IMMO - . PRINT . E!) ?..71) PIiTILISIIEto it GOVEIII\ 33 S.-, J. ' l . IN FIYA ND .. •. 1 , • Roger A. Pryor . ~ , , . , .., ~, , -;, 1 .131151-410:91dAmt.t.An and Ftyrr CP,Nrs,pt r shetea of uncoil nlini, v ania.tacc; othertvise;Tlyo' Dor.tanli: 5a9. - c6ming as it ..I charged. 4 „, , lCo paper discontinited, tint I dent r, t d entoera an afr:Carts , 99e's sre,ettled amc'ept. at the option ' •- .1 . . 9 9 , ' Flueltanau last fall, i t the r iEditors. \ ! Advertisements •inserted nt the rate of 50 ct i talc:ince. Ile s:Ci's: !g• - itrire, of fifteen lines for one itiseill'on-1 The lion. Robert h lohscipient insertion 25 cerits. Al , libertf,!GoTe'rnor of Kansas. .:onnt made to yearly - adliertisi;rs. , , larger ineasitre of - ,tal t-- - ir Letters • n.nd. communications ; by mail, , -it 1. ,-- ,v'e„pronint attention. _ ......................* suspected of 'the least ./ esty: A bankrupt , Intallion:aire at. WC' - ex phans, a speculator is jobber spun other pc 'last man in the Unil should havo intrait much' of private hono . Governorship of Kans. the impulse of. his. o I. certain as th ' at a'Nsult I stinct for carrion. 0 1 South frolics Norther 1-promoting his personni dust from his feet thy: roe of Mississippi garb Don. Since the close tion lie has resple,l iit sued tira occupation of ri adventurer. Cowie pitice, he rontoiie • tosiUCtu 4:1 SieVpiltg. lizemen,c, from • mrnql of ilenlBt ha's an article on', the .'re,i,.lcn6,+- I (;fit ra . ji. hp et, .: witlr:t it is ar:-sic.t tont It ; I pro 41:• . ,!) the 1-':le than on tire : d nity i . nia chil I :ins Is aftvr 4, , in; to glecp, .I,:t the ) ene ,- .lnntereTi Ltd -sts:n drt - n:...k. Jtyst pns:sintr fr - yen s:eep on the street the other haciz, i.fter 4 hem-ty meal, :the j terii:4 at a coMpanieb wriZlit on the , ilac;:ti:re ttratins, and t.that of the , Flanders ever'-fadulged VII t the 41e.. reinb,f the body, near . "Obis mere ltihe itc l'''"k l lnet \ '" d in i ntr°ll - the f tire the,nosino of the D I f the rrest Is par- • 7 i T\ \ ' • . j lie has parents a matt • • ' ' 'there • -trts rn ; toer wile c*serishes are the ra . e.Al hCcn recent- we pt*y, theta. Tilel deei , „lea, rtmL:Alle i than a:eur.;•it and sh. • , utter itlasplemles., or eleaant..die may be, gentleason is his now will nermi.concentrata Let on 1.)-y,indttlge i •• For 0f... Argus, 3 IDik}lO3l'PTU. ar•Pent "F/ordlExttbittou." . 7") se r:roill , plr , i Smolt 1 3y ,;ttly - ritlier trktne; _ . I .-r. - /ing ttich,' rnedu.3,3 • 'flit: . ?,c. _tre tt fame: F.,r wit, when. Will ,Jitet, the Tiv..tnr.nit!l spur int 9 r ,~ r,"•t-t~iJ, :•l t:iu,= ~, .ii'{,i.Ci.~ 1 !Av.?. ,re' or Mviiv,r. cu.'. ' - • . • Vrn'. ,1': 1l ati ,6•Y.L1114 -, over.a i-rc the licae.t. or other/ r, thej . deTerftte off•Jrt to t nrcp yes us; Cant on the stas-, fltj:,tz an(' in a, or rex-, d:- I titllll.lir.'i. or feeting ofe.s.henstion, ,le:2, l rees Of stel7,n3tion, ;:trenr - th of the elf. , rt titft.le to esenpe I:lll,fer.f nre - not Able fo c. - i) the)thlnger, :when we do over the when the titmlAinvtitilg eettshes.usj— the;•? lii: i-1.4 rin:t Ii the . .lendi b_, , e of whlin it Is sai i, when f,i;ud life;&s . . . . .0. It j ligir 1 , a1;-in s tl.' v ; :aniin.4:. "Ttiey were as ~ .1: :,s they err , reitbe' dny, before;":" and ~,:: ..' isaddeil; : nil ate heartier thtlll common. f l I:,it;“st,:ris a freVent centso - of death to those ii:). , :ttr, , ootte.tty tied ren, to • trtk no more, Ire. ::.rew nrely , as a. private opinion.. The 4 .:Tr- 4 '7 I , lNll:ty; , a:tisli'letfi - ii xiitialaciitillt :illy ilO : i , .?1 , 1.1111-,11 fr, , m a late - alt A n heafty 'meal. This 4 , ',II: Av .- with. 'lett a‘nty, that waking iiii, in 51t with palt.fui A.1'1r25..,...11,`,T choleri, pr , ,colicendina indCittlyiti a eery shaft .M....., i:. ,ronerl. tracenhii? to - a Lite larze/14 - ca!- I,iii 1111ti..t T. ilotvr , : A it; —Tice 4tr1e5...:,-.3.7., ...:,-.3.7., ,114 has 1 , 2:a casting, the horosdore of ..e. ;:-.'.. atlLl , ..t:Mi ' f,,rwar.l as far as IS'iil, and i t u%'...): ~.1:1..., _ P f ' S.l % - it, ill,e, pr.)Spect, ' lir , , "r. tiros []- I t tho ‘; 0 1: wi:11 he mile _ . 3 - i" tik . e,pkntryi _Ht ., . 're: • the Ai s to ." au t th pon-ar of .s'ec ,Tl win neeqe .1;; T. -121t ;;;.[ • .; .are not tv til ,keeltrul nuqq , • F , ir the r . . 1ti •1 ."!1. , 1 CellLrol . !!-.;. 1•5..1...: 1 calling front tut the ::..-71m;!.1 ial ain ", 11.:.;C -• 10qt: I 1 Went:, f 1;141 ..spiior..fiticiu,f I is TCC , . V,V its ancient I th..".er.lifederntibt); than Vir wea'a r.elvei; re_ r:k4:l the victdi irSmc oppres- Itz-tiul apppctite. The une - tital and tsiiyy' ~71 the Kirt' the Federal .',(IN-7 •! the combhintion e:ryttd-, .. ; 5. 111.:!, "'.:arc the 5....i0ttz1k to its (.f depeildeiley, aril elevated tltc 1.1:1 fr2..:llitt. , or it,ferioriti. to trium r:t - Iv. 11' :17:Ttn7ate. the divnrity tlre ecc;iong, until nue be- c Macey` the 'other.'! 'AN+) I..;:qth26LiAs.--Wlifklebont ;;) iirie‘ within the p?Ft fir ron.. in e=nsrgt:eneC of the ennrinotiq .(I%,tte in skirt-hrop.. The of :Saturday, the w.:wksale price now , zi4llty cents '3. pound. '4,e ef to-aay reports'a Pile ofeight -r."rd ninetyvUe.f An umbrella r h.forras us that' at I ms in'en f r .y. a tit , trar. Anti a half kpound for end Cie five Aolfar, ! 1 : 1 .1: -. 1:i's,J two mmths ng!) are now 'Fold fo r ihis all. The braces: become ! • at:ditiated, Leing hardly More than half ttir . 4 tree in the old-faillorted:uinbrel-, 4 that. 'the prespeet we shall he 'eom-, e. •:` , l to re- tshuaf an'steelliriees which el.per c. : • .Ertnratcr.—Jrnn-on Daris,ex-MiniFter has tu:, , le an lull - Tess:lre Epeech in mis !, ~.Ez11: is which 'he dietatcs toMr_rtathanan " 1 . :•:y , :r the noni titres. years na , l nine ' t; ''..,==, alp] -t - -ti crisisof he L'a'on . 1 ,, ••r , r,e.,, the • ~ ,, 1 ` , l 17,:0., when he thirk.s. that - zuiC,is the .r.:',; ”,......•.• t ...... , .1. , ..11,c,,.e i.r,.: ezto.y saccutnbed, a cams Z:'.;' will have arisen t'' q^ coons s-' weeti de fi,e ton --, R,3 ditnmeari of the elesing .struzgle is p t. , 1 :-,, a% ,- c - d....11 , .. , rdte.'"1.1t.' s!ta - srs at least this . C;; L , Dim; , .^ 1-.. , re-(rye , c: '-t r..r , rr,;11..- 1 it , °-1 i::—..; 1%1 A r . " 1 ,1•1 I; - 4 ,,, rth -tit anr. tit- Eli - ,- . _ iI . " ... ...:' ' ' to acquire :in appear:in good aud true will rega wi Vilirrever lie n wither-under his tread, in the hearts of men a DISSORIPTIOF or A York corrOvo . ndioit of as follow 4. "Hare yen seen a'p t'imbro origin, and of it known in lltiladelphia, York. I You'llaver ,. afiii. Nfribil•Tlltat d :, - 4 Re - M r , ' bey. The ?r 'pl eal4e;l:ilerivesghii napi, prels.sive in his ?um plly efrces which he produc 'of nu sdrersnry. Every ond, eon:iv:4l1 1 lows.. Ile is of o limitt, pfeFsed faca. I close-eroi ally firtO built. Alone. ;14 brsve whe likes to tal peire . l2 are within fiettri .epi the t At Lis lig etiliste4 in any cons pr.rzes yritv ns It nwans flu vo:ig,11 1 )oriln.) , 1 lu 1 t 3 , Is'e , ftwr i; utpler,tl A cik,rt:o or lUtrill 4.; bile; s tick JJQ paistlnger4. Amon 120 yottn7 women; and 1:3?: .11,ffereiit iroiro.ig - rittioni.ltre (lerrd3 . ; litiTfrorn : ne•trly 4,004 , rrojority ofwbonl'are bd to ii land Pntitle.rthe r l tinn 'Fon , l."- The 4ihje . c thi3 fund is to rai•fe the . better the coi!.lition of p e , t Ilistrie's of Ireland b Lion to the United States her of each f.Linily; speci df . gool character an , lin expectritiAnthit thec. p Daly Letter tiO:ir cISCII COI itg to tile genero❑ send for, or otherwi of the (tinily ite,lre!and A yor Dcht•stos Bose that a. man jielon: flocs`' ilO 11:longs to*his or his relationQ, dr his. , er xomeform or Other. lt g - ood and bchrilf . that lie they kindly allow •hint centage of his" gains. to pleasere _or wants. If is all,tind even for that cicty. in eliort, society is the servant:. nnil it enciety proves a good or Watt turns out a good or A Goon. changes which - have . Charleston, S. C , has shy ceinitimity: She haS h. timer- ie"present ConE the Into Tencrable who was appn!nted by snow alter hit inaugurati l and thdprespt worthy Alfred Huger, who was, Jac1:5011, in January , ,, .1 Mr. tion.' V wrAli the tools are ion county, fc another for rent. of ecilence was adduced• env!. jur:, 0 , fll. ut lie pai.l r $1.5 1 11 , • r Walker. draws the lollowini rich • an's new Governor of tan es from the pen or An nr *arm supporter of Mr Nesesse4 a peculiar sig!. . Walker was appointed With a reputation for a L. , ts than usually falls to en, he has Peretaret been partiele of,personal hnn" ith a, splendid.income, .crise of widows and or: L fictitious stocks, rind a rite?' mouey—ho was the to Whom the President mission iniptying eo ent pnblin•virtue as the • That he would obey venal, ambition, was as re is - %overned by, an in .. 216 ally the State, with n View. - o f fortune - ,. bg . *boob. its :uncut the generous peo_ Tim al national roputa , " of the 1%,11c aclininistra ho North; au d .has pur a - rpAitical ed with a passion for every • st;heme of self seat in the Cabinet to !r00d..." EMI e. a terrible six. or eight Yearsof:age , lay, wbo was 4ivenriug, no one in the army of. in fo•aler profanity' than he ha 4 teamed to 43;we know not, but if er t:iat hives him', a fa_ I t hopes fir the future— {{boy 'can\ never be ebe ine.‘so long as l'ils lips i 'llr.ritrer, however prowl ila"y nothing of the 4ruc 1 r i ' awl halo of Diviltit.}, I ii - 5; neliovements. 1 ...... 1 „. il profanity. in theklope of manlines's--for the , 1 him as a blot 'on (34) , 1'S lisliutt 'Lira as a ',esti : ~, walk, the flowers wil l am his memory will be i"t r.tbing forever. U L.T.--th C NOW C frdStOtt Courier writer l ug ;ugly "' Tle .4 of Bali e4yOzies of (tie awl %bort boy, 7 •of 'New which a E or tiro ;boil Leis sometimes not from euything lognoiny, : but from the tliti countenance time he stiikes be 'plug s ence, an pug' (VI , st . stmture; has A corn pctl tin4.!lt . gcner: ,tei is n:co ward; hut, like 11,0 ' 16re is n crow.lnt his vulgar" vithen decent Afwnys has tongue's can, (Or 'money, which lie f krati fly in;_t the most is 'itsimily to be found 7.6, 1 11 engine or rrter. I , 11 the merest wink." itt.,.—The City of Mo iled from Liverpool .for freig4tell with over these arc a party of 14 men; mettihert of I ' he expemies of whose I I d by piiLlie sobs:rip. ili Iferou t p2rsms, the iareri and servant girls l'io;mer Emigra , of the -ihstitution of titi.l otherwise l or';,flmilie in ti, poor? the ft‘shlted. lor ,Canntl.vnt one meyn • Ily selected on ncnoin Iluitiriony liabit.l., in t.lio niso as.iited Will not IJilion; I,nt will ni•eor!_ • ; practice of etitigrants, 1 1 .7,reat:y help the rest itt nn error to sur d, himself. No man ITFe, or his children, :titters, or to society in Cori their especial and works, and setain a certain per adMinister 'to his own has his hot- and that le is nnswerabl to EO - the master and man IS entirely nccrirding as t) , rtl nil - ter whether the —5 Ind Werrant. • nil, the political I I. gitated 'the country, awn hersctlf it mo4el of two l l'ost-inister s itutiort of the Tinited Themes 'Wright Caclt, resident Washington, n, who Idied in office, I st-rnastei, the Hon IPPointed by President 35, on khe decease of tot dead yet In Mar yltdays ago, a num surd ,hanse. ,On the trial, •• hat the house was • deritied that• defen. • gee, in , loal of paying MD 7 - 1 PRIM , • a .! _ • : t I ;•I'. 11111.1 =I THE OLD WORLD. Letter From Bishop Simpso Corrkspon'denZ•e; Pittsburg:t Ca First . night in Liverpool-17yils as Incidoni3--Joir.imeg ,4 don—Parks'— irillege 6t (..rczc , --} - • trgith--Athersit;ne—Rwilv-- Dr! n'old —5.% :: .41bans--- rerel , ,trii-- : I.;nrrots Or AZETTE.—A rt ;rliTicilig : Eat= tended church. immediately onmy- r'' - ritMl, and, being pleasairtly fidcl ini my loc r ig , ings; the hour for rest.- approached.Blit. IDO 51ilLtaler .Calbo to my eyelids: Frithis in room I looked put on the masons still - in the ata.qt• at eleven o'clock. And when loy9readwas on the pillow, visions of the p as t"--the distantand: the future I rOQe befdre ine. :I wav i ic England--Old ,' En. gland.- Thc - stories of,, olden times, which I liad• read in the ."` &spilt of my lociyhooti haunted my memory. The old Coln the Roman, the Saxon; the Danc,,the Nl,i , rnian passed in review. - Peets, orators, philgo pliers statesinen;warriors, martyrs?pllritan3 chca'aliertend pilgrim fathers:crovirdei ,the gaiter ie3 . if fancy. Then, too, dame in stianze juxtapositiou, scenes ac.ross the At lantae, Home; hayed once, ialued,:fiands, elchi•Cli enterpriaee; church responsiblitice, •mingled together; until at laet, le s and (64 -. :distinct, they4aded away, a n d I - " as — L , asleep. L . I, . . ' ;:-.lirly jn the Morning I awoke, u alit° mornings," I assure you, at this se en of the year, are very. early here. 'Whet'ber.ii 3v4 tilt:Absence of the rocking of thb ship aa'seme supposed, or 'whether it wzis nor- Yens excitement fiom surrounding shends, I eaneot say; - but.); learned that this!sleep• le 4 sness for the fist night in, - England is very common. 'For fall two hoursbefore breakfast I walked 'the streets and eaJw'the city :slinking. The humble elisses ut pop ulation were arousing, to their. daily toil, and from coufts, : 'and •-alleys,and lanes, poured forth poorly dressed and canewoin ' masses to toil for the pittance on hieh they, lived trout da b y day. A' littl later c l v the More active men of business be an 'to apPear, and near eight O'clock the )(Ater ' class of shops and Acres were opened:— I Oae or two smal - matters attracted my at ' tattle/1. The first was that nearly ' all the, 'or rs 1, ,, :y5, of wkich ' there . were eompara- I tively few, were half-grown girls. The second •Wias, that - amongst the - poor "tat the sti,',,ets, hurrying to and foci at an early , 11614, wc're many, very, many, woure with br , ..e,/, , ct... ' 1 - In le day was spent l'n Liverpool in - r u in g some bilsinese mattere, in 'prep att., further travel, an! I tight4ociog, 7 I as I "nniat neciessarily - spend two or wpilcs In LivermeLgA i njiadatLf 1'44 - a-';'4l"Tifilhitaegauer - al reniaa! I that time. . . At nine o'clock on Tuesday morning we c Matted 'for London by the nrmt allorth I Western Railway. 'lt leaves L'ive'rpool ' thdough a , very long tunnel, and very short- Ily I afterward passes through a beatiful country. Inched our Whole journey ,as a I ; succession of delightful landscan , e. ,Eery. thing was. beatniks!. The farms were t i neatly and „tastefully cultivated, and agri- I 1 culture in. England is rather's sys mof gardenina. Here anclthere were fine arks and stately edifices, evidently the ab/ aof 1 I the rich: Tben• we hurried by the ittle j Ii cottages' with mud walls, generally i hite,/ ~ N ' , fin 1 washed, coutrastingstrpngly with recci I shrubbery sur l' t . • I w ith . heir mint mg the m .111, .1 prowl) thatched roofs,' On. same of tilic - se , ; ag . cottes thelhatch was so'thiek and so bi(liiii it :Seemed as though they had stood lett eon turies, Every inn , miles manuFicttiring, •villages have spruog up ulong the road cx-, bibitiag anti develoimi.4 the re,:.;:i sce - 3 i ,i theseountiv• '' •• ' • . .• . . ; Among the tetvics which- have- k.rt rs pevially benefated by the rfih•et,"l, :11, which have grown tilot•.st as our A nietie:' towns, - is the "village of C - c::w.-‘, it b. ' a , c;• [ ire from which raai . cte a :1)1111f..r of d IT ' end Hues, awl it einitainslarze estalt i i ntents for kidding, and rapairiwz l oc , ' 4ivert. - On a rising around, with its I mid a sand) ;ake; is Ci ewe Nall, the ac Lord Crewe. 1 I - On the'reufe we passed Tamworth, af.l junction of - thmrivers Tame and Aukcu Adjacent to this' place was the resident, the late Sir Robert' Peel. The' mansich • occupied it present,' .son, Sir lt4 Peek As the traveler passes die 'esh thoughts of the splendid career and these den uud untimely cleat!' of one of Engler] s -ereat es t statesmen - ore necessarily suggest , ftiongh a high Veer of the realm, he 1 more than ordinary , sympathy for the t.I. sem. ' The closing worde of one of lii 3 - ! vices. Sail he "It may be that I al have a name-sometimes remembered' re, 'expressions of geodsavill in the abode* those whose let it is to labor. lint to et their daily 'bread by thy'. sweat of the brow, when they shilltreernit their exhaus ted strength;, with abundant and untitled foude—the sweeter -because it is no len s , er a sense of injustice."--i- I ts , , ' Near Atnerstene is a park, - said to'cori tain some'of the finest old oaks in England. The village is situated, .Pi the old, Roman road,' for it' . 1850, - : in digging in 'Me of the streets, 'about three feet below theleurtice atere found several Roman coins; anda portion of paved attects- BoaliC me One of the most interesting points was the to ire 'of Rugby,, It is somewhat famous 'for , its fairs, and for thwold church of St„Andrew in the early English style, with its, shirttails tled - tswers. But its chief attractiontis its Gratrimat sehool, over which the late learn -ell and talented Dr. • Arnold_ presided.. 'lt was founded in ilrealaye of Elizaheth,ino endeared with some adjacent land, - and with eight acres then of-but little valua - in Lon don. , ..Eighty years 'ago the - rental 'of the 'London property was less than sin hundred dollara per ;annum. ' It. is now miro than thirty thousand iollarst.a year.. The great fame' of the school Was, however, chiefly `the result - of the jailers' Of Dr: Arnett - 1. 1 I 1— . , . . , ME I i ?Y:41.! I ,I C"••• 7 • PA..., MAY ell f.. -- City ..tri r.rwenty,tato Fed ,St. Alban: eight thotiquid !I name. froM tho of ealle..l for Alb Upon the oiher the pia Britt - Ail t • • • fore London, ant of Cho ilotimns wort fought aeye tweln rival faetit translation of tlu 1 priti r ted on a pros, portion of the mi Ronian tiles fron (antil I i, Near four o'cit of London, and of biasses and era, rived at the ilexi Iwo had . traveled vanoetho far int( ) king carriages, t ily t i 4rce miles fro yet, •that wag ouit ',don. I I It 7 n- il bidfi 3' , But preferringi a lectbrl Wowl's I Here a fcertys sccing i- , bat 1 . ti until. atiothci• tun, LitiNboN . ,.June rrsrl ',. ring But three I 171 f • . ilk, t 1,. 11 IS pobrt 'itr, rd's !ca. lia(1 OCr -11311 ith I , F of nrn ■ ME Hil writihis eitt asirgy cirop. insAini; of the obief Irty in , t Chtiroh Arrtile-arikaffi r 'clinrch. Ithord i :Dr. Matt; has t9tl by' Lord. 'Pal trier •bra-CLoridt lated,and 7hrii originatoip of t of Elngland, HiR reneetly bon 1: Eton a's; 13ishop., quortflon "we, prti= aiwirdf:ttnirie seceri . or Ittaniirlt ii'dorived -it's -.o:4oY r ,Nittioli w , Ban artytlif-itrittn 0.-", 1 'ille river NeOas zni,• IV,*strAtia• - iii i ‘too, r,;'flite. first ,rtg IS 1' ii - , was Ahbey. ' • A quo... „t,,0 Abbey,i's buili of tiocieur city of Veru ekitacntered the sliburbs 1 aftit , F4Assini many. rows 1 sip.r.:- . s -many Streets,' we ar- 1 ot.f , -From iho, distance wo.Anppitedi wo had A ttie; city. but, after ta•- / e - lonnd ourselv,es near in out b ulging plaCei aid ido-4, tbe old city of Lon- Att; 44~.?a' fibr a 4 Vte Eieter • Hotel, in tke Btrao, tsq ;veto in otkota 4.rf great lin tei est. nme . spliet .abode, we ;se otel In Furnivars inn.— noiejacen spent in sight ;:lasfer- t desc rip ti ou . Yourli 3I; • 57. Tiihiug lod k tini whidh is situated the t,uicist'of,'mati ..i thir,Distrill , of eoftim bli: ' , I NN ----- . PARTICULARS 7 - -'l\• ' , 1 The hail and th iitioi stor m Which past,cd ; ..r, Over 'the city or aahmgton end its victhi ty on Sunday afte nwp, 'created's:v.l havoc to window glasst, Aids° did' Much other , daitko. From tic r Star we gather; the ° I . , , ,I following addition I . patioutarst.' ' i The Stnithtionia 411;stitation U. 4 1-10001 , panes of .glass;' gailses i b f gartietset; '=lost,- 7,51 1 .? panes and h4 ! ,. : .,his garden;' , • flowers and rare plants rui 'eX Tbe,,beautiful thiltli , of oats in.the squ eatre:t Ofihe:Sittitliimi t inn Inatehttion•:ll,4,..T desire' 'tis if gardens a iltrieari 'iii 0410gal:dens the.; grape 4vines, , , , ..:1.*. 1 , .:strawberry b err y vines a4,v , p . getabl.:, ..e . 9 . 4ifelitrtnci.—. Th.e 4 0 YAilliPent . - A i'. .7 ,- t,' ' -,'. IX Ali ' ~,f°' t' of iitt.o.l. 4 I'M '. ....Y -, 4; A.,...: trete, hal h)lt l' of panes of glejrs and sue twineda damage some 5300 . ; 'the pew ~ ! government arizioty tins lost oyery pane of glass on the uarthiwesterly front:; Ow shy- ti g hts of the capital, three-tigh l es of an inch thick; were cracked and broken ; the, Amet Lean !Louseiq rs. Bevetidges,) was struck-twicehy li ghtning, by witiCh the top ' of a chimney wasdmielidlicci, the , pla:-tel; log Corn off the, e ding of the, private ;en trance Ind the ea ,pet ripped up iu Tine 'of Odm , the o l' 1 The lightning-rt dale's , chtuch un,b fiee,fyitu ta,ifttieti s l ee, pa-ti ,Inwn Rey Mr. C,lrnilterl and I streets, •lei glass ; the tin coo) badlyi bruised: hie calf, while In c il therch, w.a:,160 inn) trio 110 , 1 as to be :-t time. -;rill.:1, CI! lloittr::01%;;) alto di) 11,'ii. The Hail Storm . d at the Rev. Mr. P?ns )uhretity. saved that eth , )8, as a ball .0f fire was jit, canting ti eiTiwr of IFifth rat sonii 200 panes of lit of the chalet] was also it: livv. Mr. Carothers 113 neig' r loilwod of the by; the 'like n,. odertid unconp , eiou's for 601, Isranfl, (Roy- :ill.. uireretl ct ty fr'O 11,,'Pl I Ft01 . ..T.:1 n , ,t, l .1 4,t1.1. r •lexp ~1, 4 lint , •:, . ~ i punt !.)..-yo! , n, on ini tA..2. c• ~ .t t, the T it t on !of I—l:airing 1. Innps , will Ina jir!•11 i;ornet.' I liiii,:e 101 MrA. Xing', l f, V (Thikrelic sonip 4. 7 .601), Cilia. I'..lreli l lost li bis reAkieuce neur ti ;quell injary wit plate glass Of Mr. 1 Bence. • i iThe:storml Inekil ! wide 'swath " in I not even felt . :is :ti way ti!ee, botween . dri.t. i. J 1 ' ITh ei last storm said to,bave occurre also on &Judah) I • lu Georgetown th, M l uch damage was Bow-lights, etc. Tin Mi.s. Capt. Boyce ai The west front or. Bridge !staeei l Presby . lege bUihlings,'the besid'several e, f elm ma private 'build els , . 1 In a porti - the wheat' nd ;zit n .11 , e) i•tiug, the Catholic: Or r It gllvorllllVtt AIR/ Utlf1)0- 1 11 , 11;:lgt.'S the street Ithau !rho (;;.; pan ON - of glasit:; Ardoll if stained glass. 20 rants of glass !from ie 'steaniboacharf:— dose to Vie fine George Parker't yesi- • ,' , lhl not "cut a wry its course, and Was ar, the 'the half , his plaee Alexan , • • , -, of this description is 1 ou the ::6th of'May, o storm was also severe done..ti _gardens, witi.. principal sutforers nit) d Mr., C. W. l'airo.--j -he Union I.lolel, the , vterian eiirch,:tho col public school house, 1 . 'other churches, and singe also Suffpred se: l .n of Fairfax county,l orn were i gteatly in-, jured. te,..4 bet wasmade recently between' two fanciers in FianCe, about' the speed - of horses and oxen, with the same load the', same distance; the distance tikveled -ws'i about twelve miles; it four horse team. was 1 li putl to a ! wagon load vd with "andtit 10,00 1 0 pounds of root pulp. The °soh were ivcs, yol;e with the same I ad: The horses beat Ilieffi only seven 'initi tea,, and would then selves have been bluteu bad Caey not 1:1603 the hest in the Icount4_, I f -• *. ' , 1 , IBE i iir The electi*kef_z - Al_elegates to the 1 1 censtitOorialv Ociliffllciii• in Minnesota ''d lid Thlriatin - . , . § ' Democrat' 46 7 alb 16-17_, pu ____.. _ ; • ; 1 ~...,,,....... -. . . - floubtfuligwola vorking majority, in. to It'epuejapi s ,4l4l4. - , , . ,-"- SE ‘i I Mil ME • ' • '4' • .1 • P . - 1. `rl7 t 857 • JULY : ;,.. . t to a graved dna was newly 'made; T_iesned a strgton old on hit eatth-torn spittle; • Ills 'work trai done,arl he paused to wait Tiinneral! train throngh theopen gate; A relic of by-gong days was he, And his locks, were White as the'foamy sea-- And these words came from his lips so thin, thera,letl I gather them in figatber them inffOr man and, bOy, .'ear after year of grief antlijoy,',l__ I'Ne build - 613..0v hous'es that lie around ev er y noolc,of ground-- ~i ,u tye„ratitl daughter:, fatliptnudr son, POt Let o44.'o T .itiniiailine Virtiii-t'ITI • ...,:, But cnnp th 4 'titrangers; or corni they kin, -• ..- i l . "I•gather them in I' I gather the i in !" Many are with me, but still I'm 'lone! rna king of - the dead—andl.make my tlfemo Oli ainonni i nent slab of mkrble 'cold:, And my sceptre-of rule iii the Bprvle I hold. Come theY from cottage or come they Ifrol#Tall , 11I , inkind at my 'subjects—all, al4 all! . • ' Let them loi ter in pleasure or toilt I spin, . , 1 l' - •- 1- - I gather thous in—and their fintri rest . • Is;here, Own in the earth's Ork. iircast , )tiid the 'seton ceased - -for thCf nett train WOund mutely over that- solemn-I) ain; . And I saidl to my heart, when time is told, • 1 ' • . A mightier voice than that sextonis-old,. , - ' ' ' Will so un d o'er the lait trump's,d endful din "I, gather them in! I gather theta in I" n - 4 - Ludicrous Effects ofthe lAppearance of aome . Comet in 3712. 1 '1 A. everybody' is .on the qui vice in re gard to the Clotneti and as alt scar of ideas aro "around". in regard to ii, e give the gleaned from au old 'paper "In the year 1712 Mr. Whit3on, having calculatd the return of 4 comet which was to make; its appearanao en' Wednesday, the 14th of October, at five jrninutafter five 1 , 'the morning, gave' nptice.,bt the public - ace dingli, with a terrifyiza..a dition, that i t a lota .issolution 'of the worlillu fire was to take P r ah ' the' Friday follo 'n g. The rePutation. . • Whitson-ha& loligtnalit tained iu Engle. i,' a divine and a ;pl4losoplter,leff. cor no doubt irith the populace ofilrtrAth I hii . prediction." !‘ ! gcveralitulicrOuStve. d took place: A nuirther Of persons in .stril gout London seized'all the bargeO'and boat they could lay their .. hands:.onlit'the Tha .1. very rationatly,,vtieludirig. s .that:wluo. ori- I,llagrAtiou th)lt ,Place: there Weida - be, the most safety, nu ' the water. A .ge:ntleman w 'v. , had negleoied family prayer for better th n five years informed, his wife that-it - . .hbf detertalttatiOn ttiteritine that :laud ... I t,a ing engaged-a -ball at her house, .per-' sii4ded her husband f.ii -- 1 - itit — iftiff — ti - 11--811. satir, whether the comet appeared or, not. The South Sea steak immediately fell to . I [ • ,--„ per and' the India to 11; and the eaptiin of a Dutch ship threw• all his pow ! der.into the river that. the ship Might not he endangered. ' • !TOO next morning, however, ,the comet appeared alcorling to the predietious; and before noon the belief was universal that the'l)ay of 'Judgment was at hand.,_ About .thij tune three hundred and twenty-thee clergymen were ferried over the 'Lambeth, it Was - Said, to petition that; a short prayer might be penned and ordered, there being none in ,the ‘3hureli service' on that. occasion._ Three maids ,of 'honor burnt th eir collcetl tion of novels and plays, and sent to the bookseller's to buy ea4lt them 'a. Bible and a Bishop Taylor's 'Holy liYing- and Dying.' 'The run upon the bank was so prodigious that all bikinis were employed. front mornin n o till night in diFeounting I notes and handing out specie. On 'Ours day considerably --more than 7,000 kept mistresses wee legally married in thefaeo of several . cuogregatieus And, ita.croviru the 'whole- farce, Sir, . Ciiibert lleathentc, !toad Direct. 4. of the Banks, issued orders [io nil the fire aicers'in Loudon requiring them to keep a good look•eut and , have a particular eye ou the ,hank of England.," A SNAKE Rinrovr.n vrion A WOMAN'S SrumAcri.--The l lingansliort (Ind.) Phaes states that pr. A. Myers of that city, who - • has acqUiiell 80:11C celebrity as, the inventor of ad trap for , th& removal of tape worm Q, has reciehtly pc:eon - lied a cure that is worthy of mire than ordinary-mention. Mrs. - E. Ryan of Fort Wayne r abilut 2.0 years of age; has been ssverely afflicted for four years with a sensation in the stomach, as though there was some reptile =vim: in it. ;,buringi that time she was treated for various diseases by nunierous physicians of skill, end / b several for tape worm,. ' Hearing f Dr. Myers' new process for `1 Ithe q remova of porasite from the human ,stomach, Mks. rt. went to Loganspart'and ' plared,,lierself :under his charge: Within two weeks Dr. M. removed from her.stom - sell ''a snake about Si, feet long, and li indbes in diameter, and relievd her of all her sUfre.rings, instead of aggravating it as lad ---- been_ibeyesult Of previous treatment she received. Thii — latter-patt of her ill ness she 'was unable to attend to the domes - 3 -- ne tic care of her family,or elgn to take care' of Inrself. It required twThou6 to pie pare for retiring at night, an equal length' of time trimiiiireid - before sheeould lie. down —and often • she was deprived of sleep for nights together. Frequently she would walk the floor until exhausted, because unable to lay down' without, the most excruciating pain.' .Dlrs. Ryan's own words arc, that her sufferings were such that she often' prayed for death i trirelieve them. Mrs. 11. suppo sed she swallovied the snake, which Was ap parently o. the water species, while drink ingfroni a i spring in tip: evening, at her former residence west of Foit, Wayne. She left the care of Dr :M. for home; feeling as t 1 - entfli she was saved howl , word than deith ~.. II / I I . •.., 111 THE ttEXTON. Mil INN Clandestind \ Corea s "p* -., There isdi tolerably good s ory,gotng the rounds, of a young man who 1 °cc! a young i lady, and fearing a repulse from thb parents, conductd his courtship in a elaindestin man- I ner. Finally an clopcitrent took f r iage, the young gentleman gaining a 91i/parli " boil.. 1 css of, good family, 'Who; lileyer{ turned out to be no.liciress, and no - eltit• on what 41vor to the family, in which lre I Yea, and II i where she was in reality c Yi 'cal as 'a iscamstrcss—although she ha the address u 1 conceal these facts from ho l Wooer. -The:story hi n4•l a very re ark Ado one; it -has not: even' the mcritiof oyelty;:it op{, ' If th, • pew ny tearlytgnin•a I llcr or In ! ninakielcit---UVitit. metal. I i'd . 'ghi,id'itatr vim" itwad •- .. 4 ' ttier**lliited "at thosb sneak- in : : , souls whnonttin,ot amnfire end, rd r hat any thing can bO'compotely ebnekithe in bye or War, unless. It is done clandstincl.y. Unconcions that •-the character tiloy - thus! aquire faust eventually detro.t-' - from their, moratepufaiton for strougtt atidignity;l they always work-tindcri - oye ; putting insl finitefaith' to • ''f' " d 11 1 in rag ow, • a as; a nets- , ral ,c . onsequenca-Yery general! sinking in- 'tegrity in the4ower sort of 1 ing 1 Young' !men of,thid - olasi almost itiYar at)l3 , :, pracced, I even-in the I:1304 didnorable oYe 1 nutters, as if they were affairs, invelvi g deoldly ilis / grace; and as a natural CODS quoil l ec they frequently find themselves dceired, if not in niltiers of family and Mona , at le:ist in, tha oi their wiYed: Young 1 dies who en courage such su 'row, court hip,' and arc willing to deceive‘t ' parents;'g 7 neral y con 'finne by decciVing, husbands ,:lso; rile; in other matters, and, especially in 11 siness,• few poirsons arc , particularly anxious to deal with non, ' tlle heaYier 1 alrofj wlioso thoughts are treated as i ser tro.ble'ldecrets.o .31,yte l y is I after,; all th :re I pi cot o f i : i critne--I-Landlgenniiilly of very coutc‘nptiblo Jlooo ol eritac.—PlttloclelpleinTieCct 1 , 1 151 Btaliiog a .claim ; A. many persons in the lel template coming to the Nast;g what the above phiase tneans, acquainted with tile modus op curing a claim, we will give th which we car.ceive to _be the wa • is d0)--- , .. There is a sort of uttivritte4code of laws itnotr as "Squattir Law 7 wi4ch tegulatps this Matter, posseision beingiher.,AB °lab ; wbere i 'regarded as i"nineTigntii in t4.7:law. This code is adminittered b a tribunal, tl ti l 'i" walled a "Squatter Court,'.' a t . iti eefrt dous.areinusiderod tii binding mong squat teiiis the deteriniuzitions , lof he, regularly ,organized judiel,a:ry. All dispes are sub mitted to Ibis Court, and its decisions are i'b r 404.J9fg -. 1 / 4 4v-canso , ,b. ~ . ; prteqg qaudthe selects be not claimed by seppte~dp6 Ise:befctro-himl lie marks it mit byi Stakes or by blazing the tiCes'around It. . Ile then I applies to the -nearest Frouttler 'prgan i mation I and esti to be ‘admi t ted as a toeMberi which i is readily done. The organization intorvl him how much imp'rovement hp tvilll here- quired to make; to entitle him to their pro tection as a squatter. 1 Some rcktiirmore,, some less - . Those .near the town i!equirp i morn improvon i ent4 Ahan those remote. Pledges are then taken of him that he will assist in protecting bash inembil. of the as sedation in flic`pottsti i ssion orhill, elaitia,--tuni if necessaay to tlhe a..complisliznent {)f* this abject Will tight a little. Also that he will 1 1 abide the decision cif . the_SquatterT i pourt, i& e , I ;' - ' I' i By this arrangement, many amen of i . means are enabled to, get good, farms cost of entry or for , the apprised va public sale. , .' - 1 At the pnblios,ileino,,one is , prinii I bid against a squattet, or ir sued}, shot I the case, the individual doing:go; m very likely to endanger his iterstinal i The-whole proceedingls somewhat 1 [ I live, out in the main is just atatl equi -LC4V. , T(i7l . CS ' il .• 'REPORTED I.IdMICID ItY S4'l llrtiiiv CLAY.,--Tlui Cincinnati Col vial Of Saturday eontaini a• report quarrc'l took place oc,Thursday,"at Lc ton, Ky., between John Clay, - Esq of the departed statesMan,r and a traiuer, , Damed Edgar. 'High =words I between tIW parties, ,and'led finally personal encounte, when Clay, dreu , volver' and fired twice at Edgdy. entered Lis mouth ' and passed o' - his ear. Another ball lodged! Edgar is repiii - On'tallywou is,l primp, dead before this tiu immediately left Lexington, an , beau 'heard from Fine°. The l not been on •atuieablo terms for a l , John, we behove;, is the youngest sou Henry , Clay. Of his elder one—Henry Cla - vi battle of Buena,Yrsta;and auntbc B. Clay, is riow Democratic cant Congress. • -.,..... la. A few aye ago and i old cat, eman and his lady were coming down f onci idwal, city. to-Pavett)ort,l. when tho ear l ,s were I crowded. A young: man got tip and gave the old lady es. seo, while his convpanion,, another.-youngOtt, • rqmained )3toadfast, ono let the & i d grutlman • star 1 This did not suit ottr-,Ad friend, so h , crmclu tled-to get a rlelt in acme way, isndlquiek as thought, turned tb the young , man on the seat, beside his wife, and said, will Flu be so kind as to watch, that 'ciaman !while r I got a scat in another• car?' Bnel takes . . , tits. • This started tho young gent. ' floi t equ ld not bear the idea of taking eareda fatty wo man; so the old gentletnati got a seht and his wife never Was known to-havo a!fit af terwards. . 13 - • It is stated that on flic,;:first kiiiy of June there ire maslcs ,of .frozen I F l T;iy and snv:fif . .,j?' feet in solitl tik American 1 it in. Ira ',/ I , ! i - - 7 - a- 1 1i...e ii 4 , . . li ~. , . I. ES TAB EMI OM ft, nii do'nl not ai . and! i t em t in t? c9n lq know ^a they ! °f e' a - its form 4,liidli it small 'at the ,lie at ted to Id be itl bo r afety. rims , table. END ..imer• ghat. a tprlarr a sebn tOrße.- I Asstd to . a 1 a re. o bail eliod and uf . 1.1 1 1 the tilde, Clay as not d , It I rtie have time. tlKing Itheri, at the aines Ito -for OZ li ' = ISHED ISIS The Americaal Guano Islundt . . ~The construction' of the net i ; c protectin,. Ainerican_interests in -gunno - islands,- tlis , , , covered and row occupicA by our.eountry! mcn, recently given by Judgv:lllack, the Atterneytkencral,, is sai I to be , highly fnt votablelo the ;enterprise which the act was intended to encouragn. Tticil, cOmplpv . eln inainf„t 'fiirvis and 'the '.new Naiairti-kt -' Islands, in Ithe , South Pacific,' have cull: , plied•with all, the_ requisitions, of the Inric, 1 , ti - • by giving tha necessary borki..s le, the nt- ' ted States fer.tls.. performance Cf t tlid ("MI - ditious upon whiult they r 44, give VoteCtiolt. It reqnires no further ant or Congreis to cina- { ble them id to ''o possetitiion;dnd,-in Piet, they; ). .) arc ocetiPant's f-the islands; . ..and are Ida , ing Vessels - 4011 the . gii3flo for " Anibrican , , he c. \\as tinttroti Steic} says.. that what. is most ncp , -,ss_ory for the interests- of }tile I Compry, Is, a fair trial of'theht' guano' by practical farpera and gardeners, land that its relative value as a fertilizer should ,be ascertained. The Patent Ogice hasdia: tributed gMtuitousiy, tb all wlretry it, a few, preinds•of gnanct, with' direct, ions for I its application,• anti the trquestthat a, T."- I port of the result of the trill bel:tnadeit.. that bureau. . • .',' - - . .. _ , terra-FLItINCII EXTILAOISDINVRY..- 1 -The chinese kite . oycrs of, Itiacramenfri hate' istanislfirtg the thertzkf'iatr.'" with strinfe figures in the lhoavens. The ! llion tnentrans one kite which e was in ',the the fornf of an inimsnsareentiperle; t.lnd which preonte(t ix truly ytnique appctirabce trlidif floating in I. the upper nil--; The "i r k.igns Veyi of annthet -"lt was male in .the etmilituln of Egon Oriental ,men Ar.--fish, fowl er,b i east, wo could not sgrcat eye.. , which were to :Lbat' fiy a forolving wlfeel. I,si.t.:firSit the winlttrig app trains in ' one of the eyei ri,scusekl to work, and the aerial crca'tion:lnacle - faces it the , troplc below, It was bauledlietyn, re- arringerl,-and' sent j up'again .'wieh..boke and strings attached, brining Aort' of lEaliin harp,atgbt h conll be lie,qrl tance." • - `‘' ' . GALLANT TO Tilt Ii 15T —AcotTosplittl ent of the .L'vcn 62.1' On , -it Worwin Quastian s:ty s: con i fe,qs in eTi sinnrity, that I have - never yiJt Wen nit ugly IVotnan. l never fuid tiny worm. entirety ngly..! I ctilarged upon' this. ickt: once btiforo an Atiience -of woineni—Onei who was extreinoly fiat noaetj I Alai you tint to find Afkly: 4 l "Yda, madni,7:l "are .on angel falleb from' heaviari, only ymr - bar: fallop { on yonr noso,'! Probablybe l~eve ma, land has,maintionett against that 'olio '• pLiihisciphy.was one evening dilatino• ° npol • • I:the powers oe r thp.,tnagnet,slefyinga.y one ". ' Ito panic or show anything ma-Filming I powers.:; Au ald gentlentantideepted the eballengtl • mtta(to the _lecturer's surprise, but be uevertheleaS invited • hint on to .ibc • platform, when he told the- leturr tvonten was . the magne of tnaguets--f4, if thalCiadatoiM on the table could attract-a irpicce`•of qon for a, fact Dr two 'ibere was l a young Woman mho; wlCert he was a', young man used` to' attract bleu thirt een every Sunday, to clutt her 1• I • • (4. 4LW uouNrEforcti"..-4 r s new Coin terfeit five tldtlar" note on the;lExchang . Bark qf - Pikfsburgh, 'l;as made it's appear : ance. !leis fvvll exceuted, and tri ll tnanY, Flit are on the loot, out f,sr it,. The vignette i l e r.sents two females floating iu the 'air.- purports to have been engra yell yy NiFAVfluxr AND Esv‘i• LOUR.- NM wheat'appearei! iu Clarkston, - South Oar- Wins, .as longl as ten days F!,11-et.', some of which iS.said to be on its •way" ti',.),horthein ;.market On the 12th inst.; tens barrels of Iflour from new; wheat went shipped from Augusta, , to' New York; ' , • t,g,Prenticte of the Lamar!ll(.l Journal, responsible for; Rho foaming Wash ington,linion says 41 tho-Detnocratic party that it is veiy certain not tn' -slocp Perhaps it can't g.l to sleep #for , lte sanu: reason, that. the 7rotnan't,- baby coulati,e—its face is SO dirty that it can't ghut its tym. Women ' F are called ' rofteesex,'_ b. cause they are said to be so ealily hunabtl,' ed. _ Out of I . lboOgiels it is more- like that uinety-Ei;e' ~could prefer ostentation t . true happineisi and "a dandy husband t , hardworking.mechanic. 'Phis iil mph:- ieally and-uniirdrsally so, .. —..........-- 17 1 . ' 0 Ch ' t" . - 14 '"I . t,...,,„ wrqr , in le us Lin an ~ thinks the three name Which will shine t.',. longest on.the Western .cOntinent'are tb o - of Washington Handiltoh and IVebster rtArl, k lattreno Dow once said of a gry: . . ing:avatieioos .114tner, tbat r if-te bail / t. world enclosed in a single field he w - nt.. ' not be content tiltbout a patch of ground • -- tbe -- outitle for petaoes. r,a4Dr. Franeis says lir. KarWs.' nr freight - tiva4 97 pounds, .ful that dur'ln period of i his Arctic e;ireer.h6, did nit rr more than\ 93 pounds. • , "This is a 4krite rospeet;" oner said - wheal lie peeped ont of iti e. l t 4 window. ' , • . - . . • \Ye elip v the. felletring capital r• - •.•..: from an exchange. Its acuteness „-. • starpassad by anything in Sardi or Se The man who does not adveolse t4z- sines, confesses incapacity and and innitl retreat to 'the ?Cyr rank vocation. I .; , ~... .. , . , . . 11,-9, , ,..bpen 1ng...11 . 1414.;11t. 1011)K111' 1. t.• , . log -”If loyal )akin , - :tin) I'. ',.1 111 II Il II M EEO EIS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers