New-Brunfwick Lottery HIGHEST PRIZE, 2,000 DOLLARS. THE Public are hereby informed, that the drawing of the above Lottery is postponed till the third day of September next —at which time, the Managers are pofuively determined the drawing (hall commence, in Mr. Norman's Long Room, in ihe City of New-Brunfwick. Tickets a»-eto be* had at Samuel CoofEß's Ferry, where fortunate adventurers may receive their prize-money ten days after drawing. A lift of fortunate numbers will be publifhcd in the Gazette of the United States. Circumstances unforefeen, and unfavorable to Lotteries, have occasioned the neceflitv of this further postponement, The Rector and Wardens ask the afliftance of their episcopal and other friends, in supplying themselves with Tickets pre vious to the above day—confident that no Lottery more favorable to adventurers has been offered to the public—the deduction being only 12 g per cent, and not two blanks to a prize. %* Letters dirc&ed to Peter Keenon, Post-Master, New-Brunfwick (post paid) will be immediately attended to. New-Brnnfwick, July 217Q2, WHITE WAX-MANUFACTORY. Thomas tames, wax chandler, from London, refpe&fnlly informs the public that he has established a Manufa&ory of the above branch, at the upper end of Mulberry-Street,New- Yoik, where Merchants, Captains of Vcflels, Druggilts, and Families, may be supplied with excellent and pure White Wax Candles, White Wax in Cakes, Tapers, Wax'd Lamp Wirks, Flambeaux, &c. warranted equal to any made in London, and twenty percent, chearer. Orders in this and the adjacent States, received by Mr. John Good eve, Bridge-Street, Mr. William Frobisher, Fletcher-Street, and at the Manufactory, where samples may be seen. N B. Bees-Wax taken in payment, or bleached on moderate terms. New-York, July 19, 1792. WANTED, to go to Boston, A JOURNEYMAN COPPERSMITH, at (Ynall woik, such as Tra-Kettlrs, Coffee- Pots, &c.—Good wages and constant employment ■will be given to a person with good recommenda tions—a single man would be preferred. Enquire of the Editor. J"'y 25 Ebenezer Hazard, STOCK-BROKER, HAS Removed his OFFICE to No. 128 north Second-Street, where he continues to purchase and fell on Commiflion, Certificates of debt of the United, and Individual States, Bank Stock, Canal, and Turnpike Shares, &c. &c. Subscribers to the Universal Tontine who have not yet received their Certificates are delireal to ca'l for them. July 18, Stock Brokers Office, N0.45, Great Dock-ilreet, New-York, THE Subscriber intending to confine h'imfelf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begs leave to offer liis fervires to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa vor him with their business, may depend upon having,it tranfafted with the utmost fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the United States will be ftriaiy attend ed to. LEONARD BLEECKER. ' (<■»•) Mav 2 Wm. CLE LAND, BOSTON, T ran Tacts business in the Funds of the United States; BANK STOCK, BILLS of EXCHANGE, &:c. Cs* Orders from New-York, Philadelphia, or any other part of the Union, will be attended to with Diligence and Punctuality. l urte 1 • (cp 1m & \aw2m) PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, In the Commonwealth of Majfachufetts, A SYSTEM fir the DISCIPLINE oj the ARTILLERY in the UNITED STATES oj AMERICA; O R , THE YOUNG ARTILLERIST'S POCKET COMPANION. IN THREE PA RTS. Part 1 /~1 ONTAINI\G ihc duly and praflice of light field artillery. Part 2. Containing the theory and praflice of heavy art.llery : to which will be added, an ex traftofa Treatise on the origin and princioleof Courts-Martial, wrote hy an experienced Officer in the line, and who did duty as Judge-Advocate in America. Laboratory duty ; containing a great va. riety of direaionsforcompofition.and the method of making artifi ial flre-wnrks, and the formation of ammunition for the different kinds of ord- nance. By WILLIAM STEVENS, Esq. An Officer in the American Artillery through the whole of the late Revolution, and since in the Militia. CONDITIONS This woik to be printed on good paper with a handsome type, neatly bound and letteicd, in three pocket volumes, containing upwards of'one thousand pages; illuftratcd with a great variety of explanatory plates, executed by able artists The price to fubferibers, One Dollar each volume —to non-fubferibers, One French Crown each vo lume : and those who fubferibe for fix setts (hall have a seventh gratis. This work fhali he published as soon as five hundred copies are subscribed for. Suhfcripiion papers will be lodged with the p;incipal Printers and Booksellers in the United Sutcs of America. JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, Bookseller, at the Stone-House, in Second-Street encyclopedia Or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and iVlifcellaneous Literature, On a plan entirely new : By which the different fc ences and arts are digs Pied into the form Of dijlintl Treatifcs or Sy (I ems. T his sixth volume contains, ampng a variety ol inttrefting articles, Dioptrics,diftillation,diving bell,art of drawing, Dublin art of Dying, theory of the earth and earth quakes, Edinburgh, education,ihtftorv of Egypt, System of ele&ricitv, history of England, engrav ing, e flaying, history of Ethiopia, &c. See. &c. IllujiraUd with twenty-two copper plates, CONDITIONS. f. The work :s printing on a luperfine paper, and nc w types (cast for the purpose in Pntladelphia) which will be occalionally renewed before they contrast a worn appearance. 11. 1 he work may be had in volumes or half-volumes-, it proposed to deliver the volume* in parts, at twenty fliiilingi(Pcnnfylvania currency) each, in boards, or tor the whole volume, five dollars, in boards. The volumes now finifhed areto be paid foron delivery,and theprice otone volume is to be paid in advance, and the price of fach succeeding volume lo be paid on de livering the volume preceding it. 111. In the couifc of publication will be exhibit ed above five hundred copper plates, elegantly engraved in Philadelphia ; which by far exceed in number those given in any other fcientific dt&ionary. At the close of the publication will be delivered, an elegant fronufpiece, the dedi cation, preface, and proper title pages for the different volumes. THE MANAGERS. (>DIS) *** As the very great expence attending the undertaking, makes pun£tualit) of payment in dispensably ncceffary, the publilher flatters him felf that the fubferibers will be perfeftiy fatislied with his adhering (liiflly to his original plan of delivering the books only on receiving payment, .agreeable to the conditions of publication. Subscriptions for the Encyclopedia, Will continue to be received on the fame terms as usual, till the fiift of September, 1792, when the price will be encreafed. Ten Dollars to be paid nn fubfeription, by those who have not fub icribed before that time. I>P7«] [cp.3 w Those who have fubferibed, but not taken their books before that time, will be conlidered as not having fubfenbed. As 'he fuhfeription will probably be closed by Christmas, such as chufe to be polTeffors of this very valuable and important woik, will do well to come forward in time, that they may not be di sappointed. July 91 . e p t f JUNE 28, 1792. PL RSUANT to the last Will and Testament of the late Rev. Alexander Williamson, deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurl ilay, the inn of October next,at Georgetown, on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving bond with approved security, to bear intered from ■be date—That valuable Seat of Land, in ' Montg omery county, called Hayes; the late dwelling plantation of the deceased, containing between fix and seven hundred acres, the greatest part of which is rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa t< red. and capable of affording a very considerable quantity ct fine meadow ; —Situated about 6 miles from the Federal City,and the fame distance from George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a remai kpble healthy part of the country. The improvements are, a very elegant two story Brirk Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a paiTagc, or entry, on a floor) and she neceflfary out houses. HE.VRY TOWNSEND,) / ™ J - STODDI 'RT, C Executors. U'tvQl THOMAS JOHNS, *) ( ; TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. "THIE Subscriber offers for Sale, a A Rock Creek, deemed by those who have ex mined it, equal to any in the United States. The Mill-House may be placed within one quarter of' a mile of the river Potowmac, half a mile from (he market house in Georgetown, and one mile Irom the . resident's fqua.e, in the city of Wafh mgton—on tide water, navigable for vefftls of se veral hundred bulhels burthen.—The rtream is fumcient.the year round,to turn four pair of stones and ihe fail may be made from 25 to 00 feet. It is ur.neceffary to dwell on the advantages offuch a lituanon. 1 lie purchafcr may be accommodated with a tTu II f/f" of li,nd ad j°' n 'ng the Mill-Scat. . that should be an objeft r (ep 3 m 14JUI) George-Town. A Num |>er of LOTS every situation which '" C,t y of Washington, w, ) be offered for file by the Comm,(Boners, on Monday the Bth day of October next. One Fourth part of the money to be paid down, the rcftdue in three equal annual payments, with yearly interefl on the whole principal unpaid. JOHN M'GANTT, Clerk " -* V 1 O F New-Hampshire, „ . . Vol. 111. duthons, iniprovempnt c r <■» " c.e.y and manners t ' * ite of '°' CIS, laws and government. ftTTi/ J E . RIM * BEIKNAP, A.M. his '—, and is to call for their book;. iub,C!lbers ar « de'»ed Philadelphia, VOLUME VI of TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. to the Commiflioners. feprf] June 2, 1 792, JUST PUKLISHhDc AND TO BE SOLD (PRICE' 10/T) By EBENEZER HAZARD, 128 North Second-Street, THE HIS TO R Y 72 IMPERI AL,H YSON & SOUCHONG, Of the very (lift quality, and latest importation from Canton, via New-York, by retail, at No. 19, THirH, between Chefnut and Market Streets. r ~pHE Paitnerinipor HAZARD & ADDOMS, X is dissolved ; —All persons having demands on that FIRM, are desired to call for settlement, upon EBENEZER HAZARD, at No. 128, North Second-Street—and those indebted to it are re quested to make immediate payment to him. EBENEZER HAZARD, JONAS ADDOMS. Philadelphia, July 10, 1792. ftf) American Lead Manufactory. STEPHEN AUSTIN, & Co. HAVE jutt now opened their Lead-Ware house, two doors south of Walnut-llreet Wharf,adjoiningtheir New Factory—where they have now made, and ready for sale, a general alfortment of SHOT of all fizes,with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the production of the Mines in Virginia. As thev have employed a number of experienced Englifti workmen, they warrant it 10 be equal in quality to any manufa&ured in Europe, ?nd at a reduced price from the cost of imported. They also continue to wianufa&ure all theabove articles at Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrefled to either of the above Fa&ories, will be thankfully received,and executed on the short est notice. N. B. Wanted, industrious, sober, Labouung Men, at the said Mines, where co'nftant employ, good wages, and other encouragements will be given, means of conveyance being provided, and houses for their reception* For further particulars enquire of MefTrs. Moses Austin & Co. at their Fattory in Richmond, or as above. Philadelphia, December 3, 179* THE UNIVERSAL HYMN BOOK. Now in the Piefj, and will be ready for Sale in ten days, by THOMAS DOBSON, and other Booksellers in Philadelphia, ASeleftion of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI RITUAL SONGS ; taken from different Au thors, for the Use of those who believe in the Rrftorationof all Men. Published by Order of the Convention holding said Faith, met in Phila delphia, Miiy, 1791. %* As this is an Universal Hymn Book, the favor of the Printers in different parts, in infertino the above advertisement, will be acknowledged ° f ul y "■ eptf. general post-ofeice, F Phi lads. lphia, Jfulv 7, 179®. UK the information of Merchants and the Mas ters or Commanders ofvrffels, are published the following extrafls from the Law for efbblifh ing 1 oil-Offices and Post-Roads within the United States. In feflion 10, it is enaQed that there (hall be charged " for everv letter or packet brought into the United States, or carried from one port there ■n to another by sea, in any private fhiporvcffel four cents, if delivered at the place where the fame ihall arrive ; and if directed to be delivered at any other place, with the addition of the like poftase, !"fby th r ;i e "a" arc made fubjea to thc pa * mcnt 11l feftion 12, " That no (hiporveffel, arriving at any port within the United State,, where a port office is established, (Hall be permiijed to report make entry or break bulk, till the mailer or com mander (hall have delivered to the poftmaOer, all letlersdireaedtoany person or peiforts within he United States, which, under his care or within his power, shall be brought in such ship or vessel, other than such as are directed to the owner or contignce : but when a vessel (hall be bound to a nother port, than that, at which (he mav enter.,he letters belonging to, or to be delivered at the said port of delivery, (hall not be delivered tn the pofl malter at the port of entry. And it (hall be the duty ofthe colleflor or other officer of the port empowered to receive entries of (hi ps or vessels fn/hT' re from " cr V "r commander of luch (hip or vessel, anoath or affi-mation, purport a^ h " de " Tered f -^cUe, s ;e P xce P ptas r,JL n / e f'° n 13 ' '! That,he to whom such letteis may be delivered, (hill pay to the matter, commander, or other person delivering the fame, except the commanders of loreign pack! fha'n oh c - ms f ev u ery such le,tcr or P ackft ; and shall obtain from the person delivering the fame L C c C k" ' Ca ' Pe , C,f l' ng t! ' e " Umb "' of lexers and' P«kets, with the name of the (hip or vessel certified T Wh T CC (Ke !a " fai!cd ; which fha he WUh 3 for the »™-v, the Pft n' S uartcrl y accounts, tranfm.tted to the Poftmalfer-General, who (hall credit the .mount the.eof to , he the B. STODDERT. lifW " 4 ™J° rn >'>>>on, the 14th frcficn is pub -7 ' u d u bc 11 furtll,:r en^ri > That if am perfon, other than the Poamafter-General, „ r h ;',, or pcrfons by them employed, Ib,II take «P, receive, order, d.fpatch, convey ca'rry or de f! •">' <"»" or letters, packet or packets, other hannewfpa pers, for or reward, or L?l£ ™ "\ simn g "P any foo: or hotfe poll waggon or other carriage, by or in which any let! bIXrPT !>" bf Ca ' ricd f ° r hirc ' on or boa, P or a "'° ° r a ' ,y PaCk< " t ' ° r °' her veird or boat, or any conveyance whoever, whereby the revenue of the general poft-oIW mav be in'mred every per, °„, To offend,„ g , torf(ili ch offence, the sum of two huudred dollars """ may bc lawful for cve " fengcr. P a^ct s by special mef- A TARTF c BY THE EDIT °*. Athe r ? C T n * antl GoM Vahle ° Un "«l States, (hewin-the Value of Gold ,n Dollarjand Cents, from One!* Thonfand Pmny weights-according to the Ast of GoUi'' a he Standaid and Va?u" SFxA°r UJ ?' V L 1L "■ "" THtRT) SESSION iftsr&izr""""* •** NEW TEAS. SECURITIES CERTIFICATES,granted by the p ub li e ln<l the old and late paper monies, ' NOTES of hand,tills, bond», and mart.,. mh or without depofiti, S'B" SOUGHT, fold, or negotiated, „No . Fourth-ftrcet bflow Maikeuftreet, by ' FRANCIS WHITE Who tranfaSs bufincfs in the public offices country people and others,by viriueofa po\ of attorney, or bv personal application. PHILADELPHIA. books, PR IN' TED AND SOLD BY MAT HEW CAREY, No. 118, Market-Strut, Philadelphia. l. A M ERIC A NMUSEUM.fiomitscommence. ■LX. ment to Ja*uary 1787, to December 1791 in ten vols. Price, neatly bound and lettered' sixteen dollars. ' This work, which is now conduced oo an im provtd plan, containing the bed pieces published lor and againil ihe proceedings of government will be Sound to contain at lead as'great a variety of political, agricultural,and miscellaneous tffayj as any ever publilhed in America. Perhaps in no' one work are so many valuable documents refprft. ing llie hiflory of this country, collefied together. His Excellency the President of the United States' has declared of it, that " a more ufeful literary plan has never been undertaken in America, nor one more deserving ,of public encouragement." The fubferi'ption is two dollars and a halfppri r ann. Gentlemen in the country, who with bo be supplied with this work, are requested to give commiflion to friends in the city to iubferibefor and receive ir Any of the back numbers may he had in or'ier to complete sets. 2. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mis« More's Essays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning, ton's Advice,|Marchionels of Lambert's Advice Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady, Mis. Cna pone on command ot Temper, More's Fables for the Ladies, Price 6/6. 3. Smith's History of New-York, fromits firft fenleinent to the year 1732. To which is annex eel, a description of the country, with a Ihort account of the inhabitants, their religious and political slate, and the coriftitution of the courts of justice. Pi ice a dollar and a quarter. 4. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beat, tie, 1.1.d. profeffor of moral philosophy and logic in the Marifchal College, Aberdeen—Price three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book the Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : " We have ft en nothing on these fubjefts more plain, more perspicuous, or more generally ufeful." V. B. It is introduced into the University in Phi. ladelphia. •5 Beauties of Poetry, British and American, containing fele6i productions of the moil eminent Britilhand American poets—Price four-filths of a dollar. 6. Blair's Sermons,containing the whole of the three volumes of the Britffh edition, in two- Price two dollars. 7. Necker's Treatise on the importance of Re ligious Opinions.—Price four-fifthsof a dollar. 8. Examination of the Observations of Lord Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very fine paper, 5 Bihiofa dollar. 9. Ihe Conllitutions of the several United States, with the Federal Constitution, See. Price five eighths of a dollar. 10. M'Fingal, an epic poem, a new edition in 2mo.—Pricelthree-eighths of a dollar. 11. American Jest Book, in two parts, with two very neat engravings——Price bound, three fifths of a dollar. 12, Garden of the Soul, by Bishop Chalenor--- Price,. hound in calf and lettered, three quarters of a dollar—plain, half a dollar. 13. The Doway Translation of the Vulgate Bi ble, in quarto—Price, elegantly bound and letter ed, 50/2 —plain, fix dollars. 14. Devout Christian's Vade Mecuni—Price a quarter dollar. 15. Think well on't, or reflexions for every day of the month.—Pi ice a quarter dollar. 16. Chriflian Economy, translated from a Greek manuscript, found in the island of Patmoa where Sr. John wrote the Apocalypse— Prices, fifth of a dollar. 17. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged- Price a sixth of a dollar. 18. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a third >f a dollar. 19. Sele& Poems, chiefly American—Price a fixrh of a dollar. Said Carey has for sale, a large aflortment of- Book#, European as we))!• as American editions, which he will dispose of on the mod reafonabie terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with commands, may depend upon being supplied in she moll fatisfactory manner. A liberal allowance to such as purchase quantities for public libraries, or to fell again. RUN AWAY from the fubferiber, Jiving i» Kent County, and State of Maryland, on Sunday the 2-Jth May last, a NEGRO MAN, named Hark; about 40 years of age, about five feet nine inchcs high, has a fear over one of his eye-brows, and when talking, hangs his head on one fide, and looks up—had on and took with him the following cloaths, viz. a fearnought coat, a black and white kersey coat, cut royjidj * whiic I kersey jacket and brceches, two pair of yarn (lock ings, the one pair lately footed, and the other not, [two oznaburgh shirts, each pieced on one fide, two pair of to w-lincn trowfers, one pair patched with new tow-linen down the fore parts, and an [old felt hat. Whoever takes up said Negro, if out of this St ate, and secures him in gaol, (hall receive FOl R TEENT DOLLARS reward—and if taken within this State, and secured as aforefaid, fnall receive EIGHT DOLLARS reward; and if brought |home, reasonable expences will be paid by PEREGRINE LETHRBURY. Ckf/lcr-TQuin, June 4, 1791. ( C P & IVANT ED-TO RENT, r A converter: House, in or near the centre/ \c City.—Enquire oj the Editor. (IB\V .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers