4. 4 g • J r thitUnte IMIAZ of 1112.10 T JCIITICI TO /10/1 kiM!III,IC2 To Soden and Corrupoadeats °M.D.—eo!. &,(ter, teat among the tavfiret -..egkeet aka *wharf Me mining districts of Volgornia —after uhuin (woe Col. Fres ,,Reeet, visite Warr:rasa clam' has been a I tedittectif tesal contraverey ro!r since that - territory became a State. :t, ow , . the earlr 4sekryArre; ho corer, was a br, IVarj, tekiee scentifit jazewicd,ge of chcnnsty and) detylliti;ety'eontributed to the develop-I owlet resittarces of the ma E Ji os twirl; 'satire of Suitiuthanna' , ; (.4,0111,..reanf...;y:va1t:4- Your atAcr locus% 1,40 r k eennotc..0 4 11Vq4isor a ,tear,'lung reyroChC.lf. if sou canget the reparta et*, Lard Ofec, icath those of the Treas-l i arorl the ..alrrne,far flitJai cvhlyears, you will be able to gain the desired infcir inearon. • revrarena.—Tre - Adre never seen a copy of the'rnuarcipal laws of Bellefonte—nor ao we blow that they erer were rabliMed. It roperneerer, a consolers practice, to publish ell ordenanrcs--aiiel it rs fair t. presume that the act tlt which you refer ran be found ok re,urd, whey in some qi the raj vie, or the etrokiet of the harott . . , ,itt. It would pay you to hunt-up the ordinanre tor'which you - refer, because tf it is in exigency a would ' , certainly remedy u great toil. Ire will cheerfully aid in giorng it fubhcdy , if you ?veered it. • you doubt our correctness to (ward Cieopetro, read either flume. lirbban ar ft tiptilsnuth. lour imagined &rot: me t paragraph : us Aelyr4Vy wart by of • netirn.,-Ler cause if t4e Egyptian did baths twice a tiff/ per/kip her vices rendered it. necessary. .{lhether she did or did not, roneeras ars gnieratton very little. We omitted, untntentiongily, last week. to onnettnce' the name of Martin Stone, croon: the officcvs of the Democratic Aliso . rialto's. He es l'rorsurer, and alga an *aim and efficient member of the Glob. Thedtmeo.—(,'race- Yards and Grare-Stonrs. trie rather too ceiling!, and also too per sonal for ow rah/tens. PE,v,v,4 *111111111154101/11', .11A11( 7, 11'451 BY TELEGRAPH FOR TEM DEMOCRATIC WATRIXAN PTIMIWIMMI POMMY LV ANI AN 0/1901, Wailaeaday, May 7, 9 A. M. 11* 11 bap _Duna:ratio ticket elected ! Yams and Porter's majority about FOUR ?SOUSA ND f ! TUE NEWS, —The editor of the Philadelphia CArtstidn Chrmucle, BaPtist, has been fined $3,000 liar Whet on Rev. Mr. Newell, agent t the NNW - Bib* Union, in reporting him as hawfwg. add tient "he had, no oontldenee in the conzion edition of the Bible." The edhorotEried lis - prwre that Dlr. Newell used these words, but the Court would not per m& him the truth in evidence. —We have intelligence from South Florida on important character. A battle bad 'fiamaissailliCat the Cyprell Swamp, between *blood of about one hundred Indiana imd a SWIM tome under Major Arnold. The In dians were routed, and they are belie Ted to have aufered considerable loss. The U. S. troop, suffered but it small loss. ' stated by serOßlnta recently received from Nicaragua that the Rio del Norte is Mockatti.d by is British frigate, pith the view of intercepting 'support to the Walker liirernssient. Alj accounts represent the condition of the American citizens in that . place, se perilous. ...MI owe of Paasmore o i n e Jolla* gum, his been postponed ant i the Amok terufaf tho Court of Delarrane co. ritiment cotentel hare ht en engaged on both aides, and the triad e-111 be one of much kite/eat °glen %groan, recent Attorney General of the State of New York, died on the drat lora. Be was a prominent politi eiatin the Empire State, and a gintleman of brilliant attainment*. —.Charles. A. Boughter, the defaulting Cashier of this Lancaster Sas ings lastitu' Mu, after a tsdkunt trial, hu .lepin soquittsd. The amount of his defalcations reached 'Tall 1200.000. —Ths Derriactkatic Seu:ind, published st. ( I, littlittilds, Pa., auggosta Dr. McClintock, of,Alleghetly, asa proper person to nonuttate for isistGrorssor. . r Aissairl by Washington correspondents 'NU gr. Marcy recommends sending a juxii (ions sad . oennpie4Est person to Panama, to learn dm; portloulass of lb* recent Slaughter ofAliOurciiitcus, 141111 4T7Curr by the prosecutors of the iiiistOr cues to Ekri‘o LW) Maria Attorney to Unify, sres very properly rebuked by that gentleman. _ Mr, Rankin at once resented the i,,esult by penmpharily refusing to cow pty sod he very, properly informed the eotmielANthe'Carsoit League, that it was Tut hint to 0,1 : 060 -SWUM be csilcd to the stsmsd. • Dering r iheas Ociting trisis Mr. A. mesdneted himself with - a dignity and ins ,- lutittlity which reflects Credit, not pulp upon thehsan, but the prolistmion to which he is iAtitshcd• llit pielcupt refusal to allow the tini et iadiehnetit to be toutileted, deserve' the acknowledgments and thanks of the whelovotnnumitY. The attempt was A bold #lRupption arpowir; acid had not thi pro -1,44 attorney reitactipteti the whole pro . tbe7 iriPot4t otedoubtedly have sue- 119,11"11, J 4, 14, - mem to do irk. -ill the right I. Asir se sessels lot ottreiriblog ee min papa, Etoelier+but joie ots,lict to iti hula- ! 'About, ,literiag r prices. It is not Aliss. usesr Ighborty: sever Mee al Weal, nor we Miller 0111, sßain tflitthis of egtortionia op r44ll *"__ 4 1 . 1 r 1161 '. 0 ca4lPPorto7 Iffs.l - 410611E %tapir At! - Wm' it* aftltt'Bontrioddo-14triftlortog, twai heiqi eitiodlOitik to ii.4lolltrit fat Will•Stse, * l r ep t i l t * lo .;W irn' .` *ri**ce 110_1 slregiadieltit aoskihnsorel hobo. I asates. : • • • •. • ! the c ome* L i mits, mid wit , . Leier, , expense, 'tell, .'.... % el.'''i awn, 4 , young! We have, hipi Intiseatiest,,...i , ,Vpit p_arit, - It, wile ?trill-. ' s liVit*theL;glike of three , trionitss, ',,*St *do ' on 701t-itten his coitittry,--haplarttedfitlakte4 l snipe 0 % end womelh'kuillrOlko the o,tielt , IllProo:lbliNird*e* Wed . , lb WO' , , erre siereitly at Mak, . g mt . 'fined himself an ijadiant.t .lA,Onf I'l4 !the' in Nihon*, all 'who avert 'totaling the li. iniusittar of ihelitt KeitifiMthme, tiPs .. 14 4 101 ° cense lowa of Pennsylvania...and bud the' proceddinga are regarded as ridiculous by more meld been open end honorable, po ob-thvery sensible man in the community, and , jectien would hate( been taieed then , nor those who have taken en active Part in thus t Daly cc itipland made inow, against tits °ow l ! persecuting their fr iends and - neighbors, duet of those who have taken the morals I will live to regret their conduot. We are and the appetin If et the people in their e541,11-iu favor of that pure morality Atoll de-' peciatkoping. ' We are a law-abiding pen- rates a man 'to the dignity of honorable plc-- and the bust CI id( 11C0 of this fact, is I frankness—and not that bigotry which pro-' the manner ip utich elf submit to the ty- 'scribes'" matt for the indulgence or his ap vanical action of fonaticsilegialation. Thu 1 petite, the exercise of !pa opinion, And the l'"luor law e t a - Lich were and aro on the &tat- ` enjoyment of his religion. When we admit tit.. I oo:is, are a disitec td the intelligence mach a government, even If sustained by ig. of 'the age— bccautte . they neither c/cvsto I remit and mistaken legislation, we apfiroX zonany'a natal') the flu Judiggrnce — in 1 inilifeaaTkat eV possible to the degradation spit ittons; Titiolla or malt liquors. The law i of slaves. repealed, was contradictory in its character, I and I) tiniest in spirit. It offered ctcry in ducement for indulgence in mandolin prose- cutiorn4 and yet did not shale they evils of i that intemperance against Which modern re formers have been hurting their anathemas: It was snot Constitutional—and / Way twice tujected by a rot tiler vote of the people. by its repeal, we are just placed le hers ,e e were before the agitation commenced, with the differt,uce, that this temperance crusade ' has li galised mute stringently the tale of 1 ' intoxicating, ett inks, by imposing heavy linea r ! Charging high fees, and Silencing the voice ' of real morality e ith the reflection, that the system, att it now exists, is ill add to the rev enues of the Conunonwealth, w bile it leaves open the door for the aggrrjeion of every hyroesite and fanatic in the State. If intern , peratice is a vice and imineralitY. why li cense itsiiractices I Why convulse commu nities, and threaten With incarceration those who'are ltd into error under the eliseure pro- ! visions of a house I The good sense 61 . 1 every "tram, we cure not how fallen, a ill rcelecnt him if properly directed— bin There is a spirit in the bosom of all, ' which vi ill resist the pious direction and re strictions of Oleic is hose daily life is ono acne of corruption and deceit. ilia net by a hips and chains that men can be induced to abandon any habits—and more particu larly, when that habit, by the free discrimi nation or the taw, is regarded as a hixury fn one man, and denounced as a crime in an other. This Is done daily. The fashionable wine-Libber quaffs his sparkling beverage in secret—the gnat, who exist by arrogance and the pcut .. - er of wealth, indulges to beastly excess—ere passed over—end the poor man, who, for " his stomach's- sake," takes • glass, is dragged before the altar of justice, and held ,up to public execration as • wretch tee 'vile to associate with wife or family, and too dangerous to he trusted. Ity a system, the faithful performance of which Was con trolled by an oath, S'inith and beauty were charged ti ith the s( eret espionage of domes tic hearths--the blushing bride scarcely be yond the sweet atmosphere of hymen's al. tar, was compelled ti, strike at the stern door of the tan, and there seek the disgrace of her young husband; the • ire of years, made frantic by imaginary neglect, deaorta her home under the same advice---and the mother who fondly believed her sou not to be ' worse than all common mortals—comes for ward, to have his name placed on the re cord, in terms of the utmost humility. And who are the men who in secret put this in fernal system in inotion 1 They are, some of them, who claim to be respeaable—pcw. holders aud church mewl/era—hut their spies and furor:nen% the men who crouch around the dark-conacra of the Ilorougb, to watch the conduct of friends and neighbors, are known in the Court CaIICIACta as the viola torsi of law and the disturbers of the peace I, of the community.- They are know nas the champions of alniiiat every pugilistic en counta—aa the trained bullies, supported by the Carson League, to do the dirty work o f the association, and defame the characters of decent people. This is all done for the sake of morality—feuds were raised, where good feeling once prevailed—inexperienced 1 youth were called to the ;tin/cgs Mend, aide by side vs ith the hardened and the de praved—but it is all, all for morality, a mo rality known, however, thank God, only to the morbid modern reformer, who gloats over the disgrace which he indicts on others, and who cannot exist unless engaged in the excitement of evil. These allusions are called out, and arc justly applieable to the tnala of those in dicttd fur violating the liquor Jews. The general complaint is not against the decision of the court, but the runner in which the snits were brought. and the conduct of those aho wr re engaged in the issues. Every neon ix betided to a fair trial, and few men are willing to disobey the nuOesty of law-- but when lens are used as instruments of persecution, the cause de mend* the attention of that higher court composed of the people, where public opinion preside* se judge: The priiteisel instigators in this whole business, and those who assomed the responsibility of the prosecution, need no notice et our hands. They are known to this community-:-and ilekren only knows all the motives which inspired them to their mischievous work. 11 he whole proceeding was maliciously pre. neeeti laced is proof a( whith ere am state, that the indictments, saber they 41 /44 the Proseeutingattervey's hands, were mutilated Ind /Awed. Other names were inserted, *Wee cot non rumor, the ewer of the how. Oat ebereeter, nedigteing" the sepetathes of reepesieble seen, was addemdle justifigie itirsted Seettestree who proeseuted these ca. oath In them realities the tioutelehu of th e i r peated4, and 4 'levity we haps, in nesiesd. iv ; them ' , in , their 'conception of head: 741 mmteetled fps the sttornies of a sworn Wows, in convicting men ei geed u them. aelente-ree4 identified os intimody With nespeetabilitr—men whin are tlaily motribit. Wit to ills Ksiptt,, the ,industry sad the PrEOPISSY fd the community —4ldithey ano• imetl44 doing ell threats the agate of the ca m p s Undue / without gond :4 pink prow* :to their doctrine of. whelr i l estly triumph emealate ;in isepria. EP* 404 all keithseds .441,4eittart, With% 111 Math/ 0 at Allocel T 11,4 Ilkorpoo•iblitry el Ai gems. By the decision of the Centre County Court of Common Please; an agent becomes responsible for all his actions while in his employer's nervier--which decision will cer tainly have a telattetw7 to place in jeopardy rummy poor men who are now making' their living in the service of others. To our uned ucated mind this decision is an ansrnoly-7 and If we are not mistaken, we think that in no other county In the State, has the agent of a hotel keeper hero convicted, fined and. imprisoned. During - the last court, bath agent and proprietor fined hich must be Inconsistent, according to the spirit of the Law. If the law designed a general applica lion of its penalties, the domestics as well as book-keepers and bar-tenders should be indicted. In every business that we recolielit, the .head of the houie in responsible for the actions of his subordinates. That this is right, is evident from the fact, that those who receive the credit and emoluments of any trade, should also be repnlisible For itisq risks and responsibilities. Agents On tail roads; arc never arraigned for the damages ;wising from any accident which may occur— and it is seridtim that they arc prosecuted, unless this carelessness; is a. grossly appa rent, that the example and not the punish meet, is essential to an indictment. We have never heard of a single conviction of an, ageit, before we came to this county —and humbly differing pith the learned and dig tingnialiedittri.4 Who presides in this district, we firmly believe that; if the action of the court in this instance, was brought before the supreme judges, the whole pieceedings would be annulled. 11... £m I44IORLt. l'pe . a:llr. During lasi' week, this gentleman w/ts busily engaged in the practice of his profes sion, before the Court of Quarter Sessions— and, considering his arduous duties as Sec retary of the Commonwealth, by eibibilf,4 all the energy for which he is celebrated, and more than the talent for which be has ever received credit. Mr. Cui tin is a man of talent, and a lawyer of tact and sagacity. In polities, there is between him and the editors of tho IV/daimon, a chiumiwhich the tenacity of opinion on both aides will neves clOse—but it is not toe wide to prevent us from discovering, admiring, and acknowledg ing the frank bearing of • true man, and the (carless independence of the devoted lawyer: During his professional sojenm in Bellefonte, Mr. 'Curtin more than excelled himself. Ilia speech, relating to the old and new license laws, aas ono of the ablest legal and mental exissiitions that we have eft r listened to for years, and it has been our privilege mid pleasure to hear many of the distinguished prints of Penneyh anis. It is no ordinary motive which thus publicly induces us 'to refer to Mr. Curtin---and we feel amt those who ha* knoll n Min personally for years, will acknosi ledge the juatite of the allusions in this paragraph--and we aro also sure, that his personal friend's throughout the State will not be surprised to hear that Andrew Curtin has not changed in honor, nor deviated from a manly defence a those rights which given us all a confidence in our fellows. itril , a IN Trias.—The 'Washing ton American has received infprnistion of some ancient ruins, ^ which. if comet, must ,posneas great interest for our readers, as furnishing another link in the chain of evi dence showing that this continent was Inha bited y ea r s ago yl a highly civilized ?see or The fad that this discovery has, as reported. been made almost in our own neighborhood, in what is called fig Thicket. On the Seal Jacinto, will probably cause come of our readers to be incredulous. +Ds dis. tovery is said to hare been natio by a Mr. Smith ) in company with two or three other wa r while examining a tract Of land belcis- Mg to a Mr. Johnson, about twenty miles distant from Montgomery. The ruins de serlbot Were found on Mr. Johnson's lauds. The fragments show that they are the re mains of an edifice of remarkable and mai. nitldent architecture, constructed of material nowbero to be !Gaudin this country. . UMW Govessim. —Lord tioderieh, who has taken up the Central American qutetion in the 13rftlith Parliament is a young nobleman or Wet promise, and ts• great admirer of dsbetiesta institutions. Ile Is the oldest son °U tile Levi a SUM', who, at one time, wee Premier fora few months, and known for his want of samosas es ,1 Gowee'y Cioderielt." fte was afterwards President of the limed 'a Trade under Sir lit Peci's adminiatiation. TIM patestendord,Ciederieleti polities differ *oto theme of his fatuity. Us le At strong radical. On - the death of his lather and un-. els, gad de Orel, the two fiwtunes'eciii .be merged in Mai, and he will be, after Lord Westtutnister, probably the wealthiest peer ip fiat./. Or TUX Gairnut, Peoaqa.—The Pry/.. ttol•Palsce, NelFl*k ix eeleertised for aide at agdiern, under Oat direction of the reeehm er,.Mr. on( the 22d of May next. Ti). Orynted Palace put/note then 11800,D00, *ad yea understand that it can be purchased air, the sunk of Si .00, fit zdi,covervan • - c~~oJ~e,~on Take CINIrk ;fir tie itleetioh. cum kb satires ; ,• ~.o banis,iftreav , ' '' ~-. Wit . ellitilLin*, week helVe' last, on the tztortloei .vrtiteli those who' hadopplictlibr, license eciprpelled ^to submit, and in eter an4nat3. lenity - Svc alluded to ther ,, Cler!L of the Sessions" in a manner which he devils unjust. Ile asked the privilege Oa defence in' our columns, a /deli we were willing to grant, buipetunplot tly refused him-the-upper- 1 tuni ty to use this, journal to fulminate his courseandveligarpersonol abuse, lie has pub lished hisesed elsew here—and tp.itte frent'its personalities and liberal insinuations against our col4ai is " strangers," it is the lamest defence tht,reould possibly hove hero made. Ilre aro tirto tweept. hie. tith , of ' strangers,' because of theapeeious nrgumentsof KnwZotyingi , mi to avoid the truth, and shirk. .i - tr.. , responsibilities of au abuse of pen Cr ; lit wo deny that V. o ate under any obligations to the "Clerk of the' Ser,sions ' , fol. tiny keen 'He is not the proprietor of I the records in that oillce—lie is the pub -1 Lie's Hensel, and every man has, a i i, , ,lit. to ; oxamille Rd copy from the dooket.a.. The L"Chris of the Set ions" must bear ill mind, that his vesitien is an hutale one, and that we have a duty to' perform to the people in watching his actions, and hotatt‘ly niche kuoten for errors tad the mal-pigoticts of himself attd sul3ordinatts. 'When 141.1 fall to do this, we cease to descrao the confidence of otir readers- 7 4ntel no throats of libel suite or prosicettons for alnutler can intimidate the halides tone of . the Thatocraiic Warefi• The article towhich the `'Clerk of the Ses• 'ttions"allitiles hi his card, simply prticlaimed a fact in stating- that an extortion hud been committed. in compelling ai7plietintti, for license hi pay One dollar for advertising, and refuSinit_the applicah! the privilege of solectintlhie paper in ti hich rt uas to be inserted. Ife surely will not deny that all were not infouted of this extra charge, until after their names appeared in print—nor cam he deny (list he retuned at lea,t one &pill. cant the right to cheese to n born he k•butild pay his dollar. If dill does n o t l o ok lilt suborning' men to sustain a tottering cause and support a d)ing organ, we are very much mistaken. its for the law on this subject, there hi ho possibility of misconstruing that. The advisers mho induced bun to commit this gross error, to call it by its mildest name, could not. have been learned in the 1a.,. more reasonable to suppose that it emanated from the sachem of a Know- Nothing lodge, and nit trout the erudite brains of a counsellor. The law does not contain a single clause which justifies the dollar charge for advertising. it gives 11w "Clerk of the Sessions" to entydiee cents for inserting the name of the a;iplicant in any newspaper three tins s, soul &ter th e licenso has been granted, the clerk receives one dollar for s f lank evidence aC the tight to sell liquors, malt and spirituous. This is the inwoind If lie had adhered to t1:(‘ law, veshould not have c.miplaitied, nor the people been comp lied to pay i'legal The "Mork of the Seß , lollli ' is 11 . 0 !COM(' to hieabtlse. Wohata' , crows/44d ta such o'ol4, rpthimitst ..noknitnatun titaia , a4taak be intimidated. II; befievcd4iin.cl:ogr:eved, and we olfered hitn an opportunity - to-sight hitt - melt. Thin he refused, and at once tesarts to sem iltty to change public o, anion on a aulticet of public interest. ("optimm will dafor in their actions and language, and the "Chrk of the .` , es:tions" ham had his choice. This is all that thi , xtilijotA deserves. II(moat ii. inotrair VietJrins The result of the recent elections In Mich. igan goes far hoyond the most sanguine antieipattora of otir mo o t sanguine friends, The Detroit Free fl ux : "An Lattaly,in Of the returns of the ‘vlinin State shoos the I), inoeratie majorities ,hi the comparatively smolt emintit a of Livingston, Ingham, soil t . 11(011, otance the gratis inajortta-s of the Mae!, Itepohllearis in the coUllte9 can by them. Thu com•lu,ion is, theta, met table that the aFgregate I)(i3to cratic majority lit the State tt not less than eight th(Mattil, umd that it. tutty r, itch ten thousand-! "This great n alt tleterminen, beyond nll call], the l'residential vote of Mielugan, and the character of the next State ndonntstra tion. And it - ilderjoinen another thing, that the aiel finite coitarlll47ll.o - In - power of the Demnet nth! party thill'IJILY 11 pl)14 elootkm JI» Fort Wayne, blbuls., took plsoo on the 7th ult. 'lhr Itemooruts (tented their entire ticket, ncr the . linote-Nothinga and Black Itepubheau•v united, by an average majority of nearly o ur to one! Nearly a thousand rottat were. At the recent irturncivil docile/4n in Evatuavillr,intbaoa, John II:nton, (I)emo erst,) for Major, beat ins lino*-Nothing opponent by 133. , - In Town .oity;' which Una—linow,eNoliiii4R carried last year-by a largo majority, the Democrats, on the 7th ?ult., elected a good p9rtion of then. ticket. At a spatial election in Princeton. N, l on Monday "ea., the Demon:Ana candidate was electod,.utere than doubling the vote or his Know-Nothing competitor this too et the hope Cum Stockton, independent dark lantern candidate for President.: " I 41:110 tlectian in Boston, Hasa., op MoinlaY, for Regi sterol Dee& and Alderman, retuned in the complete defeat of the Know-Nothing icket. Mr. Milne, thb Citiaen'e candidate, Isla re-elected Regiatcl by.aier 2000 'major ity, and Mr. Wiginman, candidate for Alder man upon the some ticket, had nettrly the saute majority., ' The uiktority ofJcidtre Dors line (Democrat) In the Yourthiiiilielal District of WiscOriain, its likely to teach three thousand ! Manito woc, eminty gives Mr. D. 1.541 iotea, to 45 for Ins Kattier-Nothlng and Black Ititpublinan antagonist! in Elkhorn, the county seat of Walworth county/isconsin, tvlaith lust tall gate . paihfaid ricer 1,000 `majority: celery Democratic candidate vraa elected et the 'aiming tieetlim. • A BEIRA TIPPOGYMVA *IX/ VA EY. —/in en. torffrise ig titori In aociessful proakictitiim Tiy the Bishop.' of'Vertabut,"the Rev. br. kiwi; Tor the eilitblitihinent of a rural fled latfilid'itta,inary ;in •the dioeese.' 'fothiro inrlWentlesigresify Osintrikitrciihe sum of 00.1 1 ;000. • • 1. Thoi Slossivere at,"Pnvuiviaa t .. .5.1 ~.6 " -. greeeful glob Ina lase I* un tie, • . ~.... , ~ The Pilnain Ocuriir of 'the 171. h" filtinto, On Saturday last ode_ cltlienetvereehocked rut*** full Wails of the terrible massat; bythe intelligence, that ft mob liad'eolleCte 0 creo f 'Azp „ erican citizens which occurred hi in Erie on the previous night 7mtut,destroyo . that Cityon - the 151 b. We make- the fel- the Constitution Printing Ofll'ao,'hei eta* . . lowing extracts : ~ Milted °that . il i srmerat outrages, `VIt seems, o The difficulty OilginntCll iii 'a dispute from veluitWe catslvan), that II; ST of Johi about one dime between 'au intoxicated pas- 11. Walker, 'Esq., met a broker named Cock.- hineger end a native; re•spectliNE„the PfUniont ran , ( w ho had committed en aggravated mi -1 for a lAer!lt of watermelon. 'frit , story is, ' that the no live being exasperated by the ems- sault and battery on his father, Mr. W., iiiict,of the passenger, drew a knife ;on seed about a year ago, fur .which ha-was fined ingwhich the pp./tenger tired id the native,. - asly dailais )) in or near the Constitiition wad severely wounded him. This brought oftiaelast Friday, when they ggt into a fight. forward another native ; ti ho stabbed the ipassenger, and thou the combatants in- It is said Cochran got the yvOrist of it. In! creased considerably on - both sides for /WINO the evening 'ate Ail Court. House Intl was: , I tune—n number were• shot, and more badly rung, a large' ,m3wd soon gathered, and cut with machetes. Through the exertions Cochran addressed the mob in as excited of Mr..J. W. Johnson, the Panama railroad, manner, whets they" proceeded to the Conati. 1 I superintendent at the Panama station, time tubas Printing Office, broke don n the doors, ' ' fight was the it stay, ti for a short tine.. lint carried tint the presses, types, paper, in short jationit broke out l'fah renew( d violence; all,the contents of the buildings, includirar, a j and an appoint orgs»inition and evident a haw Library belonging to Mr. Johnson, the ' method ninth told fearfully for the natives. editor, and piled them tip iii front of the About this time it began to be evident that building and applied a -torch to .them ! Alt spite against the Railroad Crinipany awl .Mr. .144,, valuable paprioe-..-prirate,"and pro plunder were the obit f motives o f the m.o. I y es ),i ima l - were destroy•ool. Not saticili II 'cities and demi dationt which had tacit and m 41 , this, the mob literally cut dean the i were to he (omen aut. The hist affray int- bulwii4,,, itself, a lu , n moriv f . nune,boiig. hetweeil six m l ' l Sot". p. to ' nt'd there Mg to Mr. Johnson, leaving it a complete vrere , bin habit intenals of tolerable quiet , nuts, °fronts. • 'between that hem:nut midnight. The sin s _ And this 0gh.4"0" victory,'' th c , mo b tertible assault wee made be wren nine and prorceded to the editor's house, anti not %Otte ) ten oieltwle.„ staatelist i his wife, had only been confined a All tho "Itiejj'in On ihe Btaii "” , liv i ib `l )° few days before, illimk. Well" dashed in at 1 exception of the siipertutendent, lost every- the windows and the inniaterierribly fright thing they find in clothing nod i aluables of cum by the y . 4/3 of the crowd outside.— terry th.seription. The runluna raliraati The houses of Mr. Tracy, a prominent rail counting 10/111 (illellalillft the desks of the road man, and of John 11. Walker, Esq., Pieitie Mail S(ennehip Company) has en• were next attacked, the 414Itter9 -broken in tirel,y ransacked, and everything of value and the gliass shatteiid by balls fired into canted elf ; the hooks at'd papers wt re ea ` , the rooms ! Thu inmates escaped with their and torn to pieces, nod one of site safes lives by a miracle. i (which contained but little pioney) wrialuo• .. puu „,, , di thrLc , oufritgo y fi - i - cmayor. tic ' ken open and pillaged, -a He the other It as c ., .„ h', ~, ',own, atm elm l'ottec.avere not to be found pierced to the timer lining -t but nothing I 1 nut Ail di4tll as Math) by th em to stay Ilie taken therefrom. Et try illaWil* and illlSl,l wild, fury of thiomob. These shocking acts a" ell7B, t " at "" sa)-I " ii, " ail ""lhiag suss wild ill create a tht ill or indignation over the le ft ii, iti 'l lai.e al. "'alit" 'The frei g ht . whole'tententry What ever spigot thy may house was !Wiest until balls, and an the • ' have exu,ted for the alleged wrongs of the i baggage that hal not lien put in the lighters ,• : rrtetens, such wanton outrrit.tes will scatter --' :yritt:i. iderave. to g, all to the steamer wel4 -rifled. for poor laic! For As we write, the tiro continues to rage fin (Ake is all left the station, except Mr. L ' ' r e l it u' . lit to the it bud.;. Mao, the honor of the lbstriet, the State, and of i lion:Ay, threatening destruction to the en• t rental :11r. Johnson : they were 101 the pre (lnman Na i ture we feel orto,• that she is Ult. I tire %tette run half of rho block 'ekteridin g• Pikes nun' the eau's 'iololis, tin s iii m I Y et' ' let t.l • degradi ng in fl uence of , set 01' bold,'" from North street to Market between Fifth j'pleted. Mr. Centre Lod sir' and von Inv, o k . bad men, itimi aro covering; her over with and Sixth. • ' csiapes ; tiro melt %1 ere sll'ot .0 , 1114 so u r deepdisgrace.—Craitford Democrat. l'he entire bloak to Sixth street scone in and he avoided the samesame fate by concenliz -e n _ w) .___ ___ _ evitably doomed to destriteteon, and rest himself amodo• 'ilec rat tls of tlie buildings. A o es ruaNci: SCANR IN LAS SON - Tllll appreliongions e xisit. of Übe flre enlacing Sixth Some tiveetty forergeters teems killed, and , Touts. 1; Corsets..—An extraor lit,lrt street. The City Bank, in SIAM Street, betwei n thirty and- forty badly it ousted, 12 ' 1• ' . " opposite continuo), hits been, several ,times Among . did latter nits several women and scene recently took pines in London, on tintt on fire, as well no adjoining buildings. children. evening or the'fith of April. The "thieves 2t o'ci.ont. , burglars of,the great metropolis, to the nuts- The extensive store of Levick & Bro.-fell her of about one hundred, met at the Alaw in anti a tremendous crash about 2 o'clock, carrying n Isl a it the store adjoining, the 1111/110 Lion Tavern, Spitallielels, for the purpose of of the (trot:Ntt of which we could not learn. takitig the opinion of such characters with Tim large store erected by Caleb Cope. en respedt to the working of an institution which gaged by 'fruit t h Co,, but not yet, etyupi, 11, is intended to lend a helping hand to tIVISC Is almelestroyed. . The hardware house of William Knight, offenders who may be disposed to .' egos e adjoining on the west, is also in flames. accounts" with society and to lei no hem- The fire about ni o'clock extended to the est life. Afree-ambeasy manner prevailed, smith side of Marsct street, but up to tun; but everything villa carried on decently, the hour has made no material headway. erica of e‘ order': and ~ chair" being intim,- The lire also extended across Sixth street, ,s, ), and swept up St. James street, rllll/111g thately followed by- Atte& ire-silence. O ne through from Sixth to Seventh. In this street ) of the ruporterstelle 'us : i f me large three-story brick develling'was mom " A etranger would have had no suspicion 1 Pletely desfroy . cel, Fears are er tertailied for that the lien there ;Islet - Oiled were at vim 1 the largo printing-establishment of C. Sher-- with society. Thay, one end al, apptan d ; r , a ,, & `" hi the seatsnt nell feat, well clad, and at ease with them- 1 At the i ii, time at c g press, 1 o'efook. th • selvi t. -in the co u rse of th e e ,,,,, t0g set ei - a j fire c;mtinues to rage fiercely. A strong a rs it y . r p.„,,„-iy yo „ t l, ~.,., w h o at env „ id em i y 11% 111 , (1 rte 1,110% in from the northeast, end a e ilo- , aristoeney or ih, chess, walked Into "'''' at a Ins' to coniectura When attil- where thy room. These it ere nio,tly 'whited R.I 1 th'"l"tr"ctitm will end. - ch Ati, or young-men inorli-es, so it me e a r . ) The stores on Market street destropvl are inn „. old m „,,,,, trh „„,,,,,,, r ,y, --i r yib - I ,i,„,w_ those of Bagley, Woodward - , - it re„ ifrocers. Joys danklieig flora the in it sisteoat porkcts, ' Vt *"' 4 'lc°x , )", A . FealeY. ;strew goods ; and having diaugnid pins - in their cravats. Levin e,itaistme & Co., b°°t 3 find ob°''"': Fa"' T 1,,,,.. „.,,, j, hots et er, all ' "o" 1 -"tn ,, M .. no they I banks, patent settles ; NVi ll iam Av twiny 'at of nee called — m en iihd, in some in ',I Sties, we i lice ; now store building by Caleb Cope; Wit aro assured, yr.' gaining their .1,701, fir even liarri IV. Knight, hardware:' Srllers a: Pen ..E.DI a week by light..tin gyred op;Talions, I task; leather hose ; Wickerhato & Sons, iron `lndeed, several prownt were pointed out as , idling. I ' lip-top salt yore,' • !nosing in the best go• I 1 M Six t h 8 t"cl the t i ifit''' c ' r " are F. U. clay, and doing a heavy lim ~ enesa " bi,,,l es " Shoemaker, tailor : ,f. W. Williams. station these (li6 , were a few witor:tais ' erae's4..' O `,Y ;C. C. Shoe , " Isi r, Inilor• E. M.. 11011 44 0- men,' (houve.)reitkeis,) who were taut to luS , r. °rib , stationer.) ; George liruders, shots ;, worth their w eight in gold. - hr 'l', Cooke, drugs ; John Boer, pianos :,1. " 0:i the entry of one nha teas unknown jJ• U. Williams, carver : J. NI, Kelly, tailor • t o th e f., it, a ( i ..%, teas r, , ~ d of ' „ Li ly h e. i Henry - 'ferment, thiman : Penny, 'Packer it codas the re!' 'No seluare nun in 0 ,,, Vlythu, groce rot ; ltobe.rt - 3rilciiiley, convey mom r w hith, ', mug igi ,, pro c ., i , mei ., „ ni , ioc c r ; Fi ihiT .t 7 Brother, publishers: N. C. ' nobs . ' ur itri,t-ela , s thiczr -1 -' - itoote who arc I Petermait'a Hotel : Bertnain & Co., perfe follotving an .1 J ,1n.,t canna , of 4le mire' to bo! In'''7 ; 51'-J! orneA• Co , famishing store tires( cut : 1111,1011A/11 it WAN rein eseilt«l to " It t'. ve r rlght tt , Cot- el"ilmole . ..Ili. ItlP°" , the stranger that the meeting it as a private i triummii. , ,s : Mrs. Warrington, cigars ; Rob one." j crt Clark, NJ.% es l i he most of the-buildings f destroyed on Sixth street were occupied by fondles, a ho mart d very little of their furni ture,. TIM Commerce street sufferers are C. C. Davis, paper; John Tclirk & Sins, Kyocera : Carter's cooper- shop : Myener dt - Supples, box-makers ; Samuel Croft, ooppersmith4 ' On North street, Jessup & Moore's ware house, where the Ike commenced, and fire adjoining dwellings, were consumed, A number of dwetlingit on the wentshire of Sixth street, including the City Bank tit the turner of Varmer street, were damaged,. The fire also crossed 'Market street, below Sixth communing the upper part - ora buililr ing occupied hey Cunningham & Harr, gro cers, and Conover Tirothers, boots and shoes. Sparks also get on fire the Ili* store of J. Ki 4.1,1, 1 4, sons. on CheStrillt, above' Isefentll, tuts roof of it-hi , li, was datniged. The el:m et-ids were mostly r er no yo, 'llw loos is very heavy, but it is suppo set to be-mostly cov ered by insurance. ' Very little stock wai saved from the Mar. ket street stores owing to the repielopreed. Mg of the Lamm John It: tiroil, a fireerian:, and Married M exi-an volunteer, was killed by the falling of a wall. Two or three other firemen art( missing, am? arc suppoacti to have been crushed ft) death. and others are injuro.J. ~ The new Store built by Caleb tope wan leased to,Truitt it Prothero, who hild 125.- 000 wortlhof .hardkvaro stored in it. The building wits valued 'at $75.00. On 8t• Jam eitxtreet.weatitfßilstli, asitisrie of smell dwellings, a German tavern, and a large school-housh belonging to lie &udety of Friends, 'wore destroyed. During the flee, James llartley,la member of the Franklin Hose Company, trtg D sta bbed . in an affray with the Moyamene tu g s Company. ' The latter company las been out of titmice &werel years, but .was callOal out by i the chief engineer. Bartley' irieiil> expected to survive. • , %_. • 1101111111 U CATASTROPIM—Thu Xew IlMen Register of Tuesday says : evening, just before the hour of quitting trork,•a lad by the name of Frank Downes, who with his father and- biOther, was employed in the lock factory of Win. Fitch, came to a horri ble death in the following manner : It seems that the boy was carrying parts or locks froM one part of the mom to another, and when nears beltirrg dropped one of the pieces. While stooping to pick this up, his apron became entangled in the lniting,, and was drawn up inatantly over the shaft, whisk makes about lUU revolutions per lain. ute, antierusett to a pumice—his brains be spattering the ruling and various parts of the room. The IMI gave a liirgle shriek, and it via 4 all over--Ilta ;vox% of atS • fttstarrt. The machinery, thus clo r -geid stopped int, nwiliately and this was the tlritt intimation -of- she- cola; trophe that hal murri.d. Fran:: is an a I promising lad, aged about sixteen s." ITF.NII OF CFNELIRAI. MEWS frtllle {rife of !tin WaAiington rt each, in Alala enunty,,Mbo.;., prkookked him two boys and Wog:iris at one butt. Mr. French ow; 1i yearb old Ik, hen lie malted :\bss caner Ilk nly, of Mb> , b.sl,opi, :mkt ltncl be en married ono year. ouch for domestic produolim.o. 4 - .7 - onsimaay morning' the IStit it, the a ire of Edgard 134iwinglialu, Eng., wag t•gf(1), 1 by, rnl of lie Oak,: boys born .ii re awl (look ; :11:, - ill, tool two girl born khaki. - r k ileum iti from Bleioneth Id, • lowa, ender date of the 17th states j 1 that '-ar our recent Ll 4 cl.ion fox .1:141,;‘., of tie. Ihslred Court the Know Nothingspolled ind votes 14 Davis county, in ;State, than they did lost fall. The Democ9die Judge is 414 , 41,41" 11=i - dlen Calluhrio, Superintendent of the i Allegheny jr' a,p• Railroad, now having 1 the north nark of the read between the l'or. tage Iron Works and 114,114 , 149 riburir with new lire and a liemy T 1 ',17) - John F. Lon rvy. of Hollidaysburg, CM killed on the POI loge Road, on Wednes day anal, t r y 0 ,, under of the locomotive be ing tbro•.‘ n he in the track, on which be was riding. reThe Catholic church ntiir'a dwelling near it in Ellsworth, Maine, were burnt 'by an inC4ndiary on Sunday a veiling. 01 - 141 hundre,! deer in Stajnburough Park', England, have died this year of hythorho• • rillav of Gowanda, o:Alarm fog countyNciv York, was alniciet wholly des. tray ed li k y fire last night. 171.1ie new suspension bridge over the Falls of Montrinnettsy, on the fit. Lawrence, gave yay, On Wednesday, and the whole atruaturbloiltit a matt' and woman, and horse stvl cart, %as carried ovi n r the Falls. n'The Old Line Whig Coniiention of Ma ryland on ‘Vedliciolay pawed resolutions en dorsing the platfiniiii of the it'higs of Ken tunk,Vi and deprecating the introduction of religion into polities, The counties were re quested to send delegates to. a Convention to beheld iq July, to decide finally on the eating° Of thd.WhYge of Maryland.' _ . - irj-The Democtatie" state Convention of 'Maryland met on, Wednesday, and elected Walter R. Mitchell and Henry Coldaborough, Electom for the Stato ar lar,;:e. Ite.9ohdions recommending Mr. litieliamin as a candidate for the Presidency, pas , ied by a rote of 18 to tb rx - There am two occasions on which it it proper to, speak ; the first when }•ou arc welt posted up on the sdhlect of which, you mean to treat ; the other when it is unavoitt. able. On such occasions alone, to speak 'is better than to be silent ; in all other cireum• stance:, it is hettcr to be Went than to speak. 117" The Madison Courier' states that the wheat crop of Indiana 44nml the great North West never was MOM A rcnligjllg than at' the present season. (17A female slave has, :beinutentonceil he banged In ,Powhattati Bounty,_ Vtr~iuin for the murder of her hall% IC The tiovernerof Virginia has forWarct ed fifty muskets to Norfolk 4 for the defence or the pilots, in executing thnew inspection " • ' I:rTheto were 56FR . rnarriti r irisin Kentucky the loot year. Two 'tidies worried' at , 70 r Gat me a ri° o r t C lt e CW i e '° en 1 't 11 2 ;m 1 1 5°1 20 174 . During the Yesr;l4s'boyo tinder 20 were married, but nve,o of tto men between 20 and 25. - - 1 ifontee editor Nays "T4O *trek of Oviliiitiron lo.onwardz—like . tho the-blo w. but id i.reati of a jicka9i Owaplis aLpedk of important nnA r. omplish (1 at Vie first hut prosecutors intend to follow it up Ili . the hopf:Tor g o' o d Trsu Mt:ADMIX AIIiANSAA-GaaAT V,,Serrrat,:yr.— We copy the following from the Memphis Appeal of the 20th : We learn from a gentlemen who re. turuld from Marion yesttrday that a most diabolical murder was committed upon the person of 3fr. Jenkins, a highly respectable gentleman of Crittenden cetera', on Tues day evening last, withiri two or three hwi. drtd yards of his residence, four miles west e of Marion. lie leas returnitu(to his home from Marion, when he was deliberately shut &en a charge of buckshoirdlitOtt being; lodged In his body, eireumstan t CCA led to the arrest of a man named nerdy ricks, the keeper of a drinking house in Ma rion, and a Mr. Garrett, who forintrly resi ded in FOuthMemphis. ifendricks and Gar rett were examined before a nuegishiate and bound over for their afratiture ih court, but in the Moan Owe the jail wag surround ed by the excited crowd m ateendituce, and it is believed that ere this Hendricks has Slimed for his suspected oriine at the hands. of Judge Lynch. Garrett is generally sup. pond to I,c ilitiocent , of any participation in the crime." Src . i.x..p9wgn Ect.tessr —Tho fen los !Worm ng Chronicle tbtotrrices an linportant discovery, It it stated that o'gferte experi lnenVitlkaa recently tried at 'Vincennes, in the presence of General Lahitto and the oftb nem of the fort. The secret of '6l4re/sting and governing' electricity is at length dis covered, and the power may, therefore, now ho eonsitfered,as, the solo -motor lientefor. ward to be used,. A sundbmortar was fired by the.invent<ii 'at the rate of a hundred shots a minute, without flashing, smoke, or noise, The same power eau, it seems, be Adapted tdtvery system of rticchanieol in. vention, and is destined lo , ,,supersede steam, requiring neither toachinery_poregotbner t. A Yltssesl propelled by Oita power il,hu the water like i'bird, and to fear neither storm %Or lirvienuo. ,Tim -inventor has Already petitioned for a' line of steamers from ,L'isrient to Norfolk, in • United' States, which passage ho promisses to reicoms in forVsoight Wars. ,t ) • • blitipt.—it it Ktatcd tliat 311, Deca tur,rennty,,lllinqin, Ivhieh aboy,t 4i 7,000 . tjulptbiten,tit. prairie /PO can be bought fir ;2.50 itA e acegEdlng to quality, and the b4t Nut 1113.50 to ttp, aacor ding to location.. preggPFlre Phllndillphln.—Wwollillioni Ivartipt of Ptoperry Deoreicie On` iyadinatiay night loot Philaillelphia was vfbitell with A most terriblmdestructivo cosetigration, involving a ' pater toss 'of property than was eves before known in that city. We find the following particulars of thi4 great calamity in the Pennsylvantan of Friday mOrning: , • • • A-• About 12f o'clock this morning ilio exten sive rag warehouse of Moss rs:Jesstikk Moore, No. 24 North street, svas.discorered on fire. The alarm %vim promptly given, and tho fire men were early on the g r lpWld, but. notwith standing: their exertions, plied by alai:one(' force, thebitildiug -Was speellitreoommed, togotb*r . large atiittle lleeratr, the pae,king-,V)y; factory of Suplee Myers, on CatnßierCe street, also lite cooper. hop of 4. p i .ea c per,attioinip g , the latter,, The looking i!ll44sl2llAntitUCtOry aqd wareraptus of Ainetley Co., next because the piey'.of.the Mimeo, MA was, in e: few moments, entirely CHrel oped LATI.M- 5 o'cL9cs, A. 11. The wind , A MCA Mew very freshly at the time th.e fire w'as discovered, Oofitinues un abated. The walls ofJessenp & Moore's 1V arehome MI about It o'clock, also the walls of the cooper-shop and pecking-hex factory. he two large store-houses oh Commerce. street, 'adjoining the above on the west, are entirely eonsnmed. The rears or the row of twelve Mimes on the cast side of Sixth street, hetweenr-Cout• merce and North streets, are entirely con homed, aml_the probability is now that the g am , w i g he ungovernablo in that direction. The massive brick eetithie-or Levic & Brothers, ehoe-dealers, fronting on Market and ox tend ing.baik to North street, is now fire, and thine is but little hope of saving it en tiro destruction. The rear of the large building owned ' and oompted be Caleb Cope & Co., on Market street, is aim in imminent danger. The paper unl rag warehouse of C. C. Pa ris & Co., on the south side of Commerce street, ein hardly be saved from total de struction Jy,:gxy . LINE; AND .I).l,ANuir.- - JetutY , Lind has written a private letter to 'v. loidY of Philadelphia, in which .ape deeply rytirpt;' thizwi l with Ur. Thera= in his fleutudalteouf bloc - Wk. lime to tillTitlit - faiit: and axpreasea her intention ,of placing a inne.f ntonoy at his disposal. "I'ne milt at 21tix3,TIMil ot iilintoo of tint and - in duatryt ,lktin neBola, Wye oMinfogrutld that one hundred million abet of pino.lnnibeg in tlio log 44ire put into tlio'dilferenCntkolOwil kat year. ' Tug W • - 'Nem . W.,UT Mitt/.(..,,. ttta44lll,'}t, 4.lll4oh ., ol lE.Ore . e;tirdi.47MWON \ great SerthwObt. has 4ever t more plrodishq, than at the preaent acamcnn .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers