' • SHALL WE iI'AVI; A 11.1,1,ti. ITIIR ANGLO ~,ICON :WE'D TILE APRIL! ght-ea atatinan., liie have noticed, with pleasure, t ma- Y+. - - '' •of ,ths most, . 4 u , bit' n / ow ' inSn old.mintmro '. : ran - 7 .......,—..........,,, ..f- - 4OCit: AND ZiACT JCATICII TO ALL ' oti t ew i t , • t• ;/. :l a, •, 0 , ei `;;, - , a it i zes, , ,le hairiTately re ~, 19 ',, C ' $ _-_-_ - ~ l'A`gi fog' I. e Bo oftlsvue i ''.'" ilat L i tt l° reirfin the *Ai ..' ?`',• • '' !or trot • etilirtZt t prosittie in th g i g °IF"' Me - ', 1 . 3111° ... iel o . ...' ir ire ~/. i Uitly. a , the` ies44itivi -refe i t ! °l*3ll ?r 't tu n! a •' . 4 ia n m a n Of tfirwaeagi i y ' andotresuptioset lo 111i5...4 • iitilualleC' should convince t very of lint tion of ono of the physicial qiiiiiities of the 'nig a soundeineiVrigniediuM in our , race, it is stattdin reference to the white midst, and a Bank capaiik of atdonimoda- 4 - 0 g ii is smassithe (sal 40 4 mis ,, ehltiski population, of /the UnitedStates,,and Citxttt We truht, therefore, that a Vigorous effort Britain, that it doudiktritseif every „thirty il : witl be made to secure Ow passage_ of the! L 1T 0P 1 "....,....t. w hj. l % -tha t -°l. 9. ~_,M4 a Rt r44 / 31 " 4 .' I said hill, and its signature by the Governor' I 6 1.--ethat of I 01111141,%100 IF-4a Wattitia? at as early a day as t o,sibk. I —of Italy, 135..;77;0f Frattee. 138;-of I'or -1 , net, while We aro favOineke to th - c . eitVab. lig° , " 24 frr7M 15 ,Ittlfg" 4 "-rnlfT ls6 lislancut of somokliankr .'where they aro ' r eit " ! ' . •-•:..-- ' ~ 04 . 1.. ,.. ,i l is dL 0 fir s t ; -,s i s, al e . , , When seam two centuriesmidi liplltijob t ; a 7;:th;ti.,.. o 7 o ' et wi ll ex , ii_liemvves,eisilatited here and Italie . Meng tiss ,4 o . the ' American chest, a few germs of the ist awl .flunrioth until the • cotAi..}-_, is with Their issite, m 4 M eet ing m u t i mee then - Anglo Salina rage-its whole numbers !lithe note-holders to Infer, while the stockhol; old world did 'Wens trourish ou the malts of their fi-audit. ' linglanTlVTXnot exceed six minions.- e, , ami Scotland, numbered ' lent spundations. ' . . ' ; fewer tuhabitafibi se -that time. than New , Xe batik shoidd he chartered; unless it,i York Pentutyliinia, and Milo do noise, • Its contains a ciaaaoo34 4. 4ke.ataakha i das iAtirtit' Alfirl# at the mama 'iiteiriAit ? theta i sd i y i t i ss il y ii s bw, a:every dollar tbsj7 is, e'en iitit litti ' thew; 'twenty free '' nilltione or , inglo Sate;fitt t-and In the %Obit"• world they, 1 sue. Corpora/iota with exclusive and aria, locrittie lowetit,ant IMIVCI4O to UM fUnda-l et " eu fieeetuted within the Re4A iiii fiat .,, , mental Principles 'of our ,liheitil .republicsu ,•aleistioned from six' 6 at leant slxiinfillond! 6 , oollnsons, and when ow,y -ins °swede ; Thesenie s ifistated on nil the leland antleonj• they should be 'eultject to ar the readirio..tiope,l4iliente of the earth-,iiie:reiiihtgeirtifYwfiere, avid liabilities, of an indiviiitial empigod in ''",'" in intense title of litefirelliion• The idle .Pritioilde. of -A-ml-e-Sieineihi t 'ae'leat!lertHrtgalirehir :. _ ‘.....1 , .... caut „ , is „ Inured, anti every - all thesluggisyraites of Men, in eveirplace "` C''.nutwv‘ta, When he ho e hhoa banis 004:t i bia. ii here it has obtaiocd a lodgment. See it i he' receive its valets in hard litoilof h4iln e i g there is ea, Oier7 shle„filret ytur • wherieves; be presents it at tbc counter. to tear, "'lib, tti rigatotti ItgantatiOns. `lf iout., .catinto , /to s l atered Da04.0,00 in- n 6 great phyitieal revolution bilges plaice, to I Hated- currency, dud ell over our laid: may ;. ,eheititits extensioi--the write, whet.' fig: ~b e..imus washers at , inno.v. . l.chara .00riang tires we fun.* borrowed oitlinates that lt will ituepolbet bere t aathe reward etho. boor. t t ' ; ' b ee eight l'andria "telltali' ti f lotaiin worthless notes, lowing the itigodure of , b eings . in less Than one hundred and fifty avifitociatio.,llo46..selph.eare far Mobbing ; Yeati-. frOM . Ills tiOio--L.• all *caking the hattintirnyadninuats. - ~ . . ,- i apnist la a 4.nagu; ectiterti4 to'bilitco - jit4l:" ?rho ihtohing lottete.4at , ;envied um foe ' ' 9 ''' ' '' lina ri.tigi°l'l,ltid elihibiting all ti l t i'n.' I lium a.... 340,0 9 4 1 ,t at ilak . )4b o' c r.: t L'_, "' ey e :11k:vee . r‘ittid 'ttih or «id--sehite-4eidmnse that tiroel-teg n a.Wr7: br °,.A. ll l. ( te" ° '! °* ' „..,,,‘-,,Thit ;,,,,,,,,,4 tm a ii .f o i.i o nii s is AA& be ; p l ace an mum, ;,iy - ivith "sue!' 'a dee; t • . r7 r,#a*Zed, w; ;Mit tlialm> Qii - ei , „priviloica rbhorgi , lo- . l.44cAte-IY- 6.?41 . 1.T " 6 will be given to any etirporition in our State doutdosho . T . •mmines ,the subject *lt& cart, than,ever) ledisidnat may eolo,y; We have thi i Ore° lila° a roa r riritr iteielt eilt 'Ale t seem too munch snaring- to much destitto I .* Peltatial . :inferioriiy - tho ,grit of Way ; ti vu antorg the Jmneot amain' et the ceonnu-t CO jute•HH-liflieh places tote use:: ri _ " ir ' lete nit v, westsioned by the business of privfiege4 Ocala of being, several degrees Wow the inZi Anilltt Saxon. The personal contrast tamai: pill Ates, nut to belVfirfriat the "girat.:. co good tethe greatest comber " w ill ep ty lecnisaltiiiiost sioakiiot to prove ti d Take, 'result fnim r iyetern - of fair and egital lees. b y tiesi at tlettatiation'-a beautiful female lotion ; snit-an invariakde Xdbcrence to the of the ,Illit° epee wish bet - d itty eimhled ceininotivights of the p e ople.. Let men lor PP'' "" gracifila oantooripereen=Ate 6 t•, ...t it ,, stli • Jtit ., ( 7 - Nr.... _ . We. mere altos ; restremilble, for 'their cootracted fields, Wheth.' t it le held . ..0" goteta,,hair-:- =Mg , ~, M. „c C o o k , ~,, . ~ _-,er in the . character off a _corporation, or an 1 1. 4-14:2 1 ee ° I te4,Attell ht the C 6 sae "' 11. 4 7, ,, n ,vq., a b,pt.suieu et the . Individual. anti we reel oonniient tha t much above all. typo Meet of faieletZ eehtlitieght 41"Inese Miter cline Jaised * Ly Jolts, Jay Lib. • , o - rk ; • et . je fiw etta, - ra., tro 4 seed t ,.._ . i tit' the trouble and tinformasitent, opeasioP: the countmance. the peaslotuaiwernatipas of peony ' ; The p atent cam. The spec ,. "'- ed hy fatten corporantnis, will he avoided, the soul ; eela_Qaat these with "African Y0n.... n .... " and panics in the mosey markt Vlffireetise. 'fie eterielft "4 haven flaietf • eaferior hi us nine! to any we have meen,iii try!'! .., i l .nadidana, and we 6.0. 4mi mew that !We want a war Timmy, wilk i reliable Yee most ghtftilli! iabeetitest• Clot there ore still oilier evidenceit in be men ma tie Laois tp remedy the evils of our fi thls plant edit %Nobs if Ü be niost valuable yet - ' ' intitiftical into Dili ourivi." - -i - i - v •- i, - ivi. - "g mee ' r-- fiiTel442lll3l " nr,th bulDlrad' jthalaall ' ila A t iaaa-r!" haa 'Brier liirra ens, in whi4 every . bet can !pave i m pli c it proof ocalitlilhe.ty for selfoust,aint'al ciiid 0W ''. ' &le carefUlly read the article o i"••• -- 01 0,,, ,.. ____ . 4 ; 090fillelke."' , . - :Idiom Since the sun Ira% shone sin that the .I..mn • .. •, . -,. 1 - 1 . 17411 - vid4i heron on (1, - ; 7 :y - Tit7;4. 'Bank ' ll°ll 4 -4 .. i it. eitta e.e.m - 4 - eeir is . a state Of 4/ lira emtestao/Niee ImanotTaita of emeekuoere hash fillftlißraet relaPeti MI Ox for 140 Q, mended r ifir:mir: - 4.4;,40 .*6irrtmahial tal i ~-----• ipd°ll '-gtg n t v , r 1V.. 143-1 0;time• The i " (4 ' • eil lm. I. Pt' fiti a liiiie raikaiate- DAM i 40'eenvari t ;JP* (whitens we mat OW -tdoilt;tugn ini,tim7 ol ;pas !moulted ; in plan has littpttsk mbientrliessab e alai instead, the ' Iten-aftir. e the preaen% we tuertry- wish ' the same state of t barbarimm . ~ / Oil. Mt belliiimiletsmiongat the peer of &be l t° call *dentition(' the subject; and shall ltliatoelypintMlliat biklinvlin4 as many city, hillitoo t tpt.bses.dttnali k ed ,Mell. I continue le ,advreado the views we bare has olgoorissitirekrilePror as the lollr - 4 slants of Asia, or Of EiLreps. , 44 014 Op nitsk e whether Owe& the Da end 'appeopri- • lilyexpressed, ate abeiprOealiii or to-iitta it '• - slatuglitsred 1 p.l.lligli ' 1 Zug "----"' ''` - ' '''lthollat ottlo Ittottlietemeaut Via Quifp cow OF LANUA6 TSB JAXt. stall jitideuhitimatamusier the deetituni• .4 . • . _ vote/kW * !arigeretNa. ikteihtrartt Of * TI . an• ' - tlaglittliii.-Z-itiliarfford ri,iieisiat ••, 1 - , i )e/ Laßt7 24 "" ot a 'we i 'p esga Y lut walid• -! caritittu-dialo(4komo - ip gent wntcpension otrts,* -1 404.430 11 / 4 ,00 0 that life of Ude OM' royal oak "!;till i Iti tnil eviet t i h n e uinte be *lkon - in t ..4OVie ' - of '411: 't Sudan liv b etY" liirthot: at the dietanue of about teat ' cuss i on A large neilebee , ot 4111 'algT; *o° o if.sUkteal itualAhoute feoi 'flt 41* `grittlnd. on thc sum, Me ' . • people fimn lesii " isd gri l i e i ti k lootieleihthiiiier'grUhta u the -country .arer ni- Merl, =my Of than thooplieptlere. Sitkintroimitly time Sarlicens, Ming Fon.. ii ytn in reference to, this'., scoang ei S seas , t,e „ p i - - ssisnik. of them r. I, of tea MOM polished rage 4.4* time, how• eiefietfiVit'Alefed to our theitedi and fed. 'I ~ finding nom .•' the nifty holders Will be dr id, and for auguries, hal& a contiguous' ip - K vhdekatsoti ro uk all : but ire moth eu „,,,,,,ii,,- a y 'Ade as t h ey sm .-p h:o ,w b y empire. Still the African a feitilbli ilitiettniifignitis'laicliow forever. '•• - e- .' • • slept on Mir 101 l , the liability Amite in the darter ; but un- night„ of barbarism s mid there in all humeri / t on Art* ilk A '4lOft,iliholl ANK made to iquimbility he will doutinua to slumber tor vied lift 'Air' %addition Ore nteetheitlem env. —' anrileradtortwill sutler harrily. We •nn. Thossoi . oo , am ' .of the whole nice, own. dirateiiiihat atiefi ik' Mien is rx. di n to m ow P ar k eati o taim i er.sewo .01, premed Mistmg es btainr 4 la% Sobireatell, u nie and we elierettiro serail the *Bull of Um °Pi "' 11°41 ' hersthea q't iefg'i g ii te ihwei : MhittkitillPtier Pa qtapif. Of meeting . of the stockholders. ' . bareerp. droola. .• Almost, even' atifiVe to The letiftilit(ee of the :bea k are ' abort ,imbieMit i theireendineuerintrOduce tbe_bles s7oo,9ooo,m3tes in sireOlatioo. aryl **le sings. of arisliandy , and grin:at* 000 of deposits, while the capital "orthe mumpit,,tim,„ b„, b een suet by the Am., Ilitplt M about 5441,000.' What the other mits4liemoilvel, Punta botiltilltY'l4l4. dans- _., smote of Um hack may initiount to, aro of Wino : - let .tha.,Treat indiene,sre. *lid' the, -ipas t iae More no meals of mmertaioing. It atmeerinimpadaytett the parr otthetzatetrAt ,*irroirloitts, or " otaritkirfecritotioue"Tor latatiecitlitiota; mid littleqrsio coed hilikely ,r . be,,institodnitorloich bays ltd to its emery- to ha whirred by-1416441 ItiOetiChtru there ralgOrn47 4O not exceed : the capdal, the pro- beet in Hayti.ii is sew fully 41111II,.that the bithijities are that the depetiters as well as itwm tem been mumb t o e ic e stm,bie nature , . • . . , • " - • . - PENNA. wiles' ',RAT; rra►iensxa sp, 4144 , .1... VD (11 , ' roLu NE ORE. , vi t ' kb this number of 'the Wafeknon miffs t omic 'tel*maiolof.eapublioation, It is-a _mares of gratification to know that we have dalla(tlifllmt tiyaitoi lalxwedinoessautly to rendct lie liiJoiintan a useful and reliable I) '• ' mid, ~.; How fai - We ;uceeeded vrtlaaamovir,p *to judge. Wu bare had tkicsistf, l Kejmdjom to eontend. with i .aud the eirpoliflion have Vied , exery . ,desigaible. 21 C1 1 . t9.4. 1 c50 1, 3' .44 illtilwlkee ttf.the' Mar- Tboy-aot:Rply_ failed, but a:cm themselves ansfarmai to l uldcr and irrevocable oblivion. IllatWAte.hauta i 4 now on a prosperous foun ,and yro t,tilhik, destined to be usefld 1=101114% .Tfoo pain:one extended hy the lionalit yeomanry of !mosti nitprecodekted, .fad ill ilaul firr the an* and or baser hereafter, to lily paper, and a mei prifili. 1 to the to We'A th 4 , 4, 01t1f ape ,pqremerly 9 114 !Wm viP, ax namtmil iNitart4tine rearlowspowbd ai the • rf, 4 . G rfi l rOtt : crrigi AQtrif 8k40( 7 9 NA4-44114. Xlr* polso4 , tow‘wbich • 741,1, 13 9 1 0r#7,4tei ago, is at at estri *Wilt to the New York. ha protenselAs..:, A jettec thorn T0%111146 44 rod / 1 1N . 11111101110 the arrival of •f 4 beet rm.!, itTllo,willtnny tons of cool- • This I NV i rtelP4 ll 4.. set to Elmira, was . 0 1L WAWA co l oal,extowle from Pitts tO1160141.9010$1•0 Of the former work, 9A rAgfie.4 l 0±9101“0 031 4'&abal. lam; o 17 vow% canal -in New : York State • AO l /114Ntavia wpile47C_`makiew B c4fß ifs,* #ii4 thilt; l 4'ire waLLSeemsa Ca r . A -1 1 440e AN4ar rorl and Erie. Mu*, by ~tiop oar liurt4 pranch t w,c,-Ipayp Oa t canal e9lannanication cH4,10 1 rik,1 4 0. ( 4 1 11 1 4. 1 % 1 1 1 e 41 14 'the Vilma 11114*, Ba i r 4 .-thcikt4l. Lakv4 marl tic nails:Hs Rklr and Um: apltcm of Nintsylvaitia itu- Pfreal4r. smsatimi agw"hs.oproitretiots with the Vow York phut, "Prilittimg Atilt •U$ lujMd of lla Witt, Clitstwilt,at hist toyiilii.the prouvitt race its 14114,AtRecti4 hgnU s. I:4lllMait SitAirsg!ra ix lax sacfox '4llll4;elikkixiiiii,44l.lllpyt, wira et,kot. Miah Ants at ilikipaits4 was tine sixos, txxxxxo 411001.0411, wiry iial. box beau comic tallOgalOaxoo.4iie escoad deli s sod sea* field ilaisikatyabaillimicat is liwk Wes- LINN fixaktalltil4Plor Aix Lam of tax par*. • 4 1 6=4,7arliviiiiy died in !tan ' • 016. AtratriDents siert. Obt iiie &weal, and the body vie; •n • , of coign', sties wat*th • ' 1 -1 ftcr abort aa tidirtTra; eint - p • r . j • : irsj of recovery': e 91 411oPleilelli=7:1 1 iyisooloin ammo's - 04• 00 1 00 *Who Biddieraose wasCet iieit • • L 4k fewileimaiesol-fibeirpta Walworth And the final settlementof ita again. ieirmitharmatielit 46911 1 411 0 4 1 thilounare4 iu Tho ,baraeasteV - .F:peliwarr says that A . ' 14 " 44 .timo Wwiti llm Smith. heq,,aceepted the paritiou Ilitatkattrr t t+' , ; • •"' • tleekle,ut t try trotwitolly...areunky—ar r . ocerfAria„ - calt'oettbri left tortteli- 44 . 1 4likatiiii 9( Talk • PiloA tVrit•l'?or'llitifrreoelaeo. large portirra Of that aloakhohlers, aelto hoped '• tiarqueal relahea of - tlattheik ry_a41•1444-chv 4 . - W 2 4'or lutes ! ; • - • ••• ankfollifeal . ltionds tollie • tilt: of it tarrael; •cpaeEyymlprrwlam,A -1r"rll*: A l'' , htt kixtift",i/Ot1& newilialM!lx.loodance or timinshlic in th • r iat dt4l ' 4140.40 1 is tMUi cilebit it to wtlither Win • - ' ' • rhsidt ealeami gattieriair ,arouioi it, • • •`• 1 Tie efaxie r howtros, was Isiure the change . -4tdase• 1 """ —' J V . latj l latj liwc co Have any iuthiummiuieiii theinalo• 11.1411oitti, 1,..g0v5.r.i-thcrunmporritrllolo*Plig, iscalmarrialt arlyworhialc thelnirelYes • ( 3 ;wp m:wes t, nothing tvtaleft Out to apria.4µl telalleadraltesy :I.r the follic, 01.4a,,1ti0n for paporitt, :10 that all th cr , tistoll4 Oxins ttalahotfreOatud- their lasediee." That'o a note holders) shoul d via co 14 Wu uko tiktrri44 11(4. • eatuu ..fuotiug..., The dinteultiea purr aur- • • .. , ~ 6 ,81•141411 1 OW NATVRAL BrtlDGr.-e-The IA , r "" "w g :Lue 'D'ull‘remdt from illaibClVtioP B ..' in i tAg" WU g states Liwt the Natural yeiren) in konitie:/.lrA of enoiwy to a few individuals, awd, ii arteu- Sridepoproy, in Aiockbrtfir county, Vir siwoosoldog the, betet 4ridnui , ,itunold , rifles ullich have since deprvoisetedier value. ' as!'" of laud w)tiiitil it, btu ber.p.a , 4)ld to Mr. t .b. Joey not be to the povsec_vf the ' , resent • 1 1011 11 0 ki1132404 .. officers and directors to convert bad xecuri 4. , . . _.„ _....L. - tits into b rood, to 4, the 6 -6 &;--) creditors of the Bank dichtti .. ."-4obil t . 'Gowen), -le - J:47,r - 61- 4 -4-pic a ocry-fhui bein -i- 6 ,,a-Gic -,- .., eFilipeAtoto-a contract with the: can be done tv promote and protect their in .- 4 000, Ilefffilwsimnteinki l o raise the litty•teVo 1 tercet. ' ... Pr . tif in th e harbor pf. Si b `.siorl ' ' --- Oki qe iicir- . HIM PairsieArv.se.-4112r. ii. -W. 'hedge,' .2 • l' # .s? Ctuittk•tiOtt comity, tertetinutee, "Heed 14ixi a* = 1 Ik . plittqc -4.4Thr . l' evs . Tao ( and . exhibited some 'tries - at the , (busty Illellitbney extienelted In the ' Fair, which vvre•aold at atietivihlet 810 Mai t w ei iimg eii tas:eooo , ooo, Pivii; eri,,,,,. ! doyen---about *bared and it half lottught lIIIIMNIII , t I . ll4Woiled to iiisew some- Mil. • • ' " ' tl4 to'c - i felfeqii i g,°i•Lt•, ''_ A;CarAtat sisal44B--.Birm-,tims,fiprtiN 1 41 1 1 k At smear-witk 4 frea iirgivientber. Itic,sokr,uno.,4s; 4rdieAc " etitics4 \ beat otosday. and clotinl4 31u N. i ianewited tt047 0 %.1. , , , puhliean Hayti—made lief in the mad hours of thre trench revolution—is noir wore than lml(of it ,tinder tire chains of absolute des-. poSism, with st- mismnidlF..triaso attiOlity - for Ari.lMed. Tell Us &it itisit — ttii;t want of aUCCCAS in acquiring and mantaining unturalzmult Alt .long, continued boutlags. So. fin ;centuries, was the white throughout west or the w odd, crushed to the earth, under the system of prodial 'amebae., carrying with it all the attributes of slavery. Without property , or political ileitis - , the. distairce between him arid his lent-Web esisettvlßM neap and 'his - native despots., or tilinthers stave and his Ainerican master. 'Nit donut of do •vhitectaint expanded Ind miser Slaws all the buithenaand trasteimlS tof ldastatioM he redeemed `inieetf in this country, most I -nobly ; and throughout ail Europe, too, he is now marching slowly -but surrey _to the dull euipite l ef freedom'. We grant that this natural inferiority of the African confers no right upon the demi naollKl47-riXe land, and carry him hence as a idere-,-erig's under the shallow pretext of a BM dila 'Wore inferiority must be conild ered by this statesman In Alibiing Lairs and adapting coriatitutions for human piers,- went, In l'enniyliiinia, and in wad the Northern 'States, trt. hare solethly stfartnixt OK existence of this natural inferiority, by excluding all but whites from the exercise of marage,ppd participation in legal Sit thimity ! Mad; in-thiswwrigActest ork illa and w Orr/the' 011114411.7.„0t. itosiitist *NA ptiiiipts' 0)1 sued. rith4oll4 ?obit, ' . , ; ..... .. _ .wo wets empty Mnitreased with the spirit 3'llB CANAL APPOINTMENT.I. and force a 'a remarlern 'by the French The Boartl of Canal Commissioners at ilittiiiiiiian . e ion traveller, La. , .. ~,,,, e i. t, , i,. . rg, o Ketlnestis i y, papiqllio Ad a'.. ilW"°11:" . 1.4 - ;living's of • endll on o=44 :;,' P4s,i, • The mire, t ie oiled, ell mit eon- J r , , . „•t. . r` ~,. .141, awn If for -s s; ,er ft of . ; Jo:lapel Csi 't • the poll i, , 464 t . ' nand wait a. is n us e t die .14.1. IL et; <4,1 -,, 9' f,' los ,' .. tion it. OW en agisie#A 'l l 4 ill . of 1 1.. Y, ;slper dritri.) itwa* 11106101—Wini government Ip as I 'pe , ^IIY , 4tvoi tie ; Jr. tern Diviiiim—W, Fedc.' than Is sap , Over ha C nuin IDIS 11111 ill/1i 10111 of- . srteji\liniit;illaisTitoivni_siojioi—hull,a. ..rre.i.thit.bir. th0.0,(1. of yoarn aftervenrds, . West Branch Division —Thos - W. Lloled.— m bi lLneo a p i l b o o . 4o .l7i i i m etr a r w ri n m y i ii ti t nr i e n s fl u a t e tto , ,, , na l s L t o t. l r v . er Lo y e in the i: t ili al honistlons and 11)1hitn of n partiv- - North b ranch mvi k iionL(;oorgo W. search. T " , 4141 't l' imm "'"'""" * " 4 "" T '" Collectors —tatton • U . 1;1- iCeitneui • New mot strealss IMO the yea. tweatt or liumeoity ;' hot ,.. „ ; , „', • ,• • ~ • E sll m s e l n icr bi . B — e‘ iia waters I e but 4100 •—aanollmeA they Del us ." tlepe, timPl. S, rainier : Bristol, 1 ugh Don saisisle ;..IMusAbiglkape,;tront tan k Philstleiptdj, a1...T, &MM Paoli, R. -pip" Lai, gird' fsithl an d color. 'Laverty ;... PerlteCnifg, W. 'McVeigh v 'Ccr- Ho is ledessd se sh,tss of thnught and "u. 11 1 " 1 """ , In inbia, J. L. Lightner : Porlsinoitth 4. 44r° ,_ .. f hl 4 , r _ l r l i f fj- l ifi",:r . ; : ,i -,, bivornsere ; Harrisburg: John 11. 41euditesd; rem; s' t 71. 1. as ' ' ; k ll2.lweryitsu ro waso they strive i Newport, John Hartsell ; I I:owl/4ton, A. 0.. assaMq , Pittiriti peldimPosittotg nature is Woo- ,Ilartey ; Huntingdon, Thomas Jackson ; roes/sin/ ass . u s ilic i llellidayshurg, Joseph McClelland ; Johns ' irlinhar r eep filli siiitelt at bldt titeea..in.Giwn..l),Fullwood ; "Blairsville; 0.8. Gaud- - view, ht all legislation, bearing upon lho' 0.04 ' sous haltart.o..... . ' ' liit i h, eiples of equality; in • this country. We 'N Y o la rth l u L ' Stal-7.1-" - r ''' '' Cl. ' " ' Northumberland, J. winefordj .. .*- have now unnethitig . over three millions vett, John 8. Pointer ;. Athens, WM. . Ones or the African race amongst us—brought, ton ; F*eport,Aqueduct,, S. Bi g ler ; Bridge herb by no *.gene of our present people. ' at Duncan 's Island, D.' 11. 'cigler ; Outlet These three thilllohi aro to be governed— a t r ttl; C o lo. Oa 40*1 Theirktent condition, larhg,. I‘Li g hmaAtesliton ' ' W.m. ' Able,G. sB. O l mstead , Assistant; Philadelphia, R. 41 4 1105 t bf them a . tp r thed_ja , a n Infinitii' Situpsonll..Leech, iatunt;' Columbia; hitirirt9lnettf et what Agit..a: Thar.: coiiiiititinf J. Itloyet, J. Watts, A Ass ishttant l'Ptirtammuth, - mild Mite bbeo" i hoioo,in Ahic il: llightme . yer ; 'lloilido,,yohiirg Look; ehnii , • bow brought he Is onutithotly a breo tian Snyder; Hollidayiburg Sales; Otagol4i Potts i Jobrudown Schlott, I. Birkhohlor : to the*: Ituiti uroiregii.., 'llll2ButtEttr,33 . l. pistalainoolaartrlrGawsottrileachilaven, States, each fur all such purPosee, absolute T. MoßrTilii ; 8. 8. Bacon, iisaletant. • and cove sign, and rhally indep en d e tit Camp frispeo'nirs.=-PhilidelPhia, W. sitinTorAClsl.ltbil'en'i°nLtatilia Railroad- _sT and decided, that the black atid•white noel' radon Wylcr . J. ierk, cismed exist lithe aims altit community, liolbrairk, 0. Stuck, J. B. ' rt.; uader'the itatira:eicli:ceinlatknla• !lo ,Have William i htlusatt, lot Watson, Addison tirptioftherfilltates alto said ; and altnicrat . usi l leg * • : atm; thou dijointhisik_ the ~ ,A ftiosti. ., , Keeper of of thwoutiet Leo's, Colombia. 44. ' pimple of the gond.; n their right Supe t iintanoLok ; s hirts, ge Redraft' d--Jas. talOslato for thendrantageof their• Stiles Dryden. end the Morelia' of their people; that they Napeevisore -J'ohn f; add. 'Upper Juniata ; eonlitineln` all Its ancient forg, thin re . l i l o e i n t r y s A- 110 , 1 3 4ga, Upper NVesterwr Indon of loather - end xeiratit, Air aktle._ Ccf:a ls t ' o7 l l : l l . : oondirnerMiiiertrearr`e unii - sbeirg. • Hie* will bold Wilda le state or V2nliti r ir, Cargo ,Inspector-Jacob D. kroung,lristol. . , • , t !Jo • • • pft hok walla wheal . „. fetokre. • we trirgwo Ilar:artike'llilid' the eleciletilas 'stilAtt, - 1;h, ::ren. ttn " r, c„,i t l err . eo the , resulted in plaClng Mr. Buchaoan in the • l * slekti'Mnlt about godtherii Presidential clisir for the next four yrars, li if ronoy Theron* , the oppos*on bare 'Wnlidenly discovered t it ta what no thintr butSho ac i v i e e e r• that he it! " all lilt," And will make a goody th 46414 wi t* slaves. g l v l c o r t ia , e in olo f: t.4 ct, It ici d presm il ea f tse ril f a :1 , 1 4 4 cm :_eta in law, no other right but e "M r. gut/senora nth - larnsaa.l/2eitee . dart pant , pant , iiliktione hits in maintaining e. personally desires i* thorily to mite And control thole twrtie.t.l no c The talk agent 4fselling blood, and sinews ,' nor. tbstlini most ort e le; m ow: f ree orot: tat lf:; and :mills:" Is tla moralt cant, and all 4. 1 him in the North have the same wis h. 110 Nought and sold hut b Y " 3 " of melrw 4 "Pccfct the rie.it !O ; and for 'this service: 3. '6, 6 ;n m ' in td .* telaset: be . " sitl 11 ° reallf the law haslet* lhe ' reclil,°blllitilllon of :The Piriladelpida ' Nol i th. - Arner . risea tan 4;p-- clothing and 4. 4 , l ,bitc mi n ec. ; • • 'don journal) thus temperately . dwells the possibi li ty that , Buchanan may ri tu n4r .t io n ."l3. 4 the ig) ti a nfte4 in e ° ta let tes . be ; e ' t irt ac e fin C6 es iu'll thil i s . '7,11 - rhimself right beerll4 ci)untl7 ndsti° ll milld " F; 11131 4 1 ' ?'"ld to service I "Mr. Buchanan wil li llasteroponthe Pros or labor." ! fdoncy with awns unusual tuirantagee.- , - But no matter what really in titi.:'fAletion.., Both Houses of Congress will-have. Argo We oldie North have no more to do With it ti d e o m ag oZr t e h t ro ia nith majo w rtl i :, ms resporo i ri e Ve to the , was theta if it pertained to the Government or ac hi eve d. Ifs has mue t i ' l n n pu b . Ott - If It lierippllins - kro, , ltre - kiiili not RA sliairs izerlibm,d ru the Iwo b r auFlics of the National Legislature, in the our pathway ; If it be a sin } WE; are not ?Ts „ n ow, ter it. _t i nt scronsopind CatZt Dad in the diplonsatic . terms of encrigii. around oil eaf , roy . sitidni• he deyruitted hostel/ sttith= our..ttytaptillevand to challenge , pur Spirit of- ability and inte.itt4r, aqurring the character' rakes. : -LciLt..- 9. •••” of - 6 _ 't:.. af t esr ki vel . L et the D app enet , , s t i te lil a , respect and conNesee op CollairV. TV 0 1 4 . t P r O IRr Y decide thin * 41 14. , f t a n7i r 17: tigivsesnVrr ling lei ' ,; eheiathat P6t. 1"51,,,5t.1t as they amuse, t For the apiece - 'signalize his alttl i i ire zitolow•plttn; queoces of their decision. it. lice r40:051, &Ad to CelAign it Aft the imiagmclk • OC theyoind p l oy 4 0 4 4 Iv roam ,. history, rellecting'horior Upon the country.' with a reputation exalting to htar,i ethic. Nine otikof Pm of all the. leading sp. sclrand itatora in Congress or (11l (!r it4 l 9lo.°lf° Tetilf Pengutel or epecialpmpori in view in. keep 7 l 4 . o .- - I°l ' 6 ; ISVI up the 40k in cp , r,. Angie expect to !_!.. 0 ? - roy *se eideretintliarmehoot:__ m 4 444 16 ' 1 ill PlacexAr be, carried along,olL' Ued7ll4vriiktir all t i'07"4“1 *111: the dark And turbulent mirrent mind-tee tiongs wad lunr.e:fflncPted) b stilllll* mutter chid itilpfor hfa &fifteen, aid l el halt the erzti lly t tsju W ita nnk e ll. not t h is, hiwatiorti iSuld dot Mei finit the i so s no uth w ern bro ri ugli ght t ih to w .bost ooi r o bi t lea tho ed st . P h i e ftee' procun on th , d et9 t r r ; vit 'l t ihn ' u" 6 ° eletnentary books 'Which Its chiss-fetkows -perhaps for thalami! kindred purpose,but bid gon g thr6ugh in ptiviiii , in tame other foam ! 0. • • • i doted the hours of play; and int' i few of . No*sza or Mitres Mt iPartrmasiillAwn steep, t6thc easter n lok of th#loe; fin, In Tserit.s.-Altbtiugh a printerinlY be s et. few - weeks' gradually '4111101t) the, tins all day, yektn his elrnivar be great it wee Mit long dB he idiot fl shied of ill traveller, ofatildit fibrilar - id i l ViV e `Ah a li htii . tandpificnis,'im r lime itkprity'llader prove. A rxd oth act' er * in- w o( ) s of that division, but the pride f r Elarfon-' day; or about ,81‘',060 letters. The dishnice You °3l3' s el the statue of tl6li'lx4; whose travelled over bffilm hand Wilt avenge ei co• careei . tiepin with tidellt of energetic sprig , ' groi *letter, going to the in which. cation , etc EL Paul's Cathedral ; for he heed A irtaim i d, sod 4 r o ut/ . • to bo the greatest Neale! scholar of modem ice, disking Anil feet evca l letter lie au?. :fry Thtiiii - ogiktatace a distanoe daY f if4.4,.: l - • • ow feet, or l ode i wri Il es : 1 'Teta . Platrto nalutoln.=-Im the laid Gar mad' in the ;mum of yearOeitrg • if°l4//a VrOin Mr. lltiehati. &Mays, that' 'member trit4iiv about WO. *n o in referlide to' the r tt r .°ll44l V.°4ll° retiLitri' whieh he steles that."e.---• tgilatt -: • , • 'How. Jaye etArtor:-+-Iritis• gettats.7 ' ti e stittlet, he is decidedly in favor of the men t i e thite , e , i s f am ili a r es elm, ideal hi g o z Pacific • lletitroad ; end he codeeives that rr ai de eee i try, f o n )11,4,Qt by he r, tfongriws liotatastst the satite'liotter to mike rice fortatsormuiskyld.„taijui. _a s l itig. approprietione. for dui cqustrupttitti of this elected to reprditiut isk setts.* Starts, lids.' road, utrictly for the litirpoisti of national do wer,. f or three ditiereet . t f erne he t h e u n i te d fence, that they have to erect fortifications &mu Imethe, the Net whierlas nit at thernowth of the harbor of flan Pritirteet; The Peel& Railroad is 'question of ertpire 166 R- Ha-wets • Gensral Taylor's dine, it will come asfaahus the nstiestities Kedretwri df end asidatsd- waif Henry Skilwer in framing the famous Nettguea_ of the country require. 004. , treaty wide* caused- se 'meth • By the deatiref Mt. Wreafir A CIITT. , -;-A Leh") fillOCiX tbe,,neW ntocritteiiiccetitid tegisieture ;er DelelWare imtilitave iq _ern!t there aro F irm ! KG ritrimitaau-r,ion;ooriorti tigvw aloud Pub: lie wohhiP, 150,0110' habitual 'drunkards, Futz.---011 lout Thursday nig,ltt,the 13tIt ''lffo,ooo optia prafiligatea, 30,000 tirllftesell iaet. the Oen house of B. D. ZARA Ca, c at beggars, 10,000 • gstahl era, 30,000 - destitute 8 6 14.14 4 ,1 f iyiii lfouslu t o.toir t utisip t tlAt county, ' children, 3,000 receivers of- stolen fietinti With ail , the goods, botiluietf the firui, Moro than 10,000 young unen.undereigh • was destroyed by fire—nothing was saved.— years of ago aro annually commitod lbr theft There was no , iusuratioa on the holism or in °rest liritan. ' goilm*t,aThe thre iwoeppowlel to here been the work of an inceimlliaxY- ,itittry Ws Omni e llso32n.i -A,r Deco in r is ea-ctir-tabo.-: ti-etery of-New Engbassi" win be iommeilecdjii .innuary, ana those having *i dollar toNrsiscamlot makes Mkr iuvestaten!. thaw Terms ;-42;!th*s, $S cOpioi SS._ Armor 7/J3 Walnut Si. Phila delpltif Tun Voteior lattan, * Jewish psperj lately started in ss* Fitirsitsee, says thora are between 'thirty snit forty thousand He hriwit in' Catitbreihe They are geaerelly Oft dnikkloV"Trulfirrlar Wet . Their %ew twirls's' been ohserriedirith sr&tfistlemuity.. "ihn mototion adopted at innotilaiti 111Ei PIZ LAD/14 PAT PAILS t NTomtui Tiod TIIAN rw ova /RON DiAl.ol4l.7Thq imßorts of silk have risen in raluo ahre 4847 from 0re22e1,000,1:90 i and the customs from 0,443. to $6,129,. these nisio years the total amount of duties reoeired into the Treasury from marLufacturee of ink is $51,843,87 . 1, while thd . 4.olAl revenue froM eron; imanufactutlea of iron, and steel, amounted to only 350,139,- 9-11 NItIV BANKS. , —/:b0743 will be' fiviity-two iipplicationm for now Litnke, re 7 oharlets slut esitetiolorig, before the next; Legisb4urer- WhiAliii - the fiiiluro of dio Lonoootev Assa4 wiliftlave tor ihfluenae over tjaiiire, I rialsil l orto a sees..; ,; :• ; ,„ t • I= ME ITEMS QI GENERAL NEWS. , , and lanagew4:in) 114 Wide, it *aid Fi yerigood this year* MA* Collegeit k ;as4 Philadelphia haaii_ now thousand 041u:biked and siii,r,two'studcofi. , °44, 4 who gave his mane &kohl* C. Yillemont was committed to ,jail for disorderly conduct._ rids makes the third Freniont. . —The postenaateeeif Plaitsbuft-Jia.:wsla arrested last week and held to bail in the sum of $4,000, Tor opening a letter and com municating imp eentente. • ---The New (Means Picayune pays out 'filirly tot telegraphic tliiPitebea elope 017-,-- 000! The net profits of thi s establishment last year. it is eaidotmotutted to the snug setterof $90,000. ilemOisc wee isillod M choir of it co ' honor or the elootite of &mammon. --E4aheriTakYllota, of4lnuthat county, Pa., was thrown frost his horse spd killed, oath* hied of 41h lostantwhilst c11.,* the election inattuhte of • Wangs township to --Asps-the adoisiso or the Constitutioai the poop!' of the t ilos* have voluntarily - 49Wriniltaf4il 004 britAnutind and ility thousand dares ? worth at cantons bunked twenty-flie wintirtiof dollars_ -•-An , paper _says s Our gracious Quera is far advanced in a anndkies which phsnises, .God siding, to augment the royel family of Esigland, someithena shoal Use• month of febena4 - , . • , Mus: Albolitioniets in Backs County, era eiresildhig rawonstinnees for. sigostuni against the introductitwordareryin Pennsyl vania!, If things heti ou at this rate, the In aaneArlyktra at Harrisburg will lowa to be —ln a eoevany of Atty.-nye United'Btirtes soldiers, it was aiifeitained that the Aiwa ail.aharteatlia qf Lisa iris /MN mate 'forage ditlldalty, 18 of tirient had changed their names, and 43 of them were either drunk or partally so at the lions of their etti liskineut. • . _ _ -Thardemd - tiady of gr. loVsi /Isidore' of DS lisso towniiiiip,` Columbia ciiiiqi-Pa, was Ibund in the woods om Saturday tbilitli ; instant. It appears that tho &waxed had let his bomo some two weeks since, Nal wsaidoned about, four miles NW thm woods, belonging, to Williun lloaiglitop,of Pine township, aneperiabod beim stareadom. Iwho ropreamted bimacif as an 'T4wP34 4 I - Spa who lectured Worse few next ago in the Tabernacle against the Catholics. Is nor seiestnlng in the Wisom • sin State Priam at Yard dri-Le, ruder term* of' hapriammiest for lift, be*, repen ted, ,anti was received again into the. ,Catho• lie Much on the 20th of January. 1356; —4 ring is high In Chatfield jest now.— Ehmitris.at4srling.M4l2aJoareirl.;.-buttes es 20 cents per pound ; VOL. by the quotes, at from 4i to 0 cents per pound; buckwhiat Sour - S3 - ;50 - perhundred poundal - cm - striae 62*76 canto - per' brothel ; ribeat and molt can't i . o.priosta.. gleblerth to inpurtani, 4. N.e year WO, emorearanslau Saturday at 3 p.m. I s and lasted 911 sburlsiak on Monday. In the Pergliqf James I. 1606, a lino of one shil -1 erns *aged bat act', of parliament on mu , wont absent from church on 'Sun day"; iThs oldoes• aro atilt to Ire labored kor osottaiosioadit peat tilottomiatiotot,Jrcin not krootitOr. , bovalb , mkt a totrolvt Thoy otekiwilitootry dillaultimislartbo atom set thorn op oat hoop thaw id, aid. 4rogoolv witirlbe blip at a 'lain Mak* they codd Oat ttaialbont bead in; bit bail tort the imurout titer the bead wag hoadod--that wit obi olsostion. .E. Nid cL, of Qwentry, R. 1., whilwaelfariaglban s toothed* at abaft I eels * ea today annalsg,lot apird *Oat oit - wids lamberts kill the psis in tits eif rabbit shooting ; bat eras sarprisod to that his 4% bad *tasted up a big auintal, whirl pawed te bra panther. The tante took to, s boo, sad was only Inweibt own by repeated shots. It war reeve feet lona red ,ireitheid a be Bred pomade. It is probably ore that got loom applilli . ensergare which exhibited is that isoots sort Ur ardor* topitberwitb wager mid a beat, was lawnlik takainetbeasierpii, _ • • • —Oa Illatarday weak whllst,Mr. Ellis As key was hailing on the heikd waters of • 4 ~ ~.. a a tin-box and awood en-i , . 1 " 1 Atiao et, 4 miles hum any habit/alio.' it . y Mr. Askey 'and others , Tintei eritseu. *Eire - they (*end all the boles of a awn, except the skull. tiii)a , telitihnent *mini In 'the box, wets written a couple of names, which, were inside out to be, R. y-Rightbonc, and R. D. Merles, Brildsetlgalitides these, on a pair of sporctaries, wero l leograved Robt. Wright. The bones are stitmlied to be the remains of a travelling tinker an Englishman, who had a wooden 14, and -throirger the £47411ta. thouLtrejnesultsaga r and ,it is supposeirthit he either lost his way, and becoming entinlod lithe thicket where the Wiles were found, was unable to extricate Minitel( and perished'from fatigino and star •lelto, or mar Te4iii deafried him= OFFICIAL Yors or TLI.IFOIS.—The WlWlL ington Union contains tho following tele grivhin spatch , t • ' firaminriatm, (M.) Nov. 19. To, Itt Rditgrflejaffniawl, _ Illinois to the DemocraoLof the Ihrios, greeting ! The official ma ority for Buchan an in /Morris is NINE IMAND ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTX-FOLW Isaac IL LOILLZR 7 Chairmanl)em. State Central Com Juan BLOW formerly of Phillipsburg, has taken the Tyrtine City ,ITotol. Jobe is s good landlord and will be well patronized by the travelling community. Binary/m- 7 49bn It/IMO! Kamm **Li, is; touted on Friday Ms instant in Lapeo" callivan Anitioty. , Kanint Was convicted of '2"lol4.4lo,44o4named,Vintakierilbci,„., /111:54/..PRis CORRESP9Putswefi, v. 1.; Purtsommlns, Nov. 22, 1864. ipautte l o i tn :— en T t h a e lu re ce h m ag y lest. been wi T t it ill e ° l of liana beintover, people appear to h a ve set. tied &unitive"' down to taunt the cost. and find oukexectly how", they stand in mons" initteli. Business is just inhaling, and money very " tight." The Whore of the Lancaster Bank caused some excitement natimas,. but•ithaskpanied ant; eind peo ple aro congratulating theinselveit that teat. mra are no worse. The mge for apeouls. doh has been very greet,and it ttill'belvell if we do not have some more " crushes."— , 1 hope not, for the' winter loroapeets ars tathetAlull st present- 414th* laboring alia ses have it hard, enouigh at theiheat! dr titans. Well maj it be said—" Gal help the poor Thanksgiving eirrywas nbeervedttra on 11/04411;1114;d1;74;11117704alit I The day wag' miry twiettlral, Int thitiediee, God bleat them, looked as smiling and hap. py as , though there was no such thing as care, in this world, to mar thoirimppinds. If they could only be made to believe how much real Joy they could shedaround.among the dldbront circles la which they inove, and at *bet trifling colt, by *sir pleasant looks, I dent believe that wonfainassill-eutored women In christendom. It, underlaid sir. cumstaoces, one amid be 'hind, Barfium would beater her, het foot. Thitt'a my impression. So look UP,• girls, and prove yourselves what you were Intended to be—a a mediator between man and hit glorinusere . Conductor Hop*, wbo kits . bunt on trial ter Irikoonteetnie; with the awful .mach up on the NOrgh Petlawylvania , Railroad, slits -- 11norlinetllifididdidon that Gov: - Td. loch hos appointed dohs* T. coved to be Judie, in place of iiatike'Kelloy. I hope he will behave bettor Ibeit be tbillelwas be wu on theteoell rimed ego; I( he dloea not, in the language el the Sheriff's presiallostion, " God sari the Counnonetealth." A Pellatlikinew4ell An jut bees open ed et rfith4li sod 4,04 (Tilden Omits, celled Ilse loylierrimon &Wise It 40 feet wide '250 Awl loot A greet ern isensierthe-ssigis • • • News has Web reseired hers of the mar riage, PR,Ole .240. 1144. 4 . Of liop,,Stophen A. Mastic tr:S.'Sevaikar:iitiris Illinois, to Ida Cutts, daughter et Jaismullaihsow Cutts, of Washington. death/ W the last wiek, were 221. At opasaimptkoa I y l, scarlet fever 34, ults n, asidalesis' 15, ander one yeas • , The contested elootioo . coos pf oar Die triet Attorney ) is in ths bontoottint Judges but 041 not amount to sash. Nothing fur ther of somiont to note, I shall close by sub , nL .7.. _Afore- VALI:MULE BtArtann&—lfesl'/. Kuhn & liirppf bays folusiliied the Devisto,ets Dem-- otatistici, 'With*** Nap of *WU, Mosessonis* ii•a t aissics'y Twat L 9 lllthl6 Axeraig= i, inlsh th '. "dr „TI Angie ilquen, Nam, • 4 HS I* Whole so. 64 *ore% . 0111413 . tag 7,790 Popiladua; 443.767 If mbar it vow, ki,ia- '17,24 took, Aggregate are4-11/00punasedident 749,. 000 awe& - Pepislatioe•-4741,212. being it pea rain oleos a= mad Ilk upset paraltea to each. ieleabiteset. Ia the emotine in ow • 41117 04 ellithW4olll% Val 'tibia eifT one is emery aka Weetitiall fe t!iit . ems Pir ilasil Mier airesiind Tales at reatapd per soldkoatete It tho . atimite enotriet z is IPIB4- 700,7100. Cst. Jour W. fosass.--Seß Porter occupied severld_prossineni asixesposeible iodation" iv Me Deraperstic pi.isralit is not • Siorptlitint that *Rh 1110 - iitecy and , ability, he ahoald beadposra Iliresiitiont at tacks front the madam peeps at the country. Aoestodriatalledion assailed with UIIOIIIOII ASK* topers an the N thessarty,oftliat mig is rums tbo late etbnpsdigniitt• Oats was . oesditetsd.. and its irsmi4 , snottordid imams =get. ages 4/hi ability sad iatialhAiga. C li t=4 the Chairman or the St the Comrades& The ` rand result irks the work Of the peoplb e their sorstaign (spat' sad tledr NOW or sand•snr. Bat the arptisoisatien Ai right direatio• of elltort...were the work or thous appointed to lead our mi„ minute. That column num bered two itredsadltliiltj thoaaanst yam and it was led by shallit/thandlt wadi Meow • iszsons_rintany....e-aietany-ot-vast-ins.- portant), to the cenntay.,--estiaisteghlosi- Tea Sicasore t i llrONS 0,111111 DAY AIM.: 1.: Wk Aff4- auxtinixettalar 2. 'WILL WAil E,EREEKADEDI 3. WILL KANSAS BLIMP AlkrinlDEEr 4. WHO WILL RULE AILUISCA I For information inquire of the Stank Ittri publican and Know-Notbings. rus snuff daily newspaper' 'printed in Vir ginia, was in 17810, and the asslbseription plies was 50 dollars per annum. lb* daily papasof that<lata was noi as- knew se easSat A icAtflus coimuiroxpiisr. —oat Thomas 11. %a eon, has been' Ink to •anus bT the Eondon Timm to b• its segabw comes poodrott. there, 4fe begins; we nes; b! tel ' . • Tun iiOII7I.:AR Vori c - 7 The returns of the Preaidentiel -election, lir es they ' lived received, sliew thet Mr, Dootuutio hes 374,004 over John 0./feeziont. This our jority will be very l it fatl-tetnrns: -" t inertetho . d by we • •-••••••-, • • • • , . br PunLannx.isii, Pasnibeit• WilMixon! Edmund So4lmm, 'and Mon* ilignerhowo t l io boon Ws) twil i t° ansnifx . the *Ave or U - Kon tho n. Wm. B. lited,4l(i. W. B. Rankin, an others. st e - _ . 4 i •10.....:1....1. A C0mm0x . §.101.0.,--A insults han,beisu nr' rooted in Ph obia, on the ohimi sr o: be ing a snmosan(' 004, and aboilitti - 100' bero• Ego irkbektti9 Onaldiratt • !---- ' - , s -... ' ____ , tcd 1ipx.41,10,x4n ''"rirge a Pna I # . ;.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers