDIS NOR! —ln neither Greek nor k Latin, hot to 'limply the traneposed name of an imititution that has become as lu nuhar an house-hold words—and has reference directly to that =I G F. FLKGAL, MO appropriately named the InoNSIDES The old original "I ronsidea"—Man of war-- was swift In retion and combat—two profit nect features characterising the modern Mune sak c —ln that, It is UP 7'o THE TIMES and does deliver hoarier broadsides at longer range In the shape of EMI= CO Pl'h It FLquit,` besidea ten thouaand other migualee, than any other eatabllahmonte In the oonntry. Being now permanently anchored at PHILIPSBUG, armed and equipped or the fall trade, and wit,h a determination to undersell all smaller crafts, he rospectlnily solicits your order. •18n16. THEY HAVE FINEST ANil CHEAPEST If STOCK 1.01 , :9, MAY & I.oEli Has Just H. Just lias Just received the received the received the largest stock Isrgest stock largest stock that ever came that ever cameo that ever came to Bellefonto to Bellefonte to Bellefon to go end see go ■nd see go and see Store opposite I= lielleconte, ha LEM OE() LIVISOHTON, Hrukerhnfl Row Rellefonte Pw RH EET IRON, and HARDWARE, Stoteis 13 ROKERIIOFF HOUSE ALLEIJANY BT!tEET, 11 E1,1,E 1' 0 N 'l' E, PEN N' A D. JOHNSON d• SONS, ( 'roprid or s A flret class Lotel comfortable rooms— prompt attendance. AU the modern coovonwnoe• cod reasonable charges. The proprietor. oiler to the traveling public and to their County Iriends first class Strom - roodations, and careful attention to the wants of guest., at all times, at tau rail, Careful hostler., and good stabling. An excellent table, well served A bar, supplied with the beat of liquor. Servants well pained, and every thing requisite in a first crass hotel Our location is in the business portion the town, near the post office, the coneest • - the church., the banks, and the prln places of business, rendering it the nine eligible place to stop for those who visit Belle fonte either on business or for pleasure. An omnibus will tarry passer gars and bag gage to and (rain all trains free of charge. le 37 B iJSII HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PENNA., Title elegant hotel, havuig come under the eupervlelon of the underelgtied they •onld reepectfully announce to the public that they lire wept :I'li I. n 011111101ilite th,RO Mier the ntyle 01 the best hooAxra in the e;too 'the gush hiltglitheent Mulling, rpleruhdly furrugherl, and l • apable of comfortattly acootn• neellitour TII EE II TN U.ESTS Illy ..ituuted near the .lepot, and eonleittent to all pLtr, . of larmiess, and is the hest hotel In Central Pennsylvania. Its wailers are oblige- Mg, !mill,. and attenti‘e , Its tables are •uri plied with e,ery luxury in the market, its stables are first ,Itot,a n I, attentive and human• hOldlern. a n d in bar supplied with the boat of Kneel. fr o m the villon to spend the slimmer it is p,nl Its 07,1 The proprietor Mill he happy to 1,1:01i e Lliw nubile an often se they wish to call M ILy. CLEM ENTB Proprit.torg GA RM \ N'S l'El,--I)ANIEL I.ARNIA N, Prot•rilitor long-eetabllshed Mill well-known Hotel, situated mi the southeast corner of the Di.. mond, Opens Icy the Court honer., having bon purchasedcd by Daniel terarmen, 110 an nounce• the former patrons of this entablinhmant and to the traveling public generally, that hi Iran thoroughly refitted his house, and is pm' ',toed to render the Moult .att.fiteuray accoro. noahnion to all who Way NI or him with their patronage. No penny wtll i.e spared nn Ma part tin Will to the convenience or comfort of Ms guests 111 who stop anti, him will find inn (Able taunt...l3llloy supplied wall the moat sumptuous tare tine 'mu . set n ill atford,dune up In style by the most experienced rooks. Hie liar will Mina), contain ii,, I hOleeld Or liquor!. I. Stabling irr the beet In towmand will always attomic,l by Ili,, moat trite worthy and at. motive hostler+ tare him a call, rune and all, and hh feel, eontident that all e be sattiellext with their •t, • .111111..11111011 AII eavellent Llv en/ Is attached to this eetablishment, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage CUMMINGS HOUSE. W. D. RIKARD, Proprietor BELLEFONTE PENNA. lug resumed aerate.' of lino hto• hotel, would rorpeetfully wk the patronage of the ;milli,. lie le prepared to Weeflrlllll4o,ll4Le 1411,1“11 111 010 141,1 t of style, and will take. or. that his laid., .lipplled with the best In the mark et. I.oil stables attaohod to the hotel w tilteitrettil 311. i attentive Ser vants The tra‘ ling lin bile are Invited to give 1111 ,. 11111,11111V+114 , ,•••••• ea!? I r . Lilly N ATIONAL HOTEL, MILLHILIII, PA JONATHAN KILE.K ER, Propetstor. Haring purollasetl Oils admirable property. the proinielor takes pletneire in Informing hla friends. that he has refitted ano refuntlehed It from top to 1110 i tnm , winis now prepared to aO - tra•elers and other]. In a idyle that he hopes will prove not anly aaitsfactory, but pleasant. HI• table and bar, will not be excelled byway In the country Hie stable la large and now, and In attesded by ezportenced and attentive °silent 14-2617 Tobacco r ).; .1 CI: ( ) TII E HF/4T THE BE-ST I AT N. BECK'S, Al' N. BECK'S. COME AND BKg, COME AND 8101, WHAT F.I. HI A N PLUGS, W lIAr ELEIiANT PLUGS, COME AND BUY, COME AND BUY, 1118 FINE SCENTED SEG kR/3 I=l 7/1l: It I,<l IN T STA 11=1 Ills FINK CLT, CUT, THY SWICICTRIST, THE SW EIKTICIT. AND THE (,II EA II N:ST AND THE I N T ( ) NV N ROMP tvibur In Store Nu. 1 Hush Hotel 15 51111, C IGARS A N TOBACCO! SAMUEL LIPrON, lETITINI Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, kc BltoWN's NEW BUILDING, I:orner of Allegheny and Illeho 9tre.t. HEI,I,EFtI:sUrE, PA Hest el gars kind tolateso always on ..and. Gall In and try them. Finest and mn• t delicious brand,. = Insurance EDWIN 11. KINSLOE, Successor to Saari L. Barr, deed. CLAIM AND INSURANCE AUENT GOOD (..X.)2IITA NIBS. _ . LOW RA TRS, PROMPT RETTLEMR.VT_Qf LOSSR& Cash and Mutusl Flue, Lae and AceWOO' Pollees written. Pronwil attention green to the eolleetlen of Bat Pay, P. 1141058 and all other claims. Soldiers who enlisted before July 22d, lest end we re hon drably dl ooharged without roost tog the 8100 Bounty are now entitled to it. . . B 4 h..9 1 1 " ' . ox o. Al e , Pa. 15.16 b'utaataor to tizzit L. Barr, d.c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers