MR. ADAMS'S LETTERS. L E T T E R„ XXII. Amsterdam, October. 27, 1780. SIR, ' QUESTIONS twenty-second and twenty-third. . " General Monk repaired the King's govern " jnent in England : Might not one American Cette " ra l or anither be able, by discontent o>- corruption, " to do the fame ? IV ould the army follow his orders " on fiich an occasion ? Could one or more politicians, ■' through intrigues, undertake the fame with any " hopes of Jucccfs, fbould even the army ajjifl him " in such a cafe ?" I have before observed, that no politicians, or general officers, in America, have any such in fluence. Neither the people nor the soldiers would follow them. It was not attachment to men, but to a cause, which firlt produced, and supported the revolution : It was not attach ment to officers, but to liberty, which made the soldiers inlilt. Politicians in America can only intrigue with the people : These are numerous, andfo scattered, thatno ltatefman has any great influence but in his own small circle. In courts sometimes, gaining two or three individuals may produce a revolution : No revolution in America tan be accompliffied without gaining the majori ty of the people ; and this not all the wealth of Great Britain is able to do, at the expence of their liberties. Question twenty-four.—" The revolution mttft " have made a great change in affairs, so that many " people, though at present free of the enemy's incur " /ions, have lojl their daily fubfjiencr. Have the " occupations, which come injtead of their old ones, " been fuffuient tofipply their wants ?" All the difficulties which were ever apprehend ed, of this fort are long since past. In 1774, foin e were apprehensive that the filhermen,failors, •and ffiipwrights would be idle : But some went inco the army,fome into the navy, and some went to agriculture ; and if there had been twice as many, they would all have found employment. The building of frigates and privateers has em ployed all the carpenters. Manufactories, be. fides, have been set up, of cannon, arms, pow der, falt-petre, fait, flax and wool have been raised in greater quantities, and coarse manufac tures of cloth and linen been increased. In ffiort, the greatest difficulty is, that there are not hands enough. Agriculture alone, in that coun try, would find employment enough for milli ons, and privateering for thousands, more than there are. I have the honor to be, JOHN ADAMS. MR. CALKOEN. The ADDRESS of the MAYOR, RECORDER and ALDERMEN of the Borough of NORFOLK, To his Excellency THOMAS JEFFERSON, Esq. SIR, IT is with singular pleasure that we congratu late you on your fafe arrival to your native land, returning you our unfeigned thanks for the many eminent fervicesyou have rendered the trade of this State duringyour residence abroad. We are happy in having the opportunity of mak ing our personal acknowledgments to a character to which we are so deeply indebted : And our fervent wiffies are, that you may be as happy in the important flation you are now called to by a grateful country, as you have been fuccefsful in your negociations. Norfolk, (Virginia) 25th Nov. 1789. THE REPLY. To the worfhipful the MAYOR, RECORDER and ALDERMEN of the Borough of NORFOLK. GENTLEMEN, ACCEPT my iuicere thanks for your very kind congratulations 011 my return to my native land. lam kappy too that circumstances have led my arrival to a place which I hadfeen before, indeed, in greater splendor, but which I now fee rising, like a Phoenix out of itsafhes, to that importance to which the laws of nature destine it. Peculiarly favored by nature in situation and climate, foftered by our special governmentand protected by the general one, to which we have so wifely confided our greater concerns, we have every ground to hope the future welfare of your city. That your particular happiness, Gentle men, may be mingled inthegeneral ftreamofits prosperity, is my sincere prayer. As for my mite of service, it has /iot been worthy the noticeyou so kindly take of it: That my country fliould be served is the firft wish of my heart; I fliould be doubly happy indeed,were I to render it a service. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Novertiber 25, 1789. ANECDOTE. the President of the United States, in » v his lare tour,was at Lexington, viewing the field where the firft blood was fhedin the late war ; he with a degree of good humour, told his in formant, and others that were present, that the Britons complained to Dr. Franklin of the ill u sage their troops met with at Lexington battle, by the Yankies getting behind the stone walls, andfi riTig at thera ; tlieDo<!lor replied, byalking them whether there were not two fides to the wall. LONDON. THE Epilepsy, or Falling Sickness, being rec koned in general, an incurable illftefs, a ! pliyiician of the firft eminence, who has been ! wirnefs to the convulsions of many poor creatures ; in our streets, liasrequelted us to publifli thefol . lowing effectual remedy. Take one drachm of fihe filings of true white metal powder, or block tin powder, mix it with a little conserve of oranges, or some sweet meat, ; give it to the patient the middle of the third day before the full of the moon, and twelve hours before the full, and also the middle of the third day after the full of the moon. The fame me thod is to be observed with refpetfi to the change of that planet. Twelve doses thus given are ge nerally fufftcient to effeifta cure. When the dif eafeinvades, the fame dofeistobe given promis cuously, which will have a remarkable effe<fl ; but to obtaina complete cure, thefull and change of the moon are to be observed. As many people, of all ranks, are afflicfted with this disorder, which exhibit such miserable (ymp toms, it is consequently to be expecfted that they will have recourle to so fiinple, so plain, and efR -1 cacious a medicine, which is also afpecific in the cure of the worms. OF FRANCE—from Voltaire. THE military afpecfl of Paris, is not, at this time, more formidable than it was when drawn forth by the faction of Cardinal de Retz, on the arreil of Bouflel, and thedifperfon of the other popular Magistrates, during Louis XlVth's minority : And how that attempt of the people was subdued, the following anecdote will explain : The Parisians were formed in martial bodies, and de Retz himfelf, had a corps, named the Corinthian Regiment. Five hundred thousand citizens were in arms, when the great Prince de Conde marched to oppose thein with only 8000 men. The Parisians took the field, adorned with feathers and ribbands. Their evolutions were the jest of the diJciplined troops. They were routed by the regulars ; and the regiment of Corinth, having been beaten by a handful of Co-nde's men, the defeat was called " The First Efiflle to the Corinthians !" PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. ABSTRACT of JOURNAL of the first SESSION of the SENATE of the UNITED STATES. A WEDNESDAY, Jut* i, J 789. MESSAGE from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Beck ley their Clerk ; who informed the Senate, that a commit tee confiding of Mr. Partridge and Mr. White, was appointed on the part of the Honfe, to join such committee as maybe appointed on the part of the Senate, to examine the enrolled bill, entitled, " An ast laving a duty on goods, wares and merchandizes im ported into the United States," and to lay thefame before the Pre sident ot the United States tor his approbation. Whereupon Mr. Wingate was appointed on the part of the Se nate ; and the f 101 l ft' of P.eprefentatives was notified accordingly. The bill, entitled " An ast imposing duties on tonnage," was carried to the House of Representatives as agreed to on the joth of June. A meflage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Beckley their Clerk; who informed the Senate that the House had receded from their d.fagreement to the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments ol the Senate, to the bill, entitled, 11 An ast imposing duties on tonnage." Adjourned THURSDAY, July 2. A mclTage from the House of Rcpiefentatives , byMr. Beckley their Clerk : who brought up the enrolled bill, entitled, » An ast tor laying a duty on goods, wares and merchandizes imported into the United States," signed by the Speaker : Also, a bill, entitled " An ast to establish the Trcafury Depart ment ; which had palled the House of Representatives, for currence of the Senate thereon. The enrolled bill was signed by the Vice President and deli vered to the chairman of the committee, who laid it before the President ot the United States for his approbation. Adjourned MONDAY, Jin.* 6. The bill, entitled, "An ast to cftablilh the Trcafury Depart ment," was read a firft time and Monday next was affined for a lecond reading. ° A bill, entitled, " An ast to establish an Executive Department to be denominated the Department of War,"was read a firft time, ana Fnday next was afligncd for a second reading. A pelage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Beckley their Clerk ; who informed the Senate, that the President of the Lnitcd States had affixed his signature to a bill, entitled, " An ast tor laying a duty on goods, wares and merchandizes imported into fern t" e States j" and had returned it to the House of Reprc- The relolveof the House of Representatives, providing, that a copy ot the Constitution of the United States be prefixed to the publication of the acts of the present feffionof Congress, was read ■ Whereupon, Rcfolved, That the Senate do concur. Adjourned. MONDAY, JULY 13. Mr. Butler, in Behalf of the committee appointed on the i 7 thof June, 10 bring forward a system tor the regulation of the trade and mtercourfe between the United States and the territory of other powers in North-America and the Weft-Indies, so far as to place the fame upon a more beneficial and permanent footing," report ed ; and the report was ordered to lie for consideration . _ WEDNESDAY, July 15. Clerk— fc ° f Rc P rcfcnutives > *>y Mr. Beckley, Mr. President, The House of Representatives have pasTed a bill, entitled « An ast to regulate tne collection of the duties imposed by law on the tonnage of ships or vefiels,and on goods, wares and merchandizes imported into the United States," to which they request the con currence ot the Senate. Adjourned. nr J FRIDAY, JULY 17. Resumed the second reading of the bill, entitled, «An ast or Ex . CCUt ! v ( ? D «P"tment to be denominated t ie De partment of Foreign Affairsand agreed line ill loan n»,. TV,, words" Congress of the United States," and insert, " Senatf and SScmbTed "Tnd'T' of A — in Co „ On m . ti! !" ned '"-morrow for a third reading On motion. That on the final question upon a bill nr resolve . > member lhall hsvca righ tto enter his protest or di(lent on the Journal, with rcafons in support of such dilTent, pr<widcd rt. f ,be offered within two days after the determination on f„,i Iqueftion—Paffed in the negative. lucl ' The erigroffcd" Bill toeftaMiffcthe Judicial Courts ofthel'm. » 'States," was read, and upon the question, " Shall the bill J ; The yeas and nays being requ ircd by one fifth of the Senator! n sent, the determination was as follows : YEAS. Mr. Batten, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Dalton, Mr. EHf«,„.l Mr. Elmer, Mr. Few, Mr. Gunn, Mr. Henry, Mr lohnfon M Izard, Mr. Morris, Mr. Patterfon, Mr. Read, Mr. St/one ' NAYS. Mr. Butler, Mr. Grayfon, Mr. Laiitdof, Mr r« Mr. Maclay, Mr. Wmgate, 6 ' ' So the bill patted, ~and the Secretary was direaed to carrvth fame to theHoufcof Representatives for concurrence \& nm SATURDAY, July ,8. J d ' Agreeably to the order of the day proceeded to a third readir of the bill entitled " Ail ast for eftablifhingan Executive mentto be denominated the Department of Foreign Affairs '• ' * Ordered, That on taking the yeas and nays, where the Vice- President is called upon to vote, the Secretary propofeto himth* queltion. Oil motion to strike out of the bill these words—Page o,i r,„ »s c,l i "by 'he President of the United States," and the yea's and nays being required thereupon by one fifthoT the Senators present : the determination wis as follows : YEAS. Mr. Few, Mr. Grayfon, Mr. Gunn, Mr. Johnson Mr Izaid, Mr. Langdon, Mr. Lee, Mr. Maclay, Mr. Winkle ' ' NAYS. Mr. Baflett, Mt. Carroll, Mr. Dalton, Mr Elmer Mr. Henry, Mr. Morris, Mr. Patterfon, Mr. Read, Mr] Strons:' the Vice PreSdent. " So it palled in the negative, and the clause propofedto be (truck out was retained. On motion to strike out these words, line 4th, " Such duties is shall from time to time be enjoined on or entrusted to him, by the President of the United States, agreeable to the Conflitutio'n, rela tive to correfpondeicr J, commifiions or inftru&ions toor with pub lie Mimflers orCorrfuls from the United States, ortonegnciations with public Mimflers from foreign States or Princes, or°omemo rials, or other applications, from foreign public Ministers, or ci ther foreigners, or to such other matters refpeftingforeign affairs as the President of the United States shall assign to thefaid depart-' ment: And furthermore that the said principal officer shall con duct the business of said department, in such manner as the Pre sident of the United States shall, from time to time, order or in ftrufi." And insert in lieu thereof these words, " The duties of his office with integrity, ability, and diligence"—Passed in the negative. (To be continued.) ADVERTISEMENT. EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF THE OHIO COMPANY. WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Agents, it is very much for the intercft of the proprietors at large, that all she lands of the purchase should be divided and allotted as immedi ately as may be—And in order to accommodate them generally, by the option of claflingas they may think proper, and driviti their rights or (hares (where they'may possess more than one either together in contiguity, or by detaching and annexing »k to diftinft clafTesor ditiftons (at their own elcftion) to give tKerj the greaterchanc far variety in foil and fituation—lt isu - moully refolved,That as foonas the exploring committee fha; appropriated the lands for donation fettlemenu,in quantity! ? ent for all the proprietors,Wikthrop Sar c ent,JosephC i man, and Retu rnJ. Me i cs, Esquires, who are herebyap f cd a committee for that purpofc,{hail immediate / make. a a largo fcale,t complete map or plan of the whole purchase fro ie best information,which they may be then able to obtain,exp" tig all the lands of the eight acre, three acre, city lots and commons, one hundred a»d sixty acre, and donation lots, the relerv «.ots of Congress, school lots, and lots appropriated for religic • ?ur pofes—alfo, the two townlhips given by Congress for an u i*erfi ty,and the towns or lituations for towns to be reserved byte com pany for a future allotment.—That, all the residuary lap/, ihall be, by them, the said committee of three, divided and numbered upon paper, into forty equal grand divisions of twenty-five lharei each, as like in quality as may be: That each grand div ,r nn be divided into five sub-divisions of five shares cach, and 'b divifion into fe&ions of single (bares t —That as fooa a* oap or plan is completed, the agents will form or class their lu ers (who (ball not previously class themselves) by fe&ioito ' (hares, into sub-divisions of five, and grand divisions of five, and immediately proceed to drawing by lot for said kr Is: by grand divisions, sub-divisions and fe&ions : Thai » draughts of sub-divisions (into fe&ions) which may be made :>f proprietors,holding four,three, or two and single £bares,it i> «i. be the usage for the greatest proprietor, or hoider of the e • number of (hares, to take his lands in contiguity, by lot, uc m the southern or northern part of the sub-division, where they It. -11 be numbered from north to south, and in the western or dit rtl (by lot also) where they may be numbered from weft toeaft t where sub-divisions maybe made upof two proprietors o? tw»> (hares each, and one ot one (hare, the two greatest p'T > c " tors (hall receive their fe£lions, by lot, either in the fou l '• of western part of the sub-division. Refolved> Th3t thebefos- 3- med committee, be dire&ed to prepare the names and nun; - and make all the necefTary arrangements for the intended dra That previous to the drawing for this ultimate grand div : lands, there (hall be returns of the proprietors, as they n t>- classed by the agents (or other wife) lodged in the Secretary'- -Si and it is recommended in all cases to consult the inclinatio > wi mterefts of tre proprietors in the order of clafling. Rejolved, That the agents will give public notice of the titr an® place of drawing, and that there be twoperfonsno \v?.ys if; rf »* ed in the draughts, who (hall be sworn to the faithfully out the names and numbers from the boxes, and who alone shall be employed in this business for the draught of grand divisions, sub-divisions, and fe&ions. Resolved, That the Secretary cause the foregoing resolutions t# be published in the newfpapcrs of New-York, and the England States ; to the end that the proprietors at large may have the option of clafling themselves as they may think proper: An they are hereby requested so to do, and to express themselves upon thisJubjea, either to their fefpeftive agents, or by infoima tion in writing addressed to, and to be lodged with the Secretary at his office in the city of Marietta,previous to the firftMondayo March, 1790 —Upon which day it is expe&ed the division v»' take place. w I NTHROP SARGENT. Secietary to the Ohio Comfity* Marietta, 3d November, 1789. _ ADVERTISEMENT. , 77/£ Gazette of the United States circulates in cvtri pM J the Union—being honored by subscribers in Georgia, South ffl<* 0 Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New-York, Confie&icut, Rhode-1 (land, MdJTachufctts, New-HanfJ » DiJlrid of Maine, Canada, Europe, ana Wejl Indies. tensive circulation renders it a proper vehicle for Adv ERT , IS£NI / E^/ iJ r of a general, commercial and governmental import: —ify \ d h t r desire and advice, therefore, oj a number of its patrons, thufF . will be open for the reception of advertisements of the above which as they will convey intelligence of an interejling e ' tor hopes their ivfertion will meet the approbation of ™ s J rl * lt general. Should the number at any time amount to more than as 6 the Gazette, they will be given in a Supplement. N T ew-York, Nov. 28, 1789. - Publiflied by JOHN FENNO, No. 9, Lan e, near tJmi e- \U r hi, Ne i_3 "'*
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