w...4.,,,,; t ,~. h .ICI7 s!` +'• •;),!:•If uotplql , MUM n.4s. • o ; r. 4 ' I V , • • 4 • * nl U 1 ~a rat f, 0,..;;. • 4 !!!!! *VOL. I. ,fIJ4, , r; ,-,111.41...31/11 1 1 ,7r • • ' ,444:Appta&Ansamac*4 worms 'OP Ater 4 - 77 - 7 7 77,71 - 4P rO 4 , NLY . 41144.18H D, r k PARE I IRVENTI E CE COUIs TY. MocitATIC NEWS. 101:111,11111M0 *PUT WED3EIIr•Ti Bf ,30MtY HAYS. ti111M4 6 41,50 111- lit/twice. or If reit( within sin ' , months. 02,00 will bo charged on 01l Solo:rip. Opus t %Innin g to the end of the year: - RDYSIIVIWVitr(TrT aud liminess !Notices inset-t -01l IYt thrusaa rater, mud e ery dem iNC) 3E 3 ' 191. 12 4 7 ZT imix ink; If fi the suestest putnnei, it the lokeat Neos e stel Li, the o' mu"t tlearetiob" Ifinrin; r6hirksiol t 1 hark, collection of typo, we are pre. parod trl,s4lisfy the orders of our friends. . Dh`.:IIOCRAT.I6 CREED No. 1. Bina/ and ex.ire jastire to , all own of soh thrown *tote or persuasion, religions , or Sr.,. cok7glarat aokhalf , es with agitations i.eutanslingallifontea soilA rOUP. 0 0 2. The rikei4 of Skies and Tortiorife to 4 4,migunw A.O own &unsold affair,. ira. 4. Preitololflntopiality Ike oorireignne of..44teople,mid.the :dila , of erfee ionVoiitg, so l4.ket &eche; rtril Ile roaetottilion4l4 erproeiog, M ATort- . tleooo.ta....tu prihUo-seqpiitisi - re4. ow, a Arxere I pro.o?votly/ pnblicfaith• #t lifeedons o freedom of the rest orod-oriorge,ll . illi melon of inforinalion. 7. Opposition to ell etoret political 07109; 54 'lone. and to all cortirptinns in pot/too. A-socrat preservation of the Parma lloliotbetwiit,O Anti Sal railigionstoste, for Ore. No. 9. bigotrzor pride f ever, er die. 411 , 1 et ;OM of birth amon - r - Ainiitain . - No. to. flopott and protection for the rights of Pr 0.. Alt M. Tar priaf rl'ati aof thenataralisatron laic*, and the rtirkt of al/ to the imUie ilontain 4,4 14, protection of the Arnerinen government No. 22. iiippoeition tool! chartered monopolies N.. 13, Common brotherhood and good will to till--tOpeOlallp to therso of 1.450 household. of - • -- BELLIWONTE, PJNNA *mem •DAY, MTh's= MP, Is3o D 1101163 OF WEANING 'Doors to A 111011 Witep.—The Detroit Adveritier say*, •the wind con . Saturday *Derrick:in last, end whilg. the dust wateironlatitig so thick that no one could see intim tban The length of en eye• high in front, a lady, dressed' in the most ro.od - trats - ot - the • rs, was lifted off her tett by the three rff the wind*Ming on the great espaiiiii surface-which she presented- to it. ''• 4116*ir hi the ?me position in which she was before be* tiers up, but turning her gently•on onit sit* it laid her ender* on. tlicsidtrialk whelp the minim need a series of satoniith laggmliompotiirt nevrwrntzu - on tho hoops of the Alittliklend exhibiting a species of hmtibotion which may come intq fashion wiUe high winds and 'las* circlets of light inati vial. As the Isidy thus rolled o'er and Derr_ several Perrone were knocked down And passed cltrlly.the lady and the hoops, without ever knowing that anything had hit tlsMt. Fortunately for the lady, - the .lust mid the astonishment pf the people out of doonrperuiltted but a feW to witness this new ipctbill of getting along ins stift breeze end keeping up full sail at the same time. 4s so canto ruuud a comer we found the ledy,leedged,betn-cen 11, lamp post and a hy driont, sad innuedtately isolated her to an uprigitt Instead Rif arccumbent position. PROTVO7ANTB Ls( Tntl UNITED ST eres.—Dr. Writ:* 1214, new edition of Religion in thus classes the five 'great evan gelical denominations in the UMW& States. The CongregationaLiets_ and Presbyterians he plied under the head o - f -- -Prealoyterisens •, Min. Mew Ppp. EPhoopokan, 1,3 23 1,713 108.840 1.011,000 Presiviejaval, 10,669 • 0,471 928,318 4,600,000 11,070 .9,118 1,272,400 11,200,000 Mill, 111, 14,0011 .0,140' 1,693.194 6445,000 Littera& 4,9911 .4We4100 770,000 A SISVIINTION - WHIMS iS to bo built across the Ifississipplat St. Louie, Missouri, to be sighty-fbur feet *bolo high water mark, au& warodiau a mile ,ht_ length. The greatest distance between towers will be 1800 feet, and the foundation of HOMO of the towers will be 80 feet below the outface of low water. J. W. Bissell; of Rochester, Y. iimeired the appointment of engineer. The brike is expected not to cost 100 than two mill • of dollars. 414-.41411).T0rita.-=3lr. George Angikarti, the eide4-rvilident" pr Dboklatid *mete is on Tuesday lart, -sod-cart ant .lireckinridgr, r, tit& is in his 102 d year, and has voted toiraU the Democratic Presidents, from Witalopoon down to oar own Buotianan. ,May *red patriarch live to- behold 'tlio siemesili ohm - of ortec--more - retaining the peg that, through oxidant' evil report, has ever atoodlirmly by the Cont4ll.llll43,And the Ilnion Asothaig Gazette. 1ii440.-.;A just cause for rejoicing by tbs Design% eney is the overwhelming major- Ili*ek9 l 4 by Bucliiinan it his own State. In Neee4prkhis native State, Fillmore is the thirdksitsintstii.. The returns from Cal- AV*, _lO demystrato in. what measure of 4 4 1 9 0 11411040 a the citizens of the Golden State ,hl:44•Otailr'"benekotor" John-V Fremont. • ullaatosinate_tris Remo —T he Deinehrathi party abolished slavery in New Fillelevou)iii, and New Jersey, The VonatitqWat . Ohio and. C,".llfoireia: "Well Prohibit slayer', were. all by tai Democratic party. 14e itsl i iirrONN Cl,lll ,Cdr awarded blrelr beautiful prize Dimmer to In- Alletiklityjor the largest increased v( to o,Tprl c itt: of ,t year. , . Jab Ekrunna.—ldrs. Thorn of P • recently hung Iva' elf end ci,l!9diesetass her husband refuseitito take Dot N# bin at JOnc#4llo. f , • , . • .. , . • . . . p- . . ~ .. --,,,•, ...,. .., ~........ ........„,•... i., •..; . eb . . , .... . • 4 .: • ,• ....-: • ~. _Ol6-• , jr . ... ..... ‘ . ...., '.., 1.••• . . .....• i 0......... • . ' ~ • ' • 5 •t.t r , 4.7 . r . , • vt,.... , . . . . . , . -,,,,•,.., • , _ • .. ANAHWiIf Kiximp-44 blviums.4l Riohatrd MeCatniofi'arrivedin port 'yesterday afternoon from the - Bull Creek ; he reports a Mr. Glenville shot by the Abolitionists and himself robbed. Glenville has been living on the claim of Reese Jones, Esq:, and ho was driven away from Toy Creek by Dr. Wootton's crew.— ifs- Was on his way to Missouri, driving a wagon Mailed with Jones' furniture, when near Bull Creek, on the Santa' Fe road, he was stopped bylbur men who demanded his Money. Ile hod none with him. One of the assassins tried to shoot him with a revolver, and as Glenville drew up his rifle to protect himself, another shot likenjn,the Lack. .16 is not expected Olive. A Carriage has beep tent for the wounded man, Ind when lie are rives we Will be able to get•his statement under-Oath. •. Mr. McCamish, en induattiode, • deserv ing young niaa, hes agerhvbeen robbed rel doubt by • the four mica's *hp shot' Clen ,ville4-an the shooting and robbing' is done bew4-da7s by four men.• We suflpdell • the Abolltiohmts have got up- vi new militaty ifevlep an that 'the Nutter Ooneints 'of fear each. • Wit hopeakov. heary Will look alter thin mysterious four. People ire getting kheid tossand theirAums-eo the _Territory.. The praittiiiiiikki, or wan set on dee mar Bicaimish's, and While he was out trying to save a fence, tbo d e relieves went to his how% and took clothet, a 4addlo and bridle, and several blankets, He saw and. could 'den tity4lei jirivilevem , • They idle oftwalopinett the divedtkni of a flack :sae ...yow l: . truly - httilitil to remote Order and enforce obedience to, the laves.-- We stop the preen-to give this late trwl :it may he relied on. A COLD BLOODS!) MIDADID,--Irt will be recol lected, says the N, Bedford, Mass. Stan Jar,', that a short time Alice, the dead body of a young man by the name of Chase, was found in &sense', cinder circumstances which' Ida to the belief that he was Murdered by's man who was last seen iff his company, by the name of Vanderboof, hillomer set. A day or two ago Vanderhoof• was ar rested, and when informed of what ho accused, he Tainted. Subsequently he con fessed the foul deed, and implicated an ac- ooMplice y the name of Deater,_who has also made a edentlPion. Both of them have been committed to Taunton Jail. They uy that the young man had thirty .dollars in onev, and tiny_agreed to divide it_lsy the one who struck' the fatal blow, two dollarrthe moat. Ilvonsautm-u Hows.4anesuktcr city, thr borne of the President elect, gives such a vote fur 'him u will t.pll the country, in • mann& not to be misinterpreted, how highly Jame Buttanitimuilumed by the friends apd neighbors who Lava inow,n him long and well : Lancaster etty—P4ll rate. AMOY, BurAl . Prltm. Fifip, 17,11„, N. E. Ward, 607 313 112 , 1 N. W.Ward, 883 83 120 HO $. E. Wited 537 47 100 11.1 £ l . W. Word, -too . 43 71 50 1897 'Collll99ltau TOIO 699 M.J. fur BRA, INS A Pacmcnoar Wulnsp.—The lon swing proliction aplienzz4 in the New York lour• na of ty wow ,of the Neue of April 26 " The Hrsii;Nothing Councils of Phila delphia bawd' refused As use"( the null of Ir4apendenctfor the reerptip of the Hun. James Buchanan. Never mind the people will furnish him a hall, after the 4th of March next, which will ho sufficient for all • / practical purpoaes. In connection with tho aboTo we giro tho following extract from the Phlladclphin cor respondence Of the Baltimpro " In common council rottenly 11 , rein ttotrwlittiorotitAtiFttinieviiii the HOW of- n defictOtilif. lir. BuChirion, tbr the Wit of his friends fbr- an expodixt vivit-trom-the 'resident cleq." FORTUNZ-MAZING..-AS an example (goys an exchange) of the rapidity with which for- un sre acquiredTwe may men on e case of Sylvester Lynn, a Scotchtnitu, who landed in Chicago in 1846 with two 'over lain; in his pocket. - A few weeks since he .gave to the trtuitaes of the Presbyterian University, Omit. to be established at Forest e, twentrfivo miles north of the city, the sestinificent sum of ono-Mptefrod thousand dollars, ($100,000:1 in consoquanco of this _act the trustees havedcppnitte4l taz call gut institution the Lynn University. , Gls?mital. lilomtm's national lyric,' 'The Bag of . o ur Volstik forayef,'Lpro veil a meat valuable "document" during the late can vass. It tduched the right nerveand pro duced a thrill pf patriotism throughout the republic : - " A unites of lakes—e union of leads— A - eaten of etlitell none may sever; A onion of hearts—e union of bends 4.ed the tog of our Elston forever!" Tax J 11141110" Crrr Telegraph is a decidedly nanny paper. Hero is a story original with A young gentlemen, of estimable chime tallidttcusi.YbAegU!retnemitoput4cric., injured in the legs last Sundaybight, by try ing to take home two tidies at once. The fleshbout . ,hj*,finklea was completely worn off by tliinadies%hoops—of course his pants were ruined. APPOINTIIIIITIS sr Gov. Pot Csnrad. Assdnioto Judo of the Court - . Common Pkas of Philadelphia, froth the first of December next, vice Win. DrXelley. ...Capt. Zenith Ttirtey, Iliarbor Master for the port of Philadelphief from the lOth inst., yeas -fieorge R.Tirahlkai riidinedi Itnotm ISLAND voted on the 4th spina any amendment to the State Oonatitutioni, LLEFONTE, PA., WEDN • ' And naked lies the ;blaming ; While dliatfireeilliO - dielamt etme ' , •: The fading light of summer shine; , Along the lawn thO negro Wort " Poop eumtuore on hie uoopday horn, And innieward troop the girls and bean: Fokti Yadkin( of the eon. • t ; I mind me 'yell 'that *ninon; der,. ; • • When Are end Areal 4 61 4 1 .. 1 4mi ~, We turned ear,labo't*lnto .1 , AnO hu:1031.1 !be itellt'n - for nitglibbr Al! wife, we weeethe blithealladr •' That e'er to wedded love Won/Mina For I arm gay snit ,yokwora fpm • huski Pe, 9 CO th P ~ Ob howittitfall sad le* aro longing ; • • Out hearts sat liglatlx4nt onr.llpai• •••• As we the golden eider quaffed, ,•• • • • Andmimed the bowl with . really quip?. And glen sly hinta of love went . lupntl t i , ;' Con slim:nod at me with poutlngsioeur Fetemlled, tho' yota fain would frottib,. , , ' A hisLingsof the corn, , • • Thou when I tonna the scarlet ear, And Molokai tilt, ofd tretifffinal Lisa Tuit bide tem set . optaletila toe odor, • And pleaded•that dad j,iesdod gttw ' Away'you fled nod d peretuan Till- all too faint Zoe wawa Awl—loon you not how weft I w THE' BURNT .111111111 g, One tine efteineen, egitY in "the elong 4 i , about twenty-tiro„ycirs ago, _two young at torneys were trarcitaig leisurely across an xteruiivo prairie in one of the lyestern States. They. were on theft wey to *amid * circuit court of • frontier county, whhib embraced about oat fourth of the terrifory of the state, with a very esnallpoftion of Its population ; but Which ban, in prosesi of •ttme, cut up into three or knrSoligiiit sional districts. One of them bed recently been appointed Steles' sttorney_of the cir cuit, and would occasionally breaths hrtnielf ill a sort of Iltlidey excriiMe by Way of preparation for an intended charge upon the grand-jur The other, unoccupied by the caretrof pu is o etc - Ina - aged - fancy new end then in pleasing visions of Prison crs vindicated 11 triiimphatit efoquinice. .who would pour out their' grafltudo• stud money in equal profusion. Oncli or twice, by Commit" an iinsliinary hog thief " faigned, au 'arta Cate 61 1 thit argmuents-of !corned length and thunder ing sound i V addressed tiy the two worthies to en inrisible -court vid Jury—Who' were suppuhed to listen with attention and Inter est. • 'lino amusements -teem varied front time to time by dratights upon their 'rcipeetive stores of song and anecdote, IA .well as on the ortatnro nouiforts which they . arried in their saddle inivirdaiiicket flasks... As the day declined, however, all their resourtei; mental and physical, were ern nigh exhaus ted. Tired and hungry, they ibund them selves, when sunset" was approaching, still "six or eight miles from tho country mat; a distance which accrued to them almost in. terminable. On a however, ono of them conceived a bright idesiotbich was no sooner made known to the other,. Wan ha eagerly appr.ved it. They determined to bunt the pniirie. One of them carried a contrivance for striking fire (luciler matches were not yet ;) And having started the. blase cleverly on .either side of reed. 910 Inured their - journey, oft2st.tern* to mark OorPlMPT4lPe!.**l ll ‘ 7 i • 6.4 t0...041/41 , their brilliant - - There ate few !Viet sights - Um a butting prairie. It should be a wild and wide prai• rie—with the grant four or five feet high, un. touched by the rumniant -oxorntrodilen by 21Pr -- .' 103 so as to vary tho movement of the confa• gration —the ham late winter or early spring, when the grass is as dry. and crisp as tinder —and a fresh breeso blowing, before which the ftros NW( op over the levels like fleet cour errs, tossing their glowing manes upward on tbo rising ground, like tho blla lows of diet remendous pee, viten which the huge _form of Satan " Loy IbAting mar a -rtiotk" -- Poropared - with 'this, mere irtllteint fire work* are utterly insiguitioent, and shoii bontemplably, u .tho sulphur mid sheet iron of a itorin Mae theatre would dot imam-- • • erithihrtitmlereind—lightnierdi storm betwee4 ' , Joys" wad " the joyous, , "The offence of bog stealing was en com mon in those days, that it might alive been termed an epidemic as regarded Individuals: aml • chronic disorder larialwribeffir politic. L Tho criminal docket never failed to kxhibit hdf • dozen -eases every term. dome thought it grew out of the habit of haling "varmints," and the difficulty of teaching frontier men that "wild hogs - ' were private property, and not "fern ?lacuna." Others maintained that it waisdue to the temptation held (Mt b r the prospect of d e predating itor q tre;no4l-- ileauge— of these animals through the woods. But the most original theory broached as a de fence in ono ease, by a lawyer, who found the - facts proven against his client-tooplainly. to ho dolled or evaded. The hogs' were al most always 'killed in the river bottoms:' which were intersected with gaayous sod sto:rghs cud be asserted that the seater of these regions had the retnarkablv'effect of excitingn insane appetite/no porlt-etinest inuch t htteverystnati who lived in the bot tom turdritrik its water Isis three 4reeks ; was irroaistibly driven "tnget hog meat' by a necessity. weal lateral. which, Ent apt end, to everytiripg,4l(4r*Gpey . l,4bility. Thu evil has gildusilly stated. since th at day, whether from an improvement' ie the water, the-mends, or the ptdige,bf thectrm• mtwity, we leave is in OpeA it144401Z F=SEM zyslcED g 5.440., A TALE OF. CON34.3ENCIL "I do perceive here ►divided duty." - gerli` l :boierichimlld ba...innpeediriktiiitim at paid', Garden et tire Preaidentligkorrads, It was. that of a magniflcient tree, which P;toOft et the eitrennety of a Tbint of timber jetties out into the prairie, likersome giant champion in the van of w forioin hope —en teldpe'd in dlnies from Ile toil to the top- Metalling; lid ditiptilyitig ;aglikot ' the dark= AIWA& ft ti;splehdant and ,hotricate awls or Ilk - It insinitg!.tO mind fbrelbly the idea ,of a burning ship' at es. And. we 4mean !Mr, to, tile sttatige eieiteferat 'pt liriaber Z , night, Which Ws spent at I dr bowie in a 'small hamlet, begirt with fire II rouhrl the hiii'laiiiii like a 'hilt &guild' ci . The men issidliirider the nrighborhoodfwere on foot till cliiy break, Plighting the its," at every point wheie it threatened iwciatikiii: Their . figures seen running to and fro aldecilic bright line, of-the 'ene * my's^4pttath, Ind their kholt; of warning or erteitunement, that camp tipteintly for the eailfreraAltredis• taOne,heighteited the irildeffbcOirede *Mao, i and lniogled with out. dreams after we . had ceased Ifs tiehidd It with-the eye'wflense: '. Thillichefit e;iltaMn is necesihrY on - those imOrtaiddi; foi c ihnietiMes, *Ore_ makes awhire'ail Open the 'Milk ~ . .., giniurning Ni .0 1 .Vitiaufferer todatn gnactiajf visit with exe'6ybut penalties the Abtilinf firing a pra:ite. Itiirtiti - saki orobtainint&ig grail's — TO their cattle, as al-'o fur tffart . iposs' pre linexpNted fires,* sowers them- salved are accustomed to burn the prairies at appointed times ; watching, the flames, ind guarding &plait thei l y . fivages, till the ding* hi passed by. And thus it s , e , Itkun happens, Oaten} , beeach_ rikthe late is com plained of, unless Some, ntittate injury •re sulti from it. - 'I • pyredischnhforploito of - oar herones were followcal by estiosequenceir of this sort. The blaze, which they kintledr after Ara 'mil. or ruktehfitritr little link of prairie,Arstt- 'Sistraying illy tenting of several farms. "As bees his out Wl' angry Tyke,"--so - awarrned out the whOle settlarneist-in hot haste; - iiis *- ques t a eveey direction in scorch oethe perpetra tors. By a singular 6111704 (iitlidrire com mend th 3 attention *oder+ (rho' are ctirioiri'(ri•O'sies 'of eircumitintisi evidmitoo) their stilipicions were divarafoita the real • Almosed-witfrifie viuMitit 4s-hist -Wive or' four' hi nocen per sona.. those Were some joung. arm, who happeneckyilbllove the two lawyers alcing the same road, at an' interval of ziot, more than half an hour. t he earlier pa • k of tho day, theflustf met! at .several pla ces, afiiilting. swearing, siugingairiips, run ning theirliorseit, committing othe r ea travigances, aesiitli fellows will do `"upotf a spree." One man who had been hurritig cattle descried them squatted on the grattr:eri the irairiv, eigers and piss atEttrds--s -and' tho day iral §'unday! 11cre rq !ACT, ihqy had been surprised by th3.ap eh of the and - manittin g their nap y had dashed at full speed, through the which the road pressnt'ed, and made t he way to county town. : Evan at this jruitaro too they had Win a e on and recogni4and the laiit link in the dada of proof wastapplied, to tiro' entire satisfaction of their t . enraged accusers. vain did they protesf:tbeir in nocence and appeal to one Another, cor roboration. " All west coneernert in' it," bald dieother party, limit td' eateii you!ll all stick together ets4l sees: ati to reihsFirevi , Tripe takes hold of you ! MeV lix you , . flints about 'right " • Meantime tho brace of attorneys, though exempt from the suspicioft of the public, were suffering great tribulation in secret.— r.. • la •• were I 771 oerea p with one another, and nuechrenbtle caudary was expended upon the question arising out of the "conflict of 101," to , wit; the Law of Truth snit Justice, and th 4 Law or" Self- Preservation. Judge Story Wins book ware then published) bad not treated of snob a 'muse, and the was alto*tiser• too ttrong their„weak eye* J_Their..karte yeagna " thX.fattairJestratnuete.suthaie 'tutes-Aut "to confess the seen" &motives teas a dreadful alternate°. 4 would bs to • ce, as they thought, siert; hope_of ti94solito.a.ll99°l B J- 1 9 AtiStetis shut up forever the perspective, which le velled' in the distance a wilt in the Eitel* Legislature, and an arrn chair in consents, f gripe., to read tho iaata.> Their twat nerve pve leap—selfishness teiesseiph4,... they determined to keep thereinto under al. visement, and at the sa,mo time to " keep (arb." lint little time area allowed them for fur ther refloctign. " Next day the pours melt— the Gran4Jury wax serorn —the Judge 'de livered his eherge—tho yew fledged p rose. Ziitor b 4 " "Whigerind flu - 1114. the Grand Jury retired. Semi after boxes summoned to assist at their deliberations: and to bis dismay, the first witneseca who confronted him were the avengers of,fire, the denizens of the burntlwairic. Tint evidence was strong and pointed—the juryreturewl truer hiff withotft heallation —and he bad no Virifitla but to draw the indictment: elf/bile his unwilling hand was employed in setting &Ali; with' 'all tho legal aggravation., against the airlifts of unfounded suOileibm, the,chargo of en came, which thsievery hand had •kianteitted, his nerves tremobled, etld drops oraweat stood upon ,big ,Iwww ; symfiterna, Wick dm cetWidefirti Pr 7 ago' Off AY,cNOVEMBER 19, 1856. ditalfiftti With Aid - end 'fidelity in untried duty. At lest leis task was finished ; and h e handed the indictment to the foreman; salving his wounded, conscience with the resolve, to make sort& for it, if 'possible, by an extremely lenient prosecution. Ile wit obliged to Orli ho gun ; but he meant to pull the trigger very gently indSed. On his way back to the court room he VOA hotel by the ` ll unftertaxate IllEcused,'who, in their anxiety" to know the worst, made bold' Ito question the men of whom they stood most in fear—little dreaming the . they were; themselves labia eftS aliment as terrible, as the ghosts of King Richard's victims to that drionatlenionareir and quite likely to '.sit heavy on hiA soul to euurrotr.'" -Far eßffirent were -their thoughts. They were albuigers tL y were ignortent-' l .end they were-pooth, . And when their apprehensions were cow: firmed t 4 protuMntineettorney e whet, (intnOwhat tinprof. aq)nvirledgod the fintlincof the indietenent, thiy were in despair as to the means Af procering eouibeel to defend tirene.. Ilot oar he* yew the mut ter ins different light. .• Out of , this nettle longer (suit he to hinuiilf—oe might 'hate• said) we Pluck this" lid*, :•••°' 7" V P freitaiiiddehliatX --not much engaged in . behave .—and doubtless willing to embrace en opportunity "coming out." " Would he be good enough to speeds-to 4lm gentlemen • --few words, width bmng-ht him out very quickly to 'hie expected clients. He listened-to their story as'if it were all quite new to him— believed their assertions of innocence-- , - felt great sympathy and would be proud to de fend them, for he was convinced that they woci this victims of deceptlvociroutristances. As to the matter of fees, ho begged them to be - perfbetly rimy t my:* be ais pleased that they had no numeyptit it int; bled theta to feel and prom that his zeal in • oh-Whetter:, not meret otey. Ilia disin . , . •• •• jtryfolly. ae• eeptcd: and after a bag , consultation, the advocate and his.c*enta parted front c itcli other, with hearta a good deal lighter than thry4tad-been-sitintrther rreolorttoth . It may by readily itmnagincel that hue two friends did not omit to hold a private talk upon tho subject that night: audit the stip'. resentatire or tin/ State did diselose",to. his adversary, the nature and strength of the ervitioniofttaisitruSret, • , certainly, under all the circumstances, bet the heaviest sin heliad to repent of. not nest iiiiening the trial came o The pros ecuting attorney was cicquisit in his profes sions of impartiality ist-the dischate of his duty. Ile felt himself to be a taw elllcer of the people—bound; in the -est-rci;4 of his_ functions, nut simply to press for the oirovio tion of every .niati who uas arraigned, but to assist only in such cases as were made out 11w the.' commonwealth, by conclusive evidence. • Ile should endearing° try that ciac,.o If ho were himself ajurur. If sus tained by iber o proot,' he should call upon those winnit'he - addressed, to vindicate the outpace& laws of the land: if the poori. should taU short of what lea lead been had to'exPeot, Ito should hare the weight of the• testimony, as fairly as ho could place it be fore _thou. to their deliberate judgment.— The counsel for the tiefenmeltio, was great upon his side. Ile was confident is fins in uocence of his chords. Ile know they were ' posar..friondless,.ino! un.ifoieursi. to. tLo jury irht_hrld the balauco of their foto. Ile , Als' *As* e‘Witiettleo prejudice excited against L-11e: - I beard . that a. -clew/ 'et sit. • o.would.beproducesl. But strong itt• otruselous rectitude—firm in their reliance upon the wisdom, _Outlet., and independent* of the intelligent men who sat_befuro they had put thermielves upon their eouutryi ' the mine. It - feSfin diction the witnesses were called. Tho irr nitaauon on their part bad by no means sub sided, and-an adroit cross-examination ell citedienough of feeling, and a sufficiency of contradictions in small matters, to found a plausible argument of inconsisteu4, and joatify some smart hits at what are teehni boallY " swift, witnesses." It was 4trltY_CtipillOreinCr. that. ZOKKI.WARYPIXA94S. ,bad hectic - about the prsirie in the course of the day; and there was a considerable dim crepe:4y, is to the exact place whtre the Ate ->ogßnriboecl-LTifo_ wakPikql.T.9!viat° the fact that it began on both sides of the road id once, and partly from the different points •tf view in which it was first seen. At length the examination wail ,ended, and the aro tnettt commenced. Thu prosecutor follow ing upon his own lead, displayed a candor indonling with the testimony, not always conspicuous in those who all similar sta tions; and while he siumnedprwithi the declaration, that evidence was 'NtlttiCiOilt to . mantain the charge, lie forcing° to urge it , w i with that vehemence and seal, which the the prisoner's counsel manifested no lack of these qualities. flu. read and narrated case after case of individuals convicted upon circumstantial evidence, and afterwards proved to be innocent, until the jurors' hair stood on end,atlike itx.rilier and enormityof• ihese,judicial sourdisrs. It is said that fire Manmade yp their mlndi thit day .never to conviet for felony-on oircuanstandal proof,. and two more'sworei eternal hostility to the whole system of eapital- -punishment, But my renders, if they over enjoyed the wild-, ',goof witnessing suds trials, toad who has , 03ot 1) can, essilrfusoish out soon idea of dsfroco which ha labormil so 4114044,y. • • s o e - " r';*-- A . i" and conscientious 'animater of the prosecutors the frankncßa with which ho had admitted Mb circumstances in the pris oners' --and then appealing to that " reasonable dettit,'' which his ao often helped a daiquiri:LW etas in Its !torrid exit-cps ity, defied ho night safely do) the ad• iodate of the state to &Titre thrit.he believed the guilt of the "'Conseil to be' established beyond the reach of hs oaring influence. 'he prosecutor tdade the best reply ho &Old centrist under such tilibarrat.Sments neither party 'askedany "insuuctions firotri the Court; and the Jury a ere sent out.. After a s inispenee of setae fifteen minutes, net- less terrible to the counsel than to the prisoners' deMseivet, a verdict of "not guilty" was retaried by the Intl% anil the 'accused *ere set at•liberty: Ilteoutse, they Crcic Wish their stelmowledgcrients to their genernms dc:l'weltr: 'and in premises orninin• tiftlianits tube pliant a future dip ; live that northy, more-truth than they suspectcd; declared that he had drily. done his duty,, and thatitc, &sued ne Other reward then 'the satisfac ion whierhe - lett at their acquittal. ..•- the two gontrinien„ whose adventure we Met hitt! ettinted for two days ; aticreau Changed limns! ccmgratulations on the for bluets rault. They neeticit no mite oft a gilts° so singular; wherein innocent .mete wet accused by-hottest witnesses, ►ne were pnisecuted and defended by - the read peeve, craters of the riffoitee laid to their charge. And though 6(feril years werei allowed to pass, ere they ventured, in the Nodal hours of circuit life , to relate the circumstances- to their brethren of -this.bar, click vivid • recol lietious wereananihst in the spirit and um.= aith which the story was ---Iltlaildroutthreys ia. at the end of a ato. WI true 1"... And older palle II re apt to pat if the y de utter it. To matter this natural ,•nnoa ity, so hr ac our editp►•l wont- rett-ife - it; we •newer that it is true ' , to the best of our information and Witt." ft waaeorreot, cad not denied to our knee ledge, Innen; the .rat• temporaries of the rtouteirsolor4 : one of .• •• ••• • urwrty ItTtifinlTlle — diknitiiit 'a •fudge ind the other (if rye natatHat aken) became • Sarze►ury of Statx.--,'Southers Lticraey Messenger. BILL WIHMETREE'S I________ in - YAhtuAllgiiGNV 41avoyon tsar lad the toothache t If nut, tken hiemed is your ignorance, - Wr it is Liss to knit- nothing about the tuidk- Ile, ai you know nothing, absolutely no tit jiiin —I he -- acute r dedlie-dAtilica; reclitled agony dust lurks strut the roots and range of of a treaelien.ius tooth. But tisk trandhror how it, feels, what it is like, howl( DritiititJt; and you iwy:.7rirrp~aotnc• thing theoretically, sidelt_you may pray_ haairiiiiod'pouloarttot Jun, practically. Bit 'cheers posr William Wiefilletree— We Wei - through the,prill, Ihrght, bled, and died (alight y)-with-the relined einiatial oil orthe-sgoity caused _by a raging tooth. - Every time we nail (!theft,, we are half ita alined to think that more thawkiill-ef-liegei , si derilishnom cairtottliitt raging tooth,' which would not let hint ilocp„liettiortimd and tormented wine ancient," as that he become embittered Mini Isabel' the %orb!, and blackamaorwhiparticular. - SYilHam Witifietrib's esse It r very strong illustration of whit imithischelill and what. It minuet pdlipfe-kriio t anetadlutilit pointy falfr itietref the manner in which' titer tooth' and* sulteriw arc utcdicintilly and mm rally treated by the neteria medics, and friends at large. William Whillietree - or as most 711 w 7.1, - fc' peeplo called lifiu—stas a tn. 4 ,young . low of two.and-twentyal- 7 "Peor but re spentablo parents," and 'tended the dry portal skin: of one Ethan Itakestraw in the .11x ' village of lbockbettom, State-of Nen York. One unfortunate day, for poor Bill, there came Jo Roekliottom a galvanized-looking individual, rejoicing In tho euphonium of Dr. Hannibal Detains Wliangtitingtr. As a aur. . on. b. hsd-....according. id ho album full.; of certificates—operated in all the scientific branches of amputation, from the scodp-lock to the heel-tap, upon Emperors, Kings, _churns _awl einpunxt._ 1 . 0114 : but . upcm...hia acieltce in the dental war, he spread- anti grew luminous ! In short. Dr. Whatig banger had not been long in Rockhottom, before his "gift of gab," and unadulterated propensity to elongate the blanket, wit eery, body, including. poor Dill, Ma furor Mimes their teeth cut, filed, scrapild, rasped, reset, ' dug out, and burnished Up ! New, Dill, Wing's,* woaforestated, li, taus cularly-dereloped youth, got up in the most ,sturdy New Hampshire style, his tecth were Wetly hi every nay ca1...1441 to perform, :tint ilia ii'l tin ig - i VIC ti ill -- Wits -- 111. - iiiiia: Bing counter-jumping notions, ilabbfink In: stilt dickeys, greaked soap lo.olowteinr" fancy a llab'dabs," aupPosed to be !WWII' in euttiug a swarth among ye fair sea. 1 - So that whenti/r: WlPMelanger ones had bad an audience -with Mr. William Whine. tree in regard' to men et Mr. Atkimeoresis molars wWolt Dill thought hot a ; 4 ' spank" on it, ho soots ebnvineed , thit victim the:4 the said molar not only. Mat trellult but. out of the dead plumb - oriel tkehltditiloOtaw at least 'the 84thgeirt 'lr.,. 6,01 t ' ., r ,. 6. ll* l oll r I iliiii l'belrell,r 36 ,r l ;* . f it hi rail 4 - salt it in time, *. l Whillietree.. IWhi.,ta the totMe . pr a evr,aoeitlt, tl)aV i , • 4 1. A WM .NCO • h sir, -woultt cite erocist — o` supPeratiou would , hate :linseed, the Laic* would , have ossified, oinks the nine dl the tooth becoming epwitrophized, the roots would have concatenated in their hiatuses. and the far: lone, !no longer patine op , on their fossil erodusee, would neettnniariir ! hai'wled to, the entire suspension of the Ipitlsrp orgaos of your stomach nod brain, end —death would > apertNnd in two !tours !" Poor' !ho senreely knew whit tpinting was, hut a queer sensation settled in ht 1.. oasis &anti'," while his oasis I g. t Imola Gent dulif,le under him, at the awhil peet of things before hint ! Fre took a long breath, however, mud in a voice' treandott* with emotion, inquired " Good Lord, IhX•titr! si hat's to be dens fore feller - Plug and file," Calmly said the der..' "Ping and me what, 1" newel molar." Behr the Nellie : thisigtthe treneherOus mincer meant wallet; Of exserse !'' 6 • . ' • What'll it cost Doctor l" Baps id the very best manner, upon the new slid Splendid system invented by self, air, and practiced upon alt the enowtret heeds ef Eteropeit • r it' hurt much. Doctor?" was =lei -cautious Inquiry. 4 " rery 'little, 410(11: it'a rometricere sla ther agreeible, sfr, thiuf the Dectur. "Then go at it; Doctor! ffera'* the dash." and forking over three dollars, &Arm efts Mr. lVhil&troe in ► high.bsokit *bale r and the Doctor's as eistant —a Montt' yossiv Irishinso—clamping Dill's bead 16 the lock of theckair, to keep it steady.** the Dec.' tarn marked, the latter began to " Wl* eildl tilt." "0! eh ! hu.ho-tiuM on, roll on!" envie Dill, a the Ora gong* the Doetor gave the huge tooth. 0' be me soul ! be idly, :et," sarstb* Irishman, it's mesa as utithereicads nt A 01W Se tiff yeii _ " Oh-04141.G !.:',..r010r ftsiaDii‘iter promectii." •• I!4; quiet sir - safta d r4l , - says the Dodo,. un g e9ls et hi Ler d-4' #.404.0 Oput • 0, pay uuuln't be arcard of ihat. , -I'aia Lim Lliu' ytxx tight ma a devil!" gab* Paddy. and ban: twines hd WWI holding, fur in vain twisted- amtiglartneTSPolla ; Pikt held him - Mk - 6 liras 4'. • " • .Let we— ene-11-0-0 ! Everlasting creation ! let we KG - e —stop. hold !'' as the fleeter bored, screwed and plettvAl away at the tooth. - t .„ A!I dune, sir; let the patient ap, &h -chit'," says the Doetor, , aith a cord/dent twirler hie perfumed jauldkerchier "Thera. a:r —there was . .j.tcnca, art. your Wall is safe—your life is saved—you're a mold man. " -" **Simnl 1" eohodes poor Bill, "301;344 Why, you're broken my Jaws into gaolers ; yon'l 'et all my teeth on edge; •and rnik no more foe:lie—gall darn ye !—in my jaws, than if they were iron wtoe'l-lrelhe Yole a tet gut the mi 11.% of 'Tour money out of ray mouth, and l'Eu off !" That night wattimo of anxiety and Wader to William IVhitiFetese. The disturbed yew tar growled and twitched like midi sod, by daylight. poorullill'e check was swollen up espial to a printer's huff-bail ; his mouth pack.etvd, and his right cyu half '• banged up." ' William." says Ethan Itakestraw, an Bill went into the - wtoro, " what in Enna thy &Or''thec It?Oks hike an owi irt►t} Sty bush!" Been V.ugged and filed," mays Bill, look ing cross as a weal-aso at 1114 boas. Plnftial and fined; ThLo WWI beei fighting, William V, • " Fitted 1 No, L Sin4-been fined or light ing, Mr. Rakeitraw, •het I:tkonAht that fetter who on me the t:oottsiebe !-0 I Or moaned poor BM, as he clamped hltiowiden jaw. with his hand, and went around wt►. ring hishead like a plaster of putt sinhii; darilt 0 .1 i..}o9_l l _4elltioilie &nat. t the toothAehe t thee to sitrwißit shell . cure thee in one minuti, *Whim ; a little laudinum and kmtton n ill soon ease thy reilt6n - s Mrs. Rakestraw applied the lautlinuus to Bill's molar, but 'Li it did no kind of • gogd, old grandmother proposed a *dike ; and. aoon poor Bill's head and cheek iretildoo• u •il n m "h4 l °:. 6"?fiffa _and started for the store, everybody gsfdns at his swollen countenance is though - lie teal tit rare curiosity. !' Hallow,' Bill !" rays 014 !Intact% ,* gunsmith, as Bill was going by* 0114 1 1 1 got a bag in youicalabash l or got the 'ache I" ' . . „ • 1- - • I L diggers of oldirinionk; - *led of his head int/4104A OR pansy ntliiit • Ait's all I dkune ; is. IllVt16)14s l‘ifil434oWAY4 OX it s 4 i s . san t heo.,- IvekKar: tow Piw 79f 1; 70 -11-1 3.-.4 4 l l C!._r t hil"" you going to atir.strt,Bill, orwisiows Mt* !tom 4isaitP *144 / 1 "11 4 4 . 4usti out thpin t ervis ' ai 0 1 40111110, nitertzonbto you , again—rips *oiltit Yfer 414 " 6 shig =rY tt .hut momput. Sit silk . [says Firslock. _ 4 , itatitwof ; ,4 Cool I"- with • hours' 1.6 • 04_ , , t f t:. t IVISPOV, Yel ft.lf A! . 1 1 -• rOf • . • „ 'T -'„34„.; LI - MIMBE I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers