TIIK DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 18G4. 3 Tiff USDAY, SH'TI.MHKR 20, Wit. srarr or Tine hew york press. IrfzrUng E.lIUirinU from the Xcw; Turk Paper Tl.W Morning. nil: tiiitoi.i k i n: Mm uut.r.. Frcm lie Tiit. The LuikIiiD Timet Lbs wi II retnarkivl "tlmt Hiiro tlic d ijfl ol atu-knl koine n umition mi impertant hnn Kth stil.iuittc.l to opuhir deci sion" ai IliM wltli-h mill lo Mi'iinltttvl tu the fcoplf t'f (lie North nt tin rnmitjj; i-lnctiun. It In two thousand yi-ar at .i t s in e tlio f ill of an cmpiro ba been lv iina.il ti.e l.a lot-lmx, but never hifort, in theulo'c M-nry of tli! world, Ih tlio tntlip iiihIc ' p tl ; , uli..nv country bten called uion t.) fix their iiHtioiiiwListiny .y their ullrBfeis. In (.recce and Kuino n.mo but a slavclioliiing minority voted, no matter how mo mentous t lie crii-is in public ull lim. Wearculxiut to fumi-h tlio first tsamido of the dc!Her.ito nn.l orderly AiitmaHion to the jiiuVmont of the whole of a tree and eitial com m unity, of tlio must Itn poitnntof nil witldly iii"itioiiH tho rank to bo occ u I by a wlio.e people runout cirili.eil tiatiOL Hie fchupe and loiuiilcxluii of their Ojt-. t rn mint lor nyns to come. And this Is not nil. Wc nro not about to decide imply our bun futc. If this were the ease', our de'eiMun, al.er nil, uiifc'ht bo to loiiknrs-on but a tnmll matter. Wo am about to te-at the ralue o' ceituiu puliricnl pi ineiplen, on the soundness or nn;oumln m of wlncn the f'utdrc condition of most nvilied countries will mainly depend. If we now give way, we acknowledge th it the Eolith lian hcen riKlit in its ro'-laiiiiition of the fnllurc ol democratic government ; that its do.nre to escape from fillowi.lilp with in him been ren- .1.1.. anil iiiHt flint It alilhtv til tnmntiein its in. Is. pendence la plain; that "Irco society," as f juni amonR u, Is a failure and a cheat. These we know arc trite truths to most Intelli gent men. We ottcn tav amount ottrHeivi-s that we are "the last hope of Ireo Institutions," and that if we give way in our contest, the c .11190 of popular government is lost. Hut there are very few of ui who Iht these truths to heart. Wo are all eo absorbed in the paltrier incidents of the utnignlc, and io its paltrier conieiiiencos, in the conipiira'lve merits of the two men, Lincoln and McClellan, in tin' 1 fleet peace or war la likely to have on stocks, dry goods, or gold, that we rarely think seriously ol the reul breadth and vistuess Ol the reunite of the work in which we are engaged. We would have every man, when bo goes to the polls Id Norvtnbrr, remember that it is neither for ' Little Mae" nor for "Old Abe" be la really voting, but to decide whether twenty-four mil lion out of a population of thirty millions have not tbe courage and brains to uphold a poptil ir government against the ellorts of the oilier nix niilllona to break it down; whether the great principle of the brotherhood of the human race, of the right of weakness to protection and to jus tire, proiniilg.ite.1 by the Author of Christianity, baa or baa not any real value as ttie bads of a political otgHiii7.atinu ; whether ()d really made the world to be forever the iceno ot the tyranny and violcnco of the few, and the tame submission and suipUli'v of the many whether, in abort, the hoprs of the thousands who from age to age have died t'or liberty were merely idle dtei ma. or real pieviilons of "the good timo coming." There wore gn at iiostioni, in short, submitted to the bloody urbiti anient of the sword at Fbaiiaia, at Tours, at Waterlo , and at Sol fcrino, but they all sink into insigaiticaui'e com pared with that on which each nian will pass who drops bis ballot into the box on tbe 8th of November next. Tilt: oertMtKK ki.kitiovs. from thi Triliune. The great central States of Pennsylvania, O'iIo, and Indiana ho'd elections in October, at which each of them will choose Itcprcscntatives in tlio next CongTcss and the whole or a major portion Of it) next Legislature. Indiana elects this year Governor also; the others elected Governors last year for terms of two und threo years rospao tively. New Jersey, Iowa, and porhapg ouo or two other States, formerly held elections in Octo ber, bat have severally changed to tun d iyttxed by Congress for the general choice of l'resi- dentlal electors the Tuesday succeeding tlio first Monujiiy in November which fills this year on the Htb. The October elections uforcs.il j occur on the second Tuesday, which falls this year ou the lllli. Very great importance is naturally attached to the (jctubir elections. Oee'iiriinu.jiist four weeks before the l'lcsidciitml, and in States which have usually dc Ided our 1'io-ideiitial contests, their results are apt to be regarded us premonitory of the more important is-tic. That is to say : When the three Mutes go decidedly the snne way iu October, It is generally presumed tint the p irty wLich cairios ilicm will almost certiinly dec its Prm-iiicM; II two of them go decidedly one way, it is presumed Unit the arty so iivored lias the bitter chimin in November; while, if one goes each way and the third is equally divided, it is ciiriently he'lovcd that the Presiden tial contest will be very close and of dubious issue. These populnr calculations were based on the state of things w hich no longer exists wherein the States now In revolt were expected to votu nearly solid lor the Democratic National ticket, lb s year, if wo exclude the States which are or have been in rebellion, there are bur. 2'll votea to be mst, whereof 117 iro a majority; so t'l.it l'lemont, who teci Ived HI votes in IS (i, would hftve laen uhuo-t elected in the now I0y.1l Slates, though belli I'mnsvlvariia and 1'iiIm'U were apainsl linn. II the res il.s of trie 1 v.n election afford liny criterion, Ltncobi and .Million are mi rally certain of the foll-'nvlng votes otitdio of the contested Middle St;ite-: Maine New Unmp-hirc MussiichUM'tts .. Rhode Island... Connecticut ... Vermont New Yo'k l)eluuarc Mai viand otul 7 Ohio '21 o Mil lug in S 1'2' Wisconsin S 1 Minnesota I r Ioa.i h o Kansas.. . : .1! ('ult)oruls ;i Oregon :i 7 Vi est Virginia .5 1 17, or 'M in .re th mi a majority. Still, a decided tiiuuiph of the Opposition iu all the October elections would so inspirit uud aui putlc them as io reir i f the I'rcaidential contest thenci forth mo-t vclierueut, and en-t soma doiilr. ever the result; lor the at cak is und writers on that side would platisib.y say: "If we could cairy these billies, why not Neiv York, Uoane -tie lit. Michigan, 1 -lunar, uud C iliiorui I, giviug us, with New JeiM'y, Kei.tueky, and M ss jui i, a ciiarm-jority." Let us consider, tin u, the aspects of tie: pjn l llig Oilober elect o.i-: JHNNfcvi.VAMv.-rtiis Ha o elc t- it n ;i.-er 'h s year by p. i.eri.l ticket, -o that it m iv i.o dilll -nit to collect bir venli'.t fioni the i uits as tli- y may tiauspire. Hut it is me'l kuowa t'l it, in 1 s.J-2 , stio chose to Coiigre-s twelv inembui-e ot' i":t.ier part) Iwocf the Uepiib icam ( Mcs,in. 1i au, i Xrm'y I being i lei ted, over the regiil n- it-'puii'man caiidldn'i-s, lnuiiil.- ) D in ,..- o."' rut - ; .vi.llu one of the lb mo. ruts t Io .:ii lii'lyl -, in like manner, cb0M'!i by lleo i'iti ni votes nor tbe lfflMlnr 1 I I -Ill 1C e 111 lid 1' -. r ,!).!. tlon tin- li-nm r:s h ,d '!'i-'l m.i'i.l'v on th Slate ti I CI (iueii. t-Oi-nor -1 l-ntvi! n' ! it, 7 ' I votes. IU- ag.rt Jain p-dl ' ihe. jst - iiui moat recent elcetioui, win us iollu-.es : 1K,,S- Cel., ;.,r....i'i.rdll -1, .'.!fl. Koso-r ' No..l,re. l..l iii'-ol'l. ..-' i .'i vo-i-'i. on .. IMiI-Oiiij l.ni,.l.,;i r' i Iu ol. Iteieili. .- ,u.i il'tv. ihi,-.i IM., a ml ... .1 i " li n. lie . I -,' I'-, .--l.if'.er -.'! '.li'l 1m J Utl , O-iv. ....'.. H -on.-. ..r.'. J'i.ili A great many soldiers la.-t year came home to vote, nearly ull of whom, voted lor f'urtin. 'J hey now vote in the t'eld, and I' is claimed th.it a majority will there vote lor Mct'lelhtu! Wo do noi buiicve it, but the result will siuuv'. The rival caitdidales lor l ong'-os, with tin) vote of their rcspectiv follows :' r,,i,,-!. l.yo, I...ll'l.M M. I'"ti i-.... 1 1 .(Minril's O N' l'l I 1 1 ,l.i Ollillil t v.-i-, .... JV.'W llhslll 1) l.t 1 V.1H. tills ill I 'HIT, l.-l'iorill' I'.uM... - ill- tii' is in ISo-', are as lh -. . eao. s. .1. IMn.l.:'! .W. SI. iri'iliv. .1 . 1.11 AW.lil' .l-.r.'ue S n.i .11. -ir. P. l: is J. l.ri 1). Sli'i e. ISO.' . 7.7. s,-.'i i Us S I'.H S 'l. II. VI. In. i. fill l .. 11'. Wiu. M. lb ;: 1. '-'.. l.v . 1 lunl'lei-s MiYfiii-.r. ,'t I. X..tloKell I t.-t..T s '.IV I..Jauti-il I.. Hi-llrl'liS. 1: S'V.' Ml .. W in. W Keu-liinii.. . !'.- II.' IMII..I lyases . Meo ui.. t',-in. M..l... f. Miller. ...P'.l " " v e;iti I'.illi:.... s,s"S.. '.Mer S'r.".-e... I'llliip .t'll'IISoll. . 'eiirf. ItcO'iisoii. 1 ' ,'.:. 11 1 !).. M '.Via II. Mill , i;'. t ni'-r. 1 .'.sin 'A'e. 11 1 o trot. 1 111.'" 1 . lt.l)I 1.. JoUuerl ,s. :is 8rl ,w::iiaB tii,-:er.. .: 11..-S , I. .Win. 11 Uis.ii;...nM-'.' V'tI..Ai.taiiiiui A P.iher i..s Mll..Mil.i.., 1 . W.l-on H.-.li A l .Icnni i: 5. ao icl'l '','' .'Anun Mli; I.'.l"! XM..H11111I1 I u IK-r. .... Iii.i "' -Wii.Mus K. .M',"ii".ia io'..: X iil. 1 iiuuiHb vN ill .nil, s,:. 1.. leiwsoll In. ..J.l il. Jl'V ck.'i'.l'' MV. lieo. V. l.s.wims U.'ri: lv. ir 1 Tolsl., aS'l,,',S i.V.'.li Members ol llie preselil House. t lullu'Ki! itiatii. t., .i,o , j..t -.t l. r 0..rtvc--li. J t.o-. bikt'o-li llui-oeiia' nt ot LnlltM. wj ,:o: Itc i tj lor Ainhior In.iiH'l, t .lli.-i. I:ull v (War lleiiii.er.lt 1, ftil.t li'os-tjrr m' r (r. wulur lieinocrut Mere th ai t umi l.' 111 1. 1, in -i ' . lUlll rei i-nt-a . ,,iu., v,. i,. , wl. , e,i, , V 1 ."- vol... i.,ii-iu, lUv vute-iu l aiAiveUi'io u lni let bUID Auilltot. Oh (formerly prcrmndrnt'r a Whhj Pta'o. and baa been usually fWubllfvin since tbe formation of that party in 1H3I In I Uti'l, she went wrong, rhoosing fmirtrm "Demicrats" to Atv "Kepubllrsri" to Conunss, hy an attgrerxto msioriiy of to 17. Last vear, hB went heavily against the "1'eiec" pary, but more ee ecilly against aMand glinui. their nndidate for Uov erc.or fil.b.'il on the home and 3',17!i on the absent o!diers' vote total lill.l!. It Is not bkrly that no large a majority will soon again le giv n by her b rary party. Her aeeree its voie at the recent elee'ious hss Ihh n at follows I-"."- t...'iirli- llr.ln ' ft'.'rt .'I.' 1t a.nith. 10,1 ' "".v.. IT. -.'' m-l.r" o!n. .Ml.i.pi l ..nno.-fjCSI I- I o.'t. .1.' vonr, ',,. -0.. '1; ,li rlt . ...I ' T '4 lWl V IM,,Snlrlti- K' tinnn. .1 :-,7.V Ann trong HI, l r J (.'t..li..inii.i-lir"ii.li. . . ,i, V si it.. b . n. is i The cnndida'es for Congio-s in the several ilii- tili ts. with the vote of th e dis rlela icspectively iu IMii'J, ere us follow s : :.. ' .. '.v . 'ct. . ot .!. I. Pi'. I j.leltlin... II lls..lo. h l-ouli . .. . 7,M, II. .'I. II I ! ;.il...li I' II -Iter... ;,.! II .Mt'l'l I C. !..-nels ..I. ..11 ;. . 1M .1 4 II "jk..lt -? l . .W in. I if i.. ,. jlk'.M I -Klnn v.. n. MS V..M. II. Hiker.... I!. I.- .1. h . . 1'l.Mi t I; W Cll.f. '. '1 Ml .1 W I :t MUST 1 1 . .S.4IH. ! 1 llI.H'K.tl. 1I. "" ."Ssii. rl Confer, le l" K lllll'C. I. Will .ll.'ll -oil... ",MJ l..l:H4,r. r.11. UMiii.l". '..w r nr. .i.. It.: .. .-Ii.in. M. l-ii. 1 ..P .1 l.'Auirr. V IClT..T:i4 t..lonrv M lluh'iy.. s,7''.-v. A.lliitci.ini.. ,. MI...'bK H-i.i-n-i.il. S";.'Wm.K H"-k... 1'. )1 M I . ,c V..1111 turn l.-liio.. .I'hrl, I mIIiu. . . t i. t . Miuiln rlkar....l.l'.t.ti Kit-, P' 4"l W..T A eini s.lM.Mimctlt M.,rn 10, trj VI. ..'olin A II I'unsin. .Iik. W Win ,... j r WII.'H'li.ll. cki.- -....tu.iil-... II. Wsll,... -1,1-tv W lll.'K. I". KpiuiMinr. . . --1I. ..Ie... II. W 1 ... I S M ..laiii A. ai:..M.l'i.rsH..llalM-yll. Mum . 6,7'.l Toti ir;.t7ii lsiTi (1...MIKM lnHt.rll on CoMKms S1 717 Mrnilit.r-t-i Hip 'ls-i ni Hon. -. I I tiof eaiiili't.'Ue. riiiiiihu t.T ('"tlcrrns in ltil Iil.trlct. wi- -o- 1 'I. lit,,' 1. 1 le Hie vol on Hi-- Mints lic-k.'t. Wo gtu-s there will be some benelicenl change In the delegation from this st itc. l.et the returns show that w c are uot mistaken in our calculation. Indiana is the arena of a desperate and doubt ful contest, (she must have more than thirty thousand of ber legal voters in camp to-day, whereof we are contiilent that iessthan two thou sand arc Copperheads and none of Ihem arc allowed to vote, save at the poll of their respec tive homes, where not one-tenth of thetn can be at their Siato election. Krom this distance, it looks as if tbe odds weregn-a'lv against our side ; but Governor Morton and other Union candi date", especially thoe for Congreas, are making a gallnni canvass, and are hopeful of good results. Could her soldiers vote, we should have no fear ns to Indiana, though she went heavily wrong in iwi'2. Her aggregate vote at her record elections Is as follows : 1SSI). Ort.Oov. I. ins 1 i ;-' Ilendrickai I?i'.,s4 " Nov rri' l.ioc.lo ...I :",-.ki All ,, h, t l.kt.llu ls1 So sli'-i..n sxci'pl pu-o.loi , ) r,.r lue.il oilier.. l.sW Oet Hue. I'el )s,.,17 Anttn.n liH.ISi) lsti.1. Klt-ctton fur loculoiitcuia oulj t'lilon KiUn. The rival candidate for Congress now, and the vote of their respectiie districts at the lust elec tion, are as follows: t.f. K'l'A t'n. Vol rtfnr-rn I Yte. t..l )riis M. Allen. .. ,MI..m, II N.Mec .1 1 ,1K1 II..W ll!linii W. l urry 'i.-.'ll . .Ml -liner K Kern.lii,1!! til. Knlpl. Hill 10.111 'H.W. llariiiiKlonll,'.l IV...Ie(m H. tdriuli.ir. 7,''l...!ii'ri! llsrry....n.3 V. llooii W. .InlM.l.. !',V7.' ..Unloa lln.wii ... 7. lit VI l.bene. er tliiinnutl.l ll tgv II. Srnltii P,'.'M 1 1. ..II. 1). Wasliburno.. '. '7 ..I). W. V oorlias..l J .l'.; III..-ll...Uon. a OrlJi..l,'ili..Janist K. Ilriiy.ll, 1st l...sihuvli-r l'ilf..ll 77.1.. ti.mil Tiii,,i'....ll,Vlll X...IM. II. Ieiree....tl HI7..M. K. .inrloii..l7,:i.sl M..II"... N. 8ttllv-flJ .. li.i'ls...!. r. Jt' li o.il :.n,lli Total Vote IlllkM iM-iiirx-ralie airtjo'liy p,7?.i, "M lulu rit ot pie ptvseiil lloiiss, Our readers have thus placed before them ths means of judging fairly the results of the pending October election, and justly estimating their Pre sidential significance, l.et tliem save this article lor comparison with the returns as they shall bo received, and tin y will be armed ug tlnst all clloits, w hi tber on one side or the other, to mis liiul them with regard to the nature and be.irinj of tho-e results. The lime-light has superseded all others io the llritish Channel fleet. A new cathedral, calculated to cost 20,000, Is to be erected In Tasmania. The Council of state of France has sanc tioned a pension of -0,(X)Of. to the widow of tho Dukeol Malakolf. One of Nelson's old seamen died lately io I'.nglund in bis eighty-eighth year. His namo m a,. James Stiacbuu. Tho Emperor of tbe French has given doco rations of the Legion of Honor to ull the persons of the suite of tho King ot Spain. From Florence tho death is announced of the Union HTlautecourt, a graceful writer, who has published several excellent novels. The Vhtrton, British screw frig ito, lately an chored at Fortress Monroe, bus boen ordered to Vera Cruz. to relievo the Liverpool, which has bten buttly damaged there. The difficulties which had arisen between lurkey uud .Montenegro, in refcrenco to the frontier, have been satisfactorily urruned by mixed commission. Tbe accounts from Capivra are that fiariba'dl continues in a very dclicaic state of health. Ho can only walk ubout with the as-istanro of clutches. Amongst tbe tourists in Switzerland arc tlio tjm enct Holland una the Dultu de Noiuours, The weather has not been propitious for great expeditions, und the Alpine clubs have done but little. The Minister of War at Home has just pub lished, for I liu ilr-t time, a I'onlilical army list. Ccucinl I.uuioricierc will be, no doubt, much u-totii-lii d to li -.ii u that be figures in it as coui muniicr in-chief of the l'ontilical army. A band of brigands, under a peasant chi :f i iiinco eoncni s, cscaiicii unoiti a loitnigut iigo from ihe northern part of l-'.ubu'a, in dreeee, uud crossed over into Tuikey, w here they hope to take a siiure in inc proms oi a ricn cotton crop. Nine soldiers. Implicated iu a readier r of Oov- on incut clot hi in; at Wuohrich, have been fouud . gnl'ty and Sen enced to Initirtsoiimtut au.l laird I lubor for va iotis terms, ranging Irons lilfy-sr to i ...... i i-. .i i ,i .. .. ui'v loiMuiiu nnu inuitu ki : r. i lie rueoiiu sessiuu 01 me i .aiiione e ongress ot Jlilgiuiu was o.'cilcil at Malines on the itl li, when if .out lour thousand pecs 'lis were present, iiicliiiling the rotabilities of the liclgi.in I'atlidi' party, Willi ilislineiiisbuii persons fioiu v.u ious countries ill J'.itrnpo. To a lolleetion lately mnde at ull the Paris el, tm lies jor Dm iit-out luuiilli's ot l.tmoges, Prince Napoleon lot w uded Pu- self an I will' t thoioard francs, and Daron It ith-eluld tan thou sand fruues. Ihe l.niperor Ins autlioua ;d a lot tiuy, with a capital of live milliou lianes, for the beuetit of ti e linloruiuates at l.iin iges. The engagement for the great prize of rai'ia, to be run lor in tho veir ls iii, uie now I closed. There are !4 horses entered. Tti'ie I weie xil enti red tor the year lso.'!, uud Id fir Hi yiar IS'jI. 1 line are 1 12 horses entei.-d lor i no year M..i. 1 here ate French horses atii II Kngliah entered tor the jear 1H. Dining tho year ending Mar-h ,'il, ls.,1, the navy of KnitUod has i ost tt 77,'j,".i for the b ni l- iii-tol new ships in ihe (iovernui Mit do; k .;i'ds. Other vessels bail- on coirraet cos. JU"'), al. The c spcuditurc on ships and vessels toting out mid relitting, repairs and maiuten lin e, brings tne whole outlay up to l'2,riiH,;in7. A leiter Ironi Naples ol the 2l h siaies tint a fatal accident took plu-e on th1 previous ecni i,: et the theatre ot the Villa 'N a.i male, during tne representation of tho ball' I of th'i .oi 1 . i Mm nold. 'Ihe l.aiii'.tlui'tns had to af.j .!. Ilia enemy with a lire d mu-ketry, and by miii i !. diM,on. of the Willis lienu loail'-.l with, "all, a lean v, :io formed j' tit ot th- llo.irb mi in iL; a !i inent WL- killed. )M Alll l. HIOIIV. JOHN KF.I.I.V, n.i. t,i cih:s:i;t stim:i-1', Ihivc rtce.viil tt.:r I' l.b s i TI.I'.-J, nn I a Ian: Ms- i.f I'AlXaiul WlN'lKIt liOOIi, liu-hi.liin; eholie A'Jr 111 liOI'l'S, i ll ko-igbttcf-.-ttkei-i-s Iu I U-s, wt,;-B ti.t) wul u.Al-e up 'r. t'- i t mi it;I s at iiu tp-rate r! es. 1KHWS-NHT I'A-H. J-lia J okim;.i.S!s AM) riCXL'1.1'. I K AME MANVi-ACR-IiY. V.'M. II. MU1U1AN', v.. z)n ;. Ni.i i ii sn:i:i.r, j.ll t)'ol I'l.otr t-e. lb l-'l-ul.l.-H f. ic -in ('TvIy on- i:vii. itNi'ri'iti:. llnvint- k.(in(ht went t my fcivifrif.1! i. rrtt i ic i I fiTu tvnutilvU to ') r my b--i t il 111.T-C LASS l'L'KMTUKi: Ai a ta.n,l .- mi old nt , U MJT jjv". TO Tim BUSINESS MKX is- f nil. Dill l'o I. flKAMI fVTA-l-1 MHITI'INO MKHCANTIIiM UNION" CI. Ull. TUP. MJ-i:CANTlI.U UNION Cl.UD OP t'lllLAUNMMU, Invlts ths Hwiiiisaj M.n, wtitiAut dkstlni-tion ol Psrer, hoiIeslr lu show their Inrsltr Io ths Oorenunsiit. sua Ilislr purpose ol sutllnjj In ths clTectiass sapprsssloa ot Uie Rs iM-lltno, by 0AtMlnln( ths prssisnA NATIONAL ADMIN Hm.YTlON, TO AASkMSIA IK CJ O N O 11 11 'V II A. 1. r., on iiirimiiAT KVHNiyo, sf.pt. nth. At lerti O'eloet. 111). MKI11MI WILL Bit AlllXISSaKD BY A. t). t ArriXL, OKxyittiK L. DUZIIIf. VKKDF.KICK VUAIXK.V. MOKTON HoMlCUAKL, DAMKL DOUGUKRrV, Ann evriiKna. BY UKJ)KR HI- TIIK KXHUL'TIVE COMMITIT.E. The nndorstsnsd luvlis their biulnsm fi ll-nan to utiltri with them In responding to the shove csll In turtueraace of the csuse ol our country : K. C. Knight 4 Co , K. (. JmiHn, K. A. Houiior A Co. oimj Hrnthfr, Win. . , Ki'Qt, A. ). ( ult.-ll it Co., Henry I . l'rty, 'lhuit Hl. lmrdH n & ('.. J. . 1'lTOt A liros., JninrnH Ortif, tlftmeii I. ( laKliorn, liillni)., Ktiop A Co. Kifrile, Wicni A I '..-win, J o.:iiiitvi.m toll, JlUhv a Co , I ittle Htnkm A CO. , I'AVln r.!ri4ull A Cl. CtiHtli j Hntirttt, Vait A Kobr, W 1'. II. Iiuiuan, 1v!iik A Allen . MuitIh I.. Uitllnwell, J. F. A K. It. nrite, J. It. McCwtry. ifi wioiiLi, iiowi;i a Ht'id, Ki'nuwlv. Htnlra A Co., II it n j in A Itro , J. T. AU-t'iiyor A Co., Jiilni I'. ri rk nr. (Hrnitt A Mnrlln, LfHln A Co., . It. Mount, M. J)f (lintliiT, ( liu.. K. Nurtnii A Co., ftlHrtiu Toy A Co., l.nntkH ltri A "o., Jimn-H A. WriL'ht, Hninutj) T. Alti'iniw. Jul ti M. Kimt tly, hn.wn A Junifr H. J. ctiiixtittii A Co.. I U'l.l A Ke i liinlc, t vrc, C4xicr A Co., A. .1. I'prhvhim. L. liwrtji r Jcllrlisji, Jli:nt I.otiir, Hro. A I'm.. Ailiiinii A WcDgrr, Muhoii A Co., Niitiiitn Trotior A Co., .IttiD 11. M il. lams A Co.. H. Mfili.up A Co , Jiinuh' A Itritpuimi, KkmI A llnntm hit iiHnl M. Win. H. NiiWHri, H'iVr l IlilH iilDMII, lol.ll 1 ' r l( WftlMTllt. Clrl k. Abliolt- W . A l'ol u. ,1 tm II. Mi(i'htnr, H A MHifintiiM, K. IHlllV OsK.l A Co., K. U t -lfi.lt Itailf . Hhv nt l-'aiit A i o, I iiiin'1 A. ottin, Si-uintw'Kr A Co. Cl,-. .1. 'I tH iiid, fu.tT A it'lfi. It s.l" A It otic r. Cln. 1-- 4 liiikn, t.a- .'fnii'"-. (,.. kill A t.ulvfii. NMt- il- .V HnHht r, J. t Cfll.iHCll. .In-. I. hi , 'r, I). V. If-- . "Iu Tl.iw. H. hmiiii, ll ilfl.HII A Hullr.. v i n t-r A Siimukli Ki.-l-l A CikU', I'tMptrtV Amr.ilfV It. Ii. tlniMrvy A Co.. K. H. Mt..r, .1 r. Htciner. Hhy, Ml hn A WsVj'l tti ctuiH, H I'Ut'i r. Win. C. VliivnMl A ".. li. i. .Slot' hui , A in ;m'1 'i -r i hi i 1 1 rtiiim. .in mt M ivjirM-n. t 't a . H. Ul.liniiU i' i .1.-. i h.s. Alf.li.ni A i m., M. A (1. ' , l u fifsPinl, Mii-it A ( Mr.l.n r, K- . i.i r, ,1. vl .1. i'.nl. v A I .... C. A. lln. . A ..ft.. 1,. tli N. , .V t h, It row a A Co., Hi'til It. Htiti, Htuart A linthor, Knniham, Rlr;Ura A Co., I'eh-r HlfKcr, Mypft, KirkpAtrlck A Co., Caleb Cope luiitiorl n A Smltli, Itmnpjiri.-n a llofluian, W. J. T..ylnr, lr. Maviil jrtrnt, lloiirr DiihrhiK A Co., I.ikIm'Ik. Kn llur A t o., JohD r. (iraftT, I .IwMrl I. l'.)iU A Mii., Siiuni'i llwithnin A iom, J, (. llowfl A CO., Ki tti Cotiily, l-'rtU, Wiitirtnn A Co., . Mi'tK A ltrotl.tr. Ifowlantl A Kivoln, AiranJir rrltmilfy, .1. M. lUllolkth, I. ewU Aiidt urit'.l, Itrooko A Tu'ltir, ! Atliima AtkliiHt'ti A Co., ' 1. It. Mlni'In A Co., A- H Kmm-I'rtm A Co., ( linrJt-rt W. Koliort, Chm. K. AloiKait A Co., Whltnfv A l.nwronc?, ,Jo4t'ph 'fotnlinimu, John it. KiuIhIi. J . M an w fli A Houa, Arnold A W 11 ton, tlrove A ttrother, (ifort-e H Aalitou, Solomon Altw, K'lwdrd TiotU, ,t.tor e C:oWinti. Mitchell A l.lw4r.l-4, rriHlnnuth. Itro. A Co., i Jlroolvt' A I'liifh. AlexunJftr Noiiilt. n.i.iitici l w aril, Kilwnril V. I' lyne A Co., It -vil A It oyer, N i k'rno:i,ii.iirl A Mo ley K. 1'. Uuhit-ij A Hutii, Win, H. Hmitfi A Co., II. llaMuuitin . fow.r, Bnrnfi A Pott', I', c. A. ciaikt, TIioiiiin Hitark. J. c. cialMtrii, 'Chun. V. liiu'on, Jr., l.wlt l. II-i mIi, W. Hid Carr. Ilellltol K. limn, Jolin W it'Ht . ( hamixtr'i A ('rittll, TIioh. tiurrU-k A Co., , i 'liu. Knt-riit, I. dintn'rt 'I'd i mm A Co. , ' l-ntti: hturr, Jr., 'I'. V ;it mod A .SoD4. ii'o. W. Mi'an, Wm ItuniiD a riona. S. A .1. Aloorrt, AliraLiin tliirt, ;". A. W oo I H i.'lil. r llowan! A Co., Ann tr Yo uik Ilro. v Co., Jh-4. Coll no, i;. It jiiillo Miiith, ha niifl Icirtui, i . I'ruKton Htiica, M ir.iliy iV K'mhh, II. c. Ti'tiiio-k A Co.. Suyt'r (.riihti A o., Mun'li HiotlnT"! Hi.tn'it-r A l i hl, Ci in H. ifi!iii a, .MH-O.t W. til. ! .!oh:, Mt.no' iV Hon, Tin i". W. i.vj.it Co.. w. w. K.i! Ifohort SH-.ii, ! iw ril .i. M iwton, i 1 1 II l 4 -4 ,. ,JtVaWU, li'liil i,. I..lWsftl, .. oi ,i'-r A M .r y , i:'fi'-ri('.iv A ti ir.kln-t, M. Ii-..-. s S hi A (',., W. A II. It. Itiit.uel, -M. M. .11 US..'. 11. i'.'. Ill A l-.-.l. , '1 1 i i - l.tr i A Snn t; -o. v. ",iih -i ,t c.i., .l-nlutu )i. l.i- A t o., I.l(i;.fli- '.1i. J rid A ., K...r-, 1 1 M c.. K'-iVi- A Kii-.'.u I'DiH'iii.nt A Uitiirill'ii, IU nja'iiiii K. SmitltT, '1 Li-..,..r Wil-oti ticor-f II. N. vltiy. l:iiiit'! tiniliaiii, M. s. -M J 'Ti, SoruiHil iV Utile, . viuilli A I li.'inu-, 1 Ih-iir.v 1. Nt-il, , Amlrt'W KfyMT. I)uiiiel Mt lntnulZ, 1 W mirr A K .mil. J. M. Sinillt .v Co. . t'l lionim (iilh niU't Win. 11. Tit rt, 1 J.llll'.'ft J . S Wi) Vt'l', .!. It. A J. I'rifc, 1 1:. T. WhUf, it- Jtillt-ti A . vuilfj . MiUir" Nvlll, I.hnllfv Hiiilth, Win. I', 'l.tit.i, A. K. Hi 'inl'-r-on. '1 liuiniii i mu' .v m .iis. ( li. C VViilli .iii ,V t..., Frank eV lroni'i II. I.- .n, Ntilli.l'i Vo riy . Ko.j.Tt M. .tank j)utn r. i ov", j Vailtait l'.r'. s.tmm l M. i'.l'jiiiau-". llt iii V tiuii.ui, 1A. Klltil- ciiur;(-s V. Mlt- lifU, 1 1 ' Imrii-H Kr nii ii.'i.l, M'livot II. W IKon, lU-.llii II I'cli Tho. , ' Kllwoml .'oitUtoll, ,C. .1. i.llit. II. ltuJiL'inii, 'lain h Lov.l, 1 H.'iirv .fonl ui, iJiiim-ri II. il u-iiior, N. M, KfiiH, - I'. l.lR-ruuu, .N. Iti'lll.i, ! W. M. H.iw'n. Win w. Wui ii r A i '(,. vU, Kohn. Ai.r A Kolm, II. Mlillll A UU. J. W. t lOWfll, K ;iii.n iV ,j.iiifv, li,l- A lv. hln." Mll Mrir A Mifn 1 1. 1 i'iioi i' hli'tt ,v ( o.. 11. y. r iV M.-n-fv, II. hen H. Work . i. A lluii-l kor. 1. ( . Mttilt-lra. amui'l I.. MukH. J. c Ciirrim tirull A X nt kill, NHinkifi iiauK bis Soil, I-. T. htw'l, A. -M. 1'u ,1, I'.. A. Aiulrt w. Icnli.ii .V Uo-, H. im In iv riimfcWiTM, . It. M. .Ii.iics ,v ( Monitt ii llitliy, tuct-t- W. IliM, Al.hlch .V Y."kfH. hmiiio'l llt'di. l)uui.htoit. Ittitt-han A' kill's, I. tiw.tnt 1'jiinfi-, l. 1.. 1 iii . Siiu.nc I lit ra-trt hm( r, i.rj.4' K. 'k. Miiuti iV hut li nk' i l tilt r A 11' M.holu, ;!. I'l l. K--m, ,iuo V. l ine, I li.irl i- Vomit:, r i'li Uf! I- "X. w. r. Atkn.N'iii. i . ort-c It. Kvr:o"l . l-Mwrti.l Ml' r, i-Mi.-l A. W'lTlit. . Ii. ' l ilt Air.'. I'. M.ii'U-y. lU-nrv Huttav, H . . Ctil.l'lnv, JwmN. loy. i i,prl- N- Milh-r. 1 1. i. IW'inif' . .,i,mi H. Hunt, II. W. t-INV, cl nrlt - W 'Mull, J dli 1 1 M Kortl, i I.a.l-N.' iiu. W in.ntn Wit i -oil, J. A. MtiiM-vs, I' i nit i .v Miller, il-uii. An Ii r-t n A I'i'ii i lu.rl-h l.ilu.Tl .V Co., .1 1 'Jtii W. Tl.oioim. , luiliuuu A Klik. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, w-rooit; t FALL, NOW VH STORE, j ihui. 1H' EDMUND YARD A CO., No, 617 Cbesnut and 614 Jujn Street, iwromei'ii and Ji)ubrbs or SILKS AND FANCY DEY GOODS, HIIAWI.H. MN10NH, ANL WlltTK OOOUH. lAK'JR AND IIAM,SOMR STOCK OF nnuss ouods. FliLX LINE Or FORRION AND nOMF.STIC IIAI.MOHAI.H, ihsiiii-ij as-)ia ItHl NFUH AND OTHKIt MARKS. KTSAOHDIHAKY BARGAINS it DUKSS (U)ODS, SHAWLS, FI RMSHIti AM) DOMESTIC GOODS, fe-nii'tljin lti-s Uw'it ss1 rhoU--ic dt.plsjrot ofinst st Il.tSli. AKD AT mirf.S IIKI.OW THE COBHK!H'0NI)INU tlt'( 11) VAt.VE Of liOI.1). I'ltKNCU I'OI'l.lNS, MKUINOKS, A 1 .1 AO AS, WOOL 11 K I.AINl''.S,o., KBY CHRAl'. VYeliiivi. recsvi4 At A 3rr.it nacrtllce a Urge Stouka HI- Stem-,rl'-e. IHtF.HW (lOOHS, A J .l. Lot of AMEItle'AK fiKt.AINKH AND PIIINTS, Wtii.-li is hull otittr vcr low.mi't sre well wortu tlio attention of buyer,. J. COWPUKTHWAIT & CO., I. E. corner NINTH snd Altcll 8troMi, ! .'S-:i rilll.ADKLPIIf A. lOSl l lll'.MNUl' KTIIKKT. lOIUllOIDKltlKS, LACES, W1I1TK OOOUH, VEIL S. 1 1 A. N li It EllC 1 1 1 K E. M, NEEDLES, Ikll ' I p! iwl is i " iti i oiiKSMrr MiTTf-.KT". II U K N O It I H It I I I W, refund th mnny, If dcilrssl, tor svsry lot of 8hlrti whlea fst! in snv respect. FINK HIlinTH, COT LEM1TU1VISK OF MUrtUM. AlsJ. of Hew Tork Mill. Uuilln, srtd Ttry tot Llnea Bosooi. Oulj,-7r). Unul price l-le. WllUaniivllls Mill, Muilln. sfl nn Lln.n Botomi, Onlj ,l'fU. b nl pries slfc'u. GENTLEMEN'S FUUNISUINa G0OD8. HJUTII 1 JACOHH, B)1-a Mo. I J J8 CHErtNUT BtrMt, CHAM) 01 MINING 01' TflK NEW JfNli MAllNtrit BNr Hl'OltE (jf JOHN LODTEY & CO., Wo. !iO H. liKJlI'l'II HTIIUIIX. KM MONDAY, HKJ' l'lOMUint !i(J, Vf hrre wilt be loaiitl s most betiiii't'i.i ts.urliuriit of DRY GOODS, CI.OAKH, AISI KIIAWLH, IM Till. CITI'. Wt lisvs i.t Op.u. lOeX) l'l'sssi EII-KR, Fl.AIH ANi iAiicl. :0O l'lr.si- MKKINOKS, rLAlB Alill KIIH'HEU. aro i'i i o FRKNOU l'OPL.If, KF.r AMI riiil RKl)-. :109 l'in WODIi DH I.AINK, ficuble snil Hid;U Vi'Ulli. Plata un I'teur.-d. iro iv. MOllAWt ALPACA, rtsln ami I'iuurt-i1. UK) 1-1. . .H KNOL1H1I MIUilNOKS, A'so a IsTg HtiK-k or t'sn.-y asi.l aist-'i 1) k i: S H 5 ) O D s . '.Mm A. JONWS 1 ELK Hit a 1 1:11 FLUS ULTRA NE LVFItV KIIIT tVAI!':KTKI AVI) KI'.IT IN ORltR 81 .IU I'll, J-Kl:E Ol' f'lIAKOE. SUM) OM.V AT :;o 17 1?. XIGIITH S1SDST, (tr. i i- I'a.triili-.-'s 'l'rliiiuiuii,' Rtu.'e i- NI'Nt: C111N1 in t; INI.KSS fil'n NAME AN1 Nl.'MBI'.U is - lAMl'ED LliiN' TIIK W.lTliNU. i:.Tj:. 1 I'.Mi'rtl stKlttTi snil with ,in-.- e wa!t, u..vlo r.. , ri' r ut i:o s ..;i l. n '..- i t ti i.ii.ts ma ot: '. i:n and i:i.taAiKi:u, i a i" :i- S .'.NIi i nt di:i:n k ..hint ' 'i' ill ana M'i. ,' - 11.111' OH l rt'1 I V-Jl ll.i I'.-IQ II''1' 'F SXl J.O M. l.lll'l.o-..N.W- ll.'HT SaIRTs Alll II "I'-', A'hvc Mti s'.ie'.'t. 1-..1...1' ;"U, le.ntc ami It. : 1. 'I ) f rv st r'l".'l' i'- ii-Kir'iii. iil ' I I. a t;r-', sT.seiT, anil l ..iiilrcii i IIisj h.lriH in itio . liv, In i-ver r.-.i.e.-t iu.t (in , wtii' li r-r -i.l, mi .li, uur.ibiut, la.1 ei.e i. tii, !,' n.-1 il 'ii I'"1 in-.' S'-t. Hln is uisiie Ii) orii'.ulu rrij, aiij r'-r-airiil . i,,. iy wM.r. norKtKsj. t 'AKl'ETS, MAITINUS, OILCLOTHS AND VJ Wlmluw BliHilfs, from Now York Am-iion lulltlillv vet.)-.Miunillcnit llriis.-l, K will.., tfl.'.1., 1 -.-tf'j.H'M) nt l-i"i liiiliiitlon I'rii.seli, (.s .ii,'J.) V wule, ill, ISO siiil W Hen" si-. - ill-l l iir..i"r-tionsti- i.ri.i'si liiii.ril l iin'i. 1'J7 to l-74 p )a.-.li InH'iln, li'.m '0 iuU to ll lJs.1 V.ri'itun, u-v, s.ni lump, hom 117 S tu '.6 " lit" l" r yarli Mai. t'.s L.ro .1 s.l'.rluieiit ever oiler. J lu I'lnlsJ. Iplilu, f ,iu j In 7i inil. s IU, st Uis k" w I ail Ail. ll .il S l . -. l- Bot, (I'.rni.rly HlMl.Uiw ,) ha. Ill . HM .IN I tumil, Ur.t tl.K.r sWVU VA141U4,opts)0il KVtu -vuiis J)lll20e G O O 1) H AT REDUCED PRICES, Fat'tii tl li,: A'ictlin 8'ea la No Y 'rk sail r.i -laiolpliia. FAEIS TO I IN.S. 1 II tll'K. iSIIAUKS tl l !! I,'I I'HI'.I K 10.1.14 t'(in ImOHIE w mil l-I.AIll V.tl M' IA T fleali. l ltKM II MKlIN f.SII t II .1) 'S Ml 1K s l 71 r.iKIM MtinsHt-MNK lK I.AINI s.ioltlsrlnsndit'.lors, Al f.-M 0OI, I Orlir.K WIDTO CAslIMkKK. tHIOM CAi-IIMKKK. 10.0C0 Yards 8&XCNT DRES3 GOODS, Itarging from 4 ) crnts, t pwardn. OUHWra 5T0DnABT k BROTHER, N1 4-.0, I IS), inJ 1l M.SKe'OMII Tl;t f -It Al.svs, WlVw. ) L A N n i: II 0 U EKE E TU Kii, TAKE NOTICK, -J. C. STRAWBRIDOE & CO., I'OltfkFKI.t l'.)WfEKTHW4:T C'l, N.W. Corner EIGHTH and M AEKET StreetA, Aic now oflerfna the tsrit tLsd of HIinV"ti ti ' la ttu ctl , At uudorste pnc... ' found ltlCll'l ll ULAN ItliTM, emu iHjAnhf.i'h, CHADLK ltlA.IS ItiiTM. 1IUI HliANKKTH, all Hlieoss. To deal.-ri wo orT.r the best s.iortuentof all th, l.-sdin, msks,. ti Jf-liitbt lra ltfsy Korly nit. I Hi,vo lltn Atlvaiino. QI.OAR AND MANTILLA Mauufuctory, and Shawl Emporium, N. W. Comer AKC1I and TENTH 8TKKKTS, I'llILADKLI'IIIA. H. WELSH .V: :)., Whers y hi ran ies s Splendid Anortnisnt of the CHOICEST KOVELTIES, Whors vim esn scf the best MAnaiaetared Qsrmentf, snd l)Hri ymi can proL-iirp tbe HENt'lSE WATKR fROdl' I'l.OAKS, At ths I. ONVKST 1MIICKH. I.Adkg will And It to thflr lnMit to iirchane Uielr C'lkt aiid Hliw li al UU Kjitl)lihiant. -V0-Utlu-?m H. WKI.HI1 A CO. MUSICS OF KVF.RY GRADE AT TRICES which wrrnt tu low, or lowar.than thrr cn H ilbly le iMinht no urn s'llnK a ginxl Hltiriinrf, V wlti.forl rune pcryi-d: H wlo. ,17. rrnti : 4-1 wUa. 60 rntit. New ofk M ,' WllttRnjivUie, Wrtmmttn.Ac.. t lowrnt prtrr. All il ,Hit iuk.- ot Henvr ttntl rm HhfPtliiHM Iu li frd w nl.V rnnln, 2 r4 , i', , and : j unlit 1 ie. Tn Vinn lor j.or Trd ; very nnrlAhle Mitran In a tH rn.-tr; .in d HhtwitBirs. all iiunll(Ha; lowpliiifr, lSnrtvr Diapers iSnpklus. Htiirtinir. ml I'll low IJnent, Ac. MAisHKrtt. our iiiRnkffi wfre ninpiit last rnnr. We ifTtt-Plnti a end Itianftd al $7 nrr pair; on tin Itlankma wr can tm e thf inm liaHr T pair, ii -otl ( omturt- at.U'it, Marftrillen (Vulltt, 90 -V) each. WparetttiUna vtiy tin MarnollIe yttUt, thai nnw roiti -tf), luhjort to dlc'liriiifii, I rum l tn,(r $t.'; fUit lattno nf th Krat-it Imrfrttns havi M, fircrn Hnta and KianneiH of all kli.lt. R. It. A W. U. l'KN.Ni:LIMfo.K MAttKBT hlrit, ttIow Klevcuth. D--iMutlu-.lt WOLUIKRS' UR1 HANS. TU li ARRANGE n menu f.r tho aluatWn anl mrthitcnanco uf the doti- tltma Orpliarm of tha Htltlr imj Hallnrs ol tbt tit am. niiiittr lite a t rt-iuMiiif to tim wnnirot iicihk DownntrtoiwiUr cnmplptcd t enable the iiu4criiintil to rocMve aupilca- i ion it, roin-a is rertuj iiiven mat uiaoa lormi v auiio. tlnii, wtib tlir necewHtirr iiuiriK'tloitH, liave hL'rn tlnpofiitt?.! ith tif follow tiiii Kentioninn, from u tioui tuu raiativri or frw r an of i lie onl' ( otrm n tani. n nt'D mo rpd n aiKin ana utatt-mcin it oaa rite itiaii bt I'mjrly fliod and aworn Ut, and ctr(ii-d by tha tiar1 ol i o ntnon rtcix'oi ifirifci.irti or in iiirnu in blcn tit miiannKiiiM It Ii to t foiurnfM to tha k't ntlrm tn nmn vu-inliwa.-, rerttvHi. tr v 'ni otin r m.'isi.'r or mo 1 nniitv HiiHtlnt4'nr1tnkr;nnimlttna, by vvttJiu (t will Lt fr- waitttn tu Uir unai rxiKiieu. In a lMnt time after ti-i roreint or tne annnrntion hr tho imiWi-,niHl. If 11 In-liultit1 lonn, ami tlio orphan ne niitl. d to ttu- iMjifiit.i ol tho art, un oi J r ir tin' adiuli- lon to die prtcr hoot mil ho trnt Ur mall to (no moil.or, or other appUm reUilvw wr IViond, w lili no.-a feni Institirtloni. It In ent- io. Uiat the boIiooIm na'crtwi fur tni'ia ortmtni will hnrpiulv lor their rocoptimi ilnrltu tlio mouth ol t to iler, 1 in ir iVIoihIh will tlicn'torc take tho no-oiai'y stm into' Inu t- Uii'iii ri'ud loi tt iinlnnluu by lltu lioi Novum- h. r at the hitu.st. Tho Mikiio will proMtlfl rliitntnn, iw)aniin. waahliar. iiioiiiiinu. tHNtriii tlmt ioka, &v ,Ur Uio oii.lmirH wUno in the hiH. it ir id. tt l'.r ihein, hul ihu rolaUvon or t'r amis an o&iMCti'tl to mvihI thi-tii thithor without con to the Htitto, and alno to tond with I hem. In ob ordor nt .Mihlo, kuuh cloth'n at tlif may uiou ha , to ho woru till otiiors i in t pro htost lot tln in I ii if .11. 'W id ir in itieumoi Ktmuun-n i wnom apynua- raiionscau io mioio : Adaiiig uonnty, Ooorica McMol an,.ett)iburn. AiU Kiit-ny r uriinoi, riuojr 'oioiiolj. It. Kinoy, kltlftuninj, Miciael W. yuml, Keavor. J. I.iiuon oltor, Ittdt "rit. Hun. Wm lIclMtr, Hiailii'-. Hon. Ham', ti. Iflair. ItuUldayt biiTK. H. h. lcusol,Towanda. J. I M'Mi'lt'iihai). DnvUntown. John H. Norfloy, It i it lor. Kdward Htioaiakfr. Kbonnhtng. M M. Ittmnili k, MiUl 'li l.'tiunJt I" tlwan' A Oi-biirt;, Mhipnon. lion. Nainnol I, inn, ItfJltil-into. A.l'llnon May, W ot t'liestor. Hon. uniplM'll, Clatinn. .laiiiuN It. lirnlinin ('la irdold. h. A. 4luplwy, 1,00k Hhvdu. Knborl K.dark. Hutirthurg. John Keynolda, Meailvlllo. Th'imat. lu x ton, ('strliulo. I 'r. (iotrffA utio . flarritbuf. Ifiimc ll.tlilfiiian. C'hf tor, tit nrv Houihar, Hnltrway. .)ii an lnttnion Kile. JohnK. Rm lnv, Uniontown. t.rordf W. It... Marion villa. Hon. JaiuM itlack. Cliauibars hinif. M K iar Klnij. MVCowirMlibiinr. Froi. M K. tiarriKon, vVaj un burn Win. it. oitiln.n, HuntlUKton. Koln-rt 1 lor. Imiiana. I -ia' (iord iu. itrookvll!. Kdm Hull fcl' AHl-t'TMl'e. idtii?l lltiutu r l.ancavti'-T- l lorin H' ('a"tta. iioir,o Atklntt. Loh..noii, K. T. S fiitr, llootoWI;. . rwurl IViii. o, WIlKi-nlitirro. Abrn'iam I '.l' ra'l. rt ilt.muH- Mlt. Ho. i. Its run 1. namUn, Hmeth liort Ji.tin It. Iiannii, Morcor. AmltiMv hood, l,!Wiit'(twri. Wm. Imm-s, Htr'.iii.Uhur. It M. Itovcr. Norriot -n. i, hi. -i n ?t n-.u. lHHvlilo. K-'v. Jofiy inilfrvi-r, r.s?.ni.' W in. ,1 ,n rnuw.'h, .Sunl.urv. Hun . It K. .In km, IHo mil. Id. I'.iw.t'.i 11 i i.lu.. Mnt'ird. ..'.Il M II -Ull t -.n. Vni'lrr-.(Wj:'ti Aiiiiitroiiii it kv t-r Iv.ditril IV, Ik Itrndftiid ltn kt liuilor (atnhrla CaitHn ('ntuoron tvi.tm umtor runon Cliaiiild ihiton roitimoia CraHtord fimilMTlaiid Itaiityhiii )oiwMia Klk Irff Katxtt f'Hfit ( miiAiin I tilin dic-u llunllnM M li.rtiHita .l-nci-on JniiiAia l.ai.rnhirr I MM ri IM'f I.olian.'U l.thiKli l.iii.'rne I.yi ouiii'H M. K-an Vlfliili, Moiui w, Mtiiit oiitcry, M.nion , .N-tj an ii't-H, .N.iiliuiulviiitnd 1-2 !! ' Inn. r, H.'hn .Ml , Hn.'i r, K n I .. o Ian v, I'.imi. ii... I , W.iKtMio-:!'.' -;..tih"-m t. Ill lV hU 4 .nn. li miiii or, T.apirte. MiTitr"i. i., v luijoro. I,. b . Kittvi II. ..t in i A i I moil ClIHIli-O t liirt ti V.Mo i-Htinorc I m id V y..iuliii I'avUln .lol.n un-en. , l.uwhburi,'. r: t:, i. 1 10, r rjitiHim. Hon. Lo.sn Arn-'tt. Jiiuio-C. At'hion, WnahitiKtoii. It. H. Snrth. Ilniie-iUV. .Inn. AniWroiiK, -Ir,, tirteu.hnr, K. M. t)sti-rlioNt, Tnnkhanii'.'Ck. II or v L. l-'l hiT, ork. H'iiry H.iHowoil, Secretary. I'i Imtlflf-'iia iit ani Vi tciitroji m, An.tn.t mn iuiiuim.-i. 1 IIuMaH II. liUKHOWI., H tprrttid nd. nt ol' Soidift'' Orphmit. I.aii''.vtert Hi Uii'bt. in, Ji4. !'-VI !-t.t CAMPAIGN FLAGS, iit'NTINa, AND SIKK, of evlut xr.ici?irT:os. KLSO, KASTIKS, Tf f tl u with u full as-orimtnt ol MILITARY GOODS. IV & HA SB ALL, 0-:Wio So. 41&HKCII KTUKKT. JOHN CUUM 1, CABTLNTSft AND mTLPF-R, Jfo. 1 .1 Li'UUH HTRKET. A larpe force of buildU'j tuscikiCJi d aM bntu aef lwaaoabaua. h4-waivxA FINANCIAL. QOLiU. UOIiD, UOLU, SILVER AKD BAJfK X0TE3 WANTKD, DE HAVES & BROTHER, aal-fef o . TBmn irnitrr. QlAlllifMON A JO., UANKUKH, No. l.t 8. THIRD STREET, rillLAI'KI.I'UIA. Onvf-rnmsnt KearltlA, of all fmnei rur-hssed and for Sax. CiucAs, DjnJs, and Ooid Bought snd H'Jld oo Com DUa.lsa iNTKRitir AiLonr.u ox Dtrous. f itl.fllen, f romiU-Msde. iVs'-tf gMsl'Ill 11AIV lOL.rlI, No. li 8. THIIU STUEKT, liANKl'.liS AND IMiOKllKH. Siwole.flto.s i, QiiAit-irm Alters' v'ou.-her, snd ethei-ks.snd all Uovnrnineni S -ourttif , ll'Kixht and Sold, nihil KW LOAN, MIJ W LOAN. U. S. IO 10M. JAV COOKE A CO.. OIT1.R JOH SALE TIIK NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BKAKIMll lK fFH CK.JIT. IXTKIIKST IX C01M, ndeemsble any time after TKN YK.AKS.st the pfessurs of Iks Government, and nsrsbl t'OUTr YEAltft alter dst. UIl'H COUl'OH AND KK.ilSTK.UK.l) I10NDS are Issued for Hits Ixisn.of ssms dsaominstlon ss the s-30e. Tho t merest nn M)s and toils psyshls jresrln on all other di-aomlsatlnn,, hslf early. Ths 10-40 bond, art dated War. hi, 14. The half-yearly Interest falling dus Hiptember 1 and March 1 of each year; amll 1st Heptom bsr, tha soecued Intersst from 1st of March Is required to be paid by piirchsiers In oitt or In i.iial crasKNc-r, slid ing Ottj percent, fl.r preuiluin, until furl hsr nolloe. ALL OTIir.U IIUVr.ltSMb.N l KEOUttlTlGlS UOIKIIIT AMD .SOI.l). JAY 000XE & CO., Duhfr-tf o. lit S. TIIIKII HTIIRI'.T. jniinn:. Mi'iiiaii sX co., J!ANKElt, No. 30 S. T II I It I) S T It E K T, HUV AND SELL 00M, tslLYKK, AM) OOVKBNMENT NBOt'ltlTIK 8 H T O O JC3 ItOL'lillT AM) SOLD ON COMMISSION1. 3-14 gTOCltfe AND HUCUIUTIKH 110VGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVEN k BROTHER, 2-8 Vo. HO H. TIIIKU BTft lKT. V N I T i ; 1 H T A T 3a H 7-30 LOAN. . The norrrtar of tha Treaiurf girm .Uo th -at iub crlptiOBiWlU be recti r ad fur Uounn Troasurf Ifotet, payable Direcyavi fiom Augtul 1, IHCt, wlUi saial-aii-nnal lutcrmt at tltrrataof 9vcn and Ibreo-tentha par rant. r annum, principal and Intaroat twth to ba puld m lawful money. TLfHe njtes will b convnrttblo at tha option of tha holder, at umtnrltr. tnto nix ptT out. gold bearing bumli pnyablo not lfltss than flv nor more than twanty ymra from their dale, ai the (lovernmeut may fleet. They wtll be iHsned la dcnotntitatlnna uf r0, $100. a-O, $1000, and $.'000, and all subuciiptloni muvt be for fifty dwllart or Some multlplo ol ftlty dollurl. Aa tho ncrlei draw Intrreit from Airfiiat 1N penntts akiiiK dfnlts lutiarquoiit to that dale mut pay tbe Inu rrst acuruU ltots date of note to date oi deposit. feriXIAL ADVANTAGKS OF THIS LOAN. It ih aKational Bavini; Bank, oiTorinf a higher rate of In Urea t than any other, and the bcit mcurity. Any a1nta bank ivtilch paj Ua dcpoaltort In Lnltwd flutua oUu coBoldera Umt It ! pnying In the boat olrculallng Uitxlluru of the eon u try, and It cannot pay In anythlng bettr.for Ui una eeMOtiare eUhi'r In (vernoict courl tlei or In nott a orbondi payable In loverunieitt paper. CON YEKTIULK INTO A SIX PER CKNT. 5-20 GOIJJ UONI). Iu addlilon to the vry liberal Interest on Ihe noteg ftir thrve y ar, tl i privilege -f conversion la now worta about thret- per oent. per annum,. or the enrront rate ft V-JW liundj l not laaa than ntttr $er ftntnrnttutnta4 bi tote tht wur tht preuiium on alx pvr orU. UnltuU Htatwa Htocka wan ovir l t-nty per cent. It will eo aeen tliat tiie actual pmBt un thu loan, at the present market rate, la Bot let than Un per cnt per ptnuniu. ITS i:XK?UTIONT ritMM ST AT K OU M lT MCU'AL TAXATION. Hut u-I'Ip roni a'l tie -i iiIn ln e rn rut-!,,, a ape'.'.mi Ai-t t'oon Mi t.v uih"fh nnJ i'i en-trf UvitM hoi,( ,rul ,'inilt n. Oil 1'i.i.t . v. t..l iitua- tion U wni, tthont tv .-r n -.1. -r stun u go, av 'ttfliutt to the rate oi tai.loii m vnri'-ni purr u in eountry. It ix bi'.eii tuittuo Mfi i'l"1! i-M'T ku t;reat tL'.dti'.-v ikM-nu to I n.i re ; f'n -i- I -ti- .1 hy the i.. vor.uuem. In. all t'l.it inn i.f Inili-lMeiliiem, t'.e fjith or ab.itty tf pi Ivnte partl'-i- or ktock ni paIj or iiaf,uie o om:iii tbt, otily, f pitidtittd f"r i'n.?tit, y.Mv ti.e s. i,oUi p;r prt cl liie louniry ii Im Id tu kr t.rc t'.e jU-. ti a (v i all i;.e oLiik-ttiiyin vt iNe UuiuUduai. Up 10 ti.e 2 ail of Si :mi tr, tl.o 'iul u i 'J-ji i to tt.ii li au i:a .tr.t il to over 1 .O()t),00O, Bt if-- kii ii'isi WiLi-ti n HhMjM.u bjr ti e T:eimr c the bi.ltttd Ktatci, at Washington, the several AiUuut lrburen and debilitated Uei'0,itarle9, and by ti e riHST hA'lloNAL HANK OK PilILlii:LrillA,Pt., hhC0M KAlKtMAL UANK-Or I'UlLADKLfUI A, TA., TII1KD "S'A Tl' 'KAL BAV Or Pli:LAIi;!.PII A, PA., pUl'liTM NATIONAL UANK OF f tULAI'I'-Ll'MIA, PA., py a'l Na:i'.iil Lai! wni-h are ile-pc'.nl's of pablic im-Ley; and fy -10 ALL ItEM LCTAl LE BANKS AND BANKEUS Throughout the.oonntry will pWe further Information and AFrOKO LVLKY FACILITY TO tf L'UChUU:K8. "TU t'ohItcJaPTAINS AND OWN ERS. lGii-Theund.'r(.lnedIiftnnK le-'! K.1fJ,i1N1' T v a. ui.w iiih'k iMtnito InlfTm hli friet.t.ls and le ii i I, j?a that ha I prepareA wirb Intreasud pntt'tl kol Uie loca,titai n .,' riA f.. i .!.' m i-fntniiioituie those Imviiirf tfsieik to ne raiia Iikhiu s m at miy;:,);,',,r,lA'n,,u .dup-ee. (.enuir anal SuS?r Viva hp'onal'aiteMtloo W all ui .u- Ul i'.i JS. or As."! .7hM-f Tnt.r., ana llachlul.ts :ii.yr: tits zsw r si? Iiik I '." .1 0.K1..11," or i oi i..r l'slnt, . U.s pre.irvs '".. i'i i if ' b..iK'U".i'' ti n mty.l iw oreo,tlj w n.oifck ii.. ssiut fit lai us!, t.-rini. Ko.i.iiiklon He-r iKH-k, BiUl-U DlwMcUHV.V.DTtUisaiiUi;t. 13 VV LOAN OF tub Ar.AjsCH or V'K ' $75,000,000 LOAN ; ItSTtni tbli aar bssn awarAMI, sn4 asn 4oa ass essstnl,sre atarsarad totn to eastimsn al a lnr or naall iiiou, an 7 stamat st tali aio.t stoilraat GOLD SIX PER CENT. LOAU . AT THE MARKET HUCE. ' Wrbsre slwsri eonsldtrnl tkMt IMI B0!fDi aik BEST LOAN OX THE MARKET, ' Tlisrt Is bat a HMAI.L AMOt'HT F0 BAI.K, ai4k f r.autim vlll. In .ur i. pin Ion, adrsno rapldtr. Fanlsa hSTta ' r-o LOAN wmaeocsUsn4 BtCIIAWdE Mr i-t ssrsaaa MOIIK rRRMAMBUt L0AH, rssnlsllr as mow, twmf to U.s Osrmsn dcmsKl tot rtvs-twrttM, a tuga rata esa b oatslnsd Itrf thav JAY OOOKK A CO.; Mo. lit 19, THIRD fcTBKKf, aI'Mm PMlaaVdpeM. PROPOSALS. SUnsiHTKNCK 0FK1CR, VNITRD 8TATKS Aim, Nt. JUNOlJTli Himt, - . - . Ho. Iteptnhr tT , IMi. Heated rmnniale, tn dunltnus, w1U oa reeelrad a iUa eftirp tiritli 11 m nn MONItaY, Octnner 10 UaM, ( fiuaiahuif tbe United tkataa MnbaUteeMa all raw taw. HiVK THOrANT(TlO) HBAt Or ItF.rr CaTTt. on the hoof, dellrant at the HUMe Cattle aVtraa ai ftaHi tiore. ftld.. In lot of 1(H) one thounand ett every fW tatidae; ! beweljihi'd within one and a half dara alter airival, at the exp-ne of the oca raptor. Taey mutt avrnre about ( I3"0 htrfeen hundred pound o aroM wrtKnt( all failing ahort ol Mh) one ihosand anndt aroet we4arM Hull, eitaiiN.Oaaa, Cow, ilviivra, and Hutmieee Caute, Will IW reierted. A dfdiiriionoften (J0 ponnfli will be made from Vwe wefihtoT eaa Htwr anrpid undr thli eontraet, arw TldiNl the animal dnea not aland in Uie pane two and ene half bourn lMinre bliif welahad, er la out weajfUed liaiwa tUatbly after re moral from the cam Him for m (or prcpoala ran 1 bed on applloaUoei 4 th'i ornce., elUier In perann, hy mall, or teleffraab, Tho (fcivernment win claim the rlvht of weurhtnf aww ene animal teparate, If U$ appearance Indioatee leaa wahiht tl.an the mintmnm tnetHtooed a bar; ura av penae of we l kin wUl be paid by the party arraajr ta Jda nant. i.ach bid. tn aeenre oohilrteration, rant eontala writ ten R'larnnt e or two renpouBlhie pemoni, ai tollowi : We- , or tbe C'onnty of .mate of do barawe; Kiiarantee that - Ii (or are) ah(a to fulfil a oontrart ba aocoroanr with the terms of hit (or their) propottttoe. and iliould hli (or their) pmitoaltion be aooepted, he e tliey) will at once enter Into a eontraot in aoeordaakaa) therewith, and we are prepared to beoome hli aaeatiltee) vuik Rood and nuillclent bond for tta fultllmetU. The raHponstbliriv of the fuarantora muat beahnwvbw the ofnrlal oertlllcateia the Clerk of the nemet lMttrlet Coort, or,.r the t'nlpMSlatoa Ilatiiet AttoriMy, to be ea GiOed with the hid. fttlriiler mutt be prenent to reapond to there btde.tael prepared to give bonda and algtt Uie oontraoi before leav ing the nfnre. The (iovemment reierrea to Itaelf the rlgbtte ra)et aa er all hum coimltlf red unrraaonabie. raymenta to be made alter each dehrwy In tneb fnek as may be on band; tf none an band, to be au4e aa soon aa ? el . rn ptftaln mut be endorsed dlstlnrtly "PropoaaJs fbr Itcat t attle." ami addressed to Captain!. U. tiiavMi,C. 8., Baltimore, &lar land. Ifabld Is In the name of a Ann, their name and their poMofiice address mast appear, or they will aotbeooa n'ered Ka b pereon or eery member of a firm offering a pre pooal maU aeoowparnr It by an oath of allegiance be tbe VnMfd Atatea Uofernffient,if be has net airaady died ear in thfi orflce. -AU knit not eomptvintj rtriHy with th terms Mas W tH $tmneit4 tet1 e rejected. J. If. On,MAaT. 9 9 Captain and U. 8., 0. 8. A- QVARTLRMA8TKRS OFFICE, Phii.aiiki.piiia. rn., September 99. HeS4 Ki'aVed preporalt wtll be recvlved at Uits nfftoe ejaed 13 ocloch M.. Mil KHI4V, (H tober d, 1HM, for the do livtrvat tha I'ntted htatea Btorehvuse, Uaaovet oUraot Wharf, of the follow ion fiO.orn feet Oak Lumber, 1 Inoh snnaee edged VftJBiO do. do.. 8 do., noteditedk iw,r(K ?.',( m 'i-'.t0 do. do . a-, men, Lm esageeu S do., do. b In. h, not ediftd; do. do., do. do., do. do.. f fstt.nian a no, 20.UHJ feet Abb Lumber. 9 do. 2iJ do. do., do. do. do., I do. 2:Vlfl do. do., 4 do. Ail of the above described to le best quality bmnbetv aabiei't to the tnnpectn n of an insptctbr appointed oa tbe part of the Civ mnenl. AM ol che Lumber bid lor lobe doll re red within AfbaaaV dav irnm dale uf oontrart. Itidders will a ate p ice, both la writing and figures, aa. theqiMiitlty of each Vino hid for. Karl, bid must be nnariinteed by two resnonslb'e peew snni, whoie aiifnatures must be appenaedto the jruaraate 1 audeeiilhed to as betin; iiood and euttloient aeeurity for the tmcunt IrvnlviMl. by the 1 nil. d Ntalea Ulstilct Judca Attorney. or Uniiecior, or other publig otDoer, oUterwiaa the hid 111 not be considered T-e rlKht U rrMtrvi-d to releot al bldi deemed tee) l.lKh and no bid from a detauAiug euauactor wul ba re- . celved, Hy order of Colonel A.J. Parry, Qnartermastefa Da- purtnit ut, V, h. A. C1KOROS R. OIMK. n.t-i.1 Captain ami A. Q. JC QUARTERMASTERS O F P I C K. Fiiir.Aii i.rniA, l'a., HoptetnberW, 14. h-ated Proptnals wlP le received nt uila oOioa naeT 1 t I.HI1A 1 , '' w'rluck M ,(ciotHT 4, it for delivery at the I'niU'fl Maf M n hoiif.8, llHiiover aire t whan, rtu- x Jmi ciphJa, IVntisyhania, ol Hia Mule Army Wagvns, ooaa JlltlO Uiddcrs will state prlre, bnih in wrlUnr and flreree, at id how many wauotis thi-y can deliver, and the ahoreet . time they t an deliver them In. 1 i.e wagou to be aulyMi to In-.!'! rllon. Esirh htd must he mtaranteed br two re sponsible per- ' iiiH, wboe HlitiiHturt-s uiukt lie appended to thegaapaa- . tci1, mid rertitini tu hs heinjt ko od and auihcttnt keeurlty for the amount Involved, hy the I'll Hod Htaiei lMstrlot Jiul, Attorney, or Colluetor, or other public officer. Otiivrwlhe thr bid wtll uot bu constdored. The rluht l resnri-u to re.ievt ail hlils deemed tno high and no I ni itom a duleuliiiij, t onlractor will be receired. By order ol Cok.nel A.J. PKRttT, Qnaiiermaster's leiirtnuot, ll. 4. A. OKOIUIK. H. O H M f W &t CapUin and A. W- at. 1")ltOr(SAL9 FOR STATION ERY 11 APXit Altl hUH 1'KNNA. Mll.lTIA, tl ARrkKMA.TR-ll'.NIe-EAt.'S OrrV'9, llAHniai KG, I' a., deptumbervi, 194. 8oaled Projtosals (onuorsed rropoanU f r 8ationery Will he ri-eeled at this oitlrtf up to eA I l:Kl4Y, October 1, -t V.M.. lor turrilMimir trie foowlo artlcia, delivered at tht i fTli r (tee ni chnrvehfor loxei. rrelf ht, and cart av;e,"uiMltr Act of Assembly aopro.ed Aiikusi Vt. l-W. i iiiams iote I'Mper, lalut line, white tint, wrjglst V not len tiian ' lha. per leatn 4 KoHtiik I. etn-r I'api r. faint Hne. white tint, welgtat ' not less than lo lbs. per rain. 41 Iteains Let i or Taper, same, In H aheets, wetaM ; not leH tliiui lu ihs per roam, put up ia paper . boxes, H rram each a IteHms Clap tar, faint line, white tint, weight " not leak than li lbs. porreatn. HSW I'iul Kuvuiopei, white, aie i byH lu., weight . VJ Ihs p. r lb-Hi. IV ,0 Lftinl Ku Iopi'a, bntT, same, w eight lit lbs. per HIM). htX) Let cr Knvelopen, whl'e, slaeM by &H laehetv. weight lbs. per H"i I Io. ,MurilaK in bottles, with cap and brush 4 , K oz. nnu i li Hot. Lead Peni fls.flrai nnailty. JO tiroki t'el eens.urft ijuilty. IH llloiilui! Itoardn.t'HMl.Jt'j hy 11 Inohes. , IV Arnold " rltltiK Kliiid.pI'Ms or iunria. 1J HI kill, IWks, assort -d H, , ant 4 quloa, Sfboual, ItiMNl, iniut .in white tint, lf i bv Li RaaipVk to a ooipanr e. h but and deli wrv In ten flu ds a'lt r awaid-il Name-, of two im d huretics to ae oonipnitj propiiH. 1 he nirhi Is reervd to accept par ol any biiia. or reje. t all ii rousidie J lor the Intereat vf Uie .Stale Io tlo so. JAM. L URVNOl.UA. li tf7-t iJi.Hr.ermaNtur-tteueral, Pa. QiAHiI;iiMA&rKR.GENKRAL'H-OFFICRt i irit Hivikiim. V-iMM.iOvOl1V. Atmust U(,L4ti4 lM'Ksr.s! mutsr.s: i h jiimi.si i t liorMi MittHitlr tr Aitl I'tv und t'aialr service wtll e tun -has. d it till HllOKO lfct'M , In open market, till (urntitKic i,le4. ilur-.'s w I U tmihlieiod to Captnln L I.ovrr Ttfoora, A. i. M , ai'.t Ih- Mitiei'tfil to the usutl ...Auruuiunt ip.pi'tlor. hn ri' iM'ttim rtireie,l i'rirc i.i t 'nvalr. W 'irven, ft'7 e-irh. V i ifi" i i Ai i iil r 'liun a. f li-j. a' t. I'.iMi.- rt 111 L'. k wr muv 0-' :ir,tl ,rt '" ja nt: a. r.Kiy. CuU.io-l i ntl OlvUlo.t, ti'i'iM o iiarii ru'a.-'er-t.int'furs O.'lue. 1 l.vin.ic sail uf wiiAnr. J ..i.i i ui . ro.i tv .iiii-i s, j , , .l l'..,.l '. I'llll .!.KI.,-Hi N". II" W 1 1. Ml' SI i.' -. l''l U.I..T JO, lt. ''I'i. l'...il.l i'i M aril. 11. "f II:,- P'Tt o- r.llldvllhla,'' li. .. !. i.', i.o'ii . ti mi ntiil.-r anJ liy untl-.urlly of ail set ..I It;.'- I., vlhl.'liiie ul IVin..y! unl.i. ,-nili l.-U '-An arl lu m..li.ius tli. --slv or rertrfln r. al e-xli.t.' in the .'Ity n ftills .ll.lii, ii..i.'V.'.l July TJ. Irstl, sri.l of s Kesi.Ilition .! srti.l liosiit ti Wdi.l.-n .uisusnt thfrvto, pa.sod un the .'.Hi d.iv 'l s. jiieml'Sr. A. 1. WH, tlmjr will su st Put'llo Mule. t'T i-n, lc tli. hnp-.l l.i.l.U-r, oa t!i HKTU HAlf IF l ii l' ilIKH, lrs.4. st 111 n ,-liK'k uu..n, st the I'liltsJ-l-W IH i:ifh.ine. III l.t "unlit-, i-l. ar, stl.l dl,uiisrsd iroin ull uml .v.-ry rru.t, sid us.-, .uul liinlirtiiun .HI ttii.i cf rtum triti-t or iiic.-e oi' kio-idJ, deL'TltH1!! In In. itf.di.l Kliiibfiii M.ir-I'.i I to U.s llaiter 'iU A.l-.tsnt Wsi.ii iif t'l'tlie r.irtui I'liilml.'liiliis, .ltul Ihs Iw.'iiilcili ii.,yc.IAiii.ii'.l, A. 1). li,.iii.l rae. i4eJ ll-iy Jl. -i,ila l. li'lu.1. ,n li.'.il liiu's 1. I'., No. 3, p -; l.S.ai r.,1 in.s, v,.-..:-MltiiHt.. Ill tlic Tu.n.liil' Ol Moy.meiniiiK, t..w Ii. I'll- l ir.-l Wur,l of the liy of I'I."'"' I' 1;,'),""J- i. v in I r.'a.n:. n irili sn.t s-iuta luriy '. nf,0'"l"- li'K id Klu tl. . r il-l'lli c.i-l siiil '"f "V"1 !'" t!..:i'.,Ke.i,rl.mr nitu the nwf v:wre lo low w-iicr B'?r,ki nds.l en fit i-l M tl" h" Dl ''. on t!i '.! t tl e -.,iJ r...d te.u..n. 10 iti..u.-..li-r l'o.iil, on Ik. uorlU l.v Li..r,.l nuw or Un t'.-..-iiKiLl! to l iU ti iiUerli V..I.I all l..l n Ih. '" ''ro ""' "Nu ""' 14 " '0 1 1.,. Klisne-ia lirs..a'l; tho s.iultisrn b un.' .il I ft" rnt elK'.i linmlnd l.'-t or tli.rcahouls rr in ti.. n- in. -lJ'' 1,1 i'r' "ow or lul ..wui l.y Uw ...it lii- ih .M.T.l.rtll, at tlU"it:e.ter fohit; t.g.-th.rk SI.O..HI- i.U ii.'hl. tibr.ties. i.rlv iIl-uv., iK-rclkts-urnlB.s'id ul'V .rt. n-i.v, t-y sui'l iWd grsnto-i to lh -...a ju.l.r uiul A.timal Wsr.tvns, . ..ll Imi tuiUtt Sl.t M .1 l.i. if f.iiil . I. tl..' luT ot .It. j u.-:l..r iii.-.-iuintion or.:sui'-.l on soi'lli'iitlon to . I'llAli l.t-.S is. WA1TSB. i-.?n ti u.-'i v ui Wiikj pon or r.ujujpi..a. 21JMU1NI A.. tSOUlildll A CO.. C0ilMIEI0N MEECHAN'rS, -AD SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS DOCK STUEKT WHAIl". A. Mll l'll, ) i D ... I II, , . Ol !'. ) Alt. H 1 1. , S11SS 1 tf N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers