Cf fitJt, lie anfwere cl, that in one hour he, the Queen, and his children should set out for Paris. A short time after I left the palace, in the midlt of the soldiers, who Ihewed every mark of refpec't to the people and their deputies.—lhad not been to the palace a long time before—l think I should not be fond of returning at so dull a moment.— The Ocil-ac-bxuJ was filled with people in the greatest conltei nation. In the room adjoining to the King's cabinet, was the Queen in tears, with the King's aunt and lifters, endeavouring to de vise means for confutation- She appeared too deeply affeCted to be sensible of their efforts.— The person that spoke to the King, received this answer—" I am' exceedingly grateful for the new proof the National Afc?nlty have given me of their attachment. 1 never will separate myfelj from them. — / shall depart in an hour -with the Qjieen a,:d my children, for Paris—and there 1 Jhall have a room preparedJor the National A[fembly to continue their debates in."—We afterwards returned to the Af l'embly, where M. Neckar's system of Finance was accepted with some few amendments. In the mean time the King departed with his family for Paris." L O N D O N, October 20. We have, in our late publications, hinted our taking exceptions to four eflential articles, which the National Allembly of France are reported to have agreed upon. It is not proper for us to ob ject to any public act done by such a respectable, numerous, illustrious body of men, without (hew ing the ground of our objection, which we thus humbly attempt to perform with becoming free dom, without intending the lead: disrespeCt to that august Allembly, or any of the members, the mo vers of thole relblutions we disapprove of. In the firft place, then, we highly disapprove of the very firft art of" incorporating themselves, or constituting themselves one individual allem bly, or legislative body !" Here they loft fight entirely of the Constitution of Great Britain, as a model, if ever they had it in serious contempla tion,as we really flattered ourselves they had; per haps from an over fondnefs we have always en tertained, for what we have so often called our excellent and unparalleled constitution, consider ed in its purity, unmutilated by ministerial dila pidations, and the inroads of corruption. By this we loft fight of them, and all their future plans and forms of government, in hopes, howe ver, of meeting them on some other plan more analogous to the temper, habits, ditpofitions, and views of their fellow-fubjeCts. For other reasons, besides their abandoning our system, did we censure this original measure as we may call it, of this great National Allembly. First, they are too numerous to fit together, deliberate calmly, debate freely, difcuii tho roughly, and decide judicioully all the great im portant fubje&s respeCting the formation of an entire new constitution or frame of civil govern ment, as well the legislative as executive powers, and the putting them into regular, free, and easy motion, upon a permanent,and sure foundation. Secondly, They were a body compoled of such different clafles or denominations and descriptions of men, such as Princes of the blood (even some who have eventual claims to the crown) nobles, from the highest ranks to the lowest, archbishops, bishops, abbeys, and clergy in general, great com moners, representatives of provinces, cities, and other distriCts, large and small; we may fuppol'e merchants, traders, bankers, and various descrip tions of men, all ailcmbled in one great body com poled of such heterogeneous incompatible parts ! It w? . simply impossible to preserve order and me thod among them, the very foul of public busi ness ! To this source we trace all that disorder, tumult, and confufion, which their proceedings are branded with by their open enemies and le crettraitors. Thirdly, They have no regular, fixed, perma nent head or Prelident of their Allembly, invert ed with a proper authority to preserve order, point out irregularities, correct miibehaviour, and en force his rules, orders, and directions over refrac. Tory individuals; consequently all these dillimi lar members cannot unite and harmonize in one great, noble, and practicable plan of government, as defciibed above. Before we dismiss this subjeCt at present, we cannot refrain from animadverting upon a pro pofkl recently made by one of the Members which we have read with astonishment, viz. " That the present Allembly fhouhl be diflblved, and a new one chosen, fubjedt to this injunction, that not one of the present Members Ihould be le-eleCted !" This motion, if adopted, would be a rock indeed upon which the National Refor mation would split, and make a total fliipwreck, without a poflibility, much less a probability, of redemption ; there would be an end of all their fcliemes and devices at once. In the firft place, who is to diflolvethem ? Are they to diflblvethemfelves ? This would be truly a political filicide, and a mortal Itab to their Coun try. If they are not to difiolve themselves, then who is so do it ? The King, about whole power they are now debating, or wherherhe is to have a.iy power at all i Will thev quietly take their diAblution from the man, wliofe negative voice, to one {ingle resolution of theirs, they are now warAly disputing ? Admitting they lliould thus reel from one extreme to another, who is able and willing to call, convoke, and meet a newaf fembly, in the fame manner that they have been called, &c. ? Do they think the King would chearfully do all this for them ? If not, who is to do it ? Are they willing to repeat the mode of calling this present Aflembly, viz. a general ill - lurrettion, a reiurreiftion of mob law, and of mob executions, the plundering of the provinces, and devaluation of the kingdom ? Tiiefe things, and much more, would probably be the conse quences of this rash measure of dilTolving them selves by their own authority,or by the Royal fiat. As friends of Liberty, and well-wifliers to the afflicled, diltrefled and opprefled part of the French people, we deliver our fentimenis freely ; wilhing that, if these observations reach the eyes or the ears of the leading men among them, they may attend to them carefully, and avail tliem felves of thele friendly hints, for the benefit of the whole French nation, and for the general repose of Europe. FOR TIIE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. THE GUEST. No. V. In vain Av a r o rolls to Heaven his eyes, In vain his prayers ascend in groans and sighs ; For he that never felt anothers woes, Can ne'er be grateful for what God bellows, C HARIT Y is the firft of all the graces—the child of virtue—the firft-born of Heaven !—the connecting link between divinity and humanity— the only medium of intercourse between earth and heaven : So that a mind destitute of this divine principle, knows nothing of real religion—is a :o tal stranger to the genuine spirit of christianity, and to every anticipation of the joys of Paradise. Charity never faileth"—it is a perpetual cur rent of good-will and compaflion, that flows to wards the whole family of mankind, and visits with particular delight, the children of fori ow and wretchedness. Charity, despises all diflinctions—it feels its connection with every foil and daughter of afflic tion , for partiality and prejudice dampen the fire, and extinguifli the very embers of humanity and love. Charity is active and diligent, in proportion to its means of benevolcnce—cafual opportunities of communicating, and doing good, do not circum fcribfc its benignity—it fecks for objects of distress in their lone recefles. While the habitual sons of want obtrude their neceflities to the public view, modest, but unfor tunate merit, often perishes in its humble retreat from observation. The benevolent mind contemplates its duty in every form—it recognizes it in every adventitious circumstance of misery—and with alacrity search es out the lecret abodes of the widow and the fatherlefs, who have none to help. It has been observed, that of all the failings charged upon good men in scripture, the crime of avarice is nevermentioned—An hard and unfeel ing temper, is so contrary to the spirit of the gos pel, that it may with truth be said, tliofewho shut up all bowels of compaflion towards the poor, are totally destitute of the love of God. " The liberal mind devifeth liberal things" and next to relieving the immediate wants of the poor, our duty is to devise plans which may abate human misery, and capacitate those of the com munity, who arc most peculiarly liable to misfor tunes, for laying such foundations in early life, as will moll effectually guard the avenues of want and wretchedness in riper years : Such 1 conceive are, providing the means of education, upon so liberal, easy and extensive a fyllem, as that all, of every rank, may be equally benefited by the Inflitution—for that is the best charity which prevents the ills of life. Would we wilh that the preaching of the gospel fhoukl not be loft labor and expence—Would we wiflt that the children of the poor fliouid efcapa the consequences of ignorance and impiety,and become ufeful to them selves, and bleflings to focietv, let a wide door be tin own open to them, for acquiring a plain, but ufctul education : ilumau wildoin and benevo lcnce cannot contrive any expedient so competent to these objects as PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS. NATIONAL MONITOR No. XXX " In every aje and clime we fee," The r<_Hlels sons oi Anarchy; For let who will or tall or (hnd, The cards are bad, till I've a hand, THERE are characters in the world off A wretched a cast, that the le:-!t cli^np oin " inent in their pursuits, inspires them withcWri' and vexation—and V hen precipitated into defnair of ever effecting their defigus, many degree th» v are hurried by the impulse of malignant paffijJ into the molt unwarrantable exceiies : With l'id persons the liappinefs or misery of mankind are words without a meaning. Some of this lhn'■ while tliey felt tlieir consequence 111 times which required, in one direction or another, every j„ e ' cies of talents, or degree of abilities, however inferior, conducted in such manner, as toimprefs favorable sentiments of their hoiiefty; but wlu-i, the hour of cool difcuflion arrived, and nfd e of the belt endowments for important publicpur pofes became necetfary, and in consequence tlie<\'. of they were neglected, an indifferent, uninforni ed spectator, to hear their difinal ravings, would think the world was coining to an end—that o t our prol'pects rested horror and def'pair—andthat the persons, to whom the management of public affairs is committed, are the ir>oft unprincipled of mankind. As " Sol's blcfl beams turn vinecrar more four," these persons appear to have adeep er tinge, and a (tronger bitterness added to the gall of their envy, at the pleafmg profpedswhich attend our country : t\ more perfect union of the States—a happier blending of their interefb— the annihilation of local prejudices—and our ri ling to real, solid independence, and importance, in the scale ofEmpire, as a nation, appear to fill their minds with a hoi rid group of fpeitres, mo narcy, ariflocracy, and despotism: That ConlK tution, which is the rich reward of all our conflicts in the field, andtlierefult of the deliberations in the cabinet, of our belt, and molt enlightened Statesmen and Heroes, is a rock of offence to these troublcrs of our Israel—and to depreciate its ex cellences—to embarrass its operation, and to vil lify its administration, are the precious employ ment of a knot (a small one however) of tineaiy, felf-opinionatecl, disappointed meu :—Such cha racters, in greater or less proportions, are to be found in every country ; but if properly watched by a wife and vigilant people, their machinations, so far from producing the mifchief the) intend, may serve as a ftimulous to keep up the vital cir culations in the body politic. 1 he wisdom and magnanimity of the United States discovered in their peaceably adopting a free and efficient system of Federal Government, hath contributed more to exalt the American cha racter in the view of the civilized and refined na tions of Europe, than all our unparalleled exer tions in effecting the late revolution ; for the im pulses of wisdom, in deliberate reflection, touch thefineft springs in the human mind, while the influence of oppression rouses only the paflions to momentary resentment: From this circumjltma, more than from all others, combined, the wife and virtuous anticipate our rilingglory, as ana tion ; but while the friends of our country exult in this profpeift, so absurd and inconsistent are others, that they rake delight in contemplating a picture, created by their own gloomy fancies, in which darkness andfhadesfo predominate,that scarce a gleam of light appears: This they are continually holding up to view, that they may, it polfible, degrade the people in their own eflima don; but this " leaven of iniquity will not work —peace and tranquility are so jufUy preferable on their own account, to tumult and insecurity— and we have fuffered so much from following the advice andcounfel of those who now seek todif turb the public mind, that our National Govern ment, pofloflir.g the general confidence, shall con tinue to appreciate, and gather ltrength, till root ed and grounded in the affections of the people, all the powers of darkness shall not be able to shake it. UNITED STATES. FAYETTEVILLE, October 26. INDIAN AFFAIRS. On Monday last, the Hon. Benjamin Lincoln, Griffin, and David Humphreys, Esquires, Coinmini orurs Plenipotentiary for restoring and establishing peace and amity with the Indian nations south of the river Ohio, patted throug this town on their return to New-York. Notwithstanding the Commiflioners havenot been able t0 c°" elude a definitive treaty with the Creeks, yet they have rcce,^ C the strongest afTurances from Mr. M'Gillivray and all "J. ° l . Chiefs and Head Men present, that the fame tranquility wnic prevailed for fomc months past, shall be inviolably prefcrve 0 the part of their nation. The Supreme Executive of the " >ta^ C ' Georgia are also taking efficient rneafures for preventing 1 ages and provocations on the part of the inhabitants of t e r tiers of that State. , j We learn that the Commiflioners sent messages to the c nations of Indians, which are at peace with the United • We have likewise been favored with the following auL 1 communications : Ame [fag eto the Cherokee nations of Indians, from the Plenipotentiaryfor re florins and ejiablifhing peace and ami ) j the United States of America, and all the A d,an natw'i, M' within the limits oj the /aid States, fouthiuard of the rivet BROTHERS OF THE CHEROKEE NATION, . f rQta WE have been made very happy receiving informal- 0 the public newspapers, that on the 16th of June lait, at r b^ concluded with your nation, by the Comnaifiioaer 0
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