. . gtparbutut. ... , When Kentuaky was an infant State, and the foot of civilization had Walden giant forests, there lived, upon a branch Ir s the Green river, an old hunter bY 4 llt.te aname of John Slater. Ills hut was upon the southern bank of the stream, and, save a small patch of some dqzen acres that had been cleared by his own age, he was shut up I by dense forests. Slater had two -children at home with him—two sons, Philip and Daniel—the former- fourteen and ..the latter twelve years of age. His elder children had ' -gone south.' His wife was with him, but she had been fbr several years' in almost helpless cripple from the effects .of severe rheumatism. .. It was early in the spring, and the%ld hunter had just returned from Columbia, where he had been to catey the produce of the winteritelabor, which consisted moStll' of furs. lie had received quite a sum of Imoney, and had brought it home, with him. The old 'numbed for several years been cc ' cumulating money, for civilization was grad ually appreiching him, and he meant that his children should start on fair terms with _.... v , 'Abe world. itkubmies- B 80031( CORM Lait week s ton of Broom Corn was ered at the Rail:Joni Depot in this boroi brought from - Ohio, was for a hr maker;liring inold Berks, seven oreight mile from Pettstown, The. Railroad freight on the ton wee 150. The corn wee purchased in Ohio for $BO per ton. It will cost the manufacturer eight cents per pound, by the , time he ge ts it home. We bow) Aeon it bet ter article gtown non our el Sehuitit'ill hot toms. Broom Corn is a tender plant when young, and hence the ground should be well worked, It rtile and ofwarm charactor. If the ground is well pulverised, and a small quantity of well 'rotted yard shoveling c`d. some special fertiliscr pirowed along the row, a, good &tart may be secured. This is important. con -sidering the present value of broom . , thl , ! farmer could also well hflhrd to plow under') a liberal coating of long stable manure for its support in the latter part of the season. In a propitious season, with good.culdva.l tlon,loqo pouttli of broom may be grown to the a.-11; on, our Schuylkill bottoms. This, at tight cents per pound is worth .s.sp. FiftY bushels of seed will be worth as much pciabn shel as bats —say,forty cents—t2o: 'Making Cleft value to the acne. The same ground, ith good culture and manure ought to pro duce 80 bushelb of Indian corn, worth, 60 cents per bushel. 148. If the ground i 3 well pulverised. 411 It of g'it to be, the seed when dropped in e. shal low furrow,"may be covered by running an orimery apikeliarrow directly over the row. if ling is followed by a light roller, germina ti'n will be promoted. Laud least infected a , it h a. , eeds should he selected. When thin• nut out, about fgur times more stalka.---the vtorous of course —should remain in- a row; than Indian Corn.—Pottstown Ledger. (1031:11. A 8 A XANITLE. The following from the Thera! New Yertrr 1, worthy of record lk.alf The is uria rabic of clover as has been already remark ,is greater than that of ail other plant w ti. an ho as economically employed. Ea and cheaply raised,' af fected by a few of the casualities se cotninon to most crop, and in a form readily applied to the hod, it fakes high rank as green ma nure. ft is an evadable means of r , tumor to the Roil not only the material-i which the plauthas dratin out of it, but the additional organic, matter which the plant i otelf has elab orated from the atmosphere. "it has de composed," soya pata,: "dutiu: the *bort period of growth, more silicates }ma salts than the air cool!" effect during the same pe riod, which being turned iti restore to the nail teem which they grew, salts and silicates i ina new form. whose action on tegct.ible Id like that of the alkalies. It is a question of much importance in az neultare, whether we had better plough clover under in the height of its growth, br allow it first to ripen and partially dry and decay. Some contend that it possesses far the greatest value in the latter case. and their experlmente show it to be so. This 13 ex• plained by the authority above quoted, as ~ a result of the fact that dry plant! give more organic matter than green. Green plants ferment; dry,. plants decay. A large portion escapedM fermentation as gas and Inure vo• prdancts are formed than duriug decay. The one is a quick oonsuming Ilre, the other a slow mouldering slither, giving off, during all its progress, gasee which feed plant., and decompoSo the Kul." OLD TILEIZS Old apple trees that have ceased to bear, should have the soil renewed from the roots, and the old limbs taken otT, and the tops thinned out. The soil above the roots should dun be replaced by an equal bulk of com post thrwed of the following materials, and intbe following relative proportions. One cerdrod muck, one-fourth of a cord finely pulverised clay, two casks tanslacked two ditto gypsum, two ditto unlcached wood Althea, and one ditto salt. After tilling in cover the compost up to the collar of the troe,,with straw, and confine It bye few flat stones.... Then with an old hoe, scrape oft thorough bark from the trunks and larger limbs, and apply, artier washing them thor oughly with a solution of potash water, or aid. and soft soap, a tnizturo of snuff iSaitch yellow] and lard. . , LIIIIIIIIEB FOR CATTLE Sblury*th used to say: "I am for cluirp luxuries eA for animals ; now all animals hare a passion for soratoliog their backbones they breakdown gates and palings to act this. Look there_ is my smiversal• scratcher, a sharp edged polo, resting on a high And kiw pest, adapted to every height from a horse to a' lamb. Even the •Rdintinigh R. viewer can take his turn, you hare no idea IiOSSAWSV it is. I have not had a gate Mines t nett, ,up. I hare it lu all , ' yr. 011,FOIN OF NtsrvsTen WHEAT. Much interest has- been exhibitel df late by the statement of M. Pahre end M. Duval, who *Mimi Unit "the cultivattA wheat (triticii , ,, sandiouni la a variety of grass called if.;aiii sairiiarea,i'inand hi the south of EuroVe. 't hie graasunder fun:ration, is said to t al; anadn'the;fortn called './Egiloys trot p oidas, and :holly to become wheat.% M. haws my* the complete change was producedija yearn by constant cultivation. If tltiti view was correct than botanists are *risk suppoiing wheat to a iricaicano *A it iniset be regarded merely. as a sort of Affiippis icapkup entirely by the art of tho egrie. We never see wheat in a olaiinAirt Aro meet ,wiih the grass wpienceiltil derived. would seers to bora varloniresmienernent by cultivsk , tititi.t-giamustoult Telegrn7M. Storrs..'tt plot saq slag of 'Strong sip ilia& very - sweet with nicksies— INN' 9r three doers is sufficient Ito afoot SICILOYSir, A Mites 07 ZAALT WANT= L37E. One evening, just as the family were sit ting down to their frugal supper, they were attracted by a sudden howling ot the dogs; and as Slater went to the door to "trto what vi as the matter, he caw - three men approach tug his 'but. He onkiely quieted • the dove and the strangers approached the door. They asked for something to cat, and also for lodgings for the night. John Slater *as not. the man to refuse a request of that kind, and he asked the Orville% in. • They set their rites ho 4rnd tho door, um - Jung !their and room vas made for them at the s apper (a. big. They represented themselves as trav vellerA bound further west; intending to cross the Mississippi in search of a new set tlement. The new corners •wera far from being agreeable or prepossessing in their looks, but Slatfr took no notice of the circumstan ces, for lie was not ono t 4 doubt any man. The hart, however did not like their appear. auce at. all,,,and quick glahoes ivhieli they gave each other told their feelings. The hunter's wife was not et the :table, but she sat iu btr great' tasy chair ry the fire. Statir - eidtridiolo converse tiovvith his guests, but they were not veryiree, and after awhile the talk dwindled' to occasional questions. Philip the elder of theiwo, no ticed that the men cast uneasy %glances abmitche room, and lie watched them nar rowly. His fears had become excited, add he could not rest. Ile knew thee his father 'bad a la, ge sum of money in the house, and , his first thought ass that these teen were Chore for the purpose of robbery. After the supper was over, the boys quick ly cleared off the table, and then they went out of doors. It had become dark, or ra ther night had fairly set iu. for there was a bright moon tit o:thirifs fullpshining doirii up on the forest. " Daniel," said Philip, in a low whisper, at the same time elating a look over .his shoulder, what do you think of these 'err men 3" " I'm afraid they're bad, bad ones," re turned the younger boy. •' &am 1. I believe they me an to steal father's money. Didn't you notice how they looked around ?" " • Yis." "So did I. If wo should-1111 tether what we think, ho would only laugh at us, and tell us wo were perfect scarecrows.," " But we can wate.h 'em." "lea, we will watch 'em but do not let them know it." The boys helot some, further consultation, and then going to the house, they set the small door hack, so that the hounds might spring forth if they were wanted. 'lf they had desired to speak with their fattier about their suspicions, they had no chance, Ar the strangers eat close, by him all the eve. ning. At length, however, the old man signified his intention of retiring, and arose to go out of &sat' lo ice the state of affairs without. The three followed him, but they did not take Una weapons ! The old lady was asleep in the chair. t' Now," whispered •Philip, 1 1" let's take two of father's rifles up to our 1 bed we iiisy want them. We are as good 111 , 11 with the ride." Daniel sprang to obey, and wiidcly as pos. Ado t h e boys slipped two rifles from their pockets lx hind the great stove chimney, and then hastened back and emptied the printing from the strangers' rifles, and adieu their father and the strangers. returned, they had raiurned their seats. The Inuiter's cabin.ema divided into two ~.apartmenta on the ground floor, oneiof-them, in the end of Qin building, being the old man's sleeping room, and the other the room iu which the company at present sat. Over head theie was a sort of scatfokling, reach ing only h* way over the large room below it. and in 'the opposite end of the building from the little sleeping "apartment of the hunter. A rough ladder led up to the vottold:•and on it, dose up to the gable end, was the Writ' bed. There was no partition st the wino of this seallolding, but it was sit open to the room below. spare bedding was spread upon rho floor of the kitchen fur the three travellers, rod: after everything had been arranged their comfort, the bolts went up to thm* bed, and the old• wilit retired tp his Mae room. The two boys thought not of sleep, or if they did It was only to staid it. Half AA hour hid passed away, and they could-hell their father snore. Then they beard a movement from those below. Philip crawled silently to where he'ocould peep down clirough creek, was saw orie (flits nierippen hii pack; from which be toot s„cr. mid pieced of raw Meat by the Jays of the nioon,, arid moving towards the *below, he Aimed the aka book, itriti three the'istecee of "fob, 10 tFe dogs. Thep herirent Leek to hi,bed-anklaid down. . _ , ,first the boy thought that this might be throktt'to tho.doga:Only to ,distratit their attention ; but ,y rsinto the manlaid down; the idea or poison dashed through 'Philip's mind. He Whispered lds :thoughts to his brother. • The 'first impulse of little Daniel, es he heard ,that his poor thigit'weredo bo poisoned, WAS leery out, but a sudden pres sure-from the hand of his brother kept him At the end of the boys' bed there was dark window, is sinall.squaro door, and Rh it m directly over the dogs' house, Philip ro. sulved to go ilrmn and save the dogs. The undertaking s‘ (19 a dangerous one.; .for Sbe hast noise 'would arouse the villians,rand the consequences might be fatal. -But Philip Slater found himself strong in beta, and ho determined'upon the trial. Ms father's life might bo in his hands' i This thought was a tower-uf strength in itself. MI Philip opened the window without 1110Vil* frompebed, aid it. swung open its leathern hinges without noise., ,Theo he -threw tn . the sheetyincl tied the corner of it to the staple by whieh• the window- wad hooked. The sheet was theiilowered on the outside, and direfully the brave boy let himaFlf out upon it.' He enjoined his brother nut- to move, and then he slit noiiclessly down. The hounds had just found the meat, and they drew baelt at. their young master's beck, and Philip gathered the flesh all up. He easily quieted the fathful brute 3, and then h" quickly tied the meat lip in the sheet. There was, a light ladder standing near' the dog house, and - setting Vila up against the building Philip made his- way back to his littlu , loft, and when once safely thtro ho pdtbd the sheet in after The rAr r a.72,ers linfl not been armisird, and wi.h a beating heart the boy thanked God. He had 11(1)1- . 1 . 110 :to act, situplp a; it inly appear, at wiiiilonany a stout heart would Gale quailed The, dog; growlo; then went back inter their kAity strangend heard them, they animals were growling . over hnd found At 'math the lionndd cyst and all WAN quiet. An hour and so did another. It must have bezn neatly midnight' ichen the men mot cd I 1 in, and the lad Philip saw the rays of a riindle flash up through the clacks of the floor on which stood his bed. Ile ❑ wild har e moved to the 'rick could peep down, but at that in miont he lw.cril a step Upon the ladder. lie uttered a qui , :k whc :Per to brother, and they lay perfectly still. The mad cam to the top of the ladder, and held his light up so he could look upon they boj , R. The fellow seemed to ho perfectly saliafled that they tram asleep, for he soon returned to tha ground floor and then Philip crept to the crack, He '.6,21V the men take knives, and he heard them 14 his• perink : "•• We'll kill the old man awl woman first,' said one of them, •• and then we'll !font the money. If those little brats up there, (pointing to the eafhld) wake up, we can easily take care of them." _ " But we must kill tlikm all said another of the villians. "Yes," returnct the epeaker, "but the young ones flr"t they niti k tuage a ~noise And start the Old man up.' Philip's heart beat with horror. " Down the ladder Outside! quick !" he whispered to his brother. " Down, and and start up the dogs ! Run for the front door and throw it open—dt tan's fastened ; 6, do lei the dogs in the Apulia as quick as you can. 11l look out for father while you go. Dania quialds - crawled out through the little window, and 'Philip seized a rifle and crop to the heal of the s.,..uffold. Two of the villinns were just approaching the door of his father's room. • They had set the cirulls down on the floor so that its light, would fall into the bedroom as the door was spend. Philip drew thu hammer of his rifle back, and mated then muzzle - upon the cdgc of the board.s. One of the men had hisliond upon tlielateli of tire door. The boy hero uttered a t.inDO word of hcartlat praieP, and then he pulled the trigger. The rubber wlu,ae haul wu upon the latch, ut tered one sharp quirk cry, end then fell upon the floor. The bullet had passed through his brain. For an instant the tWo rernainin3 ♦iltions Were confounded ; but-they quickly compre. headed the nature dad position of their en emy, and they sprang for the ladder. They did net Teach it however, for at that moment .the outer door wet flung open, and the hennas —four in number—sprang into the house. With a deep, wild yell, the animals leaped upm the assaitins, and y had drawn them upon the floor just as the old hunter came from his room. " Help us help us ! father," cried Philip, as ho hurried down the ladder. "I've shot one-of them ! They arc murderers! robbers ! hold 'em ! hold 'cm!" the boy continued rcLapptag hie hands to the dogs. Old Slater comprehended the na ture of the scene in aintamont, and sprang to the *pot where the laeumla, bad the two men on the floor. Tho 'Miens had both lost'thcir knives, and the dogs had so Wenn. dad them that they were incapable of risis. tanco. With much difficulty the ani nal,c were called off, and then tho'two men wore lifted to. a.4eat. Thera wartnno need.of hind ing them, for they deeded some trump resto rative ogcnt, as the dugs had made gums . k iu disabling them. fter they bad been kokixl to, the old mae cut, his eyes about the room. They . jested e'tneseitut upon the body of , him who had been abut. and .than turned upon the . boys. 'Philip told' him all that had hap. pened. It seemed some time before the old hunter could crowd the whole teeming truth through his mind; but ailie gradtielly cont. prehended it all, a soft, gritteful, - proud light broke over his features, cud he held his arms out 10-his sons. tio a Noble, noble boys '' i he u,ttered es •be clisped them to his m. " God bless you for this ! 0, I di mod •;} , ,,t• tbatjmil hod - sue)) bes# B .” For a. 44 time the Aid mraigu* ed. ou . kis bort iii utlenco ; whai*ra *note and grifi itode rolled (ivrn. ids oheelre; • oirn,l his 'chefs fate srailigiiid' up with &ticloost Jo a holgprlt~r, ' Long befre - daylighte Ph I) at rited horselinti 'started for the nearest sodiement, and carli'm the forenoon the officers of jus tice had liatip w'ounded men in charge,. while the boll fof the third trial l'ernovd. They were- redognized by the elpeers as criminals of notot jt ty ; hut this was their last adreilturs,-for the justice (hey had.. NO long outraged fill' upon them and stopped thentin'their Should any of oui n niters chance to pas 4 (lowa the tiltiodi.ver, f beg they will take notice of a lange white mansion. that irtands mpon.the solittermiskulc, with a wide- forest park in front of it, and situated some eight miles west of Owimshoro'. Ask your steam-, host captain who lives there, and he will 3 ou, "Philip Slater &' Brother, retired flow. ,merehanta." They' are, the Boy Heroes of t% hero I hare brut speaking,. _ MILEEBTJEG DIARDEE WOIIKS- A. PARTER MP, SCULPTOR, ittlitetoe the publle that he to plop nod to do all kinds Of Marble wail, at the shortest wilier, and on the most rortionahle no hoar hrO fit or hint- it Rh their °triers may reit :motto' (list all nork flon, his u tablishment trill La Mine in iho beet alslo work• I nnolship• Lthenr , idt dill he exeouttul In tt due or In bust, na latFe ‘ l , l Inv, Other in marble, or plaster Liketiesses ntrnrd nu Mnnnmoute, rem?, Au, flan Iduiesses; also rt brilllunl tit.eutst, of Eon, 1. lied 1,1-11..riog tills luta, on Mnsminenlp, Tonsb , :to cs, !Mos Pities, Ac , in es•cry tariv'y et hs. , s In put in by ' Tin degrees total, tent t.tutcd to s i 11:4 tory hind tif i nalbtr At f color too eoil,. its,l. I tint the pelf Iron ,1 51 Rely rahhe t 0, l'ennsylvanii than .11 3111 , • 1, here ram nasty - or t litTS, finished of thi, isdinsiaz, ha I bat , t cnil tot I r ruol• e bo• 1 ,,t1 he, mtieflel that it is Ito gr, at( ,t piece of mcciviniCat art tint we! lios ',laced In n et-notetery on mmtm Toon , or tooth s'oces, and - which still be a tit IcSts moliel le thoinemor of a departed friend - Asir gentleman deal rot A of having aUtuntide but I r.lil warrant a most pc, foot ltker.:n lit to rge RI [fie Thtte so it be nu Llorrto if not is re' feet pro ;of re Ilisure Tito ef , sistlon of the nod, Tilt ill inen sal bn t h , nby rbs.nati,at tr, rinn I .! I, 1 0;,* of Mas.m P • Ai, Then in marble te tit: I Ito fah, it ifril I (1,411 nhy I,e:souse tl t a pert,;', li.rrero e.ci It of any future ti m e Lallea and gindlemen de , ,trous mil procuring a o x.,wi r ,,, work better Send their us-- I dell IV Y,llll,hui for goof stork I hoe no oorta woo I, s , ;el to Phtlitielphia to bring lambs and /Igoe, • I now mike thous ritytkdf— I stall haliCuge ILO pisrsort In till; nal - eon hbood, to ea o,:ctorta better pleura rat emipi tree than I ran for f Inn Ibis what the marble Knott-74°01in at h e tel t liven e-traet to ,4•11 PI , at roe ( ootre (leanly l'r ir fa t Marine n odd Militsborg s.fild textli Union IThu, If the Judges Lad been bleu rd tho Alnrtdr hosint Lock li e , ea would-bore horn found wanting t . As the emmtty hat bean flooded with an Inferior article lit portions poddling Rant loom), eumdtiltiont ly those who are not of smarm. rt, gt ping bare been 11 . 1PrOle tleF'i , pt ann., who wish to pro ate thsfelile stunk to mill and cartinino my WA veilup, n.:111 satisfy Otero selves will not prove an o 3 roof.' in softer Tlntokll.l fur pout fit ma, I hope he stitut thin to business, and mod orationin charges, to con time to molars*. Illcir patronntra .1 1 Persons doalrour of Any other style of work, I would•bighly A.00;11%1°1,19 Mr tlnutlerland Wawa, as I ba?o horn thirty yours fu an the fine art of marble work, ho is esteemed ono of the boat ud I will libel rnyielf is furnish every clessription of work 25 per oont Le.ter mt °heap, Ulan Lock Harem. .A Benlptor, deo26 bliloshorg. VNCOINLAGE HOME 111DUSTEY. : utidirraighr ropeutfully 'rate to the rlvmers-of county, thii6 airy halo purolisoeil the right of DIETZ DUNHAM'S C A fir roivioe evorvEß. oral are Low onglgod in their rnatutt,ture, and aro prepaicti to furniih An Article which will not prPt the hack-ache, Vt, to thous who h tee_ tined (ho machine we can pl duo Abundant .lileuon us in it. allrteri , 4l l .7 000 r ,111:p ”thei ina:ltino now built, for the Ihnoalcg I' ,7,>11/1 lot. On sc3ount ri ita .iink.lo•ltv 414. t r.7l"-I1 frrtn the driving Atherl, rllll n anapl !rye., in3tra4i of r multirlionilion of 4,1,7, whoolA joornals, , rank., dr wbioh mnkes it work 111.;11fri for filo tr,rn 24 It le mist° Cn1111 4 11:1 , ' , and is nu refute eysso handled. 34. Its perfect iiinplatt In to otiric.n grouods irithont batigirg on' hots,,' toh,,too being lirubor and o, cuatef.o I tit:, tatikra it turn eary • dtb, The perhad tnahner In oiled, It door. its work, in Loth grin and gill., the ri opotg rippa• ratio Lying in ntrangoi ne to pat tho raker tri a convenient Tiositita to dolivrtr the Abe leen at th , elde of the marlitne, ne I 0 mood it it hat tho r ei ving nyn ‘ taratlan all oif to as 30 enable it to cut tan le d clay 3 is•sin.)clorp• It warrant, d to cut iill l.irrle of grain ran! Re'w..3, a oil, If oat lee rr, than can ho donn with an ytti nt oraille, at. 1 nil i's fnftn war ranted perfro , TFRIIII —For 31arcr oral llooper rntnhlned , $l3O $3O to be Ni I en tho della e l , of rnnelonix, or a. anon rte it in rat up ;01,1 In operair,,; on the lel of oarobar, and on the let of January 1957. Far Single 51 , r CO, on reConpt of ma cline, $35 on tip. lot October, ar-d $lO un the let of January, 1857 With each a.-Chino 11;r will he furniejirti nn tetra knit , , m,u knife ACCUGLI,Oaco gnarl:, wrench, oilcan and ro•t1.101,.. AA only a hoot I hit:idiot can ho Ita] , thin rott• ron, those who aro iu TY all of tho aro a It. will do null Lo Aired to th. r order coo: no, m 494 'THE CHEAP GORIER. NEW, CHEAP AND DESigt AISLE GOODS. The undarsighed hos just reneived and opened at his well khown and ,•heap comer. a Stook a well ealeet►d and son.on.shlo pots, as follow, POE l„11.41.+1 APPAREL Drr SLiks kinds, colons and Ca.shinr. r Atot Hombaybies, Boullouretts, Moue Do La lorm, Handkerchiefs, Shatllt, finnsrfd, At, , CLo7IIH Froriell.Ml:,,,rlitlt and Aoterioari pannalart lure, of all buca ani and of a texture to suit I oreign awl Ihno , st. • -holt.ss w superb ortiole, corn prising the latest sitL s Alcn K - 41 hltlB, Of .Bleak Satin, laniy Silk , Ve&net. &e. ' " 1103.1EltY Or ALL KINDS iffiltj AND CAPS. Ciavala, NI!) and FigurNl Satin Sleeks Black Silk and Panay dlanilkerehiefli, 11001'S AND SHOES, For Laillea, Malin and Ch ildren. Alan A full asuorloicol of COATS q t various fluthionA, PANTS and VESTS to suit ti3e season and varioun 1.41110 of custouor, Como And examine for your- Cnfr , o, Sugir, l'A•lecees, Ten, Chocolate. Spiocs or .41 kinde end of Rood quality, EMU, he., An. QIJEENSW AIREAND OITTLERY, Or every land and variety, selected with mach care to suit every demand In a'neighborhotal like ours. NhIH)WAItE, QC all Linda ne.i .itAtil 41(10101; heeldes every °thee article found to a s'orc. I 1)01e by strict .Ittol4tion to baldness, honest in gittnip foil, weight. anti raeasiirei (unit/ good sod arlieles, to Feeel. Ik/renege the public I respeolfally lurid. all tp examine my goods and joda'e for themstives. 41 bEftlt, Cocoa or the Diamond and Allegheny street, env 2a Bellefonte .YOU WANT 7 . 1:1 MY 000 D DAD CULAP GOODS, call on U. ERPCKEIIIIOFF,, Who bat just, roottived front. Philadelphia and beautiful stook of Goods o'hnsisting of the .1 .fas tilbestile Dress Goods f r L adles and Ilealetak snob Al Prendi Iberians, Alimens*, ParsTaetta Cloth Persia,. Cloth, Delainot,Dobele, Silks, Prints °fall desestiAlon Ako, Cassinters, Plain and Pitney C 8431110144 Vaatings, also a large lot of Dress' Trimmings, Dutton', ,Itibberie, Gloves, , Mitts, Wool lon and Cotton'llaglery, and variety of FANCYGOODS tool , •: 1 Ft - 1442 U mention.. Flannels of kinds, Shawid, Illeaohod and Dn. ktioaelied id Ins, I'lakingr, Dlicorks,Gingbams, Ac Alin, Groaerlee of all Id Mg, flats and Cap., Boots «ad Shops, Ilentrrtro and Iron, Queensware, Buck ltsr'rubs, Baskolo, tun; ail goods usually kept la a country tiara, • - LUMBER. • Ail kind/ of •Lipabily fur ithkto at a roasenablf. Rellofnate, Ne. 12 tr. Wat .tu C E I ,94. ;.;,Pt, I: 1V 1 , 1:11:TIVI', im, tcutro rn , Pa =I! E=SM=MI GR6Cliri I EFII, Suva's SEWING magErNEs.--- Price $l3O owl upwards Tlift unriselloil Ma chine is the Tined impoi hod and fleeted int cation of Ike ago, rind It boo been worked I)arafficient length of limo to NI thoroughly keeled upte‘sigetutt variety of niamituotnies, and In all 011$1,1 huh helm fully up ptolcd I t nin crankily to altravt'nki surplice lino people of the whole mold s.ith the wonderftll she ' plLoly, rapidity, e'reugth woof bandy with which it executes 111 Noll( is en, ly 10,00 am ore ,hilt tiordion Stint ;is the demand Mid, will all the f, Of now and implored plaelnuely, a ith the blip of 200 mein, it le till si tile Fn.,6urr.n it Co to till their orders hem tilitelonel ale api fat superior to ei cry other, hay° Just re.•eis ed oi sine too. t /AIPI it i 'IA.VT 111111?(IVE (lie elrectof which To make th 2111 top With out nokae. 2tl, o requite 'lily half the ot.tion or' the operator, flauwily near Ism); oral ill, 'fo molts Irwin lUD one-hall faster than berm 0 , so that with the same linker, IIL Qua. Till OC W 026 CAN neMost.: Iv s PAT. " Tine cam fact, that Finger ' s ntschince run so much faker ai.d womaphe l i more emit, renders till tdl, , r maohic , 6 hci,.re lon nrinlla vallirlest cern', Ws m, t vea.cuuld tin , i b • /aid fir (lie asking Another vocalist sly of f•iligel'alatlAhhns it, dirt by im plycbm,ding ncano flll4 thread, tho !IMO ti s irlit - terrtramperfectly every variety of , with, C,1111! it lino, on cloth on loather. The host machine for fatally us r oll Fro:n * s2oo to 1!.a.10 a your c 01 be cleated by an in disidual using - 11110 tir.mlitue,_ more that) can ho chiral by Land Purcharcrs, look well to jsur titles, as to the till of runzor's macloac, I will ierer_you to the fol low log plum L. legard to Not:or' , machno s, Is no rid oleo patent but all al hit 1113:hiluti before , the poblic Infilego two or more of our perterrtlf. On this 2711‘ of M•ry let, we reoorered IL r entice ill u FOIL for huh against the Lseelsear :owing Iklaelnine Company, thus esiablishing our Toronto judtcially We have suits now pending in the United Slake emuit Conn. to Philadelphia, and also iii other Cnauits, agniso , j.. first or it 'Salter, and this Wheeler i Wilson maaltities. which infringe lee oral oroTir patents Ito who Intyll any of these inferior ir.friugiog machines, will boy a In wsnit. A CO Ctill lime, .4p: if Slot, le:4 I henby certify tin it 1 rel. lining a moderate ' business pi int. to Fry 9t11,101. 11111, 0 4 e Tht one of I A( ." 1 /riater 4 Ma ,lnel 11 , 11 e. 1 , 511/ the some iii 7,iy busing. Ts alq( tt rue bonnet f hoe 100A.1.14 1000,1 retealel-files to the surer for I,l,llllirr 1, which if dunsits n off - , that 1 it tt i on1a,(0,1 null th inTt to purrhn , re r 11101.40 Ifl irk, ,1 1-1 Pl,l 010 f1e111,01,13 My r'A.ollntrr, 111 a i• ifb nuts the in iehrne, and with the and of had girls, will Pla•.l 000 to• fine coats sit 1 111'5)104 poll' of pow, 11.06,?, 111 ft manner fir superioi‘ecreer,int till 60 done by hind The nettprdeeeds per weeL, after , paying the At f, will be j ront $l4 to $2O T, . nraohiva is e, irt to menage, and not apt to get I out of ropair We L lisidien, / 1 / a rchowt Tailor: April 21, 145 Tints tt to m still/ that sir purchased one of ..111 1 , / 11/. :Wel,/ 4eo NetrttiA; Mar.. 4.41,1 tiro yearn aho, rohtelt ha-t been in lire (011,1.11111 y ,011 1111,11 ' the r wort 101010111 1,1 1 / 1 0,` out of rsroire. ore en ithdriit-thdt one nice inn dots ,rant twrlir ortire female I roold pm form, and In o letter to every respect We t r io/ it it, y (vivo:tent to /wee two machines, to at old the del is/ of slit It• tog th 'tad Lind 110 101 PQM roars • j 111.• I,olg In Altotl ‘ ty ate perlt (1:y rata,, fiat that date so net a mole tidynl macht , ie Isteqee to r 1 Itrdlte wore 11 F FCLIC A Co , 1 1, :11 it rid :qioe 417,,itti_rartle,t 0, The nntleralgood, ha, ug,purcbaeyl tko rilkt to nue, and to otbora o be 'ulf,ir of I. M. bingo, ;et tire foflownr-, /11. 1 .f . 1141ittref 3sfn, N'. them Indiana, 'ioxeept hi l l the euuratta of PLOW° 111110, Erte„dllegliony and North MPlon/ alnibejog ;oftfo{9, thu not ~j , , I,a^ I1111C1111.11,1; of ringer A. CO manufaot ore, of the yarlons flint. dea..liptio4a photo .'N It Air pernonn norohantnis or nein• thovti, Baker 'a, or any o'da r infringing owl kb riot machine, "111 ho proaneotoi for u‘in,; tho 51010 It 15 erolnrkt that the :1 4 :mto or then) Infnng wF to achwe, 11115 o no eonh.leneo in their till, 3 of inachint a Loul lho f u t that they will hardly t root a note taken from the.purchts , F 9 to lay 19 their pocket. 0, et night, for kir of I rolible, and Alen dlnposing of than at SQ - 10 70 per Lent lead, adopting the old adago that "A bird to hand it woo h two in the bnah. It RA NDALL, oifion and readlon,,, Norlittoten, Montz'y ,f 6 , Pa \V V INTN 1.14 and oli,' 5, ray.dl:.l:; Agoni BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFITCE, r.hlish,r ul TIII. 1)1,11ot IIATIC P ATCH. 121 s lac, in connection with his Newspaper Estrth llshment, the must eltenaive and complete JOB PRINTING OFFICE, To Le found in Central Penneyhauls, composed en truly of • NEW MATERIALS latest and twat LlBlllUllible etyle of Plain nrd Fancy Type, itod f>r prepared to azeouto kinda of BOOK AND FANCY JOB MINTING, In the L t• cry n, al. ,t sly ro, awl at the shortest notice 111 HAND RILLS, CIRCULARS, Pt/STEIN, I{l II PADS, HORSE BILLS, BALL TICUETS, AUCTION PILLS, CARDS, PA.ItiPIILETet, RIAIEIPTei BOOKS, tii 4W BILLS, „PROGRAMMES, du., &c., ke I lt. - GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE PRINTING executed in the handleomost manner. ' 1 ie - PRINTING IN COLORS, in Me roma beau. Blot and Itniahod style of the art. Satisfaction guaranteed in regard to neatness, cheapness and punctuality In tbo fulfilment of all orders OFFICE IN lIROCKE2IIOFF'S'IIOIF, 'ratan rhoeit, Ilamxaroare, eA, ESTATE .01 HUGH MaLABIGAL, Dee',l -.Whoreas Letter! of Administration on the llstote of Hugh MoNtatligal, tato nr Marion township, Centre county, Pn.. have been granted to tho undorstgoc,j, nil vreol4 itAktrted t4llAid estate IMO ,repalltild to uteice , ininlediUte payment, nn t l those hming'claims noinst the IMMO will present rho same, to ARCHIBALD ALLISDN, Porter Lisp , Clinton ed., Pa V, It, NoMANIOAL, Marion (top , gentle ,Pa , np . .l•Gt • Administrators Ip_STATE OF SAIIITIFI GEDDA Dec'd. Whereas, Letters Testamentaly with the will annexed, de,. on the relate of flate'l tlrime9, dee'd, late' of Tergtetan tOwnihip, Centro minty, Pa, have beet' grantetlio the undersigned residing In said township, all persons indebted to said Estato aro requestod toniake payment, and thane having claims will preaoht the AVIV, protrly anthontioatod to PREDEM ECK MUMMINE, AMOS ROVER, stp2.6t" Escoutors. Tg OF JONATHAN FJIRIOX, Wheteas, letteraltostamontery on the ettato Of tionetioulEmriek, loto - ef lleatelytirg, have Agen etapted to the utitlersifiled, all newtons indelded to skill estate, ate retpteeted t, name forward and make payintmt, elute, those likving datum or demands ttainat the une, will present, them without delay, to ri SAMULL 11,1,11,ANP, Executor, `itte2l3.6l• Harris Township. IPZEPHYR WOILS T TA% 13031+ LA strt.handsomist nr varloty ooiors ever °flora' to , the ladies Also. ToFestry Worstel, Cadvastot Perttwisted Mord, French Working Cotton, Cottott, Floes, Hilk Floss, and Litton Moo, at _ nov27 •KEALSI. MEN WllO HAVE )IIICHiiiITThi s- 713 to do we adviiio thorn to trr ICIALti/V8 superior BTEEi, PENS tint INK. articles arejust tkp thing for indioul toridiurs. deal* WNIT:D.-- A 25,000 LAP AND 11,00 Q Iry • Yobt73Lingle', et tho 'tor° of • fub2o J 11 AWL ALCC. DRIED PEACHES AND DRIED AP. j...23 tolaajnit tucoircd and tarsal' by • 3. - 11. AWL 100 rREFor LOT Op OROCEMS.-404. prisin g Stipr, care°, Molarkes, ite., it tie 'tore of IN b 2O l / y J. B. AWL b CO. 1r _Obit ATE* . like: n a l ; ill liga i nJ A Z At igrY nil " EI S t , --1.,, ecoplci of Centre flaunty, It•htuenow bt come aim tied fact tKat 'this Is nub of the largent, descend and very beet conducted astaldishmentibf tho kind in the„ interior of Pennsylvania. It is owned by Mr, El. A. Oibtami, and ettperintended bg, the Odpimttoti ertdptor, Ms. C. B. Llifrig, of N. 17 Mr. Cindlg was for many yestrs ong lln one of the best eitnblishmenti In the city New YOrk, where he gained AU .Ul'lEll l lO orepUtlitio l l as n lue• ohooic of the first color, 'Walleye 9 hand nod for sale nearly five hundred leatteiful deett;Leof ;MAP end Foca STONES. carved' In (he laftet style Of the Jut, together with El mail Conches, theoittn 'Pomba Monuments, t4piree,lll.trred Iddelet no Itogo ,1.8 10), andifilfiges 01' 04 el y 'rleeoriptirdr,alldenigllPll and I,eillecl 11 Mr, I.lmlig. Pet , ci , l o 'thing smolt-And Ode and beautiful, to meek 11w !wiling photo of their departed frioude, would Sato money by evading their orders by either of my agents, who will pass every fow days through all the prinCipal towns and volleys JwCentre, Clinton, and Lyooming &mulles, and have, thole stark ezoouted by this win hit renewnecl and Justly celebrated artist,: rgriVe have reduced our prices from this dater, and wlll hind ourvelvea to null' 25 yet oont below - the regular soiling prioeo of any eatablintirtiont in Bello. !onto, 11111esberg, or Lowirdewn, and 'deliver the tropi Moor charge to any place desired ' • , , R. Ate GIBSON, AOUNTS YOIIVfXTRIL COUNTY' Rain'l A. Stonolirotiker, Win. Allison, jr.,Junloion nonyille ; Martin Ileum, jr., llouaor',N ~11f „,• , 41"tio noon lloolnburg. CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, Pa The undersigned would respcotfltilv nunfninco to his old fiifUnis and tlni public genelaily, that he luta Wien the Iftriro and ofonfoodiohsllelV MOW Ilunac. at cc the Diamond, Allegheny Blielot, Belle• fonte, l'a. This building lifts been erected eltpress• ly for the nurriore,lnd neenrding to tho plan of the most ohlrant and approved hotels hi the eniteru part of the Stole, he feels confident that it Is ranch belie] ealculated for comfort and comenionco than dilly other in this counts y. pi has also furnished it it, Ow Very Ibilt manner, sparing mallet paips tote Cu'' t s rends , ' it eeniforteble and agrelf;thlein those resoling him nith their eastom. concreted pith flu, est ablisll - is bugs. aid 'convenient, with an excellent oar booed'. Ily strict attention to his duties, long editerien, , and a dutornilnatinfi not to be excelled by any house ill tins soctionl'ho hopes to Wei it the favor, and cue. tont of thepn bite Pelson. visiting lb llefonto on business or plensitre still fuel the "('tat aft II uoe7 A plums-Lilt and eliurr -10,1.0 JOHN II MORIti,..tON, Proprietnt QTEAId UP IN MILESBURG.--THE A..) Marble speenlatori at Look Haven aro in 1, grill pooh about toy luTection or enamallus lot ir,n m, tunibla, they are satisfied it will innice all u elk MOM Colltlpiololl.l, ''flint isa furl, for all lettering cut meet - 1M engraved in The finett style and well Iprrne•l II has i•lltStlipped the ill cliing agents, awl git en them the feret and agile Ito eon!, gentlemen Don't flurry; car your mal.ult. inn) turn tutu woneibilet wow.. I can (lire you, ft yin I M.,11 Illy il.eltrll4,ne V 11111 , 10% Clll , llt in I, Wring rant bk. , anrot slop; It Ilan Liken riot, and In 1010, 4 0111111 g illy , a rare 'fhere will be et enleit in tin oiling, In the Belle. !note (glop tote, Mire pelt of Ms, btu tombstone, with the riminollPll INtrting 'Phi' in the t I,f the kind in America, or In the world, that has crrt Peru ilontti of • l'lly .1,111 31.1,1r,11111 I In full op nut my nll orilein will lin - littenilnd to an awn an poittibln The people of entitin county cnn appreaialn tWor own artinle, 3111 Ihij 1,1/../3 it by onnittrig - fhtlr or der] to -- i A VAILTERAGE, 4 4 Mel 3 Milehburic Marble Welke 3EFHI6Y LITANIA HOTEL, B. W. COll.- .1. NCR ofrthe Diamond, Bellefonte, Cent re et largo and, conveniently lucattpl 'Joust having heon eompleiely remeddlnd, repaired and intpro, is TIDIT (Typed for the rtootontneolation of the publet propriL•tor of thrt establishment respootfull. xlin faiouds and oho publis that he has spared neither poles nor explnto, In render it a liestrAblo retreat to ell who cony favor him with 4.1.141111, 03 Le It ,t , q ,. PitliW I t I 110 nil In Lis power to yromoLe Ir eomfort and cons olilf.lloo lice TUL/U Id!! 111Wa . y, IM supplied With the best that the country trill Tho Howns rue huge and Won vontilißted The Gonna-awl with O'er entni limtiment in large arid cx,ellent, and to - charge df carded and expvrivneril hi - anent Ito also line erected sheds for the use of carriages and hugglOP 8 tag% two arriving and departing daily ' - in 'hurt nothing iiitski-insawgise4•4 toitixii. starts. e Itisfamenn to those favoring hint with aeon it. U. CtIMIlfl'il(18, 5..0 - - THE PEOP'LE'S BTORE r JACKHONVILLE, PA \YHA k I, ISO N , ,)r, would respect fully thank the Iniblie Pi the vrry liberal Tetreafege heretofore conferred urn him, by doing A fair and huraprable basinres, hopes to merit Its continuum, I base Just i:strutted from Philadelphia and opeluol for in spection. a very lerge,easesiment of H HA DI-MA DE CLOTillStl, BOOTS, Sllt)Brd, 11A'fhl, CAPtS, Hosiery, Umbrellns, Carpet Bags, Woollen and Cot ton Cildelshirts, Cravats, Collars, Lookina. Islam', Noll do HARDWARE. U DWARE. QEEPPSWARE, oltocEttrE3, in short every thin,.; nituall) kept in a conntry stare ' ptid fat 101 hi n d,[ of Pro. duce in cod - 11,140 fur gemis wm A LustlN. Jr ..T.•lttunt file Alen, ARTIIUIt S I.•;ELF•SLALINO FRUIT CANS 11 unnutacturcee prelca T All merehnute lu Centre county nil! be supplied by seeding their tir der* though the tunil RIJNFR'S CHEAP GROCERY I.TORE --(4 ireful fur the p t.rottgv no IL , ,r ly b•- mtuurtal Ilium Iwo by a gel/crone cDtzimuLlty hopes by v:ri , t attention to latnitteam, to itt , tays coatloue to snort the itiviobtit mu of aikapprecialiDg Na ha, 11, jr,forins hi, frlendt, youraerv, and th. public gertotahly, Illut pi- p•trva to I,tritivit thefts. ot hp+ well known eland wit every variety of OltOilhltlES that mny ho called fur Persona wi•lllnq to eounonllve will plearie onll end 'wheat thew Ilmeoriee of coo, no I am deterrnlnel to givmaztiv faulion to all nor 2? • WILLIAM PRUNER, HARDWARE.- AFeral nesortniant at ganiware an& Takla Oaner, je.int6 . B. AWL 'k Co., Bellefonte, KKIIPIT BRUME TICE PERMS, aim. the beautiful Marble Nfirrk, rasinufaa Lured by S A eiIIISON nt Lock Haven, drew the highesi premium awarded at the Centre County I , r decl2-tf FitBOO t 8 AND SHOES.- brarrintaortnient of walbmada Mom and Shoes,..juit rarolrod and for gala by dm 1 'a • tfWEALSII . c2GARI3.-LAILGE LOT OP TIIIIPILN and Beraneo Seger', for SAN by the be:, at the 4 e H, AWL & CO A LL RINDS OF PRODUCE TAZEI "ca.. exchange for gooil4 for which the hlglicet inarkrt price will I e 1.001 —Alen, 000 ten* of Polk wanted by jiin2l 1. J. 13, ntiYL oik GA. 1 1 1E013, /101EINY. EWE. "Mint, JLO Nuts of all kinde, Pat, received and f0r440 by nov27 • ' ' Pll,lltlga. SVGAR, OnEEF:4 . TEA, 101,19 3 28 r Chocolate, Spices of all kinds, fiall, Oila, Fish, Vinegar, App, sta. A good and fresh assortment for tall by . ,-,Suos:111 CORN STARCH, CANDLE WIGS, GUN care. tlLal. , Lead, Pim Kniveo, egui-1* put chased cheap, of nov2R PRIMER cIANDED3.- , liN ENOL.ESS VARIETY, wholomlo ond roll il , fi pa p er 1119 0 110 cheap . nlwn}sou 1.414 and (or solo by nnv2,l PRUNER, 'TOBACCO. -A SMALL QUART 4. of the favorite Tobacco, which wns so poqular among tho chewers Ivir visitor. Call humatiatoly sod lippioly you elf, at ICRAIAIVEI rpH THE D IES.--A SPLMIHED AS BORTME, of Collate, UndersleeyeS, Linen Inapt , Thread es, and Prints of Life best mate andvolar, warr ted.; Cali sod examine the differ ent varieties; at ' Inov,VL , XEALISH'I3 --- • • .r UST RECEIVER—A LOT OF DRY al Gloats, Grow:ales Co,warnoala. <ta ,at lb • awe of . J. 13 AiV A LA WRIVED—A uses LOT OF Ladles triamtlajo, butlattc fta„ by art 33 • 4 *Aatt pool.- . A.,rwoo.ote oublo look, thilshOd hi thil bekotyl• L by feb2o ' I. 11.. AST4,II uO. lijoiniont" •the Tee aioosaric *ittplivlaw i—Thfelll* po. eirtoblitingl,ttn Pollefoutri, atl4 pleligbd to suptiort name It heart. tit tho poperft polltiadif moat" and , iewtsi allejtie fa brchniefita, trit nwrit o°, oins ll, 4 o lo figtrit . the true friOn of rtonn4 InorSity, efee an example of' coortegy both in poll ind eoeW life, and•ntrf the-ohle and turogipproadabas tru er& of Temperance. alltbr A Beery a y e , lee engogad tot a time In the thine or (h e Datinor, in rbiladtPlphlo, wilortrty9 rownt hltuitoa mmodating, Itrlctly attentive to bis bettnetar, and diwonod to everything Jolt right. „Much mutinies the Demoorate of Centre county, (a nd !non or othfr tilso,) nanny of whomwe no portent ly, will ha able to aprmrtate.—Prothtir mut ItatamPr and Advocate, T111:•WATC11310.-1110 IVa trlllo,an Is the 'Ole of a now Dorttooratio paper eaCalllibild In nollethirtef Centre edunty i edam., by Henry nays, Eeti. Ibe moharie of the old Demo:ratio journal by.ththgnow Notting!, and the oortsequent defeat of Ib l)enio. crioto pn.k in Oootre, oounty, rendered thireetab 11ahment thereof an orthodox paper neeethitry tithd from the. tone I 1 d abil ity of the Watchroad Me ate no, doubt It *ill eiline , up to thi expeotittionikeldite ininple of that . flotnialdng region. Hoye le a young man omuloie of gledrigillbd runl of rielo g in the profeettion of jouroiditen, And we think from the eriorilmon bolero to that ho will enc.:end We wish him much succeen.—Washing ton Union TIT V. banoi•navic WarcuttAti.—Thie-is tits Attie of a now paper jolt started in Bellefonte, Centro ronnty, by Henry Hays, Esq., formerly, we believe, of the oily. The first number which is now be. fore us, prelents a taunt anti businrabiiko appear ance, and lho editorials give evidence of ability nod tact We wish the editor suocess In the eater poi. nod trunt that the DernOecany of CoMrinoonnty will tent it to be their duty to sustain sd Inn an or gunri of hi pnrty, tee the if^stitioman protolft to ho, to tie oet of their ability., We extend to Mr. Yin right band of fellowship, and welts:mite hint as a eo-laborer in the glorious cause of the peozde.-- 7,vrtaiter Intelligertrer. DL•fs.c . lLlTlu IVATriltleN le tho IMMO of a new paper jar elartitti at Ilollefonta, of **Molt Wtt haft. loft - Art.4 the 'second number. The phiper, LI lAt and hopeLyj. The editor* seems 'to hare awistantte of able pens In their noleiborlxkxl. W AAAAAAI iro could say the same for tbie fl'anhemass. Pse itaggoetion of the editors to hold an edltorialconven tion In Ilelleflnte le an eiorllntit one, end w pln for it strong, prro'hletl it, is to bon general tit'e& I - r. opdcti,n of party , Rural ' editors can do much to hotter their condition. if they will only null.; as fi wild/Int noilye an t Ito, t to break dully the party 'tryhi,; whirl) line born formed or than by " lead nr," iilitini.ins --A merroa n trairkman, !ant Ihrtm. Th. until ATIr W kl —We )1111Y0 reeelred the filet number of a now Ihnnocretio paper . with ~tho uhose title just col:m anned in Bellefonte, ash* , l'n ,by HAYS, Ell. Centre hail bey. ,floTht on EOgilth Nino:ratio paper for ayear pelt the I), mama wad bought over to the dark leathern -t). rod is now doing the bidding of the Abolition uteri of 111'1 t party, We breve leatnOd from Be. Mr Me. that the Wa t ow n commenced with a sidiatripilim • fiat of of 1,500 euMlan liul and the .flon.curnts ate moving in - solid I olumn to rid th my of Knew Nothing- Ism at (lie next election—that, they will seeteeptleh Oder peirposo we hes-Th . 6la doubt Tito Watchman is printed nu now' typo, and lie Orly eoutineted The eittor B 1).1 " the paper will ea,icstly curl unflinch ingly oduir , ato the men and men...rt.', bf the Betnn elutf tor, And oppose - Anew Nothlnglam,"Alsoll tiouluu told to cry tabor S VIII BO csoutzary to the genius wit opirit of our republican Inatitutiono " We Abell 1.3 c forjred news from Contra nextfall Glide. "PE it /)/I.llol' ft ATJC Vt'ATCUU.Lit "—Min Zeiil3ll4l, daa nitglisho Organ der Demok ratio von Contra Coun ty, in Bellefonte gedrueki, welnho beseitit Ihre vier to Etnoltetnung genuteht, int eines der soluariatint mei beaten ponds .hen' Zeitmohriften in 'l'cunsylre Men Doe nWatehrosui" wird roil Jiro. flswer H re heranogngetien and von ttiechtigtin Redact-cu ret' gofnehrt, din, indents, wir sin kennen hand in hand mit-dem Beriebter die damokrattsol:o Drawl mires. rein Hint vine/ern-1a vortheidi,en wanton Jnder enlisoh-liventin In molt rat Int County soille die lee Blatt nehmen, and all', Mengtiohn Untorarsudaung rugeltrael,t wordon, woduroh Centre Conn ty wiedor in ' , ninon gutun alien gnsund ilemokrati• athen Stood geliraoht wonlen kiwi. Distant zu data Unternctnnon —llimoirawche Derichimr We received lust week the second number of the Dentoreatie Watehescol, si new Democratic paper pie started in Bellefonte, by Henry Hays, Xsq"— The lint number never reached us- There haa been o Democratic paper published in English in Centre county for more than a year past, the old Centro Pepurrqt; having been degraded into an organ of Know Notlatrgialu. The tr./Mogan, Judginerom"ApdprialW The uditorilla are well written, and tlic utocLu4oot part rot excelled by any paper In tbp country.- IVith tho aid of such•aa organ, it !abate to prbollicl that Centre county will Noon tot again what it b Leen horctofore--nne of the strongest and most able Dernotrotie -counties in the' titete. We pleased lo learn that the effbrts of Mr. nays likely to beoperly si.rucietred by the party his eounly, ands that he will not be allowed tot for “Inalcrinl ant" in carrying on hit enterpri • The Democrats iu Clinton are also giving Mat hendtomo support. His Ilst in Lock Ratan lo one or the largest and best within the delirtry of the poet °Stu. Wu heartily rtjoico at his prospect of —horA HIIi en penioe,ir Tilt; I)IYOCKATIC WATCIIMAN.-71118 to tete title of 's new 17aper, published iii Bellefonte, Cientre enmity, Pa., by llenry limy', Eon , formerly one of the publisher' of the Lanclin!er /htutocrat. TIP) trot number writs evidence of ability, and a defer ininatien on the part of (ho editor to pubsish just nu •1 n pAper RA Oho lit !I:rlon y of Centre at O t to title Le. d 11) , 1 ('n.bt It Pertocr.rt woe bought by the IV -N thhi gt— 01 0 party nee rohaotyordiy lilt v.irlioU t 14/1 the ceant) 1110 Ward,- ennui vi Inn e; vied with the I tow of (akin ; the place of and we aro glad that Mr. h ays C0111111000( . 11 bin career In that oourtly under ouch favorable auspiees—ho having reeulved, in tio eout.o of a few days, one tbasuianel Kuban:ll4r. Pueeess to the enteryditte —Flarrisltcw Painter Tim DEMOCRITIC WATCLIMAN the lift l' n new poppr junt started nt ItellefOlite, Centro on by Henry Hays, La 4 , The first nusaLer presentee 'wl and busiutise-Ilkeappearanoe, and the, editorial'. u otulunceofhhility and tact. We wt b she edi tor Succe , ii in the eliterprtsr, and t rus t th a t th e Democracy of Centre aocult; irtatnot It to tattier duty to sustain a, true an organ of the party, ail the 'Wettelernan promises pi be, to the uttutattof their abil ity. We extend to 'Mr. /lays the right hard of l'illossohip, gad waloomaa hlae a* a **kir'' , .1a the glortouo native of Oho ptxtpla —Norri,ttowns Muth, Mon. TII6 D6IIPLIATIO WATCIDIA Elul" hue menu:mu:mil the publication ore new Den ooratic paper In Bellefonte, Centre °minty, under Ow idiot o appmprinte awn:Anon. Our friend Wien For ney, we urn ittetukal to observe appears Witt Mr. trays. Annoriate Editor 'l'lie Demoernit,‘ iratrion,": in R. largo and handsome sheet, well filled soil ablyouridueled As it is the Only fling limb Democrat to piper in Centro, Its establlshirient there is al opportune as Its saeoess is certain.—Cv- Detlorrat I-17 . We hare roach-ed. the first riumbor of a no Deuemratie paper Just started in Dollefunte r b Ilene, Hers, 11,rtitled the Demorratir WattA nth*. which ix truly a 'arm, arel handsome Ihee The Watchmen IA - only bemoaratio--and as instt , eueli a paper ne dosomee and no doubt remelre a hearty support from the Dlmoo/Wodr of Old Cow, 'tro 'w.:Froor the Oteerritelif Mrpttetiktte: DIntOrRATIC WATCIMAL - -.14 wore-last wet greeted with,}ba appearanos on our table of the fir number of a handlome paper boiling tlie atm , caption, devoted to the everthwassia pritatiples n, Democracy, eini published at Belleftude Pa., by II Heys A marked ability is diiplayed In iii edit° rial contents, and the Deawaracy of Banta) w,si, congratulath themselves on having a firm and ON allocate in tlio Watt-At/usu. Like the liber r ti pre serving dootrines iti Athena* q t y its an rbe ever upward and onward. - 7-johnsteuies Rol ~ LP Thu Dmuornnito WsvcrlNO.lrt WUII 3 /0 Of a now paper *doh hoe rimently been st din Itellorontn, wilted by If. flay, who Is ft racy writer, We extend our berd - rtiahee, end hops It mak adhere as an adhesive planter', to the prinelpleat now lamp , sad —J. Shore Repodiean. ~, Tur DellOOsChrto'W hronyran...-Tilie is the title 'of en& paporjutit Masted is BalleGmte, hy 11. Ilsys, the diet rfudiber Orwhieh we harScritl. It in very !wetly printed; watt edited,' the beet of it is it,bs.a wand pqtaorrati.a paper. a wisb it sac.. toss.—Tyrone Den. 4i. 01/10C11.1.1141'W entrAir In the Iltlll or 4 Sow Demooratiopaper tlystarteal,ts tlallamt a ; pa, , b.T. Koury UV*, • IL if rtoatlY exeented sad edited with Spirit an dlvillty. Ids botind to sun. (med.—Jaren/ Shore New, Letter • r Lir w.,44,o,redeirod the fired number of • lea Iq3lang. Democrat) paper published' in Bellefonte Lynam" , Hart , .11 is well printed, on goal paper, fairly edited, and equndl,7.Dextwore!tle.r4aabert, Gazelle. !lOW PrO,B , 0111.41/ 8AW•113114-- kg' The eubeeribar ¢evrtng. epuktoft k d_tosts. Batt 1(111,1e promto4 14141, to trole r brnrof soy, bee *wet ths short.* ootime. 7" , Roam fln't6a.Btipeytyo rl 6ll 1 41 4 ". ociv2k)4y. „ t a mmitainhi4bilMetAtiiiifto vores7.invoked ibr rav2.l • jaa.E.lll • =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers