[No. LXXII.] THE TABLET. No. LXXII. " We often fancy or forge an effect, and then set ourselves ai gravely as ridhuloitjly to find out the caitfe." FROM a curiosity which is innate in man, he is of ten hurried into researches after knowlege on l'uchfalfegrounds,as willbetray him into decep ion, in proportion as he extends his purfuiis. If we took nothing for granted, that had no foundation in facft ; and cherilhed no principles, that were unfupportcd by reai'on, our enquiries would be much fewer, and our reflec tions much less tedious, than they are. Theplea fure of delusion is so captivating that men reluct antly bear restraints upon the imagination. No period of time has been exempt from a variety of popular fallhoods and errors. Even those ages, that have been molt celebrated for learning and philosophy, have been agitated with many frivo lous disputes, which were deemed important from the characters who engaged in them, and from the vanity and zeal that were exhibited through the difcuflion. How many men, who have ail'umed the name of philosophers, have exhauft cd their lives in examining the absurdities and exploding the heresies of former fecfts or philo sophers ! How njany persons, who would palm themselves upon the world as wife and learned men, have wafted their days in the most labor ious studies, without discovering an important truth, or recommending a ufeful virtue ! It would be expecting too much from human nature, to hope there ever will be a period, when reason is not liable to be borne away on the wings of imagination, and when truth is not obfeured by folly and prejudice. The superstition of past times, however, is so far diflipated bytlie progress of science, thatthe road to truth seems.to be more open and practicable. We hear few storieS of evil spirits ; doctrine of witchcraft and enchantments is general!j'exploded. The mind, relieved from the fears and delusions that such imaginary evils fuggelt, is left more at liberty to contemplate upon things that have a real cxift ence. This gives an advantage to our researches, by turning our attention to subjects that can be examined by rational evidence, and afford fonie degree of precilion and certainty. Our thinking faculty cannot remain itill and unexerted. It must have materials for contemplation ; and it will create ideal and visionary images if acftual ones are unknown or disregarded. For this rea son, ignorant people fall a prey to falfe opinions, and to a thousand imaginary terrors, which an enlightened mind defpilesand rejecfts. Curiosity has fucli power over the foul, as to make it often delight most in pursuing objetfts that are new and extraordinary. The uncer tainty of the attainment sometimes puflies us fur ther into the dark, and when we are involved in mystery, we do not fufpeift we have wandered from the truth, but that it is too incomprehenfi bletobe underftaod. Thus many a man has per plexed his understanding in seeking causes, for what never existed, but in his diforuered imagi nation. Every person should eftablifli it as a rule, when he hears an aflertion, to enquire as to the fa (ft alledge'd, before he troubles liimfelf to ex plore thecaufe of it. By this means, a conlider able part of the investigations, wlth.il puzzle the human mind, would be avoided. In a country where the people are generally so well educated, as they are in America, they will not easily be duped by magic tales, or deluded by enthusiastic rliapfodies. No pretender to any special communion with invisible beings, whether they be good or evil, can now draw any number of people into a delusion. Those who advance principles that admit not of some clear and ra tional explication, cannot expeift to propagate them cxtenfively ; and those, who sport with hy potheies that appear extravagant, will be called to the bar of denicrnftration to receive their juit sentence. Can we then estimate too highly the advantages of the many schools and universities which are interspersed over the various parts of our country ? Can any pains or cxpences be deem ed too great, for rearing up a generation of men who will be proof againit the absurdities that have characterized past ages of ignorance and bigotry ; and who will have knowledge to understand civil liberty, and spirit to defend it ? Are any anti cipations-, too bold and extravagant, of the attain ments that will probably result from a state of society f» perfect, as that to which wo are hasten iug ? How many of the causes, that occasioned the wre.tchednefsand downfall of antient nations, Would have been removed, had they been blelled vith the inltituikms, we now enjoy ? SATURDAY, December 19, 1739. FROM THE SALEM MERCURY. December i. The President of tlie United States, in his late tour through this State, was pleased to honor the town of Marblehead by a ihort visit. He was received at the entrance of the town, by the Selectmen, the Clergy of the town, and a numerous body of Citizens, and was conducted to the house of Mrs. Lee, where a collation had been provided, of which he very cheerfully par took, with the Gentlemen of his Suite, the Select men, Clergymen and other Gentlemen of the town.— The President, afterwards, with that at tention by which he encourages every ufeful em ployment, vilited one of the Fish Yards, and exprclled his earnefi wishes for the success of the indultrious people of Marblehead. Onthisplea ling occasion, the Selectmen, in the name of the Inhabitants, had the honor to present their AD DRESS ; of which, with! the ANSWER of the Prer fident, we insert the following copies, but lately received. TO GEORGE WASHINGTON, President ok the United States. SIR, YOUR presence has inspired the Inhabitants of Marblehead with the mo It unbounded joy ; but they cannot express, as they would wiih, their grateful sense of the honor done them on this occasion. The two visible decay and poverty of this town inufl. be their excuse, that they have not offered to the illustrious Character who now visits them, a reception more answerable to his dignity, and more expreflive of their own vene ration. The Blessings of Independence and a Republi can Government must ever excite our gratitude and affection to so eminent a Supporter of the Public Liberty, whose wifdotu and valor have so fuccefsfully defended the rights of his country. The eltablifhment, by the United States, of a secure and efficient Government, gives us the pleating expectation of the gradual revival of our Fifliery and Commerce—objects of the indultry, and principal means of the fubfiltence, of the Inhabitants of this place, for above a century previous to the late revolution. In the com mencement ot the eontelt with Great-Britain, this Town were early in their exertions in the common cause ; and were not discouraged, when they forefaw that reverie of their lituation, which the war has neceflarily produced. The return of peace did not restore to us the former advan tages of the Fifliery, which liarli remained under peculiar discouragements : and we have yet patiently to-expect that attention of the General Governiilent, which may remedy these evils, and which thefubject may deserve, from its extensive importance to the commerce of the United States. The present Government of the United States commands our ready fubmiflion, and inviolable attachment : and we deem it a peculiar felicity, that the highest dignity of that Government is so properly vested in you ; in whom all America repose the most entire confidence ; in whose ad miniftrarion, the world will admire the example of a Patriot-Rules. Sir,our anxiety for your lieahli and long life is proportionate to our most ardent wishes for the prof'perirv of our country ; and we are well as sured, that you will ever partake in the happiness of that numerous people, over whom you preside. May the Divine Providence continue to favor your care and guidance of their most important public affairs, and reward your virtues, which have been so long employed in promoting the happiness of mankind. In behalf cf the Town of Marblehead, Oflober 29/1789. Isaac Mansfield, ~| Jonathan Glover, | John Glover, Samuel Sewall, ! p , „ , u } Selectmen Samuel Hooper, < Nath'l Lindl'cy, B-urrel Devereux, Richard Harris, To the INHABITANTS of the Town of MAR blehead. GENTLEMEN, THE reception, with which you have been pleased to honor my arrival in Marblehead, and thefft:- tinients of approbation,and attaebmeut, which you have exprejfed oj my conduit, and to my person, are too flattering and grateful not to bt acknowledged with sincere thanks, and answered with unfeigned wishes for your prosperity. Avoiding to dwell on the diminution of plsafure, which the mention of your impaired circum fiances ot- \PtibliJhst■ w IVedncfday a/:d Saturday.j cafiu us r:e, J dfire to engage y our thoughts on the pleating profpeCl pre fait id to .:il our inter dp, and particular.7 to our fifhery, in thi effic'nucy of our government, .aid the invigorated industry oj our citi zens. Prctefled in the txtrsi/'e of those means, which the beneficent Parent of mankind has furnijhed for their sustenance and comfort, the citizens of America, ani mated by virtuous enterprise, and actuated by due obedience to the laves and regulations of their govern ment, may expett, with confidence, to enjoy every blejjittg which industry can promise, and national un ion may ensure. Tour attachment to the constitution of the United States is worthy of men, who fought and bled forjrce dom, and who know its value. Tour anxiety for my health, and your prayers for my happiness, are replied to with solicitude for your welfare, and earnejl entreaty to the Author of Good for your felicity. G. WASHINGTON. LONDON. —— Fjom Woodfall's Diarv. IN the year 1767, the ships Indian Queen, Duke of York, Nancy, and Concord, ot'Briftol, the Edgar of Liverpool, and the Canterbury, of Lon. don, lay in old Calabar rjver. It happened at this time that a quarrel fubifift ed between the principal in habitants of Old Town and those of New Town, Old Calabar, which had originated in a jealousy refpec r ting Slaves. The Captains of theveflels now mentioned, united in. fending several letters to the inhabitants of Old Town, but particularly to Epliraim Robin John, who was at that time a grandee, and a principal inhabitant of the place. The universal tenor cf these letters was, that they were sorry that any jealousy or quarrel should subsist between the two parties ; that if the inhabitants of Old Town would come on board, they would afford them se curity and protection ; adding, at the fame time, that their intention in inviting them was, that they might become mediators, and heal their dis putes. The inhabitants of Old Town, happy to find that their differences were likely to be reconciled, joyfully accepted the invitation. The three brothers of the grandee just mentioned, the el dell of whom was Ambue' Robin John, firft enter ed their canoe, attended by twenty-seven others, and being followed by nine canoes, directed their course to the Indian Queen. They were dispatch ed from thence the next morning to the Edgar," and afterwards to the Duke of York, 011 board or which they went, leaving their canoe and atten dants by the fide of the fameveffel. In the mean time the people 011 board the other canoe, were either diitributed on board, or lying clofeto the other ships. This being the situation of the three brothers, and of the principal inhabitants of the place, the treachery now began to appear. The crew of tlie Duke of York, aided by the captain and mates, and armed with pistols and cutlafles, rushed into the ca bin, with an intent to seize the persons of their three innocent and unsuspicious guests. The un happy men, alarmed at this flagrant violation of the rights of hospitality, and struck with alton ifhment at the behavior of their supposed friends, attempted to escape through the cabin windows \ but being wounded, were obliged todefift, and to submit to be put in irons. Inthefame momentin which this attrocious at tempt had been made, an order had been given to fire upon the canoe, that was then lying by the fide of the Duke of York. The canoe soon filled and funk, and the wretched attendants were seized, killed or drowned. Most of the other ships immediately followed the example. Great numbers were additionally killed and drowned on the occasion and others were fwiinming to the Ihore. At this juncture, the inhabitans of New-Town, who had concealed tliemfelves in the bushes by the water-fide, and between whom and the com manders of the veflels the plan had been previous ly concerted, came out from their hiding places, and embarking in their canoes, made for i'uclias were swimming from the fire of the Ihips. The ships boats also were inltantly manned, andjoiu ed in the pursuit. They butchered the greatest part of those they caught. Many dead bodies were loon seen upon the sands, and others were floating during the whole of the day upon the wa ter ; and including those that were seized and carrried off, and those that were drowned and killed, either by the firing of the ships, or the peo ple of New-Town, three hundred were loitto the inhabitants of Old Town on that day. The carnage, which I have been nowdefcribing was scarcely over, when a canoe, full of principal people of New Town, who had been the promoters
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers