11 Ii El II of PPPret tams TL, B& AR A3tDED AT Tkli FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR • oi Tut. Beaver Co: 'Agrictiltueat Society, I TO BEtto 'TUESDAY, WEDNEBD. Y & THURSDAY, &pt. 39th & 30th, and 4'14,1, 1857 Class No. 1-7 arms andliavlens. • Best cultivated Farm of not ,tass than 50 stritt attention being paid to tho:sryle- and cundition •ot our houses; fences, farming, skill fuLth rn anageer4, &c• Loxes 4V2, 00 2nd .best do 5 00, Berl' cvltivated Vegetable qirden, Dip. '.& 30 0 0 21 best' do do do • . 2 0 Best Flower and Otramental Gatderi, • • 3 001 21 best do _do{ do • .2 00 Jrncis,—David Minis, Beni. itush Bradford, and, John Potter., • ° ' Nors---Coirmetitars desiring •to enter. Class 1, : (Farris and Gardens,) Must furnish the Secretary with their names hetes° theAst - of Attj, gust, 1857,.' '• • •'- Class: No. 2—Horses. 1 Best Blooded Stallion, 4 years old and upwards. , Silver C , ,or $lO 00 23 best do ild _ - • 60 Best do do 3 yeass f , , , 5 00 200 2d best do do do ' q - '„ • Beat do' f,.r all-purpcisee, 4 . ma gld izi4„, sny ~ 241'best do do do •' .- 500 ':.-'-Best do :do do 3 years old, 500 / = `2d best do ;do do ! do' 300 Best do do '; dol 2 years old, 300 Beat i do - :do -, d0,,.C01t, 1 y'r old, 100 I — 'lll beisfa . do do do do.. Dip. & 50 . /4 Best Wooded Biood_lllase, 4 ears old and ;',. .• • upwards, • ...,... ' ~ • SCO 2rl best do ,do do Bo ,'- aOO i Best do ,do do 3 y'rs old, Dip &2 00 . 2/1 best do 4 'do do do 200 i Best do' Ido 'do 2 y'reCold. Dip &2 00 24 best do `do-- -5 :::"do do s 1 2.00 Best _ . do, do do 1 y'r. old, Dip. &100 2tl best Biodcded Brood Mare 1 year old, 100 Best Brood Mare for all.pnrposes, :4 years old and upwards, Dip. ,t 5 00 :•• 2 , 1 best do 1 do , do 800 Bess do ' 1 do ' do 3 years old, 500 24 best do 'I do do do . 300 Best do •do do 2 years old, 300 2tl best do do do do ' 2100 Best do -I do 'do 1 year old, - 2100 2d best de • ; do do do .....-1 00 Best- do do do Colt, . 1 00 ' 24 best do t -do do •do Dip. & 50 Best Gelding 4 years old, • Dip.'• & • 5 00. 2.il best do' . , do • -3 00 Best do. 3 years otd, •5 00 24 best do ' I do - ' 8 00 Best do .li•yeeri old, , 300 2d beef do • do , - I 2 00 Best da . 1 year old; . = " 200 2il best dei ; -do ' ' I •-- 100 ••Best Span Matched Ironies 'or Mates, 500 23 best do do do 1 300 Best Saddle Horse or Mare, 4 y'rs and over 4,00 1141 besi do ~,-.,1 do do, do 300 Best trotter, i t • ' 4.00• 23 best, do "1 '• - - ' ' - 2 ' oo Best Pacer or Recker, .- 1 4 olf 2(1 beet do' . 1 -do • " 2 00? B,6t.lBprin Carriage Horses or Mares * 5 001 ' 2d best do"- 1 do do - , cro , 300 Best Span Heavy Draught Horses or Mares 5 001 2d bast • i10....1 . do • . do I. do •4 300 Best Jack, - --.,,, • ' - 1 - '': 5 001 2tl best do ''\ l • ' 3 00 • . . , Best, Span"of Mules,'-..., . , 1 ~ .5 001 24 best do : do ••• $ 00. E Best Mule Colt, ' ' 100 ! 21.1 best do 1' 1 . ' Dip. & 50 Best Family C'errlage-41orse or Mare, 4 00 24 b!st do • do ' do do - 300 Jrnotts.-1 acob'Smith, South Deaver; Win. I P. •Alcorn, Lawrence Co.; John . Patterkoia; Ls astilfer.- - rtttEUIT ---- . - ar --- , Hest Durban" Bull 3 years old or over, $8 00 .1d best,tia': Ido do - 700 Best- do I do 2 y e ars old, 24 best do , .130 1 . do • ' • Best do ' tdo 1 year old .- ..24 best do i - I do de. Best 'da do 6 months old, 21 bestjdo do do Best Durham Cow 3 years old and over, 500 2d best do do do . • 3.00 • Best do , . do• 2 years old, 300 21 beAt do; do do ' . 200 Bent do; Heifer, I year.old, 2OO 2d beat do! do 'do 00 Best do .1 Calf under I" year, " 101 2d best doi; do do _ • - aJ Best Decoy Bull 3 years old and over, 100 2d best do 'do . r Ili' do 1 :7 • 00 •=" Hest do do 2 years old, = 5OO 2d best dog .lo • -2 00 Best do-; do ryear . old, 200 , 2,1 best doll do., Au!: '1 00 Best doll Bull Calf under 1 year old s .1 00 2d best do • do d'o' 60 Best do= -Cow 3 -years and over, ', 300 2a best dal do • do • 200 Best acd an). 2 years fold, 300 21 hest dol do" . " - >- do ! 200 r,,Ft do 1 . year. bid; 2.1 be‘tt (IP 'A , • dol 100 Best dot Heifer Calf ". 100 21 best dot do • • '5O Best Ayrsiure Bull 3 y'rs old and upward, Ft 00 21 beat -• do do - 700 Best doi years old, - 500 2d best dot do do 2 00 Best ' dei:'" do 1 year old, 200 . 2d .best...dl •do do ' 100 Best •da do Calf, - 1.00 best d.;i do do 50 Best ild Cow 3 years old and over, SCO 2d best tij do do 300 Best d •- do 2 years old "8 00 2d best dti. do - 'do , - 200 Best d'd do 1 year old, - .' 200 2d best du do do _ 00 Best 6 Heifer Calf, . t 2d best d 4 -' do do • • , Best Hereford Ball 8 years and over, 8 00 t 2d beat do - do -do • iOO ' Beet .! do do 2 years old, - 500 =ad best do ' do• , 2 -do 2.00 tt Dent' le. do I.year old. t OO . ' 2d beat do -:. do i'‘, de , 100 Best do do Calf, - l,OO. 9 2d beat 'a ' - 1 , s 50 - . do do I _ ',..., N . Best'. - elci , 'Cow 3 years and , over. 3 IN N 2.1 best do;_, do I Ido _; , g o t o ) .-Ar N -oess - Inv, /so , 'do ' . . 2 . - Best; do i do 1 year old, ; _ 200 _ , -- 2 d b s t.Ndld do do ' t 100 • Best ; _d Ileifer Calf, ~_ . J 100 2.41 beet do do . ,do - ' 50 Best! Native or Cross Bull 3 years and over, 5 00 i-,2d best do do do' - do - 200 - - =. : Beist do do /Jeer old, 300 /d best do do do . ; 1.00 • Best s do do Calf, ; i 50 2d beat do - do 410 ,c , ' 200 _ B ead do Cow lyearsold,l 300 2d best, do 'do ... ,- ,,t do: • ' 2 Besi" do do 3 ;liar old, 0, 00 . 2d best do . dO %„ —do 100 :Beak Yoke Work Oxen. Sears and over, 500 24 at do- 'do r dol do •3 00 Beat J oke Match Oxen-. 5 years and over, 500 mi le 2.1 'st do do ' !do: do .. I 2 00 Bee Beef—Ox or,Cow, aoo • J •noss,,, Josepli Dou.thitt, Darlington; Thos. :.S tb, 9bio; Simnel C.:Cliivr.; North Sevriekly Clais No. 1-Sheep • !l • est Sszotly I.d beet do -do • Best do Ewes, Three,' • 2d test do do do:` Best - -do Lambs, Titre's, 2d best. 'do do' do ;-'• Besit F rench Buck, ' hest do • do • • t; - I•4ittit , Ewes,-Three, 2d best do do - du 1 EZZI • Best do Lambs, Three; "lid best do ‘do—; do i Best Spapish. Buck / 241. best do - do.. i -Sett- do Eli'e4. Thiee, 2d beat do do do/ Best do ' Lairribs,;,,Tbree, i 2d best do do o, Best Leicester Buck, 3d best do, do ,'" ' Bess ,do Ewes, Vine, 2d 1441 t; do do do Be(s_ do Lambs, Three, 2d - best -ilo do !do' Back,\ Best Sontlidown .dc; 2fbest do do,' • : 400 Best do Ewes, pine, ; - 300 2.41 best do do •'do s j 00 Best do Lambs, .Three;'* ••: 200 2d best do , do/ . 00 Best Fleece of -Wool, Weight a Quality, 100 Best 5 Fat Wethers„_ • ; ; 300 Prnoss.--Sohn Bmclsy, Olalo;illicliard Boon, Baccoon;,Washiii'gton Johnion, South Beaver: I as s No. b--Swine. Best B o oar, / , ` l. 46 00 241 best Boar,l 4 CO Best Sow and' Pigs, I .6 00 , 2d best do do 800 Best Sow, ' j 40. 2d best Sow, , 2 00-, Best Fat Hog, *2 00' .21.1 hest, Fat Ilog, 1 't 1 00 Best Pig wiper 1 year. old.— 1:00 JVDOES.—Capt. Dan'l Dawson, Ohio; Cog Stephen Stone, Borough; CILIA Charles - Fisher, noon. viass rt0..6--Yottltry, Best 3 Shanghais, 2 Bens rind 1 Cock, $1 00 " l half breed, do do 100 Cochin China, do • do - 100 I 3 BrahmaPobtra,do - do 1 00 . 1 3 Bolton ,Graye(do do 1 00. ' 1 3 Dorking do do 100 " 3 Poittinl,; do I do 100 " Pair Turkeys. - Dip. lc 100 " Pair Muicovy Ducks, • " 100 ." Pair Common do - ;I 00. 11 . Pair Wild Geese, Domesticated, .1 00 " Colleotionof Poultry, not less than belonging to one person, ' 200 2d best do do do do 1 00, I Junots.-.--Mm. Leaf,{ Rochester; Th',mas Thornilay, Fallston; Charles 11. Schriner Phil lipsbusg. • _ 1 Class Nai• - 7—Dairy. -; , 1 i !Best Print Dinar, 6 lbs,) , Silver'Teaspooona :worth $5 00 12d best Print Butter, 6 lbs, `i i - • - Buiter Knife, worth 3 00 3d best Print butter, 6ltis, ' Dip. - & 1 .10 Pest batter, 10 lbs, 3 months old, . Diploma nnJ Butter Knife, worth 5 DO Best Cheese, :10 lbs, or over, .2 00 2d test do do IAo • 3.00 1 ,r 131 , i; es.—.lr.s. Clan' a l sa Rhiveley, s . -Be a vet; Nancy Dunlap, BredgeWater; Eliza Frazier, "Rochester. ; . - . , Class No. B—Honey: &c. Best Lot of Harley, inoWood or Glass, $2 00 2d test do . dodo 1.00 best Maple &mar. ' I. I 1 00 2d best, do: 1 • -50 4 - IfiDGlC9.—John Minter Ohiofll. N. Frazier, Rochester; S; M. Crail, Raccoon. -_ Class ISTo Best Acre of Wheat, 24 best d 3. best Acre of Rye, 2d best do best Acre of Oats, beet Acre of barley; 2d. best vdo best Acre of Corn, 2d best (10' . beo'Seed Whits Wheat, 8 bushels, 21 best do ' -'do best Seed Red' Wheat, 3 bushels, best nimleY, Ibnsbel, ' beet Corn in Ear, ?,.0 bushels, beet glover Seal, k bnehel, best Timothy - Seed, ,1 best Flax Seed, !I bushel, be-t iseans, busfiel„, . beet‘POtatoes, , - Vbushel, . , best Assortrien of, Potaties, & 00 200 2 00 1 00 100 50 Juuor.4.—.l, IV. Ramsey, South Bonier; Ja. Smith; Raccoon; Elan P. Townsen , l,W4 Brighton. • . ; . Clots. No ICY—Root crops. Best "Acre ofeshall nook 1 otatoes, .5.12 10 ' best acre of fled ~ ,1 •••,"do 2eo beit acre of S . ink. yci 1 / ;do ~ 200 best lot of eit . best Mange I i"urtzcl, 1 4O best Carrots, ' - 1 " 'best. Turnips, - ' . 1 best Ruts sage, ; . - • ~ ITi i best Cabbage, 1 • iii best Onions, " ' .•: 1 . • 1 best Turnips Beets, i . l - t best Parsnips, , ' . - - 1 , gent Sweet Pumpkins, " . . best eollectiqn of ; Squashes, , -- P best lot of M atermelbn.s, 1 Di best Citrons,i i best Collection of Vegetables, 1 i best i bustler of Tomatoes, . . :-, Jroons - - GeOrge Barclay, Brighton tp; r D. Doirds, Raccoon, Jos Irwin, Rochester tp i, .1 Class Noj,ll--rruit. . • Best 6 varieties of Fall Apples, 6 each, $2 ilk 2a best do doi do ' 10( best 6 varieties Win,er , Itppiee, o 2 01 26 best 6 do do ' ao 1 01 best s largest Col, d o —do 2 01 21 best do' do do 101 best Seeding Apples,l . 101 best half bushel Apples, # ' beat 3 varieties Summer and, Fall Peers, Five each, 26 best 3varietiesammtrier a - Pall P Five each, . best Winter Pears, 3 iarieti best peck of Winter, , Pears, best 6 varieties of Peaches,l 2d best 6 varieties of do best collection of : 1 1 do best .4 varieties of pintas,' best collection of. ' do best voiew Quukee4- ' beat Grapes,_.laabella, best s do Catawba, best _...14..:Aidj1, 1 4. best itrawberriei, best Collection if Ffis person, beet Dried Peaches j best do Apples, j JUDGM—Philip !Co ing,. Industry; fSamnel l / 100 .50 Claiii.NO. 1 2 — A Best Plow; two Horse,l best one Horse Plow, ' best Hillside Plow,',' best Corn Plow.' ' ' best Crain 1 - )rill, -• best Reaping and Not , best Corn-Planter, best Square Harrow, best Triangle do, - i best ClOver [fuller, 1 t ' , bsst Horse Iley R ake, 'i, 7 / . best Cutting.' Box - , Iri / ' s., best Machine to gather ClOrtir Seed, ' 3 beat Seed sower, I- Ai ll best Grain Craile, , I i I r . . ' best Threshing machine, V ' 1 • best Corm She ll er, 1 ~ best Cider Mill, • 1 . I , beet Fanning Mill, _ • ' best WheelbarroW, , ' best Corn Cultlister, best florae Shoeing, - , best flay Ladder, i .1 t best Farm , Laddere 20 feet !MI. bait Garden Ladder, 16 cici 11 $.5 00 4 0.1 3 00 200 2 00 100 E. 00 4 00 a DO' 200 a." - I - / l - • 1 II ,Field Crops. S 3 00 100 00, - I 100 2 00 1 2 01 varieties '5 each, do each, g pee o 1111 erally, to onej I" 3 00 Mt Tel . .; Moon; Joseph Ew- IStileo, 'Pulaski. • ana l IRV aments. • 00 • • '1:00 • . 1 ng /13 nisalkine, ,/ 5 I' - 1 1 , 1 I>eit rm Bdlm. lOO best do Axes. ' stud 1 best Aoien Flour barrels, OQOO best and Most numerowiCollietion of , Ag riciulturnl Implements, . Dlp. *nd 200 Jrrooss. —Wm G. t Wolf, Brighton tp; Hugh Irr'.e, Rtisibister'tp; Siam' Alcorn, Moon: CLASS •18-11ECIONICAL. IMPLE MENTS. I Iles 2it Horse Carri &2 age or i ßuggy, dipoo beg 1 ' do - do ; Dip: &' 1,00 hes 2 do WagOn,; .Dip. '& 200 best Dresiing Bureau, Di . p. 'Sr, 1 00 best Sofa, - Dip. & 100 bes 6 Mahogany Chairs, Dip. &,. OO be s t 6 Common- do 100 set, Cane' Seat 46 ' 100 ,best'DiirngTable, 1 00 'Kit Wasb Stand, 50 beSt Basket; Split,., ::::. - •50 be't do Willow, , 50 bet Picture Frame . Dip. & 5O best Carving on Wood, . i lOO , best Dozen of Bodes, Diploma. bdst do, Tubs,ltip , &I. 00 blst White Lead Kegs, • , •ppipma. st`Churn, ' .. ' - . i.. 100 best Pump, . • ' . Dip. & 1 00 ..best Bee Hive -7 ' ! 100 best Manure Forks, 6, , • OO. hist Hay do-: :6 • i. 100 bilt Broad Axe,. • „1 ....... 4.0 Al test Cutlery, •I'''. best Sample of Iron Railing, . . • 200 best Cooking Stove, I Dip. &1 00 beat Coal Stove, for Heating Churches and School Houses, . 2 00 hest Castings, generally, ' • '1 00 hest Stotle-ware, ,• '• Dip. & P,l 00 best' Fruit Jars,'.o, three Os, Dip. &' 100 best do b, two do 100 best Glass are, i Dip.X j 100 best Fire Brick; . j Dip. & 1.1 00 est Common do / . Dip. & 100 • JUDGES.-T. B White, New Brighton; ohnston Small, - Bridgewater; &aerates ;mall, Bridgewater. I- • .SS 14--LEATHER & ITS lAN ,- UFAC'IIURES. / Best Ilarness Leathe', D. & 1 00 ,best Skirting, , - 11 00 best Soke, ~ ; 1 1 00 belt Upper, , .:, , 100 bear Bridle, '_ 1 - 1 00 best Kip.Skins t . 4 r . • 100 best. Calf-SkimN-4 . Dip. &1 00 beat Double Seeo Car. Hex; Dip. & 3 00 best Set of Sing • do •1 50 litut do of . Dou le farm Harness, ' 200 best Man's Sari le, ' 2 0c) best-Side .Saddlk, ' ' 200 II best Bridle au i 3faitingal, 1 00 best Halter, • - • 50 j beat Lem* rutile, - 100 'best Y'r Gin 'a Calf Boots, Dip. A; 2 '01.; best do 80. Kips, • 1 00; best Stega, 1 00 best Sboes, ' .•1 00 • Br D; & 100 best Nair. ,adies' JOot3, ip. best do . 7 ~ d) Shoes 50 best do • do ' Slippers, . . 60 JUDGES.— Harrison 301illsn,; South Beaver; John W: Thomas, Boroigh; Os , car Nicholson, Rochester. CLASS 15.— AMERICAN FACTURES. j Best 10 yards of Broad,:lotb, • 200 best 10 do of Satinett, 00 • _ - tat t Ix) best Swine Silk, • Diploma.- 'beat Silk, Nesting, ' 1 00 best Flax or Tow Bngging, 1 , 00 Lest 6 Pieces of. Country. Linen, 100 ; best 6 Beams-of Writing Paper, 1 00; best Corn Brooms, Dozen, • 1 00 1 best Silk Mats; 1 00- best Fur lints 3, 00 1 best bbl of i 1 Flour; •. :1-00 JimoEs.—Hiram Stowe, 1) o ,r °ugh; l'hos. 31. Jaylor, Itochesterk' Join i Sterling, Hookstowa. - • ' CLASS" 16.—DOMESTIC MANUF'C'S ' Best Ornamental Needle work, • 1 00 best Coverlet, 1 00 2d best du - 50 Beat Ps*or Blankets, 1 00' best Table cover, 00-1 best Rag Carpet, 15 yds, Dip. & 1401 best Woolen Carpet, 15 yds, r 00 1.2 d best: do do ; 50 Best Diaper; 5 yds, 50 best de/Litten, 5 yds, ' ' 'lbe,st specimen Linen Thread, 50 'lbest,Thread-Lace, 4 yds, - 50 best knit Woolen Stocking, • 50 best knit Nits, and Gloves„ eanh, 80 best 2 loav6 Bread, Dip. & I.oo' best Pound Cake, ' 50 beet Sponge Cake, • 50 0 best Jelly do • 50 0 best Preserves, . Peach, •50 0 best Fruit Jelly, , 50 gbest Preserves, Strawberry, 50 . 0 best Specimen. of Pickles. 40 best sample of App c, Quince,* and 0 * 3uttex,each 1 galbn 0 2d best do , bert•Home made Soap, -` 100 ,o 2d best, 'do • do /- 50 0 best Candles, _ 0 best Ornamental Shell work,' `‘.l 00 ° best Stand Cover, 1 00 0 G) , best Silk Bonnet, 100 ) 2d b,.st . 50 ) best Patch Work Quilt, 2 00 . 2d de • do d 6 • 1 0 0 .'d tin do, "do• 50 best White Quilt r 1 00 • , 2d do 501 best Collar,, 1 00 ' Best Specithen Wax Flowers', 1 00 best Specimen Artificial Flowers, . foo l JurlGEs..--Mrs .- Cyi k thia .Cunningham;, Mrs: Mary A- Power, Rochester; Mrs. Ito: sauna Potter', Raccoon. - • CLASS 17---VLQWP.RS. Best variety and collection Flowers, 100 2d best do • do 5Q best'cot. and var. of Flowers in pots, 1 00 ) beat Greenhouse plants, od )0 best Basket of Flowers, 1 oci 0 2d best do do • 50 1° beat ; M o s s Vase with Fitment, 100 - 10 beseDish Vase with Flowers, I 1 00 )0 best Hand Bogue , ,1 00 )0 2d beat do; , 50 i 0 -best Flat Boquat, 00: )4) 2d beit do - ' • 56 )0 :beat Table Boguet,- OO 10 24 best • do • 60 . 01 best Floral Design, J 00 100 2d best do \ 50 Junnza-,-Mica gusan Pentland, Roches! 2 00 - 50 -ter; Mitre Nancy Moorehead, Sbaron;Ars. l . 60 Joseph McConnol, Now Bright On. l l i • Ell - CLAS - 18-41ISOELLANEOUS. Best Stone Fen,g, . 100 hest 13urdle Feice, ' - , 1 00 ~ belit - Posttand ail Fence,' 1' 00 best and la — reimen Col Dip. d!c4 00 best Dress ti , best made, Dip &.1 00 best Sack. or Oareoat, do . Dip. & 00 . best Satin or Velvet Vest,' ' Dip. .& 50 best Pak' Pa/..1,. - . . [5O best Speeime Wire, .Dip. & 1 00 t beat Oil lYain ngs, - - Diploma. best Crayon a Water Colors, , ! Diplema beat Dag,uerr pes or', Ambrotypes, Dip. nest Spleime lain and Fang' Job best Liiing dge, i. , , 00 bast Spbilxie tone cutting, DiplOma a : best Specitne Bricklrying. l' Diploma. t : '' best 2 Hams' eci by Exhibi t or,- 2 00 sal 2d bear:. , do '- ' , 100 c-,. 3d best di JUL L i3EiI y Atnierj _ Childs RIPS do . 50 .lin McCarter, Chippewa; oar,;.Rwebester; Lorenzo • CLASS 18 Three Plo one Dist of ,t of the Ohio The Sol will be the 01 : 143 hING e t g Matches will be Weld— W Be i aver River; one South at one West of lieaver river. io nd'ei, the tna6agenient of `the respeotiye District*. lace lee notice will i) . e la' Of • given, ~.' , , . i . The name the Ploughman must ti e given, ail well i thq-kind of Plough to be used,lat the tidi of entering. .! . ' 1 I . Each:Sectiookill [appoint its own Judges. Ikl DISCRETIO Rte- PILEMIIJIS I b' May be awaedettO articles Of merit not I ' e ' • mbraced in tintar ' List. s going 1 eTtiptiEs—Dald cots, Brighton; ; ` John john'ston, fermi, i hio; W. L Dickinson, . Rochester; '0 inn ingham, Beaver; Jos. T. Pugh, Newll ighton, Reuben Watt, South Beaver; la es Stewart, Moon. 11 , . ;RULES 1116 REGULATIONS . , . FOR THE GOVItNIKENT of the FAIR. 1 . , i • 'Rims 1. 'Co Phtitors at the Fair Must become membe ck the Society , and have . certificates - of nO berrhip, which moat be lehown to the S tart' before , ! any entries ;can be made. ey must also be'Citizetti ; - of the County, moors or the property exhibited Jrjp• niuna. I 1 - ‘,llrmE 2. Nu bored 1 earls; must be at tached to all Ail Oleo Stock„ &c. • whitili can be procured, \of the Secretary, bat names of owners strictl l excluded until after the award of Freud •' . . 1. yt 4uLE 3 . 1 Al oitnals or articles , must boon the Group efore 101o i alock, A N. on iTueiday, S ptember 28th, that they maybe arranged in readiness ,for e,iiamitait don by the Jud is immediately thereafter. Articles may s ubs equently be offered for exhibition, but i no case will premiums be awarded upon t elecood day' ; entries. All cards on such Waif be marked. second day entry. The ra ins article moot be qtsed to take two premi me. .I.tuLE 4J A libe Judges are .required to iepOrt them elybs at. the stand, at 10, o'clock, on Tu shy morning, Otherwise , - vacan44ea will e - itomediately filled up by the Board. 7 ey will make, full and de tailed reports, c rid return them' to the Sec reiary beforo I z ; c ..,,i 4Or kz 9n Wednesday.-" Fepar allents ) UN Pretninm 'List. ; When a is presented, •they are to ... 'sei forth in th • t ypo hy 'object t refer it the Di' •Iturs 5. , J urns upon in(ii nu comptition r --I RubE G• tliemseives net to be inte '• by any `person RULE, 7. 4:1 nantisAnust pi il:eint..l. , sted i t itut,s S.- for preminm et of the Fair, el All Stock &c to 'the Order 31auagers:' r-, , ?`to serve as a c'ampe!iog for I or in any way I Rut': 10. • award prerninu from.; other Co 11. Drit t lona ry Committee..'. Rips will not. awanl:preirti 'creut objectswithl . l little'or , it , , :iiilhitors (14 mot /to make vim to the Sudges—who are 114 ed within any manner, I I lompetitors for fietd crop, prel , eseut certified statements of view. I 1 o.anitnal or article entered n be removed until the close cept by,special permission. on exhibiti,mi will be subj , ct .d direction of ibo Board of ,o person wi?l be pirmitted Judge, if • he.'or be a . prcint..tm inthe same claim interested'. The Bo.irii — ofl Managers. triat us on srticlea Of special merit pities or States. I Tickets of membership ($1) . ( 1 ` 1 " gtveja/1 m prlvtiege .or tjo year, eun kg i eucceeling election, • arid admit to tit's Fair Ground during the the heads of a-Lreity, and children residing at bo l nie,exoept I thales 'over . 21 yo7ar's ' age. Single - Ticket ? , ,achnitting, lune 'person, 25 cents each, arnica will be' goo? fur one day • RUL'i 12; j knell Horsecor Colt brought UpOn Ground, (except, those ,engaged in hauling articles to the'Fair ' flr Lich shall not remain ;) be taxe3llsets each-- a t florae! , (.me owner); in harness 100 50 Otheiri; _ RULE 13.1 All Carria Ruggies'&c used in the ring, must be driven._clut !side of the Grounds immediately after training. • • • • • RULE 14. ! All Carriages, , Wagons, •or v e hi c l es o f-any kip! ' coming 'within the anclosure (except the preristoos in. Rulee 112th and 1340 must; . be entered for !conlp'etition,laud hive a etu - nlicra — eird placed. thereon :! ;lone otbnrs can be admit ted ' ' I "RULE 15. zI,H persona; having . Horses to exhibit or, train in tie ring. are required ttr show their Certificate' of membership, both at the Stock gateand 'entrance to 'the ring. • RULE 16. Luring or N be made in od of one Fair. I 1 All articles in the Minute°. echenical Detairttnents; must `he County, and within a per-- year previous to• the present Although an atimal or arfi• exhibited in more than one 11. ..premium can be awarded. Judges Elitist become meni 7 iociety. . ;judges are r9quested to ofsrsery article that cornea RULE 17 ole may be Class, but RULE 18 bers'of the Rums 11 make a. act. .ae-iko Nerd wash to make a [ with Mb name of thiowner at• • before . thetd full . report, r taabed- Rutz 21.' . flay orStraw for Stock will be famished fre& Of charge, and Grain at Coat price; and an abundance of Water will he on the Grorulds for a .u'r. poses.• . I t • , , Rutz 21.!. I 'Any person who my hring Intoxicating Liquas norther Fair Ground,' , either to drink himself, or, to• lose away, shallibe expello from tls enclosure, and not. be permittoid to enter again. The Maoagers will baye no Auctioneer to Sell any animals or articles ozhibied, which the ,JWIIOIII may wird to dispose' of; I on-the third day. , I ' The Secretary of the SOciety, Imortin l ) will be ready to receive entries for two weeks .previous to' the Fair, - runt would earnestly request all whii.tan, to make application beford the •Fair, as it will ,facilitate arrangement's that may lre Made for their accommodation. ! ' The Board Of Managers (which includes Office 7,) will be present on the Orrounds id ill be ,Pleased to give any Inform or. to competitors or others" who liity.'dc.! re t. `••••-• A . Address sill be delivered from the I to . at O'clock P. Non the seeped f the Fair. The award of, premiums ill be readiromediately aftorwar6. T.e .Bokrd have taken consider4le pains t aariTigerneo of the• Premium List >r his year; yet ware far from flattering urs Ives that] we have a cornpletel List.— l , re hope however, that this will riot 'deter oy from bringing articles not ennrnemted o r List; - We have a a large Discre ten ry Llommittee. and' no pains ! ! will be pa -d on that part of the Board for the cc mmodation of all. • '• ' We have Got 'Em. 11 doubt in relation to the election in i.nesota is dispelled. Dieucounty_ has e. heard from, and the clear R i tpublieaa= ority is sixteen delegates. 'he Con lon will eoasit of 102 nienabersr.,.of With al • There are Republicans, 59 " " Pro Slavery Deouocratat 4 Republican While the result seemed in doubt the Pro• Slavery leaders sent an express to Pem bina, to bring down six half breeds residing outside of the boundaries of the proposed State, as defined by det of Congress, - for the purpose of securing a majority in th& l ' Convention, But that game is blocked.— Tho six read-skin ;'scalper allies tifj the lj,ent-'1 oeracy will be summarily kicked out.of the-, Convention. if they attempt to obtrude their copper-Leads upon that body. Even I if admitted to peals, it would be of no par ty advantage to the 'Buck Atricans, as the Indians would uc.t hold the halance of power. . We presurde that, after filliog their shins .with fire water, enjoying a dog feast and a war dance, at the expense of their white confederates, they will take the back trail to the Red river of the North ; having their tramp foi their trouble.--Chicayo Trib. , . .t. . >. Goon PLixit—Tlie follow: incident took Place at Big Spring, Kansas': While! Gavenor Walker WU speaking to the peo ple there, Attorney General Weir- got into conversation with Judge Smith, lately fram Butler count, in this State:. ,d "Attorndy General Weir, tidying become somewhat nervous mad e - pf'al,lasseried that the Free State men were a set of cowards. "Judge Smith, a man of 50 years and more, overboard the .expressmn, rand pro claimed it false. Weir didn't•li,ke the lie di. protected him from .a thrashint. ' ,- , i r(Then take 30 years froni My j agei said this Judge - , 'and meet, mese though I were knit twenty-ono:, I , :"Weir, fitiding \ that, he had a man to eal With, backed out ingloriniNly, by as serting ihat the Judge' seasFi urro ma de d by ft iend-; tci'whieh the Judgs promptly rel plied th' t they could go aloud to the prai-1 die and,ght it out. , I ' ? • "l'lti Worried the Atterifei General still Imo, e, and he final) , vaincis4d iit_a most cowartifi manner T I ' 1 , 1 ANO-ruEn—The Clarion ' Bantier,fina of the papers'relied on by, the Sanderson and/ Brady dlique to support the tat:tem:ter nom inationtll has run up the Wihnot ticket and turns a !cold shouldet upon the 4'side door" operJtidns. The editor expressesi is strong atulitinictnt to I the "American". part . ", but• adds: I ' 6 13ut we are snre itcan never win eitbar respect tn. victory so long as 1 - -I.s controlled by a few log-rollers, whose. only object is to . spread difficulty in the way,' of success. . For slur part we weald sacrifice much-- "hut cannot Surrender.. principle—we dare, not . ignore right-wo must" not seek the el evutionlof men Ito office merely because they mill themselves Americans, wit) lack ing' the proper qualification Jrinst bring ills : gi4e td our cause and earn the _withering content of the 'world." • I • ru6tE DID THE MONEY- U 0 vo ?---13res , ,lin I thelLoeofoco State Treasurer Of Ohio,• who stOle well up to a million of public t - money, apppars to have had a fancy for crying onWild .Cat .barrs with the peo ple Money ! The Baliimote Sun says:. ‘rWe Will simply state that, Mr. B. is knowultohave been the purchaser, and is at present the ostensible proprietor,. .of the whole or a majority of the stocOof two of our Maryland Banks, WeensbOrough Bank,lof Caroline county, and the cumber land livings Bank, of AlSgheny ,County. We have not heard that the latter has brenaonducted otherwise than efficiently, ,or that the former it; not•at present - correct. ly managed. What was it,t doubtftil char acter formerly is well known.'.' =I „, A iIIASTELPIECE OUT DONE. We have until lately supposed Ayer's Cherry Pecta. ral wets the Ultima Thule in its 'line,° and that nothing had been.oryould be invented which could surpais, it in its fine pointsof excellence as a medicine. Bur we are con fulcititly assured by those competent to judgeron the subject, that Da Airta.'it new PlL9•excel io bigh artistry, even that widely celebrated embodiment at his skill, He has 3 -succeded in making . 'them not only pleasant to take but powerful to euieithe large class of cdmplaints which requite a purgative remedy. , • --Lancaster Argus- - 4.1 ONE fact connected with the Washington riot is full of alarm for • the future—a ma jority of the mob which is said to=have been boys lender eighteen years , of age: The mob which hung, the negroes in Louisville; a few weeks ago. was partly composed of the same material and wherever a riot occurs we have the same report. And these aro to be the ep who in a-abort time will have yet:droll' of tW,country! , • , 1111 , - REAVEII -.7inG S. , ~. wiiisti .....J. WTAM). , . : bit & 1,, Weyand. giitots * Pro rietors GovERNQR, ljt AVID,' Of Brailfc l rd 'Cowl; y. FOR SUritE i NE JUDO James • Of Fayette Counts, "0 _ 4osetill J: Le Of atester County. DE LORMiA. WILL; tar w, • 4(egzsle SAMUE._II B. WILLIAM , Clerk, of uggri ALFRED 0. MeCRE.A.RX, , _ • - G - mmissios ier: ABNER MORTON; Frinkli ' - - , , ANDREW M. PUI:DI7, 1 11 a• • - l• '• , Cormier:. . fSTATHAN P..QbtfeEl,, PoOr, 11);ise, I)irei - ' ) •• 'Trustees - of. Acadeilly.;- Sl.l. kii:NNEDY N. ilrlghto, (4 yeap?.) '3lO Il' I KAI) SI yrs.) AI3N.ER I.".LACOCK,l{,pciw‘ rtp 3 ts") , • _ 121•11 BEAVER, WVD*gsto.lY, JULY 5, /85: NA I I COM MISS iLLW/ • )1 FOR C W IMI +. f or UNIOTI COUNTY TI T. rssembly: 1113Ri1i, Ror ()ugh . • - Recor i • 1:1 7 41,50N, , Borough. Treasii7-er.. 'NR Y, Of jipi.ough. UNION COVNTT Co3I MITE ' the Chairtnan of i tim Convent! sembl'etl at this place o the• - '2' announced the follot!itig. per. lute this Coutityl Exie,iutve James Dartagh; W B ilLioden; Hugh 1B Courtne'y, Divid i‘ richlotv T J ChandlerWm c .P.trtcr John Sleutz, Johyt McCarto renqe, ,Wm Bbrodes, It Cj Orr The Fourth passed ,o ity quietly and without acci we hay% learned: Swim Soboolsioelebrateil the ak oodE, others in their resre j Quit a lively draft tirl tial 1 1111151 re, and etincnruli 'day andlbrilttant fire worki were tbeichi4, attraction:. LeTt• TlCritT persons notniniit'il b of Laiance Co, on the 29t cos , for are uann ;).1 Fra r, Os. p : se n),1)) . y socia to Ju9gt,.1,,--kS'alnuel inissioner,- 1 ,-llsatte P.Cow,, Isaac N Philip.: A u ffft, 1 'Tacker and R peal" - This -watchword' wllich was- thrown to -the breeze so checiily 'by the Denrultic , Press, a Mouth or two ago , with the seem cingdetertutnation t.) do hr ( ii. unaLr tr, f has suddenly eollapsed, arld been compelled to conic down since the, daii4lote . of Coe Su , ,) preme Court .has b,..en rtudered, M.4.. , t.:.0 i sale of PublE: Work . effec'ed,.. amusing-Iris to vote the coolte34-..witlrtilich some Of "thean haul down -iliesk t colois: 1 .; 1` They profess to hold•out i themles hat the ;Supremo Court - assumed the ? ideniieal ground that they propose, -the next Legis liture•totakel The Co' rt 'it " mill fiat re meMbered, decided that a sale nn-der' the bill of the late I.gishiture, 'would be con .] stitutionahand valid-in ‘all'respact4, [save o. exonoration of th Pepuvlvania . I: tilroall ) t from the payntent ,Of taxe4. Now .it , strikes us' that the Periver4ic papers did' not resist a sale on this ground particularly;; 'indeed; we scarcely ever 8:1W the point - , al luded.' to atf fill by an of pion. But frOm one end of tho St to to (he "othier- , - w4h th&"boly exception , perhaps, of the Philadelphia Peusylvani u Lthsy, have,re aimed a sale uuder an a i tcd all cir , arn, staneea r deClaring 'that t e bill 'Wad iuta mous, unconstitutional; „that , it was liter ally giving away -the. 3 iiblic Worksi for nething(, that the Cana P. mr‘l.wmild 'be abolished, 'a large nun ber of moritoii i ous personsf thrown out' of Cniployment', %I fall pass into` the lititilir and revert to the benefit of a - "sot - Wogs corickration " The'. sentiment of 0 1 14Ponmertic :press . was, withbout doubt!, truly reoCctd 'by the late Democratic_ State &convention, when it slaughtered a resolution, 'elect:whi z i - , the party not oppasettto'a sale c upon favor ablelterms. _The Artie secret of this ehnge of tactics is not- that'he ; Supr4tde Court 'has removed the ground of their objection, but•iiinply because " aeker a' nd repeal' wont pay: . They - are afraid - to.f ace the --$ music. The load 'WO Id, bd al i little i too heavy, antl,the frauds in the ;:ikaiii of,the publpi works h ve bectr 'a -little too bald to be :successfully ftititied and defend ed before the _sover2i .1 people of Penn 'liar:knit', and so they I : have wisely Ringo a *lies of necssity, net'. hike . Capt. Scott's coon, have:Concluded to "come doviu." The, principle of "sr t uat ter •sovii et i t 1 ' bas bepn.s tiarling,'favorite with -litte r i t! Deltientraey, The tratiells !sate preich e d i ~ • bearaj!es, estoleil its if.iirness, all 1 1 liniu g ht to give•it unitersiti applicali tirr , I„, mtueb , as a wall it ihruwa l ari7ntill Kan sa , , anti shivery futerdieteilof Nr all till V:. u.i:eoa • the lorild scheme wois conceive!l to_ ovittu rn thectwk - of , the f A athers' fu to r 1.,-,,P ,"e . lor ., - . : • i•, ,i of introducing- thtf 4 phtut of sudilii•ti 2' or I l r-1,--- ti r anti thu s ail in, the spread of hunia'n 1- tint age. i I,t is nu4r•ewary to say that 11-.-b hLI - [it'd bad scilf,:LL O ' h is thin, fat...b,:eale- it ,f / f„„ 1 1 ly su6e(sstol.;‘3,l%lultitu-oles 'fa d ow „ 02 , 1 liworhipped thisillusive o and fa Is, ii,;i. r , . h Ana ;is - Ka-us:is . lins been the fir's't •rietira-to 1 ' • ft i tii'l the det4l o. . -1 - ti tins at a oir , de t4l ....p.o.i ir o ti , s /4 ; h o future will close.iliso -winither siiie , sili ii , t trlso4Je t i lie htt. Ti• he nottnitiiiNl'ti p ill - v . -. / „ . •-, • 1.- 1 petrute.i 4 .! in r tiiii .o, inn on (:)Ull t r:,'H 1 14 . 1 I_ , ' 1 thp-effeet of ea: 7 iii : !.n su , id....n ha!: in "Le march or '‘rquiitter sovereb.fiity4 'll O eye , , l'Of-the dilitiljo-,il aft la ii%,t l runeili I foi l . dhr.. ' cover that then- !ttiers 'nave Ur r: n ka'l ii alon g a de•ri )wi pith's Li', jwnoil) y Ilq • lIIF IL:171 ' t lieiil to i . iiiiik . wil, de,r4tio„.4„, writinicalreall- a'ppears a 5 kgihle tot. 4 the niiiin:-liny s un; that tither "Sipiiitter . Sorer,: eiipity '11U:of li_ ipore.loliil i • given: up, of 'the PVITMCI at le t• 11 Ifi It 't 'll ' fquilder . upon, this r , :i..1; hurl .go to pie Las Jlfe leaders, ii head, elettr!y iiniietnitt. 4 the lireatt rs oiklh'l,ld, are) •prclparing • for a elate .of 1 fr..nt. - . And j'ildgtrig friint the Etoitily; ‘• - ilil prity has Lofe‘tiirretly is'..l fr, lo . 1 n•• Lou toe •itticr, ari ;oirconn , l , Imo . . . . ~,/ f o ri, quire,- thri 1. tliitpfilib / - clivi 1 i b e .. aeeretiplisilet ivittionc ,tpui,o ! i , _; t i a li. r l'iiinglits o tha earl) , ' ". 7 .-•quatter ti,vereiguty, I I as 10T , s. h ' IS, N ER, R D i s llzightors coon Ajr.,;,, ,•!,`" 13rigliton. tor. z;b l .e.sr, H! in !pled of tleit - xle7s of tli,? -1 1)el :recent Spncl:,Nit ~liriiig ell, s tie:t/ to ti c.. .fl,ll.)winfr . \ , ..:11-h.,4L) the au:heniic rivp. if it •11:i: fti't • , a pe 1,,1i.c,d to eKi,t, iti•kili li.!e'onte ti,, tltry of Conn-,i , , , , • • to, apply b i n. Itlil,--r g c,_ ' eu , on. tlii., - io.itlt'sonte kti:. , ,0.•••; ite ti;ter-- , [ . ..,, , ,pp1au.2( : , ] , INo teropopmp• 1., !1? . v— h , 1 h alf-rely 111 ,- ;:NIITC -- )r 11l ' 91 , 11 al I.ls, r.__ 1 * :i c * x * If tio.re i.:4 imr hula i•i l • • ennui - ill tee:— •• - 1 • • ,1 the repot t xv . 2 reeutyq. crow- I;'3'.i. t'.n.l-,„,; . ffi,y, Nirta.. I-s, ',bay hits Nchat law,: it iello, , :,::: Ibut. •-- , • 3 ~ .1e.., ,7,4 T.,ylyr, 'W 1 r,ever itly up , -n Ow IDe,d tr;1‘111,1.. •,n1 i';- Silas Merrick:: rleA 4oriinui9 l ) oriole:: e , to vit'el Iv ),Jr ,l Samuel ' 111 " ns- I`,1 111 '" t-. 1f rr . lt'" - -Y: ' "IP- 1 ~':;1 'tusl • ' : , ta or, ..ile-Itill-rson-cly twi-t b 1 1. , 1 ., ,• ~A ~ ‘liltpn Law-1 -,- - .; , ` ' ' .'•' :. '' - 1. -• ' - ylpp i.e 1- --ill- my , :pnit di , t'P... '',) .. s ,e 6 tty- jr l ille s ,-stiotiM lk;i11 , ! .. ZO • i..t;i Ir.. 1 • : l (t' l i‘ , • 1 .- re ~.: i i. .12. lrgll ~ ,1...—.),), ',1,.. -P - -"t • 'orritrlri 11. c , ly'e I tannt o::: of e..vi....t in t ll i3 vicin-.: --- , 1 „ •, - ..-.1.0, . : up•ln tth.t.grou:ll Lo , tt til, 3: .I,t e ,1 , :t.117 - 2i , Ptlent,. •to fat as ntiqsati , i ou'litv , ,Jlenving tie ,:it. , lii-iel ~ )f the Sabi:Mal , zi ipil,frili,e - r1.;! auril'Zii l .y . 'of the Utfik. ,'„ i ,i, )r , n the St:ites - - =")Ir Reed, !orb which as: Oth •ult., lias 110 . 2 `to COrrAti-, ietive churches-1 I , Fitts ,-New hal in the' 4. - ' l' lA. A 4 thaii).wer (Ifni' of \rhat was • .. f 1 1-4 Clio" Pitta - & Eiie Riad. 1.1;•.p g, durtng the I s 'Y ' -• . .., 1 i ll '... ;, ',i, t h e c , ...;,, mg. act of tlte . J.,-gi , l ttnr the. tut , e. 9,..i. , ' .ri to that of "''N,i'elt.)lion ii.urr'llmill ~ ._____•_40,....., I ~,,.,,,,,r il 'lt. 'll .; t 1 en t. ) 1j,..N..n. C.lr.. —The following ,-.',, f. 1 t .i',- ' ti • tl' . yartilp 4. ~i,, „ ii,,, ,kn, ~, ,0.- ~4, , the 11 '1' .-1 . 11 "" s 1,e4,1, this :,r;it , 1,... Ti •i,4 A ',l : •sri.-, 1 .. 1 • () an 0 19 - 0111 7 ; to 1)::-.60 11 , 1,treA. 'r,itte fe. , ..it the (./.c. , il ; Sen ' t2; ' 7 , .": ul. ' vet . .-I , l ' 111 , .: I..1'„;•_ , The 'ay.frk is I-1 : 3. P Simvv). Al .,- ,•, ~ f , ~, u .1:1 , „t ,'-r e 1., n , i 1 , . ...... , cprogte F. 1.1, ~ . 11, _... ti (.. ,• u . ~ ~. 1 aphotti '-' C0i11 , , , n, ),1,k c Elie.. :1.:11,...t. rr; i , i• , t , t:i' . :- 4.1- • - Th 23,5 i.1r") -- r 1 0.,,,,,.• let ,::: on Nel.,- 1!..i.- C.- ).4;il It IA: r—J l'v' - '3liller.l. - -; . . •)„,, „, . ~ ts (U 3 ter the ,_, rrtr,.llt ( r ' I ' 1 1 ,n r ' fori - ;:k 2 r en.sr•-,2-:, 1'rt...< 7 .1.t,t 1 '...ti .),(') 52. • f', • • p ., 1..: 1 , ..cltilir.)l , l: an I t... 4. .-, gre7.tter r. 0' ... .....•:,::.„L - .... , .7 has IJC“?11 . : s all ,‘2,teti .„t,.1 11 -1 , .y1 7: l 4.1) ty vi r:,l Litt ttUI, 'w ~ lio ar.• ~..t-.11 i-; .;:1' r..ers wtth'":inneltat;•lr f .. , e--... - 1 n'tet It ith . the Pit.; i Ft 1. - ' .i i' 'l'• 'l.' I' .„, , 1 ,, 1 . . , ~' • i' - ., , -; or uear ; .•,..trongtor, tut. .11.,,t. i pr•te-1 thy, tnite.s ft:ci-r, - ...w.:L}un- -L n: , ~- • : r ~. , • 42 4' ~..., 1 drawback', evert- thrri.:".';'li '' '''''''.? " for the.-r.ti.14(1.. 1 - t'.l; ,- Zti - r -- 4, - .J . 1.7 - . , l,fry 1 _ . r I;A fta - VENT I ON L 1 14e:111 , 1 , 1 .- i:2 -. .. - ..! C nn".!tiTl , Skin I!l'rital , a [i‘t n.. , ::III ,'0 .1 ti,e i !Ili tiek , et-it t s ,. t ~•,,, t:t - .,itn: ':.•% L,LIIICS C, irrviii,.. 1:1' d - ,;„ ly. n - ' . , -.; ~ i • + ' 11(70- • Cldrl: of t',',-tq .1 NI Jack -- i - ,11:- , .., ,'' •.-.. .• ' -.. urer I'. 1,. 1:1 mil; 1, 1 4 - lilLis.,iotier, 1'i..r , , , '• 1.1.1:it. , - 1 Patt t rr• ' • ''. ,11 i 4 Ili-.,•,. ~,.;! r.'1,),....4t. ..ylet; l tt h•7 Corrall . , it t tin,“ec,:, IT." B Nit , l.r3on - 4 l • , Frazier, ! :. 1.,. , Marlin S. 'II.. 1•i• Tile wirc--pulier: in : la,,t iveek or teri4as.3' 1 evei y .nerye folentonli ,:s the 1ef.21 , Ilitehio; (lion 'the 'snr!f,Niti ,, Tl ili.lt L !, tratiiiir 3.1 r. 'cilton, Was 1(;.$ rulnerJ o.c ::, Eon elrtatu -.punts . tin,l tl.at he u-0.1 ~, be to untko -, kotne inroa•lfi urn t: Iteptil,i(!+o ranks on the south sideot - }.. riper. But the rural, df.,,triei NV 1 ;: t . 81r( " i go t 5 ., and• Mr. - Ritchie was ue r tm:.:e l mach ':t.qa the - uto - Etiticatkan -- an , l tl24,ni '' r ~,; tit* .1.101:e aetire'' l e , A ders. low t [ -.. "11.1 t the best' lail plan. of 11l lee AU '''' Aft gang z . g 4 lee." . ' .: 1 , _ . -- - --- 21-- ----- i - '- - • A munnTrPts.=—Mr. G.W1,1 Iron I ark, baS ening(' at StoutileV roan a tad_ Ain taw pre 11.);rff, irk , t wliere hepriidueiti;}, por . traifs• ;.I Es upon thei, for mai:ing, 'are hfill Thit 'thorn , rt 4114. ' 3 is 'also ttausferrod Ito sheet lrou, paper, • &e. Mr erritEn introtlae 6 no 1.0 val'uablOtitprot.caorktsTratbi. A which Car/TlM:fail' to attract and •adtniration "publio.—S lo47) q • ' 24 ' gentletnan,arudeti to' abeCe: I; 1. :StUb.ollVi Ile: Herald. is now ;f BeitY%'.sli, eated dni Court; tlnu,:e; &Jai q ). ecinle . fisVelativ i e se;:n of hisartip''',3 . we ran teadily reConitnedd artibt - fitte.l P lieth by taste a erlerle.e to rep e , le cat -ftion al , " 4. r , reay give bitw'a t:>l El , Change of vont. - ,R ez • ,Ayr:, ' , might rtt.) diara:t'. ,frielo wolf -'as the, er:t Li r, Ili. LI:- e.rliova ‘,•ati-/ ne.e ~i'Lli..,:: 'ffadt's.:.witi•f' 'l'l 11. ti cleva.; R'• ;10's -place 114,1 -been I MIN II Essi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers