Matthew M'Connell, In Cheinut-St ree t , No. 66, BUYS and SELLS all kinds of THE PUBLIC DEBT Of THEUNION ; his frequently occasion to NEGOCIATE INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will receive Orders for making SUBSCRIPTIONS lo the BANK of the UNITED STATES. Philadelphia, March 30, >791 Public Securities, Bought and Sold, on COMMISSION, by SAMUEL ANDERSON, Chefnut-Strcet, next door to the Bank, No. 97. MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL Lottery Tickets, Class Second, to be had at the fame place. May 28, 1791. ( c P I O Pintard and Bleecker, PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of Certificates & Public Securities, On COMMISSION, at public and private falc, on the following terms : ON the specie amount of all sales or purchases at au&ion, one eighth per cent. On ditto of all sales or purchases at private sale, on all sums below 5000 nominal dollars, one-halj per cent.; and on all sums above 5000 nominal dollars, one-fourth per cent. For receiving interest at the Loan-Office, lie percent. For making transfers at ditto, one dollar each transfer. Such persons throughout the United States, as may be pleased to favor the fubferibers with their orders, may rely on their being executed with punctuality, fidelity and dijpatch, as consi derable experience in the public {locks, together with extensive connexions in the city of New-York and different parts of the continent, enable them to condufl their operations with peculiar advantages. PINTAJID & BLEECKER, New-York, No. 57, King-Street. (97 law 6m) March 1,5, 1791. Funds of the United States. ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex changed; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange negoctated; Merchandize of all forts bought and fold on Commission, and all other Business in the line of a Broker, tranfa&ed by WILLIAM CLELAND, At the Office, next door to the Cujlom-Houfe, State-Stre«t, BOSTON. Intelligence-Office, In Fourth-Street, second Door below Market-Street. Francis White BUYS and Sells on Commission all kinds of Public Securities and Paper Monies. Tranfadts business for those who have claims on the United States, or againfl cither of the States, particularly for the Officers, Soldiers and Mariners, and others who have served in or about the late American Army, or for their legal Heirs, Ad ministrators, Attornies, See. Certificates and such Paper Monies furnifhed for country people and others, who have to make payments to the Pennsylvania Loan or Land Offices, as will pass equal to specie, and their warrants, patents, &c. passed through the different offices. Money borrowed or loaned, and discounts procured for bills, bonds, and notes of hand, with or without de posits. Houses, Farms, Lands, Lots, bought and fold, and Houses, Rooms, Boarding and Lodging, rented or set, or pro cured for Strangers or others. Reputable Characters of either sex, and of any profefiion, out of Place, may hear of Employ—and Families, Merchants, Travellers and others, be supplied with suitable do mestics. Those at a dillance -who may address on either the above fub jefls, their letters being poll paid, will be duly attended to, by FRANCIS WHITE, (ep tf) Philad. June 22, 1791 Public Notice is hereby given, to all whom thffe presents shall come, or in any wife concern, That JAMES GARDNER, late of Wilmington, North-Carolina, decealed, did make four promissory notes payable to SAMUEL JACKSON, of Philadelphia, Merchant, all bearing date the 19th July, 1785, one for three hundred and fevcnty-one pounds, pay able in fix months—one for seven hundred and forty two pounds, in nine months—one tor seven hundred and forty pounds, in twelve months—and one for seven hundred and forty-five pounds thir teen (hillings and three-pence, in fifteen months, amounting in the whole to two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight pounds thir teen (hillings and three-pence, and payable in produce at Wil mington : —Which laid notes have been afligned by the said Sa muel Jackson to THOMAS MACKIE and Co. and JAMES HOOD, Merchants, Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-time of the said Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part to the amount of two thousand and forty-feven pounds fifteen (hil lings and fix-pence, to the said THOMAS MACKIE, and Co. in proof of which the subscribers have fufficient vouchers. These are therefore to caution all pcrfons from purchasing said Botes as they will not be taken up. Wilmington, North-Carolina, 27th Mav, 1791 The Catechism of Nature; For the Use of CHILDREN. By DOCTOR MARTINET, Profcffor of Philosophy at Zutphcn. TRANSLATED FROM THE DUTCH. " Read Nature—Nature is a friend to truth." Pubhlhed, and to be fold by the Editor, price £th of a Dolhr, TWENTY-SIX LETTERS, On the moll important Subject.-:, Refpefting the REVOLUTION of' AMERICA. Written in Holland in the year 1-80, »> the Vice-President of tin UuitcJ Statu. THOMAS WRIGHT,) ROBERT SCOTT. i Executors. M. R. WILLKINGS,) Giohce-Tovh, June 30, 1791. THE PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES hiving approv ed the files for the Public Buildings, to be erefled id purfu anceof thes&of Congrefa for eftablilhing the temporary and permanent feat of government of the United States, the Com miflioners, appointed 111 virtue of that ast, will meet at George- Town, on Monday the seventeenth day of O&ober next, and pro ceed to (ell, at Vendue, a number of lota in the bed bluations in the Federal City. A deposit of 8 per cent, will be required ; the rufidue to be secured on Bonds, with security, payable in three equal vearly payments. —The farther terms will be made known at the (ale. (gits) New-Haven Wharf Lottery. THE Legislature of the State of Conne&icut, at their fellion in December last, granted a Lottery for the purpose of extend ing Union Wharf, in the harbour of New-Haven, to the channel; and appointed the fubferibers managers, -who having given bond for th« faithful discharge of their trust, present the public with the following 1 1 < 2 4 5 > 2 3® 45 5° 61 100 140 539 J 5842 Prizes. 11658 Blanks. 17500 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, is Subject to a deduction of twelve and a half per cent, The public utility of extending this wharf, is too evident to re quire any comment, to those who are acquainted v. ith the town and harbour of New-Haven; to those who are nor, futifice it ' o fay, that its beautiful situation is not furpafl" d, if equalled by any ; be ing in the heart of a country, which may, with propriety, be said to be the garden of America. The harbour lays open to the found but by realon of the flats, this wharf is necefTarily extended to the channel, where (hips can load and unload ; and when compleat ed, will be the most extensive and commodious wharf in America, the whole extent being about 3~4ths of a mile; and not only the mercantile interest of New-Haven and (he towns adjacent, but th maritime interest of all the States will be benefited by it. Thi general wish that prevails in the minds of all clafles of people, for the success of this enterprize, together with the very great advan tage which this scheme holds out to adventurers (there being more capital prizes for the number of tickets than any yet published in \meriea) induce the manager? to believe the tickets will meet with a speedy sale. The drawing will positively commence at the State-House, in New-Haven, on the 13th of September next, or sooner, if the tickets are fold. A lift of the fortunate numbers will be published, and the prizes paid on demand, by the managers. Those prizes notcaDed for in nine months after drawing, will be deemed as generously given jor the use of the wharf, and appropriated accordingly. Managers: James RICE, Jeremiah Atwater, Joseph Drake, New-Haveni April 14, 1791. $3T TICKETS in the above Lottery may be had at the Compting-houfe of Messrs. Stefhen Austin, and Co. Front and Pine-Streets. Who will pay the prizes which may be drawn by Tickets pur chased of them in said Lottery. Tickets in the Maflachufetts Lottery that have drawn prizes, will be received in payment for the above tickets. MASSACHUSETS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY THE MANAGERS of the STATE-LOTTERY allure the Public, that the second Class of the SEMI-ANNUAL LOT TERY will positively commence drawing on the day appointed, viz. On Thursday the 13th of O&ober next, or Jooncr, if the Tickets (hall be disposed of. As the Managers have in their feverai monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hoar assigned, so they are determined to be equally as pun£lual in this. ' 25,000 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, are 125,000 Dollars to be paid in the following Prizes, fubjeft to a deduction of twelve and an half per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth. Prizes. Dollars. Dollars. 1 of 10000 is 10000 2 3000 arc 6000 3 2000 6000 ® 6000 10 500 c 3® 6000 80 8000 9° 4500 ,0 ® 4000 3 60 ° 161 3220 2 °° ,000 7.58.5 60680 8388 Prize.*. 16612 Blanks. 2§ooo Tickets. TICKETS in the above Class may be had of the several Managers, mho will pay the prizes on demand; of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth-, of James Whiti, at his Book-store, Franklin's Head, Court-itreet— and at other places, as usual BENJAMIN AUSTIN, iun.l DAVID COBB, I SAMUEL COOPER. GEORGE R. MINOT, JOHN KNEELAND, J Boflan, April 14,1791. (e p. 3 m. PRESIDENT 0 F THE UNITED STATES, NE ATL, executed in Profile, have just come to band, and for b y Messrs. Carey,Stewart and Co. Mr. William Youn s , Mr. Robert Campbell, Meffis. Rice and Co. Bookfcllcu, and by the Editor.—Price gths of a Dollar. Pliilad. June 29, 179:. 88 THOMAS JOHNSON, ) DAVID STEWART, S Commiflioners. DANIEL CARROL, ) H E s c jo,ooo Dollars, ia s°°o5 °°o 4000 2000 are Prize of 1000 5 00 too 100 > s ® 40 3° i so 10 8 Not two Blanks to a Prize Michael Todd, Elijah Austin, Joseph Howeli. CLASS II SCHEME. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE. j 000 5 00 20* 100 5° 40 3° 20 10 8 likenesses ANCHORS pr. lb. 6£4 Allum, Engliih, pr. cwt. 33J Ditto, Roch pr. Jb. 10d Alhes, pot, per ton, 37/105 Pearl, 50/ Arrack pr. gall. icj 12s 6d Brandy, common, 7s 6d Cogniac 6d Braziletto, pr. ton. 12/ 16/ Bricks pr„ M to 305 Bread, (hip pr. cwt. 14* Ditto, pilot 27J 6i Ditto, small water 40/ 4ss Beer, American, in bot. ] pr. doz. bot. incl. j or. bbl. 35s 'Si f Oak pr.M feet, 67s 4/ 0 | Merch. pine ioox Sap, do. 3/ 5 I N.Eng. 82i =9 (.Cedar 100s The above are the Shallop prices ; for the Yardpy ices add 15s pr M. Brimstone in rolls pr. cwt. 2js C Irish pr. bbl. < Bollon 55 s 33 ( Country 50J Butter pr. lb. 14 d in kegs *od Cedar,rednmber pr.foot 2S2j6d Chocolate pr. lb. 12d Coal pr. bulhel is 6d Coffee pr. lb. is 2d Cinnamon zoj Cheese, Englifli is Country 6d *j^d f Sper. pr. lb. 3J d | Wax •3 Myrtle Wax 12^ | Mould,tallow 10 U (.Dipped 95^ Cotton xi 4a 1 j M E. IC.OOO 500© 4000 400® 4000 2500 2400 3000 2250 200G 183 c 20 QyJ 1400 43' 120 8750 c Currants Cloves Copperas pr.cwt. 14J Cordage 60J 6256 d Cocoa 6*2j6d 6-js6d Duck, Ruffla, pr. piece Boj Ravens 67*72j6</ Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. 37*6 d Common, 34 s 6d Bur middlings,beft. 3U ——M ddlmgs 24 i Ship-ttutf pr. cwt. 73 Ss Flax pi', lb. 9 d Fuitic pr. ton, 135* 150s Feathers pr. lb. 2J 8d Fiaxleed pr. bufli. 5J Glue, pr. cwt. 7/ ioj 8/ Ginger, whiterace 52s 6d Ditto, common 50s Ditto, ground pr. lb. 9d Ginleng, 2s 2d Gunpowder, cannon,pr. ) quarter cask, { Ditto, fine glazed 35J 6d Gin> Holland, pr. gall. 55yd Do. pr. cafe, 30/ [ Wheat pr. bush 7s 7s 6d I Rye 4* 6d 2 I Oats \sZdzi6d < Indian corn is-jd 7* I Barley 4s 8d | Best (helled pr. llj, 3d 2s 6d Hemp,for. pr. ton, s°^s3^ American,pr. lb. 4dj Hogshead hoops, pr. M 5.6 Herrings, pr. bbl. ißj 20J Hides, raw pr. lb. 9 d 10d Hops 9S Indigo, French, Carolina Irons, fad pr. cwt, f Callings 22] 6d 305 Z. | Bar pr. ton, 29/30/ 3 < P'g 10' I Sheet 65/ Nail rods 36/ Junk, pr. cwt. 10s 40/ Lard, hogs 9d 10d Lead in pigs 40 s 42s 6d in bars 50s Lead, white Boj -red 50 s Leather, foal pr. lb. 1s ±d is6d Lignum vitas pr. ton 42 s 4ss Logwood 7/ 8/ Meal, Indian, pr. bbl. 17* Rye 2 5 s MackareLbeft > -Common $ none * Mace pr. lb. 55* Mustard 2s 4d Madder, best \sd 18d MolaflTes pr.gall. Marble, wrought, pr. toot, 14J Mail spars 2s 6d 6j Mahogany %d tod Nutmegs pr. lb. Nails, iod\2d& 208 d B\4yd Linseed, pr. gall. 4s I Train 1 j iCd 2j Spermaceti 3J 7d I Whaie u \od 2s r <J Olive 6j 6d j Ditto pr. cafe 36.1 . Beftfweetin ) flafks,pr. box, £ 6 ° S I—balkets 12 bottles Oak timber pr. ton 38/ Porter pr. bl. 4 Oi London, 15 125000 Blank Powers to receive the Interest, andfor the transfer of th principal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules ejtablijhed in the Trm~ hp fitment•' Also Blanks for abflra£ts of ttbe fold the Editor. iCj-4few copies of the CONSTITUTION of tb United Statts, friuted with Notes, nay b> had of :':t Editer. PRICE CURRENT. P * * Ut'AKTITY JULY 1a. —Dollars at 7/6. 1 J6 2s 9 s 10J 3 s I s sqjsqj ■PHILADELPHIA. Porter, American pr. dot talk Pitch, pr. bbl. y Pork, Burlington, ** Lower county Carolina P<-«, Albany Ptpp«, pr. lb. tJ g. Pimento , Rice pr. cvrt. ** Rosin p r . obi. Jof RjiGn., bed, pr. k eg - Diuo pr. jar 601 Ditto, pr. box -T Jamaica pr. gall. 1 Antigua ? J Windward • ft •) Barbddoe. v . r°u n ,r y , N . E . 3JSi Saflaf *'6«< SajTafras pr . ton 45 , 6o< Sal'pctre, pr. cwt. 4 / 10 , Sulphur, flour Shot j (German pr.cwt. 6?j-oi w S bl ' ftered Bo* W pr. ton 40/60/ « (.Crowley', pr. fag. B»,W Snake root pr. lb. ,j M 2jgi Soap, Common 5^ ■ — -Browo gi Castile 10rf . Starch 4i g/ Snuff is sJ 3 ,g^ Spermaceti, refined, „ Sail C'.oth, EngliflO pr. yard, J —■ Botlon, No. I. a, oi *T . » v " . Ruflia (hcetiog, pr. p. go» f~ Lump, pr. lb. 2Si i & ( Loaf, fmglc refined uM Ditto, double do. mod c H.ivaonah, white urf w j Ditto, brown, g/ 751904 SpiriisTurpentine pr. gall, a/ ( Allum pr. bulh. a -I 2J . < j Cadiz , w 6 2* •ihip build. W.O.framcs*| 7°J P- to». j Do. LO. & red C. do. 6/ 6/51 Shingles, lhort, p. M. 221 6J long dressed 37^ Scantling, heart, Boj iocj —.S°t So' f c P'- noo piecei 601 j3 ! W. O. hogfliead -I > j R. O. do. 6/ ioj < 1 Leogan 6, to ! Barrel 4 / 10l L Heading g, I* Olter, best pr. piece goj 1 Minks uCa ~ Fox, grry « rrd 4 J &4 Z Marnxii 2 Fibers 2 j6J 51 Xrj Bears Racoons 2s 43 Musk-rats 9 d 1/81 ' Braver, pr. lb. jj6 iijj L Dcci, in hair is 6d 913*1 Tar,N.Jerfey, 2 4 gal. p . bb)- ,yj ——Carolina, 32 gall. io> 12J oi Turi Turpentine . f James R. new bed 281 j inferior 20S2?fei o I ——oM " ( ia 35' 1 | Rappahannock 12J6J O J Colo. Maryland 40/ cRs y 1 D " k is, < Long-leaf 18 , g J Eaftern-lhore 15s ij s 6d • Carolina, new 22s 6d L old 22s (id 2^5 ( Hyson pr. Ib. -jsiiad « I Hyson fk.n, 4 , v6J 2 < Souchong, 3j6a! 7/ f- | Congo, gj gd LBohea, 2J Tallow, refined g'i Tin pr. box, ,00/ Verdigreafe pr. lb. 3*61/41 Vermillion, 12J Varnilh, tJ fa ' Madeira, pr. pipe 40/-</ Liibon 3 e; Teneriffc 20/10J 30/ W Fayal pr. gall. 3 .< 4 i 2 J Port pr. pipe 36/43/ g Ditto pr. gall. 6x Do. in bottles, pr. doz. 3c* Claret 30J 451 1 Sherry pr. gali. 6sgd gi t Malaga ss6s6d Wax, Bees pr. lb. Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2Sjd short, pr. lb. is COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Bills of Exchange, London, 90 days, 1 Ditto 60 days 71^ Ditto 30 aays Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 2s 11 d 3* 30 days $sid France, 60" liv. 6s 30 days 6s id
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers