THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OP SOCJTH-CAROINA. (continuation.) Seel. 8. person shall be eligible to a feat in the Senate un- less he is a free white man, of the age of thirty years,and hath been a citizen and refidcntinthis ftatefive years pre vious to his elc&ion. If a resident in the election difln£t, he fha.l not be eligible, unless he be legally seised and poflefled in his own right of a fettled freehold estate of the value of 3001. fterling,clear of debt. II a non-rdident in the ele&ion diftr.ct, he shall not be eligible unless h? be legally seised and possessed in his own right of a fettled freehold eft; te inth? said diflritt of thejva ueofone thou sand pounds sterling clear of debt. Sett. g. Immediately alter the Senators shall be afTembled in consequence of the firft election, they shall be divided by lot into two dalles. The feats of the Senators of the firft class shall be va cated at the expiration of the second year, and of the second class at the expiration ot the fourth year ; so that ooc"~half as nearly as poflible, may be chosen forever thereafter every second year for the term of year?. Scß. 10. Senators and members of the Houle of Reprefenta tivei, shall be ciiofen on thefecqnd Monday in O&ober next, and the day follqwmand on ibe fame days in every fecona year thereafter, in such ma finer and at such times as are herein directed. And fh2ll meet on the fourth Monday in November, annually at Columbia, (which shall remain the fe3t of government until otner •wife determined by the concurrence of two-thirds of both branch es otthe whole representation) unici% ihecsfu*!tict-of war, or con tagious difordcrs, fliouM render it unfafe to meet there, in either of which cales Che governor or co.nmander in chief for the time bring, may by proclamation appoint a more fecuie and conven ient place of meeting. Se£7. 11. Kach houfc shall judge of the ele&ions, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of cach house ihall conflitatc a quorum to do business ; but a (mailer number may adjoin 11 from day to day, and may be authorised to compel the attendance ofabfent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as may be provided by law. \ Sccl. 12. JiJch houfc shall chufe by ballot, its-own officer*, cctei mine tts rules of proceeding, punish its members for difor derlv behaviour, and with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member, but not a fccond time for the fame cause. Std. 13. E;xh house may punifhjby imprifoument during its fitting, any person not a member, who shall be guiltv cf difre fpeifc to the by any difoiderly or contemptuous behaviour its presence, who during the time of its fitting (hall threaten harm to the body or estate of any member, for any thin" said or done in either house, or who shall assault any of them therefor, or who shall aflault or arreit any witness, orother pcrfon oidered to attend the houfc, in his going to or returning therefrom, or who shall rrfcue any person arretted by order of the house. Sect. 14. The members of both houses shall be pro e<Jed in ♦heir perlons rnd estate* during their attendance on, go to and returnmc from the legislature, and trn days previous to the fitting, and ten day* after the adjournment of the legifiatmr! But these priv.leges shall not be extended foasto protest any member who shall be charged with treason, felony, or breach of the peace. Seel. Bills for raising a revenue! originate in the houfc of rrprefcntatives, but may be altered, amended orrcjcded by the fenaie. All other bills may originate in cither house, and may be amended, altered or rejected by the other. See!. 16. No billorordinancc shall have the force of law,until it (hall have hern read three times, and on three several dajs in ta r h house, has had the great seal affixed to it, and has been limn ed in the fen ate houfc bv the prtfidcnt of the fenaie, and the speak er of the house of reprefent3tives. $c< : ?. 17. No money shall be drawn out of the public trcafury, but by ihc legislative authority of the ftatc. Sea. 18. Themembers of the Jeg fbture, who shall aflemble under this ill be entitled to receive out of the pub lic tieafury, ?s a compenfa'.ion for their expences, a sum not ex ceeding seven fhtilings sterling a day, durftg their attendance oh, going to, and returning fiom the legislature, but the fame may b< encreafed ordiminifhed by law, if circumftapces shall require, but no alteration shall be mad*: by any legislature to take effe&, dur ing the exifttnee of the legislature which shall make such alterati on. Si J. 19. Neither house {hall without the COnfetrt of the ot' er, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houfcs.fhall be fut r u S«7. 20. No bII or ordinance, which shall have been rej &ed Ly cither house, (hall be brought in again during that fitting, with out leave of ihe house, and notice of fix days pnvioudy given. •V.*?. si. No person shall be eligible to a feat in the legislature, whiill he holds any office of profit oi trust under this Hate, the United States or either of them, or under any other power, except ofticeis of fh. military army, or navy of this state, justices of peace, or jiiftiees of the couniy courts, wht'ie they receive no faia- Ties ; noi lh:ll any contractor of the army or navy ol this state the United Slates, or either of them, or th\r agents ot such contrac tor be eligible to a feat in either house ; and if any member shall acceptor txercife any of the said difqualifying offices, he shall vacate his feat. SeSf. 22T If any cle&ion diftrift, shall neglcd to choose a number or members, on the days of election, or if any peifon /cholen a membei, of cither house, fnould refufe to quality and take his feat, or (hould di~, depart the state, or acccpt ot any dif office, a writ otele&ion shall be ifTued by the president of the senate, or speaker of the house of representatives as the cafe may be, for the pti: pose of filling up the vacancy thereby occasion ed, for the remainder ol the teriyi for which the person so refufing to qualify, dying,dep-rriog the state or accepting a disqualifying office, was eleftcd to serve. Sel. 00. And whcrt as the ministers of the are by their prcfcfT >n dedicated toithe service of God, and the cure of fouls, and ought not to he diverted from the ijreat duties of their functi on, therefore no minister «f the gofpe!, »>r public preacher of any religious perfuafipr, whi Ift h- continues in the excrcife of his pas toral funttions shall be eligible to the office of governor, lieutenant governor, or to a feat in the senate, or houle of repreftniatives. ARTICLE 11, Seß. :. The executive authority of this (late (hall be vested in a gover nor, to be cbaien id manner following. As soon as may be after the fiift meeting of she fcnate and iioufe of reprefenta tfvet, and a; every firft meeting of the house of reprefrmatives fhereaftrr, when a majority of both houTej (ball be prtfent, the fe rnt: and honfeof reprefentatrves fiiall, jointly, in the houfc of re ptefrntal'vr . rhtife, 6y ballot, a governor, to continue for two year-, and mini a new elcftion fiiall l>e made. Se-7. c. No person Ihall be eligible to the office of governor, unless h< hath attained of thirty years, and hath resided -within this (late, and bern a eitiztu theicof ten years, and unlets he befcifcdand pofiirfled of a fettled eflate within the fame, in his own right, of the value of fifteen hundred pounds sterling, clear of debt. No person having served two years a* governor, shall be re-eli gible I® that office, till after the expiration of four ycar». N» perfoc (hall held tV office of governor, and anv other of -<ice, or comniiffion (except in the militia) cither in this fhte or under any ftatr, or the United Stales, or any oth. r ['ever, a i one and the fame lime, (To he continued.) NEW-YORK, June 2S. TRANSLATED FOR TH2 GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. FROM THE LETDEN GAZETTE. Eublifhrd bv Stephin Luzac. [A Paper thftt is coniidered in £ a rape as cbemoft authentic medium intelligence —and asfucb circulates morp extenfirely than any other similar publication.] CONTINUED, Extract of a litter from Feb. I. THE Turkilh plenipotentiaries who were re called, have returned here from companied by a Capigi Bafliaw and a Chivoux, lit is thought that negociations fjt a peace #ill be again resumed. VIENNA, Feb. 12. The Primate of Hungary, Prince Efterhazy, with several other grandees of the kingdom, had an interview with the Emperor, to thank hiin in behalf oftheir nation, for the reltoraiion of their rights and privileges, agreeable to his Majesty's reicript of the 28th of jmuary. WAR S A VV, Feb. JO. The vacation ps the Diet was intended to have been prolonged until the t sth, but the informa tions received from Bfrjin, -have occasioned the opening of the felfions the day before yeiterday, being the time appointed. Mr. Malachowfki, Marshal of the confederation, has exhorted the states to avail themselves of the favorable difpo lition of his Prussian Majesty to favor the Repub lic ; and to lose no time in placing the army on the befl pollible footing. l'he project for ad vancing the officers has been again deliberated, and foine progress made in it. The acfiivity used to torni the army in concert with the court of Berlin, announces the appearance of a war. N A M I) R, Ft b. 21. We learn from Treves that General Count d Alton, formerly commander in chief of the Imperial troops in the Netherlands, who went by order of liis matter the Emperor, to Luxem bargh, to juftify hii condinft before a commiliion, died in the foimer of these towns, the 16th inlt. after a few days illness ; and that he was buried the next day, with the honor due to his rank. 1 lie General was engaged it is said, during his ljiit days, in preparing a juftificative memorial for publication. It is supposed that his friends will finith it, and have it printed. accounts from Paris, feb. 18. The President communicated to the Aflembly the following letter from the Duke of Orleans, written in London the 13th inft. which was or dered to be printed and inserted in the verbal process. MR. PRESIDENT, ""'ST absent from the National Aflem bly, Alice tlie perinifliou granted me the 4th of October Jaltto fulfil the million which his Majeity did me the honor to entrust to me, I have since that time been obliged to direct the efforts of the zeal which animates me in favor of the of the nation, and the monarch's glo ry, to other objetfis ; but I am not the less unit ed in my mind and heart, to theangult AHembly, of which 1 have the honor to be a member : And may 1 be permitted to fay that I havepurfued its affairs with greater interest, as I have always had the happiness to find my own conformable to the general wishes exprelled by its decrees. I equal ly participate in the sentiments of love and re- Ipeit, with which his Majesty's truly royal and parental step inspired the Afiembly, when, with out any other retinue than his virtues, without any other motive than love for his people, he came to unite himfelf to the representatives of the nation, in order to confirm, and to press, if it were poilible, the happy regeneration, which forever lecures the glory and happiness of France. It was natural, that on that memorable day, each of the mcinoers of the Assembly, ftould be anx ious to make a public profeffion of the principles, which it has so constantly praiftifed ; and tocon o, I l } felt for not having it in my power to par take 111 this grand even:, I carefully recollect that I may be of some utility to my country. In tliefe circumstances, I request you, Mr. Preii tlent, to intreat the Afiembly in my behalf, to be pleated to receive my formal adherence to the oath which its members have taken the 4th inft and to permit me, like them, « swear fidelity « ain 1C " a f t,on ', the l aw > King, and to main ( tain, as far as lays ,11 my power, the eonftitu -11011 decreed by the National Aflembly, and " accepted by the King." (Signed) L. P„. I. d'Orleaks. By this I execute as far as i n my power the decree pafled the 4 th inft. by ,he Nation.,! As fembly ; and I shall think myfelf happy to have been always united with it in sentiments as I have been >n principles. ' I am, with refpetft, Mr. President, your rnoft humble, and obedient, servant, * Pn* 1- , daU<! > the Duke <■} Orleans firni.Mtfia, E " s '"' "f" 512 ?ESR rA R V 2:. The BiJfoop of Antim, author of the Address from the National Aflembly to the people oi' France, has received the fruits of the approia tion, which his services and zeal for the populv cause have merited, by his being cliofeu bv tli~ Aflembly to succeed Mr. Bureau de Puly, to t: ;■ President's chair, whose fortnight expired t: 14th inft. out of 603 votes, he was eleeled i,y 393, 125 of the remainder being for the Abli; Sieyes. On taking his feat the 16th, the Prelate requested the Aflembly among other things " to " permit his zeal to solicit the employment oi" " all their time, and constantly to keep their " great business in view, and to implore their " afliftance against every fecoudary objztt, which " might endeavour to retard their progreis or " usurp their attention." New-York City Lottery. SCHEME of a LOTTERY, for the putpofc olrcifing /and Five Hundred Pottndi, agreabte to en ACT of tjre Ltfliflj. turf of the Stale of New-York, paCVd Bi'n February. i JgoT S C H E M E. 1 PRIZE of £-3°oo 2 3 10 3° 5 m !?0 180 795° 834® Prizes. > J66,54 Blanks, \ a S°°° T,ckcU ' « <*«• «<*-> £'S>*» '• Sufcje£l to a dedufiion of Fifteen fer Cent. THE object of this LOTTERY raise a part or the Lm advanced by the corporation for repairing and ert'ar"rnj th-CI TY HALL, for the accommodation of CON'GRESS, which so much honor to the Architect, as well as credit *o the city. The managers presume that their fellow Citizens will checrfu,'.v<;, ll; _ cur in promoting the fjle of Tickets, especially as the fucccfs of this Lottery will relieve them from a tax-', which must othewife be laid to reimburfethe corporation. 1 he above SCHEME is calculated in a manner very beneficial to adventurers,there not being two blanks to a prize. The Lottery is intended to commence drawing on the First Monday in August next, or sooner if filled, of which timely notice will be given. A lift of the fortunate numbers will be pah lilbed at the expiration of the drawing. Tickets arc to be fold by the fubferibers, who arc appointed Managers by the Corporation. I< <AC STOU T ENBV RGH, ARRAIIAM HIR RIN Piter T. CURTIMOS, John Pintard. Nexv-York, 6^^4^4,1750. By Order of lie HnortiU Richard Uorru, Efa. Chief }u/l,u ot It, State of New-York. VJ-OTirE is Hereby givcato Lewis MDomM, of Conneaitr:, u3n a ? . ■ l ? that upon appli ation and Hoc t> roof mad ? to the laic chief justice by a creditor of the said Lewis M'DiKald. pursuant to 3" ast of the Lrgiflamrr of the said State, entitled. An ael tor relef absconding and abfen' debtors." pat ~ ' L hr ? , Aprl1 ' 17861 h e. the said chief juUice, ha. direftcd all the said Lewis M'Donaldj estate, within th s ftatr, to h feit ed. and that upjefi he lhall difchirge his debts within t Ive months after the publication of this notice, the fame will bt wkl for the payment of his creditors. Dated the 3d May, 1 -co. Am-York, May 7, <79 q, (tw.iy.) 4DVERTISEMEN 7. r>Y order of the honorable John Slofs Hobart Esquire, oneor XJ the Jufticcs of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York. Notice is hereby given to Paul D.-yrell, now of late of Long Island, Esquire, an abfeonding de't>t»r, and to all others whom it may concern; that upon application and due pi oof, rruide to the said Justice, pursuant to an ast of the lcgifl.i ture, entitled "an ast for re!,ef agamft abfeonding and ableirt debtors," p asTed the f-jurth day of April, , 7 86, by a creditor of r- j » , Pa "' Dc y rcll - he the f " d Justice has direded ail hi. the said Paul Deyrelt's Estate, real and-perfonal, wuhin this State, to be seized ; and that unlrfs hefWl discharge his debts within three months after the publication of this notice • all his Ellate real and peifonal will be fold for the payment and fatisfaftion of his ere rw S - .1 at the clty °' New-Vork, the day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand levin hundred and ninety. March 3,. , _ James F. Sebor, and Co. j Have removed from No. 59, to No. .87, Water-Street, newiWl \iruc Fly-Market, WHERE they ncgociate all kinds ofPUBLICK SECURITIES-BILLS OF EXCHANGE. See. asufol- A czv-ior* t April 8, 1790. »tf. Tlie Mail Diligence, LFOR PHILADELPHIA EAVES the Ferry-Stairs, * New-York, Ten minutes l&tt k>ght o clock every morning except Sunday. Sl-tgcOfiirr, City Ttrern, > ; * H>oai-W*y, Kcxu-Yo>k June 5, 1790. { Q ASH and a generous price given for Conti nental N'ew-HampfWe, Maffachufetis, and Rhode-Island lecuritics, of every denomination, by v EBENEZER THAYER, jun. No. 59, Wn!;rStrrrt New-Yoik, April J7 , ,790. J 09 ' § CONTINENTAL C AND § STATE SECURITIES, v C BOUGHT AND SOLD, AT NO. ig6. WATER-STREET. C IP" A generous price will be given for Military Rights of Lai . J and Jersey Paper Money. ' ° May 4, 1 t<9-i 1^1 1 IC7* A large imprejjion of this paper having firuck off from the commencement of the second . < Ipril 14. —Those who incline to become fubferi from that period, may be jurnifhed with the nun compleat. Cl • !. AXTED No. 73 and 83 of this paper—Six tence each w'i be pari for tAem by the Editor, « ' H E M E. £.3000 £ >, v ' 150?' I" 3W < \ ioco 500 aoo 100 50 so 10 4 &V Sifc* J'
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