Intelligence-Office, In Four th-St ret, *et, second Door below Market-Street. Francis White Buys and Sells on Coininiflion all kinds of Public Securities and Paper Monin. Tr an fads business for those who have claims on the United Slat's, or against either of the States, particularly lor the Officers, Soldiers ?nd, and others who have served in or about the late American Army, or for their legal Heirs, Ad ministrators, Attornies. &c. _ Certificates and such Paper Monies furnilhed for country people and others, who have to make payments to the Pennsylvania Loan or Land Offices, as will pass equal to fpccie, and their warrants, patents, &c. palled through the different Money borrowed or loaned, and discounts procured lor bills, bonds, and notes of hand, with or without de- P °Houfes, Farms, Lands, Lots, bought-and fold, and Houfcs, Rooms, Boarding and Lodging, icnted or set, or pro cured for S'rangers or others. Reputable Characters of either sex, and of any proftflion, out of Place, may hear ol Employ—and Families, Merchants, Travellers and others, be supplied with (uitable do mestics. Those at a distance who may addrtfs on either the above lub ie£b, their letters being post paid, will be duly attended to, by WHITE. (ep tf ) Philad. Tunc 22, 1 7QI Matthew M'Connell, In Chukut-Stkiit, No. 66, BUYS and SELLS all kinds of THE PUBLIC DEBT O! THF UNION ; has occalion 10 NEGOCIA7 INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will receive Oic> for making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of the UNITE i STATES. Philadelphia, March 30, 1791 A FINE CHANCE FOR A YOUNG PRINTER FOR SALE, A Printing Press and Types. together with the right of publilhing a PAPER, in good repi: the subscribers to which are continually incrraCing - The prefei number ot its patrons is between seven and eight hundred. T types confifk ot Butctois, Pica, and i fufficient quantity of I. get letter to display advert ifements to advantage. The fituatini is in the interior part of Massachusetts, in the centre of populous and tbrivng community, and within ly miles ot an ex cellent Paper-M'll, where paper of every quality and size mai always be had on short notice. Perhaps no country paper on th continent has a larger fhareof Advertisements than the one offer for <Me. A very considerable profi' also accrues from the sale i Blanks of all kinds, whirh are much used in the place—from th publication of Hand-Bills &<". 4c. It is a good (iiuation, alf for a small Book-Store—and it is fuppufed ihe Book-Binding bt finefs might be carried on in the fame place to advantage. For ftiriher particulars, enquire of John Fenno, at his Office No. 69, High-Street, between Second and Third-Streets. Phi lade 1 '' ; a. r ' a "'8 ' Public Notice is hereby given, to all whom these presents shall come, or in any wife conccrp That JAMES GARDNER, late ol Wilmington, Norlh-Caroltna. deceased, did make four promiflory notes .ayable to SAMI'EI JACKSON, of Piiilad lphia, Mer hant, all bearing date the 19th July, 1785, one for three hundred and seventy-one pounds, pay able in fix momhs—one for seven hundred and forty two pounds, in nine months—one lor fevenhundred and forty pounds,in twelvr months—and one for seven hundred and foriv-five pounds thir teen (billings and three-pence, in fifteen months, amounting in the whole to two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight pounds thir teen (hillings and thrce-p»nce, and payable in produce at Wil mington :—Which said notes have been afligned by the said Sa. mm' Jackson to THOMAS MACKIE and Co. and JAMKS HOOD, Merchants, Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-time of the said Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part to the amount of two thousand and forty-feven pounds fifteen fliil lings and fix-pence, to the said THOMAS MACKIE, and Co in proof of which the fubferibers have fufficient vouchers. These are th refore to caution all persons from purchasing said notes as they will not be taken up. THOMAS WRIGHT, ROBERT SCOTT, S Executors, , M. R. WILLKINGS,) Wilmington, North-Carolina, 2-jthMa), 1791 War Department, MAY 30, 1 791. INFORMATION is hereby given lo all the military Inv l ei of the United States, that the sums to which they are for fix months of their annual pension, from the 4th day of Mireh. 1791, and which will become due on the dav of Septembei ensuing, will be paid on the said day by the Commilfioners of th Loanswithin the States refpe&ively,under the usual regulations,viz. Every apolicauon lor payment mud be accompanied by thetol- Jowirsg vouch- rs. ift. The certificate given by the state, fpecifying that the perfor poflcding the fame is in fact an invalid, and ascertaining the futn to which as such he is annually entitled. ad. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form A. B came before me. one of the Juflices of the connty of in the fiat eof and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pojfeffion was given, of which the following is a cof)\ (the certifeate given by the/late to be recited) That he served (re giment, corps or vessel) at the time he was dijabled, and that he now re sides in the and county of and has resided there for the lafl years, previous to which he resided in In cafe an invalid should apoly for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certificate and oath before recited, must produce a special letter of attorney agreeably to thefollowing foim: I, A. B. of county of Jlate of do hereby constitute and Appoint C. D. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of my penfon Jot fix months, as an invalid of the United States, from the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and ending the fourth day of September of the fame year. Signed and r ealcd in the presence of Witneffit. Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and administrators must be accompa nied with legal evidence of their refpeftive offices, and also of the time the. invalids died, whose pension they may claim. By command of the Prcfid -nt of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary of War. Public Securities, Boucht and Sold, on COMMISSION, by SAMUEL ANDERSON, Chefnut-Sireet, next door to the Bank, No. 97. MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL Lottery Tickets, Class Second, to be had at the fame place. May 28, 1791. ' Georce-lowh, June 30, 1791. THE PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES h,v ng approv -1 ed the sites for the Public Bu. dnas, to be erefled in purlu .nceof the ,ft of Congress for eaablifhing the temporary and permanent feat of government of the United States, the C m m.ffioneis, appointed in virtue of that ast,, will meet at Geo g Town on Monday the seventeenth day of October next, and pro ceed to (ell, at Vendue, a number ol lots in the best situations in the Federal City. A depof.t of 8 per cent, will be requ,red;ihe residue to be secured on Bonds, with fecunty, payable in three equal vearly payments.—The farther terms will be made known atthefale. x THOMAS JOHNSON, ) DAVID STEWART, S- Commifhoners. DANIEL CARROL, ) CONTRACT, For erefling BRIDGES over the Hackinsack and Pas » a ' ck Rivers, between Powles-Hook and Newark, in the State ot New-Jersey. npHE Comroiflioners appointed by an atl of the legislature ol i ihe (late of New-Jerfev, to erefl bridges over the Hackinfack id PalTaick rivers, having obtained the neceflary surveys, are I,a- ready to receive proposals for performing ffer the following conditions for theconfiderat.on of such as may • inclined to contract: . ... , The Situation of the bridge across the Hark,nfack river, will be one of the following (Uuons, as (hall be hereafter determined noft eligible. „ n A , u — lft. At the place where the orefent ferry is established, where :e width of the river is 1448 feet. Depth at the eastern shore, 8 feet 8 inches. Do. western (hore, 8 11 Created depth, 2 5 4 , 2d. At a place more northerly, called Douw's Ferry, when \e width of the river i 846 feet. Depth at the eastern (We 19 feet 10 inches. Do. western (hore 12 Greatest depth 35 ® . . .... The situation of the bridge across thr PafTaick river, will be at fir of the three following stations, as (hall be hereafter determin d mod eligible. . . ift. At the place where the orefent fetry is eftaolilbed, where the width oi the river is 6 6 f^et. (g6 tf) Depth at the eastern (bore 8 feet 6 inches, - Do. western shore 9 Grcateft depth *7 , 2d. At a place more westerly, called Beef-Point, where the readth of the river is 799 feet. Depth at the eastern "shore 11 feet, Do. western (bore 4 5 inches, Greatest depth 13 4 . . 3d. At a place still more northerly, called Hedden's dock, in the town of Newark, where ihe width of tho river is 526 feet. Depth at the eastern (hore 4 leet 5 inches, Do. western shore 10 8 Greatest depth 15 11 , n The bridges are to be condoled on the pnnciplesof those erect ed over Charles, Mvftick, and Beverly Rivers in the State of Mas sachusetts, with a draw to admit a free paflage for vessels with fix ed (landing masts, not lefsthan twenty-four feet wide, to be pla ced in such part of the bridges as shall be determined most con venient for the navigation of the Tiver, with piles or blocks o» ach fide of the entrance of such draw, as shall be judged fufficient :o aid vessels in pafling through. Also, one lamp on each fide o the draw, to be lighted every night from funfet-to sunrise, durin* the continuance of the lease. The bridges aie to be built with such piles, timber, scantling, and plank, as shall render them perfectly substantial and secure ir the opinion of the commillioners, and are to be of a futficicnt height to protest them against the tides, which rife at ordmar\ ides from 5 to 6 feet, and at spring tides from 8 to 19 feet. They are to be 31 feet in breadth, viz. Allowance for cairiage way, 20 feet. Do. for foot walks, railed off on each fide, 4 each, 8 feet. Do. for balluftrades, 1 foot each, 2 feet. Do. for hand-rails for do. 6 inches each, 1 foot.-—Total, 31 feet. The fides of the bridges to be secured with strong balluftrade'. after the manner of the bridge between Boston and Charleftown. The bridges and draws are to be kept 'n constant repair, and at he expiration of the lease are to be surrendered in good order, .greeably to the a£t. The following are the terms which the commissioners are au thor! fed to offer to contractors : (e p. 3 m, A Icafe of the exclusive privilege of the bridges for a period not exceeding 99 years, with a toll equal to three-fourths of the pre sent rates of ferriage. From as accurate an estimate as could pofliblv be obtained, the ;.6tual receipts of the ferries for a medium of five years last past, .mount to twelve hundred pounds, New-Jersey currency, per annum, three-fourths of that sum will corifequently produce an immediate income of 900 pounds per ann. This may fairly be cftimated as the smallest profit that can be calculated upon. The advancing population of the United States, the increasing inter course between the two cities of New-York and Philadelphia, the facility which the conftruftion of these bridges will give to travel ling, the easy communication thereby offered with the state of New-York, on the wettern fide of the Hudson, are all important circumstances, which must necessarily tend rapidly to accumulate the profits of the bridges. The commiGioners are moreover au thorized by law to raise four thousand pounds to be applied to wards making causeways and laying out proper roads conneffced with the bridges, and have a lottery now on foot for that purpose. As soon as the places (hall be determined on where the bridges are to be fixed, and thecontra6ls for eie&ing them are ex cuted, ihe roads and causeways will be immediately undertaken. Such persons therefore as mav be inclined to contrast on thf above principles, will be pleafrd to fend in their terms sealed, within three months from this date, to Wi lli am Maxw el l. Esq. in New-York, fpecifying the ftiorteft period of lease foi which thev will undertake to erect the said bridges,together with proper security for performing the fame. Newark, State of New- Jcifcy> April 22, 1791 Blank Powers to receive the Interest, andfor the transfer of // principal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules eflabliflied in the Trea fury Department: Afo Blanks for abflrafts of Certificates, to be fold by the Ed iter. 92 SAMUEL TUTHILL, JOHN NEILSON, ROBERT KEMBLE, WILLIAM MAXWELL, | JOHN PINTARD J All persons concerned wiil be pleaftd to take notice that t • following advertisement has been varied from that publi(bed i'.i our paper of the 23d of March.] Treasury Department. March 22, 1791. NOTICE is hereby given, that Propoijls will l»e received at the office of the Secretary of the Tre furv, until the firft Monday in September next inclusive, forthefupply of all rations, which may be required tor the use ot the United States, from the fiift (J 3 y of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1792, both days , n _ clufive, at the places, aud wuhio the diftri£ts herein after menti oned, viz. At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the ftateof Penn. fylvama and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt. At anv place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntofh 011 the River Ohio, and at Foit M'lntofh. At anv placeor places, betwixt Fort M latofti and the mouth of the Riv r at the mouth of the River Mufkingum. At any placeor places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf kingum, and up the said River to theTufcarowas, and at theTuf carowas, and thence over to the Cayoga River, and down the fa id River to its mouth. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf- and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of the said River Scioto. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Sciolo River, and the mouth of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great Miami, and from thence to the Rap'.ds, on the Falls of the Ohio, and at the said Raoids. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami, up the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thence over to the Miami Village, on the river of the fame name whichrmpties inta Lake Erie. At any place or places from the rapids ofthe 0hi0,40 the mouth of the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabafti to Post St. Vincenn<s, at Post Sr. V'ncennes, and thence up the said river Wabaih, to the Miami village, befort described. At any place or places, from the mouth of the Wabafh river to the mouth of the river Ohio. At any placeor places, on the east fide of the river Miflifippi, from the mouth of the Ohio river,to the mouth of thelllmois river. At any place or places, from the moulh of the Miami irver to the Miami Village. At any place or place?, from the Miami Village to Sandtifky, and at Sandutky, and from Sandulkv to the mouth of Cayoga river. Atany placeor places,betwixt Tort Pitt and Venango, and at Venango. At any place or places, betwixt Venango and Le Beuf, and it Le Beuf, betwixt Le Beuf and Prefq'lfle, at Prefq'lfle, and be twixt Prefq'lfle and the mouth of Cayoga river At the mou;h of Cavoga river, and at anv pla :e or places, oa the route from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Cayoga river, by tbe way of Big Beaver creek. At anv placeor places, on the east fide of the Miflifippi, between the mouth of the Ohio and the river Margot inclusively. At any place or places, from the said river Margot, totiieri-er Yazous inclusively. At any place or places, from the mouth of the river Tenefee, to Ocochappo or Bear creek, on the said river inclusively. Should any lations be requited at any places, or wiihin other diftrifts, not fpecifird in these proposals, the price of the fame to be hereafter agreed on, betwixtthe public and the contractor. The rations to he supplied are to confiltof the following articles. • \z. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or \ of a pound of pork, Half a jill of rum, brancy or whisky, One quart of fait, } Two quarts of vinegar, ( 10 0 rations. Two pounds ot loap, r One pound of candles, J ALSO. That Proposals will be received at the said office until he fir ft- Monday in September next, inclusive, for the fjpply of all nions which may be required for the use of the United States, 'rom the fvft day of januarv to the thirty-ftrft day of December, 1792, both days inclusive, at Springfield, in the state of Massachu setts, and the Poftof Weft-Point, io the state of New-York, The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the fame articles as r e above mentioned. ALSO, That proposals will be received at the said office, until he lft Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapplv of all rations, which may be required for the use of the United States, Vom the ift day of January to the 31ft day of December, 1792, both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftrifts herein after mentioned. At the poll on the river Saint Mary, at present commanded by Capt Henry Burbeck. At the post on the river Altamaha, at present commanded by Capt. John Smith. At the Dost on the river Oconee, at present commanded by Capt. Joseph Savage. At the post on the river Apalachee, at present commanded by Capt. Michael Rudolph. At any place or places from the Rock Landing on the Oconee, up to the mouth of the main south branch of the said river, from the said mouth up to the source of thefaid main south branch, and from thence to the Currahee mountain. At anyother place or places within the state ot Georgia which may hereafter be occupied as permanent posts by any troops of the United States. And for rations deliverable on the march to such future posts. The rations are to be furnifhed in such quantities as that there shall at ail times, during the said term, be fufficient for the con sumption of the troops at each of the said ports, for the space of at least two months in advance, in good and wholesome provisions. The rations to befupplied are to consist of the fame articles, as are abovementioned. It is to be understood in each cafe, that all losses sustained by the depredations of the enem), orby means of the troops of the United States, thai) he paid for at the prices of the articles captured or def troved, on the depohtions of two or more creditable chara&crs, and the certificate of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the cir cumstances of the loss, and the amount of the articles for which compensation is claimed The contra&s for the above supplies will be made either for one ear, or for two years, as may appear eligible. Persons disposed o contra# will therefore confine their offers to one year, or they nay make their proportions so as to admit an election of th term of two years. The piopofals may he made for the whole of the above posts to gether, or feparatelv for Springfield, for Weft-Point, for Yorktown, nd the seventeen places following it, and for thepofts in Georgia; "H (hey mull fpecify the lowest price per ration, for prompt pay ment. This day is publipied', By THOMAS LANG, No. s«, Clmrcb-Allcy, and fold by J* the BookfelWs, (Price 3-8 of a Dolter) The Catechism of Nature; For the Use of CHILDREN 1 w. 3m By DOCTOR MARTINET, Profeffor of Philosophy at Zutphen. TRANSLATED FROM THS DUTCH. w Read Nature—Nature is a friend to truth." JQ"=* The price oj this Paper is 3 Dollarsp:r ar.n.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers