• ' A.14:4141:121.41€61001. oroxat,olll4s orttnnar:— Tersrs.—: WM;WAX*. yst r : Wrier - S - 0k sod ante.pdgmen4. Rtaintifts take" a no - nt for plaintiff); and, MeMairnius'ior .. Avutaltrni Loeb vs. Samuel Wilson, Appeal. Aceion-for damages on bread; of contract. ..Ttnhpn' ent in f*or of phlintiff in thy gum of MHO. hi ~Allister for plaitiflC Boni for 4gfinldant, Commonwealth -sia. J. G. Sanky, Assault and battery, Guilty. Sentenced to a Ono bf $6 and costs of prosecution,.. District At. torney, and ifit4i for Cons., McAllister for dii fe'ndant. • wm. ra. Amos Reeder. Assault with in-' tent A fine $lO, Conte of proticeu tioa, - and au imprisonment of ten .days}-,I Atlmi,ey,and .tilc.Alllttier for ...C,omr monwealth 3 Date and Lihn for defendant. Commonwealth rs. Michael, 'Murphy. As sault and batEery. 'Settled by the_ partien4 Corn. va.k4. Roush, of nl. Annault with intent to kill.. Fined $1 and cosh; of prose elation: District Attorney for plaintiff; Pur horn for defendant. Wm. vs. Charier' I?r,nrn. &Mug !ignore.; to John A. Bayard nud others of intemper- at: bablia. Two intlictinents. Fi $lO, CORig of prosecution, nod no impinliment of ton days on the first - vomit—and on the * 3d count, for selling liquor without a license, • fine of Vl.O and costs. On tho second in dictment, defendant pleads guilty of selling Aver to miner,: Fined $I and costs, And an imprisonment of ton days, to_cciiiimence .st the expiration of hie sentence oittlie Est • • • goni. VS. H. D. Cuipoiigs. Indictment containing two counts. First count selling liquo..to John A.l3ayarif, a person of known intemperate habits. Secontl count, selling liquor withetit n lice - Ilse.griilty . on the k .11116—plead guilty on tho could, and titins Anedslo and costs, vs. Sarah • " vs. John 1310m1, dol. " George M. Peck, 1. vs. EdwardAlown. tyling liquor to John A. Bayard fitia without a license. Fined $lO mid costs, and ten days impris 'Amment l u the first count. On Gil) second count, $lO apd cost:;. Cum. vs. same. Selling liquor on Sunday and to minors. Fined go and cost, And an imprisoinent of twenty days. , Con). :11.413arneq Lii^as. Selling liquor to minors. Fined $lO and ecsts, and undergo an imprisonment of ten days. The council in the shove cases were Curtin and Durham for defslidants, McAllister and ' Linn tot Commonwealth. Coin. me. \Thomas Jones. Too counts. First count Rolling liquor to John.A. Bayard, a person of known :intemperate habits., Second c mint, selling liquor nithout license. Defendant ph2a4l guilty. Fined 6140, cost of prosecution and an imprisonment of ten days. On the Fecund count, Sl() fine and cast of proaccution. Ltar kit L i cgNs , ..l)llol-sw.--The follol, jug is a list of thosclallo wero heenaod to Pell soirilgcns, vinous, and Analklisigars, in Cen tre County, tit ilia rust court.. 13clicronto Borough —lna-kccpcos---Sosepit fiourbcck, 11. 1./. Cutoruingg, .1. 11. 31orrison. ting4lou!leS.--( ieorg l c ,N. Peck, Edward : • -It. loggs To ',um] p ---lon • K ceßer lowshin Town , tip—lnn-Kecper4 •rahatn, Jag. )le.Nlnstcrs. Spritig . Tovrr.thip —lnn-Keeper—J. 0 Lutirinwrs. - r Howard Towiship —inn-Kceper—William Kaup. ,NLOoll Township --Illn•Nuf•per- , - . Wm.. Myers. :51non l'Av Kinney. Liberty 'Tun 110141 —liiii.Keeper,--I)aniel Kunev. . Ferguson Township —lnn•Neoprr—Win 'Burr litlel.l. Potter To Iv p-- Lriu-Keopera —lto btrt idceruto, J. G. Yeager, Oteakirk. Walker Tow Fillip --Inn-Keeper—Anthony earner. Philipsburg—Tau-Keeper —David Johnson• Philipsburg—Eating . A. Oa n 0.2. Uregi, T.ownithip —,Lin-Ke.cper --Goo. Mus ser. Taylor lediMiliip—lua•Koepor—John Co pan hay er.' • BOROUGU Eddurnox...-The election tar Borough officers took place on Monday liiqt, and although the positions tp by filled were important, but little feeling traANtnanifesttd beyond the industry of the, friends of the KF,ow-Nnthing, candidates. i, The following nil the votat.o the different contestants CHIEF ll City PAS. .D. Cummings, D. ' D. W. Ihttenhonso, K. N. ..., ASSISTANT lIC ROMS #. 4 1.7 13e no nui . rl 2(. McLain, D. _,.. nt '-I_ T.. Johnston, E. Tox COCNCILMEN .. E .. w. jAntta , ; l l:l . . &ncker tUr i trBseeitater, D. • • Mitchell/ K. N. I. G. Durhatp, i. N. . Jacob V. Thomas, K. N. SciiCroi,, qtatscroas. Christian Derr, D. • Jolty H. Morriseß, D. Jian. IL Rankin, D. D. C. Bold K. N. ,WIO. P. WilsoN . K.Xl .Cleo: Welsh,4 N. N. • • -••- • , • 11W411 OOKSTA OW:. George Laneherger, 1), , ' deorgo (hafts, K. ? „ ,.4. , ------- 7 ,............. ...Tsaa Camas*" Ostatirm. Dstappexs,-..Ttils WOW drilled trim), ander 'thoqfguosiod o f .. . Dapt. R. D. liNumniuss, paraded on Monday last, in thil. 'uniform. -Their appearance ' olicted general adutiration.--antl their drill evolution* ahowsdlliali they aro under ad , trkisaNpfliktipline. They worn accompanied 11:-.11se-Bellitfpute-lhant-wheenlivoned the . tile i , Jr Oa-with Jtothe ;eery splendid eta - tional and military air This Band is ono ofathe, boat in the' State-4ndeed. so , fir alkoOrjudgtriont goes, we novetheard a bet lll!agenized company of mualciana. . - , NaWr Acorwirrunianorra. —Our advertising 40;131mul will bo found to bo partici:flatly iv Stvaiing, and I wo refer our readers to sissy 4)f=l/4. ,offeriog important btisine'ss 2)?•'., tttrylimotiltilt:o7.l.l t& Fesprids obit- ,tains Isuch', Inducements to that in Want of ,dry•gixtdkand groperies: litotaeocli ofgoods 4 1 ' oriArar hew, and variety; extent, oleltaped and thott'itlise, cannot be excelled in Centre-conitty. Give him a call, as ho is determined to please. A spleakidle k rgo . farm, in Union Tosetiallipt is oirercircir hale, by Wm. Brower. nit land is described as being in a 'high state of cullivation, and the inducements are very I flattering to those in want of a farm. A. Parternge offers a valuable Saw Mill, with sixtcel sores of good' latid, for sale. I Tart of _the land is covered with tubber, and the Inilllsaaid to bo mltt . of _the beat in_ths clanly• -Tease May initioe that helms opened a whole sale livor , store, in connection with Lltis oat' et. busittess. ' , TAKE. A . PiI*TE,OR I yOUR MTIPT..- , - , ./t Dicta, I says an'exchile,:totd us a story in relation to one of our subscribers, which contains a good„moral forlmsbands, and also. furnished- I all example for wives n;hich is not unworthy of imitation under sitnilarcircumatances : The subscriber referred to, said it hall been his intention to call at: the °Mee', pay up his arrears, and discontinue the paper. iiite very prOmptly asked : • do you intend to Olsoontinue the paper?" "Because," said the husband„, 61 - am so much front Lome on business, and titoro BO URIC. time to read, there seems' to , be little use in my to,king the paper," "Yes,' replied she, may be but little use to YOU, but it is great use to us. I re main at home while you aro gone. ''ltyOu disemitiutte the paper I will go straight to town end subscribe , myself." f):7•1'lle Baltimore Suit,:lieretefure in politics, pays markgil attention lo the 'Qat-. tering reception Mr. Buchanan is everywhere receiving, shire he tetrehed his native shores. htnall keg, bound brags hoops, filled with gold pieces to thviroount of 1,000- ooa, (Probably Atinca,) believed to have been a, Fruit+ military cheat,•buried there ilr the year 181:3, to hide it from the i nussinh CO snoks, bee been found by et peUant boy near Schwez, on the Vistula. Cam? Rio Janeiro and Buenos Ayres are now lighted by‘tftq. .:rft.arav, on Ftct.na Firs —Wb belittle ye canriot do our renders a more impoSant service, thou by snit, coiling their attoution to tkat most rem trkaltlO preparation discovered by Dr Seth S littler, of Baltimore, Md., which postasaes the power of alletiating and ourfug, dint horrid visita tion of man—Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. in ntion (irepsretioni to our readers, we (Jo so with a iktion flint wo are not 4egrading our 001.- 1.113ne t pull a &annum patent modielne, hat are pineing before them is iliscovery, which, lf fully known, would probably do more to alleviate human suffering. than any h,vention of modern 'times Dr Ilan in ,' it, asking us to aspire his preparation favor ably in our cOrtortal .icpsrtzuvitt, hits sent us fur pi-rusel is plinths,' of lett, r w fpqn person, who. have used his Oho awl loavc eurod thereby All of thrill tycak in the infra grateful nucti.oulogistio ten One great rilyrintnite this untAioinu porteß4os is tiro f.tuf, that It eon ho transported through the made, therchy atlording eery tom au opportunity of ~ m g the inventor, and OM art• abiding all pry:4111111y of tieing initiottiq on by a count,•tr,lt. , 1,, 11461, pays the postarge on iris pills hr any part of tho MuntrY, and will forward them by taunt Of mall, on the re ceipt of a remittals)°, Ills :mime are , o 1 follows: One box, $3 t. Amodio. V; $24-. v Mu.- 01,4111,1110 11,111 iR/044.14 Ori ALICIf s ir en g if ofee, 101 phiti oi er c at , Baltimore, 3ld unAur, A.D iclunci force to gran air I . loekll by Dr. I.4yrNT'A C4A•tr.sin . Costrocrn rarrantr;.t not ef /tin of injure the akin Nice 1.00 per ptiekngeor throe for $2 50 Sept to any part thA 6013111r)r,„ - by, mull . nu meelpt „r is IV:Want/700. 21141 Te. I . olf.t.Tn}.ll 4 Co , lion 7 19 Poet °Mee, titourg, it4u4ylited At NittArt , 7 f - tut,ltkv, ilk% 4111 int4t tnt, the Res-. Ihm l Yeatick, Mr Joirr A YOUNG to Miot P AIAI r 1101101012 W Out friend ettpi n•4ri,n; ia,(a.hpt nt tut n u wave witictl, wo tont, all] bear bins on to fortune and a taiga family. Retaenthering the olti adage, wo can only say to the happy groom anti fiir There's a hod that never dies, A Rawer that ‘sith,re neicr— Which sends tte Inswahoe to tho lat Cu n.rla Wry fw,vl.l. ID - Democratio Association.—The next t tai theetiug of the Aviodatioti will take Tlare et the (tattail% TWA, iu e.:.% rtltt r) E} h.NItNG, May 10th. Ity uNler of the Peeeelent It Ki — A,ppoal for Umioated Land Tax,— AO uppoal wlllebe held it the ConunieetonornOffien. in Bellefonte, no SATCH.D.AY, the 8101 flay of May lust, for unseated Londe iu Centre county. By otderof the Cumuliesioners or:o WELCH, Clark. Counnlaeioner'e 01110 e, May 7, 1836. nly3-4t rrj'Attention Assessors. The several Deruugh 1111 d TOltlinhip A roomers of ils.. Comtity of Coln u, aro required E,l prepare and sleliNer to the rover Hngnde Impeotor a Hit of the ifelitwittent militiamen of their r.eireetp.n Deroughu and llown• on or beforo Liao lit Monday of Julio float, Any naictor neglecting or, rcfulioz, to portonn ‘1,14 dutyrehAtt be 010 penalty of twenty-five doliere Reeynitirltc to tho 241 it , t ion of ',4114.111:1111.1141. !b'nn act fit It, tint/ the hydteru, etipt ffial .J.Aftlili n F[SMllyli, Brigade inepeeioe. i3d Brig . 14lb the , P. Al livigatto Itulprothediglioc, 41iirlag Dillly April 80113 ; pry? E • (r - Brigade, Orden. - - • Thed.lnion liogifuent, commanded by Col Itobt rt. strobeaker, Is ordot tut to meet fix Inspection on Tuettday, tho 27th day of May, 'The Washlntfon Artillery, oommandod by Capt J. tlesnbuth, will meet on Tuesday, the - 27th day of May. - Tho Penn's Valley Cadets, cosnmandad r hy Capt: gitaffZfr, mout.on Woduesday, the 27111 day of May. • The &Mond 11Mhdidn. commanded by Col. P. 11. Wibtop, still moot on trhunklay, the 20th day of May. The Gentle Dragoons, commanded by .pt' U. D. - Cummings, will meet on Friday , lbe 80t h 'day 7 0 ( May. The i'hlllipeburgllunrlie, commanded by Jen., A. Guise, will meet on Saturday, I be 3lst day of Afay. gaols ootnalltodleg ()Meer of a company Is re. Haired to furnish the Inspector a list of laic 1 uniformed memboretof Me company,. and also u list of those who hare beoomo exempt from milltsyy duty, by having served the woper time with the sompany, sal also BOX ell the anito r •oark. other liublio prepaid/I or (by !Slats which *lay We lb jina mosalon able company. Any etptain,or towtomnft. ing wfileer who nogleefs or' refaces hi thrninti said Ails nitwit Ito dqwitrotl (.4 the sum authorised to be paid to the cuininntes by the 10th potion .of the Militia Actor 11119, fly order pf • • JARED Plsiimt, Brigade Impector, I.lth Divinioo, insoluilor,a Moe. _ Spring 81111 s, April 3004 MM. I itly-7 34 79 80 79 17Literary.--The Centre Co. Tauber& r,lbre,r7 h i e Woo eetaldlshecl it‘4;lo Lioroulh of ItM almrg. A room is sootisedon lo now -befog llttqt•tip for the 'reception of MOB. All peraolke flositoue of ciomotieg the etdorpriee, oom do to by fotwordloi nuke Dr moody to the sobecilPeot et Ifflosbark , ' JAM. A. -HATA, JOI. 6. Mal NEN, _.fekt2f-tfl, . .. Aeeistant Librarians VlAndibir ti Centre and Spraoo Creek eig iiro .w aokanDo et the friends of the above satiroad wilf be bet et IifILLAXIAL, on THUD& DAY, the Seth dig' of Jlitty....irhen oven' ,Pot eon favorible to titenboenrui,44A ennett_ntwlnt. 45 W fto itness of linrtfttee Dire twOtteqd. It MAIIRIP, TAE 11111.111grarrs. RPDRTaD yrrliltirta PO% TUE DiiiOC&ITIC WATCH.- , 41 , 1 , Wi1f, J. IC4AIIIII. ":1^ - • . '"j "'"' 11614,0606, Mai 6. w bat 44,0 po x 11adlot, aro, 0.5 oti, :43.0, none vrantins It to,ota. , Oats, 26 to 30 ots. Pototoos, 60 Ott. for good quality. Iluttoi,',2o to 25..0ttt. per lb. as to 44111ty. Eggs 10 ea, per 40101). • • , PulaAnat,r4a, MAY 5 P. 5 /. rtrondainlro aro nnelmnaud. Thy, demartir for Flour, however, le limited tcoday;storl 'aloe at $6 for nbandard euperflno, and ELM for extra; extra focally 'atIIT per barrig. trade are' buy. lood - eratelpat - from $d to if ibrcommonbrarde, and oxtta at $7.50 a, VI 50 for fancy lota 'llye Flour le dull, al $11.75 n tel per Leo rol. Corn Meal meets with a maltreat inquiry at $.2.75 per laFrol (or country Ideal e sain,q:/snrreosipta..and sales Of-veheat oOntlnne modernise' aihel prices tho &alio ; sales at $1..40 a $1.60 for red,.lbe leiter for prlmtv.l.4Bl 4.6 a $1.40 for white of infoilor and vary goal - quality. Corn is dull, dud So - uthoon Yellow is offend at 66 afloat, "'Mont 175 for for Wontoin. iot, itqthie, VS ' 1 rmlos at al for inferior Southern, 7:.1, for vrieno Idaryl,n.dand Pennsylvania. ntria BALE;.4 & $ll2/iLL FROPIT2. Nit The eubsoriber reepoofully inThrms the oftj zone of contra and- Opining countira, f hot lie bal opened NEW STOR: IN BELT.,I,OINTE, No 2 Arende Itolldinf; n hole he )1 intit opened a AY.N I FICENT STOCK TI V,(100418, which fined beets cart:folly solcotod, W stilt, both tow n sand country ninon»), smith:big of rich and 'beautiful • • SPETS , RI AND SUMMER WOOS, for Ladies' asol nowt, men's v, oar, einkrachig,ccery variety of ,Eassincre 3, . A Fidendid aseirtniont of Nilk., tempi, iso i wpn, I3,dilaill es, ,' Rano% Chiding+, Chirrtzbi, Trimming', Embioblei READY fIr •IltA Bats, Caps, lir, q and • Umbrellas and Ladies' Paranoia, Fang, Combs, Brushes. he jiardwaorc, Cutlery, 011 s au t Paint, OrpOCriel, 11111 raid Sal., Pinatas, Illinois, bootie isnitt‘reir, in fast. evoey thins usually knpt hr a country Vara iirs''COUNTIIT PRODUCE WANTED I tvapcolcally tavlte the cltitetta of Itultufottla and aurroan.iliag ()wally, to giro me a call, as r will bo prep,w,t to turhttlt, thew with geode that pare Ifi ill aaV over °floral to the pll bile, ao regrla chewier', linri tny7 T. It RLYNOLT):;'. SPLE A ll l :D v i t D iv L i A ll it ,. ? ;A E Li fARDI intendilig. to ionic troll, wishes to sell his farm at Pilv.,to Pot" tilt n toil In Union tout:6l4, Thad Engl. Valley, Conti , county, one• Ivor west. of sitorto , llf , pilie, two tulles north of thy Erie pike Thu f ilost TWO HUNDRED ACrint f wblrh 1 1:i .1,0 vivo, ea end under cultir,rtion , riot e ell 1.11,4 in; the rrlnalr.- hug an noir, or., writ •to •:, vlth Giroit timber 'the blip] orriu . I,f t,ru TWO.sTOity 11004 CF, tw ri 1.1.\ It tiP,Pro (.1 ruin Stone Suring COI n Ovibtonil other litvot eutentn 'Arty to on ri mu 31 011C1f- Altll, couleinivg 700 bensipaitritpte trees. Or choke n01i001r1 , 4,4,4 to ha ilea heat Orehard in Coot re youuly I.or , ore a 1..., a large uuttf,er of Cherry and other r m uit trey, n the urorn:4o,l 'fli yama non tic will diapoin of or.oibalfor thy whole, to gait the purr.haser r ,‘,0hn.0.y% telstit pill be mule ancoultuodatu,vural coo, Apply to IV/L14.1,,11 /MOWER. lAN il ,y on the nce•,,to.. , ~ to !kli .4.. KT t N S'illNit:, E "'l . A"uon'' , oa.d I ,O S 4 ; 0 .1+ Men:l.ant, 11.-11, font+ l'a rn.7-3'. . VALUABLE SAW ItIILL roR SALE. wai be 5 , 1.1 nt letivqt, , in'‘., e a alilable :,air Miil, v ;lb uf .. ,,na :efX.TI;LN AVI:Er: OP LA !cli„ Poe , of 0.1.a0h •t 11..M.illilt, and OM i.. 1 01111.11(11bM It I, pi , ,,,v,d 4, , ,t one ;Pile limn of 711.1o..haric The nllll bin an i,.0, 5 , 11,t. 1411.0 I, a,nll a thulut,4l f o r „t, amv, , o4 pto ,t, 1 i!, •1. ttbm, wltolt urn grral I Wa.,1X.1 In 11111 noigillorl; ant TA bey win bn bet. tort_p_nit, Tatrwic. A g . it Afore a - 1 - iii. - rat rite, C. Apply Isl. A PARTIiff,AWFS Marble War tl, tny 7 1454,1,nrg _-__._ _____. O.TISPENDEBB. to A I,lullial tu-,rlineat.. j jot TNLII A at the now hlothinz rill l'ortri....hing z-....re of "A II:) 7 .1 Itogsci , ottAV J. t4oli . ..„ _ ISA A C 'At Y, LICE:\ e• lID I.ffg OR 7s111:r El ANT. 1),M,., in i t no Ii 111Littit..,,y. aline, de , which will Lr 5,14 rc 91.1t0g tho Into I w, by the glato t t, my7 . . _ . E STATE OE EDWARD I. filitlTß. - --- .L 3 Wherem, Let :ors with the will r.tuczo4l, on the t u' oto of I kltionl 1. 11., of I. olter 1 )31 r f(iNOVA to Ilia Itplier llgoe.l, renidivt.t tzt n 1l Fortobet ut te.btett to mini pletvtr, immenli Ito poyon't,t, ant It tt,t. ,ora,t %NM pult.tt th , PI 1 n rro ,tul '0 J", 5 \- if.f.if,lN ft, Vs. ntli , r, tiny At, !~ D I A • L O Q U E.-- John-0.0 , 1 rooming flow ala vot Stranger-t-liwel Inorniug, win eau yon inhere I enn G d :11 , oli,kiwn; Its 101 NADl tau, and lite .10i4.—loa, air W e on , n i nnbe; of gnoll elothinr atoron in I1t;110.;”, hot ttL..l.4 ( ' 31AX In ele4 tot atom alum Ow anfl 0/amine. Str,,wer—lVell, 10 en -ny holy says in Ma otrun• try, I del not know but that no Acre rnistaklur an I thougla I would inquiro,o( yon town folks. ' John—What kind of Cloth ling , do yon with In huye ter--IV, I xlmoll Inko lo Litre n good Coat, V.:lj nod V 1. , 1 AM .0.710 el,thior, for ur, hye John—Weli, '0.1 . 7, tinny any, has 191(10 Inoel excellent Dre , a Cott. fe ,, to SI d , nwn lo tat ter Summer co tint 41:,(1 I 4101 , "; Itror,r• limn, unit lotn it t.tleap i t NLwg for liQrn Ser,,ng.tor-n-IV tint it.bOnt firm GOodo John -14'bv. Mny bus the L, st 4v,rnitm , t of 1.4-Lori s, I;nrrne, Calionea, ' fin , In All(Pri. eseryllting Iu d< out s lurtyl,ll.o best qtylo,A,ld at the ehuainit pr, That is Ibn Once for me flood hp, Fru ofr to Arny'm at own., and thank you kindly for the infprntse‘on, • UtirPernoria in want or anythltirin nit linr . arr, thenifurr, retila«Sfitlly rorpteltail to Kiva ono a call. 110 ISAAC MA to A V? " AMP WAGON MAN- ItAel Y, •IItiIVARD fitreat, (noch ;idol Bellefonte The Sub,- twriber takes title method to inform tha publitt that he has commenced the COACH . and WAGON IitABINa Itt7F INER. 4 , at the above place, where he le preperml to niaiiiifivAtire to order, and con• m.setly beopen him.' n Ilholoo selection of Carriages, 'emelt as ROCK &IVA tti, CARRYALLS,' BOO; 44110444 well as • f iiRAVY VAR - 11 WAQONS, &o , arl at liberal prices. It 8P.k.111.0] don& at the obortent 11,,, leo, Ily 'nit:intim to h&iinesii en 4 tne..le, to pi lor 9 lie hopes to merit a ahem of patronage, EDWARD BABEL ripltemernlter the piece, ow the north chit of Ilortini, st iuui , +n th e shop formerly eeouphni by David Conipi,oll, lint mum lately eorprir AppeAtit [ 13 )IZLEFONTE IIitkIRBLE WOM.— - Niicv NsTAitustim,fiwr. tr2v.. IL 811.641 Z MAN, lute of_Philadolphbv, w 0,11,1 nnit reaprotfolly can thu attelltion of the puhlin to hit lat4o cud welt r •Ivc.tott stook a Italian 1 and Amertoon bluiblo, Which ha litut Needed with Vito. Dolga a, yraq:iont workman, and haring L lotto , 'exporteoco 44 putting up avory kind of wtt 'ln l'ltictutorphia, tho puktio .A.IA rent nanirod I thot thoy will not ho fatzacknvojy_kkyAlathair, .11IIIThaiiTh nellifOrlot niinnor lb MOWN d* public too l'art ctiottano tor thome olvaa,nna tiny will figurt awry 4otsi tray tt rnmt 25 to b 0 per cent. Speotwoi ' e. - my work tad be coop At all the retutr•• ' toilet IA 4 ;lolutr, crlonty. On hand a tar 'e aback At ITALLANr andA ail:m -.l(3mq MAIIMLIK, etch width ho is ploparodto I mtuntructurn Itiotatmantar Tomb Stoned, Franott. Couoltob, GreMArt 'Nobs, Quaker 1it."041 CFlted Idpuba and bytagoe, Marble roots ahrl /tatting far kindly Lariat lota. . I , All work contracted for hi mragent, Mr, A'. Jocob,.wlll ho executed - wi th nthinexcao4 r hea - patch, . .., . patch, "sp2B4yri 1 109RGE.-.480 : n . ' OF,,,1 1 10:, 1 r.tuo urod st. . - tarca utdittocir .in i m tow -pies, to _ inn 23 . • - , ilk 151,4 Of,. , . . =Her A Lta,l'aticl of by • -- so3l • ' DANIEL TIM M, A DA,Nar.; relsifttl4ll, mut Ata Jfak ind tor •, DEAit. I • It FARM- ..AililliTtll9N THE REAM' OF EVERT hlSltare-27,000 AELES OE Anal n 4 ,1 COAL LA.Eiin Elk county, Bensinger lenemship, Ponnsylearde„for male, giving s farm of 25' nYftLfor 6200, peyeble in instednieuta of it per week, oi ... it the same rate monthly. Farm. of LO, 70, 140, or more eares adjoining in proportion. pitch form founts upon a toad thirty feet width', - TILE SOIL is A rieth lhaestone team, end cape. °laity adapted to oullisitten, osh - it is neither billy net, stony, but‘ gently-Sidling or One table lend. Arbund and through thitproperty there aro.elready seine 20,000 Eros underenitivation, and its fertility has been tiltablished itilliL 444, -°M I / 1 1 1""°1' . Viten this subject it is Issit7 i_it _to fully y gills ed. Thereto a reedy cash mailleet l'e tereduee which is myth knitter than trade. Ali lin CURAFTST, as land of la stroller finality a sailing lit Much higher prioes thijoilliog,end especial! smhilekeontainsooel, TUE fIOL it A—Thip l p Mar* the Coal Dia• m i t (tint, mourn) ,"PillnillflOrhyi e *hole property, and the attention of rninero, std t ome aotittaltited ; with coall.todn, la spoultilly called ()it, 01, h i . th e /Overlap) of 1,e1,,, ,, ,. the nnansisr toll., great lake Irthettel, with Odell ninth lag 00111100filt1 by the Sun. buly ittal Eritt Itailrond now undo` °Mitt ant and in ,y 0,,,,, br c „,„,,,, t i0 a nom I.lrle to Ilk/sonny, with d'asltindlnT Or lathet tiluiTe way, Mies dt orer.lei- ' ltindecoa coal is the b, If, fur hallow. nn g iand nod ether ttenti"ri..n, The flit , * our acre 11 tittling for the t'o'Ar, Atov a, as it will certainly, in BO favorable a Ideal tan within a short that pay largely. TIM; is lallnr:ont as an lallnonse coal IVlth., trill soon open Four mad eampanie, 'hero iitroadrbeen started to malt Allot • to the ricinity,and there are ,i,m, lift er ,, -eppolegen Ind Pt. ?dory's. Tilt 1 liditElt, litocklieidcra eine leceivo,— I 1 Mors is no reetreation stehtiteror r Ito r it hf 'timers or coat. It Is very Yulaattle, and will pay Inr a great port of the laud. Oct account of the axeetionee of ereatils there are liro opportunnks , fur 11311 in; 1 YOR lIIA.LTII, the location it on nob rorommontl• ' ed by phystoianv.` , Thrv - chills area fever, lire un known, else polinonar,y eamplafate, being. proteoted from tho north•cost winds by the Alleghenies. The water is pule and amonget the but the land abounding in tine springs: ,YOUlt lt Al f,IIOAI/id will, shortly i.e templetaa nneeitog it by it DIRECT COlntenni •Ition wi.b Wee , . York, Philadelphia, l'ittaborg, Erie, Buffalo, end all the attics on the takes limy are' jtunbury and Erie, the /Mei:buoy VallelytheEittnhttrg and Ituf• fain, and, rho Vunangd. • .buergetia moorhens are idlt , being mode for (bo builcloig of the Tyrone and Clearfield, which also proses through thin property ' The eff e ct of ti,,., upon trade, and general develop ment, at iron no the cuaLitanY be imagined... The largo nod flourishing tOell . tri dl Mary's is (lie centre of ti o tre,,t, numbeineg near 3,000 in. 1 habitants. It has hotels, good poplin sohools, saw 1 and grin. oldie, some troll stocked girth orerytiliog desired 'l'here•sto 235 half-act* lots In tho town la lit. Mary's, which will be mild hat the proceeds I equally divided amongst those in 1,0 boy feints. /Odgers's); is the enmity mauls what° to OXtV.It. 1)11FITIC$3 in clone, teljolue oho treat on the west ' The artisan tlistvht It in! eitielnett by pod turnpike, awl • other made ,-_— , This fa A raro oppOrtaillty Offoloi to, How who wish to farm or hal,: n good itivefttlwot lot the tu• tare. Ity otahtag proper inquiries, A wl auneidorufg tba MI% istitamia of good soil. en Abotatanoe of soot. haalthfulvaii of ollniate, rafiroa4 CWII.IIIII. and ILI TW,' lOU, a corroot itultitaent may l larmod of its ppresentmistolfsgett and aitiaanto . to LIAO 0 tlite WM/I.IOIIS 1 1 1 IV' t4l On to those uhu wish to nett the lend. sy,t, at 0 1 oe• curreiling alit shortly bo Med :their. 14 MI OX.. cellent opcionir f. variug lichee if mechanic.' especially tannerioe, whack lights, arc ',ll e m a k en ., oarpaiiiars awl oiliw Ftlll.l Carl be b , ,„aby enclosing ii./30./kAt inetalment. liedies eat libt"l in their own ri:hi. Tilly is u'Ailltolllioultiell..good, and warrantee deeds given Atliireas or "mply to KAM1.11 , ..1i Seeretery, 135 Walnut atrset, between Fourth and Fifth street., Philadelphia EMIIM Henry NI. Watts, Esq.. 1011Wattriut qr. rd, Phileuis John C, CrOS. 01, Esq., President of Nuts 1a Cu 7th ro•'t , ide,t u Chestnut, rhila.lelphla lit nr!.:o IVteivaml. Earl . Inspector or City Gao uhuve Chem' rod has bee), o 11,0 11101 01,1 e , vmlned fir vonl I.ver t 2 1 ,1 P , t.O Mellor :ichn , lt:, , S. 3liut, )I,..itlotine :NV 6t.2 N erect, l'1)11.‘ , ezumintl tl,e Wm 1' Boone, liaq , soutirehte briVilnut sl.rect beinn 4th, elanalnedt tDe ldo Trot, ni,x..(1,, L. Llaym, Lttneeztor. 000 IV ftlyn Ft. Mary's, 1 1 .1 k ,Ti rsertet mottles Slabsi<l Llama ner, LW Pr'per streor"rilk hots ununrd tIIL laud .1. L. Moats. Lig_ Pr,nrifiteirmilkir Alocht.‘"d• non ?rouse, !LI 1'71.'1, abate KN,l'hlTh , Lai et- mined the laud , Et, ( ~ ,, , t,tu a tz , , Ytoti.t. 1111 N- 1 ,... ("1:10., Lula, of to U tt...talt of tit 3lr. w'x .1 S ‘c L'oitntn.tt 'T. St itSary's It 0... , g e TnI•10), F4• l l)ep Poltruaster, M Mary'', Mr Will 14o1,3,:l !,11try's Mr. Jol.llMill , .r, Cott4:Vll,t, St M. ry'.4 MIME= F. 11. Slone, olalo, c , nl orralor I. js'ilriurth, Esq „Pit:rhulg. mto, Gri eni 11. 0 - 1t14111 . 6 11) THE r 1710.14, nil in in eerily that, Leen rove the tract nwheil by the ili,l:.,ewil-Tonn end Coal enmpohy, and iv Cell It thorough ciandnation, we find the roprec,utetioi,xl hut Voint•xny to be eorrevt lie r,t,d tl rut to 1, thy' no,t 0,31 nod fri'lnrr tl limo 111 irexhounohle quantities through' d' dolt! o•t tom.. In excellent ot curl the int4lloulcc soot pnmirerily of die ic , d'lo to I , c or the tulAt etiora , lor We know dna them no he location in the State, nod we 'c'me! , ire no et Asfrohlo I,llPer 4Clthu,..t. 1:10:0 I hie ,:t:lar.0100, re we believe there'inay ro 'r y priebLe rho aro Ono , quaritc,) with ant! wo Pro caixtiod: 1, otn 001 kno(Vleng nl - tl. the.' a xbotinttlon . ,lvou itltlll Lc a polite bet,efit Jacob Slinfer, ISC Co Surowor, t. Mew's, T.ll, el. rg,,,100t or borott h or !.11 , Mory'e to'm ftord , S, 31vrnber of Son, Cot .11, St Moty'e Chas 1:rooki, __ do Jlt igglo, da do di, • do Font du do do Mi. in to certify that the 10)0$6 fire (011LIPMer) &PI at prevent the acting members of Ibn Tot* tt dJu of Bt. Aftztr:_t, posat,T, and Wet ch. above lit their hen idknature. In testimony hereof I hare sahosaribed m wan , : and t1t.11.41 GO Seal 01:11(1rte to bo attAwlked thereto, end I fully votivur in the above rooommendetion I',OWARD BADIL,"(Lbior Burgvog or Ht Mary's, Elk cob t od .16, I /.45/, ee is I at 2J -`it =I = ATTENTION FARMERS, AND ALL 111'11.1,1t8 I4TEItEr4rII), C'UILA".SIII:I,I,,Eie.: ' Ti:,, on,ler..igi,:,l respoetfufly mform, Um }'arm: Pi , not the pi, ,li, gmiorally of Contr.. ouatity, (bat h o ii -low IlltillUi.leillittli; tho P., :rll II AN!' ItLADY CORN l'illqLEß7 --- Ono of the her!, moet ~ : orrebraleet,..tmolde, and nt the swan Luna, Its usual.aasx.papielog stsightler-iisor efrormilio time PM lie• rt will ithat wean awl d o ry Coro,o noel:4; the nobs Irma end to end, and sopa toting Ilion front the C,ira, ' 1, it :Werratned to run easteh than any other She!. lot 111 the l'ilit.al Htstes or olsewhere, for the.sinon , lily of Co: n shelled per day. It to dune rosted with two crank. , Oil that two pereses can taro It, and .hail from It:i0 to 301rhushels perpajr , It cad also tor ottselnol to horde power, ^ r Call alpi no,. them before porshasing any other, as I. Ohl oeltain you will be satisfied wll :31115...- , ...."-DANlrir. D.Arryt, pAiordiite. ' uagricygs. ..; I,Ve, the umlorsignet , hare essuodueil and need: the ltongt: ond Reedy C'ornElhelhw, tuonere.Wured by haniol Derr, Bollefunto, rilliare it pelft.lt , 41 ill I:Taut:oat utility, and well WO/ limo attention^ of franca 116 acme ~ In one Pl/felen will IAYD Ito pile.: in limo god labor Wa o one r fidly r,,,,0n,• reemlit to the farmers of Coulee county as an Mit, ale of groat economy 'Wm. W, Br axe, .lastaa 11, 7‘l:lT era C. W. laeraeor, ' lleillialleltdce. eta L. W:Rtrresurosn, FntAg Met.t.ek, Bellefonte, April 9, 'bd. 11. ii. titentinareir. I bate purobaapd awl' Ofeal,no of *Corn Shot. lore rainufentunal by Ituai ()etc, iwthedithe ft ough i and Reedy Corn Ethellms, met untelitioUngly pro- no?nee it one,of the brat in use It rummy allay, and ehelletnernoettl la a Albert open* 0(114nial lima any Athen machine I bko ever :net eti r tfiti i Mien AltliNtol.ll • I We fully eunour inAlwileboes corti - '- * 77 a. wrxt, t ,t lino.. (an te o T 701111 J 14111711• . • -' IPmibtr - k14.11n - fik era trio,l the I*, st,inkh! rind Ready Corn EthellSre, manufsottl by...m r. Bpnlei Don't Bellefonte, 1 tied them hibe Ainitto,4 Pod useful in erotysrespeet. l'he'domArki.h I Use . p ghotit sons groan otttl'full of teflh, Alta hniin n pest l etesrpgrain from thi, tot, in othissettexhielt oould t bat posolfbly hero boost dello lir 110417 i frosty - recto:emend - thesremehinee to _the leasinerrai of Centre eouut,y. . -,- CU All LSI Jol.llllt/P. ' Bellefonte, April 23, 18541-np3o- ;'" ';.. •••i: 14 .9 ..,....."--- • • ''• "' : FOR, SATIL-A, LOD , of OM Hurd rtal and Twenty , -.. (Glib. • 'NI f. JASVS"II , IVA' iØ N ITARDWAIX- , • , ,A 6 •1ikT • 114) . 19t,Y, , ,f 0 T * • • rfiltnitts ADYEIMSEMENTS, p i PlisurciitiOtar AT naiiAa - ]KAY" 1N RT vAllirimukiroWit T. ha STORE: , -0- Jeld,d tk ast es ,k g r 4,..,4.01,,, , - II Yfililfs end P,p, Asetautt ha yo jowly for the Bp tog , iithak't roil( ~,, au,. i_opoo..l I. I,ocic $, , ,,v EN • ,eoraplate antortinent the ettentidn posed of at rearomtda.e prietm, making it a 474 N 1 6 . •ErAWDIVAnt, to Which wat hieito opportunity Ihr 01 is potato' balniniaM;i•akW ~,,,, !of ALT,, no etliOeiny thing tit the lion Our etufsk 11 0,1 b* , ,gains Arounghtalltookillay be to ene ' T •• ' hag boon is.) , taird with Care, eth Oa, ( {Pre{* d 0.," neat urortaaant. „r ~ , ~, ~. :••••14 . 4 . , Ir. oommunity *Mt mie n , tittle/kJ/1r! ----- "'SLarrltr, rl;• L • A of ' , 4' ,, K`9 ,,,i It D ii / 1 1 , ~,,i ', „5 , ,6 } ,0 , 1 ° „ 14 , 9 ' .„- , ;:,,,'' o w lorkii ` i f g A lW:t. ' q ' i:tr.,l 4 .4.l.4 l` tr l at * e l tri•a b i• ii:.: to t Laett,,,,i t l,-,,, ~,,,,, Alto, ~,,v j,/ •,,, d , I , tour natelionloal botrieheatentlll PPOOtre Ottr Ito I , porttneut hf , ' . ottiOr At tootion, Couohtnaltero, -- ifaddlota, 171 o' ;. li t,,SIF,It ANII 1N , 70i 1 11.1/1 J/INC1; , InaLi•rt,' hi uoltlidsli, Illacheruitht,'(hir)entota (.4• £/otha, Calahnora and ve,,,i,,,, , f ,,,,,, h ,, ~,f if, , 01 " Inottoelore, Vanes', d'., ct , , Will' fi nd It-to the'! kinds of ataplo - nail fancy D r y 11C, i otuat. t •rt lais•rool to call Up:131117 Sl/6 asarninefor tii , nt lire • •, a ljtardware,llata and L''.,pr, 'Boot. an t i El l o cz , , T,..„k t . 1 I.Z` L PPTd•on, buildhis till Cite' h , f3 O r,. ,did unfit Bogy, Carpals. Oil l loth; o rr i in fact r, o : ' lot of Lochs and Latches, I.lllYer tilated Dour) nobi thing that 1 11 wiuged by Ih. aoturatieroy , ' 3 ' and Belt Pulls, all of Eraiarn susaufa,:ture; teal, LI r Purchasers Hilt find it to tho t • ha, i.,,,,t. t o i a / t ilr k , 1 or 'utty lions, do. AIRS the th a t 40 Wet oat and eattnttno for themrelroa o aplB . /liitAC AIAY, Ilellefooto 1 WAl ' l l i'AFEP-; nOnliEnS. • . ' PR' F A MIT All-BROT'IMES ti e r ' an. i A \ II,FLILL-110'.111.D. ..A o tirlo vicinity. iiTt/V ES, IrA aubtotiber box offert to IL,' p, . tt i i l e A • S lept ' Torge • I.IPo 1. 11 - 11.1'1,1 - . Pdlont g sfaohinen,hlitni, the publio a ireiretyfil r to,7 l l 4, ,roluroWfar ertporier t o tb, .' ' "'" '' ''' .`• ' '" f it" n ‘. • ntuN, ' Daguerreotype, rryetalll f ire or Tail ,, ,typ , 'l"hey 'XI are .tertnect AMIIROTY, 'ES, l'ho phonetic ` fir „ „I:„ '" ,;:i ' ,• ` ; ,' „ A „ ' :: ' , l ,ol ' „ " , ' , l l: ' , ' o r r '' ,. ,' .. ' :k..lo(f t}" l4,l44. e'M AlVl l 13 3 11:1 ' 0: 1.3/6/3 Ili protehted In Ow *tit Staiya attest lirit:Lb.,,,,furtilitheil up on vi,jor In , the &airiest • • fable all ' ° " d 'l'ra•" ° ' "kin Pintorro ortf-dondetto,l fit be (time We ony a ll I i eUed and 01 1 thllolloBl bi33I , IIdrULANDd 14U1.1141 Over _ inti•lrterol Y. fesorr,ot res... ! I° - -L Pr ltltYli c tit n l 3 o' t"' u T' I.'' tho Photogritylgo art 4 urn NA to'iclil , tl on 1 .1 ) 4 "u•••r- j i '''ll r rootypee nal may Ir. 13 ,0 n, ),, ~,, )1 0 ,, 9.), r , .. --12"..'..4-.........-.. -- ._ ---..----,-...-.1 1 - 41 ",-. k .....3,-- 114 !... ' 1 .4 1 ' alno D 01146,3 Ilia rut 0 i 1 aporty of bogig TAff'Elt I:11f- ' - ri ISlfikk 'O(.I.III.LLAJB' ; , : ;Y. - --, A 115,11 The ex . , red in,/ Iltn-orlt, otsl;ll.flit;din end • .14.021- I. 'ta IfC Elir s 4,,,,i n , end Hoboes, of (014. 1• • , fllff'fy tinny! for 4', ell I l' r dn., oia, IL, O. AT\ I.NA' , :PTTP, 4 n . ) , laillor" - Iit'l , etc ”dtilalt 13, glut - " r ll llOßPrrl co- . VII , istsli" tit( iit i ld dritlicl , d to' tilihrtl flia• inn le types ---they hill- lut for egos vnebiLryoil, liH tit v , ttful retur,l pope', for (Lo itcytind n Of a l'ut or Co an to 4/.. 044 d! 103, 4111 10 , 10'11 . 11:Ty ' e:1,.1 anti crtp , mbn, .Ir4Uo-ntlou: TllOll4lO Mg 9, a oalorjol- 7 -11,in Used of ph:tom-for onorilly . 011 , 1 et- ' het tee al thr met , onslderattnve roltdah, artlott ece,flop; Irort•,l3, ,4 f•,, al.. e nll 0'1,0? - 4 1,3 frox l ) e- , Intl . , 0 , 1101141 A it to le, p 0 1 0110: 1.,.t., `/Yrs/o /Up d • COOS 1. hats - lever. 'i de fir:rig(' 00 a reolt, Of it, lindertf,O , or-ho 1 Ito.' I"° l '"c 3 aro rra. ,111. . 0 1' 1 1 ri,.1,,1T, ' Mills tro t ) 1, re, orrp incefir - I,lg scam I t a d o *, and liermr•loally no..led 'l'l,oy olinr stitind , roolut P / rye lig. i r r r, ft 'r, /. ther,t 0, 21 I'ptril,. re.,t,ar to t hollomildliog to loot 1 1. 43(nr , ,to Ith , tbr , i;:o ce , t•r- p, - .,, ',rite , re 1.1, r, I fro orosofirts 00 motor. tiy, 44 they illo loon' torah st tho 0 ,111111, of w o ttert ' /dl,rt , c at:l , .• gm! nvt . i Vilif‘rel• P.M 11 aot nob),, (lin , ‘ ! n , .'n nlnnn.i&n , ". nnq , nn ,, irr 14t ain / grordiers tally 1.'9 so , n'A l ii rlont the. studull Istarla nutter for months nut, putout .Inly . ri.oltu ( inw ore emceed n fir is Inortib e; from The so/seri/0o lin t i o , . .awf u l 01 tho patent for tourptatiou , nod that thr .;li - nr ) rirsr In nial rare In. , / 3011 )" e ,111 . 1 31, and harril.; Irrri , rd tr. , ' r.of hms io p lit L t., iit L • .t IN , ti,r lo•p . tut Lam o 1 4.0 morals . Alto Altar tysit O AL LIM?' Or 1`110TC11:11APHY, 121) IWO rlitltill 01 all c,, , ,0101tt to tttrlr cap Thos 11 4 'frith Street. PhilfidelphlA, in ott , ittypitett rit ha 1./a/thug i 4 a.itoistiblintritonAeti for 110, onighrt rail' antlerY all toloarilie. C"••. 11. ft , ' r tnlo A Rtilto. 1,1,1 . t.,,, thlii o f Lo'll ,11,1 t 11,43i D i up. !ergo ter.4l - A 3 /14. , ,S J4Our, of eittiter nolo I ' 0 • ,1001. A 1 1 1 to furnished 110,41 trot thsted, ' . fl' It Tho pub::c iin• imiteil ho call and judge . 'the Czoo4o,r 1i. ,, ,10n corning:ern on llbur u laYs or theintielv-s , the ter of hey Etemillettiona at llic dale of 01404 .N. Il --Abe relwoho, i.ors,,so, r,r,tvg.t.-71,1 tito 00 04 1,i0, amt alt, ab teltl exhibition at the rime of tits ohore 1,,,i Pia In (%;n1,,f1 mony, will be /bosh 41(4 , sinter so stun ~ Ilia Seni:m:li le'f, o maws went 91 licoorain3 to 1 in- 111 real' elm. ' ' "Posnlinollo .. tw• 3r• ,4 \ ,_' .11100/ f - 'l'll'l4ll. ,‘•,/,' 1 r,,,,te,,-/,:,,.". 1.0 , twhien of. eray.ttvc jot '2 r ' ' AP,! PAiet, rl, tar 11 is mesh les h0,,,,t, ra,,,i,i el ro t ioqw , , , 41)1 'to ell tito Foolish brenolni. TLltAnn-lra A PLBROTiPE, CiTLYSTAI,I,OIIRAY 4 3, - 1.1,........ ,;• ,, ,q,.1,,,,,i,, ~,,1 ii.,,b,, , ,r. eirr.‘,„ zit. ....) 1 1 ,10 UJ:11111, , f1 I'l'l' 11) , t/ M,- tt,os t, , t ; ''•ri, rd,fir, I, el iililL C',lo) ,1 1 4 11AILNIIAll'i' i s l 1 , . / ‘ ll', i' i .11,, tl'e i ti...,.. . ILLY,: L ',lit:l'; ; 3 ,- .1.11,,,,,..!: on I' 0., .11 113 that be lOU 40.1 0 03 e d,' i on 1 i , 0 -, a ,1: 0 , y In a, P,,,, •, magnificent rid! ~r 1 ooill. DI 1,,. Ar .01,.. nl4. le I,ir ' -„._ - ... , attentioa will be e holly 7,1r ., .01 tr. the 1 ~,.,.,. , f t 1,,. 1, , t.---0,,, LIVERY S'LLIBLE. ci )'l•otogr.,4 , lii,, aril', ant liras 1.2.13,1 1111 d :11.t , pot- /S . :l-x !"11.0.1 1 , 14)15 APi I •,........`..,'t 11,11.)£. • -° tot. lug to llelioglitydry i Tbs. , 411,sorilrrr 1.4 f, ;inn th , tit/soon 0; 1.1....110f. TIIIi I1IPILIJI'11) A Xll l / 1 .01 I'r i l,c l ; lm , l , fitfully, ova ihe trnrstlfog puirflo gensroity.• art 1.1.6° '" "FPI' 1' 1 4 16 , 7 , 1,1 0, and ant eritirelv free iitaf Ito y C 31.1 at all Stu,.. ho thruished with goof froill tho re:ler:noir of li,"st ~, ohjoo'lunoldr , io dn- 1 and front, huries (41 oi ll .4ejk4ios' or dr4tleuf, L. , Kurrnno , Ypen. Thny nr" nrn • ae: it hop , I islinhlO; I .1.111. re on Alin • It Ohl Itennaylennis link& lie hen, urn 0010 hairig • dos Inuit !taw Wit note' A viten, I good otriok of lioriCS, PI troll as titllaitt4l, (ler whioll ill Ow 0 ,, ,4 110 11 lan;argr rigida, od ur 0,1101 ' tinges, I tack. liorttn tto.t. 114,1,tf0n, Ilxnees, L• They are beyond sit y0r..c.1 , ;11 for 'morrow - to ILe . C 4,, no .I.lyet. to!usba•l is Imo denLond• bent renulla of ring/trent:oo)TO/ ant 011 . i .41 in per- I / „,•••• .111 who 4,141 to skin, Info And fast homer. ceding them robe] over 1147 1t.., a been Intro,l,, .••l I 410 , 1 dglo So Jt4 , 11 , vol oomfo.table . °Oka*, AAA lAA Al the tlu,•• of silting require, ont, from our to ' totoortlm 4 4ldl4.l. ten s e oornla by tlita 1110 Cora HllBOll, ~1,•Irotol to D b. 1 droll .0 . I: !) CALUXII I tOS, ' . Piallsacobtn. (1 r.olt , ir, • r,r,,wry, l'relide,ti, 1.041 the likonerlei loi wt n: 4 f f ,f,f, , njf.oolo, D M' -----,,,,,,,,,---' - - 1',.., - . L .,,, - -- ",-; 13 ,- i i , r — r r t p - --"---- -- J,,n;•, I'.llohntrubtxn, I've Presidoor, 1 And tho difficulty heretofore attronlingthn 'old art Wzt-acapras , 4 -ot ..... 4 .4 14 .4 4 11 4 . , R 4 ' Paule F I',4llllfAN, ,`,, , rreta ry torl9-ly i ahlnnt orillioly 0111i:11011 Folt 1 1 / 1 11 1 V 1101/111i, nrolloriAml, itaßiwere, 1 _ _ . All t hot 1,, , b,,. o:id ,1::, iso "rot i ;'-t• o^lit roil, l),,:t 1;v , '..5 Ali AO , , 1 11 ;" , i' , 1ly1'. 4 4 .1 /11/111114T Alloy ‘I AKAR • 1 Olis• I• II . 1 1 ,, Zu tirru Le approrlrgot In 2,1,i• (11V,•1',11,1,01 jR ~ OH. ”,:_ I . 1,4;:o IL, `Roll Its taor. It EILO I 7IIIs. -- , reptiog t i ," ornin 111111 3p r 'i 1..1.1, Of 11 to + '16 , 4 ' 1031 , 1 0 I,lr 1 • I)!;rrer, , , GI ,r, , ,,-z„ , „ V 1) / 1 .14,..VT.-) , art a molt b• 'nett.' .i.rly of pi, Dil I', Xi '1 liev'i", Idika ' '('e,/n7 • ItOarliT SliOrill .4 KI,It ~, I', thmilt NI for the' only A CNA. II f•iialifi n ,)n 1„ oAlittilitili it,,. portico- ' 11100 Ali.: r,l,ii ' ” . fiber]) petronace /0 7,31,113t0 Ley, an' /I Vie, theft', , 1.,., ‘'l trlo li the IttelLe of an sale, tineniont in 1000 bentoria l` :earned hereby g i 3 0 1 ,0t,'0. (hid 0 I 111 C l'A the groat inori,a.ii ' 4u , !, iOlOl snot to e,r o t do , I 1 0 , r,1,: , ,it the trigbest, mu idrt pr, Leo wilt Ise "aka in thtir hu A ineee, they hate 1,,,,, obiig.••.d to 444 ' 1/AU ll lilt lti.:111 r l'I;11 • f ~.,on. • ,, ,h, iii} ho ID iilJOAlligil tot !Try t;"04.0 atop) roam, //Art to aecurn. g,.- ho nra remOvod (MOO ! Cohen to 0.,. /wrest . .yi n of the art, whogonsferred '' : r:''''"'"e'l will b,'"inarnhc. nil f• , r Cool , at tits stela Ilhir old 01,1 /land. c. IV runner of Fecund ntol , I,3rAlitiont tiler). IAI i ,i ly ofAintooty j a and 1),,,.01 We suburibrer, JAitlii) It. V ibliltlft, arena streets*/ to their NEW and 1111 . 111101:N sitter.. Coarnitotypi CIAO , . on h i and - eire'.l4 • Centreville-. N Ii (108../11ilt OF 1•01:15T11 .101 RACE /Roods, . (.17'Inntruolour gir en in tire foregoing I , rumhes , r i ce IfE,tcHANTta sin .ALL OT ; . ; i where nn end, 01 Ai Anil grioilly toi/3/- •,•d ,i 3 l, o f on reas.lttit)ne. Immo 1 , istlEtEo, pA INT: , tllsAnit, 1)1 1:- , Tt'l.'ll, A, • Ey'll,olll for operntlitr% ti , fil A;IInto 5 p m I oh , nre engtiged /11 IR slle 0(1)1:kit SR I,Na th,‘l, are ~,u• it•vit oil to to will all thertoLD,4ll w en 1 0 tw ,,,,,, ~,,,r fp ,. 1 3 ..,, , 3 1 ,. ~,) . id ,,,,,,. , stuf ail ,lencelptlon of /1:11/0 1 ., The auharritarr het 1.3 AAA,. enstott ors, with nor art 11 , , in their 1110., at 1110 rNIO i'rPC:) . :l) I'llllll ARCADY.. cotrwoceextols, ...1y env:1;011a the . . the low- wet prilto nod ow accowthi , ,iht.og lotto, IAD Allaghltn,. sin f• 5 • .111.11ofonto, i aok . - - PEE II ct,r5).,%44. , • Iv,• a 1,,, 3 use n, ry ineiwie oil our p wt. in renter _ ... ioviv.i. nil who here •nott aril' to iforpoan 4 1 nahofsitorn to if NTI.e elev f ~, t i 1 ,14 1 , ti .i e i ,, rpHE 1 -, TRF.L OF TDE sEAssg . ___ 5,, lAut *roll. aie pays th rout marlok a in ash- It nrodd b e a u for nor union to rant torn , 1 s o• An It. joitt. we 1,, r• IN,Ir t. 01 11. , y J!_ ~r.)rtf; Nps,tv co u it),;•,., .t... 4 , 0;1u 1 1,••,,,,, and the ~,,,olot, ,•I ow- g o o I n r , ' , sans . , / // - 1 wr 4 , , clo ' a 1111:.l P (",:1,5.// ,r•fr/Iti: 1 1 :°,1„ t e h. ,7 1 1. 4 h, it 1 1, 3 V tiltun cash, and gito them, raw t , proned R 1 111111tT1 4 111)EM 11,1"11 A t',. Abe have non op , . for rho 1404,4,400, of tit' pashe AII " k •'.`‘'. ill ' Y lu"' W I.ILIP"w , ir • - . , ~, tolllllllo-1,..41.10116 promptly r to: 1, 7 S. E. corm lof / 01, 11'1'11 ,me' It Al'E Si, , . i,, r1, ... ; ,,,,I „. 0 1 „.,„ t ,, ) ~,,,,,,,,,,„ of 11.13L1011.1.1. lIWItJN O i A:,./J Et:,1:.1141: (11,w,111, , 2". • ll - 74 Bil'lsliaan Noe Grote 3111 ~ 1 Alsnasolurnrs of 'Point, In Oil, l' u tty, Ar ~..- Iv, ~ . 1 ,,,:r0i1y iw .10 a or: sriaa.l., ....i. tit< .can- -. . _ .-,- - • --- - ------- -- i - . In,l.4l , nrte of Frenall Zito , PAM. ' Mlaky geuondly, to gin of 4 4.111 We 1313 TC a ii - we --, - ~,, E.:1'1)(1,n; yolk TYRO - i Solo ;14-nn'. for Pl///t41•11•11i.. 1 •/- I,bn .111 of • • i,...nuatiii Aug isT uluntllll•lgef ' ' 4 '5. 1 " 5 .1 3 .5 11. l• --11 , 0 0 nden4nerd Um: ' - PIZ RN( 'ft' /'/,'47J( ~: 1", .4 ~,•,..: 11i.1:1•1S (1.4-ID:', -, , 4' 41,0w:oily InA•nti the Izatelfing -wwlllle that It i I 'f ' DIAIL". iii alj l r .klimi f Icl l / (4 0 44 11 ,44N i; / 4 „ nd i S t :"l nlY . ' lof an Lrn i' r'''''' at"! 1 / ,'' ", '"''' o" Tiler he t.r ''''" runs a .I*ily line of Nola' sto rynaua-,•-li -1 lAntrad ni.,l :OA ipp3,l 61110; Chn111,..., Itloun de I,allol, Ib y c .„ 7 o f 81,1„.:,..., nail 11.,, , ,,,i 0nna , , i t PIiZA! etirrcut u -It. on applioation by rill", '''' A ! rillients. Lawo, (3inehmes, Au " - Sualsoarill iron') at e oy al 1bi1..04j7014 o r Wi lo rce d , , s . w str 1 . a r iutsiik, , . Ilk weekly ila ilok/ aig . )4.ll4.sic Rand. tool of a11,,t. t i, i 4 , to th 1 tir.•11.1.64. : 'f i' l3-I .Y . i Ent broi-.I trios, I;ll.lnr.Joeros, Co/Lot CoCo --: 1 - -- -- 2, -- -- - tta--' - - - - -- --- ; 1411dr00 ,, , fam , -- 1•;,,,,, , :o11, ,to , A Hut/ A - 74 LIFE SAV ED Leto •Dr 4..• Ibi I. ! . so t t.1.1 Trillitoi344 . 'l, , i',.. : , FP" tii. ti. l. l: "... . , t . .,t , on jar 't il 'o Ni as a i v a ' y l . r. ritira. l l: l ,7 Ima and i? . 4 dity, moat the 131 Curring Jayautt the Xitoirtnatow i 1 chi le n. l) Cl/31Alf, I, 11;norry 0r, , a1l A •e , . t0a;.,,..e0 ee t e .,e.ee 131. 3 A Rhoden 1..4.1 t Illo r or of • von it,' -6.3 a. lon pri Or I._ p ais 0 . D . *Fs J.S; IiORSE ' 1,,,,„,. f.,,,-- 1v 1 took 3. t.... - Ittod,,,itte to sell 00 um ~, ~,,, ,/ ~ t o ll ,/,, „ ~„ e ,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ~,, runt en. pa:.,'• I NI, 1111..11, in c . .' ' ','. ! ." ' . 1 . 1 1 " . . tilt ] lTt r R• P' 11 `r"ll A.o''''''' 1,, 1 . ),:, I Ih.nab ' 1 ", ii, outrun 01.113 , 0/31 will Lc ' , DUI 1 API' 0-1 ,0 1 -1,,, hlti-11-1,1,1 10.1rolft.Ad the Orilin 1,7'011 o ,I them ,I raring Its effro aos reports , Ito ins by flue. hr.- lion ~... do.. i.. 1 ~., ...,, i ~, ~ ',410.1. tie', on, el fmr tororniri,os, to ,A l l•lltirdi ,),, A ~li o l i , i 1 1111111 , 11330 t, 11101 IL' it . 100:11000) 11 a 1 , 001 11 0 .1 0 , 1. 1 11 . 1 4 1 , .... , 4 i r . A r ,.. , i ; sft f , i ,, , , :. ' '. I , o. 0, 'l\ •,' \,,, '5 l'A I A DO, ' l :,itila A lA, pr ( t# Pot ep. eon., of 1,11 I lo,e recele , ) e. , .,.. ~..,..., .% , .. ,,,,I ~,, ~,,,_._„ Iho I /0h ,, / , 0 ,,,, 1 ,,,.. I Ilentitifitt 11.0,1 /ff. , . f , \I . •3itt, noon, . ,I. 00 5 r,,ln Ali t. /0 ton) dordte tot srtnale, 11.: f , '" • t• ki told (5,11, r•LI) I if: , ,1 1 !) t ',4l:l'l;TtZ • rrer .o.iblo pron.. ,/,,, , c ( •1,,. / c„. , ., A,,, , ,,,,* lid:, o n , an.l cJiitiliontl: ~,,,,,,,[ 01,, , I I,lf o.l' I,T . 1,,, . n0 i.,,„, ~ i ..• • . 1 ., i , , i f ~, 4;,,, n slob using it nosh !my . 1 , 0 osf, i s . , n ,... .1.1 ... iier i r c i . „ .. / ..., ci Li ,,, L , , 4 . 1 . ,/ , ‘, ; (/ ~, ir , / // Int, 4/3, ' " ~',', , t , ' ,',' „ 1,,,, ~,' ,1• 11 .. , ..) , :.; ,, ' , ..' 1 ' ,i , ,,,, , 5 . , ;' , ' d , q ,,. , .. 1 r r i , 4 , 3:4 , ... , ' , 1 ` . A: ; (1 , 1 WV , . 'II22.IgIAIAIA A , l'A i t 1 )1"° '''','" 1 ,, i°': I ..b s r e h ne te• f or , goo be t• s 'l ALI - r, anin•• 'N. , Trott:de I mute o r t It,. In. 1in..1 room rat: thu greorroth I 1 (fop, toy mouth not •ork It, • c tout n.l 11 ongin it / 4 4/// ,,,, _.,.... 5c /I 1 : A l t I, j .,, • It rslorl, ill Loll /y the lor:ropr reemn on th I i .4-4- f a 1 ,,,,,,,1,1,, loi Me 4, Inc throin.:ll arm/, r 01.11 " „•:41=-.. lielhsfooto c 4 I to iii:lo,. mi r,..:,,.. the Ingvit)," PO ' rh o /toe , . re .1.4 ail they could for two, bid thwtglit ' r P 4 ' , I or') sal 10.0 , ...anrunto1-slor lever lusarlt oansh ' L emit/ die Nothio4 dal ow a,) goad and 'for J°t-IN IttCnr/1112, C, '' .. :, -- 114 , I. - :1 tl.f . he roe, r. 5445 in lts, /rizerr, and a r Rhode,' Fee., nod A , ,rae eiff , , eitt,h ot 00, la, ad toe of the dlr. lens nod nonnen at toy .tour. %A ‘1 11,1 11 .11, 1. 1." . .' 4.1-3-1-1 , "'I F. ' . r, A: 1 ,,, ,.;•. ••I W e t o nee 1,4,1 up by Lb% 4 - . -9 '.‘ I•I'Ll: ''' ' II ''•' ',l'- ' : 1 • r,' , 0. r '.. ':,',:: , • 1, 1 :., a ' ur. itaira..lask. 01 Lb. fn ark r t ' l l'"" 0 " " tvl '"' d 41 " I It ".' l '' a " rl /" - " l '''' d rr,,,, , I, :' :',l.' lir if' ,ml A t 1.11 , ; 114 ‘, v r:, ,, ces, 1„,,, •of L 1, ,, ~,- , ,„1,,,, 1,,,,,,,„„-,,,,..n0, ' a perm Knout cow iv a short hms• ' 1 ' 11 , 404...,11., l' , •, , t, i filollt of 11.0. nni.i //yam It, e04••••e 4 rb - salein4 i I II Al Conklin nays 01 hut born Inkin,-; tire'(- I ir , I toot . reetnaren:'y 1., cvl rn t! il - - ;' ,, n i, vill , ti In 1 -. , , ,,, 1ttivt0ri.4 an I a rogantion ' . ill , 01 ' , 4" .;ol'''t e oh"'' "l "i' I "tl" "' "°" °° ', o ,'' ';, sci„ to em s„,,, ,xtvi,, vrd y 1,, tie S. I iNty end ' .1, -,; 'on rf li t . Mot t of the front tat •h i owl t.tl•no KAN- illtitittill of tilDritiro rod spoetnen , 11.0 o, beau" ~ no ~ 0 1 c,., rL ~ ~, 0 . ~,, Li '1 ~,,,,.. ~.:,,..... ~,,,,, 1.44 ~,,,,,i lobar a ithouc. 00,y 1.;•••.i r.. , olc•llvfn ,din 250 , or Atuso.r. 4 ,c ,,, t , / ,, / , . 10 ~,irr 111 11,,, Int' rt ogle,ttn,l 1,. •,, , ,,,11,•1•, r , I their eons:rue:lor, in oath, 1,017i/of 110. , odo 0 ll,O •..1.. , g tote ro,ely t t o p ,"" ‘1 , 4- . , ~t. ll iv . h, ~,,,,,,,t no, my it r doll'A' 4. 'A got n 100. 1 e of Itnont l' I " ,r , hhe r , ,j u .,.1, w 0 " "1", h ,r 1 ", ° ,74 h .,! r , r .'„, a , • to s n r e .. r, . . ,key,4,lllllif , 4,1111lif 0•1.11,- repotted, An 1a w , sq. • 1 ken , 'i t ...A el ' ilium as 1141{11( 1110 war • Ft.% cot .1," 0 All I i CI. 111: 141/ I •1J el:opted I pump. .'''..;° l , ".':' ''',' ,I. on:, ..."" ta t \An t o n ems l'A ririq lie 1 - I,Arrees, land on, rot to, oai,o, 0 t0r...i11/Joy }utne 04 0114 0401 ourn by 'Fling: Ino thir.ll of a hottle ,' (* . lle priest of a oomplete mkt. ilniefooll H. 51 Cuoklin "to no* her., Lot re4F, the othire IveKoll ortd a./ , ')/1 1 ,h' 15 All' . Te rso ks, 1 amyl Carpet 1,1•14 5o , 5,.. ' %len to Stroo4th awl tluzghilii,4htlif katv Ili brothers any Lot i;a3o AAA the 4.0.0. 90 11. Al 'O. 1 cc f/hcac, ,.,,,,, c ,,,, sliw ic ti, cc ify ~,,o4s-os s e.l_l,y Sods LARK , 7 . 1 ; 1 0 t , t0: . "." ., Bator .p. ,,. d y t ' f ' ro t , `, , ; ,' I :,: , , i , '''',:::: ° ,, n d :fr i • ;,: i cl, r :1; , ' I I , i ,, , f • : :_ r_. ,..1 h a. ,, ,; i r o k4n ,,, r e ry i l , t r oLl wind- tin o hilt, ri call ionenonn 4 1 In v ot ~.t pure/going stos iothara • 4,17-Jr ' will ploana CAll an, ori told/v.O Anil I might AU epACify Yours with ro spec/ -........"....1L11". - .'"'-. 4 - - t r' .5... .11:11rm 1 All EdXl:7llt.b/lr., A lir ntsyurox, j msRICAL .PA RT lIRR ti if IP. -DR. : Neer i'leustat OOP 1 The abate specks for dial( Good proof an 1110, , OEn 1, porrEj ,, , ),1ri,,,,,,,,,nited with rv)..g...i. c:aarpseaft(v. I f' It 14 Or 110 better tenor than the r,r4 1 _ ...- ~rtin,, o ,,, I 1,,, , , , ,, ~ r ,, y 1 1 0, ,, n i " . :,ti r i L' f . . i t k :, 1 ; .( 11 ,! l i m , .. 1 , n, , th . .1 , ,,, 1_,r , a, ,, ;11 , ..t0 t ~w fx r medicine, N/c. J 11. hi IT• 1 - ---- ~. , gloater anlown oi.ft LI cootidoni), pouring. 14 5 , ~ i .. , ..I' ,„ ''' .L I I ( . n `: 1 . ~ ,t 1, , •, ~I , l ' r ' , f ;' , '' , i , ° ,,, n ,.. " 1 . ".,`',. nv i, l 7:7::: t i ) ::: 1 ' puriE„,„Gy4,-9, 3 1;:E r .-- A.1.1C1,4115,,,,,,, A. - A . It A ir . „ z alt o ,! [ ~,,, , 1 try, the urn , motnig afoot no, of botharll be 4.;1s ors pen I) 310041-11, TV'ttelo'rjor (_; , , , ,,,,La ... I' .. One thing in.cle 14,1 . v. n I 10). 3 0r".. , .'d '" c ,,b„ c , 0 ,4,10 ;ur/ sOl nog, •The Naas tiolillita of tilts Enolitusion ,llenutiOn the p t iblid in these %Aril, 1 " - ''''''' . nnl. 1. 5 ',,,' Dr 1411,1,,•1i't re,ilmiee at-lire l'lonner's -1 ,-. /41( . 11.1/AY, lion' Ih. 1,413111 ‘iho kayo taken ono of . my , gonotni clooriank, ..„/„,•,,./„.,/ ... ' ilt -1 ) 2-if 'MA loontion in bodtbfni an/ retire! • , I opt t stfrotp I the l oo t ,. or their Goat] um for my norg• l• 'lll , .••••• C. -- forma-ES, Et/ $lO end $ll per neaten c 'titan, and theta with bran). noon/ owe tool Tilol, ' - 10 t, P. ITAC.X.4.ItI .- in, ~...,. mon, iri room . Boarding eau he lair l to the I 1 ponti,l44ol rno/14 1 / 4 , , or 'lnniation, •• Isetlire proprietor Moroi NhV Art:Vl, ~ ' our farther inforwwwlen. a,l,lrnan, I\o, I/. 51()SEB, l'oronlent, or I , 6i N " , :Y s, r i n t : i ' k r o n ' ii 6 , l 7 l : n " i n Y :„.: 3 " .' x yth t h i n f t. 1 T h 4 ,,1, r :,: t ;',,,, ' ' , I ,t t ., ti , , / , ,, ,,, t . 0 . , , , , ?::, , ,ti0nt ill 1:ollIro, Clinton and Cluat. • I 11 .1 :LlL(.;LLNltie,i,Soo.otary i T , ' referro , l to the ruin. ''.Dr. eltrlntle'n Age), 11rJaa:u" i ' .i' . ~ .l, P v iltOll&S, hinedital, AN, , ,Lteoli m,,, , 40:,,,,r, .13 • 13Viilly •11 1 / 1 , 1, - , Weill, montionri til the abut., nertilDlte, . klaa won." id the. ~. . - , i There tiro AOVerai 'ther industrious pwnle V. ' ",f,, , ' , 1 • 1 )4... 4 _, , e , , , cr . 12) , ) , .., / , /,, 1 . 111 4 0 - 0, ,1ii1.6 Juno.) ,5114.1 n molt ` n: , 2 5 .. 1 . .01.14-11 i ' - ------- 'Aro a / yolyrog to thoir porsonsiostifaalt all that I int ; / r"_l l ,, 1a . 1 .. _ 1 " _ - ---- - Ili 31,211YOVAL - "It Tun PUP 7 ll o b 4 1, 0 ,a, M y Frier nod ~ i 4 p ..• co n ”, or A .11,501,. tn 1 w ILLIA Iv K. la _ , 1.414, ' 7 , 1, /abseil:Let reArteoLfolly informs Li i moialiit, 9a,c t ,t tho' oortitt, 3,1 Of eurei, awl We , • , , , V ' cluit.ll;); AT LAW. , , ' , ourginsent. and the ntilitto Ilt lapathl Oertitionte a the oelebrallesi ( thorn/It. Pr, ,anon It., i '• ' • 1.111RPOSTB; Pi ' (S ' hit, 11'111111 , d to nr(trt • srt v7El'. I, 'lberillo6 I !Chilton, of N 1' 311 (AVIV of its 103Hectly 11A It !•1 ,),. li n o. Jilliloo 'll l 1141 A i L EBH eIfA It A e'llial, erhich.is stanched to eferY o) frk ^ ",. - _ _ "llv l4 oeenpirti IT Dr. rotes., on the psolniana al the 1 de n s o; Itothroek. c1.a, , ',1, ,Sore 1? ee4ls /we kapri . 1 b o w,. Th,,,, sal always nerve to dietitiguiSll my - H sAtirict iir , ' no o llelne fro th imitaianna JAS A. niinnr.s, JA,RE iat lon4 to *lt onion In l'hd''' I Proprietor. Al•TOBAla AT 10 , 1‘f, 4 TAA/d/Rilitl Ttlit43:1111.11. •., - - Inp 21-7. u! iFer sa(ebr D•roaxiatava!!all) 1 ' . Lnkz).t:Fosl TI, PA , Baying itlonys gp en tottielOotion Leal valor , • Sal i . . in t ritinnnnhlt• nnti pr ken, hp rtsperatfully solahlts ------ - FOB:11111.X.--11, ,}lO - 118 - B - liilO ZAT.. ILA „uoli" ~!!' —V - 6 FARII.IIOMABLE .11AIR .44r" of l'klia Po'ru i r a g e '• e r t: ....xn BNB III.::`, B111:1) ACItES Oe , . . .• loki . Ellf iritESNINI) A•sa )411.4 N'IhNI HA153(13c.- 1 al' ) -r 4 .1 : The ondondguni ionprottior .„...,,,.,,,,,, the oiti- The nogernignod is wAthrultet.t to sell the llonse , ices of c le ib a c cc t eim a cth i ac t i. t h al.ba h .. ~,,,,,c , i And Tel in tho "ndifkri - or Vo ll, •rdan nirnan nn a ~ } v and Ineltionablo in/i' 15rrosii0.; and Ahnolng J eAlleirhon,N , lbw ,. , w%wetllw A wing i.t , of Win. Wolf of the 1 4 •1104,n On Alingl , lPorolfier. 1,. tt: . Vanvi.•' oa•;lipi..l 9011131, 31,11 q Al 3 ...n.llo.l%thn north, 1,1-- Mr Turner, wiiim, :,:r Orley rtiviion :to she A/.11 -Owl , litindr« Kr ern er iill,,lste sexl, :A - 0U mi 1 1,,,,,, ,, rr i , rrr.,,,,,,,, t ,,,,,r 0 , urrchm.l,l,Ome, or public timbered lamb Pittiltta 01, Bone, {Wise, astioirring , f . , ,,,..,,, g , r .. , .., - loud. of lion noth..tof .1 iti,tito " rmer, deo'rt, aug 1110 ;•,,,, 11,1E0E.! plot in note, , , • }Orb of lidours /marine, gilt ',I. _ turatirly J. 51. 1/Alikli ' ,Tertig. Ae ,will be mode know u tof OptillioLllon le ;____ _ np23-1f JAft. II ItANKIN, Agent. t'uTTA,IfTE/) IX reTPDIA TRIP ..__ , ------ - ----- - ---- ------- 1 liV A 414101) n'hY of tl't I'‘' el ll' in l icl ,4i( r h i t sirt rm i 1 BOOT az SMO N ESTABIX34- ; mi,113,01,:hwerefttr.40.4..",(1!14.67,,Ltr. will i. f , i,,,,i.: ? 4 IttEN't -Tile aubabrilarn• wayld respect-1 * 111 6. fatly Ittfatut Lire Intblle Boat „fta Insa ?lir- i Nor l t A tl ' lt ec lriirrilti f fa apply at / l it , atom oilired . in.. chased the large stook of IcOnnoaml ghoul aulongtog 8 one l , r 4s7roa r t, ity ~. .f .1 ..• w lto'n.. 4 llth's Show Blare, Alle- to T. V 13,rfich, which h s wll/ other to the pahllo i g)inpry art" IL 11 , 1 , .. , , JOR, (i. ori:ON/e„ , an Or and reneanahla Carel*. Its &leo tatemlariran• 4# auguring flings and oboes of „it i 1 fl. . fArpor.r....to., on ---------a- - ..- '—i---- --- 1 the 1111Orliot notice, and out of the hoot stook. Th. ', 3`4 4 ' AL -, 0 V A. L.l ninnufurtingug gepartnteut koll be under the Mom- The urobnlignerl Int/ Il Pg t43'''idd trout 6" Lion of T. 11, Miller, tut foremantserhour long expo- , Artoolo Illitilding to •,V;1 5 111i01•111:ItIfflEr8 tlenetl bniite,Arteil MP/ will 40We b 193 to ranger ost , l JtOW, rospootfully,eolinita a cull from binold friends . Ittaellrti lo iho ahtler- All work Fla, I, Y• us liar, 1 nrl eurtotriota , , . I Tented not to Hr . , if au, it tilft - he - r•Pacit:td wiihOnt ... /..„,/,,,, .... ,,L... y . . 31 , „ 2 ,1_ KP.AISB, /, Agl i, _, ofrarst,b - I.llre - s a ontl nurt - rxitininajniTanneho**l ir 0 . 7 , - 1 , 4 . B . . 1 , v . a 1,1 . ~. ,_, .0.3,-.3t, . A Altl D.IIA,N, 1 Li -. . '. The e`uhisiiiihtir - isltands to 4eupy Ott el we in' ]EISTATE OP SILARICERCEt, DRC'D.- I zioN, lately kepi h . , 411 10 0 11 .0,Atentt ha 'wilt Whereat 'tatter* of Admin . :tot tattoo ou the , ic=oonetuttly - On it**ll * IPttrw,ltrt Ikltr_?4 ,4,1. wW-1 florae. of frthe ftreoh, dta,.•i, fate of the Borough of , - ItattAlly (route' in s 4614ti11y Plot°. 114 r NI, Bellefonte, haft boon Krantod 10 the undotuipredriiCiliiarttiPlll A e postl the attention of hit in want rcoi,llug in mid boor h, all pertluttO Indibtod to 1 hfirn orrun . rustion rt , f . rhis . wrott." ll , o , ts e sahlAtito will plennn come forwartl and ielt3e ho. 1 Lll l O2-111-*/ .., 1. -_ eye t iLmwy. ,and done hoa r g elalites . sin 1 the ' . • • lama trill cissaant, Mein tarty Atiorl,4l' 4 ' gig ° liiti l4titre 4 • 1 S 1 . 1, ' XS , , • _ latimmtv di .. , 'RV R amid • • ArditY Flak .1,,,,.. ~, ', T.l T) aPaaairadara Via rthindapattana WO ap13.41 1.4 ', , Adintatatratora, - ite, att o raann4ll, lotatrat 4) no% i vatle 4 4+01 ‘ ___,,. 2b a 1 447 to o ttli/O4 to any yr •Ir* =1 • _• ._.,....,..-....--...-- •. Geri ' 'aa PO ' Att'lttorit ea 4111 GIN- •• t ik; .- 0 4 .4 1 1 1) ."rip i1 • 'lr "' ' O. 6914 " S lyln and, warranted. • . '• ' ' '1 1111 / 1 17 •P 4m141214' cira ' lttathibailtii " "e' e rTlotho P il l o f t 4llti la S liter"• l4 *1 ° , 41. ' ' W Itedage , l ll l**Adlitat•*** * tlt• . fird&din • it 41•_,EstaltIt .1. • ogLi.,.- la R917.1* dr -.D R Ll, mAirturrnotifits AND wirotasAsx . 054 " mr.Al tali gLarmo, No. Vii. ofth T,FIIR I) 154 .4t./7" ,j4u.30435p ~ --Pliffedolphie. -• • •- r41 -- CONRAD 'kk WALTON, ,it, • . tx l i on IA / ..1 1 1; o L E. nA Ix DICiLX/I II AIN CITThEnT, Lo., '225 WARKET STREET, decl2-ly PIIIILAMELPIIIA. J 1). Souvrit WIC J. Rurrn J. D. , BOATER & Co., I • wiloLgsAug IllgAi,rft IN TO'HACM),, srtufy ANI) 8140AltS, , No. 6 North PllfTil Stroot, AbOVO Market Street, 1 dooltl-17 , Pllll4l/40.111A _....._,..._ ~)Upllll.o, AOBERTS & 00., . - Impartieta and Danlora In TIAUPWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, (p , No. 123 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia ll.a.utt v Costun, U. W. Yegul.r.r, Urn II Iltar.t:T9, J It 81..LTRXR, ./.. T itArm. ,741 , m:10.(1ni • Li, th hraLTrt , n itii B. I ‘i', C. 1111)1)J4: 4 Co. _.,... ! Inipirtel I+ citol 1/onl'ern in VIII eigli and I),,giefllie 1141/D IV.AIi 1:, C 1 I n r LE It 1, (1(77v,v , .IND IjE,4trr f ithil)S, fin. ahMARIZET Street, and , N .N Igo 2nol 21 JON E.,' Alley, j 'a n ' tn" In" 11.014 T lITVIDLE, V. C'. ill/ill:A:, Debt 34110 ' ls; M. 411113(!(IM ' i np RAJBEELL WINGME, --- • ea- e NVlth tiAML F. A. <IR :If .111.1( ET fit rot , t; r l.)42trreen Be.cond Itlloll , ltd, julit:ng k Go., A I vtioneeni, ' Viportern Wl' I' 11,)„I„„ iv %V: I, XII, FR ' 4. (7 PI: ALI N 000 j).. Jlindory. tiloVes, Iditta, roam. awl I,l”en 11(1kft , Cravat', Itilinorm. I,2lLea Ana Lin brat-Ito, WIN° bilk nrd ton Ohirta and Drawerv, ion Ac,,. ,tc,hc ,Ac. e l EFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE CO., oF Pll 11, A pt;l,l'l,llA, -= Su 180 N. /i.'ot I , TlThruF.<,,Acutc('ttt.uanitl ILlcorporated by the Logolnt 0 , of Velum. I'll A 11l UR PERITTI A CAVIT•I, A , YIIORI21,1) Dr i.An, $500,000 Mal.ll /1111111,11 , ,U )911,111.t 10931 W damage, 11 }lre. on Pit , " ^rivate of Mpellandi.: of all kinds, on Itvort ,. il fl r:c Trn: s • rieorge K. firriiik Fredulieli Stfako, I.g, 11'm Li Weber, Of, Thiat,or Itnrgrn re, S ollen CO, OVIO, ts'n Koury Trcuuler, Cleor,le Rutz, jr., Jacob titi/let J. 1,-; jrCABINET AND IJIIIOIO , iL,.. stEttiNt; I:STA/114611g NT.— : . .. .4•Ito enct l t•ribrr rottOtettalf . y bilbrlOS hi, I. i.. 04 . nold rho roblin that bn ban . • . .1 ih.' v On +. O at 4 4 . 1 huiptAli lag hafiatas ir. "Wits rin 1,1,4,..,1ie., an 4 *lll IN rapan4 to fa 'work tbnt ain ou,lnpazo Watt ski MAO* In tbs , eliop, in our hit Arr ottles. ilavtag bad praaile ~ expvionuo in rot itt• mel4 of Imolai**, P* oo4l tivains , work , l 0 10tA will bar "aura WA It fie ' tl ~ 1,, in n ant iellriftTY WAXIMPr. . , ~ 6, 1 'PIA EN TE fNO prom NW a t tl , n‘led to. ,' , VEED'vrtiex: ativri,., 4 - -, , K.1, g 1...7,,, , ,5,v1.1amitq1xv4k., 4,0,14wp • !...r, 0 •cipte. , l by •Ir. Ilminta44. ' --.. Or , 4 _ . 4. 4 1 4 V 'AIMILIZE k SLOW - t•-.. --Kiiiiiii tE i t--Tho, 1.,1146:a1her (reap lg 14 arm fiti,,lta trivia's to dinnigto ofolamistittrif ONE' fiIIfIPIIEEW ~ tout Tr,N ACULS, ,OaNalOY-tre ,Lt Arilioksiwio , N N '' otrare4 1% itrip`rorett i ett i la ff)etiOn are a 26641 , 13w F.Lianiti 'llOllMr. ..q4.141,1 6 *.M. liA RN, A of4on4id TO Aill Oft , 111.) Ann Loire Whit% to 'Of miltlv#l46.'" pc, vit, tie Wog coordra of *kW awl mintier , I. , m r 19. ft' _ 4 a 41) N 4 114' W ATaidE, , 4.411 , 141.11 MI• ipbo -I , 4 "Sr 2 Aw. v ocroi rol d, 4vi mr , pole 400 libtfro—ossitevbents,sibill s Zg2t , nisterfol ,s hasia,:sibl . be dusdy si ' Altana to 41,drtters Su bibotil ,lbss O/..4P4tink..kho r Naltlyerhiso. sia Thy Wit ti 0 0411114 4 4 54. 4 .1* issailrlit sty ish 68.440. 1 00.041444- nbitt mokrrints,'• r'i • • TEM 'WORK _WILL WARRAIIMP:;'D The men empligre Somabst t4t6. Ilis'llbsismvs juutio,p; 4wir mult diwe •164 t 4 wirbrUtt re , itift My lineup:4y allonded fir 0." W. tAbfletlaq'" • 11 IA Pa, A la wOrla. Ira WM r 11991,,, 01 tor. Jr. n 9o„ Tim ll= or. JAIIT =
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